63. Kiri Paper 63
Esimene inimperekond The First Human Family
63:0.1 (711.1) URANTIA registreeriti asustatud maailmana, kui esimesed kaks inimolendit — kaksikud — olid üheteistkümneaastased ja enne, kui nad olid saanud tegelike inimolendite teise põlvkonna esiklaste vanemateks. Salvingtoni peaingli sõnum planeedi ametliku tunnustamise kohta lõppes järgmiste sõnadega: 63:0.1 (711.1) URANTIA was registered as an inhabited world when the first two human beings—the twins—were eleven years old, and before they had become the parents of the first-born of the second generation of actual human beings. And the archangel message from Salvington, on this occasion of formal planetary recognition, closed with these words:
63:0.2 (711.2) „Satania planeedile number 606 on ilmunud inimmeel ja nende uue rassi vanemate nimed on Andon ja Fonta. Ja kõik peainglid palvetavad, et neile loodud-olenditele saaks kiiresti annetada Kõikse Isa vaimu, isikliku, sisimas elava kingituse.” 63:0.2 (711.2) “Man-mind has appeared on 606 of Satania, and these parents of the new race shall be called Andon and Fonta. And all archangels pray that these creatures may speedily be endowed with the personal indwelling of the gift of the spirit of the Universal Father.”
63:0.3 (711.3) Andon on Nebadoni nimi, mis tähendab „esimene Isa-sarnane loodud-olend, kelles ilmneb inimlik täiuseihalus”. Fonta tähendab „esimene Poja-sarnane loodudolend, kelles ilmneb inimlik täiuseihalus”. Andon ja Fonta said oma nime teada alles siis, kui need anti neile nende ühtesulamisel Mõttekohandajatega. Kogu oma sureliku elu ajal Urantial nimetasid nad teineteist nimedega Sonta-an ja Sonta-en. Sonta-an tähendas „emale armas” ja Sonta-en „isale armas”. Nad andsid teineteisele nimed, mille tähendus kõneleb nende vastastikusest austusest ja armastusest. 63:0.3 (711.3) Andon is the Nebadon name which signifies “the first Fatherlike creature to exhibit human perfection hunger.” Fonta signifies “the first Sonlike creature to exhibit human perfection hunger.” Andon and Fonta never knew these names until they were bestowed upon them at the time of fusion with their Thought Adjusters. Throughout their mortal sojourn on Urantia they called each other Sonta-an and Sonta-en, Sonta-an meaning “loved by mother,” Sonta-en signifying “loved by father.” They gave themselves these names, and the meanings are significant of their mutual regard and affection.
1. Andon ja Fonta ^top 1. Andon and Fonta ^top
63:1.1 (711.4) Andon ja Fonta olid paljuski kõige tähelepanuväärsem inimolendite paar, kes on kunagi maakeral elanud. See imeline paar, need kogu inimkonna tegelikud vanemad, olid igas suhtes paljudest oma otsestest järeltulijatest arenenumad ning erinesid oluliselt kõigist vahetutest ja kaugematest esivanematest. 63:1.1 (711.4) In many respects, Andon and Fonta were the most remarkable pair of human beings that have ever lived on the face of the earth. This wonderful pair, the actual parents of all mankind, were in every way superior to many of their immediate descendants, and they were radically different from all of their ancestors, both immediate and remote.
63:1.2 (711.5) Esimese inimpaari vanemad erinesid oma suguharu keskmisest tasemest pealtnäha vähe, kuid kuulusid siiski selle arukamate liikmete hulka, rühma, mis õppis esimesena kive heitma ja võitluses nuia kasutama. Nad kasutasid ka teravaid kivi-, räni- ja luuogasid. 63:1.2 (711.5) The parents of this first human couple were apparently little different from the average of their tribe, though they were among its more intelligent members, that group which first learned to throw stones and to use clubs in fighting. They also made use of sharp spicules of stone, flint, and bone.
63:1.3 (711.6) Veel vanemate juures elades oli Andon kinnitanud loomakõõluste abil nuia otsa terava ränikivitüki ja kasutanud seda relva vähemalt tosin korda nii enda kui ka oma niisama seiklushimulise ja uudishimuliku õe elu päästmiseks, kes teda kõigil tema uurimisretkedel alati saatis. 63:1.3 (711.6) While still living with his parents, Andon had fastened a sharp piece of flint on the end of a club, using animal tendons for this purpose, and on no less than a dozen occasions he made good use of such a weapon in saving both his own life and that of his equally adventurous and inquisitive sister, who unfailingly accompanied him on all of his tours of exploration.
63:1.4 (711.7) Andoni ja Fonta otsus primaatide suguharu eest põgeneda näitab, et nende meele kvaliteet ületas kaugelt madalamat intellekti, mis oli iseloomulik nii paljudele nende hilisematele järeltulijatele, kes alandusid paarituma vähearenenud nõbudega inimahvide suguharudest. Kuid nende ähmane tunne, et nad on midagi enamat kui loomad, tulenes sellest, et neil oli olemas isiksus, ning see täienes veelgi tänu Mõttekohandaja kohalolekule nende sisimas. 63:1.4 (711.7) The decision of Andon and Fonta to flee from the Primates tribes implies a quality of mind far above the baser intelligence which characterized so many of their later descendants who stooped to mate with their retarded cousins of the simian tribes. But their vague feeling of being something more than mere animals was due to the possession of personality and was augmented by the indwelling presence of the Thought Adjusters.
