第44篇   Paper 44
天界艺匠   The Celestial Artisans
44:0.1 (497.1) 在各个分级总部世界及宇宙总部世界的受优遇侨团中,会发现一类被称为天界艺匠的混合性人格体类别。这些存有是灵质性及低等灵性领域的熟练艺工和艺匠。他们是从事灵质性装点和灵性美化的属灵体和半属灵体。这些艺匠分布在整个大宇宙中 -- 在超级宇宙、地方宇宙、各个星座及各个系统的总部世界上,以及安住于光与生命当中的所有天体上;但他们主要的活动领域是在星座中,特别是在围绕每一星座总部天体的七百七十个世界上。   44:0.1 (497.1) AMONG the courtesy colonies of the various divisional and universe headquarters worlds may be found the unique order of composite personalities denominated the celestial artisans. These beings are the master artists and artisans of the morontia and lower spirit realms. They are the spirits and semispirits who are engaged in morontia embellishment and in spiritual beautification. Such artisans are distributed throughout the grand universe—on the headquarters worlds of the superuniverses, the local universes, the constellations, and systems, as well as on all spheres settled in light and life; but their chief realm of activity is in the constellations and especially on the seven hundred seventy worlds surrounding each headquarters sphere.
44:0.2 (497.2) 虽然他们的工作对于物质性心智来说可能是几难理解的,但应当予以理解的是,灵质性世界和灵性世界缺少不了他们高超的艺术和上乘的教化。   44:0.2 (497.2) Though their work may be almost incomprehensible to the material mind, it should be understood that the morontia and spirit worlds are not without their high arts and supernal cultures.
44:0.3 (497.3) 天界艺匠并非按此类而受造;他们是一支经选拔和招募而来的存有团队,由某些出身中央宇宙的导师人格体及其学生志愿者组成,后者来自扬升凡人和许多其他的天界群体。这些艺匠的最初教导团队,是由无限之灵和七个主位之灵所共同指定的,包含了七千名哈沃纳(Havona)教练,七类艺匠中每类各配一千名。从这样一个核心开始,经过众多世代而发展出了这一在灵性及灵质性事务方面极为熟练的出色工作团队。   44:0.3 (497.3) The celestial artisans are not created as such; they are a selected and recruited corps of beings composed of certain teacher personalities native to the central universe and their volunteer pupils drawn from the ascending mortals and numerous other celestial groups. The original teaching corps of these artisans was sometime assigned by the Infinite Spirit in collaboration with the Seven Master Spirits and consisted of seven thousand Havona instructors, one thousand to each of the seven divisions of artisans. With such a nucleus to start with, there has developed through the ages this brilliant body of skillful workers in spirit and morontia affairs.
44:0.4 (497.4) 任何灵质性人格体或是灵性实体,都有资格加入到天界艺匠的团队中;也即是说,任何低于固有神子阶层的存有。来自进化星球的神之扬升子民,可在到达灵质性世界后,申请加入到艺匠团队中,如果有足够的天赋,他们可选择此种生涯度过一段或长或短的时间。但任何存有在天界艺匠团队服役都不会少于一千年,即超级宇宙时间的一千年。   44:0.4 (497.4) Any morontia personality or spirit entity is eligible for admission to the corps of the celestial artisans; that is, any being below the rank of inherent divine sonship. Ascending sons of God from the evolutionary spheres may, after their arrival on the morontia worlds, apply for admission to the artisan corps and, if sufficiently gifted, may choose such a career for a longer or shorter period. But no one may enlist with the celestial artisans for less than one millennium, one thousand years of superuniverse time.
44:0.5 (497.5) 所有天界艺匠都会在超级宇宙的总部予以登记,不过要受到地方宇宙首府的灵质性监督者的主管。他们由运作于每个地方宇宙总部世界的灵质性监督者中央团队按以下七大类而予以委任:   44:0.5 (497.5) All celestial artisans are registered on the superuniverse headquarters but are directed by morontia supervisors on the local universe capitals. They are commissioned in the following seven major divisions of activity by the central corps of morontia supervisors functioning on the headquarters world of each local universe:
44:0.6 (497.6) 1. 天界音乐师。   44:0.6 (497.6) 1. Celestial Musicians.
44:0.7 (497.7) 2. 天国再现者。   44:0.7 (497.7) 2. Heavenly Reproducers.
44:0.8 (497.8) 3. 神性建造者。   44:0.8 (497.8) 3. Divine Builders.
44:0.9 (497.9) 4. 思想记录者。   44:0.9 (497.9) 4. Thought Recorders.
44:0.10 (498.1) 5. 能量操纵者。   44:0.10 (498.1) 5. Energy Manipulators.
44:0.11 (498.2) 6. 设计装饰者。   44:0.11 (498.2) 6. Designers and Embellishers.
44:0.12 (498.3) 7. 和谐运作者。   44:0.12 (498.3) 7. Harmony Workers.
44:0.13 (498.4) 这七组最初的教导者都来自哈沃纳(Havona)的完美世界,而哈沃纳则包含了所有层面及所有形式之灵性艺术的模式和模式研究。尽管要将这些哈沃纳的艺术去转移到空间世界是一项非常艰巨的任务,然而世代以来天界艺匠们已在技能和施行方面都有所改进。就如在扬升生涯的所有其他方面一样,那些在各个行业中最为优秀的艺匠,被不断要求去将其上乘的知识和本领传授给稍逊的同伴们。   44:0.13 (498.4) The original teachers of these seven groups all hailed from the perfect worlds of Havona, and Havona contains the patterns, the pattern studies, for all phases and forms of spirit artistry. While it is a gigantic task to undertake to transfer these arts of Havona to the worlds of space, the celestial artisans have improved in technique and execution from age to age. As in all other phases of the ascending career those who are most advanced in any line of endeavor are required constantly to impart their superior knowledge and skill to their less favored fellows.
44:0.14 (498.5) 你最早将会在宅厦世界上开始看见这些移植的哈沃纳(Havona)艺术,其美妙之处以及你对其美妙之处的欣赏,会随着你站到萨尔文顿(Salvington)的灵性殿堂,并观看到这些灵性领域杰出艺术家们富有灵感的作品时而得以升华。   44:0.14 (498.5) You will first begin to glimpse these transplanted arts of Havona on the mansion worlds, and their beauty and your appreciation of their beauty will heighten and brighten until you stand in the spirit halls of Salvington and behold the inspiring masterpieces of the supernal artists of the spirit realms.
44:0.15 (498.6) 灵质性和灵性世界的所有这些活动都是真实的。对于属灵性存有来讲,灵性世界是一个实相。对于我们而言,物质性世界则更为不真实。高等形式的属灵体能够自由穿越普通的物质。高级属灵体不会对任何物质性的东西有所回应,除了某些基本的能量以外。对于物质性存有来说,灵性世界或多或少是不真实的;而对属灵性存有来说,物质性世界则几乎完全是不真实的,它只是灵性实相本质的一种影像。   44:0.15 (498.6) All these activities of the morontia and spirit worlds are real. To spirit beings the spirit world is a reality. To us the material world is the more unreal. The higher forms of spirits freely pass through ordinary matter. High spirits are reactive to nothing material excepting certain of the basic energies. To material beings the spirit world is more or less unreal; to spirit beings the material world is almost entirely unreal, being merely a shadow of the substance of spirit realities.
44:0.16 (498.7) 拥有专属灵性视觉的我,无法感知该文得以转译及记录所处的这栋建筑。一位来自尤沃萨(Uversa)的神性顾问恰巧站在我身边,对这些纯物质性的创造物感知得更少。我们要通过观看我们一位随侍的能量转换者呈现给我们心智的一种灵性对应物,才会辨别出这些物质性构造会如何展现在你们面前。这栋物质性建筑对于我这样一个属灵性存有来说,一点都不真实,但对于物质性凡人们来说,它当然是非常真实而又十分有用了。   44:0.16 (498.7) I cannot, with exclusive spirit vision, perceive the building in which this narrative is being translated and recorded. A Divine Counselor from Uversa who chances to stand by my side perceives still less of these purely material creations. We discern how these material structures appear to you by viewing a spirit counterpart presented to our minds by one of our attending energy transformers. This material building is not exactly real to me, a spirit being, but it is, of course, very real and very serviceable to material mortals.
