第67篇   Paper 67
行星反叛   The Planetary Rebellion
67:0.1 (754.1) 若没有对过去某些重大事件、尤其是行星反叛之发生及后果的了解,便不可能理解玉苒厦(Urantia)上与人类存在相关的问题。尽管这场动荡并没有严重干扰有机体进化的过程,但它却显著改变了社会演变和灵性发展的进程。这颗星球整个超物质层面的历史因这场破坏性灾难而被深刻影响了。   67:0.1 (754.1) THE problems associated with human existence on Urantia are impossible of understanding without a knowledge of certain great epochs of the past, notably the occurrence and consequences of the planetary rebellion. Although this upheaval did not seriously interfere with the progress of organic evolution, it did markedly modify the course of social evolution and of spiritual development. The entire superphysical history of the planet was profoundly influenced by this devastating calamity.
1. 卡里迦夏的背叛 ^top   1. The Caligastia Betrayal ^top
67:1.1 (754.2) 当路西法的助手撒旦那一次做他的定期性视察访问时,卡里迦夏已经掌管玉苒厦(Urantia)三十万年了。当撒旦到达这个星球时,他的样子决不像你们讽刺漫画中其邪恶之尊容。他曾经是、并且依旧是一个光华四溢的拉那南德(Lanonandek)圣子。“这并不足为奇,因为撒旦本身就是一个出色的光之受造物。”   67:1.1 (754.2) For three hundred thousand years Caligastia had been in charge of Urantia when Satan, Lucifer’s assistant, made one of his periodic inspection calls. And when Satan arrived on the planet, his appearance in no way resembled your caricatures of his nefarious majesty. He was, and still is, a Lanonandek Son of great brilliance. “And no marvel, for Satan himself is a brilliant creature of light.”
67:1.2 (754.3) 在这次视察的过程中,撒旦将路西法那时提出的“自由宣言”告知了卡里迦夏,就像我们现在所知道的那样,这位君王同意了在反叛通告之际背叛这个星球。忠诚的宇宙人格体们正是由于这种蓄意的背信弃义而尤为蔑视君王卡里迦夏。造物之子用这样的话道出了这种轻蔑,“你就像你的首领路西法一样,你罪恶地延续了他的罪孽。他从自我得意之始就是一个说谎者,因为他没有置身真理之中。”   67:1.2 (754.3) In the course of this inspection Satan informed Caligastia of Lucifer’s then proposed “Declaration of Liberty,” and as we now know, the Prince agreed to betray the planet upon the announcement of the rebellion. The loyal universe personalities look with peculiar disdain upon Prince Caligastia because of this premeditated betrayal of trust. The Creator Son voiced this contempt when he said: “You are like your leader, Lucifer, and you have sinfully perpetuated his iniquity. He was a falsifier from the beginning of his self-exaltation because he abode not in the truth.”
67:1.3 (754.4) 在一个地方宇宙的所有管理工作中,没有什么会被视作比寄予一位行星君王身上的高度信托更为神圣的了,他承担着为一个新居住世界进化凡人谋求福祉和提供引导的职责。而在所有形式的罪恶中,没有什么会比背叛信托和对自己亲密朋友的不忠更为破坏人格体身份的了。在犯下这个蓄谋罪恶过程中,卡里迦夏如此彻底地扭曲了他的人格,以致他的心智自那以后再也没能完全重获其平衡。   67:1.3 (754.4) In all the administrative work of a local universe no high trust is deemed more sacred than that reposed in a Planetary Prince who assumes responsibility for the welfare and guidance of the evolving mortals on a newly inhabited world. And of all forms of evil, none are more destructive of personality status than betrayal of trust and disloyalty to one’s confiding friends. In committing this deliberate sin, Caligastia so completely distorted his personality that his mind has never since been able fully to regain its equilibrium.
67:1.4 (754.5) 看待罪恶有很多的方式,但从宇宙哲学的观点来看,罪恶是一个人格体故意抵制宇宙实相的态度。错误可被视为一种对实相的误解或扭曲,邪恶是一种对宇宙实相的偏狭认知或是适应不良。但罪恶却是对神性实相的一种有意抵制 -- 一种有意识去反对灵性进步的选择,而罪孽则在于一种对公认实相的公开与持续对抗,并意味着濒于无限疯狂这样一种程度的人格分裂。   67:1.4 (754.5) There are many ways of looking at sin, but from the universe philosophic viewpoint sin is the attitude of a personality who is knowingly resisting cosmic reality. Error might be regarded as a misconception or distortion of reality. Evil is a partial realization of, or maladjustment to, universe realities. But sin is a purposeful resistance to divine reality—a conscious choosing to oppose spiritual progress—while iniquity consists in an open and persistent defiance of recognized reality and signifies such a degree of personality disintegration as to border on cosmic insanity.
67:1.5 (755.1) 错误意味着智性敏锐的缺乏;邪恶意味着智慧的不足,罪恶则意味着可悲的灵性匮乏。但罪孽却表明了渐趋消失的人格控制能力。   67:1.5 (755.1) Error suggests lack of intellectual keenness; evil, deficiency of wisdom; sin, abject spiritual poverty; but iniquity is indicative of vanishing personality control.
67:1.6 (755.2) 当罪恶太多次被选择、太频繁被重复时,它就可能变成习惯性的。习惯性的犯罪者容易变得极其邪恶、变得全心反叛整个宇宙及其所有神性实相。尽管各种形式的罪恶都可被宽恕,但我们却怀疑这个惯常的极为邪恶者是否愿为其罪行真诚地感到懊悔,或是接受对其罪行的宽恕。   67:1.6 (755.2) And when sin has so many times been chosen and so often been repeated, it may become habitual. Habitual sinners can easily become iniquitous, become wholehearted rebels against the universe and all of its divine realities. While all manner of sins may be forgiven, we doubt whether the established iniquiter would ever sincerely experience sorrow for his misdeeds or accept forgiveness for his sins.
