第39篇 |
Paper 39 |
炽天使大军 |
The Seraphic Hosts |
39:0.1 (426.1) 据我们所知,人格化于地方宇宙总部之上的无限之灵,原拟创造出完全一样的完美炽天使,但由于某种不明原因,这些炽天使后代却极为多样。这种多样性可能是由演化中的经验性神灵之不明介入所致;假如真是这样,我们也无法证实。但我们的确注意到,当炽天使们接受教育测试和培训教导后,她们会可靠无误地分成以下七类: |
39:0.1 (426.1) AS FAR as we are cognizant, the Infinite Spirit, as personalized on the local universe headquarters, intends to produce uniformly perfect seraphim, but for some unknown reason these seraphic offspring are very diverse. This diversity may be a result of the unknown interposition of evolving experiential Deity; if so, we cannot prove it. But we do observe that, when seraphim have been subjected to educational tests and training discipline, they unfailingly and distinctly classify into the following seven groups: |
39:0.2 (426.2) 1. 至高类炽天使。 |
39:0.2 (426.2) 1. Supreme Seraphim. |
39:0.3 (426.3) 2. 较高类炽天使。 |
39:0.3 (426.3) 2. Superior Seraphim. |
39:0.4 (426.4) 3. 监督类炽天使。 |
39:0.4 (426.4) 3. Supervisor Seraphim. |
39:0.5 (426.5) 4. 管理类炽天使。 |
39:0.5 (426.5) 4. Administrator Seraphim. |
39:0.6 (426.6) 5. 行星类援助者。 |
39:0.6 (426.6) 5. Planetary Helpers. |
39:0.7 (426.7) 6. 过渡类侍奉者。 |
39:0.7 (426.7) 6. Transition Ministers. |
39:0.8 (426.8) 7. 未来类炽天使。 |
39:0.8 (426.8) 7. Seraphim of the Future. |
39:0.9 (426.9) 去说任何一类炽天使不如任何其他一类炽天使,极可能是不准确的。不过,每一个天使起先确实会从事其原初类别及固有分类所限的服务。与我一道准备本文的炽天使类同伴玛诺莎(Manotia),是一名至高类炽天使,且曾一度只履行至高类炽天使的职责。通过申请及忠实的服务,她已经逐个实现了所有七类炽天使的服务,并在几近每一种对炽天使开放的活动渠道中运作过,目前则持有玉苒厦(Urantia)炽天使副首的职权。 |
39:0.9 (426.9) To say that any one seraphim is inferior to an angel of any other group would hardly be true. Nevertheless every angel is at first service-limited to the group of original and inherent classification. My seraphic associate in the preparation of this statement, Manotia, is a supreme seraphim and onetime functioned only as a supreme seraphim. By application and devoted service she has, one by one, achieved all seven of the seraphic services, having functioned in well-nigh every avenue of activity open to a seraphim, and now holds the commission of associate chief of seraphim on Urantia. |
39:0.10 (426.10) 人类有时会发现以下情况很难理解,即一种被创造用来履行较高层次职责的能力,并不必然就意味着有能力去在相对较低的服务层次上运作。人是作为一个无助的婴儿而开始其生命的;因此每一个暂存性达成都必定包含了其所有经验性先存条件;炽天使们并没有这种成年前的生活 -- 即没有童年。然而,她们仍是经验性受造物,通过经历和额外的教育,她们可在一种或更多种天使类服务中经验性地获得运作技能,来增加其内在神性禀赋。 |
39:0.10 (426.10) Human beings sometimes find it hard to understand that a created capacity for higher-level ministry does not necessarily imply ability to function on relatively lower service levels. Man begins life as a helpless infant; hence every mortal attainment must embrace all experiential prerequisites; seraphim have no such preadult life—no childhood. They are, however, experiential creatures, and by experience and through additional education they can augment their divine and inherent endowment of ability by the experiential acquirement of functional skill in one or more of the seraphic services. |
39:0.11 (426.11) 在得以委任之后,炽天使们便会被配属到其原有类别的后备团队中。那些有着行星类及管理类身份的炽天使,常常会按原初分类服务很长时期。然而天使类侍奉者的原有职能层次愈高,她们就愈会坚持寻求派往较低类宇宙服务的任务。她们尤其渴望会被派往行星类援助者的后备团队,如能成功,她们就会参加各种天界学校,这些学校隶属于某个进化世界的行星君王总部。在这里,她们开始学习语言、历史,以及人类各民族的当地习俗。炽天使必须像人类一样获取知识、积累经验。在某些人格特征上,她们和你们差不多。她们都渴望从底层、从尽可能低的侍奉层次做起;这样,她们才有望达到经验性天命中尽可能高的层次。 |
39:0.11 (426.11) After being commissioned, seraphim are assigned to the reserves of their inherent group. Those of planetary and administrator status often serve for long periods as originally classified, but the higher the inherent function level, the more persistently do the angelic ministers seek assignment to the lower orders of universe service. Especially do they desire assignment to the reserves of the planetary helpers, and if successful they enroll in the celestial schools attached to the headquarters of the Planetary Prince of some evolutionary world. Here they begin the study of the languages, history, and local habits of the races of mankind. Seraphim must acquire knowledge and gain experience much as do human beings. They are not far removed from you in certain personality attributes. And they all crave to start at the bottom, on the lowest possible level of ministry; thus may they hope to achieve the highest possible level of experiential destiny. |
1. 至高类炽天使 ^top |
1. Supreme Seraphim ^top |
39:1.1 (427.1) 这些炽天使是七类予以揭示的地方宇宙天使中最为高等的一类。她们以七个团队的方式而运作,其中每一团队都与炽天使完满团队的天使侍奉者们紧密相关。 |
39:1.1 (427.1) These seraphim are the highest of the seven revealed orders of local universe angels. They function in seven groups, each of which is closely associated with the angelic ministers of the Seraphic Corps of Completion. |
39:1.2 (427.2) 1.子-灵类侍奉者。至高类炽天使中的首个团队,被配属到常驻地方宇宙并运作于其中的高级圣子们及来源于上灵的存有们所在的服务团队中。这类天使侍奉者们也服务于宇宙之子及宇宙之灵,并与明亮晨星所属的情报团队紧密相关,明亮晨星即是造物之子和造物之灵联合意志的宇宙首席执行官。 |
39:1.2 (427.2) 1. Son-Spirit Ministers. The first group of the supreme seraphim are assigned to the service of the high Sons and Spirit-origin beings resident and functioning in the local universe. This group of angelic ministers also serve the Universe Son and the Universe Spirit and are closely affiliated with the intelligence corps of the Bright and Morning Star, the universe chief executive of the united wills of the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit. |
39:1.3 (427.3) 一旦被委派给高级圣子们及众灵,这些炽天使就会自然与天堂艾沃诺(Avonal)的广泛服务关联起来,后者即为永恒之子和无限之灵的神性后代。天堂艾沃诺们在履行所有执法及赠与使命时,都会由这类经验丰富的高级炽天使所伴随,她们在此时投身到管理组织那些与一个行星天命终结及另一个新时代开启相关的专门工作中。但她们并不牵涉进伴随这一天命转变而同时发生的审判工作中。 |
39:1.3 (427.3) Being of assignment to the high Sons and Spirits, these seraphim are naturally associated with the far-flung services of the Paradise Avonals, the divine offspring of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. The Paradise Avonals are always attended on all magisterial and bestowal missions by this high and experienced order of seraphim, who are at such times devoted to organizing and administering the special work connected with the termination of one planetary dispensation and the inauguration of a new age. But they are not concerned in the work of adjudication which might be incidental to such a change in dispensations. |
39:1.4 (427.4) 赠与侍从。天堂艾沃诺们(而非造物之子们)在履行赠与使命时,总会由144名赠与侍从组成的团队所伴随。这144名天使是所有可能与赠与使命相关之其他子-灵类侍奉者们的首领。可能会有众多天使军团服从于一位履行行星赠与之化身神子的指挥,然而所有这些炽天使都是由这144名赠与侍从所组织及主管的。更高类别的天使,即超级天使和二级天使,可能也会成为随从大军中的一部分,尽管其使命与炽天使的使命不同,但所有这些活动却都会由赠与侍从所协调。 |
39:1.4 (427.4) Bestowal Attendants. Paradise Avonals, but not Creator Sons, when on a bestowal mission are always accompanied by a corps of 144 bestowal attendants. These 144 angels are the chiefs of all other Son-Spirit ministers who may be associated with a bestowal mission. There might possibly be legions of angels subject to the command of an incarnated Son of God on a planetary bestowal, but all these seraphim would be organized and directed by the 144 bestowal attendants. Higher orders of angels, supernaphim and seconaphim, might also form a part of the attending host, and though their missions are distinct from those of the seraphim, all these activities would be co-ordinated by the bestowal attendants. |
39:1.5 (427.5) 这些赠与侍从都是完满类炽天使;她们已穿越了天使之都的所有圈子,并达至炽天使完满团队。她们还被格外培训过,以去面对和应付与神子赠与相关的困难及紧急事件,以使赠与圣子的童年时代顺利度过。这些炽天使都已到达过天堂,并且得到了第二本源与中心、即永恒之子的亲自接纳。 |
39:1.5 (427.5) These bestowal attendants are completion seraphim; they have all traversed the circles of Seraphington and have attained the Seraphic Corps of Completion. And they have been further especially trained to meet the difficulties and to cope with the emergencies associated with the bestowals of the Sons of God for the advancement of the children of time. Such seraphim have all achieved Paradise and the personal embrace of the Second Source and Center, the Eternal Son. |
39:1.6 (427.6) 炽天使们同样渴望被委派到化身圣子们的众多使命中,以及被配属为各域凡人的命运守护者;后者是炽天使前往天堂的最可靠通行证,而赠与侍从们则已经实现了到过天堂的完满类炽天使所做的最高类地方宇宙服务。 |
39:1.6 (427.6) Seraphim equally crave assignment to the missions of the incarnated Sons and attachment as destiny guardians to the mortals of the realms; the latter is the surest seraphic passport to Paradise, while the bestowal attendants have achieved the highest local universe service of the completion seraphim of Paradise attainment. |
39:1.7 (428.1) 2. 法庭顾问。这些是配属到各类审判当中的炽天使类顾问和助手,范围从调解者往上到该域的最高法庭。这种法庭的目的并不是去做出惩罚性的判决,而是去裁定真实的意见分歧,并去判定扬升凡人的永久续存。法庭顾问在这其中的职责是:确保对凡人受造物的所有指控都是公正表述及仁慈判决的。在这项工作中,她们与高级专员们密切配合,后者是服务于地方宇宙的融合于上灵之扬升凡人。 |
39:1.7 (428.1) 2. Court Advisers. These are the seraphic advisers and helpers attached to all orders of adjudication, from the conciliators up to the highest tribunals of the realm. It is not the purpose of such tribunals to determine punitive sentences but rather to adjudicate honest differences of opinion and to decree the everlasting survival of ascending mortals. Herein lies the duty of the court advisers: to see that all charges against mortal creatures are stated in justice and adjudicated in mercy. In this work they are closely associated with the High Commissioners, Spirit-fused ascendant mortals serving in the local universe. |
39:1.8 (428.2) 炽天使类法庭顾问广泛地充当着凡人们的辩护者。对于各域的低等受造物而言,从不存在任何不公的处置,尽管公平会要求对朝向神性完美的攀升中所出现的每一个失误都做出裁决,但仁慈却会要求依照受造物本质及神性目的,来公正裁定每一个这样的过失。这些天使是固有于神性公平中的仁慈要素之典型与例证 -- 而这种神性公平即是基于对个人动机及种族倾向之潜在事实的了解而形成的公正。 |
39:1.8 (428.2) The seraphic court advisers serve extensively as defenders of mortals. Not that there ever exists any disposition to be unfair to the lowly creatures of the realms, but while justice demands the adjudication of every default in the climb towards divine perfection, mercy requires that every such misstep be fairly adjudged in accordance with the creature nature and the divine purpose. These angels are the exponents and exemplification of the element of mercy inherent in divine justice—of fairness based on the knowledge of the underlying facts of personal motives and racial tendencies. |
