125. Kiri Paper 125
Jeesus Jeruusalemmas Jesus at Jerusalem
125:0.1 (1377.1) ÜKSKI sündmus Jeesuse sündmusrikka maise elujärgu jooksul polnud tema jaoks lummavam, inimlikus mõttes haaravam, kui see esimene Jeruusalemma külastus. Talle pakkus eriti põnevust osalemine templis toimuvates diskussioonides ning see jäi talle oma hilise lapseea ja varase noorukiea suursündmusena kauaks meelde. See oli tema jaoks esimene elevust pakkuv võimalus elada mõni päev omaette, minna ja tulla ilma kitsenduste ja piiranguteta. See lühike paasapühale järgnenud nädal, mil ta elas kellegi suunamiseta, oli tema elu esimene täiesti kohustustevaba aeg. Ja pärast seda kulus palju aastaid, enne kui ta end taas kas või lühikest aega kõigist kohustustest vabana tundis. 125:0.1 (1377.1) NO INCIDENT in all Jesus’ eventful earth career was more engaging, more humanly thrilling, than this, his first remembered visit to Jerusalem. He was especially stimulated by the experience of attending the temple discussions by himself, and it long stood out in his memory as the great event of his later childhood and early youth. This was his first opportunity to enjoy a few days of independent living, the exhilaration of going and coming without restraint and restrictions. This brief period of undirected living, during the week following the Passover, was the first complete freedom from responsibility he had ever enjoyed. And it was many years subsequent to this before he again had a like period of freedom from all sense of responsibility, even for a short time.
125:0.2 (1377.2) Naised käisid Jeruusalemmas paasapühapidustustel harva, sest neile ei olnud kohaletulek kohustuslik. Jeesus aga peaaegu keeldus ilma emata minemast. Ja kui tema ema otsustas kaasa minna, ajendas see ka paljusid teisi Naatsareti naisi sama teekonda ette võtma, nii et Naatsaretist paasapühale siirduvas reisiseltskonnas oli naiste osakaal suurem kui kunagi varem. Teel Jeruusalemma laulsid nad ikka ja jälle saja kolmekümnendat psalmi. 125:0.2 (1377.2) Women seldom went to the Passover feast at Jerusalem; they were not required to be present. Jesus, however, virtually refused to go unless his mother would accompany them. And when his mother decided to go, many other Nazareth women were led to make the journey, so that the Passover company contained the largest number of women, in proportion to men, ever to go up to the Passover from Nazareth. Ever and anon, on the way to Jerusalem, they chanted the one hundred and thirtieth Psalm.
125:0.3 (1377.3) Naatsaretist lahkumisest kuni Õlimäe tippu jõudmiseni tundis Jeesus suurt ootusärevust. Kogu oma rõõmuküllase lapsepõlve oli ta aupaklikult kuulanud jutte Jeruusalemmast ja selle templist — nüüd pidi ta peagi neid tegelikult nägema. Õlimäelt ja väljast lähemalt vaadates oli tempel vastanud kõigile Jeesuse ootustele ja veel enamgi; kui ta aga selle pühadest väravatest sisse astus, pidi ta üha enam pettuma. 125:0.3 (1377.3) From the time they left Nazareth until they reached the summit of the Mount of Olives, Jesus experienced one long stress of expectant anticipation. All through a joyful childhood he had reverently heard of Jerusalem and its temple; now he was soon to behold them in reality. From the Mount of Olives and from the outside, on closer inspection, the temple had been all and more than Jesus had expected; but when he once entered its sacred portals, the great disillusionment began.
125:0.4 (1377.4) Jeesus läks koos oma vanematega üle templiõue, et ühineda uute käsuseaduse poegade rühmaga, kes ootasid pühitsemist Iisraeli kodanikeks. Juba templis tungleva rahvahulga üldine käitumine valmistas talle pettumust, aga päeva esimene suur ehmatus tuli siis, kui ta ema lahkus neist, et minna naisterõdule. Jeesus polnud kunagi sellele mõelnud, et ta ema ei tohi tema pühitsemistseremooniale kaasa tulla, ja ta oli nördinud, et ema pidi ebaõiglase diskrimineerimise all kannatama. Kuigi see talle suurt meelehärmi valmistas, ei öelnud ta peale mõne protesteeriva märkuse isale midagi. Kuid ta jäi mõttesse ja mõtles sügavalt asja üle järele, mida näitasid ka tema küsimused kirjatundjatele ja õpetajatele nädal hiljem. 125:0.4 (1377.4) In company with his parents Jesus passed through the temple precincts on his way to join that group of new sons of the law who were about to be consecrated as citizens of Israel. He was a little disappointed by the general demeanor of the temple throngs, but the first great shock of the day came when his mother took leave of them on her way to the women’s gallery. It had never occurred to Jesus that his mother was not to accompany him to the consecration ceremonies, and he was thoroughly indignant that she was made to suffer from such unjust discrimination. While he strongly resented this, aside from a few remarks of protest to his father, he said nothing. But he thought, and thought deeply, as his questions to the scribes and teachers a week later disclosed.
125:0.5 (1377.5) Ta tegi läbi pühitsemisrituaalid, kuid nende pealiskaudsus ja rutiin valmistasid talle pettumuse. Ta tundis puudust sellest osavõtlikkusest, mis oli iseloomulik Naatsareti sünagoogi tseremooniatele. Siis tuli ta tervitama oma ema ja seejärel valmistus minema isaga esimesele tutvumiskäigule templisse ja selle erinevatesse õuedesse, rõdudele ning koridoridesse. Templiõued võisid korraga mahutada üle kahesaja tuhande palveldaja ja kuigi sealsete hoonete tohutud mõõtmed — võrreldes kõige seninähtuga — avaldasid talle sügavat muljet, oli ta rohkem huvitatud templitseremooniate ja nendega seotud palveldamise vaimsest tähendusest. 125:0.5 (1377.5) He passed through the consecration rituals but was disappointed by their perfunctory and routine natures. He missed that personal interest which characterized the ceremonies of the synagogue at Nazareth. He then returned to greet his mother and prepared to accompany his father on his first trip about the temple and its various courts, galleries, and corridors. The temple precincts could accommodate over two hundred thousand worshipers at one time, and while the vastness of these buildings—in comparison with any he had ever seen—greatly impressed his mind, he was more intrigued by the contemplation of the spiritual significance of the temple ceremonies and their associated worship.
