第79篇 |
Paper 79 |
安德族人在东方的扩张 |
Andite Expansion in the Orient |
79:0.1 (878.1) 亚洲是人类的家园。正是在这个大陆的一个南部半岛上诞生了安东和芳达;在现在称为阿富汗的高地上,他们的后裔巴德南人创建了一个持续了五十多万年的原始教化中心。在这个东方的人类中心,桑吉克族从安东族血统中分化出来了,亚洲是他们最初的家园、他们最初的狩猎场、他们最初的战场。西南亚见证了达拉玛希亚人、诺德族人、亚当族人和安德族人相续的文明,现代文明的潜能从这些地区传播到了这个世界。 |
79:0.1 (878.1) ASIA is the homeland of the human race. It was on a southern peninsula of this continent that Andon and Fonta were born; in the highlands of what is now Afghanistan, their descendant Badonan founded a primitive center of culture that persisted for over one-half million years. Here at this eastern focus of the human race the Sangik peoples differentiated from the Andonic stock, and Asia was their first home, their first hunting ground, their first battlefield. Southwestern Asia witnessed the successive civilizations of Dalamatians, Nodites, Adamites, and Andites, and from these regions the potentials of modern civilization spread to the world. |
1. 土耳其斯坦的安德族人 ^top |
1. The Andites of Turkestan ^top |
79:1.1 (878.2) 两万五千多年以来,往下一直延伸到接近公元前2000年,欧亚大陆的中心部分占主导的是安德族人,尽管这种主导地位在逐渐减弱着。在土耳其斯坦的低地中,安德族人转往西边,绕过诸多内陆湖而进入欧洲,与此同时从这一地区的高地上他们也往东渗透。东土耳其斯坦(即新疆),以及从较小范围来说的西藏,是这些美索不达米亚人穿过崇山峻岭进入黄种人所属北方土地的古老通路。安德族人向印度的渗透,则是从土耳其斯坦的高地前行进入旁遮普,以及从伊朗草原穿越俾路支。这些早期的迁徙决不是征服;更确切地说,它们是安德族部落向西印度和中国的持续迁移。 |
79:1.1 (878.2) For over twenty-five thousand years, on down to nearly 2000 b.c., the heart of Eurasia was predominantly, though diminishingly, Andite. In the lowlands of Turkestan the Andites made the westward turning around the inland lakes into Europe, while from the highlands of this region they infiltrated eastward. Eastern Turkestan (Sinkiang) and, to a lesser extent, Tibet were the ancient gateways through which these peoples of Mesopotamia penetrated the mountains to the northern lands of the yellow men. The Andite infiltration of India proceeded from the Turkestan highlands into the Punjab and from the Iranian grazing lands through Baluchistan. These earlier migrations were in no sense conquests; they were, rather, the continual drifting of the Andite tribes into western India and China. |
79:1.2 (878.3) 近一万五千年以来,混合的安德族人教化中心在新疆塔里木河盆地以及南边的西藏高原地区持续着,安德族人和安东族人在这里广泛地混合了。塔里木河流域,是真正安德族教化的最东边前哨。在这里他们建立了定居点,并与东边逐渐进步的中国人以及北边的安东族人订立了贸易关系。在那些岁月中,塔里木地区是一片肥沃的土地;降雨量十分丰沛。东边的戈壁曾是一片开阔的草原,那里的牧人们逐渐转向了农业。当雨季风移向东南边时,这一文明便消亡了,但在其时它可比得上美索不达米亚本身。 |
79:1.2 (878.3) For almost fifteen thousand years centers of mixed Andite culture persisted in the basin of the Tarim River in Sinkiang and to the south in the highland regions of Tibet, where the Andites and Andonites had extensively mingled. The Tarim valley was the easternmost outpost of the true Andite culture. Here they built their settlements and entered into trade relations with the progressive Chinese to the east and with the Andonites to the north. In those days the Tarim region was a fertile land; the rainfall was plentiful. To the east the Gobi was an open grassland where the herders were gradually turning to agriculture. This civilization perished when the rain winds shifted to the southeast, but in its day it rivaled Mesopotamia itself. |
79:1.3 (878.4) 到公元前8000年,中亚高原地区缓慢加剧的干旱开始将安德族人赶向了河流下游和海边。这一加剧的干旱不仅把他们赶到了尼罗河流域、幼发拉底河流域、印度河流域以及黄河流域,而且也在安德族文明当中造成了一种新的发展。一个新的人类阶层,贸易者们开始大量出现了。 |
79:1.3 (878.4) By 8000 b.c. the slowly increasing aridity of the highland regions of central Asia began to drive the Andites to the river bottoms and the seashores. This increasing drought not only drove them to the valleys of the Nile, Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow rivers, but it produced a new development in Andite civilization. A new class of men, the traders, began to appear in large numbers. |
79:1.4 (879.1) 当气候条件使得打猎对迁移中的安德族人来说无利可图时,他们并未依循更古老种族的演化进程而成为牧人。商业和城市生活出现了。从埃及到美索不达米亚和土耳其斯坦,到中国和印度的诸河流域,更为高度文明化的部族开始汇集到城市当中,致力于制造和贸易。坐落在当今阿什哈巴德城附近的阿多尼亚成为了中亚的商业大都市。宝石、金属、木材、陶器贸易在水陆两方面都得以加快了。 |
79:1.4 (879.1) When climatic conditions made hunting unprofitable for the migrating Andites, they did not follow the evolutionary course of the older races by becoming herders. Commerce and urban life made their appearance. From Egypt through Mesopotamia and Turkestan to the rivers of China and India, the more highly civilized tribes began to assemble in cities devoted to manufacture and trade. Adonia became the central Asian commercial metropolis, being located near the present city of Ashkhabad. Commerce in stone, metal, wood, and pottery was accelerated on both land and water. |
79:1.5 (879.2) 但不断加剧的干旱, 逐渐引起了安德族人从里海南边和东边土地的大举迁出。迁徙的浪潮开始从北向转为南向,而巴比伦人的骑兵也开始逼向美索不达米亚。 |
79:1.5 (879.2) But ever-increasing drought gradually brought about the great Andite exodus from the lands south and east of the Caspian Sea. The tide of migration began to veer from northward to southward, and the Babylonian cavalrymen began to push into Mesopotamia. |
79:1.6 (879.3) 中亚加剧的干旱进一步引起了人口的减少,也使得这些民众不再那样好战;当北边逐渐减少的降雨量迫使游牧的安东族人往南迁移时,有大量安德族人离开了土耳其斯坦。这就是所谓雅利安人进入黎凡特和印度的最终活动。它使得亚当混种后代的那一长期散布达到了高潮,在此期间,每个亚洲民族以及太平洋诸岛民族中的大多数,都在某种程度上被这些优秀种族所改良了。 |
79:1.6 (879.3) Increasing aridity in central Asia further operated to reduce population and to render these people less warlike; and when the diminishing rainfall to the north forced the nomadic Andonites southward, there was a tremendous exodus of Andites from Turkestan. This is the terminal movement of the so-called Aryans into the Levant and India. It culminated that long dispersal of the mixed descendants of Adam during which every Asiatic and most of the island peoples of the Pacific were to some extent improved by these superior races. |
79:1.7 (879.4) 就这样,随着安德族人在东半球的散布,他们失去了美索不达米亚和土耳其斯坦的家园,因为正是这一广泛地安东族人南向活动,将中亚的安德族人稀释到了濒于消失的程度。 |
79:1.7 (879.4) Thus, while they dispersed over the Eastern Hemisphere, the Andites were dispossessed of their homelands in Mesopotamia and Turkestan, for it was this extensive southward movement of Andonites that diluted the Andites in central Asia nearly to the vanishing point. |
79:1.8 (879.5) 但即便是在公元二十世纪,在图兰人和西藏人中间仍有安德族人血统的痕迹,可凭这些地区偶然发现的金发类型为证。早期的中国史籍记载了黄河边上宁静定居点北边的红发游牧民族,还有一些绘画作品忠实记录了很久以前塔里木盆地金发安德族人和黑发蒙古人类的存在。 |
