第158篇   Paper 158
变像之山   The Mount of Transfiguration
158:0.1 (1752.1) 正是在公元29年8月12日周五下午接近日落之时,耶稣和他的同伴们抵达了赫尔蒙山的山脚,正靠近少年提格拉在主独自上山去解决玉苒厦(Urantia)的灵性天命并从严格意义上终结路西法反叛之时的一度等候之地。他们在这儿停留了两天,为不久就要紧随发生的诸多事件做灵性准备。   158:0.1 (1752.1) IT WAS near sundown on Friday afternoon, August 12, a.d. 29, when Jesus and his associates reached the foot of Mount Hermon, near the very place where the lad Tiglath once waited while the Master ascended the mountain alone to settle the spiritual destinies of Urantia and technically to terminate the Lucifer rebellion. And here they sojourned for two days in spiritual preparation for the events so soon to follow.
158:0.2 (1752.2) 大体上,耶稣预先知道了山上要发生什么,他十分希望他的所有使徒都可以分享这一经历。正是为了让他们接受这一关于他自身的启示,他与他们一起在山脚逗留。但他们却无法达至那些会证明他们适宜面对不久就要在世上现身的天界存有造访之全部经历的灵性层次。由于他无法带领他所有同伴随行,他决定只带习惯于在这类特殊守夜中伴随他的三个人。相应地,只有彼得、詹姆斯和约翰与主分享了这段独特经历中的一部分。   158:0.2 (1752.2) In a general way, Jesus knew beforehand what was to transpire on the mountain, and he much desired that all his apostles might share this experience. It was to fit them for this revelation of himself that he tarried with them at the foot of the mountain. But they could not attain those spiritual levels which would justify their exposure to the full experience of the visitation of the celestial beings so soon to appear on earth. And since he could not take all of his associates with him, he decided to take only the three who were in the habit of accompanying him on such special vigils. Accordingly, only Peter, James, and John shared even a part of this unique experience with the Master.
1. 变像 ^top   1. The Transfiguration ^top
158:1.1 (1752.3) 8月15日周一一大早,耶稣和三个使徒开始上赫尔蒙山,这是在彼得在路旁桑树下难忘正午坦承之后的第六天。   158:1.1 (1752.3) Early on the morning of Monday, August 15, Jesus and the three apostles began the ascent of Mount Hermon, and this was six days after the memorable noontide confession of Peter by the roadside under the mulberry trees.
158:1.2 (1752.4) 耶稣被召唤独自一人上山,为了处理与他肉身赠与进展相关的重要事务,因为这一经历与他自己创造的宇宙相关。这一非凡事件被约定在耶稣和使徒们处于外邦人土地上的同时发生,以及它事实上在外邦人的山上发生,这是有重大意义的。   158:1.2 (1752.4) Jesus had been summoned to go up on the mountain, apart by himself, for the transaction of important matters having to do with the progress of his bestowal in the flesh as this experience was related to the universe of his own creation. It is significant that this extraordinary event was timed to occur while Jesus and the apostles were in the lands of the gentiles, and that it actually transpired on a mountain of the gentiles.
158:1.3 (1752.5) 他们在午前不久抵达了大约在半山腰的目的地,在吃午饭的同时,耶稣告诉了三个使徒有关他在受洗后不久在约旦河东面山中经历的有些内容,还有他在赫尔蒙山上与他先前造访之一偏僻隐居地的更多内容。   158:1.3 (1752.5) They reached their destination, about halfway up the mountain, shortly before noon, and while eating lunch, Jesus told the three apostles something of his experience in the hills to the east of Jordan shortly after his baptism and also some more of his experience on Mount Hermon in connection with his former visit to this lonely retreat.
158:1.4 (1752.6) 耶稣在男孩时经常上他家附近的山,想象埃斯德赖隆平原上帝国军队所打的战争;此时他上赫尔蒙山来接受要让他准备好去下到约旦河平原、制定他在玉苒厦(Urantia)赠与剧本结束场景之赋权。主本可在这天在赫尔蒙山上放弃这一挣扎而返回到他对宇宙诸域的掌管中,但他却不仅选择了满足天堂永恒之子指令中所包含的对他这类神子类别的要求,而且他还选择了满足他天堂之父当下意志最终而又全面的衡量。在八月这天,他的三个使徒看到他拒绝被赋予全然的宇宙权威。随着天界使者离去,留下他独自作为人子和神子完成他的世上生活,他们怀着惊奇观看。   158:1.4 (1752.6) When a boy, Jesus used to ascend the hill near his home and dream of the battles which had been fought by the armies of empires on the plain of Esdraelon; now he ascended Mount Hermon to receive the endowment which was to prepare him to descend upon the plains of the Jordan to enact the closing scenes of the drama of his bestowal on Urantia. The Master could have relinquished the struggle this day on Mount Hermon and returned to his rule of the universe domains, but he not only chose to meet the requirements of his order of divine sonship embraced in the mandate of the Eternal Son on Paradise, but he also elected to meet the last and full measure of the present will of his Paradise Father. On this day in August three of his apostles saw him decline to be invested with full universe authority. They looked on in amazement as the celestial messengers departed, leaving him alone to finish out his earth life as the Son of Man and the Son of God.
158:1.5 (1753.1) 使徒们的信仰在喂养五千人之时达到高点,之后它快速降至接近零点。此时,作为主对他神性承认之结果,十二人的滞后信仰在接下几个周里升至最高点,只经历一种逐步的衰退。他们信仰的复兴直到主复活之后才发生。   158:1.5 (1753.1) The faith of the apostles was at a high point at the time of the feeding of the five thousand, and then it rapidly fell almost to zero. Now, as a result of the Master’s admission of his divinity, the lagging faith of the twelve arose in the next few weeks to its highest pitch, only to undergo a progressive decline. The third revival of their faith did not occur until after the Master’s resurrection.
158:1.6 (1753.2) 正是在这个美丽的下午大约三点左右,耶稣离开三个使徒,说道:“我要独自离开一段时间去与父和他的使者们交流;我吩咐你们留在这儿,在等待我返回的同时,祈祷父的意志在你们所有与人子进一步赠与使命相关经历中得以履行。”在对他们说完这一切之后,耶稣隐退与加百列和父者麦基洗德进行了一段长时间会谈,直到六点才返回。当耶稣看到他们对他长时间缺席的焦虑时,他说道:“你们为何害怕?你们清楚知道我必须要从事我父的事;当我不与你们在一起的时候,你们何故要怀疑?我现在宣布,神子已选择在你们中间并作为你们的一员而走完他的一生。振作起来;我不会离开你们,直到我的工作得以完成。”   158:1.6 (1753.2) It was about three o’clock on this beautiful afternoon that Jesus took leave of the three apostles, saying: “I go apart by myself for a season to commune with the Father and his messengers; I bid you tarry here and, while awaiting my return, pray that the Father’s will may be done in all your experience in connection with the further bestowal mission of the Son of Man.” And after saying this to them, Jesus withdrew for a long conference with Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek, not returning until about six o’clock. When Jesus saw their anxiety over his prolonged absence, he said: “Why were you afraid? You well know I must be about my Father’s business; wherefore do you doubt when I am not with you? I now declare that the Son of Man has chosen to go through his full life in your midst and as one of you. Be of good cheer; I will not leave you until my work is finished.”
