145. Kiri |
Paper 145 |
Neli sündmusrohket päeva Kapernaumas |
Four Eventful Days at Capernaum |
145:0.1 (1628.1) JEESUS ja apostlid saabusid Kapernauma teisipäeva, 13. jaanuari õhtul. Nad seadsid end nagu tavaliselt sisse Betsaidas Sebedeuse majas. Nüüd, mil Ristija Johannes oli surma saadetud, valmistus Jeesus alustama esimest avalikku jutlustamis-ringreisi Galileas. Uudis Jeesuse tagasitulekust levis kiiresti kogu linnas ning Jeesuse ema Maarja kiirustas järgmisel päeval Naatsaretti oma poega Joosepit külastama. |
145:0.1 (1628.1) JESUS and the apostles arrived in Capernaum the evening of Tuesday, January 13. As usual, they made their headquarters at the home of Zebedee in Bethsaida. Now that John the Baptist had been sent to his death, Jesus prepared to launch out in the first open and public preaching tour of Galilee. The news that Jesus had returned rapidly spread throughout the city, and early the next day, Mary the mother of Jesus hastened away, going over to Nazareth to visit her son Joseph. |
145:0.2 (1628.2) Kolmapäeval, neljapäeval ja reedel õpetas Jeesus Sebedeuse majas apostleid, valmistamaks neid ette esimeseks ulatuslikuks avalikuks jutlustamisreisiks. Ta võttis ka vastu ja õpetas palju nii üksikult kui ka rühmadena saabunud tõsimeelseid huvilisi. Ta leppis Andrease kaudu kokku, et esineb saabuval sabatil sünagoogis. |
145:0.2 (1628.2) Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Jesus spent at the Zebedee house instructing his apostles preparatory to their first extensive public preaching tour. He also received and taught many earnest inquirers, both singly and in groups. Through Andrew, he arranged to speak in the synagogue on the coming Sabbath day. |
145:0.3 (1628.3) Reede hilisõhtul külastas Jeesust salaja tema noorim õde Rutt. Nad olid peaaegu tund aega koos paadis, mis seisis kaldast veidi eemal ankrus. Ükski inimolend peale Johannes Sebedeuse ei saanud sellest külaskäigust teada ja Jeesus manitses, et too sellest kellelegi ei räägiks. Rutt oli ainus Jeesuse perekonna liige, kes alati ja vankumatult uskus oma venna maise missiooni jumalikkusesse, alates tema varase vaimse teadvuse tekkimisest kuni sündmusrikka teenistuse, surma, ülestõusmise ja taevasseminekuni. Õde siirdus lõpuks teispoolsetesse maailmadesse, ilma et oleks kunagi oma isast venna lihas täidetud missiooni üleloomulikkuses kahelnud. Väikeõde Rutt oli Jeesusele oma maisest perest suurim lohutus ka kohtumõistmis-, hülgamis- ja ristilöömiskatsumuste ajal. |
145:0.3 (1628.3) Late on Friday evening Jesus’ baby sister, Ruth, secretly paid him a visit. They spent almost an hour together in a boat anchored a short distance from the shore. No human being, save John Zebedee, ever knew of this visit, and he was admonished to tell no man. Ruth was the only member of Jesus’ family who consistently and unwaveringly believed in the divinity of his earth mission from the times of her earliest spiritual consciousness right on down through his eventful ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension; and she finally passed on to the worlds beyond never having doubted the supernatural character of her father-brother’s mission in the flesh. Baby Ruth was the chief comfort of Jesus, as regards his earth family, throughout the trying ordeal of his trial, rejection, and crucifixion. |
1. Kalasaak ^top |
1. The Draught of Fishes ^top |
145:1.1 (1628.4) Sama nädala reede hommikul, kui Jeesus rannal jutlustas, surus rahvas ta lausa vee äärde, nii et ta pidi läheduses paadis kalastavatele kaluritele märku andma, et need talle appi tuleksid. Ta astus paati ja õpetas kokkutulnud rahvahulka veel üle kahe tunni. Selle paadi nimi oli „Siimon”, see oli Siimon Peetruse endine kalapaat ja ehitatud Jeesuse enda kätega. Tol hommikul kasutas paati Taavet Sebedeus oma kahe kaaslasega, kes olid just pärast saagita jäänud kalastamist järvel ranna lähedale jõudnud. Nad puhastasid ja parandasid parajasti võrke, kui Jeesus palus neil appi tulla. |
145:1.1 (1628.4) On Friday morning of this same week, when Jesus was teaching by the seaside, the people crowded him so near the water’s edge that he signaled to some fishermen occupying a near-by boat to come to his rescue. Entering the boat, he continued to teach the assembled multitude for more than two hours. This boat was named “Simon”; it was the former fishing vessel of Simon Peter and had been built by Jesus’ own hands. On this particular morning the boat was being used by David Zebedee and two associates, who had just come in near shore from a fruitless night of fishing on the lake. They were cleaning and mending their nets when Jesus requested them to come to his assistance. |
145:1.2 (1628.5) Kui Jeesus oli rahvale õpetuste jagamise lõpetanud, ütles ta Taavetile: „Et te pidite mulle appitulekuga aega viitma, lubage mul nüüd teiega koos tööd teha. Lähme kala püüdma, sõidame sinna sügavasse kohta ja laske oma võrgud sisse.” Aga Siimon, üks Taaveti abiline, vastas: „Meister, see on kasutu. Me töötasime kogu öö ega saanud midagi; aga kui sa käsid, sõidame välja ja paneme võrgud sisse.” Ja oma peremehe Taaveti käeviipe peale nõustuski Siimon Jeesuse juhiseid järgima. Kui nad olid Jeesuse näidatud kohta jõudnud, lasid nad võrgud sisse ja püüdsid nii palju kala, et kartsid võrkude purunemist, seepärast andsid nad kaldalolevatele kaaslastele märku appi tulla. Kui kõik kolm paati olid peaaegu põhjavajumiseni kaladega täidetud, langes Siimon Jeesuse ette põlvili, öeldes: „Jäta mind, Meister, sest ma olen patune mees.” Siimon ja kõik selles episoodis osalenud olid kalasaagist hämmastunud. Alates sellest päevast jätsid Taavet Sebedeus, Siimon ja nende kaaslased oma võrgud ning järgnesid Jeesusele. |
145:1.2 (1628.5) After Jesus had finished teaching the people, he said to David: “As you were delayed by coming to my help, now let me work with you. Let us go fishing; put out into yonder deep and let down your nets for a draught.” But Simon, one of David’s assistants, answered: “Master, it is useless. We toiled all night and took nothing; however, at your bidding we will put out and let down the nets.” And Simon consented to follow Jesus’ directions because of a gesture made by his master, David. When they had proceeded to the place designated by Jesus, they let down their nets and enclosed such a multitude of fish that they feared the nets would break, so much so that they signaled to their associates on the shore to come to their assistance. When they had filled all three boats with fish, almost to sinking, this Simon fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, Master, for I am a sinful man.” Simon and all who were concerned in this episode were amazed at the draught of fishes. From that day David Zebedee, this Simon, and their associates forsook their nets and followed Jesus. |
145:1.3 (1629.1) Ent see polnud üheski mõttes imeline kalasaak. Jeesus tundis hästi loodust, ta oli kogenud kalur ja teadis kalade harjumusi Galilea järves. Ta juhtis mehed tol korral lihtsalt paika, kus sel kellaajal tavaliselt kalu leidus. Kuid Jeesuse järgijad on seda alati imeks pidanud. |
