75. Kiri Paper 75
Aadama ja Eeva üleastumine The Default of Adam and Eve
75:0.1 (839.1) PÄRAST enam kui sada aastat kestnud pingutusi Urantial nägi Aadam väljaspool aeda väga vähe edasiminekut, maailmas ei olnud üldiselt erilist paranemist märgata. Rassi täiustumine näis olevat veel kaugel ja olukord tundus nii meeleheitlik, et nõudis lisameetmeid, mida esialgsetes plaanides ei sisaldunud. Aadam mõtles sellele igatahes sageli ja rääkis oma mõtetest korduvalt ka Eevale. Aadam ja tema kaaslane olid ustavad, kuid nad olid omasugustest eraldatud ja nende maailma armetu seisukord viis nad sügavasse ahastusse. 75:0.1 (839.1) AFTER more than one hundred years of effort on Urantia, Adam was able to see very little progress outside the Garden; the world at large did not seem to be improving much. The realization of race betterment appeared to be a long way off, and the situation seemed so desperate as to demand something for relief not embraced in the original plans. At least that is what often passed through Adam’s mind, and he so expressed himself many times to Eve. Adam and his mate were loyal, but they were isolated from their kind, and they were sorely distressed by the sorry plight of their world.
1. Urantia probleem ^top 1. The Urantia Problem ^top
75:1.1 (839.2) Aadama missioon katselisel, mässust lõhestatud ja isoleeritud Urantial oli hirmuäratav ettevõtmine, Aineline Poeg ja Tütar said oma ülesande raskusest ning keerulisusest planeedil varakult aru. Vaatamata sellele asusid nad vapralt oma arvukaid probleeme lahendama. Ent kui nad alustasid ülitähtsat tööd puudulike ja mandunud inimtüvikondade kõrvaldamiseks, olid nad üsna nördinud. Nad ei näinud ühtki lahendusteed ega saanud ka endast kõrgematega Jerusemil või Edential nõu pidada. Siin olid nad isolatsioonis ja sattusid päev päeva järel silmitsi üha uute ja keerulisemate probleemide sasipuntraga, pealtnäha lahendamatute probleemidega. 75:1.1 (839.2) The Adamic mission on experimental, rebellion-seared, and isolated Urantia was a formidable undertaking. And the Material Son and Daughter early became aware of the difficulty and complexity of their planetary assignment. Nevertheless, they courageously set about the task of solving their manifold problems. But when they addressed themselves to the all-important work of eliminating the defectives and degenerates from among the human strains, they were quite dismayed. They could see no way out of the dilemma, and they could not take counsel with their superiors on either Jerusem or Edentia. Here they were, isolated and day by day confronted with some new and complicated tangle, some problem that seemed to be unsolvable.
75:1.2 (839.3) Normaalsetes tingimustes oleks Planeedi Aadama ja Eeva esimene töö olnud rasside koordineerimine ja omavaheline segamine. Ent Urantial tundus niisugune ettevõtmine peaaegu lootusetu, sest rassid olid küll bioloogiliselt kõlblikud, kuid neid polnud kunagi mandunud ja puudulikest tüvikondadest puhastatud. 75:1.2 (839.3) Under normal conditions the first work of a Planetary Adam and Eve would be the co-ordination and blending of the races. But on Urantia such a project seemed just about hopeless, for the races, while biologically fit, had never been purged of their retarded and defective strains.
75:1.3 (839.4) Aadam ja Eeva leidsid end sfääril, mis oli inimestevahelise vendluse väljakuulutamiseks täiesti ette valmistamata, maailmas, mis kobas armetus vaimupimeduses ja kannatas segaduse all, mida raskendas veelgi eelmise valitsuse missiooni nurjumine. Meel ja moraal olid madalal tasemel ja religioosse ühtsuse loomise asemel pidid nad alustama päris algusest, elanikkonna pööramisest kõige lihtsamate religioosse uskumuse vormide juurde. Selle asemel, et leida eest üht keelt, mida sobiks üle võtta, valitses maailmas sadade kohalike dialektide segadik. Ükski planeedile teenima lähetatud Aadam polnud kunagi eest leidnud raskemat maailma, takistused näisid ületamatud ja probleemid loodud-olenditele üle jõu käivad. 75:1.3 (839.4) Adam and Eve found themselves on a sphere wholly unprepared for the proclamation of the brotherhood of man, a world groping about in abject spiritual darkness and cursed with confusion worse confounded by the miscarriage of the mission of the preceding administration. Mind and morals were at a low level, and instead of beginning the task of effecting religious unity, they must begin all anew the work of converting the inhabitants to the most simple forms of religious belief. Instead of finding one language ready for adoption, they were confronted by the world-wide confusion of hundreds upon hundreds of local dialects. No Adam of the planetary service was ever set down on a more difficult world; the obstacles seemed insuperable and the problems beyond creature solution.
75:1.4 (839.5) Nad olid isolatsioonis ja neid tabanud kohutavat üksildustunnet süvendas veelgi Melkisedekite-hooldajate varane lahkumine. Nad said suhelda planeediväliste olenditega ainult kaudselt, ingliklasside vahendusel. Nende vaprus nõrgenes aegamööda, meeleolu langes ja mõnikord lõi koguni usk peaaegu vankuma. 75:1.4 (839.5) They were isolated, and the tremendous sense of loneliness which bore down upon them was all the more heightened by the early departure of the Melchizedek receivers. Only indirectly, by means of the angelic orders, could they communicate with any being off the planet. Slowly their courage weakened, their spirits drooped, and sometimes their faith almost faltered.
75:1.5 (840.1) Need kaks üllast hinge olidki tegelikult lausa masendatud, kui enda ees seisvaid ülesandeid arutasid. Nad olid mõlemad vägagi teadlikud tohutust tööst, mida nende ülesande täitmine planeedil neilt nõudis. 75:1.5 (840.1) And this is the true picture of the consternation of these two noble souls as they pondered the tasks which confronted them. They were both keenly aware of the enormous undertaking involved in the execution of their planetary assignment.
