137. Kiri Paper 137
Galileas veedetud aeg Tarrying Time in Galilee
137:0.1 (1524.1) LAUPÄEVA, 23. veebruari 26. a pKr varahommikul tuli Jeesus mägedest alla ja ühines taas Pella lähedal laagris oleva Johannese rühmaga. Jeesus viibis kogu selle päeva rahva seas. Ta hoolitses poisi eest, kes oli kukkudes viga saanud, ja reisis lähedalasuvasse Pella külla, et poiss turvaliselt tema vanemate juurde toimetada. 137:0.1 (1524.1) EARLY on Saturday morning, February 23, a.d. 26, Jesus came down from the hills to rejoin John’s company encamped at Pella. All that day Jesus mingled with the multitude. He ministered to a lad who had injured himself in a fall and journeyed to the near-by village of Pella to deliver the boy safely into the hands of his parents.
1. Esimese nelja apostli väljavalimine ^top 1. Choosing the First Four Apostles ^top
137:1.1 (1524.2) Sel sabatipäeval veetsid kaks Johannese tähtsaimat jüngrit üsna palju aega Jeesusega vesteldes. Kõige sügavama mulje oli Jeesus kõigi Johannese poolehoidjate seas jätnud Andreasele, kes saatis teda, kui ta läks vigastatud poissi Pellasse viima. Tagasiteel Johannesega kohtumise paika esitas ta Jeesusele palju küsimusi ning veidi enne kohalejõudmist peatusid nad hetkeks vestlema ja Andreas ütles: „Olen sind jälginud sellest ajast saadik, kui sa Kapernauma tulid, ning ma usun, et sa oled uus Õpetaja. Kuigi ma ei saa kõigist sinu õpetustest aru, olen teinud kindla otsuse sind järgida; hakkan istuma su jalge ees, et saada teada kogu tõde uuest kuningriigist.” Ning Jeesus tervitas Andreast kogu südamest kui oma esimest apostlit neist kaheteistkümnest, kes pidid hakkama koos temaga tööd tegema uue jumalariigi rajamiseks inimeste südameis. 137:1.1 (1524.2) During this Sabbath two of John’s leading disciples spent much time with Jesus. Of all John’s followers one named Andrew was the most profoundly impressed with Jesus; he accompanied him on the trip to Pella with the injured boy. On the way back to John’s rendezvous he asked Jesus many questions, and just before reaching their destination, the two paused for a short talk, during which Andrew said: “I have observed you ever since you came to Capernaum, and I believe you are the new Teacher, and though I do not understand all your teaching, I have fully made up my mind to follow you; I would sit at your feet and learn the whole truth about the new kingdom.” And Jesus, with hearty assurance, welcomed Andrew as the first of his apostles, that group of twelve who were to labor with him in the work of establishing the new kingdom of God in the hearts of men.
137:1.2 (1524.3) Andreas oli Johannese tööd vaikselt pealt vaadanud ja uskus sellesse siiralt, ning tal oli väga andekas ja innukas vend Siimon, kellest oli saanud üks Johannese tähtsamaid jüngreid. poleks väär öelda, et Siimon oli üks Johannese põhilisi toetajaid. 137:1.2 (1524.3) Andrew was a silent observer of, and sincere believer in, John’s work, and he had a very able and enthusiastic brother, named Simon, who was one of John’s foremost disciples. It would not be amiss to say that Simon was one of John’s chief supporters.
137:1.3 (1524.4) Varsti pärast Jeesuse ja Andrease laagrisse tagasijõudmist otsis Andreas üles oma venna Siimoni, viis ta teistest eemale ja teatas talle, et on jõudnud otsusele, et Jeesus on suur Õpetaja, ning tõotanud hakata tema jüngriks. Ta lisas, et Jeesus oli pakkumise teda teenida vastu võtnud ja soovitas ka temal (Siimonil) minna Jeesuse juurde ning pakkuda end uut kuningriiki teenivasse vennaskonda. Siimon ütles: „Olen uskunud juba sestsaadik, kui see mees Sebedeuse töökotta tööle tuli, et ta on Jumala saadetud, aga kuidas jääb Johannesega? Kas peame ta hülgama? Oleks see õige tegu?” Ning nad otsustasid minna kohe Johannesega nõu pidama. Mõte, et ta kaotab kaks oma võimekat nõuandjat ja kõige lootustandvamat jüngrit, kurvastas Johannest, kuid ta vastas nende pärimistele vapralt: „See on alles algus, peagi jõuab minu töö lõpule ja meist kõigist saavad tema jüngrid.” Siis kutsus Andreas Jeesuse kõrvale ja teatas talle, et ka tema vend soovib astuda uue kuningriigi teenistusse. Ning tervitades Siimonit kui oma teist apostlit, ütles Jeesus: „Siimon, sinu entusiasm on küll kiiduväärt, kuid töös kuningriigi heaks on see ohtlik. Manitsen sind oma kõned paremini läbi mõtlema. Muudan sinu nime Peetruseks.” 137:1.3 (1524.4) Soon after Jesus and Andrew returned to the camp, Andrew sought out his brother, Simon, and taking him aside, informed him that he had settled in his own mind that Jesus was the great Teacher, and that he had pledged himself as a disciple. He went on to say that Jesus had accepted his proffer of service and suggested that he (Simon) likewise go to Jesus and offer himself for fellowship in the service of the new kingdom. Said Simon: “Ever since this man came to work in Zebedee’s shop, I have believed he was sent by God, but what about John? Are we to forsake him? Is this the right thing to do?” Whereupon they agreed to go at once to consult John. John was saddened by the thought of losing two of his able advisers and most promising disciples, but he bravely answered their inquiries, saying: “This is but the beginning; presently will my work end, and we shall all become his disciples.” Then Andrew beckoned to Jesus to draw aside while he announced that his brother desired to join himself to the service of the new kingdom. And in welcoming Simon as his second apostle, Jesus said: “Simon, your enthusiasm is commendable, but it is dangerous to the work of the kingdom. I admonish you to become more thoughtful in your speech. I would change your name to Peter.”
137:1.4 (1525.1) Vigastatud poisi vanemad olid palunud Jeesust nende juurde ööbima jääda ja tunda end nagu kodus ning ta oligi lubanud seda teha. Enne Andreasest ja tema vennast lahkumist ütles Jeesus: „Varahommikul läheme Galileasse.” 137:1.4 (1525.1) The parents of the injured lad who lived at Pella had besought Jesus to spend the night with them, to make their house his home, and he had promised. Before leaving Andrew and his brother, Jesus said, “Early on the morrow we go into Galilee.”
137:1.5 (1525.2) Kui Jeesus oli ööseks Pellasse naasnud ning Andreas ja Siimon arutasid veel oma teenistust eelseisva kuningriigi rajamiseks, saabusid Sebedeuse pojad Jaakobus ja Johannes just tagasi mägedest, kus nad olid kaua asjatult Jeesust otsinud. Siimon Peetruselt kuulnud, et too oli koos oma venna Andreasega uue kuningriigi esimeseks nõunikuks tunnistatud ning et nad järgmisel päeval oma uue Meistriga Galileasse lähevad, muutusid Jaakobus ja Johannes kurvaks. Nad olid Jeesust tundnud juba päris kaua ja armastasid teda. Nad olid teda päevade kaupa mägedest otsinud ja kuulsid nüüd tagasi tulles, et neile on eelistatud teisi. Nad küsisid, kuhu Jeesus oli läinud, ja kiirustasid teda otsima. 137:1.5 (1525.2) After Jesus had returned to Pella for the night, and while Andrew and Simon were yet discussing the nature of their service in the establishment of the forthcoming kingdom, James and John the sons of Zebedee arrived upon the scene, having just returned from their long and futile searching in the hills for Jesus. When they heard Simon Peter tell how he and his brother, Andrew, had become the first accepted counselors of the new kingdom, and that they were to leave with their new Master on the morrow for Galilee, both James and John were sad. They had known Jesus for some time, and they loved him. They had searched for him many days in the hills, and now they returned to learn that others had been preferred before them. They inquired where Jesus had gone and made haste to find him.
137:1.6 (1525.3) Jeesus magas, kui nad tema peatuspaika jõudsid, aga nad äratasid ta ja küsisid: „Kuidas on see nii, et sa oled eelistanud teisi meile, kes me oleme nii kaua sinuga koos elanud ja olime parajasti mägedes sind otsimas? Miks valisid sa Andrease ja Siimoni oma esimesteks kaaslasteks uues kuningriigis?” Jeesus vastas neile: „Rahu olgu teie südameis, küsige endilt, kes käskis teil otsida Inimese Poega, kui ta oma Isa asjadega tegeles?” Kui nad olid oma pikki otsinguid mägedes üksikasjalikult kirjeldanud, õpetas Jeesus neid: „Õppige otsima uue kuningriigi saladust oma südamest, mitte mägedest. See, mida te otsisite, oli teie hinges juba olemas. Te olete tõesti mu vennad — mul polnud vaja teid vastu võtta — te kuulute niigi kuningriiki ja peaksite olema rõõmsad ning valmistuma samuti homme meiega Galileasse tulema.” Johannes söandas siis küsida: „Aga Meister, kas meist Jaakobusega saavad sulle uues kuningriigis samaväärsed kaaslased nagu Andreasest ja Siimonist?” Jeesus pani mõlemale käe õlale ja vastas: „Mu vennad, te olete olnud kuningriigi vaimus minuga veel enne, kui teised palusid end vastu võtta. Teil, vennad, pole vaja kuningriiki astumiseks luba paluda; te olete olnud koos minuga kuningriigis algusest peale. Inimeste silmis võivad teised teist ette jõuda, kuid oma südames olen ma teid kuningriigi nõukogudesse arvanud veel enne, kui teil tuli mõttesse seda minult paluda. Te oleksite ka inimeste silmis esimesed olnud, kui te poleks oma headest kavatsustest ajendatuna omal algatusel võetud ülesannet täites eemal viibinud, otsimas seda, kes polnudki kadunud. Saabuvas kuningriigis ärge pöörake tähelepanu asjadele, mis teid ärevusse ajavad, vaid tegelge alati ainult taevase Isa tahte täitmisega.” 137:1.6 (1525.3) Jesus was asleep when they reached his abode, but they awakened him, saying: “How is it that, while we who have so long lived with you are searching in the hills for you, you prefer others before us and choose Andrew and Simon as your first associates in the new kingdom?” Jesus answered them, “Be calm in your hearts and ask yourselves, ‘who directed that you should search for the Son of Man when he was about his Father’s business?’” After they had recited the details of their long search in the hills, Jesus further instructed them: “You should learn to search for the secret of the new kingdom in your hearts and not in the hills. That which you sought was already present in your souls. You are indeed my brethren—you needed not to be received by me—already were you of the kingdom, and you should be of good cheer, making ready also to go with us tomorrow into Galilee.” John then made bold to ask, “But, Master, will James and I be associates with you in the new kingdom, even as Andrew and Simon?” And Jesus, laying a hand on the shoulder of each of them, said: “My brethren, you were already with me in the spirit of the kingdom, even before these others made request to be received. You, my brethren, have no need to make request for entrance into the kingdom; you have been with me in the kingdom from the beginning. Before men, others may take precedence over you, but in my heart did I also number you in the councils of the kingdom, even before you thought to make this request of me. And even so might you have been first before men had you not been absent engaged in a well-intentioned but self-appointed task of seeking for one who was not lost. In the coming kingdom, be not mindful of those things which foster your anxiety but rather at all times concern yourselves only with doing the will of the Father who is in heaven.”
