154. Kiri Paper 154
Viimased päevad Kapernaumas Last Days at Capernaum
154:0.1 (1717.1) SELLESAMA sündmusrikka laupäeva, 30. aprilli õhtul, kui Jeesus oma masendunud ja hämmingus jüngritele lohutavaid ja julgustavaid sõnu lausus, pidas Herodes Antipas nõu Jeruusalemma Suurkohut esindavate erivolinike rühmaga. Need kirjatundjad ja variserid veensid Herodest Jeesust vahistama. Nad püüdsid talle igati selgeks teha, et Jeesus tekitab elanikkonna seas lahkhelisid, mis võivad isegi mässuni viia. Ent Herodes keeldus tema kui poliitilise kurjategija vastu samme astumast. Herodese nõuandjad olid teisel pool järve toimunud sündmusest, kui rahvas oli püüdnud Jeesust kuningaks kuulutada ja tema oli ettepanekust keeldunud, tõetruult ette kandnud. 154:0.1 (1717.1) ON THE eventful Saturday night of April 30, as Jesus was speaking words of comfort and courage to his downcast and bewildered disciples, at Tiberias a council was being held between Herod Antipas and a group of special commissioners representing the Jerusalem Sanhedrin. These scribes and Pharisees urged Herod to arrest Jesus; they did their best to convince him that Jesus was stirring up the populace to dissension and even to rebellion. But Herod refused to take action against him as a political offender. Herod’s advisers had correctly reported the episode across the lake when the people sought to proclaim Jesus king and how he rejected the proposal.
154:0.2 (1717.2) Üks Herodese ametliku perekonna liige, Suusa, kelle naine kuulus naiste hoolekandekorpusesse, oli talle teatanud, et Jeesus ei kavatse maistesse valitsemisasjadesse sekkuda; et teda huvitab ainult usklike vaimse vennaskonna loomine ja et ta nimetab seda taevariigiks. Herodes uskus Suusa ettekandeid nii kindlalt, et keeldus Jeesuse tegevust segamast. Herodese suhtumist Jeesuse tegevusse mõjutas tol ajal ka tema ebausklik hirm Ristija Johannese ees. Herodes oli üks neist usust taganenud juutidest, kes ei uskunud midagi, kuid kartis kõike. Ta südametunnistus vaevas teda selle pärast, et ta oli Johannese tapnud, ning ta ei tahtnud sekkuda Jeesuse-vastastesse intriigidesse. Ta teadis paljudest haigetest, keda Jeesus olevat terveks ravinud, ja pidas teda kas prohvetiks või siis vähemalt suhteliselt kahjutuks usufanaatikuks. 154:0.2 (1717.2) One of Herod’s official family, Chuza, whose wife belonged to the women’s ministering corps, had informed him that Jesus did not propose to meddle with the affairs of earthly rule; that he was only concerned with the establishment of the spiritual brotherhood of his believers, which brotherhood he called the kingdom of heaven. Herod had confidence in Chuza’s reports, so much so that he refused to interfere with Jesus’ activities. Herod was also influenced at this time, in his attitude toward Jesus, by his superstitious fear of John the Baptist. Herod was one of those apostate Jews who, while he believed nothing, feared everything. He had a bad conscience for having put John to death, and he did not want to become entangled in these intrigues against Jesus. He knew of many cases of sickness which had been apparently healed by Jesus, and he regarded him as either a prophet or a relatively harmless religious fanatic.
154:0.3 (1717.3) Kui juudid ähvardasid keisrile ette kanda, et Herodes kaitseb reeturist alamat, saatis too nad oma nõupidamiskambrist välja. Nii jäid asjad veel terveks nädalaks, mille jooksul Jeesus valmistas oma poolehoidjaid ette neid peatselt ähvardavaks laialiminekuks. 154:0.3 (1717.3) When the Jews threatened to report to Caesar that he was shielding a traitorous subject, Herod ordered them out of his council chamber. Thus matters rested for one week, during which time Jesus prepared his followers for the impending dispersion.
1. Nõupidamisnädal ^top 1. A Week of Counsel ^top
154:1.1 (1717.4) Esimesest kuni seitsmenda maini pidas Jeesus oma poolehoidjatega Sebedeuse majas nõu. Neile koosolekutele lubati vaid läbiproovitud ja usaldusväärseid jüngreid. Tol ajal oli vaid ligikaudu sajal jüngril moraalset julgust variseride vastuseisu trotsida ja Jeesusele avalikult oma poolehoidu kuulutada. Selle rühmaga pidaski ta hommikuti, pärastlõunati ja õhtuti nõupidamisi. Igal õhtupoolikul kogunesid järve kaldale väikesed huviliste rühmad, kellega vestlesid mõned evangelistid või apostlid. Neis rühmades oli harva üle viiekümne inimese. 154:1.1 (1717.4) From May 1 to May 7 Jesus held intimate counsel with his followers at the Zebedee house. Only the tried and trusted disciples were admitted to these conferences. At this time there were only about one hundred disciples who had the moral courage to brave the opposition of the Pharisees and openly declare their adherence to Jesus. With this group he held sessions morning, afternoon, and evening. Small companies of inquirers assembled each afternoon by the seaside, where some of the evangelists or apostles discoursed to them. These groups seldom numbered more than fifty.
154:1.2 (1717.5) Sama nädala reedel astusid Kapernauma sünagoogi ülemad ametliku sammu ja sulgesid Jeesuse ning kõigi tema poolehoidjate ees jumalakoja uksed. Seda tehti Jeruusalemma variseride õhutusel. Jairus astus sünagoogi ülema kohalt tagasi ja sidus end avalikult Jeesusega. 154:1.2 (1717.5) On Friday of this week official action was taken by the rulers of the Capernaum synagogue closing the house of God to Jesus and all his followers. This action was taken at the instigation of the Jerusalem Pharisees. Jairus resigned as chief ruler and openly aligned himself with Jesus.