125:0.6 (1378.1) Ta oskas küll paljude templirituaalide ilu ja sümboolikat hinnata, kuid oli pettunud selgitustes, mida vanemad vastuseks tema uurivatele küsimustele nende tseremooniate tegeliku tähenduse kohta oskasid anda. Jeesus lihtsalt ei leppinud palveldamise ja religioosse andumise kohta antud selgitustega, mis seostusid usuga Jumala raevusse või Kõigevägevama vihasse. Pärast templi külastamist arutles ta nende küsimuste üle edasi ja kui ta isa leebelt nõudis, et Jeesus tunnistaks juudi ortodoksseid tõekspidamisi, pöördus Jeesus äkki oma vanemate poole ja ütles, vaadates isale paluvalt otsa: „Isa, see ei saa tõsi olla — taevane Isa ei saa oma ekslikesse lastesse maa peal niimoodi suhtuda. Taevane Isa ei saa armastada oma lapsi vähem, kui sina mind armastad. Ja ma tean hästi, et ükskõik kui rumalasti ma ka ei toimiks, ei valaks sa kunagi minu peale oma viha ega raevu välja. Kui juba sina, mu maine isa, nii inimlikult jumalikkust kajastad, kui palju enam peaks siis taevane Isa olema headuse ja ülevoolava armulikkusega täidetud! Ma keeldun uskumast, et mu taevane Isa armastab mind vähem kui mu maine isa.” 125:0.6 (1378.1) Though many of the temple rituals very touchingly impressed his sense of the beautiful and the symbolic, he was always disappointed by the explanation of the real meanings of these ceremonies which his parents would offer in answer to his many searching inquiries. Jesus simply would not accept explanations of worship and religious devotion which involved belief in the wrath of God or the anger of the Almighty. In further discussion of these questions, after the conclusion of the temple visit, when his father became mildly insistent that he acknowledge acceptance of the orthodox Jewish beliefs, Jesus turned suddenly upon his parents and, looking appealingly into the eyes of his father, said: “My father, it cannot be true—the Father in heaven cannot so regard his erring children on earth. The heavenly Father cannot love his children less than you love me. And I well know, no matter what unwise thing I might do, you would never pour out wrath upon me nor vent anger against me. If you, my earthly father, possess such human reflections of the Divine, how much more must the heavenly Father be filled with goodness and overflowing with mercy. I refuse to believe that my Father in heaven loves me less than my father on earth.”
125:0.7 (1378.2) Kui Joosep ja Maarja neid oma esmasündinud poja sõnu kuulsid, vaikisid nad. Ning nad ei püüdnud enam kunagi teda Jumala armastuse ja taevase Isa armulikkuse suhtes ümber veenda. 125:0.7 (1378.2) When Joseph and Mary heard these words of their first-born son, they held their peace. And never again did they seek to change his mind about the love of God and the mercifulness of the Father in heaven.
1. Jeesus tutvub templiga ^top 1. Jesus Views the Temple ^top
125:1.1 (1378.3) Kõikjal, kuhu Jeesus templiõuedel läks, ehmatas teda ja tekitas temas vastikust aupaklikkuse puudumine, mida ta nägi. Ta pidas templis tungleva rahvahulga käitumist „tema Isa majas” viibides sobimatuks. Ent tema noore elu suurim šokk tabas teda paganate õuel, kuhu isa teda viis, sest seal kõlas lärmakas žargoon, vali jutt ja vandumine vaheldumisi lammaste määgimise ja jutuvadaga, mis andis tunnistust rahavahetajate ning ohvriloomade ja muude kaupade müüjate sealviibimisest. 125:1.1 (1378.3) Everywhere Jesus went throughout the temple courts, he was shocked and sickened by the spirit of irreverence which he observed. He deemed the conduct of the temple throngs to be inconsistent with their presence in “his Father’s house.” But he received the shock of his young life when his father escorted him into the court of the gentiles with its noisy jargon, loud talking and cursing, mingled indiscriminately with the bleating of sheep and the babble of noises which betrayed the presence of the money-changers and the vendors of sacrificial animals and sundry other commercial commodities.
125:1.2 (1378.4) Ent kõige enam riivas tema sündsustunnet kergemeelsete kurtisaanide uhkeldamine sellel templiõuel, samasuguseid mingitud naisi oli ta hiljuti näinud Sepphorist külastades. Selline templirüvetamine äratas kogu tema noorukihinges peituva nördimuse ja ta väljendas kõhklematult oma arvamust ka Joosepile. 125:1.2 (1378.4) But most of all was his sense of propriety outraged by the sight of the frivolous courtesans parading about within this precinct of the temple, just such painted women as he had so recently seen when on a visit to Sepphoris. This profanation of the temple fully aroused all his youthful indignation, and he did not hesitate to express himself freely to Joseph.
125:1.3 (1378.5) Jeesus imetles templis valitsevat meeleolu ja teenistusi, kuid nii paljude vaid vormitäiteks palveldajate nägudelt vastu vaatav vaimne inetus ehmatas teda. 125:1.3 (1378.5) Jesus admired the sentiment and service of the temple, but he was shocked by the spiritual ugliness which he beheld on the faces of so many of the unthinking worshipers.
125:1.4 (1378.6) Nüüd siirdusid nad templiesise kaljuserva taga paiknevasse preestrite õue, kus asus altar — vaatama, kuidas oma ametikohuseid täitvad mõrtsukatest preestrid tapavad terveid loomakarju ja pesevad pronkspurskkaevu ääres oma kätelt verd. Vereplekke täis maa, preestrite verised käed ja surevate loomade häälitsused oli midagi niisugust, mida see loodust armastav noormees lihtsalt ei suutnud taluda. Kohutav vaatepilt tekitas Naatsareti poisis vastikust. Ta haaras oma isal käsivarrest ja palus, et see ta ära viiks. Nad kõndisid läbi paganate õue tagasi ja isegi sealne naer ja labased naljad tundusid äsjanähtud vaatepildi kõrval kergendusena. 125:1.4 (1378.6) They now passed down to the priests’ court beneath the rock ledge in front of the temple, where the altar stood, to observe the killing of the droves of animals and the washing away of the blood from the hands of the officiating slaughter priests at the bronze fountain. The bloodstained pavement, the gory hands of the priests, and the sounds of the dying animals were more than this nature-loving lad could stand. The terrible sight sickened this boy of Nazareth; he clutched his father’s arm and begged to be taken away. They walked back through the court of the gentiles, and even the coarse laughter and profane jesting which he there heard were a relief from the sights he had just beheld.
125:1.5 (1379.1) Joosep nägi, missugust vastikustunnet oli templiriituste jälgimine tema pojas tekitanud, ja otsustas targu viia ta vaatama niinimetatud „kaunist väravat”, korintose pronksist valmistatud kunstipärast väravat. Kuid Jeesusel oli oma esimesest templikülastusest küllalt saanud. Nad pöördusid tagasi ülemisse õue, et Maarjaga kohtuda, ja jalutasid tund aega rahvahulkadest eemal vabas õhus, vaadates Asmoni paleed, Herodese suursugust kodu, ja Rooma valvurite väravat. Selle jalutuskäigu ajal selgitas Joosep Jeesusele, et iga päev templis toimuvaid ohverdamisi on lubatud pealt vaadata ainult Jeruusalemma elanikel ning et Galilea elanikud tulevad templisse palveldama vaid kolm korda aastas: paasapühal, nelipühal (seitse nädalat pärast paasapüha) ja oktoobris lehtmajadepüha ajal. Need pühad oli kehtestanud Mooses. Siis arutlesid nad kahe hiljem kehtestatud püha — templipühitsuse püha ja puurimi üle. Seejärel läksid nad majutuspaika ja valmistusid paasapüha pühitsema. 125:1.5 (1379.1) Joseph saw how his son had sickened at the sight of the temple rites and wisely led him around to view the “Gate Beautiful,” the artistic gate made of Corinthian bronze. But Jesus had had enough for his first visit at the temple. They returned to the upper court for Mary and walked about in the open air and away from the crowds for an hour, viewing the Asmonean palace, the stately home of Herod, and the tower of the Roman guards. During this stroll Joseph explained to Jesus that only the inhabitants of Jerusalem were permitted to witness the daily sacrifices in the temple, and that the dwellers in Galilee came up only three times a year to participate in the temple worship: at the Passover, at the feast of Pentecost (seven weeks after Passover), and at the feast of tabernacles in October. These feasts were established by Moses. They then discussed the two later established feasts of the dedication and of Purim. Afterward they went to their lodgings and made ready for the celebration of the Passover.