2. Kaksikute põgenemine ^top 2. The Flight of the Twins ^top
63:2.1 (712.1) Kui Andon ja Fonta olid otsustanud põhja poole põgeneda, valdas neid mõneks ajaks ka hirm, eriti kartus oma isa ja lähedasi perekonnaliikmeid pahandada. Nad kujutlesid, kuidas vihased sugulased neid ründavad, ja mõistsid, et nende niigi kadedad suguharukaaslased võivad nad tappa. Noorena olid kaksikud veetnud suurema osa ajast teineteise seltsis ning polnud seetõttu primaatide suguharu loomadest nõbude seas eriti populaarsed. Nende seisundit suguharus polnud parandanud ka eraldiasuva ja palju parema kodu ehitamine puu otsa. 63:2.1 (712.1) After Andon and Fonta had decided to flee northward, they succumbed to their fears for a time, especially the fear of displeasing their father and immediate family. They envisaged being set upon by hostile relatives and thus recognized the possibility of meeting death at the hands of their already jealous tribesmen. As youngsters, the twins had spent most of their time in each other’s company and for this reason had never been overly popular with their animal cousins of the Primates tribe. Nor had they improved their standing in the tribe by building a separate, and a very superior, tree home.
63:2.2 (712.2) Ning kui neid selles uues kodus puu otsas äratas ühel ööl tugev torm, hoidsid nad teineteist hirmunult ja armastavalt embuses ning otsustasid lõplikult ja täielikult, et põgenevad oma suguharu elupaigast ja oma kodust puu otsas. 63:2.2 (712.2) And it was in this new home among the treetops, one night after they had been awakened by a violent storm, and as they held each other in fearful and fond embrace, that they finally and fully made up their minds to flee from the tribal habitat and the home treetops.
63:2.3 (712.3) Nad olid endale umbes poole päevatee kaugusele põhja puu otsa lihtsa pelgupaiga valmistanud. See oli nende salajane ohutu peidukoht esimeseks kodumetsadest eemalviibimise päevaks. Kuigi ka kaksikud tundsid primaatidele omast surmahirmu öösel maapinnal viibimise ees, kiirustasid nad juba enne öö saabumist rännakule põhja poole. See öine teekond nõudis neilt vaatamata täiskuule ebatavalist julgust, kuid nad järeldasid õigesti, et öösel on nende äraoleku avastamine ning jälitamine suguharukaaslaste ja sugulaste poolt vähem tõenäoline. Nende plaanitsetud kohtumine toimus ilma vahejuhtumiteta veidi pärast keskööd. 63:2.3 (712.3) They had already prepared a crude treetop retreat some half-day’s journey to the north. This was their secret and safe hiding place for the first day away from the home forests. Notwithstanding that the twins shared the Primates’ deathly fear of being on the ground at nighttime, they sallied forth shortly before nightfall on their northern trek. While it required unusual courage for them to undertake this night journey, even with a full moon, they correctly concluded that they were less likely to be missed and pursued by their tribesmen and relatives. And they safely made their previously prepared rendezvous shortly after midnight.
63:2.4 (712.4) Teel põhja poole avastasid nad lahtise ränikivilademe. Leidnud sealt palju mitmesuguseks otstarbeks sobiva kujuga kive, korjasid nad endale tulevikuks paraja varu. Püüdes ränikive lihvida, et need teatud otstarveteks paremini sobiksid, avastas Andon, et neist lööb sädemeid, ja tal tekkis mõte teha tuld. Kuid see mõte ei saanud sel ajal veel kindlaks kavatsuseks, sest kliima oli tervislik ja tuld oli vähe vaja. 63:2.4 (712.4) On their northward journey they discovered an exposed flint deposit and, finding many stones suitably shaped for various uses, gathered up a supply for the future. In attempting to chip these flints so that they would be better adapted for certain purposes, Andon discovered their sparking quality and conceived the idea of building fire. But the notion did not take firm hold of him at the time as the climate was still salubrious and there was little need of fire.
63:2.5 (712.5) Kuid sügispäike vajus taevas madalamale ning põhja poole rännates läksid ööd üha jahedamaks. Nad olid juba sunnitud enda soojendamiseks loomanahku kasutama. Enne kui nad olid kodust kuu aega ära olnud, andis Andon oma kaaslasele märku, et ta oskab enda arvates ränikiviga tuld teha. Nad püüdsid kaks kuud ränikivi sädemeid tuletegemiseks kasutada, kuid see ebaõnnestus alati. Paar täksis iga päev sädemeid ja püüdis puud süüdata. Lõpuks ühel õhtul, umbes päikeseloojangu ajal, leiti saladuse lahendus, sest Fontal tuli mõte ronida lähedalkasvava puu otsa ja võtta sealt mahajäetud linnupesa. Linnupesa oli kuiv ja kergestisüttiv ning lõi seetõttu kohe lõkkele, niipea kui säde sellele langes. Nad olid õnnestumisest nii üllatunud ja ehmunud, et lasid tulel peaaegu kustuda, kuid päästsid selle sobivat kütust lisades. Siis hakkasid need kaks kogu inimkonna vanemat esmakordselt küttepuid otsima. 63:2.5 (712.5) But the autumn sun was getting lower in the sky, and as they journeyed northward, the nights grew cooler and cooler. Already they had been forced to make use of animal skins for warmth. Before they had been away from home one moon, Andon signified to his mate that he thought he could make fire with the flint. They tried for two months to utilize the flint spark for kindling a fire but only met with failure. Each day this couple would strike the flints and endeavor to ignite the wood. Finally, one evening about the time of the setting of the sun, the secret of the technique was unraveled when it occurred to Fonta to climb a near-by tree to secure an abandoned bird’s nest. The nest was dry and highly inflammable and consequently flared right up into a full blaze the moment the spark fell upon it. They were so surprised and startled at their success that they almost lost the fire, but they saved it by the addition of suitable fuel, and then began the first search for firewood by the parents of all mankind.