145:1.3 (1629.1) But this was in no sense a miraculous draught of fishes. Jesus was a close student of nature; he was an experienced fisherman and knew the habits of the fish in the Sea of Galilee. On this occasion he merely directed these men to the place where the fish were usually to be found at this time of day. But Jesus’ followers always regarded this as a miracle. |
2. Pärastlõuna sünagoogis ^top |
2. Afternoon at the Synagogue ^top |
145:2.1 (1629.2) Järgmise sabati ajal pidas Jeesus sünagoogis pärastlõunasel teenistusel jutluse teemal „Taevase Isa tahe”. Siimon Peetrus oli hommikul jutlustanud teemal „Kuningriik”. Neljapäevaõhtusel koosolekul sünagoogis oli Andreas õpetanud teemal „Uus tee”. Sel ajal oli Kapernaumas rohkem Jeesusesse uskujaid kui üheski teises selle maailma linnas. |
145:2.1 (1629.2) The next Sabbath, at the afternoon service in the synagogue, Jesus preached his sermon on “The Will of the Father in Heaven.” In the morning Simon Peter had preached on “The Kingdom.” At the Thursday evening meeting of the synagogue Andrew had taught, his subject being “The New Way.” At this particular time more people believed in Jesus in Capernaum than in any other one city on earth. |
145:2.2 (1629.3) Kui Jeesus tol sabati pärastlõunal sünagoogis õpetas, võttis ta tavapäraselt esimese teksti seadusest ja luges Teisest Moosese raamatust: „Sa pead teenima Issandat, oma Jumalat, siis ta õnnistab sinu leiba ja vett, ja tõved hoitakse sinust eemal.” Teise teksti valis ta Prohvetitest, lugedes Jesajat: „Tõuse, paista, sest sinu valgus tuleb ja Issanda auhiilgus koidab su kohal. Sest vaata, pimedus katab maad ja pilkane pimedus rahvaid, aga sinu kohal koidab Issanda vaim ja sinu juures nähakse tema auhiilgust. Isegi paganad tulevad selle valguse juurde ja paljud suurvaimud alistuvad selle valguse särale.” |
145:2.2 (1629.3) As Jesus taught in the synagogue this Sabbath afternoon, according to custom he took the first text from the law, reading from the Book of Exodus: “And you shall serve the Lord, your God, and he shall bless your bread and your water, and all sickness shall be taken away from you.” He chose the second text from the Prophets, reading from Isaiah: “Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Darkness may cover the earth and gross darkness the people, but the spirit of the Lord shall arise upon you, and the divine glory shall be seen with you. Even the gentiles shall come to this light, and many great minds shall surrender to the brightness of this light.” |
145:2.3 (1629.4) Selle jutlusega püüdis Jeesus selgeks teha, et usk on isiklik kogemus. Meister ütles muuhulgas järgmist: |
145:2.3 (1629.4) This sermon was an effort on Jesus’ part to make clear the fact that religion is a personal experience. Among other things, the Master said: |
145:2.4 (1629.5) „Te teate, et kui hea südamega isa armastab kogu oma perekonda, siis peab ta seda terviklikuks rühmaks oma tugeva kiindumuse tõttu selle pere igasse üksikliikmesse. Te ei pea enam pöörduma taevase Isa poole Iisraeli lastena, vaid võite seda teha Jumala lastena. Rühmana olete te tõepoolest Iisraeli lapsed, kuid igaüks teist üksikult on Jumala laps. Ma pole tulnud ilmutama Isa Iisraeli lastele, vaid pigem tooma seda teadmist Jumalast ja ilmutama tema armastust ja halastust igale üksikule uskujale tõelise isikliku kogemusena. Kõik prohvetid on teile õpetanud, et Jahve hoolib oma lastest, et Jumal armastab Iisraeli. Aga mina olen tulnud teie sekka kuulutama suuremat tõde, mida on mõistnud ka paljud hilisemad prohvetid, et Jumal armastab just teid—igaüht teist üksikult. Kõigi nende põlvkondade jooksul on teil olnud rahva või rassi religioon, nüüd tulin mina teile andma isiklikku religiooni. |
145:2.4 (1629.5) “You well know that, while a kindhearted father loves his family as a whole, he so regards them as a group because of his strong affection for each individual member of that family. No longer must you approach the Father in heaven as a child of Israel but as a child of God. As a group, you are indeed the children of Israel, but as individuals, each one of you is a child of God. I have come, not to reveal the Father to the children of Israel, but rather to bring this knowledge of God and the revelation of his love and mercy to the individual believer as a genuine personal experience. The prophets have all taught you that Yahweh cares for his people, that God loves Israel. But I have come among you to proclaim a greater truth, one which many of the later prophets also grasped, that God loves you—every one of you—as individuals. All these generations have you had a national or racial religion; now have I come to give you a personal religion. |
145:2.5 (1630.1) Ent ka see pole uus idee. Paljud vaimselt meelestatud teie seast on seda tõde teadnud, sest mõned prohvetid on teile seda õpetanud. Kas te pole siis pühakirjadest lugenud prohvet Jeremija sõnu: „Neil päevil ei öelda enam: isad sõid tooreid viinamarju, aga laste hambad on hellad. Igaüks sureb oma süü pärast: igal inimesel, kes sööb tooreid viinamarju, lähevad hambad hellaks. Vaata, päevad tulevad, mil ma teen oma rahvaga uue lepingu: mitte selle lepingu sarnase, mille ma tegin nende vanematega sel päeval, kui ma nad Egiptusemaalt välja tõin, vaid uutmoodi lepingu. Ma kirjutan oma seaduse neile südamesse. Siis ma olen neile Jumal ja nemad on minu rahvas. Siis nad ei küsi enam üksteiselt: kas sa tunned Issandat? Ei! Sest nad kõik tunnevad mind isiklikult, niihästi pisikesed kui suured.” |
145:2.5 (1630.1) “But even this is not a new idea. Many of the spiritually minded among you have known this truth, inasmuch as some of the prophets have so instructed you. Have you not read in the Scriptures where the Prophet Jeremiah says: ‘In those days they shall no more say, the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge. Every man shall die for his own iniquity; every man who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge. Behold, the days shall come when I will make a new covenant with my people, not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, but according to the new way. I will even write my law in their hearts. I will be their God, and they shall be my people. In that day they shall not say, one man to his neighbor, do you know the Lord? Nay! For they shall all know me personally, from the least to the greatest.’ |
145:2.6 (1630.2) Kas te pole siis neid tõotusi lugenud? Kas te ei usu pühakirju? Kas te ei saa aru, et prohveti sõnad täituvad selles, mida te just täna näete? Ning kas Jeremija ei manitsenud teid tegema usku oma südameasjaks, looma sidet Jumalaga kui üksikisikud? Kas prohvet ei öelnud teile, et taevane Isa katsub läbi igaühe südame? Kas teid pole hoiatatud, et inimsüda on loomult petlikum kui miski muu ja tihti äärmiselt rikutud? |
