93. Kiri Paper 93
Machiventa Melkisedek Machiventa Melchizedek
93:0.1 (1014.1) MELKISEDEKEID tuntakse kõikjal kui eriolukorras tegutsevaid Poegi, kes on kohaliku universumi maailmades seotud hämmastavalt paljude tegevusvaldkondadega. Kui tekib mingi erakorraline probleem või üritatakse midagi ebatavalist, võtab ülesande enda peale üsna sageli mõni Melkisedek. Melkisedek-Poegade võime tegutseda eriolukordades ja universumi väga mitmesugustel tasanditel, isegi isiksuse avaldumise füüsilisel tasemel, on iseloomulik kogu nende klassile. Nii lai isiksuse muundumisulatus on veel ainult Elukandjatel. 93:0.1 (1014.1) THE Melchizedeks are widely known as emergency Sons, for they engage in an amazing range of activities on the worlds of a local universe. When any extraordinary problem arises, or when something unusual is to be attempted, it is quite often a Melchizedek who accepts the assignment. The ability of the Melchizedek Sons to function in emergencies and on widely divergent levels of the universe, even on the physical level of personality manifestation, is peculiar to their order. Only the Life Carriers share to any degree this metamorphic range of personality function.
93:0.2 (1014.2) Melkisedekid kui universumi pojaseisuse klass on Urantial ülimalt aktiivne olnud. Nende kaheteistkümneliikmeline korpus teenis koos Elukandjatega. Varsti pärast Caligastia lahkulöömist sai see kaheteistkümneliikmeline korpus teie maailma hooldajaks ja ta oli võimul kuni Aadama ja Eeva ajani. Need kaksteist Melkisedekit pöördusid pärast Aadama ja Eeva üleastumist Urantiale tagasi ja olid seejärel taas planeedi hooldajad kuni päevani, mil Jeesus Naatsaretlasest sai Inimese Pojana Urantia titulaarne Planeedivürst. 93:0.2 (1014.2) The Melchizedek order of universe sonship has been exceedingly active on Urantia. A corps of twelve served in conjunction with the Life Carriers. A later corps of twelve became receivers for your world shortly after the Caligastia secession and continued in authority until the time of Adam and Eve. These twelve Melchizedeks returned to Urantia upon the default of Adam and Eve, and they continued thereafter as planetary receivers on down to the day when Jesus of Nazareth, as the Son of Man, became the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia.
1. Machiventa kehastumine ^top 1. The Machiventa Incarnation ^top
93:1.1 (1014.3) Aadama Urantia-missiooni nurjumisele järgnenud aastatuhandetel ähvardas ilmutatud tõde väljasuremine. Intellektuaalselt liikusid inimrassid küll edasi, aga vaimselt olid aegamööda pinda jalge alt kaotamas. Ligikaudu 3000 a eKr oli Jumala mõiste inimeste meeles väga ähmaseks muutunud. 93:1.1 (1014.3) Revealed truth was threatened with extinction during the millenniums which followed the miscarriage of the Adamic mission on Urantia. Though making progress intellectually, the human races were slowly losing ground spiritually. About 3000 b.c. the concept of God had grown very hazy in the minds of men.
93:1.2 (1014.4) Kaksteist Melkisedekit-hooldajat teadsid Miikaeli eelseisvast annetumisest nende planeedile, kuid ei aimanud, millal see juhtub. Seetõttu kogunesid nad pühalikule koosolekule ja esitasid Edentia Kõigekõrgematele palve, et tõe valguse alalhoidmise eest Urantial hoolitsetaks. Palve võeti päevakorrast maha volitusega, mille põhjal „asjade juhtimine Satania planeedil 606 on täielikult Melkisedekitehooldajate kätes”. Seejärel pöördusid hooldajad abi saamiseks Melkisedek-Isa poole, kuid said vastuseks vaid teate, et nad peaksid tõde enese valitud viisil alal hoidma „kuni annetuva Poja saabumiseni”, kes „päästaks planeedi õigusalused kaotsimineku ja ebamäärasuse eest”. 93:1.2 (1014.4) The twelve Melchizedek receivers knew of Michael’s impending bestowal on their planet, but they did not know how soon it would occur; therefore they convened in solemn council and petitioned the Most Highs of Edentia that some provision be made for maintaining the light of truth on Urantia. This plea was dismissed with the mandate that “the conduct of affairs on 606 of Satania is fully in the hands of the Melchizedek custodians.” The receivers then appealed to the Father Melchizedek for help but only received word that they should continue to uphold truth in the manner of their own election “until the arrival of a bestowal Son,” who “would rescue the planetary titles from forfeiture and uncertainty.”
93:1.3 (1014.5) Olles nii täiesti omapead tegutsema jäetud, võttis Machiventa Melkisedek, üks planeedi kaheteistkümnest hooldajast, nõuks teha seda, mida oli kogu Nebadoni ajaloo jooksul tehtud vaid kuus korda: isikustuda maakeral ajutiselt selle maailma inimesena, annetada end eriolukorras tegutseva Pojana maailma eest hoolt kandma. Selleks ettevõtmiseks andsid talle loa Salvingtoni valitsusvõimud. Machiventa Melkisedeki tegelik kehastumine toimus Palestiinas, hilisema Saalemi linna lähedal. Kogu selle Melkisedek-Poja ainestamise teostasid planeedi hooldajad koostöös Elukandjatega, mõne Füüsilise Meisterjuhtijaga ja teiste Urantial asuvate taevaste isiksustega. 93:1.3 (1014.5) And it was in consequence of having been thrown so completely on their own resources that Machiventa Melchizedek, one of the twelve planetary receivers, volunteered to do that which had been done only six times in all the history of Nebadon: to personalize on earth as a temporary man of the realm, to bestow himself as an emergency Son of world ministry. Permission was granted for this adventure by the Salvington authorities, and the actual incarnation of Machiventa Melchizedek was consummated near what was to become the city of Salem, in Palestine. The entire transaction of the materialization of this Melchizedek Son was completed by the planetary receivers with the co-operation of the Life Carriers, certain of the Master Physical Controllers, and other celestial personalities resident on Urantia.
2. Saalemi tark ^top 2. The Sage of Salem ^top
93:2.1 (1015.1) Machiventa annetati inimkonnale 1973 aastat enne Jeesuse sündi. Tema tulek ei olnud vaatemänguline sündmus, ükski inimsilm ei näinud tema kehastumist. Surelik inimene nägi teda esmakordselt sel sündmusrikkal päeval, mil ta astus sumeri päritolu kaldea karjuse Amdoni telki. Ja ta väljendas oma missiooni karjusele lihtsate sõnadega: „Mina olen Melkisedek, El Elyoni, Kõigekõrgema, ühe ja ainsa Jumala preester.” 93:2.1 (1015.1) It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa was bestowed upon the human races of Urantia. His coming was unspectacular; his materialization was not witnessed by human eyes. He was first observed by mortal man on that eventful day when he entered the tent of Amdon, a Chaldean herder of Sumerian extraction. And the proclamation of his mission was embodied in the simple statement which he made to this shepherd, “I am Melchizedek, priest of El Elyon, the Most High, the one and only God.”
93:2.2 (1015.2) Kui karjus oli hämmastusest toibunud ja võõra paljude küsimustega üle külvanud, kutsus ta Melkisedeki endaga õhtust sööma. See oli esimene kord, mil Machiventa sõi oma pika universumikarjääri jooksul ainelist toitu — toidust, mis pidi teda kosutama kogu tema üheksakümne nelja aasta pikkuse ainelise olendi elu vältel. 93:2.2 (1015.2) When the herder had recovered from his astonishment, and after he had plied this stranger with many questions, he asked Melchizedek to sup with him, and this was the first time in his long universe career that Machiventa had partaken of material food, the nourishment which was to sustain him throughout his ninety-four years of life as a material being.
93:2.3 (1015.3) Kui nad sel ööl tähtede all vestlesid, alustas Melkisedek oma tõeilmutamismissiooni Jumala reaalsusest, pöördudes käeviipega Amdoni poole ja öeldes: „El Elyon, Kõigekõrgem, on taevalaotuse tähtede ja ka meie elupaiga maakera jumalik looja ning taeva ülim Jumal.” 93:2.3 (1015.3) And that night, as they talked out under the stars, Melchizedek began his mission of the revelation of the truth of the reality of God when, with a sweep of his arm, he turned to Amdon, saying, “El Elyon, the Most High, is the divine creator of the stars of the firmament and even of this very earth on which we live, and he is also the supreme God of heaven.”
93:2.4 (1015.4) Mõne aastaga koondas Melkisedek enda ümber rühma õpilasi, jüngreid ja usklikke, kellest sai hilisema Saalemi kogukonna tuumik. Peagi tunti teda kõikjal Palestiinas El Elyoni, Kõigekõrgema preestrina ja Saalemi targana. Mõned ümbruskonna hõimud nimetasid teda sageli Saalemi šeigiks või kuningaks. Saalem oli paik, millest sai pärast Melkisedeki kadumist Jebuse linn, hilisem Jeruusalemm. 93:2.4 (1015.4) Within a few years Melchizedek had gathered around himself a group of pupils, disciples, and believers who formed the nucleus of the later community of Salem. He was soon known throughout Palestine as the priest of El Elyon, the Most High, and as the sage of Salem. Among some of the surrounding tribes he was often referred to as the sheik, or king, of Salem. Salem was the site which after the disappearance of Melchizedek became the city of Jebus, subsequently being called Jerusalem.
93:2.5 (1015.5) Välimuselt meenutas Melkisedek tolleaegseid rassiliselt segunenud nodiite ja sumereid, ta oli umbes saja kaheksakümne sentimeetri pikkune ja aukartustäratavalt rühikas. Lisaks kaldea keelele rääkis ta veel kuute keelt. Ta käis riides umbes samamoodi nagu Kaanani preestrid, kuid kandis rinnal kolme kontsentrilise ringiga embleemi, Satania Paradiisi-Kolmsuse sümbolit. Tema poolehoidjad hakkasid seda kolmest kontsentrilisest ringist koosnevat märki nii pühaks pidama, et ei söandanud seda kunagi kasutada, ja vaid mõne põlvkonna möödudes oli see unustatud. 93:2.5 (1015.5) In personal appearance, Melchizedek resembled the then blended Nodite and Sumerian peoples, being almost six feet in height and possessing a commanding presence. He spoke Chaldean and a half dozen other languages. He dressed much as did the Canaanite priests except that on his breast he wore an emblem of three concentric circles, the Satania symbol of the Paradise Trinity. In the course of his ministry this insignia of three concentric circles became regarded as so sacred by his followers that they never dared to use it, and it was soon forgotten with the passing of a few generations.
