第23篇   Paper 23
单独使者   The Solitary Messengers
23:0.1 (256.1) 单独使者们,是共同创造者即无限之灵所属的贴身性及宇宙性团队;他们是无限之灵所属之高等人格体中的首个高级类别。他们代表着无限之灵在单独运作方面的最初创造性行动,目的在于创生出众多单独的人格性属灵。上父和上子都不直接参与这一伟大的属灵化过程。   23:0.1 (256.1) SOLITARY Messengers are the personal and universal corps of the Conjoint Creator; they are the first and senior order of the Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit. They represent the initial creative action of the Infinite Spirit in solitary function for the purpose of bringing into existence solitary personality spirits. Neither the Father nor the Son directly participated in this stupendous spiritualization.
23:0.2 (256.2) 这些属灵性使者们在一次单一的创造过程中得以人格化,而且其数目是固定的。虽然我在目前执行的这个使命中,就有一位这样的非凡存有与我相伴,但我却并不知道,在由众多宇宙所组成的宇宙中,一共有多少这样的人格体存在着。我只是不时地获悉,在我们超级宇宙的管辖范围内,有多少拥有注册记录而暂时运作着。从最近的尤沃萨(Uversa)报告中,我注意到,此时将近有7,690万亿个单独使者运作于奥温顿(Orvonton)的界域之内;而我猜测,这个数目还远少于其总数的七分之一。   23:0.2 (256.2) These spirit messengers were personalized in a single creative episode, and their number is stationary. Although I have one of these extraordinary beings associated with me on this present mission, I do not know how many such personalities exist in the universe of universes. I only know, from time to time, how many are of registry-record as functioning for the time being within the jurisdiction of our superuniverse. From the last Uversa report I observe that there were almost 7,690 trillion Solitary Messengers then operating within the boundaries of Orvonton; and I conjecture that this is considerably less than one seventh of their total number.
1. 单独使者的本质与来源 ^top   1. Nature and Origin of Solitary Messengers ^top
23:1.1 (256.3) 紧随着七个哈沃纳(Havona)环路之灵的创造,无限之灵便创生了庞大的单独使者团队。除去天堂和哈沃纳众环路以外,宇宙创造物中没有任何部分是先存于单独使者的;他们从几近永恒之时起,就已在整个大宇宙中运作了。他们对于无限之灵用以向时空广袤造物进行自我展现及与之亲身接触的神性手段来说,是最为基本的。   23:1.1 (256.3) Immediately following the creation of the Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits the Infinite Spirit brought into being the vast corps of Solitary Messengers. There is no part of the universal creation which is pre-existent to the Solitary Messengers except Paradise and the Havona circuits; they have functioned throughout the grand universe from near eternity. They are fundamental to the divine technique of the Infinite Spirit for self-revelation to, and personal contact with, the far-flung creations of time and space.
23:1.2 (256.4) 虽然这些使者们从几近永恒之时起即已存在,但他们却都会意识到一个自我的开端。他们会意识到时间,且是无限之灵所属创造物中具有这种时间意识的最早一类。他们是一些在时间中得以人格化、在空间中得以灵性化的、无限之灵的头生受造物。   23:1.2 (256.4) Notwithstanding that these messengers are existent from the near times of eternity, they are all aware of a beginning of selfhood. They are conscious of time, being the first of the creation of the Infinite Spirit to possess such a time consciousness. They are the first-born creatures of the Infinite Spirit to be personalized in time and spiritualized in space.
23:1.3 (256.5) 这些单独性之灵,早在时间之初,便作为成熟且具完美禀赋的属灵性存有而出现了。他们都是同等的,没有任何基于个体差异而产生的等级或细分。他们的分类,完全是基于其不时所被委派工作之类型。   23:1.3 (256.5) These solitary spirits came forth in the dawn of time as full-fledged and perfectly endowed spirit beings. They are all equal, and there are no classes or subdivisions founded on personal variation. Their classifications are based wholly on the type of work to which they are assigned from time to time.
23:1.4 (256.6) 凡人们作为几近物质性的存有,在各个空间世界上启程,并朝向各伟大中心而向内扬升;而这些单独性之灵,则由万物之中心出发,渴望被委派到遥远的造物,甚至是到众多最外地方宇宙所属的单个世界,乃至到更远之外。   23:1.4 (256.6) Mortals start out as well-nigh material beings on the worlds of space and ascend inward towards the Great Centers; these solitary spirits start out at the center of all things and crave assignment to the remote creations, even to the individual worlds of the outermost local universes and even on beyond.
23:1.5 (256.7) 尽管被命名为单独使者,但他们却并不是孤寂之灵,只因为他们确实喜欢单独地工作。他们是所有造物中唯一能真正乐于单独存在的存有,虽然他们也同样乐于与少数几类他们能与之友善往来的宇宙智能存有合作。   23:1.5 (256.7) Though denominated Solitary Messengers, they are not lonesome spirits, for they truly like to work alone. They are the only beings in all creation who can and do enjoy a solitary existence, albeit they equally enjoy association with the very few orders of universe intelligence with whom they can fraternize.
