76. Kiri Paper 76
Teine aed The Second Garden
76:0.1 (847.1) KUI Aadam otsustas esimese aia vastupanuta nodiitidele loovutada, ei saanud ta oma pooldajatega läände liikuda, sest eedenlastel polnud niisuguseks meresõiduks vajalikke laevu. Nad ei saanud minna põhja poole: põhjapoolsed nodiidid olid juba Eedenisse teel. Nad kartsid ka lõunasse minna, sest selles piirkonnas oli mägedes hulgaliselt vaenulikke hõime. Ainsana oli vaba tee itta ja nii nad rändasidki ida poole, Tigrise ja Eufrati jõe vahelistele tol ajal meeldivatele aladele. Ka paljud mahajäänud rändasid hiljem itta, et adamiitidega nende uues oru-kodukohas ühineda. 76:0.1 (847.1) WHEN Adam elected to leave the first garden to the Nodites unopposed, he and his followers could not go west, for the Edenites had no boats suitable for such a marine adventure. They could not go north; the northern Nodites were already on the march toward Eden. They feared to go south; the hills of that region were infested with hostile tribes. The only way open was to the east, and so they journeyed eastward toward the then pleasant regions between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. And many of those who were left behind later journeyed eastward to join the Adamites in their new valley home.
76:0.2 (847.2) Kain ja Sansa sündisid mõlemad enne, kui Aadama karavan sihtkohta, Mesopotaamia jõgede vahele jõudis. Sansa ema Laotta suri tütart sünnitades. Eeva kannatas väga, kuid jäi ellu, sest oli tugevam. Eeva võttis Laotta lapse Sansa oma rinnale ja kasvatas teda koos Kainiga. Sansa kasvas väga võimekaks naiseks. Temast sai põhjapoolsete siniste rahvaste juhi Sargani naine ja ta aitas kaasa tolleaegsete siniste inimeste edasiliikumisele. 76:0.2 (847.2) Cain and Sansa were both born before the Adamic caravan had reached its destination between the rivers in Mesopotamia. Laotta, the mother of Sansa, perished at the birth of her daughter; Eve suffered much but survived, owing to superior strength. Eve took Sansa, the child of Laotta, to her bosom, and she was reared along with Cain. Sansa grew up to be a woman of great ability. She became the wife of Sargan, the chief of the northern blue races, and contributed to the advancement of the blue men of those times.
1. Eedenlased saabuvad Mesopotaamiasse ^top 1. The Edenites Enter Mesopotamia ^top
76:1.1 (847.3) Aadama karavanil kulus Eufrati jõeni jõudmiseks peaaegu terve aasta. Nad saabusid sinna tulvavete ajal ja jäid peaaegu kuueks nädalaks laagrisse läänekalda tasandikele, enne kui võisid liikuda jõgedevahelisele maale, millest pidi saama nende teine aed. 76:1.1 (847.3) It required almost a full year for the caravan of Adam to reach the Euphrates River. Finding it in flood tide, they remained camped on the plains west of the stream almost six weeks before they made their way across to the land between the rivers which was to become the second garden.
76:1.2 (847.4) Kui teise aia maa-ala asukad kuulsid, et Eedeni aia kuningas ja kõrge preester on nende poole teel, põgenesid nad kiiruga idapoolsetesse mägedesse. Kohale jõudes leidis Aadam kogu soovitud territooriumi eest tühjana. Siin, uues paigas asus Aadam oma abilistega uusi elamuid ehitama ning uut kultuuri-ja usukeskust sisse seadma. 76:1.2 (847.4) When word had reached the dwellers in the land of the second garden that the king and high priest of the Garden of Eden was marching on them, they had fled in haste to the eastern mountains. Adam found all of the desired territory vacated when he arrived. And here in this new location Adam and his helpers set themselves to work to build new homes and establish a new center of culture and religion.
76:1.3 (847.5) Aadam teadis seda paika kui üht kolmest, mille Vani ja Amadoni väljapakutud aia võimaliku asukoha leidmiseks määratud komitee algselt välja oli valinud. Kaks jõge pakkusid sel ajal juba ise head looduslikku kaitset ja teisest aiast veidi põhja pool olid Eufrat ja Tigris nii lähestikku, et lõunapoolse territooriumi kaitseks sai jõgede vahele ehitada üheksakümne kilomeetri pikkuse kaitsemüüri. 76:1.3 (847.5) This site was known to Adam as one of the three original selections of the committee assigned to choose possible locations for the Garden proposed by Van and Amadon. The two rivers themselves were a good natural defense in those days, and a short way north of the second garden the Euphrates and Tigris came close together so that a defense wall extending fifty-six miles could be built for the protection of the territory to the south and between the rivers.
76:1.4 (847.6) Kui rahvas oli end uues Eedenis sisse seadnud, tuli neil harjuda lihtsa eluviisiga, sest näis, et maapind on äraneetud. Loodus oli taas määramas sündmuste kulgu. Adamiidid olid nüüd sunnitud vaevaga hankima eluks vajalikku ettevalmistamata mullast ning tulema eluraskustega toime vaenuliku looduse ja sureliku eksistentsi vastuolude kiuste. Esimene aed oli nende jaoks osaliselt ettevalmistatud, kuid teine tuli luua oma kätetööga ja „oma palge higis”. 76:1.4 (847.6) After getting settled in the new Eden, it became necessary to adopt crude methods of living; it seemed entirely true that the ground had been cursed. Nature was once again taking its course. Now were the Adamites compelled to wrest a living from unprepared soil and to cope with the realities of life in the face of the natural hostilities and incompatibilities of mortal existence. They found the first garden partially prepared for them, but the second had to be created by the labor of their own hands and in the “sweat of their faces.”
