124. Kiri Paper 124
Jeesuse hilisem lapseiga The Later Childhood of Jesus
124:0.1 (1366.1) KUIGI Jeesusel oleksid Aleksandrias olnud paremad õppimisvõimalused kui Galileas, poleks tal olnud seal nii suurepärast keskkonda oma eluliste probleemide lahendamiseks minimaalse haridusalase juhendamisega ja pidevaid kontakte nii paljude erinevatesse klassidesse kuuluvate meeste ja naistega tsiviliseeritud maailma kõigist paikadest. Kui ta oleks Aleksandriasse jäänud, oleksid tema haridust suunanud juudid üksnes juutide tavade järgi. Naatsaretis sai ta hariduse ja koolituse, mis valmistas teda paremini ette paganate mõistmiseks ja andis talle parema ning tasakaalustatuma pildi heebrea teoloogia idapoolse ehk babüloonia ja läänepoolse ehk hellenistliku suuna suhtelistest väärtustest. 124:0.1 (1366.1) ALTHOUGH Jesus might have enjoyed a better opportunity for schooling at Alexandria than in Galilee, he could not have had such a splendid environment for working out his own life problems with a minimum of educational guidance, at the same time enjoying the great advantage of constantly contacting with such a large number of all classes of men and women hailing from every part of the civilized world. Had he remained at Alexandria, his education would have been directed by Jews and along exclusively Jewish lines. At Nazareth he secured an education and received a training which more acceptably prepared him to understand the gentiles, and which gave him a better and more balanced idea of the relative merits of the Eastern, or Babylonian, and the Western, or Hellenic, views of Hebrew theology.
1. Jeesuse üheksas eluaasta (3. a pKr) ^top 1. Jesus’ Ninth Year (A.D. 3) ^top
124:1.1 (1366.2) Kuigi ei saa öelda, et Jeesus kunagi tõsiselt haige oli, põdes ta sel aastal koos oma vendade ja väikese õega kergemaid lastehaigusi. 124:1.1 (1366.2) Though it could hardly be said that Jesus was ever seriously ill, he did have some of the minor ailments of childhood this year, along with his brothers and baby sister.
124:1.2 (1366.3) Kooliskäimine jätkus ja ta oli endiselt soositud õpilane, kellele anti iga kuu üks nädal vabaks, ja ta jagas oma vaba aega enam-vähem võrdselt isaga naaberlinnadesse reisimise, Naatsaretist lõunas asuva onu talus viibimise ja Magdala kalaretkede vahel. 124:1.2 (1366.3) School went on and he was still a favored pupil, having one week each month at liberty, and he continued to divide his time about equally between trips to neighboring cities with his father, sojourns on his uncle’s farm south of Nazareth, and fishing excursions out from Magdala.
124:1.3 (1366.4) Koolis tekkis kõige tõsisem probleem hilistalvel, kui Jeesus söandas vastu vaielda hazani õpetusele, et kõik kujutised, pildid ja joonistused on oma olemuselt ebajumalate kummardamine. Jeesusele meeldis joonistada maastikke ja vormida pottsepasavist mitmesuguseid esemeid. Kõik see oli juudi seadustega rangelt keelatud, kuid seni oli ta suutnud vanemate vastuväited sedavõrd tagasi lükata, et nad olid lubanud tal seda tegevust jätkata. 124:1.3 (1366.4) The most serious trouble as yet to come up at school occurred in late winter when Jesus dared to challenge the chazan regarding the teaching that all images, pictures, and drawings were idolatrous in nature. Jesus delighted in drawing landscapes as well as in modeling a great variety of objects in potter’s clay. Everything of that sort was strictly forbidden by Jewish law, but up to this time he had managed to disarm his parents’ objection to such an extent that they had permitted him to continue in these activities.
124:1.4 (1366.5) Sama probleem kerkis aga uuesti üles koolis, kui üks mahajäänud õpilane nägi Jeesust koolitoa põrandale söega õpetajat joonistamas. Seal oli see pilt kõigile näha, ja paljud sünagoogivanemad olid seda näinud, enne kui komitee läks Joosepi juurde nõudma, et ta oma seadustele mittealluvat poega kuidagi kuuletuma sunniks. Ja ehkki see polnud esimene kord, mil Joosepile ja Maarjale oli nende mitmekülgse ja aktiivse lapse tegevuse peale kaevatud, oli see kõige tõsisem süüdistus, mis tema vastu seni oli esitatud. Jeesus istus tagaukse juures suurel kivil ja kuulas mõnda aega oma kunstiliste püüdluste vastu suunatud süüdistusi. Talle ei meeldinud, et nad tema väidetavates üleastumistes isa süüdistasid; seepärast astus ta sisse ja jäi kartmatult oma süüdistajate ette seisma. Sünagoogivanemad sattusid segadusse. Mõnele tegi see episood pigem nalja, kuid üks või kaks meest näis pidavat poisi tegu pühadust, võib-olla koguni Jumalat ennast teotavaks sammuks. Joosep oli hämmingus, Maarja nördinud, kuid Jeesus soovis kindlalt, et teda ära kuulataks. Ta ütles, mis tal öelda oli, kaitses julgelt oma seisukohta ja teatas täielikku enesekontrolli säilitades, et kuuletub selles nagu teisteski vaieldavates küsimustes oma isa otsusele. Ja sünagoogivanemate komitee lahkus vaikides. 124:1.4 (1366.5) But trouble was again stirred up at school when one of the more backward pupils discovered Jesus drawing a charcoal picture of the teacher on the floor of the schoolroom. There it was, plain as day, and many of the elders had viewed it before the committee went to call on Joseph to demand that something be done to suppress the lawlessness of his eldest son. And though this was not the first time complaints had come to Joseph and Mary about the doings of their versatile and aggressive child, this was the most serious of all the accusations which had thus far been lodged against him. Jesus listened to the indictment of his artistic efforts for some time, being seated on a large stone just outside the back door. He resented their blaming his father for his alleged misdeeds; so in he marched, fearlessly confronting his accusers. The elders were thrown into confusion. Some were inclined to view the episode humorously, while one or two seemed to think the boy was sacrilegious if not blasphemous. Joseph was nonplused, Mary indignant, but Jesus insisted on being heard. He had his say, courageously defended his viewpoint, and with consummate self-control announced that he would abide by the decision of his father in this as in all other matters controversial. And the committee of elders departed in silence.
124:1.5 (1367.1) Maarja püüdis Joosepit mõjutada, et too lubaks Jeesusel savist esemeid kodus vormida, kui ta tõotab, et ei tegele nende küsitavate ettevõtmistega enam koolis, aga Joosep tundis, et ta on sunnitud käskima poissi kuuletuda teisele käsule rabide tõlgenduse kohaselt. Ja nii ei joonistanud ega vorminud Jeesus sellest päevast saadik enam ühtki kuju seni, kuni ta oma isa majas elas. Ent ta polnud veendunud, et oli midagi valesti teinud, ja oma lemmiktegevusest loobumine oli tema nooruse üks suuri katsumusi. 124:1.5 (1367.1) Mary endeavored to influence Joseph to permit Jesus to model in clay at home, provided he promised not to carry on any of these questionable activities at school, but Joseph felt impelled to rule that the rabbinical interpretation of the second commandment should prevail. And so Jesus no more drew or modeled the likeness of anything from that day as long as he lived in his father’s house. But he was unconvinced of the wrong of what he had done, and to give up such a favorite pastime constituted one of the great trials of his young life.
124:1.6 (1367.2) Juunikuu teisel poolel ronis Jeesus koos isaga esmakordselt Taabori mäe tippu. Päev oli selge ja neile avanes suurepärane vaade. Üheksa-aastasele poisile tundus, nagu oleks ta tõesti näinud sealt kogu maailma, kui välja arvata India, Aafrika ja Rooma. 124:1.6 (1367.2) In the latter part of June, Jesus, in company with his father, first climbed to the summit of Mount Tabor. It was a clear day and the view was superb. It seemed to this nine-year-old lad that he had really gazed upon the entire world excepting India, Africa, and Rome.
124:1.7 (1367.3) Jeesuse teine õde Marta sündis neljapäeva, 13. septembri öösel. Joosep oli nüüd mõneks ajaks koju jäänud ja alustas kolm nädalat pärast Marta sündi maja juurdeehitust, millest pidi saama ühtaegu nii töökoda kui ka magamistuba. Jeesusele valmistati väike tööpink ja ta sai endale esimest korda oma tööriistad. Ta töötas palju aastaid aegajalt selle tööpingi taga ja õppis pikapeale väga meisterlikult kaelkooke valmistama. 124:1.7 (1367.3) Jesus’ second sister, Martha, was born Thursday night, September 13. Three weeks after the coming of Martha, Joseph, who was home for awhile, started the building of an addition to their house, a combined workshop and bedroom. A small workbench was built for Jesus, and for the first time he possessed tools of his own. At odd times for many years he worked at this bench and became highly expert in the making of yokes.