93:2.6 (1015.6) Kuigi Machiventa elas maailma inimeste kommete kohaselt, ei abiellunud ta kunagi ega saanud maakerale järglasi jätta. Tema füüsiline keha meenutas küll meesinimest, kuid oli tegelikult samasugune spetsiaalselt konstrueeritud keha nagu sajal vürst Caligastia kaaskonna ainestunud liikmel, ehkki ei kandnud endas ühegi inimrassi eluplasmat. Urantial polnud ka elupuud. Kui Machiventa oleks jäänud maakerale kauemaks, oleks tema füüsiline mehhanism järk-järgult mandunud. Ta lõpetas oma annetumismissiooni üheksakümne nelja aastaselt, kaua enne seda, kui tema aineline keha oleks lagunema hakanud. 93:2.6 (1015.6) Though Machiventa lived after the manner of the men of the realm, he never married, nor could he have left offspring on earth. His physical body, while resembling that of the human male, was in reality on the order of those especially constructed bodies used by the one hundred materialized members of Prince Caligastia’s staff except that it did not carry the life plasm of any human race. Nor was there available on Urantia the tree of life. Had Machiventa remained for any long period on earth, his physical mechanism would have gradually deteriorated; as it was, he terminated his bestowal mission in ninety-four years long before his material body had begun to disintegrate.
93:2.7 (1016.1) See kehastunud Melkisedek sai endale Mõttekohandaja, kes elas tema üleinimlikus isiksuses ajaliku järelevaatajana ja lihaliku elu nõuandjana, omandades sel moel kogemusi ning praktilisi teadmisi Urantia probleemidest ja kehastunud Pojas elamisest, mis võimaldasid sel Isa vaimul hiljem nii vapralt tegutseda Jumala Poja Miikaeli inimmeeles, kui too surelikuna maakerale ilmus. See on ainus Mõttekohandaja, kes on Urantial tegutsenud kahes meeles, aga mõlemad meeled olid nii jumalikud kui ka inimlikud. 93:2.7 (1016.1) This incarnated Melchizedek received a Thought Adjuster, who indwelt his superhuman personality as the monitor of time and the mentor of the flesh, thus gaining that experience and practical introduction to Urantian problems and to the technique of indwelling an incarnated Son which enabled this spirit of the Father to function so valiantly in the human mind of the later Son of God, Michael, when he appeared on earth in the likeness of mortal flesh. And this is the only Thought Adjuster who ever functioned in two minds on Urantia, but both minds were divine as well as human.
93:2.8 (1016.2) Lihas kehastununa säilitas Machiventa täieliku kontakti oma üheteistkümne kaaslasega planeedi hooldajate korpusest, kuid ei saanud suhelda taevaste isiksuste teiste klassidega. Kui Melkisedekid-hooldajad kõrvale jätta, siis ei olnud tal üleinimlike intellektidega rohkem kokkupuuteid kui teistel inimolenditel. 93:2.8 (1016.2) During the incarnation in the flesh, Machiventa was in full contact with his eleven fellows of the corps of planetary custodians, but he could not communicate with other orders of celestial personalities. Aside from the Melchizedek receivers, he had no more contact with superhuman intelligences than a human being.
3. Melkisedeki õpetused ^top 3. Melchizedek’s Teachings ^top
93:3.1 (1016.3) Kümne aastaga asutas Melkisedek Saalemis oma koolid, seades need sisse vana süsteemi järgi, mille olid välja töötanud teise Eedeni varased setiidi preestrid. Ka kümnisesüsteem, mille võttis kasutusele tema hilisem pöördunu Aabraham, tulenes vanadest pärimustest iidsete setiidi meetodite kohta. 93:3.1 (1016.3) With the passing of a decade, Melchizedek organized his schools at Salem, patterning them on the olden system which had been developed by the early Sethite priests of the second Eden. Even the idea of a tithing system, which was introduced by his later convert Abraham, was also derived from the lingering traditions of the methods of the ancient Sethites.
93:3.2 (1016.4) Melkisedek õpetas ainsa Jumala, kõikse Jumaluse kontseptsiooni, kuid lubas inimestel seostada seda õpetust Norlatiadeki Tähtkuju Isaga, keda ta nimetas El Elyoniks — Kõigekõrgemaks. Luciferi seisundist ja olukorrast Jerusemil ei rääkinud Melkisedek peaaegu midagi. Süsteemi Suveräänil Lanaforge'il oli kuni Miikaeli annetumise lõpulejõudmiseni Urantiaga vähe tegemist. Enamiku Saalemi õpilaste jaoks Edentia oli taevas ja Kõigekõrgem oli Jumal. 93:3.2 (1016.4) Melchizedek taught the concept of one God, a universal Deity, but he allowed the people to associate this teaching with the Constellation Father of Norlatiadek, whom he termed El Elyon—the Most High. Melchizedek remained all but silent as to the status of Lucifer and the state of affairs on Jerusem. Lanaforge, the System Sovereign, had little to do with Urantia until after the completion of Michael’s bestowal. To a majority of the Salem students Edentia was heaven and the Most High was God.
93:3.3 (1016.5) Kolmest kontsentrilisest ringist koosnev embleem, mille Melkisedek võttis oma annetumise sümboliks, tähendas enamikule inimestele kolme kuningriiki — inimeste, inglite ja Jumala riiki. Ja neil lastigi seda uskuda, väga vähesed Melkisedeki jüngrid teadsid, et need kolm ringi sümboliseerivad jumalikku hoolitsust ja juhtimist esindava Paradiisi-Kolmsuse lõpmatust, igavikulisust ja kõikehõlmavust; isegi Aabrahami jaoks tähendas see sümbol pigem kolme Edentia Kõigekõrgemat, sest talle oli õpetatud, et need kolm Kõigekõrgemat tegutsevad nagu üks. Kui Melkisedek õpetas Kolmsuse mõistet, mida tema embleem sümboliseeris, seostas ta seda tavaliselt Norlatiadeki tähtkuju kolme Vorondadekist valitsejaga. 93:3.3 (1016.5) The symbol of the three concentric circles, which Melchizedek adopted as the insignia of his bestowal, a majority of the people interpreted as standing for the three kingdoms of men, angels, and God. And they were allowed to continue in that belief; very few of his followers ever knew that these three circles were emblematic of the infinity, eternity, and universality of the Paradise Trinity of divine maintenance and direction; even Abraham rather regarded this symbol as standing for the three Most Highs of Edentia, as he had been instructed that the three Most Highs functioned as one. To the extent that Melchizedek taught the Trinity concept symbolized in his insignia, he usually associated it with the three Vorondadek rulers of the constellation of Norlatiadek.
93:3.4 (1016.6) Ta ei püüdnudki õpetada lihtrahva hulka kuuluvatele jüngritele enamat kui seda, et Edentiat valitsevad Kõigekõrgemad — Urantia Jumalad. Ent üksikutele õpetas Melkisedek ka kõrgemat tõde, mis hõlmas kohaliku universumi juhtimist ja korraldamist. Oma üliandekale õpilasele keniit Nordanile ja tema tõsimeelsete õpilaste rühmale õpetas ta aga tõdesid superuniversumist ja isegi Havonast. 93:3.4 (1016.6) To the rank and file of his followers he made no effort to present teaching beyond the fact of the rulership of the Most Highs of Edentia—Gods of Urantia. But to some, Melchizedek taught advanced truth, embracing the conduct and organization of the local universe, while to his brilliant disciple Nordan the Kenite and his band of earnest students he taught the truths of the superuniverse and even of Havona.
93:3.5 (1016.7) Katro perekond, kelle juures Melkisedek enam kui kolmkümmend aastat elas, tundis paljusid kõrgemaid tõdesid ja hoidis neid oma peres alal isegi kuni nende kuulsa järeltulija Moosese ajani. See imeline Melkisedeki-aegne pärimus jõudis Mooseseni seega isaliini ja teiste allikate kaudu ka emaliini pidi. 93:3.5 (1016.7) The members of the family of Katro, with whom Melchizedek lived for more than thirty years, knew many of these higher truths and long perpetuated them in their family, even to the days of their illustrious descendant Moses, who thus had a compelling tradition of the days of Melchizedek handed down to him on this, his father’s side, as well as through other sources on his mother’s side.
93:3.6 (1016.8) Melkisedek õpetas oma poolehoidjatele kõike, mida nad olid võimelised vastu ja omaks võtma. Isegi paljud nüüdisaegsed religioossed ideed taevast ja maast, inimesest, Jumalast ja inglitest ei ole Melkisedeki õpetustest kaugel. Kuid see suur õpetaja allutas kõik doktriinile ainsast Jumalast, kõiksest Jumalusest, taevasest Loojast, jumalikust Isast. Niisugune rõhuasetus oli tema õpetusel selleks, et äratada inimeses jumaldavat austust ja sillutada teed Miikaeli hilisemale ilmumisele sellesama Kõikse Isa Pojana. 93:3.6 (1016.8) Melchizedek taught his followers all they had capacity to receive and assimilate. Even many modern religious ideas about heaven and earth, of man, God, and angels, are not far removed from these teachings of Melchizedek. But this great teacher subordinated everything to the doctrine of one God, a universe Deity, a heavenly Creator, a divine Father. Emphasis was placed upon this teaching for the purpose of appealing to man’s adoration and of preparing the way for the subsequent appearance of Michael as the Son of this same Universal Father.
93:3.7 (1017.1) Melkisedek õpetas, et kunagi tulevikus ilmub veel üks Jumala Poeg lihalikul kujul nagu temagi, kuid too sünnib naisest; seetõttu väitsid arvukad hilisemad õpetajad, et Jeesus on preester ehk teenija „igavesti Melkisedeki korra järgi”. 93:3.7 (1017.1) Melchizedek taught that at some future time another Son of God would come in the flesh as he had come, but that he would be born of a woman; and that is why numerous later teachers held that Jesus was a priest, or minister, “forever after the order of Melchizedek.”
