第54篇   Paper 54
关于路西法反叛的诸多问题   Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion
54:0.1 (613.1) 进化性人类会发现,要完全去理解邪恶、错误、罪恶和罪孽的意义并完全把握其内涵,是十分困难的。人类会慢慢去感知到,完美性与不完美性的相互对比,便会产生潜在的邪恶;真相与虚假的相互冲突,便会创造出令人困惑的错误;自由意志选择之神性赋予,终归会形成罪恶与正义之相异领域;对神性的不懈追求,会引向神之王国,而对其持续的拒绝,则会引向罪孽之领域。   54:0.1 (613.1) EVOLUTIONARY man finds it difficult fully to comprehend the significance and to grasp the meanings of evil, error, sin, and iniquity. Man is slow to perceive that contrastive perfection and imperfection produce potential evil; that conflicting truth and falsehood create confusing error; that the divine endowment of freewill choice eventuates in the divergent realms of sin and righteousness; that the persistent pursuit of divinity leads to the kingdom of God as contrasted with its continuous rejection, which leads to the domains of iniquity.
54:0.2 (613.2) 神既未创造邪恶,也未容许罪恶与反叛。潜在的邪恶,暂时地存在于一个容有不同层次完美性意涵与价值的宇宙之中。在不完美存有被赋予了选择善恶能力的所有领域内,罪恶都会是潜在的。真理与非真理、事实与虚假的矛盾性存在,便构成了错误的潜在性。对邪恶的蓄意选择便构成了罪恶;对真理的有意拒绝便是错误;对罪恶和错误的不断追求,便是罪孽。   54:0.2 (613.2) The Gods neither create evil nor permit sin and rebellion. Potential evil is time-existent in a universe embracing differential levels of perfection meanings and values. Sin is potential in all realms where imperfect beings are endowed with the ability to choose between good and evil. The very conflicting presence of truth and untruth, fact and falsehood, constitutes the potentiality of error. The deliberate choice of evil constitutes sin; the willful rejection of truth is error; the persistent pursuit of sin and error is iniquity.
1. 真实的和虚假的自由 ^top   1. True and False Liberty ^top
54:1.1 (613.3) 在路西法反叛引发的所有那些错综复杂的问题中,没有什么比不成熟的进化凡人未能去区分真实的和虚假的自由引起更多困难的了。   54:1.1 (613.3) Of all the perplexing problems growing out of the Lucifer rebellion, none has occasioned more difficulty than the failure of immature evolutionary mortals to distinguish between true and false liberty.
54:1.2 (613.4) 真实的自由是历久以来的探索,是进化过程的报偿。虚假的自由则是时间性错误和空间性邪恶的狡诈欺骗。持久的自由是基于公平性实相 -- 即智能、成熟、友爱和平等之上。   54:1.2 (613.4) True liberty is the quest of the ages and the reward of evolutionary progress. False liberty is the subtle deception of the error of time and the evil of space. Enduring liberty is predicated on the reality of justice—intelligence, maturity, fraternity, and equity.
54:1.3 (613.5) 当自由之动机是无智能的、无条件的和无控制的,它便会是一种宇宙存在的自毁手段。真实的自由是与实相息息相关的,并永远顾及社会平等、宇宙公正、宇宙友爱和神圣义务。   54:1.3 (613.5) Liberty is a self-destroying technique of cosmic existence when its motivation is unintelligent, unconditioned, and uncontrolled. True liberty is progressively related to reality and is ever regardful of social equity, cosmic fairness, universe fraternity, and divine obligations.
54:1.4 (613.6) 当自由与物质性公平、智性的公正、社会的宽容、道德的义务以及灵性的价值相脱离时,它便会自取灭亡。离开了宇宙实相,自由便不会存在,而所有人格本体实相,则都是与其神性关系相称的。   54:1.4 (613.6) Liberty is suicidal when divorced from material justice, intellectual fairness, social forbearance, moral duty, and spiritual values. Liberty is nonexistent apart from cosmic reality, and all personality reality is proportional to its divinity relationships.
54:1.5 (613.7) 不受约束的固执己见和不受规管的自我表现,无异于十足的自私,亦即极端的不敬虔。若无相关的不断增长的自我克制,自由便会成为一种以自我为中心的凡间空想之臆造物。自我激发式的自由是一种概念上的幻觉,一种残酷的欺骗。伪装在自由外衣下的放纵,是导向可悲禁锢的前兆。   54:1.5 (613.7) Unbridled self-will and unregulated self-expression equal unmitigated selfishness, the acme of ungodliness. Liberty without the associated and ever-increasing conquest of self is a figment of egoistic mortal imagination. Self-motivated liberty is a conceptual illusion, a cruel deception. License masquerading in the garments of liberty is the forerunner of abject bondage.
54:1.6 (614.1) 真实的自由是真正自尊的关联物;虚假的自由则是自负的陪伴物。真实的自由是自我控制的结果;虚假的自由则是自作主张之接管。自我控制引向利他性服务;自作主张则倾向于为了这样一个判断出错之个体的自私性膨胀而剥削他人,并照这样下去,为了攫取凌驾于其同类之上的不公平权能而愿意去牺牲正义的实现。   54:1.6 (614.1) True liberty is the associate of genuine self-respect; false liberty is the consort of self-admiration. True liberty is the fruit of self-control; false liberty, the assumption of self-assertion. Self-control leads to altruistic service; self-admiration tends towards the exploitation of others for the selfish aggrandizement of such a mistaken individual as is willing to sacrifice righteous attainment for the sake of possessing unjust power over his fellow beings.