137:1.7 (1525.4) Jaakobus ja Johannes võtsid etteheited heatahtlikult vastu, nad ei kadestanud enam kunagi Andreast ega Siimonit. Ning nad valmistusid koos oma kahe apostlist kaaslasega järgmisel hommikul Galileasse siirduma. Sellest päevast hakati Jeesuse valitud nõustajate peret apostliteks nimetama, eristamaks neid uskuvate jüngrite hulkadest, kes edaspidi teda järgima hakkasid. 137:1.7 (1525.4) James and John received the rebuke in good grace; never more were they envious of Andrew and Simon. And they made ready, with their two associate apostles, to depart for Galilee the next morning. From this day on the term apostle was employed to distinguish the chosen family of Jesus’ advisers from the vast multitude of believing disciples who subsequently followed him.
137:1.8 (1525.5) Jaakobus, Johannes, Andreas ja Siimon vestlesid tol hilisõhtul Ristija Johannesega ning vapper Juuda prohvet loovutas pisarsilmil, kuid kindla häälega kaks oma peamist jüngrit tuleva kuningriigi galilealasest vürsti apostliteks. 137:1.8 (1525.5) Late that evening, James, John, Andrew, and Simon held converse with John the Baptist, and with tearful eye but steady voice the stalwart Judean prophet surrendered two of his leading disciples to become the apostles of the Galilean Prince of the coming kingdom.
2. Filippuse ja Naatanaeli väljavalimine ^top 2. Choosing Philip and Nathaniel ^top
137:2.1 (1526.1) Pühapäeva hommikul, 24. veebruaril 26. aastal pKr jättis Jeesus Pella lähedal jõe ääres Ristija Johannesega hüvasti ega näinud teda lihas enam kunagi. 137:2.1 (1526.1) Sunday morning, February 24, a.d. 26, Jesus took leave of John the Baptist by the river near Pella, never again to see him in the flesh.
137:2.2 (1526.2) Sel päeval, kui Jeesus oma nelja jüngrist apostliga Galileasse lahkus, tekkis Johannese poolehoidjate laagris suur tüli. Hakkasid tekkima esimesed lahkarvamused. Johannes oli kuulutanud eelmisel päeval Andreasele ja Esrale täie kindlusega, et Jeesus on Vabastaja. Andreas otsustas järgida Jeesust, kuid Esra lükkas Naatsareti leebe puusepa tagasi, teatades oma kaaslastele: „prohvet Taaniel kuulutab, et Inimese Poeg tuleb taeva pilvedega, suure au ja hiilgusega. See Galilea puusepp, see Kapernauma paadiehitaja ei saa olla Vabastaja. Kas võib niisugune Jumala kingitus tulla Naatsaretist? See Jeesus on Johannese sugulane ja meie õpetaja on oma hea südame pärast eksiteele sattunud. Hoidugem sellest vale-messiast eemale.” Kui Johannes Esrale nende sõnade pärast etteheiteid tegi, võttis too palju jüngreid kaasa ja kiirustas lõuna poole. See rühm jätkas Johannese nimel ristimist ja asutas lõpuks sekti, mille liikmed uskusid küll Johannest, kuid keeldusid tunnistamast Jeesust. Selle rühma liikmeid leidub Mesopotaamias veel tänapäevalgi. 137:2.2 (1526.2) That day, as Jesus and his four disciple-apostles departed for Galilee, there was a great tumult in the camp of John’s followers. The first great division was about to take place. The day before, John had made his positive pronouncement to Andrew and Ezra that Jesus was the Deliverer. Andrew decided to follow Jesus, but Ezra rejected the mild-mannered carpenter of Nazareth, proclaiming to his associates: “The Prophet Daniel declares that the Son of Man will come with the clouds of heaven, in power and great glory. This Galilean carpenter, this Capernaum boatbuilder, cannot be the Deliverer. Can such a gift of God come out of Nazareth? This Jesus is a relative of John, and through much kindness of heart has our teacher been deceived. Let us remain aloof from this false Messiah.” When John rebuked Ezra for these utterances, he drew away with many disciples and hastened south. And this group continued to baptize in John’s name and eventually founded a sect of those who believed in John but refused to accept Jesus. A remnant of this group persists in Mesopotamia even to this day.
137:2.3 (1526.3) Jeesus oli oma nelja jüngrist apostliga juba Galilea poole teel, kui Johannese poolehoidjate seas need rahutused käärisid. Enne Jordani ületamist, et Naini kaudu Naatsaretti minna, nägi Jeesus Filippust Betsaidast koos oma sõbraga neile vastu tulemas. Jeesus tundis Filippust juba varem ja ka kõik neli apostlit tundsid teda hästi. Ta kavatses oma sõbra Naatanaeliga Pella lähedal Johannest külastada, et kuulda lähemalt jumalariigi tulekust, ning tal oli hea meel Jeesust tervitada. Filippus oli imetlenud Jeesust juba sellest ajast saadik, kui ta esmakordselt Kapernauma tuli. Ent Naatanael, kes elas Galileas Kaanas, Jeesust ei tundnud. Filippus astus oma sõpru tervitama, Naatanael jäi aga tee äärde puu varju puhkama. 137:2.3 (1526.3) While this trouble was brewing among John’s followers, Jesus and his four disciple-apostles were well on their way toward Galilee. Before they crossed the Jordan, to go by way of Nain to Nazareth, Jesus, looking ahead and up the road, saw one Philip of Bethsaida with a friend coming toward them. Jesus had known Philip aforetime, and he was also well known to all four of the new apostles. He was on his way with his friend Nathaniel to visit John at Pella to learn more about the reported coming of the kingdom of God, and he was delighted to greet Jesus. Philip had been an admirer of Jesus ever since he first came to Capernaum. But Nathaniel, who lived at Cana of Galilee, did not know Jesus. Philip went forward to greet his friends while Nathaniel rested under the shade of a tree by the roadside.
137:2.4 (1526.4) Peetrus viis Filippuse kõrvale ja selgitas talle, et nemad, see tähendab, et tema ise, Andreas, Jaakobus ja Johannes, olid hakanud Jeesuse kaaslasteks uue kuningriigi rajamisel, ning soovitas tungivalt ka Filippusel avaldada soovi sellesse teenistusse astuda. Filippus oli kitsikuses. Mida teha? Tal tuli siin, Jordani lähedal tee ääres, ootamatult teha nii ruttu kogu tema elu muutev ülitähtis otsus. Ta alustas Peetruse, Andrease ja Johannesega tõsist vestlust, kuna Jeesus kavandas Jaakobusega rännakut läbi Galilea ja edasi Kapernauma. Ning lõpuks tegi Andreas Filippusele ettepaneku: „Miks sa ei võiks Õpetajalt küsida?” 137:2.4 (1526.4) Peter took Philip to one side and proceeded to explain that they, referring to himself, Andrew, James, and John, had all become associates of Jesus in the new kingdom and strongly urged Philip to volunteer for service. Philip was in a quandary. What should he do? Here, without a moment’s warning—on the roadside near the Jordan—there had come up for immediate decision the most momentous question of a lifetime. By this time he was in earnest converse with Peter, Andrew, and John while Jesus was outlining to James the trip through Galilee and on to Capernaum. Finally, Andrew suggested to Philip, “Why not ask the Teacher?”
137:2.5 (1526.5) Filippus mõistis äkki, et Jeesus on tõeliselt suur inimene, võib-olla isegi messias, ning otsustas anda selle küsimuse Jeesuse otsustada. Ta läks otse Jeesuse juurde ja küsis: „Õpetaja, kas ma peaksin edasi Johannese juurde minema või ühinema oma sõpradega, kes järgivad sind?” Ja Jeesus vastas: „Järgi mind.” Filippust erutas veendumus, et ta on leidnud Vabastaja. 137:2.5 (1526.5) It suddenly dawned on Philip that Jesus was a really great man, possibly the Messiah, and he decided to abide by Jesus’ decision in this matter; and he went straight to him, asking, “Teacher, shall I go down to John or shall I join my friends who follow you?” And Jesus answered, “Follow me.” Philip was thrilled with the assurance that he had found the Deliverer.
137:2.6 (1526.6) Filippus andis nüüd teistele märku, et nad jääksid sinna, kus on, ning kiirustas teatama oma uudist sõber Naatanaelile, kes ikka alles mooruspuu all istus, mõeldes paljude asjade üle, mida ta oli Ristija Johannesest, saabuvast kuningriigist ja oodatud messiast kuulnud. Filippus katkestas tema mõtisklused, hüüdes: „Ma leidsin Vabastaja, kellest Mooses ja prohvetid on kirjutanud ja keda Johannes on kuulutanud.” Naatanael tõstis pilgu ja küsis: „Kust see õpetaja on tulnud?” Ja Filippus vastas: „Ta on Jeesus Naatsaretlane, Joosepi poeg ja puusepp, viimasel ajal on ta elanud Kapernaumas.” Ning Naatanael küsis seepeale mõnevõrra ehmunult: „Kas Naatsaretist võib tulla midagi head?” Ent Filippus haaras tal käest ja kutsus: „Tule ja vaata!” 137:2.6 (1526.6) Philip now motioned to the group to remain where they were while he hurried back to break the news of his decision to his friend Nathaniel, who still tarried behind under the mulberry tree, turning over in his mind the many things which he had heard concerning John the Baptist, the coming kingdom, and the expected Messiah. Philip broke in upon these meditations, exclaiming, “I have found the Deliverer, him of whom Moses and the prophets wrote and whom John has proclaimed.” Nathaniel, looking up, inquired, “Whence comes this teacher?” And Philip replied, “He is Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, the carpenter, more recently residing at Capernaum.” And then, somewhat shocked, Nathaniel asked, “Can any such good thing come out of Nazareth?” But Philip, taking him by the arm, said, “Come and see.”
137:2.7 (1527.1) Filippus viis Naatanaeli Jeesuse juurde, kes siirale kahtlejale heatahtlikult otsa vaatas ja ütles: „Ennäe, tõeline iisraellane, kelles ei ole valelikkust. Järgi mind.” Ja Naatanael ütles Filippuse poole pöördudes: „Sul on õigus. Ta on tõepoolest inimeste õpetaja. Ka mina järgin sind, kui ma olen selle vääriline.” Ning Jeesus noogutas Naatanaelile, öeldes veel kord: „Järgi mind.” 137:2.7 (1527.1) Philip led Nathaniel to Jesus, who, looking benignly into the face of the sincere doubter, said: “Behold a genuine Israelite, in whom there is no deceit. Follow me.” And Nathaniel, turning to Philip, said: “You are right. He is indeed a master of men. I will also follow, if I am worthy.” And Jesus nodded to Nathaniel, again saying, “Follow me.”
137:2.8 (1527.2) Jeesus oli nüüd kogunud kokku pooled oma tulevastest lähematest kaaslastest, kellest viit oli ta juba varem mõnda aega tundnud ja üks, Naatanael, oli võõras. Rohkem viivitamata läksid nad üle Jordani ja jõudsid läbi Naini küla rännates samal õhtul Naatsaretti. 137:2.8 (1527.2) Jesus had now assembled one half of his future corps of intimate associates, five who had for some time known him and one stranger, Nathaniel. Without further delay they crossed the Jordan and, going by the village of Nain, reached Nazareth late that evening.
137:2.9 (1527.3) Nad kõik jäid Joosepi juurde Jeesuse poisipõlvekoju ööbima. Jeesuse kaaslased ei saanud eriti aru, miks nende äsjaleitud õpetaja hävitas nii hoolikalt kõik kirjatööd, mis olid kodus kümne käsu ja muude motode ja ütlustena temast alles jäänud. Ent see toiming koos asjaoluga, et nad ei näinud teda enam kunagi hiljem kirjutamas — kui, siis ainult tolmu või liiva peale —, jättis neile sügava mulje. 137:2.9 (1527.3) They all remained overnight with Joseph in Jesus’ boyhood home. The associates of Jesus little understood why their new-found teacher was so concerned with completely destroying every vestige of his writing which remained about the home in the form of the ten commandments and other mottoes and sayings. But this proceeding, together with the fact that they never saw him subsequently write—except upon the dust or in the sand—made a deep impression upon their minds.