93:3.8 (1017.2) Nii rajas Melkisedek teed ja valmistas ette maailma mõjutanud monoteistlikku tegevusvälja ainsa Jumala tegeliku Paradiisi-Poja annetumiseks; ta kirjeldas Jumalat nii elavalt kõigi Isana ja selgitas Aabrahamile, et Jumal ei nõua inimeselt muud kui vaid isiklikku usku. Ja Miikael kinnitas maa peale ilmudes kõike, mida Melkisedek oli Paradiisi-Isa kohta õpetanud. 93:3.8 (1017.2) And thus did Melchizedek prepare the way and set the monotheistic stage of world tendency for the bestowal of an actual Paradise Son of the one God, whom he so vividly portrayed as the Father of all, and whom he represented to Abraham as a God who would accept man on the simple terms of personal faith. And Michael, when he appeared on earth, confirmed all that Melchizedek had taught concerning the Paradise Father.
4. Saalemi religioon ^top 4. The Salem Religion ^top
93:4.1 (1017.3) Saalemi palveldamistseremooniad olid väga lihtsad. Iga inimene, kes Melkisedeki kiriku savitahvlitele oma nime kirjutas või märgi tegi, kohustus jätma meelde ja toetama järgmist uskumust: 93:4.1 (1017.3) The ceremonies of the Salem worship were very simple. Every person who signed or marked the clay-tablet rolls of the Melchizedek church committed to memory, and subscribed to, the following belief:
93:4.2 (1017.4) 1. ma usun El Elyoni, Kõigekõrgemat Jumalat, ainsat Kõikset Isa ja kõige Loojat; 93:4.2 (1017.4) 1. I believe in El Elyon, the Most High God, the only Universal Father and Creator of all things.
93:4.3 (1017.5) 2. tunnustan Melkisedeki lepingut Kõigekõrgemaga, millega annetatakse Jumala soosing minu usule, mitte ohverdamistele ja põletusohvritele; 93:4.3 (1017.5) 2. I accept the Melchizedek covenant with the Most High, which bestows the favor of God on my faith, not on sacrifices and burnt offerings.
93:4.4 (1017.6) 3. tõotan täita Melkisedeki seitset käsku ja teatada head uudist sellest lepingust Kõigekõrgemaga kõigile inimestele. 93:4.4 (1017.6) 3. I promise to obey the seven commandments of Melchizedek and to tell the good news of this covenant with the Most High to all men.
93:4.5 (1017.7) Ja see oligi kogu Saalemi koloonia usutunnistus. Ent ka see lühike ja lihtne usuavaldus oli tolle aja inimeste jaoks liiga edumeelne. Nad lihtsalt ei suutnud mõista, et jumaliku soosingu võib võita mitte millegagi — vaid usu eest. Nad olid liiga sügavalt kinni uskumuses, et inimene on juba sündides jumalatele trahve võlgu. Nad olid liiga kaua ja liiga tõsimeelselt ohverdanud ning preestritele kinke toonud, et mõista head uudist: päästmine, jumalik soosing on tasuta kingitus kõigile, kes Melkisedeki lepingusse usuvad. Kuid Aabraham uskus siiski pooleldi ja seda „arvati temale õiguseks”. 93:4.5 (1017.7) And that was the whole of the creed of the Salem colony. But even such a short and simple declaration of faith was altogether too much and too advanced for the men of those days. They simply could not grasp the idea of getting divine favor for nothing—by faith. They were too deeply confirmed in the belief that man was born under forfeit to the gods. Too long and too earnestly had they sacrificed and made gifts to the priests to be able to comprehend the good news that salvation, divine favor, was a free gift to all who would believe in the Melchizedek covenant. But Abraham did believe halfheartedly, and even that was “counted for righteousness.”
93:4.6 (1017.8) Melkisedeki kehtestatud seitse käsku olid koostatud iidse Dalamatia ülima seaduse eeskujul ja meenutasid väga esimeses ning teises Eedenis õpetatud seitset käsku. Need Saalemi religiooni seitse käsku olid: 93:4.6 (1017.8) The seven commandments promulgated by Melchizedek were patterned along the lines of the ancient Dalamatian supreme law and very much resembled the seven commands taught in the first and second Edens. These commands of the Salem religion were:
93:4.7 (1017.9) 1. Sa ei tohi teenida muud Jumalat peale taeva ja maa Kõigekõrgema Looja. 93:4.7 (1017.9) 1. You shall not serve any God but the Most High Creator of heaven and earth.
93:4.8 (1017.10) 2. Sa ei tohi kahelda, et usk on igavese pääsemise ainus tingimus. 93:4.8 (1017.10) 2. You shall not doubt that faith is the only requirement for eternal salvation.
93:4.9 (1017.11) 3. Sa ei tohi valet vanduda. 93:4.9 (1017.11) 3. You shall not bear false witness.
93:4.10 (1017.12) 4. Sa ei tohi tappa. 93:4.10 (1017.12) 4. You shall not kill.
93:4.11 (1017.13) 5. Sa ei tohi varastada. 93:4.11 (1017.13) 5. You shall not steal.
93:4.12 (1018.1) 6. Sa ei tohi abielu rikkuda. 93:4.12 (1018.1) 6. You shall not commit adultery.
93:4.13 (1018.2) 7. Sa ei tohi oma vanemate ja eakate inimeste vastu lugupidamatu olla. 93:4.13 (1018.2) 7. You shall not show disrespect for your parents and elders.
93:4.14 (1018.3) Ehkki koloonias ei lubatud ohverdamisi sooritada, teadis Melkisedek hästi, kui raske on ammuseid tavasid järsult välja juurida, ning pakkus targasti neile inimestele iidsema liha ja vere ohverdamise asemele leivast ja veinist sakramenti. Ürikutes on kirjutatud: „Melkisedek, Saalemi kuningas, tõi leiba ja veini.” Kuid ka see ettevaatlik uuendus ei olnud päris edukas; iga hõim pidas Saalemi äärealal veel üht keskust, kus ohverdati ja ohvreid põletati. Isegi Aabraham võttis pärast oma võitu Kedorlaomeri üle ette selle barbaarse teo; ta lihtsalt ei saanud enne rahu, kui oli toonud traditsioonilise ohvri. Ja Melkisedekil ei õnnestunudki seda ohverdamiskalduvust oma poolehoidjate, sealhulgas isegi Aabrahami, usutavadest päriselt kaotada. 93:4.14 (1018.3) While no sacrifices were permitted within the colony, Melchizedek well knew how difficult it is to suddenly uproot long-established customs and accordingly had wisely offered these people the substitute of a sacrament of bread and wine for the older sacrifice of flesh and blood. It is of record, “Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine.” But even this cautious innovation was not altogether successful; the various tribes all maintained auxiliary centers on the outskirts of Salem where they offered sacrifices and burnt offerings. Even Abraham resorted to this barbarous practice after his victory over Chedorlaomer; he simply did not feel quite at ease until he had offered a conventional sacrifice. And Melchizedek never did succeed in fully eradicating this proclivity to sacrifice from the religious practices of his followers, even of Abraham.
93:4.15 (1018.4) Nagu Jeesus, nii täitis ka Melkisedek rangelt oma annetumismissiooni. Ta ei püüdnud kombeid reformida, maailma harjumusi muuta ega isegi eesrindlikke sanitaarnõudeid või teadustõdesid propageerida. Ta suutis täita kaks ülesannet: hoida maakeral elavana tõde ainsast Jumalast ja valmistada teed Kõikse Isa Paradiisi-Poja hilisemaks annetumiseks sureliku kujul. 93:4.15 (1018.4) Like Jesus, Melchizedek attended strictly to the fulfillment of the mission of his bestowal. He did not attempt to reform the mores, to change the habits of the world, nor to promulgate even advanced sanitary practices or scientific truths. He came to achieve two tasks: to keep alive on earth the truth of the one God and to prepare the way for the subsequent mortal bestowal of a Paradise Son of that Universal Father.
93:4.16 (1018.5) Melkisedek õpetas ilmutatud tõe algeid Saalemis üheksakümmend neli aastat ja Aabraham õppis selle aja jooksul Saalemi koolis kolmel korral. Lõpuks võttis ta Saalemi õpetused omaks ning temast sai üks Melkisedeki andekamaid õpilasi ja põhilisi toetajaid. 93:4.16 (1018.5) Melchizedek taught elementary revealed truth at Salem for ninety-four years, and during this time Abraham attended the Salem school three different times. He finally became a convert to the Salem teachings, becoming one of Melchizedek’s most brilliant pupils and chief supporters.
5. Aabrahami väljavalimine ^top 5. The Selection of Abraham ^top
93:5.1 (1018.6) Kuigi oleks ekslik rääkida „valitud rahvast”, pole väär nimetada Aabrahami väljavalitud inimeseks. Melkisedek tegi Aabrahamile tõepoolest ülesandeks hoida alal tõde ainsa Jumala kohta, mis erines valdavast uskumusest mitmesse jumalusse. 93:5.1 (1018.6) Although it may be an error to speak of “chosen people,” it is not a mistake to refer to Abraham as a chosen individual. Melchizedek did lay upon Abraham the responsibility of keeping alive the truth of one God as distinguished from the prevailing belief in plural deities.
93:5.2 (1018.7) Palestiina valiti Machiventa tegutsemispaigaks osaliselt sellepärast, et sooviti luua sidemed mõne inimperekonnaga, kellel on juhivõimeid. Melkisedeki kehastumise ajal oli maailmas palju perekondi, kes olid samavõrd valmis Saalemi doktriini vastu võtma nagu Aabrahami pere. Samade annetega peresid oli punaste ja kollaste inimeste seas ning lääne ja põhja pool andiitide järeltulijate hulgas. Ent ükski neist paikadest polnud Miikaeli hilisema maakerale ilmumise jaoks nii soodne kui Vahemere idarannik. Melkisedeki missioon Palestiinas ja Miikaeli hilisem ilmumine heebrea rahva sekka sõltusid üsna suurel määral geograafilisest asendist, Palestiina kesksest asukohast maailma tolleaegse kaubanduse, reisimise ja tsivilisatsiooni suhtes. 93:5.2 (1018.7) The choice of Palestine as the site for Machiventa’s activities was in part predicated upon the desire to establish contact with some human family embodying the potentials of leadership. At the time of the incarnation of Melchizedek there were many families on earth just as well prepared to receive the doctrine of Salem as was that of Abraham. There were equally endowed families among the red men, the yellow men, and the descendants of the Andites to the west and north. But, again, none of these localities were so favorably situated for Michael’s subsequent appearance on earth as was the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The Melchizedek mission in Palestine and the subsequent appearance of Michael among the Hebrew people were in no small measure determined by geography, by the fact that Palestine was centrally located with reference to the then existent trade, travel, and civilization of the world.
