136. Kiri Paper 136
Ristimine ja nelikümmend päeva Baptism and the Forty Days
136:0.1 (1509.1) JEESUS alustas oma avalikku tööd ajal, mil rahva huvi Johannese jutlustamise vastu oli kõrgpunktis, ja ajal, mil Palestiina juudi rahvas ootas innukalt messia ilmumist. Johannes ja Jeesus olid loomult üsna vastandlikud. Johannes oli innukas ja tõsimeelne töörügaja, kuid Jeesus tegi oma tööd rahulikult ja rõõmsameelselt; tal oli üldse vaid mõned korrad elus kiire olnud. Jeesus oli maailmale lohutus ja teatud mõttes eeskuju, Johannes eriti lohutust ega eeskuju ei pakkunud. Ta jutlustas taevariigist, kuid tajus vähe sellest sugenevat õnne. Jeesus rääkis küll Johannesest kui vana korra suurimast prohvetist, kuid ütles ka, et vähimadki neist, kes nägid uue tee suurt valgust ja astusid selle kaudu taevariiki, olid tegelikult Johannesest suuremad. 136:0.1 (1509.1) JESUS began his public work at the height of the popular interest in John’s preaching and at a time when the Jewish people of Palestine were eagerly looking for the appearance of the Messiah. There was a great contrast between John and Jesus. John was an eager and earnest worker, but Jesus was a calm and happy laborer; only a few times in his entire life was he ever in a hurry. Jesus was a comforting consolation to the world and somewhat of an example; John was hardly a comfort or an example. He preached the kingdom of heaven but hardly entered into the happiness thereof. Though Jesus spoke of John as the greatest of the prophets of the old order, he also said that the least of those who saw the great light of the new way and entered thereby into the kingdom of heaven was indeed greater than John.
136:0.2 (1509.2) Kui Johannes jutlustas tulevasest taevariigist, oli tema sõnumi sisu järgmine: Parandage meelt! Põgenege saabuva viha eest. Kui Jeesus jutlustama hakkas, manitses ka tema meelt parandama, kuid sellele sõnumile järgnes alati hea uudis uue taevariigi rõõmust ja vabadusest. 136:0.2 (1509.2) When John preached the coming kingdom, the burden of his message was: Repent! flee from the wrath to come. When Jesus began to preach, there remained the exhortation to repentance, but such a message was always followed by the gospel, the good tidings of the joy and liberty of the new kingdom.
1. Käsitused oodatud messiast ^top 1. Concepts of the Expected Messiah ^top
136:1.1 (1509.3) Juutidel oli oodatud vabastaja kohta palju ideid ja iga messia-õpetuste erinev koolkond viitas oma väidete tõestuseks mõnele heebreakeelsetes pühakirjades sisalduvale väitele. Juudid arvestasid oma rahva ajalugu üldiselt alates Aabrahamist ning see pidi kulmineeruma messia ja jumalariigi uue ajastu tulekuga. Nad olid kujutlenud seda vabastajat varasematel aegadel „Issanda teenrina”, seejärel „Inimese Pojana”, viimasel ajal olid aga mõned läinud isegi nii kaugele, et nimetasid messiat „Jumala Pojaks”. Ent ükskõik, kas teda nimetati „Aabrahami seemneks” või „Taaveti pojaks”, olid kõik nõus, et temast pidi saama messias, „võitu”. Nii arenes käsitus „Issanda teenrist” „Taaveti pojaks”, „Inimese Pojaks” ja „Jumala Pojaks”. 136:1.1 (1509.3) The Jews entertained many ideas about the expected deliverer, and each of these different schools of Messianic teaching was able to point to statements in the Hebrew scriptures as proof of their contentions. In a general way, the Jews regarded their national history as beginning with Abraham and culminating in the Messiah and the new age of the kingdom of God. In earlier times they had envisaged this deliverer as “the servant of the Lord,” then as “the Son of Man,” while latterly some even went so far as to refer to the Messiah as the “Son of God.” But no matter whether he was called the “seed of Abraham” or “the son of David,” all were agreed that he was to be the Messiah, the “anointed one.” Thus did the concept evolve from the “servant of the Lord” to the “son of David,” “Son of Man,” and “Son of God.”
136:1.2 (1509.4) Johannese ja Jeesuse ajal oli õpetatumatel juutidel kujunenud välja idee saabuvast messiast kui täiustunud ja esinduslikust iisraellasest, kelles kui „Issanda teenris” on ühendatud prohveti, preestri ja kuninga amet. 136:1.2 (1509.4) In the days of John and Jesus the more learned Jews had developed an idea of the coming Messiah as the perfected and representative Israelite, combining in himself as the “servant of the Lord” the threefold office of prophet, priest, and king.
136:1.3 (1509.5) Juudid uskusid siiralt, et kuna Mooses oli vabastanud nende isad Egiptuse vangipõlvest imetegudega, vabastab ka tulevane messias juudi rahva Rooma ülemvõimu alt veel suuremate ja vägevamate imedega, rahva triumfi imedega. Rabid olid kogunud pühakirjadest peaaegu viissada lõiku, mis vaatamata oma näilistele vasturääkivustele kuulutasid nende väitel ette tulevast messiat. Ning keset kõiki neid detaile aja, meetodi ja funktsiooni kohta kaotasid nad peaaegu täielikult silmist tõotatud messia isiksuse. Nad ootasid juudi rahva hiilguse — Iisraeli ajaliku ülendamise taastamist, mitte aga maailma päästmist. Seetõttu on selge, et Jeesus Naatsaretlane ei saanud kunagi seda juudi meele materialistlikku messia-käsitust rahuldada. Oleksid nad vaid neid prohvetlikke ütlusi teistsuguses valguses vaadelnud, oleksid paljud nende väidetavad ettekuulutused messiast valmistanud nende meelt väga loomulikult ette Jeesuse tunnustamiseks ühe ajastu lõpetaja ja uue, parema, kõigile rahvastele halastust ja pääsmist toova usulise elukorralduse sissejuhatajana. 136:1.3 (1509.5) The Jews devoutly believed that, as Moses had delivered their fathers from Egyptian bondage by miraculous wonders, so would the coming Messiah deliver the Jewish people from Roman domination by even greater miracles of power and marvels of racial triumph. The rabbis had gathered together almost five hundred passages from the Scriptures which, notwithstanding their apparent contradictions, they averred were prophetic of the coming Messiah. And amidst all these details of time, technique, and function, they almost completely lost sight of the personality of the promised Messiah. They were looking for a restoration of Jewish national glory—Israel’s temporal exaltation—rather than for the salvation of the world. It therefore becomes evident that Jesus of Nazareth could never satisfy this materialistic Messianic concept of the Jewish mind. Many of their reputed Messianic predictions, had they but viewed these prophetic utterances in a different light, would have very naturally prepared their minds for a recognition of Jesus as the terminator of one age and the inaugurator of a new and better dispensation of mercy and salvation for all nations.
136:1.4 (1510.1) Juudid olid kasvatatud uskuma shekinah-doktriini. Ent seda Jumaliku Kohalolu väidetavat sümbolit ei olnud templis näha. Nad uskusid, et messia tulek taastab selle. Neil olid segadust tekitavad arusaamad inimsoo patust ja inimese oletatavalt pahelisest loomusest. Mõned õpetasid, et Aadama patt oli toonud inimsoole needuse ning et messias kõrvaldab selle ja toob inimesele tagasi jumaliku soosingu. Teised õpetasid, et Jumal oli pannud inimesse teda luues nii hea kui ka halva, kui ta aga nägi, mis sellest välja tuli, oli ta väga pettunud ja „kahetses, et oli inimese selliseks loonud”. Ning need, kes seda õpetasid, uskusid, et messias tuleb vabastama inimest talle omasest pahelisusest. 136:1.4 (1510.1) The Jews had been brought up to believe in the doctrine of the Shekinah. But this reputed symbol of the Divine Presence was not to be seen in the temple. They believed that the coming of the Messiah would effect its restoration. They held confusing ideas about racial sin and the supposed evil nature of man. Some taught that Adam’s sin had cursed the human race, and that the Messiah would remove this curse and restore man to divine favor. Others taught that God, in creating man, had put into his being both good and evil natures; that when he observed the outworking of this arrangement, he was greatly disappointed, and that “He repented that he had thus made man.” And those who taught this believed that the Messiah was to come in order to redeem man from this inherent evil nature.
136:1.5 (1510.2) Enamik juute uskus, et nad kiduvad Rooma võimu all edasi oma rahva pattude ja paganatest pöördunute leiguse pärast. Juudi rahvas polnud kahetsenud kõigest südamest ja seepärast messia saabumine viibiski. Räägiti palju meeleparandusest ning seepärast mõjus võimsalt ja vahetult Johannese jutluste kutse „Parandage meelt ja laske end ristida, sest taevariik on lähedal”. Taevariik võis aga tähendada igale vagale juudile ainult üht: messia tulekut. 136:1.5 (1510.2) The majority of the Jews believed that they continued to languish under Roman rule because of their national sins and because of the halfheartedness of the gentile proselytes. The Jewish nation had not wholeheartedly repented; therefore did the Messiah delay his coming. There was much talk about repentance; wherefore the mighty and immediate appeal of John’s preaching, “Repent and be baptized, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” And the kingdom of heaven could mean only one thing to any devout Jew: The coming of the Messiah.
136:1.6 (1510.3) Üks joon Miikaeli annetumises oli juutide messia-käsitusele täiesti võõras ja see oli kahe olemuse, inimliku ja jumaliku liit. Juutidel oli messiast erinevaid ettekujutusi kui täiuslikkuse saavutanud inimlikust, üleinimlikust ja isegi jumalikust vabastajast, kuid nad ei mõelnud kunagi inimliku ja jumaliku olemuse liidust. See oli Jeesuse varastele jüngritele suur komistuskivi. Nad mõistsid varasemate prohvetite esitatud inimlikku messia-käsitust Taaveti pojast, Taanieli ja mõningate hilisemate prohvetite üleinimlikku ideed Inimese Pojast ja Eenoki raamatu autori ning mõnede tema kaasaegsete käsitust Jumala Pojast, kuid neile polnud hetkekski pähe tulnud käsitus kahe olemuse, inimliku ja jumaliku olemuse liidust ühes maises isiksuses. Looja kehastumist loodud-olendi kujul polnud ette kuulutatud. Seda ilmutati alles Jeesuses, maailm ei teadnud neist asjust midagi, enne kui Looja-Poeg sai lihaks ja elas maailma surelike seas. 136:1.6 (1510.3) There was one feature of the bestowal of Michael which was utterly foreign to the Jewish conception of the Messiah, and that was the union of the two natures, the human and the divine. The Jews had variously conceived of the Messiah as perfected human, superhuman, and even as divine, but they never entertained the concept of the union of the human and the divine. And this was the great stumbling block of Jesus’ early disciples. They grasped the human concept of the Messiah as the son of David, as presented by the earlier prophets; as the Son of Man, the superhuman idea of Daniel and some of the later prophets; and even as the Son of God, as depicted by the author of the Book of Enoch and by certain of his contemporaries; but never had they for a single moment entertained the true concept of the union in one earth personality of the two natures, the human and the divine. The incarnation of the Creator in the form of the creature had not been revealed beforehand. It was revealed only in Jesus; the world knew nothing of such things until the Creator Son was made flesh and dwelt among the mortals of the realm.
