73. Kiri Paper 73
Eedeni aed The Garden of Eden
73:0.1 (821.1) KULTUURI mandumine ja vaimuvaesus Caligastia langemise ja sellele ühiskonnas järgnenud segaduse tagajärjel mõjutas Urantia rahvaste füüsilist ja bioloogilist seisundit vähe. Orgaaniline evolutsioon kulges omasoodu, üsna sõltumatult kultuurilisest ja moraalsest tagasilöögist, mis järgnes nii kiiresti Caligastia ja Daligastia rahulolematusele. Ja peaaegu nelikümmend tuhat aastat tagasi saabus planeedi ajaloos aeg, mil valvekorras olnud Elukandjad täheldasid, et puhtbioloogilise arengu poolest olid Urantia rassid jõudmas oma kõrgpunkti. Melkisedekid-hooldajad toetasid seda seisukohta ja olid meeleldi nõus esitama koos Elukandjatega Edentia Kõigekõrgematele taotluse lasta Urantiat inspekteerida, saamaks luba bioloogiliste ülendajate, Ainelise Poja ja Tütre lähetamiseks Urantiale. 73:0.1 (821.1) THE cultural decadence and spiritual poverty resulting from the Caligastia downfall and consequent social confusion had little effect on the physical or biologic status of the Urantia peoples. Organic evolution proceeded apace, quite regardless of the cultural and moral setback which so swiftly followed the disaffection of Caligastia and Daligastia. And there came a time in the planetary history, almost forty thousand years ago, when the Life Carriers on duty took note that, from a purely biologic standpoint, the developmental progress of the Urantia races was nearing its apex. The Melchizedek receivers, concurring in this opinion, readily agreed to join the Life Carriers in a petition to the Most Highs of Edentia asking that Urantia be inspected with a view to authorizing the dispatch of biologic uplifters, a Material Son and Daughter.
73:0.2 (821.2) See taotlus esitati Edentia Kõigekõrgematele, sest pärast Caligastia langemist ja ajutist võimuvaakumit Jerusemil kuulus Urantia nende otsese jurisdiktsiooni alla. 73:0.2 (821.2) This request was addressed to the Most Highs of Edentia because they had exercised direct jurisdiction over many of Urantia’s affairs ever since Caligastia’s downfall and the temporary vacation of authority on Jerusem.
73:0.3 (821.3) Planeeti saabus inspekteerima Tabamantia, detsimaal- ehk katsemaailmade seeria suveräänne inspektor, ja pärast rasside progressi uurimist soovitas ta Urantiale kinkida Ainelised Pojad. Veidi vähem kui sada aastat pärast seda saabusid Aadam ja Eeva, kohaliku süsteemi Aineline Poeg ja Tütar, kes alustasid oma rasket ülesannet — mässu tõttu arengus maha jäänud ja vaimsesse isolatsiooni määratud planeedi segaduste lahendamist. 73:0.3 (821.3) Tabamantia, sovereign supervisor of the series of decimal or experimental worlds, came to inspect the planet and, after his survey of racial progress, duly recommended that Urantia be granted Material Sons. In a little less than one hundred years from the time of this inspection, Adam and Eve, a Material Son and Daughter of the local system, arrived and began the difficult task of attempting to untangle the confused affairs of a planet retarded by rebellion and resting under the ban of spiritual isolation.
1. Nodiidid ja amadoniidid ^top 1. The Nodites and the Amadonites ^top
73:1.1 (821.4) Normaalsel planeedil kuulutaks Ainelise Poja saabumine harilikult suurt leiutiste, ainelise progressi ja intellektuaalse valgustatuse ajastu saabumist. Aadama-järgne ajastu on enamikule maailmadest suur teaduse ajajärk, kuid Urantial nii ei olnud. Kuigi planeedil elasid füüsiliselt arenenud rassid, kidusid hõimud metsluse ja moraalse paigalseisu sügavustes. 73:1.1 (821.4) On a normal planet the arrival of the Material Son would ordinarily herald the approach of a great age of invention, material progress, and intellectual enlightenment. The post-Adamic era is the great scientific age of most worlds, but not so on Urantia. Though the planet was peopled by races physically fit, the tribes languished in the depths of savagery and moral stagnation.
73:1.2 (821.5) Kümme tuhat aastat pärast mässu olid peaaegu kõik Vürsti valitsemisaja saavutused olematuks pühitud. Maailma rassid poleks olnud palju kehvemas seisus ka siis, kui see eksiteele viidud Poeg poleks kunagi Urantiale tulnud. Dalamatia traditsioonid ja Planeedivürsti kultuur püsisid veel vaid nodiitide ja amadoniitide seas. 73:1.2 (821.5) Ten thousand years after the rebellion practically all the gains of the Prince’s administration had been effaced; the races of the world were little better off than if this misguided Son had never come to Urantia. Only among the Nodites and the Amadonites was there persistence of the traditions of Dalamatia and the culture of the Planetary Prince.