93:5.3 (1018.8) Melkisedekid-hooldajad olid Aabrahami esivanemaid mõnda aega jälginud ja uskusid kindlalt, et ühes põlvkonnas sünnib neil järglasi, keda iseloomustab arukus, algatusvõime, tarkus ja siirus. Aabrahami isa Terahi lapsed vastasid igas suhtes neile ootustele. Machiventa ei ilmunud Egiptusesse, Hiinasse, Indiasse ega põhjapoolsete hõimude sekka, vaid Saalemisse just selle võimaluse tõttu luua side nende Terahi mitmekülgsete lastega. 93:5.3 (1018.8) For some time the Melchizedek receivers had been observing the ancestors of Abraham, and they confidently expected offspring in a certain generation who would be characterized by intelligence, initiative, sagacity, and sincerity. The children of Terah, the father of Abraham, in every way met these expectations. It was this possibility of contact with these versatile children of Terah that had considerable to do with the appearance of Machiventa at Salem, rather than in Egypt, China, India, or among the northern tribes.
93:5.4 (1019.1) Terah ja kogu tema pere olid poolenisti pöördunud Kaldeas jutlustatud Saalemi usku; nad kuulsid Melkisedekist foiniiklasest õpetaja Ovidi kaudu, kes Uuris Saalemi doktriine kuulutas. Nad lahkusid Uurist, et otse Saalemisse suunduda, kuid Aabrahami vend Naahor, kes polnud Melkisedekit näinud, suhtus ettevõtmisse leigelt ja veenis neid Haaranis peatuma. Ja alles kaua pärast Palestiinasse jõudmist olid nad nõus hävitama kõik perejumalad, kelle olid kaasa toonud; nad loobusid aegamööda Mesopotaamia paljudest jumalatest Saalemi ainujumala nimel. 93:5.4 (1019.1) Terah and his whole family were halfhearted converts to the Salem religion, which had been preached in Chaldea; they learned of Melchizedek through the preaching of Ovid, a Phoenician teacher who proclaimed the Salem doctrines in Ur. They left Ur intending to go directly through to Salem, but Nahor, Abraham’s brother, not having seen Melchizedek, was lukewarm and persuaded them to tarry at Haran. And it was a long time after they arrived in Palestine before they were willing to destroy all of the household gods they had brought with them; they were slow to give up the many gods of Mesopotamia for the one God of Salem.
93:5.5 (1019.2) Mõni nädal pärast Aabrahami isa Terahi surma saatis Melkisedek ühe oma õpilase, hetiit Jarami Aabrahami ja Hanori juurde järgmise kutsega: „Tulge Saalemisse, kus te kuulete tõeõpetusi igavese Looja kohta ja teie, kahe venna valgustatud järglaste näol saab õnnistatud kogu maailm.” Naahor ei olnud aga Melkisedeki evangeeliumi täielikult omaks võtnud; ta jäi maha ja ehitas tugeva linnriigi, mis hakkas kandma tema nime. Aabrahami vennapoeg Lott otsustas aga koos oma onuga Saalemisse minna. 93:5.5 (1019.2) A few weeks after the death of Abraham’s father, Terah, Melchizedek sent one of his students, Jaram the Hittite, to extend this invitation to both Abraham and Nahor: “Come to Salem, where you shall hear our teachings of the truth of the eternal Creator, and in the enlightened offspring of you two brothers shall all the world be blessed.” Now Nahor had not wholly accepted the Melchizedek gospel; he remained behind and built up a strong city-state which bore his name; but Lot, Abraham’s nephew, decided to go with his uncle to Salem.
93:5.6 (1019.3) Saalemisse jõudes valisid Aabraham ja Lott välja linnalähedase mägise kindluse, kust said end paljude põhjapoolsete üllatuslike röövretkede eest kaitsta. Sel ajal ründasid hetiidid, assüürlased, vilistid ja muud rühmad pidevalt Palestiina kesk- ja lõunaosa hõime. Aabraham ja Lott sooritasid oma mägikindlusest sageli Saalemisse palverännakuid. 93:5.6 (1019.3) Upon arriving at Salem, Abraham and Lot chose a hilly fastness near the city where they could defend themselves against the many surprise attacks of northern raiders. At this time the Hittites, Assyrians, Philistines, and other groups were constantly raiding the tribes of central and southern Palestine. From their stronghold in the hills Abraham and Lot made frequent pilgrimages to Salem.
93:5.7 (1019.4) Üsna pea pärast seda, kui Aabraham ja Lott olid end Saalemi lähedal sisse seadnud, reisisid nad Niiluse orgu toiduvarusid hankima, sest Palestiinas valitses sel ajal põud. Oma lühikese Egiptuses viibimise ajal avastas Aabraham, et Egiptuse troonil on üks tema kauge sugulane, ja ta teenis seda kuningat väejuhina kahel väga edukal sõjaretkel. Niiluse kaldal veedetud elujärgu lõpupoolel elas ta koos oma naise Saaraga õukonnas ning Egiptusest lahkudes anti talle kaasa osa tema sõjakäikude saagist. 93:5.7 (1019.4) Not long after they had established themselves near Salem, Abraham and Lot journeyed to the valley of the Nile to obtain food supplies as there was then a drought in Palestine. During his brief sojourn in Egypt Abraham found a distant relative on the Egyptian throne, and he served as the commander of two very successful military expeditions for this king. During the latter part of his sojourn on the Nile he and his wife, Sarah, lived at court, and when leaving Egypt, he was given a share of the spoils of his military campaigns.
93:5.8 (1019.5) Loobumine Egiptuse õukonna austusavaldustest ja tagasipöördumine Machiventa juurde vaimsemat tööd tegema nõudis Aabrahamilt suurt otsusekindlust. Kuid Melkisedekit austati hardalt ka Egiptuses ja kui vaarao sellest kõigest kuulis, soovitas ta Aabrahamil tungivalt tagasi pöörduda, et täita oma tõotusi Saalemi ürituse nimel. 93:5.8 (1019.5) It required great determination for Abraham to forgo the honors of the Egyptian court and return to the more spiritual work sponsored by Machiventa. But Melchizedek was revered even in Egypt, and when the full story was laid before Pharaoh, he strongly urged Abraham to return to the execution of his vows to the cause of Salem.
93:5.9 (1019.6) Aabrahamil olid kuninglikud ambitsioonid ja tagasiteel Egiptusest tutvustas ta Lotile oma kava alistada kogu Kaanan ja allutada selle rahvas Saalemi valitsusele. Lotti huvitasid rohkem äriasjad ning ta siirdus pärast hiljem tekkinud tüli Soodomasse kaubanduse ja loomakasvatusega tegelema. Lotile ei meeldinud ei sõjamehe- ega karjuseelu. 93:5.9 (1019.6) Abraham had kingly ambitions, and on the way back from Egypt he laid before Lot his plan to subdue all Canaan and bring its people under the rule of Salem. Lot was more bent on business; so, after a later disagreement, he went to Sodom to engage in trade and animal husbandry. Lot liked neither a military nor a herder’s life.
93:5.10 (1019.7) Pärast perega Saalemisse naasmist hakkas Aabraham teostama oma sõjalisi plaane. Peagi tunnustati teda Saalemi piirkonna tsiviilvalitsejana, kes oli ühendanud seitse ümbruskonna hõimu enda juhitavaks konföderatsiooniks. Melkisedekil oli tõesti raske Aabrahami tagasi hoida, kui too oli täis indu minna ja koondada ümbruskonna hõimud mõõgaga kokku, et nad kiiremini Saalemi tõdesid tundma õpiksid. 93:5.10 (1019.7) Upon returning with his family to Salem, Abraham began to mature his military projects. He was soon recognized as the civil ruler of the Salem territory and had confederated under his leadership seven near-by tribes. Indeed, it was with great difficulty that Melchizedek restrained Abraham, who was fired with a zeal to go forth and round up the neighboring tribes with the sword that they might thus more quickly be brought to a knowledge of the Salem truths.
93:5.11 (1019.8) Melkisedekil olid kõigi ümbruskonna hõimudega rahumeelsed suhted, kuna ta ei olnud sõjakas ning ükski võõrsõjavägi ei rünnanud teda. Ta oli täielikult nõus, et Aabraham koostaks Saalemi jaoks sellise kaitsestrateegia, nagu too hiljem ka ellu viis, kuid ta ei kiitnud heaks oma õpilase ambitsioonikaid vallutuskavasid; nende suhted katkesid sõbralikult ja Aabraham suundus Hebronisse endale sõjaväelist pealinna rajama. 93:5.11 (1019.8) Melchizedek maintained peaceful relations with all the surrounding tribes; he was not militaristic and was never attacked by any of the armies as they moved back and forth. He was entirely willing that Abraham should formulate a defensive policy for Salem such as was subsequently put into effect, but he would not approve of his pupil’s ambitious schemes for conquest; so there occurred a friendly severance of relationship, Abraham going over to Hebron to establish his military capital.
93:5.12 (1020.1) Lähedaste suhete tõttu kuulsa Melkisedekiga oli Aabrahamil ümbruskonna väikekuningate ees suuri eeliseid, nad kõik austasid Melkisedekit ja kartsid ülearu Aabrahami. Aabraham oli nende hirmust teadlik ja ootas vaid soodsat võimalust, et oma naabreid rünnata, ja ettekäände leidis ta siis, kui mõned neist valitsejatest söandasid minna tema Soodomas elava vennapoja Loti vara röövima. Seda kuulnud, läks Aabraham oma seitsme konföderatsiooniks ühinenud hõimu eesotsas vaenlasele vastu. Selle üle 4000 mehelise väe ohvitserkonna moodustasid tema enda 318 liikmeline ihukaitsevägi. 93:5.12 (1020.1) Abraham, because of his close connection with the illustrious Melchizedek, possessed great advantage over the surrounding petty kings; they all revered Melchizedek and unduly feared Abraham. Abraham knew of this fear and only awaited an opportune occasion to attack his neighbors, and this excuse came when some of these rulers presumed to raid the property of his nephew Lot, who dwelt in Sodom. Upon hearing of this, Abraham, at the head of his seven confederated tribes, moved on the enemy. His own bodyguard of 318 officered the army, numbering more than 4,000, which struck at this time.