2. Kain ja Aabel ^top 2. Cain and Abel ^top
76:2.1 (848.1) Vähem kui kaks aastat pärast Kaini sündis Aabel, Aadama ja Eeva esimene teises aias sündinud laps. Kui Aabel sai kaheteistkümneaastaseks, otsustas ta hakata karjakasvatajaks, Kain oli valinud põllumeheameti. 76:2.1 (848.1) Less than two years after Cain’s birth, Abel was born, the first child of Adam and Eve to be born in the second garden. When Abel grew up to the age of twelve years, he elected to be a herder; Cain had chosen to follow agriculture.
76:2.2 (848.2) Tol ajal tavatseti kinkida preestritele seda, mis inimestel oli. Karjakasvatajad tõid oma kariloomi, põllumehed vilja. Kain ja Aabel tegid selle kombe kohaselt samuti preestritele regulaarseid annetusi. Need kaks noormeest olid korduvalt oma ametite suhtelise väärtuse üle vaielnud ja Aabel märkas peagi, et eelistati tema loomohvreid. Asjatult juhtis Kain tähelepanu esimesele Eedenile, kus oli eelistatud põlluvilju. Aabel ei võtnud teda kuulda ja pilkas oma vanemat venda, kes tundis end tõrjutuna. 76:2.2 (848.2) Now, in those days it was customary to make offerings to the priesthood of the things at hand. Herders would bring of their flocks, farmers of the fruits of the fields; and in accordance with this custom, Cain and Abel likewise made periodic offerings to the priests. The two boys had many times argued about the relative merits of their vocations, and Abel was not slow to note that preference was shown for his animal sacrifices. In vain did Cain appeal to the traditions of the first Eden, to the former preference for the fruits of the fields. But this Abel would not allow, and he taunted his older brother in his discomfiture.
76:2.3 (848.3) Esimese Eedeni ajal oli Aadam püüdnud tõepoolest loomohvrite toomist piirata, mistõttu Kaini väidetel oli tõepõhi all. Teise Eedeni usuelu oli aga raske korraldada. Aadamat koormati tuhande ja ühe ehitusalase, kaitse- ja põllundusküsimusega. Olles vaimselt väga masendatud, usaldas ta palveldamise ja hariduse korraldamise neile sünnipärastele nodiitidele, kes olid teeninud sel alal ka esimeses aias, aga jumalateenistusi pidanud nodiitidest preestrid pöördusid selle väga lühikese aja jooksul Aadamaeelse korra ja tavade juurde tagasi. 76:2.3 (848.3) In the days of the first Eden, Adam had indeed sought to discourage the offering of animal sacrifice so that Cain had a justifiable precedent for his contentions. It was, however, difficult to organize the religious life of the second Eden. Adam was burdened with a thousand and one details associated with the work of building, defense, and agriculture. Being much depressed spiritually, he intrusted the organization of worship and education to those of Nodite extraction who had served in these capacities in the first garden; and in even so short a time the officiating Nodite priests were reverting to the standards and rulings of pre-Adamic times.
76:2.4 (848.4) Noormehed ei saanud omavahel hästi läbi ja ohvriandide küsimus aitas nendevahelise vihavaenu kasvule veelgi kaasa. Aabel teadis, et ta on nii Aadama kui ka Eeva laps ega jätnud Kainile kunagi meelde tuletamata, et tema isa pole Aadam. Kain ei olnud päris violetne, sest tema isa oli nodiitide rassist, mis oli hiljem segunenud sinise ja punase inimesega ja põliselanikest andoniitide tüvikonnaga. Kõik see koos Kaini loomupärase ja päritud sõjakusega pani teda oma noorema venna vastu üha kasvavat viha hauduma. 76:2.4 (848.4) The two boys never got along well, and this matter of sacrifices further contributed to the growing hatred between them. Abel knew he was the son of both Adam and Eve and never failed to impress upon Cain that Adam was not his father. Cain was not pure violet as his father was of the Nodite race later admixed with the blue and the red man and with the aboriginal Andonic stock. And all of this, with Cain’s natural bellicose inheritance, caused him to nourish an ever-increasing hatred for his younger brother.
76:2.5 (848.5) Üks noormees oli kaheksateistkümneaastane, teine kahekümnene, kui nendevaheline pinge lõpuks lahenduse leidis: ühel päeval vihastasid Aabeli pilked tema sõjakat venda niivõrd, et Kain ta raevukalt rünnates tappis. 76:2.5 (848.5) The boys were respectively eighteen and twenty years of age when the tension between them was finally resolved, one day, when Abel’s taunts so infuriated his bellicose brother that Cain turned upon him in wrath and slew him.
76:2.6 (848.6) Aabeli käitumine näitab keskkonna ja hariduse tähtsust iseloomu arengus. Aabelil oli ideaalne sünnipära ja pärilikkus on iseloomu põhialus, ent alaväärtusliku keskkonna mõju tegelikult neutraliseeris tema suurepärase pärandi. Aabelit mõjutasid ebasoodsad keskkonnatingimused väga, eriti noores eas. Kui ta oleks elanud kahekümne viie või kolmekümneaastaseks, oleks temast saanud hoopis teistsugune inimene: tema suurepärane veri oleks siis end ilmutanud. Hea keskkond ei saa küll madala sünnipära pärssivat mõju iseloomule päriselt ületada, kuid halb keskkond võib suurepärase sünnipära väga tõhusalt ära rikkuda, vähemalt nooremas eas. Hea sotsiaalne keskkond ja õige haridus on hea sünnipära võimalikult paremaks ärakasutamiseks vältimatu pinnas ja atmosfäär. 76:2.6 (848.6) The observation of Abel’s conduct establishes the value of environment and education as factors in character development. Abel had an ideal inheritance, and heredity lies at the bottom of all character; but the influence of an inferior environment virtually neutralized this magnificent inheritance. Abel, especially during his younger years, was greatly influenced by his unfavorable surroundings. He would have become an entirely different person had he lived to be twenty-five or thirty; his superb inheritance would then have shown itself. While a good environment cannot contribute much toward really overcoming the character handicaps of a base heredity, a bad environment can very effectively spoil an excellent inheritance, at least during the younger years of life. Good social environment and proper education are indispensable soil and atmosphere for getting the most out of a good inheritance.
