第64篇   Paper 64
进化类有色种族   The Evolutionary Races of Color
64:0.1 (718.1) 该篇是关于玉苒厦(Urantia)进化类种族的故事,从将近一百万年前的安东和芳达时代起,往下经过行星君王时代,直到冰河时代结束。   64:0.1 (718.1) THIS is the story of the evolutionary races of Urantia from the days of Andon and Fonta, almost one million years ago, down through the times of the Planetary Prince to the end of the ice age.
64:0.2 (718.2) 人类存在有近一百万年了,其故事的前半部分大致上对应于玉苒厦(Urantia)的前行星君王时代。人类这段历史的后半部分则始于行星君王到来之时以及六个有色种族的出现,大致上对应于被通常认为是旧石器时代的阶段。   64:0.2 (718.2) The human race is almost one million years old, and the first half of its story roughly corresponds to the pre-Planetary Prince days of Urantia. The latter half of the history of mankind begins at the time of the arrival of the Planetary Prince and the appearance of the six colored races and roughly corresponds to the period commonly regarded as the Old Stone Age.
1. 安东族土著居民 ^top   1. The Andonic Aborigines ^top
64:1.1 (718.3) 将近一百万年前,原始人类在地球上演化出现了,并曾有过一段朝气蓬勃的经历。他本能上试图避开与劣等类人猿部族混血的危险。但由于海拔30,000英尺(9000多米)的贫瘠西藏高原,他无法向东迁徙;又由于那时向东扩展到印度洋的扩充性地中海,他也无法南涉或者西进;而当他向北进发时,他遭遇到了推进的冰川。但即便在进一步的迁徙因冰川而受阻时,即使渐趋分散的各个部族变得愈发敌对,更为智能的群体也从未有过南行去生活在他们那些多毛而树栖类低能表亲中间的想法。   64:1.1 (718.3) Primitive man made his evolutionary appearance on earth a little less than one million years ago, and he had a vigorous experience. He instinctively sought to escape the danger of mingling with the inferior simian tribes. But he could not migrate eastward because of the arid Tibetan land elevations, 30,000 feet above sea level; neither could he go south nor west because of the expanded Mediterranean Sea, which then extended eastward to the Indian Ocean; and as he went north, he encountered the advancing ice. But even when further migration was blocked by the ice, and though the dispersing tribes became increasingly hostile, the more intelligent groups never entertained the idea of going southward to live among their hairy tree-dwelling cousins of inferior intellect.
64:1.2 (718.4) 人类最早的宗教情感,很多出自于具有这种地理状况的闭塞环境中所引发的无助感 -- 右边是崇山,左边是大海,前面是冰川。但这些富有进取精神的安东族人,却不愿回到南方他们劣等的树栖类亲戚那儿。   64:1.2 (718.4) Many of man’s earliest religious emotions grew out of his feeling of helplessness in the shut-in environment of this geographic situation—mountains to the right, water to the left, and ice in front. But these progressive Andonites would not turn back to their inferior tree-dwelling relatives in the south.
64:1.3 (718.5) 与他们非人类亲戚的习性不同,这些安东族人避开了森林。在森林里人类会一直退化;人类的进化只有在旷野当中以及更高纬度地带才会取得进展。旷野的严寒和饥饿会刺激行动、发明和智谋。当这些安东族部落在这些严酷北方气候的艰难匮乏中,渐渐发展成为现今人类的先驱时,他们那些落后的亲戚们,却还沉溺在其早期共同发源地所在的南方热带雨林中。   64:1.3 (718.5) These Andonites avoided the forests in contrast with the habits of their nonhuman relatives. In the forests man has always deteriorated; human evolution has made progress only in the open and in the higher latitudes. The cold and hunger of the open lands stimulate action, invention, and resourcefulness. While these Andonic tribes were developing the pioneers of the present human race amidst the hardships and privations of these rugged northern climes, their backward cousins were luxuriating in the southern tropical forests of the land of their early common origin.
64:1.4 (718.6) 这些事情发生在第三次冰川时期,依照地理学家的估算则为第一次。前两次冰川在北欧并不广泛。   64:1.4 (718.6) These events occurred during the times of the third glacier, the first according to the reckoning of geologists. The first two glaciers were not extensive in northern Europe.
64:1.5 (718.7) 在冰河时代的大部分时间里,英格兰通过陆地与法兰西相连,而后来非洲则通过西西里陆桥与欧洲连接了起来。在安东族迁徙的时代,从西边的英格兰,经欧洲和亚洲直达东边的爪哇,存在着一条连贯的陆路;但澳洲却再次被隔离开来,这进一步加强了其自身独特动物群的发展。   64:1.5 (718.7) During most of the ice age England was connected by land with France, while later on Africa was joined to Europe by the Sicilian land bridge. At the time of the Andonic migrations there was a continuous land path from England in the west on through Europe and Asia to Java in the east; but Australia was again isolated, which further accentuated the development of its own peculiar fauna.
64:1.6 (719.1) 950,000(九十五万)年前,安东和芳达的后裔们已经向东、向西迁徙很远了。向西,他们穿越欧洲来到法兰西和英格兰。在以后的时代中,他们又向东渗透远至爪哇,就在近期在那儿发现了他们的遗骨 --即所谓的爪哇人 -- 然后他们又继续行至塔斯马尼亚。   64:1.6 (719.1) 950,000 years ago the descendants of Andon and Fonta had migrated far to the east and to the west. To the west they passed over Europe to France and England. In later times they penetrated eastward as far as Java, where their bones were so recently found—the so-called Java man—and then journeyed on to Tasmania.
64:1.7 (719.2) 西行的群体较之东进的那些群体,更少受到其共同祖先来源之落后血统的濡染,东进之群体则随意与其智力迟缓的动物表亲相混交。这些不思进取的个体向南漂泊,随即便与那些劣等的部族交配了。后来,其愈来愈多的杂交后代,回到北部去与迅速扩张的安东族人交配,如此不幸的结合,无疑令优良的血统恶化了。原始定居点中保持对气息授予者崇拜的,为数越来越少。这个早期发端文明濒于灭绝了。   64:1.7 (719.2) The groups going west became less contaminated with the backward stocks of mutual ancestral origin than those going east, who mingled so freely with their retarded animal cousins. These unprogressive individuals drifted southward and presently mated with the inferior tribes. Later on, increasing numbers of their mongrel descendants returned to the north to mate with the rapidly expanding Andonic peoples, and such unfortunate unions unfailingly deteriorated the superior stock. Fewer and fewer of the primitive settlements maintained the worship of the Breath Giver. This early dawn civilization was threatened with extinction.
64:1.8 (719.3) 这便是玉苒厦(Urantia)上所发生的一切。被寄予伟大期许的诸个文明相继退化,并因允许优良者随意与低劣者生育的愚行而最终灭绝了。   64:1.8 (719.3) And thus it has ever been on Urantia. Civilizations of great promise have successively deteriorated and have finally been extinguished by the folly of allowing the superior freely to procreate with the inferior.
2. 福克斯豪人 ^top   2. The Foxhall Peoples ^top
64:2.1 (719.4) 900,000(九十万)年前,安东和芳达的诸多技艺和奥纳嘎的教化逐渐从地表消失着;教化、宗教信仰,乃至石器打造,都处于其最低谷。   64:2.1 (719.4) 900,000 years ago the arts of Andon and Fonta and the culture of Onagar were vanishing from the face of the earth; culture, religion, and even flintworking were at their lowest ebb.
64:2.2 (719.5) 这是些大批劣等杂交群体从法兰西南部到达英格兰的时期。这些部落如此大规模地与林栖类人猿类动物混杂,以致他们几乎不是人类了。他们没有宗教信仰,但却是粗陋的石器打造者,也还有足够的智慧来取火。   64:2.2 (719.5) These were the times when large numbers of inferior mongrel groups were arriving in England from southern France. These tribes were so largely mixed with the forest apelike creatures that they were scarcely human. They had no religion but were crude flintworkers and possessed sufficient intelligence to kindle fire.