154:1.3 (1718.1) Viimane koosolek järve ääres peeti sabati, 7. mai pärastlõunal. Jeesus rääkis vähem kui saja viiekümnele kokkutulnule. See laupäevaõhtu tähistas sügavaimat mõõnaperioodi rahva poolehoius Jeesusele ja tema õpetustele. Sellest ajast hakkas soodne suhtumine pidevalt aegamisi, kuid tervemalt ja usaldusväärsemalt kasvama; moodustus uus poolehoidjaskond, kellel olid vaimses usus ja tõelises usukogemuses tugevamad juured. Nüüdseks oli kindlalt lõpule jõudnud see enam-vähem erinevaid tõekspidamisi ühendanud ja kompromisse hõlmanud üleminekuetapp, mis eraldas Meistri poolehoidjate materialistlikke arusaamu taevariigist Jeesuse õpetatud idealistlikumatest ja vaimsematest kontseptsioonidest. Nüüdsest kuulutati taevariigi evangeeliumi avalikumalt selle avaramas vormis ja kaugeleulatuvate vaimsete kaastähendustega. 154:1.3 (1718.1) The last of the seaside meetings was held on Sabbath afternoon, May 7. Jesus talked to less than one hundred and fifty who had assembled at that time. This Saturday night marked the time of the lowest ebb in the tide of popular regard for Jesus and his teachings. From then on there was a steady, slow, but more healthful and dependable growth in favorable sentiment; a new following was built up which was better grounded in spiritual faith and true religious experience. The more or less composite and compromising transition stage between the materialistic concepts of the kingdom held by the Master’s followers and those more idealistic and spiritual concepts taught by Jesus, had now definitely ended. From now on there was a more open proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom in its larger scope and in its far-flung spiritual implications.
2. Puhkusenädal ^top 2. A Week of Rest ^top
154:2.1 (1718.2) Pühapäeval, 8. mail 29. aastal pKr andis Jeruusalemma Suurkohus korralduse sulgeda Jeesusele ja tema pooldajatele kõik Palestiina sünagoogid. Sellega võttis Jeruusalemma Suurkohus endale uued ja enneolematud õigused. Seni oli iga sünagoog eksisteerinud ja tegutsenud palveldajate sõltumatu kogudusena, mida valitses ja suunas selle oma juhatus. Suurkohtule olid allunud ainult Jeruusalemma sünagoogid. Sellele otsusele järgnes Suurkohtu viie liikme tagasiastumine. Käsu edastamiseks ja selle täitmise kindlustamiseks saadeti kohe välja sada sõnumitoojat. Kahe nädala pärast olid juba kõik Palestiina sünagoogid sellele Suurkohtu manifestile allunud, välja arvatud Hebroni sünagoog. Viimase ülemad keeldusid tunnistamast Suurkohtu õigust nende üldkogule niisugust korraldust anda. Keeldumine Jeruusalemma käsule allumast põhines nende seisukohal, et kogudus on autonoomne, mitte aga Jeesuse ürituse pooldamisel. Peagi pärast seda hävis Hebroni sünagoog tules. 154:2.1 (1718.2) Sunday, May 8, a.d. 29, at Jerusalem, the Sanhedrin passed a decree closing all the synagogues of Palestine to Jesus and his followers. This was a new and unprecedented usurpation of authority by the Jerusalem Sanhedrin. Theretofore each synagogue had existed and functioned as an independent congregation of worshipers and was under the rule and direction of its own board of governors. Only the synagogues of Jerusalem had been subject to the authority of the Sanhedrin. This summary action of the Sanhedrin was followed by the resignation of five of its members. One hundred messengers were immediately dispatched to convey and enforce this decree. Within the short space of two weeks every synagogue in Palestine had bowed to this manifesto of the Sanhedrin except the synagogue at Hebron. The rulers of the Hebron synagogue refused to acknowledge the right of the Sanhedrin to exercise such jurisdiction over their assembly. This refusal to accede to the Jerusalem decree was based on their contention of congregational autonomy rather than on sympathy with Jesus’ cause. Shortly thereafter the Hebron synagogue was destroyed by fire.
154:2.2 (1718.3) Sama pühapäeva hommikul kuulutas Jeesus välja puhkusenädala, soovitades kõigil jüngritel oma koju või sõprade juurde minna, et häiritud hingele puhkust anda ja armsaid lähedasi rahustada. Ta ütles: „Minge igaüks omaette puhkama või kalastama ja palvetage taevariigi laienemise eest.” 154:2.2 (1718.3) This same Sunday morning, Jesus declared a week’s holiday, urging all of his disciples to return to their homes or friends to rest their troubled souls and speak words of encouragement to their loved ones. He said: “Go to your several places to play or fish while you pray for the extension of the kingdom.”
154:2.3 (1718.4) See puhkusenädal võimaldas Jeesusel külastada paljusid järve kaldal elavaid peresid ja rühmi. Meister käis mitu korda Taavet Sebedeusega kalastamas ja ehkki ta veetis palju aega üksi, viibis läheduses alati paar-kolm Taaveti kõige usaldusväärsemat sõnumitoojat, kes olid saanud Jeesuse kaitsmiseks oma ülemalt selgesõnalised korraldused. Puhkusenädalal mingit avalikku õpetamist ei toimunud. 154:2.3 (1718.4) This week of rest enabled Jesus to visit many families and groups about the seaside. He also went fishing with David Zebedee on several occasions, and while he went about alone much of the time, there always lurked near by two or three of David’s most trusted messengers, who had no uncertain orders from their chief respecting the safeguarding of Jesus. There was no public teaching of any sort during this week of rest.