2. Jeesus ja paasapüha ^top 2. Jesus and the Passover ^top
125:2.1 (1379.2) Viis Naatsareti perekonda tähistasid paasapüha Betaania küla Siimoni pere külalistena või kaaslastena, sest Siimon oli ostnud kogu seltskonnale paasalamba. Just arvukate lammaste tapmine oli Jeesusele templit külastades nii tugevat mõju avaldanud. Paasapüha söömaaega oli kavatsetud pidada koos Maarja sugulastega, kuid Jeesus veenis oma vanemaid võtma vastu kutse tulla Betaaniasse. 125:2.1 (1379.2) Five Nazareth families were guests of, or associates with, the family of Simon of Bethany in the celebration of the Passover, Simon having purchased the paschal lamb for the company. It was the slaughter of these lambs in such enormous numbers that had so affected Jesus on his temple visit. It had been the plan to eat the Passover with Mary’s relatives, but Jesus persuaded his parents to accept the invitation to go to Bethany.
125:2.2 (1379.3) Sel öösel kogunesid nad, et sooritada paasapühariitusi, süüa praeliha hapendamata leiva ja mõrude taimedega. Jeesusel kui uuel käsuseaduse pojal paluti jutustada paasapüha päritolust ja ta tegi seda hästi, kuid ajas oma vanemad veidi segadusse arvukate vahemärkustega, mis väljendasid hiljutinähtu ja -kuuldu mõju tema noorele, kuid järelemõtlikule meelele. Sellega algasid paasapüha seitse päeva kestvad tseremooniad. 125:2.2 (1379.3) That night they assembled for the Passover rites, eating the roasted flesh with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. Jesus, being a new son of the covenant, was asked to recount the origin of the Passover, and this he well did, but he somewhat disconcerted his parents by the inclusion of numerous remarks mildly reflecting the impressions made on his youthful but thoughtful mind by the things which he had so recently seen and heard. This was the beginning of the seven-day ceremonies of the feast of the Passover.
125:2.3 (1379.4) Jeesus oli hakanud juba nüüd, kuigi ta neist asjadest vanematele midagi ei rääkinud, endamisi arutama, kas poleks sünnis tähistada paasapüha lamba tapmiseta. Ta oli sisemiselt veendunud, et taevane Isa ei vaata neile ohverdustele hea pilguga, ning aastate möödudes tekkis temas üha kindlam tunne, et ta seab kunagi sisse paasapüha veretu pühitsemise. 125:2.3 (1379.4) Even at this early date, though he said nothing about such matters to his parents, Jesus had begun to turn over in his mind the propriety of celebrating the Passover without the slaughtered lamb. He felt assured in his own mind that the Father in heaven was not pleased with this spectacle of sacrificial offerings, and as the years passed, he became increasingly determined someday to establish the celebration of a bloodless Passover.
125:2.4 (1379.5) Jeesus magas tol ööl väga vähe. Tema puhkust häirisid vastikust tekitavad unenäod tapmistest ja kannatustest. Ta meel oli segaduses ja süda lõhestatud kogu juudi tseremooniasüsteemi teoloogilisest põhimõttekindlusetusest ja absurdsusest. Ka tema vanemad magasid halvasti. Äsjalõppenud päeva sündmused häirisid neid väga. Oma südames olid nad poisi nende jaoks imeliku ja kindlameelse hoiaku pärast väga tujust ära. Hommiku poole ööd tabas Maarjat närvivapustus, kuid Joosep jäi rahulikuks, ehkki oli samamoodi segaduses. Nad mõlemad kartsid poisiga neist probleemidest avameelselt rääkida, ehkki Jeesus oleks meeleldi oma vanematega vestelnud, kui nood oleksid söandanud teda selleks õhutada. 125:2.4 (1379.5) Jesus slept very little that night. His rest was greatly disturbed by revolting dreams of slaughter and suffering. His mind was distraught and his heart torn by the inconsistencies and absurdities of the theology of the whole Jewish ceremonial system. His parents likewise slept little. They were greatly disconcerted by the events of the day just ended. They were completely upset in their own hearts by the lad’s, to them, strange and determined attitude. Mary became nervously agitated during the fore part of the night, but Joseph remained calm, though he was equally puzzled. Both of them feared to talk frankly with the lad about these problems, though Jesus would gladly have talked with his parents if they had dared to encourage him.
125:2.5 (1379.6) Järgmise päeva teenistused templis olid Jeesusele vastuvõetavamad ja aitasid tal eelmise päeva ebameeldivaid mälestusi märgatavalt leevendada. Ülejärgmisel hommikul võttis noor Laatsarus Jeesuse oma hoole alla ja nad asusid Jeruusalemma ning selle ümbrust sihipäraselt uurima. Enne kui päev läbi sai, oli Jeesus leidnud üles need templi ümbruses asuvad erinevad paigad, kus parajasti toimusid õppe- ja küsitluskoosolekud. Välja arvatud vähesed külastused kõige pühamasse paika, et uudistada, mis eraldava eesriide taga tegelikult peitub, veetis ta suurema osa ajast nendel õppekoosolekutel templi ümbruses. 125:2.5 (1379.6) The next day’s services at the temple were more acceptable to Jesus and did much to relieve the unpleasant memories of the previous day. The following morning young Lazarus took Jesus in hand, and they began a systematic exploration of Jerusalem and its environs. Before the day was over, Jesus discovered the various places about the temple where teaching and question conferences were in progress; and aside from a few visits to the holy of holies to gaze in wonder as to what really was behind the veil of separation, he spent most of his time about the temple at these teaching conferences.
125:2.6 (1380.1) Kogu paasapühanädala jäi Jeesus uute käsuseaduse poegade sekka ja see tähendas, et ta pidi istuma teisel pool piiret, mis eraldas kõiki neid, kes polnud täieõiguslikud Iisraeli kodanikud. Olles sunnitud sel moel oma noorust tunnetama, hoidus ta esitamast paljusid küsimusi, mis ta meeles mõlkusid; ta hoidus sellest vähemalt paasapühapidustuste lõpuni, mil need piirangud äsjapühitsetud noorte suhtes kaotati. 125:2.6 (1380.1) Throughout the Passover week, Jesus kept his place among the new sons of the commandment, and this meant that he must seat himself outside the rail which segregated all persons who were not full citizens of Israel. Being thus made conscious of his youth, he refrained from asking the many questions which surged back and forth in his mind; at least he refrained until the Passover celebration had ended and these restrictions on the newly consecrated youths were lifted.