54:1.7 (614.2) 即便是智慧,也仅在其具有宇宙性视野及灵性动机时,才是神圣而可靠的。   54:1.7 (614.2) Even wisdom is divine and safe only when it is cosmic in scope and spiritual in motivation.
54:1.8 (614.3) 没有什么错误比自我欺骗的物种更为巨大的了,这会导致智能存有们去渴望行使凌驾于其他存有之上的权能,为的是剥夺这些个体的天赋自由。人性公正的黄金法则呼吁反对所有这类的欺骗、不公、自私及不义。只有真实而真正的自由才会与爱心的支配和仁慈的照料相匹配。   54:1.8 (614.3) There is no error greater than that species of self-deception which leads intelligent beings to crave the exercise of power over other beings for the purpose of depriving these persons of their natural liberties. The golden rule of human fairness cries out against all such fraud, unfairness, selfishness, and unrighteousness. Only true and genuine liberty is compatible with the reign of love and the ministry of mercy.
54:1.9 (614.4) 当宇宙的至高支配者们尚且对这些意志的权利和人格的潜能予以仁慈的尊重而退后时,固执己见的受造物如何还敢以个人自由的名义侵犯其同类的权利呢!任何存有在行使其假定的个人自由的过程中,都没有权利去剥夺任何其他存有的那些存在权利,这些权利是由造物者们所赋予、并由其所有忠诚的同伴、部属及臣民所适当尊重的。   54:1.9 (614.4) How dare the self-willed creature encroach upon the rights of his fellows in the name of personal liberty when the Supreme Rulers of the universe stand back in merciful respect for these prerogatives of will and potentials of personality! No being, in the exercise of his supposed personal liberty, has a right to deprive any other being of those privileges of existence conferred by the Creators and duly respected by all their loyal associates, subordinates, and subjects.
54:1.10 (614.5) 在一个充满罪恶和罪孽的世界上,或是在一个初期进化星球的早期时代,进化人类或许不得不在与暴君和压迫者的斗争中争取其实质性自由,但在各个灵质性世界或是灵性星球上却不是这样。战争是早期进化人类的遗产,但在那些正常发展的文明世界上,作为一种调节族群间误解手段的肉搏早已声名扫地了。   54:1.10 (614.5) Evolutionary man may have to contend for his material liberties with tyrants and oppressors on a world of sin and iniquity or during the early times of a primitive evolving sphere, but not so on the morontia worlds or on the spirit spheres. War is the heritage of early evolutionary man, but on worlds of normal advancing civilization physical combat as a technique of adjusting racial misunderstandings has long since fallen into disrepute.
2. 自由之盗用 ^top   2. The Theft of Liberty ^top
54:2.1 (614.6) 神与上子一起,在上灵身上投射出了永恒的哈沃纳(Havona),自那以后便获得了这种协同参与创造(即分担)的永恒模式。这一分担模式,对于神的每个前往到空间中参与尝试在时间中复制永恒完美性中央宇宙的子女们来说,都是一种主体性设计。   54:2.1 (614.6) With the Son and in the Spirit did God project eternal Havona, and ever since has there obtained the eternal pattern of co-ordinate participation in creation—sharing. This pattern of sharing is the master design for every one of the Sons and Daughters of God who go out into space to engage in the attempt to duplicate in time the central universe of eternal perfection.
54:2.2 (614.7) 每一个进化宇宙中的每一个渴望履行天父旨意的受造物,都注定会在这一经验性完美达成的壮丽冒险中,成为时空性造物者们的搭档。如果不是这样,那么天父就不会将这样的受造物赋以创造性的自由意志,他也不会内驻于他们身中,实际上是以他自身属灵的方式来与他们一同相伴。   54:2.2 (614.7) Every creature of every evolving universe who aspires to do the Father’s will is destined to become the partner of the time-space Creators in this magnificent adventure of experiential perfection attainment. Were this not true, the Father would have hardly endowed such creatures with creative free will, neither would he indwell them, actually go into partnership with them by means of his own spirit.
54:2.3 (614.8) 路西法的愚蠢在于其试图去行不可行之事,试图去在一个经验性的宇宙中使时间短路。路西法的罪行,是试图超常规地剥夺撒旦尼亚(Satania)中每个人格体的选择权,亦即在以个体性及集体性的方式去达至光与生命状态的漫长进化奋斗中,未获认可地去剥夺受造物的个体参与权 -- 即自由意志性参与权。在这么做的过程中,你们系统的这位一度的君主就将其自身意志的暂时性目标,直接设为与神之旨意的永恒性目标相反,而后者体现在将自由意志赠与到所有人格性受造物身上。这样,路西法反叛便对侵犯撒旦尼亚系统扬升者和服务者们的自由意志选择构成了最大可能的威胁 -- 这种威胁会永远剥夺这些存有中每一员向缓慢树立的经验性智慧之塔做出自身独特奉献的兴奋体验,而这种经验性智慧之塔终有一天会作为完美化的撒旦尼亚系统而存在。路西法宣言就这样在自由外衣的伪装之下,作为一种巨大的威胁堂而皇之地立于清明的理性光辉之中,以去完成对个人自由之盗用,并去在一个内巴顿(Nebadon)整个历史中仅有两次曾接近过的规模上去执行它。   54:2.3 (614.8) Lucifer’s folly was the attempt to do the nondoable, to short-circuit time in an experiential universe. Lucifer’s crime was the attempted creative disenfranchisement of every personality in Satania, the unrecognized abridgment of the creature’s personal participation—freewill participation—in the long evolutionary struggle to attain the status of light and life both individually and collectively. In so doing this onetime Sovereign of your system set the temporal purpose of his own will directly athwart the eternal purpose of God’s will as it is revealed in the bestowal of free will upon all personal creatures. The Lucifer rebellion thus threatened the maximum possible infringement of the freewill choice of the ascenders and servers of the system of Satania—a threat forevermore to deprive every one of these beings of the thrilling experience of contributing something personal and unique to the slowly erecting monument to experiential wisdom which will sometime exist as the perfected system of Satania. Thus does the Lucifer manifesto, masquerading in the habiliments of liberty, stand forth in the clear light of reason as a monumental threat to consummate the theft of personal liberty and to do it on a scale that has been approached only twice in all the history of Nebadon.