145:2.6 (1630.2) “Have you not read these promises? Do you not believe the Scriptures? Do you not understand that the prophet’s words are fulfilled in what you behold this very day? And did not Jeremiah exhort you to make religion an affair of the heart, to relate yourselves to God as individuals? Did not the prophet tell you that the God of heaven would search your individual hearts? And were you not warned that the natural human heart is deceitful above all things and oftentimes desperately wicked? |
145:2.7 (1630.3) Kas te pole lugenud ka Hesekieli õpetusi juba teie isadele, et usk peab saama reaalsuseks teie isiklikus kogemuses? Ärge öelge enam: „Isad sõid tooreid viinamarju, aga laste hambad on hellad”. „Nii tõesti kui ma elan,” ütleb Issand Jumal, „vaata, kõik hinged on minu päralt; nagu isa hing, nõnda ka poja hing. Ainult hing, kes teeb pattu, peab surema.” Ning siis nägi Hesekiel ette ka tänast päeva, öeldes: „Ja ma annan teile uue südame ja panen teie sisse uue vaimu.” |
145:2.7 (1630.3) “Have you not read also where Ezekiel taught even your fathers that religion must become a reality in your individual experiences? No more shall you use the proverb which says, ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’ ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘behold all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son. Only the soul that sins shall die.’ And then Ezekiel foresaw even this day when he spoke in behalf of God, saying: ‘A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.’ |
145:2.8 (1630.4) Te ei pea enam kartma, et Jumal karistab üksikisiku patu eest kogu rahvast. Taevane Isa ei karista ka ühtki temasse uskuvat last rahva pattude eest, ehkki pere kõik liikmed peavad sageli kannatama pere eksimuste ja ühiste üleastumiste aineliste tagajärgede pärast. Kas te saate aru, et lootus rahva — või maailma — paranemisele sõltub üksikisiku arengust ja valgustatusest?” |
145:2.8 (1630.4) “No more should you fear that God will punish a nation for the sin of an individual; neither will the Father in heaven punish one of his believing children for the sins of a nation, albeit the individual member of any family must often suffer the material consequences of family mistakes and group transgressions. Do you not realize that the hope of a better nation—or a better world—is bound up in the progress and enlightenment of the individual?” |
145:2.9 (1630.5) Seejärel selgitas Meister: taevane Isa tahab, et kui inimene on seda vaimset vabadust mõistnud, alustavad ta maised lapsed seda igavest tõusu Paradiisi-elujärgus, mis seisneb loodud-olendi teadlikus reageerimises sisimas elava vaimu jumalikule tungile leida Looja, tunda Jumalat ja püüda saada tema sarnaseks. |
145:2.9 (1630.5) Then the Master portrayed that the Father in heaven, after man discerns this spiritual freedom, wills that his children on earth should begin that eternal ascent of the Paradise career which consists in the creature’s conscious response to the divine urge of the indwelling spirit to find the Creator, to know God and to seek to become like him. |
145:2.10 (1630.6) See jutlus aitas apostleid väga. Nad kõik said paremini aru, et taevariigi evangeelium on üksikisikule, mitte aga rahvale suunatud sõnum. |
145:2.10 (1630.6) The apostles were greatly helped by this sermon. All of them realized more fully that the gospel of the kingdom is a message directed to the individual, not to the nation. |
145:2.11 (1630.7) Ehkki Kapernauma elanikele oli Jeesuse õpetus tuttav, olid nad tol sabatipäeval tema jutlust kuulates üllatunud. Ta õpetas tõepoolest nagu mõjujõuline isiksus, mitte nagu kirjatundja. |
145:2.11 (1630.7) Even though the people of Capernaum were familiar with Jesus’ teaching, they were astonished at his sermon on this Sabbath day. He taught, indeed, as one having authority and not as the scribes. |
145:2.12 (1630.8) Kohe kui Jeesus oli kõnelemise lõpetanud, tabas koguduse seas üht tema sõnade peale väga erutunud noormeest äge langetõvehoog ja ta karjatas valjusti. Kui hoog vaibus ja ta teadvusele tuli, ütles ta nagu unes olles: „Mis on meil asja sinuga, Jeesus Naatsaretlane? Kas sa oled tulnud meid hukkama?” Jeesus palus rahval vaikseks jääda, võttis noormehel käest kinni ja ütles: „Tule sellest välja” — ning noormees tuli kohe teadvusele. |
145:2.12 (1630.8) Just as Jesus finished speaking, a young man in the congregation who had been much agitated by his words was seized with a violent epileptic attack and loudly cried out. At the end of the seizure, when recovering consciousness, he spoke in a dreamy state, saying: “What have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? You are the holy one of God; have you come to destroy us?” Jesus bade the people be quiet and, taking the young man by the hand, said, “Come out of it”—and he was immediately awakened. |
145:2.13 (1631.1) Seda noormeest polnud vallanud ebapuhas vaim ega deemon, ta oli tavalise langetõve ohver. Ent talle oli õpetatud, et seda haigust on põhjustanud teda vallanud kuri vaim. Ta uskus seda õpetust ja väljendas seda usku ka kõigis selle haigusega seotud mõtetes ja tegudes. Kõik inimesed uskusid, et niisuguseid nähtusi põhjustavad otseselt ebapuhtad vaimud. Seepärast uskusid nad ka, et Jeesus oli deemoni sellest mehest välja ajanud. Kuid Jeesus ei ravinud tol korral meest langetõvest terveks. Mees tervenes tol päeval alles hiljem, pärast päikeseloojangut. Veel kaua pärast nelipüha vältis apostel Johannes, kes viimasena Jeesuse tegemistest kirjutas, igasuguseid viiteid neile niinimetatud „kurja vaimu väljaajamistele” ning seda sellepärast, et pärast nelipüha ei esinenud enam juhtumeid, et keegi oleks olnud kurjast vaimust vallatud. |
145:2.13 (1631.1) This young man was not possessed of an unclean spirit or demon; he was a victim of ordinary epilepsy. But he had been taught that his affliction was due to possession by an evil spirit. He believed this teaching and behaved accordingly in all that he thought or said concerning his ailment. The people all believed that such phenomena were directly caused by the presence of unclean spirits. Accordingly they believed that Jesus had cast a demon out of this man. But Jesus did not at that time cure his epilepsy. Not until later on that day, after sundown, was this man really healed. Long after the day of Pentecost the Apostle John, who was the last to write of Jesus’ doings, avoided all reference to these so-called acts of “casting out devils,” and this he did in view of the fact that such cases of demon possession never occurred after Pentecost. |
145:2.14 (1631.2) Selle päris tavalise vahejuhtumi järel levisid üle kogu Kapernauma kiiresti jutud, et Jeesus oli pärastlõunase jutluse järel ühest mehest kurja vaimu välja ajanud ja ta imeliselt terveks ravinud. Sabat oli hämmastavate kuulujuttude kiireks ja tõhusaks levitamiseks just õige aeg. Need kuuldused kandusid ka Kapernauma ümbruse kõigisse väiksematesse asulatesse ja paljud uskusid neid. |
145:2.14 (1631.2) As a result of this commonplace incident the report was rapidly spread through Capernaum that Jesus had cast a demon out of a man and miraculously healed him in the synagogue at the conclusion of his afternoon sermon. The Sabbath was just the time for the rapid and effective spreading of such a startling rumor. This report was also carried to all the smaller settlements around Capernaum, and many of the people believed it. |