63:2.6 (712.6) See oli nende lühikese, kuid sündmusrikka elu üks rõõmsamaid hetki. Nad istusid kogu öö ja vaatasid, kuidas lõke põleb, mõistes ähmaselt, et on teinud avastuse, mis võimaldab neil kliimat trotsida ja saada seetõttu oma lõunamaadel elavatest loomadest sugulastest igavesti sõltumatuks. Pärast kolmepäevast puhkust ja tule üle rõõmustamist rändasid nad edasi. 63:2.6 (712.6) This was one of the most joyous moments in their short but eventful lives. All night long they sat up watching their fire burn, vaguely realizing that they had made a discovery which would make it possible for them to defy climate and thus forever to be independent of their animal relatives of the southern lands. After three days’ rest and enjoyment of the fire, they journeyed on.
63:2.7 (712.7) Andoni primaatidest esivanemad olid sageli välgust süüdatud tuld alal hoidnud, kuid maakera loodud-olendid polnud seni osanud oma tahte järgi tuld süüdata. Läks veel kaua aega, enne kui kaksikud said selgeks, et kuiv sammal ja muud materjalid süütavad tuld niisama hästi kui linnupesad. 63:2.7 (712.7) The Primates ancestors of Andon had often replenished fire which had been kindled by lightning, but never before had the creatures of earth possessed a method of starting fire at will. But it was a long time before the twins learned that dry moss and other materials would kindle fire just as well as birds’ nests.
3. Andoni perekond ^top 3. Andon’s Family ^top
63:3.1 (713.1) Peaaegu kaks aastat pärast ööd, mil kaksikud kodust lahkusid, sündis nende esimene laps. Nad panid talle nimeks Sontad; ja Sontad oli esimene Urantial sündinud loodud-olend, kes mähiti sündides kaitsvatesse katetesse. Inimsugu oli tekkinud ja selle uue sündmusega kaasnes instinkt hoolitseda korralikult väetimate laste eest, mis iseloomustas intellektiklassi kuuluva meele edenevat arengut võrreldes puhtloomaliku meelega. 63:3.1 (713.1) It was almost two years from the night of the twins’ departure from home before their first child was born. They named him Sontad; and Sontad was the first creature to be born on Urantia who was wrapped in protective coverings at the time of birth. The human race had begun, and with this new evolution there appeared the instinct properly to care for the increasingly enfeebled infants which would characterize the progressive development of mind of the intellectual order as contrasted with the more purely animal type.
63:3.2 (713.2) Andonil ja Fontal oli kokku üheksateist last ning nad nägid oma eluajal peaaegu poolesaja lapselapse paariheitmist ja poolt tosinat lapselapselast. Perekond elas neljas kõrvutiasetsevas varjualuses kaljude vahel, mis olid pooleldi koopad, kusjuures kolm neist olid omavahel ühendatud käikudega, mis olid kaevatud pehmesse lubjakivisse Andoni laste väljamõeldud ränikivist tööriistadega. 63:3.2 (713.2) Andon and Fonta had nineteen children in all, and they lived to enjoy the association of almost half a hundred grandchildren and half a dozen great-grandchildren. The family was domiciled in four adjoining rock shelters, or semicaves, three of which were interconnected by hallways which had been excavated in the soft limestone with flint tools devised by Andon’s children.
63:3.3 (713.3) Neil varastel andoniitidel ilmnes väga tugev suguharuvaim, nad küttisid rühmadena ega uidanud kunagi kodukohast väga kaugele. Nad näisid mõistvat, et on eraldiasuv ning ainulaadne elusolendite rühm, kes peab seetõttu kokku hoidma. See lähedase suguluse tunne tulenes kahtlemata meeleabivaimude kõrgemast hoolitsusest nende meele eest. 63:3.3 (713.3) These early Andonites evinced a very marked clannish spirit; they hunted in groups and never strayed very far from the homesite. They seemed to realize that they were an isolated and unique group of living beings and should therefore avoid becoming separated. This feeling of intimate kinship was undoubtedly due to the enhanced mind ministry of the adjutant spirits.
63:3.4 (713.4) Andon ja Fonta töötasid lakkamatult oma suguharu kasvatamise ning arendamise nimel. Nad elasid neljakümne kahe aastaseks, mil mõlemad surid maavärina ajal, kui nende peale langes kivirahn. Nende viis last ja üksteist lapselast hukkusid koos nendega ning peaaegu kakskümmend nende järeltulijat sai raskeid vigastusi. 63:3.4 (713.4) Andon and Fonta labored incessantly for the nurture and uplift of the clan. They lived to the age of forty-two, when both were killed at the time of an earthquake by the falling of an overhanging rock. Five of their children and eleven grandchildren perished with them, and almost a score of their descendants suffered serious injuries.