158:1.7 (1753.3) 当他们吃简单的晚餐时,彼得问主,“我们在这座远离我们兄弟的山上留多久?”耶稣回答道:“直到你们会看到人子的荣光,并知道我向你们宣布的一切都是真的。”他们在他们火堆余烬周围就座同时,细谈了路西法反叛的诸多事务,直到暗夜临近,使徒们的双眼发沉,因为他们那天早上很早就开始了他们的旅程。   158:1.7 (1753.3) As they partook of their meager evening meal, Peter asked the Master, “How long do we remain on this mountain away from our brethren?” And Jesus answered: “Until you shall see the glory of the Son of Man and know that whatsoever I have declared to you is true.” And they talked over the affairs of the Lucifer rebellion while seated about the glowing embers of their fire until darkness drew on and the apostles’ eyes grew heavy, for they had begun their journey very early that morning.
158:1.8 (1753.4) 当这三个人熟睡了大约半个小时,他们被一种临近的噼啪声突然惊醒,令他们十分惊讶和错愕的是,在他们环顾四周时,他们看到耶稣在与两个穿着天界光袍的灿烂存有密切交谈。耶稣的脸和身体闪耀着天国之光的光辉。这三者以一种陌生的语言交谈,不过从某些所说的事中,彼得错误猜测到与耶稣交谈的存有是摩西和以利亚;实际上,他们是加百列和父者麦基洗德。物理控制者们由于耶稣的请求而安排了使徒们见证这一场面。   158:1.8 (1753.4) When the three had been fast asleep for about half an hour, they were suddenly awakened by a near-by crackling sound, and much to their amazement and consternation, on looking about them, they beheld Jesus in intimate converse with two brilliant beings clothed in the habiliments of the light of the celestial world. And Jesus’ face and form shone with the luminosity of a heavenly light. These three conversed in a strange language, but from certain things said, Peter erroneously conjectured that the beings with Jesus were Moses and Elijah; in reality, they were Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek. The physical controllers had arranged for the apostles to witness this scene because of Jesus’ request.
158:1.9 (1753.5) 这三个使徒极为害怕,以致他们慢慢才恢复理智,不过,当炫目的景象从他们面前逐渐褪去,他们观察到耶稣独自站立时,第一个恢复正常的彼得说道:“天呐,主,能在这儿太好了。我们很高兴看到这一荣光。我们不愿回去,下到不光彩的世界。如果您愿意,让我们住在这儿,我们将会搭起三座帐篷,一座为您,一座为摩西,一座为以利亚。”彼得由于他的困惑而说了这一切,因为就在那一刻,没有什么其他的进入他的脑海。   158:1.9 (1753.5) The three apostles were so badly frightened that they were slow in collecting their wits, but Peter, who was first to recover himself, said, as the dazzling vision faded from before them and they observed Jesus standing alone: “Jesus, Master, it is good to have been here. We rejoice to see this glory. We are loath to go back down to the inglorious world. If you are willing, let us abide here, and we will erect three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” And Peter said this because of his confusion, and because nothing else came into his mind at just that moment.
158:1.10 (1753.6) 当彼得还在说话的同时,一朵银色的云移近并笼罩了这四个人。使徒们此时极为害怕,当他们扑倒在地上去敬拜,他们听到一个在耶稣受洗时说过话的同一声音,说:“这是我的爱子;你们要听他的。”当这片云消失时,耶稣再次独自与三人在一起了,他俯下身触摸他们,说:“起来吧,不要害怕,你们会看到比这更伟大的事。”但使徒们真的害怕;当他们准备好在午夜之前不久下山时,他们三个人都默然深思。   158:1.10 (1753.6) While Peter was yet speaking, a silvery cloud drew near and overshadowed the four of them. The apostles now became greatly frightened, and as they fell down on their faces to worship, they heard a voice, the same that had spoken on the occasion of Jesus’ baptism, say: “This is my beloved Son; give heed to him.” And when the cloud vanished, again was Jesus alone with the three, and he reached down and touched them, saying: “Arise and be not afraid; you shall see greater things than this.” But the apostles were truly afraid; they were a silent and thoughtful trio as they made ready to descend the mountain shortly before midnight.
2. 下山 ^top   2. Coming Down the Mountain ^top
158:2.1 (1754.1) 下山大约一半路程中没人说一句话。耶稣之后以下面的话开始了谈话:“你们在这山上看到和听到的一切,确定不要告诉任何人,甚至是你们的兄弟,直到人子从死中复活。”他们新近刚再次确认了他们对他作为拯救者、神子的信仰,他们刚看到他在他们眼前荣光变像,此时他竟开始谈论“从死中复活”!   158:2.1 (1754.1) For about half the distance down the mountain not a word was spoken. Jesus then began the conversation by remarking: “Make certain that you tell no man, not even your brethren, what you have seen and heard on this mountain until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.” The three apostles were shocked and bewildered by the Master’s words, “until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.” They had so recently reaffirmed their faith in him as the Deliverer, the Son of God, and they had just beheld him transfigured in glory before their very eyes, and now he began to talk about “rising from the dead”!
158:2.2 (1754.2) 彼得一想到主之将死就不寒而栗 -- 要怀有这种想法太令人不快 -- 由于害怕詹姆斯和约翰或许会问某个与这一陈述相关的问题,他想最好开启一个转移性的会话,由于不知要谈论其他什么内容,他表达了进入他心智中的第一个想法,那就是:“主啊,为什么文士说以利亚必须在弥赛亚出现之前先来?”耶稣知道彼得试图避免提及他的死去和复活,回答道:“以利亚的确会先来为人子准备好道路,他必定遭受许多事情并最终被拒绝。不过我告诉你们,以利亚已经到来了,他们并未接受他而随他们的意来对待他。”这时这三个使徒才察觉到,他指的是施洗者约翰为以利亚。耶稣知道,若他们坚持将他视为弥赛亚,那么约翰必定是预言中的以利亚。   158:2.2 (1754.2) Peter shuddered at the thought of the Master’s dying—it was too disagreeable an idea to entertain—and fearing that James or John might ask some question relative to this statement, he thought best to start up a diverting conversation and, not knowing what else to talk about, gave expression to the first thought coming into his mind, which was: “Master, why is it that the scribes say that Elijah must first come before the Messiah shall appear?” And Jesus, knowing that Peter sought to avoid reference to his death and resurrection, answered: “Elijah indeed comes first to prepare the way for the Son of Man, who must suffer many things and finally be rejected. But I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they received him not but did to him whatsoever they willed.” And then did the three apostles perceive that he referred to John the Baptist as Elijah. Jesus knew that, if they insisted on regarding him as the Messiah, then must John be the Elijah of the prophecy.