75:1.6 (840.2) Ükski Nebadoni Ainelistest Poegadest polnud ilmselt kunagi saanud nii rasket ja näiliselt lootusetut ülesannet, nagu oli Aadamal ja Eeval Urantia armetus seisukorras. Ent neid oleks kunagi ka edu krooninud, kui neil oleks olnud rohkem ettenägelikkust ja kannatlikkust. Nad mõlemad, eriti Eeva, olid ülearu kannatamatud, nad ei olnud nõus alustama pikka-pikka vastupidavuskatset. Nad tahtsid kohe mingeid tulemusi näha ja saavutasidki need, kuid nende tulemused osutusid nii neile endale kui ka maailmale väga hukatuslikuks. 75:1.6 (840.2) Probably no Material Sons of Nebadon were ever faced with such a difficult and seemingly hopeless task as confronted Adam and Eve in the sorry plight of Urantia. But they would have sometime met with success had they been more farseeing and patient. Both of them, especially Eve, were altogether too impatient; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test. They wanted to see some immediate results, and they did, but the results thus secured proved most disastrous both to themselves and to their world.
2. Caligastia vandenõu ^top 2. Caligastia’s Plot ^top
75:2.1 (840.3) Caligastia külastas sageli aeda ja vestles tihti Aadama ja Eevaga, kuid valitsejapaar oli järeleandmatu kõigi tema kompromissettepanekute ja liialt kiirete avantüüride suhtes. Mässul oli niigi liiga palju tagajärgi, mis tegid neid kõigi ta ahvatlevate ettepanekute suhtes igati immuunseks. Ka Aadama noored järeltulijad jäid Daligastia lähenemiskatsete vastu külmaks. Ei Caligastial ega tema kaaslasel polnud muidugi mingit võimu ühegi indiviidi mõjutamiseks tolle tahte vastaselt, ammugi Aadama laste veenmiseks pahategusid sooritama. 75:2.1 (840.3) Caligastia paid frequent visits to the Garden and held many conferences with Adam and Eve, but they were adamant to all his suggestions of compromise and short-cut adventures. They had before them enough of the results of rebellion to produce effective immunity against all such insinuating proposals. Even the young offspring of Adam were uninfluenced by the overtures of Daligastia. And of course neither Caligastia nor his associate had power to influence any individual against his will, much less to persuade the children of Adam to do wrong.
75:2.2 (840.4) Tuleb arvestada, et Caligastia oli ikka veel nime poolest Urantia Planeedivürst, kohaliku universumi eksinud, kuid siiski kõrge Poeg. Ta kukutati Urantial lõplikult alles Kristus Miikaeli ajal. 75:2.2 (840.4) It must be remembered that Caligastia was still the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia, a misguided but nevertheless high Son of the local universe. He was not finally deposed until the times of Christ Michael on Urantia.
75:2.3 (840.5) Ent langenud Vürst oli otsustav ja sihikindel. Peagi loobus ta Aadama mõjutamisest ja otsustas salakavalalt Eevat rünnata. Pahategija järeldas, et ta võib edu saavutada ainult sel juhul, kui kasutab osavalt ära sobivad isikud nodiitide rühma ülemkihist, oma kunagise kehalise kaaskonna järeltulijad. Nii plaanitsetigi violetse rassi ema lõksu püüda. 75:2.3 (840.5) But the fallen Prince was persistent and determined. He soon gave up working on Adam and decided to try a wily flank attack on Eve. The evil one concluded that the only hope for success lay in the adroit employment of suitable persons belonging to the upper strata of the Nodite group, the descendants of his onetime corporeal-staff associates. And the plans were accordingly laid for entrapping the mother of the violet race.
75:2.4 (840.6) Eeval polnud mõtteski teha kunagi midagi niisugust, mis oleks vastu Aadama kavadele või ohustaks neile usaldatud planeeti. Teades naiste kalduvust oodata rohkem koheseid tulemusi kui kavandada ettenägelikult kaugemaid tulemusi, olid Melkisedekid lahkudes hoiatanud Eevat eriliste ohtude eest, mis tulenesid nende isoleeritud seisundist planeedil, eriti oma kaaslase kõrvalt eemaldumise eest, mis tähendas, et ta ei tohtinud püüda isiklikult ega salaja nende vastastikuseid ettevõtmisi edendada. Eeva oli neid juhiseid enam kui sada aastat väga täpselt täitnud ja talle ei tulnud pähegi, et tema üha isiklikumate ja usalduslikumate külaskäikudega ühe nodiitide juhi Serapatatia juurde võiks kaasneda mingi oht. Kogu olukord arenes nii vähehaaval ja loomulikult, et sündmused tabasid teda ootamatult. 75:2.4 (840.6) It was farthest from Eve’s intention ever to do anything which would militate against Adam’s plans or jeopardize their planetary trust. Knowing the tendency of woman to look upon immediate results rather than to plan farsightedly for more remote effects, the Melchizedeks, before departing, had especially enjoined Eve as to the peculiar dangers besetting their isolated position on the planet and had in particular warned her never to stray from the side of her mate, that is, to attempt no personal or secret methods of furthering their mutual undertakings. Eve had most scrupulously carried out these instructions for more than one hundred years, and it did not occur to her that any danger would attach to the increasingly private and confidential visits she was enjoying with a certain Nodite leader named Serapatatia. The whole affair developed so gradually and naturally that she was taken unawares.
75:2.5 (840.7) Aia elanikud olid olnud nodiitidega kontaktis juba Eedeni algusaegadest saadik. Nad olid saanud neilt Caligastia kaaskonna ebalojaalsete liikmete järglastelt palju väärtuslikku abi ja nendega koostööd teinud ning Eedeni valitsemiskord pidi nüüd nende tõttu täielikule hävingule ja lõplikule kukutamisele vastu minema. 75:2.5 (840.7) The Garden dwellers had been in contact with the Nodites since the early days of Eden. From these mixed descendants of the defaulting members of Caligastia’s staff they had received much valuable help and co-operation, and through them the Edenic regime was now to meet its complete undoing and final overthrow.
3. Eeva kiusatuses ^top 3. The Temptation of Eve ^top
75:3.1 (841.1) Aadam oli just jõudnud esimesed sada aastat maakeral valitseda, kui Serapatatia sai oma isa surma järel nodiidi hõimude läänepoolse ehk Süüria konföderatsiooni juhiks. Serapatatia oli pruuni jumega mees, Dalamatia tervishoiukomisjoni kunagise esimehe särav järglane, kelle esiisa oli abiellunud sel kaugel ajal sinise rassi ühe arenenuma mõistusega naisega. See suguvõsa oli ajastuid võimul olnud ja omas nodiitide läänepoolsete hõimude seas suurt mõju. 75:3.1 (841.1) Adam had just finished his first one hundred years on earth when Serapatatia, upon the death of his father, came to the leadership of the western or Syrian confederation of the Nodite tribes. Serapatatia was a brown-tinted man, a brilliant descendant of the onetime chief of the Dalamatia commission on health mated with one of the master female minds of the blue race of those distant days. All down through the ages this line had held authority and wielded a great influence among the western Nodite tribes.