73:1.3 (821.6) Nodiidid olid Vürsti kaaskonna mässajatest liikmed, kelle nimetus tulenes nende esimese juhi Nodi, Dalamatia kunagise tööstus- ja kaubanduskomisjoni esimehe nimest. Amadoniidid olid nende andoniitide järeltulijad, kes otsustasid Vanile ja Amadonile truuks jääda. Nimetus „amadoniit” on pigem kultuuriline ja religioosne kui rassi tähistav termin, rassi seisukohalt olid amadoniidid sisuliselt andoniidid. „Nodiit” on nii kultuuriline kui ka rassi tähistav termin, sest nodiidid olid Urantia kaheksas rass. 73:1.3 (821.6) The Nodites were the descendants of the rebel members of the Prince’s staff, their name deriving from their first leader, Nod, onetime chairman of the Dalamatia commission on industry and trade. The Amadonites were the descendants of those Andonites who chose to remain loyal with Van and Amadon. “Amadonite” is more of a cultural and religious designation than a racial term; racially considered the Amadonites were essentially Andonites. “Nodite” is both a cultural and racial term, for the Nodites themselves constituted the eighth race of Urantia.
73:1.4 (822.1) Nodiitide ja amadoniitide vahel valitses traditsiooniliselt vaen. See vaenulikkus kerkis pidevalt pinnale iga kord, kui nende kahe rühma järeltulijad püüdsid mingit ühist ettevõtmist alustada. Ka hiljem, Eedeni asjatoimetustes, oli neil erakordselt raske rahulikult koos töötada. 73:1.4 (822.1) There existed a traditional enmity between the Nodites and the Amadonites. This feud was constantly coming to the surface whenever the offspring of these two groups would try to engage in some common enterprise. Even later, in the affairs of Eden, it was exceedingly difficult for them to work together in peace.
73:1.5 (822.2) Varsti pärast Dalamatia hävimist jagunesid Nodi pooldajad kolme suurde rühma. Keskmine rühm jäi üsna oma esialgse kodu lähedusse Pärsia lahte suubuvate jõgede ülemjooksul. Idapoolne rühm rändas Eelami mägismaale Eufrati orust idas. Läänepoolne rühm paiknes Süüria kirdepoolses osas Vahemere ääres ja sellega külgneval territooriumil. 73:1.5 (822.2) Shortly after the destruction of Dalamatia the followers of Nod became divided into three major groups. The central group remained in the immediate vicinity of their original home near the headwaters of the Persian Gulf. The eastern group migrated to the highland regions of Elam just east of the Euphrates valley. The western group was situated on the northeastern Syrian shores of the Mediterranean and in adjacent territory.
73:1.6 (822.3) Nodiidid olid sangikrassidega vabalt paari heitnud ja sigitanud võimekaid järeltulijaid. Ja mõned mässuliste dalamaatlaste järglased ühinesid hiljem Vani ja tema ustavate poolehoidjatega Mesopotaamiast põhja pool paiknevatel aladel. Siin, Vani järve ja Kaspia mere lõunaosa ümbruses segunesid nodiidid amadoniitidega ning neid peeti „muistse aja vägimeesteks”. 73:1.6 (822.3) These Nodites had freely mated with the Sangik races and had left behind an able progeny. And some of the descendants of the rebellious Dalamatians subsequently joined Van and his loyal followers in the lands north of Mesopotamia. Here, in the vicinity of Lake Van and the southern Caspian Sea region, the Nodites mingled and mixed with the Amadonites, and they were numbered among the “mighty men of old.”
73:1.7 (822.4) Enne Aadama ja Eeva saabumist olid need rühmad, nodiidid ja amadoniidid, kõige arenenumad ja kultuursemad rahvad maakeral. 73:1.7 (822.4) Prior to the arrival of Adam and Eve these groups—Nodites and Amadonites—were the most advanced and cultured races on earth.
2. Aia planeerimine ^top 2. Planning for the Garden ^top
73:2.1 (822.5) Enne Tabamantia inspekteerimist oli Van koos kaaslastega jutlustanud peaaegu sada aastat oma mägismaal asuvas maailma eetika ja kultuuri keskuses tõotatud Jumala Poja, rassi ülendaja, tõeõpetaja ja reeturliku Caligastia väärika järeltulija tulekust. Kuigi enamikul maailma tolleaegsest elanikkonnast polnud niisuguse ettekuulutuse vastu peaaegu mingit huvi, võtsid Vani ja Amadoniga otseselt kokkupuutunud inimesed seda õpetust tõsiselt ja hakkasid kavandama tõotatud Poja tegelikku vastuvõtmist. 73:2.1 (822.5) For almost one hundred years prior to Tabamantia’s inspection, Van and his associates, from their highland headquarters of world ethics and culture, had been preaching the advent of a promised Son of God, a racial uplifter, a teacher of truth, and the worthy successor of the traitorous Caligastia. Though the majority of the world’s inhabitants of those days exhibited little or no interest in such a prediction, those who were in immediate contact with Van and Amadon took such teaching seriously and began to plan for the actual reception of the promised Son.