158:2.3 (1754.3) 耶稣嘱咐对于他们观察到的他复活之后的荣光之预尝保持沉默,因为他不想培育以下这种观念,即由于此时被接受为弥赛亚,他会在任意程度上满足他们关于一个施展奇迹的拯救者的错误概念。尽管彼得、詹姆斯和约翰在他们心中细思了所有这一切,但他们直到主复活之后才对人谈及此事。   158:2.3 (1754.3) Jesus enjoined silence about their observation of the foretaste of his postresurrection glory because he did not want to foster the notion that, being now received as the Messiah, he would in any degree fulfill their erroneous concepts of a wonder-working deliverer. Although Peter, James, and John pondered all this in their minds, they spoke not of it to any man until after the Master’s resurrection.
158:2.4 (1754.4) 随着他们继续下山,耶稣对他们说:“你们不愿接受我为人子;因此我同意了去依照你们既定的判定而被接受,不过,不要弄错,我父的意志必定获胜。若你们由此选择跟随你们自己意志之倾向,你们必定要准备好遭受许多失望,并经历许多试炼,不过我给予你们的培训应足以成功带你们摆脱你们自己选择的这些痛苦。”   158:2.4 (1754.4) As they continued to descend the mountain, Jesus said to them: “You would not receive me as the Son of Man; therefore have I consented to be received in accordance with your settled determination, but, mistake not, the will of my Father must prevail. If you thus choose to follow the inclination of your own wills, you must prepare to suffer many disappointments and experience many trials, but the training which I have given you should suffice to bring you triumphantly through even these sorrows of your own choosing.”
158:2.5 (1754.5) 耶稣带领彼得、詹姆斯和约翰上到变像之山,并非因为他们在任何意义上比其他使徒更好准备好了来见证发生的一切,也并非因为他们在灵性上更为适宜来享有这样一种特权。一点也不。他清楚知道十二人中没有一个在灵性上有资格获得这一体验;因此他只随身带三个在他想要独自享有单独交流时被委派伴随他的使徒。   158:2.5 (1754.5) Jesus did not take Peter, James, and John with him up to the mount of the transfiguration because they were in any sense better prepared than the other apostles to witness what happened, or because they were spiritually more fit to enjoy such a rare privilege. Not at all. He well knew that none of the twelve were spiritually qualified for this experience; therefore did he take with him only the three apostles who were assigned to accompany him at those times when he desired to be alone to enjoy solitary communion.
3. 变像之意义 ^top   3. Meaning of the Transfiguration ^top
158:3.1 (1755.1) 詹姆斯和约翰在变像之山上见证到的,是对那重大一天在赫尔蒙山上发生的天界盛会的匆匆一瞥。变像是以下情形所形成的时机:   158:3.1 (1755.1) That which Peter, James, and John witnessed on the mount of transfiguration was a fleeting glimpse of a celestial pageant which transpired that eventful day on Mount Hermon. The transfiguration was the occasion of:
158:3.2 (1755.2) 1.由天堂永恒母体之子对迈克尔在玉苒厦化身生命之赠予充分的接受。就永恒之子的要求而言,耶稣此时收到了它们已获满足的确保。加百列带给了耶稣那一确保。   158:3.2 (1755.2) 1. The acceptance of the fullness of the bestowal of the incarnated life of Michael on Urantia by the Eternal Mother-Son of Paradise. As far as concerned the requirements of the Eternal Son, Jesus had now received assurance of their fulfillment. And Gabriel brought Jesus that assurance.
158:3.3 (1755.3) 2. 无限之灵对于以凡人肉身之形在玉苒厦赠予的充分满意之证词。无限之灵的宇宙代表,迈克尔在萨尔文顿的贴身伴侣和他永远同在的合作者,在这一时机通过父者麦基洗德讲话了。   158:3.3 (1755.3) 2. The testimony of the satisfaction of the Infinite Spirit as to the fullness of the Urantia bestowal in the likeness of mortal flesh. The universe representative of the Infinite Spirit, the immediate associate of Michael on Salvington and his ever-present coworker, on this occasion spoke through the Father Melchizedek.
158:3.4 (1755.4) 耶稣欣然接受了由永恒之子和无限之灵的使者所呈现的关于他世上使命成功之证词,但他留意到他的父总并未表明玉苒厦赠与结束了;父的不可见临在只通过耶稣的人格化调整者作证说,“这是我的爱子;你们要听他的。”这以话语方式说出,也被三位使徒听到了。   158:3.4 (1755.4) Jesus welcomed this testimony regarding the success of his earth mission presented by the messengers of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, but he noted that his Father did not indicate that the Urantia bestowal was finished; only did the unseen presence of the Father bear witness through Jesus’ Personalized Adjuster, saying, “This is my beloved Son; give heed to him.” And this was spoken in words to be heard also by the three apostles.
158:3.5 (1755.5) 在这次天界造访之后,耶稣试图知晓他父的意志,并决定寻求凡间赠与的自然结束。这就是变像对于耶稣的重要性。对于三位使徒而言,它是一个标志着主作为人子和神子进入他世上生涯之最终阶段的事件。   158:3.5 (1755.5) After this celestial visitation Jesus sought to know his Father’s will and decided to pursue the mortal bestowal to its natural end. This was the significance of the transfiguration to Jesus. To the three apostles it was an event marking the entrance of the Master upon the final phase of his earth career as the Son of God and the Son of Man.
158:3.6 (1755.6) 在加百列和父者麦基洗德的正式造访之后,耶稣与他的这两位侍奉之子举行过非正式谈话,并就这个宇宙的诸多事务与他们交流。   158:3.6 (1755.6) After the formal visitation of Gabriel and the Father Melchizedek, Jesus held informal converse with these, his Sons of ministry, and communed with them concerning the affairs of the universe.
4. 患癫痫的男孩 ^top   4. The Epileptic Boy ^top
158:4.1 (1755.7) 正是在这个周二早上早饭时间之前不久,耶稣和他的陪伴者们抵达了使徒营地。当他们走近时,他们隐约看见一大群人聚集在使徒周围,不久开始听到这个由大约包含了五十人的人群争吵和辩论的大声话语,这包含了九个使徒,以及一群追随耶稣和他同伴从玛加丹旅程的耶路撒冷文士和信奉门徒的均分人员。   158:4.1 (1755.7) It was shortly before breakfast time on this Tuesday morning when Jesus and his companions arrived at the apostolic camp. As they drew near, they discerned a considerable crowd gathered around the apostles and soon began to hear the loud words of argument and disputation of this group of about fifty persons, embracing the nine apostles and a gathering equally divided between Jerusalem scribes and believing disciples who had tracked Jesus and his associates in their journey from Magadan.