154:2.4 (1718.5) Sel nädalal jäid Naatanael ja Jaakobus Sebedeus raskesti haigeks. Neid vaevasid kolm päeva ja ööd valulikud seedehäired. Kolmandal õhtul saatis Jeesus Jaakobuse ema Saloome puhkama ja hoolitses ise oma kannatavate apostlite eest. Jeesus oleks võinud need kaks meest muidugi hetkega terveks teha, kuid ei Poeg ega ka Isa lahendanud sel viisil arenevate aja ja ruumi maailmade inimlaste tavalisi raskusi ja vaevusi. Jeesus ei hoolitsenud oma sündmusrikka lihaliku elu jooksul kordagi üleloomulikul viisil ühegi oma maise pereliikme ega lähema poolehoidja eest. 154:2.4 (1718.5) This was the week that Nathaniel and James Zebedee suffered from more than a slight illness. For three days and nights they were acutely afflicted with a painful digestive disturbance. On the third night Jesus sent Salome, James’s mother, to her rest, while he ministered to his suffering apostles. Of course Jesus could have instantly healed these two men, but that is not the method of either the Son or the Father in dealing with these commonplace difficulties and afflictions of the children of men on the evolutionary worlds of time and space. Never once, throughout all of his eventful life in the flesh, did Jesus engage in any sort of supernatural ministration to any member of his earth family or in behalf of any one of his immediate followers.
154:2.5 (1719.1) Universumiprobleemid ja planeeditakistused tuleb lahendada kogemuste omandamiseks, mis on surelike loodud-olendite arenevatele hingedele koolitus kasvu ja arengu saavutamiseks, järkjärguliseks täiustumiseks. Inimhinge vaimsustumine nõuab lähedast kogemust väga mitmesuguste reaalsete universumiprobleemide õpetliku lahendamisega. Loomne olemus ja tahteolendite alamad vormid ei arene lihtsas ja kerges keskkonnas soodsalt. Probleemsed olukorrad koos pingutama ajendavate stiimulitega kutsuvad üheskoos esile neid meele-, hinge- ja vaimutegevusi, mis aitavad suuresti kaasa sureliku progressi vääriliste eesmärkide saavutamisele ja vaimse saatuse kõrgematele tasanditele jõudmisele. 154:2.5 (1719.1) Universe difficulties must be met and planetary obstacles must be encountered as a part of the experience training provided for the growth and development, the progressive perfection, of the evolving souls of mortal creatures. The spiritualization of the human soul requires intimate experience with the educational solving of a wide range of real universe problems. The animal nature and the lower forms of will creatures do not progress favorably in environmental ease. Problematic situations, coupled with exertion stimuli, conspire to produce those activities of mind, soul, and spirit which contribute mightily to the achievement of worthy goals of mortal progression and to the attainment of higher levels of spirit destiny.
3. Teine Tibeerias toimunud nõupidamine ^top 3. The Second Tiberias Conference ^top
154:3.1 (1719.2) 16. mail kutsuti Tibeerias kokku Jeruusalemma ametivõimude ja Herodes Antipase teine nõupidamine. Selles osalesid nii Jeruusalemma poliitilised kui ka usujuhid. Juutide juhid said nüüd Herodesele teatada, et peaaegu kõik Galilea ja Juudamaa sünagoogid on Jeesuse õpetusele suletud. Nad püüdsid jälle Herodest veenda Jeesust vahistama, kuid too keeldus nende soovi täitmast. 18. mail nõustus Herodes siiski lubama Suurkohtu ametivõimudel Jeesus kinni võtta ja Jeruusalemma viia, et tema üle usuliste süüdistuste alusel kohut mõista, kui Juudamaa Rooma maavalitseja on asjade sellise korraldusega nõus. Jeesuse vaenlased levitasid samal ajal hoolega kogu Galileas kuulujuttu, et Herodes on Jeesuse suhtes vaenulikuks muutunud ja kavatseb lasta hukata kõik, kes tema õpetusi usuvad. 154:3.1 (1719.2) On May 16 the second conference at Tiberias between the authorities at Jerusalem and Herod Antipas was convened. Both the religious and the political leaders from Jerusalem were in attendance. The Jewish leaders were able to report to Herod that practically all the synagogues in both Galilee and Judea were closed to Jesus’ teachings. A new effort was made to have Herod place Jesus under arrest, but he refused to do their bidding. On May 18, however, Herod did agree to the plan of permitting the Sanhedrin authorities to seize Jesus and carry him to Jerusalem to be tried on religious charges, provided the Roman ruler of Judea concurred in such an arrangement. Meanwhile, Jesus’ enemies were industriously spreading the rumor throughout Galilee that Herod had become hostile to Jesus, and that he meant to exterminate all who believed in his teachings.
154:3.2 (1719.3) Laupäeva, 21. mai õhtul jõudis Tibeeriasse teade, et Jeruusalemma tsiviilvõimudel ei ole vastuväiteid Herodese ja variseride vahelise kokkuleppe suhtes, mille kohaselt Jeesus tuleb kinni võtta ja Jeruusalemma Suurkohtu ette viia, kus tema üle mõistetaks kohut juudi rahva pühade seaduste mõnitamise eest. Ning veel enne keskööd kirjutaski Herodes alla käsule, millega anti Suurkohtu ametiisikutele õigus Jeesus Herodese valdustes kinni võtta ja jõudu kasutades Jeruusalemma kohtu ette viia. Herodesele avaldati mitmelt poolt tugevat survet, enne kui ta nõustus seda luba andma, ja ta teadis väga hästi, et Jeesus ei saa loota oma vihavaenlastelt Jeruusalemmas õiglast kohtumõistmist. 154:3.2 (1719.3) On Saturday night, May 21, word reached Tiberias that the civil authorities at Jerusalem had no objection to the agreement between Herod and the Pharisees that Jesus be seized and carried to Jerusalem for trial before the Sanhedrin on charges of flouting the sacred laws of the Jewish nation. Accordingly, just before midnight of this day, Herod signed the decree which authorized the officers of the Sanhedrin to seize Jesus within Herod’s domains and forcibly to carry him to Jerusalem for trial. Strong pressure from many sides was brought to bear upon Herod before he consented to grant this permission, and he well knew that Jesus could not expect a fair trial before his bitter enemies at Jerusalem.