125:2.7 (1380.2) Paasapühanädala kolmapäeval lubati Jeesusel Laatsarusega kaasa minna ja Betaanias ööbida. Laatsarus, Marta ja Maarja kuulsid tol õhtul Jeesust arutlemas ajalike ja igaveste, inimlike ja jumalike asjade üle ning alates sellest õhtust armastasid kõik kolm teda nii, nagu oleks ta nende vend. 125:2.7 (1380.2) On Wednesday of the Passover week, Jesus was permitted to go home with Lazarus to spend the night at Bethany. This evening, Lazarus, Martha, and Mary heard Jesus discuss things temporal and eternal, human and divine, and from that night on they all three loved him as if he had been their own brother.
125:2.8 (1380.3) Nädala lõpupoole nägi Jeesus Laatsarust vähem, sest sõpra ei lubatud osaleda isegi templiarutelude välisringis, kuigi ta võttis osa avalikest vestlustest välisõuedes. Laatsarus oli sama vana kui Jeesus, kuid Jeruusalemma noori lubati harva enne kolmeteistkümnendat eluaastat käsuseaduse poegade pühitsemises osaleda. 125:2.8 (1380.3) By the end of the week, Jesus saw less of Lazarus since he was not eligible for admission to even the outer circle of the temple discussions, though he attended some of the public talks delivered in the outer courts. Lazarus was the same age as Jesus, but in Jerusalem youths were seldom admitted to the consecration of sons of the law until they were a full thirteen years of age.
125:2.9 (1380.4) Vanemad leidsid paasapühanädala ajal ikka ja jälle Jeesuse sügavais mõtetes omaette istumas, pea käte vahel. Nad polnud kunagi näinud teda sellisena ja teadmata, kui suures segaduses on ta meel ja kui häiritud ta vaim hetkel omandatava kogemuse tõttu, olid nad piinavas kimbatuses, sest ei osanud midagi teha. Nad ootasid paasapühanädala lõppu, soovides oma imelikult käituva poja ohutult tagasi Naatsaretti viia. 125:2.9 (1380.4) Again and again, during the Passover week, his parents would find Jesus sitting off by himself with his youthful head in his hands, profoundly thinking. They had never seen him behave like this, and not knowing how much he was confused in mind and troubled in spirit by the experience through which he was passing, they were sorely perplexed; they did not know what to do. They welcomed the passing of the days of the Passover week and longed to have their strangely acting son safely back in Nazareth.
125:2.10 (1380.5) Jeesus mõtles päevast päeva oma probleemide üle. Nädala lõpuks oli ta palju asju enda jaoks paika pannud, kui aga saabus aeg Naatsaretti tagasi pöörduda, oli noor meel ikka veel segaduses ja seda vaevas terve rida vastamata küsimusi ning lahendamata probleeme. 125:2.10 (1380.5) Day by day Jesus was thinking through his problems. By the end of the week he had made many adjustments; but when the time came to return to Nazareth, his youthful mind was still swarming with perplexities and beset by a host of unanswered questions and unsolved problems.
125:2.11 (1380.6) Enne Jeruusalemmast lahkumist korraldasid Joosep ja Maarja koos Jeesust Naatsaretis koolitanud õpetajaga asjad nii, et Jeesus saaks viieteistkümneaastaselt sinna tagasi pöörduda ja alustada pikki õpinguid ühes kuulsaimas rabide akadeemias. Jeesus külastas seda kooli koos oma vanemate ja õpetajatega, kes muutusid väga kurvaks, nähes, kui ükskõikselt noormees suhtub kõigesse, mida nad ütlevad ja teevad. Maarjale valmistas mõju, mida Jeruusalemma külastamine Jeesusele avaldas, sügavat valu ja Joosep oli poisi imelike märkuste ning ebatavalise käitumise pärast suures hämmingus. 125:2.11 (1380.6) Before Joseph and Mary left Jerusalem, in company with Jesus’ Nazareth teacher they made definite arrangements for Jesus to return when he reached the age of fifteen to begin his long course of study in one of the best-known academies of the rabbis. Jesus accompanied his parents and teacher on their visits to the school, but they were all distressed to observe how indifferent he seemed to all they said and did. Mary was deeply pained at his reactions to the Jerusalem visit, and Joseph was profoundly perplexed at the lad’s strange remarks and unusual conduct.
125:2.12 (1380.7) Paasapühanädal oli sellegipoolest Jeesuse elu suursündmus. Ta oli tundnud rõõmu võimaluse üle kohata kümneid omavanuseid noormehi, kes olid samuti pühitsemiskandidaadid, ja nende kontaktide kaudu õppinud tundma inimeste elu Mesopotaamias, Turkestanis ja Partias, samuti Rooma kaugetes läänepoolsetes provintsides. Ta teadis juba üsna hästi, kuidas kasvavad noored Egiptuses ja teistes Palestiina-lähedastes piirkondades. Jeruusalemmas viibis sel ajal tuhandeid noori inimesi ja Naatsareti noormees kohtas isiklikult ning küsitles üsna põhjalikult rohkem kui sadat viitkümmend noort. Ta oli eriti huvitatud neist, kes olid tulnud kaugematest ida- ja läänepoolsetest maadest. Tänu neile kontaktidele tekkis noorukil soov maailmas ringi rännata, et teada saada, kuidas erinevad inimrühmad oma igapäevast leiba teenivad. 125:2.12 (1380.7) After all, Passover week had been a great event in Jesus’ life. He had enjoyed the opportunity of meeting scores of boys about his own age, fellow candidates for the consecration, and he utilized such contacts as a means of learning how people lived in Mesopotamia, Turkestan, and Parthia, as well as in the Far-Western provinces of Rome. He was already fairly conversant with the way in which the youth of Egypt and other regions near Palestine grew up. There were thousands of young people in Jerusalem at this time, and the Nazareth lad personally met, and more or less extensively interviewed, more than one hundred and fifty. He was particularly interested in those who hailed from the Far-Eastern and the remote Western countries. As a result of these contacts the lad began to entertain a desire to travel about the world for the purpose of learning how the various groups of his fellow men toiled for their livelihood.