39:1.9 (428.3) 这类天使从行星君王的各种理事会服务到地方宇宙的最高法庭,而其炽天使完满团队中的同伴们,则在奥温顿(Orvonton)的更高领域里运作,甚至还在尤沃萨(Uversa)上的亘古常在者法庭中服务。 |
39:1.9 (428.3) This order of angels serves from the councils of the Planetary Princes to the highest tribunals of the local universe, while their associates of the Seraphic Corps of Completion function in the higher realms of Orvonton, even to the courts of the Ancients of Days on Uversa. |
39:1.10 (428.4) 3. 宇宙定向者。这些是所有那些扬升受造物的真正朋友与研修顾问,这些受造物于其出身的宇宙内,最后一次短暂停留于萨尔文顿(Salvington),此时他们正处在灵性冒险的边缘,该冒险自他们面前扩展至广袤的奥温顿(Orvonton)超级宇宙当中。在这样一种时刻,许多扬升者都怀有一种世人所能理解的感情,就好比是人类的怀旧之情。身后是有所成就的领域,即因长期服务以及灵质性成就而逐渐熟悉的领域;而面前则是一个有着更为庞大浩瀚宇宙的挑战性谜团。 |
39:1.10 (428.4) 3. Universe Orientators. These are the true friends and postgraduate counselors of all those ascending creatures who are pausing for the last time on Salvington, in their universe of origin, as they stand on the brink of the spirit adventure stretching out before them in the vast superuniverse of Orvonton. And at such a time many an ascender has a feeling which mortals could understand only by comparison with the human emotion of nostalgia. Behind lie the realms of achievement, realms grown familiar by long service and morontia attainment; ahead lies the challenging mystery of a greater and vaster universe. |
39:1.11 (428.5) 宇宙定向者的任务,就是去促使扬升朝圣者们从已达成的宇宙服务层次通向未达成的宇宙服务层次,去帮助这些朝圣者们作出那些林林总总的调整,从而理解以下认识中所蕴含的意义与价值,即第一阶段的属灵存有,并非处于地方宇宙灵质性扬升的终点与顶峰,而是处在通向天堂万有之父的灵性扬升长梯之底端。 |
39:1.11 (428.5) It is the task of the universe orientators to facilitate the passage of the ascending pilgrims from the attained to the unattained level of universe service, to help these pilgrims in making those kaleidoscopic adjustments in the comprehension of meanings and values inherent in the realization that a first-stage spirit being stands, not at the end and climax of the local universe morontia ascent, but rather at the very bottom of the long ladder of spiritual ascent to the Universal Father on Paradise. |
39:1.12 (428.6) 许多天使之都的毕业者,亦即与这些炽天使相关的炽天使完满团队成员,在某些萨尔文顿(Salvington)的学校中从事广泛的教学工作,这些学校与内巴顿(Nebadon)受造物为应对下一个宇宙时代所做准备有关。 |
39:1.12 (428.6) Many of the Seraphington graduates, members of the Seraphic Corps of Completion who are associated with these seraphim, engage in extensive teaching in certain Salvington schools concerned with the preparation of the creatures of Nebadon for the relationships of the next universe age. |
39:1.13 (428.7) 4. 教导顾问。这些天使是地方宇宙灵性教导团队的宝贵助手。教导顾问是所有各类教导者的秘书,上至麦基洗德和三一性教导之子,下至一些被指派作为那些在扬升生命阶梯中稍落后于自身的那些同类之援助者的灵质性凡人。你们会在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的七个宅厦世界当中之一上,第一次看见这些助理性教导炽天使。 |
39:1.13 (428.7) 4. The Teaching Counselors. These angels are the invaluable assistants of the spiritual teaching corps of the local universe. Teaching counselors are secretaries to all orders of teachers, from the Melchizedeks and the Trinity Teacher Sons down to the morontia mortals who are assigned as helpers to those of their kind who are just behind them in the scale of ascendant life. You will first see these associate teaching seraphim on some one of the seven mansion worlds surrounding Jerusem. |
39:1.14 (428.8) 这些炽天使会成为地方宇宙中众多教育和培训机构的部门主管助理,她们被大量地配属到各地方系统的七个培训世界,以及各星座的七十个教育天体所属的院系中。这些照料会持续扩展到各个世界上。乃至真正备受尊崇的时间性教导者们,也都经常受到这些至高类炽天使顾问的协助与照料。 |
39:1.14 (428.8) These seraphim become associates of the division chiefs of the numerous educational and training institutions of the local universes, and they are attached in large numbers to the faculties of the seven training worlds of the local systems and of the seventy educational spheres of the constellations. These ministrations extend on down to the individual worlds. Even the true and consecrated teachers of time are assisted, and often attended, by these counselors of the supreme seraphim. |
39:1.15 (429.1) 造物之子的第四次受造物赠与,与一个内巴顿(Nebadon)至高类炽天使中的教导顾问非常相似。 |
39:1.15 (429.1) The fourth creature bestowal of the Creator Son was in the likeness of a teaching counselor of the supreme seraphim of Nebadon. |
39:1.16 (429.2) 5. 委派主管者。一个由144名至高类炽天使所构成的团体,是不时由服务于受造物所居进化类及建造类天体的天使们所选出的。这是任一天体上最高的天使理事会,它会协调炽天使服务和委派的各个自主方面。这些天使也会主持所有与执勤或崇拜有关的炽天使集会。 |
39:1.16 (429.2) 5. Directors of Assignment. A body of 144 supreme seraphim is elected from time to time by the angels serving on the evolutionary and on the architectural spheres of creature habitation. This is the highest angelic council on any sphere, and it co-ordinates the self-directed phases of seraphic service and assignment. These angels preside over all seraphic assemblies pertaining to the line of duty or the call to worship. |
39:1.17 (429.3) 6. 记录者。这些是至高类炽天使的正式记录员。这些高等天使中有许多生来就怀有已得到充分发展的天资;而其他的则在配属给较低类别或是较少负责类别期间,通过勤奋的学习应用及忠实履行相似职责而获得担任其充满信托与责任之岗位的资格。 |
39:1.17 (429.3) 6. The Recorders. These are the official recorders for the supreme seraphim. Many of these high angels were born with their gifts fully developed; others have qualified for their positions of trust and responsibility by diligent application to study and faithful performance of similar duties while attached to lower or less responsible orders. |
39:1.18 (429.4) 7. 独立的侍奉者。大量独立的至高类炽天使是建造天体及居住行星上的自主性服务者。这类侍奉者自愿满足针对至高类炽天使服务的不同需求,因此便形成了该类的总后备队。 |
39:1.18 (429.4) 7. Unattached Ministers. Large numbers of unattached seraphim of the supreme order are self-directed servers on the architectural spheres and on the inhabited planets. Such ministers voluntarily meet the differential of demand for the service of the supreme seraphim, thus constituting the general reserve of this order. |
2. 较高类炽天使 ^top |
2. Superior Seraphim ^top |
39:2.1 (429.5) 较高类炽天使得到她们的名字,决不是因为她们在品质方面优于其他天使类别,而是因为她们掌管着一个地方宇宙的各种较高级活动。这一炽天使团队中的前两类大多是达成类炽天使,亦即一些曾服务于所有培训方面,并作为其早先活动范围内同类之主管者而回到荣耀性委派当中的天使们。作为一个年轻的宇宙,内巴顿(Nebadon)并无太多此类天使。 |
39:2.1 (429.5) Superior seraphim receive their name, not because they are in any sense qualitatively superior to other orders of angels, but because they are in charge of the higher activities of a local universe. Very many of the first two groups of this seraphic corps are attainment seraphim, angels who have served in all phases of training and have returned to a glorified assignment as directors of their kind in the spheres of their earlier activities. Being a young universe, Nebadon does not have many of this order. |
39:2.2 (429.6) 较高类炽天使按下面七类团队的方式运作着: |
39:2.2 (429.6) The superior seraphim function in the following seven groups: |
39:2.3 (429.7) 1. 情报团队。这些炽天使属于明亮晨星加百列的随身侍从。她们漫游于地方宇宙去搜集各域信息,以供他在内巴顿(Nebadon)会议中给予指导。她们是加百列作为主位之子代理者所执掌强大军团中的情报团队。这些炽天使并不直接隶属于各个系统或星座,她们的情报则通过一种连续、直接且独立的回路直接涌向萨尔文顿(Salvington)。 |
39:2.3 (429.7) 1. The Intelligence Corps. These seraphim belong to the personal staff of Gabriel, the Bright and Morning Star. They range the local universe gathering the information of the realms for his guidance in the councils of Nebadon. They are the intelligence corps of the mighty hosts over which Gabriel presides as vicegerent of the Master Son. These seraphim are not directly affiliated with either the systems or the constellations, and their information pours in direct to Salvington upon a continuous, direct, and independent circuit. |
39:2.4 (429.8) 分属不同地方宇宙的情报团队的确可以相互联络,但仅限于在一个特定的超级宇宙之内。有一种能量差异会将不同超级宇宙的事务处理有效地分隔开来。一个超级宇宙通常只能经由天堂信息交换中心的设备与设施,才能与另一超级宇宙交流。 |
39:2.4 (429.8) The intelligence corps of the various local universes can and do intercommunicate but only within a given superuniverse. There is a differential of energy which effectively segregates the business and transactions of the various supergovernments. One superuniverse can ordinarily communicate with another superuniverse only through the provisions and facilities of the Paradise clearinghouse. |
39:2.5 (430.1) 2. 仁慈之声。仁慈是炽天使服务及天使类侍奉的基调,因此宜应有一批天使能以一种专门的方式展现仁慈。这些炽天使是各个地方宇宙中真正仁慈的侍奉者。她们是些激发性领导者,会培养人类和天使更为高尚的冲动和更为神圣的情感。这些军团的主管者们目前一直是些完满类炽天使,亦是些毕业的凡人命运守护者;也就是说,每一对炽天使至少已引导过一个源于动物的灵魂度过肉身生活,并随后穿越了天使之都的各个圈子,且被编入了炽天使完满团队。 |
39:2.5 (430.1) 2. The Voice of Mercy. Mercy is the keynote of seraphic service and angelic ministry. It is therefore fitting that there should be a corps of angels who, in a special manner, portray mercy. These seraphim are the real mercy ministers of the local universes. They are the inspired leaders who foster the higher impulses and holier emotions of men and angels. The directors of these legions are now always completion seraphim who are also graduate guardians of mortal destiny; that is, each angelic pair has guided at least one soul of animal origin during the life in the flesh and has subsequently traversed the circles of Seraphington and has been mustered into the Seraphic Corps of Completion. |
39:2.6 (430.2) 3. 灵性协调者。较高类炽天使的第三类团队以萨尔文顿(Salvington)为据点,但却会在地方宇宙中任何一个她们能够提供有效服务的地方运作。尽管她们的任务从本质上来讲是灵性的,因此超出了人类心智的真正理解之外,但如果按如下解释,即这些天使被委以这样一个任务,去令萨尔文顿的扬升旅居者为其在地方宇宙中的最后一次转变 -- 即从最高的灵质性层次到新生灵性存有之地位 --做好准备,你们或许就会理解一些她们对于凡人的照料。正如宅厦世界上的心智规划者帮助续存受造物调适并有效利用灵质性心智的潜能一样,这些炽天使会指导萨尔文顿的灵质性毕业者如何利用灵性心智的新得能力。她们还以其他多种方式服务于扬升凡人。 |