158:4.2 (1755.8) 尽管人群忙于众多争吵,主要争论则是关于某个提比利亚的居民,他前一天抵达寻求耶稣。这个人,萨法德的詹姆斯,有一个大约十四岁的儿子,一个唯一的孩子,他因癫痫受严重折磨。除了这一精神疾病,这个孩子也被那些当时在世且未被控制的、流浪的且恶意的反叛中道者之一所附体,因此这个少年既患癫痫,又被恶魔附体。   158:4.2 (1755.8) Although the crowd engaged in numerous arguments, the chief controversy was about a certain citizen of Tiberias who had arrived the preceding day in quest of Jesus. This man, James of Safed, had a son about fourteen years old, an only child, who was severely afflicted with epilepsy. In addition to this nervous malady this lad had become possessed by one of those wandering, mischievous, and rebellious midwayers who were then present on earth and uncontrolled, so that the youth was both epileptic and demon-possessed.
158:4.3 (1755.9) 几近两个周以来,这位焦急的父亲,希律·安提帕斯属下的一个小官员,在菲利普领地西部边界徘徊,寻求耶稣以便他可以恳求他治愈这个受折磨的儿子。直到耶稣和三个使徒上山之前这天大约中午之时,他才赶上了使徒团队。   158:4.3 (1755.9) For almost two weeks this anxious father, a minor official of Herod Antipas, had wandered about through the western borders of Philip’s domains, seeking Jesus that he might entreat him to cure this afflicted son. And he did not catch up with the apostolic party until about noon of this day when Jesus was up on the mountain with the three apostles.
158:4.4 (1756.1) 当这个人由几近四十个正在寻找耶稣的其他人伴随,突然来到这九个使徒跟前时,他们非常惊讶,而且相当忐忑。在这群人抵达之时,九个使徒,至少他们当中大多数,屈从于他们旧有的诱惑 -- 讨论谁在到来的王国中应为最大;他们忙着争论有关单个使徒可能被委任的位置。他们简直无法令自身从梦寐以求的弥赛亚物质性使命的观念中摆脱出来。既然耶稣自己接受了他们有关他的确是拯救者的坦承 -- 至少他已承认他拥有神性这一事实 -- 在这段分开的时期,他们陷入讨论关于他们心中那些最高希望和抱负,没有比那再自然不过的了。当萨法德的詹姆斯和他寻找耶稣的同伴们来到他们跟前时,他们正忙于这些讨论。   158:4.4 (1756.1) The nine apostles were much surprised and considerably perturbed when this man, accompanied by almost forty other persons who were looking for Jesus, suddenly came upon them. At the time of the arrival of this group the nine apostles, at least the majority of them, had succumbed to their old temptation—that of discussing who should be greatest in the coming kingdom; they were busily arguing about the probable positions which would be assigned the individual apostles. They simply could not free themselves entirely from the long-cherished idea of the material mission of the Messiah. And now that Jesus himself had accepted their confession that he was indeed the Deliverer—at least he had admitted the fact of his divinity—what was more natural than that, during this period of separation from the Master, they should fall to talking about those hopes and ambitions which were uppermost in their hearts. And they were engaged in these discussions when James of Safed and his fellow seekers after Jesus came upon them.
158:4.5 (1756.2) 安德鲁走上前去迎接这位父亲和他儿子,说,“你们找谁?”詹姆斯说:“我的好人儿,我寻找你们的主。我为我受折磨的儿子寻求治愈。我想要耶稣将附身我孩子的这个恶魔赶出来。”之后,这个父亲接着向使徒们叙述他儿子如何受折磨,以致他由于这些恶意发作多次近乎失去他的生命。   158:4.5 (1756.2) Andrew stepped up to greet this father and his son, saying, “Whom do you seek?” Said James: “My good man, I search for your Master. I seek healing for my afflicted son. I would have Jesus cast out this devil that possesses my child.” And then the father proceeded to relate to the apostles how his son was so afflicted that he had many times almost lost his life as a result of these malignant seizures.
158:4.6 (1756.3) 随着使徒倾听,奋锐党人西蒙和犹大·以斯加略走到这个父亲面前,说:“我们可以治愈他;你们不需要等主返回。我们是王国的使者;我们已不再将这些事情持为秘密。耶稣是拯救者,王国的钥匙已被传给我们了。”到此时为止,安德鲁和多玛斯在一边协商,纳撒尼尔和其他人则怀着惊奇观看;他们都被西蒙和犹大的突然勇敢、若非放肆惊呆了。之后这位父亲说:“如果你们已获准做这些工作,我祈祷你们会说那些令我孩子从这一束缚中获得解脱的话语。”之后,西蒙走上前,将他的手放在孩子头上,直视他的双眼并命令道:“从他里面出来吧,你这个不洁之灵;奉耶稣之名服从我。”但这个孩子只有更为激烈的发作,与此同时文士们则嘲笑使徒们,失望的信奉者们则遭到了这些不友好批评者们的讥讽。   158:4.6 (1756.3) As the apostles listened, Simon Zelotes and Judas Iscariot stepped into the presence of the father, saying: “We can heal him; you need not wait for the Master’s return. We are ambassadors of the kingdom; no longer do we hold these things in secret. Jesus is the Deliverer, and the keys of the kingdom have been delivered to us.” By this time Andrew and Thomas were in consultation at one side. Nathaniel and the others looked on in amazement; they were all aghast at the sudden boldness, if not presumption, of Simon and Judas. Then said the father: “If it has been given you to do these works, I pray that you will speak those words which will deliver my child from this bondage.” Then Simon stepped forward and, placing his hand on the head of the child, looked directly into his eyes and commanded: “Come out of him, you unclean spirit; in the name of Jesus obey me.” But the lad had only a more violent fit, while the scribes mocked the apostles in derision, and the disappointed believers suffered the taunts of these unfriendly critics.
158:4.7 (1756.4) 安德鲁对这一欠考虑的努力及其凄惨失败深感懊恼。他召唤使徒们到一边进行商讨和祈祷。在这段沉思之后,安德鲁由于强烈感觉到他们失败的刺痛,并察觉出停留在他们所有人身上的耻辱,第二次尝试寻求赶出恶魔,不过他的努力也仅以失败告终。安德鲁坦率承认失败,并请求这位父亲与他们过夜或是直到耶稣返回,说:“或许这类除了靠主的命令以外不会出去。”   158:4.7 (1756.4) Andrew was deeply chagrined at this ill-advised effort and its dismal failure. He called the apostles aside for conference and prayer. After this season of meditation, feeling keenly the sting of their defeat and sensing the humiliation resting upon all of them, Andrew sought, in a second attempt, to cast out the demon, but only failure crowned his efforts. Andrew frankly confessed defeat and requested the father to remain with them overnight or until Jesus’ return, saying: “Perhaps this sort goes not out except by the Master’s personal command.”