3. Joosepi ja Maarja lahkumine ^top 3. Departure of Joseph and Mary ^top
125:3.1 (1381.1) Naatsaretlaste reisiseltskond oli kokku leppinud, et nad kohtuvad templi lähedal paasapühapidustustejärgse nädala esimese päeva keskhommikul. Nii tehtigi ja asuti tagasiteele Naatsaretti. Sel ajal kui tema vanemad kaasreisijate kokkukogunemist ootasid, läks Jeesus templisse väitlusi kuulama. Seltskond valmistus peagi lahkuma, mehed ühes ja naised teises rühmas, nagu neil Jeruusalemma pidustustele ja tagasi koju reisides tavaks oli. Jeesus oli tulnud Jeruusalemma koos ema ja teiste naistega, aga et ta oli nüüd pühitsetud noormees, pidi ta reisima Naatsaretti tagasi koos isaga meeste seltsis. Kuid Naatsareti seltskonna Betaania poole teele asudes oli Jeesus süvenenud templis arutelusse inglitest ja täiesti unustanud, et vanemate lahkumisaeg on kätte jõudnud. Ja ta mõistis, et teda on maha jäetud, alles siis, kui siirduti juba lõunastele templiaruteludele. 125:3.1 (1381.1) It had been arranged that the Nazareth party should gather in the region of the temple at midforenoon on the first day of the week after the Passover festival had ended. This they did and started out on the return journey to Nazareth. Jesus had gone into the temple to listen to the discussions while his parents awaited the assembly of their fellow travelers. Presently the company prepared to depart, the men going in one group and the women in another as was their custom in journeying to and from the Jerusalem festivals. Jesus had gone up to Jerusalem in company with his mother and the women. Being now a young man of the consecration, he was supposed to journey back to Nazareth in company with his father and the men. But as the Nazareth party moved on toward Bethany, Jesus was completely absorbed in the discussion of angels, in the temple, being wholly unmindful of the passing of the time for the departure of his parents. And he did not realize that he had been left behind until the noontime adjournment of the temple conferences.
125:3.2 (1381.2) Naatsareti rändurid ei tundnud Jeesusest puudust. Maarja arvas, et poeg reisib meestega, Joosep aga arvas, et naistega, sest ta oli koos naistega Jeruusalemma tulnud ja Maarja eeslit juhtinud. Nad avastasid Jeesuse puudumise alles siis, kui olid Jeerikosse jõudnud ja valmistusid seal ööd veetma. Küsitledes viimaseid Jeerikosse jõudnuid ja kuulnud, et ükski neist pole nende poega näinud, veetsid nad unetu öö ja mõtisklesid, mis küll temaga oli võinud juhtuda, arutasid paljusid tema ebatavalisi reageeringuid paasapühanädala sündmustele ning noomisid veidi teineteist sellepärast, et polnud enne Jeruusalemmast lahkumist kontrollinud, kas poeg on ikka rühmaga kaasas. 125:3.2 (1381.2) The Nazareth travelers did not miss Jesus because Mary surmised he journeyed with the men, while Joseph thought he traveled with the women since he had gone up to Jerusalem with the women, leading Mary’s donkey. They did not discover his absence until they reached Jericho and prepared to tarry for the night. After making inquiry of the last of the party to reach Jericho and learning that none of them had seen their son, they spent a sleepless night, turning over in their minds what might have happened to him, recounting many of his unusual reactions to the events of Passover week, and mildly chiding each other for not seeing to it that he was in the group before they left Jerusalem.
4. Esimene ja teine päev templis ^top 4. First and Second Days in the Temple ^top
125:4.1 (1381.3) Samal ajal viibis Jeesus kogu pärastlõuna templis, kuulates arutelusid ja nautides paasapühanädala suurte rahvahulkade lahkumise järgset vaiksemat ja väärikamat õhkkonda. Kui pärastlõunased arutelud, milles Jeesus üheski ei osalenud, lõppesid, siirdus noormees Betaaniasse, jõudes kohale just siis, kui Siimoni pere asus õhtust sööma. Kolm noort tervitasid Jeesust rõõmsalt ja ta jäi Siimoni juurde ööbima. Ta suhtles tol õhtul teistega väga vähe ja veetis rohkem aega üksi aias mõtiskledes. 125:4.1 (1381.3) In the meantime, Jesus had remained in the temple throughout the afternoon, listening to the discussions and enjoying the more quiet and decorous atmosphere, the great crowds of Passover week having about disappeared. At the conclusion of the afternoon discussions, in none of which Jesus participated, he betook himself to Bethany, arriving just as Simon’s family made ready to partake of their evening meal. The three youngsters were overjoyed to greet Jesus, and he remained in Simon’s house for the night. He visited very little during the evening, spending much of the time alone in the garden meditating.
125:4.2 (1381.4) Järgmisel hommikul ärkas Jeesus varakult ja läks templisse. Õlimäe harjal ta peatus ning avanev vaatepilt — vaimuvaesuses, traditsioonide kütkes ja Rooma leegionide järelevalve all elavad inimesed — tõi talle pisarad silma. Varasel ennelõunal oli ta juba templis, olles otsustanud väitlustes osaleda. Ka Joosep ja Maarja olid tõusnud sel hommikul varakult, kavatsedes Jeruusalemma tagasi minna. Nad kiirustasid kõigepealt oma sugulaste majja, kus nende pere paasapühanädalal oli elanud, kuid seal polnud keegi Jeesust näinud. Otsinud poega kogu päeva ja leidmata temast mingit jälge, pöördusid nad ööseks sugulaste juurde tagasi. 125:4.2 (1381.4) Early next day Jesus was up and on his way to the temple. On the brow of Olivet he paused and wept over the sight his eyes beheld—a spiritually impoverished people, tradition bound and living under the surveillance of the Roman legions. Early forenoon found him in the temple with his mind made up to take part in the discussions. Meanwhile, Joseph and Mary also had arisen with the early dawn with the intention of retracing their steps to Jerusalem. First, they hastened to the house of their relatives, where they had lodged as a family during the Passover week, but inquiry elicited the fact that no one had seen Jesus. After searching all day and finding no trace of him, they returned to their relatives for the night.