4. Laupäeva õhtu Kapernaumas ^top 4. Saturday Night in Capernaum ^top
154:4.1 (1719.4) Tolsamal laupäevaõhtul tuli Kapernauma sünagoogis kokku viiekümnest juhtivast kodanikust koosnev rühm, et arutada ülitähtsat küsimust, mida teha Jeesusega. Nad rääkisid ja vaidlesid veel isegi pärast keskööd, kuid ei jõudnud kuidagi ühisele otsusele. Peale väheste, kes kaldusid uskuma, et Jeesus võib olla messias või vähemasti pühamees või prohvet, jagunesid koosolekust osavõtjad nelja peaaegu võrdsesse rühma, kellel olid Jeesuse suhtes järgmised seisukohad: 154:4.1 (1719.4) On this same Saturday night, in Capernaum a group of fifty leading citizens met at the synagogue to discuss the momentous question: “What shall we do with Jesus?” They talked and debated until after midnight, but they could not find any common ground for agreement. Aside from a few persons who inclined to the belief that Jesus might be the Messiah, at least a holy man, or perhaps a prophet, the meeting was divided into four nearly equal groups who held, respectively, the following views of Jesus:
154:4.2 (1719.5) 1. et ta on eksiteele sattunud ja kahjutu usufanaatik; 154:4.2 (1719.5) 1. That he was a deluded and harmless religious fanatic.
154:4.3 (1719.6) 2. et ta on ohtlik ja riuklik agitaator, kes võib rahva mässuni viia; 154:4.3 (1719.6) 2. That he was a dangerous and designing agitator who might stir up rebellion.
154:4.4 (1720.1) 3. et ta on kuraditega mestis ja võib olla isegi kuradite vürst; 154:4.4 (1720.1) 3. That he was in league with devils, that he might even be a prince of devils.
154:4.5 (1720.2) 4. et ta on arust ära, hull, vaimselt tasakaalutu. 154:4.5 (1720.2) 4. That he was beside himself, that he was mad, mentally unbalanced.
154:4.6 (1720.3) Räägiti palju ka Jeesuse jutlustatavatest doktriinidest, mis lihtrahvas segadust tekitasid. Ta vaenlased väitsid, et Jeesuse õpetustel pole praktilist väärtust, et kui kõik püüaksid elada tema ideede järgi, tekiks täielik kaos. Ka paljude järgmiste põlvkondade ajal on sama räägitud. Isegi paljud käesolevate ilmutuste valgustatuma ajastu arukad ja heade kavatsustega inimesed väidavad, et nüüdisaegset tsivilisatsiooni poleks saanud Jeesuse õpetustele üles ehitada — ja neil on osaliselt ka õigus. Ent kõik need kahtlejad unustavad, et tema õpetustele oleks saanud ehitada palju parema tsivilisatsiooni ning et seda kunagi ka tehakse. See maailm ei ole iial tõsiselt püüdnud Jeesuse õpetusi suuremates mastaapides ellu viia, ehkki niinimetatud ristiusu doktriinide järgimiseks on sageli mõningaid pingutusi siiski tehtud. 154:4.6 (1720.3) There was much talk about Jesus’ preaching doctrines which were upsetting for the common people; his enemies maintained that his teachings were impractical, that everything would go to pieces if everybody made an honest effort to live in accordance with his ideas. And the men of many subsequent generations have said the same things. Many intelligent and well-meaning men, even in the more enlightened age of these revelations, maintain that modern civilization could not have been built upon the teachings of Jesus—and they are partially right. But all such doubters forget that a much better civilization could have been built upon his teachings, and sometime will be. This world has never seriously tried to carry out the teachings of Jesus on a large scale, notwithstanding that halfhearted attempts have often been made to follow the doctrines of so-called Christianity.
5. Sündmusterikas pühapäevahommik ^top 5. The Eventful Sunday Morning ^top
154:5.1 (1720.4) 22. mai oli Jeesuse elus sündmusrikas päev. Tol pühapäevahommikul enne koitu saabus Tibeeriast kiirustades üks Taaveti sõnumitooja, kes tõi teate, et Herodes oli lubanud Suurkohtu ametnikel Jeesus vahistada või igal juhul kavatseb seda lubada. Kuulnud uudist ähvardavast ohust, äratas Taavet Sebedeus oma sõnumitoojad ja saatis nad kõigisse paikadesse jüngrirühmade juurde, et kutsuda nad samaks hommikuks kella seitsmeks erakorralisele nõupidamisele. Kui Juuda (Jeesuse venna) naiseõde seda ärevat teadet kuulis, saatis ta ruttu sõnumi kõigile läheduses elavatele Jeesuse pereliikmetele, kutsudes nad kohe Sebedeuse majja. Ning selle pakilise kutse peale tulidki peagi kohale Maarja, Jaakobus, Joosep, Juudas ja Rutt. 154:5.1 (1720.4) May 22 was an eventful day in the life of Jesus. On this Sunday morning, before daybreak, one of David’s messengers arrived in great haste from Tiberias, bringing the word that Herod had authorized, or was about to authorize, the arrest of Jesus by the officers of the Sanhedrin. The receipt of the news of this impending danger caused David Zebedee to arouse his messengers and send them out to all the local groups of disciples, summoning them for an emergency council at seven o’clock that morning. When the sister-in-law of Jude (Jesus’ brother) heard this alarming report, she hastened word to all of Jesus’ family who dwelt near by, summoning them forthwith to assemble at Zebedee’s house. And in response to this hasty call, presently there were assembled Mary, James, Joseph, Jude, and Ruth.
154:5.2 (1720.5) Jeesus andis tol varahommikusel koosolekul kokkukogunenud jüngritele hüvastijätuõpetusi; ta jättis nendega selleks korraks hüvasti, teades väga hästi, et nad lähevad Kapernaumas peagi laiali. Ta käskis neil kõigil Jumalalt juhiseid oodata ja taevariigitööd jätkata, hoolimata tagajärgedest. Evangelistid pidid töötama, nii nagu nad enda arvates õigeks pidasid, kuni selle ajani, mil neid kutsutakse. Ta valis kaksteist evangelisti ennast saatma; kaheteistkümnel apostlil käskis ta jääda enda juurde, mis ka ei juhtuks. Kaheteistkümnel naisel käskis ta jääda Sebedeuse või Peetruse majja, kuni ta neid kutsub. 154:5.2 (1720.5) At this early morning meeting Jesus imparted his farewell instructions to the assembled disciples; that is, he bade them farewell for the time being, knowing well that they would soon be dispersed from Capernaum. He directed them all to seek God for guidance and to carry on the work of the kingdom regardless of consequences. The evangelists were to labor as they saw fit until such time as they might be called. He selected twelve of the evangelists to accompany him; the twelve apostles he directed to remain with him no matter what happened. The twelve women he instructed to remain at the Zebedee house and at Peter’s house until he should send for them.