76:2.7 (849.1) Vanemad said Aabeli surmast teada, kui tema koerad tõid karja ilma peremeheta koju. Kain tuletas Aadamale ja Eevale üha rohkem meelde nende meeletut tegu ja nad toetasid tema otsust aiast lahkuda. 76:2.7 (849.1) The death of Abel became known to his parents when his dogs brought the flocks home without their master. To Adam and Eve, Cain was fast becoming the grim reminder of their folly, and they encouraged him in his decision to leave the garden.
76:2.8 (849.2) Kaini elu Mesopotaamias ei olnud eriti õnnelik, sest ta oli nii erilise üleastumise sümbol. Kaaslased ei olnud tema vastu lausa ebasõbralikud, ent talle ei jäänud märkamata nende alateadlik pahakspanu tema juuresoleku suhtes. Kain teadis aga, et kuna ta ei kandnud mingit hõimumärki, võis esimene juhuslikult vastutulev naaberhõimu liige teda ära tappa. Hirm ja veidi ka süümepiin ajendasid teda kahetsema. Kaini sisimas ei olnud kunagi Kohandaja elanud, ta oli alati perekonna distsipliini trotsinud ja oma isa usku põlanud. Aga nüüd läks ta ema Eeva juurde ja palus tema vaimset abi ja juhendamist ning kui ta siiralt jumalikku abi palus, tuli Kohandaja temasse elama. See Kohandaja, kes elas ta sisimas ja sealt välja vaatas, andis Kainile selge eelise, mis tegi ta Aadama paljukardetud hõimu liikmetega võrdseks. 76:2.8 (849.2) Cain’s life in Mesopotamia had not been exactly happy since he was in such a peculiar way symbolic of the default. It was not that his associates were unkind to him, but he had not been unaware of their subconscious resentment of his presence. But Cain knew that, since he bore no tribal mark, he would be killed by the first neighboring tribesmen who might chance to meet him. Fear, and some remorse, led him to repent. Cain had never been indwelt by an Adjuster, had always been defiant of the family discipline and disdainful of his father’s religion. But he now went to Eve, his mother, and asked for spiritual help and guidance, and when he honestly sought divine assistance, an Adjuster indwelt him. And this Adjuster, dwelling within and looking out, gave Cain a distinct advantage of superiority which classed him with the greatly feared tribe of Adam.
76:2.9 (849.3) Nii lahkus Kain teisest Eedenist hommiku poole, Noodimaale. Ta sai oma isa ühe rahvarühma suureks juhiks ja täitis teataval määral Serapatatia ettekuulutused, sest edendas tõesti kogu oma eluaja selle nodiitiderühma ja adamiitide vahelist rahu. Kain abiellus kauge nõbu Remonaga ja nende esimene poeg Hanok sai Eelami nodiitide juhiks. Nii püsis elamiitide ning adamiitide vahel sadu aastaid rahu. 76:2.9 (849.3) And so Cain departed for the land of Nod, east of the second Eden. He became a great leader among one group of his father’s people and did, to a certain degree, fulfill the predictions of Serapatatia, for he did promote peace between this division of the Nodites and the Adamites throughout his lifetime. Cain married Remona, his distant cousin, and their first son, Enoch, became the head of the Elamite Nodites. And for hundreds of years the Elamites and the Adamites continued to be at peace.
3. Elu Mesopotaamias ^top 3. Life in Mesopotamia ^top
76:3.1 (849.4) Aja möödudes ilmnesid teises aias üleastumise tagajärjed üha enam. Aadam ja Eeva tundsid suurt puudust oma endisest kaunist ja rahulikust kodust, samuti Edentiasse saadetud lastest. Oli tõesti kahju vaadata seda suurepärast paari, kes oli langenud maailma tavaliste lihalike olendite tasemele, ent nad talusid oma madalat seisust sündsalt ja meelekindlalt. 76:3.1 (849.4) As time passed in the second garden, the consequences of default became increasingly apparent. Adam and Eve greatly missed their former home of beauty and tranquillity as well as their children who had been deported to Edentia. It was indeed pathetic to observe this magnificent couple reduced to the status of the common flesh of the realm; but they bore their diminished estate with grace and fortitude.
76:3.2 (849.5) Aadam tegeles targalt enamiku ajast oma lastele ja nende kaaslastele tsiviilhalduse, õpetamismeetodite ja usupalvuste alase koolituse andmisega. Kui ta poleks nii ettenägelik olnud, oleks pärast tema surma tekkinud meeletu korralagedus. Nii aga põhjustas Aadama surm tema rahva elutegevuses vähe muutusi. Ent Aadam ja Eeva olid juba ammu enne oma surma mõistnud, et nende lapsed ja poolehoidjad olid aegamööda õppinud oma Eedeni hiilgeaegu unustama. Ja enamikule poolehoidjatest oligi parem Eedeni suurejoonelisus unustada. Nii ei saanud neil tekkida asjatut rahulolematust oma vähemsoodsa keskkonnaga. 76:3.2 (849.5) Adam wisely spent most of the time training his children and their associates in civil administration, educational methods, and religious devotions. Had it not been for this foresight, pandemonium would have broken loose upon his death. As it was, the death of Adam made little difference in the conduct of the affairs of his people. But long before Adam and Eve passed away, they recognized that their children and followers had gradually learned to forget the days of their glory in Eden. And it was better for the majority of their followers that they did forget the grandeur of Eden; they were not so likely to experience undue dissatisfaction with their less fortunate environment.