125:4.3 (1382.1) Teisel koosolekul võttis Jeesus julguse kokku ja hakkas küsimusi esitama. Tema osavõtt templiaruteludest oli hämmastav, kuid alati tema noorusele kohane. Mõnikord ajasid tema teravad küsimused juudi seaduste õpetatud lektorid veidi kimbatusse, kuid temas oli näha nii siirast ausameelsust koos ilmse teadmistejanuga, et enamik templiõpetajaid kaldus küsimusi tõsiselt arutama. Kui aga Jeesus söandas kahelda selles, kas oli õiglane tappa purjus pagan, kes oli paganate õuest väljunud ja rumalast peast astunud templi keelatud ja väidetavalt pühadesse õuedesse, kaotas üks sallimatumaid õpetajaid poisi küsimuses sisalduva varjatud kriitika pärast kannatuse ja küsis ähvardavalt põrnitsedes, kui vana Jeesus on. Jeesus vastas: „Veidi enam kui nelja kuu pärast saan kolmteist.” „Mida sa siis siin teed,” küsis vihane õpetaja, „kui sa pole veel käsuseaduse poja vanusessegi jõudnud?” Ja kui Jeesus selgitas, et teda oli paasapüha ajal pühitsetud ning et ta on Naatsareti koolid lõpetanud, oli kõigi õpetajate põlglik vastus: „Seda võis arvata, et ta on Naatsaretist.” Kuid nende juht arvas, et Jeesust ei maksa selles süüdistada, et Naatsareti sünagoogi juhid olid tal lasknud kooli lõpetada, kuigi ta polnud kolmeteistkümne-, vaid ainult kaheteistkümneaastane. Vaatamata sellele, et mitu tema halvustajat tõusis ja lahkus, otsustati, et poiss võib templiväitlustes segamatult õpilasena edasi osaleda. 125:4.3 (1382.1) At the second conference Jesus had made bold to ask questions, and in a very amazing way he participated in the temple discussions but always in a manner consistent with his youth. Sometimes his pointed questions were somewhat embarrassing to the learned teachers of the Jewish law, but he evinced such a spirit of candid fairness, coupled with an evident hunger for knowledge, that the majority of the temple teachers were disposed to treat him with every consideration. But when he presumed to question the justice of putting to death a drunken gentile who had wandered outside the court of the gentiles and unwittingly entered the forbidden and reputedly sacred precincts of the temple, one of the more intolerant teachers grew impatient with the lad’s implied criticisms and, glowering down upon him, asked how old he was. Jesus replied, “thirteen years lacking a trifle more than four months.” “Then,” rejoined the now irate teacher, “why are you here, since you are not of age as a son of the law?” And when Jesus explained that he had received consecration during the Passover, and that he was a finished student of the Nazareth schools, the teachers with one accord derisively replied, “We might have known; he is from Nazareth.” But the leader insisted that Jesus was not to be blamed if the rulers of the synagogue at Nazareth had graduated him, technically, when he was twelve instead of thirteen; and notwithstanding that several of his detractors got up and left, it was ruled that the lad might continue undisturbed as a pupil of the temple discussions.
125:4.4 (1382.2) Kui tema teine päev templis lõpule jõudis, siirdus ta ööseks taas Betaaniasse. Ning ta läks jälle aeda mõtisklema ja palvetama. Oli selge, et tema meel tegeles kaalukate probleemidega. 125:4.4 (1382.2) When this, his second day in the temple, was finished, again he went to Bethany for the night. And again he went out in the garden to meditate and pray. It was apparent that his mind was concerned with the contemplation of weighty problems.
5. Kolmas päev templis ^top 5. The Third Day in the Temple ^top
125:5.1 (1382.3) Kolmandal päeval, mis Jeesus templis kirjatundjate ja õpetajate seltsis veetis, kogunes sinna palju pealtvaatajaid, kes olid sellest Galilea noormehest kuulnud ja tulnud nautima vaatepilti, kuidas poiss tarku seadusetundjaid segadusse ajab. Ka Siimon saabus Betaaniast poissi jälgima. Joosep ja Maarja otsisid kogu selle päeva murelikult Jeesust, käies isegi mitu korda templis, kuid neil ei tulnud pähe uurida lähemalt väitlusrühmi, ehkki poja paeluv hääl ulatus korraks isegi nende kuuldekaugusse. 125:5.1 (1382.3) Jesus’ third day with the scribes and teachers in the temple witnessed the gathering of many spectators who, having heard of this youth from Galilee, came to enjoy the experience of seeing a lad confuse the wise men of the law. Simon also came down from Bethany to see what the boy was up to. Throughout this day Joseph and Mary continued their anxious search for Jesus, even going several times into the temple but never thinking to scrutinize the several discussion groups, although they once came almost within hearing distance of his fascinating voice.
125:5.2 (1382.4) Enne päeva lõppu oli templi keskse väitlusrühma kogu tähelepanu koondunud Jeesuse esitatud küsimustele. Tema paljude küsimuste hulka kuulusid: 125:5.2 (1382.4) Before the day had ended, the entire attention of the chief discussion group of the temple had become focused upon the questions being asked by Jesus. Among his many questions were:
125:5.3 (1382.5) 1. Mis on tegelikult pühimatest pühimas paigas, eesriide taga? 125:5.3 (1382.5) 1. What really exists in the holy of holies, behind the veil?
125:5.4 (1382.6) 2. Miks tuleb Iisraelis emad templis meessoost palveldajatest eraldada? 125:5.4 (1382.6) 2. Why should mothers in Israel be segregated from the male temple worshipers?
125:5.5 (1382.7) 3. Kui Jumal on oma lapsi armastav isa, miks on siis vaja jumaliku soosingu võitmiseks kõiki neid loomi tappa — kas Moosese õpetusest pole mitte valesti aru saadud? 125:5.5 (1382.7) 3. If God is a father who loves his children, why all this slaughter of animals to gain divine favor—has the teaching of Moses been misunderstood?
125:5.6 (1382.8) 4. Kui tempel on pühendatud taevase Isa palveldamisele, kas on siis kohane lubada seal viibida ilmalikel kaubitsejatel? 125:5.6 (1382.8) 4. Since the temple is dedicated to the worship of the Father in heaven, is it consistent to permit the presence of those who engage in secular barter and trade?
125:5.7 (1382.9) 5. Kas oodatud messiast saab ilmalik vürst, kes asub Taaveti troonile, või peab ta toimima eluvalgusena vaimse kuningriigi rajamisel? 125:5.7 (1382.9) 5. Is the expected Messiah to become a temporal prince to sit on the throne of David, or is he to function as the light of life in the establishment of a spiritual kingdom?
125:5.8 (1383.1) Ning kuulajad imestasid kogu päeva nende küsimuste üle ja keegi neist polnud rohkem hämmastunud kui Siimon. See Naatsareti nooruk pommitas enam kui nelja tunni jooksul neid juudi õpetajaid mõtlemapanevate ja südant läbikatsuvate küsimustega. Ta kommenteeris endast vanemate märkusi vähe. Oma õpetust andis ta edasi esitatavate küsimustega. Küsimuse osav ja peen sõnastus pani ühtaegu nende õpetuse proovile ja pakkus välja omapoolse õpetuse. Küsimuste esitamise viisis oli tarkus põimunud huumoriga, mis võitis ka nende poolehoiu, kes tema noorust rohkem või vähem pahaks panid. Neid läbitungivaid küsimusi esitas ta alati silmapaistvalt ausal ja kaalutletud viisil. Sel sündmusrikkal õhtupoolikul templis ilmutas ta sama vastumeelsust vastase ebaausa ärakasutamise suhtes, mis oli iseloomulik ka kogu tema hilisemale avalikule teenimisele. Noorukina ja hiljem mehena näis tal täielikult puuduvat isekas soov võita vaidlus ainuüksi loogikaga triumfeerides, sest vaid üks asi äratas tema ülimat huvi: kuulutada igikestvat tõde ja ilmutada selle kaudu täielikumalt igavest Jumalat. 125:5.8 (1383.1) And all the day through, those who listened marveled at these questions, and none was more astonished than Simon. For more than four hours this Nazareth youth plied these Jewish teachers with thought-provoking and heart-searching questions. He made few comments on the remarks of his elders. He conveyed his teaching by the questions he would ask. By the deft and subtle phrasing of a question he would at one and the same time challenge their teaching and suggest his own. In the manner of his asking a question there was an appealing combination of sagacity and humor which endeared him even to those who more or less resented his youthfulness. He was always eminently fair and considerate in the asking of these penetrating questions. On this eventful afternoon in the temple he exhibited that same reluctance to take unfair advantage of an opponent which characterized his entire subsequent public ministry. As a youth, and later on as a man, he seemed to be utterly free from all egoistic desire to win an argument merely to experience logical triumph over his fellows, being interested supremely in just one thing: to proclaim everlasting truth and thus effect a fuller revelation of the eternal God.