73:2.2 (822.6) Van jutustas oma lähimatele kaaslastele Aineliste Poegade elust Jerusemil. Ta rääkis, mida oli neist ise teadnud enne Urantiale saabumist. Ta teadis hästi, et need Aadamatest Pojad elasid alati lihtsates, kuid kaunites aedkodudes, ning tegi kaheksakümmend kolm aastat enne Aadama ja Eeva saabumist ettepaneku pühenduda nende tuleku kuulutamisele ja aedkodu ettevalmistamisele nende saabumiseks. 73:2.2 (822.6) Van told his nearest associates the story of the Material Sons on Jerusem; what he had known of them before ever he came to Urantia. He well knew that these Adamic Sons always lived in simple but charming garden homes and proposed, eighty-three years before the arrival of Adam and Eve, that they devote themselves to the proclamation of their advent and to the preparation of a garden home for their reception.
73:2.3 (822.7) Oma mägismaal asuvast keskusest ja kuuekümne ühe kaugemal asuva asula elanikest moodustasid Van ja Amadon enam kui kolmest tuhandest vabatahtlikust ja entusiastlikust töötajast koosneva korpuse, kes otsustas pühalikul koosolekul pühenduda sellele missioonile — ettevalmistustele tõotatud või vähemalt oodatud Poja tulekuks. 73:2.3 (822.7) From their highland headquarters and from sixty-one far-scattered settlements, Van and Amadon recruited a corps of over three thousand willing and enthusiastic workers who, in solemn assembly, dedicated themselves to this mission of preparing for the promised—at least expected—Son.
73:2.4 (822.8) Van jagas oma vabatahtlikud sajaks kompaniiks, määras igale neist kapteni ja kapteni abi, kes kuulus sidepidajana tema isiklikku kaaskonda, ning võttis Amadoni endale abiks. Komisjonid alustasid tõsist eeltööd ja aia asukohakomisjon suundus ideaalset paika otsima. 73:2.4 (822.8) Van divided his volunteers into one hundred companies with a captain over each and an associate who served on his personal staff as a liaison officer, keeping Amadon as his own associate. These commissions all began in earnest their preliminary work, and the committee on location for the Garden sallied forth in search of the ideal spot.
73:2.5 (822.9) Kuigi Caligastia ja Daligastia olid suures osas kurjusejõust ilma jäetud, tegid nad siiski kõik võimaliku aia ettevalmistamistöö nurjamiseks ja takistamiseks. Ent nende pahelisi mahhinatsioone korvas suures osas peaaegu kümne tuhande truu keskteelise ustav tegevus, kes töötasid väsimatult ettevõtmise edendamiseks. 73:2.5 (822.9) Although Caligastia and Daligastia had been deprived of much of their power for evil, they did everything possible to frustrate and hamper the work of preparing the Garden. But their evil machinations were largely offset by the faithful activities of the almost ten thousand loyal midway creatures who so tirelessly labored to advance the enterprise.
3. Aia asukoht ^top 3. The Garden Site ^top
73:3.1 (823.1) Asukohakomisjon oli ära peaaegu kolm aastat ning tegi positiivse ettekande kolme võimaliku asukoha kohta: esimene oli saar Pärsia lahes, teine jõe ääres, seda kasutati hiljem teise aiana, kolmas pikk kitsas poolsaar, peaaegu saar, mis ulatus Vahemere idarannikult läände. 73:3.1 (823.1) The committee on location was absent for almost three years. It reported favorably concerning three possible locations: The first was an island in the Persian Gulf; the second, the river location subsequently occupied as the second garden; the third, a long narrow peninsula—almost an island—projecting westward from the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
73:3.2 (823.2) Komisjon eelistas peaaegu üksmeelselt kolmandat varianti. See koht valitigi ja kahe aasta jooksul viidi maailma kultuuri keskus koos elupuuga üle sellele Vahemere poolsaarele. Vani ja tema kaaslaste saabudes lahkusid poolsaare elanikud peale ühe rühma rahumeelselt. 73:3.2 (823.2) The committee almost unanimously favored the third selection. This site was chosen, and two years were occupied in transferring the world’s cultural headquarters, including the tree of life, to this Mediterranean peninsula. All but a single group of the peninsula dwellers peaceably vacated when Van and his company arrived.
73:3.3 (823.3) Sellel Vahemere poolsaarel oli tervislik kliima ja ühtlane temperatuur; kliima oli stabiilne tänu poolsaart ümbritsevatele mägedele ja asjaolule, et see piirkond kujutas endast tegelikult sisemere saart. Kuigi ümbritsevad mäed olid väga vihmased, sadas Eedenis harva. Ent Eedenis oli ulatuslik kunstlike niisutuskanalite võrk, tänu millele igal ööl „tõusis maast udu” aia taimestikku värskendama. 73:3.3 (823.3) This Mediterranean peninsula had a salubrious climate and an equable temperature; this stabilized weather was due to the encircling mountains and to the fact that this area was virtually an island in an inland sea. While it rained copiously on the surrounding highlands, it seldom rained in Eden proper. But each night, from the extensive network of artificial irrigation channels, a “mist would go up” to refresh the vegetation of the Garden.