63:3.5 (713.5) Pärast vanemate surma võttis Sontad vaatamata oma raskele jalavigastusele sugukonna juhtimise üle ning talle oli tubliks abiliseks tema naine, ta vanim õde. Nende esimeseks tööks oli veeretada kohale kive ja matta surnud vanemad, vennad, õed ja lapsed kindlalt nende alla. Seda matust ei tohiks ületähtsustada. Nende ettekujutused surmajärgsest ellujäämisest olid väga ebamäärased ja ähmased ning tulenesid suures osas nende fantastilistest ja värvikatest unenägudest. 63:3.5 (713.5) Upon the death of his parents, Sontad, despite a seriously injured foot, immediately assumed the leadership of the clan and was ably assisted by his wife, his eldest sister. Their first task was to roll up stones to effectively entomb their dead parents, brothers, sisters, and children. Undue significance should not attach to this act of burial. Their ideas of survival after death were very vague and indefinite, being largely derived from their fantastic and variegated dream life.
63:3.6 (713.6) Andoni ja Fonta suguselts hoidis kokku kuni kahekümnenda põlveni, mil konkurents toidu pärast ja sotsiaalsed pinged neid lahku ajasid. 63:3.6 (713.6) This family of Andon and Fonta held together until the twentieth generation, when combined food competition and social friction brought about the beginning of dispersion.
4. Andoniitide suguvõsad ^top 4. The Andonic Clans ^top
63:4.1 (713.7) Ürginimestel — andoniitidel — olid mustad silmad ja tõmmu jume, midagi kollase ja punase vahepealset. Värvainet melaniini leidub kõigi inimolendite nahas. See on andoniitide algne nahapigment. Need varased andoniidid sarnanesid oma üldise välimuse ja nahavärvi poolest rohkem tänapäevaste eskimotega kui ükski teine praegu elav inimtüüp. Nad olid esimesed loodud-olendid, kes kasutasid kaitseks külma vastu loomanahku; neil oli kehal vaid veidi rohkem karvu kui tänapäeva inimestel. 63:4.1 (713.7) Primitive man—the Andonites—had black eyes and a swarthy complexion, something of a cross between yellow and red. Melanin is a coloring substance which is found in the skins of all human beings. It is the original Andonic skin pigment. In general appearance and skin color these early Andonites more nearly resembled the present-day Eskimo than any other type of living human beings. They were the first creatures to use the skins of animals as a protection against cold; they had little more hair on their bodies than present-day humans.
63:4.2 (713.8) Varase inimese loomadest esivanemate suguharuelu lasi juba aimata arvukate sotsiaalsete kokkulepete algeid ja kui nende olendite emotsioonid avardusid ning aju täiustus, hakkas suguharus kohe kujunema ühiskonnakord ja uus tööjaotus. Nad olid ülimalt algatusvõimelised, kuid mänguinstinkt oli veel väga vähe arenenud ning huumorimeel puudus peaaegu täielikult. Ürginimene naeratas vahetevahel, kuid ei naernud kunagi südamest. Huumor sai hilisema, Aadama rassi pärisosaks. Need varased inimolendid ei olnud nii valutundlikud ega reageerinud nii ägedalt ebameeldivatele olukordadele kui paljud hilisemad arenevad surelikud. Sünnitamine ei olnud Fontale ega tema otsestele järeltulijatele valus ega kurnav katsumus. 63:4.2 (713.8) The tribal life of the animal ancestors of these early men had foreshadowed the beginnings of numerous social conventions, and with the expanding emotions and augmented brain powers of these beings, there was an immediate development in social organization and a new division of clan labor. They were exceedingly imitative, but the play instinct was only slightly developed, and the sense of humor was almost entirely absent. Primitive man smiled occasionally, but he never indulged in hearty laughter. Humor was the legacy of the later Adamic race. These early human beings were not so sensitive to pain nor so reactive to unpleasant situations as were many of the later evolving mortals. Childbirth was not a painful or distressing ordeal to Fonta and her immediate progeny.
63:4.3 (714.1) Nende suguselts oli suurepärane. Mehed võitlesid kangelaslikult oma kaaslaste ja järglaste turvalisuse eest, naised olid armastavalt pühendunud lastele. Kuid nende patriotism piirdus üksnes oma suguharuga. Nad olid väga ustavad oma perekonnale; nad läksid oma lapsi kaitstes kõhklematult surma, kuid ei suutnud mõista, et peaksid püüdma maailma oma lapselaste heaks paremaks muuta. Altruism polnud inimsüdames veel sündinud, kuigi neis Urantia põliselanikes olid juba olemas kõik religiooni sünniks olulised emotsioonid. 63:4.3 (714.1) They were a wonderful tribe. The males would fight heroically for the safety of their mates and their offspring; the females were affectionately devoted to their children. But their patriotism was wholly limited to the immediate clan. They were very loyal to their families; they would die without question in defense of their children, but they were not able to grasp the idea of trying to make the world a better place for their grandchildren. Altruism was as yet unborn in the human heart, notwithstanding that all of the emotions essential to the birth of religion were already present in these Urantia aborigines.
