129. Kiri Paper 129
Jeesuse hilisem elu täiskasvanuna The Later Adult Life of Jesus
129:0.1 (1419.1) JEESUS oli end eemaldanud täielikult ja lõplikult Naatsareti pere koduste asjade juhtimisest ja selle pere liikmete vahetust suunamisest. Kuni ristimiseni jätkas ta perele raha saatmist ja tundis suurt isiklikku huvi iga oma venna ja õe vaimse käekäigu vastu. Ning alati oli ta valmis tegema kõik inimlikult võimaliku oma lesestunud ema heaolu ja õnne heaks. 129:0.1 (1419.1) JESUS had fully and finally separated himself from the management of the domestic affairs of the Nazareth family and from the immediate direction of its individuals. He continued, right up to the event of his baptism, to contribute to the family finances and to take a keen personal interest in the spiritual welfare of every one of his brothers and sisters. And always was he ready to do everything humanly possible for the comfort and happiness of his widowed mother.
129:0.2 (1419.2) Inimese Poeg oli nüüd teinud kõik ettevalmistused, et alatiseks oma kodust Naatsaretis lahkuda, ning see polnud talle kerge. Jeesus tundis oma omaste vastu loomulikku armastust, ta armastas enda perekonda ning seda loomulikku kiindumust oli tohutult tugevdanud tema erakordne pühendumine neile. Mida täielikumalt me end oma kaaslastele annetame, seda enam hakkame neid armastama, ja kuna Jeesus oli end nii täielikult oma perele andnud, armastas ta neid suure ja palava kiindumusega. 129:0.2 (1419.2) The Son of Man had now made every preparation for detaching himself permanently from the Nazareth home; and this was not easy for him to do. Jesus naturally loved his people; he loved his family, and this natural affection had been tremendously augmented by his extraordinary devotion to them. The more fully we bestow ourselves upon our fellows, the more we come to love them; and since Jesus had given himself so fully to his family, he loved them with a great and fervent affection.
129:0.3 (1419.3) Kogu pere oli hakanud aegamööda aru saama, et Jeesus valmistub neist lahkuma. Eelseisva lahkumise kurbust leevendas ainult viis, kuidas ta neid järk-järgult ette valmistas oma kavatsetavast lahkumisest teatamiseks. Juba enam kui nelja aasta kestel olid nad märganud, milliseid ettevalmistusi Jeesus teeb, et neist lõpuks lahkuda. 129:0.3 (1419.3) All the family had slowly awakened to the realization that Jesus was making ready to leave them. The sadness of the anticipated separation was only tempered by this graduated method of preparing them for the announcement of his intended departure. For more than four years they discerned that he was planning for this eventual separation.
1. Kahekümne seitsmes eluaasta (21. a pKr) ^top 1. The Twenty-Seventh Year (A.D. 21) ^top
129:1.1 (1419.4) Selle aasta jaanuaris, 21. a pKr, ühel vihmasel pühapäevahommikul lahkus Jeesus oma perest lahkumistseremooniata, selgitades vaid, et läheb Tibeeriasse ja siis teisi Galilea järve äärseid linnu külastama. Nii lahkuski ta neist, saamata enam kunagi selle majapidamise püsivaks liikmeks. 129:1.1 (1419.4) In January of this year, a.d. 21, on a rainy Sunday morning, Jesus took unceremonious leave of his family, only explaining that he was going over to Tiberias and then on a visit to other cities about the Sea of Galilee. And thus he left them, never again to be a regular member of that household.
129:1.2 (1419.5) Ta veetis nädala Tibeerias, uues linnas, millest pidi peagi saama Sepphorise asemel Galilea pealinn; leides seal aga vähe huvipakkuvat, siirdus edasi läbi Magdala ja Betsaida Kapernaumani, kus peatus oma isa sõbra Sebedeuse külalisena. Sebedeuse pojad olid kalurid, ta ise aga paadiehitaja. Jeesus Naatsaretlane oli osav nii projekteerija kui ka ehitajana ja oskas meisterlikult puutööd teha ning Sebedeusele olid Naatsareti meistrimehe oskused ammu teada. Sebedeus oli kaua mõelnud, kuidas paremaid paate teha. Nüüd seadis ta oma plaanid Jeesuse ette ja palus puusepast külalist tema ettevõttes osaleda. Jeesus oli meeleldi nõus. 129:1.2 (1419.5) He spent one week at Tiberias, the new city which was soon to succeed Sepphoris as the capital of Galilee; and finding little to interest him, he passed on successively through Magdala and Bethsaida to Capernaum, where he stopped to pay a visit to his father’s friend Zebedee. Zebedee’s sons were fishermen; he himself was a boatbuilder. Jesus of Nazareth was an expert in both designing and building; he was a master at working with wood; and Zebedee had long known of the skill of the Nazareth craftsman. For a long time Zebedee had contemplated making improved boats; he now laid his plans before Jesus and invited the visiting carpenter to join him in the enterprise, and Jesus readily consented.
129:1.3 (1419.6) Jeesus töötas Sebedeusega ainult veidi üle aasta, kuid konstrueeris selle aja jooksul uut tüüpi paadi ja võttis kasutusele täiesti uued paadiehitusmeetodid. Täiuslikumate töövõtetega ja tunduvalt paremate laudade aurutamise meetoditega hakkasid Jeesus ja Sebedeus ehitama väga kõrgeklassilisi paate, mis olid järvel sõitmiseks palju ohutumad kui vanemat tüüpi paadid. Sebedeusel oli nüüd nende uut tüüpi paatide ehitamisega mitu aastat rohkem tööd, kui ta väike ettevõte suutis teha. Vähem kui viie aasta pärast olid praktiliselt kõik paadid järvel ehitatud Kapernaumas Sebedeuse töökojas. Jeesus sai Galilea kalameeste seas tuntuks kui uute paatide konstrueerija. 129:1.3 (1419.6) Jesus worked with Zebedee only a little more than one year, but during that time he created a new style of boat and established entirely new methods of boatmaking. By superior technique and greatly improved methods of steaming the boards, Jesus and Zebedee began to build boats of a very superior type, craft which were far more safe for sailing the lake than were the older types. For several years Zebedee had more work, turning out these new-style boats, than his small establishment could handle; in less than five years practically all the craft on the lake had been built in the shop of Zebedee at Capernaum. Jesus became well known to the Galilean fisherfolk as the designer of the new boats.