64:2.3 (719.6) 有一个略微优良且多产的种族追随他们来到欧洲,其后裔不久便遍布了整个大陆,从北部的冰川直到南部的阿尔卑斯山和地中海。这些部族便是所谓的海德堡人。   64:2.3 (719.6) They were followed in Europe by a somewhat superior and prolific people, whose descendants soon spread over the entire continent from the ice in the north to the Alps and Mediterranean in the south. These tribes are the so-called Heidelberg race.
64:2.4 (719.7) 在这段很长的教化衰退时期里,英格兰的福克斯豪人以及印度西北的巴德南人,继续坚持安东的一些传统,以及奥纳嘎教化的若干残留。   64:2.4 (719.7) During this long period of cultural decadence the Foxhall peoples of England and the Badonan tribes northwest of India continued to hold on to some of the traditions of Andon and certain remnants of the culture of Onagar.
64:2.5 (719.8) 福克斯豪人居住在最西方,并成功保存了安东族的许多文化;他们也保存了安东族的石器制造知识,并传授给了他们的后裔,即爱斯基摩人的远古祖先。   64:2.5 (719.8) The Foxhall peoples were farthest west and succeeded in retaining much of the Andonic culture; they also preserved their knowledge of flintworking, which they transmitted to their descendants, the ancient ancestors of the Eskimos.
64:2.6 (719.9) 尽管福克斯豪人的遗迹在英格兰是被最晚发现的,但这些安东族人却实实在在是生活在那些地区的最初人类。那时,陆桥仍旧连接着法兰西与英格兰;由于安东后裔的大多数初期定居点都位于那些早期岁月的河岸及海岸边,因此它们此时都处在英吉利海峡与北海水域之下了,只有三四处依然位于英格兰海岸的水面以上。   64:2.6 (719.9) Though the remains of the Foxhall peoples were the last to be discovered in England, these Andonites were really the first human beings to live in those regions. At that time the land bridge still connected France with England; and since most of the early settlements of the Andon descendants were located along the rivers and seashores of that early day, they are now under the waters of the English Channel and the North Sea, but some three or four are still above water on the English coast.
64:2.7 (720.1) 许多更为智能和灵性的福克斯豪人保持了他们种族的优越性,延续了他们的原始宗教习俗。由于他们后来又与一些后续的血统相混杂,他们在冰川撤退后便离开英格兰向西前行,并幸存下来而成为今日的爱斯基摩人。   64:2.7 (720.1) Many of the more intelligent and spiritual of the Foxhall peoples maintained their racial superiority and perpetuated their primitive religious customs. And these people, as they were later admixed with subsequent stocks, journeyed on west from England after a later ice visitation and have survived as the present-day Eskimos.
3. 巴德南部族 ^top   3. The Badonan Tribes ^top
64:3.1 (720.2) 除了西方的福克斯豪人,另一个文化奋进中心存留于东方。这一群体位于印度西北部高地的山麓中,属于巴德南部族,巴德南是安东的一个玄孙。这群人是仅有的不以人做献祭的安东后裔。   64:3.1 (720.2) Besides the Foxhall peoples in the west, another struggling center of culture persisted in the east. This group was located in the foothills of the northwestern Indian highlands among the tribes of Badonan, a great-great-grandson of Andon. These people were the only descendants of Andon who never practiced human sacrifice.
64:3.2 (720.3) 这些高地巴德南人占据着一片广袤的高原,这里树木环绕,小溪流转,猎物丰富。与一些西藏的亲族相似,他们也居住在粗陋的石屋中和山脚的洞穴里,以及半地下的通道中。   64:3.2 (720.3) These highland Badonites occupied an extensive plateau surrounded by forests, traversed by streams, and abounding in game. Like some of their cousins in Tibet, they lived in crude stone huts, hillside grottoes, and semiunderground passages.
64:3.3 (720.4) 就在北边的部落对冰的恐惧与日俱增时,那些生活在临近他们故土一带的部落,却变得对水极为恐惧。他们目睹过美索不达米亚半岛虽有几次浮现,但最终还是逐渐沉入海洋,这些原始部落的传说,便围绕着海洋的威胁及对其周期性肆虐的恐惧而发展起来。这种恐惧,连同他们对河水泛滥的经历,说明了他们何以寻找高地作为安全之所而生活于其上的原因。   64:3.3 (720.4) While the tribes of the north grew more and more to fear the ice, those living near the homeland of their origin became exceedingly fearful of the water. They observed the Mesopotamian peninsula gradually sinking into the ocean, and though it emerged several times, the traditions of these primitive races grew up around the dangers of the sea and the fear of periodic engulfment. And this fear, together with their experience with river floods, explains why they sought out the highlands as a safe place in which to live.
64:3.4 (720.5) 与地球的任何其它地方相比,在巴德南族群的东边、印度北部的西瓦利克山脉,能够找到更为接近人类与各种准人类群体之间过渡类型的化石。   64:3.4 (720.5) To the east of the Badonan peoples, in the Siwalik Hills of northern India, may be found fossils that approach nearer to transition types between man and the various prehuman groups than any others on earth.
64:3.5 (720.6) 850,000(八十五万)年前,优良的巴德南人部落发起了一场针对其低劣兽性邻居的灭绝战争。在不到一千年的时间里,这些地区的大多数边缘性动物类别要么被消灭,要么被赶回南部丛林。这场针对劣等物种的灭绝战,为当时这些山地部落带来了些微的改进。而这种得到改进的巴德南人血统的混合后裔,则作为一种看似全新的人种 -- 即尼安德特人出现在活动舞台上。   64:3.5 (720.6) 850,000 years ago the superior Badonan tribes began a warfare of extermination directed against their inferior and animalistic neighbors. In less than one thousand years most of the borderland animal groups of these regions had been either destroyed or driven back to the southern forests. This campaign for the extermination of inferiors brought about a slight improvement in the hill tribes of that age. And the mixed descendants of this improved Badonite stock appeared on the stage of action as an apparently new people—the Neanderthal race.
4. 尼安德特人种 ^top   4. The Neanderthal Races ^top
64:4.1 (720.7) 尼安德特人是出色的战士,他们行迹广泛。他们逐渐从印度西北部的诸高地中心扩散到西边的法国、东边的中国,甚至往下扩展到北非。他们掌控了世界将近五十万年,直到进化类有色种族的迁徙时代。   64:4.1 (720.7) The Neanderthalers were excellent fighters, and they traveled extensively. They gradually spread from the highland centers in northwest India to France on the west, China on the east, and even down into northern Africa. They dominated the world for almost half a million years until the times of the migration of the evolutionary races of color.
64:4.2 (720.8) 800,000(八十万)年前,猎物极其丰富;多种鹿类,还有象类、河马,在欧洲徜徉。牛类众多;马和狼随处可见。尼安德特人是极好的猎手,法兰西的那些部落最先采取了让最成功猎手选取女人作为妻子的做法。   64:4.2 (720.8) 800,000 years ago game was abundant; many species of deer, as well as elephants and hippopotamuses, roamed over Europe. Cattle were plentiful; horses and wolves were everywhere. The Neanderthalers were great hunters, and the tribes in France were the first to adopt the practice of giving the most successful hunters the choice of women for wives.
64:4.3 (721.1) 对于这些尼安德特人来说,驯鹿是极为有用的,可用作食物、衣物,以及作为工具,因为他们将其角与骨头用于多种用途。尼安德特人基本上没有什么文化,但他们却极大改进了燧石打造技术,几乎达到了安东时期的水平。他们重又将大块的燧石固定在木棒顶端,做成斧子和镐头。   64:4.3 (721.1) The reindeer was highly useful to these Neanderthal peoples, serving as food, clothing, and for tools, since they made various uses of the horns and bones. They had little culture, but they greatly improved the work in flint until it almost reached the levels of the days of Andon. Large flints attached to wooden handles came back into use and served as axes and picks.