3. Külaskäik Kapernauma ^top 3. The Visit to Capernaum ^top
137:3.1 (1527.4) Järgmisel päeval saatis Jeesus oma apostlid Kaanasse, sest nad kõik olid kutsutud Kaana linna ühe tähtsa noore naise pulma, ise aga valmistus ta külastama hetkeks Kapernaumas oma ema ja peatus teel ka Magdalas, et kohtuda vend Juudasega. 137:3.1 (1527.4) The next day Jesus sent his apostles on to Cana, since all of them were invited to the wedding of a prominent young woman of that town, while he prepared to pay a hurried visit to his mother at Capernaum, stopping at Magdala to see his brother Jude.
137:3.2 (1527.5) Enne Naatsaretist lahkumist rääkisid Jeesuse uued kaaslased Joosepile ja teistele Jeesuse pere liikmetele hiljuti toimunud imelistest sündmustest ja väljendasid kindlat usku, et Jeesus ongi kauaoodatud vabastaja. Jeesuse pereliikmed pidasid selle üle aru ja Joosep ütles: „Võib-olla emal oligi õigus — võib-olla ongi meie kummaline vend tulevane kuningas.” 137:3.2 (1527.5) Before leaving Nazareth, the new associates of Jesus told Joseph and other members of Jesus’ family about the wonderful events of the then recent past and gave free expression to their belief that Jesus was the long-expected deliverer. And these members of Jesus’ family talked all this over, and Joseph said: “Maybe, after all, Mother was right—maybe our strange brother is the coming king.”
137:3.3 (1527.6) Juudas oli viibinud Jeesuse ristimise juures ning tema ja vend Jaakobus olid hakanud Jeesuse maisesse missiooni kindlalt uskuma. Kuigi nii Jaakobus kui ka Juudas olid oma venna missiooni olemuse suhtes nõutud, olid nende emal tärganud taas kõik ta varased lootused, et Jeesus on messias, Taaveti poeg, ning ta ergutas oma poegi uskuma oma vennasse kui Iisraeli vabastajasse. 137:3.3 (1527.6) Jude was present at Jesus’ baptism and, with his brother James, had become a firm believer in Jesus’ mission on earth. Although both James and Jude were much perplexed as to the nature of their brother’s mission, their mother had resurrected all her early hopes of Jesus as the Messiah, the son of David, and she encouraged her sons to have faith in their brother as the deliverer of Israel.
137:3.4 (1527.7) Jeesus jõudis Kapernauma esmaspäeva õhtul, kuid ei läinud oma koju, kus elasid Jaakobus ja ema, vaid otse Sebedeuse majja. Kõik ta Kapernauma sõbrad nägid, et temaga oli toimunud suur ja meeldiv muutus. Ta näis jälle suhteliselt rõõmsameelne ja rohkem enda moodi — selline, nagu ta oli olnud oma varasematel aastatel Naatsaretis. Enne ristimist ja vahetult sellele eelnenud ning järgnenud üksi veedetud perioode oli ta aastatega üha tõsisemaks ja kinnisemaks muutunud. Nüüd tundus ta neile kõigile taas endisena. Temas oli midagi majesteetlikku ja ülevat, kuid ta oli jälle muretu ja rõõmus. 137:3.4 (1527.7) Jesus arrived in Capernaum Monday night, but he did not go to his own home, where lived James and his mother; he went directly to the home of Zebedee. All his friends at Capernaum saw a great and pleasant change in him. Once more he seemed to be comparatively cheerful and more like himself as he was during the earlier years at Nazareth. For years previous to his baptism and the isolation periods just before and just after, he had grown increasingly serious and self-contained. Now he seemed quite like his old self to all of them. There was about him something of majestic import and exalted aspect, but he was once again lighthearted and joyful.
137:3.5 (1528.1) Maarjat täitis ootusärevus. Ta tundis, et Gabrieli tõotus on täitumas. Ta lootis, et peagi saab kogu Palestiinale ehmatuse ja hämmastusega imeliselt selgeks, et tema poeg on juutide üleloomulik kuningas. Ent Jeesus vastas naeratades oma ema, Jaakobuse, Juuda ja Sebedeuse paljudele küsimustele vaid: „Parem jään mõneks ajaks siia, pean täitma oma taevase Isa tahet.” 137:3.5 (1528.1) Mary was thrilled with expectation. She anticipated that the promise of Gabriel was nearing fulfillment. She expected all Palestine soon to be startled and stunned by the miraculous revelation of her son as the supernatural king of the Jews. But to all of the many questions which his mother, James, Jude, and Zebedee asked, Jesus only smilingly replied: “It is better that I tarry here for a while; I must do the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
137:3.6 (1528.2) Järgmisel päeval, teisipäeval, rändasid nad kõik Kaanasse Naomi pulma, mis pidi toimuma kolmapäeval. Ning vaatamata Jeesuse korduvatele hoiatustele, et nad ei räägiks temast kellelegi enne, „kui Isa tund on tulnud”, levitasid nad siiski vaikselt uudist, et on leidnud Vabastaja. Igaüks lootis endamisi, et Jeesus lähenevas Kaana pulmas ennast messiana maksma paneb ning teeb seda jõuliselt ja üleva suurejoonelisusega. Neil oli meeles, mida tema ristimisega kaasnenud sündmustest oli räägitud, ning nad uskusid, et tema edasist elu maa peal tähistavad üha sagedamini üleloomulikud imed ja imeteod. Seepärast valmistus kogu ümbruskonna rahvas minema Kaanasse Naomi ja Joohabi, Naatani poja pulmapeole. 137:3.6 (1528.2) On the next day, Tuesday, they all journeyed over to Cana for the wedding of Naomi, which was to take place on the following day. And in spite of Jesus’ repeated warnings that they tell no man about him “until the Father’s hour shall come,” they insisted on quietly spreading the news abroad that they had found the Deliverer. They each confidently expected that Jesus would inaugurate his assumption of Messianic authority at the forthcoming wedding at Cana, and that he would do so with great power and sublime grandeur. They remembered what had been told them about the phenomena attendant upon his baptism, and they believed that his future course on earth would be marked by increasing manifestations of supernatural wonders and miraculous demonstrations. Accordingly, the entire countryside was preparing to gather together at Cana for the wedding feast of Naomi and Johab the son of Nathan.
137:3.7 (1528.3) Maarja polnud aastaid nii rõõmsameelne olnud. Ta rändas Kaanasse, tundes end nagu kuninganna-ema, kes on teel oma poja kroonimist vaatama. Jeesuse pere ja sõbrad polnud kaua — Jeesuse kolmeteistkümnendast eluaastast saadik —, näinud teda nii muretu ja õnnelikuna, nii mõistva ja arvestavana oma kaaslaste soovide ja vajaduste suhtes, nii liigutavalt osavõtlikuna. Kõik nad sosistasid isekeskis, arutades, mis küll võib juhtuda. Mida see kummaline inimene nüüd teha kavatseb? Kuidas juhatab ta sisse oma eelseisva kuningriigi hiilguse? Neile kõigile valmistas põnevust mõte, et nad näevad peagi oma silmadega Iisraeli Jumala võimu ja väe ilmsikssaamist. 137:3.7 (1528.3) Mary had not been so joyous in years. She journeyed to Cana in the spirit of the queen mother on the way to witness the coronation of her son. Not since he was thirteen years old had Jesus’ family and friends seen him so carefree and happy, so thoughtful and understanding of the wishes and desires of his associates, so touchingly sympathetic. And so they all whispered among themselves, in small groups, wondering what was going to happen. What would this strange person do next? How would he usher in the glory of the coming kingdom? And they were all thrilled with the thought that they were to be present to see the revelation of the might and power of Israel’s God.
4. Kaana pulm ^top 4. The Wedding at Cana ^top
137:4.1 (1528.4) Kolmapäeva lõunaks oli Kaanasse saabunud peaaegu tuhat külalist, üle nelja korra enam kui pulmapeole oli kutsutud. Juudi tava kohaselt peeti pulmi kolmapäeval ja kutsed olid saadetud laiali kuu aega varem. Ennelõunal ja varasel pärastlõunal näis see sündmus pigem Jeesuse avaliku vastuvõtuna kui pulmapeona. Kõik soovisid seda peaaegu kuulsat galilealast tervitada ja ta suhtles kõigiga, nii noorte kui ka vanadega, nii juutide kui ka paganatega väga südamlikult. Kõik rõõmustasid, kui Jeesus nõustus pulmaeelset rongkäiku juhtima. 137:4.1 (1528.4) By noon on Wednesday almost a thousand guests had arrived in Cana, more than four times the number bidden to the wedding feast. It was a Jewish custom to celebrate weddings on Wednesday, and the invitations had been sent abroad for the wedding one month previously. In the forenoon and early afternoon it appeared more like a public reception for Jesus than a wedding. Everybody wanted to greet this near-famous Galilean, and he was most cordial to all, young and old, Jew and gentile. And everybody rejoiced when Jesus consented to lead the preliminary wedding procession.
137:4.2 (1528.5) Jeesus mõistis nüüd täielikult oma inimlikku eksistentsi, varasemat jumalikku eksistentsi ning oma inimliku ja jumaliku olemuse ühendatud ehk ühtesulanud seisundit. Ta võis täiesti loomulikult täita ühel hetkel inimese rolli ja omandada kohe seejärel jumaliku olemuse isiksuseomadused. 137:4.2 (1528.5) Jesus was now thoroughly self-conscious regarding his human existence, his divine pre-existence, and the status of his combined, or fused, human and divine natures. With perfect poise he could at one moment enact the human role or immediately assume the personality prerogatives of the divine nature.
137:4.3 (1528.6) Päeva jooksul adus Jeesus üha enam, et inimesed ootavad temalt mingi ime kordasaatmist; ta mõistis, et eriti tema pere ja kuus jüngrit-apostlit ootavad, et ta kuulutaks oma eelseisva kuningriigi saabumist sobivalt mingi hämmastava ja üleloomuliku ilmutusega. 137:4.3 (1528.6) As the day wore on, Jesus became increasingly conscious that the people were expecting him to perform some wonder; more especially he recognized that his family and his six disciple-apostles were looking for him appropriately to announce his forthcoming kingdom by some startling and supernatural manifestation.
137:4.4 (1529.1) Maarja kutsus pärast lõunat Jaakobuse enda juurde ja nad võtsid koos julguse kokku, et küsida Jeesuselt, kas ta võib neile usaldada, mis kell ja millises pulmatseremoonia osas kavatseb ta oma „üleinimlikkust” avaldada. Kui nad aga neist asjust Jeesusele rääkisid, nägid nad, et olid temas tavapärast pahameelt tekitanud. Jeesus ütles ainult: „Kui te mind armastate, siis olge valmis koos minuga ootama mu taevase Isa tahet.” Ta näoilme väljendas aga selgelt etteheidet. 137:4.4 (1529.1) Early in the afternoon Mary summoned James, and together they made bold to approach Jesus to inquire if he would admit them to his confidence to the extent of informing them at what hour and at what point in connection with the wedding ceremonies he had planned to manifest himself as the “supernatural one.” No sooner had they spoken of these matters to Jesus than they saw they had aroused his characteristic indignation. He said only: “If you love me, then be willing to tarry with me while I wait upon the will of my Father who is in heaven.” But the eloquence of his rebuke lay in the expression of his face.