129:1.4 (1420.1) Sebedeus oli üsna jõukas mees, kelle paadiehitustöökojad asusid järve ääres Kapernaumast lõunas ja kelle kodu paiknes järve kaldal Betsaida kalapüügikeskuse lähedal. Jeesus elas terve selle Kapernaumas veedetud aasta Sebedeuse majas. Ta oli kaua maailmas üksi — see tähendab, isata — töötanud ja tundis tööst koos isaealise partneriga palju rõõmu. 129:1.4 (1420.1) Zebedee was a moderately well-to-do man; his boatbuilding shops were on the lake to the south of Capernaum, and his home was situated down the lake shore near the fishing headquarters of Bethsaida. Jesus lived in the home of Zebedee during the year and more he remained at Capernaum. He had long worked alone in the world, that is, without a father, and greatly enjoyed this period of working with a father-partner.
129:1.5 (1420.2) Sebedeuse naine Saloome oli Hannase, Jeruusalemma kunagise ülempreestri ja saduseride rühma ikka veel kõige mõjuvõimsama, kuigi kaheksa aastat tagasi kukutatud liikme sugulane. Saloomest sai Jeesuse suur austaja. Ta armastas Jeesust nii nagu oma poegi Jaakobust, Johannest ja Taavetit, tema neli tütart pidasid aga Jeesust nagu oma vanemaks vennaks. Jeesus käis sageli Jaakobuse, Johannese ja Taavetiga kalal ning vennad nägid, et ta oli mitte ainult paadimeister, vaid ka kogenud kalur. 129:1.5 (1420.2) Zebedee’s wife, Salome, was a relative of Annas, onetime high priest at Jerusalem and still the most influential of the Sadducean group, having been deposed only eight years previously. Salome became a great admirer of Jesus. She loved him as she loved her own sons, James, John, and David, while her four daughters looked upon Jesus as their elder brother. Jesus often went out fishing with James, John, and David, and they learned that he was an experienced fisherman as well as an expert boatbuilder.
129:1.6 (1420.3) Kogu selle aasta saatis Jeesus iga kuu Jaakobusele raha. Oktoobris käis ta korra Naatsaretis, et viibida Marta pulmas, ning järgmine kord külastas ta Naatsaretti alles rohkem kui kahe aasta pärast, saabudes veidi aega enne Siimoni ja Juuda topeltpulmi. 129:1.6 (1420.3) All this year Jesus sent money each month to James. He returned to Nazareth in October to attend Martha’s wedding, and he was not again in Nazareth for over two years, when he returned shortly before the double wedding of Simon and Jude.
129:1.7 (1420.4) Kogu selle aasta ehitas Jeesus paate ja jälgis, kuidas inimesed maa peal elavad. Ta käis sageli karavanijaamas, sest Kapernaum asub Damaskusest lõunasse suunduval otseteel. Kapernaum oli Rooma tugev sõjaline tugipunkt ning sealse garnisoni ülem paganast Jahve-uskuja, „vaga mees”, nagu juudid tavatsesid niisuguseid pöördunuid nimetada. See ohvitser oli pärit rikkast Rooma perekonnast ja ta oli võtnud enda peale ilusa sünagoogi ehitamise Kapernauma ning veidi enne Jeesuse saabumist Sebedeuse juurde oligi see juutidele kingitud. Jeesus viis selles uues sünagoogis läbi enam kui pooled selle aasta teenistused ja mõned juhuslikult kohalviibinud karavanireisijad mäletasid teda kui Naatsareti puuseppa. 129:1.7 (1420.4) Throughout this year Jesus built boats and continued to observe how men lived on earth. Frequently he would go down to visit at the caravan station, Capernaum being on the direct travel route from Damascus to the south. Capernaum was a strong Roman military post, and the garrison’s commanding officer was a gentile believer in Yahweh, “a devout man,” as the Jews were wont to designate such proselytes. This officer belonged to a wealthy Roman family, and he took it upon himself to build a beautiful synagogue in Capernaum, which had been presented to the Jews a short time before Jesus came to live with Zebedee. Jesus conducted the services in this new synagogue more than half the time this year, and some of the caravan people who chanced to attend remembered him as the carpenter from Nazareth.
129:1.8 (1420.5) Kui tuli aeg makse maksta, registreeris Jeesus end „Kapernauma oskustöölisena”. Alates sellest päevast kuni tema maise elu lõpuni teati Jeesust Kapernauma elanikuna. Ta ei tunnistanud kunagi ühtki muud paika oma ametlikuks elukohaks, kuigi erinevatel põhjustel lubas teistel väita, et ta elab Damaskuses, Betaanias, Naatsaretis või isegi Aleksandrias. 129:1.8 (1420.5) When it came to the payment of taxes, Jesus registered himself as a “skilled craftsman of Capernaum.” From this day on to the end of his earth life he was known as a resident of Capernaum. He never claimed any other legal residence, although he did, for various reasons, permit others to assign his residence to Damascus, Bethany, Nazareth, and even Alexandria.
129:1.9 (1420.6) Kapernauma sünagoogis leidis ta raamatukogu kirstudest palju uusi raamatuid ja veetis vähemalt viis õhtut nädalas pingsalt õppides. Ühe õhtu pühendas ta seltskondlikule suhtlemisele vanemate inimestega ja ühe õhtu noorte inimestega. Jeesuse isiksuses oli midagi lahket ja innustavat, mis noori inimesi alatasa kütkestas. Nad tundsid end tema seltsis alati hästi. Nendega läbisaamise suur saladus peitus ehk kahes põhjuses — ta oli nende tegevusest ühtelugu huvitatud, kuid pakkus neile harva oma nõuannet, kui seda just ei palutud. 129:1.9 (1420.6) At the Capernaum synagogue he found many new books in the library chests, and he spent at least five evenings a week at intense study. One evening he devoted to social life with the older folks, and one evening he spent with the young people. There was something gracious and inspiring about the personality of Jesus which invariably attracted young people. He always made them feel at ease in his presence. Perhaps his great secret in getting along with them consisted in the twofold fact that he was always interested in what they were doing, while he seldom offered them advice unless they asked for it.