73:3.4 (823.4) Rannajoon oli üsna kõrge, mandriga ühendas poolsaart kitsas riba, mis oli kitsaimas kohas vaid neljakümne kolme kilomeetri laiune. Aeda kastev suur jõgi voolas alla poolsaare kõrgemast osast ja suundus läbi poolsaare kaela itta mandrile ning sealt üle Mesopotaamia madalike teisele poole merre. Jõkke suubus neli lisajõge, mis said alguse Eedeni poolsaare rannikumägedest, ja need ongi jõe „neli haru”, mis „Eedenist väljusid” ja mis hiljem aeti segi teist aeda ümbritsevate jõgedega. 73:3.4 (823.4) The coast line of this land mass was considerably elevated, and the neck connecting with the mainland was only twenty-seven miles wide at the narrowest point. The great river that watered the Garden came down from the higher lands of the peninsula and flowed east through the peninsular neck to the mainland and thence across the lowlands of Mesopotamia to the sea beyond. It was fed by four tributaries which took origin in the coastal hills of the Edenic peninsula, and these are the “four heads” of the river which “went out of Eden,” and which later became confused with the branches of the rivers surrounding the second garden.
73:3.5 (823.5) Aeda ümbritsevates mägedes oli külluses vääriskive ja metalle, kuigi neile pöörati väga vähe tähelepanu. Valdav idee oli teha aiast paik, mis vääristaks aiandust ja edendaks põllumajandust. 73:3.5 (823.5) The mountains surrounding the Garden abounded in precious stones and metals, though these received very little attention. The dominant idea was to be the glorification of horticulture and the exaltation of agriculture.
73:3.6 (823.6) Aiale valiti koht, mis oli tõenäoliselt kauneim omataoline kogu maailmas, ka kliima oli tol ajal ideaalne. Mitte kusagil mujal polnud paika, mis nii täiuslikult oleks sobinud selliseks botaaniliseks paradiisiks. Sellesse kohtumispaika kogunes Urantia tsivilisatsiooni koorekiht. Sellest väljapoole kaugemale jäi pime, harimatu ja metsik maailm. Eeden oli ainus särav paik Urantial, sealne loodus oli kaunis kui unelm ning sai peagi oivalise ja täiustatud maastiku hiilgavaks luuleteoseks. 73:3.6 (823.6) The site chosen for the Garden was probably the most beautiful spot of its kind in all the world, and the climate was then ideal. Nowhere else was there a location which could have lent itself so perfectly to becoming such a paradise of botanic expression. In this rendezvous the cream of the civilization of Urantia was forgathering. Without and beyond, the world lay in darkness, ignorance, and savagery. Eden was the one bright spot on Urantia; it was naturally a dream of loveliness, and it soon became a poem of exquisite and perfected landscape glory.
4. Aia rajamine ^top 4. Establishing the Garden ^top
73:4.1 (823.7) Kui Ainelised Pojad, bioloogilised ülendajad, alustavad oma elu arengulises maailmas, nimetatakse nende elupaika sageli Eedeni aiaks, sest sellele on iseloomulik tähtkuju keskusmaailma Edentia lilleilu ja botaaniline ülevus. Van tundis neid tavasid hästi ja korraldas seetõttu nii, et aia jaoks anti kogu poolsaar. Karjapidamine ja loomakasvatus otsustati viia poolsaarega külgnevale mandrile. Loomariigist jäeti parki ainult linnud ja mitmesugused kodustatud liigid. Vani juhiste kohaselt pidi Eedenist saama aed ja ainult aed. Selle territooriumil ei tapetud kunagi ühtki looma. Kogu aia töötajate poolt ehitustööde ajal söödud liha saadi mandri karjadest. 73:4.1 (823.7) When Material Sons, the biologic uplifters, begin their sojourn on an evolutionary world, their place of abode is often called the Garden of Eden because it is characterized by the floral beauty and the botanic grandeur of Edentia, the constellation capital. Van well knew of these customs and accordingly provided that the entire peninsula be given over to the Garden. Pasturage and animal husbandry were projected for the adjoining mainland. Of animal life, only the birds and the various domesticated species were to be found in the park. Van’s instructions were that Eden was to be a garden, and only a garden. No animals were ever slaughtered within its precincts. All flesh eaten by the Garden workers throughout all the years of construction was brought in from the herds maintained under guard on the mainland.
73:4.2 (824.1) Esimene töö oli tellismüüri ehitamine poolsaare kaela ette. Kui see oli valminud, sai takistamatult alustada tegelikku tööd, maastiku kaunistamist ja elamu ehitamist. 73:4.2 (824.1) The first task was the building of the brick wall across the neck of the peninsula. This once completed, the real work of landscape beautification and home building could proceed unhindered.
73:4.3 (824.2) Loomaaia rajamiseks ehitati põhimüürist veidi väljapoole väiksem müür; see oli vahepealne ala, kus elasid igat liiki metsloomad ja mis pakkus vaenulike rünnakute vastu täiendavat kaitset. Loomaaed jagati kaheteistkümneks suureks osaks ja nende vahelt viisid müüriga ümbritsetud teed aia kaheteistkümne värava juurde, keskel olid aga jõgi ning jõeäärsed karjamaad. 73:4.3 (824.2) A zoological garden was created by building a smaller wall just outside the main wall; the intervening space, occupied by all manner of wild beasts, served as an additional defense against hostile attacks. This menagerie was organized in twelve grand divisions, and walled paths led between these groups to the twelve gates of the Garden, the river and its adjacent pastures occupying the central area.
