74. Kiri Paper 74
Aadam ja Eeva Adam and Eve
74:0.1 (828.1) AADAM JA EEVA saabusid Urantiale 37 848 aastat enne 1934. a pKr. Nende saabudes oli südasuvi ja aed täies õies. Kaks transpordiseeravit maandus koos Jerusemi isikkonnaga, kellele oli usaldatud bioloogiliste ülendajate transportimine Urantiale, ette teatamata keskpäeval aeglaselt pöörleva planeedi pinnale Kõikse Isa templi lähedusse. Kogu Aadama ja Eeva kehade taasainestamistöö teostati selle äsjaloodud pühamu ümbruses. Ja kümme päeva pärast nende saabumist taasloodi nad kahesel inimkujul, tutvustamaks neid kui maailma uusi valitsejaid. Nad tulid teadvusele üheaegselt. Ainelised Pojad ja Tütred teenivad alati koos. Nende teenistuse puhul on oluline, et neid kunagi ega kusagil teineteisest ei lahutata. Nad on määratud töötama paaridena, üksi tegutsevad nad harva. 74:0.1 (828.1) ADAM AND EVE arrived on Urantia, from the year a.d. 1934, 37,848 years ago. It was in midseason when the Garden was in the height of bloom that they arrived. At high noon and unannounced, the two seraphic transports, accompanied by the Jerusem personnel intrusted with the transportation of the biologic uplifters to Urantia, settled slowly to the surface of the revolving planet in the vicinity of the temple of the Universal Father. All the work of rematerializing the bodies of Adam and Eve was carried on within the precincts of this newly created shrine. And from the time of their arrival ten days passed before they were re-created in dual human form for presentation as the world’s new rulers. They regained consciousness simultaneously. The Material Sons and Daughters always serve together. It is the essence of their service at all times and in all places never to be separated. They are designed to work in pairs; seldom do they function alone.
1. Aadam ja Eeva Jerusemil ^top 1. Adam and Eve on Jerusem ^top
74:1.1 (828.2) Urantia planeedi Aadam ja Eeva kuulusid Jerusemi vanemate Aineliste Poegade korpusesse ühise numbri 14 311 all. Nad olid kolmandast füüsilisest seeriast ja nende pikkus oli veidi üle kahe meetri ja neljakümne sentimeetri. 74:1.1 (828.2) The Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia were members of the senior corps of Material Sons on Jerusem, being jointly number 14,311. They belonged to the third physical series and were a little more than eight feet in height.
74:1.2 (828.3) Sel ajal kui Aadam valiti välja Urantiale lähetamiseks, töötas ta koos oma paarilisega Jerusemi füüsikalaboratooriumides, kus tehti katseid ja teste. Nad olid juhtinud enam kui viisteist tuhat aastat osakonda, kus uuriti eksperimentaalenergia rakendamist elusvormide teisendamiseks. Ammu enne seda olid nad olnud Jerusemil äsjasaabunute kodakondsuskoolide õpetajad. Kõike seda tuleks meeles pidada, kui vaadeldakse nende hilisemat käitumist Urantial. 74:1.2 (828.3) At the time Adam was chosen to come to Urantia, he was employed, with his mate, in the trial-and-testing physical laboratories of Jerusem. For more than fifteen thousand years they had been directors of the division of experimental energy as applied to the modification of living forms. Long before this they had been teachers in the citizenship schools for new arrivals on Jerusem. And all this should be borne in mind in connection with the narration of their subsequent conduct on Urantia.
74:1.3 (828.4) Kui kuulutati, et otsitakse vabatahtlikke Aadama avastusretke missioonile Urantial, soovis sellest osa võtta kogu vanemate Aineliste Poegade ja Tütarde korpus. Melkisedekid-eksamineerijad valisid Lanaforge'i ja Edentia Kõigekõrgemate kinnitusel lõpuks välja Aadama ja Eeva, kellest said hiljem Urantia bioloogilised ülendajad. 74:1.3 (828.4) When the proclamation was issued calling for volunteers for the mission of Adamic adventure on Urantia, the entire senior corps of Material Sons and Daughters volunteered. The Melchizedek examiners, with the approval of Lanaforge and the Most Highs of Edentia, finally selected the Adam and Eve who subsequently came to function as the biologic uplifters of Urantia.
74:1.4 (828.5) Aadam ja Eeva olid jäänud Miikaelile Luciferi mässu ajal truuks, kuid sellegipoolest kutsuti see paar Süsteemi Suverääni ja kogu tema kabineti ette eksamit andma ning õpetusi saama. Neile tutvustati põhjalikult Urantia lugu: nad said ammendavad juhised, missuguseid kavasid tuleb järgida, võttes enda peale niisuguse tülidest räsitud maailma valitsemise. Neilt võeti ühine truudusvanne Edentia Kõigekõrgematele ja Salvingtoni Miikaelile ja neil soovitati alluda Urantia Melkisedekite-hooldajate korpusele, kuni see valitsev organ peab vajalikuks nende hoole alla antud maailma valitsemisest loobuda. 74:1.4 (828.5) Adam and Eve had remained loyal to Michael during the Lucifer rebellion; nevertheless, the pair were called before the System Sovereign and his entire cabinet for examination and instruction. The details of Urantia affairs were fully presented; they were exhaustively instructed as to the plans to be pursued in accepting the responsibilities of rulership on such a strife-torn world. They were put under joint oaths of allegiance to the Most Highs of Edentia and to Michael of Salvington. And they were duly advised to regard themselves as subject to the Urantia corps of Melchizedek receivers until that governing body should see fit to relinquish rule on the world of their assignment.
74:1.5 (829.1) Sellel Jerusemi paaril jäi Satania keskusmaailma ja mujale sada järglast — viiskümmend poega ja viiskümmend tütart — suursugused olendid, kes kõik olid pääsenud edasiliikumise ohtudest ja töötasid oma vanemate Urantiale lahkumise ajal universumi ustavate usaldusisikutena. Annetumise viimaste vastuvõtutseremooniatega kaasnenud hüvastijätuürituste ajal viibisid nad Aineliste Poegade kaunis templis. Need lapsed saatsid oma vanemaid kuni oma klassi dematerialiseerumiskeskuseni ja jätsid nendega viimastena hüvasti, soovides neile jumalikku kiirust, kui nad seeravitranspordiks valmistudes isiksuse teadvuse kadudes uinusid. Lapsed olid veel veidi aega perekonna kokkusaamisel koos, rõõmustades, et nende vanemad saavad peagi Satania süsteemi 606. planeedi nähtavateks juhtideks, tegelikult isegi ainuvalitsejateks. 74:1.5 (829.1) This Jerusem pair left behind them on the capital of Satania and elsewhere, one hundred offspring—fifty sons and fifty daughters—magnificent creatures who had escaped the pitfalls of progression, and who were all in commission as faithful stewards of universe trust at the time of their parents’ departure for Urantia. And they were all present in the beautiful temple of the Material Sons attendant upon the farewell exercises associated with the last ceremonies of the bestowal acceptance. These children accompanied their parents to the dematerialization headquarters of their order and were the last to bid them farewell and divine speed as they fell asleep in the personality lapse of consciousness which precedes the preparation for seraphic transport. The children spent some time together at the family rendezvous rejoicing that their parents were soon to become the visible heads, in reality the sole rulers, of planet 606 in the system of Satania.
74:1.6 (829.2) Nii lahkusid Aadam ja Eeva Jerusemilt selle kodanike kiiduavalduste ja heade soovide saatel. Nad suundusid täitma oma uusi kohustusi, omades küllaldast ettevalmistust ja täielikke juhiseid kõigi Urantial esilekerkivate ülesannete ja ohtude jaoks. 74:1.6 (829.2) And thus did Adam and Eve leave Jerusem amidst the acclaim and well-wishing of its citizens. They went forth to their new responsibilities adequately equipped and fully instructed concerning every duty and danger to be encountered on Urantia.
2. Aadama ja Eeva saabumine ^top 2. Arrival of Adam and Eve ^top
74:2.1 (829.3) Aadam ja Eeva uinusid Jerusemil ja kui nad Urantial Isa templis neid tervitama tulnud tohutu rahvahulga juuresolekul ärkasid, nägid nad kohe kaht olendit, kellest olid palju kuulnud — Vani ja tema truud kaaslast Amadoni. Need kaks Caligastia lahkulöömisaja kangelast olid esimesed, kes neid nende uues aedkodus tervitasid. 74:2.1 (829.3) Adam and Eve fell asleep on Jerusem, and when they awakened in the Father’s temple on Urantia in the presence of the mighty throng assembled to welcome them, they were face to face with two beings of whom they had heard much, Van and his faithful associate Amadon. These two heroes of the Caligastia secession were the first to welcome them in their new garden home.