129:1.10 (1420.7) Sebedeuse pere peaaegu jumaldas Jeesust ja osales iga kord tema küsimustevastuste õhtutel, mis toimusid pärast õhtusööki, enne kui ta läks sünagoogi õppima. Ka noored naabrid tulid sageli neile õhtusöögi-järgsetele koosviibimistele. Neil väikestel kogunemistel andis Jeesus mitmesugust kõrgetasemelist õpetust, just nii kõrgetasemelist, et nad võisid sellest veel aru saada. Ta rääkis nendega üsna vabalt, väljendades oma ideid ja ideaale poliitika, sotsioloogia, teaduse ja filosoofia alalt, kuid midagi määravalt lõplikku söandas öelda vaid religiooni — inimese ja Jumala suhete teemal. 129:1.10 (1420.7) The Zebedee family almost worshiped Jesus, and they never failed to attend the conferences of questions and answers which he conducted each evening after supper before he departed for the synagogue to study. The youthful neighbors also came in frequently to attend these after-supper meetings. To these little gatherings Jesus gave varied and advanced instruction, just as advanced as they could comprehend. He talked quite freely with them, expressing his ideas and ideals about politics, sociology, science, and philosophy, but never presumed to speak with authoritative finality except when discussing religion—the relation of man to God.
129:1.11 (1421.1) Kord nädalas kohtus Jeesus kogu perekonna, töökoja- ja kaldapersonaliga, sest Sebedeusel oli palju töötajaid. Need töölised hakkasidki Jeesust esimesena „Meistriks” nimetama. Nad kõik armastasid teda. Talle meeldis Sebedeusega Kapernaumas töötada, kuid ta tundis puudust Naatsareti puusepatöökoja juures mänginud lastest. 129:1.11 (1421.1) Once a week Jesus held a meeting with the entire household, shop, and shore helpers, for Zebedee had many employees. And it was among these workers that Jesus was first called “the Master.” They all loved him. He enjoyed his labors with Zebedee in Capernaum, but he missed the children playing out by the side of the Nazareth carpenter shop.
129:1.12 (1421.2) Sebedeuse poegadest oli Jaakobus kõige rohkem huvitatud Jeesusest kui õpetajast ja filosoofist. Johannest huvitasid enim tema religioosne õpetus ja seisukohad. Taavet pidas lugu temast kui meistrimehest, kuid polnud tema religioossetest vaadetest ega filosoofilistest õpetustest eriti huvitatud. 129:1.12 (1421.2) Of the sons of Zebedee, James was the most interested in Jesus as a teacher, as a philosopher. John cared most for his religious teaching and opinions. David respected him as a mechanic but took little stock in his religious views and philosophic teachings.
129:1.13 (1421.3) Juudas tuli sageli sabati ajal külla, et kuulata Jeesust sünagoogis kõnelemas ja veidi aega tema juures viibida. Mida enam Juudas oma vanemat venda nägi, seda enam ta veendus, et Jeesus on tõeliselt suur inimene. 129:1.13 (1421.3) Frequently Jude came over on the Sabbath to hear Jesus talk in the synagogue and would tarry to visit with him. And the more Jude saw of his eldest brother, the more he became convinced that Jesus was a truly great man.
129:1.14 (1421.4) Jeesus tegi sel aastal oma inimmeele valdamises suuri edusamme ning jõudis teadlikus suhtlemises oma sisimas elava Mõttekohandajaga uutele ja kõrgematele tasanditele. 129:1.14 (1421.4) This year Jesus made great advances in the ascendant mastery of his human mind and attained new and high levels of conscious contact with his indwelling Thought Adjuster.
129:1.15 (1421.5) See oli tema viimane rahuliku elu aasta. Jeesus ei veetnud enam kunagi tervet aastat ei ühes kohas ega üheainsa tegevuse kallal. Kiiresti olid lähenemas tema maiste palverännakute päevad. Pingelise tegutsemise perioodideni polnud enam palju aega jäänud, kuid nüüd lahutasid tema varasemat lihtsat, pingsalt aktiivset elu ja veelgi pingsamat ja pingelisemat avalikku teenistust mõned laialdase ringirändamise ja väga mitmekülgse isikliku tegevuse aastad. Ta pidi oma õpingud selle maailma inimesena lõpule viima, enne kui võis alustada Urantial annetumise jumalikke ja inimesejärgseid etappe täiustunud Jumal-inimesena õpetades ja jutlustades. 129:1.15 (1421.5) This was the last year of his settled life. Never again did Jesus spend a whole year in one place or at one undertaking. The days of his earth pilgrimages were rapidly approaching. Periods of intense activity were not far in the future, but there were now about to intervene between his simple but intensely active life of the past and his still more intense and strenuous public ministry, a few years of extensive travel and highly diversified personal activity. His training as a man of the realm had to be completed before he could enter upon his career of teaching and preaching as the perfected God-man of the divine and posthuman phases of his Urantia bestowal.
2. Kahekümne kaheksas eluaasta (22. a pKr) ^top 2. The Twenty-Eighth Year (A.D. 22) ^top
129:2.1 (1421.6) Märtsis 22. a pKr lahkus Jeesus Sebedeusest ja Kapernaumast. Ta küsis väikese rahasumma, millega katta oma kulutusi teel Jeruusalemma. Sebedeuse juures töötades oli ta võtnud vastu ainult väikesi summasid, mis ta saatis iga kuu Naatsaretti. Joosep ja Juudas käisid üks ühel, teine teisel kuul vaheldumisi Kapernaumas raha järel, et seda Naatsaretti viia. Juudase kalastamiskeskus oli vaid mõne kilomeetri kaugusel Kapernaumast lõunas. 129:2.1 (1421.6) In March, a.d. 22, Jesus took leave of Zebedee and of Capernaum. He asked for a small sum of money to defray his expenses to Jerusalem. While working with Zebedee he had drawn only small sums of money, which each month he would send to the family at Nazareth. One month Joseph would come down to Capernaum for the money; the next month Jude would come over to Capernaum, get the money from Jesus, and take it up to Nazareth. Jude’s fishing headquarters was only a few miles south of Capernaum.
129:2.2 (1421.7) Kui Jeesus Sebedeuse pere juurest lahkus, leppis ta nendega kokku, et jääb paasapühani Jeruusalemma, ja nad kõik lubasid selleks sündmuseks kohale tulla. Nad soovisid isegi paasapühaõhtusööki koos süüa. Kõik olid Jeesuse lahkumise üle kurvad, eriti aga Sebedeuse tütred. 129:2.2 (1421.7) When Jesus took leave of Zebedee’s family, he agreed to remain in Jerusalem until Passover time, and they all promised to be present for that event. They even arranged to celebrate the Passover supper together. They all sorrowed when Jesus left them, especially the daughters of Zebedee.
