153. Kiri Paper 153
Kapernauma kriis The Crisis at Capernaum
153:0.1 (1707.1) REEDE õhtul, kohe pärast Betsaidasse jõudmist, samuti pühapäeva hommikul märkasid apostlid, et Jeesust vaevab tõsiselt mingi ülitähtis mure; nad tajusid, et Meister mõtleb erakordselt sügavalt millelegi tähtsale. Ta ei einestanud hommikul ja sõi ka lõuna ajal vähe. Kogu sabati hommiku ja eelmise õhtu arutasid kaksteist apostlit väikeste rühmadena seda majas, aias ja järverannal. Kõik nad tajusid määramatusest ja kartlikust ootusest põhjustatud pinget. Pärast Jeruusalemmast lahkumist polnud Jeesus nendega eriti rääkinud. 153:0.1 (1707.1) ON FRIDAY evening, the day of their arrival at Bethsaida, and on Sabbath morning, the apostles noticed that Jesus was seriously occupied with some momentous problem; they were cognizant that the Master was giving unusual thought to some important matter. He ate no breakfast and but little at noontide. All of Sabbath morning and the evening before, the twelve and their associates were gathered together in small groups about the house, in the garden, and along the seashore. There was a tension of uncertainty and a suspense of apprehension resting upon all of them. Jesus had said little to them since they left Jerusalem.
153:0.2 (1707.2) Nad polnud juba mitu kuud Meistrit nii mõtteis ja sõnakehvana näinud. Isegi Siimon Peetrus oli rusutud, kui mitte masendatud. Andreas ei teadnud, mida oma nukrate kaaslaste heaks teha. Naatanael ütles, et tegemist on „vaikusega enne tormi”. Toomas avaldas arvamust, et „peagi juhtub midagi erakordset”. Filippus soovitas Taavet Sebedeusel „jätta rahvahulkade toitmise ja majutamise plaanid sinnapaika, kuni teame, mille üle Meister aru peab”. Matteus tegi taas pingutusi rahavarusid täiendada. Jaakobus ja Johannes rääkisid omavahel eelseisvast jutlusest sünagoogis ja arutasid, milline see oma olemuselt ja ulatuselt võiks olla. Seloot Siimon väljendas oma usku, tegelikult isegi lootust, et „taevane Isa võib oma Poja eest kättemaksmiseks ja tema toetamiseks mingil ootamatul viisil sekkuda”, Juudas Iskariot aga söandas mõelda, et võib-olla rõhub Jeesust kahetsus, et „tal polnud olnud julgust ja vaprust lasta viiel tuhandel inimesel end juutide kuningaks kuulutada”. 153:0.2 (1707.2) Not in months had they seen the Master so preoccupied and uncommunicative. Even Simon Peter was depressed, if not downcast. Andrew was at a loss to know what to do for his dejected associates. Nathaniel said they were in the midst of the “lull before the storm.” Thomas expressed the opinion that “something out of the ordinary is about to happen.” Philip advised David Zebedee to “forget about plans for feeding and lodging the multitude until we know what the Master is thinking about.” Matthew was putting forth renewed efforts to replenish the treasury. James and John talked over the forthcoming sermon in the synagogue and speculated much as to its probable nature and scope. Simon Zelotes expressed the belief, in reality a hope, that “the Father in heaven may be about to intervene in some unexpected manner for the vindication and support of his Son,” while Judas Iscariot dared to indulge the thought that possibly Jesus was oppressed with regrets that “he did not have the courage and daring to permit the five thousand to proclaim him king of the Jews.”