75:3.2 (841.2) Serapatatia oli külastanud aeda mitu korda ja Aadama õiglane üritus oli talle sügava mulje jätnud. Varsti pärast Süüria nodiitide juhiks saamist teatas ta oma kavatsusest liituda Aadama ja Eeva tööga aias. Enamik tema rahvast ühines programmiga ja Aadamat rõõmustas uudis, et kõige võimsam ja kõige arukam kõigist naaberhõimudest oli peaaegu terves koosseisus pööranud end maailma täiustamise programmi julgustavalt toetama. Varsti pärast seda suurt sündmust võõrustas Serapatatia koos oma kaaskonnaga Aadamat ja Eevat oma kodus. 75:3.2 (841.2) Serapatatia had made several visits to the Garden and had become deeply impressed with the righteousness of Adam’s cause. And shortly after assuming the leadership of the Syrian Nodites, he announced his intention of establishing an affiliation with the work of Adam and Eve in the Garden. The majority of his people joined him in this program, and Adam was cheered by the news that the most powerful and the most intelligent of all the neighboring tribes had swung over almost bodily to the support of the program for world improvement; it was decidedly heartening. And shortly after this great event, Serapatatia and his new staff were entertained by Adam and Eve in their own home.
75:3.3 (841.3) Serapatatiast sai üks võimekamaid ja tegusamaid Aadama leitnanteid. Ta oli kõigis oma tegudes täiesti aus ja läbinisti siiras; ta ei saanud kunagi, isegi hiljem, teada, et kaval Caligastia kasutas teda kaudse tööriistana. 75:3.3 (841.3) Serapatatia became one of the most able and efficient of all of Adam’s lieutenants. He was entirely honest and thoroughly sincere in all of his activities; he was never conscious, even later on, that he was being used as a circumstantial tool of the wily Caligastia.
75:3.4 (841.4) Peagi sai Serapatatia Eedeni hõimusuhete komisjoni aseesimeheks ja seal koostati palju kavasid kaugete hõimude jõulisemaks võitmiseks aia ürituse poole. 75:3.4 (841.4) Presently, Serapatatia became the associate chairman of the Edenic commission on tribal relations, and many plans were laid for the more vigorous prosecution of the work of winning the remote tribes to the cause of the Garden.
75:3.5 (841.5) Tal oli Aadama ja Eevaga rohkesti kõnelusi — eriti Eevaga — ja nad rääkisid paljudest kavadest oma meetodite täiustamiseks. Ühel päeval tuli Serapatatiale Eevaga vesteldes mõte, et oleks väga kasulik, kui abivajavate hõimude arendamiseks saaks midagi teha kohe, kuni alles oodatakse arvukaid violetse rassi esindajaid. Serapatatia väitis, et kui nodiitide kõige edumeelsema ja koostööaltima rahva seas võiks sündida osaliselt violetsest tüvikonnast põlvnev juht, seoks see võimas side neid rahvaid tihedamini aiaga. Ja kõike seda kaalutleti kainelt ja siiralt maailma hüvanguks, sest see laps, kes kasvaks ja saaks hariduse aias, avaldaks oma isa rahvale igavesti head mõju. 75:3.5 (841.5) He held many conferences with Adam and Eve—especially with Eve—and they talked over many plans for improving their methods. One day, during a talk with Eve, it occurred to Serapatatia that it would be very helpful if, while awaiting the recruiting of large numbers of the violet race, something could be done in the meantime immediately to advance the needy waiting tribes. Serapatatia contended that, if the Nodites, as the most progressive and co-operative race, could have a leader born to them of part origin in the violet stock, it would constitute a powerful tie binding these peoples more closely to the Garden. And all of this was soberly and honestly considered to be for the good of the world since this child, to be reared and educated in the Garden, would exert a great influence for good over his father’s people.
75:3.6 (841.6) Tuleb jälle rõhutada, et kõik Serapatatia ettepanekud olid täiesti ausad ja igati siirad. Ta ei kahtlustanud kordagi, et mängib end Caligastia ja Daligastia kätte. Serapatatia oli täielikult ustav mõttele, et enne, kui püüda Urantia segaduses rahvaid kogu maailmas täiustada, tuleb luua rassi tugev varu. Ent selleks oleks kulunud sadu aastaid ja tal ei olnud kannatust oodata, ta tahtis kohe mingeid tulemusi näha — juba oma eluajal. Ta rääkis Eevale, et Aadamat heidutab tihti see, kui vähe on maailma täiustamiseks teha suudetud. 75:3.6 (841.6) It should again be emphasized that Serapatatia was altogether honest and wholly sincere in all that he proposed. He never once suspected that he was playing into the hands of Caligastia and Daligastia. Serapatatia was entirely loyal to the plan of building up a strong reserve of the violet race before attempting the world-wide upstepping of the confused peoples of Urantia. But this would require hundreds of years to consummate, and he was impatient; he wanted to see some immediate results—something in his own lifetime. He made it clear to Eve that Adam was oftentimes discouraged by the little that had been accomplished toward uplifting the world.
75:3.7 (841.7) Plaanid küpsesid salaja enam kui viis aastat. Lõpuks olid need arenenud nii kaugele, et Eeva nõustus kohtuma salaja Canoga, lähedalasuva sõbralike nodiitide koloonia kõige eredama mõistusega mehe ja aktiivse juhiga. Cano oli Aadama valitsemiskorra suur pooldaja, ta oli tegelikult aiaga sõbralikke suhteid pooldavate nodiitidest naabrite vaimne juht. 75:3.7 (841.7) For more than five years these plans were secretly matured. At last they had developed to the point where Eve consented to have a secret conference with Cano, the most brilliant mind and active leader of the near-by colony of friendly Nodites. Cano was very sympathetic with the Adamic regime; in fact, he was the sincere spiritual leader of those neighboring Nodites who favored friendly relations with the Garden.