79:1.8 (879.5) But even in the twentieth century after Christ there are traces of Andite blood among the Turanian and Tibetan peoples, as is witnessed by the blond types occasionally found in these regions. The early Chinese annals record the presence of the red-haired nomads to the north of the peaceful settlements of the Yellow River, and there still remain paintings which faithfully record the presence of both the blond-Andite and the brunet-Mongolian types in the Tarim basin of long ago. |
79:1.9 (879.6) 中亚安德族人潜藏的军事天赋最后一次伟大的呈现是在公元1200年,那时成吉思汗带领下的蒙古人开始了对亚洲大更大范围的征服。像古时的安德族人一样,这些勇士们宣称了 “唯一天神”的存在。他们帝国的过早分裂,延迟了东西方之间的文化交流,也极大阻滞了一神论概念在亚洲的成长。 |
79:1.9 (879.6) The last great manifestation of the submerged military genius of the central Asiatic Andites was in a.d. 1200, when the Mongols under Genghis Khan began the conquest of the greater portion of the Asiatic continent. And like the Andites of old, these warriors proclaimed the existence of “one God in heaven.” The early breakup of their empire long delayed cultural intercourse between Occident and Orient and greatly handicapped the growth of the monotheistic concept in Asia. |
2. 安德族人对印度的征服 ^top |
2. The Andite Conquest of India ^top |
79:2.1 (879.7) 印度是所有玉苒厦(Urantia)种族得以融合的唯一所在,安德族人的入侵则加入了最后一个血统。在印度西北的高地中,桑吉克各族形成了,每一族的成员都毫无例外地在其早期时代渗入了印度次大陆,他们身后留下了玉苒厦上所曾存在过的最为混杂的种族融合。古代的印度起到了迁徙各族集汇地的作用。半岛的底部以前比现在略窄一些,恒河和印度河的三角洲大多是最近五万年的形成物。 |
79:2.1 (879.7) India is the only locality where all the Urantia races were blended, the Andite invasion adding the last stock. In the highlands northwest of India the Sangik races came into existence, and without exception members of each penetrated the subcontinent of India in their early days, leaving behind them the most heterogeneous race mixture ever to exist on Urantia. Ancient India acted as a catch basin for the migrating races. The base of the peninsula was formerly somewhat narrower than now, much of the deltas of the Ganges and Indus being the work of the last fifty thousand years. |
79:2.2 (879.8) 印度最早的种族混合是迁徙来的红色种族、黄色种族与土著安东族人的混合。这一群体后来由于吸收了大部分消亡的东部绿种人和大量橙种人而被弱化了,通过与蓝种人的有限混合又得到了些许改良,但通过对大量靛种人的吸收又遭受了重大挫折。但所谓的印度土著人并不是由这些早期民族所代表的;他们倒不如说是东部和南部边缘地带最为低等的人,他们从来未被早期的安德族人或是后来出现的雅利安人远亲所完全吸收过。 |
79:2.2 (879.8) The earliest race mixtures in India were a blending of the migrating red and yellow races with the aboriginal Andonites. This group was later weakened by absorbing the greater portion of the extinct eastern green peoples as well as large numbers of the orange race, was slightly improved through limited admixture with the blue man, but suffered exceedingly through assimilation of large numbers of the indigo race. But the so-called aborigines of India are hardly representative of these early people; they are rather the most inferior southern and eastern fringe, which was never fully absorbed by either the early Andites or their later appearing Aryan cousins. |
79:2.3 (880.1) 到公元前20,000年,西印度的人口已经浸染了亚当的血统,在玉苒厦(Urantia)的历史上,从未有任何一个民族曾结合过这么多不同的种族。但不幸的是,次级型桑吉克族血统占据了主导,蓝种人和红种人在很大程度上都未能加入这一许久之前的民族大熔炉当中,这是一个真正的灾难;更多一些的原初型桑吉克族血统,本应会对一个或许当是更伟大文明之提升做出更多贡献。随着历史的发展,红种人在美洲自毁其身,蓝种人在欧洲自得其乐,而亚当的早期后代(以及大多数后期的后代),都很少展现出与较深色人种混合的愿望,无论是在印度、非洲还是其它地方。 |
79:2.3 (880.1) By 20,000 b.c. the population of western India had already become tinged with the Adamic blood, and never in the history of Urantia did any one people combine so many different races. But it was unfortunate that the secondary Sangik strains predominated, and it was a real calamity that both the blue and the red man were so largely missing from this racial melting pot of long ago; more of the primary Sangik strains would have contributed very much toward the enhancement of what might have been an even greater civilization. As it developed, the red man was destroying himself in the Americas, the blue man was disporting himself in Europe, and the early descendants of Adam (and most of the later ones) exhibited little desire to admix with the darker colored peoples, whether in India, Africa, or elsewhere. |
79:2.4 (880.2) 在大约公元前15,000年,整个土耳其斯坦和伊朗日益加剧的人口压力,引发了安德族人朝向印度的首次广泛流动。逾十五个世纪以来,这些优秀的民众穿过俾路支而涌了进来,向外扩展至印度河和恒河流域,并慢慢向南进入德干半岛。这一来自西北方的安德族压力,将南部和东部许多较低等民族都赶入了缅甸和中国南部,但这仍不足以令这些入侵者免遭种族灭绝。 |
79:2.4 (880.2) About 15,000 b.c. increasing population pressure throughout Turkestan and Iran occasioned the first really extensive Andite movement toward India. For over fifteen centuries these superior peoples poured in through the highlands of Baluchistan, spreading out over the valleys of the Indus and Ganges and slowly moving southward into the Deccan. This Andite pressure from the northwest drove many of the southern and eastern inferiors into Burma and southern China but not sufficiently to save the invaders from racial obliteration. |
79:2.5 (880.3) 印度未能实现欧亚霸权,在很大程度上是地形问题;从北边来的人口压力只会将大多数人往南挤到德干半岛逐渐减小的地域中,其四周又被海洋所环绕着。假如有邻接土地可供外迁,那么较低等民族本会四处外溢,而使较优良血统则可以实现一个更高等的文明。 |
79:2.5 (880.3) The failure of India to achieve the hegemony of Eurasia was largely a matter of topography; population pressure from the north only crowded the majority of the people southward into the decreasing territory of the Deccan, surrounded on all sides by the sea. Had there been adjacent lands for emigration, then would the inferiors have been crowded out in all directions, and the superior stocks would have achieved a higher civilization. |
79:2.6 (880.4) 结果却是,这些较早期的安德族征服者们通过有关通婚的严格限制,竭力试图去保留他们的身份,来阻止种族被吞噬的浪潮。尽管如此,到公元前10,000年时安德族人仍被湮没了,但整体民众还是因这一吸纳而得到了明显的改良。 |
79:2.6 (880.4) As it was, these earlier Andite conquerors made a desperate attempt to preserve their identity and stem the tide of racial engulfment by the establishment of rigid restrictions regarding intermarriage. Nonetheless, the Andites had become submerged by 10,000 b.c., but the whole mass of the people had been markedly improved by this absorption. |
79:2.7 (880.5) 种族融合总是有益的,因为它会有助于文化的多样性,会创造出一个进步性的文明,但如果种族血统中的较低等成分占了主导,那么这种成就不会长久。只有优良血统繁殖数量稳超低劣血统时,一种多语言文化才会得以保存下来。低劣人群的无限制繁殖,加上优良人群渐减的繁殖,对于教化文明来说无疑是自杀性的。 |
79:2.7 (880.5) Race mixture is always advantageous in that it favors versatility of culture and makes for a progressive civilization, but if the inferior elements of racial stocks predominate, such achievements will be short-lived. A polyglot culture can be preserved only if the superior stocks reproduce themselves in a safe margin over the inferior. Unrestrained multiplication of inferiors, with decreasing reproduction of superiors, is unfailingly suicidal of cultural civilization. |