44:0.17 (498.8) 某些类型的存有,能够同时辨别出属灵性和物质性世界的受造物实相。属于这一类别的,就是所谓哈沃纳(Havona)役者中的第四受造物及调解者中的第四受造物。时空中的天使们被赋予了辨别属灵性和物质性存有的能力,脱离了肉身生命之后的扬升凡人们也是如此。在达到较高的灵性层次后,扬升者们就能够识别出物质性、灵质性和灵性实相了。   44:0.17 (498.8) There are certain types of beings who are capable of discerning the reality of the creatures of both the spirit and the material worlds. Belonging to this class are the so-called fourth creatures of the Havona Servitals and the fourth creatures of the conciliators. The angels of time and space are endowed with the ability to discern both spirit and material beings as also are the ascending mortals subsequent to deliverance from the life in the flesh. After attainment of the higher spirit levels the ascenders are able to recognize material, morontia, and spirit realities.
44:0.18 (498.9) 在我身边还有一位来自尤沃萨(Uversa)的强大使者,即一位与调整者融合的扬升者,一度曾是凡人,他会觉知到你们所是的样子,同时他也会观看到在场的单独使者、超级天使及其他天界存有的形象。在你漫长的扬升过程中,你从不会丧失掉辨别出你之前存在类同伴的能力。随着你沿着生命之梯往内扬升,你将会一直保留着与你之前较低体验层次上的同伴存有熟识及友善的能力。每一次新的转变或复活,都将使你的视野内增添又一批属灵性存有,而丝毫不会削弱你辨别出你之前状态中的朋友和伙伴的能力。   44:0.18 (498.9) There is also here with me a Mighty Messenger from Uversa, an ascendant Adjuster-fused, onetime mortal being, and he perceives you as you are, and at the same time he visualizes the Solitary Messenger, the supernaphim, and other celestial beings present. Never in your long ascendancy will you lose the power to recognize your associates of former existences. Always, as you ascend inward in the scale of life, will you retain the ability to recognize and fraternize with the fellow beings of your previous and lower levels of experience. Each new translation or resurrection will add one more group of spirit beings to your vision range without in the least depriving you of the ability to recognize your friends and fellows of former estates.
44:0.19 (498.10) 内驻的思想调整者的作用,使得这一切在扬升凡人的经历中成为可能。通过其对你整个生命经历之副本的保留,确保了你永远不会丧失你曾经拥有的任何真实属性;这些调整者将作为你的一部分,实际上也就是作为,与你一同走过。   44:0.19 (498.10) All this is made possible in the experience of ascending mortals by the action of the indwelling Thought Adjusters. Through their retention of the duplicates of your entire life’s experiences, you are assured of never losing any true attribute you once had; and these Adjusters are going through with you, as a part of you, in reality, as you.
44:0.20 (499.1) 然而, 我几乎很难向物质性心智传递天界艺匠之工作本质。我必须要不断地扭转想法及扭曲语言,来尽力去向凡人心智展现这些灵质性行为及近灵性现象的真实性。你们的理解力无法去把握、你们的语言也不足以去传递这些半灵性活动的意义、价值和关系。我尽力去启发人类心智有关这些实相的内容,并充分认识到,我在此类任务中绝对不可能非常成功。   44:0.20 (499.1) But I almost despair of being able to convey to the material mind the nature of the work of the celestial artisans. I am under the necessity of constantly perverting thought and distorting language in an effort to unfold to the mortal mind the reality of these morontia transactions and near-spirit phenomena. Your comprehension is incapable of grasping, and your language is inadequate for conveying, the meaning, value, and relationship of these semispirit activities. And I proceed with this effort to enlighten the human mind concerning these realities with the full understanding of the utter impossibility of my being very successful in such an undertaking.
44:0.21 (499.2) 我所能做的,仅仅是尝试去在凡人的物质性活动与天界艺匠的多样职能之间,勾画出一种粗略的对应性。如果玉苒厦(Urantia)各族在艺术及其他文化成就方面能更为先进一些,那么我或许就能进一步尝试去将人类心智由物质性事物引向灵质性事物。我所能希望去做到的,就是令灵质性和灵性世界的这些事务的真实性事实得以凸现。   44:0.21 (499.2) I can do no more than attempt to sketch a crude parallelism between mortal material activities and the manifold functions of the celestial artisans. If the Urantia races were more advanced in art and other cultural accomplishments, then could I go that much farther in an effort to project the human mind from the things of matter to those of morontia. About all I can hope to accomplish is to make emphatic the fact of the reality of these transactions of the morontia and the spirit worlds.
1. 天界音乐师 ^top   1. The Celestial Musicians ^top
44:1.1 (499.3) 在凡人受限的听力范围内,你们很难想象灵质性的旋律。即便是一系列物质性的美妙声音都未被人类的听觉所辨识出来,更遑论难以想象范围的灵质性及灵性和声了。属灵性的旋律并不是物质性的声波,而是由天界人格体的属灵体所接收的属灵性脉动。关于这些领域的旋律,其范围之广阔,表达之灵秀以及演奏之堂皇,都完全超出了人类的理解。我曾见到,在该域之旋律乘着天界回路的灵性能量涌入时,万千陶醉的存有都停留在无比的喜乐之中。这些奇妙的旋律能被广播到一个宇宙的各个边远部分。   44:1.1 (499.3) With the limited range of mortal hearing, you can hardly conceive of morontia melodies. There is even a material range of beautiful sound unrecognized by the human sense of hearing, not to mention the inconceivable scope of morontia and spirit harmony. Spirit melodies are not material sound waves but spirit pulsations received by the spirits of celestial personalities. There is a vastness of range and a soul of expression, as well as a grandeur of execution, associated with the melody of the spheres, that are wholly beyond human comprehension. I have seen millions of enraptured beings held in sublime ecstasy while the melody of the realm rolled in upon the spirit energy of the celestial circuits. These marvelous melodies can be broadcast to the uttermost parts of a universe.
44:1.2 (499.4) 通过对下列各种灵性力的操纵,天界音乐师们从事着天界旋律的创作:   44:1.2 (499.4) The celestial musicians are occupied with the production of celestial harmony by the manipulation of the following spirit forces:
44:1.3 (499.5) 1. 灵性之声 -- 灵性之流的断续。   44:1.3 (499.5) 1. Spiritual sound—spirit current interruptions.
44:1.4 (499.6) 2. 灵性之光 -- 对灵质性及灵性领域之光的控制与强化。   44:1.4 (499.6) 2. Spiritual light—the control and intensification of the light of the morontia and spiritual realms.
44:1.5 (499.7) 3. 能量冲击 -- 通过对灵质性及灵性能量的熟练操纵所产生的旋律。   44:1.5 (499.7) 3. Energy impingements—melody produced by the skillful management of the morontia and spirit energies.
44:1.6 (499.8) 4. 音色谐声 -- 灵质性色调的旋律;这是天界音乐师最高的成就之一。   44:1.6 (499.8) 4. Color symphonies—melody of morontia color tones; this ranks among the highest accomplishments of the celestial musicians.
44:1.7 (499.9) 5. 协灵和声 -- 不同类别的灵质性及灵性存有的安排和协作所产生的雄壮旋律。   44:1.7 (499.9) 5. Harmony of associated spirits—the very arrangement and association of different orders of morontia and spirit beings produce majestic melodies.
44:1.8 (499.10) 6. 思想旋律 -- 对灵性思想的思考可被完美化,从而迸发为哈沃纳(Havona)的各种旋律。   44:1.8 (499.10) 6. Melody of thought—the thinking of spiritual thoughts can be so perfected as to burst forth in the melodies of Havona.
44:1.9 (499.11) 7. 空间音乐 -- 通过适当的调谐,可在宇宙广播回路上收听到其他各域的各种旋律。   44:1.9 (499.11) 7. The music of space—by proper attunement the melodies of other spheres can be picked up on the universe broadcast circuits.
44:1.10 (500.1) 天界有十万多种操纵声音、颜色和能量的方式,这些手段类似于人类对乐器的使用。你们的舞蹈编排,无疑代表着物质性受造物的一种粗陋而怪诞的尝试,去试图接近于天界和谐的存有配置及人格安排。另有五种形式的灵质性旋律,是未被物质性身体的感官机制所认知的。   44:1.10 (500.1) There are over one hundred thousand different modes of sound, color, and energy manipulation, techniques analogous to the human employment of musical instruments. Your ensembles of dancing undoubtedly represent a crude and grotesque attempt of material creatures to approach the celestial harmony of being placement and personality arrangement. The other five forms of morontia melody are unrecognized by the sensory mechanism of material bodies.
