第25篇 |
Paper 25 |
空间性使者大军 |
The Messenger Hosts of Space |
25:0.1 (273.1) 在无限之灵家族中排名居中的是空间性使者大军。这些多能的存有们,作为高等人格体和侍奉之灵中间的联络环节而运作着。使者大军包括以下各类天界存有: |
25:0.1 (273.1) RANKING intermediately in the family of the Infinite Spirit are the Messenger Hosts of Space. These versatile beings function as the connecting links between the higher personalities and the ministering spirits. The messenger hosts include the following orders of celestial beings: |
25:0.2 (273.2) 1. 哈沃纳役者。 |
25:0.2 (273.2) 1. Havona Servitals. |
25:0.3 (273.3) 2. 万有之调解者。 |
25:0.3 (273.3) 2. Universal Conciliators. |
25:0.4 (273.4) 3. 技能性顾问。 |
25:0.4 (273.4) 3. Technical Advisers. |
25:0.5 (273.5) 4. 天堂记录保管者。 |
25:0.5 (273.5) 4. Custodians of Records on Paradise. |
25:0.6 (273.6) 5. 天界记录者。 |
25:0.6 (273.6) 5. Celestial Recorders. |
25:0.7 (273.7) 6. 灵质性友伴。 |
25:0.7 (273.7) 6. Morontia Companions. |
25:0.8 (273.8) 7. 天堂友伴。 |
25:0.8 (273.8) 7. Paradise Companions. |
25:0.9 (273.9) 在以上列举的七类中,只有役者、调解者和灵质性友伴这三类是按类所造;余下的四类,则代表着天使类别的各个不同达到层次。依照固有本质和所达到状态,使者大军各自服务于众多宇宙所组成的宇宙之中,但他们总是服从于那些支配其委派各域之存有的指导。 |
25:0.9 (273.9) Of the seven groups enumerated, only three—servitals, conciliators, and Morontia Companions—are created as such; the remaining four represent attainment levels of the angelic orders. In accordance with inherent nature and attained status, the messenger hosts variously serve in the universe of universes but always subject to the direction of those who rule the realms of their assignment. |
1. 哈沃纳役者 ^top |
1. The Havona Servitals ^top |
25:1.1 (273.10) 虽然被称作役者,但这些中央宇宙的“中道受造物”却并非是任何卑微意义上的仆人。在灵性世界中,绝没有像卑微工作这类事情;所有的服务都是神圣而充满愉悦的;也没有任何高等类别的存有看不起低等类别的存在。 |
25:1.1 (273.10) Though denominated servitals, these “midway creatures” of the central universe are not servants in any menial sense of the word. In the spiritual world there is no such thing as menial work; all service is sacred and exhilarating; neither do the higher orders of beings look down upon the lower orders of existence. |
25:1.2 (273.11) 哈沃纳(Havona)役者们,是七个主位之灵与其协作者、即七个至高性力量主管者联合创造的产物。这种创造性合作,近乎成为进化宇宙中一长串二元性繁殖的模式,从一个造物之子与一个造物之灵结合而创造出明亮晨星,一直延伸到类似玉苒厦(Urantia)世界上所存在的有性生殖。 |
25:1.2 (273.11) The Havona Servitals are the joint creative work of the Seven Master Spirits and their associates, the Seven Supreme Power Directors. This creative collaboration comes the nearest to being the pattern for the long list of reproductions of the dual order in the evolutionary universes, extending from the creation of a Bright and Morning Star by a Creator Son-Creative Spirit liaison down to sex procreation on worlds like Urantia. |
25:1.3 (273.12) 役者的数目是惊人的,而且还有更多正在被一直创造出来。他们在主位之灵们和至高性力量主管者们于天堂极北部的接头区域会集之后的第三刻,以一千名为一批的方式出现着。每第四个役者在类型方面比其它役者更具物理性;那就是说,在每一千个役者当中,有七百五十个似乎是真正的灵性类型,而有二百五十个在本质上是半物理性的。这四分之一的受造物,有些类似于物质性存有(哈沃纳意义上的物质性),即类似于物理性力量主管者的程度超过了类似于主位之灵的程度。 |
25:1.3 (273.12) The number of servitals is prodigious, and more are being created all the time. They appear in groups of one thousand on the third moment following the assembly of the Master Spirits and the Supreme Power Directors at their joint area in the far northerly sector of Paradise. Every fourth servital is more physical in type than the others; that is, out of each thousand, seven hundred and fifty are apparently true to spirit type, but two hundred and fifty are semiphysical in nature. These fourth creatures are somewhat on the order of material beings (material in the Havona sense), resembling the physical power directors more than the Master Spirits. |
25:1.4 (274.1) 就人格体关系而言,灵性人格体关系是优于物质性人格体关系的,虽说目前在玉苒厦(Urantia)上还没有这样地表现出来;在哈沃纳(Havona)役者的创生方面,灵性主导的法则占据着优势;既定的比率产生出三位灵性存有对一位半物质性存有。 |
25:1.4 (274.1) In personality relationships the spiritual is dominant over the material, even though it does not now so appear on Urantia; and in the production of Havona Servitals the law of spirit dominance prevails; the established ratio yields three spiritual beings to one semiphysical. |
25:1.5 (274.2) 新创生的役者们,与新出现的毕业生引导者们一起,都要通过由资深引导者们在七个哈沃纳(Havona)环路中的每一个之上所连续开设的培训课程。此后,役者们便被派遣到他们所最为适宜的活动中,由于他们有两类 -- 灵性的和半物理性的 -- 因此就这些多能存有们的工作适应范围而言,很少有什么限制。高等的灵性群体,被有选择地委派到上父、上子和上灵的服务团队中,以及七个主位之灵的工作中。不时地,他们也被大量地派往环绕七个超级宇宙总部星体的学习世界去服务,这些世界是用来对那些准备向哈沃纳各环路进发的时间性扬升灵魂们进行最终培训与灵性教育的。灵性役者与其较为物理性地同伴们,也被指派为毕业生引导者们的助手和协作者,来帮助和指导那些业已到达了哈沃纳及那些寻求到达天堂的各类扬升受造物。 |
25:1.5 (274.2) The newly created servitals, together with newly appearing Graduate Guides, all pass through the courses of training which the senior guides continuously conduct on each of the seven Havona circuits. Servitals are then assigned to the activities for which they are best adapted, and since they are of two types—spiritual and semiphysical—there are few limits to the range of work these versatile beings can do. The higher or spirit groups are assigned selectively to the services of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, and to the work of the Seven Master Spirits. In large numbers they are dispatched, from time to time, to serve on the study worlds encircling the headquarters spheres of the seven superuniverses, the worlds devoted to the final training and spiritual culture of the ascending souls of time who are preparing for advancement to the circuits of Havona. Both spirit servitals and their more physical fellows are also designated assistants and associates of the Graduate Guides in helping and instructing the various orders of ascending creatures who have attained Havona, and who seek to attain Paradise. |
25:1.6 (274.3) 哈沃纳(Havona)役者和毕业生引导者们表现出一种对其工作的卓越奉献以及对彼此的动人深情,这种深情虽说是灵性的,但你们也只能通过与人类的爱之现象作类比来理解它。在役者们与引导者们的分别当中,会存在着一种神性惜别之情,这通常出现在役者们被派往中央宇宙以外的领域去执行任务之时;但他们会怀着喜悦离去,而不是满怀悲伤。对崇高职责满怀喜悦之情,是灵性存有们盖过一切的情感。悲伤在忠实履行神性职责的自觉面前荡然无存。当人类的扬升灵魂站到至高法官面前,具有永恒意义的裁决将不是由物质上的成功或是数量上的成就来决定的;响彻整个高等法院的裁决会宣告:“做得很好,善良而忠诚的仆人;你在一些必要方面一直很忠诚;你将会被设为众宇宙实相的管辖者。” |
25:1.6 (274.3) The Havona Servitals and the Graduate Guides manifest a transcendent devotion to their work and a touching affection for one another, an affection which, while spiritual, you could only understand by comparison with the phenomenon of human love. There is divine pathos in the separation of the servitals from the guides, as so often occurs when the servitals are dispatched on missions beyond the limits of the central universe; but they go with joy and not with sorrow. The satisfying joy of high duty is the eclipsing emotion of spiritual beings. Sorrow cannot exist in the face of the consciousness of divine duty faithfully performed. And when man’s ascending soul stands before the Supreme Judge, the decision of eternal import will not be determined by material successes or quantitative achievements; the verdict reverberating through the high courts declares: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few essentials; you shall be made ruler over universe realities.” |