154:5.3 (1720.6) Jeesus lubas Taavet Sebedeuse üleriigilisel sõnumiteenistusel tööd jätkata ja Taavet ütles Meistriga hüvasti jättes: „Mine, Meister, tee oma tööd. Ära lase sõgedatel vagatsejatel end kätte saada ja ole kindel, et sõnumitoojad sind kõikjal saadavad. Minu mehed ei kaota kunagi sinuga sidet ja sa saad nende kaudu teada taevariigi asjade kulgemisest muudes paikades, ja nende kaudu kuuleme me kõik uudiseid sinust. Kui minuga peaks midagi juhtuma, ei katkesta see teenistust, sest ma olen määranud ametisse esimese, teise ja isegi kolmanda eestvedaja. Ma pole ei õpetaja ega jutlustaja, aga mu süda käsib mul seda teha ja keegi ei saa mulle seda keelata.” 154:5.3 (1720.6) Jesus consented to David Zebedee’s continuing his countrywide messenger service, and in bidding the Master farewell presently, David said: “Go forth to your work, Master. Don’t let the bigots catch you, and never doubt that the messengers will follow after you. My men will never lose contact with you, and through them you shall know of the kingdom in other parts, and by them we will all know about you. Nothing that might happen to me will interfere with this service, for I have appointed first and second leaders, even a third. I am neither a teacher nor a preacher, but it is in my heart to do this, and none can stop me.”
154:5.4 (1720.7) Tol hommikul umbes poole kaheksa ajal hakkas Jeesus pidama lahkumiskõnet peaaegu sajale uskujale, kes olid tulnud majja teda kuulama. See oli kõigile kohalviibijatele pühalik sündmus, kuid Jeesus näis ebatavaliselt rõõmsameelne, olles jälle samasugune nagu ikka. Möödunud nädalate tõsidus oli kadunud ja ta innustas neid kõiki usku, lootust ja julgust sisendavate sõnadega. 154:5.4 (1720.7) About 7:30 this morning Jesus began his parting address to almost one hundred believers who had crowded indoors to hear him. This was a solemn occasion for all present, but Jesus seemed unusually cheerful; he was once more like his normal self. The seriousness of weeks had gone, and he inspired all of them with his words of faith, hope, and courage.
6. Jeesuse perekond saabub ^top 6. Jesus’ Family Arrives ^top
154:6.1 (1721.1) Kell oli tol pühapäevahommikul umbes kaheksa, kui Juuda naiseõe pakilise kutse peale saabusid kohale viis Jeesuse maise perekonna liiget. Kogu tema lihalikust perest oli südamest ja alati tema maise missiooni jumalikkusesse uskunud ainult üks — Rutt. Juudal ja Jaakobusel, isegi Joosepil, oli usk Jeesusesse suures osas veel säilinud, kuid nad olid lasknud uhkusel oma otsustusvõimet ja tõelisi vaimseid kalduvusi segada. Ka Maarja kõikus armastuse ja hirmu, emaarmastuse ja perekonnauhkuse vahel. Ehkki teda painasid kahtlused, ei suutnud ta kunagi päriselt unustada Gabrieli külaskäiku enne Jeesuse sündi. Variserid olid palju vaeva näinud, veenmaks Maarjat, et Jeesus on arust ära, nõdrameelne. Nad soovitasid tal poegadega kaasa minna ja püüda teda veenda loobuma edaspidi avalikust õpetamistegevusest. Nad kinnitasid Maarjale, et Jeesuse tervis ei pea enam kaua vastu ning et kui tal lubataks jätkata, saaks kogu pere tunda vaid häbi ja põlgust. Ja kui nüüd Juuda naiseõelt sõna saadi, asusid kõik viis kohe Maarja kodust, kus nad olid eelmisel õhtul variseridega kohtunud, Sebedeuse maja poole teele. Nad olid rääkinud Jeruusalemma juhtidega hilisööni ja kõik olid enam-vähem veendunud, et Jeesus käitub imelikult ja on niimoodi käitunud juba mõnda aega. Ka Rutt ei suutnud Jeesuse teguviise iga kord põhjendada, kuid ta väitis, et Jeesus on oma peret alati igati õiglaselt kohelnud, ja keeldus venda veenmast edasisest tööst loobuma. 154:6.1 (1721.1) It was about eight o’clock on this Sunday morning when five members of Jesus’ earth family arrived on the scene in response to the urgent summons of Jude’s sister-in-law. Of all his family in the flesh, only one, Ruth, believed wholeheartedly and continuously in the divinity of his mission on earth. Jude and James, and even Joseph, still retained much of their faith in Jesus, but they had permitted pride to interfere with their better judgment and real spiritual inclinations. Mary was likewise torn between love and fear, between mother love and family pride. Though she was harassed by doubts, she could never quite forget the visit of Gabriel ere Jesus was born. The Pharisees had been laboring to persuade Mary that Jesus was beside himself, demented. They urged her to go with her sons and seek to dissuade him from further efforts at public teaching. They assured Mary that soon Jesus’ health would break, and that only dishonor and disgrace could come upon the entire family as a result of allowing him to go on. And so, when the word came from Jude’s sister-in-law, all five of them started at once for Zebedee’s house, having been together at Mary’s home, where they had met with the Pharisees the evening before. They had talked with the Jerusalem leaders long into the night, and all were more or less convinced that Jesus was acting strangely, that he had acted strangely for some time. While Ruth could not explain all of his conduct, she insisted that he had always treated his family fairly and refused to agree to the program of trying to dissuade him from further work.