39:2.6 (430.2) 3. Spirit Co-ordinators. The third group of superior seraphim are based on Salvington but function in the local universe anywhere they can be of fruitful service. While their tasks are essentially spiritual and therefore beyond the real understanding of human minds, you will perhaps grasp something of their ministry to mortals if it is explained that these angels are intrusted with the task of preparing the ascendant sojourners on Salvington for their last transition in the local universe—from the highest morontia level to the status of newborn spirit beings. As the mind planners on the mansion worlds help the surviving creature to adjust to, and make effective use of, the potentials of morontia mind, so do these seraphim instruct the morontia graduates on Salvington regarding the newly attained capacities of the mind of the spirit. And they serve the ascendant mortals in many other ways. |
39:2.7 (430.3) 4. 助理教导者。助理教导者是其同伴、即教导顾问们的助手与同事。她们自身也与地方宇宙中的广泛教育事业相关,尤其与地方系统中宅厦世界上施行的七重培训计划相关。这类炽天使的一个出色团队在玉苒厦(Urantia)上运作着,旨在培育和推进真理与正义之事业。 |
39:2.7 (430.3) 4. Assistant Teachers. The assistant teachers are the helpers and associates of their fellow seraphim, the teaching counselors. They are also individually connected with the extensive educational enterprises of the local universe, especially with the sevenfold scheme of training operative on the mansion worlds of the local systems. A marvelous corps of this order of seraphim functions on Urantia for the purpose of fostering and furthering the cause of truth and righteousness. |
39:2.8 (430.4) 5. 运送者。所有各类侍奉之灵都有着自己的运送团队,这些天使团队献身于侍奉运送那些自身无法从一个天体前往另一天体的人格体。较高类炽天使中的第五团队将总部设在萨尔文顿(Salvington),并充当着往来地方宇宙总部的空间穿越者。与较高类炽天使的其他分类一样,有些是按此职能受造的,而其他一些则是从较低或是天资较差的类别中提升而来的。 |
39:2.8 (430.4) 5. The Transporters. All groups of ministering spirits have their transport corps, angelic orders dedicated to the ministry of transporting those personalities who are unable, of themselves, to journey from one sphere to another. The fifth group of the superior seraphim are headquartered on Salvington and serve as space traversers to and from the headquarters of the local universe. Like other subdivisions of the superior seraphim, some were created as such while others have risen from the lower or less endowed groups. |
39:2.9 (430.5) 炽天使的“能量范围”完全可以满足地方宇宙乃至超级宇宙的要求,但她们却决不能经受从尤沃萨(Uversa)到哈沃纳(Havona)这样一次长途旅行所要负担的能量要求。这样一次极为耗能的旅行,需要一名具有运送天资的第一类二级天使的特殊能力。运送者们会在途中吸取能量,并在旅途结束时恢复体力。 |
39:2.9 (430.5) The “energy range” of seraphim is wholly adequate for local universe and even for superuniverse requirements, but they could never withstand the energy demands entailed by such a long journey as that from Uversa to Havona. Such an exhaustive journey requires the special powers of a primary seconaphim of transport endowments. Transporters take on energy for flight while in transit and recuperate personal power at the end of the journey. |
39:2.10 (430.6) 即便在萨尔文顿(Salvington),扬升凡人们也并不具有自身运送的形体。扬升者们必须要依靠炽天使运送才会实现逐个世界的提升,一直到他们在哈沃纳(Havona)内层环路的最后沉睡以及在天堂上永恒醒来以后。你们之后将不再依靠天使们逐个宇宙的运送。 |
39:2.10 (430.6) Even on Salvington ascending mortals do not possess personal transit forms. Ascenders must depend upon seraphic transport in advancing from world to world until after the last rest of sleep on the inner circle of Havona and the eternal awakening on Paradise. Subsequently you will not be dependent on angels for transport from universe to universe. |
39:2.11 (430.7) 被炽天使所裹挟的过程与死亡或沉睡经历没什么不同,除了在运送沉睡当中存在一种自动性时间要素。在炽天使身内安息期间,你是自觉无意识的。然而思想调整者则是全然清醒的,事实上,正是由于你无法反对、抵制,或是以其他方式阻碍其创造性转变工作,他才是极为高效的。 |
39:2.11 (430.7) The process of being enseraphimed is not unlike the experience of death or sleep except that there is an automatic time element in the transit slumber. You are consciously unconscious during seraphic rest. But the Thought Adjuster is wholly and fully conscious, in fact, exceptionally efficient since you are unable to oppose, resist, or otherwise hinder creative and transforming work. |
39:2.12 (431.1) 在被炽天使裹挟时,你会沉睡一段特定的时间,并会在指定时刻醒来。在运送沉睡中的旅行长短是非物质性的。你并不会直接意识到时间的流逝。就好像你在一个城市中的交通载具上睡着了,在整晚的安睡休息后,醒来时处于另一个遥远的大都市当中。你在熟睡的同时,也在旅行着。同样,你在熟睡休息的同时,也被炽天使所裹挟飞越空间。运送性沉睡是由调整者与炽天使运送者之间的配合所引发的。 |
39:2.12 (431.1) When enseraphimed, you go to sleep for a specified time, and you will awake at the designated moment. The length of a journey when in transit sleep is immaterial. You are not directly aware of the passing of time. It is as if you went to sleep on a transport vehicle in one city and, after resting in peaceful slumber all night, awakened in another and distant metropolis. You journeyed while you slumbered. And so you take flight through space, enseraphimed, while you rest—sleep. The transit sleep is induced by the liaison between the Adjusters and the seraphic transporters. |
39:2.13 (431.2) 天使们无法运送像你们目前所拥有的这些可燃性血肉之躯,但她们可以运送所有其他类形体,从最低等的灵质性形体到更高等的属灵性形体。她们并不在自然性死亡事件中运作。当你完成了你的凡世生涯时,你的躯体便留在了这一星球。你的思想调整者会回到上父的怀抱,而这些天使与你后来在身份标识类宅厦世界上的人格重组并无直接关系。在那里,你的新身体是一种灵质性形体,一种可被炽天使所裹挟的形体。你在坟墓里“种下了一具暂存性躯体”;却在宅厦世界上“收获了一具灵质性形体”。 |
39:2.13 (431.2) The angels cannot transport combustion bodies—flesh and blood—such as you now have, but they can transport all others, from the lowest morontia to the higher spirit forms. They do not function in the event of natural death. When you finish your earthly career, your body remains on this planet. Your Thought Adjuster proceeds to the bosom of the Father, and these angels are not directly concerned in your subsequent personality reassembly on the identification mansion world. There your new body is a morontia form, one that can enseraphim. You “sow a mortal body” in the grave; you “reap a morontia form” on the mansion worlds. |
39:2.14 (431.3) 6. 记录者。这些人格体专门忙于萨尔文顿(Salvington)及其相关世界各种记录的接收、归档以及再发。她们也充当超级宇宙常驻团体与高等人格体的专门记录者,同时还充当萨尔文顿法庭的书记员,以及当中支配者们的秘书。 |
39:2.14 (431.3) 6. The Recorders. These personalities are especially concerned with the reception, filing, and redispatch of the records of Salvington and its associated worlds. They also serve as special recorders for resident groups of superuniverse and higher personalities and as clerks of the courts of Salvington and secretaries to the rulers thereof. |
39:2.15 (431.4) 广播者 -- 即接收者与发送者们 -- 是炽天使记录者中的一个专门分类,忙于发送记录和传播重要信息。她们的工作是高度有序的,而且是那么的多渠道,以致144,000条信息可以同时穿越同样的能量通道。她们运用了超级天使首席记录者的高等表意技术,通过这些共通符号与第三类超级天使中的情报协调者以及炽天使完满团队中的荣耀性情报协调者们保持相互接触。 |
39:2.15 (431.4) Broadcasters—receivers and dispatchers—are a specialized subdivision of the seraphic recorders, being concerned with the dispatch of records and with the dissemination of essential information. Their work is of a high order, being so multicircuited that 144,000 messages can simultaneously traverse the same lines of energy. They adapt the higher ideographic techniques of the superaphic chief recorders and with these common symbols maintain reciprocal contact with both the intelligence co-ordinators of the tertiary supernaphim and the glorified intelligence co-ordinators of the Seraphic Corps of Completion. |
39:2.16 (431.5) 较高类炽天使记录者由此与其自身类别中的情报团队以及所有下属记录者们都形成了一种密切联系,与此同时,广播使她们能够与超级宇宙中的高级记录者们保持持久联络,并且通过这种渠道,还与哈沃纳(Havona)的记录者以及天堂的知识保管者们保持联络。很多较高类记录者,是一些自该宇宙较低等区域中担当类似职责的炽天使扬升而来的。 |
39:2.16 (431.5) Seraphic recorders of the superior order thus effect a close liaison with the intelligence corps of their own order and with all subordinate recorders, while the broadcasts enable them to maintain constant communication with the higher recorders of the superuniverse and, through this channel, with the recorders of Havona and the custodians of knowledge on Paradise. Many of the superior order of recorders are seraphim ascended from similar duties in lower sections of the universe. |
39:2.17 (431.6) 7. 后备团队。所有类型较高类炽天使的庞大后备团队都是以萨尔文顿(Salvington)为据点的,一旦被委派主管者所征调或是接到宇宙管理者的请求,她们就能即刻前往内巴顿(Nebadon)中最遥远的世界。较高类炽天使的后备团队也会应闪耀昏星首脑的请求而提供信使类协助,该首脑被委以了收发一切人格性通信的职责。地方宇宙会被配以全面的内部通信手段,但总会有一些留下来的信息需要由一位人格性信使所发送。 |
39:2.17 (431.6) 7. The Reserves. Large reserves of all types of the superior seraphim are held on Salvington, instantly available for dispatch to the farthermost worlds of Nebadon as they are requisitioned by the directors of assignment or upon the request of the universe administrators. The reserves of superior seraphim also furnish messenger aids upon requisition by the chief of the Brilliant Evening Stars, who is intrusted with the custody and dispatch of all personal communications. A local universe is fully provided with adequate means of intercommunication, but there is always a residue of messages which requires dispatch by personal messengers. |
39:2.18 (432.1) 整个地方宇宙的基本后备团队都是以萨尔文顿(Salvington)的炽天使世界为据点的。这一团队包括了所有天使类别的所有类型。 |
39:2.18 (432.1) The basic reserves for the entire local universe are held on the seraphic worlds of Salvington. This corps includes all types of all groups of angels. |
3. 监督类炽天使 ^top |
3. Supervisor Seraphim ^top |
39:3.1 (432.2) 这一类多才多艺的宇宙天使会被委派到各星座的专属服务团队当中。这些能干的侍奉者将其总部设在星座首府,但为了其所派各域的利益,她们可在整个内巴顿(Nebadon)当中运作。 |
39:3.1 (432.2) This versatile order of universe angels is assigned to the exclusive service of the constellations. These able ministers make their headquarters on the constellation capitals but function throughout all Nebadon in the interests of their assigned realms. |
39:3.2 (432.3) 1. 监督助理。该监督类炽天使中的第一类被委派到各星座之父的集体工作中,她们是极高者们永远高效的助手。这些炽天使主要关注于一整个星座的统一与稳定。 |
39:3.2 (432.3) 1. Supervising Assistants. The first order of the supervising seraphim are assigned to the collective work of the Constellation Fathers, and they are the ever-efficient helpers of the Most Highs. These seraphim are primarily concerned with the unification and stabilization of a whole constellation. |