23:1.6 (257.1) 单独使者们在其服务方面并非是孤立的;他们不断与所有造物中的大量智能存有保持接触,因为他们能“聆听”到他们所旅居领域的所有广播。他们也能与其自身邻近团队的成员、亦即那些在同一超级宇宙中做着同类工作的存有们相互交流。他们原本也能与其同类的其他成员们交流,但七个主位之灵所形成的理事会已指示过他们不要这样做,而他们是一个忠诚的群体;他们不会违反或失职。还不曾有过一个单独使者陷入黑暗的记录。   23:1.6 (257.1) Solitary Messengers are not isolated in their service; they are constantly in touch with the wealth of the intellect of all creation as they are capable of “listening in” on all the broadcasts of the realms of their sojourn. They can also intercommunicate with members of their own immediate corps, those beings doing the same kind of work in the same superuniverse. They could communicate with others of their number, but they have been directed by the council of the Seven Master Spirits not to do so, and they are a loyal group; they do not disobey or default. There is no record that a Solitary Messenger ever stumbled into darkness.
23:1.7 (257.2) 单独使者与宇宙力量主管者们一样,是属于少数几类全域运作的存有,他们可免于各时空法庭所发出的逮捕或拘押。他们无法被传讯去出现在任何个体之前,除了七个主位之灵以外,但在主宇宙的所有历史记载中,该天堂理事会还从未被要求去裁决一个有关单独使者的案例。   23:1.7 (257.2) The Solitary Messengers, like the Universe Power Directors, are among the very few types of beings operating throughout the realms who are exempt from apprehension or detention by the tribunals of time and space. They could be cited to appear before no one except the Seven Master Spirits, but not in all the annals of the master universe has this Paradise council ever been called upon to adjudicate the case of a Solitary Messenger.
23:1.8 (257.3) 这些有着单独性委派的使者们,是源自于第三本源与中心的受造存有中一支可靠自主、多才多艺、彻底灵性和广泛亲和的群体。他们是依照居于中央天堂岛、并在各地方宇宙总部有所体现的无限之灵的授权而运作。他们是发源于无限之灵的直接回路之持久分担者,即使是当他们在各地方宇宙母灵的直接影响下,在各个地方造物中运作之时。   23:1.8 (257.3) These messengers of solitary assignment are a dependable, self-reliant, versatile, thoroughly spiritual, and broadly sympathetic group of created beings derived from the Third Source and Center; they operate by the authority of the Infinite Spirit resident on the central Isle of Paradise and as personalized on the headquarters spheres of the local universes. They are constant partakers of the direct circuit emanating from the Infinite Spirit, even when they function in the local creations under the immediate influence of the local universe Mother Spirits.
23:1.9 (257.4) 单独使者们为何必须要单独地穿行和工作,存在着一个技术上的原因。在短期静止之时,他们能以群体的方式合作,但当这样在一起的时候,他们就会被完全切断了来自其天堂回路的指导和支持;他们就被完全地隔离了。当在穿行时,或在空间回路及时间环流中操作时,假如这类中的两个或是更多个非常接近,那么这两个或是全部便会被抛离出与各种高等环流力的联络。正如你们用形象化的话语所描述的,他们是“被短路”了。因此,在他们自身当中,固有着一种自动示警能力,一种警示信号,它能够准确无误地运作,以告知他们正在临近的冲突,并可靠地令他们有效地保持分离状态,从而不去干扰他们适当而有效的运作。他们也具有一些内在自觉的能力,以侦测和指示出激发性三一之灵和神性思想调整者的临近。   23:1.9 (257.4) There is a technical reason why these Solitary Messengers must travel and work alone. For short periods and when stationary, they can collaborate in a group, but when thus ensembled, they are altogether cut off from the sustenance and direction of their Paradise circuit; they are wholly isolated. When in transit, or when operating in the circuits of space and the currents of time, if two or more of this order are in close proximity, both or all are thrown out of liaison with the higher circulating forces. They are “short circuited” as you might describe it in illustrative symbols. Therefore they have inherent within them a power of automatic alarm, a warning signal, which unerringly operates to apprise them of approaching conflicts and unfailingly keeps them sufficiently separated as not to interfere with their proper and effective functioning. They also possess inherent and automatic powers which detect and indicate the proximity of both the Inspired Trinity Spirits and the divine Thought Adjusters.
23:1.10 (257.5) 这些使者们并不具有人格扩展或复制之能力,但实际上,没有任何宇宙工作是他们所无法参与的,以及无法对之做出必要有用之贡献的。特别是对于那些涉及宇宙事务管理的存有们来说,他们极大节省了时间;他们协助着我们从最高等至最低等的所有群体。   23:1.10 (257.5) These messengers possess no power of personality extension or reproduction, but there is practically no work of the universes in which they cannot engage, and to which they cannot contribute something essential and helpful. Especially are they the great timesavers for those who are concerned in the administration of universe affairs; and they assist us all, from the highest to the lowest.
2. 单独使者的委派 ^top   2. Assignments of Solitary Messengers ^top
23:2.1 (257.6) 单独使者们并非永久地被配属给任何单个或集体的天界人格体们。他们总是因委派而在职,在这样的服务中,他们在其所派领域主管者的直接监督下工作,而在他们自身中间,则没有任何类型的组织或管理机构;他们是单独的使者。   23:2.1 (257.6) Solitary Messengers are not permanently attached to any individual or group of celestial personalities. They are on duty, always by assignment, and during such service they work under the immediate supervision of those who direct the realms of their attachment. Among themselves they have neither organization nor government of any kind; they are Solitary Messengers.