2. 反叛的爆发 ^top   2. The Outbreak of Rebellion ^top
67:2.1 (755.3) 在撒旦的视察过后不久,且当行星管理机构意识到玉苒厦(Urantia)会发生大事的前夕,北半球严冬的一天,卡里迦夏与他的副手达里迦夏举行了一场长时间的会议,这之后,后者召集玉苒厦的十个理事会召开了一次非常会议。这次集会以下列陈述而开始,即君王卡里迦夏将要宣布自己为玉苒厦的绝对主权者,并要求所有管理团队通过将其所有职能和权柄辞交到作为托管者的达里迦夏手中而退位,直到行星管理机构的重组以及这些管理职权部门的随后重新分配。   67:2.1 (755.3) Shortly after Satan’s inspection and when the planetary administration was on the eve of the realization of great things on Urantia, one day, midwinter of the northern continents, Caligastia held a prolonged conference with his associate, Daligastia, after which the latter called the ten councils of Urantia in session extraordinary. This assembly was opened with the statement that Prince Caligastia was about to proclaim himself absolute sovereign of Urantia and demanded that all administrative groups abdicate by resigning all of their functions and powers into the hands of Daligastia as trustee, pending the reorganization of the planetary government and the subsequent redistribution of these offices of administrative authority.
67:2.2 (755.4) 这一惊人要求的提出,立即遭到了最高协调理事会主席凡恩的巧妙驳斥。这位杰出的管理者和能干的法官将卡里迦夏的议程标为一种近乎行星反叛的行动,并呼吁与会者放弃一切参与,直到将上诉提交给撒旦尼亚的系统君主路西法;他得到了全体成员的支持。相应地,上诉被提交到了耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),随后命令下达了,指定卡里迦夏为玉苒厦(Urantia)的最高主权者,并要求绝对而无条件地服从他的命令。作为对这一令人吃惊信息的回应,高尚的凡恩作了他那长达七个小时的令人难忘的演讲,在这个演讲中,他正式控诉了达里迦夏、卡里迦夏和路西法蔑视内巴顿(Nebadon)宇宙的主权;他还呼吁伊甸厦(Edentia)的极高者们给予支持和确认。   67:2.2 (755.4) The presentation of this astounding demand was followed by the masterly appeal of Van, chairman of the supreme council of co-ordination. This distinguished administrator and able jurist branded the proposed course of Caligastia as an act bordering on planetary rebellion and appealed to his conferees to abstain from all participation until an appeal could be taken to Lucifer, the System Sovereign of Satania; and he won the support of the entire staff. Accordingly, appeal was taken to Jerusem, and forthwith came back the orders designating Caligastia as supreme sovereign on Urantia and commanding absolute and unquestioning allegiance to his mandates. And it was in reply to this amazing message that the noble Van made his memorable address of seven hours’ length in which he formally drew his indictment of Daligastia, Caligastia, and Lucifer as standing in contempt of the sovereignty of the universe of Nebadon; and he appealed to the Most Highs of Edentia for support and confirmation.
67:2.3 (755.5) 那个时候,系统回路已被切断;玉苒厦(Urantia)被隔离了。这个行星上的每一类天界生命都发现自己被突然而毫无征兆地隔离了,与所有来自外界的参考和建议完全隔绝开来了。   67:2.3 (755.5) Meantime the system circuits had been severed; Urantia was isolated. Every group of celestial life on the planet found itself suddenly and without warning isolated, utterly cut off from all outside counsel and advice.
67:2.4 (755.6) 达里迦夏正式宣告卡里迦夏为“玉苒厦(Urantia)之神和最高统治者”。在这一宣告面前,形势已经分明了;每一团体都自动解散,并开始了注定将最终决定行星上每一超人人格体命运的商议和讨论。   67:2.4 (755.6) Daligastia formally proclaimed Caligastia “God of Urantia and supreme over all.” With this proclamation before them, the issues were clearly drawn; and each group drew off by itself and began deliberations, discussions destined eventually to determine the fate of every superhuman personality on the planet.
67:2.5 (755.7) 炽天使、小天使及其他天界存有都被卷入到这场严酷斗争、这场漫长而又罪恶冲突的选定中。许多在玉苒厦(Urantia)被隔离时碰巧在那里的超人团体也被滞留于此,就像炽天使及其同伴们那样,也被迫在罪恶与正义 -- 即在路西法的道路与不可见上父的旨意之间做出选择。   67:2.5 (755.7) Seraphim and cherubim and other celestial beings were involved in the decisions of this bitter struggle, this long and sinful conflict. Many superhuman groups that chanced to be on Urantia at the time of its isolation were detained here and, like the seraphim and their associates, were compelled to choose between sin and righteousness—between the ways of Lucifer and the will of the unseen Father.
67:2.6 (756.1) 这场斗争持续了七年多。直到每一个相关的人格体都做出了最终的决定,伊甸厦(Edentia)的当权者们才会干涉和介入。直到那个时候,凡恩及其忠实的同伴们才收到了证实,并从旷日持久的焦虑和难以忍受的悬疑中解脱出来。   67:2.6 (756.1) For more than seven years this struggle continued. Not until every personality concerned had made a final decision, would or did the authorities of Edentia interfere or intervene. Not until then did Van and his loyal associates receive vindication and release from their prolonged anxiety and intolerable suspense.
3. 至关重要的七年 ^top   3. The Seven Crucial Years ^top
67:3.1 (756.2) 撒旦尼亚系统首府耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)反叛的爆发,是由麦基洗德理事会所广播的。应急类麦基洗德们立即被派往了耶路瑟姆,加百列自愿作为权威已受挑战的造物之子的代表而行事。随着对撒旦尼亚反叛事实的这一广播,这个系统就被孤立了,即从其姊妹系统中隔离出来了。撒旦尼亚总部便有了“天上的争战”,它也蔓延到该地方系统的每一颗行星上。   67:3.1 (756.2) The outbreak of rebellion on Jerusem, the capital of Satania, was broadcast by the Melchizedek council. The emergency Melchizedeks were immediately dispatched to Jerusem, and Gabriel volunteered to act as the representative of the Creator Son, whose authority had been challenged. With this broadcast of the fact of rebellion in Satania the system was isolated, quarantined, from her sister systems. There was “war in heaven,” the headquarters of Satania, and it spread to every planet in the local system.