76:3.3 (849.6) Adamiitide tsiviilvalitsejad põlvnesid otseliinis esimese aia poegadest. Aadama esimene poeg, Aadamapoeg (Aadama poeg Aadam), asutas põhja pool teist Eedenit violetse rassi teise keskuse. Aadama teine poeg, Eevapoeg, sai meisterlikuks juhiks ja haldajaks, kes oli oma isale suureks abiks. Eevapoeg ei elanud nii kaua kui Aadam ja tema vanim poeg Jansad sai adamiitide hõimujuhina Aadama järglaseks. 76:3.3 (849.6) The civil rulers of the Adamites were derived hereditarily from the sons of the first garden. Adam’s first son, Adamson (Adam ben Adam), founded a secondary center of the violet race to the north of the second Eden. Adam’s second son, Eveson, became a masterly leader and administrator; he was the great helper of his father. Eveson lived not quite so long as Adam, and his eldest son, Jansad, became the successor of Adam as the head of the Adamite tribes.
76:3.4 (849.7) Usujuhid ehk preesterkond sai alguse Setist, Aadama ja Eeva vanimast teises aias sündinud ellujäänud pojast. Ta sündis sada kakskümmend üheksa aastat pärast Aadama saabumist Urantiale. Sett süvenes oma isa rahva vaimse seisundi parandamisse ja sai teise aia uue preesterkonna peaks. Tema poeg Enos seadis sisse uue palveldamiskorra ja pojapoeg Keenan asutas uue välismisjoniteenistuse kaugema ja lähema ümbruskonna hõimude tarvis. 76:3.4 (849.7) The religious rulers, or priesthood, originated with Seth, the eldest surviving son of Adam and Eve born in the second garden. He was born one hundred and twenty-nine years after Adam’s arrival on Urantia. Seth became absorbed in the work of improving the spiritual status of his father’s people, becoming the head of the new priesthood of the second garden. His son, Enos, founded the new order of worship, and his grandson, Kenan, instituted the foreign missionary service to the surrounding tribes, near and far.
76:3.5 (850.1) Setiitide preesterkond oli kolmene ettevõtmine, mis hõlmas religiooni, tervist ja haridust. Selle klassi preestreid koolitati pidama usutseremooniaid, teenima arstide ja sanitaarinspektoritena ning õpetama aia koolides. 76:3.5 (850.1) The Sethite priesthood was a threefold undertaking, embracing religion, health, and education. The priests of this order were trained to officiate at religious ceremonies, to serve as physicians and sanitary inspectors, and to act as teachers in the schools of the garden.
76:3.6 (850.2) Aadama karavan oli võtnud esimesest aiast jõgedevahelisele maale kaasa sadu taimede ja teraviljade seemneid ning sibulaid, nad olid kaasa toonud ka suuri karju ja iga koduloomaliigi esindajaid. Seetõttu oli neil ümbruskonna hõimudega võrreldes suuri eeliseid. Nad said esialgse aia varasemast kultuurist üsna palju kasu. 76:3.6 (850.2) Adam’s caravan had carried the seeds and bulbs of hundreds of plants and cereals of the first garden with them to the land between the rivers; they also had brought along extensive herds and some of all the domesticated animals. Because of this they possessed great advantages over the surrounding tribes. They enjoyed many of the benefits of the previous culture of the original Garden.
76:3.7 (850.3) Aadam ja tema pere olid toitunud kuni esimesest aiast lahkumiseni alati puu- ja teraviljadest ning pähklitest. Teel Mesopotaamiasse olid nad söönud esmakordselt taimi ja köögivilju. Teises aias mindi varakult üle lihasöömisele, kuid Aadam ja Eeva ei võtnud liha kunagi oma igapäevatoiduks. Ka Aadamapoeg ja Eevapoeg ega teised esimese aia esimese põlvkonna lapsed ei hakanud lihasööjateks. 76:3.7 (850.3) Up to the time of leaving the first garden, Adam and his family had always subsisted on fruits, cereals, and nuts. On the way to Mesopotamia they had, for the first time, partaken of herbs and vegetables. The eating of meat was early introduced into the second garden, but Adam and Eve never partook of flesh as a part of their regular diet. Neither did Adamson nor Eveson nor the other children of the first generation of the first garden become flesh eaters.
76:3.8 (850.4) Adamiidid ületasid oma kultuurisaavutuste ja intellektuaalse arengu poolest tunduvalt ümbruskonna rahvaid. Nad koostasid kolmanda tähestiku ja lõid ka muus osas alused nüüdisaegse kunsti, teaduse ja kirjanduse algete tekkele. Nad säilitasid siin Tigrise ja Eufrati vahelistel maadel kirjutamise, metallitöötlemise, keraamika ja kangakudumise kunsti ja lõid arhitektuuri, mida ei ületatud hiljem tuhandete aastate jooksul. 76:3.8 (850.4) The Adamites greatly excelled the surrounding peoples in cultural achievement and intellectual development. They produced the third alphabet and otherwise laid the foundations for much that was the forerunner of modern art, science, and literature. Here in the lands between the Tigris and Euphrates they maintained the arts of writing, metalworking, pottery making, and weaving and produced a type of architecture that was not excelled in thousands of years.
76:3.9 (850.5) Violetsete rahvaste kodune elu oli tolle aja kohta ideaalne. Lapsed pidid õppima põllumajanduse, oskustöö ja loomakasvatuse alastel koolituskursustel või õpetati neid täitma setiitide kolmeseid kohustusi: olema preester, arst ja õpetaja. 76:3.9 (850.5) The home life of the violet peoples was, for their day and age, ideal. Children were subjected to courses of training in agriculture, craftsmanship, and animal husbandry or else were educated to perform the threefold duty of a Sethite: to be priest, physician, and teacher.
76:3.10 (850.6) Setiitide preesterkonnale mõeldes ärge segage neid üllameelseid ning õilsaid tervise- ja usuõpetajaid, neid hariduseandjaid, ära hilisemate hõimude ja ümbritsevate rahvaste väheväärtuslike ja äritsevate preesterkondadega. Nende religioossed kontseptsioonid Jumalusest ja universumist olid kõrgelt arenenud ja enam-vähem täpsed, nende tervishoiunõuded oma aja kohta suurepärased ja nende õpetamismeetodeid pole praegusekski ületatud. 76:3.10 (850.6) And when thinking of the Sethite priesthood, do not confuse those high-minded and noble teachers of health and religion, those true educators, with the debased and commercial priesthoods of the later tribes and surrounding nations. Their religious concepts of Deity and the universe were advanced and more or less accurate, their health provisions were, for their time, excellent, and their methods of education have never since been surpassed.