64:4.4 (721.2) 750,000(七十五万)年前,第四次冰川汹涌南侵。尼安德特人利用其改进的工具,在覆盖北部河流的冰层上敲出洞来,从而能够叉中游到这些出口处来的鱼。这些部落终究在此时最广泛入侵欧洲的进犯冰川面前退却了。   64:4.4 (721.2) 750,000 years ago the fourth ice sheet was well on its way south. With their improved implements the Neanderthalers made holes in the ice covering the northern rivers and thus were able to spear the fish which came up to these vents. Ever these tribes retreated before the advancing ice, which at this time made its most extensive invasion of Europe.
64:4.5 (721.3) 这些时候,正值西伯利亚冰川进到其最南端,迫使早期人类南迁,回到其发祥之地。但人类已经发生了如此巨大的变化,以至再度与其未曾进化的类人猿亲族相混杂的危险被大大降低了。   64:4.5 (721.3) In these times the Siberian glacier was making its southernmost march, compelling early man to move southward, back toward the lands of his origin. But the human species had so differentiated that the danger of further mingling with its nonprogressive simian relatives was greatly lessened.
64:4.6 (721.4) 700,000(七十万)年前,欧洲最大的一次冰川即第四次冰川处于衰退当中;人类与动物逐渐返回北方。气候寒冷而潮湿,原始人类又一次在欧洲和西亚繁盛起来。森林逐渐往北扩展至那片不久前被冰川所覆盖的大地上。   64:4.6 (721.4) 700,000 years ago the fourth glacier, the greatest of all in Europe, was in recession; men and animals were returning north. The climate was cool and moist, and primitive man again thrived in Europe and western Asia. Gradually the forests spread north over land which had been so recently covered by the glacier.
64:4.7 (721.5) 哺乳类生命并没有因这次大冰川而发生什么变化。这些动物依旧处在那片位于冰川与阿尔卑斯山脉中间的狭窄带状地区,在冰川回撤之际,它们又迅速遍布整个欧洲。直鼻象、宽鼻犀牛、鬣鼠以及非洲狮,也从非洲经西西里陆桥抵达那里,这些新来的动物,最终消灭了剑齿虎和河马。   64:4.7 (721.5) Mammalian life had been little changed by the great glacier. These animals persisted in that narrow belt of land lying between the ice and the Alps and, upon the retreat of the glacier, again rapidly spread out over all Europe. There arrived from Africa, over the Sicilian land bridge, straight-tusked elephants, broad-nosed rhinoceroses, hyenas, and African lions, and these new animals virtually exterminated the saber-toothed tigers and the hippopotamuses.
64:4.8 (721.6) 650,000(六十五万)年前见证到了温和气候的延续。到冰川间隔期的中期,天气变得非常温暖,以至阿尔卑斯山脉几乎冰雪融尽。   64:4.8 (721.6) 650,000 years ago witnessed the continuation of the mild climate. By the middle of the interglacial period it had become so warm that the Alps were almost denuded of ice and snow.
64:4.9 (721.7) 600,000(六十万)年前,冰川达到其时回撤的最北端,经过几千年的间歇,又从南部开始了其第五次漂移。然而五万年内,气候几乎没有发生什么变化。欧洲的人类及动物也鲜有变化。前一阶段的轻微干旱减轻了,高山上的冰川也沿着河谷倾泻而下。   64:4.9 (721.7) 600,000 years ago the ice had reached its then northernmost point of retreat and, after a pause of a few thousand years, started south again on its fifth excursion. But there was little modification of climate for fifty thousand years. Man and the animals of Europe were little changed. The slight aridity of the former period lessened, and the alpine glaciers descended far down the river valleys.
64:4.10 (721.8) 550,000(五十五万)年前,推进的冰川又一次将人类与动物逼往南方。然而这一次,在向东北延伸到亚洲的宽阔地带内,人类拥有了足够的地方,这一地带位于冰川和当时地中海大为扩展的黑海外延之间。   64:4.10 (721.8) 550,000 years ago the advancing glacier again pushed man and the animals south. But this time man had plenty of room in the wide belt of land stretching northeast into Asia and lying between the ice sheet and the then greatly expanded Black Sea extension of the Mediterranean.
64:4.11 (721.9) 第四次和第五次冰川的这些时间,见证到了尼安德特人种粗略文化的进一步传播。但实际却也鲜有进展,以致真正看来,试图在玉苒厦(Urantia)创造一种全新改良型智能生命的努力行将失败了。在将近二十五万年的时间里,这些原始人不断地打猎、争斗,漂泊不定,在某些方面也有断断续续的进步,但总的来说,比起他们卓越的安东族祖先,他们呈现出一种缓慢退化的状态。   64:4.11 (721.9) These times of the fourth and fifth glaciers witnessed the further spread of the crude culture of the Neanderthal races. But there was so little progress that it truly appeared as though the attempt to produce a new and modified type of intelligent life on Urantia was about to fail. For almost a quarter of a million years these primitive peoples drifted on, hunting and fighting, by spells improving in certain directions, but, on the whole, steadily retrogressing as compared with their superior Andonic ancestors.
64:4.12 (721.10) 在这些灵性黑暗的时期里,迷信人类的教化接近了其最低水平。除了一种可耻的迷信以外,尼安德特人实际上没有任何宗教信仰。他们极其害怕云彩,尤以惧怕薄霭与浓雾为甚。一种惧怕自然力的原始宗教渐渐发展起来,与此同时,随着工具的进步和猎物的充裕,动物崇拜衰落了下来,使得这些人减缓了对食物的索求;追猎所带来的性奖励,在很大程度上易于提高狩猎技巧。而这种因恐惧而产生的新信仰,引发了各种来安抚这些自然力量背后不可见力的尝试,后来臻至以人祭的方式来抚慰这些不可见与不可知的自然力。这种可怕的人祭做法,被玉苒厦(Urantia)一些较为落后的民族一直保持到二十世纪。   64:4.12 (721.10) During these spiritually dark ages the culture of superstitious mankind reached its lowest levels. The Neanderthalers really had no religion beyond a shameful superstition. They were deathly afraid of clouds, more especially of mists and fogs. A primitive religion of the fear of natural forces gradually developed, while animal worship declined as improvement in tools, with abundance of game, enabled these people to live with lessened anxiety about food; the sex rewards of the chase tended greatly to improve hunting skill. This new religion of fear led to attempts to placate the invisible forces behind these natural elements and culminated, later on, in the sacrificing of humans to appease these invisible and unknown physical forces. And this terrible practice of human sacrifice has been perpetuated by the more backward peoples of Urantia right on down to the twentieth century.
64:4.13 (722.1) 这些早期的尼安德特人很难被称作是太阳的崇拜者。他们宁愿生活在对黑暗的恐惧之中;他们对夜晚有着一种致命的恐惧。只要月亮能有些许亮光,他们还可以凑合对付,但在没有月光的暗夜,他们便陷入恐慌,并开始祭献他们当中最优秀的男人和女人,试图诱使月亮重放光芒。他们早就知道太阳还会按时返回,但他们却认为,只有以他们的部落同伴献为祭物之后,月亮才会回来。随着种族不断进化,献祭物品及目的也不断发生变化,但作为宗教仪式之一部分的人祭奉献物,却长期保留了下来。   64:4.13 (722.1) These early Neanderthalers could hardly be called sun worshipers. They rather lived in fear of the dark; they had a mortal dread of nightfall. As long as the moon shone a little, they managed to get along, but in the dark of the moon they grew panicky and began the sacrifice of their best specimens of manhood and womanhood in an effort to induce the moon again to shine. The sun, they early learned, would regularly return, but the moon they conjectured only returned because they sacrificed their fellow tribesmen. As the race advanced, the object and purpose of sacrifice progressively changed, but the offering of human sacrifice as a part of religious ceremonial long persisted.