158:4.8 (1756.5) 因此,当耶稣与兴高采烈、欣喜若狂的彼得、詹姆斯和约翰下山时,他们的九个兄弟同样因困惑和沮丧耻辱而一夜未眠。他们是沮丧而又受压抑的一群人,不过萨法德的詹姆斯并未放弃。尽管就耶稣何时返回而言他们无法给他任何主意,但他仍决定留下来,直到主回来。   158:4.8 (1756.5) And so, while Jesus was descending the mountain with the exuberant and ecstatic Peter, James, and John, their nine brethren likewise were sleepless in their confusion and downcast humiliation. They were a dejected and chastened group. But James of Safed would not give up. Although they could give him no idea as to when Jesus might return, he decided to stay on until the Master came back.
5. 耶稣治愈男孩 ^top   5. Jesus Heals the Boy ^top
158:5.1 (1757.1) 随着耶稣走近,这九个使徒如释重负地去迎接他,看到彼得、詹姆斯和约翰洋溢着兴高采烈和异常热情的表情,他们大受鼓舞。他们都冲上前去迎接耶稣和他们三个兄弟。当他们互致问候,人群走近了,耶稣问道:“当我们走近时,你们在争论什么?”不过,在尴尬蒙羞的使徒们回答主的问题之前,受折磨孩子的焦急父亲走上前,跪在耶稣脚前,说:“主,我有一个儿子,唯一的孩子,他被邪灵附身。他不但惊恐大叫,口吐白沫,在发作时像一个死人般倒下,而且这个附他身的邪灵还时常使他抽搐,有时将他投入水中甚至火中。伴随经常磨牙以及许多瘀伤的结果,我的孩子日渐衰弱。他的生命比死亡还糟糕;他母亲和我十分伤心,精神崩溃。大约昨天中午,我一直寻找你,赶上了您的门徒,当我们等待时,您的使徒试图赶出这一恶魔,但他们无法做到。现在,主,您能为我们做这吗,您能治愈我儿子吗?”   158:5.1 (1757.1) As Jesus drew near, the nine apostles were more than relieved to welcome him, and they were greatly encouraged to behold the good cheer and unusual enthusiasm which marked the countenances of Peter, James, and John. They all rushed forward to greet Jesus and their three brethren. As they exchanged greetings, the crowd came up, and Jesus asked, “What were you disputing about as we drew near?” But before the disconcerted and humiliated apostles could reply to the Master’s question, the anxious father of the afflicted lad stepped forward and, kneeling at Jesus’ feet, said: “Master, I have a son, an only child, who is possessed by an evil spirit. Not only does he cry out in terror, foam at the mouth, and fall like a dead person at the time of seizure, but oftentimes this evil spirit which possesses him rends him in convulsions and sometimes has cast him into the water and even into the fire. With much grinding of teeth and as a result of many bruises, my child wastes away. His life is worse than death; his mother and I are of a sad heart and a broken spirit. About noon yesterday, seeking for you, I caught up with your disciples, and while we were waiting, your apostles sought to cast out this demon, but they could not do it. And now, Master, will you do this for us, will you heal my son?”
158:5.2 (1757.2) 当耶稣听完这一陈述,他触碰跪着的父亲并请他起来,与此同时他仔细打量了一番附近的使徒们。之后,耶稣对所有那些站在他面前的人说:“啊,毫无信仰而又不通情理的一代,我要忍你们多久?我要陪你们多久?你们要多久才能学会信仰之运作并非出于怀疑不信?”之后,耶稣指向困惑的父亲,说道:“带你儿子到这儿。”当詹姆斯把孩子带到耶稣面前,他问道:“这个男孩受此折磨多久了?”父亲回答道,“自从他是小孩子以来。”当他们谈话时,这个少年遭到一次猛烈攻击并倒在他们中间,咬牙切齿,口吐白沫。在一连串激烈抽搐之后,他如同一个死人般躺在他们面前。此时这位父亲再次跪在耶稣脚前,与此同时他恳求耶稣,说:“如果您能治愈他,我恳求您怜悯我们,让我们摆脱这种折磨吧。”当耶稣听到这些话语,他低头看向这个父亲焦急的面庞,说:“不要质疑我父爱的大能,而只质疑你信仰的真诚和广度。凡是真正相信之人,万事皆有可能。”之后萨法德的詹姆斯便说了那些信仰和怀疑夹杂的、被长久记得的话语,“主,我信,我祈求您帮助我的不信。”   158:5.2 (1757.2) When Jesus had listened to this recital, he touched the kneeling father and bade him rise while he gave the near-by apostles a searching survey. Then said Jesus to all those who stood before him: “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I bear with you? How long shall I be with you? How long ere you learn that the works of faith come not forth at the bidding of doubting unbelief?” And then, pointing to the bewildered father, Jesus said, “Bring hither your son.” And when James had brought the lad before Jesus, he asked, “How long has the boy been afflicted in this way?” The father answered, “Since he was a very young child.” And as they talked, the youth was seized with a violent attack and fell in their midst, gnashing his teeth and foaming at the mouth. After a succession of violent convulsions he lay there before them as one dead. Now did the father again kneel at Jesus’ feet while he implored the Master, saying: “If you can cure him, I beseech you to have compassion on us and deliver us from this affliction.” And when Jesus heard these words, he looked down into the father’s anxious face, saying: “Question not my Father’s power of love, only the sincerity and reach of your faith. All things are possible to him who really believes.” And then James of Safed spoke those long-to-be-remembered words of commingled faith and doubt, “Lord, I believe. I pray you help my unbelief.”
158:5.3 (1757.3) 当耶稣听到这些话语,他走上前拉住孩子的手,说道:“我将依照我父的意志,并为纪念鲜活的信仰做这一切。我的孩子,起来!从他身上出来,不服从之灵,不要再回到他身上。”耶稣将孩子的手放到这位父亲手中,说道:“走吧。父已经授予你灵魂的渴望。”所有在场之人,甚至耶稣的敌人,都对他们看到的一切非常吃惊。   158:5.3 (1757.3) When Jesus heard these words, he stepped forward and, taking the lad by the hand, said: “I will do this in accordance with my Father’s will and in honor of living faith. My son, arise! Come out of him, disobedient spirit, and go not back into him.” And placing the hand of the lad in the hand of the father, Jesus said: “Go your way. The Father has granted the desire of your soul.” And all who were present, even the enemies of Jesus, were astonished at what they saw.
158:5.4 (1757.4) 对于如此近来享受到变像场景和经历之灵性狂喜、又如此不久回到他们同伴使徒的失败和难堪这一场景的三位使徒来说,这的确是一场幻灭。不过这十二位王国使者一直如此。在他们的人生经历中,他们始终在得意和耻辱之间交替。   158:5.4 (1757.4) It was indeed a disillusionment for the three apostles who had so recently enjoyed the spiritual ecstasy of the scenes and experiences of the transfiguration, so soon to return to this scene of the defeat and discomfiture of their fellow apostles. But it was ever so with these twelve ambassadors of the kingdom. They never failed to alternate between exaltation and humiliation in their life experiences.