145:2.15 (1631.3) Suures Sebedeuse majas, kus Jeesus kaheteistkümne apostliga peatus, valmistasid toitu ja hoidsid majapidamist korras enamasti Siimon Peetruse naine ja ämm. Peetruse maja asus Sebedeuse oma lähedal ja Jeesus astus sünagoogist koju minnes sealt oma sõpradega läbi, sest Peetruse ämm oli olnud juba mitu päeva haige, külmavärinates ja palavikus. Nüüd juhtus, et umbes samal ajal, kui Jeesus kummardus selle haige naise kohale, hoidis ta kätt, silitas ta laupa ja teda lohutas ja julgustas, kadus naisel palavik. Jeesus ei olnud veel jõudnud apostlitele selgitada, et sünagoogis polnud mingit imet toimunud ning et see vahejuhtum oli neil veel nii värskelt ja eredalt meeles ja nad mäletasid ka lugu veest ja veinist Kaanas, hakkasid nad sedagi kokkusattumust imeks pidama ning mõned neist tormasid välja, et uudist kõikjal linnas kuulutada. |
145:2.15 (1631.3) The cooking and the housework at the large Zebedee home, where Jesus and the twelve made their headquarters, was for the most part done by Simon Peter’s wife and her mother. Peter’s home was near that of Zebedee; and Jesus and his friends stopped there on the way from the synagogue because Peter’s wife’s mother had for several days been sick with chills and fever. Now it chanced that, at about the time Jesus stood over this sick woman, holding her hand, smoothing her brow, and speaking words of comfort and encouragement, the fever left her. Jesus had not yet had time to explain to his apostles that no miracle had been wrought at the synagogue; and with this incident so fresh and vivid in their minds, and recalling the water and the wine at Cana, they seized upon this coincidence as another miracle, and some of them rushed out to spread the news abroad throughout the city. |
145:2.16 (1631.4) Peetruse ämmal Amaatal oli olnud malaariapalavik. Jeesus ei ravinud teda tol korral imeliselt terveks. Tervenemine toimus alles mitu tundi hiljem, pärast päikeseloojangut, seoses Sebedeuse maja eesõues juhtunud sündmusega. |
145:2.16 (1631.4) Amatha, Peter’s mother-in-law, was suffering from malarial fever. She was not miraculously healed by Jesus at this time. Not until several hours later, after sundown, was her cure effected in connection with the extraordinary event which occurred in the front yard of the Zebedee home. |
145:2.17 (1631.5) Need juhtumid on tüüpilised näited selle kohta, kuidas imesid ootav ja nende nägemisele meelestatud põlvkond haaras alati kinni igast ettekäändest kuulutada, et Jeesus on veel ühe ime korda saatnud. |
145:2.17 (1631.5) And these cases are typical of the manner in which a wonder-seeking generation and a miracle-minded people unfailingly seized upon all such coincidences as the pretext for proclaiming that another miracle had been wrought by Jesus. |
3. Tervendamine päikeseloojangul ^top |
3. The Healing at Sundown ^top |
145:3.1 (1631.6) Selleks ajaks kui Jeesus ja ta apostlid olid valmis sündmusrikast sabatipäeva lõpetavaks õhtusöögiks, oli kogu Kapernaum ja selle ümbrus väidetavate tervendamisimede tõttu ärevil ning päikeseloojangu ajal valmistusid kõik haiged ja vaevatud minema Jeesuse juurde või laskma end sõpradel sinna kanda. Juutide õpetuse kohaselt ei olnud lubatud pühadel sabatitundidel isegi mitte tervist nõutama minna. |
145:3.1 (1631.6) By the time Jesus and his apostles had made ready to partake of their evening meal near the end of this eventful Sabbath day, all Capernaum and its environs were agog over these reputed miracles of healing; and all who were sick or afflicted began preparations to go to Jesus or to have themselves carried there by their friends just as soon as the sun went down. According to Jewish teaching it was not permissible even to go in quest of health during the sacred hours of the Sabbath. |
145:3.2 (1632.1) Seepärast hakkasid niipea, kui päike oli horisondi taha vajunud, kümned haiged mehed, naised ja lapsed Betsaidasse Sebedeuse maja poole liikuma. Üks mees alustas oma halvatud tütrega teed niipea, kui päike oli tema naabri maja taha vajunud. |
145:3.2 (1632.1) Therefore, as soon as the sun sank beneath the horizon, scores of afflicted men, women, and children began to make their way toward the Zebedee home in Bethsaida. One man started out with his paralyzed daughter just as soon as the sun sank behind his neighbor’s house. |
145:3.3 (1632.2) Päeva kõik sündmused olid olnud selle päikeseloojanguaegse stseeni ettevalmistus. Isegi Jeesuse pärastlõunases jutluses oli vihjatud, et haigused peavad kaduma, ja ta oli rääkinud nii enneolematu enesekindluse ja autoriteetsusega! Tema sõnum oli nii veenev! Ehkki ta ei pretendeerinudki inimlikule autoriteedile, rääkis ta otse iga inimese südametunnistusele ja hingele. Ta ei kasutanud küll loogikat, seadustega laveerimist ega leidlikke ütlusi, kuid apelleeris võimsalt, otseselt, selgelt ja individuaalselt iga oma kuulaja südamele. |
145:3.3 (1632.2) The whole day’s events had set the stage for this extraordinary sundown scene. Even the text Jesus had used for his afternoon sermon had intimated that sickness should be banished; and he had spoken with such unprecedented power and authority! His message was so compelling! While he made no appeal to human authority, he did speak directly to the consciences and souls of men. Though he did not resort to logic, legal quibbles, or clever sayings, he did make a powerful, direct, clear, and personal appeal to the hearts of his hearers. |
145:3.4 (1632.3) See sabat oli Jeesuse maises elus, jah, kogu universumi elus suur päev. Kohaliku universumi jaoks oli see väike juudi linn Kapernaum tõeline Nebadoni pealinn. Need mõned juudid Kapernauma sünagoogis ei olnud sugugi ainsad olendid, kes kuulsid Jeesuse jutluse ülitähtsat lõpulauset: „Viha on hirmu vari, kättemaks arguse mask.” Tema kuulajad ei suutnud unustada ka tema õnnistatud sõnu, et „Inimene on Jumala poeg, mitte kuradi laps.” |
145:3.4 (1632.3) That Sabbath was a great day in the earth life of Jesus, yes, in the life of a universe. To all local universe intents and purposes the little Jewish city of Capernaum was the real capital of Nebadon. The handful of Jews in the Capernaum synagogue were not the only beings to hear that momentous closing statement of Jesus’ sermon: “Hate is the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice.” Neither could his hearers forget his blessed words, declaring, “Man is the son of God, not a child of the devil.” |
145:3.5 (1632.4) Varsti pärast päikeseloojangut, kui Jeesus ja apostlid õhtusöögi järel veel lauas istusid, kuulis Peetruse naine eesõues hääli ja kui ta ukse juurde läks, nägi ta kogunemas suurt hulka haigeid inimesi ja et Kapernaumast tulev tee oli täis neid, kes kõik soovisid Jeesuse käte läbi terveneda. Seda vaatepilti nähes läks ta sellest kohe teatama oma mehele, kes omakorda Jeesust teavitas. |