25:1.7 (274.4) 在超级宇宙的服务中,哈沃纳(Havona)役者们总是被派往他们在一般及专属灵性特权方面所最为相像的主位之灵所主掌的那个部域。他们只在环绕七个超级宇宙首府的各个教育世界上服务,最近的尤沃萨(Uversa)报告表明,将近1380亿个役者正在其490个卫星上侍奉着。他们从事着与这些教育世界的工作相关的各样活动,这些世界包含有奥温顿(Orvonton)超级宇宙的众多超级学府。在这里,他们是你们的友伴;他们从你们下一段生涯之目的地前来以察看你,并用你最终会由时间性宇宙毕业至永恒性各域之真实确定性来激励你。正是在这些接触中,役者们得到了照料时间性扬升受造物们的初步经验,该经验对其随后作为毕业生引导者的协作者、或是作为转化的役者 -- 即作为毕业生引导者本身在哈沃纳各环路上的工作来说,都是十分有助益的。 |
25:1.7 (274.4) On superuniverse service the Havona Servitals are always assigned to that domain presided over by the Master Spirit whom they most resemble in general and special spirit prerogatives. They serve only on the educational worlds surrounding the capitals of the seven superuniverses, and the last report of Uversa indicates that almost 138 billion servitals were ministering on its 490 satellites. They engage in an endless variety of activities in connection with the work of these educational worlds comprising the superuniversities of the superuniverse of Orvonton. Here they are your companions; they have come down from your next career to study you and to inspire you with the reality and certainty of your eventual graduation from the universes of time to the realms of eternity. And in these contacts the servitals gain that preliminary experience of ministering to the ascending creatures of time which is so helpful in their subsequent work on the Havona circuits as associates of the Graduate Guides or—as translated servitals—as Graduate Guides themselves. |
2. 万有之调解者 ^top |
2. The Universal Conciliators ^top |
25:2.1 (275.1) 对于每一个受造的哈沃纳(Havona)役者,都会有七个万有之调解者相应地产生,每个超级宇宙中都有一个。这种创造性设定涉及到超级宇宙对于天堂上所发生事件的一种明确的反射性响应技术。 |
25:2.1 (275.1) For every Havona Servital created, seven Universal Conciliators are brought into being, one in each superuniverse. This creative enactment involves a definite superuniverse technique of reflective response to transactions taking place on Paradise. |
25:2.2 (275.2) 在七个超级宇宙的总部世界上,有源自七个主位之灵的七个反射性存有在运作着。要想向物质性心智描述这些反射性之灵的本质,是非常困难的。他们是真实的人格体;而且,一个超级宇宙反射组中的每一个成员,都只完美反映了七个主位之灵的当中之一。每当主位之灵们为了创造一批哈沃纳(Havona)役者而令自身与力量主管者们协作之时,每一个超级宇宙反射组中的某一个反射性之灵身上,都会同时发生一次聚焦,而在各超级造物的总部世界上,便立即而全然地出现相同数目的万有之调解者。如果在役者们的创造当中,是由第七号主位之灵发起,那么只有第七类反射性之灵将会孕育调解者;而伴随着一千个奥温顿(Orvonton)型役者受造之同时,一千个第七类调解者将会出现在每一个超级宇宙的首府上。在这些反映主位之灵七重性本质的场景当中,产生了七种服务于每个超级宇宙的调解者受造类别。 |
25:2.2 (275.2) On the headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses there function the seven reflections of the Seven Master Spirits. It is difficult to undertake to portray the natures of these Reflective Spirits to material minds. They are true personalities; still each member of a superuniverse group is perfectly reflective of just one of the Seven Master Spirits. And every time the Master Spirits associate themselves with the power directors for the purpose of creating a group of Havona Servitals, there is a simultaneous focalization upon one of the Reflective Spirits in each of the superuniverse groups, and forthwith and full-fledgedly an equal number of Universal Conciliators appear on the headquarters worlds of the supercreations. If, in the creation of servitals, Master Spirit Number Seven should take the initiative, none but the Reflective Spirits of the seventh order would become pregnant with conciliators; and concurrently with the creation of one thousand Orvontonlike servitals, one thousand of the seventh-order conciliators would appear on each superuniverse capital. Out of these episodes, reflecting the sevenfold nature of the Master Spirits, arise the seven created orders of conciliators serving in each superuniverse. |
25:2.3 (275.3) 具有准天堂地位的调解者们,并不会在超级宇宙间进行交换性服务,而是只限于其出身的造物部域。因而,每一个包含各受造类别七分之一数目的超级宇宙团队,都会在某一主位之灵的影响下消耗很长一段时间,以排除其它主位之灵的影响,因为,虽说所有七类调解者都在各超级宇宙首府上得以反映,但在每一个超级造物中,仅有一类是占有优势的。 |
25:2.3 (275.3) Conciliators of pre-Paradise status do not serve interchangeably between superuniverses, being restricted to their native segments of creation. Every superuniverse corps, embracing one seventh of each created order, therefore spends a very long time under the influence of one of the Master Spirits to the exclusion of the others, for, while all seven are reflected on the superuniverse capitals, only one is dominant in each supercreation. |
25:2.4 (275.4) 七个超级造物中的每一个,实际上都被主掌其天命的那个主位之灵所充盈着。因此,每一个超级宇宙都变得像是一个其大无比的镜子,反映出其监管主位之灵的本质和特性,而所有这一切,又通过各造物母灵的存在与运作,被进一步延伸到每一个附属的地方宇宙中。这样一种环境对于进化性成长的效应是如此地深刻,以至于在调解者们的后超级宇宙生涯中,他们集体表现出四十九种经验性观点或洞见,其中每个角度都是不完善的,但所有却又是互为补充的,它们在一起则易于涵盖至高性所在的层面。 |
25:2.4 (275.4) Each of the seven supercreations is actually pervaded by that one of the Master Spirits who presides over its destinies. Each superuniverse thus becomes like a gigantic mirror reflecting the nature and character of the supervising Master Spirit, and all of this is further continued in every subsidiary local universe by the presence and function of the Creative Mother Spirits. The effect of such an environment upon evolutionary growth is so profound that in their postsuperuniverse careers the conciliators collectively manifest forty-nine experiential viewpoints, or insights, each angular—hence incomplete—but all mutually compensatory and together tending to encompass the circle of Supremacy. |
25:2.5 (275.5) 在每一个超级宇宙中,万有之调解者们会发现自身被奇妙而自然地分成四个一组,他们便始终在这样的组合中继续服务着。在每一组中,有三个是灵性人格体,而另一个则像役者中的第四个那样,是半物质性的存有。该四位一组构成了一个调解委员会,其构成方式如下: |
25:2.5 (275.5) In each superuniverse the Universal Conciliators find themselves strangely and innately segregated into groups of four, associations in which they continue to serve. In each group, three are spirit personalities, and one, like the fourth creatures of the servitals, is a semimaterial being. This quartet constitutes a conciliating commission and is made up as follows: |
25:2.6 (275.6) 1. 审判仲裁者。作为最具能力、最具资格的那位,由其他三位一致所选出,以担当该组司法首领的职责。 |
25:2.6 (275.6) 1. The Judge-Arbiter. The one unanimously designated by the other three as the most competent and best qualified to act as judicial head of the group. |
25:2.7 (275.7) 2. 灵性辩护者。由审判仲裁者所指定的那位,来负责出示证据,确保由调解委员会裁定的一切事务中所有涉案人格体之权利。 |
25:2.7 (275.7) 2. The Spirit-Advocate. The one appointed by the judge-arbiter to present evidence and to safeguard the rights of all personalities involved in any matter assigned to the adjudication of the conciliating commission. |
25:2.8 (276.1) 3. 神性执行者。该调解者是按其固有本质而获此资格的,适合于与各域的物质性存有相接触,并去执行委员会的各种决定。神性执行者便是那(调解者中的)第四类受造物 -- 即半物质性的存有,他们几近但尚未完全地为凡人族类的短程视觉所见。 |
25:2.8 (276.1) 3. The Divine Executioner. The conciliator qualified by inherent nature to make contact with the material beings of the realms and to execute the decisions of the commission. Divine executioners, being fourth creatures—quasi-material beings—are almost, but not quite, visible to the short-range vision of the mortal races. |
25:2.9 (276.2) 4. 记录者。委员会的剩下成员自然成为记录者,即法庭书记员。他要确保所有记录都被妥善地准备好,以用于超级宇宙存档及地方宇宙记录。如果委员会是在一个进化世界上服务,那么还要在执行者的协助下准备第三份报告,以用于辖区系统管理机构的物理性记录。 |