23:2.2 (258.1) 单独使者们,由无限之灵分配到以下七个服务分类中:   23:2.2 (258.1) Solitary Messengers are assigned by the Infinite Spirit to the following seven divisions of service:
23:2.3 (258.2) 1. 天堂三位一体之使者。   23:2.3 (258.2) 1. Messengers of the Paradise Trinity.
23:2.4 (258.3) 2. 哈沃纳(Havona)环路之使者。   23:2.4 (258.3) 2. Messengers of the Havona Circuits.
23:2.5 (258.4) 3. 超级宇宙之使者。   23:2.5 (258.4) 3. Messengers of the Superuniverses.
23:2.6 (258.5) 4. 地方宇宙之使者。   23:2.6 (258.5) 4. Messengers of the Local Universes.
23:2.7 (258.6) 5. 无定向委派之探索者。   23:2.7 (258.6) 5. Explorers of Undirected Assignment.
23:2.8 (258.7) 6. 特殊委派之大使及密使。   23:2.8 (258.7) 6. Ambassadors and Emissaries of Special Assignment.
23:2.9 (258.8) 7. 真理之启示者。   23:2.9 (258.8) 7. Revelators of Truth.
23:2.10 (258.9) 这些属灵性使者们,在各种意义上都可从某一种服务类型转换成另一服务类型;这样的转换是不断发生的。并不存在什么分开类别的单独使者;他们在灵性上都是相似的,在各种意义上都是同等的。尽管他们一般以编号来命名,但他们都凭各自的名字而为无限之灵所知。对于我们其余存有来说,他们则凭名字或其现行委派中的指定编号而被了解。   23:2.10 (258.9) These spirit messengers are in every sense interchangeable from one type of service to another; such transfers are constantly taking place. There are no separate orders of Solitary Messengers; they are spiritually alike and in every sense equal. While they are generally designated by number, they are known to the Infinite Spirit by personal names. They are known to the rest of us by the name or number designative of their current assignment.
23:2.11 (258.10) 1. 天堂三位一体之使者。我未被允许启示太多关于配属给三位一体的使者群体之工作。他们是一些值得神灵们信赖的秘密服务者,当被委托以涉及诸神之未透露策略及未来安排的特殊消息时,他们从未被了解到去泄露一个秘密,或是有负于寄予其类别身上的信任。与这相关的所有这一切,不是对其完美性表示夸耀,而是要指出神灵们能够且确实创造出了完美的存有。   23:2.11 (258.10) 1. Messengers of the Paradise Trinity. I am not permitted to reveal much of the work of the group of messengers assigned to the Trinity. They are the trusted and secret servants of the Deities, and when intrusted with special messages which involve the unrevealed policies and future conduct of the Gods, they have never been known to divulge a secret or betray the confidence reposed in their order. And all this is related in this connection, not to appear boastful of their perfection, but rather to point out that the Deities can and do create perfect beings.
23:2.12 (258.11) 玉苒厦(Urantia)所发生的混乱和动荡,并不表明天堂支配者们缺乏兴趣或能力去以不同方式管理事务。造物主们有着充分的能力,去让玉苒厦成为一个名副其实的乐园,但这样一个伊甸园,并不会有助于那些坚强、高贵及富有经验之品格的发展,而这些品格正是诸神如此坚定不移地在你们世界上以困境为砧、以痛苦为锤着力锻造出来的。你们的忧愁和悲伤,你们的苦难和失意,正是神性计划在你们星球上的一个组成部分,恰如在中央完美宇宙的世界上,万物之精巧完美与无限适应符合其至高性目的一样。   23:2.12 (258.11) The confusion and turmoil of Urantia do not signify that the Paradise Rulers lack either interest or ability to manage affairs differently. The Creators are possessed of full power to make Urantia a veritable paradise, but such an Eden would not contribute to the development of those strong, noble, and experienced characters which the Gods are so surely forging out on your world between the anvils of necessity and the hammers of anguish. Your anxieties and sorrows, your trials and disappointments, are just as much a part of the divine plan on your sphere as are the exquisite perfection and infinite adaptation of all things to their supreme purpose on the worlds of the central and perfect universe.
23:2.13 (258.12) 2. 哈沃纳(Havona)环路之使者。在整个扬升生涯中,你们会模糊地、但却又越来越多地能察觉到单独使者们的存在,但直到你们到达哈沃纳之后,你们才能够准确无误地辨识出他们。你们会当面见到的第一批单独使者,将会是那些哈沃纳环路之使者。   23:2.13 (258.12) 2. Messengers of the Havona Circuits. Throughout the ascendant career you will be vaguely, but increasingly, able to detect the presence of the Solitary Messengers, but not until you reach Havona will you recognize them unmistakably. The first of the messengers you will see face to face will be those of the Havona circuits.