2. Jeesuse ristimine ^top 2. The Baptism of Jesus ^top
136:2.1 (1510.4) Jeesus ristiti Johannese jutlustamistöö kõrghetkel, mil Palestiina leegitses tema sõnade „Jumalariik on lähedal” äratatud ootuses; kui kogu juutkond tegeles tõsise ja pühaliku eneseuurimisega. Juutide rahvuslik solidaarsustunne oli väga sügav. Juudid uskusid nii seda, et isa patud võivad tema lapsi kahjustada, kui ka seda, et ühe üksikisiku patt võib tuua kaasa needuse kogu rahvale. Seega ei arvanud mitte kõik, kes end Johannesel ristida lasid, et neil on süüd konkreetsetes pattudes, mida Johannes hukka mõistis. Johannes ristis paljusid vagasid hingi Iisraeli hüvanguks. Nad kartsid, et messia tulek võib viibida mõne nende teadmatusest tuleneva patu tõttu. Nad tundsid end kuuluvat süüdioleva ja patust neetud rahva hulka ning lasid end ristida selleks, et kuulutada sellega rahva teoks saanud meeleparandust. Seepärast on selge, et Jeesus ei lasknud Johannesel end ristida mitte mingil juhul meeleparanduse riitusena ega pattude andekssaamiseks. Johanneselt ristimist vastu võttes järgis Jeesus ainult paljude vagade iisraellaste eeskuju. 136:2.1 (1510.4) Jesus was baptized at the very height of John’s preaching when Palestine was aflame with the expectancy of his message—“the kingdom of God is at hand”—when all Jewry was engaged in serious and solemn self-examination. The Jewish sense of racial solidarity was very profound. The Jews not only believed that the sins of the father might afflict his children, but they firmly believed that the sin of one individual might curse the nation. Accordingly, not all who submitted to John’s baptism regarded themselves as being guilty of the specific sins which John denounced. Many devout souls were baptized by John for the good of Israel. They feared lest some sin of ignorance on their part might delay the coming of the Messiah. They felt themselves to belong to a guilty and sin-cursed nation, and they presented themselves for baptism that they might by so doing manifest fruits of race penitence. It is therefore evident that Jesus in no sense received John’s baptism as a rite of repentance or for the remission of sins. In accepting baptism at the hands of John, Jesus was only following the example of many pious Israelites.
136:2.2 (1511.1) Kui Jeesus Naatsaretlane läks Jordanisse, et end ristida lasta, oli ta selle maailma surelik, kes oli jõudnud kõigis meele valdamise ja vaimuga samastumise küsimustes inimliku arengu tippu. Ta seisis tol päeval Jordanis aja ja ruumi arenguliste maailmade täiustunud surelikuna. Jeesuse sureliku meele ja sisimas elava vaim-Kohandaja, tema Paradiisi-Isa jumaliku kingituse vahele oli loodud täiuslik sünkroonsus ja täielik side. Ning just niisugune Kohandaja asub alates Miikaeli tõusust oma universumi juhiks kõigi urantial elavate normaalsete olendite sisimas, ainsaks erinevuseks see, et Jeesuse Kohandaja oli selleks eriülesandeks ette valmistatud samasuguse eluga ühe teise sureliku ihus kehastunud üleinimliku olendi — Machiventa Melkisedeki — sisimas. 136:2.2 (1511.1) When Jesus of Nazareth went down into the Jordan to be baptized, he was a mortal of the realm who had attained the pinnacle of human evolutionary ascension in all matters related to the conquest of mind and to self-identification with the spirit. He stood in the Jordan that day a perfected mortal of the evolutionary worlds of time and space. Perfect synchrony and full communication had become established between the mortal mind of Jesus and the indwelling spirit Adjuster, the divine gift of his Father in Paradise. And just such an Adjuster indwells all normal beings living on Urantia since the ascension of Michael to the headship of his universe, except that Jesus’ Adjuster had been previously prepared for this special mission by similarly indwelling another superhuman incarnated in the likeness of mortal flesh, Machiventa Melchizedek.
136:2.3 (1511.2) Kui maailma surelik jõuab isiksuse täiuslikkuse nii kõrgetele tasanditele, toimuvad tavaliselt need vaimsele ülenemisele eelnevad nähtused, mis lõpevad sureliku küpse hinge sulandumisega oma jumaliku Kohandajaga. Niisugust muutust pidi ilmselt kogema ka Jeesus Naatsaretlase isiksus sel päeval, mil ta läks koos oma kahe vennaga Jordani vette, et end Johannesel ristida lasta. Selle tseremooniaga lõppes tema puhtinimlik elu urantial ja paljud üleinimlikud vaatlejad lootsid näha Kohandaja sulandumist meelega, mille sisimas see elas, kuid neil kõigil tuli pettuda. Juhtus midagi uut ja veelgi tähtsamat. Kui Johannes oma käed ristimiseks Jeesuse kohale asetas, lahkus sisimas elanud Kohandaja lõplikult Joosua ben Joosepi täiustunud inimhingest. Ning mõne hetke pärast pöördus see jumalik olemusvorm Diviningtonist tagasi Isikustatud Kohandajana ja omasuguste valitsejana kogu Nebadoni kohalikus universumis. Jeesus nägigi siis omaenda endist jumalikku vaimu, kes isikustatud kujul tagasi tuli, laskuvat enese peale. Ning ta kuulis sedasama Paradiisist pärit vaimu nüüd rääkimas ja talle ütlemas: „See on mu armas Poeg, kellest mul on hea meel.” Ning neid sõnu kuulis ka Johannes koos Jeesuse kahe vennaga. Vee ääres seisvad Johannese jüngrid neid sõnu ei kuulnud ega näinud ka Isikustatud Kohandaja ilmumist. Isikustatud Kohandajat nägid ainult Jeesuse silmad. 136:2.3 (1511.2) Ordinarily, when a mortal of the realm attains such high levels of personality perfection, there occur those preliminary phenomena of spiritual elevation which terminate in eventual fusion of the matured soul of the mortal with its associated divine Adjuster. And such a change was apparently due to take place in the personality experience of Jesus of Nazareth on that very day when he went down into the Jordan with his two brothers to be baptized by John. This ceremony was the final act of his purely human life on Urantia, and many superhuman observers expected to witness the fusion of the Adjuster with its indwelt mind, but they were all destined to suffer disappointment. Something new and even greater occurred. As John laid his hands upon Jesus to baptize him, the indwelling Adjuster took final leave of the perfected human soul of Joshua ben Joseph. And in a few moments this divine entity returned from Divinington as a Personalized Adjuster and chief of his kind throughout the entire local universe of Nebadon. Thus did Jesus observe his own former divine spirit descending on its return to him in personalized form. And he heard this same spirit of Paradise origin now speak, saying, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” And John, with Jesus’ two brothers, also heard these words. John’s disciples, standing by the water’s edge, did not hear these words, neither did they see the apparition of the Personalized Adjuster. Only the eyes of Jesus beheld the Personalized Adjuster.
136:2.4 (1511.3) Kui tagasipöördunud ja nüüd ülendatud Isikustatud Kohandaja oli seda öelnud, saabus vaikus. Neli meest olid veel vees ja Jeesus palvetas läheduses viibiva Kohandaja poole vaadates: „Mu Isa, kes sa valitsed taevas, pühitsetud olgu sinu nimi. Sinu riik tulgu! Sinu tahtmine sündigu nagu taevas nõnda ka maa peal.” Kui ta oli palvetamise lõpetanud, siis „taevad avanesid” ja nüüd nägi Inimese Poeg Isikustatud Kohandaja ilmutust endast kui Jumala Pojast, nagu ta oli olnud enne seda, kui sureliku ihus maa peale tuli, ja milliseks pidi taas saama pärast kehastumiselu lõpulejõudmist. Seda taevast nägemust nägi ainult Jeesus. 136:2.4 (1511.3) When the returned and now exalted Personalized Adjuster had thus spoken, all was silence. And while the four of them tarried in the water, Jesus, looking up to the near-by Adjuster, prayed: “My Father who reigns in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come! Your will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven.” When he had prayed, the “heavens were opened,” and the Son of Man saw the vision, presented by the now Personalized Adjuster, of himself as a Son of God as he was before he came to earth in the likeness of mortal flesh, and as he would be when the incarnated life should be finished. This heavenly vision was seen only by Jesus.
136:2.5 (1512.1) Johannes ja Jeesus kuulsid Isikustatud Kohandaja häält, mis kõneles Kõikse Isa nimel, sest Kohandaja on Paradiisi-Isast ja esindab teda. Kogu Jeesuse ülejäänud maise elu oli see Isikustatud Kohandaja kõigis ettevõtmistes temaga kaasas, Jeesus suhtles selle ülendatud Kohandajaga pidevalt. 136:2.5 (1512.1) It was the voice of the Personalized Adjuster that John and Jesus heard, speaking in behalf of the Universal Father, for the Adjuster is of, and as, the Paradise Father. Throughout the remainder of Jesus’ earth life this Personalized Adjuster was associated with him in all his labors; Jesus was in constant communion with this exalted Adjuster.
136:2.6 (1512.2) Kui Jeesust ristiti, ei kahetsenud ta mingeid väärsamme — ta ei tunnistanud pattu. Ristimine tähendas tema jaoks pühendumist taevase Isa tahte täitmisele. Ristimise ajal kuulis ta eksimatult oma Isa hüüdu, lõplikku kutset alustada Isa ülesande täitmist, ning ta lahkus, et olla nelikümmend päeva üksi ja mõelda nendele paljudele probleemidele. Jäädes sel moel teatud ajaks kõrvale isiksuse aktiivsetest kontaktidest oma maiste kaaslastega, järgis Jeesus sellena, kes ta oli, ja nii, nagu see Urantial võimalik, sama korda, mis kehtib morontiamaailmades alati, kui tõususurelik sulab ühte tema sisimas viibiva Kõikse Isaga. 136:2.6 (1512.2) When Jesus was baptized, he repented of no misdeeds; he made no confession of sin. His was the baptism of consecration to the performance of the will of the heavenly Father. At his baptism he heard the unmistakable call of his Father, the final summons to be about his Father’s business, and he went away into private seclusion for forty days to think over these manifold problems. In thus retiring for a season from active personality contact with his earthly associates, Jesus, as he was and on Urantia, was following the very procedure that obtains on the morontia worlds whenever an ascending mortal fuses with the inner presence of the Universal Father.
136:2.7 (1512.3) See ristimispäev lõpetas Jeesuse puhtinimliku elu. Jumalik Poeg oli leidnud oma Isa, Kõikne Isa oli leidnud oma kehastunud Poja ja nad rääkisid teineteisega. 136:2.7 (1512.3) This day of baptism ended the purely human life of Jesus. The divine Son has found his Father, the Universal Father has found his incarnated Son, and they speak the one to the other.
136:2.8 (1512.4) (Jeesus oli ristimise ajal peaaegu kolmkümmend üks ja pool aastat vana. Luukas küll ütleb, et Jeesus ristiti keiser Tiberiuse valitsemisaja viieteistkümnendal aastal, mis pidi olema 29. a pKr, sest Augustus suri 14. a pKr, kuid tuleb arvestada, et Tiberius valitses kahe ja poole aasta vältel enne Augustuse surma koos Augustusega ja tema auks vermiti münte 11. a oktoobris pKr. Tema tegeliku valitsemisaja viieteistkümnes aasta oligi seega seesama 26. a pKr, mil Jeesus ristiti. Ning see oli ka sama aasta, mil Pontius Pilaatus sai maavalitsejaks Juudamaa üle.) 136:2.8 (1512.4) (Jesus was almost thirty-one and one-half years old when he was baptized. While Luke says that Jesus was baptized in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, which would be a.d. 29 since Augustus died in a.d. 14, it should be recalled that Tiberius was coemperor with Augustus for two and one-half years before the death of Augustus, having had coins struck in his honor in October, a.d. 11. The fifteenth year of his actual rule was, therefore, this very year of a.d. 26, that of Jesus’ baptism. And this was also the year that Pontius Pilate began his rule as governor of Judea.)
3. Nelikümmend päeva ^top 3. The Forty Days ^top
136:3.1 (1512.5) Jeesus oli teinud oma sureliku annetumise suure katsumuse läbi enne ristimist, kui ta viibis kuus nädalat Hermoni mäel kastemärjas. Seal Hermoni mäel oli ta selle maailma surelikuna ilma mingi abita kohanud Urantia trooni nõudlejat Caligastiat, selle maailma vürsti, ja ta alistanud. Sel sündmusrikkal päeval oli Jeesus Naatsaretlasest saanud Urantia Planeedivürst. See Urantia Vürst, keda pidi peagi kuulutatama Nebadoni kõrgeimaks Suverääniks, taandus nüüd neljakümneks päevaks koostama oma plaane ja määrama kindlaks meetodeid, kuidas uut jumalariiki inimsüdametes kuulutama hakata. 136:3.1 (1512.5) Jesus had endured the great temptation of his mortal bestowal before his baptism when he had been wet with the dews of Mount Hermon for six weeks. There on Mount Hermon, as an unaided mortal of the realm, he had met and defeated the Urantia pretender, Caligastia, the prince of this world. That eventful day, on the universe records, Jesus of Nazareth had become the Planetary Prince of Urantia. And this Prince of Urantia, so soon to be proclaimed supreme Sovereign of Nebadon, now went into forty days of retirement to formulate the plans and determine upon the technique of proclaiming the new kingdom of God in the hearts of men.