153:0.3 (1707.3) Selle rõhutud ja lohutamatu poolehoidjate rühmaga läkski Jeesus tol kaunil sabati õhtupoolikul Kapernauma sünagoogi oma epohhiloovat jutlust pidama. Ainsana andis talle poolehoidjate seast kaasa rõõmsad tervitussõnad ja head soovid üks mitte midagi aimavatest Alfeuse kaksikutest, kes heatujuliselt tervitas sünagoogi siirduvat Jeesust ja ütles talle: „Me palvetame, et Isa sind aitaks ja et rahvast oleks rohkem kui kunagi varem.” 153:0.3 (1707.3) It was from among such a group of depressed and disconsolate followers that Jesus went forth on this beautiful Sabbath afternoon to preach his epoch-making sermon in the Capernaum synagogue. The only word of cheerful greeting or well-wishing from any of his immediate followers came from one of the unsuspecting Alpheus twins, who, as Jesus left the house on his way to the synagogue, saluted him cheerily and said: “We pray the Father will help you, and that we may have bigger multitudes than ever.”
1. Olukorra kujunemine ^top 1. The Setting of the Stage ^top
153:1.1 (1707.4) Jeesust tervitas tol erilisel sabati pärastlõunal kell kolm Kapernauma uues sünagoogis väljapaistvatest isikutest koosnev kogudus. Eesistujaks oli Jairus, kes ulatas Jeesusele lugemiseks pühakirja. Eelmisel päeval oli Jeruusalemmast saabunud viiskümmend kolm variseri ja saduseri. Kohal olid ka rohkem kui kolmekümne lähedal asuva sünagoogi juhid ja ülemad. Need juutide usujuhid täitsid otseselt Jeruusalemma Suurkohtu korraldusi ja kujutasid endast ortodoksse usu eelväge, kes oli tulnud Jeesusele ja ta jüngritele kuulutatud otsest sõda sisse juhatama. Juudi usujuhtide kõrval istusid sünagoogis aukohtadel Herodes Antipase ametlikud vaatlejad, kellel oli kästud välja selgitada tõde häirivate ettekannete kohta, mille kohaselt lihtrahvas oli püüdnud tema venna Filippuse valdustes Jeesust juutide kuningaks kuulutada. 153:1.1 (1707.4) A distinguished congregation greeted Jesus at three o’clock on this exquisite Sabbath afternoon in the new Capernaum synagogue. Jairus presided and handed Jesus the Scriptures to read. The day before, fifty-three Pharisees and Sadducees had arrived from Jerusalem; more than thirty of the leaders and rulers of the neighboring synagogues were also present. These Jewish religious leaders were acting directly under orders from the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem, and they constituted the orthodox vanguard which had come to inaugurate open warfare on Jesus and his disciples. Sitting by the side of these Jewish leaders, in the synagogue seats of honor, were the official observers of Herod Antipas, who had been directed to ascertain the truth concerning the disturbing reports that an attempt had been made by the populace to proclaim Jesus the king of the Jews, over in the domains of his brother Philip.
153:1.2 (1708.1) Jeesus mõistis, et üha kasvav vaenlastehulk on kohe talle avalikku sõda kuulutamas, ja otsustas julgelt rünnakule asuda. Viit tuhandet toites oli ta astunud vastu nende ideedele maisest messiast, nüüd otsustas ta taas rünnata avalikult nende arusaama juutide vabastajast. Selle kriisiga, mis algas viie tuhande toitmisega ja lõppes jutlusega tol sabati õhtupoolikul, pöördus rahva seas omatud kuulsuse ja poolehoiu tõusulaine vastassuunda. Nüüdsest alates tuli taevariigitöös tegelda üha enam tähtsama tööga — püsivalt vaimselt pöördunute võitmisega inimkonna tõeliselt religioosse vennaskonna poole. See jutlus tähistas kriisi üleminekul arutluste, vaidluste ja otsuste perioodist avalikule sõjale ja seisukohtade lõplikule vastuvõtmisele või tagasilükkamisele. 153:1.2 (1708.1) Jesus comprehended that he faced the immediate declaration of avowed and open warfare by his increasing enemies, and he elected boldly to assume the offensive. At the feeding of the five thousand he had challenged their ideas of the material Messiah; now he chose again openly to attack their concept of the Jewish deliverer. This crisis, which began with the feeding of the five thousand, and which terminated with this Sabbath afternoon sermon, was the outward turning of the tide of popular fame and acclaim. Henceforth, the work of the kingdom was to be increasingly concerned with the more important task of winning lasting spiritual converts for the truly religious brotherhood of mankind. This sermon marks the crisis in the transition from the period of discussion, controversy, and decision to that of open warfare and final acceptance or final rejection.