54:2.4 (615.1) 简言之,神所赐予给人类和天使的东西,路西法想要从他们身上拿走,也就是说,拿走他们参与创造其自身命运及包含诸多居住世界之地方系统命运的神圣权利。   54:2.4 (615.1) In short, what God had given men and angels Lucifer would have taken away from them, that is, the divine privilege of participating in the creation of their own destinies and of the destiny of this local system of inhabited worlds.
54:2.5 (615.2) 在整个宇宙之中,任何一个存有都没有合法的自由去剥夺任何其他存有的真实自由和爱与被爱的权利,以及崇拜神和服务其同伴的权利。   54:2.5 (615.2) No being in all the universe has the rightful liberty to deprive any other being of true liberty, the right to love and be loved, the privilege of worshiping God and of serving his fellows.
3. 公平之延迟 ^top   3. The Time Lag of Justice ^top
54:3.1 (615.3) 进化世界的道德意志受造物们,总是对于全智的造物者们何以会容许邪恶与罪恶这一难以思考的问题感到困惑。他们无法理解,如果受造物要是真正自由的话,那么这两者是不可避免的。进化人类或是精妙天使的自由意志,并不是一种纯粹性的哲学概念,一种象征性的理念。人类选择善恶的能力,是一种宇宙实相。这种自身选择的自由是至高支配者们的一种赋予,他们不会允许任一存有或是存有群体去剥夺宽广宇宙中任何单一人格体的这种神圣赋予的自由 -- 更遑论去满足这些误入歧途的无知存有们去享有这种名不副实的个人自由了。   54:3.1 (615.3) The moral will creatures of the evolutionary worlds are always bothered with the unthinking question as to why the all-wise Creators permit evil and sin. They fail to comprehend that both are inevitable if the creature is to be truly free. The free will of evolving man or exquisite angel is not a mere philosophic concept, a symbolic ideal. Man’s ability to choose good or evil is a universe reality. This liberty to choose for oneself is an endowment of the Supreme Rulers, and they will not permit any being or group of beings to deprive a single personality in the wide universe of this divinely bestowed liberty—not even to satisfy such misguided and ignorant beings in the enjoyment of this misnamed personal liberty.
54:3.2 (615.4) 虽然有意而全心地与邪恶(罪恶)相认同就相当于不存在(毁灭),但在这样的个人与罪恶相认同之时与执行惩罚(即这样一种有意拥抱邪恶的必然结果)之间,总会有一段足够长的时间,以允许对这样一个个体的宇宙身份作出一种裁决,从而证明它会令所有相关的宇宙人格体们都完全满意,也将会如此的公平与公正,而足以赢得罪者本身的认可。   54:3.2 (615.4) Although conscious and wholehearted identification with evil (sin) is the equivalent of nonexistence (annihilation), there must always intervene between the time of such personal identification with sin and the execution of the penalty—the automatic result of such a willful embrace of evil—a period of time of sufficient length to allow for such an adjudication of such an individual’s universe status as will prove entirely satisfactory to all related universe personalities, and which will be so fair and just as to win the approval of the sinner himself.
54:3.3 (615.5) 然而,如果这位反对真与善之真实性的宇宙反叛者拒绝认可裁定,如果该罪者内心知道对其定罪之公平,但拒绝做出这种承认,那么该宣判之执行则必须要依照亘古常在者的裁量而予以延迟。仅当这位作恶者及其所有相关支持者和潜在同情者身上的所有道德价值和所有灵性实相全然泯灭之时,亘古常在者才会同意去毁灭这个存有。   54:3.3 (615.5) But if this universe rebel against the reality of truth and goodness refuses to approve the verdict, and if the guilty one knows in his heart the justice of his condemnation but refuses to make such confession, then must the execution of sentence be delayed in accordance with the discretion of the Ancients of Days. And the Ancients of Days refuse to annihilate any being until all moral values and all spiritual realities are extinct, both in the evildoer and in all related supporters and possible sympathizers.
4. 仁慈之延迟 ^top   4. The Mercy Time Lag ^top
54:4.1 (615.6) 另一个在诺拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座中有点难以解释的问题,牵涉到允许路西法、撒旦及堕落君王们在其被逮捕、拘禁和裁决之前为害那么久的原因。   54:4.1 (615.6) Another problem somewhat difficult of explanation in the constellation of Norlatiadek pertains to the reasons for permitting Lucifer, Satan, and the fallen princes to work mischief so long before being apprehended, interned, and adjudicated.