4. Violetne rass ^top 4. The Violet Race ^top
76:4.1 (850.7) Aadam ja Eeva rajasid violetse inimrassi, üheksanda Urantiale ilmunud inimrassi. Aadamal ja tema järeltulijatel olid sinised silmad ning violetsetele rahvastele oli iseloomulik hele jume koos heleda juuksevärvusega: kollane, punane ja pruun. 76:4.1 (850.7) Adam and Eve were the founders of the violet race of men, the ninth human race to appear on Urantia. Adam and his offspring had blue eyes, and the violet peoples were characterized by fair complexions and light hair color—yellow, red, and brown.
76:4.2 (850.8) Eeva ei pidanud sünnitades valusid kannatama, sünnitusvalusid polnud ka varastel arengurassidel. Alles areneva inimese liitumisel nodiitidega ja hiljem adamiitidega tekkinud segarassid hakkasid tugevaid sünnitusvalusid tundma. 76:4.2 (850.8) Eve did not suffer pain in childbirth; neither did the early evolutionary races. Only the mixed races produced by the union of evolutionary man with the Nodites and later with the Adamites suffered the severe pangs of childbirth.
76:4.3 (851.1) Aadam ja Eeva nagu nende vennad Jerusemil said energiat kahesest toitumisest, elatudes nii toidust kui ka valgusest, mida täiendasid teatavad Urantial ilmutamatud superfüüsilised energiad. Nende järglased Urantial seda energia omastamisvõimet ja valgusringlust vanematelt ei pärinud. Neil oli vaid üks ringlus, inimtüüpi vereringe. Nad olid loodud surelikena, kuid olid pikaealised, ehkki pikaealisus vähenes iga järgmise põlvkonnaga inimese tavalise normini. 76:4.3 (851.1) Adam and Eve, like their brethren on Jerusem, were energized by dual nutrition, subsisting on both food and light, supplemented by certain superphysical energies unrevealed on Urantia. Their Urantia offspring did not inherit the parental endowment of energy intake and light circulation. They had a single circulation, the human type of blood sustenance. They were designedly mortal though long-lived, albeit longevity gravitated toward the human norm with each succeeding generation.
76:4.4 (851.2) Aadam ja Eeva ning nende laste esimene põlvkond ei tarvitanud toiduks loomade liha. Nad elatusid täielikult ainult „puude viljast”. Pärast esimest põlvkonda hakkasid kõik Aadama järglased piimatooteid sööma, kuid paljud neist jätkasid lihata toitumist. Paljud lõunapoolsed hõimud, kellega nad hiljem ühinesid, ei söönud samuti liha. Hiljem rändas enamik neist taimetoitlaste hõimudest itta ja on praeguseks segunenud India rahvastega. 76:4.4 (851.2) Adam and Eve and their first generation of children did not use the flesh of animals for food. They subsisted wholly upon “the fruits of the trees.” After the first generation all of the descendants of Adam began to partake of dairy products, but many of them continued to follow a nonflesh diet. Many of the southern tribes with whom they later united were also nonflesh eaters. Later on, most of these vegetarian tribes migrated to the east and survived as now admixed in the peoples of India.
76:4.5 (851.3) Aadam ja Eeva ületasid nii oma füüsilise kui ka vaimse nägemuse poolest tunduvalt praegusaja rahvaid. Nende erilised tajumismeeled olid palju teravamad ning nad olid võimelised nägema keskteelisi ja inglihulki, Melkisedekeid ja langenud Vürst Caligastiat, kes tuli mitmeid kordi oma ülla järeltulijaga aru pidama. Neil säilis võime näha neid taevaseid olendeid enam kui sada aastat pärast üleastumist. Nende lastel need erilised meeled nii teravalt ei väljendunud ja iga järgmise põlvkonnaga kaldusid veelgi vähenema. 76:4.5 (851.3) Both the physical and spiritual visions of Adam and Eve were far superior to those of the present-day peoples. Their special senses were much more acute, and they were able to see the midwayers and the angelic hosts, the Melchizedeks, and the fallen Prince Caligastia, who several times came to confer with his noble successor. They retained the ability to see these celestial beings for over one hundred years after the default. These special senses were not so acutely present in their children and tended to diminish with each succeeding generation.
76:4.6 (851.4) Aadama laste sisimas elas tavaliselt Kohandaja, sest neil kõigil oli kaheldamatu ellujäämisvõime. Need kõrgelt arenenud järeltulijad ei olnud nii kartlikud kui evolutsiooni lapsed. Urantia praegustel rassidel on nii palju hirme sellepärast, et teie esivanemad said rassi füüsilise ülendamise kavade varajase nurjumise tõttu väga vähe Aadama eluplasmat. 76:4.6 (851.4) The Adamic children were usually Adjuster indwelt since they all possessed undoubted survival capacity. These superior offspring were not so subject to fear as the children of evolution. So much of fear persists in the present-day races of Urantia because your ancestors received so little of Adam’s life plasm, owing to the early miscarriage of the plans for racial physical uplift.
76:4.7 (851.5) Aineliste Poegade ja nende järglaste keharakkudel on haigustele vastupanemise võime palju suurem kui planeedi põliselanikest arengulistel olenditel. Põlisrasside keharakud on lähedased maailma mikroskoopilistele ja ultramikroskoopilistele haigusttekitavatele elusorganismidele. Selle asjaoluga on seletatav, miks Urantia rahvad peavad nii palju teadusalaseid pingutusi tegema, et vastu panna nii paljudele füüsilistele häiretele. Te oleksite haigustele hoopis vastupanuvõimelisemad, kui teie rassid kannaksid endas rohkem Aadamast pärinevat elu. 76:4.7 (851.5) The body cells of the Material Sons and their progeny are far more resistant to disease than are those of the evolutionary beings indigenous to the planet. The body cells of the native races are akin to the living disease-producing microscopic and ultramicroscopic organisms of the realm. These facts explain why the Urantia peoples must do so much by way of scientific effort to withstand so many physical disorders. You would be far more disease resistant if your races carried more of the Adamic life.