44:1.11 (500.2) 和声,亦即由七个层次的旋律组合而成的音乐,是灵性沟通的一种通用编码。像玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人们所能了解的音乐,在该地方系统总部耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的学院中,得到了其最高水平的表达,半物质性存有在那里会被教导和声。凡人们对其他形式的灵质性旋律及天界和声,则不会有所回应。   44:1.11 (500.2) Harmony, the music of the seven levels of melodious association, is the one universal code of spirit communication. Music, such as Urantia mortals understand, attains its highest expression in the schools of Jerusem, the system headquarters, where semimaterial beings are taught the harmonies of sound. Mortals do not react to the other forms of morontia melody and celestial harmony.
44:1.12 (500.3) 在玉苒厦(Urantia),对音乐的欣赏既是物质性的,也是属灵性的;你们人类的音乐家已做出了很多,去将音乐品味从你们早期祖先的野蛮吼叫,提升到了较高层次的声音欣赏。玉苒厦的多数凡人在极大程度上用物质性肌肉去回应音乐,而极少用心智与灵性去回应;然而三万五千多年来,你们在音乐欣赏方面确实有了稳步的提高。   44:1.12 (500.3) Appreciation of music on Urantia is both physical and spiritual; and your human musicians have done much to elevate musical taste from the barbarous monotony of your early ancestors to the higher levels of sound appreciation. The majority of Urantia mortals react to music so largely with the material muscles and so slightly with the mind and spirit; but there has been a steady improvement in musical appreciation for more than thirty-five thousand years.
44:1.13 (500.4) 音调优美的切分音,代表了一种从原始人类的音乐单声到你们后来音乐家们的极富表现性和声与极富内涵性旋律之转变。这些早期类型的节奏会激起音乐喜爱感之反应,但却无需运用和声欣赏的更高智能力量,因此会更为普遍地吸引着那些不成熟的或是灵性怠惰的个体们。   44:1.13 (500.4) Tuneful syncopation represents a transition from the musical monotony of primitive man to the expressionful harmony and meaningful melodies of your later-day musicians. These earlier types of rhythm stimulate the reaction of the music-loving sense without entailing the exertion of the higher intellectual powers of harmony appreciation and thus more generally appeal to immature or spiritually indolent individuals.
44:1.14 (500.5) 玉苒厦(Urantia)最好的音乐,在你们音乐师的天界同伴们听来,只是华美乐曲中的一个短暂回声,你们的音乐家只是把这些灵质性力所形成和声中的一小部分记录下来,作为具有酣畅和声的音乐旋律。灵性及灵质性的音乐会频繁地运用所有七种表达及再现的方式,因此人类心智很难去将这些更高界域的旋律,简化为纯粹的音乐声符。这种尝试,就如同用一种单一的乐器来努力再现一个庞大乐队所演奏的乐曲。   44:1.14 (500.5) The best music of Urantia is just a fleeting echo of the magnificent strains heard by the celestial associates of your musicians, who left but snatches of these harmonies of morontia forces on record as the musical melodies of sound harmonics. Spirit-morontia music not infrequently employs all seven modes of expression and reproduction, so that the human mind is tremendously handicapped in any attempt to reduce these melodies of the higher spheres to mere notes of musical sound. Such an effort would be something like endeavoring to reproduce the strains of a great orchestra by means of a single musical instrument.
44:1.15 (500.6) 你们在玉苒厦(Urantia)已经汇集了一些优美的旋律,但在音乐上,你们进展的还远不及撒旦尼亚(Satania)中的许多邻近行星。如果亚当和夏娃活下来,那么你们可能会拥有真正的音乐;但他们本质中占了如此大程度的和声天赋,已被各种非音乐性的倾向所冲淡了,以致在一千个凡人生命中,只有一个能够对和声产生极好的欣赏能力。但不要气馁;总有一天,一位真正的音乐家将会出现在玉苒厦,所有的民族都会被他美妙的音乐所倾倒。这样一个人将会永远改变一整个国家、乃至一整个文明世界的进程。“音乐有改变一整个世界的力量”,确实如此。音乐将会永远存留为人类、天使及属灵的通用语言。和声则是来自哈沃纳(Havona)的专门语言。   44:1.15 (500.6) While you have assembled some beautiful melodies on Urantia, you have not progressed musically nearly so far as many of your neighboring planets in Satania. If Adam and Eve had only survived, then would you have had music in reality; but the gift of harmony, so large in their natures, has been so diluted by strains of unmusical tendencies that only once in a thousand mortal lives is there any great appreciation of harmonics. But be not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear on Urantia, and whole peoples will be enthralled by the magnificent strains of his melodies. One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, “melody has power a whole world to transform.” Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.
2. 天国再现者 ^top   2. The Heavenly Reproducers ^top
44:2.1 (500.7) 凡人对天国再现者的职责,很难指望形成一种不只是贫乏扭曲的概念,我只能以你们物质性语言的粗略有限符号去尽力阐释。灵性和灵质性世界拥有无数种具有至高价值、值得再现的事物,而这些事物却并不为玉苒厦(Urantia)所了解,这些经历属于那些还不曾“进入到人类心智中”的活动范畴,神把这些实相留待给那些从肉身生命中续存下来的存有们。   44:2.1 (500.7) Mortal man can hardly hope for more than a meager and distorted concept of the functions of the heavenly reproducers, which I must attempt to illustrate through the gross and limited symbolism of your material language. The spirit-morontia world has a thousand and one things of supreme value, things worthy of reproduction but unknown on Urantia, experiences that belong in the category of the activities which have hardly “entered into the mind of man,” those realities which God has in waiting for those who survive the life in the flesh.
44:2.2 (501.1) 一共有七类天国再现者,我将通过下面的分类,来尽力阐述他们的工作:   44:2.2 (501.1) There are seven groups of the heavenly reproducers, and I will attempt to illustrate their work by the following classification:
44:2.3 (501.2) 1. 演唱者 -- 反复唱诵过去的特定和声、并诠释当今各种旋律的和声家。但所有这些都是发生在灵质性层次上。   44:2.3 (501.2) 1. The singers—harmonists who reiterate the specific harmonies of the past and interpret the melodies of the present. But all of this is effected on the morontia level.
44:2.4 (501.3) 2. 色彩工作者 -- 你们可称之为素描家和绘画家的那些光影艺术家,那些留存了过往场景和短暂情节以供未来灵质性欣赏的艺术家。   44:2.4 (501.3) 2. The color workers—those artists of light and shade you might call sketchers and painters, artists who preserve passing scenes and transient episodes for future morontia enjoyment.
44:2.5 (501.4) 3. 光之影化者 -- 真实的半灵性现象之存留物的制造者,电影就是其中一种粗略的示例。   44:2.5 (501.4) 3. The light picturizers—the makers of the real semispirit-phenomena preservations of which motion pictures would be a very crude illustration.
44:2.6 (501.5) 4. 历史表演者 -- 那些用戏剧方式来再现宇宙记录和历史中重要事件的存有。   44:2.6 (501.5) 4. The historic pageanteers—those who dramatically reproduce the crucial events of universe records and history.
44:2.7 (501.6) 5. 先知艺术家 -- 将历史意义投射到未来的存有。   44:2.7 (501.6) 5. The prophetic artists—those who project the meanings of history into the future.
44:2.8 (501.7) 6. 生平讲述者 -- 那些保存生命经历之内涵要义的存有。将现今的个体经历,投射到未来的成就价值中。   44:2.8 (501.7) 6. The life-story tellers—those who perpetuate the meaning and significance of life experience. The projection of present personal experiences into future attainment values.
44:2.9 (501.8) 7. 管理扮演者 -- 那些描画管理哲学及行政手段之要义的存有,关于统治权的天界剧作家。   44:2.9 (501.8) 7. The administrative enactors—those who depict the significance of governmental philosophy and administrative technique, the celestial dramatists of sovereignty.