125:5.9 (1383.2) Kui päev läbi sai, seadsid Siimon ja Jeesus oma sammud taas Betaania poole. Enamiku sellest teekonnast kõndisid mees ja poiss vaikides. Jeesus peatus jälle Õlimäe harjal, kuid ei valanud pisaraid linna ja selle templit vaadeldes — ta langetas ainult vaikses pühendumises pea. 125:5.9 (1383.2) When the day was over, Simon and Jesus wended their way back to Bethany. For most of the distance both the man and the boy were silent. Again Jesus paused on the brow of Olivet, but as he viewed the city and its temple, he did not weep; he only bowed his head in silent devotion.
125:5.10 (1383.3) Pärast õhtusööki Betaanias keeldus ta taas lõbusa sõpraderingiga ühinemast ja läks selle asemel aeda, kuhu jäi hilisööni, püüdes edutult mõelda välja mingit kindlat lähenemisviisi oma elutööle ja otsustada, kuidas oleks kõige parem ilmutada vaimupimedatele kaasmaalastele kaunimat arusaama taevasest Isast ja vabastada nad kohutavast seaduste, rituaalide, tseremooniate ning kopitanud traditsioonide orjusest. Kuid see tõde otsiv noormees ei leidnud selget valgust. 125:5.10 (1383.3) After the evening meal at Bethany he again declined to join the merry circle but instead went to the garden, where he lingered long into the night, vainly endeavoring to think out some definite plan of approach to the problem of his lifework and to decide how best he might labor to reveal to his spiritually blinded countrymen a more beautiful concept of the heavenly Father and so set them free from their terrible bondage to law, ritual, ceremonial, and musty tradition. But the clear light did not come to the truth-seeking lad.
6. Neljas päev templis ^top 6. The Fourth Day in the Temple ^top
125:6.1 (1383.4) Jeesus oli oma maised vanemad imelikul viisil unustanud. Isegi hommikusöögi ajal, kui Laatsaruse ema märkis, et tema vanemad peaksid olema juba koju jõudnud, ei paistnud Jeesus aru saavat, et nad võivad tema mahajäämise pärast mõnevõrra muret tunda. 125:6.1 (1383.4) Jesus was strangely unmindful of his earthly parents; even at breakfast, when Lazarus’s mother remarked that his parents must be about home by that time, Jesus did not seem to comprehend that they would be somewhat worried about his having lingered behind.
125:6.2 (1383.5) Ta läks jälle templisse, kuid ei peatunud, et Õlimäe harjal mõtiskleda. Hommikuste väitluste ajal pühendati palju aega seadustele ja prohvetitele ning õpetajaid hämmastas, et Jeesus tundis pühakirju hästi nii heebrea kui ka kreeka keeles. Aga nad ei imestanud niivõrd tema tõetundmise kui just nooruse üle. 125:6.2 (1383.5) Again he journeyed to the temple, but he did not pause to meditate at the brow of Olivet. In the course of the morning’s discussions much time was devoted to the law and the prophets, and the teachers were astonished that Jesus was so familiar with the Scriptures, in Hebrew as well as Greek. But they were amazed not so much by his knowledge of truth as by his youth.
125:6.3 (1383.6) Pärastlõunasel koosolekul olid nad vaevalt hakanud vastama tema küsimusele palve eesmärgi kohta, kui juht kutsus poisi enda juurde istuma ja palus tal esitada omaenda seisukohad palve ja palveldamise osas. 125:6.3 (1383.6) At the afternoon conference they had hardly begun to answer his question relating to the purpose of prayer when the leader invited the lad to come forward and, sitting beside him, bade him state his own views regarding prayer and worship.
125:6.4 (1383.7) Jeesuse vanemad olid eelmisel õhtul kuulnud ühest kummalisest noormehest, kes seaduseseletajatega üliosavalt väitles, kuid neile polnud pähe tulnud, et see poiss oligi nende poeg. Nad olid juba peaaegu otsustanud Sakariase juurde minna, sest arvasid, et Jeesus võis suunduda Eliisabetti ja Johannest külastama. Lootes Sakariast templist leida, tegid nad enne Juuda linna siirdumist seal vahepeatuse. Võib kujutleda nende üllatust ja hämmastust, kui nad läbi templiõuede jalutades oma kadunud poja hääle ära tundsid ja teda templi õpetajate seas istumas nägid. 125:6.4 (1383.7) The evening before, Jesus’ parents had heard about this strange youth who so deftly sparred with the expounders of the law, but it had not occurred to them that this lad was their son. They had about decided to journey out to the home of Zacharias as they thought Jesus might have gone thither to see Elizabeth and John. Thinking Zacharias might perhaps be at the temple, they stopped there on their way to the City of Judah. As they strolled through the courts of the temple, imagine their surprise and amazement when they recognized the voice of the missing lad and beheld him seated among the temple teachers.
125:6.5 (1384.1) Joosep oli keeletu, kuid Maarja andis oma kaua kogunenud vihale ja ärevusele voli, tormas poisi juurde, kes oma imestunud vanemate tervitamiseks püsti tõusis, ja ütles: „Poeg, miks sa oled meile nõnda teinud? Me oleme isaga sind juba rohkem kui kolm päeva valuga otsinud. Mis sundis sind küll meid hülgama?” See oli pinev hetk. Kõigi silmad olid pööratud Jeesusele, et kuulda, mida ta vastab. Ta isa vaatas teda etteheitvalt, kuid ei öelnud midagi. 125:6.5 (1384.1) Joseph was speechless, but Mary gave vent to her long-pent-up fear and anxiety when, rushing up to the lad, now standing to greet his astonished parents, she said: “My child, why have you treated us like this? It is now more than three days that your father and I have searched for you sorrowing. Whatever possessed you to desert us?” It was a tense moment. All eyes were turned on Jesus to hear what he would say. His father looked reprovingly at him but said nothing.