153:1.3 (1708.2) Meister teadis hästi, et paljud tema poolehoidjad olid aegamööda, kuid kindlalt meelt muutmas, et teda lõpuks tagasi lükata. Ta teadis samuti, et paljud jüngrid olid niisama aegamööda, kuid kindlalt läbi tegemas seda meele treeningut ja hinge korrastamist, mis võimaldaks neil võita kahtlused ja panna julgelt maksma oma täisvereline usk taevariigi evangeeliumisse. Jeesus sai täielikult aru, et inimesed valmistuvad kriisiolukordades otsuste langetamiseks ja ootamatute kangelastegude sooritamiseks aegamööda arenedes ja korduvalt hea ja kurja vahel valikuid tehes. Ta harjutas oma valitud sõnumitoojaid korduvalt pettumustega ja pakkus neile sagedasi proovilepanevaid võimalusi vaimsetes katsetes õige ja väära tee vahel valida. Ta teadis, et võib oma poolehoidjatele kindel olla, kui nad on tegemas oma elu tähtsaimat otsust, tuginedes varasematele ja harjunud meelehoiakutele ning vaimureageeringutele. 153:1.3 (1708.2) The Master well knew that many of his followers were slowly but surely preparing their minds finally to reject him. He likewise knew that many of his disciples were slowly but certainly passing through that training of mind and that discipline of soul which would enable them to triumph over doubt and courageously to assert their full-fledged faith in the gospel of the kingdom. Jesus fully understood how men prepare themselves for the decisions of a crisis and the performance of sudden deeds of courageous choosing by the slow process of the reiterated choosing between the recurring situations of good and evil. He subjected his chosen messengers to repeated rehearsals in disappointment and provided them with frequent and testing opportunities for choosing between the right and the wrong way of meeting spiritual trials. He knew he could depend on his followers, when they met the final test, to make their vital decisions in accordance with prior and habitual mental attitudes and spirit reactions.
153:1.4 (1708.3) See kriis Jeesuse maises elus algas viie tuhande toitmisega ja lõppes jutlusega sünagoogis; kriis apostlite elus algas jutlusega sünagoogis ja kestis terve aasta ning lõppes alles kohtumõistmisega Meistri üle ja tema ristilöömisega. 153:1.4 (1708.3) This crisis in Jesus’ earth life began with the feeding of the five thousand and ended with this sermon in the synagogue; the crisis in the lives of the apostles began with this sermon in the synagogue and continued for a whole year, ending only with the Master’s trial and crucifixion.
153:1.5 (1708.4) Kui nad tol õhtupoolikul enne Jeesuse jutluse algust sünagoogis istusid, oli kõigi meeles vaid üks suur mõistatus, üks ülim küsimus. Nii ta sõpradel kui ka vaenlastel oli peas vaid üks mõte: „Miks ta ise rahva entusiasmi tõusulaine nii tahtlikult ja tõhusalt vastassuunda pööras?” Ning tema rahulolematute pooldajate kahtlused ja pettumused kasvasid just vahetult enne ja vahetult pärast seda jutlust alateadlikuks vastuseisuks ja lõpuks vihaks. Juudas Iskariotil tekkis pärast seda jutlust sünagoogis esimene teadlik mõte Jeesus hüljata. Ent tol korral sai ta veel kõigist niisugustest soovidest tõhusalt võitu. 153:1.5 (1708.4) As they sat there in the synagogue that afternoon before Jesus began to speak, there was just one great mystery, just one supreme question, in the minds of all. Both his friends and his foes pondered just one thought, and that was: “Why did he himself so deliberately and effectively turn back the tide of popular enthusiasm?” And it was immediately before and immediately after this sermon that the doubts and disappointments of his disgruntled adherents grew into unconscious opposition and eventually turned into actual hatred. It was after this sermon in the synagogue that Judas Iscariot entertained his first conscious thought of deserting. But he did, for the time being, effectively master all such inclinations.