79:2.8 (880.6) 假如安德族征服者们在数量上是其当时的三倍,或是他们将橙-绿-靛色混种居民中最不理想的三分之一赶走或消灭,那么印度将会成为世界教化文明的主导中心之一,并且无疑也会吸收更多后来流入土耳其斯坦并自此往北进入欧洲的美索不达米亚人浪潮。 |
79:2.8 (880.6) Had the Andite conquerors been in numbers three times what they were, or had they driven out or destroyed the least desirable third of the mixed orange-green-indigo inhabitants, then would India have become one of the world’s leading centers of cultural civilization and undoubtedly would have attracted more of the later waves of Mesopotamians that flowed into Turkestan and thence northward to Europe. |
3. 达罗毗荼人的印度 ^top |
3. Dravidian India ^top |
79:3.1 (881.1) 印度的安德族人征服者与当地血统的融合,最终产生了那个被称作达罗毗荼人的混血人种。较早期更为纯种的达罗毗荼人拥有一种缔造教化成就的伟大才能,这种才能随着他们安德族遗传日益加速的弱化而不断减低。这就注定了近一万两千年前处于萌芽状态的印度文明的消亡。但即便是这少量亚当血统的注入,也造成了社会发展上的显著加速。这一混合血统随即产生了当时世界上最为多才多艺的文明。 |
79:3.1 (881.1) The blending of the Andite conquerors of India with the native stock eventually resulted in that mixed people which has been called Dravidian. The earlier and purer Dravidians possessed a great capacity for cultural achievement, which was continuously weakened as their Andite inheritance became progressively attenuated. And this is what doomed the budding civilization of India almost twelve thousand years ago. But the infusion of even this small amount of the blood of Adam produced a marked acceleration in social development. This composite stock immediately produced the most versatile civilization then on earth. |
79:3.2 (881.2) 在征服印度后不久,达罗毗荼安德族人失去了与美索不达米亚种族上和教化上的联系,但后来开辟的海上航线与商队路线又重建了这些联系;而在最今的一万年中,印度从未与西边的美索不达米亚和东边的中国完全失去过联系,尽管群山的阻隔极大促进了西边的交流。 |
79:3.2 (881.2) Not long after conquering India, the Dravidian Andites lost their racial and cultural contact with Mesopotamia, but the later opening up of the sea lanes and the caravan routes re-established these connections; and at no time within the last ten thousand years has India ever been entirely out of touch with Mesopotamia on the west and China to the east, although the mountain barriers greatly favored western intercourse. |
79:3.3 (881.3) 印度各族的优秀教化和宗教爱好,始自达罗毗荼人支配的早期时代,在某种程度上要归功于早先安德族人和后来雅利安人入侵时那么多塞特族祭司进入印度这一事实。贯穿印度宗教历史的一神论题材,也是起源于第二乐园亚当族人的教导。 |
79:3.3 (881.3) The superior culture and religious leanings of the peoples of India date from the early times of Dravidian domination and are due, in part, to the fact that so many of the Sethite priesthood entered India, both in the earlier Andite and in the later Aryan invasions. The thread of monotheism running through the religious history of India thus stems from the teachings of the Adamites in the second garden. |
79:3.4 (881.4) 早在公元前16,000年,一支由一百名塞特族祭司组成的队伍进入了印度,并几近实现了对那一多语言民族西半部的宗教征服。但他们的宗教并未持续下去。在五千年以内,他们关于天堂三位一体的教义,就已降格成了火神的三位联合性象征。 |
79:3.4 (881.4) As early as 16,000 b.c. a company of one hundred Sethite priests entered India and very nearly achieved the religious conquest of the western half of that polyglot people. But their religion did not persist. Within five thousand years their doctrines of the Paradise Trinity had degenerated into the triune symbol of the fire god. |
79:3.5 (881.5) 但七千多年以来,直到安德族人迁徙的结束,印度居民的宗教状况大体上来说远高于世界的水平。在这些时期,印度本有望产生世界领先的教化性、宗教性、哲学性及商业性文明。若非由于安德族人被南部诸个民族所彻底湮没了,这一天命也许已得以实现了。 |
79:3.5 (881.5) But for more than seven thousand years, down to the end of the Andite migrations, the religious status of the inhabitants of India was far above that of the world at large. During these times India bid fair to produce the leading cultural, religious, philosophic, and commercial civilization of the world. And but for the complete submergence of the Andites by the peoples of the south, this destiny would probably have been realized. |
79:3.6 (881.6) 达罗毗荼人的教化中心,位于诸河流域,主要是印度河与恒河,以及德干半岛上流经东高止山脉入海的三大河流沿岸。西高止山脉沿海的诸多定居点,则要归因于他们与苏美尔突出的海上联系。 |
79:3.6 (881.6) The Dravidian centers of culture were located in the river valleys, principally of the Indus and Ganges, and in the Deccan along the three great rivers flowing through the Eastern Ghats to the sea. The settlements along the seacoast of the Western Ghats owed their prominence to maritime relationships with Sumeria. |
79:3.7 (881.7) 达罗毗荼人是最早建设城镇、从事广泛的海陆进出口贸易的民族之一。到公元前7000年,驼队定期前往遥远的美索不达米亚;达罗毗荼人的海运则沿海岸推进,穿过阿拉伯海到达波斯湾的苏美尔人城镇,也在孟加拉国湾洋面冒险远航,远达东印度群岛。这些海员和商人从苏美尔引进了字母表,还有书写技艺。 |
79:3.7 (881.7) The Dravidians were among the earliest peoples to build cities and to engage in an extensive export and import business, both by land and sea. By 7000 b.c. camel trains were making regular trips to distant Mesopotamia; Dravidian shipping was pushing coastwise across the Arabian Sea to the Sumerian cities of the Persian Gulf and was venturing on the waters of the Bay of Bengal as far as the East Indies. An alphabet, together with the art of writing, was imported from Sumeria by these seafarers and merchants. |
79:3.8 (881.8) 这些商业关系极大促进了世界文化的进一步多样化,导致了都市生活中许多优雅物乃至奢侈品的的早期出现。当后来出现的雅利安人进入印度时,他们并未在达罗毗荼人当中认出他们那些湮没在桑吉克各族中的安德族远亲们,但他们却的确发现了一个极为先进的文明。尽管有生物性的局限,但达罗毗荼人还是创建了一种优越的文明。它在整个印度广为传播,并在德干半岛一直往下存续到现代。 |
79:3.8 (881.8) These commercial relationships greatly contributed to the further diversification of a cosmopolitan culture, resulting in the early appearance of many of the refinements and even luxuries of urban life. When the later appearing Aryans entered India, they did not recognize in the Dravidians their Andite cousins submerged in the Sangik races, but they did find a well-advanced civilization. Despite biologic limitations, the Dravidians founded a superior civilization. It was well diffused throughout all India and has survived on down to modern times in the Deccan. |
4. 雅利安人对印度的入侵 ^top |
4. The Aryan Invasion of India ^top |
79:4.1 (882.1) 安德族人对印度的第二次渗入,便是雅利安人在公元前第三个千年中期近五百年间的入侵。这次迁徙标志着安德族人从他们土耳其斯坦家园的最后一次外迁。 |
79:4.1 (882.1) The second Andite penetration of India was the Aryan invasion during a period of almost five hundred years in the middle of the third millennium before Christ. This migration marked the terminal exodus of the Andites from their homelands in Turkestan. |
79:4.2 (882.2) 早期的雅利安人中心分散在印度北半部,特别是在西北部。这些入侵者从未完成对这个国家的征服,并随后因这一疏忽而遭遇了其毁灭,因为他们相对较少的人数使得他们易被南部的达罗毗荼人所吸收,后者接下来便席卷了除喜马拉雅山地区以外的整个印度半岛。 |