136:3.2 (1512.6) Pärast ristimist kohandas ta end neljakümne päeva jooksul maailma ja universumi muutunud suhetega, mille oli kutsunud esile tema Kohandaja isikustamine. Perea mägede üksinduses viibides otsustas ta, kuidas toimida ja mida teha oma maise elu uuel, muutunud etapil, mis oli kohe algamas. 136:3.2 (1512.6) After his baptism he entered upon the forty days of adjusting himself to the changed relationships of the world and the universe occasioned by the personalization of his Adjuster. During this isolation in the Perean hills he determined upon the policy to be pursued and the methods to be employed in the new and changed phase of earth life which he was about to inaugurate.
136:3.3 (1512.7) Jeesus ei tõmbunud üksindusse paastumiseks ega oma hinge piinamiseks. Ta polnud askeet ning ta hävitas hiljem igaveseks kõik niisugused arusaamad Jumalale lähenemisest. Teda ajendasid eraldatust otsima hoopis teistsugused põhjused kui Moosest ja Eelijat ja isegi Ristija Johannest. Jeesus sai nüüd täielikult teadlikuks oma suhtest omaloodud universumiga ja samuti universumite universumiga, mida juhtis Paradiisi-Isa, tema taevane Isa. Ta mäletas nüüd kõike, mida tema vanem vend Immanuel oli talle enne tema Urantial kehastumist annetumisülesandeks ja juhisteks andnud. Ta sai nüüd selgelt ja täielikult aru kõigist neist kaugeleulatuvatest suhetest ja soovis üheks vaikse mediteerimise perioodiks veidi aega ära olla, et välja töötada plaanid ja otsustada, kuidas oma avalikku tegevust selle maailma ja kõigi teiste kohaliku universumi maailmade heaks sooritama hakata. 136:3.3 (1512.7) Jesus did not go into retirement for the purpose of fasting and for the affliction of his soul. He was not an ascetic, and he came forever to destroy all such notions regarding the approach to God. His reasons for seeking this retirement were entirely different from those which had actuated Moses and Elijah, and even John the Baptist. Jesus was then wholly self-conscious concerning his relation to the universe of his making and also to the universe of universes, supervised by the Paradise Father, his Father in heaven. He now fully recalled the bestowal charge and its instructions administered by his elder brother, Immanuel, ere he entered upon his Urantia incarnation. He now clearly and fully comprehended all these far-flung relationships, and he desired to be away for a season of quiet meditation so that he could think out the plans and decide upon the procedures for the prosecution of his public labors in behalf of this world and for all other worlds in his local universe.
136:3.4 (1513.1) Mägedes uidates ja sobivat varjupaika otsides kohtas Jeesus oma universumi tegevjuhti Gabrieli, Nebadoni Helkjat Koidutähte. Gabriel hakkas nüüd taas universumi Looja-Pojaga isiklikult suhtlema. See oli nende esmakordne vahetu kohtumine pärast seda, kui Miikael oli Salvingtonil oma kaaslastest lahkunud, et minna Edentiale valmistuma Urantial annetumiseks. Vastavalt Immanuelilt saadud juhistele ja Uversa Päevilt Vanade korraldusele teatas Gabriel nüüd Jeesusele, et tema annetumiskogemus Urantial on peaaegu lõpule jõudnud, vähemalt tema universumi täiusliku suverääniseisuse ärateenimise ja Luciferi mässu lõpetamise osas. Esimene eesmärk saavutati tema ristimispäeval, kui Kohandaja isikustamine näitas, et annetumine sureliku ihus on täiuslikult lõpule jõudnud, ning teine sai ajalooliseks faktiks päeval, mil ta tuli Hermoni mäelt tagasi teda ootava noormehe Tiglati juurde. Nüüd olid kohaliku universumi ja superuniversumi kõrgeimad võimud Jeesusele teatanud, et tema annetumistöö on lõpule jõudnud, kuivõrd see puudutab tema isiklikku staatust seoses suveräänsuse ja mässuga. Ta oli juba saanud sellele kinnituse otse Paradiisist oma ristimisaegse nägemuse kaudu ja sellest andis tunnistust ka tema sisimas elava Mõttekohandaja isikustamine. 136:3.4 (1513.1) While wandering about in the hills, seeking a suitable shelter, Jesus encountered his universe chief executive, Gabriel, the Bright and Morning Star of Nebadon. Gabriel now re-established personal communication with the Creator Son of the universe; they met directly for the first time since Michael took leave of his associates on Salvington when he went to Edentia preparatory to entering upon the Urantia bestowal. Gabriel, by direction of Immanuel and on authority of the Uversa Ancients of Days, now laid before Jesus information indicating that his bestowal experience on Urantia was practically finished so far as concerned the earning of the perfected sovereignty of his universe and the termination of the Lucifer rebellion. The former was achieved on the day of his baptism when the personalization of his Adjuster demonstrated the perfection and completion of his bestowal in the likeness of mortal flesh, and the latter was a fact of history on that day when he came down from Mount Hermon to join the waiting lad, Tiglath. Jesus was now informed, upon the highest authority of the local universe and the superuniverse, that his bestowal work was finished in so far as it affected his personal status in relation to sovereignty and rebellion. He had already had this assurance direct from Paradise in the baptismal vision and in the phenomenon of the personalization of his indwelling Thought Adjuster.
136:3.5 (1513.2) Sel ajal, kui ta mäel viibis ja Gabrieliga vestles, ilmus Jeesuse ja Gabrieli juurde Edentia Tähtkuju Isa ise, kes ütles: „Ürikud on valminud. Miikael nr 611 121 on valmis asuma valitsema suveräänina oma Nebadoni universumit Kõikse Isa paremal käel. Ma toon sulle Immanuelilt, sinu vennalt ja sinu Urantial kehastumise käendajalt vabastuse annetumisest. Sa oled nüüd vaba ükskõik millal ja oma valitud viisil kehastumisannetust lõpetama, tõusma oma Isa paremale käele, võtma vastu suverääniseisundi ja asuma ärateenitult ilma tingimusteta valitsema kogu Nebadoni. Tõendan ka seda, et superuniversumi ürikud sinu universumi patumässu lõpetamise kohta on Päevilt Vanade korraldusel lõpetatud ja sulle on antud täielik ja piiramatu võim kõigi niisuguste tulevaste mässude lahendamiseks. Sinu töö Urantial ja sureliku olendi kehas on tegelikult lõpule viidud. Nüüd on edasine sinu enda valida.” 136:3.5 (1513.2) While he tarried on the mountain, talking with Gabriel, the Constellation Father of Edentia appeared to Jesus and Gabriel in person, saying: “The records are completed. The sovereignty of Michael number 611,121 over his universe of Nebadon rests in completion at the right hand of the Universal Father. I bring to you the bestowal release of Immanuel, your sponsor-brother for the Urantia incarnation. You are at liberty now or at any subsequent time, in the manner of your own choosing, to terminate your incarnation bestowal, ascend to the right hand of your Father, receive your sovereignty, and assume your well-earned unconditional rulership of all Nebadon. I also testify to the completion of the records of the superuniverse, by authorization of the Ancients of Days, having to do with the termination of all sin-rebellion in your universe and endowing you with full and unlimited authority to deal with any and all such possible upheavals in the future. Technically, your work on Urantia and in the flesh of the mortal creature is finished. Your course from now on is a matter of your own choosing.”
136:3.6 (1513.3) Kui Edentia Kõigekõrgem Isa oli lahkunud, pidas Jeesus Gabrieliga kaua nõu universumi hea käekäigu üle, ning saatnud Immanuelile tervitusi, kinnitas ta Gabrielile, et võtab oma tulevases töös Urantial alati arvesse nõuandeid, mis ta oli saanud Salvingtonilt koos annetumiseelse ülesandega. 136:3.6 (1513.3) When the Most High Father of Edentia had taken leave, Jesus held long converse with Gabriel regarding the welfare of the universe and, sending greetings to Immanuel, proffered his assurance that, in the work which he was about to undertake on Urantia, he would be ever mindful of the counsel he had received in connection with the prebestowal charge administered on Salvington.
136:3.7 (1514.1) Kõigi nende neljakümne üksinduses veedetud päeva jooksul otsisid Sebedeuse pojad Jaakobus ja Johannes Jeesust. Nad sattusid mitu korda tema varjupaigale päris lähedale, kuid ei leidnud teda. 136:3.7 (1514.1) Throughout all of these forty days of isolation James and John the sons of Zebedee were engaged in searching for Jesus. Many times they were not far from his abiding place, but never did they find him.
4. Avaliku töö plaanid ^top 4. Plans for Public Work ^top
136:4.1 (1514.2) Jeesus kavandas mägedes päevast päeva oma Urantial annetumise ülejäänud osa. Algul otsustas ta Johannesega samaaegselt mitte õpetada. Ta kavatses suhteliselt tagasi tõmbuda, kuni Johannes oma tööga eesmärgile jõuab või kuni vangistamine Johannese töö äkki peatab. Jeesus teadis hästi, et Johannese kartmatu ja taktitu jutlustamine tekitab tsiviilvalitsejates peagi hirmu ja vaenu. Johannese ebakindlat olukorda arvestades hakkas Jeesus kindlalt oma rahva ja maailma heaks, kõigi selle tohutu suure universumi asustatud maailmade heaks avaliku töö programmi kavandama. Miikaeli surelik annetumine toimus Urantial, kuid kõigi Nebadoni maailmade heaks. 136:4.1 (1514.2) Day by day, up in the hills, Jesus formulated the plans for the remainder of his Urantia bestowal. He first decided not to teach contemporaneously with John. He planned to remain in comparative retirement until the work of John achieved its purpose, or until John was suddenly stopped by imprisonment. Jesus well knew that John’s fearless and tactless preaching would presently arouse the fears and enmity of the civil rulers. In view of John’s precarious situation, Jesus began definitely to plan his program of public labors in behalf of his people and the world, in behalf of every inhabited world throughout his vast universe. Michael’s mortal bestowal was on Urantia but for all worlds of Nebadon.
136:4.2 (1514.3) Mõelnud läbi üldise kava oma programmi kooskõlastamiseks Johannese algatatud liikumisega, tuletas Jeesus kõigepealt meelde Immanueli juhiseid. Ta analüüsis hoolikalt oma töömeetodite suhtes saadud nõuandeid ning asjaolu, et ta ei tohi planeedile püsivaid üleskirjutusi jätta. Jeesus ei kirjutanud enam kunagi mujale kui ainult liivale. Järgmisel külaskäigul Naatsaretti hävitas Jeesus oma venna Joosepi kurvastuseks kõik kirjatööd, mis puusepatöökoja tahvlitel olid säilinud ja mis rippusid vana kodu seintel. Jeesus mõtiskles kaua Immanueli nõuannete üle seoses oma majandusliku, sotsiaalse ja poliitilise suhtumisega maailma, nagu ta selle eest pidi leidma. 136:4.2 (1514.3) The first thing Jesus did, after thinking through the general plan of co-ordinating his program with John’s movement, was to review in his mind the instructions of Immanuel. Carefully he thought over the advice given him concerning his methods of labor, and that he was to leave no permanent writing on the planet. Never again did Jesus write on anything except sand. On his next visit to Nazareth, much to the sorrow of his brother Joseph, Jesus destroyed all of his writing that was preserved on the boards about the carpenter shop, and which hung upon the walls of the old home. And Jesus pondered well over Immanuel’s advice pertaining to his economic, social, and political attitude toward the world as he should find it.
136:4.3 (1514.4) Jeesus ei paastunud sellel neljakümnepäevasel üksindusajal. Kõige kauem oli ta toiduta mägedes esimesel kahel päeval, mil ta oli nii mõtteisse süvenenud, et lihtsalt unustas süüa. Ent kolmandal päeval läks ta toitu otsima. Sel ajal ei kiusanud teda ka kurjad vaimud ega kõrged mässulised isiksused ei sellest ega ühestki teisest maailmast. 136:4.3 (1514.4) Jesus did not fast during this forty days’ isolation. The longest period he went without food was his first two days in the hills when he was so engrossed with his thinking that he forgot all about eating. But on the third day he went in search of food. Neither was he tempted during this time by any evil spirits or rebel personalities of station on this world or from any other world.