153:1.6 (1708.5) Kõik olid kimbatuses. Jeesus oli jätnud nad keeletuks ja hämmeldusse. Hiljuti oli ta avaldanud oma üleloomulikke võimeid rohkem kui kunagi varem kogu oma elujärgu jooksul. Viie tuhande toitmine oli üks tema maise elu sündmusi, mis vastas kõige enam juutide arusaamale oodatud messiast. Ent selle erakordse saavutuse tegi kohe ja seletamatult olematuks tema kiire ja selgesõnaline keeldumine lasta end kuningaks kuulutada. 153:1.6 (1708.5) Everyone was in a state of perplexity. Jesus had left them dumfounded and confounded. He had recently engaged in the greatest demonstration of supernatural power to characterize his whole career. The feeding of the five thousand was the one event of his earth life which made the greatest appeal to the Jewish concept of the expected Messiah. But this extraordinary advantage was immediately and unexplainedly offset by his prompt and unequivocal refusal to be made king.
153:1.7 (1709.1) Jeruusalemma juhid olid reede õhtul ja uuesti sabati hommikul Jairuse kallal kaua tõsist tööd teinud, et Jeesuse kõnelemist sünagoogis takistada, kuid asjata. Jairuse ainus vastus sellele palvele oli: „Ma olen seda lubanud ja mina oma sõna ei murra.” 153:1.7 (1709.1) On Friday evening, and again on Sabbath morning, the Jerusalem leaders had labored long and earnestly with Jairus to prevent Jesus’ speaking in the synagogue, but it was of no avail. Jairus’s only reply to all this pleading was: “I have granted this request, and I will not violate my word.”
2. Murranguline jutlus ^top 2. The Epochal Sermon ^top
153:2.1 (1709.2) Jutluse sissejuhatuseks luges Jeesus seadusi Viiendast Moosese raamatust: „Aga kui see rahvas ei kuula Jumala häält, siis tabavad teda kindlalt kõik üleastumise needused. Issand paneb sind su vaenlaste ette kaotust kandma, sind aetakse laiali kõigisse kuningriikidesse maa peal. Issand viib sinu ja su kuninga, kelle sa enesele tõstad, võõra rahva kätte. Ja sa saad hirmutuseks, kõnekäänuks ja pilkesõnaks kõigi rahvaste keskel. Su tütred ja pojad lähevad vangi. Võõras, kes su keskel on, tõuseb üha kõrgemale, sina aga vajud üha madalamale. Ja need jäävad igaveseks ajaks tunnustähtedeks sinule ja su järglastele, et sa ei ole kuulanud Issanda sõna. Seepärast pead sa teenima oma vaenlasi, kes sinu kallale tulevad. Sa kannatad nälga ja janu ja kannad seda võõrast raudiket. Issand toob kaugelt maailma äärest sinu vastu ühe rahva, kelle keelt sa ei mõista, jultunud rahva, kes sulle armu ei anna. Ja nad ahistavad sind kõigi su linnade väravais, kuni varisevad su kõrged ja kindlad müürid, mille peale sa oled lootnud; ja kogu maa langeb nende kätte. Ja sina oled sunnitud kitsikuses, oma vaenlaste ahistamise ajal sööma oma ihuvilja, oma poegade ja tütarde liha.” 153:2.1 (1709.2) Jesus introduced this sermon by reading from the law as found in Deuteronomy: “But it shall come to pass, if this people will not hearken to the voice of God, that the curses of transgression shall surely overtake them. The Lord shall cause you to be smitten by your enemies; you shall be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. And the Lord shall bring you and the king you have set up over you into the hands of a strange nation. You shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations. Your sons and your daughters shall go into captivity. The strangers among you shall rise high in authority while you are brought very low. And these things shall be upon you and your seed forever because you would not hearken to the word of the Lord. Therefore shall you serve your enemies who shall come against you. You shall endure hunger and thirst and wear this alien yoke of iron. The Lord shall bring against you a nation from afar, from the end of the earth, a nation whose tongue you shall not understand, a nation of fierce countenance, a nation which will have little regard for you. And they shall besiege you in all your towns until the high fortified walls wherein you have trusted come down; and all the land shall fall into their hands. And it shall come to pass that you will be driven to eat the fruit of your own bodies, the flesh of your sons and daughters, during this time of siege, because of the straitness wherewith your enemies shall press you.”