67:3.2 (756.3) 在玉苒厦(Urantia)上,一百位肉身属员中有四十位(包括凡恩)拒绝加入叛乱。这些属员的许多人类助手(改型的及另外的)也成为了迈克尔及其宇宙管理机构英勇而高尚的捍卫者。炽天使和小天使中间存在着可怕的人格体迷失。委派到该行星的管理类和过渡类炽天使中,有近一半加入其首领及达里迦夏来支持路西法的事业。有四万零一百一十九位第一类中道受造物与卡里迦夏相联手,但这些存有中的余者则依旧忠于其职守。   67:3.2 (756.3) On Urantia forty members of the corporeal staff of one hundred (including Van) refused to join the insurrection. Many of the staff’s human assistants (modified and otherwise) were also brave and noble defenders of Michael and his universe government. There was a terrible loss of personalities among seraphim and cherubim. Almost one half of the administrator and transition seraphim assigned to the planet joined their leader and Daligastia in support of the cause of Lucifer. Forty thousand one hundred and nineteen of the primary midway creatures joined hands with Caligastia, but the remainder of these beings remained true to their trust.
67:3.3 (756.4) 叛逆的君王统帅着不忠的中道受造物及其他类别的反叛人格体,并组织他们去执行他的命令,与此同时,凡恩则召集了忠诚的中道者及其他忠诚的类别,开始了这场救助行星属员及其他孤立无援天界人格体的伟大斗争。   67:3.3 (756.4) The traitorous Prince marshaled the disloyal midway creatures and other groups of rebel personalities and organized them to execute his bidding, while Van assembled the loyal midwayers and other faithful groups and began the great battle for the salvation of the planetary staff and other marooned celestial personalities.
67:3.4 (756.5) 在这场斗争期间,忠诚者们住在达拉玛希亚东面几英里的一个没有城墙、防护很差的定居点,但他们的住处日夜都由警惕而又警觉的忠诚中道受造物们所看守着,而且他们拥有着宝贵的生命之树。   67:3.4 (756.5) During the times of this struggle the loyalists dwelt in an unwalled and poorly protected settlement a few miles to the east of Dalamatia, but their dwellings were guarded day and night by the alert and ever-watchful loyal midway creatures, and they had possession of the priceless tree of life.
67:3.5 (756.6) 反叛爆发之际,忠诚的小天使和炽天使们在三位忠实中道者的协助下,接管了生命之树的监护权,只允许四十位忠诚属员及其相伴的改型凡人们享用这株能量植物的果实和叶子。这些改型的安东族属员随从有五十六位,因有不忠属员的十六位安东族随从拒绝与他们的主人一起反叛。   67:3.5 (756.6) Upon the outbreak of rebellion, loyal cherubim and seraphim, with the aid of three faithful midwayers, assumed the custody of the tree of life and permitted only the forty loyalists of the staff and their associated modified mortals to partake of the fruit and leaves of this energy plant. There were fifty-six of these modified Andonite associates of the staff, sixteen of the Andonite attendants of the disloyal staff refusing to go into rebellion with their masters.
67:3.6 (756.7) 在卡里迦夏反叛这至关重要的七年中,凡恩全力投入到照料其由人类、中道者和天使所组成的忠诚军团的工作中。使得凡恩保持了对该宇宙管理机构这样一种不可动摇之忠诚态度的灵性洞见和道德坚贞,是其人格对履行天父旨意清晰思考、睿智推理、逻辑判断、真诚动机、无私目的、智性忠诚、体性记忆、自律性格以及绝对奉献的产物。   67:3.6 (756.7) Throughout the seven crucial years of the Caligastia rebellion, Van was wholly devoted to the work of ministry to his loyal army of men, midwayers, and angels. The spiritual insight and moral steadfastness which enabled Van to maintain such an unshakable attitude of loyalty to the universe government was the product of clear thinking, wise reasoning, logical judgment, sincere motivation, unselfish purpose, intelligent loyalty, experiential memory, disciplined character, and the unquestioning dedication of his personality to the doing of the will of the Father in Paradise.
67:3.7 (756.8) 这等待的七年是一段心灵求索与灵魂磨练的时间。在一个宇宙的事务中,这样的危机也显示了心智作为一个因素在灵性抉择中所产生的巨大影响。在所有进化类道德受造物的大多数重大决定中,教育、训练和经历都是些因素。但内驻之灵完全有可能会与人类人格中的决断力直接接触,从而使该受造物全然神圣不可侵犯的意志能够去履行忠诚奉献于天父旨意和道路的惊人行动。而这一切便是在凡恩的改型人类同伴阿玛顿经历中所发生的事情。   67:3.7 (756.8) This seven years of waiting was a time of heart searching and soul discipline. Such crises in the affairs of a universe demonstrate the tremendous influence of mind as a factor in spiritual choosing. Education, training, and experience are factors in most of the vital decisions of all evolutionary moral creatures. But it is entirely possible for the indwelling spirit to make direct contact with the decision-determining powers of the human personality so as to empower the fully consecrated will of the creature to perform amazing acts of loyal devotion to the will and the way of the Father in Paradise. And this is just what occurred in the experience of Amadon, the modified human associate of Van.
67:3.8 (757.1) 阿玛顿是路西法反叛中的一位杰出人类英雄。安东和芳达的这位男性后裔是贡献生命质给君王属员的一百名人类之一,自那以后他便被配属给凡恩作为其随从和人类助手。阿玛顿选择了与其首领一起经历这一漫长而难熬的斗争。看到这个进化种族之子不为达里迦夏的诡辩所动,在七年的斗争中,他及其忠诚的同伴们怀着不屈的毅力抵抗住了精明卡里迦夏的所有欺骗性说教,这是一场多么鼓舞人心的情景啊。   67:3.8 (757.1) Amadon is the outstanding human hero of the Lucifer rebellion. This male descendant of Andon and Fonta was one of the one hundred who contributed life plasm to the Prince’s staff, and ever since that event he had been attached to Van as his associate and human assistant. Amadon elected to stand with his chief throughout the long and trying struggle. And it was an inspiring sight to behold this child of the evolutionary races standing unmoved by the sophistries of Daligastia while throughout the seven-year struggle he and his loyal associates resisted with unyielding fortitude all of the deceptive teachings of the brilliant Caligastia.