74:2.2 (829.4) Eedeni keel oli üks andoniitide dialekte, mida kõneles Amadon. Van ja Amadon olid seda keelt tunduvalt täiustanud uue, kahekümne nelja tähega tähestiku loomisega, ja nad olid lootnud, et see saab Urantia keeleks, kui Eedeni kultuur levib üle kogu maailma. Aadam ja Eeva olid selle inimdialekti enne Jerusemilt lahkumist täielikult omandanud, nii et see Andoni poeg kuulis, kuidas tema maailma ülev valitseja pöördus ta poole tema enda keeles. 74:2.2 (829.4) The tongue of Eden was an Andonic dialect as spoken by Amadon. Van and Amadon had markedly improved this language by creating a new alphabet of twenty-four letters, and they had hoped to see it become the tongue of Urantia as the Edenic culture would spread throughout the world. Adam and Eve had fully mastered this human dialect before they departed from Jerusem so that this son of Andon heard the exalted ruler of his world address him in his own tongue.
74:2.3 (829.5) Sel päeval oli kogu Eedenis palju põnevust ja rõõmu, jooksjad ruttasid lähedalt ja kaugelt kokku kogutud kandetuvide juurde, hüüdes: „Laske linnud lendu, viigu nad sõna, et tõotatud Poeg on tulnud!” Sadades usklike asulates oli aastast aastasse peetud truult neid kodustatud tuvisid just selleks puhuks. 74:2.3 (829.5) And on that day there was great excitement and joy throughout Eden as the runners went in great haste to the rendezvous of the carrier pigeons assembled from near and far, shouting: “Let loose the birds; let them carry the word that the promised Son has come.” Hundreds of believer settlements had faithfully, year after year, kept up the supply of these home-reared pigeons for just such an occasion.
74:2.4 (829.6) Kui uudis Aadama saabumisest laiemalt levis, võtsid tuhanded ümbruskonna hõimuliikmed Vani ja Amadoni õpetuse omaks ning palverändurite vool Eedenisse kestis palju kuid, et tervitada Aadamat ja Eevat ning avaldada austust nende nähtamatule Isale. 74:2.4 (829.6) As the news of Adam’s arrival spread abroad, thousands of the near-by tribesmen accepted the teachings of Van and Amadon, while for months and months pilgrims continued to pour into Eden to welcome Adam and Eve and to do homage to their unseen Father.
74:2.5 (829.7) Varsti pärast ärkamist juhatati Aadam ja Eeva ametlikku vastuvõtupaika suurel künkal templist põhja pool. Seda looduslikku küngast oli suurendatud ja maailma uute valitsejate ametisseseadmiseks ette valmistatud. Urantia vastuvõtukomitee tervitas siin keskpäeval seda Satania süsteemi Poega ja Tütart. Komitee esimeheks oli Amadon ja see koosnes kaheteistkümnest liikmest, kelle seas olid kõigi kuue sangikrassi esindajad, keskteeliste tegevjuht, nodiitide ustav tütar ja esindaja Annan, Noa, aia arhitekti ja ehitaja poeg, oma surnud isa kavade elluviija, ning kaks kohalviibivat Elukandjat. 74:2.5 (829.7) Soon after their awakening, Adam and Eve were escorted to the formal reception on the great mound to the north of the temple. This natural hill had been enlarged and made ready for the installation of the world’s new rulers. Here, at noon, the Urantia reception committee welcomed this Son and Daughter of the system of Satania. Amadon was chairman of this committee, which consisted of twelve members embracing a representative of each of the six Sangik races; the acting chief of the midwayers; Annan, a loyal daughter and spokesman for the Nodites; Noah, the son of the architect and builder of the Garden and executive of his deceased father’s plans; and the two resident Life Carriers.
74:2.6 (830.1) Seejärel andis Melkisedekite vanem, Urantia hooldusnõukogu juht, planeedi Aadama ja Eeva hoole alla. Aineline Poeg ja Tütar andsid Norlatiadeki Kõigekõrgematele ja Nebadoni Miikaelile truudusvande ja Van kuulutas nad Urantia valitsejateks, loovutades neile sellega oma titulaarvõimu, mis oli talle vastavalt Melkisedekite-hooldajate ettepanekule kuulunud enam kui sada viiskümmend tuhat aastat. 74:2.6 (830.1) The next act was the delivery of the charge of planetary custody to Adam and Eve by the senior Melchizedek, chief of the council of receivership on Urantia. The Material Son and Daughter took the oath of allegiance to the Most Highs of Norlatiadek and to Michael of Nebadon and were proclaimed rulers of Urantia by Van, who thereby relinquished the titular authority which for over one hundred and fifty thousand years he had held by virtue of the action of the Melchizedek receivers.
74:2.7 (830.2) Aadam ja Eeva rõivastati nende ametlikult maailma valitsejateks seadmise puhuks kuninglikesse rüüdesse. Mitte kõik Dalamatia kunstid ei olnud maailmale kaduma läinud, kangakudumist Eedeni ajal siiski veel harrastati. 74:2.7 (830.2) And Adam and Eve were invested with kingly robes on this occasion, the time of their formal induction into world rulership. Not all of the arts of Dalamatia had been lost to the world; weaving was still practiced in the days of Eden.
74:2.8 (830.3) Siis kuuldi peainglite teadaannet ja Gabrieli hääl kuulutas teabelevi kaudu Urantial välja teise õigusemõistmisloenduse ning magavate ellujääjate ülestõusmise Satania 606. planeedi teisest armu ja halastuse usulisest elukorraldusest. Vürsti usuline elukorraldus oli lõppenud; Aadama ajastu, planeedi kolmas epohh, algas lihtsa suursugususega. Urantia uued valitsejad alustasid oma valitsemisaega näiliselt soodsates tingimustes, vaatamata segadusele, mis oli kogu maailmas tekkinud, sest nende eelkäija polnud soostunud planeedi valitsemisel koostööd tegema. 74:2.8 (830.3) Then was heard the archangels’ proclamation, and the broadcast voice of Gabriel decreed the second judgment roll call of Urantia and the resurrection of the sleeping survivors of the second dispensation of grace and mercy on 606 of Satania. The dispensation of the Prince has passed; the age of Adam, the third planetary epoch, opens amidst scenes of simple grandeur; and the new rulers of Urantia start their reign under seemingly favorable conditions, notwithstanding the world-wide confusion occasioned by lack of the co-operation of their predecessor in authority on the planet.
3. Aadam ja Eeva õpivad planeeti tundma ^top 3. Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet ^top
74:3.1 (830.4) Pärast ametlikku ametisseastumist mõistsid Aadam ja Eeva oma planeedi isolatsiooni kogu kibedust. Tuttavad teabekanalid vaikisid ja polnud ühtki planeetidevahelist suhtlemisringlust. Nende kaaslased Jerusemis olid läinud maailmadesse, kus elu kulges ladusalt, Planeedivürst oli end hästi sisse seadnud ja kogenud isikkond nende vastuvõtmiseks valmis ning võimeline nendega neis maailmades kohe koostööd tegema. Ent mäss oli Urantial kõike muutnud. Planeedivürst oli siin siiski olemas ja kuigi teda oli suures osas võimust ilma jäetud, et ta midagi halba ei teeks, õnnestus tal siiski Aadama ja Eeva ülesande täitmine raskeks ja mõnevõrra riskantseks muuta. Sel ööl särava täiskuu all läbi aia kõndides olid Jerusemi Poeg ja Tütar tõsised ja reaalsusega leppinud ning arutasid oma järgmise päeva plaane. 74:3.1 (830.4) And now, after their formal installation, Adam and Eve became painfully aware of their planetary isolation. Silent were the familiar broadcasts, and absent were all the circuits of extraplanetary communication. Their Jerusem fellows had gone to worlds running along smoothly with a well-established Planetary Prince and an experienced staff ready to receive them and competent to co-operate with them during their early experience on such worlds. But on Urantia rebellion had changed everything. Here the Planetary Prince was very much present, and though shorn of most of his power to work evil, he was still able to make the task of Adam and Eve difficult and to some extent hazardous. It was a serious and disillusioned Son and Daughter of Jerusem who walked that night through the Garden under the shining of the full moon, discussing plans for the next day.
74:3.2 (830.5) Nii lõppes Aadama ja Eeva esimene päev isoleeritud Urantial, Caligastia reeturlikkusest segadusse viidud planeedil. Nad kõndisid ning vestlesid veel kaua sel ööl, nende esimesel ööl maakeral — ja tundsid end väga üksildastena. 74:3.2 (830.5) Thus ended the first day of Adam and Eve on isolated Urantia, the confused planet of the Caligastia betrayal; and they walked and talked far into the night, their first night on earth—and it was so lonely.