73:4.4 (824.3) Aia ettevalmistamisel rakendati ainult vabatahtlikke töötajaid, palgalist tööjõudu ei kasutatud üldse. Enese elatamiseks harisid nad aeda ja hoolitsesid oma kariloomade eest, toitu annetasid ka ümbruskonna usklikud. See suur ettevõtmine viidi lõpule, vaatamata maailmas neil rahututel aegadel valitsenud segadustele. 73:4.4 (824.3) In the preparation of the Garden only volunteer laborers were employed; no hirelings were ever used. They cultivated the Garden and tended their herds for support; contributions of food were also received from near-by believers. And this great enterprise was carried through to completion in spite of the difficulties attendant upon the confused status of the world during these troublous times.
73:4.5 (824.4) Kõik olid siiski väga pettunud, kui Van, kes ei teadnud oodatud Poja ja Tütre täpset saabumisaega, tegi ettepaneku õpetada selle ürituse jätkamisega seotud töid ka nooremale põlvkonnale, kui oodatud peaksid hiljem saabuma. Näis, nagu oleks Van sellega tunnistanud oma vähest usku; see tekitas rohkesti probleeme ja paljud lahkusid. Kuid Van jätkas oma ettevalmistusi, täites lahkunute kohad nooremate abilistega. 73:4.5 (824.4) But it was a cause for great disappointment when Van, not knowing how soon the expected Son and Daughter might come, suggested that the younger generation also be trained in the work of carrying on the enterprise in case their arrival should be delayed. This seemed like an admission of lack of faith on Van’s part and made considerable trouble, caused many desertions; but Van went forward with his plan of preparedness, meantime filling the places of the deserters with younger volunteers.
5. Aed kui kodu ^top 5. The Garden Home ^top
73:5.1 (824.5) Eedeni poolsaare keskel asus Kõiksele Isale püstitatud kaunis kivitempel, aia pühamu. Põhja pool seati sisse halduskeskus, lõuna poole ehitati elamud töötajatele ja nende peredele, läänes eraldati maad oodatud Poja haridussüsteemis ettenähtud koolidele ja „hommiku poole Eedenit” ehitati elupaigad tõotatud Pojale ning tema otsestele järglastele. Eedeni arhitektuurilistes projektides olid ette nähtud elamud ja piisavalt maad miljonile inimolendile. 73:5.1 (824.5) At the center of the Edenic peninsula was the exquisite stone temple of the Universal Father, the sacred shrine of the Garden. To the north the administrative headquarters was established; to the south were built the homes for the workers and their families; to the west was provided the allotment of ground for the proposed schools of the educational system of the expected Son, while in the “east of Eden” were built the domiciles intended for the promised Son and his immediate offspring. The architectural plans for Eden provided homes and abundant land for one million human beings.
73:5.2 (824.6) Aadama saabumise ajaks oli aiast valmis küll vaid veerand, kuid rajatud oli tuhandeid kilomeetreid niisutuskraave ning umbes kahekümne tuhande kilomeetri ulatuses sillutatud teid ja radu. Erinevates sektorites oli veidi üle viie tuhande telliskivihoone ja peaaegu loendamatu hulk puid ja taimi. Pargi igasse hoonerühma kuulus kõige rohkem seitse maja. Kuigi aia ehitised olid lihtsad, olid nad vägagi kunstipärased. Teed ja rajad olid hästi ehitatud ja haljastus suurepärane. 73:5.2 (824.6) At the time of Adam’s arrival, though the Garden was only one-fourth finished, it had thousands of miles of irrigation ditches and more than twelve thousand miles of paved paths and roads. There were a trifle over five thousand brick buildings in the various sectors, and the trees and plants were almost beyond number. Seven was the largest number of houses composing any one cluster in the park. And though the structures of the Garden were simple, they were most artistic. The roads and paths were well built, and the landscaping was exquisite.
73:5.3 (824.7) Aia sanitaarne kord oli tunduvalt eesrindlikum kui kõik muu seni samal alal tehtu Urantial. Eedeni joogivesi püsis tervislik tänu selle puhtuse säilitamiseks kehtestatud sanitaarnõuete rangele täitmisele. Nendele reeglitele käegalöömine tekitas alguses palju probleeme, kuid Van suutis oma kaaslastele järk-järgult selgeks teha, kui tähtis on hoida kõike kõrvalist aia veevarustusse sattumast. 73:5.3 (824.7) The sanitary arrangements of the Garden were far in advance of anything that had been attempted theretofore on Urantia. The drinking water of Eden was kept wholesome by the strict observance of the sanitary regulations designed to conserve its purity. During these early times much trouble came about from neglect of these rules, but Van gradually impressed upon his associates the importance of allowing nothing to fall into the water supply of the Garden.