44:2.10 (501.9) 天国再现者会经常和复原指导者们有效地合作,将记忆再现物与某些形式的心智休整及人格消遣结合起来。在灵质性密会和灵性集会之前,这些再现者常常会用大型戏剧场面来表现这种集会的宗旨。最近,我见证了这样一场惊人的展示,有一百多万演员,连续演出了一千场戏剧。   44:2.10 (501.9) Very often and effectively the heavenly reproducers collaborate with the reversion directors in combining memory recapitulation with certain forms of mind rest and personality diversion. Before the morontia conclaves and spirit assemblies these reproducers sometimes associate themselves in tremendous dramatic spectacles representative of the purpose of such gatherings. I recently witnessed such a stupendous presentation in which more than one million actors produced a succession of one thousand scenes.
44:2.11 (501.10) 高等智力的教导者及过渡类侍奉者们在其灵质性教育活动中可自由而有效地利用这些不同类别的再现者,然而并非其所有的努力都是致力于短暂的演示;他们大多的工作都具有一种永久性本质,并将会永远作为所有未来时代的一种遗产而存留。这些艺匠是如此的多才多艺,以至当他们一同运作时,他们能重新演绎一整个时代,在与炽天使类侍奉者们合作的过程中,他们实际上能向时间性凡人观众描绘灵性世界的各种永恒价值。   44:2.11 (501.10) The higher intellectual teachers and the transition ministers freely and effectively utilize these various groups of reproducers in their morontia educational activities. But not all of their efforts are devoted to transient illustration; much, very much, of their work is of a permanent nature and will forever remain as a legacy to all future time. So versatile are these artisans that, when they function en masse, they are able to re-enact an age, and in collaboration with the seraphic ministers they can actually portray the eternal values of the spirit world to the mortal seers of time.
3. 神性建造者 ^top   3. The Divine Builders ^top
44:3.1 (501.11) 有一些城市,“它们的建造者是神”。在灵性对应物方面,我们拥有你们凡人所熟悉的一切,以及更多难以言表的东西。我们拥有家园,灵性舒适物及灵质性必需品。对应于人类所能享受到的每一样物质性满足物,我们都拥有万千种灵性实相来丰富及扩大我们的生活。神性建造者按以下七类而运作:   44:3.1 (501.11) There are cities “whose builder and maker is God.” In spirit counterpart we have all that you mortals are familiar with and inexpressibly more. We have homes, spirit comforts, and morontia necessities. For every material satisfaction which humans are capable of enjoying, we have thousands of spiritual realities that serve to enrich and enlarge our existence. The divine builders function in seven groups:
44:3.2 (502.1) 1. 家园类设计建造者 -- 那些构建及改造配属给个体和工作团体住所的存有。这些灵质性和灵性的住所是真实的。对于你们的短程视觉来说,它们是不可见的,但对于我们来说,它们是非常真实而美妙的。在某种程度上,所有灵性存有都会与建造者们商量某些关于规划和建造其灵质性或灵性住所的细节问题。这些家园是根据那些行将居住其内的灵质性或灵性受造物的需求来建造和装饰的。在所有这些建造物中,有足够的变化和充足的机会来体现个性的表达。   44:3.2 (502.1) 1. The home designers and builders—those who construct and remodel the abodes assigned to individuals and working groups. These morontia and spirit domiciles are real. They would be invisible to your short-range vision, but they are very real and beautiful to us. To a certain extent, all spirit beings may share with the builders certain details of the planning and creation of their morontia or spirit abodes. These homes are fitted up and embellished in accordance with the needs of the morontia or of the spirit creatures who are to inhabit them. There is abundant variety and ample opportunity for individual expression in all these constructions.
44:3.3 (502.2) 2. 行业类建造者 -- 那些负责为灵性和灵质性界域的普通及常规工作者们设计和装配住所的存有。这些建造者类似于那些建造玉苒厦(Urantia)车间和其他工业厂房的工匠。这些过渡世界拥有一种相互侍奉及专门化劳动分工的必要体系。我们并不都做每样事情;在灵质性存有及进化性属灵中间存在着一种职能的差异,这些行业类建造者并不只是建造更好的车间,而且还致力于工人的行业性提升。   44:3.3 (502.2) 2. The vocation builders—those who function in designing and assembling the abodes of the regular and routine workers of the spirit and morontia realms. These builders are comparable to those who construct the Urantia workshops and other industrial plants. The transition worlds have a necessary economy of mutual ministry and specialized division of labor. We do not all do everything; there is diversity of function among morontia beings and evolving spirits, and these vocation builders not only build better workshops but also contribute to the vocational enhancement of the worker.
44:3.4 (502.3) 3. 休闲类建造者。相当多的建筑物会被用于休息期间,凡人们通常将其称之为消遣,以及某种意义上所说的休闲。复原指导者,亦即灵质性世界的幽默家们,被提供了一种合适的场所,刚从进化世界被移走的扬升存有们会在那些过渡世界上进行培训,甚至连那些更高等的属灵也会在其灵性放松期间,参与到某种形式的怀旧性幽默中。   44:3.4 (502.3) 3. The play builders. Enormous edifices are utilized during the seasons of rest, what mortals would call recreation and, in a certain sense, play. Provision is made for a suitable setting for the reversion directors, the humorists of the morontia worlds, those transition spheres whereon takes place the training of ascendant beings but recently removed from the evolutionary planets. Even the higher spirits engage in a certain form of reminiscent humor during their periods of spiritual recharging.
44:3.5 (502.4) 4. 崇拜类建造者 -- 富有经验的灵性及灵质性圣殿的建筑师。凡人扬升到的所有世界中都有崇拜类圣殿,它们是灵质性世界和灵性天体中最为精美的建造物。   44:3.5 (502.4) 4. The worship builders—the experienced architects of the spirit and the morontia temples. All the worlds of mortal ascent have temples of worship, and they are the most exquisite creations of the morontia realms and the spirit spheres.
44:3.6 (502.5) 5. 教育类建造者 -- 那些建造灵质性培训和高级灵性学习总部的工匠。去获取更多知识的途径一直是敞开着的,你可去获得有关个人当下及未来工作的额外信息,也可获得宇宙教化知识,还可获得令扬升凡人成为灵质性及灵性世界更为智能高效公民的信息。   44:3.6 (502.5) 5. The education builders—those who build the headquarters of morontia training and advanced spirit learning. Always is the way open to acquire more knowledge, to gain additional information respecting one’s present and future work as well as universal cultural knowledge, information designed to make ascending mortals more intelligent and effective citizens of the morontia and spirit worlds.
44:3.7 (502.6) 6. 灵质类规划者 -- 那些为众域的所有人格体构建协同联盟的存有,因为他们可在任意时刻出现在任一天体上。这些规划者们与灵质性力量监督者们相合作,来增强渐趋进展的灵质性生活之间的协调。   44:3.7 (502.6) 6. Morontia planners—those who build for the co-ordinate association of all the personalities of all realms as they are at any one time present on any one sphere. These planners collaborate with the Morontia Power Supervisors to enrich the co-ordination of the progressive morontia life.
44:3.8 (502.7) 7. 公共类建造者 -- 那些设计和建造非崇拜类指定集会场所的艺匠。这些公众集会场所都非常宏伟壮观。   44:3.8 (502.7) 7. The public builders—the artisans who plan and construct the designated places of assembly other than those of worship. Great and magnificent are the places of common assembly.
44:3.9 (502.8) 对于物质性凡人的感官认知力来说,这些建筑物及其装饰物都是非常不真实的,但对于我们来说,它们是完全真实的。如果你以肉身形式去到那里,你将无法看到这些圣殿;然而,这些超物质性的建造物确确实实都在那儿,我们会清楚地看见它们,也会同样全面地享用它们。   44:3.9 (502.8) While neither these structures nor their embellishment would be exactly real to the sensory comprehension of material mortals, they are very real to us. You would be unable to see these temples could you be there in the flesh; nevertheless, all of these supermaterial creations are actually there, and we clearly discern them and just as fully enjoy them.
4. 思想记录者 ^top   4. The Thought Recorders ^top
44:4.1 (503.1) 这些艺匠们致力于对各域优秀思想的保存和再现,他们按以下七类而运作:   44:4.1 (503.1) These artisans are devoted to the preservation and reproduction of the superior thought of the realms, and they function in seven groups:
44:4.2 (503.2) 1. 思想类保存者。这些是从事保存各域高等思想的艺匠。在灵质性世界上,他们非常珍视思想之瑰宝。在第一次来到玉苒厦(Urantia)之前,我看过并听过有关这个星球某些伟大头脑的思想记录及广播。思想记录者们以尤沃萨(Uversa)的语言来保存这些高尚的思想。   44:4.2 (503.2) 1. Thought preservers. These are the artisans dedicated to the preservation of the higher thought of the realms. On the morontia worlds they truly treasure the gems of mentation. Before first coming to Urantia, I saw records and heard broadcasts of the ideation of some of the great minds of this planet. Thought recorders preserve such noble ideas in the tongue of Uversa.