154:6.2 (1721.2) Teel Sebedeuse majja arutasid nad neid asju ja leppisid kokku, et püüavad veenda Jeesust koju tagasi tulema, sest nagu Maarja ütles: „Ma tean, et ma võiksin oma poega mõjutada, kui ta ainult koju tuleks ja mind kuulaks.” Jaakobus ja Juudas olid kuulnud, et Jeesust kavatsetakse vahistada ja Jeruusalemma kohtu ette viia. Nad kartsid ka iseenda turvalisuse pärast. Seni, kuni Jeesus oli rahva silmis populaarne, laskis pere asjadel isevoolu kulgeda, ent nüüd, mil Kapernauma rahvas ja Jeruusalemma juhid olid äkki tema vastu pöördunud, hakkasid nad teravalt tajuma oma piinliku olukorra oletatava häbiväärsuse survet. 154:6.2 (1721.2) On the way to Zebedee’s house they talked these things over and agreed among themselves to try to persuade Jesus to come home with them, for, said Mary: “I know I could influence my son if he would only come home and listen to me.” James and Jude had heard rumors concerning the plans to arrest Jesus and take him to Jerusalem for trial. They also feared for their own safety. As long as Jesus was a popular figure in the public eye, his family allowed matters to drift along, but now that the people of Capernaum and the leaders at Jerusalem had suddenly turned against him, they began keenly to feel the pressure of the supposed disgrace of their embarrassing position.
154:6.3 (1721.3) Nad lootsid kohata Jeesust, viia ta kõrvale ja veenda endaga koju tulema. Nad kavatsesid talle kinnitada, et unustavad ära, kuidas Jeesus on neid hooletusse jätnud — nad annavad andeks ja unustavad —, kui ta vaid loobub rumalast mõttest püüda jutlustada uut religiooni, mis võib talle endale ainult häda ja ta perele häbi kaela tõmmata. Rutt lausus kõige selle peale vaid: „Ma ütlen oma vennale, et minu arvates on ta jumalamees ning ma loodan, et ta pigem sureb, kui laseb neil õelatel variseridel oma jutlustamisele lõpu teha.” Joosep lubas hoolitseda selle eest, et Ruti suu oleks vait, kuni teised Jeesusega tegelevad. 154:6.3 (1721.3) They had expected to meet Jesus, take him aside, and urge him to go home with them. They had thought to assure him that they would forget his neglect of them—they would forgive and forget—if he would only give up the foolishness of trying to preach a new religion which could bring only trouble to himself and dishonor upon his family. To all of this Ruth would say only: “I will tell my brother that I think he is a man of God, and that I hope he would be willing to die before he would allow these wicked Pharisees to stop his preaching.” Joseph promised to keep Ruth quiet while the others labored with Jesus.
154:6.4 (1721.4) Kui nad Sebedeuse majja jõudsid, pidas Jeesus parajasti jüngritele lahkumiskõnet. Nad püüdsid majja pääseda, kuid see oli rahvast pungil täis. lõpuks jäid nad tagaterrassile ja saatsid Jeesusele sõna, mis jõudis sosinal lõpuks Siimon Peetruseni, kes katkestas Jeesuse jutu ja ütles talle: „Kuule, sinu ema ja vennad on väljas ja tahavad tingimata sinuga kõnelda.” Tema ema polnud mõelnud sellele, kui tähtis on see lahkumissõnum Jeesuse poolehoidjatele, ning ta ei teadnud ka, et selle kõne võib iga hetk katkestada vahistajate saabumine. Ta oli tõesti arvanud, et kui tema ja Jeesuse vennad pärast pikaajalist ilmset võõrdumist näitavad üles nii suurt lahkust, et ise tema juurde tulevad, katkestab Jeesus kõnelemise ja pöördub nende juurde niipea, kui on saanud sõna, et nad teda ootavad. 154:6.4 (1721.4) When they reached the Zebedee house, Jesus was in the very midst of delivering his parting address to the disciples. They sought to gain entrance to the house, but it was crowded to overflowing. Finally they established themselves on the back porch and had word passed in to Jesus, from person to person, so that it finally was whispered to him by Simon Peter, who interrupted his talking for the purpose, and who said: “Behold, your mother and your brothers are outside, and they are very anxious to speak with you.” Now it did not occur to his mother how important was the giving of this parting message to his followers, neither did she know that his address was likely to be terminated any moment by the arrival of his apprehenders. She really thought, after so long an apparent estrangement, in view of the fact that she and his brothers had shown the grace actually to come to him, that Jesus would cease speaking and come to them the moment he received word they were waiting.
154:6.5 (1722.1) See oli taas niisugune olukord, kus ta maine perekond ei saanud aru, et ta peab oma Isa tööd tegema. Nii solvusid Maarja ja vennad väga, kui Jeesus küll katkestas kõne, et sõnumit vastu võtta, kuid ei tormanud välja neid tervitama, vaid nad kuulsid teda valju heliseva häälega ütlemas: „Öelge mu emale ja vendadele, et ärgu nad minu pärast kartku. Isa, kes mu siia maailma saatis, ei jäta mind maha; ka minu perekonnaga ei juhtu midagi halba. Öelge, et nad võivad julgesti usaldada taevariigi Isa. Aga kes siis ikkagi on minu ema ja kes on mu vennad?” Ja ta ütles, sirutades oma käed kõigi sinna ruumi kogunenud jüngrite poole: „Mul ei ole ema, mul pole vendi. Vaadake, siin on mu ema ja mu vennad! See, kes täidab minu taevase Isa tahet, ongi minu ema, minu vend ja minu õde.” 154:6.5 (1722.1) It was just another of those instances in which his earth family could not comprehend that he must be about his Father’s business. And so Mary and his brothers were deeply hurt when, notwithstanding that he paused in his speaking to receive the message, instead of his rushing out to greet them, they heard his musical voice speak with increased volume: “Say to my mother and my brothers that they should have no fear for me. The Father who sent me into the world will not forsake me; neither shall any harm come upon my family. Bid them be of good courage and put their trust in the Father of the kingdom. But, after all, who is my mother and who are my brothers?” And stretching forth his hands toward all of his disciples assembled in the room, he said: “I have no mother; I have no brothers. Behold my mother and behold my brethren! For whosoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my mother, my brother, and my sister.”