74:3.3 (830.6) Aadama teine päev maakeral kulus koosolekutele planeedi hooldajate ja nõuandva koguga. Aadam ja Eeva said Melkisedekitelt ning nende abilistelt täpsemaid andmeid Caligastia mässust ja selle murrangu tagajärjest maailma arengule. See pikk jutustus maailma elu väärast juhtimisest oli üldjoontes masendav. Nad õppisid tundma kõiki üksikasju selle kohta, kuidas Caligastia kava ühiskonna arenguprotsessi kiirendada oli täielikult läbi kukkunud. Nad mõistsid täielikult sedagi, kui rumal oli olnud katse saavutada planeedi arengut sõltumatult jumalikust arenguplaanist. Nii lõppes kurb, kuid palju selgust toonud päev — nende teine päev Urantial. 74:3.3 (830.6) Adam’s second day on earth was spent in session with the planetary receivers and the advisory council. From the Melchizedeks, and their associates, Adam and Eve learned more about the details of the Caligastia rebellion and the result of that upheaval upon the world’s progress. And it was, on the whole, a disheartening story, this long recital of the mismanagement of world affairs. They learned all the facts regarding the utter collapse of the Caligastia scheme for accelerating the process of social evolution. They also arrived at a full realization of the folly of attempting to achieve planetary advancement independently of the divine plan of progression. And thus ended a sad but enlightening day—their second on Urantia.
74:3.4 (831.1) Kolmas päev pühendati aiaga tutvumisele. Aadam ja Eeva vaatlesid suurte reisilindude fandorite seljas lennates aia, maakera kauneima paiga ääretuid avarusi. See tutvumispäev lõppes suure pidusöögiga kõigi nende auks, kes olid teinud tööd eedenlikult ilusa ja suursuguse aia loomiseks. Poeg jalutas oma kolmanda päeva õhtul taas oma kaaslasega hilisööni, arutades nende ees seisvaid määratuid probleeme. 74:3.4 (831.1) The third day was devoted to an inspection of the Garden. From the large passenger birds—the fandors—Adam and Eve looked down upon the vast stretches of the Garden while being carried through the air over this, the most beautiful spot on earth. This day of inspection ended with an enormous banquet in honor of all who had labored to create this garden of Edenic beauty and grandeur. And again, late into the night of their third day, the Son and his mate walked in the Garden and talked about the immensity of their problems.
74:3.5 (831.2) Neljandal päeval esinesid Aadam ja Eeva aia täiskogu ees. Nad rääkisid ametisseastumismäelt rahvale oma kavadest maailma õigusi ennistada ja kirjeldasid, kuidas püüavad Urantia ühiskonnakultuuri tõsta kõrgemale sellelt madalalt tasemelt, kuhu see patu ja mässu tulemusena oli langenud. See oli suur päev, mis lõppes pidusöögiga meestest ja naistest koosnevale nõukogule, kes oli valitud maailma uue valitsuse ülesandeid üle võtma. Pange tähele! Selles rühmas oli peale meeste ka naisi ja see oli esimene kord, mil maakeral pärast Dalamatia aega midagi taolist juhtus. Näha Eevat, naist, jagamas mehega maailma valitsemise au ja vastutust, oli hämmastav uuendus. Ja sellega lõppes neljas päev maakeral. 74:3.5 (831.2) On the fourth day Adam and Eve addressed the Garden assembly. From the inaugural mount they spoke to the people concerning their plans for the rehabilitation of the world and outlined the methods whereby they would seek to redeem the social culture of Urantia from the low levels to which it had fallen as a result of sin and rebellion. This was a great day, and it closed with a feast for the council of men and women who had been selected to assume responsibilities in the new administration of world affairs. Take note! women as well as men were in this group, and that was the first time such a thing had occurred on earth since the days of Dalamatia. It was an astounding innovation to behold Eve, a woman, sharing the honors and responsibilities of world affairs with a man. And thus ended the fourth day on earth.
74:3.6 (831.3) Viiendal päeval tegeldi ajutise valitsuse moodustamisega, mis pidi tegutsema kuni Melkisedekite-hooldajate lahkumiseni Urantialt. 74:3.6 (831.3) The fifth day was occupied with the organization of the temporary government, the administration which was to function until the Melchizedek receivers should leave Urantia.
74:3.7 (831.4) Kuues päev pühendati arvukate inim- ja loomaliikidega tutvumisele. Aadam ja Eeva kõndisid kogu päeva piki Eedeni hommikupoolseid müüre, vaadeldes planeedi loomariiki ja omandades parema ettekujutuse sellest, mida tuleks teha, korrastamaks maailma, kus elas nii erinevaid elusolendeid. 74:3.7 (831.4) The sixth day was devoted to an inspection of the numerous types of men and animals. Along the walls eastward in Eden, Adam and Eve were escorted all day, viewing the animal life of the planet and arriving at a better understanding as to what must be done to bring order out of the confusion of a world inhabited by such a variety of living creatures.
74:3.8 (831.5) Aadama saatjad sel reisil olid väga üllatunud, nähes, kui täielikult ta mõistis paljude tuhandete talle näidatud loomade olemust ja toiminguid. Pruukis tal vaid mõnele loomale pilk heita, kui ta juba kirjeldas selle olemust ja käitumist. Aadam oskas anda nimesid, mis kirjeldasid kõigi vaadeldavate aineliste olendite päritolu, olemust ja tegevust. Tema saatjad sellel tutvumisreisil ei teadnud, et maailma uus valitseja oli kogu Satania üks paremaid anatoome ja et Eeva oli niisama asjatundlik. Aadam hämmastas oma kaaslasi sellega, et kirjeldas arvukaid elusolendeid, kes olid inimsilmale liiga väikesed. 74:3.8 (831.5) It greatly surprised those who accompanied Adam on this trip to observe how fully he understood the nature and function of the thousands upon thousands of animals shown him. The instant he glanced at an animal, he would indicate its nature and behavior. Adam could give names descriptive of the origin, nature, and function of all material creatures on sight. Those who conducted him on this tour of inspection did not know that the world’s new ruler was one of the most expert anatomists of all Satania; and Eve was equally proficient. Adam amazed his associates by describing hosts of living things too small to be seen by human eyes.
74:3.9 (831.6) Kui Aadama ja Eeva kuues päev maakeral läbi sai, puhkasid nad esmakordselt oma uues kodus „hommiku pool Eedenit”. Urantia avastusretke kuus esimest päeva olid olnud täis tihedat tööd ja nad ootasid juba rõõmuga, et jõuaks kätte igasugusest tegevusest täiesti vaba päev. 74:3.9 (831.6) When the sixth day of their sojourn on earth was over, Adam and Eve rested for the first time in their new home in “the east of Eden.” The first six days of the Urantia adventure had been very busy, and they looked forward with great pleasure to an entire day of freedom from all activities.
74:3.10 (831.7) Aga asjaolud määrasid teisiti. Lõppenud päeva sündmused, Aadama nii arukas ja põhjalik arutlus Urantia loomariigi üle, samuti tema meisterlik ametisseastumiskõne ja meeldiv käitumine olid aia elanike südameid ja intellekti niivõrd paelunud, et nad aktsepteerisid äsjasaabunud Jerusemi Poega ja Tütart kõigest südamest oma valitsejatena, kuid vähe sellest — enamik neist oli valmis lausa näoli laskuma ja neid kui jumalaid palveldama. 74:3.10 (831.7) But circumstances dictated otherwise. The experience of the day just past in which Adam had so intelligently and so exhaustively discussed the animal life of Urantia, together with his masterly inaugural address and his charming manner, had so won the hearts and overcome the intellects of the Garden dwellers that they were not only wholeheartedly disposed to accept the newly arrived Son and Daughter of Jerusem as rulers, but the majority were about ready to fall down and worship them as gods.
4. Esimene tõrge ^top 4. The First Upheaval ^top
74:4.1 (832.1) Sel kuuendale päevale järgnenud ööl toimus Aadama ja Eeva magades Eedeni keskosas Isa templi läheduses imelikke asju. Mahedate kuukiirte all kuulasid sajad entusiastlikud ja erutatud mehed ja naised tundide kaupa oma juhtide kirglikke üleskutseid. Neil olid head kavatsused, aga nad lihtsalt ei suutnud oma uute valitsejate vennalikku ja demokraatlikku lihtsust mõista. Ning ammu enne koitu olid maailma uued ajutised haldurid jõudnud peaaegu üksmeelsele järeldusele, et Aadam ja tema paariline olid liiga tagasihoidlikud ja vähenõudlikud. Nad otsustasid, et jumalikkus oli saabunud maakerale kehalisel kujul, et Aadam ja Eeva olid tegelikult jumalad või vähemalt neile väga lähedased olendid ning väärisid harrast palveldamist. 74:4.1 (832.1) That night, the night following the sixth day, while Adam and Eve slumbered, strange things were transpiring in the vicinity of the Father’s temple in the central sector of Eden. There, under the rays of the mellow moon, hundreds of enthusiastic and excited men and women listened for hours to the impassioned pleas of their leaders. They meant well, but they simply could not understand the simplicity of the fraternal and democratic manner of their new rulers. And long before daybreak the new and temporary administrators of world affairs reached a virtually unanimous conclusion that Adam and his mate were altogether too modest and unassuming. They decided that Divinity had descended to earth in bodily form, that Adam and Eve were in reality gods or else so near such an estate as to be worthy of reverent worship.