153:2.2 (1709.3) Ja kui Jeesus oli selle kirjakoha lugemise lõpetanud, pöördus ta prohvetite raamatute poole ja luges Jeremijalt: „„Kui te ei kuula mu sulaste, prohvetite sõnu, keda ma teie juurde olen läkitanud, siis ma talitan selle kojaga nagu Siiloga ja teen selle linna sajatamissõnaks kõigile maa rahvaile.” Ja preestrid ja õpetajad kuulsid Jeremijat rääkivat neid sõnu Issanda kojas. Ja kui Jeremija oli rääkinud lõpuni kõik, mis Issand oli käskinud rääkida kogu rahvale, siis preestrid ja õpetajad võtsid ta kinni, öeldes: „Sa pead surema.” Ja kogu rahvas Issanda kojas kogunes Jeremija vastu. Kui Juuda vürstid kuulsid neid sõnu, hakkasid nad Jeremija üle kohut mõistma. Ja preestrid ja õpetajad rääkisid vürstidele ja kogu rahvale, öeldes: „See mees on surma väärt, sest ta on prohvetlikult kuulutanud selle linna kohta, nagu te oma kõrvaga olete kuulnud.” Aga Jeremija rääkis kõigile vürstidele ja kogu rahvale: „Issand on mind läkitanud prohvetlikult kuulutama selle koja ja selle linna kohta kõiki neid sõnu, mis te olete kuulnud. Ja nüüd parandage oma eluviise ja tegusid ja kuulake Issanda, oma Jumala häält, siis võite pääseda kurjast, mis teile on tõotatud. Aga mina, vaata, olen teie käes. Tehke minuga, nagu teie silmis on hea ja õige! Ometi teadke kindlasti, et kui te mind surmate, siis tõmbate süütu vere iseenese ja selle rahva peale, sest Issand on tõesti läkitanud mind teie juurde, et ma räägiksin teie kõrvu kõik need sõnad!” 153:2.2 (1709.3) And when Jesus had finished this reading, he turned to the Prophets and read from Jeremiah: “‘If you will not hearken to the words of my servants the prophets whom I have sent you, then will I make this house like Shiloh, and I will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.’ And the priests and the teachers heard Jeremiah speak these words in the house of the Lord. And it came to pass that, when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to speak to all the people, the priests and teachers laid hold of him, saying, ‘You shall surely die.’ And all the people crowded around Jeremiah in the house of the Lord. And when the princes of Judah heard these things, they sat in judgment on Jeremiah. Then spoke the priests and the teachers to the princes and to all the people, saying: ‘This man is worthy to die, for he has prophesied against our city, and you have heard him with your own ears.’ Then spoke Jeremiah to all the princes and to all the people: ‘The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words which you have heard. Now, therefore, amend your ways and reform your doings and obey the voice of the Lord your God that you may escape the evil which has been pronounced against you. As for me, behold I am in your hands. Do with me as seems good and right in your eyes. But know you for certain that, if you put me to death, you shall bring innocent blood upon yourselves and upon this people, for of a truth the Lord has sent me to speak all these words in your ears.’