125:6.6 (1384.2) Tuleb meeles pidada, et Jeesust peeti nüüd nooreks meheks. Ta oli lastele ette nähtud hariduse omandanud, ta oli tunnistatud käsuseaduse pojaks ja pühitsetud Iisraeli kodanikuks. Kuid ta ema noomis teda mitte just leebelt kõigi kokkutulnud inimeste ees, keset tema noore elu kõige tõsisemat ja ülevamat pingutust, tehes niimoodi kuulsusetu lõpu ühele suurimale võimalusele, mis Jeesusele üldse kunagi anti olla tõe õpetaja, õigluse jutlustaja, taevase Isa armastava olemuse ilmutaja. 125:6.6 (1384.2) It should be remembered that Jesus was supposed to be a young man. He had finished the regular schooling of a child, had been recognized as a son of the law, and had received consecration as a citizen of Israel. And yet his mother more than mildly upbraided him before all the people assembled, right in the midst of the most serious and sublime effort of his young life, thus bringing to an inglorious termination one of the greatest opportunities ever to be granted him to function as a teacher of truth, a preacher of righteousness, a revealer of the loving character of his Father in heaven.
125:6.7 (1384.3) Poiss käitus aga olukorra vääriliselt. Kui võtate kõiki selleni viinud tegureid arvesse, oskate paremini mõista, kui targalt poiss vastas oma ema ootamatule noomimisele. Hetke mõelnud, vastas Jeesus: „Miks olete te mind nii kaua otsinud? Kas te poleks pidanud arvama, et leiate mu Isa majast, sest mul on tulnud aeg oma Isa ülesannet täita?” 125:6.7 (1384.3) But the lad was equal to the occasion. When you take into fair consideration all the factors which combined to make up this situation, you will be better prepared to fathom the wisdom of the boy’s reply to his mother’s unintended rebuke. After a moment’s thought, Jesus answered his mother, saying: “Why is it that you have so long sought me? Would you not expect to find me in my Father’s house since the time has come when I should be about my Father’s business?”
125:6.8 (1384.4) Poisi kõneviis hämmastas kõiki. Nad eemaldusid vaikides ja jätsid ta vanematega üksi. Peagi vabastas noormees kõik kolm kohmetusest, öeldes vaikselt: „Lähme, mu vanemad, me kõik oleme teinud vaid seda, mida paremaks pidasime. Meie taevane Isa on selle nii korraldanud, lähme nüüd koju.” 125:6.8 (1384.4) Everyone was astonished at the lad’s manner of speaking. Silently they all withdrew and left him standing alone with his parents. Presently the young man relieved the embarrassment of all three when he quietly said: “Come, my parents, none has done aught but that which he thought best. Our Father in heaven has ordained these things; let us depart for home.”
125:6.9 (1384.5) Nad asusid vaikides teele ja jõudsid ööseks Jeerikosse. Nad peatusid vaid korraks Õlimäe harjal, kus poiss tõstis kepi kõrgele ja ütles pealaest jalatallani pingsas emotsioonidetulvas värisedes: „Oo Jeruusalemm, Jeruusalemm ja sinu rahvas, missugused orjad te olete — te allute Rooma ikkele ja olete omaenda traditsioonide ohvrid —, kuid ma pöördun tagasi, et see tempel puhastada ja oma rahvas orjusest vabastada!” 125:6.9 (1384.5) In silence they started out, arriving at Jericho for the night. Only once did they pause, and that on the brow of Olivet, when the lad raised his staff aloft and, quivering from head to foot under the surging of intense emotion, said: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, and the people thereof, what slaves you are—subservient to the Roman yoke and victims of your own traditions—but I will return to cleanse yonder temple and deliver my people from this bondage!”
125:6.10 (1384.6) Kolmepäevasel teekonnal tagasi Naatsaretti rääkis Jeesus vähe, ka ta vanemad ei rääkinud tema kuuldes palju. Nad olid tõesti segaduses ega suutnud oma esmasündinud poja käitumisest aru saada, kuid pidasid tema öeldud sõnu oma südames kalliks, ehkki ei mõistnud täielikult nende tähendust. 125:6.10 (1384.6) On the three days’ journey to Nazareth Jesus said little; neither did his parents say much in his presence. They were truly at a loss to understand the conduct of their first-born son, but they did treasure in their hearts his sayings, even though they could not fully comprehend their meanings.
125:6.11 (1384.7) Koju jõudes rääkis Jeesus oma vanematega lühidalt sellest, et armastab neid ning et neil pole vaja enam karta, et ta neid oma käitumisega jälle muretsema paneb. Oma ülitähtsa jutu lõpetuseks ütles ta: „Ma pean küll täitma oma taevase Isa tahet, kuid pean kuuletuma ka maisele isale. Ma jään oma tundi ootama.” 125:6.11 (1384.7) Upon reaching home, Jesus made a brief statement to his parents, assuring them of his affection and implying that they need not fear he would again give any occasion for their suffering anxiety because of his conduct. He concluded this momentous statement by saying: “While I must do the will of my Father in heaven, I will also be obedient to my father on earth. I will await my hour.”
125:6.12 (1384.8) Kuigi Jeesus keeldus korduvalt oma mõtteis nõustumast vanemate hästi kavatsetud, aga eksiteele viivate jõupingutustega dikteerida tema mõtete suunda või teha plaane tema maapealseks tööks, täitis ta siiski armulikult oma maise isa soove ja lihaliku perekonna tavasid viisil, mis oli igati kooskõlas tema pühendumisega Paradiisi-Isa tahte täitmisele. Isegi kui ta ei suutnud oma vanemate nõuetega nõustuda, tegi ta kõik võimaliku nendest kinnipidamiseks. Ta oskas meisterlikult kokku sobitada oma kohustused perekonnale ustavaks jääda ja ühiskonda teenida. 125:6.12 (1384.8) Though Jesus, in his mind, would many times refuse to consent to the well-intentioned but misguided efforts of his parents to dictate the course of his thinking or to establish the plan of his work on earth, still, in every manner consistent with his dedication to the doing of his Paradise Father’s will, he did most gracefully conform to the desires of his earthly father and to the usages of his family in the flesh. Even when he could not consent, he would do everything possible to conform. He was an artist in the matter of adjusting his dedication to duty to his obligations of family loyalty and social service.
125:6.13 (1385.1) Joosep oli segaduses, kuid Maarja leidis lohutust, mõtiskledes nende kogemuste üle ja pidades Jeesuse Õlimäel öeldud sõnu prohvetlikeks tema poja kui Iisraeli vabastaja messia-missiooni suhtes. Ta asus uue hooga suunama poja mõtteid patriootilistele ja natsionalistlikele rööbastele ning haaras oma jõupingutustesse kaasa ka oma venna, Jeesuse lemmikonu. Jeesuse ema püüdis igati oma esmasündinud poega ette valmistada nende juhiks, kes taastaksid Taaveti trooni ja heidaksid rahvalt igaveseks paganate poliitilise orjuse ikke. 125:6.13 (1385.1) Joseph was puzzled, but Mary, as she reflected on these experiences, gained comfort, eventually viewing his utterance on Olivet as prophetic of the Messianic mission of her son as Israel’s deliverer. She set to work with renewed energy to mold his thoughts into patriotic and nationalistic channels and enlisted the efforts of her brother, Jesus’ favorite uncle; and in every other way did the mother of Jesus address herself to the task of preparing her first-born son to assume the leadership of those who would restore the throne of David and forever cast off the gentile yoke of political bondage.