54:4.2 (616.1) 那些生养过孩子的父母都能够更好地理解迈克尔,一位造物者父亲为何会这样迟缓地判处及消灭他自己的圣子们。耶稣关于浪子的故事清楚地表明,一位慈爱的父亲可以怎样长时间地等待其犯错孩子的悔改。   54:4.2 (616.1) Parents, those who have borne and reared children, are better able to understand why Michael, a Creator-father, might be slow to condemn and destroy his own Sons. Jesus’ story of the prodigal son well illustrates how a loving father can long wait for the repentance of an erring child.
54:4.3 (616.2) 一个作恶的受造物能够实际上选择做错事 -- 即犯罪这一事实,确立了自由意志性的事实,也充分证明了,只要延展的仁慈有助于悔改和复原,那么在公平执行方面的任何长度之延迟都是正当的。   54:4.3 (616.2) The very fact that an evil-doing creature can actually choose to do wrong—commit sin—establishes the fact of free-willness and fully justifies any length delay in the execution of justice provided the extended mercy might conduce to repentance and rehabilitation.
54:4.4 (616.3) 路西法所谋求的大多数自由他已经拥有了;其他的自由,他本可在将来接收到。所有这些珍贵的赋予,都因让位于没有耐心及屈从于立刻占有渴望之物且无视所有义务去占有它的欲望而丧失了,这种义务就是要去尊重构成众多宇宙所组成宇宙的所有其他存有的权利和自由。合乎道德标准的义务是天生的、神圣的和普遍的。   54:4.4 (616.3) Most of the liberties which Lucifer sought he already had; others he was to receive in the future. All these precious endowments were lost by giving way to impatience and yielding to a desire to possess what one craves now and to possess it in defiance of all obligation to respect the rights and liberties of all other beings composing the universe of universes. Ethical obligations are innate, divine, and universal.
54:4.5 (616.4) 至高支配者们为何没有立即毁灭或是拘禁路西法反叛的领袖们,有许多原因是为我们所知的。无疑还有其他许多我们所未知的、可能更好的原因。在公平执行方面的这一仁慈性延迟,是内巴顿(Nebadon)的迈克尔所亲身赐予的。若非由于这位造物者父亲对其犯错圣子们的深爱,超级宇宙的至高性公平早已执行了。要是像路西法反叛这样一个事件是在迈克尔降生到玉苒厦(Urantia)的同时而发生在内巴顿当中,那么这一邪恶之鼓动者们也许已被立即而绝对地毁灭了。   54:4.5 (616.4) There are many reasons known to us why the Supreme Rulers did not immediately destroy or intern the leaders of the Lucifer rebellion. There are no doubt still other and possibly better reasons unknown to us. The mercy features of this delay in the execution of justice were extended personally by Michael of Nebadon. Except for the affection of this Creator-father for his erring Sons, the supreme justice of the superuniverse would have acted. If such an episode as the Lucifer rebellion had occurred in Nebadon while Michael was incarnated on Urantia, the instigators of such evil might have been instantly and absolutely annihilated.
54:4.6 (616.5) 在未受到神圣仁慈的克制时,至高性公平能够立即执行。但对时空性子民的仁慈照料总是会提供这种延迟,这一处于播种和收获之间的救助性间隔时间。如果播下的种子是善种,这段间隔时间便会提供品格之考验与造就;如果播下的种子是恶种,这一仁慈的延迟便会提供悔改的时间。对于作恶者判决和执行之间的这种时间延迟,是固有于七个超级宇宙的仁慈照料之中的。这种因仁慈而对公平所作出的克制,证明了神就是爱,证明了这样一位慈爱之神支配着诸宇宙,而且仁慈地掌管着所有受造物的命运和裁决。   54:4.6 (616.5) Supreme justice can act instantly when not restrained by divine mercy. But the ministry of mercy to the children of time and space always provides for this time lag, this saving interval between seedtime and harvest. If the seed sowing is good, this interval provides for the testing and upbuilding of character; if the seed sowing is evil, this merciful delay provides time for repentance and rectification. This time delay in the adjudication and execution of evildoers is inherent in the mercy ministry of the seven superuniverses. This restraint of justice by mercy proves that God is love, and that such a God of love dominates the universes and in mercy controls the fate and judgment of all his creatures.
54:4.7 (616.6) 仁慈的时间延迟是由各个造物者的自由意志所授权的。在宇宙中,自这种处理罪恶反叛所采用的耐心手段中衍生出来的是善。尽管对于一个图谋并实施邪恶的存有来说,善无法出自于恶这点是实在正确的,但同样正确的是,万事(包括潜在的或是显在的恶)都在共同效力,以让那些知神、乐于遵行其旨意并根据其永恒计划和神圣目标向天堂扬升的存有得到益处。   54:4.7 (616.6) The mercy delays of time are by the mandate of the free will of the Creators. There is good to be derived in the universe from this technique of patience in dealing with sinful rebels. While it is all too true that good cannot come of evil to the one who contemplates and performs evil, it is equally true that all things (including evil, potential and manifest) work together for good to all beings who know God, love to do his will, and are ascending Paradiseward according to his eternal plan and divine purpose.