23:2.14 (258.13) 单独使者们与哈沃纳(Havona)各世界的原住民之间,享受着一种特殊的关系。这些在彼此合作时职能受限的使者们,与哈沃纳原住民们却可以而且确实有着一种非常紧密的个体交流。但是,要想把这些神性完美的存有与那样一些近乎超越性的人格体之间的心灵接触所引发的极大快事传递给人类心智,则是完全不可能的。   23:2.14 (258.13) Solitary Messengers enjoy special relations with the natives of the Havona worlds. These messengers, who are so functionally handicapped when associating with one another, can and do have a very close and personal communion with the Havona natives. But it is quite impossible to convey to human minds the supreme satisfactions consequent upon the contact of the minds of these divinely perfect beings with the spirits of such near-transcendent personalities.
23:2.15 (259.1) 3. 超级宇宙之使者。亘古常在者们,亦即那些有着三位一体来源、主掌着七个超级宇宙天命的人格体,那些有着神性权力和管理智慧的三位一组,被充足地配备着单独使者。只有通过这一类型的使者们,某一个超级宇宙的这些三位联合式支配者们,才能直接与另一超级宇宙的同类支配者们进行个别联络。或许,除开激发性三一之灵以外,单独使者们是灵性智能存有中能够从一个超级宇宙总部直接派到另一个超级宇宙总部的唯一可用类型。所有其他人格体,要想实现这种跋涉,则必须取道于哈沃纳(Havona),以及各主位之灵的执行世界。   23:2.15 (259.1) 3. Messengers of the Superuniverses. The Ancients of Days, those personalities of Trinity origin who preside over the destinies of the seven superuniverses, those trios of divine power and administrative wisdom, are bountifully supplied with Solitary Messengers. It is only through this order of messengers that the triune rulers of one superuniverse can directly and personally communicate with the rulers of another. Solitary Messengers are the only available type of spirit intelligence—aside, possibly, from the Inspired Trinity Spirits—that can be dispatched from the headquarters of one superuniverse directly to the headquarters of another. All other personalities must make such excursions by way of Havona and the executive worlds of the Master Spirits.
23:2.16 (259.2) 有某些类信息,是不能通过引力使者、反射性或广播来获得的。而当亘古常在者们一定要知道这些事情时,他们必须要派遣一名单独使者前往信息之源。早在玉苒厦(Urantia)上出现生命的很久以前,目前伴随我的这位单独使者,曾因一个使命而从尤沃萨(Uversa)被派往中央宇宙,他从奥温顿(Orvonton)的名册中消失了几近一百万年之久,但最终携带所需信息准时归来。   23:2.16 (259.2) There are some kinds of information which cannot be obtained either by Gravity Messengers, reflectivity, or broadcast. And when the Ancients of Days would certainly know these things, they must dispatch a Solitary Messenger to the source of knowledge. Long before the presence of life on Urantia the messenger now associated with me was assigned on a mission out of Uversa to the central universe—was absent from the roll calls of Orvonton for almost a million years but returned in due time with the desired information.
23:2.17 (259.3) 单独使者们在各个超级宇宙中的服务,是没有限制的;他们既可以高级法庭执行者的身份运作,也可以该域福祉所需之信息搜集者的身份运作。在所有超级造物中,他们特别乐于在奥温顿(Orvonton)超级宇宙中服务,因为在这里有着最为迫切的需要,而可完成英雄业绩之机会也大大增加了。在更为需要的领域中,我们都享受着一种更为充实的运作所带来的满足感。   23:2.17 (259.3) There is no limitation upon the service of Solitary Messengers in the superuniverses; they may function as executioners of the high tribunals or as intelligence gatherers for the good of the realm. Of all the supercreations they most delight to serve in Orvonton because here the need is greatest and the opportunities for heroic effort are greatly multiplied. In the more needy realms we all enjoy the satisfaction of a more replete function.
23:2.18 (259.4) 4. 地方宇宙之使者。在地方宇宙的众多服务部门中,单独使者们的运作是没有任何限制的。他们是地方宇宙母灵之动机和意图的忠诚启示者,虽然他们也在掌权的主位之子的全面管辖之下。这对于运作于一个地方宇宙中的所有单独使者来说,都是成立的,不管他是从宇宙总部直接出行,抑或是暂时地与星座之父、系统君主或行星君王一起运作。在一个造物之子被提升为其宇宙的主权支配者,因而将所有权力集于他手之前,这些地方宇宙单独使者们,在亘古常在者们总的指导下运作着,并直接对后者之常驻代表联合常在者们负责。   23:2.18 (259.4) 4. Messengers of the Local Universes. In the services of a local universe there is no limit upon the functioning of the Solitary Messengers. They are the faithful revealers of the motives and intent of the local universe Mother Spirit, although they are under the full jurisdiction of the reigning Master Son. And this is true of all messengers operating in a local universe, whether they are traveling out directly from universe headquarters, or whether they are acting temporarily in liaison with Constellation Fathers, System Sovereigns, or Planetary Princes. Before the concentration of all power in the hands of a Creator Son at the time of his elevation as sovereign ruler of his universe, these messengers of the local universes function under the general direction of the Ancients of Days and are immediately responsible to their resident representative, the Union of Days.