124:1.8 (1367.4) Säärast külma nagu sel ja järgmisel talvel polnud Naatsaretis olnud palju aastakümneid. Jeesus oli näinud mägedes lund ja ka Naatsaretis oli mitu korda lund sadanud, mis küll vaid lühikeseks ajaks maha jäi, kuid jääd polnud ta enne seda talve veel näinud. Tõsiasi, et vesi võib esineda kas tahkel, vedelal või auru kujul — ta oli ammu mõtisklenud keedupottidest eralduva auru üle — pani poisi mõtlema füüsilise maailma ja selle ülesehituse peale; samas oli selle kasvava nooruki isiksus kogu kaugeleulatuva universumi kõigi asjade looja ja korrastaja. 124:1.8 (1367.4) This winter and the next were the coldest in Nazareth for many decades. Jesus had seen snow on the mountains, and several times it had fallen in Nazareth, remaining on the ground only a short time; but not until this winter had he seen ice. The fact that water could be had as a solid, a liquid, and a vapor—he had long pondered over the escaping steam from the boiling pots—caused the lad to think a great deal about the physical world and its constitution; and yet the personality embodied in this growing youth was all this while the actual creator and organizer of all these things throughout a far-flung universe.
124:1.9 (1367.5) Naatsareti kliima polnud karm. Kõige külmem kuu oli jaanuar, mil keskmine temperatuur oli ca 10 °C. Juulis ja augustis, mis olid kõige soojemad kuud, tõusis temperatuur 24-32 °C. Mägedest kuni Jordani ja Surnumere oruni võis kliima Palestiinas varieeruda jäisest pakasest kõrvetava palavuseni. Juutidel oli teatud mõttes ettevalmistus elamiseks peaaegu kõigis maailma erinevates kliimavööndites. 124:1.9 (1367.5) The climate of Nazareth was not severe. January was the coldest month, the temperature averaging around 50° F. During July and August, the hottest months, the temperature would vary from 75° to 90° F. From the mountains to the Jordan and the Dead Sea valley the climate of Palestine ranged from the frigid to the torrid. And so, in a way, the Jews were prepared to live in about any and all of the world’s varying climates.
124:1.10 (1367.6) Ka kõige soojematel suvekuudel puhus tavaliselt umbes kella kümnest hommikul kuni kella kümneni õhtul läänest jahe briis. Kuid aeg-ajalt lõõtsusid üle kogu Palestiina ida poolt kõrbest saabuvad kohutavalt kuumad tuuled. Need puhangud esinesid tavaliselt veebruaris ja märtsis, enne vihmahooaja lõppu. Tol ajal tuli novembrist aprillini ette värskendavaid vihmasadusid, kuid mitte pidevalt. Palestiinas oli ainult kaks aastaaega, suvi ja talv, kuiv ja sadude periood. Jaanuaris hakkasid lilled õitsema ja aprilli lõpuks oli kogu maa üksainus määratu suur lilleaed. 124:1.10 (1367.6) Even during the warmest summer months a cool sea breeze usually blew from the west from 10:00 A.M. until about 10:00 P.M. But every now and then terrific hot winds from the eastern desert would blow across all Palestine. These hot blasts usually came in February and March, near the end of the rainy season. In those days the rain fell in refreshing showers from November to April, but it did not rain steadily. There were only two seasons in Palestine, summer and winter, the dry and rainy seasons. In January the flowers began to bloom, and by the end of April the whole land was one vast flower garden.
124:1.11 (1367.7) Selle aasta mais aitas Jeesus onu talus esimest korda vilja koristada. Enne kolmeteistkümneaastaseks saamist teadis ta üht-teist peaaegu kõigist meeste ja naiste töödest Naatsaretis ja selle ümbruses, välja arvatud metallitööst. Hiljem, pärast isa surma, veetis ta mitu kuud ka sepikojas. 124:1.11 (1367.7) In May of this year, on his uncle’s farm, Jesus for the first time helped with the harvest of the grain. Before he was thirteen, he had managed to find out something about practically everything that men and women worked at around Nazareth except metal working, and he spent several months in a smith’s shop when older, after the death of his father.
124:1.12 (1368.1) Kui tööd oli vähe ja karavane saabus harva, käis Jeesus sageli isaga huvi- ja tööreisidel lähedalasuvas Kaanas, Een-Dooris ja Nainis. Poisikesena oli ta tihti käinud Sepphorises, mis paiknes umbes viis kilomeetrit Naatsaretist loodes ning oli ligikaudu 4. a eKr kuni 25. a pKr Galilea pealinn ja üks Herodes Antipase residentse. 124:1.12 (1368.1) When work and caravan travel were slack, Jesus made many trips with his father on pleasure or business to near-by Cana, Endor, and Nain. Even as a lad he frequently visited Sepphoris, only a little over three miles from Nazareth to the northwest, and from 4 b.c. to about a.d. 25 the capital of Galilee and one of the residences of Herod Antipas.
124:1.13 (1368.2) Jeesus kasvas üha nii füüsiliselt, intellektuaalselt, sotsiaalselt kui ka vaimselt. Tema reisid kodust kaugemale aitasid tal oma pereliikmeid paremini mõista ja neisse leplikumalt suhtuda ning selleks ajaks olid isegi vanemad hakanud temalt midagi õppima, mitte ainult teda õpetama. Jeesus oli originaalne mõtleja ja juba noorest peast oskuslik õpetaja. Ta oli pidevalt vastuolus niinimetatud suuliste seadustega, kuid ta püüdis end alati oma pere tavadega kohandada. Ta sai omavanuste lastega üsna hästi läbi, kuid nende aeglaselt toimiv meel heidutas teda sageli. Enne kümneaastaseks saamist oli temast kujunenud seitsmeliikmelise poisterühma juht; nad moodustasid ühingu, mille eesmärk oli arendada oma mehelikke — füüsilisi, intellektuaalseid ja religioosseid — omadusi. Jeesusel õnnestus õpetada neile poisikestele palju uusi mänge ja muid aktiivseid vaba aja veetmise viise. 124:1.13 (1368.2) Jesus continued to grow physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. His trips away from home did much to give him a better and more generous understanding of his own family, and by this time even his parents were beginning to learn from him as well as to teach him. Jesus was an original thinker and a skillful teacher, even in his youth. He was in constant collision with the so-called “oral law,” but he always sought to adapt himself to the practices of his family. He got along fairly well with the children of his age, but he often grew discouraged with their slow-acting minds. Before he was ten years old, he had become the leader of a group of seven lads who formed themselves into a society for promoting the acquirements of manhood—physical, intellectual, and religious. Among these boys Jesus succeeded in introducing many new games and various improved methods of physical recreation.
2. Kümnes eluaasta (4. a pKr) ^top 2. The Tenth Year (A.D. 4) ^top
124:2.1 (1368.3) Oli viies juuli, kuu esimene sabat, kui Jeesus väljendas isaga maateel jalutades esmakordselt tundeid ja mõtteid, mis näitasid, et ta hakkab oma eluülesande ebatavalisest olemusest teadlikuks saama. Joosep kuulas oma poja ülitähtsaid sõnu tähelepanelikult, kuid kommenteeris neid vähe; omalt poolt ta informatsiooni ei andnud. Järgmisel päeval oli Jeesusel samalaadne, kuid pikem jutuajamine emaga. Ka Maarja kuulas poissi midagi omalt poolt lisamata. Kulus peaaegu kaks aastat, enne kui Jeesus taas vestles vanematega tema teadvuses üha selgemaks saavast ilmutusest oma isiksuse olemuse ja maise missiooni laadi kohta. 124:2.1 (1368.3) It was the fifth of July, the first Sabbath of the month, when Jesus, while strolling through the countryside with his father, first gave expression to feelings and ideas which indicated that he was becoming self-conscious of the unusual nature of his life mission. Joseph listened attentively to the momentous words of his son but made few comments; he volunteered no information. The next day Jesus had a similar but longer talk with his mother. Mary likewise listened to the pronouncements of the lad, but neither did she volunteer any information. It was almost two years before Jesus again spoke to his parents concerning this increasing revelation within his own consciousness regarding the nature of his personality and the character of his mission on earth.
124:2.2 (1368.4) Augustis astus ta sünagoogikooli kõrgemasse astmesse. Ta tekitas koolis oma küsimustega pidevalt segadust. Kogu Naatsaretis oli tema pärast üha enam sekeldusi. Ta vanemad ei tahtnud talle keelata nende häirivate küsimuste esitamist ja tema peaõpetajale pakkusid poisi uudishimu, taiplikkus ja teadmistejanu suurt huvi. 124:2.2 (1368.4) He entered the advanced school of the synagogue in August. At school he was constantly creating trouble by the questions he persisted in asking. Increasingly he kept all Nazareth in more or less of a hubbub. His parents were loath to forbid his asking these disquieting questions, and his chief teacher was greatly intrigued by the lad’s curiosity, insight, and hunger for knowledge.
124:2.3 (1368.5) Jeesuse mängukaaslased ei näinud tema käitumises midagi üleloomulikku, ta oli paljuski üsna nendesarnane. Õppimine huvitas teda mõnevõrra enam kui enamikku lapsi, kuid sugugi mitte ebatavalisel määral. Ta esitas koolis lihtsalt rohkem küsimusi kui kaasõpilased. 124:2.3 (1368.5) Jesus’ playmates saw nothing supernatural in his conduct; in most ways he was altogether like themselves. His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual. He did ask more questions at school than others in his class.