5. 有色人种的起源 ^top   5. Origin of the Colored Races ^top
64:5.1 (722.2) 500,000(五十万)年前,印度西北高地的巴德南人部落,卷入了另一场剧烈的种族战争。这场残酷的战争历时一百多年,当这场旷日持久的战争结束时,只剩下一百多个家庭了。但这些幸存者却是安东和芳达所有那时活着的子孙中最为智能、最为优秀的人。   64:5.1 (722.2) 500,000 years ago the Badonan tribes of the northwestern highlands of India became involved in another great racial struggle. For more than one hundred years this relentless warfare raged, and when the long fight was finished, only about one hundred families were left. But these survivors were the most intelligent and desirable of all the then living descendants of Andon and Fonta.
64:5.2 (722.3) 此时,在这些高地巴德南人中间,发生了一件新鲜而奇特的事情。生活在那时人居高原地区东北部的一对男女,突然开始生出一家异常智能的孩子们。这便是桑吉克家族,即玉苒厦(Urantia)所有六个有色人种的祖先。   64:5.2 (722.3) And now, among these highland Badonites there was a new and strange occurrence. A man and woman living in the northeastern part of the then inhabited highland region began suddenly to produce a family of unusually intelligent children. This was the Sangik family, the ancestors of all of the six colored races of Urantia.
64:5.3 (722.4) 这些桑吉克族子女总共十九人,不仅在智能上优于他们的同伴,而且其皮肤也呈现出一种独特的倾向,曝露在阳光下时变成不同的颜色。在这十九个孩子中,五个为红色、两个为橙色,四个为黄色、两个为绿色,四个为蓝色,两个为靛色。随着孩子们逐渐长大,这些颜色变得更为明显,而当这些年轻人后来与其部落成员交配时,所有其后代都趋向于其桑吉克族亲方的肤色。   64:5.3 (722.4) These Sangik children, nineteen in number, were not only intelligent above their fellows, but their skins manifested a unique tendency to turn various colors upon exposure to sunlight. Among these nineteen children were five red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue, and two indigo. These colors became more pronounced as the children grew older, and when these youths later mated with their fellow tribesmen, all of their offspring tended toward the skin color of the Sangik parent.
64:5.4 (722.5) 此时我要打断按时间先后顺序的叙述,在提醒大家行星君王大约在这时到达玉苒厦(Urantia)之后,我们同时要分开考虑玉苒厦的这六个桑吉克人种。   64:5.4 (722.5) And now I interrupt the chronological narrative, after calling attention to the arrival of the Planetary Prince at about this time, while we separately consider the six Sangik races of Urantia.
6. 玉苒厦(Urantia)的六个桑吉克人种 ^top   6. The Six Sangik Races of Urantia ^top
64:6.1 (722.6) 在一个普通的进化类行星上,六个有色进化种族会逐个出现;红种人是最早演化出来的,并在长期漫游世界之后,相继的有色人种才会出现。但在玉苒厦(Urantia)上,所有六个人种的同时出现,且出现在同一家庭中,这是极不寻常的。   64:6.1 (722.6) On an average evolutionary planet the six evolutionary races of color appear one by one; the red man is the first to evolve, and for ages he roams the world before the succeeding colored races make their appearance. The simultaneous emergence of all six races on Urantia, and in one family, was most unusual.
64:6.2 (723.1) 早前安东族人在玉苒厦(Urantia)上的出现,在撒旦尼亚(Satania)当中也是新鲜事。在这个地方系统中,再也没有任何一个别的世界,会在进化类有色种族之前,拥有这样一个意志受造物族群。   64:6.2 (723.1) The appearance of the earlier Andonites on Urantia was also something new in Satania. On no other world in the local system has such a race of will creatures evolved in advance of the evolutionary races of color.
64:6.3 (723.2) 1. 红种人。这些民族是人类中出类拔萃的种群,在许多方面优于安东和芳达。他们是最为智能的一族,也是桑吉克子代中最先发展出一种部落文明和管理的群落。他们一直是一夫一妻制;即便是其混种的后代,也很少实行多配偶制。   64:6.3 (723.2) 1. The red man. These peoples were remarkable specimens of the human race, in many ways superior to Andon and Fonta. They were a most intelligent group and were the first of the Sangik children to develop a tribal civilization and government. They were always monogamous; even their mixed descendants seldom practiced plural mating.
64:6.4 (723.3) 在后来的时期中,他们与其亚洲的黄种同胞发生了严重且持久的摩擦。他们因其早期的弓箭发明而得助,但他们却不幸继承了太多来自其祖先自相争斗的倾向,这使他们大大削弱,以致黄种人部落能将其赶出亚洲大陆。   64:6.4 (723.3) In later times they had serious and prolonged trouble with their yellow brethren in Asia. They were aided by their early invention of the bow and arrow, but they had unfortunately inherited much of the tendency of their ancestors to fight among themselves, and this so weakened them that the yellow tribes were able to drive them off the Asiatic continent.
64:6.5 (723.4) 大约八万五千年前,红色人种中相对纯种的余部,全部跋山涉水来到北美,此后不久,白令地峡沉没了,因此阻隔了他们。没有一个红种人再返回到亚洲。但他们与其他有色种族混杂的大多血统,却留在了整个西伯利亚、中国、中亚、印度及欧洲。   64:6.5 (723.4) About eighty-five thousand years ago the comparatively pure remnants of the red race went en masse across to North America, and shortly thereafter the Bering land isthmus sank, thus isolating them. No red man ever returned to Asia. But throughout Siberia, China, central Asia, India, and Europe they left behind much of their stock blended with the other colored races.
64:6.6 (723.5) 当红种人风尘仆仆来到美洲时,他带来了其早期发祥地的大量教义和传统。他的直系祖先曾与行星君王所属世界总部的后期活动有过牵连。但到达美洲后不久,红种人开始忽视这些教义,在智性和灵性教化方面出现了巨大衰退。不久之后,这些人又陷入惨烈的自相残杀,以致这些部落战争导致了这一相对纯粹红色人种余部的快速灭绝。   64:6.6 (723.5) When the red man crossed over into America, he brought along much of the teachings and traditions of his early origin. His immediate ancestors had been in touch with the later activities of the world headquarters of the Planetary Prince. But in a short time after reaching the Americas, the red men began to lose sight of these teachings, and there occurred a great decline in intellectual and spiritual culture. Very soon these people again fell to fighting so fiercely among themselves that it appeared that these tribal wars would result in the speedy extinction of this remnant of the comparatively pure red race.
64:6.7 (723.6) 由于这一巨大的退步,当大约六万五千年前,奥纳莫纳兰顿作为其领袖和灵性拯救者出现时,红种人似乎已了无生机。他为美洲的红种人带来了暂时的和平,并复兴了他们对“伟大之灵”的崇拜。奥纳莫纳兰顿活到九十六岁,并在加利福尼亚的大红杉树林中保有其总部。他后来的许多后裔流传下来而成为现代的黑脚族印第安人。   64:6.7 (723.6) Because of this great retrogression the red men seemed doomed when, about sixty-five thousand years ago, Onamonalonton appeared as their leader and spiritual deliverer. He brought temporary peace among the American red men and revived their worship of the “Great Spirit.” Onamonalonton lived to be ninety-six years of age and maintained his headquarters among the great redwood trees of California. Many of his later descendants have come down to modern times among the Blackfoot Indians.
64:6.8 (723.7) 随着时间推移,奥纳莫纳兰顿的许多教导变成了朦胧的传说。自相残杀的战争又重新开始了,在这位伟大导师所处时代之后,再没有哪位领袖能成功在他们中间带来普遍的和平。在这些部落争斗中,更为智能的血统日益毁灭了;若非如此,这些干练而智能的红种人,可能已在北美大陆建立起一个伟大的文明了。   64:6.8 (723.7) As time passed, the teachings of Onamonalonton became hazy traditions. Internecine wars were resumed, and never after the days of this great teacher did another leader succeed in bringing universal peace among them. Increasingly the more intelligent strains perished in these tribal struggles; otherwise a great civilization would have been built upon the North American continent by these able and intelligent red men.