67:3.9 (757.2) 拥有最高智能且在宇宙事务方面拥有丰富经验的卡里迦夏,走入了歧途 -- 拥抱了罪恶。拥有最低智能且完全缺少宇宙经验的阿玛顿,却在宇宙的服务中、在对其同伴的忠诚方面保持了坚定不移。凡恩将心智和灵性都运用到了一种充满智性决断和灵性洞见的出色有效结合当中,从而达到了一种最高可达类别的经验性人格体实现层次。心智与灵性在全然结合时,便有可能会创造出超人类价值,乃至是灵质性实相。   67:3.9 (757.2) Caligastia, with a maximum of intelligence and a vast experience in universe affairs, went astray—embraced sin. Amadon, with a minimum of intelligence and utterly devoid of universe experience, remained steadfast in the service of the universe and in loyalty to his associate. Van utilized both mind and spirit in a magnificent and effective combination of intellectual determination and spiritual insight, thereby achieving an experiential level of personality realization of the highest attainable order. Mind and spirit, when fully united, are potential for the creation of superhuman values, even morontia realities.
67:3.10 (757.3) 对于这些悲惨岁月中惊心动魄事件的述说是没有止境的。但是最终,最后一个人格体的最终决定做出了,那时,也只有在那时,伊甸厦的一位极高者和应急类麦基洗德们才前来夺取了玉苒厦(Urantia)的管辖权。卡里迦夏在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的全景式在位记录被抹去了,行星复兴的准备时期得以开启了。   67:3.10 (757.3) There is no end to the recital of the stirring events of these tragic days. But at last the final decision of the last personality was made, and then, but only then, did a Most High of Edentia arrive with the emergency Melchizedeks to seize authority on Urantia. The Caligastia panoramic reign-records on Jerusem were obliterated, and the probationary era of planetary rehabilitation was inaugurated.
4. 反叛之后的卡里迦夏百员团 ^top   4. The Caligastia One Hundred After Rebellion ^top
67:4.1 (757.4) 在最终点名时,君王属员的肉身成员得以发现自身按以下情况分列:凡恩及其整个协调法院保持了忠诚。昂及食物理事会的三名成员坚持了过来。动物驯养理事会连同所有动物征服顾问团的成员们都被卷入了反叛。法德及教育部门的五位成员得以幸免。诺德及产业与贸易理事会的所有成员都加入了卡里迦夏的行列。哈普及整个启示宗教团体与凡恩及其高尚团队一起,保持住了忠诚。鲁特及整个健康理事会都迷失了。艺术和科学理事会全体保持了忠诚,但图特及部落管理理事会全部走上了歧路。这样,一百员中有四十员得以幸免,之后被转往了耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),他们从那里继续他们的天堂之旅。   67:4.1 (757.4) When the final roll was called, the corporeal members of the Prince’s staff were found to have aligned themselves as follows: Van and his entire court of co-ordination had remained loyal. Ang and three members of the food council had survived. The board of animal husbandry were all swept into rebellion as were all of the animal-conquest advisers. Fad and five members of the educational faculty were saved. Nod and all of the commission on industry and trade joined Caligastia. Hap and the entire college of revealed religion remained loyal with Van and his noble band. Lut and the whole board of health were lost. The council of art and science remained loyal in its entirety, but Tut and the commission on tribal government all went astray. Thus were forty out of the one hundred saved, later to be transferred to Jerusem, where they resumed their Paradise journey.
67:4.2 (757.5) 参加反叛的六十位行星属员成员推选诺德作为其领袖。他们全心为反叛的君王工作,但很快便发现他们被剥夺了系统生命回路的供养。他们这才意识到这样一个事实,即他们已经被降格成为暂存生灵的身份了。他们的确是超人,但与此同时却也是物质性的、暂存性的。为了努力增加他们的数量,达里迦夏命令立即采取性繁殖,他非常清楚原有的这六十员及其四十四名改型类安东族随从,迟早注定会因死亡而遭受灭绝。在达拉玛希亚衰落后,这些不忠的属员迁移到了北边和东边。他们的后裔长久以来被称为诺德族人,而他们的居住之地则被称作“诺德之地”。   67:4.2 (757.5) The sixty members of the planetary staff who went into rebellion chose Nod as their leader. They worked wholeheartedly for the rebel Prince but soon discovered that they were deprived of the sustenance of the system life circuits. They awakened to the fact that they had been degraded to the status of mortal beings. They were indeed superhuman but, at the same time, material and mortal. In an effort to increase their numbers, Daligastia ordered immediate resort to sexual reproduction, knowing full well that the original sixty and their forty-four modified Andonite associates were doomed to suffer extinction by death, sooner or later. After the fall of Dalamatia the disloyal staff migrated to the north and the east. Their descendants were long known as the Nodites, and their dwelling place as “the land of Nod.”
67:4.3 (758.1) 这些非凡超人男女的存在,因反叛而滞留且在不久后与世间的儿女交合,很容易便为那些“诸神下凡与人类交合”的传说故事提供了来源。这样便引发了无数神秘性传说,但它们都是建立在后反叛时代所发生的诸多事实基础上的,后来在许多其祖先与诺德族人及其后裔参与过这些接触的各个民族的民间故事和口头传说中,这些神话传说都占有一席之地。   67:4.3 (758.1) The presence of these extraordinary supermen and superwomen, stranded by rebellion and presently mating with the sons and daughters of earth, easily gave origin to those traditional stories of the gods coming down to mate with mortals. And thus originated the thousand and one legends of a mythical nature, but founded on the facts of the postrebellion days, which later found a place in the folk tales and traditions of the various peoples whose ancestors had participated in these contacts with the Nodites and their descendants.
67:4.4 (758.2) 被剥夺了灵性供养的反叛属员,最终死于自然死亡。随后的人类偶像崇拜,都出自于渴望永远记住这些在卡里迦夏时代备受尊崇的存有。   67:4.4 (758.2) The staff rebels, deprived of spiritual sustenance, eventually died a natural death. And much of the subsequent idolatry of the human races grew out of the desire to perpetuate the memory of these highly honored beings of the days of Caligastia.