73:5.4 (825.1) Enne heitvee puhastussüsteemi rajamist oli eedenlastel tavaks kõik jäätmed ja kõdunevad materjalid hoolikalt maha matta. Amadoni inspektorid tegid iga päev ringkäike, et võimalikke haiguste põhjusi leida. Urantialased mõistsid haiguste vältimise tähtsust taas alles hiljem, üheksateistkümnendal ja kahekümnendal sajandil. Enne Aadama valitsemiskorra lagunemist ehitati tellistest ja kaetud kanalisatsioonisüsteem, mis kulges müüride all ja suubus Eedeni jõgedesse rohkem kui poolteise kilomeetri kaugusel aia välimisest ehk madalamast müürist. 73:5.4 (825.1) Before the later establishment of a sewage-disposal system the Edenites practiced the scrupulous burial of all waste or decomposing material. Amadon’s inspectors made their rounds each day in search for possible causes of sickness. Urantians did not again awaken to the importance of the prevention of human diseases until the later times of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Before the disruption of the Adamic regime a covered brick-conduit disposal system had been constructed which ran beneath the walls and emptied into the river of Eden almost a mile beyond the outer or lesser wall of the Garden.
73:5.5 (825.2) Aadama saabumise ajaks kasvas Eedenis enamik selle maailmanurga taimedest. Paljusid puuvilja-, teravilja- ja pähkliliike oli juba tunduvalt paremaks muudetud. Paljusid nüüdisaegseid köögi- ja teravilju kasvatati esmakordselt siin, kuid arvukad toiduviljade liigid läksid hiljem maailma jaoks kaduma. 73:5.5 (825.2) By the time of Adam’s arrival most of the plants of that section of the world were growing in Eden. Already had many of the fruits, cereals, and nuts been greatly improved. Many modern vegetables and cereals were first cultivated here, but scores of varieties of food plants were subsequently lost to the world.
73:5.6 (825.3) Ligikaudu viis protsenti aiast oli eraldatud intensiivseks maaviljeluseks, viisteist protsenti oli osaliselt haritud ja ülejäänud osa jäetud kuni Aadama saabumiseni enamvähem looduslikku olekusse, sest peeti paremaks viia pargi rajamine lõpule tema ideede kohaselt. 73:5.6 (825.3) About five per cent of the Garden was under high artificial cultivation, fifteen per cent partially cultivated, the remainder being left in a more or less natural state pending the arrival of Adam, it being thought best to finish the park in accordance with his ideas.
73:5.7 (825.4) Selliselt valmistati Eedeni aeda ette tõotatud Aadama ja tema saatjaskonna vastuvõtuks. See aed oleks teinud au ka täiustatud valitsuse ja normaalse juhtimisega maailmale. Aadam ja Eeva olid Eedeni üldise plaaniga väga rahul, kuid tegid siiski oma isikliku eluaseme sisustamisel palju muudatusi. 73:5.7 (825.4) And so was the Garden of Eden made ready for the reception of the promised Adam and his consort. And this Garden would have done honor to a world under perfected administration and normal control. Adam and Eve were well pleased with the general plan of Eden, though they made many changes in the furnishings of their own personal dwelling.
73:5.8 (825.5) Kuigi heakorratööd polnud Aadama saabumise ajaks veel lõppenud, oli see paik juba siis botaanilise ilu pärl, kuid peagi pärast Aadama Eedenisse saabumist omandas kogu aed uue vormi ning uued ilu ja suursugususe mõõtmed. Nii kaunist ja külluslikku näidisaiandust ja -põllumajandust ei ole Urantial olnud ei enne ega pärast seda aega. 73:5.8 (825.5) Although the work of embellishment was hardly finished at the time of Adam’s arrival, the place was already a gem of botanic beauty; and during the early days of his sojourn in Eden the whole Garden took on new form and assumed new proportions of beauty and grandeur. Never before this time nor after has Urantia harbored such a beautiful and replete exhibition of horticulture and agriculture.
6. Elupuu ^top 6. The Tree of Life ^top
73:6.1 (825.6) Aia templi keskele istutas Van kauavalvatud elupuu, mille lehed olid „terviseks rahvastele” ja mille viljad olid teda nii kaua maakeral elus hoidnud. Van teadis hästi, et kui Aadam ja Eeva kord juba ainelisel kujul Urantiale on ilmunud, hoiab ka nende elu alal seesama Edentia kingitus. 73:6.1 (825.6) In the center of the Garden temple Van planted the long-guarded tree of life, whose leaves were for the “healing of the nations,” and whose fruit had so long sustained him on earth. Van well knew that Adam and Eve would also be dependent on this gift of Edentia for their life maintenance after they once appeared on Urantia in material form.
73:6.2 (825.7) Süsteemide keskusmaailmades ei ole Ainelistel Poegadel vaja elupuust elatuda. Nad sõltuvad sellest füüsilist surematust andvast abivahendist vaid oma taasisikustumisel planeedil. 73:6.2 (825.7) The Material Sons on the system capitals do not require the tree of life for sustenance. Only in the planetary repersonalization are they dependent on this adjunct to physical immortality.