154:6.6 (1722.2) Kui Maarja neid sõnu kuulis, minestas ta Juuda käte vahel. Nad kandsid ta välja aeda, et teda turgutada, sel ajal kui Jeesus oma hüvastijätusõnumit lõpetas. Pärast seda oleks ta läinud välja ema ja vendadega rääkima, kuid Tibeeriast jõudis kiirustades kohale sõnumitooja teatega, et Suurkohtu ametnikud on juba teel ning et neil on luba Jeesus vahistada ja Jeruusalemma viia. Andreas võttis teate vastu, katkestas Jeesuse jutu ja ütles selle talle edasi. 154:6.6 (1722.2) And when Mary heard these words, she collapsed in Jude’s arms. They carried her out in the garden to revive her while Jesus spoke the concluding words of his parting message. He would then have gone out to confer with his mother and his brothers, but a messenger arrived in haste from Tiberias bringing word that the officers of the Sanhedrin were on their way with authority to arrest Jesus and carry him to Jerusalem. Andrew received this message and, interrupting Jesus, told it to him.
154:6.7 (1722.3) Andreasel polnud meeles, et Taavet oli pannud umbes kakskümmend viis tunnimeest ümber Sebedeuse maja valvama ning et keegi poleks saanud neid ootamatult kinni võtta; seepärast küsis ta Jeesuselt, mida tuleks teha. Meister seisis seal vaikides, kuna ta ema, kes oli kuulnud sõnu „mul pole ema”, aias sellest ehmatusest toibus. Just siis tõusis ruumis üks naine püsti ja hüüdis: „Õnnistatud olgu üsk, kes sind sünnitas, ja õnnistatud olgu rinnad, mis sind toitsid.” Jeesus katkestas hetkeks vestluse Andreasega, et vastata sellele naisele: „Ei, pigem on õnnistatud see, kes kuulab jumalasõna ja julgeb sellele kuuletuda.” 154:6.7 (1722.3) Andrew did not recall that David had posted some twenty-five sentinels about the Zebedee house, and that no one could take them by surprise; so he asked Jesus what should be done. The Master stood there in silence while his mother, having heard the words, “I have no mother,” was recovering from the shock in the garden. It was at just this time that a woman in the room stood up and exclaimed, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and blessed are the breasts that nursed you.” Jesus turned aside a moment from his conversation with Andrew to answer this woman by saying, “No, rather is the one blessed who hears the word of God and dares to obey it.”
154:6.8 (1722.4) Maarja ja Jeesuse vennad arvasid, et Jeesus polnud neist aru saanud, oli nende vastu huvi kaotanud, mõistmata, et just nemad ei suutnud Jeesusest aru saada. Jeesus mõistis täielikult, kui raske on inimestel oma minevikust vabaneda. Ta teadis, kuidas jutlustaja kõneosavus võib inimolendeid kõigutada ja kuidas südametunnistus vastab emotsionaalsele kutsele samamoodi kui meel loogikale ja põhjendusele, ent ta teadis ka, kui palju raskem on veenda inimesi oma minevikust lahti ütlema. 154:6.8 (1722.4) Mary and Jesus’ brothers thought that Jesus did not understand them, that he had lost interest in them, little realizing that it was they who failed to understand Jesus. Jesus fully understood how difficult it is for men to break with their past. He knew how human beings are swayed by the preacher’s eloquence, and how the conscience responds to emotional appeal as the mind does to logic and reason, but he also knew how far more difficult it is to persuade men to disown the past.
154:6.9 (1722.5) On igavesti tõsi, et kõigile neile, kes arvavad, et neist ei saada õigesti aru, on Jeesus osavõtlik sõber ja arusaav nõuandja. Ta oli oma apostleid hoiatanud, et inimese vaenlased võivad olla tema enda kodakondsed, kuid polnud osanud aimatagi, kui lähedale jõudis see ennustus tema enda kogemusele. Jeesus ei hüljanud oma maist peret, et Isa tööd teha — nemad hülgasid tema. Kui Jaakobus sidus end hiljem, pärast Meistri surma ja ülestõusmist, varakristliku liikumisega, kannatas ta ütlemata palju selle pärast, et polnud suutnud piisavalt hinnata seda varasemat sidet Jeesuse ja tema jüngritega. 154:6.9 (1722.5) It is forever true that all who may think they are misunderstood or not appreciated have in Jesus a sympathizing friend and an understanding counselor. He had warned his apostles that a man’s foes may be they of his own household, but he had hardly realized how near this prediction would come to apply to his own experience. Jesus did not forsake his earth family to do his Father’s work—they forsook him. Later on, after the Master’s death and resurrection, when James became connected with the early Christian movement, he suffered immeasurably as a result of his failure to enjoy this earlier association with Jesus and his disciples.
154:6.10 (1723.1) Jeesus otsustas nende sündmuste käigus juhinduda oma inimmeele piiratud teadmistest. Ta soovis teha selle kogemuse koos kaaslastega läbi tavalise inimesena. Jeesuse inimmeeles püsis vajadus näha enne lahkumist oma perekonda. Ta ei soovinud juttu katkestada ega teha oma esimesest kohtumisest nendega pärast nii pikka lahusolekut avalikku sündmust. Ta kavatses kõne lõpetada ja siis nendega enne lahkumist vestelda, kuid selle plaani nurjasid vahetult järgnenud sündmused. 154:6.10 (1723.1) In passing through these events, Jesus chose to be guided by the limited knowledge of his human mind. He desired to undergo the experience with his associates as a mere man. And it was in the human mind of Jesus to see his family before he left. He did not wish to stop in the midst of his discourse and thus render their first meeting after so long a separation such a public affair. He had intended to finish his address and then have a visit with them before leaving, but this plan was thwarted by the conspiracy of events which immediately followed.