64:6.9 (723.8) 在从中国横越来到美洲后,北部的红种人再也没有与其他世界势力(除了爱斯基摩人)有过任何接触,直到他后来被白种人所发现。最大的遗憾是,红种人几乎完全错过了与后来亚当族血统相混合而得以提升的机会。事实上,红种人没能统治白种人,他也不甘为白种人服务。在这种情形下,若两个种族不能调和,必有一个会前途暗淡。   64:6.9 (723.8) After crossing over to America from China, the northern red man never again came in contact with other world influences (except the Eskimo) until he was later discovered by the white man. It was most unfortunate that the red man almost completely missed his opportunity of being upstepped by the admixture of the later Adamic stock. As it was, the red man could not rule the white man, and he would not willingly serve him. In such a circumstance, if the two races do not blend, one or the other is doomed.
64:6.10 (723.9) 2. 橙种人。这个人种的突出特征,是他们对建设的特有激情,他们渴望建造任何一切东西。他们甚至去堆起巨大的石堆,只是为了看一下哪个部落能够建造最大的石堆。尽管他们并非进步的族群,但他们却从行星君王的学校中获益非浅,并派遣了代表到那儿寻求指导。   64:6.10 (723.9) 2. The orange man. The outstanding characteristic of this race was their peculiar urge to build, to build anything and everything, even to the piling up of vast mounds of stone just to see which tribe could build the largest mound. Though they were not a progressive people, they profited much from the schools of the Prince and sent delegates there for instruction.
64:6.11 (724.1) 随着地中海向西后退,橙种人是最先沿着海岸线往南去向非洲的。但他们却从没有在非洲确保一个有利的立足点,并被后来抵达的绿种人一扫而尽了。   64:6.11 (724.1) The orange race was the first to follow the coast line southward toward Africa as the Mediterranean Sea withdrew to the west. But they never secured a favorable footing in Africa and were wiped out of existence by the later arriving green race.
64:6.12 (724.2) 在末日来临之前,这个族群失去了太多教化与灵性根基。但在波顺塔的英明领导下,出现了一种包含更高等生活的伟大复兴,这个不幸种族的主脑,在大约三十万年前其总部位于哈米吉多顿时曾照料过他们。   64:6.12 (724.2) Before the end came, this people lost much cultural and spiritual ground. But there was a great revival of higher living as a result of the wise leadership of Porshunta, the master mind of this unfortunate race, who ministered to them when their headquarters was at Armageddon some three hundred thousand years ago.
64:6.13 (724.3) 橙种人和绿种人之间的最后一次大战,发生在埃及尼罗河下游河谷。这场旷日持久的战争,进行了将近一百年,在其结束时橙种人鲜有存活。这些民众的四散余部被绿种人以及后来到达的靛种人所吸收了。但作为一个种群,橙种人在大约十万年前已不复存在了。   64:6.13 (724.3) The last great struggle between the orange and the green men occurred in the region of the lower Nile valley in Egypt. This long-drawn-out battle was waged for almost one hundred years, and at its close very few of the orange race were left alive. The shattered remnants of these people were absorbed by the green and by the later arriving indigo men. But as a race the orange man ceased to exist about one hundred thousand years ago.
64:6.14 (724.4) 3. 黄种人。原始的黄色人种是最先放弃狩猎、建立定居社区,并发展出以农业为基础的家园生活的。从智力上来说,他们略次于红种人,但在孕育种族文明方面,他们在社交上和集体性上都要优于所有其他桑吉克人种。由于他们发展出了一种友爱精神,不同部落间能学会去相对和平共处,所以当他们逐渐扩展到亚洲时,他们能够将其之前的红种人驱逐出去。   64:6.14 (724.4) 3. The yellow man. The primitive yellow tribes were the first to abandon the chase, establish settled communities, and develop a home life based on agriculture. Intellectually they were somewhat inferior to the red man, but socially and collectively they proved themselves superior to all of the Sangik peoples in the matter of fostering racial civilization. Because they developed a fraternal spirit, the various tribes learning to live together in relative peace, they were able to drive the red race before them as they gradually expanded into Asia.
64:6.15 (724.5) 他们远离了该世界灵性总部的影响,并追随卡里迦夏(Caligastia)背叛而陷入巨大的黑暗之中;然而大约十万年前,当星朗顿承担了这些部落的领导权,并倡言“唯一真神”崇拜时,这个种族也曾辉煌一时。   64:6.15 (724.5) They traveled far from the influences of the spiritual headquarters of the world and drifted into great darkness following the Caligastia apostasy; but there occurred one brilliant age among this people when Singlangton, about one hundred thousand years ago, assumed the leadership of these tribes and proclaimed the worship of the “One Truth.”
64:6.16 (724.6) 黄色人种能够相对大量的存留,乃是得益于他们各部落间的和平共处。从星琅顿的时代到现代中国的诸个时代,黄色人种一直名列玉苒厦(Urantia)更为爱好和平的种族中间。这个种族还接收了后来输入的亚当族血统中少许但却强有力的遗传。   64:6.16 (724.6) The survival of comparatively large numbers of the yellow race is due to their intertribal peacefulness. From the days of Singlangton to the times of modern China, the yellow race has been numbered among the more peaceful of the nations of Urantia. This race received a small but potent legacy of the later imported Adamic stock.
64:6.17 (724.7) 4. 绿种人。绿色人种是原始人中能力较差的几个族群之一,他们因向不同方向的广泛迁徙而大大弱化了。三十五万年前,在其分散之前,这些部落在凡塔德的领导下经历了一场伟大的教化复兴。   64:6.17 (724.7) 4. The green man. The green race was one of the less able groups of primitive men, and they were greatly weakened by extensive migrations in different directions. Before their dispersion these tribes experienced a great revival of culture under the leadership of Fantad, some three hundred and fifty thousand years ago.
64:6.18 (724.8) 绿色人种分裂成三大分支:北部各部落被黄色人种与蓝色人种所征服、奴役并吸收;东部各族群与当时的印度各民族相结合了,当然也有一些坚持下来的遗民。南部的民族则进入了非洲,在那里他们消灭了与他们几近同样劣等的橙种人兄弟。   64:6.18 (724.8) The green race split into three major divisions: The northern tribes were subdued, enslaved, and absorbed by the yellow and blue races. The eastern group were amalgamated with the Indian peoples of those days, and remnants still persist among them. The southern nation entered Africa, where they destroyed their almost equally inferior orange cousins.
64:6.19 (724.9) 在这次战争当中,双方群体在很多方面都旗鼓相当,因为每方都带有巨人类血统,他们的许多领袖都是八到九英尺(两米四到两米七)身高。绿色人种的这些巨人血统,大多限于南部的或者说是埃及的民族。   64:6.19 (724.9) In many ways both groups were evenly matched in this struggle since each carried strains of the giant order, many of their leaders being eight and nine feet in height. These giant strains of the green man were mostly confined to this southern or Egyptian nation.
64:6.20 (725.1) 得胜的绿种人余部后来被靛种人所吸收了,后者是从原来的桑吉克人种分化中心发展及迁徙出来的最后一个有色人种。   64:6.20 (725.1) The remnants of the victorious green men were subsequently absorbed by the indigo race, the last of the colored peoples to develop and emigrate from the original Sangik center of race dispersion.
64:6.21 (725.2) 5. 蓝种人。蓝种人是一个伟大的民族。他们很早便发明了投枪,继而又开创了现代文明中诸多艺术的雏形。蓝种人同时拥有红种人的脑力和黄种人的灵感。对于后来存留下来的有色种族而言,最受到亚当族后裔青睐的就是他们。   64:6.21 (725.2) 5. The blue man. The blue men were a great people. They early invented the spear and subsequently worked out the rudiments of many of the arts of modern civilization. The blue man had the brain power of the red man associated with the soul and sentiment of the yellow man. The Adamic descendants preferred them to all of the later persisting colored races.