54:4.8 (616.7) 然而,这些仁慈的延迟不是无止尽的。尽管在裁定路西法反叛方面有着极长的延迟(按玉苒厦的时间来看),但我们可以记载的是,就在进行这一启示期间,加百列起诉路西法这一悬而未决案件中的第一次听证会在尤沃萨(Uversa)得以举行了,在那之后不久便发布了亘古常在者们的指令,指示撒旦自此后要与路西法一同被拘禁在监狱世界中。这便终结了撒旦进一步造访撒旦尼亚(Satania)中任何一个堕落世界的能力。在一个由仁慈所支配的宇宙中,公平也许来得慢些,但它必定会来到。   54:4.8 (616.7) But these mercy delays are not interminable. Notwithstanding the long delay (as time is reckoned on Urantia) in adjudicating the Lucifer rebellion, we may record that, during the time of effecting this revelation, the first hearing in the pending case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer was held on Uversa, and soon thereafter there issued the mandate of the Ancients of Days directing that Satan be henceforth confined to the prison world with Lucifer. This ends the ability of Satan to pay further visits to any of the fallen worlds of Satania. Justice in a mercy-dominated universe may be slow, but it is certain.
5. 延迟之智慧 ^top   5. The Wisdom of Delay ^top
54:5.1 (617.1) 在为我所知的关于路西法及其同盟何以未被更早拘禁和裁决的诸多原因中,我获允列出以下内容:   54:5.1 (617.1) Of the many reasons known to me as to why Lucifer and his confederates were not sooner interned or adjudicated, I am permitted to recite the following:
54:5.2 (617.2) 1. 仁慈要求每一个作恶者都有足够的时间,就其邪恶思想和罪恶行为而形成一种深思熟虑且充分选定的态度。   54:5.2 (617.2) 1. Mercy requires that every wrongdoer have sufficient time in which to formulate a deliberate and fully chosen attitude regarding his evil thoughts and sinful acts.
54:5.3 (617.3) 2. 至高性公平是由天父之爱所主导的;因此公平从不会毁灭仁慈所能挽救的那一切。每一个作恶者都会被赐予时间去接受救恩。   54:5.3 (617.3) 2. Supreme justice is dominated by a Father’s love; therefore will justice never destroy that which mercy can save. Time to accept salvation is vouchsafed every evildoer.
54:5.4 (617.4) 3. 任何一位充满深情的父亲都决不会贸然对其家庭中的一名犯错成员施加惩罚,容忍无法独立于时间之外而起作用。   54:5.4 (617.4) 3. No affectionate father is ever precipitate in visiting punishment upon an erring member of his family. Patience cannot function independently of time.
54:5.5 (617.5) 4. 尽管做错事对一个家庭来说总是有害的,但在这位深情父亲所授予的时间里,智慧和爱心会告诫那些正直的儿女去容忍一位犯错的弟兄,而在这期间,这位罪者或许会看到其行事之错误,并会接受救恩。   54:5.5 (617.5) 4. While wrongdoing is always deleterious to a family, wisdom and love admonish the upright children to bear with an erring brother during the time granted by the affectionate father in which the sinner may see the error of his way and embrace salvation.
54:5.6 (617.6) 5. 不管迈克尔对路西法的态度如何,尽管他是路西法的创造者和父亲,但这位造物之子却没有权限去对该叛逆系统君主实施即决的审判,因为他那时还未完成其赠与生涯,藉之他才能得到内巴顿(Nebadon)的无条件主权。   54:5.6 (617.6) 5. Regardless of Michael’s attitude toward Lucifer, notwithstanding his being Lucifer’s Creator-father, it was not in the province of the Creator Son to exercise summary jurisdiction over the apostate System Sovereign because he had not then completed his bestowal career, thereby attaining unqualified sovereignty of Nebadon.
54:5.7 (617.7) 6. 亘古常在者们本可以立即消灭这些反叛者,但他们很少不经一场全面的听证就处决作恶者。在这种情况下,他们拒绝了去对迈克尔的决定施加影响。   54:5.7 (617.7) 6. The Ancients of Days could have immediately annihilated these rebels, but they seldom execute wrongdoers without a full hearing. In this instance they refused to overrule the Michael decisions.
54:5.8 (617.8) 7. 显而易见的是,以马内利曾建议迈克尔不去理会反叛者们,而是让反叛继续其自我毁灭的自然进程。这位联合常在者的智慧是天堂三位一体之联合智慧的时间性反映。   54:5.8 (617.8) 7. It is evident that Immanuel counseled Michael to remain aloof from the rebels and allow rebellion to pursue a natural course of self-obliteration. And the wisdom of the Union of Days is the time reflection of the united wisdom of the Paradise Trinity.
54:5.9 (617.9) 8. 伊甸厦(Edentia)的忠诚常在者曾建议星座之父们,让反叛者们自由进行到结束,这样对于这些作恶者的所有同情,将会更快从诺拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座的每一位当前及未来公民的心中得以根除 -- 包括每一个暂存性、灵质性或是属灵性的受造物。   54:5.9 (617.9) 8. The Faithful of Days on Edentia advised the Constellation Fathers to allow the rebels free course to the end that all sympathy for these evildoers should be the sooner uprooted in the hearts of every present and future citizen of Norlatiadek—every mortal, morontia, or spirit creature.