67:4.5 (758.3) 当百员团来到玉苒厦(Urantia)时,他们暂时与其思想调整者分开了。在麦基洗德接收者们到来之际,忠诚的人格体们(除了凡恩)立即被送返到耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),并与其等待已久的调整者们重新结合起来。我们不知道那六十位反叛属员的命运,他们的调整者仍滞留在耶路瑟姆。事情无疑会停留在现在这种状态,直到整个路西法反叛最终得到裁定,所有参与者的命运最终得到判决。   67:4.5 (758.3) When the staff of one hundred came to Urantia, they were temporarily detached from their Thought Adjusters. Immediately upon the arrival of the Melchizedek receivers the loyal personalities (except Van) were returned to Jerusem and were reunited with their waiting Adjusters. We know not the fate of the sixty staff rebels; their Adjusters still tarry on Jerusem. Matters will undoubtedly rest as they now are until the entire Lucifer rebellion is finally adjudicated and the fate of all participants decreed.
67:4.6 (758.4) 对于像天使和中道者们这样的存有们来说,很难设想像卡里迦夏和达里迦夏这样出色而备受信任的支配者会走上歧路 -- 犯下叛逆之罪。那些陷入罪中的存有们 -- 他们并非有意或预谋参与这场反叛 -- 而是被他们上司所误导、被他们信任的领袖所欺骗了。同样地,赢得原始心智的进化凡人的支持也很容易。   67:4.6 (758.4) It was very difficult for such beings as angels and midwayers to conceive of brilliant and trusted rulers like Caligastia and Daligastia going astray—committing traitorous sin. Those beings who fell into sin—they did not deliberately or premeditatedly enter upon rebellion—were misled by their superiors, deceived by their trusted leaders. It was likewise easy to win the support of the primitive-minded evolutionary mortals.
67:4.7 (758.5) 耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)及众多受误导行星上成为了路西法反叛受害者的绝大多数人类与超人类存有,很久以来便为他们的愚行而衷心忏悔;我们由衷相信,当亘古常在者们最终完成对撒旦尼亚反叛事务的裁决时,所有这些真诚的忏悔者会以某种方式被复原,并被恢复到某个方面的宇宙服务中,他们已于近期开始了这个裁决。   67:4.7 (758.5) The vast majority of all human and superhuman beings who were victims of the Lucifer rebellion on Jerusem and the various misled planets have long since heartily repented of their folly; and we truly believe that all such sincere penitents will in some manner be rehabilitated and restored to some phase of universe service when the Ancients of Days finally complete the adjudication of the affairs of the Satania rebellion, which they have so recently begun.
5. 反叛的直接后果 ^top   5. Immediate Results of Rebellion ^top
67:5.1 (758.6) 在反叛发动之后的近五十年里,巨大的混乱笼罩着达拉玛希亚及其周边。对整个世界彻底而激进的重组被尝试了;变革取代进化,而成为了教化提升和种族改善的方针。在达拉玛希亚及其附近优良且部分受训的旅居者中,出现了教化状况上的一种突然提升,但当这些新而激进的方法被尝试到偏远民族身上时,直接的后果却是难以形容的混乱以及种族骚乱。自由很快便被那些时代半进化的原始人转变为放纵。   67:5.1 (758.6) Great confusion reigned in Dalamatia and thereabout for almost fifty years after the instigation of rebellion. The complete and radical reorganization of the whole world was attempted; revolution displaced evolution as the policy of cultural advancement and racial improvement. Among the superior and partially trained sojourners in and near Dalamatia there appeared a sudden advancement in cultural status, but when these new and radical methods were attempted on the outlying peoples, indescribable confusion and racial pandemonium was the immediate result. Liberty was quickly translated into license by the half-evolved primitive men of those days.
67:5.2 (758.7) 反叛之后不久,叛党的全体成员就投入到抵抗成群半野蛮人的激烈卫城战中,这群半野蛮人因过早被教导了自由的教义而围攻了其城池。在这座美丽总部沉没在南来的海浪下之前多年,达拉玛希亚远郊那些被误导与误教的部落,已用半野蛮的攻击方式横扫了这个灿烂的城市,把那些叛离的属员及其同伴赶向了北方。   67:5.2 (758.7) Very soon after the rebellion the entire staff of sedition were engaged in energetic defense of the city against the hordes of semisavages who besieged its walls as a result of the doctrines of liberty which had been prematurely taught them. And years before the beautiful headquarters went down beneath the southern waves, the misled and mistaught tribes of the Dalamatia hinterland had already swept down in semisavage assault on the splendid city, driving the secession staff and their associates northward.
67:5.3 (759.1) 卡里迦夏依照其个体自由及群体解放的理念即刻重组人类社会的计划,证明是一个迅速而几近彻底的失败。社会很快跌回到其旧有的生物性水平,往前的奋进又重新开始了,始自卡里迦夏体制开端之前的不远水平处,这场动乱让本已混乱的世界更加混乱不堪。   67:5.3 (759.1) The Caligastia scheme for the immediate reconstruction of human society in accordance with his ideas of individual freedom and group liberties, proved a swift and more or less complete failure. Society quickly sank back to its old biologic level, and the forward struggle began all over, starting not very far in advance of where it was at the beginning of the Caligastia regime, this upheaval having left the world in confusion worse confounded.
67:5.4 (759.2) 反叛结束之后一百六十二年,一场海啸席卷了整个达拉玛希亚,这个行星总部沉没于海水之下,这片土地再也没有浮现出来,直至那些辉煌时期高尚教化的几近每一丝残迹都被湮没了。   67:5.4 (759.2) One hundred and sixty-two years after the rebellion a tidal wave swept up over Dalamatia, and the planetary headquarters sank beneath the waters of the sea, and this land did not again emerge until almost every vestige of the noble culture of those splendid ages had been obliterated.
67:5.5 (759.3) 当这个世界的第一个首府被吞没时,它仅容纳了玉苒厦(Urantia)最低类型的桑吉克种族,这些叛逆者已将上父的圣殿改成了一个供奉光与火之假神诺革的神殿。   67:5.5 (759.3) When the first capital of the world was engulfed, it harbored only the lowest types of the Sangik races of Urantia, renegades who had already converted the Father’s temple into a shrine dedicated to Nog, the false god of light and fire.