137:4.5 (1529.2) See ema samm oli Jeesuse inimlikule poolele suur pettumus ja teda võttis tõsiseks ta enda reageering ema tungivale ettepanekule, et ta lubaks endale oma jumalikkust mingil viisil välja näidata. See oli just üks neid asju, mida ta oli äsja mägedes üksi olles otsustanud mitte teha. Maarja oli mitu tundi väga masendunud. Ta ütles Jaakobusele: „Ma ei saa temast aru, mida see kõik küll tähendab? Kas ta ei lakka kord juba ometi nii kummaliselt käitumast?” Jaakobus ja Juudas püüdsid ema lohutada, Jeesus aga jäi tunnikeseks omaette. Ent kokkutulnute sekka tagasi tulles oli ta taas muretu ja rõõmsameelne. 137:4.5 (1529.2) This move of his mother was a great disappointment to the human Jesus, and he was much sobered by his reaction to her suggestive proposal that he permit himself to indulge in some outward demonstration of his divinity. That was one of the very things he had decided not to do when so recently isolated in the hills. For several hours Mary was much depressed. She said to James: “I cannot understand him; what can it all mean? Is there no end to his strange conduct?” James and Jude tried to comfort their mother, while Jesus withdrew for an hour’s solitude. But he returned to the gathering and was once more lighthearted and joyous.
137:4.6 (1529.3) Pulmad kulgesid vaikses ootusärevuses, kogu tseremoonia oli juba lõppenud, kuid aukülaline polnud mingit märki andnud ega sõnagi lausunud. Siis hakati sosistama, et puusepp ja paadiehitaja, kelle Johannes oli kuulutanud „Vabastajaks”, näitab oma võimeid õhtuse peo, võib-olla isegi pulmaõhtusöögi ajal. Kui ta aga oma kuus jüngrit-apostlit vahetult enne pulmaõhtusöögi algust kokku kutsus ja neile väga tõsiselt ütles: „Ärge arvake, et ma olen tulnud siia inimeste uudishimu rahuldamiseks või kahtlejate veenmiseks mingit imet tegema. Pigem oleme siin selleks, et oodata meie taevase Isa tahet,” ei ihanud nad enam mingit demonstratsiooni. Ent Maarja ja teisedki nägid teda oma kaaslastega nõu pidamas ja olid oma meeles täiesti veendunud, et juhtumas on midagi erakordset. Ning nad istusid kõik pulmasööki maitsma ja vennalikku piduõhtut veetma. 137:4.6 (1529.3) The wedding proceeded with a hush of expectancy, but the entire ceremony was finished and not a move, not a word, from the honored guest. Then it was whispered about that the carpenter and boatbuilder, announced by John as “the Deliverer,” would show his hand during the evening festivities, perhaps at the wedding supper. But all expectance of such a demonstration was effectually removed from the minds of his six disciple-apostles when he called them together just before the wedding supper and, in great earnestness, said: “Think not that I have come to this place to work some wonder for the gratification of the curious or for the conviction of those who doubt. Rather are we here to wait upon the will of our Father who is in heaven.” But when Mary and the others saw him in consultation with his associates, they were fully persuaded in their own minds that something extraordinary was about to happen. And they all sat down to enjoy the wedding supper and the evening of festive good fellowship.
137:4.7 (1529.4) Peigmehe isa oli varunud kõigi kutsutud pulmakülaliste jaoks palju veini, ent kuidas võis ta teada, et tema poja abiellumisest saab sündmus, millel on nii lähedane seos Jeesuse oodatud ilmumisena messiast vabastajana? Talle tegi igati au kuulsat galilealast oma külalisena tervitada, kuid enne pulmapeo lõppu tõid teenijad talle segadusttekitava uudise, et vein on otsakorral. Kui ametlik pidusöök oli lõppenud ja külalised aias ringi jalutasid, usaldas peigmehe ema Maarjale, et veinivarud on otsas. Ja Maarja ütles kindlas usus: „Ära muretse — ma räägin oma pojaga. Ta aitab meid.” Ning ta söandas seda öelda, vaatamata alles mõni tund tagasi kuuldud etteheitele. 137:4.7 (1529.4) The father of the bridegroom had provided plenty of wine for all the guests bidden to the marriage feast, but how was he to know that the marriage of his son was to become an event so closely associated with the expected manifestation of Jesus as the Messianic deliverer? He was delighted to have the honor of numbering the celebrated Galilean among his guests, but before the wedding supper was over, the servants brought him the disconcerting news that the wine was running short. By the time the formal supper had ended and the guests were strolling about in the garden, the mother of the bridegroom confided to Mary that the supply of wine was exhausted. And Mary confidently said: “Have no worry—I will speak to my son. He will help us.” And thus did she presume to speak, notwithstanding the rebuke of but a few hours before.
137:4.8 (1529.5) Aastate jooksul oli Maarja igas nende koduse elu kriisis Naatsaretis alati Jeesuselt abi otsinud, seepärast oli loomulik, et ta ka nüüd tema peale mõtles. Kuid sellel auahnel emal oli nüüd oma vanema poja poole pöördumiseks teisigi põhjusi. Ema läks Jeesuse juurde, kes istus üksi aianurgas, ning ütles talle: „Mu poeg, neil on vein otsas.” Ja Jeesus küsis: „Hea naine, mis on minul sellega tegemist?” Maarja aga ütles: „Ma usun, et sinu tund on tulnud; kas sa ei saa meid aidata?” Jeesus vastas: „Ütlen sulle uuesti, et ma pole tulnud selleks, et nii oma tööd teha. Miks tülitad sa mind jälle niisuguste asjadega?” Siis palus Maarja teda nutma puhkedes: „Aga mu poeg, ma lubasin neile, et sa meid aitad. Kas sa ei saaks, palun, minu heaks midagi teha?” Ning Jeesus ütles seepeale: „Naine, miks annad sa küll niisuguseid lubadusi? Vaata, et sa enam kunagi nii ei tee. Me peame kõiges taevase Isa tahet ootama.” 137:4.8 (1529.5) Throughout a period of many years, Mary had always turned to Jesus for help in every crisis of their home life at Nazareth so that it was only natural for her to think of him at this time. But this ambitious mother had still other motives for appealing to her eldest son on this occasion. As Jesus was standing alone in a corner of the garden, his mother approached him, saying, “My son, they have no wine.” And Jesus answered, “My good woman, what have I to do with that?” Said Mary, “But I believe your hour has come; cannot you help us?” Jesus replied: “Again I declare that I have not come to do things in this wise. Why do you trouble me again with these matters?” And then, breaking down in tears, Mary entreated him, “But, my son, I promised them that you would help us; won’t you please do something for me?” And then spoke Jesus: “Woman, what have you to do with making such promises? See that you do it not again. We must in all things wait upon the will of the Father in heaven.”
137:4.9 (1530.1) Jeesuse ema Maarja oli täiesti löödud, ta oli rabatud! Kui ta aga seal poja ees liikumatult seisis, pisarad mööda nägu alla voolamas, valdas Jeesust kaastunne naise vastu, kes teda lihas oli sünnitanud, ning ta asetas ettepoole kummardudes käed õrnalt tema pea peale, öeldes: „Oota nüüd, ema Maarja, ära kurvasta mu pealtnäha karmide sõnade üle, sest kas pole ma sulle korduvalt öelnud, et olen tulnud ainult oma taevase Isa tahet täitma? Täidaksin hea meelega sinu soovi, kui see vastaks Isa tahtele -” ning vakatas äkki kõheldes. Maarja nagu tundis, et midagi on toimumas. Ta kallistas ja suudles poega ning kiirustas teenijate ruumidesse, öeldes: „Mida iganes mu poeg ütleb, nii sündigu.” Kuid Jeesus ei öelnud midagi. Ta mõistis nüüd, et on juba öelnud — või pigem oma mõtteis soovinud — liigagi palju. 137:4.9 (1530.1) Mary the mother of Jesus was crushed; she was stunned! As she stood there before him motionless, with the tears streaming down her face, the human heart of Jesus was overcome with compassion for the woman who had borne him in the flesh; and bending forward, he laid his hand tenderly upon her head, saying: “Now, now, Mother Mary, grieve not over my apparently hard sayings, for have I not many times told you that I have come only to do the will of my heavenly Father? Most gladly would I do what you ask of me if it were a part of the Father’s will—” and Jesus stopped short, he hesitated. Mary seemed to sense that something was happening. Leaping up, she threw her arms around Jesus’ neck, kissed him, and rushed off to the servants’ quarters, saying, “Whatever my son says, that do.” But Jesus said nothing. He now realized that he had already said—or rather desirefully thought—too much.
137:4.10 (1530.2) Maarja tantsis rõõmust. Ta ei teadnud, kuidas vein tekib, kuid uskus kindlalt, et suutis lõpuks oma esmasündinud poega veenda oma autoriteeti maksma panema, astuma julgelt ette, võtma talle kuuluva positsiooni ning näitama oma messia-võimeid. Ning et teatavad universumijõud ja -isiksused olid kohal ja asjaga seotud, kuigi keegi kohalviibijatest neist midagi ei teadnud, ei pidanud ta pettuma. Vein, mida Maarja oli ihanud ja Jumal-inimene Jeesus inimlikult ja osavõtlikult soovinud, oligi tulemas. 137:4.10 (1530.2) Mary was dancing with glee. She did not know how the wine would be produced, but she confidently believed that she had finally persuaded her first-born son to assert his authority, to dare to step forth and claim his position and exhibit his Messianic power. And, because of the presence and association of certain universe powers and personalities, of which all those present were wholly ignorant, she was not to be disappointed. The wine Mary desired and which Jesus, the God-man, humanly and sympathetically wished for, was forthcoming.
137:4.11 (1530.3) Läheduses seisis kuus kivist veenõu, igas ligikaudu 75 liitrit vett. See vesi oli varutud pulmapeo lõpus toimuvaks puhastustseremooniaks. Jeesus märkas, kuidas teenijad tunglesid tema ema askeldamise saatel nende suurte kivinõude ümber, ning lähemale astudes nägi ta, et nõudest ammutati kannudega veini. 137:4.11 (1530.3) Near at hand stood six waterpots of stone, filled with water, holding about twenty gallons apiece. This water was intended for subsequent use in the final purification ceremonies of the wedding celebration. The commotion of the servants about these huge stone vessels, under the busy direction of his mother, attracted Jesus’ attention, and going over, he observed that they were drawing wine out of them by the pitcherful.
137:4.12 (1530.4) Pikkamööda sai Jeesus aru, mis oli juhtunud. Jeesus oli kõigist Kaana pulmakülalistest kõige enam üllatunud. Teised olid temalt imetegu oodanud, kuid just seda polnud ta kavatsenud teha. Siis meenus Inimese pojale tema Isikustatud Mõttekohandaja mägedes antud manitsus. Kohandaja oli hoiatanud, et ükski jõud ega isiksus ei saa temalt võtta looja sõltumatust ajast. praegu olid kõik võimsusemuundajad, keskteelised ja muud vajalikud isiksused vee ja teiste vajalike komponentide juurde kogunenud ning et Universumi Loojast Suverään oli oma soovi väljendanud, pidigi vein samal hetkel vältimatult tekkima. See sündmus oli kahekordselt kindel seepärast, et Isikustatud Kohandaja oli andnud märku, et poja soov ei ole Isa tahtega mingil viisil vastuolus. 137:4.12 (1530.4) It was gradually dawning upon Jesus what had happened. Of all persons present at the marriage feast of Cana, Jesus was the most surprised. Others had expected him to work a wonder, but that was just what he had purposed not to do. And then the Son of Man recalled the admonition of his Personalized Thought Adjuster in the hills. He recounted how the Adjuster had warned him about the inability of any power or personality to deprive him of the creator prerogative of independence of time. On this occasion power transformers, midwayers, and all other required personalities were assembled near the water and other necessary elements, and in the face of the expressed wish of the Universe Creator Sovereign, there was no escaping the instantaneous appearance of wine. And this occurrence was made doubly certain since the Personalized Adjuster had signified that the execution of the Son’s desire was in no way a contravention of the Father’s will.