145:3.5 (1632.4) Soon after the setting of the sun, as Jesus and the apostles still lingered about the supper table, Peter’s wife heard voices in the front yard and, on going to the door, saw a large company of sick folks assembling, and that the road from Capernaum was crowded by those who were on their way to seek healing at Jesus’ hands. On seeing this sight, she went at once and informed her husband, who told Jesus. |
145:3.6 (1632.5) Kui Meister astus Sebedeuse maja eesuksest välja, nägid ta silmad haigustest tabatud ja vaevatud rahvahulka. Tema ees oli peaaegu tuhat haiget ja tõbist inimest, vähemalt nii palju oli neid kokku tulnud. Kõik nende seas ei olnud küll haiged, mõned olid tulnud aitama oma armastatud inimesi nende püüdes leida tervenemist. |
145:3.6 (1632.5) When the Master stepped out of the front entrance of Zebedee’s house, his eyes met an array of stricken and afflicted humanity. He gazed upon almost one thousand sick and ailing human beings; at least that was the number of persons gathered together before him. Not all present were afflicted; some had come assisting their loved ones in this effort to secure healing. |
145:3.7 (1632.6) Nende haigete meeste, naiste ja laste nägemine, kes kannatasid suures osas tema enda universumihaldajatest Poegade vigade ja eksimuste tagajärjel, liigutas Jeesuse inimsüdant ja heitis väljakutse selle heasoovliku Looja-Poja jumalikule halastusele. Kuid Jeesus teadis väga hästi, et ta ei suudaks kunagi üles ehitada püsimajäävat vaimset liikumist puhtaineliste imede vundamendile. Ta oli järjekindlalt püüdnud hoiduda oma loojavõimeid ilmutamast. Kaanast saadik polnud tema õpetusega kaasnenud midagi üleloomulikku ega imepärast, kuid haigete hulk liigutas tema osavõtlikku südant ja apelleeris tugevasti tema mõistvale armastustundele. |
145:3.7 (1632.6) The sight of these afflicted mortals, men, women, and children, suffering in large measure as a result of the mistakes and misdeeds of his own trusted Sons of universe administration, peculiarly touched the human heart of Jesus and challenged the divine mercy of this benevolent Creator Son. But Jesus well knew he could never build an enduring spiritual movement upon the foundation of purely material wonders. It had been his consistent policy to refrain from exhibiting his creator prerogatives. Not since Cana had the supernatural or miraculous attended his teaching; still, this afflicted multitude touched his sympathetic heart and mightily appealed to his understanding affection. |
145:3.8 (1632.7) Keegi hüüdis eesõuest: „Meister, ütle oma sõna, taasta meie tervis, ravi meie haigused ja päästa meie hinged.” Niipea kui see oli öeldud, valmistus tohutu seeravitest, füüsilistest juhtijatest, Elukandjatest ja keskteelistest koosnev saatjaskond, kes seda universumi kehastunud Loojat alati oli saatnud, loojavõimet ilmutama, kui vaid nende Suverään selleks märku annaks. See oli üks neid hetki Jeesuse maises elujärgus, mil jumalik tarkus ja inimlik kaastunne Inimese Poja otsuses nii tihedalt põimusid, et ta otsis pääseteed oma Isa tahtele tuginemises. |
145:3.8 (1632.7) A voice from the front yard exclaimed: “Master, speak the word, restore our health, heal our diseases, and save our souls.” No sooner had these words been uttered than a vast retinue of seraphim, physical controllers, Life Carriers, and midwayers, such as always attended this incarnated Creator of a universe, made themselves ready to act with creative power should their Sovereign give the signal. This was one of those moments in the earth career of Jesus in which divine wisdom and human compassion were so interlocked in the judgment of the Son of Man that he sought refuge in appeal to his Father’s will. |
145:3.9 (1632.8) Kui Peetruski anus Meistrit nende abipalvet kuulda võtma, vastas Jeesus haigete hulgale vaadates: „Ma tulin siia maailma Isa ilmutama ja tema taevariiki rajama. Olen elanud praeguse tunnini selle eesmärgi nimel. Seepärast, kui see peaks olema Tema tahe, kes mind on saatnud, ja kui see pole vastuolus minu pühendumisega taevariigi evangeeliumi kuulutamisele, sooviksin näha, et mu lapsed saaksid terveks — ja —,” kuid Jeesuse ülejäänud sõnad kadusid tekkinud kärasse. |
145:3.9 (1632.8) When Peter implored the Master to heed their cry for help, Jesus, looking down upon the afflicted throng, answered: “I have come into the world to reveal the Father and establish his kingdom. For this purpose have I lived my life to this hour. If, therefore, it should be the will of Him who sent me and not inconsistent with my dedication to the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven, I would desire to see my children made whole—and—” but the further words of Jesus were lost in the tumult. |
145:3.10 (1633.1) Jeesus oli andnud otsustamise tervendamise kohta oma Isale. Ilmselt ei olnud Isa tahtel vastuväiteid, sest vaevalt olid Meistri sõnad öeldud, kui Jeesuse Isikustatud Mõttekohandaja korraldustele alluv taevaste isiksuste rühm hakkas võimsalt tegutsema. See tohutu saatjaskond laskus tõbiste surelike kirju hulga sekka ja hetkega olid 683 meest, naist ja last terveks tehtud, täielikult terveks ravitud nende füüsilistest haigustest ja muudest ainelistest vaevustest. Mitte kunagi enne ega pärast seda pole maa peal niisugust stseeni nähtud. Ning neile, kes seda loovat tervendamislainet pealt nägid, oli see tõepoolest erutav vaatepilt. |
145:3.10 (1633.1) Jesus had passed the responsibility of this healing decision to the ruling of his Father. Evidently the Father’s will interposed no objection, for the words of the Master had scarcely been uttered when the assembly of celestial personalities serving under the command of Jesus’ Personalized Thought Adjuster was mightily astir. The vast retinue descended into the midst of this motley throng of afflicted mortals, and in a moment of time 683 men, women, and children were made whole, were perfectly healed of all their physical diseases and other material disorders. Such a scene was never witnessed on earth before that day, nor since. And for those of us who were present to behold this creative wave of healing, it was indeed a thrilling spectacle. |
145:3.11 (1633.2) Ent kõigist olenditest, kes selle äkilise ja ootamatu üleloomuliku tervenemispuhangu üle imestasid, oli Jeesus ise kõige enam üllatunud. Hetkel, mil ta inimlik huvi ja kaastunne neile tema ees avanevatele kannatustele ja haigustele koondus, unustas ta oma inimmeeles Isikustatud Kohandaja manitsevad hoiatused, et teatud tingimustel ja asjaoludel on võimatu piirata Looja-Poja loojavõimete ajaelementi. Jeesus soovis näha nende kannatavate surelike tervenemist, kui see pole vastuolus tema Isa tahtega. Jeesuse Isikustatud Kohandaja otsustas hetkega, et see loova energia tegu ei ole sel hetkel Paradiisi-Isa tahtega vastuolus, ning selle otsusega — arvestades Jeesuse eelnevalt väljendatud tervendamissoovi — oligi loometegu tehtud. See, mida Looja-Poeg soovib ja tema Isa tahab, ongi SÜNDINUD. Niisugust surelike massilist tervendamist ei toimunud enam mitte kunagi Jeesuse hilisema maise elu jooksul. |