73:6.3 (825.8) „Hea ja kurja tundmise puu” võib olla küll kõnekujund, paljusid inimkogemusi hõlmav sümbol, kuid „elupuu” ei olnud müüt: see oli tõeline ja püsis Urantial pikka aega. Kui Edentia Kõigekõrgemad kinnitasid Caligastia lähetamise Urantia Planeedivürstiks ja saja Jerusemi kodaniku saatmise tema haldusametnikeks, läkitasid nad Melkisedekitega planeedile ühe Edentia põõsa, millest kasvaski Urantial elupuu. Säärane intellektita elu pärineb tähtkuju keskuse sfääridelt ning seda leidub ka kohalike ja superuniversumite keskusmaailmades, samuti Havona sfääridel, kuid mitte süsteemide keskusmaailmades. 73:6.3 (825.8) The “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” may be a figure of speech, a symbolic designation covering a multitude of human experiences, but the “tree of life” was not a myth; it was real and for a long time was present on Urantia. When the Most Highs of Edentia approved the commission of Caligastia as Planetary Prince of Urantia and those of the one hundred Jerusem citizens as his administrative staff, they sent to the planet, by the Melchizedeks, a shrub of Edentia, and this plant grew to be the tree of life on Urantia. This form of nonintelligent life is native to the constellation headquarters spheres, being also found on the headquarters worlds of the local and superuniverses as well as on the Havona spheres, but not on the system capitals.
73:6.4 (826.1) Supertaim talletas endas teatavaid kosmoseenergiaid, mis olid loomse eksistentsi vananemist tekitavate ainete vastumürgiks. Elupuu vili oli nagu ülikeemiline akumulaator, mille söömisel eritus sellest saladuslikul viisil universumi elupikendamisjõudu. See vahend oli Urantia tavalistele arenevate olenditele täiesti kasutu, kuid eriomaselt vajalik Caligastia kaaskonna sajale ainestunud liikmele ja sajale teisendatud andoniidile, kes olid andnud Vürsti kaaskonnale oma eluplasmat ja kellele anti vastutasuks seda elutäiendust, mis võimaldas neil kasutada elupuu vilja oma muidu sureliku elu piiramatuks pikendamiseks. 73:6.4 (826.1) This superplant stored up certain space-energies which were antidotal to the age-producing elements of animal existence. The fruit of the tree of life was like a superchemical storage battery, mysteriously releasing the life-extension force of the universe when eaten. This form of sustenance was wholly useless to the ordinary evolutionary beings on Urantia, but specifically it was serviceable to the one hundred materialized members of Caligastia’s staff and to the one hundred modified Andonites who had contributed of their life plasm to the Prince’s staff, and who, in return, were made possessors of that complement of life which made it possible for them to utilize the fruit of the tree of life for an indefinite extension of their otherwise mortal existence.
73:6.5 (826.2) Vürsti valitsemisajal kasvas puu Isa templi keskmises ringikujulise õue mullas. Mässu puhkedes pani Van koos kaaslastega selle oma ajutises laagris kesksest tuumast uuesti kasvama. Seejärel viidi Edentia põõsas nende pelgupaika mägedes, kus see teenis nii Vani kui ka Amadoni enam kui saja viiekümne tuhande aasta jooksul. 73:6.5 (826.2) During the days of the Prince’s rule the tree was growing from the earth in the central and circular courtyard of the Father’s temple. Upon the outbreak of the rebellion it was regrown from the central core by Van and his associates in their temporary camp. This Edentia shrub was subsequently taken to their highland retreat, where it served both Van and Amadon for more than one hundred and fifty thousand years.
73:6.6 (826.3) Kui Van ja tema kaaslased aeda Aadama ja Eeva tulekuks ette valmistasid, istutasid nad Edentia puu ümber Eedeni aeda, kus see kasvas taas teise Isale püstitatud templi keskses ringikujulises õues. Ja Aadam ja Eeva sõid oma kahese füüsilise eluvormi ülalpidamiseks regulaarselt selle vilju. 73:6.6 (826.3) When Van and his associates made ready the Garden for Adam and Eve, they transplanted the Edentia tree to the Garden of Eden, where, once again, it grew in a central, circular courtyard of another temple to the Father. And Adam and Eve periodically partook of its fruit for the maintenance of their dual form of physical life.
73:6.7 (826.4) Kui Ainelise Poja kavad nurjusid, ei lubatud Aadamal ja tema perel puu tuuma aiast ära viia. Eedenit rünnanud nodiitidele öeldi, et „nad saavad jumalateks, kui puu vilju söövad”. Nende suureks üllatuseks oli puu täiesti valveta. Nad sõid aastaid vabalt selle vilju, kuid ei tundnud mingit mõju: nad kõik olid oma maailma ainelised surelikud, kel puudus vilja täiendusena toimiv annetus. Nad vihastasid, et ei saanud elupuust mingit kasu, ja ühe nende sisesõja ajal hävisid nii tempel kui ka puu tulekahjus. Ainult kivimüür seisis seni, kuni aed hiljem üle ujutati. Nii hävis teine Isale püstitatud tempel. 73:6.7 (826.4) When the plans of the Material Son went astray, Adam and his family were not permitted to carry the core of the tree away from the Garden. When the Nodites invaded Eden, they were told that they would become as “gods if they partook of the fruit of the tree.” Much to their surprise they found it unguarded. They ate freely of the fruit for years, but it did nothing for them; they were all material mortals of the realm; they lacked that endowment which acted as a complement to the fruit of the tree. They became enraged at their inability to benefit from the tree of life, and in connection with one of their internal wars, the temple and the tree were both destroyed by fire; only the stone wall stood until the Garden was subsequently submerged. This was the second temple of the Father to perish.