137:4.13 (1530.5) See polnud aga üheski mõttes imetegu. Sellega ei muudetud, tühistatud ega ületatud ühtki loodusseadust. Ei toimunud midagi muud kui aja kaotamine veini valmistamiseks vajalike keemiliste elementide taevasel ühinemisel. Looja esindajad valmistasid sel hetkel Kaanas veini täpselt samamoodi, kui see tekib looduslike protsesside tulemusena, välja arvatud asjaolu, et nad tegid seda ajast sõltumatult ja üleloomulike jõudude sekkumisega vajalike keemiliste komponentide koondamiseks ruumis. 137:4.13 (1530.5) But this was in no sense a miracle. No law of nature was modified, abrogated, or even transcended. Nothing happened but the abrogation of time in association with the celestial assembly of the chemical elements requisite for the elaboration of the wine. At Cana on this occasion the agents of the Creator made wine just as they do by the ordinary natural processes except that they did it independently of time and with the intervention of superhuman agencies in the matter of the space assembly of the necessary chemical ingredients.
137:4.14 (1531.1) Pealegi oli selge, et selle niinimetatud ime sooritamine ei olnud paradiisi-Isa tahtega vastuolus, muidu poleks seda sündinud, sest Jeesus oli allutanud end juba kõiges Isa tahtele. 137:4.14 (1531.1) Furthermore it was evident that the enactment of this so-called miracle was not contrary to the will of the Paradise Father, else it would not have transpired, since Jesus had already subjected himself in all things to the Father’s will.
137:4.15 (1531.2) Teenijad ammutasid seda uut veini ja kandsid selle isamehe, „peo juhataja” kätte ning kui too veini maitses, pöördus ta peigmehe poole, öeldes: „Tavaliselt pakutakse algul head veini ja kui külalised on juba palju joonud, tuuakse välja halvematest viljadest valmistatud vein, kuid sina oled hoidnud parima veini peo lõpuks.” 137:4.15 (1531.2) When the servants drew this new wine and carried it to the best man, the “ruler of the feast,” and when he had tasted it, he called to the bridegroom, saying: “It is the custom to set out first the good wine and, when the guests have well drunk, to bring forth the inferior fruit of the vine; but you have kept the best of the wine until the last of the feast.”
137:4.16 (1531.3) Maarjat ja Jeesuse jüngreid rõõmustas väga oletatav ime, mille Jeesus nende arvates tahtlikult oli sooritanud, kuid Jeesus eemaldus varjulisse aianurka ja jäi mõneks hetkeks tõsiselt mõttesse. Lõpuks otsustas ta, et see episood ei allunud tema isiklikule kontrollile ning kuna see ei olnud tema Isa tahtega vastuolus, siis oli see vältimatu. Kui ta inimeste juurde tagasi pöördus, vaatasid need teda aukartusega; nad kõik uskusid temasse kui messiasse. Jeesus oli aga kibedas kimbatuses, teades, et nad usuvad temasse ainult tänu sellele ebatavalisele sündmusele, mida nad äsja juhtusid pealt nägema. Ning Jeesus tõmbus jälle mõneks ajaks maja katusele, et selle kõige üle järele mõelda. 137:4.16 (1531.3) Mary and the disciples of Jesus were greatly rejoiced at the supposed miracle which they thought Jesus had intentionally performed, but Jesus withdrew to a sheltered nook of the garden and engaged in serious thought for a few brief moments. He finally decided that the episode was beyond his personal control under the circumstances and, not being adverse to his Father’s will, was inevitable. When he returned to the people, they regarded him with awe; they all believed in him as the Messiah. But Jesus was sorely perplexed, knowing that they believed in him only because of the unusual occurrence which they had just inadvertently beheld. Again Jesus retired for a season to the housetop that he might think it all over.
137:4.17 (1531.4) Nüüd andis Jeesus endale täielikult aru, et ta peab pidevalt valvel olema, et tema osavõtlikkus ja kaastunne ei kutsuks korduvalt esile sedalaadi episoode. Vaatamata sellele juhtus enne Inimese poja lõplikku lahkumist oma surelikust elust lihas veel palju samasuguseid sündmusi. 137:4.17 (1531.4) Jesus now fully comprehended that he must constantly be on guard lest his indulgence of sympathy and pity become responsible for repeated episodes of this sort. Nevertheless, many similar events occurred before the Son of Man took final leave of his mortal life in the flesh.
5. Tagasi Kapernaumas ^top 5. Back in Capernaum ^top
137:5.1 (1531.5) Ehkki paljud külalised jäid pulmapeole terveks nädalaks, lahkus Jeesus koos oma äsjavalitud jüngrite-apostlitega — Jaakobuse, Johannese, Andrease, Peetruse, Filippuse ja Naatanaeliga — järgmisel hommikul väga vara Kapernauma, jätmata kellegagi hüvasti. Jeesuse peret ja kõiki tema sõpru Kaanas kurvastas väga see äkiline lahkumine ning Jeesuse noorim vend Juudas läks teda otsima. Jeesus suundus koos oma apostlitega otse Sebedeuse koju Betsaidas. Teel rääkis Jeesus oma äsjavalitud kaaslastega paljudest eelseisva kuningriigiga seotud tähtsatest asjadest ning hoiatas neid eriti selle eest, et nad vee veiniksmuutumist kellelegi ei mainiks. Samuti soovitas ta neil oma edasises töös Sepphorisest ja Tibeeriast eemale hoida. 137:5.1 (1531.5) Though many of the guests remained for the full week of wedding festivities, Jesus, with his newly chosen disciple-apostles—James, John, Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathaniel—departed very early the next morning for Capernaum, going away without taking leave of anyone. Jesus’ family and all his friends in Cana were much distressed because he so suddenly left them, and Jude, Jesus’ youngest brother, set out in search of him. Jesus and his apostles went directly to the home of Zebedee at Bethsaida. On this journey Jesus talked over many things of importance to the coming kingdom with his newly chosen associates and especially warned them to make no mention of the turning of the water into wine. He also advised them to avoid the cities of Sepphoris and Tiberias in their future work.
137:5.2 (1531.6) Pärast sama päeva õhtusööki Sebedeuse ja Saloome majas peeti üks Jeesuse maise elujärgu tähtsamaid nõupidamisi. Sellel koosolekul viibis ainult kuus apostlit; kui nad hakkasid juba laiali minema, saabus kohale ka Juudas. Need kuus valitud meest olid rännanud koos Jeesusega Kaanast Betsaidasse tegelikult nagu seitsmendas taevas. Nad olid ootusärevuses ja erutatud mõttest, et neid on valitud Inimese Poja lähedasteks kaaslasteks. Kui aga Jeesus neile selgitas, kes ta on ja missuguseks kujuneb tema missioon maa peal ning kuidas see võib lõppeda, olid nad lausa rabatud. Nad ei suutnud mõista, mida ta neile rääkis. Nad olid keeletud, isegi Peetrus oli väljendamatult löödud. Jeesuse õpetussõnadele söandas vastata ainult sügavalt järelemõtlik Andreas. Kui Jeesus tajus, et nad ei saanud tema sõnumist aru ning et nende ideed juudi messiast on niivõrd tugevasti kinnistunud, saatis ta nad puhkama, ise jäi aga üles, et jalutada ja vestelda oma venna Juudaga. Ning enne kui Juudas Jeesuse juurest lahkus, ütles ta talle kogu südamest: „Mu isa-vend, ma pole sinust kunagi aru saanud. Ma ei ole kindel, kas sa oled see, kelle kohta ema meile on õpetanud, ning ma ei saa saabuvast kuningriigist päriselt aru, aga ma tean, et sa oled vägev jumalamees. Kuulsin Jordani jões seda häält ja ma usun sinusse, kes sa ka ei oleks.” Ning seda öelnud, lahkus ta, et minna oma koju Magdalasse. 137:5.2 (1531.6) After supper that evening, in this home of Zebedee and Salome, there was held one of the most important conferences of all Jesus’ earthly career. Only the six apostles were present at this meeting; Jude arrived as they were about to separate. These six chosen men had journeyed from Cana to Bethsaida with Jesus, walking, as it were, on air. They were alive with expectancy and thrilled with the thought of having been selected as close associates of the Son of Man. But when Jesus set out to make clear to them who he was and what was to be his mission on earth and how it might possibly end, they were stunned. They could not grasp what he was telling them. They were speechless; even Peter was crushed beyond expression. Only the deep-thinking Andrew dared to make reply to Jesus’ words of counsel. When Jesus perceived that they did not comprehend his message, when he saw that their ideas of the Jewish Messiah were so completely crystallized, he sent them to their rest while he walked and talked with his brother Jude. And before Jude took leave of Jesus, he said with much feeling: “My father-brother, I never have understood you. I do not know of a certainty whether you are what my mother has taught us, and I do not fully comprehend the coming kingdom, but I do know you are a mighty man of God. I heard the voice at the Jordan, and I am a believer in you, no matter who you are.” And when he had spoken, he departed, going to his own home at Magdala.
137:5.3 (1532.1) Jeesus ei saanud sel ööl und. Võttes õhturõivad ümber, läks ta järvekaldale istuma, kus ta üha mõtles ja mõtles kuni järgmise päeva koidikuni. Oma mõtisklustes pikkade öötundide jooksul jõudis Jeesus selgele arusaamisele, et ta ei suuda kunagi oma poolehoidjaid panna end nägema teistsuguses valguses kui kauaoodatud messiana. Ta mõistis lõpuks, et saab oma sõnumit taevariigist edasi anda ainult Johannese ennustust täites ja sellena, keda juudid ootavad. Sest kuigi ta polnud Taaveti-tüüpi messias, täitusid temas tõepoolest vanaaja vaimsemate prohvetite ennustused. Ta ei eitanud nüüd enam kunagi päriselt, et on messias. Ta otsustas jätta selle keerulise olukorra lõpliku lahendamise Isa hooleks. 137:5.3 (1532.1) That night Jesus did not sleep. Donning his evening wraps, he sat out on the lake shore thinking, thinking until the dawn of the next day. In the long hours of that night of meditation Jesus came clearly to comprehend that he never would be able to make his followers see him in any other light than as the long-expected Messiah. At last he recognized that there was no way to launch his message of the kingdom except as the fulfillment of John’s prediction and as the one for whom the Jews were looking. After all, though he was not the Davidic type of Messiah, he was truly the fulfillment of the prophetic utterances of the more spiritually minded of the olden seers. Never again did he wholly deny that he was the Messiah. He decided to leave the final untangling of this complicated situation to the outworking of the Father’s will.
137:5.4 (1532.2) Järgmisel hommikul läks Jeesus oma sõpradega hommikust sööma, kuid nad kõik olid tujust ära. Ta vestles nendega ja kogus nad pärast einet enda ümber ning ütles: „Mu Isa tahe on, et me jääksime mõneks ajaks siia. Nagu olete kuulnud, ütles Johannes, et ta on tulnud taevariigile teed rajama; seepärast on meil sünnis oodata, kuni Johannes oma jutlustamise lõpetab. Kui Inimese poja eelkäija oma töö lõpetab, hakkame meie kuulutama head uudist taevariigist.” Ta andis apostlitele käsu oma kalavõrkude juurde tagasi pöörduda, ise aga valmistus minema Sebedeuse juurde paaditöökotta. Ta lubas kohtuda nendega järgmisel päeval sünagoogis, kus ta pidi kõnelema, ning leppis kokku, et peab sabatipärastlõunal nendega nõu. 137:5.4 (1532.2) The next morning Jesus joined his friends at breakfast, but they were a cheerless group. He visited with them and at the end of the meal gathered them about him, saying: “It is my Father’s will that we tarry hereabouts for a season. You have heard John say that he came to prepare the way for the kingdom; therefore it behooves us to await the completion of John’s preaching. When the forerunner of the Son of Man shall have finished his work, we will begin the proclamation of the good tidings of the kingdom.” He directed his apostles to return to their nets while he made ready to go with Zebedee to the boatshop, promising to see them the next day at the synagogue, where he was to speak, and appointing a conference with them that Sabbath afternoon.