75:3.8 (842.1) Saatuslik kohtumine toimus ühe sügisõhtu videvikutundidel, mitte kaugel Aadama kodust. Eeva ei olnud ilusat ja entusiastlikku Canot enne kohanud — too mees oli oma Vürsti kaaskonnast pärit kaugete esiisade kauni välimuse ning väljapaistva intellekti suurepärane esindaja. Ka Cano uskus täielikult Serapatatia ettevõtmise õigsusesse. (Väljaspool aeda oli mitme partneriga paariheitmine väga levinud.) 75:3.8 (842.1) The fateful meeting occurred during the twilight hours of the autumn evening, not far from the home of Adam. Eve had never before met the beautiful and enthusiastic Cano—and he was a magnificent specimen of the survival of the superior physique and outstanding intellect of his remote progenitors of the Prince’s staff. And Cano also thoroughly believed in the righteousness of the Serapatatia project. (Outside of the Garden, multiple mating was a common practice.)
75:3.9 (842.2) Mõjutatud tema meelitustest, entusiasmist ja suurest isiklikust veenmisjõust, nõustus Eeva sealsamas selle paljuarutatud ettevõtmisega algust tegema, et täiendada maailma päästmise suuremat ja kaugemaleulatuvat jumalikku plaani omaenda väikese plaaniga. Enne kui ta päriselt mõistis, mis oli toimunud, sai saatuslik samm juba astutud. Tegu oli tehtud. 75:3.9 (842.2) Influenced by flattery, enthusiasm, and great personal persuasion, Eve then and there consented to embark upon the much-discussed enterprise, to add her own little scheme of world saving to the larger and more far-reaching divine plan. Before she quite realized what was transpiring, the fatal step had been taken. It was done.
4. Üleastumisest arusaamine ^top 4. The Realization of Default ^top
75:4.1 (842.3) Planeedi taevase elu esindajad olid ärevil. Aadam sai aru, et midagi on valesti, ja ta kutsus Eeva aias enda juurde. Nüüd kuulis Aadam esmakordselt kogu lugu ammuhautud plaanist kiirendada maailma täiustamist üheaegselt kahes suunas: järgida jumalikku plaani ja viia samaaegselt ellu Serapatatia ettevõtmine. 75:4.1 (842.3) The celestial life of the planet was astir. Adam recognized that something was wrong, and he asked Eve to come aside with him in the Garden. And now, for the first time, Adam heard the entire story of the long-nourished plan for accelerating world improvement by operating simultaneously in two directions: the prosecution of the divine plan concomitantly with the execution of the Serapatatia enterprise.
75:4.2 (842.4) Kui Aineline Poeg ja Tütar sellest aias kuuvalgel vestlesid, noomis „hääl aias” neid sõnakuulmatuse eest. Ning see hääl polnud miski muu kui minu enda teade Eedeni paarile, et nad on aia lepingut rikkunud; et nad ei ole kuuletunud Melkisedekite juhistele, vaid on rikkunud oma usaldusvannet universumi suveräänile. 75:4.2 (842.4) And as the Material Son and Daughter thus communed in the moonlit Garden, “the voice in the Garden” reproved them for disobedience. And that voice was none other than my own announcement to the Edenic pair that they had transgressed the Garden covenant; that they had disobeyed the instructions of the Melchizedeks; that they had defaulted in the execution of their oaths of trust to the sovereign of the universe.
75:4.3 (842.5) Eeva oli nõustunud osalema hea ja kurja ühitamises. Hea on jumalike kavade teostamine, patt on jumalikust tahtest meelega üleastumine, kuri on kavade vääramine ja universumi ebakõla ning planeedi segadust tekitavate väärmeetodite rakendamine. 75:4.3 (842.5) Eve had consented to participate in the practice of good and evil. Good is the carrying out of the divine plans; sin is a deliberate transgression of the divine will; evil is the misadaptation of plans and the maladjustment of techniques resulting in universe disharmony and planetary confusion.
75:4.4 (842.6) Iga kord, kui paar aias elupuu vilja sõi, oli peainglist hooldaja neid hoiatanud, et nad ei annaks järele Caligastia soovitustele head kurjaga ühendada. Neid oli manitsetud: „Päeval, mil te head kurjaga segate, ei takista kindlasti enam miski teid muutumast maailma surelike sarnaseks; te peate tingimata surema.” 75:4.4 (842.6) Every time the Garden pair had partaken of the fruit of the tree of life, they had been warned by the archangel custodian to refrain from yielding to the suggestions of Caligastia to combine good and evil. They had been thus admonished: “In the day that you commingle good and evil, you shall surely become as the mortals of the realm; you shall surely die.”
75:4.5 (842.7) Eeva oli Canole nende saatusliku kohtumise ajal sellest sageli korratud hoiatusest rääkinud, aga Cano ei mõistnud nende manitsuste tähtsust ega tähendust ja oli talle kinnitanud, et heade ja tõeliste kavatsustega mehed ja naised ei saa kurja teha; et Eeva ei sure kindlasti, vaid elab hoopis uut elu nende järglases, kes saab täiskasvanuna maailma õnnistuseks ja rahustajaks. 75:4.5 (842.7) Eve had told Cano of this oft-repeated warning on the fateful occasion of their secret meeting, but Cano, not knowing the import or significance of such admonitions, had assured her that men and women with good motives and true intentions could do no evil; that she should surely not die but rather live anew in the person of their offspring, who would grow up to bless and stabilize the world.
75:4.6 (842.8) Kuigi see jumaliku kava muutmise plaan oli mõeldud ja teoks tehtud täiesti siiralt ning maailma hüvangu seisukohalt parimate kavatsustega, oli tegu kurja plaaniga, sest see oli väär viis õigeid eesmärke saavutada, kuna kaldus õigelt teelt, jumalikust kavast, kõrvale. 75:4.6 (842.8) Even though this project of modifying the divine plan had been conceived and executed with entire sincerity and with only the highest motives concerning the welfare of the world, it constituted evil because it represented the wrong way to achieve righteous ends, because it departed from the right way, the divine plan.
75:4.7 (843.1) Cano oli, tõsi küll, Eevale välimuse poolest meeldinud, ja ta andis endale aru kõigest, mida tema võrgutaja oli tõotanud, kui „uut ja paremat teadmist inimeste asjust ja erksamat arusaamist inimloomusest, mis täiendaks aadamliku olemuse mõistmist”. 75:4.7 (843.1) True, Eve had found Cano pleasant to the eyes, and she realized all that her seducer promised by way of “new and increased knowledge of human affairs and quickened understanding of human nature as supplemental to the comprehension of the Adamic nature.”