74:4.2 (832.2) Aadama ja Eeva esimese kuue maakeral viibimise päeva hämmastavad sündmused olid ka maailma parimate inimeste ettevalmistamata meelele liiga haaramatud; neil käis pea tormlevatest mõtetest ringi, nad läksid kaasa ettepanekuga tuua üllas paar keskpäeval Isa templi juurde, et kõik võiksid austavalt palveldades nende ees kummardada ja end alandliku allumise märgiks silmili heita. Ja aia elanikud mõtlesid seda kõike tõesti siiralt. 74:4.2 (832.2) The amazing events of the first six days of Adam and Eve on earth were entirely too much for the unprepared minds of even the world’s best men; their heads were in a whirl; they were swept along with the proposal to bring the noble pair up to the Father’s temple at high noon in order that everyone might bow down in respectful worship and prostrate themselves in humble submission. And the Garden dwellers were really sincere in all of this.
74:4.3 (832.3) Van protesteeris. Amadoni ei olnud kohal, sest ta oli Aadama ja Eeva juures öösel auvalves. Kuid Vani vastuväiteid ei arvestatud. Talle öeldi, et ka tema on liiga tagasihoidlik, liiga vähenõudlik; et ta on ka ise peaaegu jumal, sest kuidas muidu oleks ta saanud maakeral nii kaua elada ja kutsuda esile Aadama tuleku taolise suure sündmuse. Kui erutatud eedenlased tahtsid teda juba kätele võtta ja jumaldamiseks mäele kanda, tungis Van rahvahulgast välja ja võimelisena keskteelistega suhtlema, saatis nende juhi kiiresti Aadama juurde. 74:4.3 (832.3) Van protested. Amadon was absent, being in charge of the guard of honor which had remained behind with Adam and Eve overnight. But Van’s protest was swept aside. He was told that he was likewise too modest, too unassuming; that he was not far from a god himself, else how had he lived so long on earth, and how had he brought about such a great event as the advent of Adam? And as the excited Edenites were about to seize him and carry him up to the mount for adoration, Van made his way out through the throng and, being able to communicate with the midwayers, sent their leader in great haste to Adam.
74:4.4 (832.4) Enne oma seitsmenda maakeral viibimise päeva koitu kuulsid Aadam ja Eeva hämmastavat uudist heade kavatsustega, kuid eksiteele sattunud surelike ettepanekust. Kui reisilinnud kiiresti lennates nad templi juurde viisid, kandsid keskteelised, kellel oli niisugune võime, Aadama ja Eeva Isa templi juurde. Oli seitsmenda päeva varahommik ja Aadam kõneles mäelt, kus neid alles äsja oli vastu võetud, jumaliku poja seisuse klassidest, selgitades maise meelega inimestele, et palveldada tohib ainult Isa ja neid, keda tema käsib palveldada. Aadam tegi selgeks, et ta võtab vastu igasugused austus-ja lugupidamisavaldused, kuid ei nõustu mitte iialgi palveldamisega. 74:4.4 (832.4) It was near the dawn of their seventh day on earth that Adam and Eve heard the startling news of the proposal of these well-meaning but misguided mortals; and then, even while the passenger birds were swiftly winging to bring them to the temple, the midwayers, being able to do such things, transported Adam and Eve to the Father’s temple. It was early on the morning of this seventh day and from the mount of their so recent reception that Adam held forth in explanation of the orders of divine sonship and made clear to these earth minds that only the Father and those whom he designates may be worshiped. Adam made it plain that he would accept any honor and receive all respect, but worship never!
74:4.5 (832.5) Oli otsustav päev ja just enne keskpäeva, ligikaudu samal ajal, kui seeravist sõnumitooja tõi Jerusemilt maailma valitsejate Aadama ja Eeva ametisseseadmise kinnituse, osutasid Aadam ja Eeva rahvahulgast eemale astudes Isa templile ja ütlesid: „Minge nüüd Isa nähtamatu kohaloleku ainelise sümboli juurde ja kummardage palveldades teda, kes meid kõiki on loonud ja elus hoiab. Ja olgu see siiras tõotus, et te ei alluks enam kunagi kiusatusele palveldada kedagi teist peale Jumala.” Nad kõik tegid, nagu Aadam oli käskinud. Aineline Poeg ja Tütar seisid mäel üksi, pead langetatud, kuna rahvas templi ümber silmili langes. 74:4.5 (832.5) It was a momentous day, and just before noon, about the time of the arrival of the seraphic messenger bearing the Jerusem acknowledgment of the installation of the world’s rulers, Adam and Eve, moving apart from the throng, pointed to the Father’s temple and said: “Go you now to the material emblem of the Father’s invisible presence and bow down in worship of him who made us all and who keeps us living. And let this act be the sincere pledge that you never will again be tempted to worship anyone but God.” They all did as Adam directed. The Material Son and Daughter stood alone on the mount with bowed heads while the people prostrated themselves about the temple.
74:4.6 (832.6) Nii tekkiski hingamispäeva traditsioon. Eedenis pühendati seitsmes päev alati keskpäevasele kogunemisele templi juurde; pikka aega oli kombeks pühendada see päev enesearendamisele. Ennelõunal tegeldi füüsilise täiustumisega, keskpäeval vaimse palveldamisega ja pärast lõunat meele harimisega, õhtu aga veedeti ühistel rõõmupidudel. See polnud Eedenis kunagi seadus, vaid tava, seni kuni Aadama valitsus maa peal võimul oli. 74:4.6 (832.6) And this was the origin of the Sabbath-day tradition. Always in Eden the seventh day was devoted to the noontide assembly at the temple; long it was the custom to devote this day to self-culture. The forenoon was devoted to physical improvement, the noontime to spiritual worship, the afternoon to mind culture, while the evening was spent in social rejoicing. This was never the law in Eden, but it was the custom as long as the Adamic administration held sway on earth.
5. Aadama valitsus ^top 5. Adam’s Administration ^top
74:5.1 (833.1) Peaaegu seitse aastat pärast Aadama saabumist olid Melkisedekid-hooldajad veel maailma asjade üle valvamas, aga lõpuks saabus aeg, mil nad andsid valitsemise Aadamale üle ja pöördusid Jerusemile tagasi. 74:5.1 (833.1) For almost seven years after Adam’s arrival the Melchizedek receivers remained on duty, but the time finally came when they turned the administration of world affairs over to Adam and returned to Jerusem.
74:5.2 (833.2) Hooldajatega hüvastijätmine kestis terve päeva ja õhtul andis iga Melkisedek Aadamale ja Eevale oma viimased nõuanded ning parimad soovid. Aadam oli korduvalt palunud oma nõuandjaid temaga koos planeedile jääda, kuid ta taotlused lükati iga kord tagasi. Oli saabunud aeg, mil Ainelised Pojad pidid vastutuse maailma asjade eest täielikult enda kanda võtma. Nii lahkus Satania seeravitransport keskööl koos neljateistkümne olendiga Jerusemile, samaaegselt kaheteistkümne lahkuva Melkisedekiga viidi üles ka Van ja Amadon. 74:5.2 (833.2) The farewell of the receivers occupied the whole of a day, and during the evening the individual Melchizedeks gave Adam and Eve their parting advice and best wishes. Adam had several times requested his advisers to remain on earth with him, but always were these petitions denied. The time had come when the Material Sons must assume full responsibility for the conduct of world affairs. And so, at midnight, the seraphic transports of Satania left the planet with fourteen beings for Jerusem, the translation of Van and Amadon occurring simultaneously with the departure of the twelve Melchizedeks.
74:5.3 (833.3) Mõnda aega kulges Urantial kõik üsna hästi ja näis, et Aadam sai lõpuks koostada mingisuguse kava Eedeni tsivilisatsiooni järkjärgulise laiendamise soodustamiseks. Vastavalt Melkisedekite soovitustele hakkas ta edendama tootmist eesmärgiga arendada välismaailmaga kaubandussidemeid. Eedeni lõhenemise paiku töötas seal üle saja algelise tootmisettevõtte ja ümbruskonna hõimudega olid loodud laialdased kaubandussuhted. 74:5.3 (833.3) All went fairly well for a time on Urantia, and it appeared that Adam would, eventually, be able to develop some plan for promoting the gradual extension of the Edenic civilization. Pursuant to the advice of the Melchizedeks, he began to foster the arts of manufacture with the idea of developing trade relations with the outside world. When Eden was disrupted, there were over one hundred primitive manufacturing plants in operation, and extensive trade relations with the near-by tribes had been established.
74:5.4 (833.4) Aadamale ja Eevale oli ajastute jooksul õpetatud, kuidas täiustada maailma, mis on valmis vastu võtma nende erilist panust areneva tsivilisatsiooni progressi. Nüüd olid nad aga silmitsi niisuguste pakiliste probleemidega nagu õiguskorra sisseseadmine metslaste, barbarite ja pooltsiviliseeritud inimolendite maailmas. Peale maakera elanikkonna parima osa, kes oli aeda koondunud, olid vaid mõned rühmad siin-seal üldse valmis Aadama kultuuri vastu võtma. 74:5.4 (833.4) For ages Adam and Eve had been instructed in the technique of improving a world in readiness for their specialized contributions to the advancement of evolutionary civilization; but now they were face to face with pressing problems, such as the establishment of law and order in a world of savages, barbarians, and semicivilized human beings. Aside from the cream of the earth’s population, assembled in the Garden, only a few groups, here and there, were at all ready for the reception of the Adamic culture.