145:3.11 (1633.2) But of all the beings who were astonished at this sudden and unexpected outbreak of supernatural healing, Jesus was the most surprised. In a moment when his human interests and sympathies were focused upon the scene of suffering and affliction there spread out before him, he neglected to bear in his human mind the admonitory warnings of his Personalized Adjuster regarding the impossibility of limiting the time element of the creator prerogatives of a Creator Son under certain conditions and in certain circumstances. Jesus desired to see these suffering mortals made whole if his Father’s will would not thereby be violated. The Personalized Adjuster of Jesus instantly ruled that such an act of creative energy at that time would not transgress the will of the Paradise Father, and by such a decision—in view of Jesus’ preceding expression of healing desire—the creative act was. What a Creator Son desires and his Father wills IS. Not in all of Jesus’ subsequent earth life did another such en masse physical healing of mortals take place. |
145:3.12 (1633.3) Nagu võis arvata, levis kuuldus sellest päikeseloojanguaegsest tervendamisest Kapernauma lähedal Betsaidas üle kogu Galilea ja Juudamaa ning nende ümbruskonnas. Herodesel tekkisid taas kartused ja ta saatis oma nuhid Jeesuse tööd ja õpetamist jälgima ning välja selgitama, kas see on endine Naatsareti puusepp või surnuist üles tõusnud Ristija Johannes. |
145:3.12 (1633.3) As might have been expected, the fame of this sundown healing at Bethsaida in Capernaum spread throughout all Galilee and Judea and to the regions beyond. Once more were the fears of Herod aroused, and he sent watchers to report on the work and teachings of Jesus and to ascertain if he was the former carpenter of Nazareth or John the Baptist risen from the dead. |
145:3.13 (1633.4) Põhiliselt just selle ettekavatsematu füüsilise tervendamise tõttu sai Jeesusest tema ülejäänud maise elujärgu jooksul samavõrd ravija kui jutlustaja. Ta jätkas küll õpetamist, kuid tema isikuti tehtud töö seisnes põhiliselt hoolitsemises haigete ja rõhutute eest, samal ajal kui apostlid tegelesid avaliku jutlustamisega ja uskujate ristimisega. |
145:3.13 (1633.4) Chiefly because of this unintended demonstration of physical healing, henceforth, throughout the remainder of his earth career, Jesus became as much a physician as a preacher. True, he continued his teaching, but his personal work consisted mostly in ministering to the sick and the distressed, while his apostles did the work of public preaching and baptizing believers. |
145:3.14 (1633.5) Ent enamikule neist, kes tolle päikeseloojangu ajal kogesid seda jumalikku energiademonstratsiooni — üleloomulikku või loovat füüsilist tervendamist —, ei jätnud see erakordne halastusavaldus jäävat vaimset mõju. Vähestele oli see füüsiline hoolitsus küll tõeliselt õpetlik, kuid selle ajatu loova tervendamise hämmastav puhang polnud vaimuriiki inimeste südames edasi viinud. |
145:3.14 (1633.5) But the majority of those who were recipients of supernatural or creative physical healing at this sundown demonstration of divine energy were not permanently spiritually benefited by this extraordinary manifestation of mercy. A small number were truly edified by this physical ministry, but the spiritual kingdom was not advanced in the hearts of men by this amazing eruption of timeless creative healing. |
145:3.15 (1633.6) Jeesuse maise missiooniga aeg-ajalt kaasas käinud tervendamisimed ei kuulunud tema taevariigi kuulutamise kavasse. Need olid loomulikult omased peaaegu piiramatute loojavõimetega jumaliku olendi viibimisele maa peal, selles olendis olid enneolematult ühendatud jumalik halastus ja inimlik kaastunne. Ent niisugused niinimetatud imed tekitasid Jeesusele palju probleeme seetõttu, et põhjustasid avalikkuse seas eelarvamusi ja palju soovimatut halba kuulsust. |
145:3.15 (1633.6) The healing wonders which every now and then attended Jesus’ mission on earth were not a part of his plan of proclaiming the kingdom. They were incidentally inherent in having on earth a divine being of well-nigh unlimited creator prerogatives in association with an unprecedented combination of divine mercy and human sympathy. But such so-called miracles gave Jesus much trouble in that they provided prejudice-raising publicity and afforded much unsought notoriety. |
4. Sama päeva õhtu ^top |
4. The Evening After ^top |
145:4.1 (1634.1) Kogu õhtu pärast seda suurt tervendamispuhangut oli Sebedeuse maja täis rõõmsaid ja õnnelikke inimesi ning Jeesuse apostlid olid emotsionaalse entusiasmi tippu jõudnud. Inimlikust vaatepunktist oli see tõenäoliselt suurim päev kõigist nende Jeesusega koos veedetud suurpäevadest. Mitte kunagi enne ega pärast seda ei tõusnud nende lootused kindlas ootuses nii kõrgele. Alles mõni päev varem Samaarias oli Jeesus neile öelnud, et on saabunud tund hakata võimsalt taevariiki kuulutama ning nüüd olidki nende silmad näinud seda, mis nende arvates seda tõotust täitis. Nad mõtlesid põnevusega, mis üldse saama hakkab, kui see hämmastav tervendamisvõime avaldumine on alles algus. Neil püsinud kahtlused Jeesuse jumalikkuses olid nüüd kadunud. Nad olid oma hämmastunud ekstaasis nagu joobunud. |
145:4.1 (1634.1) Throughout the evening following this great outburst of healing, the rejoicing and happy throng overran Zebedee’s home, and the apostles of Jesus were keyed up to the highest pitch of emotional enthusiasm. From a human standpoint, this was probably the greatest day of all the great days of their association with Jesus. At no time before or after did their hopes surge to such heights of confident expectation. Jesus had told them only a few days before, and when they were yet within the borders of Samaria, that the hour had come when the kingdom was to be proclaimed in power, and now their eyes had seen what they supposed was the fulfillment of that promise. They were thrilled by the vision of what was to come if this amazing manifestation of healing power was just the beginning. Their lingering doubts of Jesus’ divinity were banished. They were literally intoxicated with the ecstasy of their bewildered enchantment. |
145:4.2 (1634.2) Kui nad aga Jeesust otsima hakkasid, ei leidnud nad teda. Juhtunu oli Jeesust väga häirinud. Need mitmesugustest haigustest paranenud mehed, naised ja lapsed jäid sinna veel hilisööni, oodates Jeesuse tagasitulekut, et teda tänada. Apostlid ei suutnud Meistri käitumist mõista, kui ta tundide möödudes ikka veel üksi soovis olla; tema äraoleku tõttu ei olnud nende rõõm täielik ja täiuslik. Kui Jeesus nende sekka tagasi pöördus, oli aeg juba hiline ja peaaegu kõik tervendatud kodudesse tagasi läinud. Jeesus keeldus kaheteistkümne ja teiste teda tervitama jäänute õnnitlusi ja imetlust vastu võtmast, öeldes vaid: „Ärge rõõmustage selle üle, et mu Isa on küllalt võimas keha ravima, vaid pigem selle üle, et tal on vägevust hinge päästa. Lähme nüüd puhkama, sest me peame homme minu Isa ülesandeid täitma.” |