75:4.8 (843.2) Ma rääkisin sel ööl aias violetse rassi isa ja emaga, see oli minu kohus selles kurvastust tekitavas olukorras. Kuulasin ära kogu loo, mis oli viinud Ema Eeva üleastumiseni, ja andsin neile mõlemale nõu ja soovitusi. Mõnda neist soovitustest nad ka järgisid, mõned jätsid arvestamata. See vestlus on teie ürikutes kirjas sõnadega: „Issand Jumal hüüdis aias Aadamat ja Eevat ja küsis: „Kus te olete?”” Hilisemad põlvkonnad tavatsesid pidada kõiki ebatavalisi ja erakordseid, nii looduslikke kui ka vaimseid nähtusi otseselt Jumalate isiklikuks sekkumiseks. 75:4.8 (843.2) I talked to the father and mother of the violet race that night in the Garden as became my duty under the sorrowful circumstances. I listened fully to the recital of all that led up to the default of Mother Eve and gave both of them advice and counsel concerning the immediate situation. Some of this advice they followed; some they disregarded. This conference appears in your records as “the Lord God calling to Adam and Eve in the Garden and asking, ‘Where are you?’” It was the practice of later generations to attribute everything unusual and extraordinary, whether natural or spiritual, directly to the personal intervention of the Gods.
5. Üleastumise vastukajad ^top 5. Repercussions of Default ^top
75:5.1 (843.3) Eksikujutlustest ärkav Eeva oli tõesti haletsusväärne. Aadam mõistis kogu loo probleemikust ja kuigi ta oli masendatud ning südamevalus, tundis ta oma eksinud kaaslase vastu vaid kaastunnet ja haletsust. 75:5.1 (843.3) Eve’s disillusionment was truly pathetic. Adam discerned the whole predicament and, while heartbroken and dejected, entertained only pity and sympathy for his erring mate.
75:5.2 (843.4) Läbikukkumise meeleheitlikkust mõistes läks Aadam järgmisel päeval pärast väärsammu särava nodiidi naise Laotta juurde, kes juhtis aia läänepoolseid koole, ja sooritas tahtlikult sama meeletuse kui Eevagi. Ent ärge saage valesti aru: Aadamat ei meelitatud, ta teadis täpselt, mida teeb; ta otsustas meelega Eeva saatust jagada. Ta armastas oma kaaslast surelikkust ületava kiindumusega ega suutnud kuidagi taluda mõtet, et peaks Urantial ilma temata üksildast valvet pidama. 75:5.2 (843.4) It was in the despair of the realization of failure that Adam, the day after Eve’s misstep, sought out Laotta, the brilliant Nodite woman who was head of the western schools of the Garden, and with premeditation committed the folly of Eve. But do not misunderstand; Adam was not beguiled; he knew exactly what he was about; he deliberately chose to share the fate of Eve. He loved his mate with a supermortal affection, and the thought of the possibility of a lonely vigil on Urantia without her was more than he could endure.
75:5.3 (843.5) Kui aia elanikud teada said, mis Eevaga oli juhtunud, sattusid nad raevu ja neid polnud enam võimalik juhtida; nad kuulutasid lähedal asuvale nodiitide asulale sõja. Nad tormasid Eedeni väravatest välja ja tungisid neile ootamatult kallale, hävitades kõik täielikult — säästmata ühtki meest, naist ega last. Hukkus ka Cano, veel sündimata Kaini isa. 75:5.3 (843.5) When they learned what had happened to Eve, the infuriated inhabitants of the Garden became unmanageable; they declared war on the near-by Nodite settlement. They swept out through the gates of Eden and down upon these unprepared people, utterly destroying them—not a man, woman, or child was spared. And Cano, the father of Cain yet unborn, also perished.
75:5.4 (843.6) Kui Serapatatia mõistis, mis oli juhtunud, tabas teda jahmatus ning ta oli hirmust ja kahetsusest meeletu. Järgmisel päeval uputas ta ennast suurde jõkke. 75:5.4 (843.6) Upon the realization of what had happened, Serapatatia was overcome with consternation and beside himself with fear and remorse. The next day he drowned himself in the great river.
75:5.5 (843.7) Aadama lapsed otsisid lohutust oma segaduses ema juurest, kuna nende isa kolmkümmend päeva üksi ringi hulkus. Selle perioodi lõpuks suutis Aadam jälle otsuseid teha, pöördus koju tagasi ja hakkas nende edasist tegevust kavandama. 75:5.5 (843.7) The children of Adam sought to comfort their distracted mother while their father wandered in solitude for thirty days. At the end of that time judgment asserted itself, and Adam returned to his home and began to plan for their future course of action.
75:5.6 (843.8) Sageli peavad süütud lapsed oma eksinud vanemate rumaluse tagajärgede all kannatama. Aadama ja Eeva sihvakad ja üllad pojad ja tütred olid rabatud selle uskumatu tragöödia seletamatust kurbusest, mis nii äkki ja nii halastamatult nende peale oli paiskunud. Vanemad lapsed toibusid alles viiekümne aasta pärast nende traagiliste päevade murest ja kurbusest, eriti aga selle kolmekümne päeva hirmust, mil nende isa oli kodust ära ja segaduses ema ei teadnud midagi ei tema asukohast ega saatusest. 75:5.6 (843.8) The consequences of the follies of misguided parents are so often shared by their innocent children. The upright and noble sons and daughters of Adam and Eve were overwhelmed by the inexplicable sorrow of the unbelievable tragedy which had been so suddenly and so ruthlessly thrust upon them. Not in fifty years did the older of these children recover from the sorrow and sadness of those tragic days, especially the terror of that period of thirty days during which their father was absent from home while their distracted mother was in complete ignorance of his whereabouts or fate.
75:5.7 (843.9) Needsamad kolmkümmend päeva olid Eevale nagu pikad kurvastuse ja kannatuse aastad. See üllas hing ei toibunudki päriselt piinava meeleheite ja vaimse kurbuse aja tagajärgedest. Hilisem puudus ja ainelised raskused ei olnud Eeva mälestustes millegi poolest võrreldavad nende hirmsate päevadega ja kohutavate üksildaste öödega täis talumatut teadmatust. Ta kuulis Serapatatia mõtlematust teost ega teadnud, kas tema kaaslane oli kurvastusest endale lõpu teinud või maailmast karistuseks oma väärsammu eest ära viidud. Ja kui Aadam tagasi pöördus, koges Eeva nii suurt rõõmu ja tänutunnet, et see ei kustunud nende pika ja raske kooselu ning vaevalise teenistuse ajal enam iialgi. 75:5.7 (843.9) And those same thirty days were as long years of sorrow and suffering to Eve. Never did this noble soul fully recover from the effects of that excruciating period of mental suffering and spiritual sorrow. No feature of their subsequent deprivations and material hardships ever began to compare in Eve’s memory with those terrible days and awful nights of loneliness and unbearable uncertainty. She learned of the rash act of Serapatatia and did not know whether her mate had in sorrow destroyed himself or had been removed from the world in retribution for her misstep. And when Adam returned, Eve experienced a satisfaction of joy and gratitude that never was effaced by their long and difficult life partnership of toiling service.