39:3.3 (432.4) 2. 律法预测者。公平的智性基础是律法,在地方宇宙中,律法来源于各星座的立法议会。这些审议机构编纂并正式制定内巴顿(Nebadon)的基本律法,这些律法旨在为一整个星座提供最大可能的协调,从而与不侵犯人格受造物之道德性自由意志的固定方针相符合。第二种监督类炽天使的职责,就是将有关任一提案会如何影响自由意志性受造物生活的预测提交到星座立法者们面前。由于她们在各地方系统中以及各居住世界上的长期经历,所以她们完全有资格来履行这项服务。这些炽天使并非为某一团体或另一方寻求任何特殊关照,但她们的确会出现在天界立法者们面前,去为那些不能到场替自身讲话的存有发言。甚至连凡人也有可能为宇宙律法的发展做出贡献,因为这些炽天使所忠实全面描绘的,并不是人类短暂而有意识的欲望,而是人类内心、亦即物质性凡人在空间世界上逐渐进化的灵质性灵魂之真正渴望。 |
39:3.3 (432.4) 2. Law Forecasters. The intellectual foundation of justice is law, and in a local universe law originates in the legislative assemblies of the constellations. These deliberative bodies codify and formally promulgate the basic laws of Nebadon, laws designed to afford the greatest possible co-ordination of a whole constellation consistent with the fixed policy of noninfringement of the moral free will of personal creatures. It is the duty of the second order of supervisor seraphim to place before the constellation lawmakers a forecast of how any proposed enactment would affect the lives of freewill creatures. This service they are well qualified to perform by virtue of long experience in the local systems and on the inhabited worlds. These seraphim seek no special favors for one group or another, but they do appear before the celestial lawmakers to speak for those who cannot be present to speak for themselves. Even mortal man may contribute to the evolution of universe law, for these very seraphim do faithfully and fully portray, not necessarily man’s transient and conscious desires, but rather the true longings of the inner man, the evolving morontia soul of the material mortal on the worlds of space. |
39:3.4 (432.5) 3. 社交缔造者。从单个行星往上到各个灵质性培训世界,这些炽天使都在努力去促进真诚的社交接触,推动宇宙受造物的社交进程。这些天使试图令智能存有间的交往摆脱做作,同时尽力促进意志受造物在真正自我理解及真诚相互欣赏的基础上相互往来。 |
39:3.4 (432.5) 3. Social Architects. From the individual planets up through the morontia training worlds, these seraphim labor to enhance all sincere social contacts and to further the social evolution of universe creatures. These are the angels who seek to divest the associations of intelligent beings of all artificiality while endeavoring to facilitate the interassociation of will creatures on a basis of real self-understanding and genuine mutual appreciation. |
39:3.5 (432.6) 社交缔造者们在其职能范围之内,尽一切努力来使合适的个体们聚在一起,以使他们可在世上形成有效愉快的工作团队;而这些团队常会发现他们在宅厦世界上会再次组合起来以继续卓有成效的服务。但这些炽天使并非总能达到她们的目的;她们并非总能使那些打算形成最为理想团队去达到某一既定目的或完成某一特定任务的存有们聚在一起;在这些情况下,她们必须要利用可以获得的最佳物质条件。 |
39:3.5 (432.6) Social architects do everything within their province and power to bring together suitable individuals that they may constitute efficient and agreeable working groups on earth; and sometimes such groups have found themselves reassociated on the mansion worlds for continued fruitful service. But not always do these seraphim attain their ends; not always are they able to bring together those who would form the most ideal group to achieve a given purpose or to accomplish a certain task; under these conditions they must utilize the best of the material available. |
39:3.6 (432.7) 这些天使会在宅厦世界和更高级的灵质性世界上,继续其侍奉工作。她们关注于一切与灵质性世界进步有关的事务,以及涉及三个或更多个人的事务。两个存有会被视为是运作于相配、互补或是搭档的基础之上,而当三个或更多存有要形成服务团队时,他们就会构成一个社交问题,并由此而落入社交缔造者的管辖范围之内。这些高效的炽天使们在伊甸厦上被组织成七十个分队,这些分队在环绕该总部天体的七十个灵质性进步世界上侍奉着。 |
39:3.6 (432.7) These angels continue their ministry on the mansion and higher morontia worlds. They are concerned with any undertaking having to do with progress on the morontia worlds and which concerns three or more persons. Two beings are regarded as operating on the mating, complemental, or partnership basis, but when three or more are grouped for service, they constitute a social problem and therefore fall within the jurisdiction of the social architects. These efficient seraphim are organized in seventy divisions on Edentia, and these divisions minister on the seventy morontia progress worlds encircling the headquarters sphere. |
39:3.7 (433.1) 4. 伦理敏化者。这些炽天使的使命是培养并促进受造物对于人际关系道德的理解,因为这种理解是社会、政府、人类以及超人类得以持续明确发展的根源与奥妙所在。这些对伦理认知的促进者们可在任何她们可以服务的地方运作着,她们充当着行星支配者们的志愿顾问以及系统培训世界上的交流老师。然而,只有当你们到达了伊甸厦的兄弟之谊学校,你们才会完全处于她们的指导之下。在这里,她们会加速你们对于那些有关友情之真理的理解,随后,你们甚至会如此热切地通过与诺拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座首府伊甸厦(Edentia)周围七十个“社交实验室”卫星上的尤尼维塔莎(Univitatia)共同生活的实际体验,来认真探索这些真理。 |
39:3.7 (433.1) 4. Ethical Sensitizers. It is the mission of these seraphim to foster and to promote the growth of creature appreciation of the morality of interpersonal relationships, for such is the seed and secret of the continued and purposeful growth of society and government, human or superhuman. These enhancers of ethical appreciation function anywhere and everywhere they may be of service, as volunteer counselors to the planetary rulers and as exchange teachers on the system training worlds. You will not, however, come under their full guidance until you reach the brotherhood schools on Edentia, where they will quicken your appreciation of those very truths of fraternity which you will even then be so earnestly exploring by the actual experience of living with the univitatia in the social laboratories of Edentia, the seventy satellites of the Norlatiadek capital. |
39:3.8 (433.2) 5. 运送者。第五种监督类炽天使作为人格体运送者而运作,运送存有们往返于各个星座总部之间。在从一个领域飞往另一领域的过程中,这些运送天使十分清楚其速度、方向以及天文位置。她们不像无生命抛射体那样穿越空间。在空间飞行期间,她们彼此可能会擦身而过,但却丝毫没有碰撞的危险。她们完全能去改变行进的速度以及飞行的方向,甚至能去改变目的地,假如她们的主管者指示她们在宇宙智能回路的任一个空间节点上这么做的话。 |
39:3.8 (433.2) 5. The Transporters. The fifth group of supervisor seraphim operate as personality transporters, carrying beings to and from the headquarters of the constellations. Such transport seraphim, while in flight from one sphere to another, are fully conscious of their velocity, direction, and astronomic whereabouts. They are not traversing space as would an inanimate projectile. They may pass near one another during space flight without the least danger of collision. They are fully able to vary speed of progression and to alter direction of flight, even to change destinations if their directors should so instruct them at any space junction of the universe intelligence circuits. |
39:3.9 (433.3) 这些运送人格体是如此的有组织,以致她们可以同时利用所有三种广泛分布的能量通道,每一种通道拥有的绝对空间速度为299,790公里/秒。这些运送者由此能将能量的速度迭加到力量的速度上,直到她们在其长途旅行中获得一个接近于888,000 到几近 894,400公里/秒的平均速度。速度会受到邻近物质的质量以及接近度的影响,还会受到附近主要宇宙力量回路的强度与方向的影响。有许多类与炽天使相似的存有,他们能穿越空间,也能运送其他适当准备好的存有。 |
39:3.9 (433.3) These transit personalities are so organized that they can simultaneously utilize all three of the universally distributed lines of energy, each having a clear space velocity of 186,280 miles per second. These transporters are thus able to superimpose velocity of energy upon velocity of power until they attain an average speed on their long journeys varying anywhere from 555,000 to almost 559,000 of your miles per second of your time. The velocity is affected by the mass and proximity of neighboring matter and by the strength and direction of the near-by main circuits of universe power. There are numerous types of beings, similar to the seraphim, who are able to traverse space, and who also are able to transport other beings who have been properly prepared. |
39:3.10 (433.4) 6. 记录者。第六种监督类炽天使充当的是星座事务的专门记录者。有一个庞大而高效的团队运作于诺拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座总部伊甸厦(Edentia)之上,你们的系统与行星就属于这一星座。 |
39:3.10 (433.4) 6. The Recorders. The sixth order of supervising seraphim act as the special recorders of constellation affairs. A large and efficient corps functions on Edentia, the headquarters of the constellation of Norlatiadek, to which your system and planet belong. |
39:3.11 (433.5) 7. 后备团队。监督类炽天使的总后备队设在各星座的总部之上。这些天使后备队员决非是无所事事的;许多充当着星座支配者们的信使类助手;另一些则被配属到尚未受委派的沃朗达德(Vorondadek)们所在的萨尔文顿后备团队当中;还有另一些会被配属给执行特殊委派的沃朗达德圣子,例如时常作为极高者在玉苒厦(Urantia)之代理者的沃朗达德观察员。 |
39:3.11 (433.5) 7. The Reserves. General reserves of the supervisor seraphim are held on the headquarters of the constellations. Such angelic reservists are in no sense inactive; many serve as messenger aids to the constellation rulers; others are attached to the Salvington reserves of unassigned Vorondadeks; still others may be attached to Vorondadek Sons on special assignment, such as the Vorondadek observer, and sometimes Most High regent, of Urantia. |
4. 管理类炽天使 ^top |
4. Administrator Seraphim ^top |
39:4.1 (434.1) 第四类炽天使会被委以各个地方系统的管理职责。她们出身于系统首府,却被大量地安置在宅厦世界、灵质性天体以及居住世界上。第四类炽天使生来就具备非凡的管理能力。她们是造物之子所属宇宙管理机构中较低级部门主管的得力助手,主要忙于各个地方系统及其所属世界的众多事务。她们按以下几类组织起来进行服务: |
39:4.1 (434.1) The fourth order of seraphim are assigned to the administrative duties of the local systems. They are indigenous to the system capitals but are stationed in large numbers on the mansion and morontia spheres and on the inhabited worlds. Fourth-order seraphim are by nature endowed with unusual administrative ability. They are the able assistants of the directors of the lower divisions of the universe government of a Creator Son and are mainly occupied with the affairs of the local systems and their component worlds. They are organized for service as follows: |
39:4.2 (434.2) 1. 管理助手。这些能干的炽天使是系统君主、即一位第一类拉那南德(Lanonandek)圣子的直接助手。在执行系统总部错综复杂的管理工作方面,她们是宝贵的助手。她们也充当着系统支配者的亲身代理,大量往返于众多过渡世界及居住行星,为了该系统的福祉及其所属居住世界的物质及生物性利益执行许多任务。 |
39:4.2 (434.2) 1. Administrative Assistants. These able seraphim are the immediate assistants of a System Sovereign, a primary Lanonandek Son. They are invaluable aids in the execution of the intricate details of the executive work of the system headquarters. They also serve as the personal agents of the system rulers, journeying back and forth in large numbers to the various transition worlds and to the inhabited planets, executing many commissions for the welfare of the system and in the physical and biologic interests of its inhabited worlds. |