6. Sabatipäeva sündmused ^top 6. The Events of a Sabbath Day ^top
137:6.1 (1532.3) Jeesuse esimene avalik esinemine pärast ristimist toimus Kapernauma sünagoogis sabatipäeval, 2. märtsil 26. a pKr. Sünagoog oli puupüsti rahvast täis. Lugu ristimisest Jordani jões täiendati nüüd värskete uudistega Kaanast vee ja veini kohta. Jeesus seadis oma kuus apostlit aukohale istuma ja nende kõrvale oma lihased vennad Jaakobuse ja Juuda. Ta ema oli eelmisel õhtul Jaakobusega Kapernauma tulnud ning oli samuti kohal ja istus sünagoogi naisteosas. Kogu kuulajaskond istus nagu sütel, lootes näha mingit üleloomulike võimete erakordset avaldumist, mis kohaselt tõendaks selle mehe olemust ja autoriteeti, kes tol päeval neile kõnelema pidi. Nad pidid aga pettuma. 137:6.1 (1532.3) Jesus’ first public appearance following his baptism was in the Capernaum synagogue on Sabbath, March 2, a.d. 26. The synagogue was crowded to overflowing. The story of the baptism in the Jordan was now augmented by the fresh news from Cana about the water and the wine. Jesus gave seats of honor to his six apostles, and seated with them were his brothers in the flesh James and Jude. His mother, having returned to Capernaum with James the evening before, was also present, being seated in the women’s section of the synagogue. The entire audience was on edge; they expected to behold some extraordinary manifestation of supernatural power which would be a fitting testimony to the nature and authority of him who was that day to speak to them. But they were destined to disappointment.
137:6.2 (1532.4) Kui Jeesus püsti tõusis, andis sünagoogi juhataja talle pühakirjarulli ja ta luges prohvet Jesaja raamatust: „Nõnda ütleb Issand: „Taevas on minu aujärg ja maa on minu jalajärg. Kus saaks siis olla koda, mida te tahate mulle ehitada, ja kus saaks siis olla mu hingamispaik? On ju minu käsi selle kõik teinud,” ütleb Issand. „Aga mina vaatan ka niisuguse peale, kes on vilets, kellel on rusukspekstud vaim ja kes väriseb mu sõna ees.” Kuulge Issanda sõna, kes värisete tema sõna ees: „Teie vennad, kes teid vihkavad, kes teid ära tõukavad minu nime pärast.” Ent au olgu Issandaga. Ta ilmub teile teie rõõmus ja kõik teised peavad häbenema. Hääl linnast, hääl templist, Issanda hääl ütleb: „Juba enne lapsevaeva sünnitas ta, enne valude algamist tõi ta ilmale poeglapse.” Kes on kuulnud midagi niisugust? Kas vältab maa sünnitusvalu üheainsa päeva või tuleb rahvas ilmale ühekorraga? Ent Issand ütleb nii: „Vaata, ma juhin tema juurde rahu otsekui jõe, ning isegi paganate auhiilgus on nagu voolav oja. Otsekui trööstiks ema, nõnda trööstin mina teid. Ja teid trööstitakse ka Jeruusalemmas. Teie näete seda ja teie süda rõõmutseb.”” 137:6.2 (1532.4) When Jesus stood up, the ruler of the synagogue handed him the Scripture roll, and he read from the Prophet Isaiah: “Thus says the Lord: ‘The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house that you built for me? And where is the place of my dwelling? All these things have my hands made,’ says the Lord. ‘But to this man will I look, even to him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my word.’ Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble and fear: ‘Your brethren hated you and cast you out for my name’s sake.’ But let the Lord be glorified. He shall appear to you in joy, and all others shall be ashamed. A voice from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice from the Lord says: ‘Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.’ Who has heard such a thing? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or can a nation be born at once? But thus says the Lord: ‘Behold I will extend peace like a river, and the glory of even the gentiles shall be like a flowing stream. As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you. And you shall be comforted even in Jerusalem. And when you see these things, your heart shall rejoice.’”
137:6.3 (1533.1) Kui Jeesus oli rulli ettelugemise lõpetanud, andis ta selle tagasi. Enne kui ta uuesti istet võttis, ütles ta vaid: „Varuge kannatust ja te näete Jumala auhiilgust; nii on kõigi nendega, kes ootavad koos minuga ja õpivad nii täitma minu taevase Isa tahet.” Ja inimesed läksid koju, mõeldes, mida see kõik küll võis tähendada. 137:6.3 (1533.1) When he had finished this reading, Jesus handed the roll back to its keeper. Before sitting down, he simply said: “Be patient and you shall see the glory of God; even so shall it be with all those who tarry with me and thus learn to do the will of my Father who is in heaven.” And the people went to their homes, wondering what was the meaning of all this.
137:6.4 (1533.2) Jeesus ja tema apostlid ning Jaakobus ja Juudas sõitsid tol õhtupoolikul paadiga kaldast veidi kaugemale ning jäid ankrusse, Jeesus aga kõneles neile saabuvast taevariigist. Nüüd said nad temast paremini aru kui neljapäeva õhtul. 137:6.4 (1533.2) That afternoon Jesus and his apostles, with James and Jude, entered a boat and pulled down the shore a little way, where they anchored while he talked to them about the coming kingdom. And they understood more than they had on Thursday night.
137:6.5 (1533.3) Jeesus käskis neil täita oma igapäevaseid kohustusi kuni „tuleb taevariigi tund”. Ning nendele eeskuju andmiseks lubas ta ka ise taas paaditöökojas iga päev tööd tegema hakata. Selgitades, et nad peaksid igal õhtul kolm tundi õppima ja oma tulevaseks tööks valmistuma, lisas Jeesus veel: „Me kõik jääme siia ümbruskonda, kuni Isa käsib mul teid kutsuda. Minge nüüd igaüks tagasi oma harjumuspärase töö juurde, nagu poleks midagi juhtunud. Ärge kellelegi minust rääkige ja pidage meeles, et minu kuningriik ei pea tulema lärmi ja säraga, vaid pigem läbi suurte muutuste, mis mu Isa on selleks ajaks sepistanud teie südameis ja nende südameis, keda kutsutakse koos teiega kuningriigi nõukogudesse. Praegu olete te minu sõbrad, keda ma usaldan ja armastan, peagi saavad teist minu isiklikud kaaslased. Olge kannatlikud, olge leebed. Kuuletuge alati Isa tahtele. Valmistuge kuningriigi kutseks. Te saate küll minu Isa teenistuses suurt rõõmu tunda, kuid peaksite valmistuma ka muredeks, sest ma hoiatan teid, et paljud astuvad kuningriiki alles suurte katsumuste kaudu. Ent nende rõõm, kes on leidnud kuningriigi, saab olema täielik ning neid hakatakse nimetama kogu maal õndsateks. Aga ärge hellitage väärlootusi, sest maailm takerdub mu sõnade taha. Isegi teie, mu sõbrad, ei taju täielikult, mida ma teie segadusse sattunud meelele avan. Ärge eksige teelt, me läheme ja töötame terve põlvkonna imetäheotsijate heaks. Nad hakkavad nõudma imetegusid, mis tõendaksid, et mind on saatnud mu Isa, ning neil läheb kaua aega, enne kui nad hakkavad nägema, et minu missioon seisneb teile oma Isa armastuse ilmutamises.” 137:6.5 (1533.3) Jesus instructed them to take up their regular duties until “the hour of the kingdom comes.” And to encourage them, he set an example by going back regularly to work in the boatshop. In explaining that they should spend three hours every evening in study and preparation for their future work, Jesus further said: “We will all remain hereabout until the Father bids me call you. Each of you must now return to his accustomed work just as if nothing had happened. Tell no man about me and remember that my kingdom is not to come with noise and glamor, but rather must it come through the great change which my Father will have wrought in your hearts and in the hearts of those who shall be called to join you in the councils of the kingdom. You are now my friends; I trust you and I love you; you are soon to become my personal associates. Be patient, be gentle. Be ever obedient to the Father’s will. Make yourselves ready for the call of the kingdom. While you will experience great joy in the service of my Father, you should also be prepared for trouble, for I warn you that it will be only through much tribulation that many will enter the kingdom. But those who have found the kingdom, their joy will be full, and they shall be called the blest of all the earth. But do not entertain false hope; the world will stumble at my words. Even you, my friends, do not fully perceive what I am unfolding to your confused minds. Make no mistake; we go forth to labor for a generation of sign seekers. They will demand wonder-working as the proof that I am sent by my Father, and they will be slow to recognize in the revelation of my Father’s love the credentials of my mission.”
137:6.6 (1533.4) Kui nad tol õhtul taas randusid, palvetas Jeesus veepiiril seistes, enne kui nad oma teed läksid: „Mu Isa, tänan sind nende väheste eest, kes hoolimata oma kahtlustest siiski usuvad. Ning nende pärast olengi otsustanud sinu tahet täita. Ja lase neil õppida, kuidas üheks saada, nii nagu meie oleme sinuga üks.” 137:6.6 (1533.4) That evening, when they had returned to the land, before they went their way, Jesus, standing by the water’s edge, prayed: “My Father, I thank you for these little ones who, in spite of their doubts, even now believe. And for their sakes have I set myself apart to do your will. And now may they learn to be one, even as we are one.”
7. Neli kuud õppimist ^top 7. Four Months of Training ^top
137:7.1 (1533.5) Ooteaeg kestis neli kuud — märtsi, aprilli, mai ja juuni. Jeesus pidas oma kuue kaaslase ja vend Jaakobusega üle saja pika ja tõsise, kuigi rõõmsas toonis vestluse. Haiguse tõttu perekonnas sai Juudas harva neis õppetundides osaleda. Jeesuse vend Jaakobus ei kaotanud temasse usku, kuid Maarjat viisid need ootamise ja tegevusetuse kuud peaaegu meeleheitele. Ta usk, mis oli Kaanas sellistesse kõrgustesse tõusnud, langes nüüd jälle. Ta oskas ainult hüüatada, nagu ta seda nii sageli oli teinud: „Mina temast aru ei saa. Tõesti ei tea, mida see kõik tähendab.” Ent Jaakobuse naine tegi Maarja julguse toetamiseks palju ära. 137:7.1 (1533.5) For four long months—March, April, May, and June—this tarrying time continued; Jesus held over one hundred long and earnest, though cheerful and joyous, sessions with these six associates and his own brother James. Owing to sickness in his family, Jude seldom was able to attend these classes. James, Jesus’ brother, did not lose faith in him, but during these months of delay and inaction Mary nearly despaired of her son. Her faith, raised to such heights at Cana, now sank to new low levels. She could only fall back on her so oft-repeated exclamation: “I cannot understand him. I cannot figure out what it all means.” But James’s wife did much to bolster Mary’s courage.
137:7.2 (1534.1) Nende nelja kuu jooksul õppisid need seitse uskujat, kellest üks oli Jeesuse lihane vend, Jeesust tundma, nad harjusid selle Jumal-inimesega koos elama. Ehkki nad nimetasid teda rabiks, ei kartnud nad teda enam. Jeesuse võrratult lahke isiksus võimaldas tal nende seas elada, ilma et tema jumalikkus oleks neid häirinud. Neil oli tõesti kerge „sõbrustada Jumalaga”, sureliku ihus kehastunud Jumalaga. See ooteaeg oli kogu usklikerühmale tõsine katsumus. Ei juhtunud midagi, absoluutselt mitte midagi imelist. Nad tegid päevast päeva oma tavalist tööd ning istusid igal õhtul Jeesuse jalge ees. Tema oivaline isiksus ja lahked sõnad, millega ta igal õhtul nende poole pöördus, hoidsid neid koos. 137:7.2 (1534.1) Throughout these four months these seven believers, one his own brother in the flesh, were getting acquainted with Jesus; they were getting used to the idea of living with this God-man. Though they called him Rabbi, they were learning not to be afraid of him. Jesus possessed that matchless grace of personality which enabled him so to live among them that they were not dismayed by his divinity. They found it really easy to be “friends with God,” God incarnate in the likeness of mortal flesh. This time of waiting severely tested the entire group of believers. Nothing, absolutely nothing, miraculous happened. Day by day they went about their ordinary work, while night after night they sat at Jesus’ feet. And they were held together by his matchless personality and by the gracious words which he spoke to them evening upon evening.