145:4.2 (1634.2) But when they sought for Jesus, they could not find him. The Master was much perturbed by what had happened. These men, women, and children who had been healed of diverse diseases lingered late into the evening, hoping for Jesus’ return that they might thank him. The apostles could not understand the Master’s conduct as the hours passed and he remained in seclusion; their joy would have been full and perfect but for his continued absence. When Jesus did return to their midst, the hour was late, and practically all of the beneficiaries of the healing episode had gone to their homes. Jesus refused the congratulations and adoration of the twelve and the others who had lingered to greet him, only saying: “Rejoice not that my Father is powerful to heal the body, but rather that he is mighty to save the soul. Let us go to our rest, for tomorrow we must be about the Father’s business.” |
145:4.3 (1634.3) Need kaksteist meest läksid puhkama taas pettunult, kimbatuses ja kurva südamega; vaid vähestel neist, välja arvatud kaksikutel, oli tol ööl piisavalt und. Niipea kui Meister oli teinud midagi oma apostlite hinge ja südame rõõmustamiseks, näis ta samas kohe nende lootused purustavat ja nende julguse ning entusiasmi hingepõhjani hävitavat. Hämmastunud kalurid vaatasid teineteisele otsa, peas vaid üks mõte: „Me ei saa temast aru. Mida see kõik tähendab?” |
145:4.3 (1634.3) And again did twelve disappointed, perplexed, and heart-sorrowing men go to their rest; few of them, except the twins, slept much that night. No sooner would the Master do something to cheer the souls and gladden the hearts of his apostles, than he seemed immediately to dash their hopes in pieces and utterly to demolish the foundations of their courage and enthusiasm. As these bewildered fishermen looked into each other’s eyes, there was but one thought: “We cannot understand him. What does all this mean?” |
5. Pühapäeva varahommik ^top |
5. Early Sunday Morning ^top |
145:5.1 (1634.4) Ka Jeesus ei maganud tol laupäevaöösel eriti. Ta mõistis, et maailm on täis füüsilisi hädasid ja ainelisi raskusi ning mõtles selle üle, kui ohtlik see on, kui ta on sunnitud pühendama haigete ja vaevatute eest hoolitsemisele nii palju aega, et see segaks tema missiooni — vaimuriigi rajamist inimsüdametes — või vähemalt allutaks selle täitmise füüsiliste asjade eest hoolitsemisele. Nende ja teiste samalaadsete mõtete tõttu, mis Jeesuse surelikku meelt sel ööl valdasid, tõusis ta tol pühapäevahommikul ammu enne koitu ja läks üksi ühte oma lemmikpaika Isaga osadust leidma. Jeesus palus tol varahommikul endale tarkust ja otsustusvõimet, et ta ei laseks oma inimlikul kaastundel koos jumaliku halastusega end inimlikke kannatusi nähes sedavõrd vallata, et ta kulutaks kogu oma aja füüsilisele hoolekandele, jättes hooletusse vaimse hoolitsuse. Ehkki ta ei soovinud haigete eest hoolitsemist täielikult vältida, teadis ta, et peab tegelema ka tähtsama tööga — vaimse õpetamise ja religioosse koolitusega. |
145:5.1 (1634.4) Neither did Jesus sleep much that Saturday night. He realized that the world was filled with physical distress and overrun with material difficulties, and he contemplated the great danger of being compelled to devote so much of his time to the care of the sick and afflicted that his mission of establishing the spiritual kingdom in the hearts of men would be interfered with or at least subordinated to the ministry of things physical. Because of these and similar thoughts which occupied the mortal mind of Jesus during the night, he arose that Sunday morning long before daybreak and went all alone to one of his favorite places for communion with the Father. The theme of Jesus’ prayer on this early morning was for wisdom and judgment that he might not allow his human sympathy, joined with his divine mercy, to make such an appeal to him in the presence of mortal suffering that all of his time would be occupied with physical ministry to the neglect of the spiritual. Though he did not wish altogether to avoid ministering to the sick, he knew that he must also do the more important work of spiritual teaching and religious training. |
145:5.2 (1635.1) Jeesus läks nii sageli välja mägedesse palvetama sellepärast, et tal ei olnud isiklikuks pühendumiseks sobivaid eraldi ruume. |
145:5.2 (1635.1) Jesus went out in the hills to pray so many times because there were no private rooms suitable for his personal devotions. |
145:5.3 (1635.2) Peetrus ei saanud tol ööl und, seepärast äratas ta väga varakult — veidi pärast Jeesuse palvetamaminekut — Jaakobuse ja Johannese ning kõik kolm suundusid Meistrit otsima. Kui nad olid teda juba üle tunni aja otsinud, leidsid nad Jeesuse ja palusid tal öelda, miks ta nii imelikult käitub. Nad tahtsid teada, miks tervendamisvaimu võimas väljavalamine näis teda nii häirivat, kui kõik inimesed olid ülevoolavalt rõõmsad ja apostlidki nii väga rõõmustasid. |
145:5.3 (1635.2) Peter could not sleep that night; so, very early, shortly after Jesus had gone out to pray, he aroused James and John, and the three went to find their Master. After more than an hour’s search they found Jesus and besought him to tell them the reason for his strange conduct. They desired to know why he appeared to be troubled by the mighty outpouring of the spirit of healing when all the people were overjoyed and his apostles so much rejoiced. |
145:5.4 (1635.3) Jeesus püüdis selgitada neile kolmele apostlile enam kui nelja tunni jooksul, mis oli toimunud. Ta andis neile juhtunu kohta õpetusi ja selgitas niisuguste ilmingute ohtlikkust. Jeesus usaldas neile, miks ta oli palvetama tulnud. Ta püüdis oma isiklikele kaaslastele selgitada tõelisi põhjusi, miks Isa taevariiki ei saa ehitada imetegudele ja füüsilisele tervendamisele. Kuid nad ei saanud tema õpetusest aru. |
145:5.4 (1635.3) For more than four hours Jesus endeavored to explain to these three apostles what had happened. He taught them about what had transpired and explained the dangers of such manifestations. Jesus confided to them the reason for his coming forth to pray. He sought to make plain to his personal associates the real reasons why the kingdom of the Father could not be built upon wonder-working and physical healing. But they could not comprehend his teaching. |
145:5.5 (1635.4) Sel pühapäeva varahommikul hakkas aga Sebedeuse maja ümber kogunema uusi vaevatud hingi ja palju uudishimulikke. Nad nõudsid käratsedes Jeesusega kohtumist. Andreas ja apostlid olid nii kimbatuses, et sel ajal, kui seloot Siimon kokkutulnutega rääkis, läks Andreas mitme kaaslasega Jeesust otsima. Kui Andreas Jeesuse, kes oli kolme apostli seltsis, üles leidis, ütles ta: „Meister, miks jätad sa meid rahvahulgaga üksi? Vaata, kõik otsivad sind, mitte kunagi varem pole nii paljud sinu õpetust nõutanud. Sinu vägevate tegude pärast on maja ümber praegugi suured hulgad lähedalt ja kaugelt tulnud inimesi. Kas sa ei tule meiega nende eest hoolt kandma?” |