158:5.5 (1758.1) 这是对双重折磨、即肉体疾病和精神疾病的真正疗愈。这个孩子从那时起被永久治愈了。当詹姆斯与他复原的儿子离开时,耶稣说:“我们现在去凯撒利亚-腓立比吧;马上做好准备。”当他们南行时,他们是无语的一群人,而人群则继续在后面跟着。   158:5.5 (1758.1) This was a true healing of a double affliction, a physical ailment and a spirit malady. And the lad was permanently cured from that hour. When James had departed with his restored son, Jesus said: “We go now to Caesarea-Philippi; make ready at once.” And they were a quiet group as they journeyed southward while the crowd followed on behind.
6. 在塞尔苏斯的花园 ^top   6. In Celsus’ Garden ^top
158:6.1 (1758.2) 他们在塞尔苏斯那儿待了一夜,那天晚上在花园中,在他们吃完休息之后,十二人聚在耶稣周围,多玛斯说道:“主,尽管我们留下的人对山上发生的一切一无所知,这一切令我们与您同行的兄弟大为鼓舞,但我们却渴望让您就我们的失败与我们交谈,并在这些事务上指示我们,既然那些发生在山上的事此时无法予以揭示。”   158:6.1 (1758.2) They remained overnight with Celsus, and that evening in the garden, after they had eaten and rested, the twelve gathered about Jesus, and Thomas said: “Master, while we who tarried behind still remain ignorant of what transpired up on the mountain, and which so greatly cheered our brethren who were with you, we crave to have you talk with us concerning our defeat and instruct us in these matters, seeing that those things which happened on the mountain cannot be disclosed at this time.”
158:6.2 (1758.3) 耶稣回答多玛斯,说:“你们兄弟在山上听到的一切,会在适当时机揭示给你们。不过现在我将向你们说明你们在那件如此不明智尝试的事中失败的原因。当你们的主和他的同伴、即你的兄弟们上那边山上去寻求对父之意志的更大了解、并请求智慧的一种更丰盛赠与以有效履行那一意志,你们留在这儿当值、怀着指示去努力获得灵性洞见之心并与我们一起祈求父之意志更充分启示的人,未能施展任你们掌握的信仰,相反却屈从于诱惑,陷入你们旧有的邪恶倾向,为你们自身在天国中寻求优先地位 -- 即你们坚持考虑物质性世俗王国。尽管有反复声明我的王国不属于这个世界,你们却仍旧紧抓这些错误的概念。   158:6.2 (1758.3) And Jesus answered Thomas, saying: “Everything which your brethren heard on the mountain shall be revealed to you in due season. But I will now show you the cause of your defeat in that which you so unwisely attempted. While your Master and his companions, your brethren, ascended yonder mountain yesterday to seek for a larger knowledge of the Father’s will and to ask for a richer endowment of wisdom effectively to do that divine will, you who remained on watch here with instructions to strive to acquire the mind of spiritual insight and to pray with us for a fuller revelation of the Father’s will, failed to exercise the faith at your command but, instead, yielded to the temptation and fell into your old evil tendencies to seek for yourselves preferred places in the kingdom of heaven—the material and temporal kingdom which you persist in contemplating. And you cling to these erroneous concepts in spite of the reiterated declaration that my kingdom is not of this world.
158:6.3 (1758.4) “你们的信仰刚理解人子的身份,你们寻求世间优先权的自私愿望便又潜回到你们身上,你们陷入相互讨论谁应在天国中为大,这个如你们所坚持构想的王国并不存在,也不应存在。我难道没告诉过你们,在我父灵性兄弟情谊所组成王国中最大者,必在他自己眼中变得渺小,并由此成为他兄弟的服务者吗?灵性伟大在于一种似神般的体谅之爱,而不在于一种对于自我抬升之物质权利运作之享受。在你们尝试的事情中,在你们彻底失败的这一切中,你们的意图并非是纯粹的。你们的动机并非是神圣的。你们的理念并非是灵性的。你们的抱负并非是利他的。你们的手段并非是基于爱,你们要达成的目标并非是天父的意志。   158:6.3 (1758.4) “No sooner does your faith grasp the identity of the Son of Man than your selfish desire for worldly preferment creeps back upon you, and you fall to discussing among yourselves as to who should be greatest in the kingdom of heaven, a kingdom which, as you persist in conceiving it, does not exist, nor ever shall. Have not I told you that he who would be greatest in the kingdom of my Father’s spiritual brotherhood must become little in his own eyes and thus become the server of his brethren? Spiritual greatness consists in an understanding love that is Godlike and not in an enjoyment of the exercise of material power for the exaltation of self. In what you attempted, in which you so completely failed, your purpose was not pure. Your motive was not divine. Your ideal was not spiritual. Your ambition was not altruistic. Your procedure was not based on love, and your goal of attainment was not the will of the Father in heaven.
158:6.4 (1758.5) “你们要多久才学会,你们无法从时间上缩短既定自然现象之过程,除非在这种事情是依照父之意志之时?你们也无法在灵性权能缺席时履行灵性工作。若没有那第三种必要人类因素,即对鲜活信仰之拥有的个人体验,你们就无法做到这两样,即便当它们的潜力存在之时。难道你们必须总是要拥有物质显现物作为对王国灵性实相的一种吸引吗?若没有非凡工作的可见展现,难道你们就无法把握我使命的灵性要义了吗?你们何时才能值得被依赖去坚持王国的更高灵性实相,而不管所有物质显现的外在表现?”   158:6.4 (1758.5) “How long will it take you to learn that you cannot time-shorten the course of established natural phenomena except when such things are in accordance with the Father’s will? nor can you do spiritual work in the absence of spiritual power. And you can do neither of these, even when their potential is present, without the existence of that third and essential human factor, the personal experience of the possession of living faith. Must you always have material manifestations as an attraction for the spiritual realities of the kingdom? Can you not grasp the spirit significance of my mission without the visible exhibition of unusual works? When can you be depended upon to adhere to the higher and spiritual realities of the kingdom regardless of the outward appearance of all material manifestations?”
158:6.5 (1759.1) 当耶稣对十二人这样说完时,他补充道:“现在你们休息吧,因为第二天我们要返回玛加丹,并在那儿就我们对德加波利斯城市和乡村的使命进行商量。作为今天经历的总结,让我向你们每个人宣布,我在山上对你们兄弟所说的话,让这些话语在你们心中找到一种深刻的沉淀:人子此时进入赠与的最后阶段。我们就要开始那些不久会导致对你们信仰和奉献最终极大考验的劳作了,那时我会被交到那些寻求我毁灭之人的手中。要记住我此时对你们所说:人子会被处死,但他必将再次复活。”   158:6.5 (1759.1) When Jesus had thus spoken to the twelve, he added: “And now go to your rest, for on the morrow we return to Magadan and there take counsel concerning our mission to the cities and villages of the Decapolis. And in the conclusion of this day’s experience, let me declare to each of you that which I spoke to your brethren on the mountain, and let these words find a deep lodgment in your hearts: The Son of Man now enters upon the last phase of the bestowal. We are about to begin those labors which shall presently lead to the great and final testing of your faith and devotion when I shall be delivered into the hands of the men who seek my destruction. And remember what I am saying to you: The Son of Man will be put to death, but he shall rise again.”