6. 凡恩 -- 坚定不移者 ^top   6. Van—The Steadfast ^top
67:6.1 (759.4) 凡恩的追随者们很早便撤退到印度西部的高地上,在那里他们避过了低地诸个混乱种族的攻击,他们从这个隐退之地计划着这个世界的复兴,就像其早期巴德南族祖先们在桑吉克部族诞生之前的岁月中,不知不觉间为人类的福祉而做出的那样。   67:6.1 (759.4) The followers of Van early withdrew to the highlands west of India, where they were exempt from attacks by the confused races of the lowlands, and from which place of retirement they planned for the rehabilitation of the world as their early Badonite predecessors had once all unwittingly worked for the welfare of mankind just before the days of the birth of the Sangik tribes.
67:6.2 (759.5) 在麦基洗德接收者们到达之前,凡恩将人类事务的管理工作交在四人一组的十个理事会手里,与君王体制的那些团体相同。常驻的资深生命载运者们,接管了这一四十员理事会的暂时领导权,它在等待的七年中一直运作着。当三十九位忠诚的属员返回耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)时,阿玛顿族中的类似团队接管了这些职责。   67:6.2 (759.5) Before the arrival of the Melchizedek receivers, Van placed the administration of human affairs in the hands of ten commissions of four each, groups identical with those of the Prince’s regime. The senior resident Life Carriers assumed temporary leadership of this council of forty, which functioned throughout the seven years of waiting. Similar groups of Amadonites assumed these responsibilities when the thirty-nine loyal staff members returned to Jerusem.
67:6.3 (759.6) 这些阿玛顿族人源自于阿玛顿所属的144位忠诚安东族人形成的群体,他们因阿玛顿之名而为人所知。这个群体包括三十九位男性和一百零五位女性。其中五十六位具有不朽的地位,且都与那些忠诚的属员们一起被调走了(阿玛顿除外)。在凡恩和阿玛顿的领导下,这一高尚团队的余者继续在地球上度过了其余生。他们成为了生物性发酵剂,不断繁衍并持续为这个世界提供领导,一直贯穿了后反叛年代中漫长的黑暗时代。   67:6.3 (759.6) These Amadonites were derived from the group of 144 loyal Andonites to which Amadon belonged, and who have become known by his name. This group comprised thirty-nine men and one hundred and five women. Fifty-six of this number were of immortality status, and all (except Amadon) were translated along with the loyal members of the staff. The remainder of this noble band continued on earth to the end of their mortal days under the leadership of Van and Amadon. They were the biologic leaven which multiplied and continued to furnish leadership for the world down through the long dark ages of the postrebellion era.
67:6.4 (759.7) 凡恩被留在玉苒厦(Urantia)上一直到亚当的时代,留任为本行星上运作的所有超人人格体的名义首领。他和阿玛顿凭借生命之树的手段与麦基洗德们的专门生命照料,被维持了超过十五万年之久。   67:6.4 (759.7) Van was left on Urantia until the time of Adam, remaining as titular head of all superhuman personalities functioning on the planet. He and Amadon were sustained by the technique of the tree of life in conjunction with the specialized life ministry of the Melchizedeks for over one hundred and fifty thousand years.
67:6.5 (759.8) 很长时间以来,玉苒厦(Urantia)的事务由十二名麦基洗德行星接收者所组成的一个理事会来管理,并由资深星座支配者、即诺拉歇德星座极高父者的授权所确认。与麦基洗德接收者们协作的是一个顾问理事会,包括:堕落君王的一位忠诚助手、两位常驻的生命载运者、一位处于见习培训的三一化圣子、一位志愿性教导圣子、一位来自阿瓦隆的闪耀昏星(周期性地),炽天使和小天使的首领们,来自两个邻近行星的顾问们、从属类天使生命的总主管,以及凡恩,中道者受造物的指挥官。直到亚当到来之前,玉苒厦就这样被掌管与管理着。勇敢而又忠诚的凡恩,在长期管理玉苒厦事务的行星接收者理事会中被委派一职,这是不足为怪的。   67:6.5 (759.8) The affairs of Urantia were for a long time administered by a council of planetary receivers, twelve Melchizedeks, confirmed by the mandate of the senior constellation ruler, the Most High Father of Norlatiadek. Associated with the Melchizedek receivers was an advisory council consisting of: one of the loyal aids of the fallen Prince, the two resident Life Carriers, a Trinitized Son in apprenticeship training, a volunteer Teacher Son, a Brilliant Evening Star of Avalon (periodically), the chiefs of seraphim and cherubim, advisers from two neighboring planets, the director general of subordinate angelic life, and Van, the commander in chief of the midway creatures. And thus was Urantia governed and administered until the arrival of Adam. It is not strange that the courageous and loyal Van was assigned a place on the council of planetary receivers which for so long administered the affairs of Urantia.
67:6.6 (760.1) 玉苒厦(Urantia)的十二位麦基洗德接收者做出了英勇的工作。他们保全了文明的遗存,他们的行星方针由凡恩所忠实地执行了。在反叛之后的一千年里,他将三百五十多个先进的族群散播到了世界各地。这些文明的前哨主要由忠诚的安东族后裔组成,稍稍混杂了一些桑吉克种族,特别是蓝种人,也混杂了诺德族人。   67:6.6 (760.1) The twelve Melchizedek receivers of Urantia did heroic work. They preserved the remnants of civilization, and their planetary policies were faithfully executed by Van. Within one thousand years after the rebellion he had more than three hundred and fifty advanced groups scattered abroad in the world. These outposts of civilization consisted largely of the descendants of the loyal Andonites slightly admixed with the Sangik races, particularly the blue men, and with the Nodites.
67:6.7 (760.2) 尽管反叛带来了可怕的退步,但地球上还有许多具有生物性指望的良好血统。在麦基洗德接收者们的监管下,凡恩和阿玛顿继续进行着培育人类种族自然进化的工作,将人类的物理进化往前带动,直至其达到一种会确保一对物质性子女能够被派遣到玉苒厦(Urantia)的顶峰性成就。   67:6.7 (760.2) Notwithstanding the terrible setback of rebellion there were many good strains of biologic promise on earth. Under the supervision of the Melchizedek receivers, Van and Amadon continued the work of fostering the natural evolution of the human race, carrying forward the physical evolution of man until it reached that culminating attainment which warranted the dispatch of a Material Son and Daughter to Urantia.