23:2.19 (259.5) 5. 无定向委派之探索者。当单独使者之后备团队有所超编时,从七个至高性力量主管者之一,便会发出一个召唤,以征集探索志愿者;而志愿者从未匮乏过,因为他们都乐于被派遣出去,作为自由自在的探索者们,去体验那种发现新宇宙世界之组织核心的刺激感。   23:2.19 (259.5) 5. Explorers of Undirected Assignment. When the reserve corps of the Solitary Messengers is overrecruited, there issues from one of the Seven Supreme Power Directors a call for exploration volunteers; and there is never a lack of volunteers, for they delight to be dispatched as free and untrammeled explorers, to experience the thrill of finding the organizing nucleuses of new worlds and universes.
23:2.20 (259.6) 他们前往去探究由各域之空间推究者们所提供的线索。毫无疑问,天堂神灵们知道这些未被发现的空间能量系统之存在,但他们永远不会泄露此类信息。如果单独使者们不曾探索和标明这些新的组织性能量中心,那么此类现象就甚至会被临近各域的智能存有们所忽视。单独使者们作为一个种类,对于引力极为敏感;相应地,他们能时常侦测出非常小的暗行星之可能存在,而这些世界也正是最适合于生命实验的。   23:2.20 (259.6) They go forth to investigate the clues furnished by the space contemplators of the realms. Undoubtedly the Paradise Deities know of the existence of these undiscovered energy systems of space, but they never divulge such information. If the Solitary Messengers did not explore and chart these newly organizing energy centers, such phenomena would long remain unnoticed even by the intelligences of adjacent realms. Solitary Messengers, as a class, are highly sensitive to gravity; accordingly they can sometimes detect the probable presence of very small dark planets, the very worlds which are best adapted to life experiments.
23:2.21 (260.1) 这些有着非定向委派的使者与探险者们,巡行在主宇宙中。他们不断外出至整个外部空间的未明区域中,进行着探索之旅。对于我们所拥有的关于外部空间各域中诸多事务的大量知识,我们要归功于单独使者们的探索,因为他们经常与天界的天文学者们一同工作和研究。   23:2.21 (260.1) These messenger-explorers of undirected assignment patrol the master universe. They are constantly out on exploring expeditions to the uncharted regions of all outer space. Very much of the information which we possess of transactions in the realms of outer space, we owe to the explorations of the Solitary Messengers as they often work and study with the celestial astronomers.
23:2.22 (260.2) 6. 特殊委派之大使及密使。处于同一超级宇宙内的各地方宇宙之间,按惯例要互相交换一些选自其本地子民类别的大使。但为了避免延误,单独使者常被请求作为大使,从一个地方造物前往另一个,去代表一域,并将之介绍给另一域。例如:当一个新的居住性领域得以发现时,或许结果是它在空间中是如此遥远,以至于在一个由炽天使所裹挟的大使能到达该遥远宇宙之前,一段漫长的时间已过去了。一个由炽天使所裹挟之存有,在你们的一秒时间内,不可能超过899,370公里的速度。巨大星体、逆流和绕道,以及引力突变等,往往都会令这一速度减慢,以致在一个漫长的旅程中,速度平均只会达到每秒885,000公里。   23:2.22 (260.2) 6. Ambassadors and Emissaries of Special Assignment. Local universes situated within the same superuniverse customarily exchange ambassadors selected from their native orders of sonship. But to avoid delay, Solitary Messengers are frequently asked to go as ambassadors from one local creation to another, to represent and interpret one realm to another. For example: When a newly inhabited realm is discovered, it may prove to be so remote in space that a long time will pass before an enseraphimed ambassador can reach this far-distant universe. An enseraphimed being cannot possibly exceed the velocity of 558,840 Urantia miles in one second of your time. Massive stars, crosscurrents, and detours, as well as attraction tangents, will all tend to retard such speed so that on a long journey the velocity will average about 550,000 miles per second.
23:2.23 (260.3) 当情况发展到需要一个本地大使花费成百上千年去往一个遥远地方宇宙之时,一个单独使者通常会被请求立即前往那里,去作为一个临时大使而运作。单独使者们能在极短的规程内前去,虽然不像引力使者们那样完全不依赖于时空,但也几近如此了。在一些其它情况下,他们也作为特殊委派之密使而服务。   23:2.23 (260.3) When it develops that it will require hundreds of years for a native ambassador to reach a far-distant local universe, a Solitary Messenger is often asked to proceed there immediately to act as ambassador ad interim. Solitary Messengers can go in very short order, not independently of time and space as do the Gravity Messengers, but nearly so. They also serve in other circumstances as emissaries of special assignment.
23:2.24 (260.4) 7. 真理之启示者。单独使者们把启示真理之委派,当作是对其类别的最高信赖。他们时常以此种身份而运作,从各个超级宇宙去到空间中的单个行星。他们常被配属到一些考察团,它们受派去将真理之启示扩展到各个世界和系统。   23:2.24 (260.4) 7. Revelators of Truth. The Solitary Messengers regard the assignment to reveal truth as the highest trust of their order. And they function ever and anon in this capacity, from the superuniverses to the individual planets of space. They are frequently attached to commissions which are sent to enlarge the revelation of truth to the worlds and systems.