93:5.13 (1020.2) Kui Melkisedek kuulis, et Aabraham on sõja kuulutanud, läks ta oma endist õpilast ümber veenma, kuid jõudis kohale alles siis, kui too lahingust võidukana naasis. Aabraham väitis, et võidu vaenlaste üle oli talle andnud Saalemi Jumal, ja soovis loovutada kümnendiku sõjasaagist Saalemi varakambrisse. Ülejäänud üheksakümmend protsenti toimetas ta oma pealinna Hebronisse. 93:5.13 (1020.2) When Melchizedek heard of Abraham’s declaration of war, he went forth to dissuade him but only caught up with his former disciple as he returned victorious from the battle. Abraham insisted that the God of Salem had given him victory over his enemies and persisted in giving a tenth of his spoils to the Salem treasury. The other ninety per cent he removed to his capital at Hebron.
93:5.14 (1020.3) Pärast seda Siddimi lahingut sai Aabraham teise, üheteistkümnest hõimust koosneva konföderatsiooni juhiks ja hakkas Melkisedekile kümnist maksma, hoolitsedes ka selle eest, et teised ümbruskonnas sama teeksid. Tema diplomaatilised suhted Soodoma kuningaga ja hirm, mida tema ees üldiselt tunti, ajendasid Soodoma kuningat ja teisigi Hebroni sõjalisse konföderatsiooni astuma: Aabraham oli tõepoolest Palestiinas võimsat riiki moodustamas. 93:5.14 (1020.3) After this battle of Siddim, Abraham became leader of a second confederation of eleven tribes and not only paid tithes to Melchizedek but saw to it that all others in that vicinity did the same. His diplomatic dealings with the king of Sodom, together with the fear in which he was so generally held, resulted in the king of Sodom and others joining the Hebron military confederation; Abraham was really well on the way to establishing a powerful state in Palestine.
6. Melkisedeki leping Aabrahamiga ^top 6. Melchizedek’s Covenant with Abraham ^top
93:6.1 (1020.4) Aabraham kavatses vallutada kogu Kaanani. Tema kindlameelsust nõrgendas vaid asjaolu, et Melkisedek ei kiitnud seda sõjakäiku heaks. Aabraham oligi juba peaaegu otsustanud oma ettevõtmist alustada, kui teda hakkas piinama mõte, et tal pole poega, kes pärast teda seda tulevast kuningriiki valitsema hakkaks. Ta korraldas Melkisedekiga veel ühe kokkusaamise ja selle vestluse käigus veenis Saalemi preester, Jumala nähtav Poeg, Aabrahami sellest aineliste vallutuste kavast ja ajutisest valitsemisest loobuma, et omandada vaimne arusaam taevariigist. 93:6.1 (1020.4) Abraham envisaged the conquest of all Canaan. His determination was only weakened by the fact that Melchizedek would not sanction the undertaking. But Abraham had about decided to embark upon the enterprise when the thought that he had no son to succeed him as ruler of this proposed kingdom began to worry him. He arranged another conference with Melchizedek; and it was in the course of this interview that the priest of Salem, the visible Son of God, persuaded Abraham to abandon his scheme of material conquest and temporal rule in favor of the spiritual concept of the kingdom of heaven.
93:6.2 (1020.5) Melkisedek selgitas Aabrahamile, kui asjatu oleks võidelda amoriidi konföderatsiooniga, kuid tegi samas selgeks, et need mahajäänud sugukonnad lähevad oma arutute tavadega vastu kindlale hukule. Mõne põlvkonna pärast on nad sedavõrd nõrgenenud, et Aabrahami järeltulijad, kelle arv on vahepeal tunduvalt kasvanud, võivad neid kergesti võita. 93:6.2 (1020.5) Melchizedek explained to Abraham the futility of contending with the Amorite confederation but made it equally clear that these backward clans were certainly committing suicide by their foolish practices so that in a few generations they would be so weakened that the descendants of Abraham, meanwhile greatly increased, could easily overcome them.
93:6.3 (1020.6) Ja Melkisedek sõlmis Aabrahamiga Saalemis ametliku lepingu. Ta ütles Aabrahamile: „Vaata nüüd üles taeva poole ja loe tähti, kui sa suudad neid lugeda; nõnda palju saab olema sinu sugu.” Ja Aabraham uskus Melkisedekit „ja see arvati temale õiguseks”. Siis rääkis Melkisedek Aabrahamile loo Kaanani tulevasest vallutamisest tema järglaste poolt pärast nende viibimist Egiptuses. 93:6.3 (1020.6) And Melchizedek made a formal covenant with Abraham at Salem. Said he to Abraham: “Look now up to the heavens and number the stars if you are able; so numerous shall your seed be.” And Abraham believed Melchizedek, “and it was counted to him for righteousness.” And then Melchizedek told Abraham the story of the future occupation of Canaan by his offspring after their sojourn in Egypt.
93:6.4 (1020.7) Melkisedeki leping Aabrahamiga on suurim jumalikkuse ja inimkonna vaheline leping Urantial, millega Jumal kohustub kõike tegema; inimene kohustub vaid uskuma Jumala lubadusi ja järgima tema juhiseid. Seni oli usutud, et päästmise võivad kindlustada vaid teod — ohverdamised; nüüd tõi Melkisedek Urantiale taas hea uudise, et pääsemise, Jumala soosingu kindlustab usk. Kuid see lihtsa Jumalasse uskumise evangeelium oli inimeste arengust veel liiga kaugel ees; semiidi hõimud eelistasid hiljem pöörduda tagasi iidsema ohverdamise ja verevalamise kaudu patu lunastamise juurde. 93:6.4 (1020.7) This covenant of Melchizedek with Abraham represents the great Urantian agreement between divinity and humanity whereby God agrees to do everything; man only agrees to believe God’s promises and follow his instructions. Heretofore it had been believed that salvation could be secured only by works—sacrifices and offerings; now, Melchizedek again brought to Urantia the good news that salvation, favor with God, is to be had by faith. But this gospel of simple faith in God was too advanced; the Semitic tribesmen subsequently preferred to go back to the older sacrifices and atonement for sin by the shedding of blood.
93:6.5 (1021.1) Üsna varsti pärast lepingu sõlmimist sündis Aabrahamil poeg Iisak, nagu Melkisedek oli lubanud. Aabraham hakkas pärast Iisaku sündi Melkisedekiga sõlmitud lepingusse väga pühalikult suhtuma ja läks Saalemisse, et seda kirja panna. Sel lepingu avalikul ja ametlikul tunnustamisel muutiski ta oma nime Aabramist Aabrahamiks. 93:6.5 (1021.1) It was not long after the establishment of this covenant that Isaac, the son of Abraham, was born in accordance with the promise of Melchizedek. After the birth of Isaac, Abraham took a very solemn attitude toward his covenant with Melchizedek, going over to Salem to have it stated in writing. It was at this public and formal acceptance of the covenant that he changed his name from Abram to Abraham.
93:6.6 (1021.2) Enamik Saalemi usklikke oli lasknud end ümber lõigata, kuigi Melkisedek ei olnud seda toimingut kunagi kohustuslikuks muutnud. Aabraham, kes oli alati olnud ümberlõikamise vastu, otsustas nüüd selle riituse Saalemi lepingu kinnituseks ametlikult läbi teha. 93:6.6 (1021.2) Most of the Salem believers had practiced circumcision, though it had never been made obligatory by Melchizedek. Now Abraham had always so opposed circumcision that on this occasion he decided to solemnize the event by formally accepting this rite in token of the ratification of the Salem covenant.
93:6.7 (1021.3) Kui Aabraham oli oma isiklikud ambitsioonid siiralt ja avalikult allutanud Melkisedeki suurematele kavadele, ilmutasid end talle Mamre tasandikel kolm taevast olendit. Nende ilmumine oli tõsiasi, kuigi seda sündmust seostati hiljem väljamõeldud lugudega Soodoma ja Gomorra hävimisest loodusjõudude toimel. Ja need legendid tolleaegsetest sündmustest näitavad, kui mahajäänud oli selle mitte eriti ammuse ajajärgu moraal ja eetika. 93:6.7 (1021.3) It was following this real and public surrender of his personal ambitions in behalf of the larger plans of Melchizedek that the three celestial beings appeared to him on the plains of Mamre. This was an appearance of fact, notwithstanding its association with the subsequently fabricated narratives relating to the natural destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. And these legends of the happenings of those days indicate how retarded were the morals and ethics of even so recent a time.
93:6.8 (1021.4) Pühaliku lepingu vormistamisega oli Aabraham Melkisedekiga lõplikult ära leppinud. Aabraham võttis taas üle sõjaväelise ja tsiviiljuhtimise Saalemi koloonias, kus kõrgajal oli Melkisedeki vennaskonna nimekirjas üle saja tuhande korrapärase kümnisemaksja. Aabraham täiustas Saalemi templit tunduvalt ja püstitas kogu koolile uued telgid. Ta laiendas kümnisesüsteemi ja seadis koolis sisse palju uusi majandamisviise, lisaks andis suure panuse misjonitööosakonna tegevuse paremaks korraldamiseks. Ta aitas karju parandada ja Saalemi piimandussüsteemi ümber korraldada. Aabraham oli osav ja tark ettevõtja, oma aja kohta rikas mees, kes ei olnud ülearu vaga, kuid täiesti siiras; ta uskus tõepoolest Machiventa Melkisedekisse. 93:6.8 (1021.4) Upon the consummation of the solemn covenant, the reconciliation between Abraham and Melchizedek was complete. Abraham again assumed the civil and military leadership of the Salem colony, which at its height carried over one hundred thousand regular tithe payers on the rolls of the Melchizedek brotherhood. Abraham greatly improved the Salem temple and provided new tents for the entire school. He not only extended the tithing system but also instituted many improved methods of conducting the business of the school, besides contributing greatly to the better handling of the department of missionary propaganda. He also did much to effect improvement of the herds and the reorganization of the Salem dairying projects. Abraham was a shrewd and efficient business man, a wealthy man for his day; he was not overly pious, but he was thoroughly sincere, and he did believe in Machiventa Melchizedek.