25:2.9 (276.2) 4. The Recorder. The remaining member of the commission automatically becomes the recorder, the clerk of the tribunal. He makes certain that all records are properly prepared for the archives of the superuniverse and for the records of the local universe. If the commission is serving on an evolutionary world, a third report, with the assistance of the executioner, is prepared for the physical records of the system government of jurisdiction. |
25:2.10 (276.3) 当开庭时,委员会以三个一组的方式运作,因为辩护者在裁定期间是以超然之态度出现的,且仅在审讯的结尾时参与裁决的制定。因此,这些委员会也常被称为裁决三员组。 |
25:2.10 (276.3) When in session a commission functions as a group of three since the advocate is detached during adjudication and participates in the formulation of the verdict only at the conclusion of the hearing. Hence these commissions are sometimes called referee trios. |
25:2.11 (276.4) 调解者们在保持由众多宇宙所组成宇宙的平稳运行方面,具有极大的意义。他们以炽天使之三倍光速穿行空间,充当着诸多世界的移动法庭职能,即致力于对较小争端进行快速裁定的委员会职能。假如没有这些机动且非常公平的委员会,那么众星体的法庭将无可避免地被淹没在各域的众多小摩擦之中。 |
25:2.11 (276.4) The conciliators are of great value in keeping the universe of universes running smoothly. Traversing space at the seraphic rate of triple velocity, they serve as the traveling courts of the worlds, commissions devoted to the quick adjudication of minor difficulties. Were it not for these mobile and eminently fair commissions, the tribunals of the spheres would be hopelessly overspread with the minor misunderstandings of the realms. |
25:2.12 (276.5) 这些裁决三员组并不裁决有关永恒意义的事务;灵魂,即一个时间性受造物的永恒面向,是从不会因其行为而被置于险境的。调解者们并不处理超出时间性受造物之暂时存在和宇宙福祉这些范围以外的问题。而当一个委员会一旦受理了一个问题的审判,它的裁定便是最终的,且总是无异议的;对于审判仲裁者的决定,是没有上诉的。 |
25:2.12 (276.5) These referee trios do not pass upon matters of eternal import; the soul, the eternal prospects of a creature of time, is never placed in jeopardy by their acts. Conciliators do not deal with questions extending beyond the temporal existence and the cosmic welfare of the creatures of time. But when a commission has once accepted jurisdiction of a problem, its rulings are final and always unanimous; there is no appeal from the decision of the judge-arbiter. |
3. 调解者们的广泛服务 ^top |
3. The Far-Reaching Service of Conciliators ^top |
25:3.1 (276.6) 调解者们在其超级宇宙首府上保有团队总部,该处拥有一级后备团队。其二级后备团队则驻在各地方宇宙的首府上。较为年轻且资历较浅的调解者们,在诸如玉苒厦(Urantia)这样的低等世界上开始其服务,在他们获得更加成熟的经验之后,便获升迁而去裁决较大的问题。 |
25:3.1 (276.6) Conciliators maintain group headquarters on the capital of their superuniverse, where their primary reserve corps is held. Their secondary reserves are stationed on the capitals of the local universes. The younger and less experienced commissioners begin their service on the lower worlds, worlds like Urantia, and are advanced to the adjudication of greater problems after they have acquired riper experience. |
25:3.2 (276.7) 调解者这个类别是完全可信赖的:没有一位曾误入歧途过。虽然在智慧和判断上并非绝对无误,但他们具有毋庸置疑的可靠性,并在忠诚方面毫无偏差。他们源自于超级宇宙总部,并最终会再返回到那儿,其间通过以下各个宇宙服务层次而逐次提升: |
25:3.2 (276.7) The order of conciliators is wholly dependable; not one has ever gone astray. Though not infallible in wisdom and judgment, they are of unquestioned reliability and unerring in faithfulness. They take origin on the headquarters of a superuniverse and eventually return thereto, advancing through the following levels of universe service: |
25:3.3 (276.8) 1. 前往各个世界的调解者。每当单个世界的监管人格体们对于现存情况下的正当程序变得极为困扰,或是在实际上僵持不下,而如果事情又并非足够重要到需被提交至该领域的常规法庭时,那么,在收到两个争执人格体的申请之后,一个调解委员会便将开始立即运作。 |
25:3.3 (276.8) 1. Conciliators to the Worlds. Whenever the supervising personalities of the individual worlds become greatly perplexed or actually deadlocked concerning the proper procedure under existing circumstances, and if the matter is not of sufficient importance to be brought before the regularly constituted tribunals of the realm, then, upon the receipt of a petition of two personalities, one from each contention, a conciliating commission will begin to function forthwith. |
25:3.4 (277.1) 当这些行政和司法性争端被置于调解者手中以供研究和裁决时,他们便是最高权威。但直到所有证词已被听取之后,他们才会做出裁断,而在由任何各处传唤证人方面,其权威是绝对不受限制的。虽说其裁断是不可上诉的,但常常事情会不断发展,以致调解委员会在某一刻封存其记录,做出其结论,并将整个问题移交到该域的高等法庭。 |
25:3.4 (277.1) When these administrative and jurisdictional difficulties have been placed in the hands of the conciliators for study and adjudication, they are supreme in authority. But they will not formulate a decision until all the evidence has been heard, and there is absolutely no limit to their authority to call witnesses from anywhere and everywhere. And while their decisions may not be appealed, sometimes matters so develop that the commission closes its records at a given point, concludes its opinions, and transfers the whole question to the higher tribunals of the realm. |
25:3.5 (277.2) 调解者们的裁定会被置于行星记录当中,如有必要,则由神性执行者得以执行。后者的权力非常大,而且他在一个居住世界上的活动范围也是极为宽广的。神性执行者们都是一些令各种利益恰如其分的熟练操作者。他们的工作常常是为了明显维护该域之福祉而执行的,而有时,他们在时空世界上的作为也是难以解释的。虽然执行判决并不会违反该域的自然法则和既定惯例,但他们确实依照系统行政管理中的一些更高法则,而做出一些奇异的举动,以强制执行调解者们的命令。 |
25:3.5 (277.2) The commissioners’ decisions are placed on the planetary records and, if necessary, are put into effect by the divine executioner. His power is very great, and the range of his activities on an inhabited world is very wide. Divine executioners are masterful manipulators of that which is in the interests of that which ought to be. Their work is sometimes carried out for the apparent welfare of the realm, and sometimes their acts on the worlds of time and space are difficult of explanation. Though executing decrees in defiance of neither natural law nor the ordained usages of the realm, they do ofttimes effect their strange doings and enforce the mandates of the conciliators in accordance with the higher laws of the system administration. |
25:3.6 (277.3) 2. 前往系统总部的调解者。这些四位一组的委员会,自进化世界的服务部门,被提升到系统总部去任职。在这里,他们有很多工作要做,而他们得以证明是人类、天使和其他灵性存有的默契朋友。裁决三员组们较少涉及个体的纷争,而较多涉及群体争执和不同类别受造物之间的误会;在一个系统总部上,既生活着灵性和物质性的存有,也还有综合类型的存有,例如物质性之子。 |
25:3.6 (277.3) 2. Conciliators to the System Headquarters. From service on the evolutionary worlds these commissions of four are advanced to duty on a system headquarters. Here they have much work to do, and they prove to be the understanding friends of men, angels, and other spirit beings. The referee trios are not so much concerned with personal differences as with group contentions and with misunderstandings arising between different orders of creatures; and on a system headquarters there live both spiritual and material beings, as well as the combined types, such as the Material Sons. |
25:3.7 (277.4) 在造物者们创造出具有选择能力的进化性个体之时,对于神性完美之平稳运作的偏离便瞬时而生。误解必定会产生,而为这些诚然的观点差异提供公正的裁决,也是势在必然之事。我们都应当记住,全智全能的造物者们本来是能够把各个地方宇宙创造得像哈沃纳(Havona)一样完美的。在中央宇宙,就不需要有任何调解委员会来运作。但是,造物者们并没有打算用其全智来这样做。虽说他们造出了这些充满分歧和富有争执的宇宙,但他们也同样提供了平息所有这些分歧和协调所有这些看似纷乱的机制和手段。 |