3. 单独使者的时空服务 ^top   3. Time and Space Services of Solitary Messengers ^top
23:3.1 (260.5) 当不适宜于利用广播服务和反射性机制来进行紧急重要信息的快速传递时,单独使者们是所有各域中完美而值得信赖的可用人格体中最为高等的类型。他们服务于种类繁多的各样委派,旨在帮助各域的灵性及物质性存有,尤其是在那些涉及时间因素的领域当中。在派往超级宇宙各域之服务部门的所有类别当中,他们是最高等和最多能的人格化存有,他们能几近达至无视时空的程度。   23:3.1 (260.5) The Solitary Messengers are the highest type of perfect and confidential personality available in all realms for the quick transmission of important and urgent messages when it is inexpedient to utilize either the broadcast service or the reflectivity mechanism. They serve in an endless variety of assignments, helping out the spiritual and material beings of the realms, particularly where the element of time is involved. Of all orders assigned to the services of the superuniverse domains, they are the highest and most versatile personalized beings who can come so near to defying time and space.
23:3.2 (260.6) 宇宙中充满着一些将引力用作运送用途的属灵体;他们能够在任意时间去往任何地点 -- 但他们并非是人格体。某些其他的引力性穿越者是人格性存有,例如引力使者和超越性记录者们,但他们对于超级宇宙和地方宇宙的管理者们来说是不可用的。众多世界充满了天使和人类,以及其他极具人格性的存有,但他们都受到时间和空间的阻滞:按你们世界的距离和时间单位计算,大多数非天使裹挟性存有的极限速度是299,790公里/秒;中道受造物和某些其他受造物可以而且经常确实达到双倍速度 -- 即599,580公里/秒;而炽天使和一些其他存有,可以以三倍于此的速度穿越空间,即大约899,370公里/秒。不过,除了单独使者而外,再没有一种运送性或者使者性人格体,能够以介乎引力性穿越者的瞬时性速度与炽天使的稍缓速度中间的速度来运行。   23:3.2 (260.6) The universe is well supplied with spirits who utilize gravity for purposes of transit; they can go anywhere any time—instanter—but they are not persons. Certain other gravity traversers are personal beings, such as Gravity Messengers and Transcendental Recorders, but they are not available to the super- and the local universe administrators. The worlds teem with angels and men and other highly personal beings, but they are handicapped by time and space: The limit of velocity for most nonenseraphimed beings is 186,280 miles of your world per second of your time; the midway creatures and certain others can, often do, attain double velocity—372,560 miles per second—while the seraphim and others can traverse space at triple velocity, about 558,840 miles per second. There are, however, no transit or messenger personalities who function between the instantaneous velocities of the gravity traversers and the comparatively slow speeds of the seraphim, except the Solitary Messengers.
23:3.3 (261.1) 因此,在那些人格体之于委派之达成十分必要的情况下,以及在那些需要避免因派遣其他任何现成类型的人格性使者而造成时间损失的情况下,单独使者们通常被用于派遣及服务。他们是唯一能够与大宇宙的综合性宇宙环流相同步的明确人格化存有。他们在空间中的穿行速度是可变的,这取决于众多的干扰性影响,但记录表明,在前往履行这一使命的旅程中,我随身的单独使者是以1,354,458,739,000公里/秒的速度行进着。   23:3.3 (261.1) Solitary Messengers are, therefore, generally used for dispatch and service in those situations where personality is essential to the achievement of the assignment, and where it is desired to avoid the loss of time which would be occasioned by the sending of any other readily available type of personal messenger. They are the only definitely personalized beings who can synchronize with the combined universal currents of the grand universe. Their velocity in traversing space is variable, depending on a great variety of interfering influences, but the record shows that on the journey to fulfill this mission my associate messenger proceeded at the rate of 841,621,642,000 of your miles per second of your time.
23:3.4 (261.2) 去向物质性类型的心智解释一个属灵体何以能是一个真正的人格体,同时又能以如此惊人的速度穿越空间,这完全超出了我的能力之外。但正是这些单独使者,确实是以这样不可思议的速度往来于玉苒厦(Urantia);事实上,如果事实不是如此,那么整个宇宙管理体制将会被极大剥夺了其人格性要素。   23:3.4 (261.2) It is wholly beyond my ability to explain to the material type of mind how a spirit can be a real person and at the same time traverse space at such tremendous velocities. But these very Solitary Messengers actually come to, and go from, Urantia at these incomprehensible speeds; indeed, the whole economy of universal administration would be largely deprived of its personal element were this not a fact.
23:3.5 (261.3) 单独使者们能够在整个遥远的空间区域,亦即在那些未被包含在大宇宙既成回路内的各域,起到紧急通讯线路的作用。当一个单独使者以此方式运作时,按照玉苒厦(Urantia)天文学家们估算星际距离的方式来推展,他能够通过空间传输一个信息或者发送一个脉冲,给一个远隔一百光年处的同类使者。   23:3.5 (261.3) The Solitary Messengers are able to function as emergency lines of communication throughout remote space regions, realms not embraced within the established circuits of the grand universe. It develops that one messenger, when so functioning, can transmit a message or send an impulse through space to a fellow messenger about one hundred light-years away as Urantia astronomers estimate stellar distances.