129:2.3 (1421.8) Enne Kapernaumast lahkumist vestles Jeesus kaua oma uue sõbra ja lähedase kaaslase Johannes Sebedeusega. Ta rääkis Johannesele, et kavatseb palju reisida, kuni „tema tund polnud veel tulnud”, ja palus Johannest enda asemel saata iga kuu veidi raha tema perele Naatsaretti, senikaua kui tema väljateenitud summast jätkub. Ja Johannes tõotas talle: „Mu Õpetaja, ela oma elu, tee maailmas oma tööd, ma asendan sind selles ja igas muus asjas ning valvan sinu peret, nii nagu ma hoiaksin oma ema ja hoolitseksin oma vendade-õdede eest. Maksan oma isa käes hoiul olevat raha, nagu sa käskisid ja nagu seda võib vaja minna. Kui su raha otsa lõpeb ja ma sinult rohkem juurde ei saa, kuid su ema satub hätta, siis jagan ma temaga omaenda teenistust. Mine rahus oma teed. Ma asendan sind neis asjades.” 129:2.3 (1421.8) Before leaving Capernaum, Jesus had a long talk with his new-found friend and close companion, John Zebedee. He told John that he contemplated traveling extensively until “my hour shall come” and asked John to act in his stead in the matter of sending some money to the family at Nazareth each month until the funds due him should be exhausted. And John made him this promise: “My Teacher, go about your business, do your work in the world; I will act for you in this or any other matter, and I will watch over your family even as I would foster my own mother and care for my own brothers and sisters. I will disburse your funds which my father holds as you have directed and as they may be needed, and when your money has been expended, if I do not receive more from you, and if your mother is in need, then will I share my own earnings with her. Go your way in peace. I will act in your stead in all these matters.”
129:2.4 (1422.1) Kui Jeesus oli Jeruusalemma läinud, küsis Johannes oma isalt Sebedeuselt Jeesuse väljateenitud raha kohta ja üllatus, kui kuulis, et tegemist on nii suure summaga. Et Jeesus oli kõik täielikult nende kätte andnud, leppisid nad kokku, et on targem investeerida see summa kinnisvarasse ja kasutada teenitud tulu Naatsareti perekonna abistamiseks. Kuna Sebedeus teadis Kapernaumas üht väikest hüpoteegitud ja müüki antud maja, andis ta Johannesele korralduse osta see maja Jeesuse raha eest ja hooldada seda oma sõbra nimel. Johannes tegi, nagu isa oli talle soovitanud. Maja kahe aasta rendiga tasuti hüpoteeki ning koos päris suure summaga, mille Jeesus varsti Johannesele saatis, et perekond saaks seda vajaduse korral kasutada, oli võlasumma peaaegu koos. Sebedeus andis puuduva osa omalt poolt, et Johannes võiks ülejäänud osa hüpoteegist tähtajaks ära maksta, ja nii sai ta selle kahetoalise maja täielikult enda omandisse. Nii sai Jeesusest majaomanik, kuigi talle endale polnud sellest räägitudki. 129:2.4 (1422.1) Therefore, after Jesus had departed for Jerusalem, John consulted with his father, Zebedee, regarding the money due Jesus, and he was surprised that it was such a large sum. As Jesus had left the matter so entirely in their hands, they agreed that it would be the better plan to invest these funds in property and use the income for assisting the family at Nazareth; and since Zebedee knew of a little house in Capernaum which carried a mortgage and was for sale, he directed John to buy this house with Jesus’ money and hold the title in trust for his friend. And John did as his father advised him. For two years the rent of this house was applied on the mortgage, and this, augmented by a certain large fund which Jesus presently sent up to John to be used as needed by the family, almost equaled the amount of this obligation; and Zebedee supplied the difference, so that John paid up the remainder of the mortgage when it fell due, thereby securing clear title to this two-room house. In this way Jesus became the owner of a house in Capernaum, but he had not been told about it.
129:2.5 (1422.2) Kui perekond Naatsaretis kuulis Jeesuse Kapernaumast lahkumisest, siis nad ei teadnud, et Jeesus oli Johannesega rahalise kokkuleppe sõlminud, ja arvasid, et neil on aeg Jeesuse edasise abita hakkama saada. Jaakobusel oli Jeesusega tehtud leping meeles ja ta võttis vendade abiga perekonna eest hoolitsemise täielikult enda peale. 129:2.5 (1422.2) When the family at Nazareth heard that Jesus had departed from Capernaum, they, not knowing of this financial arrangement with John, believed the time had come for them to get along without any further help from Jesus. James remembered his contract with Jesus and, with the help of his brothers, forthwith assumed full responsibility for the care of the family.
129:2.6 (1422.3) Ent siirdume tagasi Jeruusalemma ja vaatame, mida Jeesus seal tegi. Peaaegu kaks kuud veetis ta suurema osa oma ajast templis, kuulates arutelusid ja külastades aegajalt erinevaid rabide koole. Sabatipäevad veetis ta enamasti Betaanias. 129:2.6 (1422.3) But let us go back to observe Jesus in Jerusalem. For almost two months he spent the greater part of his time listening to the temple discussions with occasional visits to the various schools of the rabbis. Most of the Sabbath days he spent at Bethany.
129:2.7 (1422.4) Jeesus oli võtnud Jeruusalemma kaasa Sebedeuse naise Saloome kirja, milles too tutvustas teda endisele ülempreestrile Hannasele „samahästi kui oma pojana”. Hannas veetis Jeesusega palju aega, külastades isiklikult koos temaga paljusid Jeruusalemma usuõpetajate akadeemiaid. Jeesus õppis neid koole põhjalikult tundma ja jälgis hoolikalt sealseid õpetamismeetodeid, kuid ei esitanud kunagi avalikult mitte ühtegi küsimust. Hannas pidas Jeesust suureks ja oli kimbatuses, mida talle soovitada. Ta tundis, et on rumal teha Jeesusele ettepanek asuda mõnda Jeruusalemma kooli õppima, ja ta teadis ka hästi, et Jeesusele ei antaks kunagi tavalise õpetaja õigusi, sest ta pole kunagi neis koolides õppinud. 129:2.7 (1422.4) Jesus had carried with him to Jerusalem a letter from Salome, Zebedee’s wife, introducing him to the former high priest, Annas, as “one, the same as my own son.” Annas spent much time with him, personally taking him to visit the many academies of the Jerusalem religious teachers. While Jesus thoroughly inspected these schools and carefully observed their methods of teaching, he never so much as asked a single question in public. Although Annas looked upon Jesus as a great man, he was puzzled as to how to advise him. He recognized the foolishness of suggesting that he enter any of the schools of Jerusalem as a student, and yet he well knew Jesus would never be accorded the status of a regular teacher inasmuch as he had never been trained in these schools.