7. Melkisedeki misjonärid ^top 7. The Melchizedek Missionaries ^top
93:7.1 (1021.5) Melkisedek jätkas mõne aasta vältel oma õpilaste õpetamist ja Saalemi misjonäride koolitamist; misjonärid siirdusid kõigi ümbruskonna hõimude sekka, eriti Egiptusesse, Mesopotaamiasse ja Väike-Aasiasse. Ja aastakümnete möödudes reisisid need õpetajad Saalemist üha kaugemale ja kaugemale, viies endaga kaasa Machiventa evangeeliumi kindlast usust Jumalasse. 93:7.1 (1021.5) Melchizedek continued for some years to instruct his students and to train the Salem missionaries, who penetrated to all the surrounding tribes, especially to Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor. And as the decades passed, these teachers journeyed farther and farther from Salem, carrying with them Machiventa’s gospel of belief and faith in God.
93:7.2 (1021.6) Aadamapoja järeltulijad, kes olid koondunud Vani järve kallastele, kuulasid Saalemi kultuse hetiitidest õpetajaid meelsasti. Sellest kunagisest andiitide keskusest läkitati õpetajaid nii Euroopa kui ka Aasia kaugetesse regioonidesse. Saalemi misjonäre imbus kõikjale, isegi Briti saartele. Üks rühm läks Fääri saarte kaudu Islandile andoniitide juurde, teine jõudis läbi Hiina idaranniku jaapanlaste saartele. Saalemist, Mesopotaamiast ja Vani järve äärest idapoolkera hõime valgustama siirdunud meeste ja naiste elu ja kogemused on jäädvustatud inimkonna annaalides kangelasliku peatükina. 93:7.2 (1021.6) The descendants of Adamson, clustered about the shores of the lake of Van, were willing listeners to the Hittite teachers of the Salem cult. From this onetime Andite center, teachers were dispatched to the remote regions of both Europe and Asia. Salem missionaries penetrated all Europe, even to the British Isles. One group went by way of the Faroes to the Andonites of Iceland, while another traversed China and reached the Japanese of the eastern islands. The lives and experiences of the men and women who ventured forth from Salem, Mesopotamia, and Lake Van to enlighten the tribes of the Eastern Hemisphere present a heroic chapter in the annals of the human race.
93:7.3 (1022.1) Kuid ülesanne oli nii suur ja hõimud nii mahajäänud, et tulemused kujunesid ähmasteks ja ebamäärasteks. Sugupõlvede vaheldudes kinnitas Saalemi evangeelium siin-seal kanda, aga üksnes Palestiinas suutis idee ühest Jumalast võita kogu hõimu või rahva jätkuva poolehoiu. Saalemi varajaste misjonäride õpetused olid juba ammu enne Jeesuse tulekut vanemate ja üldlevinumate ebauskude ja uskumuste alla mattunud. Melkisedeki algne evangeelium oli peaaegu täielikult sulandunud uskumustesse Suurest Emast ja Päikesest ning muudesse iidsetesse kultustesse. 93:7.3 (1022.1) But the task was so great and the tribes were so backward that the results were vague and indefinite. From one generation to another the Salem gospel found lodgment here and there, but except in Palestine, never was the idea of one God able to claim the continued allegiance of a whole tribe or race. Long before the coming of Jesus the teachings of the early Salem missionaries had become generally submerged in the older and more universal superstitions and beliefs. The original Melchizedek gospel had been almost wholly absorbed in the beliefs in the Great Mother, the Sun, and other ancient cults.
93:7.4 (1022.2) Vaevalt mõistate teie, kes te tänapäeval trükikunsti eelistest rõõmu tunnete, kui raske oli neil varasematel aegadel tõde säilitada ja kui kerge põlvkondade vahetudes uut õpetust silmist kaotada. Uus õpetus kaldus alati sulanduma vanematesse usulistesse õpetustesse ja maagilistesse toimingutesse. Uus ilmutus saastub alati vanematest arengulistest õpetustest. 93:7.4 (1022.2) You who today enjoy the advantages of the art of printing little understand how difficult it was to perpetuate truth during these earlier times; how easy it was to lose sight of a new doctrine from one generation to another. There was always a tendency for the new doctrine to become absorbed into the older body of religious teaching and magical practice. A new revelation is always contaminated by the older evolutionary beliefs.
8. Melkisedeki lahkumine ^top 8. Departure of Melchizedek ^top
93:8.1 (1022.3) Varsti pärast Soodoma ja Gomorra hävimist otsustas Machiventa oma erakorralise annetumise Urantial lõpetada. Melkisedeki otsust lõpetada oma lihalik kohalolu mõjutasid paljud tegurid, millest peamine oli ümbruskonna hõimude ja ka lähedaste kaaslaste üha kasvav kalduvus pidada teda pooljumalaks, üleinimlikuks olendiks; see ta tegelikult oligi, kuid nad olid hakanud teda ülemäära hardalt ja väga ebauskliku hirmuga austama. Lisaks neile põhjustele soovis Melkisedek lahkuda oma maiselt tööpõllult piisavalt aegsasti enne Aabrahami surma, et tõde ainsast Jumalast tema poolehoidjate meeles kindlalt juurduks. Nii läks Machiventa ühel õhtul Saalemis oma telki, olles inimestest kaaslastele head ööd soovinud, ja kui nad teda hommikul kutsuma läksid, ei olnud teda seal, sest tema Melkisedekitest kaaslased olid ta ära viinud. 93:8.1 (1022.3) It was shortly after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that Machiventa decided to end his emergency bestowal on Urantia. Melchizedek’s decision to terminate his sojourn in the flesh was influenced by numerous conditions, chief of which was the growing tendency of the surrounding tribes, and even of his immediate associates, to regard him as a demigod, to look upon him as a supernatural being, which indeed he was; but they were beginning to reverence him unduly and with a highly superstitious fear. In addition to these reasons, Melchizedek wanted to leave the scene of his earthly activities a sufficient length of time before Abraham’s death to insure that the truth of the one and only God would become strongly established in the minds of his followers. Accordingly Machiventa retired one night to his tent at Salem, having said good night to his human companions, and when they went to call him in the morning, he was not there, for his fellows had taken him.
9. Pärast Melkisedeki lahkumist ^top 9. After Melchizedek’s Departure ^top
93:9.1 (1022.4) Aabrahamile oli Melkisedeki äkiline kadumine suureks katsumuseks. Kuigi ta oli oma poolehoidjaid igati hoiatanud, et Melkisedek peab kunagi lahkuma, nagu kord ka tuli, ei leppinud nad oma imepärase juhi kadumisega. Saalemisse rajatud suurepärane organisatsioon lagunes peaaegu täielikult, kuigi Mooses tugines pärast heebrealaste vabastamist Egiptuse orjapõlvest just nende aegade traditsioonidele. 93:9.1 (1022.4) It was a great trial for Abraham when Melchizedek so suddenly disappeared. Although he had fully warned his followers that he must sometime go as he had come, they were not reconciled to the loss of their wonderful leader. The great organization built up at Salem nearly disappeared, though the traditions of these days were what Moses built upon when he led the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt.
93:9.2 (1022.5) Melkisedeki kaotus tegi Aabrahami südame nii kurvaks, et ta ei saanudki sellest enam päriselt üle. Kui ta loobus mõttest rajada aineline kuningriik, siis lahkus ta Hebronist; nüüd, kaotanud oma kaaslase vaimse kuningriigi ülesehitamisel, lahkus ta Saalemist ning asus elama lõuna poole Gerari, oma valduste lähedale. 93:9.2 (1022.5) The loss of Melchizedek produced a sadness in the heart of Abraham that he never fully overcame. Hebron he had abandoned when he gave up the ambition of building a material kingdom; and now, upon the loss of his associate in the building of the spiritual kingdom, he departed from Salem, going south to live near his interests at Gerar.
93:9.3 (1022.6) Kui Melkisedek kadus, muutus Aabraham kartlikuks ja ujedaks. Gerari saabudes esines ta võõrana, mistõttu Abimelek võttis tema naise endale. (Varsti pärast Saaraga abiellumist oli Aabraham ühel ööl pealt kuulnud, kuidas peeti vandenõu teda tappa, et tema säravat naist endale saada. See hirm ajas muidu vapra ja julge juhi paanikasse; ta kartis kogu elu, et keegi tapab ta salaja Saara omandamise nimel. Sellega on ka seletatav, miks see vapper mees on kolm korda tõelist argpükslust üles näidanud.) 93:9.3 (1022.6) Abraham became fearful and timid immediately after the disappearance of Melchizedek. He withheld his identity upon arrival at Gerar, so that Abimelech appropriated his wife. (Shortly after his marriage to Sarah, Abraham one night had overheard a plot to murder him in order to get his brilliant wife. This dread became a terror to the otherwise brave and daring leader; all his life he feared that someone would kill him secretly in order to get Sarah. And this explains why, on three separate occasions, this brave man exhibited real cowardice.)
93:9.4 (1023.1) Ent see ei suutnud Aabrahami kaua eemal hoida missioonist saada Melkisedeki järeltulijaks. Peagi leidis ta vilistide ja Abimeleki rahva seas poolehoidjaid, sõlmis nendega lepingu ja võttis omakorda üle osa nende ebausust, eeskätt nende kombe ohverdada esmasündinud poegi. Nii sai Aabraham taas Palestiinas suureks juhiks. Kõik rühmad austasid teda hardalt ja kuningad pidasid temast lugu. Ta oli kõigi ümbruskonna hõimude vaimne juht ja tema mõju püsis veel mõnda aega pärast surmagi. Elu viimastel aastatel pöördus ta jälle kord tagasi Hebronisse, oma varasemasse tegutsemispaika, kus ta oli töötanud koos Melkisedekiga. Viimase teona saatis Aabraham truud teenrid vend Naahori linna Mesopotaamia piiril, et võtta poeg Iisakule naine oma rahva seast. Aabrahami rahval oli ammusest ajast tavaks abielluda nõbudega. Ja Aabraham suri sellesama kindla usuga Jumalasse, mida ta oli õppinud Melkisedekilt juba kadunud Saalemi koolides. 93:9.4 (1023.1) But Abraham was not long to be deterred in his mission as the successor of Melchizedek. Soon he made converts among the Philistines and of Abimelech’s people, made a treaty with them, and, in turn, became contaminated with many of their superstitions, particularly with their practice of sacrificing first-born sons. Thus did Abraham again become a great leader in Palestine. He was held in reverence by all groups and honored by all kings. He was the spiritual leader of all the surrounding tribes, and his influence continued for some time after his death. During the closing years of his life he once more returned to Hebron, the scene of his earlier activities and the place where he had worked in association with Melchizedek. Abraham’s last act was to send trusty servants to the city of his brother, Nahor, on the border of Mesopotamia, to secure a woman of his own people as a wife for his son Isaac. It had long been the custom of Abraham’s people to marry their cousins. And Abraham died confident in that faith in God which he had learned from Melchizedek in the vanished schools of Salem.