74:5.5 (833.5) Aadam tegi kangelasliku ja otsusekindla pingutuse moodustada maailma valitsus, kuid ta kohtas igal sammul tõrksat vastupanu. Aadam oli käivitanud juba kogu Eedenis kontrollrühmade süsteemi ja ühendanud kõik need kompaniid Eedeni liiga alla. Ent kui ta aiast väljus ja neid ideid väljaspool elavate hõimude seas rakendada püüdis, tekkisid probleemid, tõsised probleemid. Niipea kui Aadama abilised alustasid tööd väljaspool aeda, kohtasid nad Caligastia ja Daligastia otsest ning hästikavandatud vastupanu. Langenud Vürst oli maailma valitseja kohalt tagandatud, kuid teda ei olnud planeedilt ära saadetud. Ta oli ikka veel planeedil ja sai vähemalt mõningal määral kõiki Aadama kavasid inimühiskonna taastamiseks takistada. Aadam püüdis rahvaid Caligastia suhtes hoiatada, kuid seda ülesannet raskendas asjaolu, et tema põlisvaenlane oli surelike silmale nähtamatu. 74:5.5 (833.5) Adam made a heroic and determined effort to establish a world government, but he met with stubborn resistance at every turn. Adam had already put in operation a system of group control throughout Eden and had federated all of these companies into the Edenic league. But trouble, serious trouble, ensued when he went outside the Garden and sought to apply these ideas to the outlying tribes. The moment Adam’s associates began to work outside the Garden, they met the direct and well-planned resistance of Caligastia and Daligastia. The fallen Prince had been deposed as world ruler, but he had not been removed from the planet. He was still present on earth and able, at least to some extent, to resist all of Adam’s plans for the rehabilitation of human society. Adam tried to warn the races against Caligastia, but the task was made very difficult because his archenemy was invisible to the eyes of mortals.
74:5.6 (833.6) Ka eedenlaste hulgas oli segadusse aetud meeli, kes kaldusid pooldama Caligastia õpetust piiramatust isikuvabadusest ja tekitasid Aadamale lõputult probleeme. Nad nurjasid alati korrapärase edasiliikumise ja olulise arengu kindlustamiseks mõeldud parimad kavad. Lõpuks oli ta sunnitud oma kohese ühiskonnastamise programmist loobuma ja rakendas taas Vani organiseerimisviisi, mille kohaselt jagas eedenlased sajaliikmelisteks kompaniideks ning määras iga kompanii juhiks kapteni ja kümneliikmeliste rühmade juhiks leitnandid. 74:5.6 (833.6) Even among the Edenites there were those confused minds that leaned toward the Caligastia teaching of unbridled personal liberty; and they caused Adam no end of trouble; always were they upsetting the best-laid plans for orderly progression and substantial development. He was finally compelled to withdraw his program for immediate socialization; he fell back on Van’s method of organization, dividing the Edenites into companies of one hundred with captains over each and with lieutenants in charge of groups of ten.
74:5.7 (834.1) Aadam ja Eeva olid tulnud, et käivitada monarhistliku valitsuse asemel rahvaesinduslikku valitsust, kuid nad ei asutanud kogu maakeral ühtki selle nime väärilist valitsust. Aadam loobus ajutiseks kõigist püüetest rahvaesinduslikku valitsust moodustada ja tal õnnestus enne Eedeni valitsemiskorra kokkuvarisemist asutada väljaspool aeda vähemalt sada kaubandus-ja sotsiaalkeskust, mida valitsesid tema nimel tugevad isiksused. Enamiku neist keskustest olid Van ja Amadon juba varem moodustanud. 74:5.7 (834.1) Adam and Eve had come to institute representative government in the place of monarchial, but they found no government worthy of the name on the face of the whole earth. For the time being Adam abandoned all effort to establish representative government, and before the collapse of the Edenic regime he succeeded in establishing almost one hundred outlying trade and social centers where strong individuals ruled in his name. Most of these centers had been organized aforetime by Van and Amadon.
74:5.8 (834.2) Saadikute saatmine ühe hõimu juurest teise juurde pärineb Aadama aegadest. See oli valitsuse arengus suur samm edasi. 74:5.8 (834.2) The sending of ambassadors from one tribe to another dates from the times of Adam. This was a great forward step in the evolution of government.
6. Aadama ja Eeva kodune elu ^top 6. Home Life of Adam and Eve ^top
74:6.1 (834.3) Aadama perekonnale kuulus veidi üle tuhande kolmesaja hektari maad. Nende kodukoha vahetus ümbruses oli ette nähtud maa enam kui kolmesajale tuhandele otseliinis järglasele. Ent projekteeritud elamutest ehitati valmis vaid esimene. Enne kui Aadama pere neist algul ettenähtud kruntidest välja kasvas, oli juba kogu Eedeni plaan lõhenenud ja aed maha jäetud. 74:6.1 (834.3) The Adamic family grounds embraced a little over five square miles. Immediately surrounding this homesite, provision had been made for the care of more than three hundred thousand of the pure-line offspring. But only the first unit of the projected buildings was ever constructed. Before the size of the Adamic family outgrew these early provisions, the whole Edenic plan had been disrupted and the Garden vacated.
74:6.2 (834.4) Aadamapoeg oli Urantia violetse rassi esmasündinu, kellele järgnes tema õde ja Eevapoeg, Aadama ja Eeva teine poeg. Eeva oli Melkisedekite lahkumise ajaks viie lapse ema — tal oli kolm poega ja kaks tütart. Neile järgnesid kaksikud. Eeva sünnitas enne oma kohustuste hülgamist kuuskümmend kolm last, kolmkümmend kaks tütart ja kolmkümmend üks poega. Kui Aadam ja Eeva aiast lahkusid, oli nende peres juba neli põlvkonda — kokku 1647 otseliinis järglast. Pärast aiast lahkumist said nad nelikümmend kaks last lisaks kahele järglasele, kelle vanemad pärinesid maakera surelikest tüvikondadest. Ja sellesse pole arvestatud nodiitide ning arenevate rasside lapsi, kellele Aadam oli vanemaks. 74:6.2 (834.4) Adamson was the first-born of the violet race of Urantia, being followed by his sister and Eveson, the second son of Adam and Eve. Eve was the mother of five children before the Melchizedeks left—three sons and two daughters. The next two were twins. She bore sixty-three children, thirty-two daughters and thirty-one sons, before the default. When Adam and Eve left the Garden, their family consisted of four generations numbering 1,647 pure-line descendants. They had forty-two children after leaving the Garden besides the two offspring of joint parentage with the mortal stock of earth. And this does not include the Adamic parentage to the Nodite and evolutionary races.
74:6.3 (834.5) Kui Aadama lapsed aastaselt enam emarinda ei saanud, ei antud neile loomade piima. Eeva kasutas väga mitmete erinevate pähklite piima ja paljusid puuvilju ning tundes väga hästi nende toiduainete keemilist koostist ja energeetilist väärtust, kombineeris neist sobiva laste toidu, kuni neil hambad tulid. 74:6.3 (834.5) The Adamic children did not take milk from animals when they ceased to nurse the mother’s breast at one year of age. Eve had access to the milk of a great variety of nuts and to the juices of many fruits, and knowing full well the chemistry and energy of these foods, she suitably combined them for the nourishment of her children until the appearance of teeth.
74:6.4 (834.6) Kuigi Eedenis valmistati väljaspool Aadama kodu kõikjal toitu, Aadama majapidamises seda ei tehtud. Nende jaoks olid toiduained — puuviljad, pähklid ja teraviljad — söömiseks valmis siis, kui nad olid küpsed. Nad sõid kord päevas, veidi pärast keskpäeva. Aadam ja Eeva imasid endasse elupuu vahendusel „valgust ja energiat” ka otse teatavatest kosmosekiirgustest. 74:6.4 (834.6) While cooking was universally employed outside of the immediate Adamic sector of Eden, there was no cooking in Adam’s household. They found their foods—fruits, nuts, and cereals—ready prepared as they ripened. They ate once a day, shortly after noontime. Adam and Eve also imbibed “light and energy” direct from certain space emanations in conjunction with the ministry of the tree of life.