79:4.2 (882.2) The early Aryan centers were scattered over the northern half of India, notably in the northwest. These invaders never completed the conquest of the country and subsequently met their undoing in this neglect since their lesser numbers made them vulnerable to absorption by the Dravidians of the south, who subsequently overran the entire peninsula except the Himalayan provinces. |
79:4.3 (882.3) 除了在北部地区以外,雅利安人几乎没有在印度留下种族痕迹。在德干半岛,他们的影响更多是文化和宗教上的,而不是种族上的。印度北部所谓雅利安人血统之较大存留,不仅是由于他们在这些地区存在的数量较大,而且也是因为他们因后来的征服者、贸易者及传教士们而有所加强了。往下直到公元前一世纪,雅利安人血统持续涌入旁遮普,最后一次的涌入则是伴随着希腊化时期各民族的战争。 |
79:4.3 (882.3) The Aryans made very little racial impression on India except in the northern provinces. In the Deccan their influence was cultural and religious more than racial. The greater persistence of the so-called Aryan blood in northern India is not only due to their presence in these regions in greater numbers but also because they were reinforced by later conquerors, traders, and missionaries. Right on down to the first century before Christ there was a continuous infiltration of Aryan blood into the Punjab, the last influx being attendant upon the campaigns of the Hellenistic peoples. |
79:4.4 (882.4) 在恒河平原,雅利安人和达罗毗荼人最终融合而产生了一种高等的文化,这一中心后来由于东北面来自中国的贡献而得到增强。 |
79:4.4 (882.4) On the Gangetic plain Aryan and Dravidian eventually mingled to produce a high culture, and this center was later reinforced by contributions from the northeast, coming from China. |
79:4.5 (882.5) 在印度,盛行过许多不同类型的社会组织,从雅利安人的半民主体制,到君主专制形式的管理机构。但最为典型的社会特色,是巨大的社会等级制度之存留,它们是由雅利安人为了保持种族身份而构建的。这一煞费苦心的等级体系一直被保留到了当今时代。 |
79:4.5 (882.5) In India many types of social organizations flourished from time to time, from the semidemocratic systems of the Aryans to despotic and monarchial forms of government. But the most characteristic feature of society was the persistence of the great social castes that were instituted by the Aryans in an effort to perpetuate racial identity. This elaborate caste system has been preserved on down to the present time. |
79:4.6 (882.6) 在四个大的等级当中,除了第一个以外,所有其他都是建立在防止雅利安人征服者与其低劣庶民种族融合的费心努力上。但第一等级即导师与祭司,来源于塞特族人;公元二十世纪的婆罗门,是第二乐园祭司们的直系教化后代,尽管他们的教义已与其显赫前人的教义大不相同了。 |
79:4.6 (882.6) Of the four great castes, all but the first were established in the futile effort to prevent racial amalgamation of the Aryan conquerors with their inferior subjects. But the premier caste, the teacher-priests, stems from the Sethites; the Brahmans of the twentieth century after Christ are the lineal cultural descendants of the priests of the second garden, albeit their teachings differ greatly from those of their illustrious predecessors. |
79:4.7 (882.7) 当雅利安人进入印度时,他们带来了他们的神灵观念,正如它们在缓慢消失的第二乐园宗教传统中所保留的那样。但在雅利安人的种族湮没后,婆罗门祭司们从未能抵挡得住因与德干半岛低劣宗教的突然接触而产生的异教势头。因此大多数人陷入了低劣宗教奴性迷信的束缚当中;正因如此印度未能产生出高等文明,这在先前各个时期已有预兆。 |
79:4.7 (882.7) When the Aryans entered India, they brought with them their concepts of Deity as they had been preserved in the lingering traditions of the religion of the second garden. But the Brahman priests were never able to withstand the pagan momentum built up by the sudden contact with the inferior religions of the Deccan after the racial obliteration of the Aryans. Thus the vast majority of the population fell into the bondage of the enslaving superstitions of inferior religions; and so it was that India failed to produce the high civilization which had been foreshadowed in earlier times. |
79:4.8 (882.8) 公元前六世纪的灵性觉醒没有在印度持续下来,甚至在伊斯兰教的入侵前就已消亡了。但终有一天,一位更伟大的乔达摩会起来领导整个印度寻求永活之神,然后整个世界将会注意到,一个长期处在一种毫无进展的灵性视野之麻木影响下而昏睡的多才多艺民族蕴含的教化潜能所结出的硕果。 |
79:4.8 (882.8) The spiritual awakening of the sixth century before Christ did not persist in India, having died out even before the Mohammedan invasion. But someday a greater Gautama may arise to lead all India in the search for the living God, and then the world will observe the fruition of the cultural potentialities of a versatile people so long comatose under the benumbing influence of an unprogressing spiritual vision. |
79:4.9 (883.1) 教化的确要有赖于一种生物性根基,但等级制度本身无法延续雅利安人的教化。因为宗教,真正的宗教,才是那一驱使人们去创建一种基于人类兄弟情谊的优秀文明之更高能量不可或缺的来源。 |
79:4.9 (883.1) Culture does rest on a biologic foundation, but caste alone could not perpetuate the Aryan culture, for religion, true religion, is the indispensable source of that higher energy which drives men to establish a superior civilization based on human brotherhood. |
5. 红种人和黄种人 ^top |
5. Red Man and Yellow Man ^top |
79:5.1 (883.2) 尽管印度的历史是有关安德族人的征服以及最终湮没在更古老进化民族当中的故事,但有关东亚的叙述则会更恰当地提及原初桑吉克族,特别是红种人和黄种人的故事。这两个种族都在很大程度上避免了与低劣尼安德特人血统相混合(这一混合极大地阻滞了欧洲蓝种人的发展),从而保留了原初桑吉克族类的优良潜质。 |
79:5.1 (883.2) While the story of India is that of Andite conquest and eventual submergence in the older evolutionary peoples, the narrative of eastern Asia is more properly that of the primary Sangiks, particularly the red man and the yellow man. These two races largely escaped that admixture with the debased Neanderthal strain which so greatly retarded the blue man in Europe, thus preserving the superior potential of the primary Sangik type. |
79:5.2 (883.3) 在早期尼安德特人遍及整个广袤的欧亚大陆时,其东翼被低劣的动物血统更多地玷污了。这些次人类类型被第五次冰川推向了南边,而同是这些冰层,也长期阻碍了桑吉克族迁徙进入东亚。而当红种人绕过印度的高地向东北向迁移时,他在东北亚没有发现这些次人类的类型。红种人的部落组织比所有其它民族形成得都要早,他们是最早从中亚的桑吉克族中心迁徙出来的。低劣的尼安德特人要么被后来逐渐迁徙的黄种人部族消灭了,要么被赶出了本土。但在黄种人到来之前,红种人已在东亚称霸了近十万年。 |
79:5.2 (883.3) While the early Neanderthalers were spread out over the entire breadth of Eurasia, the eastern wing was the more contaminated with debased animal strains. These subhuman types were pushed south by the fifth glacier, the same ice sheet which so long blocked Sangik migration into eastern Asia. And when the red man moved northeast around the highlands of India, he found northeastern Asia free from these subhuman types. The tribal organization of the red races was formed earlier than that of any other peoples, and they were the first to migrate from the central Asian focus of the Sangiks. The inferior Neanderthal strains were destroyed or driven off the mainland by the later migrating yellow tribes. But the red man had reigned supreme in eastern Asia for almost one hundred thousand years before the yellow tribes arrived. |
79:5.3 (883.4) 三十多万年前,黄色种族的主体从南方作为沿海岸来的移民而进入了中国。每一千年他们都逐步向内陆渗透,但直到相对近来的时期,他们才与其迁到西藏的同胞们有所接触。 |
79:5.3 (883.4) More than three hundred thousand years ago the main body of the yellow race entered China from the south as coastwise migrants. Each millennium they penetrated farther and farther inland, but they did not make contact with their migrating Tibetan brethren until comparatively recent times. |