124:2.4 (1368.6) Tema võib-olla kõige ebatavalisem ja silmapaistvam joon oli soovimatus võidelda oma õiguste eest. Ta oli oma vanuse kohta hästiarenenud noormees, mistõttu tundus tema mängukaaslastele imelik, et ta ei tahtnud end kaitsta isegi ebaõigluse ja isiklike solvangute eest. Tegelikult ta ei kannatanudki väga selle omaduse pärast tänu oma sõprusele endast vanema naabripoisi Jaakobiga. See noormees oli ühe müürsepa, Joosepi äripartneri poeg. Jaakob imetles Jeesust väga ja pidas oma kohuseks jälgida, et keegi talle liiga ei teeks, sest Jeesusele olid füüsilised kaklused vastumeelt. Korduvalt juhtus, et vanemad ulakad poisid ründasid Jeesust, lootes tema tuntud vagurusele, kuid said müürsepa pojalt Jaakobilt, sellelt isehakanud eestvõitlejalt ja alati valmis kaitsjalt, iga kord kiire ja kindla vastulöögi. 124:2.4 (1368.6) Perhaps his most unusual and outstanding trait was his unwillingness to fight for his rights. Since he was such a well-developed lad for his age, it seemed strange to his playfellows that he was disinclined to defend himself even from injustice or when subjected to personal abuse. As it happened, he did not suffer much on account of this trait because of the friendship of Jacob, a neighbor boy, who was one year older. He was the son of the stone mason, a business associate of Joseph. Jacob was a great admirer of Jesus and made it his business to see that no one was permitted to impose upon Jesus because of his aversion to physical combat. Several times older and uncouth youths attacked Jesus, relying upon his reputed docility, but they always suffered swift and certain retribution at the hands of his self-appointed champion and ever-ready defender, Jacob the stone mason’s son.
124:2.5 (1369.1) Jeesus oli üldtunnustatud juht neile Naatsareti poistele, kes hindasid oma aja ja põlvkonna kõrgemaid ideaale. Tema noored kaaslased armastasid teda mitte ainult sellepärast, et ta oli õiglane, vaid ka tema haruldase ja mõistva osavõtlikkuse pärast, milles avaldus taktiküllase kaastundeni ulatuv armastus. 124:2.5 (1369.1) Jesus was the generally accepted leader of the Nazareth lads who stood for the higher ideals of their day and generation. He was really loved by his youthful associates, not only because he was fair, but also because he possessed a rare and understanding sympathy that betokened love and bordered on discreet compassion.
124:2.6 (1369.2) Sel aastal hakkas ta märgatavalt eelistama vanemate inimeste seltskonda. Talle meeldis rääkida tarkade vanemate inimestega kultuuri-, haridus-, sotsiaal-, majandus-, poliitika-ja religiooniküsimustest ning tema mõttesügav arutlusoskus ja tähelepanuvõime võlusid täiskasvanud kaaslasi sedavõrd, et nad olid alati enam kui valmis temaga vestlema. Kuni selle ajani, mil pere ülalpidamine tema õlgadele langes, püüdsid ta vanemad teda pidevalt mõjutada suhtlema omaealistega või enam-vähem omaealistega, mitte vanemate ja teadjamate inimestega, keda ta ilmselgelt näis eelistavat. 124:2.6 (1369.2) This year he began to show a marked preference for the company of older persons. He delighted in talking over things cultural, educational, social, economic, political, and religious with older minds, and his depth of reasoning and keenness of observation so charmed his adult associates that they were always more than willing to visit with him. Until he became responsible for the support of the home, his parents were constantly seeking to influence him to associate with those of his own age, or more nearly his age, rather than with older and better-informed individuals for whom he evinced such a preference.
124:2.7 (1369.3) Aasta lõpupoole käis ta kaks kuud oma onuga Galilea järvel kalaretkedel, mis õnnestusid hästi. Enne täiskasvanuks saamist oli ta juba osav kalamees. 124:2.7 (1369.3) Late this year he had a fishing experience of two months with his uncle on the Sea of Galilee, and he was very successful. Before attaining manhood, he had become an expert fisherman.
124:2.8 (1369.4) Tema füüsiline areng jätkus, koolis oli ta edasijõudnud, eesõigustega õpilane, kodus sai ta oma nooremate vendade ja õdedega üsna hästi läbi. Tema eeliseks oli see, et ta oli vanuselt järgmisest lapsest kolm ja pool aastat vanem. Naatsaretis suhtusid kõik temasse hästi, välja arvatud mõnede kehvemate õpilaste vanemad, kelle arvates Jeesus oli liiga ninakas ega olnud piisavalt aupaklik ja vaoshoitud nagu noortele kohane. Ta kaldus juhtima oma noorte kaaslaste mänge tõsisematesse ja mõttetegevust nõudvatesse kanalitesse. Ta oli sündinud õpetaja ja lihtsalt ei suutnud jätta õpetamata ka siis, kui eesmärk oli vaid mäng. 124:2.8 (1369.4) His physical development continued; he was an advanced and privileged pupil at school; he got along fairly well at home with his younger brothers and sisters, having the advantage of being three and one-half years older than the oldest of the other children. He was well thought of in Nazareth except by the parents of some of the duller children, who often spoke of Jesus as being too pert, as lacking in proper humility and youthful reserve. He manifested a growing tendency to direct the play activities of his youthful associates into more serious and thoughtful channels. He was a born teacher and simply could not refrain from so functioning, even when supposedly engaged in play.
124:2.9 (1369.5) Joosep hakkas Jeesusele varakult õpetama erinevaid elatise teenimise viise, selgitades talle põllumajanduse eeliseid, võrreldes tootmise ja kaubandusega. Galilea oli kaunim ja jõukam piirkond kui Juudamaa ning elamiskulud olid seal neljandiku võrra väiksemad Jeruusalemmast ja Juudamaast. See oli põllumajanduslike külade ja jõukate tööstuslinnade ala, kus oli üle kahesaja enam kui viie tuhande elanikuga linna ja kolmkümmend enam kui viieteistkümne tuhande elanikuga linna. 124:2.9 (1369.5) Joseph early began to instruct Jesus in the diverse means of gaining a livelihood, explaining the advantages of agriculture over industry and trade. Galilee was a more beautiful and prosperous district than Judea, and it cost only about one fourth as much to live there as in Jerusalem and Judea. It was a province of agricultural villages and thriving industrial cities, containing more than two hundred towns of over five thousand population and thirty of over fifteen thousand.
124:2.10 (1369.6) Kui Jeesus käis isaga esimest korda Galilea järvel kalatööndusega tutvumas, oli ta juba peaaegu otsustanud kaluriks saada, kuid lähedased sidemed isa ametiga mõjutasid teda hiljem puusepaks hakkama. Mitmete hilisemate mõjude tõttu sai temast siiski lõpliku valiku tulemusena uut tüüpi usuõpetaja. 124:2.10 (1369.6) When on his first trip with his father to observe the fishing industry on the lake of Galilee, Jesus had just about made up his mind to become a fisherman; but close association with his father’s vocation later on influenced him to become a carpenter, while still later a combination of influences led him to the final choice of becoming a religious teacher of a new order.
3. Üheteistkümnes eluaasta (5. a pKr) ^top 3. The Eleventh Year (A.D. 5) ^top
124:3.1 (1369.7) Kogu selle aasta käis poiss endiselt isaga reisimas, kuid külastas sageli ka oma onu talu ja aeg-ajalt Magdalat, mille lähistel elas tema onu, kellega ta kalastamas käis. 124:3.1 (1369.7) Throughout this year the lad continued to make trips away from home with his father, but he also frequently visited his uncle’s farm and occasionally went over to Magdala to engage in fishing with the uncle who made his headquarters near that city.
124:3.2 (1369.8) Joosepil ja Maarjal tekkis sageli kiusatus Jeesust eriliselt soosida või muul viisil välja näidata, et nad teavad, et Jeesus on tõotatud laps, määratud poeg. Kuid mõlemad vanemad olid neis küsimustes erakordselt targad ja arukad. Neil vähestel kordadel, mil nad teda mingilgi viisil eelistasid, keeldus poiss kiiresti igasugusest erilisest tähelepanust. 124:3.2 (1369.8) Joseph and Mary were often tempted to show some special favoritism for Jesus or otherwise to betray their knowledge that he was a child of promise, a son of destiny. But both of his parents were extraordinarily wise and sagacious in all these matters. The few times they did in any manner exhibit any preference for him, even in the slightest degree, the lad was quick to refuse all such special consideration.
124:3.3 (1370.1) Jeesus veetis üsna palju aega karavane varustavas poes ja kõigist maailma nurkadest saabuvate rändajatega vesteldes omandas ta oma vanuse kohta hämmastava teadmistepagasi rahvusvahelisest olukorrast. See oli viimane aasta, mil ta veel palju vabalt mängida ja nooruslikku rõõmu tunda sai. Sellest ajast tekkis tolle nooruki ellu kiiresti üha enam ja enam raskusi ja kohustusi. 124:3.3 (1370.1) Jesus spent considerable time at the caravan supply shop, and by conversing with the travelers from all parts of the world, he acquired a store of information about international affairs that was amazing, considering his age. This was the last year in which he enjoyed much free play and youthful joyousness. From this time on difficulties and responsibilities rapidly multiplied in the life of this youth.