129:2.8 (1422.5) Peagi lähenes paasapühaaeg ja koos igast kandist saabuvate hulkadega jõudis Jeruusalemma Kapernaumast ka Sebedeus kogu oma perega. Nad kõik peatusid Hannase ruumikas kodus, kus pühitsesid ühe õnneliku perena paasapüha. 129:2.8 (1422.5) Presently the time of the Passover drew near, and along with the throngs from every quarter there arrived at Jerusalem from Capernaum, Zebedee and his entire family. They all stopped at the spacious home of Annas, where they celebrated the Passover as one happy family.
129:2.9 (1422.6) Enne selle paasapühanädala lõppu kohtas Jeesus pealtnäha juhuslikult üht rikast rändurit ja tema poega, umbes seitsmeteistkümneaastast noormeest. Need Indiast tulnud rännumehed olid teel Rooma ja kavatsesid külastada ka mitmeid muid Vahemere-äärseid paiku. Nad olid saabunud Jeruusalemma meelega paasapüha ajal, lootes leida seal kedagi, keda nad võiksid palgata mõlemale tõlgiks ja pojale eraõpetajaks. Isa veenis Jeesust, et too nõustuks nendega kaasa reisima. Jeesus rääkis talle oma perest ning arvas, et vaevalt oleks aus lahkuda peaaegu kaheks aastaks, sest nad võivad vahepeal hätta sattuda. Siis aga lubas see idamaine rändur Jeesusele ühe aasta palga ette maksta, et ta saaks selle raha oma sõprade hoolde usaldada, kes tema peret häda korral kindlustaksid. Nii nõustuski Jeesus reisile minema. 129:2.9 (1422.6) Before the end of this Passover week, by apparent chance, Jesus met a wealthy traveler and his son, a young man about seventeen years of age. These travelers hailed from India, and being on their way to visit Rome and various other points on the Mediterranean, they had arranged to arrive in Jerusalem during the Passover, hoping to find someone whom they could engage as interpreter for both and tutor for the son. The father was insistent that Jesus consent to travel with them. Jesus told him about his family and that it was hardly fair to go away for almost two years, during which time they might find themselves in need. Whereupon, this traveler from the Orient proposed to advance to Jesus the wages of one year so that he could intrust such funds to his friends for the safeguarding of his family against want. And Jesus agreed to make the trip.
129:2.10 (1423.1) Jeesus andis raha Sebedeuse poja Johannese kätte ning teile juba jutustati, kuidas Johannes kasutas seda Kapernauma kinnisvara hüpoteegi tasumiseks. Jeesus rääkis Vahemere-reisist usalduslikult Sebedeusele, kuid keelas sellest kellelegi teisele, isegi omaenda sugulastele rääkida, ja Sebedeus ei avaldanudki kunagi kellelegi, et teadis, kus Jeesus selle pika, peaaegu kaheaastase äraoleku ajal viibis. Enne Jeesuse tagasi jõudmist oli Naatsareti pere hakanud teda peaaegu surnuks pidama. Maarja südames hoidsid lootust ülal ainult oma pojaga korduvalt Naatsaretti külastanud Sebedeuse julgustused. 129:2.10 (1423.1) Jesus turned this large sum over to John the son of Zebedee. And you have been told how John applied this money toward the liquidation of the mortgage on the Capernaum property. Jesus took Zebedee fully into his confidence regarding this Mediterranean journey, but he enjoined him to tell no man, not even his own flesh and blood, and Zebedee never did disclose his knowledge of Jesus’ whereabouts during this long period of almost two years. Before Jesus’ return from this trip the family at Nazareth had just about given him up as dead. Only the assurances of Zebedee, who went up to Nazareth with his son John on several occasions, kept hope alive in Mary’s heart.
129:2.11 (1423.2) Sel ajal läks Naatsareti perel väga hästi. Juudas oli oma panust tunduvalt suurendanud ja maksis seda suurenenud summat perele kuni oma abiellumiseni. Vaatamata sellele, et nad vajasid vähe abi, tavatses Johannes Sebedeus kord kuus Maarjale ja Rutile kingitusi viia, nagu Jeesus oli talle ülesandeks teinud. 129:2.11 (1423.2) During this time the Nazareth family got along very well; Jude had considerably increased his quota and kept up this extra contribution until he was married. Notwithstanding that they required little assistance, it was the practice of John Zebedee to take presents each month to Mary and Ruth, as Jesus had instructed him.
3. Kahekümne üheksas eluaasta (23. a pKr) ^top 3. The Twenty-Ninth Year (A.D. 23) ^top
129:3.1 (1423.3) Kogu Jeesuse kahekümne üheksas eluaasta kulus Vahemere-maailma reisile. Põhisündmusteks, nii palju kui meil on lubatud neid kogemusi ilmutada, on lood, mis vahetult järgnevad käesolevale kirjale. 129:3.1 (1423.3) The whole of Jesus’ twenty-ninth year was spent finishing up the tour of the Mediterranean world. The main events, as far as we have permission to reveal these experiences, constitute the subjects of the narratives which immediately follow this paper.
129:3.2 (1423.4) Kogu selle reisi kestel Rooma maailmas tunti Jeesust mitmel põhjusel Damaskuse kirjatundjana. Korintoses ja teistes peatuspaikades tagasiteel tunti teda aga juudist eraõpetajana. 129:3.2 (1423.4) Throughout this tour of the Roman world, for many reasons, Jesus was known as the Damascus scribe. At Corinth and other stops on the return trip he was, however, known as the Jewish tutor.