63:4.4 (714.2) Need varased inimesed olid südantliigutaval moel oma kaaslastesse kiindunud ning omasid kindlasti tõelist, kuigi tahumatut ettekujutust sõprusest. Hilisematel aegadel oli üsna tavaline, et pidevalt toimuvates lahingutes vähemarenenud suguharudega mõni neist ürginimestest võitles vapralt ühe käega, teisega aga püüdis oma haavatud kaassõdalast kaitsta ja päästa. Neis ürginimestes oli juba liigutavalt aimata paljusid hilisema evolutsioonilise arengu kõige üllamaid ja väga inimlikke jooni. 63:4.4 (714.2) These early men possessed a touching affection for their comrades and certainly had a real, although crude, idea of friendship. It was a common sight in later times, during their constantly recurring battles with the inferior tribes, to see one of these primitive men valiantly fighting with one hand while he struggled on, trying to protect and save an injured fellow warrior. Many of the most noble and highly human traits of subsequent evolutionary development were touchingly foreshadowed in these primitive peoples.
63:4.5 (714.3) Algses andoniitide suguharus säilis juhtimisliin katkematuna kuni kahekümne seitsmenda põlvkonnani, mil Sontadi otseste järglaste seas meessoost järeltulijaid ei olnud ja kaks valitsejapretendenti hakkasid võitlema ülemvõimu eest suguharus. 63:4.5 (714.3) The original Andonic clan maintained an unbroken line of leadership until the twenty-seventh generation, when, no male offspring appearing among Sontad’s direct descendants, two rival would-be rulers of the clan fell to fighting for supremacy.
63:4.6 (714.4) Enne andoniitide suguharude ulatuslikku laialihajumist oli nende varajastest pingutustest omavahel suhelda kujunenud hästiarenenud keel. See keel täiustus üha ja sellele lisandus peaaegu iga päev midagi, sest nende aktiivsete, püsimatute ja uudishimulike inimeste kujundatud keskkonnas tehti pidevalt uusi leiutisi ja kohandumisi. Ning sellest keelest sai Urantia sõna, varase inimperekonna keel kuni ajani, mil ilmusid värvilised rassid. 63:4.6 (714.4) Before the extensive dispersion of the Andonic clans a well-developed language had evolved from their early efforts to intercommunicate. This language continued to grow, and almost daily additions were made to it because of the new inventions and adaptations to environment which were developed by these active, restless, and curious people. And this language became the word of Urantia, the tongue of the early human family, until the later appearance of the colored races.
63:4.7 (714.5) Aja möödudes kasvasid andoniitide suguharud arvuliselt ja laienevate perede omavahelises suhtlemises tekkis hõõrdumisi ja arusaamatusi. Nende inimeste meeli köitsid nüüd vaid kaks asja: jahipidamine toidu hankimiseks ja võitlemine kättemaksuks mõne naabersuguharu-poolse tõelise või oletatava ebaõigluse või solvangu eest. 63:4.7 (714.5) As time passed, the Andonic clans grew in number, and the contact of the expanding families developed friction and misunderstandings. Only two things came to occupy the minds of these peoples: hunting to obtain food and fighting to avenge themselves against some real or supposed injustice or insult at the hands of the neighboring tribes.
63:4.8 (714.6) Vaen tugevnes, puhkesid suguharusõjad ning võimekamate ja arenenumate rühmade parimate esindajate seas kanti tõsiseid kaotusi. Mõni kaotus oli korvamatu; mõni kõige väärtuslikum võimekuse- ja intellektitüvi läks maailma jaoks igaveseks kaduma. Need lakkamatud sugukondadevahelised sõjad ähvardasid seda varast rassi ja tema primitiivset tsivilisatsiooni hävitada. 63:4.8 (714.6) Family feuds increased, tribal wars broke out, and serious losses were sustained among the very best elements of the more able and advanced groups. Some of these losses were irreparable; some of the most valuable strains of ability and intelligence were forever lost to the world. This early race and its primitive civilization were threatened with extinction by this incessant warfare of the clans.
63:4.9 (714.7) Neid ürgseid olendeid oli võimatu ajendada rahumeelselt koos elama. Inimene põlvnes võitlevatest loomadest ja tihedasti koos olles hakkasid kultuuritud inimesed üksteist ärritama ning solvama. Elukandjad teavad seda arenevate olendite kalduvust ja näevad seetõttu ette, et inimolendid jagunevad lõpuks vähemalt kolme, sagedamini isegi kuude selgelt erinevasse rassi. 63:4.9 (714.7) It is impossible to induce such primitive beings long to live together in peace. Man is the descendant of fighting animals, and when closely associated, uncultured people irritate and offend each other. The Life Carriers know this tendency among evolutionary creatures and accordingly make provision for the eventual separation of developing human beings into at least three, and more often six, distinct and separate races.
5. Andoniitide hajumine ^top 5. Dispersion of the Andonites ^top
63:5.1 (715.1) Varased Andoni rassid ei tunginud eriti kaugele Aasiasse ega jõudnud algul Aafrikasse. Tolleaegne geograafia suunas neid põhja poole ning need inimesed rändasid üha enam ja enam põhja, kuni neile tuli ette kolmanda liustiku aeglaselt edasiliikuv jää. 63:5.1 (715.1) The early Andon races did not penetrate very far into Asia, and they did not at first enter Africa. The geography of those times pointed them north, and farther and farther north these people journeyed until they were hindered by the slowly advancing ice of the third glacier.
63:5.2 (715.2) Enne kui see ulatuslik jääkate Prantsusmaale ja Briti saartele jõudis, olid Andoni ja Fonta järeltulijad rühkinud üle Euroopa edasi lääne poole ja moodustanud üle tuhande asula suurte jõgede äärde, mis suubusid tolleaegsesse sooja veega Põhjamerre. 63:5.2 (715.2) Before this extensive ice sheet reached France and the British Isles, the descendants of Andon and Fonta had pushed on westward over Europe and had established more than one thousand separate settlements along the great rivers leading to the then warm waters of the North Sea.