44:4.3 (503.3) 每个超级宇宙都有自己的语言,一种由它的人格体们所使用而流行于其各个部域的语言。这在我们的超级宇宙中被称为尤沃萨(Uversa)语。每个地方宇宙也有它自己的语言。内巴顿(Nebadon)的所有高等类别都能讲两种语言,内巴顿语和尤沃萨语。当两个来自不同地方宇宙的个体碰面时,他们用尤沃萨语交流;然而,如果他们中的一个是来自于另一超级宇宙,那么他们就必须要求助于翻译了。在中央宇宙很少需要语言;那里有着完美而几近彻底的理解;在那里,只有各神未能被完全理解。我们被教导过,在天堂的一次偶然会面所展示的相互理解,比通过凡人语言在一千年之内所能交流的内容还要多。甚至在萨尔文顿(Salvington), 我们“了解别人,正像别人也了解我们。”   44:4.3 (503.3) Each superuniverse has its own language, a tongue spoken by its personalities and prevailing throughout its sectors. This is known as the tongue of Uversa in our superuniverse. Each local universe also has its own language. All of the higher orders of Nebadon are bilingual, speaking both the language of Nebadon and the tongue of Uversa. When two individuals from different local universes meet, they communicate in the tongue of Uversa; if, however, one of them hails from another superuniverse, they must have recourse to a translator. In the central universe there is little need of a language; there exists perfect and well-nigh complete understanding; there, only the Gods are not fully comprehended. We are taught that a chance meeting on Paradise reveals more of mutual understanding than could be communicated by a mortal language in a thousand years. Even on Salvington we “know as we are known.”
44:4.4 (503.4) 在灵质性和灵性领域中,将思想转化成语言的能力是超越人类理解的。我们将思想转化成永久记录的速度可通过熟练记录者而得以加快,以至相当于五十多万文字或思想符号的内容可在玉苒厦(Urantia)时间的一分钟内被记录下来。这些宇宙语言比各进化世界的语言要完备得多。尤沃萨(Uversa)的概念符号包含了十亿以上的字符,尽管基本的字母表只包含了七十个符号。内巴顿(Nebadon)的语言则没有这么精细,其基本符号或是说字母只有四十八个。   44:4.4 (503.4) The ability to translate thought into language in the morontia and spirit spheres is beyond mortal comprehension. Our rate of reducing thought to a permanent record can be so speeded up by the expert recorders that the equivalent of over half a million words, or thought symbols, can be registered in one minute of Urantia time. These universe languages are far more replete than the speech of the evolving worlds. The concept symbols of Uversa embrace more than a billion characters, although the basic alphabet contains only seventy symbols. The language of Nebadon is not quite so elaborate, the basic symbols, or alphabet, being forty-eight in number.
44:4.5 (503.5) 2. 概念类记录者。这第二类的记录者负责对概念图像、即理念图样的保存。这是一种物质世界所未知的永久记录方式,凭借这种方式,我在你们时间一小时内所获得的知识,要比你们在一百年内精读普通文字所获得的知识还要多。   44:4.5 (503.5) 2. Concept recorders. This second group of recorders are concerned with the preservation of concept pictures, idea patterns. This is a form of permanent recording unknown on the material realms, and by this method I could gain more knowledge in one hour of your time than you could gain in one hundred years of perusing ordinary written language.
44:4.6 (503.6) 3. 表意类记录者。我们有类似于你们书面语言和口头语言的等同物,但在保存思想方面,我们通常使用概念图像化和表意手段。那些保存表意符号的记录者,能够使概念记录者的工作改善千倍。   44:4.6 (503.6) 3. Ideograph recorders. We have the equivalent of both your written and spoken word, but in preserving thought, we usually employ concept picturization and ideograph techniques. Those who preserve ideographs are able to improve one thousandfold upon the work of the concept recorders.
44:4.7 (503.7) 4. 演讲类促进者。这类记录者致力于保存思想以供演讲再现的任务。不过在内巴顿(Nebadon)语中,我们能够在半小时的演讲中,涵盖一个玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人的整个生命期间的主题。要理解这些事务的唯一指望,就是停下来思考一下你混乱无序的梦境生活中所采用的手段 -- 即你在这些夜间的幻境中,如何能在短短几秒钟内跨越了多年的经历。   44:4.7 (503.7) 4. Promoters of oratory. This group of recorders are occupied with the task of preserving thought for reproduction by oratory. But in the language of Nebadon we could, in a half hour’s address, cover the subject matter of the entire lifetime of a Urantia mortal. Your only hope of comprehending these transactions is to pause and consider the technique of your disordered and garbled dream life—how you can in a few seconds traverse years of experience in these fantasies of the night season.
44:4.8 (503.8) 灵性世界的演说,对于那些只听过玉苒厦(Urantia)上粗陋笨拙之演说的你们来说,不啻为一场视听盛宴。在萨尔文顿(Salvington)和伊甸厦(Edentia)的演说中,充满着和谐的音乐和悦耳的表达,它们具有难以形容的启迪性。这些激情四射的概念就像荣耀王冠上的美丽宝石一样。但我却无法做到啊!我无法向人类心智传达这些来自另一世界的众多实相之广度与深度。   44:4.8 (503.8) The oratory of the spirit world is one of the rare treats which await you who have heard only the crude and stumbling orations of Urantia. There is harmony of music and euphony of expression in the orations of Salvington and Edentia which are inspiring beyond description. These burning concepts are like gems of beauty in diadems of glory. But I cannot do it! I cannot convey to the human mind the breadth and depth of these realities of another world!
44:4.9 (504.1) 5. 广播类主管者。天堂、超级宇宙和地方宇宙的广播都是在这类思想保存者的大体监督之下。他们既充当着监察员和编辑,也担当着广播材料的协调员,将天堂所有广播做成超级宇宙改写本,并将亘古常在者的广播改编转化为各个地方宇宙的各自语言。   44:4.9 (504.1) 5. The broadcast directors. The broadcasts of Paradise, the superuniverses, and the local universes are under the general supervision of this group of thought conservers. They serve as censors and editors as well as co-ordinators of the broadcast material, making a superuniverse adaptation of all Paradise broadcasts and adapting and translating the broadcasts of the Ancients of Days into the individual tongues of the local universes.
44:4.10 (504.2) 地方宇宙的广播也必须要经过改编,以利于各个系统和单个行星的接收。这些空间报道的传输,都要经过严格的监督,且总会有事后登记,以确保每个报道通过每一特定回路而被每个世界所适当地接收了。严格来说,这些广播主管者在利用空间环流进行所有用途的情报通讯方面都是极为熟练的。   44:4.10 (504.2) The local universe broadcasts must also be modified for reception by the systems and the individual planets. The transmittal of these space reports is carefully supervised, and there is always a back registry to insure the proper reception of every report on every world in a given circuit. These broadcast directors are technically expert in the utilization of the currents of space for all purposes of intelligence communication.
44:4.11 (504.3) 6. 韵律类记录者。玉苒厦(Urantia)的人类肯定会把这些天界艺匠称为诗人,尽管他们的工作完全不同于而又几近无限超越于你们的诗歌创作。对于灵质性和灵性存有来说,韵律是少为殚精竭虑的,因此他们时常会做出努力,通过以韵律的方式来施行各种职能,来提高效率以及增加乐趣。我只希望,你或许会有幸听到伊甸厦(Edentia)集会的某些诗歌广播,并去欣赏星座天才们的丰富色调,他们是这一自我表达及社交和谐化之精美形式的精通者。   44:4.11 (504.3) 6. The rhythm recorders. Urantians would undoubtedly denominate these artisans poets, although their work is very different from, and almost infinitely transcends, your poetic productions. Rhythm is less exhausting to both morontia and spirit beings, and so an effort is frequently made to increase efficiency, as well as to augment pleasure, by executing numerous functions in rhythmic form. I only wish you might be privileged to hear some of the poetic broadcasts of the Edentia assemblies and to enjoy the richness of the color and tone of the constellation geniuses who are masters of this exquisite form of self-expression and social harmonization.