76:4.8 (851.6) End Eufrati ääres teises aias sisse seadnud, otsustas Aadam jätta maailma võimalikult palju oma eluplasmat, et sellest oleks pärast tema surma kasu. Seetõttu pandi Eeva kaheteistkümneliikmelise rassitäiustamiskomisjoni esinaiseks ja enne Aadama surma oli see komisjon valinud Urantial välja 1 682 kõrgeimat tüüpi naist, keda eostati Aadama eluplasmaga. Kõik nende lapsed peale 112 kasvasid täiskasvanuks, nii et maailma tuli juurde 1 570 kõrgelt arenenud meest ja naist. Kuigi neid emakandidaate valiti kõigist ümbruskonna hõimudest ja nad esindasid enamikku maakera rasse, oli suurem osa neist valitud nodiitide kõrgeimatest tüvikondadest ja nad moodustasid vägeva andiitide rassi varased alged. Kõik need lapsed sündisid ja kasvasid oma emade hõimudes. 76:4.8 (851.6) After becoming established in the second garden on the Euphrates, Adam elected to leave behind as much of his life plasm as possible to benefit the world after his death. Accordingly, Eve was made the head of a commission of twelve on race improvement, and before Adam died this commission had selected 1,682 of the highest type of women on Urantia, and these women were impregnated with the Adamic life plasm. Their children all grew up to maturity except 112, so that the world, in this way, was benefited by the addition of 1,570 superior men and women. Though these candidate mothers were selected from all the surrounding tribes and represented most of the races on earth, the majority were chosen from the highest strains of the Nodites, and they constituted the early beginnings of the mighty Andite race. These children were born and reared in the tribal surroundings of their respective mothers.
5. Aadama ja Eeva surm ^top 5. Death of Adam and Eve ^top
76:5.1 (851.7) Üsna varsti pärast teise Eedeni sisseseadmist teatati Aadamale ja Eevale, et nende kahetsus on vastu võetud ning ehkki nad on määratud kannatama oma maailma surelike saatust, peaksid nad kindlasti sobima vastuvõtmiseks Urantia magavate ellujääjate ridadesse. Nad uskusid täielikult seda ülestõusmise ja rehabiliteerimise evangeeliumi, mida Melkisedekid neile nii liigutavalt kuulutasid. Nende üleastumine oli olnud väärotsus, mitte aga teadliku ja kaalutletud mässu patt. 76:5.1 (851.7) Not long after the establishment of the second Eden, Adam and Eve were duly informed that their repentance was acceptable, and that, while they were doomed to suffer the fate of the mortals of their world, they should certainly become eligible for admission to the ranks of the sleeping survivors of Urantia. They fully believed this gospel of resurrection and rehabilitation which the Melchizedeks so touchingly proclaimed to them. Their transgression had been an error of judgment and not the sin of conscious and deliberate rebellion.
76:5.2 (852.1) Aadamal ja Eeval kui Jerusemi kodanikel ei olnud Mõttekohandajat ning kui nad Urantial esimeses aias elasid, ei elanud Kohandajad ka nende sisimas. Ent peagi pärast nende langemist sureliku seisundisse said nad teadlikuks uuest kohalolekust endas ja mõistsid, et nende inimlik staatus koos siira kahetsusega on Kohandajatele elu nende sisimas võimalikuks teinud. Teadmine neis elavatest Kohandajatest andis Aadamale ja Eevale kogu nende ülejäänud elu palju jõudu; nad teadsid, et nende tegevus Satania Aineliste Poegadena oli nurjunud, kuid ka et Paradiisi elujärk on neile kui universumi tõusvatele poegadele ikka veel avatud. 76:5.2 (852.1) Adam and Eve did not, as citizens of Jerusem, have Thought Adjusters, nor were they Adjuster indwelt when they functioned on Urantia in the first garden. But shortly after their reduction to mortal status they became conscious of a new presence within them and awakened to the realization that human status coupled with sincere repentance had made it possible for Adjusters to indwell them. It was this knowledge of being Adjuster indwelt that greatly heartened Adam and Eve throughout the remainder of their lives; they knew that they had failed as Material Sons of Satania, but they also knew that the Paradise career was still open to them as ascending sons of the universe.
76:5.3 (852.2) Aadam teadis ülestõusmisest usulise elukorralduse lõpus, mis toimus samaaegselt tema saabumisega planeedile, ning uskus, et temagi taasisikustub koos oma kaaslasega tõenäoliselt seoses järgmise poja seisuse klassi tulekuga. Ta ei teadnud, et selle universumi suverään Miikael nii varsti Urantiale ilmub, vaid arvas, et järgmisena saabuv Poeg on Avonalide klassist. Miikaeli ainus neile antud isiklik sõnum oli Aadamale ja Eevale lohutav, samas aga mõnevõrra raskesti arusaadav. Selles sõnumis sisaldus lisaks muudele sõprus- ja lohutusväljenditele ka teade: „Ma kaalusin teie üleastumise asjaolusid, mäletades teie südamesoovi olla alati ustav minu Isa tahtele, ja minu saabudes Urantiale kutsutakse teid sureliku une hõlmast, kui minu maailma alama astme Pojad pole enne seda teie järele saadetud.” 76:5.3 (852.2) Adam knew about the dispensational resurrection which occurred simultaneously with his arrival on the planet, and he believed that he and his companion would probably be repersonalized in connection with the advent of the next order of sonship. He did not know that Michael, the sovereign of this universe, was so soon to appear on Urantia; he expected that the next Son to arrive would be of the Avonal order. Even so, it was always a comfort to Adam and Eve, as well as something difficult for them to understand, to ponder the only personal message they ever received from Michael. This message, among other expressions of friendship and comfort, said: “I have given consideration to the circumstances of your default, I have remembered the desire of your hearts ever to be loyal to my Father’s will, and you will be called from the embrace of mortal slumber when I come to Urantia if the subordinate Sons of my realm do not send for you before that time.”