74:6.5 (834.7) Aadama ja Eeva kehadest kumas nõrka valgust, kuid nad kandsid alati oma kaaslaste tavadele vastavaid rõivaid. Kuigi päeval oli neil seljas väga vähe rõivaid, panid nad õhtuks selga õhturüüd. Arvatavalt vagade ja pühade inimeste päid traditsiooniliselt ümbritsevad nimbused pärinevad Aadama ja Eeva ajast. Et nende kehadest kiirgav valgus oli rõivastega suuresti varjatud, oli märgata vaid nende peadest kiirgavat hõõgust. Aadamapoja järglased kujutasid sellisena alati inimesi, kellel arvasid olevat erakordsed vaimuanded. 74:6.5 (834.7) The bodies of Adam and Eve gave forth a shimmer of light, but they always wore clothing in conformity with the custom of their associates. Though wearing very little during the day, at eventide they donned night wraps. The origin of the traditional halo encircling the heads of supposed pious and holy men dates back to the days of Adam and Eve. Since the light emanations of their bodies were so largely obscured by clothing, only the radiating glow from their heads was discernible. The descendants of Adamson always thus portrayed their concept of individuals believed to be extraordinary in spiritual development.
74:6.6 (834.8) Aadam ja Eeva said omavahel ja oma otseste lastega suhelda ligikaudu kaheksakümne kilomeetri raadiuses. Nad vahetasid mõtteid nende aju vahetus läheduses paiknenud õrnade gaasipaunade abil. Tänu sellele mehhanismile said nad mõttevõnkeid saata ja vastu võtta. Ent kui meel alistus pahe ebakõlale ja lõhestavale mõjule, kadus see võime kohe. 74:6.6 (834.8) Adam and Eve could communicate with each other and with their immediate children over a distance of about fifty miles. This thought exchange was effected by means of the delicate gas chambers located in close proximity to their brain structures. By this mechanism they could send and receive thought oscillations. But this power was instantly suspended upon the mind’s surrender to the discord and disruption of evil.
74:6.7 (835.1) Aadama lapsed käisid kuni kuueteistkümneaastaseks saamiseni oma koolides, nooremad said õpetust vanematelt lastelt. Koolides vaheldus väiksemate laste tegevus iga kolmekümne minuti järel, vanematel iga tunni järel. See oli Urantial kindlasti uudne vaatepilt, kuidas Aadama ja Eeva lapsed mängivad rõõmsalt ja elavalt lihtsalt meelelahutuseks. Tänapäeva rasside mäng ja huumor pärinebki suures osas Aadama tüvikonnast. Kõik Aadamapoja järglased hindasid väga muusikat ning olid hea huumorimeelega. 74:6.7 (835.1) The Adamic children attended their own schools until they were sixteen, the younger being taught by the elder. The little folks changed activities every thirty minutes, the older every hour. And it was certainly a new sight on Urantia to observe these children of Adam and Eve at play, joyous and exhilarating activity just for the sheer fun of it. The play and humor of the present-day races are largely derived from the Adamic stock. The Adamites all had a great appreciation of music as well as a keen sense of humor.
74:6.8 (835.2) Kihluti keskmiselt kaheksateistkümneaastaselt, seejärel astusid noored abielukohustuste kaheaastasele ettevalmistuskursusele. Kahekümneaastaselt oli neil õigus abielluda, seejärel alustasid nad oma elutööd või eriettevalmistust selleks. 74:6.8 (835.2) The average age of betrothal was eighteen, and these youths then entered upon a two years’ course of instruction in preparation for the assumption of marital responsibilities. At twenty they were eligible for marriage; and after marriage they began their lifework or entered upon special preparation therefor.
74:6.9 (835.3) Mõnede hilisemate rahvaste tavad, mille kohaselt oletatavalt jumalatest pärinevates kuninglikes peredes lubati vendadel ja õdedel omavahel abielluda, pärineb Aadama järglaste traditsioonidest — nad pidid häda sunnil omavahel paari heitma. Aia esimese ja teise põlvkonna abiellumistseremooniaid viisid alati läbi Aadam ja Eeva. 74:6.9 (835.3) The practice of some subsequent nations of permitting the royal families, supposedly descended from the gods, to marry brother to sister, dates from the traditions of the Adamic offspring—mating, as they must needs, with one another. The marriage ceremonies of the first and second generations of the Garden were always performed by Adam and Eve.
7. Elu aias ^top 7. Life in the Garden ^top
74:7.1 (835.4) Aadama lapsed elasid ja töötasid „hommiku pool Eedenit”, kui välja arvata neli aastat, mil viibiti läänepoolsetes koolides. Kuni kuueteistkümneaastaseks saamiseni said nad intellektuaalset koolitust Jerusemi koolide eeskujul. Kuueteistkümnendast kuni kahekümnenda eluaastani õpetati neid Urantia koolides aia teises otsas ning nad teenisid seal ka nooremate klasside õpetajatena. 74:7.1 (835.4) The children of Adam, except for four years’ attendance at the western schools, lived and worked in the “east of Eden.” They were trained intellectually until they were sixteen in accordance with the methods of the Jerusem schools. From sixteen to twenty they were taught in the Urantia schools at the other end of the Garden, serving there also as teachers in the lower grades.
74:7.2 (835.5) Aia kogu läänepoolse koolisüsteemi eesmärk oli ühiskonnastamine. Ennelõunane aeg pühendati praktilisele aiandustööle ja põllumajandusele, pärastlõuna aga võistlusmängudele. Õhtud veedeti seltskondlikult suheldes ja isiklikku sõprust arendades. Usulist ja seksuaalkasvatust peeti kodu ülesandeks ja vanemate kohuseks. 74:7.2 (835.5) The entire purpose of the western school system of the Garden was socialization. The forenoon periods of recess were devoted to practical horticulture and agriculture, the afternoon periods to competitive play. The evenings were employed in social intercourse and the cultivation of personal friendships. Religious and sexual training were regarded as the province of the home, the duty of parents.
74:7.3 (835.6) Nendes koolides õpetati muuhulgas: 74:7.3 (835.6) The teaching in these schools included instruction regarding:
74:7.4 (835.7) 1. tervise ja keha eest hoolitsemist; 74:7.4 (835.7) 1. Health and the care of the body.
74:7.5 (835.8) 2. kuldreeglit, sotsiaalse suhtlemise norme; 74:7.5 (835.8) 2. The golden rule, the standard of social intercourse.
74:7.6 (835.9) 3. indiviidi õiguste vahekorda rühmaõigustega ja kogukonna kohustustega; 74:7.6 (835.9) 3. The relation of individual rights to group rights and community obligations.
74:7.7 (835.10) 4. maakera rahvaste ajalugu ja kultuuri; 74:7.7 (835.10) 4. History and culture of the various earth races.
74:7.8 (835.11) 5. maailmakaubanduse edendamis- ja täiustamisviise; 74:7.8 (835.11) 5. Methods of advancing and improving world trade.
74:7.9 (835.12) 6. vastuoluliste kohustuste ja emotsioonide koordineerimist; 74:7.9 (835.12) 6. Co-ordination of conflicting duties and emotions.
74:7.10 (835.13) 7. mängu, huumori ja võistluse arendamist füüsiliste võitluste asemel. 74:7.10 (835.13) 7. The cultivation of play, humor, and competitive substitutes for physical fighting.
74:7.11 (835.14) Koolid, tegelikult ka kõik muu aias toimuv, olid alati külastajatele avatud. Relvastamata vaatlejaid lubati vabalt Eedenit lühiajaliselt külastada. Aias viibimiseks tuli urantialane „vastu võtta”. Talle õpetati Aadama annetuse kava ja eesmärki, mille järel ta väljendas oma kavatsust seda missiooni järgida ning kuulutas siis oma ustavust Aadama ühiskonnakorrale ja Kõikse Isa vaimsele suveräänsusele. 74:7.11 (835.14) The schools, in fact every activity of the Garden, were always open to visitors. Unarmed observers were freely admitted to Eden for short visits. To sojourn in the Garden a Urantian had to be “adopted.” He received instructions in the plan and purpose of the Adamic bestowal, signified his intention to adhere to this mission, and then made declaration of loyalty to the social rule of Adam and the spiritual sovereignty of the Universal Father.
74:7.12 (836.1) Aia seadused põhinesid Dalamatia vanematel koodeksitel ja need kuulutati välja seitsmes osas: 74:7.12 (836.1) The laws of the Garden were based on the older codes of Dalamatia and were promulgated under seven heads:
74:7.13 (836.2) 1. tervishoiu- ja sanitaarseadused; 74:7.13 (836.2) 1. The laws of health and sanitation.
74:7.14 (836.3) 2. aia ühiskonnakord; 74:7.14 (836.3) 2. The social regulations of the Garden.
74:7.15 (836.4) 3. kaubandus- ja äriseadustik; 74:7.15 (836.4) 3. The code of trade and commerce.
74:7.16 (836.5) 4. õigluse- ja konkurentsiseadused; 74:7.16 (836.5) 4. The laws of fair play and competition.
74:7.17 (836.6) 5. koduse elu seadused; 74:7.17 (836.6) 5. The laws of home life.
74:7.18 (836.7) 6. kuldreegli tsiviilseadustik; 74:7.18 (836.7) 6. The civil codes of the golden rule.
74:7.19 (836.8) 7. ülima moraali seitse käsku. 74:7.19 (836.8) 7. The seven commands of supreme moral rule.