124:3.4 (1370.2) Kolmapäeva, 24. juuni õhtul 5. a pKr sündis Juudas. Seitsmenda lapse sünniga kaasnes palju komplikatsioone, Maarja oli nädalaid nii tõsiselt haige, et Joosep jäi koju. Jeesusel oli küllaga tegemist isa asjade ajamisega ja arvukate kohustuste täitmisega. Sel noorukil ei tekkinud enam kunagi võimalust oma varasemate aastate lapseliku ellusuhtumise juurde tagasi pöörduda. Alates ema haigestumisest — just enne Jeesuse üheteistkümneaastaseks saamist — oli ta sunnitud täitma vanima poja kohustusi ja tegema kõike üks-kaks aastat varem, kui see koorem tegelikult oleks pidanud tema õlule langema. 124:3.4 (1370.2) On Wednesday evening, June 24, a.d. 5, Jude was born. Complications attended the birth of this, the seventh child. Mary was so very ill for several weeks that Joseph remained at home. Jesus was very much occupied with errands for his father and with many duties occasioned by his mother’s serious illness. Never again did this youth find it possible to return to the childlike attitude of his earlier years. From the time of his mother’s illness—just before he was eleven years old—he was compelled to assume the responsibilities of the first-born son and to do all this one or two full years before these burdens should normally have fallen on his shoulders.
124:3.5 (1370.3) Hazan veetis iga nädal ühe õhtu Jeesusega, aidates tal heebrea pühakirju õppida. Ta oli oma paljutõotava õpilase edasijõudmisest väga huvitatud, mistõttu nõustus teda paljuski aitama. See juudi pedagoog avaldas Jeesuse arenevale meelele suurt mõju, kuid ei suutnud aru saada, miks Jeesus suhtub nii ükskõikselt kõigisse tema soovitatud võimalustesse minna Jeruusalemma õpetatud rabide juurde edasi õppima. 124:3.5 (1370.3) The chazan spent one evening each week with Jesus, helping him to master the Hebrew scriptures. He was greatly interested in the progress of his promising pupil; therefore was he willing to assist him in many ways. This Jewish pedagogue exerted a great influence upon this growing mind, but he was never able to comprehend why Jesus was so indifferent to all his suggestions regarding the prospects of going to Jerusalem to continue his education under the learned rabbis.
124:3.6 (1370.4) Mai keskel läks poiss isaga ärireisile Skythopolisesse, Kreeka Dekapolise tähtsaimasse linna, mis oli iidne heebrea linn Beet-Sean. Joosep jutustas talle teel palju kuningas Saulist ja vilistide muistsest ajaloost ning sellele järgnenud Iisraeli ajaloo tormilistest sündmustest. Selle niinimetatud paganliku linna puhtus ja kord jättis Jeesusele sügava mulje. Ta imetles vabaõhuteatrit ja „paganlike” jumalate palveldamisele pühendatud kaunist marmortemplit. Poisi entusiasm häiris Joosepit üsna palju ja ta püüdis neid häid muljeid kahandada, ülistades Jeruusalemmas asuva juudi templi ilu ja suurejoonelisust. Jeesus oli Naatsareti mäelt sageli uudishimulikult seda suursugust Kreeka linna vaadelnud ja küsinud korduvalt tohutute üldkasutatavate ehitiste ja rikkalikult kaunistatud hoonete kohta, kuid isa oli alati püüdnud neile küsimustele vastamist vältida. Nüüd olid nad silmitsi selle paganliku linna iluga ja Joosepil ei olnud lihtne Jeesuse küsimusi tähelepanuta jätta. 124:3.6 (1370.4) About the middle of May the lad accompanied his father on a business trip to Scythopolis, the chief Greek city of the Decapolis, the ancient Hebrew city of Beth-shean. On the way Joseph recounted much of the olden history of King Saul, the Philistines, and the subsequent events of Israel’s turbulent history. Jesus was tremendously impressed with the clean appearance and well-ordered arrangement of this so-called heathen city. He marveled at the open-air theater and admired the beautiful marble temple dedicated to the worship of the “heathen” gods. Joseph was much perturbed by the lad’s enthusiasm and sought to counteract these favorable impressions by extolling the beauty and grandeur of the Jewish temple at Jerusalem. Jesus had often gazed curiously upon this magnificent Greek city from the hill of Nazareth and had many times inquired about its extensive public works and ornate buildings, but his father had always sought to avoid answering these questions. Now they were face to face with the beauties of this gentile city, and Joseph could not gracefully ignore Jesus’ inquiries.
124:3.7 (1370.5) Juhtumisi toimusid Skythopolise amfiteatris parajasti Kreeka Dekapolise linnade vahelised iga-aastased võistumängud, kus demonstreeriti füüsilist osavust, ning Jeesus soovis kindlalt, et isa viiks teda mänge vaatama. Ta nõudis seda nii tungivalt, et Joosep ei suutnud talle ära öelda. Mängud pakkusid poisile põnevust ja ta läks selle füüsilise arengu ning spordimeisterlikkuse demonstratsiooni vaimuga kogu südamest kaasa. Joosep oli äärmiselt šokeeritud, nähes poja vaimustust nende „paganlike” edevuse demonstratsioonide üle. Kui mängud läbi said, oli Joosepile elu suurimaks üllatuseks kuulda Jeesust neid kiitmas ja arvamust avaldamas, et ka Naatsareti noortele meestele oleks selline tervislik füüsiline tegevus vabas õhus väga kasulik. Joosep rääkis Jeesusega tõsiselt ja kaua nende harjutuste pahelisusest, kuid teadis väga hästi, et see poissi ei veennud. 124:3.7 (1370.5) It so happened that just at this time the annual competitive games and public demonstrations of physical prowess between the Greek cities of the Decapolis were in progress at the Scythopolis amphitheater, and Jesus was insistent that his father take him to see the games, and he was so insistent that Joseph hesitated to deny him. The boy was thrilled with the games and entered most heartily into the spirit of the demonstrations of physical development and athletic skill. Joseph was inexpressibly shocked to observe his son’s enthusiasm as he beheld these exhibitions of “heathen” vaingloriousness. After the games were finished, Joseph received the surprise of his life when he heard Jesus express his approval of them and suggest that it would be good for the young men of Nazareth if they could be thus benefited by wholesome outdoor physical activities. Joseph talked earnestly and long with Jesus concerning the evil nature of such practices, but he well knew that the lad was unconvinced.
124:3.8 (1371.1) Ainus kord, mil Jeesus üldse nägi oma isa enda peale vihastamas, oli tol õhtul võõrastemajas nende toas, mil poiss unustas vesteldes juudi mõttesuunad sel määral, et soovitas Joosepil koju jõudes kaasa aidata ka Naatsaretti amfiteatri ehitamisele. Kui Joosep kuulis oma vanimat poega nii ebajuudilikke mõtteid väljendamas, unustas ta oma tavalise meelerahu ja hüüdis Jeesusel vihaselt õlgadest haarates: „Poeg, ära enam kunagi oma elus väljenda nii pahelist mõtet!” Isa emotsionaalne reageering hämmastas Jeesust; isa ei olnud kunagi tema peale pahandanud ja ta oli toimuva üle ütlemata imestunud ja šokeeritud. Ta vastas ainult: „Väga hea, isa, olgu siis nii.” Ja nii kaua kui isa elas, ei vihjanud poeg enam kunagi sõnagagi kreeklaste mängudele ega muule sportlikule tegevusele. 124:3.8 (1371.1) The only time Jesus ever saw his father angry with him was that night in their room at the inn when, in the course of their discussions, the boy so far forgot the trends of Jewish thought as to suggest that they go back home and work for the building of an amphitheater at Nazareth. When Joseph heard his first-born son express such un-Jewish sentiments, he forgot his usual calm demeanor and, seizing Jesus by the shoulder, angrily exclaimed, “My son, never again let me hear you give utterance to such an evil thought as long as you live.” Jesus was startled by his father’s display of emotion; he had never before been made to feel the personal sting of his father’s indignation and was astonished and shocked beyond expression. He only replied, “Very well, my father, it shall be so.” And never again did the boy even in the slightest manner allude to the games and other athletic activities of the Greeks as long as his father lived.
124:3.9 (1371.2) Hiljem nägi Jeesus Jeruusalemma kreeka amfiteatrit ja sai teada, kui vihkamisväärsed on niisugused asjad juutide vaatepunktist. Vaatamata sellele püüdis ta kogu oma elu enda päevakavasse ja — niivõrd kui juudi tavad seda lubasid — hiljem ka oma kaheteistkümne apostli igapäevategevusse sisse viia tervisliku puhkuse ideed. 124:3.9 (1371.2) Later on, Jesus saw the Greek amphitheater at Jerusalem and learned how hateful such things were from the Jewish point of view. Nevertheless, throughout his life he endeavored to introduce the idea of wholesome recreation into his personal plans and, as far as Jewish practice would permit, into the later program of regular activities for his twelve apostles.