75:5.8 (844.1) Aeg möödus, kuid Aadam sai nende pahateo olemusest päriselt aru alles seitsekümmend päeva pärast Eeva üleastumist, mil Melkisedekid-hooldajad Urantiale tagasi pöördusid ja maailma asjade valitsemise üle võtsid. Ja siis mõistsid nad, et nende tegevus oli läbi kukkunud. 75:5.8 (844.1) Time passed, but Adam was not certain of the nature of their offense until seventy days after the default of Eve, when the Melchizedek receivers returned to Urantia and assumed jurisdiction over world affairs. And then he knew they had failed.
75:5.9 (844.2) Aga käärimas oli veel muidki probleeme. Uudis nodiitide asula hävitamisest jõudis üsna kiiresti põhja poole Serapatatia koduhõimudeni ja peagi koondus suur vägi aeda ründama. Sellest algas adamiitide ja nodiitide vahel pikk kibe sõda, sest vaenutsemine kestis veel kaua pärast seda, kui Aadam oli oma pooldajatega emigreerunud teise aeda Eufrati orus. Valitses pinev ja kestev „vihavaen selle mehe ja selle naise vahel, mehe seemne ja naise seemne vahel”. 75:5.9 (844.2) But still more trouble was brewing: The news of the annihilation of the Nodite settlement near Eden was not slow in reaching the home tribes of Serapatatia to the north, and presently a great host was assembling to march on the Garden. And this was the beginning of a long and bitter warfare between the Adamites and the Nodites, for these hostilities kept up long after Adam and his followers emigrated to the second garden in the Euphrates valley. There was intense and lasting “enmity between that man and the woman, between his seed and her seed.”
6. Aadam ja Eeva lahkuvad aiast ^top 6. Adam and Eve Leave the Garden ^top
75:6.1 (844.3) Kui Aadam sai teada, et nodiidid on pealetungi alustanud, pöördus ta Melkisedekite poole, kes keeldusid talle nõu andmast ja ütlesid ainult, et ta peaks toimima oma parima äranägemise järgi, ning lubasid talle võimalikult sõbralikku kaasabi osutada, missuguse valiku ta ka ei teeks. Melkisedekitel oli keelatud Aadama ja Eeva isiklikesse kavadesse sekkuda. 75:6.1 (844.3) When Adam learned that the Nodites were on the march, he sought the counsel of the Melchizedeks, but they refused to advise him, only telling him to do as he thought best and promising their friendly co-operation, as far as possible, in any course he might decide upon. The Melchizedeks had been forbidden to interfere with the personal plans of Adam and Eve.
75:6.2 (844.4) Aadam teadis, et tema ja Eeva tegevus on läbi kukkunud: seda näitas juba Melkisedekite-hooldajate kohalviibimine, kuigi ta ei teadnud oma isiklikust seisundist ega teda ootavast saatusest midagi. Ta pidas kogu öö aru umbes tuhande kahesaja ustava poolehoidjaga, kes tõotasid oma juhile järgneda, ja järgmisel päeval suundusid need palverändurid keskpäeval Eedenist uut kodu otsima. Aadamale ei meeldinud sõda pidada ja ta eelistas seetõttu pigem esimese aia vastupanuta nodiitidele jätta. 75:6.2 (844.4) Adam knew that he and Eve had failed; the presence of the Melchizedek receivers told him that, though he still knew nothing of their personal status or future fate. He held an all-night conference with some twelve hundred loyal followers who pledged themselves to follow their leader, and the next day at noon these pilgrims went forth from Eden in quest of new homes. Adam had no liking for war and accordingly elected to leave the first garden to the Nodites unopposed.
75:6.3 (844.5) Eedeni karavani peatas kolmandal päeval pärast aiast lahkumist seeravitranspordi saabumine Jerusemist. Nüüd teatati Aadamale ja Eevale esmakordselt, mis pidi saama nende lastest. Sel ajal kui transport seisis, lasti otsustamisõiguseikka (kakskümmend aastat) jõudnud lastel valida, kas nad jäävad oma vanematega Urantiale või saavad Norlatiadeki Kõigekõrgemate hoolealusteks. Kaks kolmandikku eelistasid minna Edentiale, ligikaudu kolmandik aga jääda oma vanemate juurde. Kõik otsustamiseast nooremad lapsed viidi Edentiale. Mitte keegi poleks saanud vaadata selle Ainelise Poja ja Tütre kurba lahkumist oma lastest, mõistmata, et üleastuja tee on karm. Need Aadama ja Eeva järeltulijad on nüüd Edential; me ei tea, milline korraldus neile antakse. 75:6.3 (844.5) The Edenic caravan was halted on the third day out from the Garden by the arrival of the seraphic transports from Jerusem. And for the first time Adam and Eve were informed of what was to become of their children. While the transports stood by, those children who had arrived at the age of choice (twenty years) were given the option of remaining on Urantia with their parents or of becoming wards of the Most Highs of Norlatiadek. Two thirds chose to go to Edentia; about one third elected to remain with their parents. All children of prechoice age were taken to Edentia. No one could have beheld the sorrowful parting of this Material Son and Daughter and their children without realizing that the way of the transgressor is hard. These offspring of Adam and Eve are now on Edentia; we do not know what disposition is to be made of them.
75:6.4 (844.6) Kurb, väga kurb karavan valmistus edasi rändama. Kas oleks miski võinud olla veelgi traagilisem! Tulla maailma nii suurte lootustega, saada nii hea vastuvõtu osalisteks ning lahkuda siis häbiga Eedenist, kaotades rohkem kui kolm neljandikku oma lastest veel enne uue elupaiga leidmist! 75:6.4 (844.6) It was a sad, sad caravan that prepared to journey on. Could anything have been more tragic! To have come to a world in such high hopes, to have been so auspiciously received, and then to go forth in disgrace from Eden, only to lose more than three fourths of their children even before finding a new abiding place!