67:6.8 (760.3) 亚当和夏娃到来一段时间以后,凡恩和阿玛顿还留在地球上。其后若干年,他们才被调送到耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),在那里,凡恩与其等待已久的调整者重新结合了。凡恩目前在为玉苒厦(Urantia)的利益而服务着,与此同时他也在等待着沿通向天堂完美之漫长道路继续前进的命令,也等待着汇入凡人终局者团队的未明天命。   67:6.8 (760.3) Van and Amadon remained on earth until shortly after the arrival of Adam and Eve. Some years thereafter they were translated to Jerusem, where Van was reunited with his waiting Adjuster. Van now serves in behalf of Urantia while awaiting the order to go forward on the long, long trail to Paradise perfection and the unrevealed destiny of the assembling Corps of Mortal Finality.
67:6.9 (760.4) 应被记录下来的是,当凡恩在路西法撑持玉苒厦(Urantia)的卡里迦夏后向伊甸厦的极高者们上诉时,星座之父们发出了一个立即的决议,支持凡恩辩论中的每一点。这个裁决并没有到达他那里,因为在它传送的同时,行星的通讯回路被切断了。直到最近,这一实际裁决才被发现存留在一个中继能量传送者的所有物中,它自从玉苒厦隔离以来就被搁置在那里了。若没有玉苒厦中道者们调查之后所做出的这个发现,这一决议的发布恐怕要等到玉苒厦回归到星座回路之后了。星际通讯中的这种明显事故是可能发生的,因为能量传送者们能够接收和传送情报,但他们不能发起通讯。   67:6.9 (760.4) It should be recorded that, when Van appealed to the Most Highs of Edentia after Lucifer had sustained Caligastia on Urantia, the Constellation Fathers dispatched an immediate decision sustaining Van on every point of his contention. This verdict failed to reach him because the planetary circuits of communication were severed while it was in transit. Only recently was this actual ruling discovered lodged in the possession of a relay energy transmitter where it had been marooned ever since the isolation of Urantia. Without this discovery, made as the result of the investigations of the Urantia midwayers, the release of this decision would have awaited the restoration of Urantia to the constellation circuits. And this apparent accident of interplanetary communication was possible because energy transmitters can receive and transmit intelligence, but they cannot initiate communication.
67:6.10 (760.5) 直到伊甸厦(Edentia)之父们的这一裁定在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)备案之后,凡恩在撒旦尼亚(Satania)法定档案上的正式地位才真正而最终地确定下来。   67:6.10 (760.5) The technical status of Van on the legal records of Satania was not actually and finally settled until this ruling of the Edentia Fathers was recorded on Jerusem.
7. 罪恶的深远反响 ^top   7. Remote Repercussions of Sin ^top
67:7.1 (760.6) 受造物有意而持续拒绝光明的人格性(即向心性)后果既是不可避免的,又是个体性的,且仅涉及神灵和那一人格性受造物。这样一种灵魂毁灭的恶果,是这一邪恶意志受造物的内在报应。   67:7.1 (760.6) The personal (centripetal) consequences of the creature’s willful and persistent rejection of light are both inevitable and individual and are of concern only to Deity and to that personal creature. Such a soul-destroying harvest of iniquity is the inner reaping of the iniquitous will creature.
67:7.2 (761.1) 然而罪恶的外在反响却并非如此:拥抱罪恶的非人格性(即离心性)后果既是不可避免的,又是集体性的,即涉及到这类事件影响范围内运作的每个受造物。   67:7.2 (761.1) But not so with the external repercussions of sin: The impersonal (centrifugal) consequences of embraced sin are both inevitable and collective, being of concern to every creature functioning within the affect-range of such events.
67:7.3 (761.2) 在行星管理机构崩溃后的五万年里,世间各类事务是如此地杂乱无章和停滞不前,以至于人类并没有比三十五万年前卡里迦夏到来时所存的总体进化状态高出多少。某些方面取得了进步;而在另一些方面却退步了很多。   67:7.3 (761.2) By fifty thousand years after the collapse of the planetary administration, earthly affairs were so disorganized and retarded that the human race had gained very little over the general evolutionary status existing at the time of Caligastia’s arrival three hundred and fifty thousand years previously. In certain respects progress had been made; in other directions much ground had been lost.
67:7.4 (761.3) 罪恶在其影响上永不会是纯局部性的。各个宇宙的管理分区是有机关联的;一个人格体的困境在某种程度上必定为所有人格体所共享。罪恶,作为个人对实相的一种态度,注定会将其固有的消极后果呈现在任一及所有相关的宇宙价值层次上。但错误思考、邪恶行为或是罪恶计划所产生的全部后果,也仅在其实际执行的层面上才会被体验到。违反宇宙律法或许在物理领域中是致命性的,但却不会严重地危及心智或是损害灵性体验。只有当罪恶成为整个受造物的态度,当它代表着心智的选择和灵魂的意愿时,它才会对人格体的续存充满了致命性的后果。   67:7.4 (761.3) Sin is never purely local in its effects. The administrative sectors of the universes are organismal; the plight of one personality must to a certain extent be shared by all. Sin, being an attitude of the person toward reality, is destined to exhibit its inherent negativistic harvest upon any and all related levels of universe values. But the full consequences of erroneous thinking, evil-doing, or sinful planning are experienced only on the level of actual performance. The transgression of universe law may be fatal in the physical realm without seriously involving the mind or impairing the spiritual experience. Sin is fraught with fatal consequences to personality survival only when it is the attitude of the whole being, when it stands for the choosing of the mind and the willing of the soul.
67:7.5 (761.4) 邪恶和罪恶会将其后果带到物质和社会领域中,甚或有时会在某些宇宙实相层次上阻滞灵性的进步,但没有任何一个存有的罪恶,能够剥夺另一个存有人格体续存之神圣权利的实现。永恒性续存仅会因个体自身心智的决定及灵魂的选择而有可能受到危及。   67:7.5 (761.4) Evil and sin visit their consequences in material and social realms and may sometimes even retard spiritual progress on certain levels of universe reality, but never does the sin of any being rob another of the realization of the divine right of personality survival. Eternal survival can be jeopardized only by the decisions of the mind and the choice of the soul of the individual himself.