129:3.3 (1423.5) See oli Jeesuse elus sündmusrikas periood. Reisil kohtas ta palju inimesi, kuid see kogemus on üks tema elu etapp, millest ta ei rääkinud kunagi ühelegi oma pereliikmele ega ühelegi apostlile. Jeesus elas lihalikku elu ja lahkus sellest maailmast, ilma et keegi (peale Sebedeuse Betsaidast) oleks sellest pikast reisist kuulnud. Mõned ta sõbrad arvasid, et ta on Damaskusesse tagasi pöördunud, teised, et ta on Indiasse läinud. Ta oma perekond kaldus arvama, et ta on Aleksandrias, sest nad teadsid, et teda oli kord sinna hazani abiks kutsutud. 129:3.3 (1423.5) This was an eventful period in Jesus’ life. While on this journey he made many contacts with his fellow men, but this experience is a phase of his life which he never revealed to any member of his family nor to any of the apostles. Jesus lived out his life in the flesh and departed from this world without anyone (save Zebedee of Bethsaida) knowing that he had made this extensive trip. Some of his friends thought he had returned to Damascus; others thought he had gone to India. His own family inclined to the belief that he was in Alexandria, as they knew that he had once been invited to go there for the purpose of becoming an assistant chazan.
129:3.4 (1423.6) Kui Jeesus Palestiinasse tagasi tuli, ei hakanud ta perekonna arvamust oma Aleksandrias viibimise kohta ümber lükkama, vaid lasi neil uskuda, et ta oli kogu Palestiinast ära oldud aja selles hariduse- ja kultuurikeskuses veetnud. Tõde teadis ainult Betsaida paadiehitaja Sebedeus, kes ei rääkinud aga midagi. 129:3.4 (1423.6) When Jesus returned to Palestine, he did nothing to change the opinion of his family that he had gone from Jerusalem to Alexandria; he permitted them to continue in the belief that all the time he had been absent from Palestine had been spent in that city of learning and culture. Only Zebedee the boatbuilder of Bethsaida knew the facts about these matters, and Zebedee told no one.
129:3.5 (1423.7) Kõigis oma pingutustes Jeesuse elu Urantial lahti mõtestada peate meeles pidama Miikaeli annetumise motiivi. Selleks, et paljudest tema pealtnäha imelikest tegemistest aru saada, peate nägema eesmärki, millega ta teie maailmas viibis. Ta jälgis pidevalt, et ei looks endale liialt atraktiivset ja tähelepanu äratavat isiklikku elukäiku. Ta ei tahtnud näida oma kaasinimestele ebatavalise ega vastupandamatuna. Ta oli pühendunud taevase Isa ilmutamisele oma kaassurelikele ja samal ajal ülevale ülesandele elada maa peal oma surelikku elu, alludes kogu aeg sellesama Paradiisi-Isa tahtele. 129:3.5 (1423.7) In all your efforts to decipher the meaning of Jesus’ life on Urantia, you must be mindful of the motivation of the Michael bestowal. If you would comprehend the meaning of many of his apparently strange doings, you must discern the purpose of his sojourn on your world. He was consistently careful not to build up an overattractive and attention-consuming personal career. He wanted to make no unusual or overpowering appeals to his fellow men. He was dedicated to the work of revealing the heavenly Father to his fellow mortals and at the same time was consecrated to the sublime task of living his mortal earth life all the while subject to the will of the same Paradise Father.
129:3.6 (1424.1) Jeesuse maise elu paremaks mõistmiseks tuleks kõigil jumaliku annetumise surelikel tundmaõppijatel alati meeles pidada, et elades oma kehastunud elu Urantial, elas ta seda kogu oma universumi heaks. Sureliku olemusega lihas elatud eluga kaasnes midagi erilist ja innustavat iga asustatud sfääri jaoks kogu Nebadoni universumis. Sama kehtib kõigi nende maailmade kohta, mis on asustatud pärast tema Urantial viibimise sündmusrikkaid aegu. Ja samavõrd kehtib see ka kõigi maailmade kohta, mida võidakse selle kohaliku universumi kogu tulevase ajaloo jooksul tahteolenditega asustada. 129:3.6 (1424.1) It will also always be helpful in understanding Jesus’ life on earth if all mortal students of this divine bestowal will remember that, while he lived this life of incarnation on Urantia, he lived it for his entire universe. There was something special and inspiring associated with the life he lived in the flesh of mortal nature for every single inhabited sphere throughout all the universe of Nebadon. The same is also true of all those worlds which have become habitable since the eventful times of his sojourn on Urantia. And it will likewise be equally true of all worlds which may become inhabited by will creatures in all the future history of this local universe.
129:3.7 (1424.2) Sellel reisil Rooma maailmas ja seal omandatud kogemustega viis Inimese Poeg õppeotstarbelised kokkupuuted oma aja ja põlvkonna maailma erinevate rahvastega praktiliselt lõpule. Naatsaretti tagasipöördumise ajaks oli ta selle õpireisi kaudu peaaegu selgeks saanud, kuidas inimesed Urantial elavad ja oma olemasoluga toime tulevad. 129:3.7 (1424.2) The Son of Man, during the time and through the experiences of this tour of the Roman world, practically completed his educational contact-training with the diversified peoples of the world of his day and generation. By the time of his return to Nazareth, through the medium of this travel-training he had just about learned how man lived and wrought out his existence on Urantia.
129:3.8 (1424.3) Ümber Vahemere vesistu reisides oli tema tõeline eesmärk inimesi tundma õppida. Ta jõudis sel reisil inimkonna sadadele esindajatele väga lähedale. Ta kohtas ja armastas igat liiki inimesi — rikkaid ja vaeseid, ülikuid ja alamaid, musti ja valgeid, harituid ja harimatuid, kultuurseid ja kultuurituid, lihalikke ja vaimseid, usklikke ja uskmatuid, moraalseid ja moraalituid. 129:3.8 (1424.3) The real purpose of his trip around the Mediterranean basin was to know men. He came very close to hundreds of humankind on this journey. He met and loved all manner of men, rich and poor, high and low, black and white, educated and uneducated, cultured and uncultured, animalistic and spiritual, religious and irreligious, moral and immoral.