124:3.10 (1371.3) Jeesus oli oma üheteistkümnenda eluaasta lõpuks energiline, hästiarenenud, parasjagu humoorikas ja üsna heatujuline nooruk, kuid sellest ajast peale hakkas tal üha enam esinema iseäralikke sügavate mõtiskluste ja tõsiste vaatluste perioode. Ta kaldus üsna palju mõtlema selle üle, kuidas täita perekondlikke kohustusi ja kuuletuda samal ajal oma missioonile maailma ees; ta oli juba mõistnud, et tema ülesanne ei piirdu ainult juudi rahva paremaks muutmisega. 124:3.10 (1371.3) At the end of this eleventh year Jesus was a vigorous, well-developed, moderately humorous, and fairly lighthearted youth, but from this year on he was more and more given to peculiar seasons of profound meditation and serious contemplation. He was much given to thinking about how he was to carry out his obligations to his family and at the same time be obedient to the call of his mission to the world; already he had conceived that his ministry was not to be limited to the betterment of the Jewish people.
4. Kaheteistkümnes eluaasta (6. a pKr) ^top 4. The Twelfth Year (A.D. 6) ^top
124:4.1 (1371.4) See oli Jeesuse elus sündmusrikas aasta. Ta tegi koolis endistviisi edusamme ja uuris väsimatult loodust, samuti üha enam ka seda, kuidas inimesed endale elatist teenivad. Ta hakkas alaliselt tööle koduses puusepatöökojas ja tal lubati oma teenistust enda äranägemist mööda kasutada, mis oli juudi perekonnas väga ebatavaline. Talle sai sel aastal selgeks seegi, et niisugused asjad tuleb perekonna saladuseks jätta. Ta hakkas tunnetama, et ta on külas probleeme tekitanud, ning varjas nüüdsest üha diskreetsemalt kõike, mis võinuks lasta teda teistest erinevana paista. 124:4.1 (1371.4) This was an eventful year in Jesus’ life. He continued to make progress at school and was indefatigable in his study of nature, while increasingly he prosecuted his study of the methods whereby men make a living. He began doing regular work in the home carpenter shop and was permitted to manage his own earnings, a very unusual arrangement to obtain in a Jewish family. This year he also learned the wisdom of keeping such matters a secret in the family. He was becoming conscious of the way in which he had caused trouble in the village, and henceforth he became increasingly discreet in concealing everything which might cause him to be regarded as different from his fellows.
124:4.2 (1371.5) Kogu selle aasta oli tal oma missiooni olemuse suhtes mitmeid ebakindluse-, isegi tõelisi kahtluseperioode. Tema inimmeele loomulik areng ei võimaldanud tal veel oma kahese olemuse reaalsusest tõeliselt aru saada. Tema isiksus oli üks, mistõttu tema teadvusel oli raske ära tunda nende tegurite kahest päritolu, millest sellesama isiksuse olemus koosnes. 124:4.2 (1371.5) Throughout this year he experienced many seasons of uncertainty, if not actual doubt, regarding the nature of his mission. His naturally developing human mind did not yet fully grasp the reality of his dual nature. The fact that he had a single personality rendered it difficult for his consciousness to recognize the double origin of those factors which composed the nature associated with that selfsame personality.
124:4.3 (1371.6) Sellest ajast peale hakkas ta oma vendade ja õdedega paremini läbi saama. Ta oli üha taktitundelisem ja alati osavõtlik, püüdes nende heaolu ja õnne silmas pidada ning tundes rõõmu nendega suhtlemisest, kuni alustas oma avalikku teenistust. Täpsemini öeldes sai ta edaspidi suurepäraselt läbi Jaakobuse, Mirjami ja kahe noorema (sel ajal veel sündimata) lapse Aamose ja Rutiga. Martaga oli tal alati olnud päris hea läbisaamine. Kuid palju probleeme tekkis tal kodus oma tülide tõttu Joosepi ja Juudaga, eriti just viimasega. 124:4.3 (1371.6) From this time on he became more successful in getting along with his brothers and sisters. He was increasingly tactful, always compassionate and considerate of their welfare and happiness, and enjoyed good relations with them up to the beginning of his public ministry. To be more explicit: He got along with James, Miriam, and the two younger (as yet unborn) children, Amos and Ruth, most excellently. He always got along with Martha fairly well. What trouble he had at home largely arose out of friction with Joseph and Jude, particularly the latter.
124:4.4 (1372.1) Joosepile ja Maarjale oli tõsine katsumus sellise enneolematu, ühtaegu jumaliku ja inimliku lapse üleskasvatamine, ning nad väärivad oma vanemakohustuste ustava ja eduka täitmise eest suurt tunnustust. Jeesuse vanematele sai üha selgemaks, et nende vanimas pojas on midagi üleinimlikku, kuid nad ei osanud kunagi aimatagi, et see tõotatud laps on tegelikult ja tõeliselt selle kohaliku universumi kõigi asjade ja olendite looja. Joosep ja Maarja elasid ja surid, saamata kunagi teada, et nende poeg Jeesus on tegelikult surelikus ihus kehastunud Universumi Looja. 124:4.4 (1372.1) It was a trying experience for Joseph and Mary to undertake the rearing of this unprecedented combination of divinity and humanity, and they deserve great credit for so faithfully and successfully discharging their parental responsibilities. Increasingly Jesus’ parents realized that there was something superhuman resident within this eldest son, but they never even faintly dreamed that this son of promise was indeed and in truth the actual creator of this local universe of things and beings. Joseph and Mary lived and died without ever learning that their son Jesus really was the Universe Creator incarnate in mortal flesh.
124:4.5 (1372.2) Jeesus pööras sel aastal varasemast enam tähelepanu muusikale ja pidas kodus endiselt kooli oma õdede ja vendade õpetamiseks. Ligikaudu sel ajal hakkas poiss teravalt tunnetama Joosepi ja Maarja erinevaid seisukohti oma missiooni olemuse suhtes. Ta mõtles üsna palju oma vanemate eriarvamuste üle, kuuldes sageli nende jutuajamisi, mis toimusid siis, kui tema nende arvates sügavas unes oli. Jeesus kaldus üha enam oma isa seisukoha poole ning ta emale tegi haiget arusaamine, et poeg loobub oma eluga seotud küsimustes järk-järgult tema juhistest. Aastate möödudes see arusaamade lahknevus üha suurenes. Maarja sai Jeesuse missiooni tähtsusest aina vähem aru ning sellele heale emale tegi üha enam valu lemmikpoja suutmatus tema armastavaid ootusi täita. 124:4.5 (1372.2) This year Jesus paid more attention than ever to music, and he continued to teach the home school for his brothers and sisters. It was at about this time that the lad became keenly conscious of the difference between the viewpoints of Joseph and Mary regarding the nature of his mission. He pondered much over his parents’ differing opinions, often hearing their discussions when they thought he was sound asleep. More and more he inclined to the view of his father, so that his mother was destined to be hurt by the realization that her son was gradually rejecting her guidance in matters having to do with his life career. And, as the years passed, this breach of understanding widened. Less and less did Mary comprehend the significance of Jesus’ mission, and increasingly was this good mother hurt by the failure of her favorite son to fulfill her fond expectations.
124:4.6 (1372.3) Joosepi usk Jeesuse missiooni vaimsesse olemusse kasvas pidevalt. Ja sel ning teistel, tähtsamatel põhjustel on tõesti kahju, et ta ei saanud elada nii kaua, et näha, kuidas täitub tema ettekujutus Jeesuse annetumiselust maa peal. 124:4.6 (1372.3) Joseph entertained a growing belief in the spiritual nature of Jesus’ mission. And but for other and more important reasons it does seem unfortunate that he could not have lived to see the fulfillment of his concept of Jesus’ bestowal on earth.
124:4.7 (1372.4) Oma viimasel kooliaastal, kui Jeesus oli kaheteistkümneaastane, pidas ta oma isaga ägedaid väitlusi juudi tava üle puudutada majast väljudes ja majja sisenedes alati ukseposti kohale naelutatud pärgamenti ja suudelda siis pärgamenti puudutanud sõrme. Selle rituaali juures tavatseti öelda: „Issand hoiab su väljumist ja su tulemist nüüd ja igavesti.” Joosep ja Maarja olid Jeesusele korduvalt selgitanud, et kujusid valmistada ja joonistusi teha ei tohi, sest seesugust loomingut võib kasutada ebajumalakummardamiseks. Kuigi Jeesus ei saanud kujude ja piltide vastasest keelust päriselt aru, hindas ta kõrgelt põhimõttekindlust ja seepärast juhtis ta isa tähelepanu asjaolule, et see tava ukseposti pärgamenti puudutada on samuti sisuliselt ebajumalakummardamine. Ja pärast seda vaidlust Jeesusega võttiski Joosep pärgamendi maha. 124:4.7 (1372.4) During his last year at school, when he was twelve years old, Jesus remonstrated with his father about the Jewish custom of touching the bit of parchment nailed upon the doorpost each time on going into, or coming out of, the house and then kissing the finger that touched the parchment. As a part of this ritual it was customary to say, “The Lord shall preserve our going out and our coming in, from this time forth and even forevermore.” Joseph and Mary had repeatedly instructed Jesus as to the reasons for not making images or drawing pictures, explaining that such creations might be used for idolatrous purposes. Though Jesus failed fully to grasp their proscriptions against images and pictures, he possessed a high concept of consistency and therefore pointed out to his father the essentially idolatrous nature of this habitual obeisance to the doorpost parchment. And Joseph removed the parchment after Jesus had thus remonstrated with him.