64:6.22 (725.3) 早期的蓝种人积极响应了卡里迦夏属员手下教师的游说,并因后来那些叛逆首领的歪曲教导而陷入极大的混乱。与其他原始种族一样,他们未曾完全从卡里迦夏背叛所产生的混乱中恢复过来,也未曾完全克服其自相残杀的倾向。   64:6.22 (725.3) The early blue men were responsive to the persuasions of the teachers of Prince Caligastia’s staff and were thrown into great confusion by the subsequent perverted teachings of those traitorous leaders. Like other primitive races they never fully recovered from the turmoil produced by the Caligastia betrayal, nor did they ever completely overcome their tendency to fight among themselves.
64:6.23 (725.4) 卡里迦夏垮台后大约五千年,出现了一次初始类别的 -- 但却依然真正有益的学问与宗教的广泛复兴。奥兰多弗成为了蓝色人种中一位伟大的导师,并引领许多部落重新回到崇拜以“至高首领”为名的真神。这是蓝种人在此后因与亚当族血统混合而得到极大提升之前,他们所取得的最伟大进步。   64:6.23 (725.4) About five hundred years after Caligastia’s downfall a widespread revival of learning and religion of a primitive sort—but none the less real and beneficial—occurred. Orlandof became a great teacher among the blue race and led many of the tribes back to the worship of the true God under the name of the “Supreme Chief.” This was the greatest advance of the blue man until those later times when this race was so greatly upstepped by the admixture of the Adamic stock.
64:6.24 (725.5) 欧洲对旧石器时代的研究与勘测,在很大程度上与发掘这些古代蓝种人的工具、骸骨和手工艺品有关,因为他们在欧洲一直延续到近期年代。玉苒厦(Urantia)的所谓白种人,就是这些蓝种人的后代,他们起初因与黄种人和红种人的稍许混合而得以改善,随后又因吸收了紫色人种的更大部分血统而得以极大的提升。   64:6.24 (725.5) The European researches and explorations of the Old Stone Age have largely to do with unearthing the tools, bones, and artcraft of these ancient blue men, for they persisted in Europe until recent times. The so-called white races of Urantia are the descendants of these blue men as they were first modified by slight mixture with yellow and red, and as they were later greatly upstepped by assimilating the greater portion of the violet race.
64:6.25 (725.6) 6. 靛种人。由于红种人是所有桑吉克人种中最为先进的,因此黑种人是最不进步的。他们也是最后一批从其高地家园中迁出的。他们来到非洲,占领了这片大陆,并自此后留在了那里,除了他们作为奴隶一代又一代被强制带离以外。   64:6.25 (725.6) 6. The indigo race. As the red men were the most advanced of all the Sangik peoples, so the black men were the least progressive. They were the last to migrate from their highland homes. They journeyed to Africa, taking possession of the continent, and have ever since remained there except when they have been forcibly taken away, from age to age, as slaves.
64:6.26 (725.7) 由于在非洲与外界隔绝,靛种人与红种人一样,几乎没有受到因亚当族血统的注入而应得到的种族提升。由于单独在非洲,靛色人种直到奥汶南的时代才取得了些许的进展,那时他们经历了一场巨大的灵性觉醒。尽管后来他们几乎完全忘记了由奥汶南所宣扬的“诸神之神”,但他们却从未完全丧失掉去崇拜未识之神的渴望;至少他们将一种崇拜形式一直保持到几千年以前。   64:6.26 (725.7) Isolated in Africa, the indigo peoples, like the red man, received little or none of the race elevation which would have been derived from the infusion of the Adamic stock. Alone in Africa, the indigo race made little advancement until the days of Orvonon, when they experienced a great spiritual awakening. While they later almost entirely forgot the “God of Gods” proclaimed by Orvonon, they did not entirely lose the desire to worship the Unknown; at least they maintained a form of worship up to a few thousand years ago.
64:6.27 (725.8) 尽管靛色人种的相对落后性,然而在天界权能者们面前,他们与其他世间种族一样,拥有完全同样的地位。   64:6.27 (725.8) Notwithstanding their backwardness, these indigo peoples have exactly the same standing before the celestial powers as any other earthly race.
64:6.28 (725.9) 这是些不同种族间激烈争斗的年代,然而在行星君王总部附近的、得到更多启蒙且更及时得到教导的族群,却相对和谐地生活在一起,然而直到该体系因路西法反叛的爆发而遭到严重破坏之时,这个世界的诸多种族并没有取得过伟大的文化成就。   64:6.28 (725.9) These were ages of intense struggles between the various races, but near the headquarters of the Planetary Prince the more enlightened and more recently taught groups lived together in comparative harmony, though no great cultural conquest of the world races had been achieved up to the time of the serious disruption of this regime by the outbreak of the Lucifer rebellion.
64:6.29 (726.1) 不时地,所有这些不同的民族都经历了文化与灵性的复兴。曼散特是后行星君王时代一位伟大的导师。但被提及的,仅是那些显著影响过和激发过一整个种族的杰出领袖与导师。随着时间的流逝,在不同地区涌现出许多影响较小的导师们;而总起来说,他们对那些阻止了教化文明全盘崩溃的拯救性工作之总体贡献颇多,尤其是在卡里迦夏(Caligastia)反叛和亚当来临之前那段漫长而黑暗的时代期间。   64:6.29 (726.1) From time to time all of these different peoples experienced cultural and spiritual revivals. Mansant was a great teacher of the post-Planetary Prince days. But mention is made only of those outstanding leaders and teachers who markedly influenced and inspired a whole race. With the passing of time, many lesser teachers arose in different regions; and in the aggregate they contributed much to the sum total of those saving influences which prevented the total collapse of cultural civilization, especially during the long and dark ages between the Caligastia rebellion and the arrival of Adam.
64:6.30 (726.2) 对于在各个空间世界上演化出三或六个有色种族的这一计划,是有着许多良好而又充分理由的。尽管玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人们或许没有能力去完全理解所有这些理由,我们还是要着重强调以下几点:   64:6.30 (726.2) There are many good and sufficient reasons for the plan of evolving either three or six colored races on the worlds of space. Though Urantia mortals may not be in a position fully to appreciate all of these reasons, we would call attention to the following:
64:6.31 (726.3) 1. 多样性为物竞天择、优胜劣汰之广泛运作提供了必不可少的机会。   64:6.31 (726.3) 1. Variety is indispensable to opportunity for the wide functioning of natural selection, differential survival of superior strains.
64:6.32 (726.4) 2. 当这些不同的种族都是优良遗传基因的携带者时,不同种族的杂交便会产生更强壮、更优秀的种族。倘若这样一个结合出来的种族能再随后与优良亚当族血统全盘混合,从而得以有效提升的话,那么玉苒厦(Urantia)各种族都将会因这样一种早期融合而获益。在当今的种族状况下,要在玉苒厦上尝试进行这样一种试验将会是极为灾难性的。   64:6.32 (726.4) 2. Stronger and better races are to be had from the interbreeding of diverse peoples when these different races are carriers of superior inheritance factors. And the Urantia races would have benefited by such an early amalgamation provided such a conjoint people could have been subsequently effectively upstepped by a thoroughgoing admixture with the superior Adamic stock. The attempt to execute such an experiment on Urantia under present racial conditions would be highly disastrous.
64:6.33 (726.5) 3. 种族的多样化会健康地激发竞争。   64:6.33 (726.5) 3. Competition is healthfully stimulated by diversification of races.
64:6.34 (726.6) 4. 种族间以及每个种族中各群体间在地位上的不同,对于人类宽容与利他主义的发展必不可少。   64:6.34 (726.6) 4. Differences in status of the races and of groups within each race are essential to the development of human tolerance and altruism.
64:6.35 (726.7) 5. 直到一个进化世界的各民族达到相对高的灵性发展水平时,人类种族的均一性才是可取的。   64:6.35 (726.7) 5. Homogeneity of the human race is not desirable until the peoples of an evolving world attain comparatively high levels of spiritual development.