44:4.12 (504.4) 7. 灵质类记录者。我不知道该怎样向你们的物质性心智描述这一类重要思想记录者的职能,他们被委以保存关于各种灵质性和灵性事务全套图像的工作;粗略地说,他们是过渡世界的群体摄影师。他们为将来保存了这些渐进时期的重要场景和团体,并将它们保存在灵质性记录大厅的档案中。   44:4.12 (504.4) 7. The morontia recorders. I am at a loss to know how to depict to the material mind the function of this important group of thought recorders assigned to the work of preserving the ensemble pictures of the various groupings of morontia affairs and spirit transactions; crudely illustrated, they are the group photographers of the transition worlds. They save for the future the vital scenes and associations of these progressive epochs, preserving them in the archives of the morontia halls of records.
5. 能量操纵者 ^top   5. The Energy Manipulators ^top
44:5.1 (504.5) 这些有趣而高效的艺匠牵涉到每一种能量:物质性的、心智性的和属灵性的。   44:5.1 (504.5) These interesting and effective artisans are concerned with every kind of energy: physical, mindal, and spiritual.
44:5.2 (504.6) 1. 物理能量类操纵者。他们长期与力量主管者一起服务着,是众多层面物理能量之操纵和控制方面的专家。他们精通三种基本的能量环流和超级宇宙的三十种附属能量分类。这些存有对过渡世界的灵质性力量监督者有着不可估量的帮助。他们是天堂之宇宙投射的持久研究者。   44:5.2 (504.6) 1. Physical-energy manipulators. The physical-energy manipulators serve for long periods with the power directors and are experts in the manipulation and control of many phases of physical energy. They are conversant with the three basic currents and the thirty subsidiary energy segregations of the superuniverses. These beings are of inestimable assistance to the Morontia Power Supervisors of the transition worlds. They are the persistent students of the cosmic projections of Paradise.
44:5.3 (504.7) 2. 心智能量类操纵者。这些是灵质性存有与其他类型智能存有相互交流方面的专家。在玉苒厦(Urantia)上,这种交流形式在凡人之间实际上并不存在。这些专家会提高扬升的灵质性存有们相互交流的能力,他们的工作涵盖了众多智性联络方面的独特冒险,这些是我没法向物质性心智去描述的。这些艺匠是无限之灵所属心智回路的热心研究者。   44:5.3 (504.7) 2. Mind-energy manipulators. These are the experts of intercommunication between morontia and other types of intelligent beings. This form of communication between mortals is practically nonexistent on Urantia. These are the specialists who promote the ability of the ascending morontia beings to communicate with one another, and their work embraces numerous unique adventures in intellect liaison which are far beyond my power to portray to the material mind. These artisans are the keen students of the mind circuits of the Infinite Spirit.
44:5.4 (505.1) 3. 灵性能量类操纵者。灵性能量类操纵者们是饶有趣味的一类。灵性能量会依照一些既定的法则而运作,就如物理能量所运作的方式一样。也就是说,在研究灵性力时,会得出可靠的推论,甚至就像物理能量一样,可予以精确地处理。在灵性世界,也和物质世界一样,存在着一些确定可靠的法则。在过去的几百万年期间,许多渐趋改善的灵性能量摄入手段,已被这些对掌管灵性能量的永恒之子所设基本法则的研究者们所创造出来,它们被应用到了遍及诸宇宙的灵质类及其他类天界存有身上。   44:5.4 (505.1) 3. Spiritual-energy manipulators. The manipulators of spiritual energy are an intriguing group. Spiritual energy acts in accordance with established laws, just as does physical energy. That is, spirit force, when studied, yields dependable deductions and can be precisely dealt with, even as can the physical energies. There are just as certain and reliable laws in the spirit world as obtain in the material realms. During the last few millions of years many improved techniques for the intake of spiritual energy have been effected by these students of the fundamental laws of the Eternal Son governing spirit energy as applied to the morontia and other orders of celestial beings throughout the universes.
44:5.5 (505.2) 4. 复合类操纵者。这是由训练有素的存有们所组成的一个冒险类别,他们致力于将作为物理能量、心智能量和灵性能量而显现于所有宇宙中的三种原初层面的神性能量在职能上结合起来。这是一些实际上在试图发现神之至高者之宇宙临在的热切人格体,因为在这个神灵人格本体身上,必定会发生整个大宇宙神性的经验性统一。在某种程度上而言,这些艺匠已于近期取得了一些成功。   44:5.5 (505.2) 4. The compound manipulators. This is the adventurous group of well-trained beings who are dedicated to the functional association of the three original phases of divine energy manifested throughout the universes as physical, mindal, and spiritual energies. These are the keen personalities who are in reality seeking to discover the universe presence of God the Supreme, for in this Deity personality there must occur the experiential unification of all grand universe divinity. And to a certain extent, these artisans have in recent times met with some success.
44:5.6 (505.3) 5. 运送类顾问。这一个担当运送类炽天使技术顾问的团队,最为精通于与星象研究者们合作规划出运送路线,并以其他方式协助各个空间世界上的运送长官。他们是各个天体的交通监管者,并临在于所有的居住行星上。玉苒厦(Urantia)由一个包含七十名运送类顾问的团队所服务着。   44:5.6 (505.3) 5. The transport advisers. This corps of technical advisers to the transport seraphim are most proficient in collaborating with the star students in working out routings and in otherwise assisting the chiefs of transport on the worlds of space. They are the traffic supervisors of the spheres and are present on all inhabited planets. Urantia is served by a corps of seventy transport advisers.
44:5.7 (505.4) 6. 通讯类专家。同样,玉苒厦(Urantia)由十二名负责行星际和宇宙际通讯的技师所服务着。这些经验丰富的存有熟练于将有关传输和干扰法则的知识应用到各域通讯当中。这个团队牵涉到各种形式的空间信息,除了引力使者和单独使者的那些信息以外。在玉苒厦,他们的大多工作必须要在大天使的回路中得以完成。   44:5.7 (505.4) 6. The experts of communication. Urantia, likewise, is served by twelve technicians of interplanetary and interuniverse communication. These long-experienced beings are expert in the knowledge of the laws of transmittal and interference as applied to the communications of the realms. This corps is concerned with all forms of space messages except those of Gravity and Solitary Messengers. On Urantia much of their work must be accomplished over the archangels’ circuit.
44:5.8 (505.5) 7. 安息类导师。神性的安息与灵性能量的摄入手段有关。灵质性和灵性能量也必定像物理能量一样,必须要加以补充,但并不是出于同样原因。我又不得不被迫使用粗浅的说法来尽力启发你们;然而,来自灵性世界的我们必须要定期地停止我们的常规活动,亲身前往一些合适的会集场所,我们在那里会进入到神性的安息之中,以复原我们损耗的能量。   44:5.8 (505.5) 7. The teachers of rest. Divine rest is associated with the technique of spiritual-energy intake. Morontia and spirit energy must be replenished just as certainly as physical energy, but not for the same reasons. I am, perforce, compelled to employ crude illustrations in my attempts to enlighten you; nevertheless, we of the spirit world must stop our regular activities periodically and betake ourselves to suitable places of rendezvous where we enter the divine rest and thus recuperate our depleting energies.
44:5.9 (505.6) 当你变成灵质性存有,来到宅厦世界,并开始体验到灵性事务的技巧后,你将会接收到关于这些事情的最初教育。你会了解到哈沃纳(Havona)的最内环路,也会了解到,当空间朝圣者在穿越前面的各个环路后,他们将会被引导进入漫长而又再生性的天堂安息。这不只是一种从时间性生涯到永恒性服务的技术性运送需要,而且更是一种必需,一种需用来补充在扬升后期经历中易发生的能量损耗、并用来为下阶段无尽生涯贮藏灵性力量储备的安息方式。   44:5.9 (505.6) You will receive your first lessons in these matters when you reach the mansion worlds after you have become morontia beings and have begun to experience the technique of spirit affairs. You know of the innermost circle of Havona and that, after the pilgrims of space have traversed the preceding circles, they must be inducted into the long and revivifying rest of Paradise. This is not only a technical requirement of transit from the career of time to the service of eternity, but it is also a necessity, a form of rest required to replenish the energy losses incident to the final steps of the ascendant experience and to store reserves of spirit power for the next stage of the endless career.