25:3.7 (277.4) The moment the Creators bring into existence evolving individuals with the power of choice, that moment a departure is made from the smooth working of divine perfection; misunderstandings are certain to arise, and provision for the fair adjustment of these honest differences of viewpoint must be made. We should all remember that the all-wise and all-powerful Creators could have made the local universes just as perfect as Havona. No conciliating commissions need function in the central universe. But the Creators did not choose in their all-wisdom to do this. And while they have produced universes which abound in differences and teem with difficulties, they have likewise provided the mechanisms and the means for composing all these differences and for harmonizing all this seeming confusion. |
25:3.8 (277.5) 3. 星座调解者。从各系统内的服务中,调解者们可被提升到去裁决星座的问题,受理发生在其一百个包含众多居住世界的系统之间的小型纷争。星座总部上没有太多问题落于其审判范围之内,但他们仍会奔走忙碌于系统之间,以收集证据和准备初步声明。如果争议是正当的,如果纷争是由真实的看法差异和诚然的观点不同所引起的,那么不论它涉及多少的个体,不论纷争看来是多么地细琐,总是需要由一个调解委员会去裁定该争执的是非曲直。 |
25:3.8 (277.5) 3. The Constellation Conciliators. From service in the systems the conciliators are promoted to the adjudication of the problems of a constellation, taking up the minor difficulties arising between its one hundred systems of inhabited worlds. Not many problems developing on the constellation headquarters fall under their jurisdiction, but they are kept busy going from system to system gathering evidence and preparing preliminary statements. If the contention is honest, if the difficulties arise out of sincere differences of opinion and honest diversity of viewpoints, no matter how few persons may be involved, no matter how apparently trivial the misunderstanding, a conciliating commission can always be had to pass upon the merits of the controversy. |
25:3.9 (277.6) 4. 前往地方宇宙的调解者。在这类较大的宇宙工作中,调解者们对于麦基洗德和执法之子们,以及对星座支配者和涉及一百个星座间协调和管理的大群人格体来说,都有着极大的帮助。不同类别的炽天使,以及地方宇宙总部天体上的其他居民,也令他们自身得益于裁决三员组的帮助和决断。 |
25:3.9 (277.6) 4. Conciliators to the Local Universes. In this larger work of a universe the commissioners are of great assistance to both the Melchizedeks and the Magisterial Sons and to the constellation rulers and the hosts of personalities concerned with the co-ordination and administration of the one hundred constellations. The different orders of seraphim and other residents of the headquarters spheres of a local universe also avail themselves of the help and decisions of the referee trios. |
25:3.10 (278.1) 要去说清那些在系统、星座或地方宇宙的具体事务中所发生的纷争之本质,是几乎不可能的。纷争确实会发展,但它们非常不同于活在进化世界上的物质性存在所拥有的那些琐碎的麻烦与难题。 |
25:3.10 (278.1) It is almost impossible to explain the nature of those differences which may arise in the detailed affairs of a system, a constellation, or a universe. Difficulties do develop, but they are very unlike the petty trials and travails of material existence as it is lived on the evolutionary worlds. |
25:3.11 (278.2) 5. 前往超级宇宙较小分区的调解者。调解者们从解决各地方宇宙的问题被提升到去研究其超级宇宙较小分区中所产生的问题。当他们由各个行星向内扬升愈进一步,神性执行者的物质性职能便愈是减少。逐渐地,他会承担一个作为仁慈与公平阐释者的新型职责,与此同时 -- 他仍然是半物质性的 -- 通过与委员会众多调查的各个物质性层面的感应接触,而令该委员会保持为一个整体。 |
25:3.11 (278.2) 5. Conciliators to the Superuniverse Minor Sectors. From the problems of local universes the commissioners are advanced to the study of questions arising in the minor sectors of their superuniverse. The farther they ascend inward from the individual planets, the fewer are the material duties of the divine executioner; gradually he assumes a new role of mercy-justice interpreter, at the same time—being quasi-material—keeping the commission as a whole in sympathetic touch with the material aspects of its investigations. |
25:3.12 (278.3) 6. 前往超级宇宙较大分区的调解者。随着调解者们不断提升,他们工作的性质也不断改变着。需要由他们裁决的纠纷越来越少,而有待说明和解释的神秘现象则越来越多。阶段性地,他们逐渐地由分歧的裁决者演变为奥秘的阐释者 -- 由法官演变为释疑解惑的导师。他们曾经是那些由于无知而孳生分歧和争执之存有们的仲裁者;而现在,他们则成为那些足够智性和容忍、足以避免观念抵触和意见冲突之存有们的指导者。一个受造物的教养越高,他就越能尊重他人的知识、经验和意见。 |
25:3.12 (278.3) 6. Conciliators to the Superuniverse Major Sectors. The character of the work of the commissioners continues to change as they advance. There is less and less of misunderstanding to adjudicate and more and more of mysterious phenomena to explain and interpret. From stage to stage they are evolving from arbiters of differences to explainers of mysteries—judges evolving into interpretative teachers. Arbiters of those who through ignorance permit difficulties and misunderstandings to arise, they once were; but they are now becoming instructors of those who are sufficiently intelligent and tolerant to avoid clashes of mind and wars of opinions. The higher a creature’s education, the more respect he has for the knowledge, experience, and opinions of others. |
25:3.13 (278.4) 7. 前往超级宇宙的调解者。在这里,调解者们变得相互协调 -- 即四位互相理解、完美运作的仲裁者与教导者。神性执行者会失去惩罚权力,而成为灵性三员组的物理性发言者。适时,这些顾问与导师们对于超级宇宙事务管理中所遇到的大部分实际问题与纷争已变得极为精通。因此,他们便成为了那些在超级宇宙总部周围教育天体上逗留的扬升朝圣者们的优秀顾问和睿智导师。 |
25:3.13 (278.4) 7. Conciliators to the Superuniverse. Here the conciliators become co-ordinate—four mutually understood and perfectly functioning arbiter-teachers. The divine executioner is divested of retributive power and becomes the physical voice of the spirit trio. By this time these counselors and teachers have become expertly familiar with most of the actual problems and difficulties encountered in the conduct of superuniverse affairs. Thus they become wonderful advisers and wise teachers of the ascending pilgrims who are in residence on the educational spheres surrounding the headquarters worlds of the superuniverses. |
25:3.14 (278.5) 所有的调解者都是在亘古常在者的大体监督下,并在影像助手的直接指导下服务,一直到他们被提升至天堂为止。在天堂旅居期间,他们会向那位主掌其出身超级宇宙的主位之灵汇报。 |
25:3.14 (278.5) All conciliators serve under the general supervision of the Ancients of Days and under the immediate direction of the Image Aids until such time as they are advanced to Paradise. During the Paradise sojourn they report to the Master Spirit who presides over the superuniverse of their origin. |
25:3.15 (278.6) 超级宇宙的各个登记处并不点算那些已超出其管辖范围之外的调解者,这类调解者所组成的委员会广泛分布于大宇宙之中。尤沃萨(Uversa)上登记处的最近报告给出,在奥温顿(Orvonton)中运作的调解者委员会的数目是将近十八万亿个 -- 亦即超过七十万亿的个体调解者。但这些还只是由奥温顿中受造的众多调解者中非常小的一部分。那一数目是一个完全更高的数量级,它相当于哈沃纳役者的总数,包括转变为毕业生引导者的数目。 |
25:3.15 (278.6) The superuniverse registries do not enumerate those conciliators who have passed beyond their jurisdiction, and such commissions are widely scattered through the grand universe. The last report of registry on Uversa gives the number operating in Orvonton as almost eighteen trillion commissions—over seventy trillion individuals. But these are only a very small fraction of the multitude of conciliators that have been created in Orvonton; that number is of an altogether higher magnitude and is the equivalent of the total number of Havona Servitals, with allowances for the transmutation into Graduate Guides. |