153:2.3 (1710.1) Tolle aja preestrid ja õpetajad soovisid Jeremijat tappa, kohtunikud aga polnud sellega nõus, kuigi ta lasti siiski oma hoiatussõnade pärast köitega räpasesse maaalusesse vangikongi, kus ta vajus kaenlaauguni mutta. Nii toimis see rahvas prohvet Jeremijaga, kui ta kuuletus Issanda käsule hoiatada oma vendi neid ähvardava poliitilise languse eest. Täna tahan ma teilt küsida: mida teevad selle rahva ülempreestrid ja usujuhid inimesega, kes julgeb neid hoiatada nende viimse vaimse kohtupäeva eest? Kas te soovite surmata ka õpetajat, kes julgeb kuulutada Issanda sõna ega karda teile näidata, et te keeldute kõndimast valguseteel, mis viib taevariigi sissepääsuni? 153:2.3 (1710.1) “The priests and teachers of that day sought to kill Jeremiah, but the judges would not consent, albeit, for his words of warning, they did let him down by cords in a filthy dungeon until he sank in mire up to his armpits. That is what this people did to the Prophet Jeremiah when he obeyed the Lord’s command to warn his brethren of their impending political downfall. Today, I desire to ask you: What will the chief priests and religious leaders of this people do with the man who dares to warn them of the day of their spiritual doom? Will you also seek to put to death the teacher who dares to proclaim the word of the Lord, and who fears not to point out wherein you refuse to walk in the way of light which leads to the entrance to the kingdom of heaven?
153:2.4 (1710.2) Missuguseid tõendeid te minu maise missiooni kohta soovite? Me pole vaestele ja tõrjututele heade uudiste jutlustamisega kõigutanud teie mõju- ega võimupositsioone. Me pole vaenulikult rünnanud seda, mida teie hardalt austate, vaid pigem kuulutanud inimese hirmust vaevatud hingele uut vabadust. Olen tulnud siia maailma ilmutama oma Isa ja seadma maa peal sisse Jumala poegade vaimset vendlust, taevariiki. Ja ehkki ma olen teile nii palju kordi meelde tuletanud, et minu kuningriik pole siit maailmast, on mu Isa näidanud teile lisaks vaimsetele teisenemistele ja uuestisündidele, mis on hoopis selgemad tõendid, ka palju ainelisi imesid. 153:2.4 (1710.2) “What is it you seek as evidence of my mission on earth? We have left you undisturbed in your positions of influence and power while we preached glad tidings to the poor and the outcast. We have made no hostile attack upon that which you hold in reverence but have rather proclaimed new liberty for man’s fear-ridden soul. I came into the world to reveal my Father and to establish on earth the spiritual brotherhood of the sons of God, the kingdom of heaven. And notwithstanding that I have so many times reminded you that my kingdom is not of this world, still has my Father granted you many manifestations of material wonders in addition to more evidential spiritual transformations and regenerations.
153:2.5 (1710.3) Missugust uut märki te minu käest ootate? Ma ütlen teile, et teil on juba piisavalt tõendeid oma otsuse tegemiseks. Tõesti, tõesti, ütlen ma paljudele, kes täna siin minu ees istuvad, teil on nüüd valida, missugust teed mööda te lähete, ja ma ütlen teile, nii nagu Joosua ütles teie esiisadele: „Valige endale täna, keda te tahate teenida.” Paljud teist seisavad täna teelahkmel. 153:2.5 (1710.3) “What new sign is it that you seek at my hands? I declare that you already have sufficient evidence to enable you to make your decision. Verily, verily, I say to many who sit before me this day, you are confronted with the necessity of choosing which way you will go; and I say to you, as Joshua said to your forefathers, ‘choose you this day whom you will serve.’ Today, many of you stand at the parting of the ways.