136:4.4 (1514.5) Neil neljakümnel päeval toimus inimmeele ja jumaliku meele vahel viimane nõupidamine ehk pigem nende nüüd üheks saanud kahe meele esimene tõeline toimimine. Selle ülitähtsa meditatsiooniperioodi tulemused näitasid piisavalt, et jumalik meel oli inimmõistuse üle vaimse võidu saavutanud. Alates sellest ajast sai inimmeelest Jumala meel ja kuigi inimmeele individuaalsus jäi igavesti alles, ütles see vaimsustatud inimmeel alati: „Sündigu mitte minu, vaid sinu tahtmine.” 136:4.4 (1514.5) These forty days were the occasion of the final conference between the human and the divine minds, or rather the first real functioning of these two minds as now made one. The results of this momentous season of meditation demonstrated conclusively that the divine mind has triumphantly and spiritually dominated the human intellect. The mind of man has become the mind of God from this time on, and though the selfhood of the mind of man is ever present, always does this spiritualized human mind say, “Not my will but yours be done.”
136:4.5 (1514.6) Selle sündmusrikka aja toimingud ei olnud nälginud ja nõrgenenud meele fantaasiapildid ega ka segane lapsik sümboolika, millest kirjutati hiljem kui „Jeesuse kiusamisest kõrbes”. Pigem oli see aeg mõtiskleda kogu Urantial annetumise sündmusrikka ja mitmekesise elujärgu üle ja kavandada hoolikalt edasist hoolekandetööd, mis teeniks seda maailma kõige paremini ning annaks oma panuse ka kõigi teiste mässu tõttu eraldatud sfääride olukorra parandamiseks. Jeesus mõtiskles inimelu kogu arenguloo üle Urantial, alates Andoni ja Fonta aegadest kuni Aadama üleastumiseni ning edasi Saalemi Melkisedeki hoolekandetööni. 136:4.5 (1514.6) The transactions of this eventful time were not the fantastic visions of a starved and weakened mind, neither were they the confused and puerile symbolisms which afterward gained record as the “temptations of Jesus in the wilderness.” Rather was this a season for thinking over the whole eventful and varied career of the Urantia bestowal and for the careful laying of those plans for further ministry which would best serve this world while also contributing something to the betterment of all other rebellion-isolated spheres. Jesus thought over the whole span of human life on Urantia, from the days of Andon and Fonta, down through Adam’s default, and on to the ministry of the Melchizedek of Salem.
136:4.6 (1514.7) Gabriel oli Jeesusele meelde tuletanud, et kui ta peaks otsustama Urantiale kauemaks jääda, võib ta avaldada end maailmale kahel viisil. Ning Jeesusele tehti selgeks, et tema otsus selles küsimuses poleks mingil viisil seotud tema suveräänipositsiooniga universumis ega Luciferi mässu lõpetamisega. Need kaks maailma eest hoolitsemise viisi olid: 136:4.6 (1514.7) Gabriel had reminded Jesus that there were two ways in which he might manifest himself to the world in case he should choose to tarry on Urantia for a time. And it was made clear to Jesus that his choice in this matter would have nothing to do with either his universe sovereignty or the termination of the Lucifer rebellion. These two ways of world ministry were:
136:4.7 (1515.1) 1. tema enda tee — tee, mis näib tema arvates selle maailma otseste vajaduste rahuldamiseks ja oma universumi õpetamiseks kõige meeldivam ja tulusam; 136:4.7 (1515.1) 1. His own way—the way that might seem most pleasant and profitable from the standpoint of the immediate needs of this world and the present edification of his own universe.
136:4.8 (1515.2) 2. Isa tee — loodud-olendite elu kaugelenägeliku ideaali kinnitamine eeskujuga, nii nagu seda näevad universumite universumit haldavad kõrged isiksused Paradiisis. 136:4.8 (1515.2) 2. The Father’s way—the exemplification of a farseeing ideal of creature life visualized by the high personalities of the Paradise administration of the universe of universes.
136:4.9 (1515.3) Seega tehti Jeesusele selgeks, et ta võib korraldada oma ülejäänud maise elu kahel viisil. Kummalgi teel oli olenevalt konkreetsest olukorrast positiivseid külgi. Inimese Poeg nägi selgesti, et nende kahe käitumisviisi vahel valimine pole mingil määral seotud universumi suverääni positsiooni vastuvõtmisega. See oli juba otsustatud ja universumite universumi ürikutes pitsatiga kinnitatud ning ainult ootas, millal ta seda isiklikult nõutama läheb. Ent Jeesusele anti märku, et tema Paradiisivennale Immanuelile pakuks suurt rahuldust, kui tema, Jeesus, peaks vajalikuks lõpetada oma maise kehastumise elujärk niisama üllalt, nagu ta oli seda alustanud, alludes alati Isa tahtele. Selle eraldumisaja kolmandal päeval tõotas Jeesus endale, et läheb maailma tagasi ja lõpetab oma maise elujärgu ning et kahe tee vahel valides otsustab ta alati Isa tahte täitmise kasuks. Ta jäi kogu oma ülejäänud maise elu jooksul oma otsusele kindlaks. Kuni kibeda lõpuni allutas ta oma suveräänse tahte alati taevase Isa tahtele. 136:4.9 (1515.3) It was thus made clear to Jesus that there were two ways in which he could order the remainder of his earth life. Each of these ways had something to be said in its favor as it might be regarded in the light of the immediate situation. The Son of Man clearly saw that his choice between these two modes of conduct would have nothing to do with his reception of universe sovereignty; that was a matter already settled and sealed on the records of the universe of universes and only awaited his demand in person. But it was indicated to Jesus that it would afford his Paradise brother, Immanuel, great satisfaction if he, Jesus, should see fit to finish up his earth career of incarnation as he had so nobly begun it, always subject to the Father’s will. On the third day of this isolation Jesus promised himself he would go back to the world to finish his earth career, and that in a situation involving any two ways he would always choose the Father’s will. And he lived out the remainder of his earth life always true to that resolve. Even to the bitter end he invariably subordinated his sovereign will to that of his heavenly Father.
136:4.10 (1515.4) Nelikümmend päeva mägedes ei olnud suur kiusamisaeg, vaid pigem Meistri suurte otsuste aeg. Neil päevil, mil ta üksi endamisi ja oma Isa vahetu kohalolekuga — Isikustatud Kohandajaga (isiklikku kaitseseeravit tal enam polnud) — aru pidas, jõudis ta ükshaaval neile suurtele otsustele, mis pidid kogu tema ülejäänud maise elujärgu jooksul ta tegevust ja käitumist suunama. Pärimust suurest kiusamisest hakati selle üksildusperioodiga hiljem seostama sellepärast, et see segunes lugudega Hermoni mäel toimunud võitlustest, ning ka sellepärast, et kõik suured prohvetid ja inimeste juhid tavatsesid alustada oma avalikku elujärku säärase oletatavalt paastumises ja palvetes veedetud perioodiga. Jeesus tõmbus alati enne uute ja tõsiste otsuste langetamist eemale, et vestelda oma vaimuga ja Jumala tahet tundma õppida. 136:4.10 (1515.4) The forty days in the mountain wilderness were not a period of great temptation but rather the period of the Master’s great decisions. During these days of lone communion with himself and his Father’s immediate presence—the Personalized Adjuster (he no longer had a personal seraphic guardian)—he arrived, one by one, at the great decisions which were to control his policies and conduct for the remainder of his earth career. Subsequently the tradition of a great temptation became attached to this period of isolation through confusion with the fragmentary narratives of the Mount Hermon struggles, and further because it was the custom to have all great prophets and human leaders begin their public careers by undergoing these supposed seasons of fasting and prayer. It had always been Jesus’ practice, when facing any new or serious decisions, to withdraw for communion with his own spirit that he might seek to know the will of God.
136:4.11 (1515.5) Ülejäänud maise elu kavandamisel pidi Jeesus oma inimsüdames valima alati kahe vastandliku käitumissuuna vahel: 136:4.11 (1515.5) In all this planning for the remainder of his earth life, Jesus was always torn in his human heart by two opposing courses of conduct:
136:4.12 (1515.6) 1. ta tundis tugevat soovi võita oma rahva — ja kogu maailma — usk ning oma uue vaimuriigi vastuvõtmine. Ja ta teadis hästi nende ideid tulevasest messiast; 136:4.12 (1515.6) 1. He entertained a strong desire to win his people—and the whole world—to believe in him and to accept his new spiritual kingdom. And he well knew their ideas concerning the coming Messiah.
136:4.13 (1515.7) 2. elada ja töötada nii, nagu ta Isa heaks kiidaks, teha oma tööd teiste hädasolevate maailmade heaks ning jätkata taevariigi rajamisel Isa ilmutamist ja tema jumaliku armastava loomuse esiletoomist. 136:4.13 (1515.7) 2. To live and work as he knew his Father would approve, to conduct his work in behalf of other worlds in need, and to continue, in the establishment of the kingdom, to reveal the Father and show forth his divine character of love.
136:4.14 (1515.8) Kõigil neil sündmusrikastel päevadel elas Jeesus iidses kaljukoopas, varjupaigas mäeküljel ühe küla lähedal, mida kutsuti omal ajal Beit Adiseks. Ta jõi väikesest ojast, mis tema kaljukoopa lähedal mäest välja voolas. 136:4.14 (1515.8) Throughout these eventful days Jesus lived in an ancient rock cavern, a shelter in the side of the hills near a village sometime called Beit Adis. He drank from the small spring which came from the side of the hill near this rock shelter.
5. Esimene suur otsus ^top 5. The First Great Decision ^top
136:5.1 (1516.1) Kolmandal päeval pärast seda, kui oli alanud nõupidamine iseendaga ja oma Isikustatud Kohandajaga, ilmutati Jeesusele kokkutulnud Nebadoni taevavägesid, keda nende komandörid olid saatnud ootama oma armastatud Suverääni tahet. Selles võimsas väes oli kaksteist seeravite leegioni ja samavõrra iga universumi intellektide klassi esindajaid. Ning Jeesuse esimene suur otsus eraldatuses oli seotud küsimusega, kas kasutada neid vägevaid isiksusi oma järgnevas avalikus töös Urantial või mitte. 136:5.1 (1516.1) On the third day after beginning this conference with himself and his Personalized Adjuster, Jesus was presented with the vision of the assembled celestial hosts of Nebadon sent by their commanders to wait upon the will of their beloved Sovereign. This mighty host embraced twelve legions of seraphim and proportionate numbers of every order of universe intelligence. And the first great decision of Jesus’ isolation had to do with whether or not he would make use of these mighty personalities in connection with the ensuing program of his public work on Urantia.
136:5.2 (1516.2) Jeesus otsustas, et ta ei kasuta selles tohutust kokkukogunenud väest ühtki isiksust, kui just ei ilmne, et selline on tema Isa tahe. Vaatamata sellele üldisele otsusele jäi kogu suur vägi tema ülejäänud maise elu ajal tema juurde, olles alati valmis kuuletuma oma Suverääni vähimalegi tahteavaldusele. Kuigi Jeesus oma inimsilmadega neid teda saatvaid isiksusi ei näinud, nägi tema Isikustatud Kohandaja neid pidevalt ja suhtles nendega. 136:5.2 (1516.2) Jesus decided that he would not utilize a single personality of this vast assemblage unless it should become evident that this was his Father’s will. Notwithstanding this general decision, this vast host remained with him throughout the balance of his earth life, always in readiness to obey the least expression of their Sovereign’s will. Although Jesus did not constantly behold these attendant personalities with his human eyes, his associated Personalized Adjuster did constantly behold, and could communicate with, all of them.