25:3.16 (278.7) 不时地,随着超级宇宙调解者数目的增加,他们会在天堂被转化为完美性理事会,从那儿,他们随后又作为由无限之灵为众多宇宙所组成宇宙设立的协调团队而出现,这是一个非凡的存有团体,它在数量和效率上总是在不断提高着。通过经验性的扬升和天堂的培训,他们对于至高存在者之最新实相获得了一种独特的理解,并因专门的委派而漫游于众多宇宙所组成的宇宙中。 |
25:3.16 (278.7) From time to time, as the numbers of the superuniverse conciliators increase, they are translated to the council of perfection on Paradise, from which they subsequently emerge as the co-ordinating corps evolved by the Infinite Spirit for the universe of universes, a marvelous group of beings which is constantly increasing in numbers and efficiency. By experiential ascent and Paradise training they have acquired a unique grasp of the emerging reality of the Supreme Being, and they roam the universe of universes on special assignment. |
25:3.17 (279.1) 调解委员会的成员们永远不会分开。四位一组永远在一起服务着,就如同他们原本就是组合的一样。甚至在其荣耀的服务中,他们继续作为积累了宇宙经验和具有完美实践智慧的四位一组而运作着。他们作为时空性至高公平的化身,而永远处于协作之中。 |
25:3.17 (279.1) The members of a conciliating commission are never separated. A group of four forever serve together just as they were originally associated. Even in their glorified service they continue to function as quartets of accumulated cosmic experience and perfected experiential wisdom. They are eternally associated as the embodiment of the supreme justice of time and space. |
4. 技能性顾问 ^top |
4. Technical Advisers ^top |
25:4.1 (279.2) 这些灵性世界中精于律法与技能的富有才智者,并非按此类身份而受造。一百万个最为严谨者由无限之灵自早期的超级天使和全天使当中所选出,作为这一庞大而多能之团队的核心。从那个遥远的时代开始,对于所有那些渴望成为技能性顾问的存有们来说,都需要具有将完美之律法应用到各种进化造物计划中的实际经验。 |
25:4.1 (279.2) These legal and technical minds of the spirit world were not created as such. From the early supernaphim and omniaphim, one million of the most orderly minds were chosen by the Infinite Spirit as the nucleus of this vast and versatile group. And ever since that far-distant time, actual experience in the application of the laws of perfection to the plans of evolutionary creation has been required of all who aspire to become Technical Advisers. |
25:4.2 (279.3) 技能性顾问们是从以下这些人格体类别所在的行列中征募而来的: |
25:4.2 (279.3) The Technical Advisers are recruited from the ranks of the following personality orders: |
25:4.3 (279.4) 1. 超级天使。 |
25:4.3 (279.4) 1. The Supernaphim. |
25:4.4 (279.5) 2. 二级天使。 |
25:4.4 (279.5) 2. The Seconaphim. |
25:4.5 (279.6) 3. 三级天使。 |
25:4.5 (279.6) 3. The Tertiaphim. |
25:4.6 (279.7) 4. 全天使。 |
25:4.6 (279.7) 4. The Omniaphim. |
25:4.7 (279.8) 5. 炽天使。 |
25:4.7 (279.8) 5. The Seraphim. |
25:4.8 (279.9) 6. 某些类型的扬升凡人。 |
25:4.8 (279.9) 6. Certain Types of Ascending Mortals. |
25:4.9 (279.10) 7. 某些类型的扬升中道者。 |
25:4.9 (279.10) 7. Certain Types of Ascending Midwayers. |
25:4.10 (279.11) 目前,不计入所有那些有着短暂委派的凡人和中道者,在尤沃萨(Uversa)上登记且在奥温顿(Orvonton)超级宇宙中运作的技能性顾问之数目,约略超过六十一万亿。 |
25:4.10 (279.11) At the present time, not counting the mortals and midwayers who are all of transient attachment, the number of Technical Advisers registered on Uversa and operating in Orvonton is slightly in excess of sixty-one trillion. |
25:4.11 (279.12) 技能性顾问们常常以个体的方式运作,但对于服务团队来说却是有组织的,他们以七个一组的方式在被派遣的星球上保有共同的总部。在每一组中,至少有五个必须具有永久身份,而另外两个则可拥有临时协作的身份。扬升的凡人和扬升的中道受造物们,在进行天堂扬升的同时,也服务于这些顾问委员会,但他们并不进入针对技能性顾问的正规培训课程,他们也从不会成为这一类别的永久性成员。 |
25:4.11 (279.12) Technical Advisers frequently function as individuals but are organized for service and maintain common headquarters on the spheres of assignment in groups of seven. In each group at least five must be of permanent status, while two may be of temporary association. Ascending mortals and ascending midway creatures serve on these advisory commissions while pursuing the Paradise ascent, but they do not enter the regular courses of training for Technical Advisers, nor do they ever become permanent members of the order. |
25:4.12 (279.13) 那些暂时与顾问们一同服务的凡人和中道者之所以被选中从事这类工作,是因为他们精通普遍规律和至高公平的理念。当你在前往天堂目的地的过程中,你会不断地获得额外的知识,增强的技能,你也会不断地被给予机会,去把你业已经积累起来的智慧与经验传授给他人;在向内去往哈沃纳(Havona)的整个旅程中,你会扮演一个学生兼老师的角色。你要经由把你扬升生涯中所新发现的知识传授给那些(知识程度)略低于你的人,而努力通过该庞大经验性学府的各个扬升层次。在宇宙的体系中,直到你展示了你去把这份知识和真理传授给他人的能力和意愿之后,你才会被视为自身拥有了知识和真理。 |
25:4.12 (279.13) Those mortals and midwayers who serve transiently with the advisers are chosen for such work because of their expertness in the concept of universal law and supreme justice. As you journey toward your Paradise goal, constantly acquiring added knowledge and enhanced skill, you are continuously afforded the opportunity to give out to others the wisdom and experience you have already accumulated; all the way in to Havona you enact the role of a pupil-teacher. You will work your way through the ascending levels of this vast experiential university by imparting to those just below you the new-found knowledge of your advancing career. In the universal regime you are not reckoned as having possessed yourself of knowledge and truth until you have demonstrated your ability and your willingness to impart this knowledge and truth to others. |
25:4.13 (280.1) 任何一类高于小天使(cherubim)地位的侍奉之灵,经过长期的培训和实际经历之后,都可获许接受作为技能性顾问的永久任命。所有候选者都是志愿地进入这一服务序列。然而,一旦承担了这些责任,他们就不能够放弃它们。只有亘古常在者能把这些顾问调往其他活动。 |
25:4.13 (280.1) After long training and actual experience, any of the ministering spirits above the status of cherubim are permitted to receive permanent appointment as Technical Advisers. All candidates voluntarily enter this order of service; but having once assumed such responsibilities, they may not relinquish them. Only the Ancients of Days can transfer these advisers to other activities. |
25:4.14 (280.2) 技能性顾问的培训,始自各地方宇宙的麦基洗德学院,继而至亘古常在者的法庭。经过该超级宇宙培训之后,他们前往到设于各个哈沃纳(Havona)环路引导世界上的“七个环路所属的学院”。从这些引导世界,他们被接收进入“律法准则与至高技能学院”,亦即为了技能性顾问之完美所设的天堂培训学院。 |
25:4.14 (280.2) The training of Technical Advisers, begun in the Melchizedek colleges of the local universes, continues to the courts of the Ancients of Days. From this superuniverse training they proceed to the “schools of the seven circles” located on the pilot worlds of the Havona circuits. And from the pilot worlds they are received into the “college of the ethics of law and the technique of Supremacy,” the Paradise training school for the perfecting of Technical Advisers. |
25:4.15 (280.3) 这些顾问们并不只是律法专家而已;他们是应用性律法的研究者和导师。所谓应用性律法,是指应用到所有存有的生活和命运中的各种宇宙律法,这些存有居住在广袤造物的众多庞大部域中。随着时间推移,这些顾问们成为了时空中鲜活的律法文库,通过教导时间性人格体有关最为永恒支配者们所接受的众多程序形制,来抑制无尽的纷扰和不必要的延滞。他们是如此能够去敦促空间中的工作者,以致能使这些工作者能与天堂的各种要求相和谐地运作;他们是所有那些关注于造物者所具手段之受造物的导师。 |
25:4.15 (280.3) These advisers are more than legal experts; they are students and teachers of applied law, the laws of the universe applied to the lives and destinies of all who inhabit the vast domains of the far-flung creation. As time passes, they become the living law libraries of time and space, preventing endless trouble and needless delays by instructing the personalities of time regarding the forms and modes of procedure most acceptable to the rulers of eternity. They are able so to counsel the workers of space as to enable them to function in harmony with the requirements of Paradise; they are the teachers of all creatures concerning the technique of the Creators. |