124:4.8 (1372.5) Aja möödudes aitas Jeesus muuta mitmeid juurdunud usuvorme, näiteks perekonnapalvusi ja muid tavasid. Naatsaretis oli see võimalik, sest sealne sünagoog oli rabide liberaalse koolkonna mõju all, kelle eredaks esindajaks oli Naatsareti õpetaja Joose. 124:4.8 (1372.5) As time passed, Jesus did much to modify their practice of religious forms, such as the family prayers and other customs. And it was possible to do many such things at Nazareth, for its synagogue was under the influence of a liberal school of rabbis, exemplified by the renowned Nazareth teacher, Jose.
124:4.9 (1372.6) Selle ja kahe järgmise aasta jooksul kannatas Jeesus tugeva vaimse surutise all, sest ta pidi oma isiklikke seisukohti usutavade ja sotsiaalsete kommete osas pidevalt kohandama vanemate juurdunud tõekspidamistega. Tema tuju rikkus vastuolu soovi vahel jääda truuks oma veendumustele ja kohusetundlikult alistuda oma vanematele; peamise vastuolu tekitasid kaks tähtsat käsku, mis olid tema noorukimeeles esikohal. Üks oli „Jää truuks oma kõrgeimatele veendumustele tõest ja õiglusest!” ja teine „Sa pead oma ema ja isa austama, sest nemad on andnud sulle elu ja sind üles kasvatanud!”. Ta ei jätnud aga täitmata oma kohust ühitada iga päev seda ustavust oma isiklikele veendumustele kohusetundega pere suhtes ja talle pakkus rahuldust siduda oma isiklikke veendumusi ja perekonnakohustusi üha harmoonilisemalt meisterlikuks arusaamaks rühmasolidaarsusest, mis põhineb ustavusel, õiglusel, sallivusel ja armastusel. 124:4.9 (1372.6) Throughout this and the two following years Jesus suffered great mental distress as the result of his constant effort to adjust his personal views of religious practices and social amenities to the established beliefs of his parents. He was distraught by the conflict between the urge to be loyal to his own convictions and the conscientious admonition of dutiful submission to his parents; his supreme conflict was between two great commands which were uppermost in his youthful mind. The one was: “Be loyal to the dictates of your highest convictions of truth and righteousness.” The other was: “Honor your father and mother, for they have given you life and the nurture thereof.” However, he never shirked the responsibility of making the necessary daily adjustments between these realms of loyalty to one’s personal convictions and duty toward one’s family, and he achieved the satisfaction of effecting an increasingly harmonious blending of personal convictions and family obligations into a masterful concept of group solidarity based upon loyalty, fairness, tolerance, and love.
5. Tema kolmeteistkümnes eluaasta (7. a pKr) ^top 5. His Thirteenth Year (A.D. 7) ^top
124:5.1 (1373.1) Sel aastal jõudis Naatsareti poiss poisieast noormeheikka, tema hääl hakkas muutuma ja muud meele ning keha omadused andsid tunnistust tärkavast mehelikkusest. 124:5.1 (1373.1) In this year the lad of Nazareth passed from boyhood to the beginning of young manhood; his voice began to change, and other features of mind and body gave evidence of the oncoming status of manhood.
124:5.2 (1373.2) Pühapäeva, 9. jaanuari õhtul 7. a pKr sündis tema väikevend Aamos. Juudas polnud veel kaheaastanegi ja väike õde Rutt oli veel sündimata; seega jäi pärast isa õnnetut surma järgmisel aastal Jeesuse hoole alla suur väikeste lastega pere. 124:5.2 (1373.2) On Sunday night, January 9, a.d. 7, his baby brother, Amos, was born. Jude was not yet two years of age, and the baby sister, Ruth, was yet to come; so it may be seen that Jesus had a sizable family of small children left to his watchcare when his father met his accidental death the following year.
124:5.3 (1373.3) Veebruari keskel sai Jeesusele kui inimesele selgeks, et talle on määratud täita maa peal oma missioon ning valgustada inimesi ja ilmutada neile Jumalat. Selle pealtnäha tavalise Naatsareti juudinoormehe meeles omandasid kuju ülitähtsad otsused ja kaugeleulatuvad kavad. Kogu Nebadoni intellektiolendid vaatasid lummatult ja hämmastunult, kuidas see kõik hakkas nüüdseks noorukiikka jõudnud puusepapoja mõtetes ja tegudes avanema. 124:5.3 (1373.3) It was about the middle of February that Jesus became humanly assured that he was destined to perform a mission on earth for the enlightenment of man and the revelation of God. Momentous decisions, coupled with far-reaching plans, were formulating in the mind of this youth, who was, to outward appearances, an average Jewish lad of Nazareth. The intelligent life of all Nebadon looked on with fascination and amazement as all this began to unfold in the thinking and acting of the now adolescent carpenter’s son.
124:5.4 (1373.4) Esmaspäeval, 20. märtsil 7. a pKr lõpetas Jeesus Naatsareti sünagoogi juures tegutseva kohaliku kooli. See oli iga edasipüüdliku juudi pere elus suurpäev, kui vanem poeg kuulutati „käsuseaduse pojaks” ja Iisraeli Issanda Jumala väljalunastatud esmasündinuks, „Kõigekõrgema lapseks” ja kogu maailma Issanda teenriks. 124:5.4 (1373.4) On the first day of the week, March 20, a.d. 7, Jesus graduated from the course of training in the local school connected with the Nazareth synagogue. This was a great day in the life of any ambitious Jewish family, the day when the first-born son was pronounced a “son of the commandment” and the ransomed first-born of the Lord God of Israel, a “child of the Most High” and servant of the Lord of all the earth.
124:5.5 (1373.5) Eelmise nädala reedel oli Joosep tulnud Sepphorisest, kus ta juhtis ühe uue üldkasutatava hoone ehitust, et sellel rõõmsal sündmusel osaleda. Jeesuse õpetaja uskus kindlalt, et erksale ja usinale õpilasele on määratud mingis mõttes väljapaistev elu, mingi silmapaistev ülesanne. Vaatamata kõigile oma muredele seoses Jeesuse mittekonformistlike kalduvustega tundsid vanemad poisi üle suurt uhkust ja olid juba hakanud plaane tegema, saatmaks teda Jeruusalemma kuulsatesse heebrea akadeemiatesse edasi õppima. 124:5.5 (1373.5) Friday of the week before, Joseph had come over from Sepphoris, where he was in charge of the work on a new public building, to be present on this glad occasion. Jesus’ teacher confidently believed that his alert and diligent pupil was destined to some outstanding career, some distinguished mission. The elders, notwithstanding all their trouble with Jesus’ nonconformist tendencies, were very proud of the lad and had already begun laying plans which would enable him to go to Jerusalem to continue his education in the renowned Hebrew academies.
124:5.6 (1373.6) Kui Jeesus kuulis neid plaane arutatavat, süvenes üha rohkem tema veendumus, et ta ei lähe kunagi Jeruusalemma rabide juurde õppima. Kuid ta ei osanud aimatagi, et tulekul on tragöödia, mis sunnib teda neist plaanidest kindlalt loobuma ja võtma endale vastutuse suure perekonna — ema, tema enda ja veel viie venna ning kolme õe — toetamise ja suunamise eest. Arvatavasti sai Jeesus selle pere üleskasvatamisel suuremad ja pikaajalisemad kogemused kui tema isa Joosep. Ta täitis need nõuded, mis ta hiljem iseendale kehtestas: olla sellele nii äkki murest murtud ja ootamatult raske kaotuse osaliseks saanud perele — oma perele — targaks, kannatlikuks, mõistvaks ja tegusaks õpetajaks ning vanimaks vennaks. 124:5.6 (1373.6) As Jesus heard these plans discussed from time to time, he became increasingly sure that he would never go to Jerusalem to study with the rabbis. But he little dreamed of the tragedy, so soon to occur, which would insure the abandonment of all such plans by causing him to assume the responsibility for the support and direction of a large family, presently to consist of five brothers and three sisters as well as his mother and himself. Jesus had a larger and longer experience rearing this family than was accorded to Joseph, his father; and he did measure up to the standard which he subsequently set for himself: to become a wise, patient, understanding, and effective teacher and eldest brother to this family—his family—so suddenly sorrow-stricken and so unexpectedly bereaved.