154:6.11 (1723.2) Põgenemist kiirendas veelgi rühma Taaveti sõnumitoojate saabumine Sebedeuse maja tagaukse juurde. Kullerite tekitatud segadus pani apostlid kartma, et äsjasaabunud võivadki olla vahistajad, ja peljates kohest kinnivõtmist, kiirustasid nad eesukse kaudu neid ootava paadi juurde. Kõige sellega on seletatav, miks Jeesus ei kohtunud tagaterrassil teda ootava perekonnaga. 154:6.11 (1723.2) The haste of their flight was augmented by the arrival of a party of David’s messengers at the rear entrance of the Zebedee home. The commotion produced by these men frightened the apostles into thinking that these new arrivals might be their apprehenders, and in fear of immediate arrest, they hastened through the front entrance to the waiting boat. And all of this explains why Jesus did not see his family waiting on the back porch.
154:6.12 (1723.3) Ent ta ütles kiiruga põgenedes Taavet Sebedeusele: „Ütle mu emale ja vendadele, et ma tänan neid selle eest, et nad tulid, ja kavatsen nendega kohtuda. Manitse neid, et nad ei süüdistaks mind, vaid pigem püüaksid tundma õppida Jumala tahet ja leida endas heatahtlikkust ning julgust seda tahet täita.” 154:6.12 (1723.3) But he did say to David Zebedee as he entered the boat in hasty flight: “Tell my mother and my brothers that I appreciate their coming, and that I intended to see them. Admonish them to find no offense in me but rather to seek for a knowledge of the will of God and for grace and courage to do that will.”
7. Kiire põgenemine ^top 7. The Hasty Flight ^top
154:7.1 (1723.4) Nii juhtuski, et sel pühapäevahommikul, 29. aasta kahekümne teisel mail pKr, kiirustas Jeesus koos kaheteistkümne apostli ja kaheteistkümne evangelistiga põgenema Suurkohtu ametnike eest, kes olid teel Betsaidasse Herodes Antipase loaga ta vahistada ja viia Jeruusalemma, et süüdistada teda pühaduseteotuses ja muudes juutide pühade seaduste rikkumistes. Kell oli tol kaunil hommikul juba peaaegu pool üheksa, kui see kahekümne viie liikmeline rühm asus aerudele ja võttis suuna Galilea järve idakaldale. 154:7.1 (1723.4) And so it was on this Sunday morning, the twenty-second of May, in the year a.d. 29, that Jesus, with his twelve apostles and the twelve evangelists, engaged in this hasty flight from the Sanhedrin officers who were on their way to Bethsaida with authority from Herod Antipas to arrest him and take him to Jerusalem for trial on charges of blasphemy and other violations of the sacred laws of the Jews. It was almost half past eight this beautiful morning when this company of twenty-five manned the oars and pulled for the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee.
154:7.2 (1723.5) Meistri paadile järgnes veel üks, väiksem paat, kus oli kuus Taaveti sõnumitoojat, kes olid saanud korralduse Jeesuse ja tema kaaslastega sidet pidada ja selle eest hoolitseda, et nende asukohast ja ohutusest edastataks regulaarselt teavet Sebedeuse majja Betsaidas, mis oli olnud juba mõnda aega taevariigitöö keskus. Jeesus ei peatunud aga Sebedeuse majas enam kunagi. Nüüdsest polnud Meistril kogu oma ülejäänud maise elu jooksul tõepoolest „kohta, kuhu ta oma pea võiks panna”. Tal polnud enam midagi, mis rahulikku elupaika oleks meenutanud. 154:7.2 (1723.5) Following the Master’s boat was another and smaller craft, containing six of David’s messengers, who had instructions to maintain contact with Jesus and his associates and to see that information of their whereabouts and safety was regularly transmitted to the home of Zebedee in Bethsaida, which had served as headquarters for the work of the kingdom for some time. But Jesus was never again to make his home at the house of Zebedee. From now on, throughout the remainder of his earth life, the Master truly “had not where to lay his head.” No more did he have even the semblance of a settled abode.
154:7.3 (1723.6) Nad aerutasid Keresa küla lähedale, andsid paadi sõprade hoolde ja alustasid Meistri maapealse elu sündmusrikka viimase aasta rännakuid. Mõnda aega jäid nad Filippuse valdustesse, olles läinud Keresast Filippuse Kaisareasse, kust suundusid edasi Foiniikia rannikule. 154:7.3 (1723.6) They rowed over to near the village of Kheresa, put their boat in the custody of friends, and began the wanderings of this eventful last year of the Master’s life on earth. For a time they remained in the domains of Philip, going from Kheresa up to Caesarea-Philippi, thence making their way over to the coast of Phoenicia.
154:7.4 (1723.7) Rahvas jäi Sebedeuse maja juurde ootama ja jälgis kahte paati, mis üle järve idakaldale suundusid; need olid juba üsna kaugele jõudnud, kui Jeruusalemma ametnikud kohale kiirustasid ja Jeesust otsima hakkasid. Nad ei suutnud uskuda, et Jeesus oli põgenema pääsenud, ning sel ajal kui Jeesus oma kaaslastega läbi Batanea põhja poole rändas, kulutasid variserid peaaegu terve nädala asjatutele otsingutele Kapernauma ümbruses. 154:7.4 (1723.7) The crowd lingered about the home of Zebedee watching these two boats make their way over the lake toward the eastern shore, and they were well started when the Jerusalem officers hurried up and began their search for Jesus. They refused to believe he had escaped them, and while Jesus and his party were journeying northward through Batanea, the Pharisees and their assistants spent almost a full week vainly searching for him in the neighborhood of Capernaum.
154:7.5 (1724.1) Jeesuse pere naasis oma koju Kapernauma ja veetis peaaegu terve nädala omavahel vesteldes, vaieldes ja palvetades. Neid täitis segadus ja meelehärm. Nad ei saanud meelerahu enne, kui Rutt tuli neljapäeva pärastlõunal Sebedeuse majast, kus ta oli Taavetilt kuulnud, et nende vennast isa on väljaspool ohtu, hea tervise juures ja teel Foiniikia rannikule. 154:7.5 (1724.1) Jesus’ family returned to their home in Capernaum and spent almost a week in talking, debating, and praying. They were filled with confusion and consternation. They enjoyed no peace of mind until Thursday afternoon, when Ruth returned from a visit to the Zebedee house, where she learned from David that her father-brother was safe and in good health and making his way toward the Phoenician coast.