136:5.3 (1516.3) Enne kui Jeesus oma neljakümnepäevase äraoleku lõpus mägedest alla tuli, määras ta oma hiljuti Isikustatud Kohandaja teda saatvate universumiisiksuste väe otseseks juhatajaks ning need valitud isiksused universumiintellektide kõigist alajaotustest tegutsesid Urantial enam kui nelja aasta vältel kuulekalt ja lugupidavalt selle ülendatud ja kogenud Isikustatud Saladusliku Järelevaataja targal juhendamisel. Selle vägeva väe juhtimist üle võttes kinnitas Kohandaja, Paradiisi-Isa kunagine osa ja olemus, Jeesusele, et neil üleinimlikel jõududel ei lubata mingil juhul tema maise elujärguga seoses või selle heaks teenida ega end avaldada, kui ei peaks selguma, et sekkumine toimub Isa tahtel. Nii jättis Jeesus end ühe suure otsusega vabatahtlikult ilma igasugusest üleinimlikust koostööst kõiges, mis olid seotud tema ülejäänud sureliku elujärguga, kui just Isa ei otsusta mõnes oma Poja maise tegevuse ettevõtmises või episoodis temast sõltumatult osaleda. 136:5.3 (1516.3) Before coming down from the forty days’ retreat in the hills, Jesus assigned the immediate command of this attendant host of universe personalities to his recently Personalized Adjuster, and for more than four years of Urantia time did these selected personalities from every division of universe intelligences obediently and respectfully function under the wise guidance of this exalted and experienced Personalized Mystery Monitor. In assuming command of this mighty assembly, the Adjuster, being a onetime part and essence of the Paradise Father, assured Jesus that in no case would these superhuman agencies be permitted to serve, or manifest themselves in connection with, or in behalf of, his earth career unless it should develop that the Father willed such intervention. Thus by one great decision Jesus voluntarily deprived himself of all superhuman co-operation in all matters having to do with the remainder of his mortal career unless the Father might independently choose to participate in some certain act or episode of the Son’s earth labors.
136:5.4 (1516.4) Võtnud Kristus Miikaeli saatvad universumiväed nii oma juhatuse alla, püüdis Isikustatud Kohandaja Jeesusele igati selgeks teha, et ehkki nende Looja delegeeritud võim võib nii suure universumiisiksuste hulga ruumilise tegevuse osas olla piiratud, ei mõjuta need piirangud nende toimimist ajas. See piirang sõltus asjaolust, et Kohandajad on pärast nende isikustamist ajatud olendid. Seega manitseti Jeesust, et kuigi Kohandaja omab tema käsu alla antud elavate intellektide üle täielikku ja täiuslikku kontrolli kõigis ruumi puudutavates küsimustes, pole aja suhtes nii täiuslikke piiranguid võimalik kehtestada. Kohandaja ütles: „Nagu sa käskinud oled, hoidun ma seda sind saatvat universumiisiksuste hulka rakendamast seoses sinu maise elujärguga, välja arvatud juhtudel, mil Paradiisi-Isa käsib mul neid jõude kasutada selleks, et tema jumalik tahe pääseks sinu otsuse mõjul täituma, ning neil juhtudel, mil sa võid otsustada või toimida oma jumalik-inimliku tahte järgi, mis lahkneb loomulikust maisest korrast ainult aja poolest. Kõigis neis sündmustes olen ma võimetu ja sinu täiuses ja võimuühtsuses siia kogunenud loodud-olendid on samuti abitud. Kui sinu ühendatud loomustel tekib kunagi niisuguseid soove, täidetakse need sinu korraldused kohe. Sinu soov lühendab kõigis neis asjus aega ja projitseeritu eksisteerib. See on minu juhtimise all kõige täielikum võimalik piirang, mida sinu potentsiaalsele suveräänsusele saab kehtestada. Minu eneseteadvuses aega ei eksisteeri ja seepärast ei saa ma sinu loodud-olendeid piirata milleski, mis on ajaga seotud.” 136:5.4 (1516.4) In accepting this command of the universe hosts in attendance upon Christ Michael, the Personalized Adjuster took great pains to point out to Jesus that, while such an assembly of universe creatures could be limited in their space activities by the delegated authority of their Creator, such limitations were not operative in connection with their function in time. And this limitation was dependent on the fact that Adjusters are nontime beings when once they are personalized. Accordingly was Jesus admonished that, while the Adjuster’s control of the living intelligences placed under his command would be complete and perfect as to all matters involving space, there could be no such perfect limitations imposed regarding time. Said the Adjuster: “I will, as you have directed, enjoin the employment of this attendant host of universe intelligences in any manner in connection with your earth career except in those cases where the Paradise Father directs me to release such agencies in order that his divine will of your choosing may be accomplished, and in those instances where you may engage in any choice or act of your divine-human will which shall only involve departures from the natural earth order as to time. In all such events I am powerless, and your creatures here assembled in perfection and unity of power are likewise helpless. If your united natures once entertain such desires, these mandates of your choice will be forthwith executed. Your wish in all such matters will constitute the abridgment of time, and the thing projected is existent. Under my command this constitutes the fullest possible limitation which can be imposed upon your potential sovereignty. In my self-consciousness time is nonexistent, and therefore I cannot limit your creatures in anything related thereto.”
136:5.5 (1517.1) Nii hinnati Jeesuse otsust jätkata elu inimesena inimeste seas. Ta oli üheainsa otsusega välistanud kõigi teda saatvate mitmesuguste intellektidega universumivägede osalemise oma järgnevas avalikus hoolekandetöös, välja arvatud küsimustes, mis puudutasid ainult aega. Seega on selge, et kõik Jeesuse hoolekandetööga kaasnenud võimalikud üleloomulikud või oletatavalt üleinimlikud asjaolud seostusid vaid aja väljajätmisega, kui just taevane Isa ei andnud otseselt teistsugust käsku. Ükski ime, halastuse osutamine või muu võimalik sündmus Jeesuse ülejäänud maises tegevuses ei võinud oma olemuselt ega iseloomult ületada kehtestatud loodusseadusi, mis inimeste elus Urantial korrapäraselt toimivad, välja arvatud selles otseselt nimetatud aja küsimuses. „Isa tahte” avaldusi ei saanud muidugi piirata. Aja väljajätmist seoses universumi potentsiaalse Suverääni otsese sooviga sai vältida ainult Jumal-inimese otsese ja selge tahtega, et kõnealuse teo või sündmuse suhtes aega ei lühendataks ega jäetaks välja. Näivate ajaliste imede tekkimise vältimiseks pidi Jeesusel püsima pidev ajatunnetus. Igasugune temapoolne eksimus ajatunnetuses seoses kindla sooviga oli võrdväärne selle Looja-Poja meeles mõeldu teostumisega ja seda ilma aja sekkumiseta. 136:5.5 (1517.1) Thus did Jesus become apprised of the working out of his decision to go on living as a man among men. He had by a single decision excluded all of his attendant universe hosts of varied intelligences from participating in his ensuing public ministry except in such matters as concerned time only. It therefore becomes evident that any possible supernatural or supposedly superhuman accompaniments of Jesus’ ministry pertained wholly to the elimination of time unless the Father in heaven specifically ruled otherwise. No miracle, ministry of mercy, or any other possible event occurring in connection with Jesus’ remaining earth labors could possibly be of the nature or character of an act transcending the natural laws established and regularly working in the affairs of man as he lives on Urantia except in this expressly stated matter of time. No limits, of course, could be placed upon the manifestations of “the Father’s will.” The elimination of time in connection with the expressed desire of this potential Sovereign of a universe could only be avoided by the direct and explicit act of the will of this God-man to the effect that time, as related to the act or event in question, should not be shortened or eliminated. In order to prevent the appearance of apparent time miracles, it was necessary for Jesus to remain constantly time conscious. Any lapse of time consciousness on his part, in connection with the entertainment of definite desire, was equivalent to the enactment of the thing conceived in the mind of this Creator Son, and without the intervention of time.
136:5.6 (1517.2) Miikaeli Isikustatud Kohandaja juhendav suunamine võimaldas Miikaelil ruumiliselt oma isiklikku maist tegevust täiuslikult piirata, kuid Inimese Poeg ei saanud nii piirata oma uut maist staatust potentsiaalse Nebadoni suveräänina ajas. Ning selline oligi Jeesus Naatsaretlase tegelik seisund, kui ta Urantial oma avalikku teenistust alustas. 136:5.6 (1517.2) Through the supervising control of his associated and Personalized Adjuster it was possible for Michael perfectly to limit his personal earth activities with reference to space, but it was not possible for the Son of Man thus to limit his new earth status as potential Sovereign of Nebadon as regards time. And this was the actual status of Jesus of Nazareth as he went forth to begin his public ministry on Urantia.
6. Teine otsus ^top 6. The Second Decision ^top
136:6.1 (1517.3) Määranud kindlaks oma käitumisjoone kõigi oma loodud intellektide kõigisse klassidesse kuuluvate isiksuste suhtes, niivõrd kui seda sai tema uuele jumalikule seisundile omast potentsiaali silmas pidades määrata, hakkas Jeesus nüüd iseenda üle mõtlema. Mida tuleks temal kui universumi kõigi asjade ja olendite nüüdseks täielikult enesestteadlikul loojal teha kõigi nende looja eesõigustega igapäevastes elusituatsioonides, millesse ta satub, niipea kui ta Galileasse tagasi pöördub, et oma tööd inimeste seas jätkata? Tegelikult oli see probleem jõuliselt ilmnenud juba nüüd, sealsamas üksildastes mägedes, toiduhankimisvajadusena. Tema üksildaste meditatsioonide kolmandal päeval hakkas inimkeha nälga tundma. Kas peaks ta toitu hankima nagu iga tavaline inimene või lihtsalt rakendama oma loomevõimet ja looma endale sobiva kehakosutava toidu? Seda Meistri suurt otsust on kirjeldatud teile kiusatusena — nagu oleksid teda proovile pannud oletatavad vaenlased, kes soovisid, et ta „käsiks neil kividel leibadeks saada”. 136:6.1 (1517.3) Having settled his policy concerning all personalities of all classes of his created intelligences, so far as this could be determined in view of the inherent potential of his new status of divinity, Jesus now turned his thoughts toward himself. What would he, now the fully self-conscious creator of all things and beings existent in this universe, do with these creator prerogatives in the recurring life situations which would immediately confront him when he returned to Galilee to resume his work among men? In fact, already, and right where he was in these lonely hills, had this problem forcibly presented itself in the matter of obtaining food. By the third day of his solitary meditations the human body grew hungry. Should he go in quest of food as any ordinary man would, or should he merely exercise his normal creative powers and produce suitable bodily nourishment ready at hand? And this great decision of the Master has been portrayed to you as a temptation—as a challenge by supposed enemies that he “command that these stones become loaves of bread.”
136:6.2 (1518.1) Nii valis Jeesus oma ülejäänud maiseks tööks uue järjekindla käitumisjoone. Oma isiklike vajaduste rahuldamisel ja üldiselt isegi oma suhetes teiste isiksustega otsustas ta valida tavalise maise elu tee; ta otsustas mitte ületada, rikkuda ega kuritarvitada endakehtestatud loodusseadusi. Kuid ta ei saanud enesele lubada, nagu tema Isikustatud Kohandaja oli teda juba hoiatanud, et neid loodusseadusi mingitel mõeldavatel asjaoludel tunduvalt ei kiirendata. Jeesus tegi põhimõttelise otsuse, et tema elutöö peab olema korraldatud ja läbi viidud vastavuses loodusseadustega ja kooskõlas olemasoleva ühiskonnakorraldusega. Seega valis Meister eluprogrammi, mis oli samaväärne loobumisega imedest ja imetegudest. Ta tegi taas otsuse „Isa tahte” kasuks, jälle loovutas ta kõik Paradiisi-Isa kätesse. 136:6.2 (1518.1) Jesus thus settled upon another and consistent policy for the remainder of his earth labors. As far as his personal necessities were concerned, and in general even in his relations with other personalities, he now deliberately chose to pursue the path of normal earthly existence; he definitely decided against a policy which would transcend, violate, or outrage his own established natural laws. But he could not promise himself, as he had already been warned by his Personalized Adjuster, that these natural laws might not, in certain conceivable circumstances, be greatly accelerated. In principle, Jesus decided that his lifework should be organized and prosecuted in accordance with natural law and in harmony with the existing social organization. The Master thereby chose a program of living which was the equivalent of deciding against miracles and wonders. Again he decided in favor of “the Father’s will”; again he surrendered everything into the hands of his Paradise Father.
136:6.3 (1518.2) Jeesuse inimloomus dikteeris talle, et tema esmane kohus on enese alalhoid, et see on aja ja ruumi maailmade inimese loomulik ja normaalne hoiak ning seepärast ühe Urantia sureliku ootuspärane reaktsioon. Ent Jeesust ei huvitanud mitte ainult see maailm ja tema loodud-olendid, ta elas elu, mis pidi saama kaugeleulatuva universumi paljudele loodud-olenditele õpetuseks ja innustuseks. 136:6.3 (1518.2) Jesus’ human nature dictated that the first duty was self-preservation; that is the normal attitude of the natural man on the worlds of time and space, and it is, therefore, a legitimate reaction of a Urantia mortal. But Jesus was not concerned merely with this world and its creatures; he was living a life designed to instruct and inspire the manifold creatures of a far-flung universe.