6. Reis Jeruusalemma ^top 6. The Journey to Jerusalem ^top
124:6.1 (1374.1) Jõudnud noormeheea künnisele ja sünagoogikoolid ametlikult lõpetanud, oli Jeesusel õigus minna koos vanematega Jeruusalemma, et osaleda oma esimese paasapüha pühitsemises. Sel aastal oli paasapüha laupäeval, 9. aprillil 7. a pKr. Esmaspäeva, 4. aprilli varahommikul valmistus Naatsaretist Jeruusalemma minema üsna suur seltskond — 103 inimest. Nad rändasid lõuna poole Samaaria suunas, kuid pöörasid Jisreeli jõudes itta, siirdudes ümber Gilboa mäe Jordani jõe orgu, et mitte Samaariast läbi minna. Joosep ja tema pere oleksid hea meelega läinud Jaakobi allika ja Peeteli kaudu läbi Samaaria, et aga juudid ei tahtnud samaarlastega tegemist teha, otsustasid nad minna koos naabritega Jordani oru kaudu. 124:6.1 (1374.1) Jesus, having now reached the threshold of young manhood and having been formally graduated from the synagogue schools, was qualified to proceed to Jerusalem with his parents to participate with them in the celebration of his first Passover. The Passover feast of this year fell on Saturday, April 9, a.d. 7. A considerable company (103) made ready to depart from Nazareth early Monday morning, April 4, for Jerusalem. They journeyed south toward Samaria, but on reaching Jezreel, they turned east, going around Mount Gilboa into the Jordan valley in order to avoid passing through Samaria. Joseph and his family would have enjoyed going down through Samaria by way of Jacob’s well and Bethel, but since the Jews disliked to deal with the Samaritans, they decided to go with their neighbors by way of the Jordan valley.
124:6.2 (1374.2) Kardetud Arhelaos oli kukutatud ja neil polnud Jeesust Jeruusalemma viies eriti midagi karta. Sellest ajast, kui esimene Herodes oli püüdnud Petlemma imikut tappa, oli möödunud kaksteist aastat ja keegi poleks osanud seostada seda sündmust tolle tundmatu poisiga Naatsaretist. 124:6.2 (1374.2) The much-dreaded Archelaus had been deposed, and they had little to fear in taking Jesus to Jerusalem. Twelve years had passed since the first Herod had sought to destroy the babe of Bethlehem, and no one would now think of associating that affair with this obscure lad of Nazareth.
124:6.3 (1374.3) Enne Jisreeli ristteele jõudmist möödusid nad vasakule jäävast iidsest Suunemi külast ja Jeesus kuulis taas lugusid seal kunagi elanud kogu Iisraeli kõige kaunimast neiust ning Eliisa imepärastest tegudest. Jisreelist möödudes jutustasid Jeesuse vanemad Aahabi ja Iisebeli ettevõtmistest ja Jehu kangelastegudest. Ümber Gilboa mäe minnes rääkisid nad palju Saulist, kes selle mäe nõlval endalt elu võttis, ja kuningas Taaveti seostest selle ajaloolise paigaga. 124:6.3 (1374.3) Before reaching the Jezreel junction, and as they journeyed on, very soon, on the left, they passed the ancient village of Shunem, and Jesus heard again about the most beautiful maiden of all Israel who once lived there and also about the wonderful works Elisha performed there. In passing by Jezreel, Jesus’ parents recounted the doings of Ahab and Jezebel and the exploits of Jehu. In passing around Mount Gilboa, they talked much about Saul, who took his life on the slopes of this mountain, King David, and the associations of this historic spot.
124:6.4 (1374.4) Ümber Gilboa mäe jalami rännates võisid palverändurid paremal näha Kreeka linna Skythopolist. Nad vaatasid kauguses paistvaid marmorehitisi, kuid ei lähenenud paganlikule linnale, sest kartsid end sedavõrd rüvetada, et ei saa enam osa võtta paasapüha pidulikest ja pühalikest tseremooniatest Jeruusalemmas. Maarja ei saanud aru, miks ei Joosep ega Jeesus tahtnud Skythopolisest rääkida. Ta ei teadnud nende eelmisel aastal puhkenud vaidlusest, sest temale ei olnud nad sellest vahejuhtumist kunagi rääkinud. 124:6.4 (1374.4) As they rounded the base of Gilboa, the pilgrims could see the Greek city of Scythopolis on the right. They gazed upon the marble structures from a distance but went not near the gentile city lest they so defile themselves that they could not participate in the forthcoming solemn and sacred ceremonies of the Passover at Jerusalem. Mary could not understand why neither Joseph nor Jesus would speak of Scythopolis. She did not know about their controversy of the previous year as they had never revealed this episode to her.
124:6.5 (1374.5) Nüüd viis tee otse alla troopilisse Jordani jõe orgu ja Jeesuse imetlev pilk langes peagi käänulisele Jordani jõele, mille sädelevad ja virvendavad veed voolasid Surnumerre. Selles troopikaorus lõunasse rännates võtsid nad üleriided seljast, tundsid rõõmu lopsakatest viljapõldudest ja kaunitest roosasid õisi täis oleandritest, samal ajal kui kaugel põhjas kõrgus massiivne lumise tipuga Hermoni mägi, mis majesteetlikult ajaloolisele orule alla vaatas. Veidi enam kui kolm tundi pärast Skythopolisest möödumist jõudsid nad vuliseva oja äärde ja veetsid seal öö tähistaeva all. 124:6.5 (1374.5) The road now led immediately down into the tropical Jordan valley, and soon Jesus was to have exposed to his wondering gaze the crooked and ever-winding Jordan with its glistening and rippling waters as it flowed down toward the Dead Sea. They laid aside their outer garments as they journeyed south in this tropical valley, enjoying the luxurious fields of grain and the beautiful oleanders laden with their pink blossoms, while massive snow-capped Mount Hermon stood far to the north, in majesty looking down on the historic valley. A little over three hours’ travel from opposite Scythopolis they came upon a bubbling spring, and here they camped for the night, out under the starlit heavens.
124:6.6 (1374.6) Reisi teisel päeval möödusid nad paigast, kus Jabbok ida poolt Jordani jõega ühineb. Jõe orust ida poole vaadates jutustati Gideoni ajast, mil midjanlased valgusid sellesse piirkonda, et seda vallutada. Teise päeva õhtul jäid nad ööbima Jordani jõe oru kohal kõrguva suurima mäe Sartaba jalamile, mille tippu oli ehitatud Aleksandria kindlus, kus Herodes oli hoidnud vangis üht oma naistest ja kuhu ta oli matnud oma kaks kägistatud poega. 124:6.6 (1374.6) On their second day’s journey they passed by where the Jabbok, from the east, flows into the Jordan, and looking east up this river valley, they recounted the days of Gideon, when the Midianites poured into this region to overrun the land. Toward the end of the second day’s journey they camped near the base of the highest mountain overlooking the Jordan valley, Mount Sartaba, whose summit was occupied by the Alexandrian fortress where Herod had imprisoned one of his wives and buried his two strangled sons.
124:6.7 (1375.1) Kolmandal päeval möödusid nad kahest külast, mis Herodes oli hiljuti ehitanud, ja nägid nende suurepärast arhitektuuri ja kauneid palmiaedu. Videvikuks jõudsid nad Jeerikosse, kuhu jäid järgmise päevani. Joosep, Maarja ja Jeesus kõndisid tol õhtul kaks ja pool kilomeetrit iidse Jeeriko asukohani, kus Joosua, kelle järgi Jeesusele oli nimi antud, oli juudi pärimuse kohaselt oma kuulsad kangelasteod sooritanud. 124:6.7 (1375.1) The third day they passed by two villages which had been recently built by Herod and noted their superior architecture and their beautiful palm gardens. By nightfall they reached Jericho, where they remained until the morrow. That evening Joseph, Mary, and Jesus walked a mile and a half to the site of the ancient Jericho, where Joshua, for whom Jesus was named, had performed his renowned exploits, according to Jewish tradition.
124:6.8 (1375.2) Reisi neljandaks ja viimaseks päevaks oli teele moodustunud palverändurite katkematu rongkäik. Nüüd hakkasid nad Jeruusalemmani viivatele mägedele ronima. Ja tipule lähenedes vaatasid nad üle Jordani jõe kaugetele mägedele ja lõuna poole üle Surnumere liikumatu vee. Umbes poolel teel üles Jeruusalemma nägi Jeesus esmakordselt Õlimäge (mis tema hilisemas elus nii olulist osa mängis) ja Joosep näitas talle Püha Linna, mis asus just selle mäeharja taga, ning nooruki süda hakkas kiiresti põksuma rõõmsas ootuses, et ta näeb peagi oma taevase Isa linna ja maja. 124:6.8 (1375.2) By the fourth and last day’s journey the road was a continuous procession of pilgrims. They now began to climb the hills leading up to Jerusalem. As they neared the top, they could look across the Jordan to the mountains beyond and south over the sluggish waters of the Dead Sea. About halfway up to Jerusalem, Jesus gained his first view of the Mount of Olives (the region to be so much a part of his subsequent life), and Joseph pointed out to him that the Holy City lay just beyond this ridge, and the lad’s heart beat fast with joyous anticipation of soon beholding the city and house of his heavenly Father.