74:7.20 (836.9) Eedeni moraalikoodeks erines Dalamatia seitsmest käsust vähe. Kuid adamiitide õpetus sisaldas palju neid käske täiendavaid põhjendusi, näiteks mõrva keelu täiendava põhjendusena inimelu hoidmiseks esitati Mõttekohandaja elamist inimese sisimas. Nad õpetasid, et „kes valab inimese verd, selle verd peab valama inimene, sest inimene on tehtud Jumala näo järgi”. 74:7.20 (836.9) The moral law of Eden was little different from the seven commandments of Dalamatia. But the Adamites taught many additional reasons for these commands; for instance, regarding the injunction against murder, the indwelling of the Thought Adjuster was presented as an additional reason for not destroying human life. They taught that “whoso sheds man’s blood by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man.”
74:7.21 (836.10) Avalik palveldamistund oli Eedenis keskpäeval, perekonna palveldamistund toimus päikeseloojangu ajal. Aadam püüdis igati takistada kindlate palvete kasutamist, õpetades, et tõhus palve peab olema täiesti isiklik, see peab olema „hinge soov”, kuid eedenlased jätkasid Dalamatia aegadest pärinevate palvete ja vormelite kasutamist. Aadam püüdis asendada ka vereohvrid usutseremooniates maaviljade ohverdamisega, kuid oli aia lõhenemise ajaks selles osas vähe edasi jõudnud. 74:7.21 (836.10) The public worship hour of Eden was noon; sunset was the hour of family worship. Adam did his best to discourage the use of set prayers, teaching that effective prayer must be wholly individual, that it must be the “desire of the soul”; but the Edenites continued to use the prayers and forms handed down from the times of Dalamatia. Adam also endeavored to substitute the offerings of the fruit of the land for the blood sacrifices in the religious ceremonies but had made little progress before the disruption of the Garden.
74:7.22 (836.11) Aadam püüdis õpetada rassidele sugupoolte võrdsust. See, kuidas Eeva oma kaasa kõrval töötas, avaldas kõigile aia elanikele sügavat muljet. Aadam õpetas neile otseselt, et naine annab võrdselt mehega need elutegurid, mille ühinedes moodustub uus olend. Seni oli inimkond arvanud, et kogu sigimine toimub „isa niuetes”. Nad olid pidanud ema vaid lapse toitjaks enne sündi ja imetajaks pärast sündi. 74:7.22 (836.11) Adam endeavored to teach the races sex equality. The way Eve worked by the side of her husband made a profound impression upon all dwellers in the Garden. Adam definitely taught them that the woman, equally with the man, contributes those life factors which unite to form a new being. Theretofore, mankind had presumed that all procreation resided in the “loins of the father.” They had looked upon the mother as being merely a provision for nurturing the unborn and nursing the newborn.
74:7.23 (836.12) Aadam õpetas oma kaasaegsetele kõike, millest nad suutsid aru saada, kuid seda oli suhteliselt vähe. Vaatamata sellele ootasid maakera arukamad rassid innukalt aega, mil neil lubataks abielluda violetse rassi arenenumate lastega. Ja kuivõrd teistsuguseks oleks Urantia saanud, kui see suur rasside ülendamise kava oleks teostunud! Sellegipoolest tõi see sissetoodud rassi vähene veri, mille arenevad rahvad juhuslikult omandasid, ikkagi tohutult kasu. 74:7.23 (836.12) Adam taught his contemporaries all they could comprehend, but that was not very much, comparatively speaking. Nevertheless, the more intelligent of the races of earth looked forward eagerly to the time when they would be permitted to intermarry with the superior children of the violet race. And what a different world Urantia would have become if this great plan of uplifting the races had been carried out! Even as it was, tremendous gains resulted from the small amount of the blood of this imported race which the evolutionary peoples incidentally secured.
74:7.24 (836.13) Nii töötas Aadam selle maailma hüvanguks ja ülendamiseks, kus ta viibis. Kuid neid segatud ja segaverelisi rahvaid paremini juhtida oli raske ülesanne. 74:7.24 (836.13) And thus did Adam work for the welfare and uplift of the world of his sojourn. But it was a difficult task to lead these mixed and mongrel peoples in the better way.
8. Loomise legend ^top 8. The Legend of Creation ^top
74:8.1 (836.14) Lugu Urantia loomisest kuue päevaga põhineb päritud teadmisel, et Aadam ja Eeva olid kulutanud just kuus päeva esialgsele tutvumisele aiaga. See asjaolu muutis algselt dalamaatlaste poolt sisseviidud nädalapikkuse perioodi peaaegu pühaks. Aadam ei pühendanud kuut päeva aiaga tutvumisele ja esialgsete organiseerimiskavade koostamisele mitte ettekavatsetud korra kohaselt, see lihtsalt läks nii. Seitsmes päev valiti käesoleva jutustuse faktide seisukohalt palveldamiseks täiesti juhuslikult. 74:8.1 (836.14) The story of the creation of Urantia in six days was based on the tradition that Adam and Eve had spent just six days in their initial survey of the Garden. This circumstance lent almost sacred sanction to the time period of the week, which had been originally introduced by the Dalamatians. Adam’s spending six days inspecting the Garden and formulating preliminary plans for organization was not prearranged; it was worked out from day to day. The choosing of the seventh day for worship was wholly incidental to the facts herewith narrated.
74:8.2 (837.1) Legend maailma loomisest kuue päevaga tuletati tagantjärele, tegelikult enam kui kolmkümmend tuhat aastat hiljem. Loo üks tahk, Päikese ja Kuu äkiline ilmumine, võis saada alguse pärimustest maailma kunagise kiire väljumise kohta peene aine tihedast kosmilisest pilvest, mis kaua oli varjanud nii Päikese kui ka Kuu. 74:8.2 (837.1) The legend of the making of the world in six days was an afterthought, in fact, more than thirty thousand years afterwards. One feature of the narrative, the sudden appearance of the sun and moon, may have taken origin in the traditions of the onetime sudden emergence of the world from a dense space cloud of minute matter which had long obscured both sun and moon.
74:8.3 (837.2) Lugu Eeva loomisest Aadama küljeluust oli segane kokkuvõte Aadama saabumisest ja taevasest operatsioonist seoses elusainete vahetamisega Planeedivürsti kehalise kaaskonna saabumisel enam kui nelisada viiskümmend tuhat aastat varem. 74:8.3 (837.2) The story of creating Eve out of Adam’s rib is a confused condensation of the Adamic arrival and the celestial surgery connected with the interchange of living substances associated with the coming of the corporeal staff of the Planetary Prince more than four hundred and fifty thousand years previously.
74:8.4 (837.3) Pärimus, mille kohaselt Aadam ja Eeva loodi füüsilisel kujul nende saabumisel Urantiale, on mõjutanud enamikku maailma rahvastest. Idapoolkeral usuti peaaegu kõikjal, et inimene on loodud savist; seda legendi võib kohata Filipiinidest kuni Aafrikani teisel pool maakera. Paljud rühmad võtsid omaks loo, et inimene on loodud mingil erilisel viisil savist, ning nad asendasid sellega varasemad uskumused järkjärgulisest loomisest — ehk evolutsioonist. 74:8.4 (837.3) The majority of the world’s peoples have been influenced by the tradition that Adam and Eve had physical forms created for them upon their arrival on Urantia. The belief in man’s having been created from clay was well-nigh universal in the Eastern Hemisphere; this tradition can be traced from the Philippine Islands around the world to Africa. And many groups accepted this story of man’s clay origin by some form of special creation in the place of the earlier beliefs in progressive creation—evolution.
74:8.5 (837.4) Dalamatia ja Eedeni mõjudest kaugemal kaldus inimkond uskuma inimsoo järkjärgulist arengut. Evolutsiooni fakt ei ole praeguse aja avastus, iidse aja inimesedki mõistsid inimprogressi aeglast ja evolutsioonilist iseloomu. Varastel kreeklastel oli vaatamata oma Mesopotaamia-lähedusele sellest selge ettekujutus. Kuigi maakera erinevate rasside ettekujutused evolutsioonist olid kahetsusväärselt segased, uskusid ja õpetasid paljud ürghõimud siiski, et nad on mitmesuguste loomade järeltulijad. Ürginimesed tavatsesid valida „tootemiteks” loomi, keda pidasid oma esivanemateks. Teatavad Põhja-Ameerika indiaanihõimud uskusid end pärinevat kobrastest ja koiottidest. Mõned Aafrika hõimud õpetavad, et nad pärinevad hüäänist, üks Malai hõim leemurist, üks Uus-Ginea rühm papagoist. 74:8.5 (837.4) Away from the influences of Dalamatia and Eden, mankind tended toward the belief in the gradual ascent of the human race. The fact of evolution is not a modern discovery; the ancients understood the slow and evolutionary character of human progress. The early Greeks had clear ideas of this despite their proximity to Mesopotamia. Although the various races of earth became sadly mixed up in their notions of evolution, nevertheless, many of the primitive tribes believed and taught that they were the descendants of various animals. Primitive peoples made a practice of selecting for their “totems” the animals of their supposed ancestry. Certain North American Indian tribes believed they originated from beavers and coyotes. Certain African tribes teach that they are descended from the hyena, a Malay tribe from the lemur, a New Guinea group from the parrot.