39:4.3 (434.3) 这些相同的炽天使类管理者也会被配属到各个世界的支配者、即行星君王的管理机构当中。一个特定地方宇宙中的大多数行星,都会处在一位第二类拉那南德(Lanonandek)圣子的管辖之下,但在某些像玉苒厦(Urantia)这样的世界上,神性计划遭遇到了失败。在发生行星君王背叛时,这些炽天使就会被配属给麦基洗德接收者及其行星管辖方面的后继者。玉苒厦目前的代理支配者是由一千名这样多才多艺的炽天使所协助的。 |
39:4.3 (434.3) These same seraphic administrators are also attached to the governments of the world rulers, the Planetary Princes. The majority of planets in a given universe are under the jurisdiction of a secondary Lanonandek Son, but on certain worlds, such as Urantia, there has been a miscarriage of the divine plan. In the event of the defection of a Planetary Prince, these seraphim become attached to the Melchizedek receivers and their successors in planetary authority. The present acting ruler of Urantia is assisted by a corps of one thousand of this versatile order of seraphim. |
39:4.4 (434.4) 2. 审判引导者。这是一些提供关涉到人类与天使永恒福祉之证据撮要的天使,此时这类福祉事务要在系统或行星法院中进行裁定。她们会为所有涉及凡人续存的预审听证准备陈述,这些陈述随后会伴随这些案件的记录被呈递给地方宇宙及超级宇宙的更高级法庭。对所有不能确定之续存案件的辩护都由这些炽天使所准备,她们对于宇宙审判管理者们所拟起诉中每一指控内容的所有细节,都有着一种完美的理解。 |
39:4.4 (434.4) 2. Justice Guides. These are the angels who present the summary of evidence concerning the eternal welfare of men and angels when such matters come up for adjudication in the tribunals of a system or a planet. They prepare the statements for all preliminary hearings involving mortal survival, statements which are subsequently carried with the records of such cases to the higher tribunals of the universe and the superuniverse. The defense of all cases of doubtful survival is prepared by these seraphim, who have a perfect understanding of all the details of every feature of every count in the indictments drawn by the administrators of universe justice. |
39:4.5 (434.5) 这些天使的使命并不是去挫败或是延迟审判,而是去确保正确无误的审判都要伴随着对所有受造物都极为公正的慷慨仁慈予以处理。这些炽天使经常会在本地世界上运作,并通常会出现在处理小误会的法庭 -- 即调解委员会的仲裁三员组之前。许多曾经在较低领域中担当过审判引导者的炽天使,之后会作为仁慈之声出现在较高领域以及萨尔文顿(Salvington)之上。 |
39:4.5 (434.5) It is not the mission of these angels to defeat or to delay justice but rather to insure that unerring justice is dealt out with generous mercy in fairness to all creatures. These seraphim often function on the local worlds, commonly appearing before the referee trios of the conciliating commissions—the courts for minor misunderstandings. Many who at one time served as justice guides in the lower realms later appear as Voices of Mercy in the higher spheres and on Salvington. |
39:4.6 (434.6) 在撒旦尼亚(Satania)的路西法反叛中,很少有审判引导者迷失过,但却有超过四分之一的其他管理类炽天使以及较低类别的炽天使侍奉者们,被恣意的人格自由之众多诡辩所误导与欺骗。 |
39:4.6 (434.6) In the Lucifer rebellion in Satania very few of the justice guides were lost, but more than one quarter of the other administrator seraphim and of the lower orders of seraphic ministers were misled and deluded by the sophistries of unbridled personal liberty. |
39:4.7 (434.7) 3. 宇宙公民身份之阐释者。当扬升凡人完成了宅厦世界的培训、亦即宇宙生涯中的第一个学生实习时,他们会被允许去享受那种获得相对成熟 -- 即得到系统首府公民身份所带来的暂时性满足感。尽管每一个扬升目标的实现都是一种事实上的成就,但从更大意义上来说,这些目标都只不过是通向天堂之漫长扬升道路上的一些里程碑。然而不论这些成功是多么的相对,任何一个进化性受造物都不会被剥夺这种目标实现所带来的充分却又短暂的满足感。在天堂扬升途中时刻都会出现一种间歇,即一小段休息的机会,在这期间,宇宙视野会归于停滞,受造物状态会保持不动,而该人格体则会品尝到目标实现所带来的甜蜜。 |
39:4.7 (434.7) 3. Interpreters of Cosmic Citizenship. When ascending mortals have completed the mansion world training, the first student apprenticeship in the universe career, they are permitted to enjoy the transient satisfactions of relative maturity—citizenship on the system capital. While the attainment of each ascendant goal is a factual achievement, in the larger sense such goals are simply milestones on the long ascending path to Paradise. But however relative such successes may be, no evolutionary creature is ever denied the full though transient satisfaction of goal attainment. Ever and anon there is a pause in the Paradise ascent, a short breathing spell, during which universe horizons stand still, creature status is stationary, and the personality tastes the sweetness of goal fulfillment. |
39:4.8 (435.1) 凡人扬升者生涯中的第一个这样的时期,会出现在一个地方系统的首府之上。在这一间歇期间,你将会作为一名耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的公民,试图在受造物生命中展现出你在之前八次生命体验 -- 即包括玉苒厦(Urantia)和七个宅厦世界上的生命体验所得到的那些东西。 |
39:4.8 (435.1) The first of such periods in the career of a mortal ascender occurs on the capital of a local system. During this pause you will, as a citizen of Jerusem, attempt to express in creature life those things which you have acquired during the eight preceding life experiences—embracing Urantia and the seven mansion worlds. |
39:4.9 (435.2) 宇宙公民身份之炽天使类阐释者会引导各个系统首府的新公民,并会促进他们对于宇宙政府职能的认知。在这些天使向居住世界上的物质性凡人描述宇宙公民身份所包含的责任与道德的同时,她们也与系统行政机构中的物质性之子密切相关。 |
39:4.9 (435.2) The seraphic interpreters of cosmic citizenship guide the new citizens of the system capitals and quicken their appreciation of the responsibilities of universe government. These seraphim are also closely associated with the Material Sons in the system administration, while they portray the responsibility and morality of cosmic citizenship to the material mortals on the inhabited worlds. |
39:4.10 (435.3) 4. 道德促进者。在宅厦世界上,你开始学会为了一切相关利益而自我管理。你的心智学会了合作,学会了如何与其他更加聪慧的存有一起筹划。在系统总部上,这些炽天使教导者将会进一步促进你对于宇宙道德 -- 即对于自由与忠诚之相互作用的认知。 |
39:4.10 (435.3) 4. Quickeners of Morality. On the mansion worlds you begin to learn self-government for the benefit of all concerned. Your mind learns co-operation, learns how to plan with other and wiser beings. On the system headquarters the seraphic teachers will further quicken your appreciation of cosmic morality—of the interactions of liberty and loyalty. |
39:4.11 (435.4) 什么是忠诚?它是一种对于宇宙兄弟情谊进行智性认知的成果;一个人不能获得那么多,却什么都不给与。当你沿着人格性阶梯扬升时,首先你要学会忠诚,接着学会关爱,然后学会孝顺,之后你才可能获得自由;然而直到你成为一位终局者,直到你达到了完全的忠诚,你才能自我实现自由之终局。 |
39:4.11 (435.4) What is loyalty? It is the fruit of an intelligent appreciation of universe brotherhood; one could not take so much and give nothing. As you ascend the personality scale, first you learn to be loyal, then to love, then to be filial, and then may you be free; but not until you are a finaliter, not until you have attained perfection of loyalty, can you self-realize finality of liberty. |
39:4.12 (435.5) 这些炽天使会教导忍耐的益处:即停滞是必死无疑的,但过快的发展也同样会自取灭亡;就如同一滴水从高处流到低处,向前流动着,经历一系列小瀑布而不断下落,灵质性和属灵性世界里的进步也是如此不断向上的 -- 同样缓慢,也同样经历如此渐进的阶段。 |
39:4.12 (435.5) These seraphim teach the fruitfulness of patience: That stagnation is certain death, but that overrapid growth is equally suicidal; that as a drop of water from a higher level falls to a lower and, flowing onward, passes ever downward through a succession of short falls, so ever upward is progress in the morontia and spirit worlds—and just as slowly and by just such gradual stages. |
39:4.13 (435.6) 道德促进者向各个居住世界宣扬,凡人生命就像是一条由许多环节构成的完整链条。你在玉苒厦(Urantia)、在这一似处在凡人婴幼期星球上的短暂旅居,只不过是一个单独的环节,是那条跨越众多宇宙、穿越永恒岁月之悠长链条中的最初环节。在这最初的生命中,你学到的并不多;但活过这一生的体验却是重要的。就连这个世界中的工作也是这样,虽然它十分重要,但却不及你做这项工作的方式那么重要。对于正当的生活来说,并不会有实质性回报,然而却会有一种深刻的满足感 -- 即成就意识 -- 而这胜过一切可想象到的物质性回报。 |
39:4.13 (435.6) To the inhabited worlds the quickeners of morality portray mortal life as an unbroken chain of many links. Your short sojourn on Urantia, on this sphere of mortal infancy, is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. It is not so much what you learn in this first life; it is the experience of living this life that is important. Even the work of this world, paramount though it is, is not nearly so important as the way in which you do this work. There is no material reward for righteous living, but there is profound satisfaction—consciousness of achievement—and this transcends any conceivable material reward. |
39:4.14 (435.7) 进入天国的钥匙是:诚挚、再诚挚以及更加的诚挚。所有人都拥有这些钥匙。人们利用它们 -- 通过抉择、再抉择以及更多的抉择 -- 在灵性地位上得到提升。最高的道德选择,是包含着尽可能高价值的选择,而通常在任何领域内,在他们所有人身上 -- 这就是去选择履行神的意志。如果一个人会这样选择,即便他是耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)最卑微的公民,甚或是玉苒厦(Urantia)最微不足道的凡人,他也是极为伟大的。 |
39:4.14 (435.7) The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. All men have these keys. Men use them—advance in spirit status—by decisions, by more decisions, and by more decisions. The highest moral choice is the choice of the highest possible value, and always—in any sphere, in all of them—this is to choose to do the will of God. If man thus chooses, he is great, though he be the humblest citizen of Jerusem or even the least of mortals on Urantia. |
39:4.15 (436.1) 5. 运送者。这是一些在地方系统中运作的运送类炽天使。在你们所在的撒旦尼亚(Satania)系统中,她们运送乘客往返于耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),或是充当行星间的运送者。撒旦尼亚的运送天使几乎在每一天当中都会将某个研究访问者或是其他某个灵性或半灵性的旅行者安置到玉苒厦(Urantia)各处。就是这些空间穿越者,会在某个时候带你往返于系统总部集群所属的各个世界,而当你完成了耶路瑟姆的任务时,她们会继续把你送至伊甸厦(Edentia)。但她们决不会再将你送回到人类起源的世界。一个凡人从不会在其短暂生存的这个天命时期返回其出身行星,而假如他要在下一个天命期间返回的话,他将会由一名地方宇宙总部集群的运送炽天使所护送。 |
39:4.15 (436.1) 5. The Transporters. These are the transport seraphim who function in the local systems. In Satania, your system, they carry passengers back and forth from Jerusem and otherwise serve as interplanetary transporters. Seldom does a day pass in which a transport seraphim of Satania does not deposit some student visitor or some other traveler of spirit or semispirit nature on the shores of Urantia. These very space traversers will sometime carry you to and from the various worlds of the system headquarters group, and when you have finished the Jerusem assignment, they will carry you forward to Edentia. But under no circumstances will they carry you backward to the world of human origin. A mortal never returns to his native planet during the dispensation of his temporal existence, and if he should return during a subsequent dispensation, he would be escorted by a transport seraphim of the universe headquarters group. |