63:5.3 (715.3) Need andoniitide suguharud olid Prantsusmaa varased elanikud, kes elasid kümneid tuhandeid aastaid Somme'i jõe ääres. Somme on jõgi, mida liustikud ei muutnud, see voolas tol ajal merre umbes samamoodi kui praegugi. Ning sellega on ka seletatav, miks Somme'i orus leidub kõikjal nii palju tõendeid andoniitide järeltulijatest. 63:5.3 (715.3) These Andonic tribes were the early river dwellers of France; they lived along the river Somme for tens of thousands of years. The Somme is the one river unchanged by the glaciers, running down to the sea in those days much as it does today. And that explains why so much evidence of the Andonic descendants is found along the course of this river valley.
63:5.4 (715.4) Need Urantia põliselanikud ei elanud puude otsas, kuigi põgenesid hädas olles ikka veel puulatva. Nad elasid tavaliselt jõekallastel väljaulatuvate kaljurahnude all ja mäekülgedel paiknenud grottides, kust kõik lähenemisteed olid hästi näha ja oldi ka loodusjõudude eest varjul. Nii said nad mugavalt oma tule ümber olla, ilma et suits neid eriti oleks seganud. Nad polnud lausa koopaelanikud, kuigi jääkate jõudis hilisematel aegadel kaugemale lõunasse ja sundis nende järeltulijaid koobastesse elama asuma. Nad eelistasid elada lahtise taeva all metsa ääres ja oja kaldal. 63:5.4 (715.4) These aborigines of Urantia were not tree dwellers, though in emergencies they still betook themselves to the treetops. They regularly dwelt under the shelter of overhanging cliffs along the rivers and in hillside grottoes which afforded a good view of the approaches and sheltered them from the elements. They could thus enjoy the comfort of their fires without being too much inconvenienced by the smoke. They were not really cave dwellers either, though in subsequent times the later ice sheets came farther south and drove their descendants to the caves. They preferred to camp near the edge of a forest and beside a stream.
63:5.5 (715.5) Nad hakkasid väga varakult oma osaliselt katusega kaetud elupaiku kavalasti maskeerima ja ehitasid meisterlikult kivist magamistube, kuplikujulisi kivihütte, kuhu ööseks pugesid. Hüti sissekäigu sulgemiseks veeretati selle ette kivi, mõni suur kivi, mis oli pandud selleks hütti enne katusekivide lõplikku paigaldamist. 63:5.5 (715.5) They very early became remarkably clever in disguising their partially sheltered abodes and showed great skill in constructing stone sleeping chambers, dome-shaped stone huts, into which they crawled at night. The entrance to such a hut was closed by rolling a stone in front of it, a large stone which had been placed inside for this purpose before the roof stones were finally put in place.
63:5.6 (715.6) Andoniidid olid kartmatud ja edukad kütid ning kui metsamarjad ja teatavad puuviljad välja arvata, toitusid nad ainult lihast. Andon oli leiutanud kivikirve, kuid tema järeltulijad leiutasid varakult viskeoda ja harpuuni ning hakkasid neid tõhusalt kasutama. Lõpuks ometi hakkas tööriistu loov mõistus töötama koos riista kasutava käega ning need varased inimesed omandasid ränikivist tööriistade vormimisel suure osavuse. Nad rändasid ränikivi otsides kaugele, nii nagu praegused inimesed rändavad maakera teise otsa kulda, plaatina ja teemante otsima. 63:5.6 (715.6) The Andonites were fearless and successful hunters and, with the exception of wild berries and certain fruits of the trees, lived exclusively on flesh. As Andon had invented the stone ax, so his descendants early discovered and made effective use of the throwing stick and the harpoon. At last a tool-creating mind was functioning in conjunction with an implement-using hand, and these early humans became highly skillful in the fashioning of flint tools. They traveled far and wide in search of flint, much as present-day humans journey to the ends of the earth in quest of gold, platinum, and diamonds.
63:5.7 (715.7) Need Andoni suguharud ilmutasid ka paljudel muudel viisidel arukust, mida nende taandarenevad järeltulijad ei saavutanud järgmise poole miljoni aasta jooksulgi, kuigi nad avastasid ikka ja jälle uuesti erinevaid tulesüütamisviise. 63:5.7 (715.7) And in many other ways these Andon tribes manifested a degree of intelligence which their retrogressing descendants did not attain in half a million years, though they did again and again rediscover various methods of kindling fire.
6. Onagar — esimene tõeõpetaja ^top 6. Onagar—The First Truth Teacher ^top
63:6.1 (715.8) Mida enam andoniidid hajusid, seda tugevam oli suguharude kultuuriline ja vaimne taandareng peaaegu kümne tuhande aasta jooksul kuni Onagari ajani, kes võttis suguharude juhtimise enda peale, seadis nende vahele rahu ja juhtis neid esmakordselt kummardama „inimestele ja loomadele hinguse andjat”. 63:6.1 (715.8) As the Andonic dispersion extended, the cultural and spiritual status of the clans retrogressed for nearly ten thousand years until the days of Onagar, who assumed the leadership of these tribes, brought peace among them, and for the first time, led all of them in the worship of the “Breath Giver to men and animals.”