136:6.4 (1518.3) Juba enne ristimisel valgustumist oli ta elanud täielikus alluvuses oma taevase Isa tahtele ja juhistele. Ta otsustas kindlalt ka edaspidi niisama kõhklematult alluda sureliku kombel oma taevase Isa tahtele. Jeesus kavatses järgida ebaloomulikku teed — otsustas mitte taotleda enese alalhoidu. Ta eelistas keelduda end kaitsmast ja sõnastas oma järeldused inimmeelele tuttavate sõnadega pühakirjast: „Inimene ei ela ükspäinis leivast, vaid igaühest sõnast, mis lähtub Jumala suust.” Jõudes näljas väljendunud füüsilise iseloomuga isu osas sellisele järeldusele, tegi Inimese Poeg teatavaks oma lõpliku otsuse kõigi teiste kehaliste tungide ja inimloomuse loomulike impulsside suhtes. 136:6.4 (1518.3) Before his baptismal illumination he had lived in perfect submission to the will and guidance of his heavenly Father. He emphatically decided to continue on in just such implicit mortal dependence on the Father’s will. He purposed to follow the unnatural course—he decided not to seek self-preservation. He chose to go on pursuing the policy of refusing to defend himself. He formulated his conclusions in the words of Scripture familiar to his human mind: “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” In reaching this conclusion in regard to the appetite of the physical nature as expressed in hunger for food, the Son of Man made his final declaration concerning all other urges of the flesh and the natural impulses of human nature.
136:6.5 (1518.4) Ta võis oma üleinimlikke võimeid kasutada küll teiste, kuid mitte kunagi enda heaks. Ning ta järgis seda joont järjekindlalt kuni lõpuni, mil tema kohta pilkavalt öeldi: „Teisi on ta päästnud, iseennast ta aga ei suuda päästa” — sest ta ei soovinud seda teha. 136:6.5 (1518.4) His superhuman power he might possibly use for others, but for himself, never. And he pursued this policy consistently to the very end, when it was jeeringly said of him: “He saved others; himself he cannot save”—because he would not.
136:6.6 (1518.5) Juudid ootasid messiat, kes teeks veel suuremaid imetegusid kui Mooses, kes olevat kõrbes kivist vee voolama pannud ja toitnud juutide esiisasid seal mannaga. Jeesus teadis, missugust messiat tema kaasmaalased ootavad, ning tal olid olemas kõik võimed ja eesõigused nende kõige lootusrikkamate ootuste täitmiseks, kuid ta otsustas nii suurejoonelisest võimu ja hiilgust toovast programmist loobuda. Jeesuse arvates meenutas see ootuspäraste imede kordasaatmise tee vanu primitiivsete maagide ja metslastest ravitsejate mandunud tavasid. Ta võis oma loodud-olendite päästmiseks küll loodusseaduste toimet kiirendada, kuid ei saanud ei enese heaks ega kaasinimestes aukartuse äratamiseks omaenda seadustest üle astuda. Ja Meistri otsus oli lõplik. 136:6.6 (1518.5) The Jews were expecting a Messiah who would do even greater wonders than Moses, who was reputed to have brought forth water from the rock in a desert place and to have fed their forefathers with manna in the wilderness. Jesus knew the sort of Messiah his compatriots expected, and he had all the powers and prerogatives to measure up to their most sanguine expectations, but he decided against such a magnificent program of power and glory. Jesus looked upon such a course of expected miracle working as a harking back to the olden days of ignorant magic and the degraded practices of the savage medicine men. Possibly, for the salvation of his creatures, he might accelerate natural law, but to transcend his own laws, either for the benefit of himself or the overawing of his fellow men, that he would not do. And the Master’s decision was final.
136:6.7 (1518.6) Jeesus kurvastas oma rahva pärast: ta mõistis hästi, mis oli neid pannud ootama messia tulekut, aega, mil „maa annab kümmetuhat korda rohkem vilja ja ühel viinapuul on tuhat haru ning igale harule kasvab tuhat kobarat ja igas kobaras on tuhat viinamarja ja igast viinamarjast saadakse kannutäis veini”. Juudid uskusid, et messias juhatab sisse imelise külluse ajajärgu. Heebrealasi oli juba ammu toidetud pärimustega ja legendidega imedest. 136:6.7 (1518.6) Jesus sorrowed for his people; he fully understood how they had been led up to the expectation of the coming Messiah, the time when “the earth will yield its fruits ten thousandfold, and on one vine there will be a thousand branches, and each branch will produce a thousand clusters, and each cluster will produce a thousand grapes, and each grape will produce a gallon of wine.” The Jews believed the Messiah would usher in an era of miraculous plenty. The Hebrews had long been nurtured on traditions of miracles and legends of wonders.
136:6.8 (1519.1) Ta polnud messias, kes oli tulnud leiba ja veini juurde looma. Ta ei tulnud hoolitsema ainult ilmalike vajaduste eest — ta tuli ilmutama oma taevast Isa tema maistele lastele, püüdes samas haarata tema maiseid lapsi kaasa siirasse püüdlusse elada oma taevase Isa tahte järgi. 136:6.8 (1519.1) He was not a Messiah coming to multiply bread and wine. He came not to minister to temporal needs only; he came to reveal his Father in heaven to his children on earth, while he sought to lead his earth children to join him in a sincere effort so to live as to do the will of the Father in heaven.
136:6.9 (1519.2) Selle otsusega näitas Jeesus Naatsaretist pealtvaatavale universumile seda, kui rumal ja patune on kasutada jumalikke andeid ja Jumala antud võimeid oma isiku esiletõstmiseks ja puhtiseka kasu ning kuulsuse saavutamiseks. See oli Luciferi ja Caligastia patt. 136:6.9 (1519.2) In this decision Jesus of Nazareth portrayed to an onlooking universe the folly and sin of prostituting divine talents and God-given abilities for personal aggrandizement or for purely selfish gain and glorification. That was the sin of Lucifer and Caligastia.
136:6.10 (1519.3) Selles Jeesuse otsuses ilmneb suur tõde, et ainuüksi iseka rahulduse ja meelelise mõnu taotlemine ei too veel arenevatele inimolenditele õnne. Kõlbelises eksistentsis — intellektuaalsetes ja vaimsetes saavutustes — peituvad kõrgemad väärtused, mis tunduvalt ületavad puhtfüüsiliste isude ja tungide rahuldamist. Inimese sünnipärased anded ja võimed tuleks pühendada põhiliselt tema kõrgemate meele- ja vaimuomaduste arendamisele ja õilistamisele. 136:6.10 (1519.3) This great decision of Jesus portrays dramatically the truth that selfish satisfaction and sensuous gratification, alone and of themselves, are not able to confer happiness upon evolving human beings. There are higher values in mortal existence—intellectual mastery and spiritual achievement—which far transcend the necessary gratification of man’s purely physical appetites and urges. Man’s natural endowment of talent and ability should be chiefly devoted to the development and ennoblement of his higher powers of mind and spirit.
136:6.11 (1519.4) Nii näitas Jeesus oma universumi loodud-olenditele uuemat ja paremat teed elu kõrgemate kõlbeliste väärtuste ja sügavama vaimse rahulduse saavutamiseks kosmosemaailmade arengulises inimeksistentsis. 136:6.11 (1519.4) Jesus thus revealed to the creatures of his universe the technique of the new and better way, the higher moral values of living and the deeper spiritual satisfactions of evolutionary human existence on the worlds of space.
7. Kolmas otsus ^top 7. The Third Decision ^top
136:7.1 (1519.5) Võtnud vastu otsused sellistes küsimustes nagu toit ja hoolitsemine oma ainelise keha füüsiliste vajaduste ning enda ja oma kaaslaste tervise eest, jäid lahendada veel muud probleemid. Kuidas käituda, kui ta seisab silmitsi teda isiklikult ähvardava ohuga? Ta otsustas oma inimlikku julgeolekut normaalsel viisil kaitsta ja rakendada piisavaid ettevaatusabinõusid, vältimaks kehaliku elujärgu enneaegset lõpulejõudmist, kuid hoiduda igasugusest üleinimlikust sekkumisest, kui peaks saabuma tema kehaliku elu kriis. Seda otsust tehes istus Jeesus puu varjus kaljueendil ja tema jalge ees oli kuristik. Ta oli täiesti teadlik, et ta võiks end kaljuservalt alla sügavikku heita, ilma et temaga juhtuks midagi halba, kui ta tühistaks oma esimese suure otsuse mitte lubada taevaseid intellekte sekkuda oma elutöösse Urantial ja muudaks ära ka teise otsuse oma suhtumise kohta enese alalhoidu. 136:7.1 (1519.5) Having made his decisions regarding such matters as food and physical ministration to the needs of his material body, the care of the health of himself and his associates, there remained yet other problems to solve. What would be his attitude when confronted by personal danger? He decided to exercise normal watchcare over his human safety and to take reasonable precaution to prevent the untimely termination of his career in the flesh but to refrain from all superhuman intervention when the crisis of his life in the flesh should come. As he was formulating this decision, Jesus was seated under the shade of a tree on an overhanging ledge of rock with a precipice right there before him. He fully realized that he could cast himself off the ledge and out into space, and that nothing could happen to harm him provided he would rescind his first great decision not to invoke the interposition of his celestial intelligences in the prosecution of his lifework on Urantia, and provided he would abrogate his second decision concerning his attitude toward self-preservation.
136:7.2 (1519.6) Jeesus teadis, et ta kaasmaalased ootavad messiat, kes seisaks loodusseadustest kõrgemal. Talle oli hästi õpetatud pühakirja mõtet „Ei taba õnnetus sind ega lähene häda su majale. Tema annab oma inglitele käsu sinu pärast ja nemad kannavad sind kätel, et sa oma jalga vastu kivi ära ei lööks.” Kas selline eeldus, selline oma Isa gravitatsiooniseaduste trotsimine oleks põhjendatud, et kaitsta end võimaliku kahju eest või isegi võita oma vääriti õpetatud ja segadusse viidud rahva usaldust? Ent kui suurt rahuldust säärane käitumine ka poleks pakkunud messiast märke otsivatele juutidele, poleks see olnud Isa ilmutamine, vaid küsitava väärtusega ja hoolimatu sekkumine universumite universumis kehtestatud seadustesse. 136:7.2 (1519.6) Jesus knew his fellow countrymen were expecting a Messiah who would be above natural law. Well had he been taught that Scripture: “There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Would this sort of presumption, this defiance of his Father’s laws of gravity, be justified in order to protect himself from possible harm or, perchance, to win the confidence of his mistaught and distracted people? But such a course, however gratifying to the sign-seeking Jews, would be, not a revelation of his Father, but a questionable trifling with the established laws of the universe of universes.
136:7.3 (1519.7) Mõistes kõike seda ja teades, et Meister keeldus oma isikliku käitumisega trotsimast omakehtestatud loodusseadusi, saate kindlasti aru, et ta ei kõndinud kunagi vee peal ega teinud midagi muud, mis oleks heitnud väljakutse tema maailma ainelisele halduskorrale, arvestades muidugi asjaolu, et seni polnud veel leitud võimalust, kuidas teda täielikult vabastada kontrolli puudumisest ajaelemendi üle seoses Isikustatud Kohandaja pädevusse kuuluvate küsimustega. 136:7.3 (1519.7) Understanding all of this and knowing that the Master refused to work in defiance of his established laws of nature in so far as his personal conduct was concerned, you know of a certainty that he never walked on the water nor did anything else which was an outrage to his material order of administering the world; always, of course, bearing in mind that there had, as yet, been found no way whereby he could be wholly delivered from the lack of control over the element of time in connection with those matters put under the jurisdiction of the Personalized Adjuster.
136:7.4 (1520.1) Jeesus jäi kogu oma maise elu jooksul sellele otsusele järjekindlalt ustavaks. Ükskõik kuidas variserid teda ka ei mõnitanud, et ta mõnda tunnustähte ilmutaks, või kuidas ka pealtvaatajad Kolgatal ei veennud teda ristilt alla tulema, jäi ta sel tunnil mäenõlval tehtud otsusele vankumatult kindlaks. 136:7.4 (1520.1) Throughout his entire earth life Jesus was consistently loyal to this decision. No matter whether the Pharisees taunted him for a sign, or the watchers at Calvary dared him to come down from the cross, he steadfastly adhered to the decision of this hour on the hillside.