44:5.10 (506.1) 这些能量操纵者也以数百种多到难以编录的其他方式运作着,例如向炽天使、小天使和小天女提议有关最为有效的能量摄入方式,以及有关让主动的小天使和被动的小天女之间各种发散力保持最为有益的平衡。这些专家还以很多其他方式向灵质性和灵性受造物提供帮助,让其尽力去理解神性安息,这对于有效地利用各种基本的空间能量是极为重要的。   44:5.10 (506.1) These energy manipulators also function in hundreds of other ways too numerous to catalogue, such as counseling with the seraphim, cherubim, and sanobim regarding the most efficient modes of energy intake and as to the maintenance of the most helpful balances of divergent forces between active cherubim and passive sanobim. In many other ways do these experts lend assistance to morontia and spirit creatures in their efforts to understand the divine rest, which is so essential to the effective utilization of the basic energies of space.
6. 设计装饰者 ^top   6. The Designers and Embellishers ^top
44:6.1 (506.2) 我是多么希望我了解如何去描绘这些独特艺匠的精巧工作啊!就我来说,去解释灵性装饰工作的每一次尝试,都只会令物质性心智回想起你们自身试图在你们由心智和物质所形成的世界上做这些事情之可怜而又可敬的努力。   44:6.1 (506.2) How I wish I knew how to portray the exquisite work of these unique artisans! Every attempt on my part to explain the work of spirit embellishment would only recall to material minds your own pitiful but worthy efforts to do these things on your world of mind and matter.
44:6.2 (506.3) 这一团队尽管包含了一千多个活动部门,但却被划分成以下七大类:   44:6.2 (506.3) This corps, while embracing over one thousand subdivisions of activity, is grouped under the following seven major heads:
44:6.3 (506.4) 1. 色彩类工艺师。这是一些利用一万种灵性反射色调来表达和谐之美精巧信息的存有。除了色彩感知以外,人类经验中再也没有任何其他可与这些活动相类比的东西了。   44:6.3 (506.4) 1. The craftworkers of color. These are they who make the ten thousand color tones of spirit reflection peal forth their exquisite messages of harmonious beauty. Aside from color perception there is nothing in human experience to which these activities may be compared.
44:6.4 (506.5) 2. 声音类设计者。这些设计者可将具有不同属性及灵质性欣赏价值的灵性波描画出来,你们或许称之为声音。这些脉冲实际上是天界大军的光耀灵性灵魂之出色反射。   44:6.4 (506.5) 2. The sound designers. Spirit waves of diverse identity and morontia appreciation are depicted by these designers of what you would call sound. These impulses are in reality the superb reflections of the naked and glorious spirit-souls of the celestial hosts.
44:6.5 (506.6) 3. 情感类设计者。这些情感的改善者和保存者,会保存各种灵质性及神性情感,以用于时间性子民的学习和启迪,也用于灵质性进展者和扬升属灵们的激发和美化。   44:6.5 (506.6) 3. The emotion designers. These enhancers and conservators of feeling are those who preserve the sentiments of morontia and the emotions of divinity for the study and edification of the children of time and for the inspiration and beautification of morontia progressors and advancing spirits.
44:6.6 (506.7) 4. 气味类设计师。将上乘的灵性活动和化学气味的物理辨别相类比,确实是很不相宜的,然而玉苒厦(Urantia)的凡人很难通过任何其他名称来辨别出这一侍奉活动。这些艺匠们会创造出多样的气味调和物,以用于光之扬升子民的启迪和愉悦。你们在地球上没有任何东西可以与这种类型的灵性壮丽相媲美了。   44:6.6 (506.7) 4. The artists of odor. This comparison of supernal spirit activities to the physical recognition of chemical odors is, indeed, unfortunate, but Urantia mortals could hardly recognize this ministry by any other name. These artisans create their varied symphonies for the edification and delight of the advancing children of light. You have nothing on earth to which this type of spiritual grandeur can be even remotely compared.
44:6.7 (506.8) 5. 仪态类装点者。这些艺匠并不牵涉到自我装点的艺术或是受造物美化的手段。他们致力于通过将各种价值定位赋予到不同的灵质性及灵性类别身上,来生动表达出存在于这些多样存有之复合性总体中的重要关系,从而在单个的灵质性及灵性受造物身上营造出多样的愉悦反应。这些艺术家对于超物质性存有们的安排,就如你们将生动的音符、气味、风景安排到一起,然后将它们汇合到光荣的赞歌中一样。   44:6.7 (506.8) 5. The presence embellishers. These artisans are not occupied with the arts of self-adornment or the technique of creature beautification. They are devoted to the production of multitudinous and joyous reactions in individual morontia and spirit creatures by dramatizing the significance of relationship through the positional values assigned to different morontia and spirit orders in the composite ensembles of these diversified beings. These artists arrange supermaterial beings as you would living musical notes, odors, sights, and then blend them into the anthems of glory.
44:6.8 (506.9) 6. 品味类设计者。该如何向你们讲述这些艺术家啊!我或许只能模糊地建议,他们是灵质性品味的改善者,他们也尽力去通过使进化性属灵的感觉变得敏锐,来提高其审美能力。   44:6.8 (506.9) 6. The taste designers. And how can you be told of these artists! Faintly I might suggest that they are improvers of morontia taste, and they also endeavor to increase the appreciation of beauty through the sharpening of the evolving spirit senses.
44:6.9 (507.1) 7. 灵质类综合者。这是些熟练的艺匠,他们在所有其他艺匠都做出了各自的贡献时,随后将画龙点睛之笔加到了灵质类总体身上,从而实现了对神性之美的灵感性描绘,以及对属灵性存有及其灵质性同伴的持久性鼓舞。不过你必须要等到你从动物性身体中解脱出来以后,才能开始去想象灵质性及灵性世界的艺术辉煌与审美妙处。   44:6.9 (507.1) 7. The morontia synthesizers. These are the master craftsmen who, when all others have made their respective contributions, then add the culminating and finishing touches to the morontia ensemble, thus achieving an inspiring portrayal of the divinely beautiful, an enduring inspiration to spirit beings and their morontia associates. But you must await your deliverance from the animal body before you can begin to conceive of the artistic glories and aesthetic beauties of the morontia and spirit worlds.
7. 和谐运作者 ^top   7. The Harmony Workers ^top
44:7.1 (507.2) 这些艺术家并不像你们所猜测的那样,牵涉到音乐、绘画或是任何相似物。他们从事于操纵和组织一些存在于灵性世界、但却不为凡人所知的专属力和能量。如果我有些微可以比较的基础,我会尽力去描述这一独特的灵性成就领域,但我失望了 -- 向凡人心智传递这一天界艺术领域是没有指望的。尽管如此,那些难以描述的内容仍可予以暗示:   44:7.1 (507.2) These artists are not concerned with music, painting, or anything similar, as you might be led to surmise. They are occupied with the manipulation and organization of specialized forces and energies which are present in the spirit world, but which are not recognized by mortals. If I had the least possible basis for comparison, I would attempt to portray this unique field of spirit achievement, but I despair—there is no hope of conveying to mortal minds this sphere of celestial artistry. Nevertheless, that which cannot be described may still be implied:
44:7.2 (507.3) 美感、韵律及和谐,在智性上是相关联的,在灵性上是相类似的。真理、事实及关系,在智性上是不可分的,且与哲学上的美之概念是相互关联的。善良、正义及公平,与鲜活之真理和神性之美感,在哲学上是相互关联的,在灵性上是捆绑在一起的。   44:7.2 (507.3) Beauty, rhythm, and harmony are intellectually associated and spiritually akin. Truth, fact, and relationship are intellectually inseparable and associated with the philosophic concepts of beauty. Goodness, righteousness, and justice are philosophically interrelated and spiritually bound up together with living truth and divine beauty.