39:4.16 (436.2) 6. 记录者。这些炽天使是各地方系统三重性记录的保管者。系统首府上的记录圣殿是一种独特的结构,其中三分之一是物质性的,是由发光的金属和水晶所构成;三分之一是灵质性的,是由灵性能量与物质能量所联合构成的,但却超出了凡人视觉范围以外;还有三分之一是属灵性的。该类记录者掌管并维护着这一三重性记录系统。扬升凡人首先会查阅物质性档案,物质性之子与高等过渡类存有会查阅灵质性大厅的那些档案,而炽天使与该域的高等灵性人格体,则会细细查阅灵性分区的记录。 |
39:4.16 (436.2) 6. The Recorders. These seraphim are the keepers of the threefold records of the local systems. The temple of records on a system capital is a unique structure, one third material, constructed of luminous metals and crystals; one third morontial, fabricated of the liaison of spiritual and material energy but beyond the range of mortal vision; and one third spiritual. The recorders of this order preside over and maintain this threefold system of records. Ascending mortals will at first consult the material archives, Material Sons and the higher transition beings consult those of the morontia halls, while seraphim and the higher spirit personalities of the realm peruse the records of the spirit section. |
39:4.17 (436.3) 7. 后备团队。耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的管理类炽天使后备团队会将其大多待命时间花在拜访上,即作为灵性友伴去拜访那些自该系统各个世界上新来的扬升凡人 -- 亦即宅厦世界的合格毕业生。你在耶路瑟姆旅居的众多乐趣之一,就是能够在休息期间,与这些待命后备团队中行多识广的炽天使们交谈畅叙。 |
39:4.17 (436.3) 7. The Reserves. The reserve corps of administrator seraphim on Jerusem spend much of their waiting time in visiting, as spirit companions, with the newly arrived ascending mortals from the various worlds of the system—the accredited graduates of the mansion worlds. One of the delights of your sojourn on Jerusem will be to talk and visit, during recess periods, with these much-traveled and many-experienced seraphim of the waiting reserve corps. |
39:4.18 (436.4) 正是像这种友好的关系,使得该系统首府受到了扬升凡人的喜爱。在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),你会发现物质性之子、天使及扬升朝圣者们的初步交融。在这里,完全灵性的、半灵性的存有以及刚摆脱物质存在的个体,都在友善交往着。凡俗的礼节在那里经受了那么大的改变,人性范围内的明快回应得以如此扩展,以致所有个体都能享受相互的认可以及颇具同情心的人格性理解。 |
39:4.18 (436.4) It is just such friendly relationships as these that so endear a system capital to the ascending mortals. On Jerusem you will find the first intermingling of Material Sons, angels, and ascending pilgrims. Here fraternize beings who are wholly spiritual and semispiritual and individuals just emerging from material existence. Mortal forms are there so modified and human ranges of light reaction so extended that all are able to enjoy mutual recognition and sympathetic personality understanding. |
5. 行星类援助者 ^top |
5. Planetary Helpers ^top |
39:5.1 (436.5) 这些炽天使在各个系统首府设有总部,虽然她们与常驻的亚当类公民紧密相关,但却主要是被配属到行星类亚当的服务团队中,后者是进化世界上物质性族类的生物性或物理性提升者。当天使的侍奉工作愈是接近于居住世界,愈是接近于那些为尝试达到永恒目标不断准备的时间性男女们所面对的实际问题,它们就会变得愈加有趣。 |
39:5.1 (436.5) These seraphim maintain headquarters on the system capitals and, though closely associated with the resident Adamic citizens, are primarily assigned to the service of the Planetary Adams, the biologic or physical uplifters of the material races on the evolutionary worlds. The ministering work of angels becomes of increasing interest as it nears the inhabited worlds, as it nears the actual problems faced by the men and women of time who are preparing themselves for the attempt to attain the goal of eternity. |
39:5.2 (437.1) 在玉苒厦(Urantia),当亚当类体系瓦解时,大多数行星类援助者都被撤走了,你们世界的炽天使类监督工作在很大程度上就下放到过渡类侍奉者以及命运守护者们身上。然而你们失职的物质性之子所拥有的这些炽天使助手,却仍旧以下面各类团队的方式服务于玉苒厦: |
39:5.2 (437.1) On Urantia the majority of the planetary helpers were removed upon the collapse of the Adamic regime, and the seraphic supervision of your world devolved to a greater extent upon the administrators, the transition ministers, and the guardians of destiny. But these seraphic aids of your defaulting Material Sons still serve Urantia in the following groups: |
39:5.3 (437.2) 1. 乐园之声。当人类进化之行星进程达到其最高的生物性层次时,通常会出现物质性子女、即亚当和夏娃们,他们通过实际贡献出其优良的生命质,来促进各种族的进一步进化。这样一对亚当和夏娃的行星总部通常被命名为伊甸园,而他们的随身炽天使则常常被称为“乐园之声”。在行星类亚当为进化族类的物理性与智能性提升所做的一切工程当中,这些天使为他们提供了宝贵的服务。当亚当在玉苒厦(Urantia)违约以后,这些炽天使中的一些就被留在行星上,并被配属给亚当的后继管辖者。 |
39:5.3 (437.2) 1. The Voices of the Garden. When the planetary course of human evolution is attaining its highest biologic level, there always appear the Material Sons and Daughters, the Adams and Eves, to augment the further evolution of the races by an actual contribution of their superior life plasm. The planetary headquarters of such an Adam and Eve is usually denominated the Garden of Eden, and their personal seraphim are often known as the “voices of the Garden.” These seraphim are of invaluable service to the Planetary Adams in all their projects for the physical and intellectual upstepping of the evolutionary races. After the Adamic default on Urantia, some of these seraphim were left on the planet and were assigned to Adam’s successors in authority. |
39:5.4 (437.3) 2. 兄友之灵。显而易见,在亚当和夏娃来到一个进化性世界时,实现不同种族之间的种族和睦与社会合作的任务就相当重要了。这些有着不同肤色、不同习性的民族很少会乐于接受人类皆兄弟这一规划。这些原始人类,仅是由于渐趋成熟的人性经历,以及通过炽天使类兄友之灵的忠诚侍奉,才逐渐认识到和平相处的智慧。如果没有这些炽天使的工作,那么物质性之子们去调和及提升进化世界各族群的努力将会被大大延迟。假如你们的亚当坚持原初的玉苒厦(Urantia)提升计划,那么此时这些兄友之灵已在人类身上作出了难以置信的转变。对于亚当的违约来说,这些炽天使类别还能去培育并实现了像你们此时在玉苒厦上所拥有的这般兄弟情谊,这实在是不同寻常的。 |
39:5.4 (437.3) 2. The Spirits of Brotherhood. It should be apparent that, when an Adam and Eve arrive on an evolutionary world, the task of achieving racial harmony and social co-operation among its diverse races is one of considerable proportions. Seldom do these races of different colors and varied natures take kindly to the plan of human brotherhood. These primitive men only come to realize the wisdom of peaceful interassociation as a result of ripened human experience and through the faithful ministry of the seraphic spirits of brotherhood. Without the work of these seraphim the efforts of the Material Sons to harmonize and advance the races of an evolving world would be greatly delayed. And had your Adam adhered to the original plan for the advancement of Urantia, by this time these spirits of brotherhood would have worked unbelievable transformations in the human race. In view of the Adamic default, it is indeed remarkable that these seraphic orders have been able to foster and bring to realization even as much of brotherhood as you now have on Urantia. |
39:5.5 (437.4) 3. 和平之魂。向上努力的进化人类之早期数千年,是以无数的斗争为标记的。和平并不是物质性领域的天然状态。通过炽天使类和平之魂的侍奉,众多世界第一次实现了“世间的和平与人之间的善意”。尽管这些天使在玉苒厦(Urantia)的早期努力中遭受到了极大挫败,但亚当时代的和平之魂的首领维沃娜(Vevona)却留在了玉苒厦,目前被配属到了常驻总督的麾下。就是这个作为该天使团领导者的维沃娜,在迈克尔出生时向众多世界宣告,“荣耀归于哈沃纳(Havona)的神,平安和善意归于世上的人们”。 |
39:5.5 (437.4) 3. The Souls of Peace. The early millenniums of the upward strivings of evolutionary men are marked by many a struggle. Peace is not the natural state of the material realms. The worlds first realize “peace on earth and good will among men” through the ministry of the seraphic souls of peace. Although these angels were largely thwarted in their early efforts on Urantia, Vevona, chief of the souls of peace in Adam’s day, was left on Urantia and is now attached to the staff of the resident governor general. And it was this same Vevona who, when Michael was born, heralded to the worlds, as the leader of the angelic host, “Glory to God in Havona and on earth peace and good will among men.” |
39:5.6 (437.5) 在更为提升的行星进化时代,这些炽天使在利用神性调和概念取代赎罪观念作为一种凡人续存哲学方面,起到了帮助作用。 |
39:5.6 (437.5) In the more advanced epochs of planetary evolution these seraphim are instrumental in supplanting the atonement idea by the concept of divine attunement as a philosophy of mortal survival. |
39:5.7 (437.6) 4. 信任之灵。怀疑是原始人类与生俱来的反应;早期的生存斗争并不会自然产生出信任。信任是经由亚当体系中的这些行星类炽天使之侍奉所带来的一种新人性习得。她们的使命就是去将信任灌输到进化人类的心智中。各神是值得信任的;万有之父甘愿慷慨地去将他自身 -- 即调整者 -- 交托于人类的结合当中。 |
39:5.7 (437.6) 4. The Spirits of Trust. Suspicion is the inherent reaction of primitive men; the survival struggles of the early ages do not naturally breed trust. Trust is a new human acquisition brought about by the ministry of these planetary seraphim of the Adamic regime. It is their mission to inculcate trust into the minds of evolving men. The Gods are very trustful; the Universal Father is willing freely to trust himself—the Adjuster—to man’s association. |
39:5.8 (438.1) 在亚当失败以后,这一整批炽天使便被转到了新的体系当中,她们此后一直在玉苒厦(Urantia)上继续着她们的工作。她们并非是完全失败的,因为目前正在演化的文明体现了其信心与信任理念的很多内容。 |
39:5.8 (438.1) This entire group of seraphim was transferred to the new regime after the Adamic miscarriage, and they have ever since continued their labors on Urantia. And they have not been wholly unsuccessful since a civilization is now evolving which embodies much of their ideals of confidence and trust. |
39:5.9 (438.2) 在更为提升的行星时代中,这些炽天使会促使人类认知这样一个真理,即不确定性是持续满足之奥妙所在。她们帮助人类的哲学家去认识到,当未知对于成功来说极为必要时,受造物知晓未来将会是一个巨大的错误。她们提高了人类对于不确定性所带来的甜美感受、即对于未知不确定未来之浪漫魅力的品味。 |
39:5.9 (438.2) In the more advanced planetary ages these seraphim enhance man’s appreciation of the truth that uncertainty is the secret of contented continuity. They help the mortal philosophers to realize that, when ignorance is essential to success, it would be a colossal blunder for the creature to know the future. They heighten man’s taste for the sweetness of uncertainty, for the romance and charm of the indefinite and unknown future. |
39:5.10 (438.3) 5. 运送者。这些行星类运送者服务于单个世界。多数被带到这一行星的炽天使所裹挟存有,都是在运送当中;他们只是中途停留;他们都由其专门的炽天使运送者所照管;但是也有一大批这样的炽天使驻在玉苒厦(Urantia)。这是一些在众多本地行星间运作的运送人格体,就像从玉苒厦到耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)这样。 |
39:5.10 (438.3) 5. The Transporters. The planetary transporters serve the individual worlds. The majority of enseraphimed beings brought to this planet are in transit; they merely stop over; they are in custody of their own special seraphic transporters; but there are a large number of such seraphim stationed on Urantia. These are the transport personalities operating from the local planets, as from Urantia to Jerusem. |