8. Neljas otsus ^top 8. The Fourth Decision ^top
136:8.1 (1520.2) Järgmine suur probleem, millega see Jumal-inimene maadles ja mille kohta ta peagi oma taevase Isa tahte järgi otsuse tegi, puudutas küsimust, kas ta peaks oma üleinimlikke võimeid kasutama kaasinimeste tähelepanu ja poolehoiu võitmiseks. Kas ta peaks oma universumivõimetega rahuldama mingil viisil juutide igatsust vaatemängude ja imede järele? Ta otsustas, et ei tohi seda teha. Ta valis tee, mis välistas kõik niisugused teod inimeste tähelepanu tõmbamiseks oma missioonile. Ning ta jäi sellele suurele otsusele ustavaks. Isegi lubades endale palju kordi aega lühendava halastuse ilmutamist, manitses ta oma tervendava hoolitsuse saajaid alati, et nad sellest kellelegi ei räägiks. Ja ta keeldus alati vastamast oma vaenlaste mõnitavatele väljakutsetele oma jumalikkuse tõendamiseks „tunnustähte näidata”. 136:8.1 (1520.2) The next great problem with which this God-man wrestled and which he presently decided in accordance with the will of the Father in heaven, concerned the question as to whether or not any of his superhuman powers should be employed for the purpose of attracting the attention and winning the adherence of his fellow men. Should he in any manner lend his universe powers to the gratification of the Jewish hankering for the spectacular and the marvelous? He decided that he should not. He settled upon a policy of procedure which eliminated all such practices as the method of bringing his mission to the notice of men. And he consistently lived up to this great decision. Even when he permitted the manifestation of numerous time-shortening ministrations of mercy, he almost invariably admonished the recipients of his healing ministry to tell no man about the benefits they had received. And always did he refuse the taunting challenge of his enemies to “show us a sign” in proof and demonstration of his divinity.
136:8.2 (1520.3) Jeesus nägi väga targalt ette, et imeteod kutsuksid esile vaid välise poolehoiu, tekitades aukartust ainelises meeles, kuid need etendused ei ilmutaks Jumalat ega päästaks inimesi. Ta keeldus hakkamast puhtimetegijaks. Ta otsustas tegeleda vaid ühe ülesande täitmisega — rajada taevariiki. 136:8.2 (1520.3) Jesus very wisely foresaw that the working of miracles and the execution of wonders would call forth only outward allegiance by overawing the material mind; such performances would not reveal God nor save men. He refused to become a mere wonder-worker. He resolved to become occupied with but a single task—the establishment of the kingdom of heaven.
136:8.3 (1520.4) Kogu selles ülitähtsas iseendaga arupidamises sisaldus ka inimlik küsiv ja peaaegu kahtlev element, sest Jeesus ei olnud pelgalt Jumal — ta oli ka inimene. Oli selge, et juudid ei võta teda kunagi messiana vastu, kui ta imesid ei soorita. Pealegi, kui ta oleks nõustunud korra tegema midagi üleloomulikku, teadnuks inimmeel kindlalt, et see on seotud tõeliselt jumaliku meelega. Kas see oleks „Isa tahtega” kooskõlas, kui jumalik meel teeks kahtlevale inimmeelele selle järeleandmise? Jeesus otsustas, et ei oleks, ning pidas Isikustatud Kohandajat piisavaks tõendiks jumalikkuse ja inimlikkuse partnerlusest. 136:8.3 (1520.4) Throughout all this momentous dialogue of Jesus’ communing with himself, there was present the human element of questioning and near-doubting, for Jesus was man as well as God. It was evident he would never be received by the Jews as the Messiah if he did not work wonders. Besides, if he would consent to do just one unnatural thing, the human mind would know of a certainty that it was in subservience to a truly divine mind. Would it be consistent with “the Father’s will” for the divine mind to make this concession to the doubting nature of the human mind? Jesus decided that it would not and cited the presence of the Personalized Adjuster as sufficient proof of divinity in partnership with humanity.
136:8.4 (1520.5) Jeesus oli palju reisinud, ta tuletas meelde Roomat, Aleksandriat ja Damaskust. Ta tundis elu — kuidas inimesed poliitikas ja kaubanduses kompromisside ja diplomaatiaga oma eesmärke saavutavad. Kas ta kasutaks neid teadmisi ka oma maise missiooni edendamiseks? Ei! Ning ta otsustas selle taevariigi rajamisel loobuda igasugusest kompromissist maailma tarkuse ja rikkustega. Ta otsustas taas lähtuda ainult oma Isa tahtest. 136:8.4 (1520.5) Jesus had traveled much; he recalled Rome, Alexandria, and Damascus. He knew the methods of the world—how people gained their ends in politics and commerce by compromise and diplomacy. Would he utilize this knowledge in the furtherance of his mission on earth? No! He likewise decided against all compromise with the wisdom of the world and the influence of riches in the establishment of the kingdom. He again chose to depend exclusively on the Father’s will.
136:8.5 (1520.6) Jeesus oli täiesti teadlik temasuguste võimetega isikule avanevatest võimalustest. Ta teadis mitmeid viise, kuidas rahva ja kogu maailma tähelepanu ainsa hetkega endale koondada. Peagi tähistatakse Jeruusalemmas paasapüha, linn on külalisi täis. Ta võiks tõusta templitorni ja hämmastunud rahvahulkade silme all õhus kõndida, siis oleks ta niisugune messias, keda nad ootavad. Kuid ta valmistaks neile hiljem pettumuse, sest ta pole tulnud Taaveti trooni tagasi nõutama. Ta teadis, kui asjatu oli Caligastia püüd jumaliku eesmärgi saavutamise loomulikust, aegamööda ja kindlalt kulgevast teest ette jõuda. Inimese Poeg tegi taas kuuleka kummarduse Isa tee, Isa tahte ees. 136:8.5 (1520.6) Jesus was fully aware of the short cuts open to one of his powers. He knew many ways in which the attention of the nation, and the whole world, could be immediately focused upon himself. Soon the Passover would be celebrated at Jerusalem; the city would be thronged with visitors. He could ascend the pinnacle of the temple and before the bewildered multitude walk out on the air; that would be the kind of a Messiah they were looking for. But he would subsequently disappoint them since he had not come to re-establish David’s throne. And he knew the futility of the Caligastia method of trying to get ahead of the natural, slow, and sure way of accomplishing the divine purpose. Again the Son of Man bowed obediently to the Father’s way, the Father’s will.
136:8.6 (1521.1) Jeesus otsustas rajada taevariigi inimkonna südameis loomulike, harilike, raskete ja proovilepanevate meetoditega, mida tema maised lapsed pidid selle taevariigi avardamise ja kestvuse kindlustamise töös ka hiljem kasutama. Inimese Poeg teadis ju hästi, et „paljudel lastel tuleb kõigil ajastutel astuda taevariiki mitme viletsuse läbi”. Jeesus koges suurt tsiviliseeritud inimese ette seatud katsumust — omada võimu, kuid keelduda vankumatult seda puhtisekatel või -isiklikel eesmärkidel kasutamast. 136:8.6 (1521.1) Jesus chose to establish the kingdom of heaven in the hearts of mankind by natural, ordinary, difficult, and trying methods, just such procedures as his earth children must subsequently follow in their work of enlarging and extending that heavenly kingdom. For well did the Son of Man know that it would be “through much tribulation that many of the children of all ages would enter into the kingdom.” Jesus was now passing through the great test of civilized man, to have power and steadfastly refuse to use it for purely selfish or personal purposes.
136:8.7 (1521.2) Inimese Poja elu ja kogemusi vaadeldes pidage alati meeles, et Inimese Poeg oli kehastunud esimese sajandi inimolendi, mitte aga kahekümnenda sajandi või mõne muu sajandi sureliku meeles. Me tahame sellega öelda, et Jeesuse inimvõimed olid omandatud loomulikul teel. Ta oli oma aja pärilike ja keskkonnategurite produkt, millele lisandusid koolitus ja haridus. Tema inimlikkus oli tõeline ja loomulik ning tulenes täielikult selle aja ja põlvkonna eelkäijatest ning arenes oma aja tegeliku intellektuaalse taseme ja sotsiaal-majanduslike tingimuste varal. Ehkki selle Jumalinimese kogemuses peitus alati võimalus, et jumalik meel ületab inimintellekti, toimis inimmeel hoolimata sellest oma aja inimkeskkonna tingimustes tõelise sureliku meelena. 136:8.7 (1521.2) In your consideration of the life and experience of the Son of Man, it should be ever borne in mind that the Son of God was incarnate in the mind of a first-century human being, not in the mind of a twentieth-century or other-century mortal. By this we mean to convey the idea that the human endowments of Jesus were of natural acquirement. He was the product of the hereditary and environmental factors of his time, plus the influence of his training and education. His humanity was genuine, natural, wholly derived from the antecedents of, and fostered by, the actual intellectual status and social and economic conditions of that day and generation. While in the experience of this God-man there was always the possibility that the divine mind would transcend the human intellect, nonetheless, when, and as, his human mind functioned, it did perform as would a true mortal mind under the conditions of the human environment of that day.
136:8.8 (1521.3) Jeesus näitas kogu oma määratu suure universumi kõigile maailmadele, kui asjatu on luua kunstlikke olukordi meelevaldse võimu või erakordsete võimete demonstreerimiseks eesmärgiga ülendada kõlbelisi väärtusi või kiirendada vaimset progressi. Jeesus otsustas, et ta ei lase oma maisel missioonil korrata Makkabite valitsemisaja pettumusi. Ta keeldus kasutamast oma jumalikke võimeid teenimatu populaarsuse võitmiseks või poliitilise prestiiži omandamiseks. Ta ei soovinud oma jumalikku ja loovat energiat madaldada riigivõimu või rahvusvahelise maine omandamiseks. Jeesus Naatsaretlane keeldus minemast kompromissile pahega, ammugi siis patuga. Meister seadis ustavuse oma Isa tahtele võidukalt kõigist teistest maistest ja ajalikest kaalutlustest kõrgemale. 136:8.8 (1521.3) Jesus portrayed to all the worlds of his vast universe the folly of creating artificial situations for the purpose of exhibiting arbitrary authority or of indulging exceptional power for the purpose of enhancing moral values or accelerating spiritual progress. Jesus decided that he would not lend his mission on earth to a repetition of the disappointment of the reign of the Maccabees. He refused to prostitute his divine attributes for the purpose of acquiring unearned popularity or for gaining political prestige. He would not countenance the transmutation of divine and creative energy into national power or international prestige. Jesus of Nazareth refused to compromise with evil, much less to consort with sin. The Master triumphantly put loyalty to his Father’s will above every other earthly and temporal consideration.
9. Viies otsus ^top 9. The Fifth Decision ^top
136:9.1 (1521.4) Otsustanud küsimused, mis puudutasid tema isiklikke suhteid loodusseaduste ja vaimse jõuga, pööras ta tähelepanu sellele, missugused meetodid valida jumalariigi kuulutamiseks ja rajamiseks. Johannes oli seda tööd juba alustanud. Kuidas selle sõnumi kuulutamist jätkata? Kuidas Johannese missioon üle võtta? Kuidas koondada tema poolehoidjad tõhusateks jõupingutusteks ja arukaks koostööks? Jeesus hakkas nüüd jõudma viimase otsuseni, millega ta keeldus edaspidi end pidamast juudi messiaks, vähemalt selliseks, nagu rahvas tol ajal messiat ette kujutas. 136:9.1 (1521.4) Having settled such questions of policy as pertained to his individual relations to natural law and spiritual power, he turned his attention to the choice of methods to be employed in the proclamation and establishment of the kingdom of God. John had already begun this work; how might he continue the message? How should he take over John’s mission? How should he organize his followers for effective effort and intelligent co-operation? Jesus was now reaching the final decision which would forbid that he further regard himself as the Jewish Messiah, at least as the Messiah was popularly conceived in that day.