93:9.5 (1023.2) Järgmisel põlvkonnal oli Melkisedeki lugu raske mõista, viiesaja aasta pärast pidasid paljud seda müüdiks. Iisak järgis oma isa õpetusi üsna täpselt ja hoidis alal Saalemi koloonia evangeeliumi, kuid Jaakobil oli nende pärimuste tähendusest raskem aru saada. Joosep uskus kindlalt Melkisedekisse ja tema vennad pidasid teda suures osas just sellepärast unistajaks. Joosepit austati Egiptuses põhiliselt tänu mälestustele tema vanavanaisast Aabrahamist. Joosepile pakuti Egiptuse armeede sõjaväelise ülemjuhataja ametit, aga kuna ta uskus kindlalt pärimustesse Melkisedekist ning Aabrahami ja Iisaku hilisematesse õpetustesse, eelistas ta teenida tsiviilhaldurina, olles veendunud, et teenib niimoodi paremini taevariiki. 93:9.5 (1023.2) It was hard for the next generation to comprehend the story of Melchizedek; within five hundred years many regarded the whole narrative as a myth. Isaac held fairly well to the teachings of his father and nourished the gospel of the Salem colony, but it was harder for Jacob to grasp the significance of these traditions. Joseph was a firm believer in Melchizedek and was, largely because of this, regarded by his brothers as a dreamer. Joseph’s honor in Egypt was chiefly due to the memory of his great-grandfather Abraham. Joseph was offered military command of the Egyptian armies, but being such a firm believer in the traditions of Melchizedek and the later teachings of Abraham and Isaac, he elected to serve as a civil administrator, believing that he could thus better labor for the advancement of the kingdom of heaven.
93:9.6 (1023.3) Melkisedeki õpetus oli põhjalik ja ammendav, kuid toonaseid aegu käsitlevad ürikud näisid hilisematele heebrea preestritele võimatute ja fantastilistena, ehkki paljud mõistsid mingil määral neid ülestähendusi, vähemalt kuni Vana Testamendi ürikute ulatusliku redigeerimiseni Babülonis. 93:9.6 (1023.3) The teaching of Melchizedek was full and replete, but the records of these days seemed impossible and fantastic to the later Hebrew priests, although many had some understanding of these transactions, at least up to the times of the en masse editing of the Old Testament records in Babylon.
93:9.7 (1023.4) Aabrahami ja Jumala vaheliste vestluste kirjeldused Vana Testamendi ürikutes olid tegelikult Aabrahami vestlused Melkisedekiga. Hilisemad kirjutajad pidasid Melkisedeki nime Jumala sünonüümiks. Märkmed Aabrahami ja Saara nii paljudest kokkupuudetest „Issanda ingliga” viitavad nende arvukatele külaskäikudele Melkisedeki juurde. 93:9.7 (1023.4) What the Old Testament records describe as conversations between Abraham and God were in reality conferences between Abraham and Melchizedek. Later scribes regarded the term Melchizedek as synonymous with God. The record of so many contacts of Abraham and Sarah with “the angel of the Lord” refers to their numerous visits with Melchizedek.
93:9.8 (1023.5) Heebrea jutustused Iisakust, Jaakobist ja Joosepist on tunduvalt usaldusväärsemad kui lood Aabrahamist, kuigi ka need sisaldavad palju kõrvalekaldeid faktidest, heebrea preestrite tahtlikult ja tahtmatult tehtud muudatusi, kui nad Babüloonia vangipõlve ajal neid ürikuid koostasid. Ketuura ei olnud Aabrahami naine, nagu Haagar, nii oli temagi vaid liignaine. Kogu Aabrahami vara läks ametliku naise Saara pojale Iisakule. Aabraham ei olnud nii vana, nagu ürikutes märgitud, ja tema naine oli samuti palju noorem. Nende vanust muudeti meelega, et Iisaku sünd näiks imepärane. 93:9.8 (1023.5) The Hebrew narratives of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph are far more reliable than those about Abraham, although they also contain many diversions from the facts, alterations made intentionally and unintentionally at the time of the compilation of these records by the Hebrew priests during the Babylonian captivity. Keturah was not a wife of Abraham; like Hagar, she was merely a concubine. All of Abraham’s property went to Isaac, the son of Sarah, the status wife. Abraham was not so old as the records indicate, and his wife was much younger. These ages were deliberately altered in order to provide for the subsequent alleged miraculous birth of Isaac.
93:9.9 (1023.6) Babüloonia vangipõlv mõjus juutide rahvuslikule egole kohutavalt rusuvalt. Püüdes oma rahva alaväärsustunnet kompenseerida, langesid nad teise äärmusesse, rahvuse ja rassi eneseupitamine, mis sundis neid pärimusi moonutama ja pahupidi pöörama, et Jumalast väljavalitud rahvana end kõigist rassidest kõrgemale tõsta; seetõttu redigeerisid nad hoolikalt kõiki oma ürikuid, et tõsta Aabrahami ja teisi oma rahva juhte kõrgemale kõigist teistest isikutest, kaasa arvatud Melkisedekist endast. Nii hävitasid heebrea kirjatargad kõik neist otsustavatest aegadest kõnelevad ülestähendused, mida suutsid leida, säilitades vaid loo Aabrahami kohtumisest Melkisedekiga pärast Siddimi lahingut, mida pidasid Aabrahamile suureks auks. 93:9.9 (1023.6) The national ego of the Jews was tremendously depressed by the Babylonian captivity. In their reaction against national inferiority they swung to the other extreme of national and racial egotism, in which they distorted and perverted their traditions with the view of exalting themselves above all races as the chosen people of God; and hence they carefully edited all their records for the purpose of raising Abraham and their other national leaders high up above all other persons, not excepting Melchizedek himself. The Hebrew scribes therefore destroyed every record of these momentous times which they could find, preserving only the narrative of the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek after the battle of Siddim, which they deemed reflected great honor upon Abraham.
93:9.10 (1024.1) Ja kaotades sel moel silmist Melkisedeki, lasid nad kaotsi minna ka selle eriolukordades tegutseva Poja õpetuse tõotatud annetuva Poja vaimsest missioonist; nad kaotasid selle missiooni olemuse nii täielikult silmist, et vaid vähesed nende järeltulijad suutsid või soovisid Miikaeli ära tunda ja vastu võtta, kui ta Machiventa ettekuulutuse kohaselt lihalikul kujul Maa peale ilmus. 93:9.10 (1024.1) And thus, in losing sight of Melchizedek, they also lost sight of the teaching of this emergency Son regarding the spiritual mission of the promised bestowal Son; lost sight of the nature of this mission so fully and completely that very few of their progeny were able or willing to recognize and receive Michael when he appeared on earth and in the flesh as Machiventa had foretold.
93:9.11 (1024.2) Ent üks „Kirja heebrealastele” autoreid mõistis siiski Melkisedekit, sest ta on kirjutanud: „See Melkisedek, Kõigekõrgema preester, oli ka rahu kuningas; isata, emata, ilma suguvõsata, ilma päevade alguseta ja ilma eluotsata, ent loodud nagu Jumala Poeg, jääb ta igavesti preestriks.” Nende sõnade kirjutaja võrdles Melkisedekit hilisema Miikaeli annetumisega, kinnitades, et Jeesus oli „preester igavesti Melkisedeki korra järele”. Kuigi see polnud just päris õnnestunud võrdlus, oli sõna-sõnalt tõsi, et Kristus sai ajutise õiguse Urantiale nende „kaheteistkümne Melkisedeki-hooldaja korraldusel”, kes olid valvekorras, kui ta maailmale annetus. 93:9.11 (1024.2) But one of the writers of the Book of Hebrews understood the mission of Melchizedek, for it is written: “This Melchizedek, priest of the Most High, was also king of peace; without father, without mother, without pedigree, having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like a Son of God, he abides a priest continually.” This writer designated Melchizedek as a type of the later bestowal of Michael, affirming that Jesus was “a minister forever on the order of Melchizedek.” While this comparison was not altogether fortunate, it was literally true that Christ did receive provisional title to Urantia “upon the orders of the twelve Melchizedek receivers” on duty at the time of his world bestowal.
10. Machiventa Melkisedeki praegune seisund ^top 10. Present Status of Machiventa Melchizedek ^top
93:10.1 (1024.3) Machiventa kehastumise ajal tegutsesid Melkisedekid-hooldajad Urantial üheteistkümnekesi. Kui Machiventa luges ülesande eriolukorras tegutseva Pojana lõpuleviiduks, andis ta oma üheteistkümnele kaaslasele sellest märku ja nad valmistasid kohe ette tema vabastamise lihast, hoolitsedes selle eest, et taastuks tema esialgne seisund Melkisedekina. Ja kolmandal päeval pärast tema kadumist Saalemist ilmus ta oma üheteistkümne Urantiale määratud kaaslase juurde ja jätkas katkenud teenistust Satania planeedi number 606 ühe hooldajana. 93:10.1 (1024.3) During the years of Machiventa’s incarnation the Urantia Melchizedek receivers functioned as eleven. When Machiventa considered that his mission as an emergency Son was finished, he signalized this fact to his eleven associates, and they immediately made ready the technique whereby he was to be released from the flesh and safely restored to his original Melchizedek status. And on the third day after his disappearance from Salem he appeared among his eleven fellows of the Urantia assignment and resumed his interrupted career as one of the planetary receivers of 606 of Satania.