145:5.5 (1635.4) Meanwhile, early Sunday morning, other crowds of afflicted souls and many curiosity seekers began to gather about the house of Zebedee. They clamored to see Jesus. Andrew and the apostles were so perplexed that, while Simon Zelotes talked to the assembly, Andrew, with several of his associates, went to find Jesus. When Andrew had located Jesus in company with the three, he said: “Master, why do you leave us alone with the multitude? Behold, all men seek you; never before have so many sought after your teaching. Even now the house is surrounded by those who have come from near and far because of your mighty works. Will you not return with us to minister to them?” |
145:5.6 (1635.5) Kui Jeesus seda kuulis, ütles ta: „Andreas, kas pole ma sulle ja neile teistele õpetanud, et minu missioon maa peal seisneb Isa ilmutamises ja minu sõnum taevariigi kuulutamises? Kuidas tahad sa siis mind oma töölt kõrvale pöörata, et rahuldada uudishimulikke ning märkide ja imede otsijaid? Kas pole me olnud kuude kaupa nende inimeste seas ja kas nad on kogunenud hulkadena kuulama head uudist taevariigist? Miks on nad nüüd meid piirama tulnud? Kas mitte oma füüsiliste kehade tervendamiseks ega sugugi selleks, et nad on võtnud vastu vaimse tõe oma hingede päästmiseks? Kui inimesed tulevad meie juurde erakordsete ilmingute tõttu, ei tule nad otsima tõde ja pääsemist, vaid pigem ikkagi leevendust oma füüsilistele vaevustele ja pääsemist ainelistest raskustest. |
145:5.6 (1635.5) When Jesus heard this, he answered: “Andrew, have I not taught you and these others that my mission on earth is the revelation of the Father, and my message the proclamation of the kingdom of heaven? How is it, then, that you would have me turn aside from my work for the gratification of the curious and for the satisfaction of those who seek for signs and wonders? Have we not been among these people all these months, and have they flocked in multitudes to hear the good news of the kingdom? Why have they now come to besiege us? Is it not because of the healing of their physical bodies rather than as a result of the reception of spiritual truth for the salvation of their souls? When men are attracted to us because of extraordinary manifestations, many of them come seeking not for truth and salvation but rather in quest of healing for their physical ailments and to secure deliverance from their material difficulties. |
145:5.7 (1635.6) Olen olnud kogu selle aja Kapernaumas ja kuulutanud nii sünagoogis kui ka järve kaldal head uudist taevariigist kõigile, kellel on kõrvad kuulma ja südamed tõde vastu võtma. See ei vasta minu Isa tahtele, et ma nüüd tuleks koos teiega nende uudishimulike eest hoolitsema ja tegelema füüsiliste asjadega, jättes vaimsed kõrvale. Olen teid käskinud jutlustada evangeeliumi ja hoolitseda haigete eest, kuid ma ei saa süüvida ravimisse ja õpetamist hooletusse jätta. Ei, Andreas, ma ei tule sinuga tagasi. Mine käsi inimesi uskuda sellesse, mis me neile oleme õpetanud, ja rõõmustada Jumala poegade vabaduse üle, ning sea kõik valmis lahkumiseks teistesse Galilea linnadesse, kus on tee taevariigist heade uudiste jutlustamiseks juba ette valmistatud. Selleks Isa mind saatiski. Minge siis ja valmistuge kohe lahkuma, mina aga ootan siin teie tagasitulekut.” |
145:5.7 (1635.6) “All this time I have been in Capernaum, and both in the synagogue and by the seaside have I proclaimed the good news of the kingdom to all who had ears to hear and hearts to receive the truth. It is not the will of my Father that I should return with you to cater to these curious ones and to become occupied with the ministry of things physical to the exclusion of the spiritual. I have ordained you to preach the gospel and minister to the sick, but I must not become engrossed in healing to the exclusion of my teaching. No, Andrew, I will not return with you. Go and tell the people to believe in that which we have taught them and to rejoice in the liberty of the sons of God, and make ready for our departure for the other cities of Galilee, where the way has already been prepared for the preaching of the good tidings of the kingdom. It was for this purpose that I came forth from the Father. Go, then, and prepare for our immediate departure while I here await your return.” |
145:5.8 (1636.1) Kui Jeesus lõpetas, läksid Andreas ja teised apostlid kurvalt Sebedeuse majja tagasi, saatsid kogunenud rahva laiali ja valmistusid kiiresti reisiks, nagu Jeesus oli käskinud. Ning nii asus Jeesus pühapäeva, 18. jaanuari pärastlõunal 28. a pKr apostlitega oma esimesele tõeliselt avalikule jutlustamisreisile Galilea linnadesse. Sel esimesel reisil jutlustasid nad taevariigi evangeeliumi paljudes linnades, kuid ei külastanud Naatsaretti. |
145:5.8 (1636.1) When Jesus had spoken, Andrew and his fellow apostles sorrowfully made their way back to Zebedee’s house, dismissed the assembled multitude, and quickly made ready for the journey as Jesus had directed. And so, on the afternoon of Sunday, January 18, a.d. 28, Jesus and the apostles started out upon their first really public and open preaching tour of the cities of Galilee. On this first tour they preached the gospel of the kingdom in many cities, but they did not visit Nazareth. |
145:5.9 (1636.2) Tol pühapäeva õhtupoolikul, veidi aega pärast Jeesuse ja ta apostlite lahkumist Rimmonisse, tulid ta vennad Jaakobus ja Juudas teda Sebedeuse majja külastama. Juudas oli tolle päeva lõuna ajal oma venna Jaakobuse üles otsinud ja veennud teda, et nad peaksid koos Jeesuse juurde minema. Selleks ajaks, kui Jaakobus nõustus Juudaga kaasa minema, oli Jeesus juba lahkunud. |
145:5.9 (1636.2) That Sunday afternoon, shortly after Jesus and his apostles had left for Rimmon, his brothers James and Jude came to see him, calling at Zebedee’s house. About noon of that day Jude had sought out his brother James and insisted that they go to Jesus. By the time James consented to go with Jude, Jesus had already departed. |
145:5.10 (1636.3) Apostlid ei tahtnud sugugi lahkuda pärast seda, kui Kapernaumas oli nende vastu suur huvi tekkinud. Peetrus arvestas, et taevariiki oleks saanud ristida vähemalt tuhat usklikku. Jeesus kuulas nad kannatlikult ära, kuid ei nõustunud tagasi minema. Veidi aega vaikiti ja siis pöördus Toomas teiste apostlite poole: „Mingem! Meister on oma sõna öelnud. Kui me ka ei saa taevariigi saladustest täielikult aru, oleme ühes siiski kindlad: me järgime õpetajat, kes ei otsi kuulsust iseenda jaoks.” Ning nad läksid vastumeelselt Galilea linnadesse head uudist kuulutama. |
145:5.10 (1636.3) The apostles were loath to leave the great interest which had been aroused at Capernaum. Peter calculated that no less than one thousand believers could have been baptized into the kingdom. Jesus listened to them patiently, but he would not consent to return. Silence prevailed for a season, and then Thomas addressed his fellow apostles, saying: “Let’s go! The Master has spoken. No matter if we cannot fully comprehend the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, of one thing we are certain: We follow a teacher who seeks no glory for himself.” And reluctantly they went forth to preach the good tidings in the cities of Galilee. |