7. Aadama ja Eeva alandamine ^top 7. Degradation of Adam and Eve ^top
75:7.1 (845.1) Sel ajal kui Eedeni karavan seisis, teatati Aadamale ja Eevale nende üleastumiste olemusest ja anti nende saatuse suhtes soovitusi. Otsuse langetamiseks ilmus kohale Gabriel. Ja otsus oli järgmine: planeedi Aadam ja Eeva mõistetakse üleastumises süüdi, nad on rikkunud selle asustatud maailma valitsejatena oma usalduslepingut. 75:7.1 (845.1) It was while the Edenic caravan was halted that Adam and Eve were informed of the nature of their transgressions and advised concerning their fate. Gabriel appeared to pronounce judgment. And this was the verdict: The Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia are adjudged in default; they have violated the covenant of their trusteeship as the rulers of this inhabited world.
75:7.2 (845.2) Süütundest rõhutuna rõõmustasid Aadam ja Eeva siiski väga teate üle, et nende kohtunikud Salvingtonil olid vabastanud nad kõigist süüdistustest „universumivalitsuse põlgamises”. Neid ei süüdistatud mässus. 75:7.2 (845.2) While downcast by the sense of guilt, Adam and Eve were greatly cheered by the announcement that their judges on Salvington had absolved them from all charges of standing in “contempt of the universe government.” They had not been held guilty of rebellion.
75:7.3 (845.3) Eedeni paarile teatati, et nad olid alandanud end maailma sureliku seisundisse; et nad pidid nüüdsest käituma nagu Urantia mees ja naine ning siduma oma tuleviku maailma rasside tulevikuga. 75:7.3 (845.3) The Edenic pair were informed that they had degraded themselves to the status of the mortals of the realm; that they must henceforth conduct themselves as man and woman of Urantia, looking to the future of the world races for their future.
75:7.4 (845.4) Aadama ja Eeva õpetajad olid neile juba ammu enne Jerusemilt lahkumist põhjalikult selgitanud, missugused tagajärjed on igal olulisel kõrvalekaldumisel jumalikest plaanidest. Ma olin neid isiklikult korduvalt hoiatanud nii enne kui ka pärast nende saabumist Urantiale, et üleastumine planeedil lõpeb paratamatult kindla karistusega, milleks on sureliku staatusesse langemine. Ent Aadama ja Eeva üleastumisega kaasnenud tagajärgi saab päriselt mõista vaid siis, kui saadakse aru ainelise poja seisuse klassi surematusest. 75:7.4 (845.4) Long before Adam and Eve left Jerusem, their instructors had fully explained to them the consequences of any vital departure from the divine plans. I had personally and repeatedly warned them, both before and after they arrived on Urantia, that reduction to the status of mortal flesh would be the certain result, the sure penalty, which would unfailingly attend default in the execution of their planetary mission. But a comprehension of the immortality status of the material order of sonship is essential to a clear understanding of the consequences attendant upon the default of Adam and Eve.
75:7.5 (845.5) 1. Aadam ja Eeva nagu nende kaaslased Jerusemilgi säilitasid oma surematuse intellektuaalse ühenduse kaudu Vaimu meelegravitatsiooni ringlusega. Kui see elutähtis toiteside meele eraldamise tulemusena katkeb, siis surematus, olenemata loodud-olendi eksistentsi vaimsest tasemest, kaob. Aadama ja Eeva intellektuaalse üleastumise vältimatuks tagajärjeks oli sureliku staatus, millele järgnes füüsiline lagunemine. 75:7.5 (845.5) 1. Adam and Eve, like their fellows on Jerusem, maintained immortal status through intellectual association with the mind-gravity circuit of the Spirit. When this vital sustenance is broken by mental disjunction, then, regardless of the spiritual level of creature existence, immortality status is lost. Mortal status followed by physical dissolution was the inevitable consequence of the intellectual default of Adam and Eve.
75:7.6 (845.6) 2. Urantia Aineline Poeg ja Tütar, kes olid isikustatud selle maailma sureliku ihu sarnasteks, sõltusid peale selle ka kahese ringlussüsteemi säilimisest, millest üks tulenes nende füüsilisest olemusest ja teine elupuu viljas salvestatud ülienergiast. Peainglist hooldaja oli Aadamat ja Eevat alati manitsenud, et usalduse rikkumine kulmineerub staatuse languses ning et pärast üleastumist jäävad nad sellest energiaallikast ilma. 75:7.6 (845.6) 2. The Material Son and Daughter of Urantia, being also personalized in the similitude of the mortal flesh of this world, were further dependent on the maintenance of a dual circulatory system, the one derived from their physical natures, the other from the superenergy stored in the fruit of the tree of life. Always had the archangel custodian admonished Adam and Eve that default of trust would culminate in degradation of status, and access to this source of energy was denied them subsequent to their default.
75:7.7 (845.7) Caligastial õnnestus Aadam ja Eeva küll lõksu meelitada, aga ta ei saavutanud oma eesmärki ajendada neid avalikult universumi valitsuse vastu mässama. Nende tegu oli tõepoolest paheline, kuid nende süü ei seisnenud tõe hülgamises, samuti ei alustanud nad teadlikku mässu Kõikse Isa ja tema Looja-Poja õiglase valitsemise vastu. 75:7.7 (845.7) Caligastia did succeed in trapping Adam and Eve, but he did not accomplish his purpose of leading them into open rebellion against the universe government. What they had done was indeed evil, but they were never guilty of contempt for truth, neither did they knowingly enlist in rebellion against the righteous rule of the Universal Father and his Creator Son.
8. Inimese niinimetatud pattulangemine ^top 8. The So-Called Fall of Man ^top
75:8.1 (845.8) Aadam ja Eeva langesid tõesti oma kõrgest ainelisest poja seisusest alla sureliku inimese madalusse. Ent see ei tähendanud inimese pattulangemist. Inimsugu on vaatamata Aadama üleastumise vahetutele tagajärgedele ülendatud. Kuigi jumalik kava violetse rassi andmiseks Urantia rahvastele nurjus, said surelikud rassid Aadama ja tema järeltulijate piiratud panusest Urantia rassidesse tohutult kasu. 75:8.1 (845.8) Adam and Eve did fall from their high estate of material sonship down to the lowly status of mortal man. But that was not the fall of man. The human race has been uplifted despite the immediate consequences of the Adamic default. Although the divine plan of giving the violet race to the Urantia peoples miscarried, the mortal races have profited enormously from the limited contribution which Adam and his descendants made to the Urantia races.