54:5.10 (617.10) 9. 在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),奥温顿(Orvonton)至高执行者的亲身代表曾建议加百列去为每一鲜活受造物提供充分机会,以令其在那些涉及到路西法自由宣言的事务中做出一个深思熟虑的选择。提到反叛的诸多问题,加百列的这位天堂应急顾问曾描绘道,如果不赋予所有诺拉歇德(Norlatiadek)的受造物这样一个充分而自由的机会,那么天堂对于所有这些可能半心半意或是受怀疑侵袭的受造物之隔离将会以自我防护之方式延展到整个星座。为了保持天堂的扬升门户对诺拉歇德星座存有的敞开,有必要为反叛的充分发展做好准备,确保让所有与反叛有任何瓜葛的存有表现出完全确定的态度。   54:5.10 (617.10) 9. On Jerusem the personal representative of the Supreme Executive of Orvonton counseled Gabriel to foster full opportunity for every living creature to mature a deliberate choice in those matters involved in the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. The issues of rebellion having been raised, the Paradise emergency adviser of Gabriel portrayed that, if such full and free opportunity were not given all Norlatiadek creatures, then would the Paradise quarantine against all such possible halfhearted or doubt-stricken creatures be extended in self-protection against the entire constellation. To keep open the Paradise doors of ascension to the beings of Norlatiadek, it was necessary to provide for the full development of rebellion and to insure the complete determination of attitude on the part of all beings in any way concerned therewith.
54:5.11 (617.11) 10. 萨尔文顿(Salvington)的神性职司以其第三个单独公告的方式发布了一个指令,命令不要做任何事情去半途调治、懦弱镇压或是以其他方式来掩蔽叛逆者和反叛的丑恶面貌。天使军团也曾受命为罪恶的表现提供充分揭露及无尽机会,以作为实现对于邪恶与罪恶之最终完美治愈的最快手段。   54:5.11 (617.11) 10. The Divine Minister of Salvington issued as her third independent proclamation a mandate directing that nothing be done to half cure, cowardly suppress, or otherwise hide the hideous visage of rebels and rebellion. The angelic hosts were directed to work for full disclosure and unlimited opportunity for sin-expression as the quickest technique of achieving the perfect and final cure of the plague of evil and sin.
54:5.12 (618.1) 11. 在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)上,曾组织了一场由那些亲身经历过类似情况的强大使者、荣耀化凡人及其同伴们所参加的紧急会议。他们建议加百列,如果尝试武断的或是草率的镇压方法,至少会有三倍数量的存有会被引上歧途。整个尤沃萨(Uversa)的顾问团队也一致建议加百列,容许反叛沿其充分而自然的进程发展,即便将需要一百万年来清理诸多后果。   54:5.12 (618.1) 11. An emergency council of ex-mortals consisting of Mighty Messengers, glorified mortals who had had personal experience with like situations, together with their colleagues, was organized on Jerusem. They advised Gabriel that at least three times the number of beings would be led astray if arbitrary or summary methods of suppression were attempted. The entire Uversa corps of counselors concurred in advising Gabriel to permit the rebellion to take its full and natural course, even if it should require a million years to wind up the consequences.
54:5.13 (618.2) 12. 即便是在一个时间性宇宙中,时间也总是相对的:如果一个拥有平均寿命的玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人犯下一个造成世界范围性混乱的罪行,如果在犯下这个罪行后的两到三天内被逮捕、审判并处决,对你们来说这会看似一段很长的时间吗?然而,那便是一个与路西法寿命较为接近的对比,即便他的审判现在开始,要花十万玉苒厦年完成也不为过。从诉讼受理之处的尤沃萨(Uversa)角度来看,这种相对的时间流逝可以用以下说法加以说明,即路西法的罪行仅在其实施后的二点五秒内便被审讯了。从天堂的角度来看,审判是与实施同时发生的。   54:5.13 (618.2) 12. Time, even in a universe of time, is relative: If a Urantia mortal of average length of life should commit a crime which precipitated world-wide pandemonium, and if he were apprehended, tried, and executed within two or three days of the commission of the crime, would it seem a long time to you? And yet that would be nearer a comparison with the length of Lucifer’s life even if his adjudication, now begun, should not be completed for a hundred thousand Urantia years. The relative lapse of time from the viewpoint of Uversa, where the litigation is pending, could be indicated by saying that the crime of Lucifer was being brought to trial within two and a half seconds of its commission. From the Paradise viewpoint the adjudication is simultaneous with the enactment.
54:5.14 (618.3) 关于没有断然阻止路西法反叛,还有同样多条原因,它们可能只会部分为你们所理解,但我却未获允去提及。我可以告诉你们的是,在尤沃萨(Uversa)上,我们会教导四十八条关于允许邪恶去走完其自身道德破产和灵性灭绝之全部过程的原因。我也不怀疑,还会有许多其他原因不为我所知。   54:5.14 (618.3) There are an equal number of reasons for not arbitrarily stopping the Lucifer rebellion which would be partially comprehensible to you, but which I am not permitted to narrate. I may inform you that on Uversa we teach forty-eight reasons for permitting evil to run the full course of its own moral bankruptcy and spiritual extinction. I doubt not that there are just as many additional reasons not known to me.
6. 爱心之胜利 ^top   6. The Triumph of Love ^top
54:6.1 (618.4) 无论进化凡人们在其理解路西法反叛的努力中会遇到什么样的困难,但对于所有那些反思性的思考者们都极为明晰的是,处理反叛者的手段正是一种神圣之爱心的明证。延展到反叛者们身上的爱心仁慈,的确看似将众多无辜的存有卷入到磨炼和苦难之中,但所有这些困惑人格体都可以放心地依赖于全智的审判者们带着仁慈和公平去裁定他们的命运。   54:6.1 (618.4) Whatever the difficulties evolutionary mortals may encounter in their efforts to understand the Lucifer rebellion, it should be clear to all reflective thinkers that the technique of dealing with the rebels is a vindication of divine love. The loving mercy extended to the rebels does seem to have involved many innocent beings in trials and tribulations, but all these distraught personalities may securely depend upon the all-wise Judges to adjudicate their destinies in mercy as well as justice.