7. 有色种族的分散 ^top   7. Dispersion of the Colored Races ^top
64:7.1 (726.8) 正值桑吉克家族的有色后代们开始繁衍,当他们正寻找机会扩入邻近地域时,第五次冰川、即地质学统计上的第三次,在其南向漂移到欧亚的路途上顺利推进着。这些早期的有色人种,在其起源的冰川时代就经受了艰难困苦的异常考验。这次冰川在亚洲是如此广泛,以至于千万年来向东亚的迁徙被切断了。直到后来,由于阿拉伯半岛的抬升而导致的地中海后撤,才使得他们有可能到达非洲。   64:7.1 (726.8) When the colored descendants of the Sangik family began to multiply, and as they sought opportunity for expansion into adjacent territory, the fifth glacier, the third of geologic count, was well advanced on its southern drift over Europe and Asia. These early colored races were extraordinarily tested by the rigors and hardships of the glacial age of their origin. This glacier was so extensive in Asia that for thousands of years migration to eastern Asia was cut off. And not until the later retreat of the Mediterranean Sea, consequent upon the elevation of Arabia, was it possible for them to reach Africa.
64:7.2 (726.9) 就这样,正是在那将近十万年的时间里,这些桑吉克人种在丘陵地带周围扩散开来,并或多或少地混合在了一起,尽管各个不同种族间早就呈现出了独特而自然的不相容性。   64:7.2 (726.9) Thus it was that for almost one hundred thousand years these Sangik peoples spread out around the foothills and mingled together more or less, notwithstanding the peculiar but natural antipathy which early manifested itself between the different races.
64:7.3 (726.10) 在行星君王与亚当之间的时期里,印度成为了地表所能发现的最为世界性人口的家园。然而不幸的是,这种混合中渐渐包含了太多绿色、橙色以及靛色人种。这些次级型桑吉克人种发现在南方生存更为容易、更为适宜,后来他们中有很多人便迁徙到了非洲。原初型桑吉克人种,即优良的种族,则避开了热带,红种人往东北走前往了亚洲,黄种人紧随其后,而蓝色人种则向西北移动而进入了欧洲。   64:7.3 (726.10) Between the times of the Planetary Prince and Adam, India became the home of the most cosmopolitan population ever to be found on the face of the earth. But it was unfortunate that this mixture came to contain so much of the green, orange, and indigo races. These secondary Sangik peoples found existence more easy and agreeable in the southlands, and many of them subsequently migrated to Africa. The primary Sangik peoples, the superior races, avoided the tropics, the red man going northeast to Asia, closely followed by the yellow man, while the blue race moved northwest into Europe.
64:7.4 (727.1) 红种人很早便开始向东北方迁徙,紧跟着回撤的冰川,绕过印度的各个高地,占据了整个东北亚。紧跟他们之后的是黄种人,随后便将他们从亚洲赶到了北美。   64:7.4 (727.1) The red men early began to migrate to the northeast, on the heels of the retreating ice, passing around the highlands of India and occupying all of northeastern Asia. They were closely followed by the yellow tribes, who subsequently drove them out of Asia into North America.
64:7.5 (727.2) 当相对纯系的红种人余部放弃亚洲时,有十一个部落,他们总共有七千多名男女及小孩。这些部落由三个有着混合类祖先的小族群所伴随着,其中最大的一个是橙色与蓝色人种的混合体。这三个族群从未完全与红种人友善往来,并很早便往南来到墨西哥和中美洲,后来又有一个由红、黄人种混合形成的小族群也加入他们来到这里。这些民族都相互通婚,并建立了一个新的混合人种,这个种族比纯系红种人更为厌战。在五千年当中,这个混合人种分裂成三个族群,分别创立了墨西哥、中美和南美文明。南美的分支还确曾接收过些许的亚当血统。   64:7.5 (727.2) When the relatively pure-line remnants of the red race forsook Asia, there were eleven tribes, and they numbered a little over seven thousand men, women, and children. These tribes were accompanied by three small groups of mixed ancestry, the largest of these being a combination of the orange and blue races. These three groups never fully fraternized with the red man and early journeyed southward to Mexico and Central America, where they were later joined by a small group of mixed yellows and reds. These peoples all intermarried and founded a new and amalgamated race, one which was much less warlike than the pure-line red men. Within five thousand years this amalgamated race broke up into three groups, establishing the civilizations respectively of Mexico, Central America, and South America. The South American offshoot did receive a faint touch of the blood of Adam.
64:7.6 (727.3) 在亚洲,早期的红种人与黄种人在某种程度上混合了,这一混合人种的后裔向东沿着南部海岸继续前行,并最终被快速增加的黄种人驱赶到各个半岛及附近的海岛上。他们便是今日的棕种人。   64:7.6 (727.3) To a certain extent the early red and yellow men mingled in Asia, and the offspring of this union journeyed on to the east and along the southern seacoast and, eventually, were driven by the rapidly increasing yellow race onto the peninsulas and near-by islands of the sea. They are the present-day brown men.
64:7.7 (727.4) 黄色人种持续占据着东亚的中心地区。在所有六个有色种族中,他们存活下来的人数最多。尽管黄种人也会不时从事种族间的战争,但他们并未从事过像红种人、绿种人和橙种人所发动的那些如此频繁而又残酷的灭绝之战。这三个人种在最终几乎被其他种族敌人歼灭之前,他们实际上已毁灭自身了。   64:7.7 (727.4) The yellow race has continued to occupy the central regions of eastern Asia. Of all the six colored races they have survived in greatest numbers. While the yellow men now and then engaged in racial war, they did not carry on such incessant and relentless wars of extermination as were waged by the red, green, and orange men. These three races virtually destroyed themselves before they were finally all but annihilated by their enemies of other races.
64:7.8 (727.5) 由于第五次冰川并没有在欧洲南扩太远,对于这些桑吉克人种来说,向西北迁徙的道路是部分敞开的;在冰川撤退之际,蓝种人以及一些其他小的族群,沿着安东部族以前的足迹向西迁徙。他们连续数波涌入欧洲,占领了这片大陆的大部分地区。   64:7.8 (727.5) Since the fifth glacier did not extend so far south in Europe, the way was partially open for these Sangik peoples to migrate to the northwest; and upon the retreat of the ice the blue men, together with a few other small racial groups, migrated westward along the old trails of the Andon tribes. They invaded Europe in successive waves, occupying most of the continent.
64:7.9 (727.6) 在欧洲,他们不久便遇到了拥有其早期共同祖先安东的尼安德特人后裔。这些更为久远的欧洲尼安德特人,已经被冰川驱至东部和南部,因此能迅速遇到并吸收他们那些入侵的桑吉克部族表亲。   64:7.9 (727.6) In Europe they soon encountered the Neanderthal descendants of their early and common ancestor, Andon. These older European Neanderthalers had been driven south and east by the glacier and thus were in position quickly to encounter and absorb their invading cousins of the Sangik tribes.
64:7.10 (727.7) 一般来说,桑吉克部族要比早期安东族平原居民的退化后代们更加聪明些,而且在很多方面大大优于他们;这些桑吉克部族与尼安德特人种的混合,导致了这个较古老种族的立时改进。恰恰是这种桑吉克血统、更确切说是蓝种人血统的注入,在尼安德特人身上产生了那种显著的改进。这种改进表现在连续数波愈益聪明的部族从东面席卷了欧洲。   64:7.10 (727.7) In general and to start with, the Sangik tribes were more intelligent than, and in most ways far superior to, the deteriorated descendants of the early Andonic plainsmen; and the mingling of these Sangik tribes with the Neanderthal peoples led to the immediate improvement of the older race. It was this infusion of Sangik blood, more especially that of the blue man, which produced that marked improvement in the Neanderthal peoples exhibited by the successive waves of increasingly intelligent tribes that swept over Europe from the east.
64:7.11 (727.8) 在接下来的冰川间歇期当中,这一新的尼安德特人种从英格兰扩展到了印度。留在古老波斯半岛上的蓝色人种余部,后来与某些其他种族、主要是黄色人种相混合了;所产生的混合人种,后来因亚当的紫色人种而得到某种程度的提高,并作为现代阿拉伯人中那些肤色黝黑的游牧部落而延续了下来。   64:7.11 (727.8) During the following interglacial period this new Neanderthal race extended from England to India. The remnant of the blue race left in the old Persian peninsula later amalgamated with certain others, primarily the yellow; and the resultant blend, subsequently somewhat upstepped by the violet race of Adam, has persisted as the swarthy nomadic tribes of modern Arabs.