79:5.4 (883.5) 渐增的人口压力,使得向北移进的黄色种族开始推进到红种人的猎场中。这一侵入,加上天生的种族对立,令与日俱增的敌意达到了顶峰,从而开始了争夺远东富饶土地的残酷斗争。 |
79:5.4 (883.5) Growing population pressure caused the northward-moving yellow race to begin to push into the hunting grounds of the red man. This encroachment, coupled with natural racial antagonism, culminated in increasing hostilities, and thus began the crucial struggle for the fertile lands of farther Asia. |
79:5.5 (883.6) 红色种族和黄色种族之间这一长久较量的故事,是玉苒厦(Urantia)历史中的一部史诗。二十多万年以来,这两个优秀种族进行了艰苦而不懈的战争。在早期的斗争中,红种人大体上获胜,他们的突击分队在黄种人的居民点造成了严重破坏。但黄种人在战争艺术方面是一个聪明的学生,他很早便展现出了一种能与其同胞和平共处的卓越才能;中国人最早学会了团结就是力量。红种人部族却继续其自相残杀的冲突,不久他们便在不懈中国人的咄咄逼人手腕下遭受了接连的挫败,而后者则继续其势不可挡的北向挺进。 |
79:5.5 (883.6) The story of this agelong contest between the red and yellow races is an epic of Urantia history. For over two hundred thousand years these two superior races waged bitter and unremitting warfare. In the earlier struggles the red men were generally successful, their raiding parties spreading havoc among the yellow settlements. But the yellow man was an apt pupil in the art of warfare, and he early manifested a marked ability to live peaceably with his compatriots; the Chinese were the first to learn that in union there is strength. The red tribes continued their internecine conflicts, and presently they began to suffer repeated defeats at the aggressive hands of the relentless Chinese, who continued their inexorable march northward. |
79:5.6 (883.7) 十万年前,大伤元气的红种人部落背靠最后一次冰川逐渐退却的冰层战斗着,而当横跨白令海峡的西边陆桥变得可以通行时,这些部落便很快放弃了亚洲大陆这片荒凉的海岸。自从最后一批纯种的红种人离开亚洲以来已有八万五千年了,但长久的交战也将他们的基因印记留到了获胜的黄色种族身上。中国北方各个民族,连同安东族西伯利亚人,都吸收了许多红种人的血统,并由此而受益匪浅。 |
79:5.6 (883.7) One hundred thousand years ago the decimated tribes of the red race were fighting with their backs to the retreating ice of the last glacier, and when the land passage to the West, over the Bering isthmus, became passable, these tribes were not slow in forsaking the inhospitable shores of the Asiatic continent. It is eighty-five thousand years since the last of the pure red men departed from Asia, but the long struggle left its genetic imprint upon the victorious yellow race. The northern Chinese peoples, together with the Andonite Siberians, assimilated much of the red stock and were in considerable measure benefited thereby. |
79:5.7 (884.1) 由于在亚当到来前大约五万年就丧失了他们亚洲的家园,北美印第安人甚至从未与亚当夏娃的安德族后代接触过。在安德族人的迁移时代当中,纯系的红种人血统作为游牧部落而遍布了整个北美洲,他们是一些小范围从事农作的猎人。从他们到达美洲往下直到基督纪元的第一个千年结束之时他们被欧洲的白色种族所发现,这些种族和文化群体与外界保持着几近完全隔离的状态。直到那时,这些北边的红种人部落所曾见过的最为接近白种人的是爱斯基摩人。 |
79:5.7 (884.1) The North American Indians never came in contact with even the Andite offspring of Adam and Eve, having been dispossessed of their Asiatic homelands some fifty thousand years before the coming of Adam. During the age of Andite migrations the pure red strains were spreading out over North America as nomadic tribes, hunters who practiced agriculture to a small extent. These races and cultural groups remained almost completely isolated from the remainder of the world from their arrival in the Americas down to the end of the first millennium of the Christian era, when they were discovered by the white races of Europe. Up to that time the Eskimos were the nearest to white men the northern tribes of red men had ever seen. |
79:5.8 (884.2) 红色种族和黄色种族是仅有的远离安德族人影响而曾达到过一种高度文明的血统。最古老的美洲印第安文化是加利福尼亚的奥纳莫纳蓝顿中心,但这到公元前35,000年就已长久消失了。在墨西哥、中美洲以及南美洲的山脉中,后来诸多更为持久的文明则是由一个以红种占主导,但也包含了相当多黄种、橙种、蓝种混合的民族所创建的。 |
79:5.8 (884.2) The red and the yellow races are the only human stocks that ever achieved a high degree of civilization apart from the influences of the Andites. The oldest Amerindian culture was the Onamonalonton center in California, but this had long since vanished by 35,000 b.c. In Mexico, Central America, and in the mountains of South America the later and more enduring civilizations were founded by a race predominantly red but containing a considerable admixture of the yellow, orange, and blue. |
79:5.9 (884.3) 这些文明是桑吉克各族的进化性产物,尽管些许安德族人血统曾延伸到了秘鲁。除了北美的爱斯基摩人和南美的一些波利尼西亚安德族人以外,西半球各民族直到公元第一个千年结束时才与外界有了接触。在提升玉苒厦(Urantia)各族的原初麦基洗德计划中曾有过规定,一百万名纯系的亚当后代应前往提升美洲的红种人。 |
79:5.9 (884.3) These civilizations were evolutionary products of the Sangiks, notwithstanding that traces of Andite blood reached Peru. Excepting the Eskimos in North America and a few Polynesian Andites in South America, the peoples of the Western Hemisphere had no contact with the rest of the world until the end of the first millennium after Christ. In the original Melchizedek plan for the improvement of the Urantia races it had been stipulated that one million of the pure-line descendants of Adam should go to upstep the red men of the Americas. |
6. 中国文明的发端 ^top |
6. Dawn of Chinese Civilization ^top |
79:6.1 (884.4) 在将红种人赶到北美后不久,不断扩张的中国人又将安东族人从东亚诸河流域清理了出去,将他们排挤到北边的西伯利亚和西边的土耳其斯坦,他们在那儿很快便与安德族人的优秀文化相接触了。 |
79:6.1 (884.4) Sometime after driving the red man across to North America, the expanding Chinese cleared the Andonites from the river valleys of eastern Asia, pushing them north into Siberia and west into Turkestan, where they were soon to come in contact with the superior culture of the Andites. |
79:6.2 (884.5) 在缅甸和印度支那半岛,印度和中国的文化混合交融而产生了那些地区诸个相续的文明。在这里,销声匿迹的绿色种族以更大的人口比例存留着,高于世界上任何其他地方。 |
79:6.2 (884.5) In Burma and the peninsula of Indo-China the cultures of India and China mixed and blended to produce the successive civilizations of those regions. Here the vanished green race has persisted in larger proportion than anywhere else in the world. |
79:6.3 (884.6) 许多不同的种族占据了太平洋诸岛。总的来说,南部一些当时更为广阔的岛屿被带有浓重绿种人和靛种人血统的民族占据了。北部的岛屿起先被安东族人所持有,后来又被包含了大比例黄种和红种血统的种族所持有。日本民族的祖先直到公元前12,000年才被驱出大陆本土,那时他们被中国北方各部落在南方海岸的有力一击赶了出去。他们最终的外迁不是由于人口压力,而更多是由于他们渐视其为神人的酋长之倡议。 |
79:6.3 (884.6) Many different races occupied the islands of the Pacific. In general, the southern and then more extensive islands were occupied by peoples carrying a heavy percentage of green and indigo blood. The northern islands were held by Andonites and, later on, by races embracing large proportions of the yellow and red stocks. The ancestors of the Japanese people were not driven off the mainland until 12,000 b.c., when they were dislodged by a powerful southern-coastwise thrust of the northern Chinese tribes. Their final exodus was not so much due to population pressure as to the initiative of a chieftain whom they came to regard as a divine personage. |