39:5.11 (438.4) 你们对于天使的传统观念是由下面这种方式得来的:就在肉体死亡之前的那些时刻,人类的心智中经常会发生一种反射性现象,这种模糊的意识似乎会观想到有关照料天使的形态,而这会立即被转换成那一个体心智中有关天使的习惯性概念。 |
39:5.11 (438.4) Your conventional idea of angels has been derived in the following way: During moments just prior to physical death a reflective phenomenon sometimes occurs in the human mind, and this dimming consciousness seems to visualize something of the form of the attending angel, and this is immediately translated into terms of the habitual concept of angels held in that individual’s mind. |
39:5.12 (438.5) 关于天使有翅膀的错误观念,并非完全源于天使必须有翅膀以去在空中飞行的古老观念。有时候,人类会被允许去观察那些正准备做运送服务的炽天使,而包含这些经历的传说在很大程度上决定了玉苒厦人的天使观念。在观察一名运送炽天使准备好接纳一位乘客进行星际运送期间,会看到明显似两对翅膀的东西从该天使的头部扩展到脚部。事实上,这些翅膀是能量绝缘体 -- 即摩擦防护盾。 |
39:5.12 (438.5) The erroneous idea that angels possess wings is not wholly due to olden notions that they must have wings to fly through the air. Human beings have sometimes been permitted to observe seraphim that were being prepared for transport service, and the traditions of these experiences have largely determined the Urantian concept of angels. In observing a transport seraphim being made ready to receive a passenger for interplanetary transit, there may be seen what are apparently double sets of wings extending from the head to the foot of the angel. In reality these wings are energy insulators—friction shields. |
39:5.13 (438.6) 当天界存有要被炽天使所裹挟去进行从一个世界到另一个世界的转送时,他们会被带到该天体的总部,在适当登记后会被引入过渡性沉睡。与此同时,运送炽天使则立即移动到一个位于该行星宇宙能极正上方的水平位置上。在能量盾敞开的同时,沉睡人格体会由当值的炽天使类助手熟练地放置在运送天使的正头顶。之后上方与下方的两对防护盾会被小心地关闭起来, 并加以调整。 |
39:5.13 (438.6) When celestial beings are to be enseraphimed for transfer from one world to another, they are brought to the headquarters of the sphere and, after due registry, are inducted into the transit sleep. Meantime, the transport seraphim moves into a horizontal position immediately above the universe energy pole of the planet. While the energy shields are wide open, the sleeping personality is skillfully deposited, by the officiating seraphic assistants, directly on top of the transport angel. Then both the upper and lower pairs of shields are carefully closed and adjusted. |
39:5.14 (438.7) 此刻,在(能量)转换者与传送者的影响下,一种奇异的变形会在炽天使准备好投入宇宙回路的能量环流时开始发生。从外表上看来,该炽天使上下两端逐渐变尖,并变得如此笼罩于一种奇怪的琥珀色光晕中,以致很快就难以辨识出炽天使所裹挟的人格体。当一切出发的准备就绪时,运送长就会对生命运送装置做适当检查,实施常规测试以确定该天使是否可被适当纳入回路,之后会宣布旅行者妥当的被炽天使所裹挟,各种能量都被调整好,该天使已被绝缘,一切都整装待发。接下来,会有两名机械控制师就位。此刻,运送炽天使已变成一个几近透明的、振动着的鱼雷状发光体。这时,该域的运送调度者会召唤由鲜活能量传送者们所组成的辅助群体,其数目通常为一千名;当他宣布了运送目的地时,他会伸手触及炽天使运送体的近端,该运送体就会以闪电般的速度向前冲去,留下一道天光,一直延伸到该行星大气层的边缘。即便是对炽天使的超强视力而言,这一壮观景象也会在不到十分钟内消失。 |
39:5.14 (438.7) And now, under the influence of the transformers and the transmitters, a strange metamorphosis begins as the seraphim is made ready to swing into the energy currents of the universe circuits. To outward appearance the seraphim grows pointed at both extremities and becomes so enshrouded in a queer light of amber hue that very soon it is impossible to distinguish the enseraphimed personality. When all is in readiness for departure, the chief of transport makes the proper inspection of the carriage of life, carries out the routine tests to ascertain whether or not the angel is properly encircuited, and then announces that the traveler is properly enseraphimed, that the energies are adjusted, that the angel is insulated, and that everything is in readiness for the departing flash. The mechanical controllers, two of them, next take their positions. By this time the transport seraphim has become an almost transparent, vibrating, torpedo-shaped outline of glistening luminosity. Now the transport dispatcher of the realm summons the auxiliary batteries of the living energy transmitters, usually one thousand in number; as he announces the destination of the transport, he reaches out and touches the near point of the seraphic carriage, which shoots forward with lightninglike speed, leaving a trail of celestial luminosity as far as the planetary atmospheric investment extends. In less than ten minutes the marvelous spectacle will be lost even to reinforced seraphic vision. |
39:5.15 (439.1) 虽然指定的灵性总部会在正午时分收到行星的太空报告,但运送者却总是在午夜时分从这里出发。那是出发的最佳时间,而且在未以其他方式指明时,它就是标准时刻。 |
39:5.15 (439.1) While planetary space reports are received at noon at the meridian of the designated spiritual headquarters, the transporters are dispatched from this same place at midnight. That is the most favorable time for departure and is the standard hour when not otherwise specified. |
39:5.16 (439.2) 6. 记录者。这些是行星主要事务的监管者,因为行星是作为系统中的一部分而运作着,还因为它与宇宙管理机构相关涉。她们负责记录行星事务,但并不涉及有关个人生活及生存的事件。 |
39:5.16 (439.2) 6. The Recorders. These are the custodians of the major affairs of the planet as it functions as a part of the system, and as it is related to, and concerned in, the universe government. They function in the recording of planetary affairs but are not concerned with matters of individual life and existence. |
39:5.17 (439.3) 7. 后备团队。行星类炽天使的撒旦尼亚(Satania)后备团队驻在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),并与物质性之子的后备团队密切相关。这些成员众多的后备团队,为这一类炽天使的各种活动的每一方面提供了充分准备。这些天使也是各地方系统中的人格性信息传送者。她们服务于过渡性凡人、天使和物质性之子,也服务于其他住在系统总部的存有。尽管玉苒厦(Urantia)目前并不在撒旦尼亚和诺拉歇德(Norlatiadek)的灵性回路当中,你们仍以其他方式密切接触到星际事务,因为这些来自耶路瑟姆的信使就像前往该系统的所有其他星球一样,时常会来到这一世界。 |
39:5.17 (439.3) 7. The Reserves. The Satania reserve corps of the planetary seraphim is maintained on Jerusem in close association with the reserves of the Material Sons. These abundant reserves repletely provide for every phase of the manifold activities of this seraphic order. These angels are also the personal message bearers of the local systems. They serve transition mortals, angels, and the Material Sons as well as others domiciled on the system headquarters. While Urantia is, at present, outside the spiritual circuits of Satania and Norlatiadek, you are otherwise in intimate touch with interplanetary affairs, for these messengers from Jerusem frequently come to this world as to all the other spheres of the system. |
6. 过渡类侍奉者 ^top |
6. Transition Ministers ^top |
39:6.1 (439.4) 正如其名字所示,从事过渡类侍奉的炽天使在任何她们可促成受造物从物质性状态向灵性状态过渡的地方进行服务。从居住世界到系统首府,都有这些天使在服务着,然而那些留在撒旦尼亚(Satania)的,目前正将其最大努力投向七个宅厦世界上续存凡人的教育工作。这种侍奉依照以下七类委派而有所不同: |
39:6.1 (439.4) As their name might suggest, seraphim of transitional ministry serve wherever they can contribute to creature transition from the material to the spiritual estate. These angels serve from the inhabited worlds to the system capitals, but those in Satania at present direct their greatest efforts toward the education of the surviving mortals on the seven mansion worlds. This ministry is diversified in accordance with the following seven orders of assignment: |
39:6.2 (439.5) 1. 天使传道者。 |
39:6.2 (439.5) 1. Seraphic Evangels. |
39:6.3 (439.6) 2. 种族阐释者。 |
39:6.3 (439.6) 2. Racial Interpreters. |
39:6.4 (439.7) 3. 心智规划者。 |
39:6.4 (439.7) 3. Mind Planners. |
39:6.5 (439.8) 4. 灵质性顾问。 |
39:6.5 (439.8) 4. Morontia Counselors. |
39:6.6 (439.9) 5. 技能熟练者。 |
39:6.6 (439.9) 5. Technicians. |
39:6.7 (439.10) 6. 记录教导者。 |
39:6.7 (439.10) 6. Recorder-Teachers. |
39:6.8 (439.11) 7. 侍奉后备队。 |
39:6.8 (439.11) 7. Ministering Reserves. |
39:6.9 (439.12) 有关这些面向过渡类扬升者的炽天使侍奉者的更多内容,你们会在那些谈及宅厦世界及灵质性生命的相关篇章中了解到。 |
39:6.9 (439.12) More about these seraphic ministers to transitional ascenders you will learn in connection with the narratives dealing with the mansion worlds and the morontia life. |
7. 未来类炽天使 ^top |
7. Seraphim of the Future ^top |
39:7.1 (440.1) 这些天使并未广泛地侍奉,除了在内巴顿(Nebadon)较为久远的领域内及较为提升的星球上以外。她们被大量储备于萨尔文顿(Salvington)附近的炽天使世界上,在那里她们从事与内巴顿光与生命时代之未来展现相关的事业。这些炽天使也的确从事与凡人扬升生涯相关的职能,但是她们几乎专门侍奉那些由于某种改进的扬升方式而续存的凡人。 |
39:7.1 (440.1) These angels do not minister extensively except in older realms and on the more advanced planets of Nebadon. Large numbers of them are held in reserve on the seraphic worlds near Salvington, where they are engaged in pursuits relevant to the sometime dawning of the age of light and life in Nebadon. These seraphim do function in connection with the ascendant-mortal career but minister almost exclusively to those mortals who survive by some one of the modified orders of ascension. |
39:7.2 (440.2) 由于这些天使目前与玉苒厦(Urantia)及玉苒厦人没有直接关联,因此保留对其精彩活动的描述被认为是最为合适的。 |
39:7.2 (440.2) Inasmuch as these angels are not now directly concerned with either Urantia or Urantians, it is deemed best to withhold the description of their fascinating activities. |
8. 炽天使的天命 ^top |
8. Seraphic Destiny ^top |
39:8.1 (440.3) 炽天使们源自于各个地方宇宙,而在她们出身的这些领域中有些会实现服务天命。在资深大天使的帮助与提议下,有些炽天使可能会被提升到闪耀昏星那样的高位,而另外一些则会达到未予揭示的闪耀昏星合作者之地位与服务。其他一些在地方宇宙天命方面的冒险或许也会被尝试,但天使之都却一直都是所有天使们的永恒目标。天使之都是天使们进入天堂、到达神灵的门户,是自时间性侍奉到永恒性崇高服务的过渡领域。 |
39:8.1 (440.3) Seraphim are of origin in the local universes, and in these very realms of their nativity some achieve service destiny. With the help and counsel of the senior archangels some seraphim may be elevated to the exalted duties of Brilliant Evening Stars, while others attain the status and service of the unrevealed co-ordinates of the Evening Stars. Still other adventures in local universe destiny may be attempted, but Seraphington ever remains the eternal goal of all angels. Seraphington is the angelic threshold to Paradise and Deity attainment, the transition sphere from the ministry of time to the exalted service of eternity. |
39:8.2 (440.4) 炽天使们可通过多达数百种的方式到达天堂,然而这些篇章中所详述的最重要几种被罗列如下: |