44:7.3 (507.4) 源自真正哲学的宇宙概念,对天界艺术的描绘,或是想去描述人类对神性之美认知的凡俗尝试,是永远无法真正令人满意的,如果这些企图的受造物进展未予以统一的话。进化受造物内心神性冲动的这些表达,在智性上或许是真实的,在感性上或许是优美的,在灵性上是良善的;但只有当这些真理之实相、美好之意涵和良善之价值能够在艺术家、科学家或是哲学家的生命体验中得以统一的时候,真正的灵魂表达才不会缺席。   44:7.3 (507.4) Cosmic concepts of true philosophy, the portrayal of celestial artistry, or the mortal attempt to depict the human recognition of divine beauty can never be truly satisfying if such attempted creature progression is ununified. These expressions of the divine urge within the evolving creature may be intellectually true, emotionally beautiful, and spiritually good; but the real soul of expression is absent unless these realities of truth, meanings of beauty, and values of goodness are unified in the life experience of the artisan, the scientist, or the philosopher.
44:7.4 (507.5) 这些神性品质在神身上得到了完美而绝对地统一。每个知神的人类或是天使,都可通过永不止息的似神达成手段 -- 即在永恒之真、普遍之美和神性之善的进化性体验方面所产生的经验性融合,而在不断进展的统一性自我实现层次上拥有不受限制的自我表达潜能。   44:7.4 (507.5) These divine qualities are perfectly and absolutely unified in God. And every God-knowing man or angel possesses the potential of unlimited self-expression on ever-progressive levels of unified self-realization by the technique of the never-ending achievement of Godlikeness—the experiential blending in the evolutionary experience of eternal truth, universal beauty, and divine goodness.
8. 凡俗性愿望和灵质性成就 ^top   8. Mortal Aspirations and Morontia Achievements ^top
44:8.1 (507.6) 虽然天界艺匠并不亲身在像玉苒厦(Urantia)这样的物质性行星上工作,但他们的确会不时地从系统的总部前来,去向那些凡人族类中有天赋的个体们提供帮助。当按此方式受派时,这些艺匠们暂时会在进化类行星天使的监督下工作。炽天使们会与这些艺匠们合作,努力去帮助那些拥有内在禀赋、以及拥有具备特殊先前经历之思想调整者的人类艺术家。   44:8.1 (507.6) Although celestial artisans do not personally work on material planets, such as Urantia, they do come, from time to time, from the headquarters of the system to proffer help to the naturally gifted individuals of the mortal races. When thus assigned, these artisans temporarily work under the supervision of the planetary angels of progress. The seraphic hosts co-operate with these artisans in attempting to assist those mortal artists who possess inherent endowments, and who also possess Adjusters of special and previous experience.
44:8.2 (507.7) 特殊的人类才能有三种可能的来源:从根本上说,总是存在着天生的或是内在的天资。特殊才能从来不会是各神的一种随意赠与;对每一个杰出的天才来说,总是有一种祖传的基础。除了这种天生的才能之外,毋宁说对它有所补充的,还有可能是来源于那些个体身中的思想调整者之引导,他们内驻的调整者或许在其他世界或凡人受造物身上曾有过这方面的真实经历。在那些人类心智和内驻调整者都异常灵巧的情况下,属灵性艺匠们有可能被委派来担当这些天才的协调者,或者以其他方式来帮助和鼓舞这些凡人,去寻求更为完美的理想,去为该域的启迪做出其更为改善的描绘。   44:8.2 (507.7) There are three possible sources of special human ability: At the bottom always there exists the natural or inherent aptitude. Special ability is never an arbitrary gift of the Gods; there is always an ancestral foundation for every outstanding talent. In addition to this natural ability, or rather supplemental thereto, there may be contributed the leadings of the Thought Adjuster in those individuals whose indwelling Adjusters may have had actual and bona fide experiences along such lines on other worlds and in other mortal creatures. In those cases where both the human mind and the indwelling Adjuster are unusually skillful, the spirit artisans may be delegated to act as harmonizers of these talents and otherwise to assist and inspire these mortals to seek for ever-perfecting ideals and to attempt their enhanced portrayal for the edification of the realm.
44:8.3 (508.1) 在属灵性艺匠的行列中不存在等级制度。不管你出身多么低微,只要你拥有才能及表达的天赋,随着你在灵质性经历及灵性达成的阶梯上不断向上扬升,你将会得到充分的认可并受到适当的赏识。没有任何人类遗传上的障碍或是人性环境的欠缺是灵质性生涯所不能全面补偿和完全消除的。所有这些艺术成就和极富表现性的的自我实现所产生的满足感,都会经由你自己在渐进性提升中的亲身努力而得以实现。最终,进化性平庸者的愿望都会得以实现。尽管各神并不随意将各种天赋和才能赋予到时间性子民身上,但他们的确会为所有人类的高尚愿望供以满足感的获得,为所有人类的崇高自我表达渴望供以喜悦。   44:8.3 (508.1) There is no caste in the ranks of spirit artisans. No matter how lowly your origin, if you have ability and the gift of expression, you will gain adequate recognition and receive due appreciation as you ascend upward in the scale of morontia experience and spiritual attainment. There can be no handicap of human heredity or deprivation of mortal environment which the morontia career will not fully compensate and wholly remove. And all such satisfactions of artistic achievement and expressionful self-realization will be effected by your own personal efforts in progressive advancement. At last the aspirations of evolutionary mediocrity may be realized. While the Gods do not arbitrarily bestow talents and ability upon the children of time, they do provide for the attainment of the satisfaction of all their noble longings and for the gratification of all human hunger for supernal self-expression.
44:8.4 (508.2) 但每个人都应该记住:许多想要去出类拔萃的强烈愿望,那些令肉身中的凡人欲罢不能的雄心抱负,都将不会在灵质性及灵性生涯中持续伴随着这些同样的凡人们。扬升的灵质性存有们将学会使其先前纯自私的愿望及自我为中心的抱负适合社会的需要。尽管如此,你在世间如此热切渴望去完成的那些事,那些条件如此持续不允许你去完成的事,只要你在灵质性生涯中获得了真正的元慧洞察力后仍渴望去做,那么你肯定会被给予充分的机会去满足你的夙愿。   44:8.4 (508.2) But every human being should remember: Many ambitions to excel which tantalize mortals in the flesh will not persist with these same mortals in the morontia and spirit careers. The ascending morontians learn to socialize their former purely selfish longings and egoistic ambitions. Nevertheless, those things which you so earnestly longed to do on earth and which circumstances so persistently denied you, if, after acquiring true mota insight in the morontia career, you still desire to do, then will you most certainly be granted every opportunity fully to satisfy your long-cherished desires.
44:8.5 (508.3) 在扬升凡人离开地方宇宙去开启他们的灵性生涯之前,对于那永远体现了其凡俗性及灵质性生存层面特征的每一个智性的、艺术性的以及社会性的愿望,他们都会得到满足。这是自我表达和自我实现之满足感所产生的同等成就,但却非同等的经验性地位之达成,也并非在技巧、手段及表达方面的特有个性之彻底抹除。然而,个人经验性达成上的新灵性差异,直到在你完成了哈沃纳(Havona)生涯的最后一环后,才会变得渐趋持平及平衡化。而随后,天堂的居民们将会面临去适应那种个人体验之绝限性差异的必要,这种差异仅会因终极受造物地位的群体达成 -- 即凡人终局者第七阶段属灵的天命而得以抹平。   44:8.5 (508.3) Before ascending mortals leave the local universe to embark upon their spirit careers, they will be satiated respecting every intellectual, artistic, and social longing or true ambition which ever characterized their mortal or morontia planes of existence. This is the achievement of equality of the satisfaction of self-expression and self-realization but not the attainment of identical experiential status nor the complete obliteration of characteristic individuality in skill, technique, and expression. But the new spirit differential of personal experiential attainment will not become thus leveled off and equalized until after you have finished the last circle of the Havona career. And then will the Paradise residents be confronted with the necessity of adjusting to that absonite differential of personal experience which can be leveled off only by the group attainment of the ultimate of creature status—the seventh-stage-spirit destiny of the mortal finaliters.
44:8.6 (508.4) 这就是天界艺匠的故事,那一由精妙工作者们所组成的广泛性团体,用带有天堂造物主神性之美的艺术性描画,做了那么多荣耀诸建造天体的工作。   44:8.6 (508.4) And this is the story of the celestial artisans, that cosmopolitan body of exquisite workers who do so much to glorify the architectural spheres with the artistic portrayals of the divine beauty of the Paradise Creators.
44:8.7 (508.5) [ 由内巴顿(Nebadon)的一位大天使所撰写。 ]   44:8.7 (508.5) [Indited by an Archangel of Nebadon.]