25:4.16 (280.4) 这样一个应用性律法的鲜活文库,是无法被创造出来的;这样的存有必须通过实际经历演化而成。无限的神灵们是永存性的,因此得以补偿了经验之不足。他们甚至在体验一切之前便已知道了一切,但他们并不把这种非经验性知识传授给其从属受造物们。 |
25:4.16 (280.4) Such a living library of applied law could not be created; such beings must be evolved by actual experience. The infinite Deities are existential, hence are compensated for lack of experience; they know all even before they experience all, but they do not impart this nonexperiential knowledge to their subordinate creatures. |
25:4.17 (280.5) 技能性顾问们致力于抑制延迟、促进进程和谋算成就之工作。行事总有一条最佳而且正确的途径,总有一种完美的手段,一种神性的方法;而这些顾问们知道如何指导我们大家去找到这种较好的途径。 |
25:4.17 (280.5) Technical Advisers are dedicated to the work of preventing delay, facilitating progress, and counseling achievement. There is always a best and right way to do things; there is always the technique of perfection, a divine method, and these advisers know how to direct us all in the finding of this better way. |
25:4.18 (280.6) 这些极其明智且富有实际经验的存有们,总是紧密配合于万有之监察者的服务和工作。麦基洗德们也被配属了一类能干的团队。各个系统、星座、地方宇宙,以及超级宇宙分区的支配者们,都得以充裕地配有这些来自灵性世界的技能性或律法参照性智者。一个专门的团队充当着生命载运者们的律法性顾问,向这些圣子们指出相对于既定的生命传播规程的允许偏离幅度,或是指导他们遵守其职能权限。对于所有类型的存有而言,他们是关于所有灵性世界事务之正确处理技巧的建议者。但是他们并不直接亲身与各域的物质性受造物打交道。 |
25:4.18 (280.6) These exceedingly wise and practical beings are always closely associated with the service and work of the Universal Censors. The Melchizedeks are provided with an able corps. The rulers of the systems, constellations, universes, and superuniverse sectors are all bountifully supplied with these technical or legal reference minds of the spiritual world. A special group act as law counselors to the Life Carriers, advising these Sons concerning the extent of permissible departure from the established order of life propagation and otherwise instructing them respecting their prerogatives and latitudes of function. They are the advisers of all classes of beings regarding the proper usages and techniques of all spirit-world transactions. But they do not directly and personally deal with the material creatures of the realms. |
25:4.19 (280.7) 除了提议有关律法的使用以外,技能性顾问们也同样致力于对涉及受造存有之全部律法的有效阐释 -- 包括物质性、心智性和灵性律法。这些律法适用于万有之调解者,以及所有其他希望了解律法真谛的存有们;换句话说,就是去了解至高性神灵如何在某种给定的情势下,依据既定的物质性、心智性和灵性规则中的各种要素而做出回应。技能性顾问们甚至尝试去对终极神灵的手段做出阐释。 |
25:4.19 (280.7) Besides counseling regarding legal usages, Technical Advisers are equally devoted to the efficient interpretation of all laws concerning creature beings—physical, mindal, and spiritual. They are available to the Universal Conciliators and to all others who desire to know the truth of law; in other words, to know how the Supremacy of Deity may be depended upon to react in a given situation having factors of an established physical, mindal, and spiritual order. They even essay to elucidate the technique of the Ultimate. |
25:4.20 (281.1) 技能性顾问们是经过挑选和考验的存有;我从未了解到他们中任何一个曾误入歧途过。在尤沃萨(Uversa),我们没有任何关于其因藐视神性律法而受审的记录,这些律法是他们如此有效诠释,而又如此有力阐明的。他们的服务领域是没有任何已知限制的,也没有任何限制被置于其进程之上。他们作为顾问的工作,甚至持续到天堂的入口;整个律法和经验的领域,都是对他们开放的。 |
25:4.20 (281.1) Technical Advisers are selected and tested beings; I have never known one of them to go astray. We have no records on Uversa of their ever having been adjudged in contempt of the divine laws they so effectively interpret and so eloquently expound. There is no known limit to the domain of their service, neither has any been placed upon their progress. They continue as advisers even to the portals of Paradise; the whole universe of law and experience is open to them. |
5. 天堂记录保管者 ^top |
5. The Custodians of Records on Paradise ^top |
25:5.1 (281.2) 自哈沃纳(Havona)之内的第三类超级天使中间,有一些资深的首席记录者被选为记录保管者,作为光之岛正式档案的管理者,那些档案与存在于知识保管者们心智中的鲜活注册记录形成鲜明对照,后者常被称为“天堂的活文库”。 |
25:5.1 (281.2) From among the tertiary supernaphim in Havona, certain of the senior chief recorders are chosen as Custodians of Records, as keepers of the formal archives of the Isle of Light, those archives which stand in contrast to the living records of registry in the minds of the custodians of knowledge, sometimes designated the “living library of Paradise.” |
25:5.2 (281.3) 各个居住性行星上的记录天使们,是所有个体记录之源头。遍及各个宇宙的其他记录者们,则在正式记录和鲜活记录两方面都有运作。从玉苒厦(Urantia)到天堂,都会遇到两类记录:在一个地方宇宙中,书面记录较多,而鲜活记录较少;在天堂,鲜活记录较多而正式记录较少;在尤沃萨(Uversa),二者同等兼备。 |
25:5.2 (281.3) The recording angels of the inhabited planets are the source of all individual records. Throughout the universes other recorders function regarding both formal records and living records. From Urantia to Paradise, both recordings are encountered: in a local universe, more of the written records and less of the living; on Paradise, more of the living and less of the formal; on Uversa, both are equally available. |
25:5.3 (281.4) 有组织的居住性造物中每件具有重要意义的事件,都是有据可查的。不超出地方性重要意义的事件,只会找到地方性记录,而那些具有更广泛意义的事件,则会受到相应程度的处理。自内巴顿(Nebadon) 中的各个行星、系统和星座起,每一件具有宇宙意义的事件都会被传到萨尔文顿(Salvington);而自这样的宇宙首府起,那些事件又被提升到更高的记录中,这些记录涉及到分区及超级宇宙管理机构的事务。天堂也拥有一套关于超级宇宙和哈沃纳(Havona)资料的相关汇总;而这套关于由众多宇宙所组成宇宙的历史累积性文献,便在这些尊贵的三类超级天使的保管之中。 |
25:5.3 (281.4) Every occurrence of significance in the organized and inhabited creation is a matter of record. While events of no more than local importance find only a local recording, those of wider significance are dealt with accordingly. From the planets, systems, and constellations of Nebadon, everything of universe import is posted on Salvington; and from such universe capitals those episodes are advanced to higher recording which pertain to the affairs of the sector and supergovernments. Paradise also has a relevant summary of superuniverse and Havona data; and this historic and cumulative story of the universe of universes is in the custody of these exalted tertiary supernaphim. |
25:5.4 (281.5) 尽管这些存有中的某些已被派往各个超级宇宙,以作为记录长去主管天界记录员的活动,但从没有一位曾从该序列的永久名册中移出过。 |
25:5.4 (281.5) While certain of these beings have been dispatched to the superuniverses to serve as Chiefs of Records directing the activities of the Celestial Recorders, not one has ever been transferred from the permanent roll call of their order. |
6. 天界记录者 ^top |
6. The Celestial Recorders ^top |
25:6.1 (281.6) 这些记录者们是以一式两份的方式生成所有记录的,一份为原始的灵性记录,一份为半物质性的副本 -- 后者亦可被称为复写副本。他们之所以能够做到这样,是因为他们具有能同时操纵灵性和物质性能量的独特能力。天界记录者不是按该类别而被创造出来的;他们是来自各地方宇宙的扬升炽天使。他们由设在七个超级宇宙总部的记录长理事会所接收、分类,并被派往各自的工作天体。在那七个超级宇宙总部上,还设有培训天界记录者的学院。尤沃萨(Uversa)上的这种学院,是由智慧完美者和神性顾问们所管理的。 |
25:6.1 (281.6) These are the recorders who execute all records in duplicate, making an original spirit recording and a semimaterial counterpart—what might be called a carbon copy. This they can do because of their peculiar ability simultaneously to manipulate both spiritual and material energy. Celestial Recorders are not created as such; they are ascendant seraphim from the local universes. They are received, classified, and assigned to their spheres of work by the councils of the Chiefs of Records on the headquarters of the seven superuniverses. There also are located the schools for training Celestial Recorders. The school on Uversa is conducted by the Perfectors of Wisdom and the Divine Counselors. |