63:6.2 (716.1) Andoni filosoofia oli väga segane: ta oleks peaaegu hakanud tulekummardajaks, sest oli juhuslikust tule avastamisest suurt lohutust tundnud. Mõistus juhtis teda aga oma avastuselt päikese kui kõrgema ja aukartust äratavama soojus-ja valgusallika juurde, kuid see oli liiga kaugel ning seetõttu temast päikesekummardajat ei saanud. 63:6.2 (716.1) Andon’s philosophy had been most confused; he had barely escaped becoming a fire worshiper because of the great comfort derived from his accidental discovery of fire. Reason, however, directed him from his own discovery to the sun as a superior and more awe-inspiring source of heat and light, but it was too remote, and so he failed to become a sun worshiper.
63:6.3 (716.2) Andoniidid kartsid juba varakult loodusjõude: äikest, välku, vihma, lund, rahet ja jääd. Kuid nälg oli tung, mis neid neil varastel aegadel pidevalt saatis, ning kuna nad elatusid suures osas loomadest, arenes neil välja teatav loomade kummardamine. Suuremad toiduks tarvitatavad loomad olid Andonile loomis- ja alalhoidmisjõu sümbolid. Neid mitmesuguseid suuremaid loomi võeti aeg-ajalt kummardamisobjektideks. Kui mingi konkreetne loom oli parajasti moes, joonistati koopaseintele tema ligikaudsed piirjooned, kui aga kunst hiljem edasi arenes, graveeriti seda loomjumalat ka mitmesugustele ehetele. 63:6.3 (716.2) The Andonites early developed a fear of the elements—thunder, lightning, rain, snow, hail, and ice. But hunger was the constantly recurring urge of these early days, and since they largely subsisted on animals, they eventually evolved a form of animal worship. To Andon, the larger food animals were symbols of creative might and sustaining power. From time to time it became the custom to designate various of these larger animals as objects of worship. During the vogue of a particular animal, crude outlines of it would be drawn on the walls of the caves, and later on, as continued progress was made in the arts, such an animal god was engraved on various ornaments.
63:6.4 (716.3) Andoniitide rahvastel tekkis väga varakult tava hoiduda suguharus au sees oleva looma liha söömisest. Selleks et oma noortele seda paremini mällu talletada, kujunes peagi välja austamistseremoonia, mida sooritati ühe niisuguse austatava looma keha ümber; veelgi hiljem arenes see algeline etendus järeltulijatel keerulisemateks ohverdamistseremooniateks. Ning selliselt saidki ohverdamised palveldamise üheks osaks. Seda ideed arendas Mooses edasi heebrea rituaalides ning apostel Paulus säilitas põhimõtteliselt doktriinina patu lunastamisest „vere valamisega”. 63:6.4 (716.3) Very early the Andonic peoples formed the habit of refraining from eating the flesh of the animal of tribal veneration. Presently, in order more suitably to impress the minds of their youths, they evolved a ceremony of reverence which was carried out about the body of one of these venerated animals; and still later on, this primitive performance developed into the more elaborate sacrificial ceremonies of their descendants. And this is the origin of sacrifices as a part of worship. This idea was elaborated by Moses in the Hebrew ritual and was preserved, in principle, by the Apostle Paul as the doctrine of atonement for sin by “the shedding of blood.”
63:6.5 (716.4) Toidu ülimat tähtsust nende primitiivsete inimolendite elus näitab ka palve, mida õpetas neile lihtsatele inimestele nende suur õpetaja Onagar. See palve oli järgmine: 63:6.5 (716.4) That food was the all-important thing in the lives of these primitive human beings is shown by the prayer taught these simple folks by Onagar, their great teacher. And this prayer was:
63:6.6 (716.5) „Oo, Elu Hingus, meie igapäevast toitu anna meile tänapäev, vabasta meid jää needusest, päästa meid meie metsavaenlaste käest ja võta meid halastavalt vastu Suurde Teispoolsusesse.” 63:6.6 (716.5) “O Breath of Life, give us this day our daily food, deliver us from the curse of the ice, save us from our forest enemies, and with mercy receive us into the Great Beyond.”
63:6.7 (716.6) Onagari keskus oli iidse Vahemere põhjarannikul praeguse Kaspia mere piirkonnas, asulas nimega Oban, mis oli peatuskoht, kust Mesopotaamia lõunaaladelt põhja suunduvad rännuteed läände pöörasid. Obanist lähetas Onagar õpetajaid kaugetesse asulatesse levitama oma uusi seisukohti ühestainsast Jumalusest ja oma ettekujutust hauatagusest elust, mida ta nimetas Suureks Teispoolsuseks. Need Onagari saadikud olid maailma esimesed misjonärid; nad olid ka esimesed inimolendid, kes küpsetasid liha ja kasutasid korrapäraselt tuld toiduvalmistamiseks. Nad küpsetasid lihatükke pulkade otsas ja kuumadel kividel. Hiljem küpsetasid nad tules isegi suuri lihakäntsakaid, kuid nende järeltulijad pöördusid peaaegu täielikult tagasi toore liha kasutamise juurde. 63:6.7 (716.6) Onagar maintained headquarters on the northern shores of the ancient Mediterranean in the region of the present Caspian Sea at a settlement called Oban, the tarrying place on the westward turning of the travel trail leading up northward from the Mesopotamian southland. From Oban he sent out teachers to the remote settlements to spread his new doctrines of one Deity and his concept of the hereafter, which he called the Great Beyond. These emissaries of Onagar were the world’s first missionaries; they were also the first human beings to cook meat, the first regularly to use fire in the preparation of food. They cooked flesh on the ends of sticks and also on hot stones; later on they roasted large pieces in the fire, but their descendants almost entirely reverted to the use of raw flesh.