76:5.4 (852.3) See oli Aadamale ja Eevale suur mõistatus. Nad suutsid mõista selle sõnumi varjatud lubadust võimaliku erilise ülestõusmise kohta ja see rõõmustas neid väga, ent nad ei mõistnud vihjet, et nad võivad puhata kuni ülestõusmiseni, mis kaasneb Miikaeli isikliku ilmumisega Urantiale. Seetõttu kuulutas Eedeni paar alati, et kunagi saabub Jumala Poeg, ja andsid ka oma armsatele edasi usu, vähemalt igatsuse, et nende eksimuste ja murede maailmast võib saada maailm, kus selle universumi valitseja soovib tegutseda Paradiisi annetuva Pojana. See tundus liiga ilus, et olla tõsi, kuid Aadam hellitas tõepoolest mõtet, et riidudest räsitud Urantiale võib saada Satania süsteemis osaks siiski kõige suurem õnn, et ta võib saada kõige kadestamisväärsemaks planeediks kogu Nebadonis. 76:5.4 (852.3) And this was a great mystery to Adam and Eve. They could comprehend the veiled promise of a possible special resurrection in this message, and such a possibility greatly cheered them, but they could not grasp the meaning of the intimation that they might rest until the time of a resurrection associated with Michael’s personal appearance on Urantia. And so the Edenic pair always proclaimed that a Son of God would sometime come, and they communicated to their loved ones the belief, at least the longing hope, that the world of their blunders and sorrows might possibly be the realm whereon the ruler of this universe would elect to function as the Paradise bestowal Son. It seemed too good to be true, but Adam did entertain the thought that strife-torn Urantia might, after all, turn out to be the most fortunate world in the system of Satania, the envied planet of all Nebadon.
76:5.5 (852.4) Aadam elas 530 aastaseks ja suri teie mõistes kõrges eas. Tema füüsiline mehhanism kulus lihtsalt ära, lagunemisprotsess sai lõpuks taastumisprotsessist võitu ja saabus paratamatu lõpp. Eeva oli surnud üheksateist aastat varem, sest ta süda oli nõrgaks jäänud. Mõlemad maeti jumaliku teenistuse templi keskele, mis oli ehitatud nende plaanide järgi varsti pärast seda, kui kolooniat ümbritsev müür valmis. Ja siit saigi alguse tava matta silmapaistvaid ning vagasid mehi ja naisi palveldamispaikade põranda alla. 76:5.5 (852.4) Adam lived for 530 years; he died of what might be termed old age. His physical mechanism simply wore out; the process of disintegration gradually gained on the process of repair, and the inevitable end came. Eve had died nineteen years previously of a weakened heart. They were both buried in the center of the temple of divine service which had been built in accordance with their plans soon after the wall of the colony had been completed. And this was the origin of the practice of burying noted and pious men and women under the floors of the places of worship.
76:5.6 (852.5) Urantia aineülene valitsus jätkas Melkisedekite juhendamisel oma tööd, ent otsene füüsiline side arenevate rassidega oli katkenud. Planeedivürsti kehalise kaaskonna saabumise kaugest ajast kuni Vani ja Amadoni ja hiljem Aadama ja Eeva saabumiseni olid planeedil viibinud universumi valitsuse füüsilised esindajad. Ent Aadama üleastumisega jõudis see valitsemiskord, mis oli kestnud enam kui nelisada viiskümmend tuhat aastat, lõpule. Inglitest abilised jätkasid vaimsetes sfäärides koos Mõttekohandajatega võitlust, töötades kangelaslikult üksikisikute päästmise nimel, ent maakera surelikele avaldati üldisem plaan maailma kestvamaks hüvanguks alles Machiventa Melkisedeki saabudes Aabrahami ajal. Machiventa Melkisedek lõi Jumala Poja võimu, kannatlikkuse ja mõjujõuga aluse õnnetu Urantia edasiseks ülendamiseks ja vaimseks taastamiseks. 76:5.6 (852.5) The supermaterial government of Urantia, under the direction of the Melchizedeks, continued, but direct physical contact with the evolutionary races had been severed. From the distant days of the arrival of the corporeal staff of the Planetary Prince, down through the times of Van and Amadon to the arrival of Adam and Eve, physical representatives of the universe government had been stationed on the planet. But with the Adamic default this regime, extending over a period of more than four hundred and fifty thousand years, came to an end. In the spiritual spheres, angelic helpers continued to struggle in conjunction with the Thought Adjusters, both working heroically for the salvage of the individual; but no comprehensive plan for far-reaching world welfare was promulgated to the mortals of earth until the arrival of Machiventa Melchizedek, in the times of Abraham, who, with the power, patience, and authority of a Son of God, did lay the foundations for the further uplift and spiritual rehabilitation of unfortunate Urantia.
76:5.7 (853.1) Urantia saatus pole aga olnud ainult õnnetu, sellel planeedil on Nebadoni kohalikus universumis ka kõige rohkem vedanud. Urantialased peaksid pidama endale kasulikuks nii seda, et nende esivanemate eksimused ja nende maailma varaste valitsejate vead viisid planeedi lootusetu segaduse seisundisse, mille paiskas veel enam segi pahe ja patt, kui ka seda, et just säärane pimedus Nebadoni Miikaelile nii sügava mulje jättis, et ta valis selle maailma areeniks, kus taevase Isa armastavat isiksust ilmutada. Urantia ei vajanud Loojat-Poega mitte niivõrd oma segipaisatud asjade korrastamiseks, vaid pigem andis Urantial valitsev pahe ja patt Loojale-Pojale kontrastsema tausta, mis tõi Paradiisi Isa võrratu armastuse, halastuse ja kannatlikkuse paremini esile. 76:5.7 (853.1) Misfortune has not, however, been the sole lot of Urantia; this planet has also been the most fortunate in the local universe of Nebadon. Urantians should count it all gain if the blunders of their ancestors and the mistakes of their early world rulers so plunged the planet into such a hopeless state of confusion, all the more confounded by evil and sin, that this very background of darkness should so appeal to Michael of Nebadon that he selected this world as the arena wherein to reveal the loving personality of the Father in heaven. It is not that Urantia needed a Creator Son to set its tangled affairs in order; it is rather that the evil and sin on Urantia afforded the Creator Son a more striking background against which to reveal the matchless love, mercy, and patience of the Paradise Father.