67:7.6 (761.5) 玉苒厦(Urantia)上的罪恶很少有延迟生物性进化,但它却对剥夺人类从亚当遗传中的全部受益起到了作用。罪恶极大地延滞了智性的发展、道德的成长、社会的进步以及民众灵性的达成。但它却没有阻碍任何选择去知神并真诚履行其神圣旨意的个人去取得最高的灵性成就。   67:7.6 (761.5) Sin on Urantia did very little to delay biologic evolution, but it did operate to deprive the mortal races of the full benefit of the Adamic inheritance. Sin enormously retards intellectual development, moral growth, social progress, and mass spiritual attainment. But it does not prevent the highest spiritual achievement by any individual who chooses to know God and sincerely do his divine will.
67:7.7 (761.6) 卡里迦夏反叛了、亚当和夏娃的确违约了,但后来出生于玉苒厦(Urantia)的任何一个凡人,都不曾因这些大错而在其个人灵性体验中深受其害。自卡里迦夏反叛以来,出生于玉苒厦的每一个凡人在一定程度上都受到了时间的惩罚,但这些灵魂的未来福祉丝毫都未受到永恒性的危及。从来没有任何人会因另一人的罪恶而被迫去遭受重大的灵性剥夺。尽管罪恶在管理、智性及社会领域有深远反响,但它对于道德过失或灵性后果而言则完全是个人性的。   67:7.7 (761.6) Caligastia rebelled, Adam and Eve did default, but no mortal subsequently born on Urantia has suffered in his personal spiritual experience because of these blunders. Every mortal born on Urantia since Caligastia’s rebellion has been in some manner time-penalized, but the future welfare of such souls has never been in the least eternity-jeopardized. No person is ever made to suffer vital spiritual deprivation because of the sin of another. Sin is wholly personal as to moral guilt or spiritual consequences, notwithstanding its far-flung repercussions in administrative, intellectual, and social domains.
67:7.8 (761.7) 尽管我们无法洞察那容许此类灾难的智慧,但我们却总能辨识出这些局部动荡所产生的有益运作,因为它们会反映在整个宇宙之上。   67:7.8 (761.7) While we cannot fathom the wisdom that permits such catastrophes, we can always discern the beneficial outworking of these local disturbances as they are reflected out upon the universe at large.
8. 反叛中的人类英雄 ^top   8. The Human Hero of the Rebellion ^top
67:8.1 (761.8) 路西法反叛遭到撒旦尼亚(Satania)各个世界上许多英勇存有的抵制;但萨尔文顿的记录却将阿玛顿描绘为整个系统的杰出人物,他极其光荣地拒绝了叛乱的洪流,极其坚定地效忠于凡恩 -- 他们怀着对不可见上父及其圣子迈克尔至高性的忠诚,毫不动摇地站在了一起。   67:8.1 (761.8) The Lucifer rebellion was withstood by many courageous beings on the various worlds of Satania; but the records of Salvington portray Amadon as the outstanding character of the entire system in his glorious rejection of the flood tides of sedition and in his unswerving devotion to Van—they stood together unmoved in their loyalty to the supremacy of the invisible Father and his Son Michael.
67:8.2 (762.1) 在这些重大事件发生之时,我驻扎在伊甸厦(Edentia)上,我现在仍会意识到我在细阅萨尔文顿(Salvington)的广播时,我曾体验过的那种欢欣鼓舞,这些广播日复一日地讲述这个出自安东种族实验性原始血统的一度半野蛮人难以置信的坚定、超乎一切的投入以及异乎寻常的忠诚。   67:8.2 (762.1) At the time of these momentous transactions I was stationed on Edentia, and I am still conscious of the exhilaration I experienced as I perused the Salvington broadcasts which told from day to day of the unbelievable steadfastness, the transcendent devotion, and the exquisite loyalty of this onetime semisavage springing from the experimental and original stock of the Andonic race.
67:8.3 (762.2) 从伊甸厦(Edentia)往上到萨尔文顿(Salvington),甚至直到尤沃萨(Uversa),整整七年来,当所有从属类天界生命提到撒旦尼亚(Satania)反叛时,第一个询问一直都是:“你以为玉苒厦(Urantia)的阿玛顿怎么样?他仍旧坚定不移吗?”   67:8.3 (762.2) From Edentia up through Salvington and even on to Uversa, for seven long years the first inquiry of all subordinate celestial life regarding the Satania rebellion, ever and always, was: “What of Amadon of Urantia, does he still stand unmoved?”
67:8.4 (762.3) 如果说路西法反叛妨碍了这个地方系统及其堕落世界,如果说这个圣子及其被误导同伴的迷失暂时阻滞了诺拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座的进程,那么权衡一下这位自然之子及其143位伙伴所组成的坚定团体,在面对其不忠上司们所施加的那样巨大而不利的压力时,对更高宇宙管理及行政理念的坚定不移所表现出的鼓舞人心行动而产生的深远展示效应。让我向你们保证,这一切在内巴顿(Nebadon)宇宙和奥温顿(Orvonton)超级宇宙中所造成的好处,已经远超了路西法反叛所带来的一切罪恶和悲伤之总和。   67:8.4 (762.3) If the Lucifer rebellion has handicapped the local system and its fallen worlds, if the loss of this Son and his misled associates has temporarily hampered the progress of the constellation of Norlatiadek, then weigh the effect of the far-flung presentation of the inspiring performance of this one child of nature and his determined band of 143 comrades in standing steadfast for the higher concepts of universe management and administration in the face of such tremendous and adverse pressure exerted by his disloyal superiors. And let me assure you, this has already done more good in the universe of Nebadon and the superuniverse of Orvonton than can ever be outweighed by the sum total of all the evil and sorrow of the Lucifer rebellion.
67:8.5 (762.4) 而所有这一切,都是上父宇宙计划所蕴含的智慧中优美动人而又极为壮丽的一笔,这个计划用于动员天堂的凡人终局者团队,以及主要从扬升进步类普通肉胎凡人们(就像坚定不移的阿玛顿这样的凡人们)当中召集这一庞大的神秘服务者团队。   67:8.5 (762.4) And all this is a beautifully touching and superbly magnificent illumination of the wisdom of the Father’s universal plan for mobilizing the Corps of Mortal Finality on Paradise and for recruiting this vast group of mysterious servants of the future largely from the common clay of the mortals of ascending progression—just such mortals as the impregnable Amadon.
67:8.6 (762.5) [由内巴顿(Nebadon)的一位麦基洗德所呈献。]   67:8.6 (762.5) [Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon.]