39:8.2 (440.4) Seraphim may attain Paradise in scores—hundreds—of ways, but the most important as elaborated in these narratives are the following: |
39:8.3 (440.5) 1. 通过完美实现作为一名天界艺匠、技能性顾问或是天界记录者的专门服务,以自身能力去获得进入天堂炽天使住所的许可。去成为一名天堂友伴,从而到达万物之中心,接着或许会成为炽天使类别或其他天使类别的永恒侍奉者及顾问。 |
39:8.3 (440.5) 1. To gain admission to the Paradise seraphic abode in a personal capacity by achieving perfection of specialized service as a celestial artisan, a Technical Adviser, or a Celestial Recorder. To become a Paradise Companion and, having thus attained the center of all things, perhaps then to become an eternal minister and adviser to the seraphic orders and others. |
39:8.4 (440.6) 2. 被召往天使之都。在某些情况下,炽天使会听从天堂的指令;而在另一些情况下,天使们常常会在一般比凡人们短得多的时间内到达天堂。但无论两个炽天使会多么相配,她们都不可能自发前往天使之都或其他地方。只有成功的命运守护者,才一定能通过进化扬升之路进入天堂。所有其他的天使都必须要耐心地等待天堂使者的到来,这些使者是由第三类超级天使所充当的,她们带来了指令天使们去往天堂的召唤。 |
39:8.4 (440.6) 2. To be summoned to Seraphington. Under certain conditions seraphim are commanded on high; in other circumstances angels sometimes achieve Paradise in a much shorter time than mortals. But no matter how fitted any seraphic pair may be, they cannot initiate departure for Seraphington or elsewhere. None but successful destiny guardians can be sure of proceeding to Paradise by a progressive path of evolutionary ascent. All others must patiently await the arrival of the Paradise messengers of the tertiary supernaphim who come with the summons commanding them to appear on high. |
39:8.5 (440.7) 3. 通过进化性凡人的手段而到达天堂。炽天使在时间性生涯中的最高选择是守护天使之岗位,以便她们能达到终局性生涯,并有资格去接受去往永恒性炽天使服务领域的委派。时间性子民们的这种个人引导者被称为命运守护者,表明她们会在神性天命之路上守护着凡人受造物,而通过那样做,她们也在决定着其自身的高级天命。 |
39:8.5 (440.7) 3. To attain Paradise by the evolutionary mortal technique. The supreme choice of seraphim in the career of time is the post of guardian angel in order that they may attain the career of finality and be qualified for assignment to the eternal spheres of seraphic service. Such personal guides of the children of time are called guardians of destiny, signifying that they guard mortal creatures in the path of divine destiny, and that in so doing they are determining their own high destiny. |
39:8.6 (440.8) 命运守护者们是从那些更富经验的各类有资格履行此项服务的炽天使类人格体行列中选出的。所有那些具有调整者融合天命的续存凡人,都被指派了暂时性守护者,这些伴随者会在凡人续存者实现必要的智性与灵性发展时变成永久配属。在凡人扬升者离开宅厦世界之前,他们都拥有永久的伴随者。这一群侍奉之灵会在与玉苒厦(Urantia)相关的篇章中得以论述。 |
39:8.6 (440.8) Guardians of destiny are drawn from the ranks of the more experienced angelic personalities of all orders of seraphim who have qualified for this service. All surviving mortals of Adjuster-fusion destiny have temporary guardians assigned, and these associates may become permanently attached when mortal survivors attain the requisite intellectual and spiritual development. Before mortal ascenders leave the mansion worlds, they all have permanent seraphic associates. This group of ministering spirits is discussed in connection with the Urantia narratives. |
39:8.7 (441.1) 天使们不可能从人类起源的层次到达神,因为她们被创造的“略微比你们高级一些”;然而一切都有明智的安排,尽管她们不可能从最底层、即人类存在的灵性低地开始,但她们却可降至那些会从最底层开始的存有中间,并引领着这些受造物逐步地、逐个世界地来到哈沃纳(Havona)的入口处。当凡人扬升者离开尤沃萨(Uversa),去开始哈沃纳的各环路之旅时,那些自肉身生命后予以配属的守护者,将会暂时告别她们的朝圣者同伴,与此同时她们会前往大宇宙中的天使目的地,天使之都。在这儿,这些守护者将会尝试,并无疑会到达充满天使光辉的七个圈子。 |
39:8.7 (441.1) It is not possible for angels to attain God from the human level of origin, for they are created a “little higher than you”; but it has been wisely arranged that, while they cannot possibly start up from the very bottom, the spiritual lowlands of mortal existence, they may go down to those who do start from the bottom and pilot such creatures, step by step, world by world, to the portals of Havona. When mortal ascenders leave Uversa to begin the circles of Havona, those guardians of attachment subsequent to the life in the flesh will bid their pilgrim associates a temporary farewell while they journey to Seraphington, the angelic destination of the grand universe. Here will these guardians attempt, and undoubtedly achieve, the seven circles of seraphic light. |
39:8.8 (441.2) 许多(但并非全部)那些被指派为命运守护者的炽天使会在物质生命期间,陪伴其凡人同伴穿越哈沃纳(Havona)各环路,而其它某些炽天使则会以一种完全不同于凡人扬升的方式穿越中央宇宙的各个环路。但不管是哪一种扬升路线,所有进化性炽天使都会穿越天使之都,而且多数都会经历这种体验,而不是去穿越哈沃纳环路。 |
39:8.8 (441.2) Many, but not all, of those seraphim assigned as destiny guardians during the material life accompany their mortal associates through the Havona circles, and certain other seraphim pass through the circuits of the central universe in a way that is wholly different from the mortal ascent. But irrespective of the route of ascent, all evolutionary seraphim traverse Seraphington, and the majority pass through this experience instead of the Havona circuits. |
39:8.9 (441.3) 天使之都是天使们的天命星球。她们在这一世界的成就,与凡人朝圣者在扬升之都的经历大为不同。直到天使们到达了天使之都,她们才会完全确知自己永恒的未来。没有任何到达过天使之都的天使还会被了解到有误入歧途,罪恶将不再会在一个完满炽天使心中找到回应。 |
39:8.9 (441.3) Seraphington is the destiny sphere for angels, and their attainment of this world is quite different from the experiences of the mortal pilgrims on Ascendington. Angels are not absolutely sure of their eternal future until they have attained Seraphington. No angel attaining Seraphington has ever been known to go astray; sin will never find response in the heart of a seraphim of completion. |
39:8.10 (441.4) 天使之都的毕业者们都有着不同的委派:拥有哈沃纳(Havona)环路经历的命运守护者,通常会进入凡人终局者团队。其他的守护者在经受了哈沃纳的分离考验后,常常会与她们的凡人同伴在天堂重新会合,其中一些还会成为凡人终局者的永久伙伴,另外一些则会进入了各种非凡人的终局者团队,许多则被召入了完满炽天使团队。 |
39:8.10 (441.4) The graduates of Seraphington are variously assigned: Destiny guardians of Havona-circle experience usually enter the Mortal Finaliter Corps. Other guardians, having passed their Havona separation tests, frequently rejoin their mortal associates on Paradise, and some become the everlasting associates of the mortal finaliters, while others enter the various nonmortal finaliter corps, and many are mustered into the Corps of Seraphic Completion. |
9. 炽天使完满团队 ^top |
9. The Corps of Seraphic Completion ^top |
39:9.1 (441.5) 在到达众灵之父并获准进入炽天使完满服务团队之后,天使们常会被委派到对光与生命世界的侍奉当中。她们得以配属给各宇宙中的高级三一化存有,并被配属到天堂与哈沃纳(Havona)的崇高服务团队当中。这些来自地方宇宙的炽天使们业已经验性地弥补了原来令她们与中央宇宙及超级宇宙侍奉之灵在神性潜质上的差距。炽天使完满团队中的天使们充当着超级宇宙二级天使的伙伴,以及天堂与哈沃纳类超级天使的助手。对于这些天使来说,时间性生涯已经结束;自此以后她们永远是神的仆人,神性人格体的伙伴以及天堂终局者的同辈。 |
39:9.1 (441.5) After attainment of the Father of spirits and admission to the seraphic service of completion, angels are sometimes assigned to the ministry of worlds settled in light and life. They gain attachment to the high trinitized beings of the universes and to the exalted services of Paradise and Havona. These seraphim of the local universes have experientially compensated the differential in divinity potential formerly setting them apart from the ministering spirits of the central and superuniverses. Angels of the Seraphic Corps of Completion serve as associates of the superuniverse seconaphim and as assistants to the high Paradise-Havona orders of supernaphim. For such angels the career of time is finished; henceforth and forever they are the servants of God, the consorts of divine personalities, and the peers of the Paradise finaliters. |
39:9.2 (441.6) 大量完满类炽天使会回到其出身的宇宙,在那里通过经验性完美类侍奉,来补足神性天资类侍奉。相对而言,内巴顿(Nebadon)是众多较年轻的宇宙之一,因此不像在一个久远领域内所发现的那样,有那么多返回的天使之都毕业者;尽管如此,我们地方宇宙已配有了足够多的完满类炽天使,因为以下这点相当重要,即当进化性领域接近于光与生命状态时,它们就会对她们的服务显示出与日俱增的需求。完满类炽天使现在更为广泛地与至高类炽天使一起服务,但有些则同其他天使类别中的每一团队一起服务。甚至连你们世界也正享有炽天使完满团队中十二个专门小组所提供的广泛侍奉。这些行星监督类主位炽天使,陪伴着每一个新被任命的行星君王去往各个居住世界。 |
39:9.2 (441.6) Large numbers of the completion seraphim return to their native universes, there to complement the ministry of divine endowment by the ministry of experiential perfection. Nebadon is, comparatively speaking, one of the younger universes and therefore does not have so many of these returned Seraphington graduates as would be found in an older realm; nonetheless our local universe is adequately supplied with the completion seraphim, for it is significant that the evolutionary realms disclose increasing need for their services as they near the status of light and life. Completion seraphim now serve more extensively with the supreme orders of seraphim, but some serve with each of the other angelic orders. Even your world enjoys the extensive ministry of twelve specialized groups of the Seraphic Corps of Completion; these master seraphim of planetary supervision accompany each newly commissioned Planetary Prince to the inhabited worlds. |
39:9.3 (442.1) 许多颇具吸引力的侍奉渠道对完满类炽天使都是敞开着的,然而正如她们在进入天堂之前的岁月中都渴望担当命运守护者的委任一样,在进入天堂以后的经历中,她们最为渴望担当各位化身类天堂圣子的赠与随从。她们仍然非常致力于那一宇宙计划,去令各进化世界的凡人受造物们开始那漫长而诱人的旅程,通向那具有神性与永恒性的天堂目的地。在凡人找到神并达至神性完美的整个冒险当中中,这些来自炽天使完满团队的灵性侍奉者,与忠诚的时间性侍奉之灵一起,一直永远是你们真正的朋友与可靠的帮手。 |
39:9.3 (442.1) Many fascinating avenues of ministry are open to the completion seraphim, but just as they all craved assignment as destiny guardians in the pre-Paradise days, so in the post-Paradise experience they most desire to serve as bestowal attendants of the incarnated Paradise Sons. They are still supremely devoted to that universal plan of starting the mortal creatures of the evolutionary worlds out upon the long and enticing journey towards the Paradise goal of divinity and eternity. Throughout the whole mortal adventure of finding God and of achieving divine perfection, these spirit ministers of seraphic completion, together with the faithful ministering spirits of time, are always and forever your true friends and unfailing helpers. |
39:9.4 (442.2) [由一位应内巴顿(Nebadon)炽天使大军首领的请求而行事的麦基洗德所呈献。] |
39:9.4 (442.2) [Presented by a Melchizedek acting by request of the Chief of the Seraphic Hosts of Nebadon.] |