23:3.6 (261.4) 在与我们合作处理超级宇宙事务的无数存有当中,没有任何其他存有会在实用有益性和省时援助性方面更为重要了。在空间宇宙中,我们必须考虑到时间的阻滞;因而就有了单独使者们的重要服务,他们利用其人格性交流特权,可以几乎不受空间的制约,又凭借其惊人的传送速度,而几乎不受时间的制约。   23:3.6 (261.4) Of the myriads of beings who co-operate with us in the conduct of the affairs of the superuniverse, none are more important in practical helpfulness and timesaving assistance. In the universes of space we must reckon with the handicaps of time; hence the great service of the Solitary Messengers, who, by means of their personal prerogatives of communication, are somewhat independent of space and, by virtue of their tremendous transit velocities, are so nearly independent of time.
23:3.7 (261.5) 我很为难于向玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人们解释,单独使者们何以不具形体,然却仍具有真实而明确的人格本体。虽然他们并没有那种为人格本体所自然伴随的形体,但他们却确实具有一种灵性的临在,而这是所有高等灵性存有们所能够分辨的。单独使者们是唯一的这样一类存有,他们似乎具有一个无形属灵体几近一切的优点,而又有成熟人格体的所有特权。他们是真正的人格,而又具有非人格属灵显现物的几乎所有属性。   23:3.7 (261.5) I am at a loss to explain to Urantia mortals how the Solitary Messengers can be without form and yet possess real and definite personalities. Although they are without that form which would naturally be associated with personality, they do possess a spirit presence which is discernible by all higher types of spirit beings. The Solitary Messengers are the only class of beings who seem to be possessed of well-nigh all the advantages of a formless spirit coupled with all the prerogatives of a full-fledged personality. They are true persons, yet endowed with nearly all of the attributes of impersonal spirit manifestation.
23:3.8 (261.6) 在七个超级宇宙中,每样易令任何受造物从时空阻碍中的解脱能力得以增加之事物,通常会相称地缩减其人格性特权,但并不总是这样。而单独使者便是这一普遍规律的一个例外。在其活动中,他们在灵性表达、神性服务、人格性侍奉和宇宙性交流等所有各类无限手段之运用方面,几乎是无所限制的。如果你们能根据我在宇宙管理中的经历来看待这些非凡的存有,你们将会理解,如果没有其多能的协作,那么去协调众多超级宇宙事务将会是多么困难。   23:3.8 (261.6) In the seven superuniverses, ordinarily—but not always—everything which tends to increase any creature’s liberation from the handicaps of time and space proportionately diminishes personality prerogatives. Solitary Messengers are an exception to this general law. They are in their activities all but unrestricted in the utilization of any and all of the limitless avenues of spiritual expression, divine service, personal ministry, and cosmic communication. If you could view these extraordinary beings in the light of my experience in universe administration, you would comprehend how difficult it would be to co-ordinate superuniverse affairs were it not for their versatile co-operation.
23:3.9 (262.1) 无论宇宙会扩展到什么程度,可能永远都不会再有更多的单独使者被创造出来了。随着众多宇宙的发展,新增添的管理工作必须不断地由其他类型的灵性侍奉者及那些出身于这些新造物的存有们来承担,诸如由主位之子和地方宇宙母灵所创的一些受造物。   23:3.9 (262.1) No matter how much the universe may enlarge, no more Solitary Messengers will probably ever be created. As the universes grow, the expanded work of administration must be increasingly borne by other types of spirit ministers and by those beings who take origin in these new creations, such as the creatures of the Sovereign Sons and the local universe Mother Spirits.
4. 单独使者的特别侍奉 ^top   4. Special Ministry of Solitary Messengers ^top
23:4.1 (262.2) 单独使者们似乎是所有类型的属灵性存有之人格性协调者。他们的侍奉有助于令广袤灵性世界的所有人格体和谐相处。他们对于在所有属灵性存有身上的群体认同意识之发展贡献颇多。每一类型的存有都由一些特定类别的单独使者们所服务着,后者会培养这些存有的这样一种能力,以去与所有其他类型和层次的存有们相互理解,相互友善,无论彼此有多么不同。   23:4.1 (262.2) The Solitary Messengers seem to be personality co-ordinators for all types of spirit beings. Their ministry helps to make all the personalities of the far-flung spiritual world akin. They contribute much to the development, in all spirit beings, of a consciousness of group identity. Every type of spirit being is served by special groups of Solitary Messengers who foster the ability of such beings to understand and fraternize with all other types and orders, however dissimilar.
23:4.2 (262.3) 单独使者们表现出这样一种惊人的能力,去协调所有类型和层次的有限人格体 -- 甚至去与主宇宙总控制者们的绝限性体系相接触 --以致我们当中有些在猜想,无限之灵对这些单独使者们的创造,在某种方式上与共同行动者对至高兼终极性心智的赐与相关。   23:4.2 (262.3) The Solitary Messengers demonstrate such an amazing ability to co-ordinate all types and orders of finite personality—even to make contact with the absonite regime of the master universe overcontrollers—that some of us postulate that the creation of these messengers by the Infinite Spirit is in some manner related to the Conjoint Actor’s bestowal of Supreme-Ultimate Mind.