6. Aadama ja Eeva ellujäämine ^top 6. Survival of Adam and Eve ^top
76:6.1 (853.2) Aadam ja Eeva läksid oma surelikule puhkusele tugeva usuga Melkisedekitelt saadud lubadustesse, et nad ärkavad kunagi surmaunest, jätkamaks elu eluasemeilmades, mis olid neile enne nende lähetamist Urantiale violetse rassi ainelises ihus nii tuttavaks saanud. 76:6.1 (853.2) Adam and Eve went to their mortal rest with strong faith in the promises made to them by the Melchizedeks that they would sometime awake from the sleep of death to resume life on the mansion worlds, worlds all so familiar to them in the days preceding their mission in the material flesh of the violet race on Urantia.
76:6.2 (853.3) Nad ei jäänud maailma surelike teadvuseta une unustusse pikalt puhkama. Kolmandal päeval pärast Aadama surma, teisel päeval pärast tema aupaklikku matust, andis Lanaforge Gabrielile korralduse, mida toetasid valitsev Edentia Kõigekõrgem ja Miikaeli nimel Salvingtoni Päevilt Ühtne, korraldada eriline loendus neile silmapaistvatele isiksustele, kes olid Aadama üleastumisest Urantial ellu jäänud. Vastavalt sellele erilise ülestõusmise käsule, mis oli Urantia seerias kahekümne kuues, taasisiksustati ja taaskoondati Aadam ja Eeva Satania eluasemeilmade ülestõusmissaalides koos oma 1316 kaaslasega esimese aia kogemusest. Paljud teised ustavad hinged olid Aadama saabumise ajaks juba üles viidud ning sellega kaasnes usulis-elukorralduslik kohtumõistmine nii magavate ellujääjate kui ka elavaks arvatud tõusuteeliste üle. 76:6.2 (853.3) They did not long rest in the oblivion of the unconscious sleep of the mortals of the realm. On the third day after Adam’s death, the second following his reverent burial, the orders of Lanaforge, sustained by the acting Most High of Edentia and concurred in by the Union of Days on Salvington, acting for Michael, were placed in Gabriel’s hands, directing the special roll call of the distinguished survivors of the Adamic default on Urantia. And in accordance with this mandate of special resurrection, number twenty-six of the Urantia series, Adam and Eve were repersonalized and reassembled in the resurrection halls of the mansion worlds of Satania together with 1,316 of their associates in the experience of the first garden. Many other loyal souls had already been translated at the time of Adam’s arrival, which was attended by a dispensational adjudication of both the sleeping survivors and of the living qualified ascenders.
76:6.3 (853.4) Aadam ja Eeva läbisid kiiresti järjestikuse tõusu maailmad ja omandasid Jerusemi kodakondsuse, saades taas oma päritoluplaneedi elanikeks, kuid seekord teise universumiisiksuste klassi liikmetena. Nad lahkusid Jerusemilt alaliste elanikena, Jumala Poegadena, tagasi pöördusid aga tõusukodanikena, inimese poegadena. Nad võeti kohe Urantia teenistusse süsteemi keskusmaailmas ning määrati hiljem nelja ja kahekümne nõuniku hulka, kes moodustavad praegu Urantia nõuandva-juhtiva organi. 76:6.3 (853.4) Adam and Eve quickly passed through the worlds of progressive ascension until they attained citizenship on Jerusem, once again to be residents of the planet of their origin but this time as members of a different order of universe personalities. They left Jerusem as permanent citizens—Sons of God; they returned as ascendant citizens—sons of man. They were immediately attached to the Urantia service on the system capital, later being assigned membership among the four and twenty counselors who constitute the present advisory-control body of Urantia.
76:6.4 (854.1) Ja nii lõpebki lugu Urantia Planeedi Aadamast ja Eevast, lugu katsumusest, tragöödiast ja triumfist, vähemalt heade kavatsustega, kuid eksiteele viidud Ainelise Poja ja Tütre isiklikust triumfist, ja kahtlemata lõppkokkuvõttes lugu nende maailma ning selle mässust vintsutatud ja pahest vaevatud asukate lõplikust triumfist. Kokkuvõttes andsid Aadam ja Eeva inimsoo kiiresse tsiviliseerimisse ja kiirendatud bioloogilisse arengusse vägeva panuse. Neist jäi maakerale kõrge kultuur, kuid nii arenenud tsivilisatsioonil ei olnud võimalik Aadama pärandi varase hajumise ja pärastise kadumise tõttu püsima jääda. Tsivilisatsiooni loovad inimesed, tsivilisatsioon ei loo inimesi. 76:6.4 (854.1) And thus ends the story of the Planetary Adam and Eve of Urantia, a story of trial, tragedy, and triumph, at least personal triumph for your well-meaning but deluded Material Son and Daughter and undoubtedly, in the end, a story of ultimate triumph for their world and its rebellion-tossed and evil-harassed inhabitants. When all is summed up, Adam and Eve made a mighty contribution to the speedy civilization and accelerated biologic progress of the human race. They left a great culture on earth, but it was not possible for such an advanced civilization to survive in the face of the early dilution and the eventual submergence of the Adamic inheritance. It is the people who make a civilization; civilization does not make the people.
76:6.5 (854.2) [Esitanud seerav Solonia, „hääl aias”.] 76:6.5 (854.2) [Presented by Solonia, the seraphic “voice in the Garden.”]