54:6.2 (618.5) 无论是造物之子还是其天堂之父,在其处理智能存有们的所有过程中,都是以爱心为主导的。只有记住以下这点,即在所有神性与人性的往来中,神作为一位父亲的身份凌驾于所有其他神灵显现之上,才能去理解众多宇宙支配者们对于叛逆者及反叛 -- 即罪恶和作恶者 -- 态度的诸多面向。还要记住的是,天堂造物之子们都是以仁慈为动机的。   54:6.2 (618.5) In all their dealings with intelligent beings, both the Creator Son and his Paradise Father are love dominated. It is impossible to comprehend many phases of the attitude of the universe rulers toward rebels and rebellion—sin and sinners—unless it be remembered that God as a Father takes precedence over all other phases of Deity manifestation in all the dealings of divinity with humanity. It should also be recalled that the Paradise Creator Sons are all mercy motivated.
54:6.3 (618.6) 如果一个大家庭的慈爱父亲选择对一位犯下严重过错的孩子施以仁慈,那么很可能施与这位犯错孩子的仁慈,将会对所有其他行为端正的孩子造成暂时的不便。这样的终归结果在所难免的;这样一种风险是与拥有一位慈爱父亲及作为一名家庭成员的现实状况密不可分的。一个家庭的每一个成员都会因另一个其他成员的正直行为而得益;同样,每一成员也必然要忍受另一个其他成员之不当行为所带来的时间性后果。各个家庭、各个群体、各个国家、各个种族、各个世界、各个系统、各个星座及各个宇宙,都是拥有个体性的诸多关系组合;因此,任何一个这样群体中的每一个成员,无论该群体是大是小,都会因相关群体中所有其他成员的善行或逆举而获得益处或是遭受后果。   54:6.3 (618.6) If an affectionate father of a large family chooses to show mercy to one of his children guilty of grievous wrongdoing, it may well be that the extension of mercy to this misbehaving child will work a temporary hardship upon all the other and well-behaved children. Such eventualities are inevitable; such a risk is inseparable from the reality situation of having a loving parent and of being a member of a family group. Each member of a family profits by the righteous conduct of every other member; likewise must each member suffer the immediate time-consequences of the misconduct of every other member. Families, groups, nations, races, worlds, systems, constellations, and universes are relationships of association which possess individuality; and therefore does every member of any such group, large or small, reap the benefits and suffer the consequences of the rightdoing and the wrongdoing of all other members of the group concerned.
54:6.4 (619.1) 但有一件事情应当弄清楚:如果你因为你家庭中的某个成员、某个公民同伴或是某个凡人同伴、甚或是因为系统或其他范围反叛之罪恶而遭受其邪恶后果 -- 即无论因为你同伴、同类或是上级的过错,你或许不得不去忍受什么 -- 但你在永恒的保障方面则大可放心,即如此的苦难都是些短暂的折磨。群体中不良行为的这些连带性后果,都决不可能会危及你的永恒性前景,也丝毫不会剥夺你天堂扬升及达于神的神圣权利。   54:6.4 (619.1) But one thing should be made clear: If you are made to suffer the evil consequences of the sin of some member of your family, some fellow citizen or fellow mortal, even rebellion in the system or elsewhere—no matter what you may have to endure because of the wrongdoing of your associates, fellows, or superiors—you may rest secure in the eternal assurance that such tribulations are transient afflictions. None of these fraternal consequences of misbehavior in the group can ever jeopardize your eternal prospects or in the least degree deprive you of your divine right of Paradise ascension and God attainment.
54:6.5 (619.2) 这些始终伴随着罪恶反叛的试炼、延迟及失望,是会有补偿的。在关于路西法反叛的诸多可被列举出的有价值反响中,我只是请你们注意那些凡人扬升者的扬升生涯,这些耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的公民因经受住了罪恶之诡辩而令自身处于成为未来强大使者的行列中,即成为我自身类别的成员。每一个经受住了那一邪恶事件考验的存有,都会因此而立即提高了其管理地位,并增益了其灵性价值。   54:6.5 (619.2) And there is compensation for these trials, delays, and disappointments which invariably accompany the sin of rebellion. Of the many valuable repercussions of the Lucifer rebellion which might be named, I will only call attention to the enhanced careers of those mortal ascenders, the Jerusem citizens, who, by withstanding the sophistries of sin, placed themselves in line for becoming future Mighty Messengers, fellows of my own order. Every being who stood the test of that evil episode thereby immediately advanced his administrative status and enhanced his spiritual worth.
54:6.6 (619.3) 最初,路西法反叛对于该系统和该宇宙来说看来像是一种十足的灾难。但渐渐地,诸多益处开始浮现。随着系统时间过去二万五千年(玉苒厦时间两万年)以后,麦基洗德们开始教导,路西法的愚行所带来的善果已逐渐与其恶果相抵。邪恶的累积到那时已渐趋固定下来,只在某些隔离的世界上还继续增加着,而有益之反响则在继续成倍增长着,并向外扩展至该宇宙和超级宇宙,甚至扩展到了哈沃纳(Havona)。现在麦基洗德们教导的是,撒旦尼亚(Satania)反叛的善果比所有恶果要多过一千倍。   54:6.6 (619.3) At first the Lucifer upheaval appeared to be an unmitigated calamity to the system and to the universe. Gradually benefits began to accrue. With the passing of twenty-five thousand years of system time (twenty thousand years of Urantia time), the Melchizedeks began to teach that the good resulting from Lucifer’s folly had come to equal the evil incurred. The sum of evil had by that time become almost stationary, continuing to increase only on certain isolated worlds, while the beneficial repercussions continued to multiply and extend out through the universe and superuniverse, even to Havona. The Melchizedeks now teach that the good resulting from the Satania rebellion is more than a thousand times the sum of all the evil.