129:3.9 (1424.4) Sellel Vahemere-reisil tegi Jeesus oma ainelise ja sureliku meele valdamise inimliku ülesande täitmisel suuri edusamme ning tema sisimas elav Kohandaja suutis seda inimintellekti üha kõrgemale viia ja vaimselt vallata. Selle rännaku lõpuks Jeesus peaaegu teadis — kogu inimliku kindlustundega —, et ta on Jumala Poeg, Kõikse Isa Looja-Poeg. Kohandaja suutis üha enam tuua Inimese Poja meelde ähmaseid mälestusi tema Paradiisi-kogemustest ajal, mil ta oli koos oma jumaliku Isaga, enne kui ta üldse asus seda Nebadoni kohalikku universumi korrastama ja haldama. Nii tõi Kohandaja Jeesuse inimteadvusesse vähehaaval neid vajalikke mälestusi tema endisest jumalikust eksistentsist peaaegu igavese mineviku erinevatelt epohhidelt. Viimane inimese-eelse eksistentsi episood, mille Kohandaja esile tõi, oli tema hüvastijätuvestlus Salvingtoni Immanueliga vahetult enne seda, kui ta loovutas oma teadvusega isiksuse, et alustada Urantial kehastumist. Ning see viimane mälupilt inimese-eelsest eksistentsist ilmus Jeesuse teadvusesse selgena samal päeval, mil Johannes teda Jordanis ristis. 129:3.9 (1424.4) On this Mediterranean journey Jesus made great advances in his human task of mastering the material and mortal mind, and his indwelling Adjuster made great progress in the ascension and spiritual conquest of this same human intellect. By the end of this tour Jesus virtually knew—with all human certainty—that he was a Son of God, a Creator Son of the Universal Father. The Adjuster more and more was able to bring up in the mind of the Son of Man shadowy memories of his Paradise experience in association with his divine Father ere he ever came to organize and administer this local universe of Nebadon. Thus did the Adjuster, little by little, bring to Jesus’ human consciousness those necessary memories of his former and divine existence in the various epochs of the well-nigh eternal past. The last episode of his prehuman experience to be brought forth by the Adjuster was his farewell conference with Immanuel of Salvington just before his surrender of conscious personality to embark upon the Urantia incarnation. And this final memory picture of prehuman existence was made clear in Jesus’ consciousness on the very day of his baptism by John in the Jordan.
4. Jeesus inimesena ^top 4. The Human Jesus ^top
129:4.1 (1424.5) Kohalikus universumis pealtvaatavatele taevastele intellektidele oli see Vahemerereis kõige põnevam Jeesuse maine kogemus, vähemalt enne tema ristilöömist ja surelikku surma. See oli tema isikliku teenimise paeluv periood, mis erines peagi järgnenud avaliku teenistuse epohhist. See ainulaadne episood oli seda kaasakiskuvam, et ta oli sel ajal veel Naatsareti puusepp, Kapernauma paadiehitaja, Damaskuse kirjatundja — ta oli ikka veel Inimese Poeg. Ta polnud veel oma inimmeelt täielikult valdama hakanud; Kohandaja ei olnud surelikku identiteeti täielikult vallanud ja sellele teisikut moodustanud. Ta oli ikka veel inimene inimeste seas. 129:4.1 (1424.5) To the onlooking celestial intelligences of the local universe, this Mediterranean trip was the most enthralling of all Jesus’ earth experiences, at least of all his career right up to the event of his crucifixion and mortal death. This was the fascinating period of his personal ministry in contrast with the soon-following epoch of public ministry. This unique episode was all the more engrossing because he was at this time still the carpenter of Nazareth, the boatbuilder of Capernaum, the scribe of Damascus; he was still the Son of Man. He had not yet achieved the complete mastery of his human mind; the Adjuster had not fully mastered and counterparted the mortal identity. He was still a man among men.
129:4.2 (1425.1) Inimese Poja puhtinimlik usukogemus — isiklik vaimne kasv — jõudis sellel kahekümne üheksandal eluaastal tippu. Selle vaimse arengu kogemuse omandas ta pideva järkjärgulise kasvuga alates Mõttekohandaja saabumisest kuni loomuliku ja normaalse inimsuhte lõpliku moodustumise ja kinnistumiseni ainelise inimmeele ja vaimu meel-annetuse vahel — selle kahe meele saamiseni üheks, mida Inimese Poeg täielikult ja lõplikult koges selle maailma surelikuks kehastununa päeval, mil ta Jordani jões ristiti. 129:4.2 (1425.1) The purely human religious experience—the personal spiritual growth—of the Son of Man well-nigh reached the apex of attainment during this, the twenty-ninth year. This experience of spiritual development was a consistently gradual growth from the moment of the arrival of his Thought Adjuster until the day of the completion and confirmation of that natural and normal human relationship between the material mind of man and the mind-endowment of the spirit—the phenomenon of the making of these two minds one, the experience which the Son of Man attained in completion and finality, as an incarnated mortal of the realm, on the day of his baptism in the Jordan.
129:4.3 (1425.2) Kõigi nende aastate jooksul, mil tal ei paistnud olevat nii pikka aega kindlakujulist läbikäimist oma taevase Isaga, täiustas ta üha tõhusamalt isiklikke ühendusepidamise meetodeid sisimas elava Paradiisi-Isa vaim-kohalolekuga. Ta elas tõelist, täisväärtuslikku elu, tõeliselt normaalset, loomulikku ja tavalist elu lihas. Ta teab oma isiklikust kogemusest aja ja ruumi aineliste maailmade inimolendite elu olemust ja kogu tegelikku sisu. 129:4.3 (1425.2) Throughout these years, while he did not appear to engage in so many seasons of formal communion with his Father in heaven, he perfected increasingly effective methods of personal communication with the indwelling spirit presence of the Paradise Father. He lived a real life, a full life, and a truly normal, natural, and average life in the flesh. He knows from personal experience the equivalent of the actuality of the entire sum and substance of the living of the life of human beings on the material worlds of time and space.
129:4.4 (1425.3) Inimese Poeg koges seda inimlike emotsioonide laia diapasooni, mis ulatub ülimast rõõmust sügava kurbuseni. Ta oli haruldaselt hea huumorimeelega rõõmus laps, aga ta oli ka „murede ja kurvastuse mees”. Vaimses mõttes elas ta läbi kogu sureliku elu alt üles ja algusest lõpuni. Ainelisest vaatepunktist ta ehk küll pääses inimeksistentsi mõlema sotsiaalse äärmuse läbielamisest, kuid intellektuaalselt sai ta inimkonna tervikliku ja täieliku kogemusega täiesti tuttavaks. 129:4.4 (1425.3) The Son of Man experienced those wide ranges of human emotion which reach from superb joy to profound sorrow. He was a child of joy and a being of rare good humor; likewise was he a “man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” In a spiritual sense, he did live through the mortal life from the bottom to the top, from the beginning to the end. From a material point of view, he might appear to have escaped living through both social extremes of human existence, but intellectually he became wholly familiar with the entire and complete experience of humankind.