79:6.4 (885.1) 像印度和黎凡特的各族一样,获胜的黄种人部落在沿海和河边建立起了他们最早的中心。沿岸的定居点在后来的岁月中表现都不佳,因为加剧的洪水和变换的河道使得低地城市不宜居住了。 |
79:6.4 (885.1) Like the peoples of India and the Levant, victorious tribes of the yellow man established their earliest centers along the coast and up the rivers. The coastal settlements fared poorly in later years as the increasing floods and the shifting courses of the rivers made the lowland cities untenable. |
79:6.5 (885.2) 两万年前,中国人的祖先们就已建立起十几个带有原始教化与学问的强大中心,特别是在黄河和长江沿岸。此时,由于一批来自新疆和西藏的优秀混合民族的到来,这些中心得到了不断的加强。从西藏到长江流域的移民不如在北方那么广泛,西藏的中心也不如塔里木盆地的那些中心那样先进。但这两路迁移,都将一定数量的安德族人血统往东带到了各个河流定居点。 |
79:6.5 (885.2) Twenty thousand years ago the ancestors of the Chinese had built up a dozen strong centers of primitive culture and learning, especially along the Yellow River and the Yangtze. And now these centers began to be reinforced by the arrival of a steady stream of superior blended peoples from Sinkiang and Tibet. The migration from Tibet to the Yangtze valley was not so extensive as in the north, neither were the Tibetan centers so advanced as those of the Tarim basin. But both movements carried a certain amount of Andite blood eastward to the river settlements. |
79:6.6 (885.3) 古代黄色种族的优势归因于四大因素: |
79:6.6 (885.3) The superiority of the ancient yellow race was due to four great factors: |
79:6.7 (885.4) 1. 遗传性的。不像他们欧洲的蓝种表亲那样,红色种族和黄色种族在很大程度上都避免了与低劣人类血统的混合。已因少量优良的红种人和安东族血统而得以加强的北方中国人,很快又因相当多安德族血统的注入而受益。南方中国人在这方面表现则没那么好,他们因对绿种人的吸收而长期受苦,而后来他们又因受达罗毗荼安德族人入侵而涌出印度的成群低劣人口之渗入而进一步被削弱了。而如今在中国,北方民族和南方民族之间仍有着明显的差异。 |
79:6.7 (885.4) 1. Genetic. Unlike their blue cousins in Europe, both the red and yellow races had largely escaped mixture with debased human stocks. The northern Chinese, already strengthened by small amounts of the superior red and Andonic strains, were soon to benefit by a considerable influx of Andite blood. The southern Chinese did not fare so well in this regard, and they had long suffered from absorption of the green race, while later on they were to be further weakened by the infiltration of the swarms of inferior peoples crowded out of India by the Dravidian-Andite invasion. And today in China there is a definite difference between the northern and southern races. |
79:6.8 (885.5) 2. 社会性的。黄色种族很早就认识到了和平共处的价值。他们内部的和平相处对人口增长贡献极大,从而确保了他们的文明在千百万人之中的传播。从公元前25,000年到公元前5000年,玉苒厦(Urantia)上最高等的大众文明是在中国的中部和北部。黄种人是最先实现了种族团结的 -- 即最先达到了一种大规模的教化性、社会性和政治性文明。 |
79:6.8 (885.5) 2. Social. The yellow race early learned the value of peace among themselves. Their internal peaceableness so contributed to population increase as to insure the spread of their civilization among many millions. From 25,000 to 5000 b.c. the highest mass civilization on Urantia was in central and northern China. The yellow man was first to achieve a racial solidarity—the first to attain a large-scale cultural, social, and political civilization. |
79:6.9 (885.6) 公元前15,000年的中国人是一些积极进取的好战分子;他们没有因对过往的过度敬畏而受到削弱,且为数不到一千二百万人,他们形成了一个讲一种共同语言的紧密实体。在这一时代期间,他们构建起了一个真正的民族,比他们在诸个历史时期中的政治联盟要更为团结一致得多。 |
79:6.9 (885.6) The Chinese of 15,000 b.c. were aggressive militarists; they had not been weakened by an overreverence for the past, and numbering less than twelve million, they formed a compact body speaking a common language. During this age they built up a real nation, much more united and homogeneous than their political unions of historic times. |
79:6.10 (885.7) 3. 灵性的。在安德族人迁徙的时代中间,中国人就位居世界上较为灵性的民族之列。长期坚持对星琅顿所宣称的唯一真神之崇拜,使他们远远领先于大多数其它民族。一种渐进性的先进宗教之激励,在教化发展方面通常是一个决定性的因素;在印度萎顿之时,中国则在一种将真理奉为至高神灵之宗教的鼓舞激励下勇往直前。 |
79:6.10 (885.7) 3. Spiritual. During the age of Andite migrations the Chinese were among the more spiritual peoples of earth. Long adherence to the worship of the One Truth proclaimed by Singlangton kept them ahead of most of the other races. The stimulus of a progressive and advanced religion is often a decisive factor in cultural development; as India languished, so China forged ahead under the invigorating stimulus of a religion in which truth was enshrined as the supreme Deity. |
79:6.11 (885.8) 这种对真理的崇拜,挑起了对自然法则和人类潜能的研究和无畏探索。即便是六千年前的中国人仍是热切的学生,并在其对真理的追求方面积极进取着。 |
79:6.11 (885.8) This worship of truth was provocative of research and fearless exploration of the laws of nature and the potentials of mankind. The Chinese of even six thousand years ago were still keen students and aggressive in their pursuit of truth. |
79:6.12 (885.9) 4. 地理性的。中国受到西边的崇山峻岭和东边的太平洋所防护。只有北边是开放易攻之路。而从红种人的时代直到安德族人后代的到来,北边都并没有被任何侵略性种族所占据过。 |
79:6.12 (885.9) 4. Geographic. China is protected by the mountains to the west and the Pacific to the east. Only in the north is the way open to attack, and from the days of the red man to the coming of the later descendants of the Andites, the north was not occupied by any aggressive race. |
79:6.13 (886.1) 如果不是崇山峻岭的阻隔以及后来在灵性教化上的衰微,那么黄种人无疑将会把更多从土耳其斯坦来的安德族人移民吸引到自身当中,并将会迅速主导世界文明。 |
79:6.13 (886.1) And but for the mountain barriers and the later decline in spiritual culture, the yellow race undoubtedly would have attracted to itself the larger part of the Andite migrations from Turkestan and unquestionably would have quickly dominated world civilization. |
7. 安德族人进入中国 ^top |
7. The Andites Enter China ^top |
79:7.1 (886.2) 在大约一万五千年前,相当数量的安德族人越过狄道(今临洮)的渡口,沿着黄河上游甘肃的中国人定居点中间扩散开来。不久后他们便往东渗入河南,最为进步的定居点位于那里。这一来自西边的渗透大约一半是安东族人,一半是安德族人。 |
79:7.1 (886.2) About fifteen thousand years ago the Andites, in considerable numbers, were traversing the pass of Ti Tao and spreading out over the upper valley of the Yellow River among the Chinese settlements of Kansu. Presently they penetrated eastward to Honan, where the most progressive settlements were situated. This infiltration from the west was about half Andonite and half Andite. |
79:7.2 (886.3) 黄河沿岸的北方教化中心一直要比长江沿岸的诸个南方定居点进步得多。在这些哪怕是很少数量的优秀凡人到来后的几千年间,黄河沿岸的定居点已远远领先于长江边的村落,并获得了一种超越其南方同胞的先进地位,这种优势自那以来一直保持着。 |
79:7.2 (886.3) The northern centers of culture along the Yellow River had always been more progressive than the southern settlements on the Yangtze. Within a few thousand years after the arrival of even the small numbers of these superior mortals, the settlements along the Yellow River had forged ahead of the Yangtze villages and had achieved an advanced position over their brethren in the south which has ever since been maintained. |