63:6.8 (716.7) Onagar sündis 983 323 aastat tagasi (arvestades aastast 1934 pKr) ja elas kuuekümne üheksa aastaseks. Selle Planeedivürsti-eelsete aegade meistermeele ja vaimse juhi saavutuste loetelu on põnev lugu nende ürginimeste organiseerimisest tõeliseks ühiskonnaks. Ta asutas tõhusa suguharuvalitsuse, milletaolist järgnevad põlvkonnad ei saavutanud paljude aastatuhandete jooksul. Kuni Planeedivürsti saabumiseni polnud maakeral enam kunagi nii kõrget vaimset tsivilisatsiooni. Neil lihtsatel inimestel oli tõeline, kuigi algeline religioon, ent nende manduvad järeltulijad lasid sel hiljem kaduda. 63:6.8 (716.7) Onagar was born 983,323 years ago (from a.d. 1934), and he lived to be sixty-nine years of age. The record of the achievements of this master mind and spiritual leader of the pre-Planetary Prince days is a thrilling recital of the organization of these primitive peoples into a real society. He instituted an efficient tribal government, the like of which was not attained by succeeding generations in many millenniums. Never again, until the arrival of the Planetary Prince, was there such a high spiritual civilization on earth. These simple people had a real though primitive religion, but it was subsequently lost to their deteriorating descendants.
63:6.9 (717.1) Kuigi Andon ja Fonta nagu ka paljud nende järeltulijad olid Mõttekohandaja vastu võtnud, saabus alles Onagari ajal Urantiale suurel arvul Kohandajaid ja kaitseseeraveid. See oli tõeline ürginimese kuldajastu. 63:6.9 (717.1) Although both Andon and Fonta had received Thought Adjusters, as had many of their descendants, it was not until the days of Onagar that the Adjusters and guardian seraphim came in great numbers to Urantia. This was, indeed, the golden age of primitive man.
7. Andoni ja Fonta ellujäämine ^top 7. The Survival of Andon and Fonta ^top
63:7.1 (717.2) Suurepärased inimrassile alusepanijad Andon ja Fonta leidsid tunnustust, kui Planeedivürsti saabudes Urantia üle kohut mõisteti, ning hiljem, eluasemeilmade elukorraldusest edasi liikudes, anti neile Jerusemi kodanikustaatus. Kuigi neil pole kunagi enam lubatud Urantiale tagasi pöörduda, on nad teadlikud selle rassi ajaloost, millele nad aluse panid. Nad kurvastasid Caligastia reetlikkuse üle, tundsid südamevalu Aadama ebaõnnestumise pärast, ent olid ülimalt rõõmsad, kui saabus teade, et Miikael on valinud oma viimaseks annetumiskohaks nende maailma. 63:7.1 (717.2) Andon and Fonta, the splendid founders of the human race, received recognition at the time of the adjudication of Urantia upon the arrival of the Planetary Prince, and in due time they emerged from the regime of the mansion worlds with citizenship status on Jerusem. Although they have never been permitted to return to Urantia, they are cognizant of the history of the race they founded. They grieved over the Caligastia betrayal, sorrowed because of the Adamic failure, but rejoiced exceedingly when announcement was received that Michael had selected their world as the theater for his final bestowal.
63:7.2 (717.3) Jerusemil sulasid nii Andon kui ka Fonta oma Mõttekohandajatega ühte, samuti mitmed nende lastest, kaasa arvatud Sontad, kuid enamik nende otsestest järeltulijatest saavutas vaid Vaimuga ühtesulamise. 63:7.2 (717.3) On Jerusem both Andon and Fonta were fused with their Thought Adjusters, as also were several of their children, including Sontad, but the majority of even their immediate descendants only achieved Spirit fusion.
63:7.3 (717.4) Varsti pärast Jerusemile saabumist said Andon ja Fonta Süsteemi Suveräänilt loa pöörduda tagasi esimesse eluasemeilma teenima koos morontiaisiksustega, kes tervitavad Urantialt taevastesse sfääridesse saabuvaid aja palverändureid. Ning nad on määratud sellesse teenistusse määramata ajaks. Seoses käesolevate ilmutustega püüdsid nad saata Urantiale tervitusi, kuid nende palve lükati targu tagasi. 63:7.3 (717.4) Andon and Fonta, shortly after their arrival on Jerusem, received permission from the System Sovereign to return to the first mansion world to serve with the morontia personalities who welcome the pilgrims of time from Urantia to the heavenly spheres. And they have been assigned indefinitely to this service. They sought to send greetings to Urantia in connection with these revelations, but this request was wisely denied them.
63:7.4 (717.5) Niisugune oli lugu Urantia ajaloo kõige kangelaslikumast ja põnevamast peatükist, lugu kogu inimkonna ainulaadsete vanemate arengust, eluvõitlustest, surmast ja igavesest ellujäämisest. 63:7.4 (717.5) And this is the recital of the most heroic and fascinating chapter in all the history of Urantia, the story of the evolution, life struggles, death, and eternal survival of the unique parents of all mankind.
63:7.5 (717.6) [Esitanud Urantial asuv Elukandja.] 63:7.5 (717.6) [Presented by a Life Carrier resident on Urantia.]