64:7.12 (728.1) 鉴定现代各民族之桑吉克族祖先的所有努力,必须要考虑到他们后来因与亚当族血统的混合而发生的后期种族血统改进。   64:7.12 (728.1) All efforts to identify the Sangik ancestry of modern peoples must take into account the later improvement of the racial strains by the subsequent admixture of Adamic blood.
64:7.13 (728.2) 优良的种族寻求生活在北部或温带地区,而橙色人种、绿色人种和靛色人种则相继穿越新抬升起来的陆桥移向非洲,这个陆桥将西向后撤的地中海与印度洋分隔开了。   64:7.13 (728.2) The superior races sought the northern or temperate climes, while the orange, green, and indigo races successively gravitated to Africa over the newly elevated land bridge which separated the westward retreating Mediterranean from the Indian Ocean.
64:7.14 (728.3) 从其种族发源中心地迁移出来的最后一批桑吉克人种是靛种人。大约是在绿种人在埃及消灭橙种人并因这样做而极大削弱了其自身时,大批的黑人迁出者开始经由巴勒斯坦沿着海岸南行;后来,当这群身强体壮的靛种人遍布埃及时,他们仅仅凭着人多势众便扫灭了绿种人。这些靛色种族吸收了橙种人的余部,以及绿种人的许多血统,通过这种种族的混合,某些靛色部族得到了相当程度的改善。   64:7.14 (728.3) The last of the Sangik peoples to migrate from their center of race origin was the indigo man. About the time the green man was killing off the orange race in Egypt and greatly weakening himself in so doing, the great black exodus started south through Palestine along the coast; and later, when these physically strong indigo peoples overran Egypt, they wiped the green man out of existence by sheer force of numbers. These indigo races absorbed the remnants of the orange man and much of the stock of the green man, and certain of the indigo tribes were considerably improved by this racial amalgamation.
64:7.15 (728.4) 因此看来,埃及最初是由橙种人所主宰,然后是由绿种人,接着是由靛(黑)种人,再往后则是由靛种人、蓝种人及改良绿种人混合而成的一个种族所主宰。然而,远在亚当到来之前,欧洲的蓝种人与阿拉伯的混合人种便已将靛色人种逐出了埃及,并赶到非洲南部很远的地方。   64:7.15 (728.4) And so it appears that Egypt was first dominated by the orange man, then by the green, followed by the indigo (black) man, and still later by a mongrel race of indigo, blue, and modified green men. But long before Adam arrived, the blue men of Europe and the mixed races of Arabia had driven the indigo race out of Egypt and far south on the African continent.
64:7.16 (728.5) 随着桑吉克族的迁徙渐近结束,绿色人种与橙色人种已不复存在,红色人种占据了北美,黄色人种占据了东亚,蓝色人种占据了欧洲,靛色人种则移向了非洲。印度容纳了各个次级型桑吉克人种所形成的混种,而棕色人种、即红色与黄色人种的混合人种,则占据了亚洲海岸外面的诸岛。一个拥有相当优良潜能的混合种族占据了南美的高地。更为纯种的安东族人则生活在欧洲极北部地区、冰岛、格陵兰岛以及北美洲的东北部。   64:7.16 (728.5) As the Sangik migrations draw to a close, the green and orange races are gone, the red man holds North America, the yellow man eastern Asia, the blue man Europe, and the indigo race has gravitated to Africa. India harbors a blend of the secondary Sangik races, and the brown man, a blend of the red and yellow, holds the islands off the Asiatic coast. An amalgamated race of rather superior potential occupies the highlands of South America. The purer Andonites live in the extreme northern regions of Europe and in Iceland, Greenland, and northeastern North America.
64:7.17 (728.6) 在冰川推进到最远的时期当中,最西边的安东部族几乎要被赶到海里去了。他们在现今英格兰岛南部的一片狭窄地带生活了多年。正是这些连番的冰川推进传统,驱使他们在第六次也就是最后一次冰川最终出现时走向海洋。他们是最早的航海冒险家。他们建造了一些船只,并开始搜寻新的陆地,他们希望这些陆地可使其免于遭受可怕的冰川入侵。他们中有些到达了冰岛,其他人则到达了格陵兰岛,但大多数却在无边的大海上因饥渴而死去了。   64:7.17 (728.6) During the periods of farthest glacial advance the westernmost of the Andon tribes came very near being driven into the sea. They lived for years on a narrow southern strip of the present island of England. And it was the tradition of these repeated glacial advances that drove them to take to the sea when the sixth and last glacier finally appeared. They were the first marine adventurers. They built boats and started in search of new lands which they hoped might be free from the terrifying ice invasions. And some of them reached Iceland, others Greenland, but the vast majority perished from hunger and thirst on the open sea.
64:7.18 (728.7) 八万多年前,在红种人进入北美西北部后不久,北部诸海为冰所封,加上格陵兰岛上当地冰原的推进,使得玉苒厦(Urantia)土著居民中的这些爱斯基摩后裔不得不去寻找一块更好的土地,一个新的家园;他们成功了,安全穿越了当时将格陵兰岛与北美洲东北地块分隔开来的狭窄海峡。在红种人到达阿拉斯加之后的大约两千一百年,他们也来到了这片大陆上。后来一些由蓝种人的混合血统所形成的部落,往西前行并与晚近的爱斯基摩人混合,而这种结合对爱斯基摩诸部落来说,是有些微益处的。   64:7.18 (728.7) A little more than eighty thousand years ago, shortly after the red man entered northwestern North America, the freezing over of the north seas and the advance of local ice fields on Greenland drove these Eskimo descendants of the Urantia aborigines to seek a better land, a new home; and they were successful, safely crossing the narrow straits which then separated Greenland from the northeastern land masses of North America. They reached the continent about twenty-one hundred years after the red man arrived in Alaska. Subsequently some of the mixed stock of the blue man journeyed westward and amalgamated with the later-day Eskimos, and this union was slightly beneficial to the Eskimo tribes.
64:7.19 (728.8) 大约五千年前,一个印第安部落和一个落单的爱斯基摩人族群在哈得逊湾的东南岸发生了一次偶遇。尽管这两个部落发现很难彼此交流,但他们很快便通婚了,结果是,这些爱斯基摩人最终被数量占优势的红种人所吸收了。这代表了北美红种人与其他人类血统的唯一一次接触,直到一千年前白种人第一次偶然在大西洋岸上登陆。   64:7.19 (728.8) About five thousand years ago a chance meeting occurred between an Indian tribe and a lone Eskimo group on the southeastern shores of Hudson Bay. These two tribes found it difficult to communicate with each other, but very soon they intermarried with the result that these Eskimos were eventually absorbed by the more numerous red men. And this represents the only contact of the North American red man with any other human stock down to about one thousand years ago, when the white man first chanced to land on the Atlantic coast.
64:7.20 (729.1) 这些早期时代的诸多挣扎,都带有英勇无畏乃至英雄主义的鲜明特征。我们都很遗憾的是,你们早期祖先那些纯正而又粗犷的特征中有那么多已不为晚近各族所持有了。在我们欣赏渐进文明所产生的许多高尚价值之同时,我们也在怀念你们早期祖先所拥有的那种杰出韧性和卓越奉献,它们时常近似于庄严与崇高。   64:7.20 (729.1) The struggles of these early ages were characterized by courage, bravery, and even heroism. And we all regret that so many of those sterling and rugged traits of your early ancestors have been lost to the later-day races. While we appreciate the value of many of the refinements of advancing civilization, we miss the magnificent persistency and superb devotion of your early ancestors, which oftentimes bordered on grandeur and sublimity.
64:7.21 (729.2) [由常驻玉苒厦(Urantia)的一位生命载运者所呈献。]   64:7.21 (729.2) [Presented by a Life Carrier resident on Urantia.]