79:7.3 (886.4) 并不是因为有那么多的安德族人,也不是因为他们的教化是如此优秀,而是因为与他们的混合形成了一种更为多才多艺的血统。北方的中国人接收了足够的安德族人血统,正好可以适度激发他们天生有才干的头脑,但却尚不足以使他们充满北边白色种族所特有的那种永不满足、勇于探索的好奇心。安德族人遗传这种较为局限的注入,对于桑吉克族类的天生稳固性来说干扰少些。 |
79:7.3 (886.4) It was not that there were so many of the Andites, nor that their culture was so superior, but amalgamation with them produced a more versatile stock. The northern Chinese received just enough of the Andite strain to mildly stimulate their innately able minds but not enough to fire them with the restless, exploratory curiosity so characteristic of the northern white races. This more limited infusion of Andite inheritance was less disturbing to the innate stability of the Sangik type. |
79:7.4 (886.5) 后来数波的安德族人带来了某些来自美索不达米亚的教化特长;这对于最后几波西来的迁徙来说尤为如此。它们极大地改进了中国北方的经济和教育习俗;尽管他们对黄色种族宗教教化的影响是短暂的,但他们后来的子孙对一次随后的灵性觉醒贡献颇多。不过安德族人关于伊甸园和达拉玛希亚美境的传说,的确影响到了中国的传统,早期的中国神话将“诸神之地”定位在了西方。 |
79:7.4 (886.5) The later waves of Andites brought with them certain of the cultural advances of Mesopotamia; this is especially true of the last waves of migration from the west. They greatly improved the economic and educational practices of the northern Chinese; and while their influence upon the religious culture of the yellow race was short-lived, their later descendants contributed much to a subsequent spiritual awakening. But the Andite traditions of the beauty of Eden and Dalamatia did influence Chinese traditions; early Chinese legends place “the land of the gods” in the west. |
79:7.5 (886.6) 直到公元前10,000年之后,继土耳其斯坦的气候变化以及后来安德族人移民的到来后,中国人才开始建设城市和从事制造业。这一新鲜血液的注入极大刺激了优良中国人血统之潜在倾向的进一步快速发展,但对黄种人的文明却未增添甚多。从河南到陕西,一种先进文明的潜能正在逐渐开花结果。金属加工和所有制造技艺都始于这些时代。 |
79:7.5 (886.6) The Chinese people did not begin to build cities and engage in manufacture until after 10,000 b.c., subsequent to the climatic changes in Turkestan and the arrival of the later Andite immigrants. The infusion of this new blood did not add so much to the civilization of the yellow man as it stimulated the further and rapid development of the latent tendencies of the superior Chinese stocks. From Honan to Shensi the potentials of an advanced civilization were coming to fruit. Metalworking and all the arts of manufacture date from these days. |
79:7.6 (886.7) 早期中国人与美索不达米亚人的某些计时方法、天文学和行政管理之间的相似性,归因于这两个遥远相隔的中心之间的商业关系。甚至在苏美尔人时代 ,中国商人就已通过陆路穿越土耳其斯坦而前往美索不达米亚了。这种交换也不是单方面的 -- 幼发拉底河流域由此而受益匪浅,恒河平原的各个民族也是如此。但公元前第三个千年的气候变化和游牧民族的入侵,大大减少了通过中亚商路的贸易量。 |
79:7.6 (886.7) The similarities between certain of the early Chinese and Mesopotamian methods of time reckoning, astronomy, and governmental administration were due to the commercial relationships between these two remotely situated centers. Chinese merchants traveled the overland routes through Turkestan to Mesopotamia even in the days of the Sumerians. Nor was this exchange one-sided—the valley of the Euphrates benefited considerably thereby, as did the peoples of the Gangetic plain. But the climatic changes and the nomadic invasions of the third millennium before Christ greatly reduced the volume of trade passing over the caravan trails of central Asia. |
8. 后来的中国文明 ^top |
8. Later Chinese Civilization ^top |
79:8.1 (887.1) 正当红种人遭受太多的战乱时,中国人的国家发展因其对亚洲的彻底征服而受到延迟,这么说也不完全错。他们有着极大的民族团结潜力,但因缺乏对外来侵略之长存危险的持续驱策力,它未能适当地发展起来。 |
79:8.1 (887.1) While the red man suffered from too much warfare, it is not altogether amiss to say that the development of statehood among the Chinese was delayed by the thoroughness of their conquest of Asia. They had a great potential of racial solidarity, but it failed properly to develop because the continuous driving stimulus of the ever-present danger of external aggression was lacking. |
79:8.2 (887.2) 伴随着对东亚征服的完成,这个古老的军事国家逐渐解体了-- 过去的战争被淡忘了。在与红色种族的史诗般斗争中,只存留下来一场与射手民族古老争战的朦胧传说。中国人很早就转向了务农,这进一步导致了他们爱好和平的倾向,而人口远低于农业的土地与人口比率也进一步导致了这个国家日益增长的和平倾向。 |
79:8.2 (887.2) With the completion of the conquest of eastern Asia the ancient military state gradually disintegrated—past wars were forgotten. Of the epic struggle with the red race there persisted only the hazy tradition of an ancient contest with the archer peoples. The Chinese early turned to agricultural pursuits, which contributed further to their pacific tendencies, while a population well below the land-man ratio for agriculture still further contributed to the growing peacefulness of the country. |
79:8.3 (887.3) 对过往成就的知觉(当前有所减弱),一个农业占主导之民族的保守性,以及一种发展良好的家族生活,导致了祖先敬奉的产生,最终发展为如此尊崇先人以至近似于崇拜的习俗。在希腊罗马文明中断后的大约五百年间,一种类似的态度也盛行于欧洲的白种人中间。 |
79:8.3 (887.3) Consciousness of past achievements (somewhat diminished in the present), the conservatism of an overwhelmingly agricultural people, and a well-developed family life equaled the birth of ancestor veneration, culminating in the custom of so honoring the men of the past as to border on worship. A very similar attitude prevailed among the white races in Europe for some five hundred years following the disruption of Greco-Roman civilization. |
79:8.4 (887.4) 对星朗顿所教导的“唯一真神”的信仰和崇拜,从未完全消失过;但随着时间流逝,对新的更高真理之寻求因一种尊奉业已确立之真理的渐增倾向而变得黯然失色了。慢慢地,黄色种族的天才们从追求未知转向了保守已知。而这便是这个曾是世界上最为快速进步之文明停滞不前的原因所在。 |
79:8.4 (887.4) The belief in, and worship of, the “One Truth” as taught by Singlangton never entirely died out; but as time passed, the search for new and higher truth became overshadowed by a growing tendency to venerate that which was already established. Slowly the genius of the yellow race became diverted from the pursuit of the unknown to the preservation of the known. And this is the reason for the stagnation of what had been the world’s most rapidly progressing civilization. |
79:8.5 (887.5) 在公元前4000年到公元前500年间,黄色种族政治上的重新统一得以完成了,但长江和黄河诸个中心的文化联合则早已实现了。后来各个部落族群这种政治上的重新统一并非没有争端,但社会上主张战争的民意仍旧很低;祖先崇拜,渐增的方言,以及成千上万年来不提倡军事行动,使得这个民族极为爱好和平。 |
79:8.5 (887.5) Between 4000 and 500 b.c. the political reunification of the yellow race was consummated, but the cultural union of the Yangtze and Yellow river centers had already been effected. This political reunification of the later tribal groups was not without conflict, but the societal opinion of war remained low; ancestor worship, increasing dialects, and no call for military action for thousands upon thousands of years had rendered this people ultrapeaceful. |