25:6.2 (281.7) 随着记录者们在宇宙服务中不断提升,他们会继续沿用其双重记录的系统,这样使得他们的记录总是为所有类别的存有所用,从那些物质性类别直到来自光的高等之灵。在你的过渡经历中,当你从这一物质性世界扬升之时,你将总能查阅有关你们所处星球之历史和传统的记录,也能以其他方式熟悉它们。 |
25:6.2 (281.7) As the recorders advance in universe service, they continue their system of dual recording, thus making their records always available to all classes of beings, from those of the material order to the high spirits of light. In your transition experience, as you ascend from this material world, you will always be able to consult the records of, and to be otherwise conversant with, the history and traditions of your status sphere. |
25:6.3 (282.1) 记录者们是一类受过考验和磨练的团队。我从未听说过有关任何一个天界记录者玩忽职守之事,也从未在其记录中发现过任何弄虚作假。他们受到双重的检验,他们的记录受到来自尤沃萨(Uversa)的高级同事以及强大使者们的仔细查看,后者会核证原始灵性记录之半物质性副本的正确性。 |
25:6.3 (282.1) The recorders are a tested and tried corps. Never have I known of the defection of a Celestial Recorder, and never has there been discovered a falsification in their records. They are subjected to a dual inspection, their records being scrutinized by their exalted fellows from Uversa and by the Mighty Messengers, who certify to the correctness of the quasi-physical duplicates of the original spirit records. |
25:6.4 (282.2) 驻在奥温顿(Orvonton)诸宇宙中附属记录天体上的渐进性记录者,是数以亿万计的,而那些在尤沃萨(Uversa)上获得身份的记录者,则在数目上不到八百万。这些资深的、或是说毕业生记录者们,是时空性发端记录的超级宇宙保管者和传递者。他们的永久总部设在围绕尤沃萨记录区的环形居所中。他们永远不会把这些记录的保管权交给其他存有;作为个体,他们可暂离职守,但永远不会大批地离开。 |
25:6.4 (282.2) While the advancing recorders stationed on the subordinate spheres of record in the Orvonton universes number trillions upon trillions, those of attained status on Uversa are not quite eight million in number. These senior or graduate recorders are the superuniverse custodians and forwarders of the sponsored records of time and space. Their permanent headquarters are in the circular abodes surrounding the area of records on Uversa. They never leave the custody of these records to others; as individuals they may be absent, but never in large numbers. |
25:6.5 (282.3) 与那些已成为记录保管者的超级天使们一样,天界记录者们的团队也拥有着永久性的委派。一旦炽天使和超级天使们被征召到这些服务团队中,他们将各自保有其天界记录者和记录保管者的身份,直到神之至高者全面人格化所产生的新改进型管理机构到来之日。 |
25:6.5 (282.3) Like those supernaphim who have become Custodians of Records, the corps of Celestial Recorders is of permanent assignment. Once seraphim and supernaphim are mustered into these services, they will respectively remain Celestial Recorders and Custodians of Records until the day of the new and modified administration of the full personalization of God the Supreme. |
25:6.6 (282.4) 在尤沃萨(Uversa),这些资深的天界记录者们,能够展示从亘古常在者履任的那些久远时代以来,在整个奥温顿(Orvonton)中具有宇宙性重要意义的每件事物之记录,而在永恒之岛上,记录保管者们守护着该域内的所有档案,它们为无限之灵人格化时代以来的所有天堂事务提供了证据。 |
25:6.6 (282.4) On Uversa these senior Celestial Recorders can show the records of everything of cosmic import in all Orvonton since the far-distant times of the arrival of the Ancients of Days, while on the eternal Isle the Custodians of Records guard the archives of that realm which testify to the transactions of Paradise since the times of the personification of the Infinite Spirit. |
7. 灵质性友伴 ^top |
7. The Morontia Companions ^top |
25:7.1 (282.5) 这些地方宇宙母灵的儿女们,是度过扬升的灵质性生活之所有存有的朋友和伙伴。对于一个扬升受造物的实际进步事业而言,他们并非是必不可少的,他们也不在任何意义上取代天使守护者的工作,后者常常在天堂之旅中伴随着其凡人伙伴。灵质性友伴们仅对那些刚开始其漫长向内扬升的凡人们来说,是盛情的接待者。他们也是熟练的消遣发起者,并在这类工作中得到复原指导者们的有力帮助。 |
25:7.1 (282.5) These children of the local universe Mother Spirits are the friends and associates of all who live the ascending morontia life. They are not indispensable to an ascender’s real work of creature progression, neither do they in any sense displace the work of the seraphic guardians who often accompany their mortal associates on the Paradise journey. The Morontia Companions are simply gracious hosts to those who are just beginning the long inward ascent. They are also skillful play sponsors and are ably assisted in this work by the reversion directors. |
25:7.2 (282.6) 虽然你们在内巴顿(Nebadon)地方宇宙的灵质性培训世界上,有着许多严肃且渐趋艰巨的任务要去完成,但你们总会得到正常的休息和复原时间。在通向天堂的整个历程中,总有休息和灵性消遣的时间;而在光与生命的生涯中,则总会有用于崇拜和获得崭新成就的时间。 |
25:7.2 (282.6) Though you will have earnest and progressively difficult tasks to perform on the morontia training worlds of Nebadon, you will always be provided with regular seasons of rest and reversion. Throughout the journey to Paradise there will always be time for rest and spirit play; and in the career of light and life there is always time for worship and new achievement. |
25:7.3 (282.7) 这些灵质性友伴们是如此友善的伙伴,以致当你们最终离开灵质性经历的最后阶段,当你们准备从事超级宇宙的灵性冒险之时,你们肯定会因为这些友好的受造物不能再伴随你们而感到遗憾,但他们只是专为地方宇宙服务的。在扬升生涯的每一阶段,你们可接触到的众多人格体,都将是友好和友善的,但直到你们遇到天堂友伴时,你们才会发现另一类如此献身于友谊和伙伴关系的群体。 |
25:7.3 (282.7) These Morontia Companions are such friendly associates that, when you finally leave the last phase of the morontia experience, as you prepare to embark upon the superuniverse spirit adventure, you will truly regret that these companionable creatures cannot accompany you, but they serve exclusively in the local universes. At every stage of the ascending career all contactable personalities will be friendly and companionable, but not until you meet the Paradise Companions will you find another group so devoted to friendship and companionship. |
25:7.4 (283.1) 关于灵质性友伴的工作,会在关于你们地方宇宙事务的那些篇章中得以更加充分的阐述。 |
25:7.4 (283.1) The work of the Morontia Companions is more fully depicted in those narratives dealing with the affairs of your local universe. |
8. 天堂友伴 ^top |
8. The Paradise Companions ^top |
25:8.1 (283.2) 天堂友伴,是一类自炽天使、二级天使、超级天使和全天使行列招募而来的复合性或是说组合性团队。虽然为此服务于一段你们视为极长的时期,但他们却并非具有永久性的身份。当该侍奉得以完成之时,作为一种惯例(但非一成不变),他们会返回到那些在被召至天堂服务团队时他们所执行的职责中。 |
25:8.1 (283.2) The Paradise Companions are a composite or assembled group recruited from the ranks of the seraphim, seconaphim, supernaphim, and omniaphim. Though serving for what you would regard as an extraordinary length of time, they are not of permanent status. When this ministry has been completed, as a rule (but not invariably) they return to those duties they performed when summoned to Paradise service. |
25:8.2 (283.3) 该天使群体的成员们,是由地方宇宙母灵、超级宇宙反射性之灵,以及天堂的麦捷斯顿(Majeston,反射性首脑)所提名,而去参与此种服务的。他们由七个主位之灵当中之一召集到中央之岛,而被委任为天堂友伴。除了取得在天堂的永久身份外,这种暂时性的天堂友伴服务,是有史以来授予给侍奉之灵的最高荣誉。 |
25:8.2 (283.3) Members of the angelic hosts are nominated for this service by the local universe Mother Spirits, by the superuniverse Reflective Spirits, and by Majeston of Paradise. They are summoned to the central Isle and are commissioned as Paradise Companions by one of the Seven Master Spirits. Aside from permanent status on Paradise, this temporary service of Paradise companionship is the highest honor ever conferred upon the ministering spirits. |