137:7.3 (1534.2) See oote- ja õppeaeg kujunes eriti raskeks Siimon Peetrusele. Ta püüdis korduvalt veenda Jeesust Galileas kuningriiki käsitlevaid jutlusi alustama, samal ajal kui Johannes Juudamaal edasi jutlustab. Ent Jeesus vastas Peetrusele alati: „Ole kannatlik, Siimon. Arenda ennast. Selleks ajaks, kui Isa meid kutsub, pole me sugugi veel valmis.” Andreas rahustas Peetrust aeg-ajalt oma kogenumate ja filosoofilisemate nõuannetega. Jeesuse inimlik loomulikkus jättis Andreasele sügava mulje. Ta ei väsinud mõtisklemast, kuidas keegi, kes elab Jumalale nii lähedal, võib olla inimeste suhtes nii sõbralik ja osavõtlik. 137:7.3 (1534.2) This period of waiting and teaching was especially hard on Simon Peter. He repeatedly sought to persuade Jesus to launch forth with the preaching of the kingdom in Galilee while John continued to preach in Judea. But Jesus’ reply to Peter ever was: “Be patient, Simon. Make progress. We shall be none too ready when the Father calls.” And Andrew would calm Peter now and then with his more seasoned and philosophic counsel. Andrew was tremendously impressed with the human naturalness of Jesus. He never grew weary of contemplating how one who could live so near God could be so friendly and considerate of men.
137:7.4 (1534.3) Jeesus rääkis kogu selle aja jooksul sünagoogis vaid kahel korral. Nende paljude ootusnädalate lõpuks hakati tema ristimisest ja Kaana veinist juba vähem rääkima. Jeesus hoolitses selle eest, et ilmseid imesid enam ei toimuks. Kuigi ta elas Betsaidas nii vaikselt, olid kuuldused ta kummalistest tegudest jõudnud Herodes Antipase kõrvu, kes saatis oma nuhid uurima, missugused plaanid Jeesusel on. Ent Johannese jutlustamine valmistas Herodesele rohkem muret ja ta otsustas Jeesust mitte tülitada, sest too tegi Kapernaumas nii vaikselt oma tööd. 137:7.4 (1534.3) Throughout this entire period Jesus spoke in the synagogue but twice. By the end of these many weeks of waiting the reports about his baptism and the wine of Cana had begun to quiet down. And Jesus saw to it that no more apparent miracles happened during this time. But even though they lived so quietly at Bethsaida, reports of the strange doings of Jesus had been carried to Herod Antipas, who in turn sent spies to ascertain what he was about. But Herod was more concerned about the preaching of John. He decided not to molest Jesus, whose work continued along so quietly at Capernaum.
137:7.5 (1534.4) Ooteajal püüdis Jeesus oma kaaslastele õpetada, kuidas suhtuda Palestiina mitmesugustesse religioossetesse rühmadesse ja poliitilistesse parteidesse. Jeesus ütles alati: „Me püüame neid kõiki enda poole võita, kuid ei kuulu nende hulka.” 137:7.5 (1534.4) In this time of waiting Jesus endeavored to teach his associates what their attitude should be toward the various religious groups and the political parties of Palestine. Jesus’ words always were, “We are seeking to win all of them, but we are not of any of them.”
137:7.6 (1534.5) Kirjatundjaid ja rabisid koos nimetati variserideks. Nad ise nimetasid end „mõttekaaslasteks” ning olid paljuski kõige edumeelsem juutide rühm, olles võtnud omaks palju õpetusi, mida heebrea pühakirjad ei sisaldanud, näiteks usu surnute ülestõusmisesse, mida mainis alles üks hilisem prohvet, Taaniel. 137:7.6 (1534.5) The scribes and rabbis, taken together, were called Pharisees. They referred to themselves as the “associates.” In many ways they were the progressive group among the Jews, having adopted many teachings not clearly found in the Hebrew scriptures, such as belief in the resurrection of the dead, a doctrine only mentioned by a later prophet, Daniel.
137:7.7 (1534.6) Saduseride hulka kuulus preesterkond koos mõnede rikaste juutidega. Nemad ei olnud seaduste täitmise nõudmisel nii ranged. Variserid ja saduserid olid tegelikult pigem religioossed parteid kui sektid. 137:7.7 (1534.6) The Sadducees consisted of the priesthood and certain wealthy Jews. They were not such sticklers for the details of law enforcement. The Pharisees and Sadducees were really religious parties, rather than sects.
137:7.8 (1534.7) Esseenid olid tõeline ususekt, mis tekkis Makkabi mässu ajal, ja nemad olid oma nõuetes mõnes mõttes rangemad kui variserid. Nad olid omaks võtnud palju pärsia uskumusi ja tavasid, elasid vennaskonnana kloostrites, ei abiellunud ning neil oli kõik ühine. Nad keskendusid õpetustele inglitest. 137:7.8 (1534.7) The Essenes were a true religious sect, originating during the Maccabean revolt, whose requirements were in some respects more exacting than those of the Pharisees. They had adopted many Persian beliefs and practices, lived as a brotherhood in monasteries, refrained from marriage, and had all things in common. They specialized in teachings about angels.
137:7.9 (1535.1) Seloodid olid tulihingeliste juudi patriootide rühm. Nad kuulutasid, et võitluses Rooma ikkest vabanemiseks on lubatud kõik meetodid. 137:7.9 (1535.1) The Zealots were a group of intense Jewish patriots. They advocated that any and all methods were justified in the struggle to escape the bondage of the Roman yoke.
137:7.10 (1535.2) Herodeslased olid puhtpoliitiline partei, mis propageeris vabanemist Rooma otsese valitsuse alt ja Herodese dünastia võimu taastamist. 137:7.10 (1535.2) The Herodians were a purely political party that advocated emancipation from the direct Roman rule by a restoration of the Herodian dynasty.
137:7.11 (1535.3) Palestiina keskosas elasid samaarialased, kellega „juudid ei teinud tegemist”, ehkki neil oli palju juudi õpetustega sarnaseid vaateid. 137:7.11 (1535.3) In the very midst of Palestine there lived the Samaritans, with whom “the Jews had no dealings,” notwithstanding that they held many views similar to the Jewish teachings.
137:7.12 (1535.4) Kõik need parteid ja sektid, kaasa arvatud väiksem nasariitide vennaskond, uskusid, et kunagi saabub messias. Nad kõik ootasid oma rahva vabastajat. Jeesus soovis väga selgelt näidata, et tema oma jüngritega ei liitu ühegi koolkonnaga ei mõttes ega teos. Inimese pojast ei pidanud saama ei nasariit ega esseen. 137:7.12 (1535.4) All of these parties and sects, including the smaller Nazarite brotherhood, believed in the sometime coming of the Messiah. They all looked for a national deliverer. But Jesus was very positive in making it clear that he and his disciples would not become allied to any of these schools of thought or practice. The Son of Man was to be neither a Nazarite nor an Essene.
137:7.13 (1535.5) Ehkki Jeesus andis apostlitele hiljem korralduse minna nagu Johannes evangeeliumi jutlustama ja uskujaid õpetama, pööras ta põhitähelepanu „jumalariigist rääkiva evangeeliumi” kuulutamisele. Ta rõhutas oma kaaslastele alati, et nad peavad „näitama üles armastust, osavõtlikkust ja kaastunnet”. Ta õpetas oma poolehoidjatele varakult, et taevariik on vaimne kogemus, mis seisneb Jumala troonile tõstmises inimsüdametes. 137:7.13 (1535.5) While Jesus later directed that the apostles should go forth, as John had, preaching the gospel and instructing believers, he laid emphasis on the proclamation of the “good tidings of the kingdom of heaven.” He unfailingly impressed upon his associates that they must “show forth love, compassion, and sympathy.” He early taught his followers that the kingdom of heaven was a spiritual experience having to do with the enthronement of God in the hearts of men.
137:7.14 (1535.6) Kui nad seal niiviisi ootasid aktiivse avaliku jutlustamise algust, uuris Jeesus koos oma seitsme kaaslasega iga nädal kahel õhtul sünagoogis heebrea pühakirju. Hilisematel aastatel, pärast oma pingelist avalikku teenistust, meenutasid apostlid neid nelja kuud kui kõige väärtuslikumat ja tulusamat Meistriga koos veedetud aega. Jeesus õpetas neile meestele kõike, mida nad suutsid omandada. Ta ei teinud seda viga, et oleks neid ülearu õpetanud. Ta ei ajanud neid segadusse ega esitanud tõde, mis oleks nende arusaamisvõimet liialt ületanud. 137:7.14 (1535.6) As they thus tarried before embarking on their active public preaching, Jesus and the seven spent two evenings each week at the synagogue in the study of the Hebrew scriptures. In later years after seasons of intense public work, the apostles looked back upon these four months as the most precious and profitable of all their association with the Master. Jesus taught these men all they could assimilate. He did not make the mistake of overteaching them. He did not precipitate confusion by the presentation of truth too far beyond their capacity to comprehend.
8. Jutlus taevariigist ^top 8. Sermon on the Kingdom ^top
137:8.1 (1535.7) Sabatipäeval, 22. juunil, veidi enne oma esimesele jutlustamisreisile asumist ja umbes kümme päeva pärast Johannese vangistamist, astus Jeesus sünagoogi kõnepulti — teist korda pärast seda, kui ta oli oma apostlid Kapernauma toonud. 137:8.1 (1535.7) On Sabbath, June 22, shortly before they went out on their first preaching tour and about ten days after John’s imprisonment, Jesus occupied the synagogue pulpit for the second time since bringing his apostles to Capernaum.
137:8.2 (1535.8) Mõni päev enne oma jutlust „taevariigist” töötas Jeesus parajasti paaditöökojas, kui Peetrus tõi talle uudise Johannese vangistamisest. Jeesus pani taas tööriistad käest, võttis põlle eest ja ütles Peetrusele: „Isa tund on tulnud. Valmistume nüüd kuulutama taevariigi evangeeliumi.” 137:8.2 (1535.8) A few days before the preaching of this sermon on “The Kingdom,” as Jesus was at work in the boatshop, Peter brought him the news of John’s arrest. Jesus laid down his tools once more, removed his apron, and said to Peter: “The Father’s hour has come. Let us make ready to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom.”
137:8.3 (1535.9) Jeesus tegi puusepapingi taga oma viimase töö teisipäeval, 18. juunil 26. aastal pKr. Peetrus tormas töökojast välja ja kogus pärastlõunaks kõik oma kaaslased kokku, jättis nad kaldaäärsesse salusse ootama ja läks Jeesust otsima. Kuid ta ei leidnud teda, sest Meister oli läinud ühte teise sallu palvetama. Nad nägid teda jälle alles hilisõhtul, kui ta Sebedeuse majja tagasi tuli ja süüa küsis. Järgmisel päeval saatis ta oma venna Jaakobuse küsima luba saabuval sabatipäeval sünagoogis kõnelda. Sünagoogi juhataja oli väga rõõmus, et Jeesus on taas nõus teenistust läbi viima. 137:8.3 (1535.9) Jesus did his last work at the carpenter bench on this Tuesday, June 18, a.d. 26. Peter rushed out of the shop and by midafternoon had rounded up all of his associates, and leaving them in a grove by the shore, he went in quest of Jesus. But he could not find him, for the Master had gone to a different grove to pray. And they did not see him until late that evening when he returned to Zebedee’s house and asked for food. The next day he sent his brother James to ask for the privilege of speaking in the synagogue the coming Sabbath day. And the ruler of the synagogue was much pleased that Jesus was again willing to conduct the service.