124:6.9 (1375.3) Õlimäe idanõlvadel tegid nad väikese Betaania küla serval puhkepeatuse. Külalislahked külaelanikud tulid palverändurite eest hoolitsema. Joosep oma perega oli juhtumisi peatunud kellegi Siimoni maja lähedal, kellel oli kolm Jeesusega samaealist last — Maarja, Marta ja Laatsarus. Naatsareti pere kutsuti majja einestama ja kahe pere vahel tärkas eluaegne sõprus. Jeesus peatus selles majas oma sündmusrikka elu jooksul korduvalt hiljemgi. 124:6.9 (1375.3) On the eastern slopes of Olivet they paused for rest in the borders of a little village called Bethany. The hospitable villagers poured forth to minister to the pilgrims, and it happened that Joseph and his family had stopped near the house of one Simon, who had three children about the same age as Jesus—Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. They invited the Nazareth family in for refreshment, and a lifelong friendship sprang up between the two families. Many times afterward, in his eventful life, Jesus stopped in this home.
124:6.10 (1375.4) Nad jätkasid teed ja seisid peagi Õlimäe järsaku ääres ning Jeesus nägi esimest korda (enda mäletamist mööda) Püha Linna, selle suursuguseid paleesid ja oma Isa mõjujõulist templit. Mitte kunagi oma elus polnud Jeesus kogenud sellist puhtinimlikku erutust, mis teda valdas, seistes sel aprillikuu pärastlõunal Õlimäel, ahmides endasse esimest vaadet Jeruusalemmale. Ka hilisematel aastatel seisis ta korduvalt samal kohal ja nuttis selle linna pärast, mis pidi peagi tagasi lükkama veel ühe prohveti, viimase ja suurima oma taevastest õpetajatest. 124:6.10 (1375.4) They pressed on, soon standing on the brink of Olivet, and Jesus saw for the first time (in his memory) the Holy City, the pretentious palaces, and the inspiring temple of his Father. At no time in his life did Jesus ever experience such a purely human thrill as that which at this time so completely enthralled him as he stood there on this April afternoon on the Mount of Olives, drinking in his first view of Jerusalem. And in after years, on this same spot he stood and wept over the city which was about to reject another prophet, the last and the greatest of her heavenly teachers.
124:6.11 (1375.5) Kuid nad kiirustasid edasi Jeruusalemma. Oli juba neljapäeva õhtupoolik. Linna jõudes möödusid nad templist ja Jeesus polnud veel kunagi näinud nii suurt inimhulka. Ta mõtiskles palju sellest, kuidas need juudid olid teadaoleva maailma kaugeimatest paikadest siia kokku kogunenud. 124:6.11 (1375.5) But they hurried on to Jerusalem. It was now Thursday afternoon. On reaching the city, they journeyed past the temple, and never had Jesus beheld such throngs of human beings. He meditated deeply on how these Jews had assembled here from the uttermost parts of the known world.
124:6.12 (1375.6) Varsti jõudsid nad kohta, kus pidid paasapüha nädala jooksul peatuma; see oli Maarja ühe jõuka sugulase suur kodu ning too sugulane teadis Sakariase kaudu nii Johannese kui ka Jeesuse sünniloost. Järgmisel, ettevalmistuste päeval valmistusid nad paasapühasabati kohaseks tähistamiseks. 124:6.12 (1375.6) Soon they reached the place prearranged for their accommodation during the Passover week, the large home of a well-to-do relative of Mary’s, one who knew something of the early history of both John and Jesus, through Zacharias. The following day, the day of preparation, they made ready for the appropriate celebration of the Passover Sabbath.
124:6.13 (1375.7) Kuigi kogu Jeruusalemm oli paasapühaks valmistudes liikvel, leidis Joosep aega, et viia oma poeg akadeemiasse, kus ta pidi kahe aasta pärast, ettenähtud vanuses, viieteistkümneaastaseks saades, oma haridusteed jätkama. Joosep oli tõeliselt hämmastunud, nähes, kui vähe Jeesus nende hoolikalt koostatud plaanide vastu huvi tundis. 124:6.13 (1375.7) While all Jerusalem was astir in preparation for the Passover, Joseph found time to take his son around to visit the academy where it had been arranged for him to resume his education two years later, as soon as he reached the required age of fifteen. Joseph was truly puzzled when he observed how little interest Jesus evinced in all these carefully laid plans.
124:6.14 (1375.8) Tempel ja kõik sellega seotud teenistused ning muud toimingud jätsid Jeesusele sügava mulje. Esmakordselt pärast nelja-aastaseks saamist oli ta liialt tegevuses omaenda mõtetega, et eriti palju küsimusi esitada. Ta esitas siiski oma isale mitu kimbatusse ajavat küsimust (nagu varasematelgi kordadel) selle kohta, miks taevane Isa nõudis nii paljude süütute ja abitute loomade tapmist. Nagu isa poisi näoilmest väga hästi aru sai, ei rahuldanud tema vastused ja selgitamiskatsed sügavalt juurdlevat terava mõistusega poega. 124:6.14 (1375.8) Jesus was profoundly impressed by the temple and all the associated services and other activities. For the first time since he was four years old, he was too much preoccupied with his own meditations to ask many questions. He did, however, ask his father several embarrassing questions (as he had on previous occasions) as to why the heavenly Father required the slaughter of so many innocent and helpless animals. And his father well knew from the expression on the lad’s face that his answers and attempts at explanation were unsatisfactory to his deep-thinking and keen-reasoning son.
124:6.15 (1376.1) Päev enne paasapühasabatit tulvasid läbi Jeesuse sureliku meele vaimuvalguse vood ja täitsid tema inimsüdame armastava osavõtlikkusega vaimupimeda ja moraalselt ebateadliku rahva suhtes, kes oli kokku tulnud iidset paasapüha tähistama. See oli üks erakordsemaid päevi, mis Jumala Poeg lihas veetis; öösel ilmus esmakordselt tema maisel elujärgul Salvingtonilt sõnumitooja, kelle oli saatnud Immanuel, ja lausus: „Tund on tulnud. Sul on aeg asuda oma Isa ülesannet täitma.” 124:6.15 (1376.1) On the day before the Passover Sabbath, flood tides of spiritual illumination swept through the mortal mind of Jesus and filled his human heart to overflowing with affectionate pity for the spiritually blind and morally ignorant multitudes assembled for the celebration of the ancient Passover commemoration. This was one of the most extraordinary days that the Son of God spent in the flesh; and during the night, for the first time in his earth career, there appeared to him an assigned messenger from Salvington, commissioned by Immanuel, who said: “The hour has come. It is time that you began to be about your Father’s business.”
124:6.16 (1376.2) Ja nii, veel enne kui tema noortele õlgadele langesid Naatsareti perekonnaga seotud rängad kohustused, jõudis kohale taevane sõnumitooja, tuletamaks meelde sellele veel alla kolmeteistkümneaastasele noormehele, et on tulnud aeg hakata täitma universumikohustusi. See oli esimene samm pikas sündmustereas, mis lõpuks kulmineerus Poja annetumise lõpulejõudmisega Urantial ja sellega, et „universumi valitsemise kohustused seati taas tema inimlik-jumalikele õlgadele”. 124:6.16 (1376.2) And so, even ere the heavy responsibilities of the Nazareth family descended upon his youthful shoulders, there now arrived the celestial messenger to remind this lad, not quite thirteen years of age, that the hour had come to begin the resumption of the responsibilities of a universe. This was the first act of a long succession of events which finally culminated in the completion of the Son’s bestowal on Urantia and the replacing of “the government of a universe on his human-divine shoulders.”
124:6.17 (1376.3) Aja möödudes muutus kehastumise saladus meile kõigile üha arusaamatumaks. Me suutsime vaevu tajuda, et see Naatsareti poiss on kogu Nebadoni looja. Ning me ei saa ka praegu aru, kuidas sellesama Looja-Poja ja tema Paradiisi-Isa vaim on seotud kogu inimkonna hingedega. Aja möödudes võisime näha, et tema inimmeel sai üha selgemini aru, et sel ajal, kui ta elas oma lihalikku elu, oli vaimus tema õlgadel vastutus kogu universumi eest. 124:6.17 (1376.3) As time passed, the mystery of the incarnation became, to all of us, more and more unfathomable. We could hardly comprehend that this lad of Nazareth was the creator of all Nebadon. Neither do we nowadays understand how the spirit of this same Creator Son and the spirit of his Paradise Father are associated with the souls of mankind. With the passing of time, we could see that his human mind was increasingly discerning that, while he lived his life in the flesh, in spirit on his shoulders rested the responsibility of a universe.
124:6.18 (1376.4) Nii lõpeb Naatsareti poisi elujärk ja algab lugu noorukist — üha enam eneseteadlikust jumalikust inimesest —, kes hakkab nüüd mõtlema enda koha üle maailmas, püüdes oma üha avarduvat elueesmärki ühitada vanemate soovidega ja kohustustega perekonna ning tolle ajastu ühiskonna ees. 124:6.18 (1376.4) Thus ends the career of the Nazareth lad, and begins the narrative of that adolescent youth—the increasingly self-conscious divine human—who now begins the contemplation of his world career as he strives to integrate his expanding life purpose with the desires of his parents and his obligations to his family and the society of his day and age.