74:8.6 (837.5) Babüloonlased olid adamiitide tsivilisatsiooni jäänustega vahetus kontaktis ning seetõttu võimendasid ja ilustasid seda lugu inimese loomisest; nad õpetasid, et inimene on otseselt jumalikku päritolu. Nad uskusid visalt rassi aristokraatlikku päritolusse, mis oli muidugi ühitamatu õpetusega savist loomisest. 74:8.6 (837.5) The Babylonians, because of immediate contact with the remnants of the civilization of the Adamites, enlarged and embellished the story of man’s creation; they taught that he had descended directly from the gods. They held to an aristocratic origin for the race which was incompatible with even the doctrine of creation out of clay.
74:8.7 (837.6) Vanas Testamendis esitatud loomislugu sai alguse Moosese ajast tunduvalt hiljem, tema seda heebrealastele niisugusel moonutatud kujul kunagi ei õpetanud. Kuid ta esitas iisraellastele lihtsa ja kokkuvõtliku loomisloo, lootes äratada neis tugevamat soovi Looja, Kõikse Isa palveldamiseks, keda ta nimetas Iisraeli Issandaks Jumalaks. 74:8.7 (837.6) The Old Testament account of creation dates from long after the time of Moses; he never taught the Hebrews such a distorted story. But he did present a simple and condensed narrative of creation to the Israelites, hoping thereby to augment his appeal to worship the Creator, the Universal Father, whom he called the Lord God of Israel.
74:8.8 (837.7) Mooses oli väga tark ega püüdnud oma varastes õpetustes Aadama aega tagasi minna, aga kuna Mooses oli heebrealaste kõrgeim õpetaja, hakati Aadama lugusid otseselt seostama loomislugudega. Aadama-eelse tsivilisatsiooni tunnistamist varasemates loomislugudes tõendab selgelt fakt, et hilisemad tekstitoimetajad, kes kustutasid kõik viited Aadama-eelsele inimtegevusele, unustasid kõrvaldada reetliku viite Kaini ümberasumist „Noodimaale”, kus ta endale naise võttis. 74:8.8 (837.7) In his early teachings, Moses very wisely did not attempt to go back of Adam’s time, and since Moses was the supreme teacher of the Hebrews, the stories of Adam became intimately associated with those of creation. That the earlier traditions recognized pre-Adamic civilization is clearly shown by the fact that later editors, intending to eradicate all reference to human affairs before Adam’s time, neglected to remove the telltale reference to Cain’s emigration to the “land of Nod,” where he took himself a wife.
74:8.9 (838.1) Heebrealastel ei olnud pikka aega pärast Palestiinasse jõudmist üldkasutatavat kirjakeelt. Nad õppisid tähestiku kasutamist naaberrahvalt vilistidelt, kes olid kõrgema kreeta tsivilisatsiooni poliitilised põgenikud. Heebrealased kirjutasid kuni aastani 900 eKr väga vähe ja et neil kuni mainitud hilisema ajani kirjakeel puudus, oli käibel mitu erinevat loomislugu, pärast vangipõlve Babüloonias kaldusid nad aga rohkem aktsepteerima Mesopotaamia teisendit. 74:8.9 (838.1) The Hebrews had no written language in general usage for a long time after they reached Palestine. They learned the use of an alphabet from the neighboring Philistines, who were political refugees from the higher civilization of Crete. The Hebrews did little writing until about 900 b.c., and having no written language until such a late date, they had several different stories of creation in circulation, but after the Babylonian captivity they inclined more toward accepting a modified Mesopotamian version.
74:8.10 (838.2) Juudi pärimus kristalliseerus Moosese ümber ja et ta püüdis esitada Aabrahami sugupuu Aadamani välja, eeldasid juudid, et Aadam oli kogu inimkonna esivanem. Looja oli Jahve ja et Aadamat peeti esimeseks inimeseks, pidi ta looma maailma vahetult enne Aadama loomist. Siis põimus sellesse loosse legend Aadama kuuest päevast, mille tulemusena kirjutati peaaegu tuhat aastat pärast Moosese maakeral viibimist lugu maailma loomisest kuue päeva jooksul ja omistati temale. 74:8.10 (838.2) Jewish tradition became crystallized about Moses, and because he endeavored to trace the lineage of Abraham back to Adam, the Jews assumed that Adam was the first of all mankind. Yahweh was the creator, and since Adam was supposed to be the first man, he must have made the world just prior to making Adam. And then the tradition of Adam’s six days got woven into the story, with the result that almost a thousand years after Moses’ sojourn on earth the tradition of creation in six days was written out and subsequently credited to him.
74:8.11 (838.3) Kui juudi preestrid Jeruusalemma tagasi pöördusid, olid nad oma loo kõige algusest juba valmis kirjutanud. Peagi väitsid nad, et see on hiljuti avastatud loomislugu, mille on kirjutanud Mooses. Ent tolleaegsed, umbes 500. a eKr elanud heebrealased ei pidanud neid kirjutisi jumalikeks ilmutusteks, vaid nad suhtusid neisse üsnagi samamoodi nagu hilisemad rahvad mütoloogilistesse jutustustesse. 74:8.11 (838.3) When the Jewish priests returned to Jerusalem, they had already completed the writing of their narrative of the beginning of things. Soon they made claims that this recital was a recently discovered story of creation written by Moses. But the contemporary Hebrews of around 500 b.c. did not consider these writings to be divine revelations; they looked upon them much as later peoples regard mythological narratives.
74:8.12 (838.4) See võltsitud ürik, mida peeti Moosese õpetuseks, toodi ka Egiptuse kreeklasest kuningale Ptolemaiosele, kes lasi selle seitsmekümnest õpetlasest koosneva komisjoni poolt oma uue Aleksandrias asuva raamatukogu jaoks kreeka keelde tõlkida. Nii leidiski see jutustus koha nende kirjutiste seas, mis lülitati hiljem heebrea ja kristlike religioonide „pühakirjade” kogumikku. Kuna neid tekste hakati samastama teoloogiliste süsteemidega, avaldasid need kontseptsioonid pikka aega paljude õhtumaa rahvaste filosoofiale sügavat mõju. 74:8.12 (838.4) This spurious document, reputed to be the teachings of Moses, was brought to the attention of Ptolemy, the Greek king of Egypt, who had it translated into Greek by a commission of seventy scholars for his new library at Alexandria. And so this account found its place among those writings which subsequently became a part of the later collections of the “sacred scriptures” of the Hebrew and Christian religions. And through identification with these theological systems, such concepts for a long time profoundly influenced the philosophy of many Occidental peoples.
74:8.13 (838.5) Kristlikud õpetajad põlistasid uskumuse inimsoo käsu korras loomisse ja kõik see kujundas otseselt hüpoteesi kunagisest utoopilise õndsuse kuldsest ajast ja teooria inimese või üliinimese langemisest, millega seletati ühiskonna mitteutoopilist seisundit. Need vaated elule ja inimese kohale universumis olid parimal juhul heidutavad, sest nad põhinesid usul taandarengusse, mitte edasiliikumisse, ning võimaldasid järeldada, et Jumalus on kättemaksuhimuline, sest oli valanud oma raevu inimsoole välja kättemaksuks planeedi kunagiste hoolekandjate teatavate eksimuste eest. 74:8.13 (838.5) The Christian teachers perpetuated the belief in the fiat creation of the human race, and all this led directly to the formation of the hypothesis of a onetime golden age of utopian bliss and the theory of the fall of man or superman which accounted for the nonutopian condition of society. These outlooks on life and man’s place in the universe were at best discouraging since they were predicated upon a belief in retrogression rather than progression, as well as implying a vengeful Deity, who had vented wrath upon the human race in retribution for the errors of certain onetime planetary administrators.
74:8.14 (838.6) Kuldajastu on müüt, kuid Eeden oli fakt ja aia tsivilisatsioon tõepoolest kukutati. Aadam ja Eeva elasid aias sada seitseteist aastat, kuni pöördusid Eeva kannatamatuse ja Aadama väärotsuste tõttu ettenähtud teelt kõrvale, mis tõi neile kiiresti õnnetuse kaela ja aeglustas hävitavalt kogu Urantia arengut. 74:8.14 (838.6) The “golden age” is a myth, but Eden was a fact, and the Garden civilization was actually overthrown. Adam and Eve carried on in the Garden for one hundred and seventeen years when, through the impatience of Eve and the errors of judgment of Adam, they presumed to turn aside from the ordained way, speedily bringing disaster upon themselves and ruinous retardation upon the developmental progression of all Urantia.
74:8.15 (838.7) [Jutustanud seerav Solonia, „hääl aias”.] 74:8.15 (838.7) [Narrated by Solonia, the seraphic “voice in the Garden.”]