129:4.5 (1425.4) Jeesus tunneb maailmade arenguliste ja tõususurelike mõtteid ja tundeid, tunge ja ajesid nende sünnist surmani. Ta on elanud inimelu alates füüsilise, intellektuaalse ja vaimse individuaalsuse algetest läbi imikuea, lapsepõlve, nooruki- ja täiskasvanuea kuni inimliku surmakogemuseni. Vähe sellest, et ta läbis need tavalised ja tuttavad inimlikud intellektuaalse ja vaimse arengu perioodid, ta koges ka täielikult neid inimese ja Kohandaja vahelise kooskõla kõrgemaid ja arenenumaid etappe, milleni jõuavad üldse vaid vähesed Urantia surelikud. Ta koges sureliku inimese täisväärtuslikku elu mitte ainult nii, nagu seda teie maailmas elatakse, vaid ka sel moel, nagu seda elatakse kõigis teistes aja ja ruumi arengulistes maailmades, isegi kõige kõrgemates ja arenenumates, valgusesse ja ellu asetunud maailmades. 129:4.5 (1425.4) Jesus knows about the thoughts and feelings, the urges and impulses, of the evolutionary and ascendant mortals of the realms, from birth to death. He has lived the human life from the beginnings of physical, intellectual, and spiritual selfhood up through infancy, childhood, youth, and adulthood—even to the human experience of death. He not only passed through these usual and familiar human periods of intellectual and spiritual advancement, but he also fully experienced those higher and more advanced phases of human and Adjuster reconciliation which so few Urantia mortals ever attain. And thus he experienced the full life of mortal man, not only as it is lived on your world, but also as it is lived on all other evolutionary worlds of time and space, even on the highest and most advanced of all the worlds settled in light and life.
129:4.6 (1425.5) Kuigi see täiuslik elu, mida ta sureliku ihus elas, ei leidnud ehk temaga samal ajal maakeral elanud kaassurelike tingimatut ja igakülgset heakskiitu, tunnistas Kõikne Isa Jeesus Naatsaretlase elu lihas ja Urantial täielikult ja tingimusteta kui isiksuseelu, mis ühtaegu ilmutas täielikult surelikule inimesele igavest Jumalat ja esitas Lõpmatu Looja rahulduseks täiustunud inimisiksust. 129:4.6 (1425.5) Although this perfect life which he lived in the likeness of mortal flesh may not have received the unqualified and universal approval of his fellow mortals, those who chanced to be his contemporaries on earth, still, the life which Jesus of Nazareth lived in the flesh and on Urantia did receive full and unqualified acceptance by the Universal Father as constituting at one and the same time, and in one and the same personality-life, the fullness of the revelation of the eternal God to mortal man and the presentation of perfected human personality to the satisfaction of the Infinite Creator.
129:4.7 (1425.6) Ning see oli tema tõeline ja kõrgeim eesmärk. Ta ei tulnud Urantiale elama ühegi ei selle ega muu ajastu lapse ega täiskasvanu, mehe ega naise täiuslikul ja üksikasjalikul kujul. On tõesti tõsi, et tema täisväärtuslik, rikkalik, kaunis ja üllas elu võib pakkuda meile kõigile palju oivalist eeskuju ja jumalikku innustust, kuid seda sellepärast, et ta elas tõeliselt ja ehtsalt inimlikku elu. Jeesus ei elanud oma elu maa peal eeskujuna, mida kõik teised inimolendid võiksid jäljendada. Tema elu lihas oli täidetud samast halastavast hoolekandest, millega te kõik võite oma maised elud täita, ning elades oma surelikku elu oma ajas ja sellisena, nagu tema oli, andis ta sellega eeskuju meile kõigile meie elus oma ajas ja sellistena, nagu meie oleme. Te ei pea püüdma elada tema elu, kuid võite otsustada elada oma elu samuti ja samal viisil, nagu tema elas oma elu. Jeesus ei tarvitse olla otsene ja üksikasjaline eeskuju kõigile kõigi aegade surelikele kõigis selle kohaliku universumi maailmades, kuid ta on igikestev innustaja ja teejuht kõigile Paradiisi palveränduritele tõusu alguse maailmadest läbi universumite universumi ja edasi läbi Havona kuni Paradiisini. Jeesus on uus ja elav tee inimesest Jumalani, osalisest täiuslikuni, maisest taevaseni, ajast igavikku. 129:4.7 (1425.6) And this was his true and supreme purpose. He did not come down to live on Urantia as the perfect and detailed example for any child or adult, any man or woman, in that age or any other. True it is, indeed, that in his full, rich, beautiful, and noble life we may all find much that is exquisitely exemplary, divinely inspiring, but this is because he lived a true and genuinely human life. Jesus did not live his life on earth in order to set an example for all other human beings to copy. He lived this life in the flesh by the same mercy ministry that you all may live your lives on earth; and as he lived his mortal life in his day and as he was, so did he thereby set the example for all of us thus to live our lives in our day and as we are. You may not aspire to live his life, but you can resolve to live your lives even as, and by the same means that, he lived his. Jesus may not be the technical and detailed example for all the mortals of all ages on all the realms of this local universe, but he is everlastingly the inspiration and guide of all Paradise pilgrims from the worlds of initial ascension up through a universe of universes and on through Havona to Paradise. Jesus is the new and living way from man to God, from the partial to the perfect, from the earthly to the heavenly, from time to eternity.
129:4.8 (1426.1) Kahekümne üheksanda eluaasta lõpuks oli Jeesus Naatsaretlane lihas viibivatelt surelikelt nõutava elu praktiliselt lõpuni elanud. Ta saabus maa peale inimeses avalduva täiusliku Jumalana — nüüd oli temast saanud peaaegu täiuslik inimene, kes ootas võimalust avalduda Jumalale. Ning ta jõudis selleni peaaegu enne kolmekümneaastaseks saamist. 129:4.8 (1426.1) By the end of the twenty-ninth year Jesus of Nazareth had virtually finished the living of the life required of mortals as sojourners in the flesh. He came on earth the fullness of God to be manifest to man; he had now become well-nigh the perfection of man awaiting the occasion to become manifest to God. And he did all of this before he was thirty years of age.