158:6.6 (1759.2) 他们悲伤地退回休息了一夜。他们很困惑;他们无法理解这些话语。尽管他们害怕去询问有关他所说一切的任何事,但他们的确在他复活后忆起了这所说的一切。   158:6.6 (1759.2) They retired for the night, sorrowful. They were bewildered; they could not comprehend these words. And while they were afraid to ask aught concerning what he had said, they did recall all of it subsequent to his resurrection.
7. 彼得的反对 ^top   7. Peter’s Protest ^top
158:7.1 (1759.3) 这个周三清早,耶稣和十二人从凯撒利亚-腓立比出发,前往靠近伯赛大-朱利亚斯的玛加丹园。那晚使徒们睡得很少;因此他们起来得早,并准备好出发了。甚至迟钝的阿尔斐孪生兄弟也被这场关于耶稣之死的谈话震惊了。随着他们南行,就在越过米伦水域之后,他们来到大马士革道路,希望避开文士和其他人,耶稣知道他们不久就会跟在他们后面,他指示他们通过经由加利利的大马士革道路继续去往迦百农。他这样做是因为他知道那些跟随他的人将会沿着东约旦河道路继续走下去,由于他们估算耶稣和使徒们不敢穿过希律·安提帕斯的领地。耶稣试图避开跟随他的批评者和人群,这样他可以这天单独与他使徒们在一起。   158:7.1 (1759.3) Early this Wednesday morning Jesus and the twelve departed from Caesarea-Philippi for Magadan Park near Bethsaida-Julias. The apostles had slept very little that night, so they were up early and ready to go. Even the stolid Alpheus twins had been shocked by this talk about the death of Jesus. As they journeyed south, just beyond the Waters of Merom they came to the Damascus road, and desiring to avoid the scribes and others whom Jesus knew would presently be coming along after them, he directed that they go on to Capernaum by the Damascus road which passes through Galilee. And he did this because he knew that those who followed after him would go on down over the east Jordan road since they reckoned that Jesus and the apostles would fear to pass through the territory of Herod Antipas. Jesus sought to elude his critics and the crowd which followed him that he might be alone with his apostles this day.
158:7.2 (1759.4) 他们经由加利利继续前行,直到过了他们午饭时间,这是他们在阴凉处停下恢复一下。在他们吃完食物后,安德鲁对耶稣说:“主,我的兄弟们不理解您的深刻话语。我们逐渐全然相信您就是神子,而现在我们却听到关于离开我们、关于将死的奇怪话语。我们不理解您的教导。您在用寓言方式对我们说话吗?我们祈求您直接以公开形式对我们说话。”   158:7.2 (1759.4) They traveled on through Galilee until well past the time for their lunch, when they stopped in the shade to refresh themselves. And after they had partaken of food, Andrew, speaking to Jesus, said: “Master, my brethren do not comprehend your deep sayings. We have come fully to believe that you are the Son of God, and now we hear these strange words about leaving us, about dying. We do not understand your teaching. Are you speaking to us in parables? We pray you to speak to us directly and in undisguised form.”
158:7.3 (1759.5) 在回答安德鲁过程中,耶稣说:“我的兄弟们,正是因为你们坦承我是神子,我才被迫开始向你们展露关于人子在世上赠与之结局的真相。你们坚持紧抓我是弥赛亚的信念不放,你们不会放弃弥赛亚必定坐上耶路撒冷王座的观念;因此我坚持告诉你们,人子不久必定去往耶路撒冷,遭受许多事情,会被文士、长老和祭司长所拒绝,在所有这一切之后被杀死并从死中复活。我并未向你们讲寓言;我向你们讲述真相,这样在它们突然降临到我们身上时,你们可为这些事件做好准备。”当他还在说话时,西蒙·彼得急匆匆冲向他,将他的手放在主的肩膀上,说道:“主,我们远非要与您争论,不过我宣布,这些事情决不会发生在您身上。”   158:7.3 (1759.5) In answer to Andrew, Jesus said: “My brethren, it is because you have confessed that I am the Son of God that I am constrained to begin to unfold to you the truth about the end of the bestowal of the Son of Man on earth. You insist on clinging to the belief that I am the Messiah, and you will not abandon the idea that the Messiah must sit upon a throne in Jerusalem; wherefore do I persist in telling you that the Son of Man must presently go to Jerusalem, suffer many things, be rejected by the scribes, the elders, and the chief priests, and after all this be killed and raised from the dead. And I speak not a parable to you; I speak the truth to you that you may be prepared for these events when they suddenly come upon us.” And while he was yet speaking, Simon Peter, rushing impetuously toward him, laid his hand upon the Master’s shoulder and said: “Master, be it far from us to contend with you, but I declare that these things shall never happen to you.”
158:7.4 (1760.1) 彼得这样说,是因为他爱耶稣;不过主的人性本质在这些充满出于好意之深情的话语中认识到了微妙的、充满诱惑的暗示,以致他会改变他依照他天堂之父意志将他世上赠与追求到底的方针。正是因为他察觉到让他深爱而又忠诚的朋友之暗示劝阻他的危险,他转向彼得和其他使徒,说:“退到我后面。你散发着撒旦(即诱惑者)这个敌手之灵的味道。当你以此方式说话时,你并未在我这一边,而是在我们敌人一边。以此方式你会令你对我的爱成为我履行父之意志的绊脚石。不要介意人的方式,而是要介意神的意志。”   158:7.4 (1760.1) Peter spoke thus because he loved Jesus; but the Master’s human nature recognized in these words of well-meant affection the subtle suggestion of temptation that he change his policy of pursuing to the end his earth bestowal in accordance with the will of his Paradise Father. And it was because he detected the danger of permitting the suggestions of even his affectionate and loyal friends to dissuade him, that he turned upon Peter and the other apostles, saying: “Get you behind me. You savor of the spirit of the adversary, the tempter. When you talk in this manner, you are not on my side but rather on the side of our enemy. In this way do you make your love for me a stumbling block to my doing the Father’s will. Mind not the ways of men but rather the will of God.”
158:7.5 (1760.2) 在他们从耶稣尖刻斥责的最初震惊中恢复过来之后,在他们继续旅程之前,主进一步说道:“如果有人想要跟随我,让他忽视自己,承担起他的日常责任,并追随我。凡要自私救自己生命的,必丧掉生命,但凡为了我和福音的利益失掉生命的,必得着生命。人若赢得全世界却失掉他自己的灵魂,这有什么益处呢?人要给出什么换永生呢?不要对我和我对这代罪恶和虚伪的人的话语感到难为情,正如我在所有天界大军临在中怀着荣光出现在我父亲面前时,不会为答谢你们感到难为情一样。尽管如此,此时站在我面前的你们当中许多人在品尝死亡之前,会看到神的这一王国怀着权能到来。”   158:7.5 (1760.2) After they had recovered from the first shock of Jesus’ stinging rebuke, and before they resumed their journey, the Master spoke further: “If any man would come after me, let him disregard himself, take up his responsibilities daily, and follow me. For whosoever would save his life selfishly, shall lose it, but whosoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s, shall save it. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? What would a man give in exchange for eternal life? Be not ashamed of me and my words in this sinful and hypocritical generation, even as I will not be ashamed to acknowledge you when in glory I appear before my Father in the presence of all the celestial hosts. Nevertheless, many of you now standing before me shall not taste death till you see this kingdom of God come with power.”