137:8.4 (1536.1) Enne kui Jeesus alustas seda mälestusväärset jutlust jumalariigist, oma avaliku elujärgu kõige vastutusrikkamat ettevõtmist, luges ta pühakirjast ette järgmised lõigud: „Te olete mulle preestrite kuningriigiks ja pühaks rahvaks. Jahve on meie kohtumõistja, Jahve on meie käsuandja, Jahve on meie kuningas, kes päästab meid. Jahve on mu kuningas ja mu Jumal. Ta on suur kuningas üle kogu maa. Armastav headus on selles taevariigis üle Iisraeli. Olgu õnnistatud Issanda auhiilgus, sest tema on meie kuningas.” 137:8.4 (1536.1) Before Jesus preached this memorable sermon on the kingdom of God, the first pretentious effort of his public career, he read from the Scriptures these passages: “You shall be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy people. Yahweh is our judge, Yahweh is our lawgiver, Yahweh is our king; he will save us. Yahweh is my king and my God. He is a great king over all the earth. Loving-kindness is upon Israel in this kingdom. Blessed be the glory of the Lord for he is our King.”
137:8.5 (1536.2) Lõpetanud lugemise, ütles Jeesus: 137:8.5 (1536.2) When he had finished reading, Jesus said:
137:8.6 (1536.3) „Ma olen tulnud kuulutama Isa kuningriigi rajamist. Ning sellesse kuningriiki hakkavad kuuluma juutide ja paganate, rikaste ja vaeste, vabade ja ikestatute palveldavad hinged, sest mu Isa ei tee inimestel vahet — tema armastus ja halastus on üle kõige. 137:8.6 (1536.3) “I have come to proclaim the establishment of the Father’s kingdom. And this kingdom shall include the worshiping souls of Jew and gentile, rich and poor, free and bond, for my Father is no respecter of persons; his love and his mercy are over all.
137:8.7 (1536.4) Taevane Isa saadab oma vaimu inimeste meele sisimasse elama ja kui ma olen maa peal oma töö lõpetanud, valatakse kogu liha peale välja ka Tõe Vaim. Mu Isa vaim ja Tõe Vaim seavad teid sisse saabuvas vaimse mõistmise ja jumaliku õigluse kuningriigis. Minu kuningriik ei ole sellest maailmast. Inimese Poeg ei asu juhtima vägesid lahingusse võimutrooni või ilmaliku auhiilguse kuningriigi rajamiseks. Kui mu kuningriik tuleb, siis tunnete Inimese Poega kui Rahuvürsti, igavese Isa ilmutust. Selle maailma lapsed võitlevad selle maailma kuningriikide rajamise ja laiendamise eest, kuid minu jüngrid astuvad taevariiki oma surelike otsuste ja vaimsete võitude toel; ning kui nad sellesse astuvad, leiavad nad sealt eest rõõmu, õigluse ja igavese elu. 137:8.7 (1536.4) “The Father in heaven sends his spirit to indwell the minds of men, and when I shall have finished my work on earth, likewise shall the Spirit of Truth be poured out upon all flesh. And the spirit of my Father and the Spirit of Truth shall establish you in the coming kingdom of spiritual understanding and divine righteousness. My kingdom is not of this world. The Son of Man will not lead forth armies in battle for the establishment of a throne of power or a kingdom of worldly glory. When my kingdom shall have come, you shall know the Son of Man as the Prince of Peace, the revelation of the everlasting Father. The children of this world fight for the establishment and enlargement of the kingdoms of this world, but my disciples shall enter the kingdom of heaven by their moral decisions and by their spirit victories; and when they once enter therein, they shall find joy, righteousness, and eternal life.
137:8.8 (1536.5) Need, kes esmalt püüavad taevariiki astuda, hakates niiviisi püüdlema Isa-sarnase ülla olemuse poole, saavad peagi kõik, mida nad vajavad. Ent ma ütlen teile täie siirusega: kui te ei taotle pääsemist taevariiki väikese lapse usu ja usaldava sõltuvusega, ei võeta teid sinna kunagi. 137:8.8 (1536.5) “Those who first seek to enter the kingdom, thus beginning to strive for a nobility of character like that of my Father, shall presently possess all else that is needful. But I say to you in all sincerity: Unless you seek entrance into the kingdom with the faith and trusting dependence of a little child, you shall in no wise gain admission.
137:8.9 (1536.6) Ärge laske end petta neist, kes tulevad ütlema, et taevariik on siin või taevariik on seal, sest mu Isa riigi puhul ei ole tegemist nähtavate ja aineliste asjadega. See kuningriik on praegugi teie seas, sest tegelik taevariik on seal, kus Jumala vaim õpetab ja juhib inimhinge. See jumalariik on õiglus, rahu ja rõõm Pühas Vaimus. 137:8.9 (1536.6) “Be not deceived by those who come saying here is the kingdom or there is the kingdom, for my Father’s kingdom concerns not things visible and material. And this kingdom is even now among you, for where the spirit of God teaches and leads the soul of man, there in reality is the kingdom of heaven. And this kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
137:8.10 (1536.7) Johannes ristis teid tõesti meeleparanduse ja pattude andekssaamise märgiks, ent kui te taevariiki astute, ristitakse teid Püha Vaimuga. 137:8.10 (1536.7) “John did indeed baptize you in token of repentance and for the remission of your sins, but when you enter the heavenly kingdom, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
137:8.11 (1536.8) Minu Isa riigis ei ole juute ega paganaid, vaid ainult need, kes taotlevad teenimise kaudu täiuslikkust, sest ma kuulutan teile, et see, kes tahab olla suur minu Isa kuningriigis, peab kõigepealt kõiki teisi teenima. Kui olete nõus oma kaaslasi teenima, siis võtke minuga mu kuningriigis aset, nii nagu mina peagi võtan oma Isaga aset tema kuningriigis loodud-olendi kujul teenimise kaudu. 137:8.11 (1536.8) “In my Father’s kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor gentile, only those who seek perfection through service, for I declare that he who would be great in my Father’s kingdom must first become server of all. If you are willing to serve your fellows, you shall sit down with me in my kingdom, even as, by serving in the similitude of the creature, I shall presently sit down with my Father in his kingdom.
137:8.12 (1536.9) See uus kuningriik on nagu heas põllumullas kasvav seeme. See ei vaju kiiresti looka viljakoorma all. Taevariigi rajamisest inimhinges kuni selle taevariigi küpsemiseni igikestva õigluse ja igavese pääsemise täieks viljaks kulub teatav aeg. 137:8.12 (1536.9) “This new kingdom is like a seed growing in the good soil of a field. It does not attain full fruit quickly. There is an interval of time between the establishment of the kingdom in the soul of man and that hour when the kingdom ripens into the full fruit of everlasting righteousness and eternal salvation.
137:8.13 (1536.10) See taevariik, mida mina teile kuulutan, ei ole võimu ja külluse riik. Taevariigi puhul ei ole küsimus lihast ja joogist, vaid pigem üha kasvavast õiglusest ja rõõmust elus minu taevase Isa täiuslikus teenimises. Sest kas pole siis Isa oma maiste laste kohta öelnud: „Minu tahe on, et nad saaksid lõpuks täiuslikeks, nii nagu mina olen täiuslik.” 137:8.13 (1536.10) “And this kingdom which I declare to you is not a reign of power and plenty. The kingdom of heaven is not a matter of meat and drink but rather a life of progressive righteousness and increasing joy in the perfecting service of my Father who is in heaven. For has not the Father said of his children of the world, ‘It is my will that they should eventually be perfect, even as I am perfect.’
137:8.14 (1537.1) Ma olen tulnud jutlustama häid uudiseid taevariigist. Ma pole tulnud selleks, et lisada koormat neile, kes sellesse taevariiki astuvad. Kuulutan välja uue ja parema tee ning need, kes saavad saabuvasse taevariiki astuda, tunnevad seal rõõmu jumalikust puhkusest. Mis see ka ei läheks teile maksma maistes asjades, missugust hinda teil taevariiki astumise eest ka ei tuleks maksta, ootab teid selles ja eelolevas igaveses elus palju kordi enam rõõmu ja vaimseid edusamme. 137:8.14 (1537.1) “I have come to preach the glad tidings of the kingdom. I have not come to add to the heavy burdens of those who would enter this kingdom. I proclaim the new and better way, and those who are able to enter the coming kingdom shall enjoy the divine rest. And whatever it shall cost you in the things of the world, no matter what price you may pay to enter the kingdom of heaven, you shall receive manyfold more of joy and spiritual progress in this world, and in the age to come eternal life.
137:8.15 (1537.2) Isa taevariiki astumiseks ei pea ootama vägede edasimarssimist, selle maailma kuningriikide kukutamist ega vangiköidikute murdmist. Taevariik on lähedal ja kõik, kes sellesse astuvad, leiavad seal ohtrasti vabadust ja rõõmsat pääsemist. 137:8.15 (1537.2) “Entrance into the Father’s kingdom waits not upon marching armies, upon overturned kingdoms of this world, nor upon the breaking of captive yokes. The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and all who enter therein shall find abundant liberty and joyous salvation.
137:8.16 (1537.3) See taevariik on igikestev valdus. Need, kes taevariiki astuvad, tõusevad minu Isa juurde, nad jõuavad kindlasti paradiisis tema auhiilguse paremale käele. Kõik, kes taevariiki astuvad, saavad Jumala poegadeks ja tõusevad tulevasel ajastul nii Isa juurde. Ma pole tulnud kutsuma ainult õiglasi, vaid ka patuseid ja kõiki, kes janunevad jumalikult täiusliku õigluse järele. 137:8.16 (1537.3) “This kingdom is an everlasting dominion. Those who enter the kingdom shall ascend to my Father; they will certainly attain the right hand of his glory in Paradise. And all who enter the kingdom of heaven shall become the sons of God, and in the age to come so shall they ascend to the Father. And I have not come to call the would-be righteous but sinners and all who hunger and thirst for the righteousness of divine perfection.
137:8.17 (1537.4) Johannes tuli meeleparandust jutlustama, et teid taevariigiks ette valmistada; nüüd tulin mina kuulutama usku, Jumala kingitust kui taevariiki sissepääsu hinda. Kui te vaid usute, et mu Isa armastab teid lõpmatu armastusega, siis oletegi jumalariigis.” 137:8.17 (1537.4) “John came preaching repentance to prepare you for the kingdom; now have I come proclaiming faith, the gift of God, as the price of entrance into the kingdom of heaven. If you would but believe that my Father loves you with an infinite love, then you are in the kingdom of God.”
137:8.18 (1537.5) Nii rääkinud, võttis ta istet. Kõik, kes teda olid kuulanud, olid hämmastunud. Ta jüngrid imetlesid teda. Kuid rahvas polnud valmis selle Jumal-inimese huulilt tulnud head uudist vastu võtma. Ligikaudu kolmandik kuulajatest uskus tema sõnumit, kuigi ei saanud sellest päriselt aru; ligikaudu kolmandik valmistus oma südames seda puhtvaimset arusaama oodatud kuningriigist tagasi lükkama, ülejäänud kolmandik aga ei saanud tema õpetusest aru ning paljud arvasid tõepoolest, et ta „pole mõistuse juures”. 137:8.18 (1537.5) When he had thus spoken, he sat down. All who heard him were astonished at his words. His disciples marveled. But the people were not prepared to receive the good news from the lips of this God-man. About one third who heard him believed the message even though they could not fully comprehend it; about one third prepared in their hearts to reject such a purely spiritual concept of the expected kingdom, while the remaining one third could not grasp his teaching, many truly believing that he “was beside himself.”