136:9.2 (1522.1) Juutide nägemuses pidi vabastaja tulema imelise väega, paiskama Iisraeli vaenlased põrmu ning seadma juudid maailma valitsejateks, kes on vabad puudusest ja rõhumisest. Jeesus teadis, et see lootus ei täitu kunagi. Ta teadis, et taevariigi saabumiseks on vaja kukutada pahe inimsüdametes ning et see on puhtvaimne küsimus. Ta arutles, kas oleks soovitatav pühitseda vaimuriik sisse ereda ja silmipimestava võimuilmutamisega —, ning selline teguviis oleks olnud lubatav ja täielikult Miikaeli pädevuses —, kuid ta otsustas sellest kavast loobuda. Ta ei soovinud minna kompromissile Caligastia revolutsiooniliste meetoditega. Ta oli võitnud maailma, alludes Isa tahtele, ja kavatses oma töö lõpule viia samal viisil, nagu ta seda oli alustanud, ning Inimese Pojana. 136:9.2 (1522.1) The Jews envisaged a deliverer who would come in miraculous power to cast down Israel’s enemies and establish the Jews as world rulers, free from want and oppression. Jesus knew that this hope would never be realized. He knew that the kingdom of heaven had to do with the overthrow of evil in the hearts of men, and that it was purely a matter of spiritual concern. He thought out the advisability of inaugurating the spiritual kingdom with a brilliant and dazzling display of power—and such a course would have been permissible and wholly within the jurisdiction of Michael—but he fully decided against such a plan. He would not compromise with the revolutionary techniques of Caligastia. He had won the world in potential by submission to the Father’s will, and he proposed to finish his work as he had begun it, and as the Son of Man.
136:9.3 (1522.2) Vaevalt oskate kujutleda, mis oleks võinud Urantial juhtuda, kui see Jumalinimene, kellele nüüd potentsiaalselt kuulub kogu võim taevas ja maa peal, oleks otsustanud suveräänilipu lahti rullida ja asuda juhtima oma imettegevaid sõjarüüs pataljone! Kuid ta ei tahtnud kompromissile minna. Ta ei soovinud teenida pahet ja sel viisil Jumala palveldamist saavutada. Ta tahtis kindlalt täita oma Isa tahet. Ta tahtis kuulutada pealtvaatavale universumile: „Sina pead Issandat, oma Jumalat kummardama ja vaid teda teenima.” 136:9.3 (1522.2) You can hardly imagine what would have happened on Urantia had this God-man, now in potential possession of all power in heaven and on earth, once decided to unfurl the banner of sovereignty, to marshal his wonder-working battalions in militant array! But he would not compromise. He would not serve evil that the worship of God might presumably be derived therefrom. He would abide by the Father’s will. He would proclaim to an onlooking universe, “You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.”
136:9.4 (1522.3) Jeesus tajus päev-päevalt üha selgemini, missugune tõeilmutaja peaks temast saama. Ta mõistis, et Jumala tee ei kujune kergeks teeks. Talle hakkas selgeks saama, et tema ülejäänud inimkogemuse karikas võib olla kibe, kuid ta otsustas selle ära juua. 136:9.4 (1522.3) As the days passed, with ever-increasing clearness Jesus perceived what kind of a truth-revealer he was to become. He discerned that God’s way was not going to be the easy way. He began to realize that the cup of the remainder of his human experience might possibly be bitter, but he decided to drink it.
136:9.5 (1522.4) Ka tema inimmeel jättis Taaveti trooniga hüvasti. Tema inimmeel järgnes sammsammult jumalikule. Inimmeel esitas veel küsimusi, kuid aktsepteeris jumalikke vastuseid eranditult lõplike otsustena selles elus, kus ta inimesena maailmas elades alistus tingimatult Isa igavese ja jumaliku tahte täitmisele. 136:9.5 (1522.4) Even his human mind is saying good-bye to the throne of David. Step by step this human mind follows in the path of the divine. The human mind still asks questions but unfailingly accepts the divine answers as final rulings in this combined life of living as a man in the world while all the time submitting unqualifiedly to the doing of the Father’s eternal and divine will.
136:9.6 (1522.5) Rooma oli läänemaailma valitsejanna. Inimese Poeg, kes nüüd siin üksinduses viibis ja neid ülitähtsaid otsuseid tegi, taevaväed käsutada, kujutas endast juutidele viimast võimalust maailmas ülemvõimu saavutada. Ent see maa peal sündinud juut, kellel oli nii tohutult tarkust ja võimu, keeldus kasutamast oma kõikseid võimeid eneseupitamiseks ja oma rahva trooniletõstmiseks. Ta nägi „selle maailma kuningriike nende tegelikkuses” ja tema võimuses oli neid alistada. Edentia Kõigekõrgemad olid kogu selle võimu tema kätte andnud, kuid ta ei soovinud seda. Maised kuningriigid tundusid universumi Loojale ja Valitsejale tühised. Tal oli vaid üks eesmärk: Jumala edasine ilmutamine inimesele, kuningriigi rajamine, taevase Isa valitsema seadmine inimkonna südameis. 136:9.6 (1522.5) Rome was mistress of the Western world. The Son of Man, now in isolation and achieving these momentous decisions, with the hosts of heaven at his command, represented the last chance of the Jews to attain world dominion; but this earthborn Jew, who possessed such tremendous wisdom and power, declined to use his universe endowments either for the aggrandizement of himself or for the enthronement of his people. He saw, as it were, “the kingdoms of this world,” and he possessed the power to take them. The Most Highs of Edentia had resigned all these powers into his hands, but he did not want them. The kingdoms of earth were paltry things to interest the Creator and Ruler of a universe. He had only one objective, the further revelation of God to man, the establishment of the kingdom, the rule of the heavenly Father in the hearts of mankind.
136:9.7 (1522.6) Mõte võitlustest, tülidest ja tapmistest oli Jeesusele vastumeelne, midagi niisugust ta ei soovinud. Ta tahtis tulla maa peale rahuvürstina ilmutama armastuse Jumalat. Enne ristimist oli ta taas tagasi lükanud selootide pakkumise juhtida nende mässu Rooma rõhujate vastu. Nüüd tegi ta oma lõpliku otsuse pühakirja seisukohtade osas, mida ta ema oli talle õpetanud: „Issand ütles minule: „Sina oled mu Poeg, täna ma sünnitasin sind. Küsi minult, ja ma annan paganad su pärandiks ning ilmamaa otsad su omandiks. Sa peksad nad puruks raudkepiga, sa lööd nad katki nagu pottsepa tehtud astjad.”” 136:9.7 (1522.6) The idea of battle, contention, and slaughter was repugnant to Jesus; he would have none of it. He would appear on earth as the Prince of Peace to reveal a God of love. Before his baptism he had again refused the offer of the Zealots to lead them in rebellion against the Roman oppressors. And now he made his final decision regarding those Scriptures which his mother had taught him, such as: “The Lord has said to me, ‘You are my Son; this day have I begotten you. Ask of me, and I will give you the heathen for your inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.’”
136:9.8 (1522.7) Jeesus Naatsaretlane jõudis järeldusele, et need ütlused ei käinud tema kohta. Inimese Poja inimmeel vabastas end lõpuks ja lõplikult kõigist neist messia-probleemidest ja -vastuoludest — heebrea pühakirjadest, vanemate ja hazani õpetustest, juutide ootustest ja inimeste auahnetest igatsustest; ta tegi oma edasise käitumisjoone suhtes lõpliku valiku. Ta pöördub Galileasse tagasi ja alustab tasapisi taevariigi kuulutamist ning usaldab igapäevase juhtimise oma Isa (Isikustatud Kohandaja) hoolde. 136:9.8 (1522.7) Jesus of Nazareth reached the conclusion that such utterances did not refer to him. At last, and finally, the human mind of the Son of Man made a clean sweep of all these Messianic difficulties and contradictions—Hebrew scriptures, parental training, chazan teaching, Jewish expectations, and human ambitious longings; once and for all he decided upon his course. He would return to Galilee and quietly begin the proclamation of the kingdom and trust his Father (the Personalized Adjuster) to work out the details of procedure day by day.
136:9.9 (1523.1) Nende otsustega andis Jeesus väärilist eeskuju määratu suure universumi kõigi maailmade kõigile isikutele, keeldudes kasutamast vaimsete probleemide selgitamiseks ainelisi näiteid, keeldudes loodusseaduste upsakast trotsimisest. Keeldumisega haarata ilmalik võim enne vaimse au saavutamist andis ta innustavat eeskuju kõiksest lojaalsusest ja moraalsest üllusest. 136:9.9 (1523.1) By these decisions Jesus set a worthy example for every person on every world throughout a vast universe when he refused to apply material tests to prove spiritual problems, when he refused presumptuously to defy natural laws. And he set an inspiring example of universe loyalty and moral nobility when he refused to grasp temporal power as the prelude to spiritual glory.
136:9.10 (1523.2) Kui Inimese Pojal oli olnudki pärast ristimist mäkke tõustes oma missiooni ja selle olemuse suhtes kahtlusi, siis üksi veedetud neljakümne päeva ja otsuste tegemise järel oma kaaslaste juurde tagasi tulles olid need haihtunud. 136:9.10 (1523.2) If the Son of Man had any doubts about his mission and its nature when he went up in the hills after his baptism, he had none when he came back to his fellows following the forty days of isolation and decisions.
136:9.11 (1523.3) Jeesus oli kavandanud Isa kuningriigi rajamise programmi. Ta ei kavatsenud hakata rahva füüsilisi vajadusi rahuldama. Ta ei soovinud hakata rahvahulkadele leiba jagama, nagu ta hiljuti Roomas oli näinud tehtavat. Ta ei tahtnud imetegudega endale tähelepanu tõmmata, kuigi juudid ootasid just niisugust vabastajat. Ning ta ei püüdnud saavutada oma vaimsele sõnumile kõlapinda poliitilise autoriteedi ega ilmaliku võimu demonstreerimisega. 136:9.11 (1523.3) Jesus has formulated a program for the establishment of the Father’s kingdom. He will not cater to the physical gratification of the people. He will not deal out bread to the multitudes as he has so recently seen it being done in Rome. He will not attract attention to himself by wonder-working, even though the Jews are expecting just that sort of a deliverer. Neither will he seek to win acceptance of a spiritual message by a show of political authority or temporal power.
136:9.12 (1523.4) Loobudes neist meetoditest, millega ta oleks pidanud saabuvat kuningriiki ootusrikaste juutide silmis ülendama, kindlustas Jeesus, et needsamad juudid lükkavad kindlalt ja lõplikult tagasi kõik tema väited oma volituste ja jumalikkuse kohta. Seda kõike teades püüdis Jeesus kaua takistada oma varaseid poolehoidjaid teda messiaks nimetamast. 136:9.12 (1523.4) In rejecting these methods of enhancing the coming kingdom in the eyes of the expectant Jews, Jesus made sure that these same Jews would certainly and finally reject all of his claims to authority and divinity. Knowing all this, Jesus long sought to prevent his early followers alluding to him as the Messiah.
136:9.13 (1523.5) Kogu oma avaliku teenistuse jooksul oli tal vaja lahendada kolme liiki pidevalt korduvaid olukordi: käratsev toidunõudmine, tungiv imede nõudmine ja lõpuks palve lasta oma poolehoidjatel end kuningaks ülendada. Ent Jeesus ei kaldunud kordagi kõrvale otsustest, mis ta nende päevade jooksul Perea mägedes oli teinud. 136:9.13 (1523.5) Throughout his public ministry he was confronted with the necessity of dealing with three constantly recurring situations: the clamor to be fed, the insistence on miracles, and the final request that he allow his followers to make him king. But Jesus never departed from the decisions which he made during these days of his isolation in the Perean hills.
10. Kuues otsus ^top 10. The Sixth Decision ^top
136:10.1 (1523.6) Selle mälestusväärse üksindusaja lõpupäeval enne mäelt laskumist, et Johannese ja tema jüngritega ühineda, tegi Inimese Poeg oma viimase otsuse. Ta teatas sellest otsusest Isikustatud Kohandajale järgmiste sõnadega: „Ning kõigis muudes küsimustes peale nüüd tehtud otsuste tõotan sulle, et ma täidan oma Isa tahet.” Seda öelnud, asus ta mäest laskuma. Ja tema nägu säras vaimse võidu ja kõlbelise saavutuse hiilguses. 136:10.1 (1523.6) On the last day of this memorable isolation, before starting down the mountain to join John and his disciples, the Son of Man made his final decision. And this decision he communicated to the Personalized Adjuster in these words, “And in all other matters, as in these now of decision-record, I pledge you I will be subject to the will of my Father.” And when he had thus spoken, he journeyed down the mountain. And his face shone with the glory of spiritual victory and moral achievement.