93:10.2 (1024.4) Machiventa lõpetas oma annetumise lihast ja verest loodud-olendina täpselt sama äkki ja tseremoonitsemata, nagu oli seda alustanud. Tema ilmumise ega lahkumisega ei kaasnenud ebatavalisi teateid ega selgitusi; tema ilmumist Urantiale ei tähistanud ülestõusmisloendus ega planeedi usulise elukorralduse lõpp, see oli annetumine eriolukorra tõttu. Ent Machiventa lõpetas oma viibimise inimihus alles pärast seda, kui Melkisedek-Isa oli ta korrakohaselt vabastanud ja ta oli saanud teate, et Nebadoni tegevjuht Salvingtoni Gabriel on eriolukorralise annetumise heaks kiitnud. 93:10.2 (1024.4) Machiventa terminated his bestowal as a creature of flesh and blood just as suddenly and unceremoniously as he had begun it. Neither his appearance nor departure were accompanied by any unusual announcement or demonstration; neither resurrection roll call nor ending of planetary dispensation marked his appearance on Urantia; his was an emergency bestowal. But Machiventa did not end his sojourn in the flesh of human beings until he had been duly released by the Father Melchizedek and had been informed that his emergency bestowal had received the approval of the chief executive of Nebadon, Gabriel of Salvington.
93:10.3 (1024.5) Machiventa Melkisedek tundis ka edaspidi suurt huvi nende inimeste järeltulijate tegemiste vastu, kes olid tema lihasviibimise ajal ta õpetustesse uskunud. Kuid Aabrahami järeltulijad, kes olid Iisaku kaudu keniitidega abielusidemed sõlminud, olid ainsad, kes hoidsid alal vähegi selgemat arusaama Saalemi õpetustest. 93:10.3 (1024.5) Machiventa Melchizedek continued to take a great interest in the affairs of the descendants of those men who had believed in his teachings when he was in the flesh. But the progeny of Abraham through Isaac as intermarried with the Kenites were the only line which long continued to nourish any clear concept of the Salem teachings.
93:10.4 (1024.6) Seesama Melkisedek jätkas kõigi järgneva üheksateistkümne sajandi jooksul koostööd paljude prohvetite ja nägijatega, püüdes sel teel Saalemi tõdesid kuni Miikaeli maakerale saabumiseni elavaina hoida. 93:10.4 (1024.6) This same Melchizedek continued to collaborate throughout the nineteen succeeding centuries with the many prophets and seers, thus endeavoring to keep alive the truths of Salem until the fullness of the time for Michael’s appearance on earth.
93:10.5 (1025.1) Machiventa jäi planeedi hooldajaks kuni Miikaeli võidukäiguni Urantial. Seejärel määrati ta Urantia-teenistusse Jerusemile ühena neljast ja kahekümnest suunajast ning hiljuti ülendati ta Urantia Planeedivürsti asemiku tiitlit kandvaks Looja-Poja isiklikuks saadikuks Jerusemil. Me usume, et kuni Urantia on asustatud planeet, ei anta Machiventa Melkisedekile enam päriselt oma pojaseisuseklassi ülesandeid, vaid ta jääb ajalises mõttes igaveseks Kristus Miikaeli esindavaks planeedi hooldajaks. 93:10.5 (1025.1) Machiventa continued as a planetary receiver up to the times of the triumph of Michael on Urantia. Subsequently, he was attached to the Urantia service on Jerusem as one of the four and twenty directors, only just recently having been elevated to the position of personal ambassador on Jerusem of the Creator Son, bearing the title Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia. It is our belief that, as long as Urantia remains an inhabited planet, Machiventa Melchizedek will not be fully returned to the duties of his order of sonship but will remain, speaking in the terms of time, forever a planetary minister representing Christ Michael.
93:10.6 (1025.2) Et Urantial annetumine oli eriolukorraline ülesanne, siis ei ole ürikutest näha, milliseks võib kujuneda Machiventa tulevik. Pole võimatu, et Nebadoni Melkisedekite korpus on ühe oma liikme alatiseks kaotanud. Edentia Kõigekõrgematelt saabunud hiljutised korraldused, mida kinnitasid ka Uversa Päevilt Vanad, lubavad kindlalt arvata, et sellel annetunud Melkisedekil tuleb asuda langenud Planeedivürsti Caligastia asemele. Kui meie sellekohased oletused on õiged, siis on täiesti võimalik, et Machiventa Melkisedek ilmub taas isiklikult Urantiale ja võtab mingis muudetud vormis üle troonilt kukutatud eelmise Planeedivürsti rolli või saabub Planeedivürsti asemikuna esindama Kristus Miikaeli, kellele kuulub praegu Urantia Planeedivürsti tiitel. Kuigi meile pole kaugeltki selge, missugune võiks Machiventa saatus olla, lubavad alles hiljuti toimunud sündmused kindlalt arvata, et eeltoodud oletused ei ole tõenäoliselt tõest kaugel. 93:10.6 (1025.2) As his was an emergency bestowal on Urantia, it does not appear from the records what Machiventa’s future may be. It may develop that the Melchizedek corps of Nebadon have sustained the permanent loss of one of their number. Recent rulings handed down from the Most Highs of Edentia, and later confirmed by the Ancients of Days of Uversa, strongly suggest that this bestowal Melchizedek is destined to take the place of the fallen Planetary Prince, Caligastia. If our conjectures in this respect are correct, it is altogether possible that Machiventa Melchizedek may again appear in person on Urantia and in some modified manner resume the role of the dethroned Planetary Prince, or else appear on earth to function as vicegerent Planetary Prince representing Christ Michael, who now actually holds the title of Planetary Prince of Urantia. While it is far from clear to us as to what Machiventa’s destiny may be, nevertheless, events which have so recently taken place strongly suggest that the foregoing conjectures are probably not far from the truth.
93:10.7 (1025.3) Me mõistame hästi, kuidas sai Miikael tänu oma võidukäigule Urantial nii Caligastia kui ka Aadama järeltulijaks; kuidas temast sai planeedi Rahuvürst ja teine Aadam. Ja nüüd me näeme, et Urantia Planeedivürsti asemiku tiitel antakse sellele Melkisedekile. Kas ta seatakse ka Urantia Ainelise Poja asemikuks? Või on võimalik, et toimub ootamatu ja enneolematu sündmus ning Aadam ja Eeva või mõned nende järeltulijad pöörduvad Urantia teise Aadama asemikena planeedile tagasi? 93:10.7 (1025.3) We well understand how, by his triumph on Urantia, Michael became the successor of both Caligastia and Adam; how he became the planetary Prince of Peace and the second Adam. And now we behold the conferring upon this Melchizedek of the title Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia. Will he also be constituted Vicegerent Material Son of Urantia? Or is there a possibility that an unexpected and unprecedented event is to take place, the sometime return to the planet of Adam and Eve or certain of their progeny as representatives of Michael with the titles vicegerents of the second Adam of Urantia?
93:10.8 (1025.4) Kõik need arutlused seoses nii Kohtumõistjate-Poegade kui ka Kolmsuse Õpetajate-Poegade kindla ilmumisega tulevikus vastavalt Looja-Poja otsesele lubadusele, et ta kunagi naaseb, teevad Urantiast määramatu tulevikuga planeedi ja ühe kõige huvitavama ning põnevama sfääri kogu Nebadoni universumis. On täiesti võimalik, et mõnel tulevasel ajastul, kui Urantia on lähenemas valguse ja elu ajajärgule ning kohus on Luciferi mässu ja Caligastia lahkulöömise asjus oma lõpliku otsuse teinud, võime olla tunnistajaks Machiventa, Aadama, Eeva ja Kristus Miikaeli, samuti mõne Kohtumõistja-Poja või isegi Kolmsuse Õpetaja-Poja samaaegsele viibimisele Urantial. 93:10.8 (1025.4) And all these speculations associated with the certainty of future appearances of both Magisterial and Trinity Teacher Sons, in conjunction with the explicit promise of the Creator Son to return sometime, make Urantia a planet of future uncertainty and render it one of the most interesting and intriguing spheres in all the universe of Nebadon. It is altogether possible that, in some future age when Urantia is approaching the era of light and life, after the affairs of the Lucifer rebellion and the Caligastia secession have been finally adjudicated, we may witness the presence on Urantia, simultaneously, of Machiventa, Adam, Eve, and Christ Michael, as well as either a Magisterial Son or even Trinity Teacher Sons.
93:10.9 (1025.5) Meie klass on juba ammu arvanud, et Machiventa kuulumine Urantia suunajate korpusesse Jerusemil, nelja ja kahekümne nõuandja hulka, kinnitab piisavalt usku, et ta on määratud jälgima Urantia surelikke nende arengu- ja tõusuteel universumis kuni Paradiisi Lõplikkuse Korpuseni välja. Me teame, et Aadam ja Eeva on määratud saatma sel viisil oma maiseid kaaslasi Paradiisi-teel pärast Urantia stabiliseerumist valgusesse ja ellu. 93:10.9 (1025.5) It has long been the opinion of our order that Machiventa’s presence on the Jerusem corps of Urantia directors, the four and twenty counselors, is sufficient evidence to warrant the belief that he is destined to follow the mortals of Urantia on through the universe scheme of progression and ascension even to the Paradise Corps of the Finality. We know that Adam and Eve are thus destined to accompany their earth fellows on the Paradise adventure when Urantia has become settled in light and life.
93:10.10 (1025.6) Vähem kui tuhat aastat tagasi viibis seesama Machiventa Melkisedek, kunagine Saalemi tark, sada aastat nähtamatuna Urantial, tegutsedes planeedil resideeruva üldkubernerina; ja kui seda planeeti juhitakse edaspidi samamoodi nagu praegu, pöördub ta veidi enam kui tuhande aasta pärast samale ametikohale tagasi. 93:10.10 (1025.6) Less than a thousand years ago this same Machiventa Melchizedek, the onetime sage of Salem, was invisibly present on Urantia for a period of one hundred years, acting as resident governor general of the planet; and if the present system of directing planetary affairs should continue, he will be due to return in the same capacity in a little over one thousand years.
93:10.11 (1026.1) Niisugune on lugu Machiventa Melkisedekist, ühest ainulaadseimast isikust, keda kunagi on Urantia ajalooga seostatud; isiksusest, kellel tuleb võib-olla täita teie reeglipäratu ja ebatavalise maailma tulevastes kogemustes olulist rolli. 93:10.11 (1026.1) This is the story of Machiventa Melchizedek, one of the most unique of all characters ever to become connected with the history of Urantia and a personality who may be destined to play an important role in the future experience of your irregular and unusual world.
93:10.12 (1026.2) [Esitanud Nebadoni Melkisedek.] 93:10.12 (1026.2) [Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon.]