73:6.8 (826.5) Ja nüüd peab kõik lihalik Urantial loomulikku elu ja surma teed kulgema. Aadam, Eeva, nende lapsed ja lapselapsed koos oma kaaslastega — kõik hukkusid aja jooksul, ühinedes kohaliku universumi tõusukavaga, milles ainelisele surmale järgneb ülestõusmine eluasemeilmas. 73:6.8 (826.5) And now must all flesh on Urantia take the natural course of life and death. Adam, Eve, their children, and their children’s children, together with their associates, all perished in the course of time, thus becoming subject to the ascension scheme of the local universe wherein mansion world resurrection follows material death.
7. Eedeni saatus ^top 7. The Fate of Eden ^top
73:7.1 (826.6) Kui Aadam oli esimesest aiast lahkunud, asusid sinna erinevatel aegadel elama nodiidid, kutiidid ja suntiidid. Hiljem sai sellest nende põhjapoolsete nodiitide asupaik, kes olid vastu koostööle adamiitidega. Pärast Aadama aiast lahkumist laastasid need madalamat liiki nodiidid poolsaart peaaegu neli tuhat aastat, siis vajus Vahemere idapoolne põhi seoses ümbritsevate vulkaanide ägedate pursete ja Sitsiilia Aafrikat ühendava maasilla üleujutamisega madalamaks, viies kogu Eedeni poolsaare vee alla. Samaaegselt selle tohutu üleujutusega kerkis Vahemere idapoolne rannikujoon tunduvalt. Nii kadus kõige kaunim looduslik paik, mis Urantial kunagi on olnud. Vajumine ei toimunud äkki, vaid kogu poolsaare täielikuks üleujutamiseks kulus mitusada aastat. 73:7.1 (826.6) After the first garden was vacated by Adam, it was occupied variously by the Nodites, Cutites, and the Suntites. It later became the dwelling place of the northern Nodites who opposed co-operation with the Adamites. The peninsula had been overrun by these lower-grade Nodites for almost four thousand years after Adam left the Garden when, in connection with the violent activity of the surrounding volcanoes and the submergence of the Sicilian land bridge to Africa, the eastern floor of the Mediterranean Sea sank, carrying down beneath the waters the whole of the Edenic peninsula. Concomitant with this vast submergence the coast line of the eastern Mediterranean was greatly elevated. And this was the end of the most beautiful natural creation that Urantia has ever harbored. The sinking was not sudden, several hundred years being required completely to submerge the entire peninsula.
73:7.2 (827.1) Me ei arva, et aia kadumine oleks mingil viisil seotud jumalike kavade nurjumise või Aadama ja Eeva eksimustega. Me ei pea Eedeni üleujutust millekski muuks kui loodusnähtuseks, kuid meile näib siiski, et aia vee alla vajumine oli ajastatud just ligikaudu selleks ajaks, kui violetne rass koondas jõude maailma rahvaste taastamistööks. 73:7.2 (827.1) We cannot regard this disappearance of the Garden as being in any way a result of the miscarriage of the divine plans or as a result of the mistakes of Adam and Eve. We do not regard the submergence of Eden as anything but a natural occurrence, but it does seem to us that the sinking of the Garden was timed to occur at just about the date of the accumulation of the reserves of the violet race for undertaking the work of rehabilitating the world peoples.
73:7.3 (827.2) Melkisedekid soovitasid Aadamal rasside ülendamise ja segunemise programmi mitte käivitada enne, kui tema enda pere suurus jõuab poole miljonini. Aed polnud mõeldud adamiitide alaliseks koduks. Nad pidid saama uue elu saadikuteks kogu maailmale ja organiseerima omakasupüüdmatu annetumise maakera puudustkannatavatele rassidele. 73:7.3 (827.2) The Melchizedeks counseled Adam not to initiate the program of racial uplift and blending until his own family had numbered one-half million. It was never intended that the Garden should be the permanent home of the Adamites. They were to become emissaries of a new life to all the world; they were to mobilize for unselfish bestowal upon the needy races of earth.
73:7.4 (827.3) Melkisedekite juhised Aadamale eeldasid, et ta moodustaks oma otseste poegade ja tütarde juhtimiseks rassi-, mandri- ja jaotuslikud keskused ning jagaks koos Eevaga oma aega nende erinevate maailmakeskuste vahel nõuandjana ja koordineerijana bioloogilise ülendamise, intellektuaalse edendamise ja moraali taastamise ülemaailmses hoolekandetöös. 73:7.4 (827.3) The instructions given Adam by the Melchizedeks implied that he was to establish racial, continental, and divisional headquarters to be in charge of his immediate sons and daughters, while he and Eve were to divide their time between these various world capitals as advisers and co-ordinators of the world-wide ministry of biologic uplift, intellectual advancement, and moral rehabilitation.
73:7.5 (827.4) [Esitanud seerav Solonia, „hääl aias”.] 73:7.5 (827.4) [Presented by Solonia, the seraphic “voice in the Garden.”]