158:7.6 (1760.3) 耶稣就这样向十二人说清楚了,如果他们要追随他,他们必定要踏上的痛苦和充满冲突的道路。对于这些坚持梦想一个自己拥有荣誉地位之世间王国的加利利渔夫们来说,这些话语是何其一种震惊啊!不过他们的忠诚心灵被这一充满勇气的呼求所搅动,他们没有一个人有意要抛弃他。耶稣并未将他们独自送入冲突中;他在引领他们。他只是要求他们勇敢追随。   158:7.6 (1760.3) And thus did Jesus make plain to the twelve the painful and conflicting path which they must tread if they would follow him. What a shock these words were to these Galilean fishermen who persisted in dreaming of an earthly kingdom with positions of honor for themselves! But their loyal hearts were stirred by this courageous appeal, and not one of them was minded to forsake him. Jesus was not sending them alone into the conflict; he was leading them. He asked only that they bravely follow.
158:7.7 (1760.4) 十二人慢慢把握了耶稣告诉他们的关于他有可能死去的想法。他们只是模糊理解了他所说的关于他之死的内容。而他关于从死中复活的陈述则完全未引起他们的注意。随着日子过去,彼得、詹姆斯和约翰回顾他们在变像之山上的经历,对这些事务中的某些内容达成了一种更为充分的理解。   158:7.7 (1760.4) Slowly the twelve were grasping the idea that Jesus was telling them something about the possibility of his dying. They only vaguely comprehended what he said about his death, while his statement about rising from the dead utterly failed to register in their minds. As the days passed, Peter, James, and John, recalling their experience upon the mount of the transfiguration, arrived at a fuller understanding of certain of these matters.
158:7.8 (1760.5) 在十二人与他们的主所有交往中,他们只有几次看到那种闪电般的目光,听到这种快速的斥责话语,如在这一场合发送给彼得和他们其余人的那般。耶稣总是对他们的人类缺点十分容忍,但当面对一种有违悄然履行他父有关他世上生涯余下部分之意志的迫切威胁时,却并不会如此。使徒们真的目瞪口呆了;他们极为吃惊和恐惧。他们无法找到言语来表达他们的悲伤。他们慢慢开始意识到主必须要忍受的一切,他们必定要与他一起经历这些体验,但他们直到这些早期对他后来日子中即将到来之悲剧的暗示好久之后,才意识到这些即将到来事件的真实性。   158:7.8 (1760.5) In all the association of the twelve with their Master, only a few times did they see that flashing eye and hear such swift words of rebuke as were administered to Peter and the rest of them on this occasion. Jesus had always been patient with their human shortcomings, but not so when faced by an impending threat against the program of implicitly carrying out his Father’s will regarding the remainder of his earth career. The apostles were literally stunned; they were amazed and horrified. They could not find words to express their sorrow. Slowly they began to realize what the Master must endure, and that they must go through these experiences with him, but they did not awaken to the reality of these coming events until long after these early hints of the impending tragedy of his latter days.
158:7.9 (1761.1) 耶稣和十二人默默起身去往他们在玛加丹园的营地,取道迦百农前往。随着下午过去,尽管他们未与耶稣对话,但他们却相互交谈,而安德鲁则与主交谈。   158:7.9 (1761.1) In silence Jesus and the twelve started for their camp at Magadan Park, going by way of Capernaum. As the afternoon wore on, though they did not converse with Jesus, they talked much among themselves while Andrew talked with the Master.
8. 在彼得家中 ^top   8. At Peter’s House ^top
158:8.1 (1761.2) 他们在黄昏进入迦百农,经由人迹罕至的通道直接去往西蒙·彼得家吃晚饭。尽管大卫·西庇太准备好带他们到湖对岸,但他们却在西蒙家逗留,耶稣抬头看向彼得和其他使徒,问道:“当你们今天下午一起走时,你们彼此热切讨论是什么?”使徒们一言不发,因为他们许多人继续就他们会在即将到来王国中拥有什么地位而在赫尔蒙山开始的讨论;谁该为最大,诸如此类。耶稣知道那天什么占据了他们的想法,他向彼得的一个小孩子示意,把孩子放在他们中间,说道:“我实实在在对你们说,除非你们转变过来并变得更像这个孩子一样,否则你们在天国中将鲜有进展。凡令自身谦卑并变得像这小孩一样的人,这人必在天国中为大。谁接待这样一个小孩子,就是接待我。谁接待我,谁就接待派我来的他。若你们想要在王国中为先,就要寻求将这些好的真理侍奉给你们肉身中的兄弟。但凡令这些小孩中的一个跌倒的,倒不如将磨石拴在他的脖子周围,将他投入海中。若你们用双手做的东西,或你们双眼看到的东西在王国进展中有所冒犯,牺牲这些珍视的偶像,因为除去生活中的许多挚爱的东西进入王国,比紧抓这些偶像不放而发现自己被关在王国外面更好。不过最重要的是,确保你们不要轻视这些小孩子中的任何一个,因为他们的天使的确总会看到天界大军之面貌。”   158:8.1 (1761.2) Entering Capernaum at twilight, they went by unfrequented thoroughfares directly to the home of Simon Peter for their evening meal. While David Zebedee made ready to take them across the lake, they lingered at Simon’s house, and Jesus, looking up at Peter and the other apostles, asked: “As you walked along together this afternoon, what was it that you talked about so earnestly among yourselves?” The apostles held their peace because many of them had continued the discussion begun at Mount Hermon as to what positions they were to have in the coming kingdom; who should be the greatest, and so on. Jesus, knowing what it was that occupied their thoughts that day, beckoned to one of Peter’s little ones and, setting the child down among them, said: “Verily, verily, I say to you, except you turn about and become more like this child, you will make little progress in the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever shall humble himself and become as this little one, the same shall become greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso receives such a little one receives me. And they who receive me receive also Him who sent me. If you would be first in the kingdom, seek to minister these good truths to your brethren in the flesh. But whosoever causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea. If the things you do with your hands, or the things you see with your eyes give offense in the progress of the kingdom, sacrifice these cherished idols, for it is better to enter the kingdom minus many of the beloved things of life rather than to cling to these idols and find yourself shut out of the kingdom. But most of all, see that you despise not one of these little ones, for their angels do always behold the faces of the heavenly hosts.”
158:8.2 (1761.3) 当耶稣结束讲话时,他们进入船中向玛加丹驶去。   158:8.2 (1761.3) When Jesus had finished speaking, they entered the boat and sailed across to Magadan.