23:4.3 (262.4) 当一个终局者与一个天堂居民合作,进行一个“时间性兼永恒性之子”的三一化 -- 亦即一个牵涉到至高兼终极者之未明心智潜能的事务 -- 当这样一个尚未归类的人格体被派往代理者之都,此时便总会有一个单独使者(此种神灵心智之赐与所形成的一种猜想的人格性反响),被派遣作为该受造物所三一化之子的守护者和友伴。这个使者伴同这位新天命之子来到其委派的世界,就此便永不再离开代理者之都。当一个单独使者由此而与一个时间性兼永恒性之子的天命关联起来时,他便被永远地转入到主宇宙设计者的单独监管之下。这样一种非凡之组合的未来如何,我们无从知晓。很久以来,这些独特人格体们的伙伴关系在代理者之都上持续地集聚着,但还没有单一的一对曾从那儿出去过。   23:4.3 (262.4) When a finaliter and a Paradise Citizen co-operate in the trinitization of a “child of time and eternity”—a transaction involving the unrevealed mind potentials of the Supreme-Ultimate—and when such an unclassified personality is dispatched to Vicegerington, a Solitary Messenger (a conjectured personality repercussion of the bestowal of such deity mind) is always assigned as guardian-companion to such a creature-trinitized son. This messenger accompanies the new son of destiny to the world of his assignment and nevermore leaves Vicegerington. When thus attached to the destinies of a child of time and eternity, a Solitary Messenger is forever transferred to the sole supervision of the Architects of the Master Universe. What the future of such an extraordinary association may be, we do not know. For ages these partnerships of unique personalities have continued to forgather on Vicegerington, but not even a single pair has ever gone forth therefrom.
23:4.4 (262.5) 单独使者们有着固定的数目,但天命之子的三一化明显却是一种不受限制之技术。由于每一个三一化天命之子已被指派了一个单独使者,在我们看来,在遥远未来的某一个时刻,单独使者们的配给可能会开始枯竭。谁将会来接替他们在大宇宙中的工作?是不是他们的服务将会被激发性三一之灵中的某些新发展个体所承担?在某个遥远的未来时期,是不是大宇宙将更近乎由具备三位一体来源之存有所管理,而具有单一和双重来源的受造物们则将不断移入到外部空间各域?如果使者们回到其先前的服务团队,那些天命之子是不是也会伴同他们?当单独使者们的配给都被作为这些天命之子的守护者和友伴吸收之后,是不是终局者与天堂-哈沃纳者之间的三一化过程将告终止?是不是我们所有这些能干的单独使者们,都将被集中到代理者之都?是不是这些非凡的属灵性人格体将会永恒地与这些带有未知天命的三一化之子相伴随?这些聚集在代理者之都的搭档们,都是处于主宇宙设计者们这样一些强大神秘之存有的专门主管之下,对于这样一个事实,我们应当赋予它以什么样的重要意义?许多这类相似的问题,我们会问我们自己,也会问众多其他类别的天界存有,但我们并不知道答案。   23:4.4 (262.5) Solitary Messengers are of stationary numbers, but the trinitization of the sons of destiny is apparently an unlimited technique. Since each trinitized son of destiny has assigned to him a Solitary Messenger, it appears to us that at some time in the remote future the supply of messengers will become exhausted. Who will take up their work in the grand universe? Will their service be assumed by some new development among the Inspired Trinity Spirits? Is the grand universe at some remote period going to be more nearly administered by Trinity-origin beings while the single- and dual-origin creatures move on into the realms of outer space? If the messengers return to their former service, will these sons of destiny accompany them? Will the trinitizations between finaliters and Paradise-Havoners cease when the supply of Solitary Messengers has been absorbed as guardian-companions of these sons of destiny? Are all our efficient Solitary Messengers going to be concentrated on Vicegerington? Are these extraordinary spirit personalities going to be eternally associated with these trinitized sons of unrevealed destiny? What significance should we attach to the fact that these couples forgathering on Vicegerington are under the exclusive direction of those mighty mystery beings, the Architects of the Master Universe? These and many similar questions we ask ourselves, and ask numerous other orders of celestial beings, but we do not know the answers.
23:4.5 (263.1) 这一事务,与宇宙管理中许多类似事件一起,清楚地表明,大宇宙乃至哈沃纳(Havona)和天堂之属员,正在经历着一个确定的重组,该重组是与目前发生于整个外部空间领域内的巨大能量演化相互协调、相互关联的。   23:4.5 (263.1) This transaction, together with many similar occurrences in universe administration, unmistakably indicates that the personnel of the grand universe, even that of Havona and Paradise, is undergoing a definite and certain reorganization in co-ordination with, and with reference to, the vast energy evolutions now taking place throughout the realms of outer space.
23:4.6 (263.2) 我们倾向于相信,永恒之未来将会见证一些宇宙演化现象,它们将远超所有那些在永恒之过去所经历过的。我们怀着热切的兴趣和日益高涨的期待,甚至你们也应同样,期盼着这些巨大的冒险。   23:4.6 (263.2) We incline to the belief that the eternal future will witness phenomena of universe evolution which will far transcend all that the eternal past has experienced. And we anticipate such tremendous adventures, even as you should, with keen relish and ever-heightening expectation.
23:4.7 (263.3) [由一位来自尤沃萨(Uversa)的神性顾问所呈献。]   23:4.7 (263.3) [Presented by a Divine Counselor from Uversa.]