75:8.2 (846.1) Mingit „inimese pattulangemist” pole toimunud. Inimsoo ajalugu on järjestikuse evolutsiooni lugu ja Aadama annetumine täiustas maailma rahvaid tunduvalt, võrreldes nende varasema bioloogilise seisundiga. Urantia arenenumates tüvikondades on praegu isegi neljast erinevast allikast — andoniitidelt, sangikrassidelt, nodiitidelt ja Aadamalt — pärinevaid pärilikkustegureid. 75:8.2 (846.1) There has been no “fall of man.” The history of the human race is one of progressive evolution, and the Adamic bestowal left the world peoples greatly improved over their previous biologic condition. The more superior stocks of Urantia now contain inheritance factors derived from as many as four separate sources: Andonite, Sangik, Nodite, and Adamic.
75:8.3 (846.2) Aadamat ei tohiks inimsoo äraneetuse põhjuseks pidada. Kuigi tal ei õnnestunud jumalikku plaani edasi viia, kuigi ta rikkus lepingut Jumalusega, kuigi tema ja ta kaaslane loodud-olendi staatuses päris kindlasti langesid, vaatamata sellele kõigele aitas nende panus inimsoo Urantia tsivilisatsiooni suuresti edasi viia. 75:8.3 (846.2) Adam should not be regarded as the cause of a curse on the human race. While he did fail in carrying forward the divine plan, while he did transgress his covenant with Deity, while he and his mate were most certainly degraded in creature status, notwithstanding all this, their contribution to the human race did much to advance civilization on Urantia.
75:8.4 (846.3) Hinnates Aadama missiooni tulemusi oma maailmas, on igati õiglane arvestada ka planeedi seisundit. Kui Aadam oma kauni kaaslasega Jerusemilt sellele pimedale ja segaduses planeedile transporditi, seisis ta silmitsi peaaegu lootusetu ülesandega. Ent oleksid nad juhindunud Melkisedekite ja nende abiliste nõuannetest ja oleksid nad olnud kannatlikumad, oleksid nad lõpuks edu saavutanud. Aga Eeva kuulas kavalat isikuvabaduse ja planeedi tegevusvabaduse propagandat. Ta viidi nii kaugele, et ta hakkas katsetama ainelise poja seisuse eluplasmaga, lubades sellel talle usaldatud elul enneaegselt seguneda tolleaegse algselt Elukandjate kavandatud segaklassiga, mida oli varem segatud paljunemisvõimeliste olenditega kunagisest Planeedivürsti kaaskonnast. 75:8.4 (846.3) In estimating the results of the Adamic mission on your world, justice demands the recognition of the condition of the planet. Adam was confronted with a well-nigh hopeless task when, with his beautiful mate, he was transported from Jerusem to this dark and confused planet. But had they been guided by the counsel of the Melchizedeks and their associates, and had they been more patient, they would have eventually met with success. But Eve listened to the insidious propaganda of personal liberty and planetary freedom of action. She was led to experiment with the life plasm of the material order of sonship in that she allowed this life trust to become prematurely commingled with that of the then mixed order of the original design of the Life Carriers which had been previously combined with that of the reproducing beings once attached to the staff of the Planetary Prince.
75:8.5 (846.4) Te ei saavuta kogu oma Paradiisi tõusutee jooksul midagi, kui püüate kehtestatud jumalikust plaanist kannatamatult mööda hiilida, kasutades täiustumiseks kiireid lahendusi, isiklikke leiutisi või muid vahendeid täiuslikkuse teel, oma teel täiuslikkuse poole ja igavese täiuslikkuse nimel. 75:8.5 (846.4) Never, in all your ascent to Paradise, will you gain anything by impatiently attempting to circumvent the established and divine plan by short cuts, personal inventions, or other devices for improving on the way of perfection, to perfection, and for eternal perfection.
75:8.6 (846.5) Kokkuvõttes pole vist küll kogu Nebadonis olnud heidutavamat tarkuse läbikukkumist. Ent niisuguste väärsammude esinemises arenevates universumites pole midagi üllatavat. Me oleme üks osa hiiglaslikust loodust ja pole sugugi imelik, et kõik ei toimi päris täiuslikult, kuna meie universumit ei loodud täiuslikuna. Täiuslikkus on meie igavene siht, mitte päritolu. 75:8.6 (846.5) All in all, there probably never was a more disheartening miscarriage of wisdom on any planet in all Nebadon. But it is not surprising that these missteps occur in the affairs of the evolutionary universes. We are a part of a gigantic creation, and it is not strange that everything does not work in perfection; our universe was not created in perfection. Perfection is our eternal goal, not our origin.
75:8.7 (846.6) Kui universum oleks mehhanistlik, kui Esimene Suur Allikas ja Kese oleks ainult jõud, mitte samal ajal ka isiksus, kui kogu loodu oleks tohutu suur füüsilise aine kogum, mis alluks täpsetele seadustele, mida iseloomustavad ühetaolised energianähtused, siis võiks saavutada täiuslikkuse isegi vaatamata universumi puudulikule staatusele. Poleks lahkarvamusi, poleks tülisid. Kuid meie oma suhteliselt täiuslikus ja ebatäiuslikus arenevas universumis rõõmustame selle üle, et lahkarvamused ja arusaamatused on võimalikud, sest see tõendab isiksuse faktilist eksisteerimist ja tegutsemist universumis. Ja kui meie loodu on eksistents, milles domineerib isiksus, võib olla kindel isiksuse elujäämise, edasiliikumise ja saavutuste võimalustes; võime olla kindlad isiksuse kasvus, kogemustes ja avastustes. Universum on suurepärane just selle poolest, et see on isikuline ja edenev, mitte lihtsalt mehhaaniline ega isegi mitte passiivselt täiuslik! 75:8.7 (846.6) If this were a mechanistic universe, if the First Great Source and Center were only a force and not also a personality, if all creation were a vast aggregation of physical matter dominated by precise laws characterized by unvarying energy actions, then might perfection obtain, even despite the incompleteness of universe status. There would be no disagreement; there would be no friction. But in our evolving universe of relative perfection and imperfection we rejoice that disagreement and misunderstanding are possible, for thereby is evidenced the fact and the act of personality in the universe. And if our creation is an existence dominated by personality, then can you be assured of the possibilities of personality survival, advancement, and achievement; we can be confident of personality growth, experience, and adventure. What a glorious universe, in that it is personal and progressive, not merely mechanical or even passively perfect!
75:8.8 (846.7) [Esitanud seerav Solonia, „hääl aias”.] 75:8.8 (846.7) [Presented by Solonia, the seraphic “voice in the Garden.”]