79:8.6 (887.6) 尽管未能实现一个先进国家之早期发展的期许,但黄色种族的确在诸多文明技艺的实现方面不断向前移进着,特别是在农业和园艺领域。陕西和河南的农学家们所面对的水力问题需要团体合作才能加以解决。这类灌溉和土壤保护的难题,在很大程度上导致了相互依存的发展,并由此促进了农业团体间的和平。 |
79:8.6 (887.6) Despite failure to fulfill the promise of an early development of advanced statehood, the yellow race did progressively move forward in the realization of the arts of civilization, especially in the realms of agriculture and horticulture. The hydraulic problems faced by the agriculturists in Shensi and Honan demanded group co-operation for solution. Such irrigation and soil-conservation difficulties contributed in no small measure to the development of interdependence with the consequent promotion of peace among farming groups. |
79:8.7 (887.7) 不久后,文字的发展,加上学校的建立,导致了知识在一种前所未有的规模上传播。但尽管很早便出现了印刷术,表意文字体系的繁琐本质却对博学阶层施加了一种数量上的限制。而最重要的一点是,社会的规范化和宗教哲学的教条化进程持续加速着。祖先敬奉的宗教性发展因大量涉及自然崇拜之迷信而变得愈加复杂了,但一种有关神之真正概念的挥之不去的痕迹,却仍继续存留于帝王对上帝的崇拜当中。 |
79:8.7 (887.7) Soon developments in writing, together with the establishment of schools, contributed to the dissemination of knowledge on a previously unequaled scale. But the cumbersome nature of the ideographic writing system placed a numerical limit upon the learned classes despite the early appearance of printing. And above all else, the process of social standardization and religio-philosophic dogmatization continued apace. The religious development of ancestor veneration became further complicated by a flood of superstitions involving nature worship, but lingering vestiges of a real concept of God remained preserved in the imperial worship of Shang-ti. |
79:8.8 (888.1) 祖先敬奉的一大弱点在于它倡导一种往后看的哲学。无论从过去汲取智慧有多么明智,但将过去视为单一的真理来源却是愚蠢的。真理是相对的,且是不断扩展的;它总是存活在当下,在每一代人身上 -- 甚至在每个人的生命中实现新的表达。 |
79:8.8 (888.1) The great weakness of ancestor veneration is that it promotes a backward-looking philosophy. However wise it may be to glean wisdom from the past, it is folly to regard the past as the exclusive source of truth. Truth is relative and expanding; it lives always in the present, achieving new expression in each generation of men—even in each human life. |
79:8.9 (888.2) 祖先敬奉的一大优势,在于这种态度寄予家庭之上所产生的价值。中国文化令人惊讶的稳定性和持久性,是家庭被赋予最重要位置所产生的结果,因为文明直接有赖于家庭的有效运作;而在中国,家庭获得了一种社会性要位,甚至一种宗教性要义,这是很少其它民族所达到过的。 |
79:8.9 (888.2) The great strength in a veneration of ancestry is the value that such an attitude places upon the family. The amazing stability and persistence of Chinese culture is a consequence of the paramount position accorded the family, for civilization is directly dependent on the effective functioning of the family; and in China the family attained a social importance, even a religious significance, approached by few other peoples. |
79:8.10 (888.3) 日益增长的祖先敬奉祭礼所要求的孝顺和忠于家庭,确保了优良家庭关系及持久家庭群体的构建,所有这一切都促进了以下一些文明维护的要素: |
79:8.10 (888.3) The filial devotion and family loyalty exacted by the growing cult of ancestor worship insured the building up of superior family relationships and of enduring family groups, all of which facilitated the following factors in the preservation of civilization: |
79:8.11 (888.4) 1. 对财产和财富的保护。 |
79:8.11 (888.4) 1. Conservation of property and wealth. |
79:8.12 (888.5) 2. 对历代经验的累积。 |
79:8.12 (888.5) 2. Pooling of the experience of more than one generation. |
79:8.13 (888.6) 3. 在过往技艺和科学方面对孩子的有效教育。 |
79:8.13 (888.6) 3. Efficient education of children in the arts and sciences of the past. |
79:8.14 (888.7) 4. 对强烈责任感的培育,对道德观的强化以及对伦理敏感度的增强。 |
79:8.14 (888.7) 4. Development of a strong sense of duty, the enhancement of morality, and the augmentation of ethical sensitivity. |
79:8.15 (888.8) 伴随着安德族人到来而开启的中国文明之形成时期,一直往下持续到公元前六世纪伟大的伦理、道德和半宗教性觉醒。而中国的传统则保留了有关其演进过往的朦胧记载;从母系社会到父系社会的转变、农业的建立、建筑业的发展、产业的发起 -- 所有这些都会相继加以论述。而该篇叙述带着比所有其他类似记述更为巨大的准确度,展现出了一个优秀民族由野蛮层次出色上升的画面。在这段时间里,他们从一个原始的农业社会过渡到了一个拥有诸多城市、制造业、金属加工、商业交易、政府、文字、数学、艺术、科学和印刷术的高等社会组织。 |
79:8.15 (888.8) The formative period of Chinese civilization, opening with the coming of the Andites, continues on down to the great ethical, moral, and semireligious awakening of the sixth century before Christ. And Chinese tradition preserves the hazy record of the evolutionary past; the transition from mother- to father-family, the establishment of agriculture, the development of architecture, the initiation of industry—all these are successively narrated. And this story presents, with greater accuracy than any other similar account, the picture of the magnificent ascent of a superior people from the levels of barbarism. During this time they passed from a primitive agricultural society to a higher social organization embracing cities, manufacture, metalworking, commercial exchange, government, writing, mathematics, art, science, and printing. |
79:8.16 (888.9) 黄色种族的古老文明,就这样历经诸多世纪而留传了下来。自从中国文化方面取得了第一次重大进步以来已有近四万年了,尽管有过许多的退步,但汉族子孙的文明往下直到公元二十世纪的时代都几近展现了一幅持续进步的完整画面。白种人的机械发展和宗教发展一直属于高等的类别,但他们却从未在家庭忠诚、群体伦理或是个人道德方面超越过中国人。 |
79:8.16 (888.9) And so the ancient civilization of the yellow race has persisted down through the centuries. It is almost forty thousand years since the first important advances were made in Chinese culture, and though there have been many retrogressions, the civilization of the sons of Han comes the nearest of all to presenting an unbroken picture of continual progression right on down to the times of the twentieth century. The mechanical and religious developments of the white races have been of a high order, but they have never excelled the Chinese in family loyalty, group ethics, or personal morality. |
79:8.17 (888.10) 这一古老文化对人类幸福贡献颇多。成千上万的人受其成就的庇佑,而活过了一生。多个世纪以来,这一伟大文明一直停留在过去的荣耀之上,但即便是在此时,它也正在重新醒来,去重新瞻望人类存在的卓越目标,再一次去为永无止境的进步而做出不懈的努力。 |
79:8.17 (888.10) This ancient culture has contributed much to human happiness; millions of human beings have lived and died, blessed by its achievements. For centuries this great civilization has rested upon the laurels of the past, but it is even now reawakening to envision anew the transcendent goals of mortal existence, once again to take up the unremitting struggle for never-ending progress. |
79:8.18 (888.11) [由内巴顿(Nebadon)的一位大天使所呈献。] |
79:8.18 (888.11) [Presented by an Archangel of Nebadon.] |