54:6.7 (619.4) 然而,这样一种从恶行中生出的非凡而有益的收获,只能是通过路西法所有上级睿智、神圣而仁慈的态度所带来的,这些上级从伊甸厦的星座之父们延伸到天堂的万有之父。时间的流逝令源自于路西法愚行的继发善果日益增加;由于应当受到处罚的邪恶是在一段相对短暂的时间里得到充分发展的,因此显而易见的是,那些全智而富有远见的宇宙支配者们肯定会延长时间,以在这其中去收获更多的有益结果。不管对撒旦尼亚(Satania)叛逆者们延迟拘捕及判决的许多其他原因如何,这一方面的收获,就足以去解释为何这些罪犯未被更早拘禁,以及为何他们未被及早判决和毁灭掉。   54:6.7 (619.4) But such an extraordinary and beneficent harvest of wrongdoing could only be brought about by the wise, divine, and merciful attitude of all of Lucifer’s superiors, extending from the Constellation Fathers on Edentia to the Universal Father on Paradise. The passing of time has enhanced the consequential good to be derived from the Lucifer folly; and since the evil to be penalized was quite fully developed within a comparatively short time, it is apparent that the all-wise and farseeing universe rulers would be certain to extend the time in which to reap increasingly beneficial results. Regardless of the many additional reasons for delaying the apprehension and adjudication of the Satania rebels, this one gain would have been enough to explain why these sinners were not sooner interned, and why they have not been adjudicated and destroyed.
54:6.8 (619.5) 目光短浅和囿于时间所限的凡人心智,理应暂缓去评判富有远见的宇宙事务之全智管理者们所设计的这种时间延迟。   54:6.8 (619.5) Shortsighted and time-bound mortal minds should be slow to criticize the time delays of the farseeing and all-wise administrators of universe affairs.
54:6.9 (620.1) 人类关于这些问题之思考中的一个错误,在于以下这个观念,即如果罪恶未曾祸害他们的世界,那么该进化行星上的所有进化凡人都将会选择踏入天堂扬升生涯。但拒绝续存的能力却并非始自路西法反叛时期。对于天堂扬升生涯而言,凡人们一直都拥有自由意志选择之禀赋。   54:6.9 (620.1) One error of human thinking respecting these problems consists in the idea that all evolutionary mortals on an evolving planet would choose to enter upon the Paradise career if sin had not cursed their world. The ability to decline survival does not date from the times of the Lucifer rebellion. Mortal man has always possessed the endowment of freewill choice regarding the Paradise career.
54:6.10 (620.2) 随着你在续存的经历中扬升,你将会拓宽你的宇宙概念,并扩展你关于意义和价值的视野;这样,你将能够更好地去理解为何像路西法和撒旦这样的存有会被允许在反叛中继续存活。你也将会更好地理解终极性的(设若不是立即性的)善果如何能从时间所限的邪恶中衍生出来。当你到达天堂后,你将会在聆听超级天使类哲学家们谈论和解释这些关于宇宙调整的艰深问题时,真正得到启迪和安慰。但即便到那时,我都怀疑你们是否会感到心满意足。至少我还不曾满足,即便当我如此达到宇宙哲学之顶峰时。直到我被委以超级宇宙中的管理职责之后,我才对这些复杂问题获得了一种充分的理解,我在那里通过实际体验才获得了充足的概念能力,去理解这样一些存在于宇宙公平和灵性哲学中的多方面问题。随着你朝向天堂扬升,你将会渐渐了解到,关于宇宙管理的许多问题特征,只有在获得了增强的经验性能力并达到了改善的灵性洞见之后才能得以理解。对于宇宙状况的理解而言,宇宙智慧是至关重要的。   54:6.10 (620.2) As you ascend in the survival experience, you will broaden your universe concepts and extend your horizon of meanings and values; and thus will you be able the better to understand why such beings as Lucifer and Satan are permitted to continue in rebellion. You will also better comprehend how ultimate (if not immediate) good can be derived from time-limited evil. After you attain Paradise, you will really be enlightened and comforted when you listen to the superaphic philosophers discuss and explain these profound problems of universe adjustment. But even then, I doubt that you will be fully satisfied in your own minds. At least I was not even when I had thus attained the acme of universe philosophy. I did not achieve a full comprehension of these complexities until after I had been assigned to administrative duties in the superuniverse, where by actual experience I have acquired conceptual capacity adequate for the comprehension of such many-sided problems in cosmic equity and spiritual philosophy. As you ascend Paradiseward, you will increasingly learn that many problematic features of universe administration can only be comprehended subsequent to the acquirement of increased experiential capacity and to the achievement of enhanced spiritual insight. Cosmic wisdom is essential to the understanding of cosmic situations.
54:6.11 (620.3) [ 由一位在时间性宇宙中第一次系统反叛时经验性续存、目前配属到奥温顿(Orvonton)超级宇宙管理机构、并应萨尔文顿(Salvington)的加百列之请求而在此事务中执役的强大使者所呈献。]   54:6.11 (620.3) [Presented by a Mighty Messenger of experiential survival in the first system rebellion in the universes of time now attached to the superuniverse government of Orvonton and acting in this matter by request of Gabriel of Salvington.]