25:8.3 (283.4) 这些受选的天使们,献身于友伴之服务,并被指定作为那些在天堂或许偶然孤单之各类存有的伙伴,主要针对那些扬升的凡人们,也包括所有其他在中央之岛上处于孤单状态的存有。对于他们所亲密结伴的那些存有来说,天堂友伴们并没有什么特别的事情要代其去完成;他们仅是友伴。在你们的天堂旅居期间,你们凡人将要遇到的几乎所有其他类存有 -- 除了你们的朝圣者同伴之外 -- 都会有某件明确之事与你们同做,或为你们而做;但这些友伴,仅被指定来陪伴你们,去作为人格体伙伴来与你们沟通。在其侍奉中,他们常常受到仁厚而聪颖的天堂公民之协助。 |
25:8.3 (283.4) These selected angels are dedicated to the service of companionship and are assigned as associates to all classes of beings who may chance to be alone on Paradise, chiefly to the ascendant mortals but also to all others who are alone on the central Isle. Paradise Companions have nothing especial to accomplish in behalf of those with whom they fraternize; they are simply companions. Almost every other being you mortals will encounter during your Paradise sojourn—aside from your fellow pilgrims—will have something definite to do with you or for you; but these companions are assigned only to be with you and to commune with you as personality associates. They are often assisted in their ministry by the gracious and brilliant Paradise Citizens. |
25:8.4 (283.5) 凡人们来自于各个非常喜好社交的族群。造物者们深知“人不宜独处”,因此相应提供了伙伴关系,即使在天堂也如此。 |
25:8.4 (283.5) Mortals come from races that are very social. The Creators well know that it is “not good for man to be alone,” and provision is accordingly made for companionship, even on Paradise. |
25:8.5 (283.6) 如果你,作为一个扬升的凡人,是在你凡世伴侣或者亲密伙伴的伴随下到达天堂,或是你的炽天使类命运守护者恰与你一同到达,抑或是在等候你,那么你不会被指派一个固定的友伴。但如果你是单独到达的,则当你在光之岛上从最终的时间性沉睡中醒来之时,必定会有一个友伴前去迎接你。即使知道你将会由某个扬升伙伴所伴随,也会有暂时的友伴被指派去欢迎你到达永恒之岸,并陪同你们前往准备好接受你及伙伴的预定地点。当你在天堂的永恒之岸上经历进入永恒之复活,你肯定会受到热烈的欢迎。 |
25:8.5 (283.6) If you, as an ascendant mortal, should reach Paradise in the company of the companion or close associate of your earthly career, or if your seraphic guardian of destiny should chance to arrive with you or were waiting for you, then no permanent companion would be assigned you. But if you arrive alone, a companion will certainly welcome you as you awaken on the Isle of Light from the terminal sleep of time. Even if it is known that you will be accompanied by someone of ascendant association, temporary companions will be designated to welcome you to the eternal shores and to escort you to the reservation made ready for the reception of you and your associates. You may be certain of being warmly welcomed when you experience the resurrection into eternity on the everlasting shores of Paradise. |
25:8.6 (283.7) 接待性友伴会在扬升者们于哈沃纳(Havona)最后一个环路上旅居的最终日子里被指定,他们会细心研究关于该凡人来历,以及他历经空间诸世界和哈沃纳诸环路的绚烂扬升记录。当他们去迎接那位来自时间的凡人之时,他们已完全熟悉了这些到来之朝圣者的生涯,而且会立即成为朝圣者们富有同情和充满乐趣的友伴。 |
25:8.6 (283.7) Reception companions are assigned during the terminal days of the ascenders’ sojourn on the last circuit of Havona, and they carefully examine the records of mortal origin and eventful ascent through the worlds of space and the circles of Havona. When they greet the mortals of time, they are already well versed in the careers of these arriving pilgrims and immediately prove to be sympathetic and intriguing companions. |
25:8.7 (283.8) 在你成为终局者之前在天堂的逗留期间,如果由于任何原因,你要暂时离开你扬升生涯中的伙伴 -- 无论该伙伴是凡人或是天使 -- 那么,一个天堂友伴将立即被指派作为你的顾问或友伴。一旦被指派给一位在天堂独居的扬升凡人,该友伴便将会始终伴随着这个人,直到他与其扬升伙伴重新会合,或是被正式征召而进入终局性团队。 |
25:8.7 (283.8) During your prefinaliter sojourn on Paradise, if for any reason you should be temporarily separated from your associate of the ascending career—mortal or seraphic—a Paradise Companion would be forthwith assigned for counsel and companionship. When once assigned to an ascendant mortal of solitary residence on Paradise, the companion remains with this person until he either is rejoined by his ascendant associates or is duly mustered into the Corps of the Finality. |
25:8.8 (284.1) 天堂友伴是按等候次序而受指派的,只是,一个扬升者永不会被置于一位在本质上与其超级宇宙类型不相同的天堂友伴的负责之下。如果一位玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人今日来到天堂,他将会被配以首个等候的、具有奥温顿(Orvonton)出身的、或是拥有第七主位之灵本质的天堂友伴。因此,全天使们是不会服务于来自七个超级宇宙来的扬升受造物的。 |
25:8.8 (284.1) Paradise Companions are assigned in order of waiting except that an ascender is never placed in the charge of a companion whose nature is unlike his superuniverse type. If a Urantia mortal were arriving on Paradise today, there would be assigned to him the first waiting companion either of origin in Orvonton or otherwise of the nature of the Seventh Master Spirit. Hence the omniaphim serve not with the ascendant creatures from the seven superuniverses. |
25:8.9 (284.2) 许多额外的服务也是由天堂有伴所完成的:如果一位扬升凡人单独到达了中央宇宙,并在穿越哈沃纳(Havona)期间,在神灵冒险的某一阶段出现失败,那么他会在适当时候被送回时间性宇宙,而一个召唤将会被立即发向天堂友伴的后备团队。该类当中的一个,将会被派去跟随那位失败的朝圣者,去伴同他,安慰和鼓励他,和他在一起,直到他返回中央宇宙,去重新开始向天堂的扬升。 |
25:8.9 (284.2) Many additional services are performed by the Paradise Companions: If an ascending mortal should reach the central universe alone and, while traversing Havona, should fail in some phase of the Deity adventure, in due course he would be remanded to the universes of time, and forthwith a call would be made to the reserves of the Paradise Companions. One of this order would be assigned to follow the defeated pilgrim, to be with him and to comfort and cheer him, and to remain with him until he returned to the central universe to resume the Paradise ascent. |
25:8.10 (284.3) 如果一个扬升的朝圣者,在一个炽天使、亦即该凡人生涯之守护天使的伴同下穿越哈沃纳(Havona)期间,而在其神灵冒险中遭遇失败,那么天使将选择继续伴随她的凡人伙伴。这些炽天使永远是志愿者,并被允许伴同其长时间的凡人同伴返回到时间性的服务团队之中。 |
25:8.10 (284.3) If an ascending pilgrim met defeat in the Deity adventure while traversing Havona in the company of an ascending seraphim, the guardian angel of the mortal career, she would elect to accompany her mortal associate. These seraphim always volunteer and are permitted to accompany their long-time mortal comrades back to the service of time and space. |
25:8.11 (284.4) 但是,对于两个亲密相伴的凡人扬升者来说,就不是这样了:如果其中一位到达了神,而另一位暂时失败了,那么这个成功的个人,肯定会选择伴同那位失望的人格体返回到进化造物中。但这是不被允许的。相反,一个召唤会发向天堂友伴的后备团队,从而挑选出一位志愿者,去伴同那位失望的朝圣者。而这时,一位志愿的天堂公民将会去与那位成功的凡人做伴,后者将驻留在中央之岛上,等待那位失败的同道返回哈沃纳(Havona),在这期间,他会在某些天堂的学院中任教,讲述他在进化扬升中的历险故事。 |
25:8.11 (284.4) But not so with two closely associated mortal ascenders: If one attains God while the other temporarily fails, the successful individual invariably chooses to go back to the evolutionary creations with the disappointed personality, but this is not permitted. Instead, a call is made to the reserves of the Paradise Companions, and one of the volunteers is selected to accompany the disappointed pilgrim. A volunteer Paradise Citizen then becomes associated with the successful mortal, who tarries on the central Isle awaiting the Havona return of the defeated comrade and in the meantime teaches in certain Paradise schools, presenting the adventurous story of the evolutionary ascent. |
25:8.12 (284.5) [由一位来自尤沃萨(Uversa)的极高权威者所提供。] |
25:8.12 (284.5) [Sponsored by One High in Authority from Uversa.] |