153:2.6 (1710.4) Mõned teist, kes ei leidnud mind pärast rahvahulga toitmist teisel pool merd, palkasid Tibeerias kalalaevastiku, mis nädal varem oli läheduses tormivarju jäänud, ja saatsid selle mind otsima, ja miks? Mitte tõe ja õigluse tagaajamiseks, et te teaksite paremini, kuidas oma kaasinimesi teenida ja nende eest hoolitseda! Ei, pigem selleks, et saada rohkem leiba, mille eest te pole tööd teinud. Mitte selleks, et täita oma hinge elu sõnaga, vaid ainult selleks, et täita kõhtu hõlpleivaga. Teile on kaua õpetatud, et kui tuleb messias, siis teeb ta imetegusid, mis muudavad kogu valitud rahva elu meeldivaks ja kergeks. Seepärast pole ime, et teie, keda selliselt on õpetatud, igatsete leiba ja kala. Aga ma teatan teile, et Inimese Poja missioon ei seisne selles. Mina olen tulnud kuulutama vaimuvabadust, õpetama igavest tõde ja edendama elavat usku. 153:2.6 (1710.4) “Some of you, when you could not find me after the feasting of the multitude on the other side, hired the Tiberias fishing fleet, which a week before had taken shelter near by during a storm, to go in pursuit of me, and what for? Not for truth and righteousness or that you might the better know how to serve and minister to your fellow men! No, but rather that you might have more bread for which you had not labored. It was not to fill your souls with the word of life, but only that you might fill the belly with the bread of ease. And long have you been taught that the Messiah, when he should come, would work those wonders which would make life pleasant and easy for all the chosen people. It is not strange, then, that you who have been thus taught should long for the loaves and the fishes. But I declare to you that such is not the mission of the Son of Man. I have come to proclaim spiritual liberty, teach eternal truth, and foster living faith.
153:2.7 (1710.5) Mu vennad, ärge igatsege kaduvat liha, vaid otsige pigem vaimutoitu, mis toidab teid igavese eluni. See ongi eluleib, mida Poeg annab kõigile, kes seda võtavad ja söövad, sest Isa on andnud Pojale selle elu ilma mõõduta. Ja kui te minult küsisite: „Mida me peaksime tegema, et Jumala tegusid teha?” ütlesin ma teile selgesti: „See ongi Jumala tegu, et te usute sellesse, keda ta on saatnud.”” 153:2.7 (1710.5) “My brethren, hanker not after the meat which perishes but rather seek for the spiritual food that nourishes even to eternal life; and this is the bread of life which the Son gives to all who will take it and eat, for the Father has given the Son this life without measure. And when you asked me, ‘What must we do to perform the works of God?’ I plainly told you: ‘This is the work of God, that you believe him whom he has sent.’”
153:2.8 (1710.6) Siis ütles Jeesus, osutades uue sünagoogi sillust ehtivale viinamarjakobaratega kaunistatud mannapotile: „Te olete ikka arvanud, et teie esiisad sõid kõnnumaal mannat — taevaleiba —, aga mina ütlen teile, et see oli maaleib. Mooses ei andnud teie isadele taevaleiba, kuid minu Isa on nüüd valmis andma teile tõelist eluleiba. Taevaleib on see, mis tuleb Jumalalt ja annab maailma inimestele igavese elu. Ja kui te ütlete mulle: „Anna meile seda elavat leiba”, siis ma vastan teile: mina olengi see eluleib. Kes tuleb minu juurde, see ei pea nälga tundma, ja see, kes minusse usub, ei tunne iial janu. Te olete mind näinud, elanud koos minuga, näinud mu töid, ja te ei usu ikka veel, et ma olen tulnud Isa juurest. Aga neile, kes seda usuvad, ütlen ma — ärge kartke. Kõik Isast juhitud tulevad minu juurde ja kedagi, kes minu juurde tuleb, ei lükata tagasi. 153:2.8 (1710.6) And then said Jesus, pointing up to the device of a pot of manna which decorated the lintel of this new synagogue, and which was embellished with grape clusters: “You have thought that your forefathers in the wilderness ate manna—the bread of heaven—but I say to you that this was the bread of earth. While Moses did not give your fathers bread from heaven, my Father now stands ready to give you the true bread of life. The bread of heaven is that which comes down from God and gives eternal life to the men of the world. And when you say to me, Give us this living bread, I will answer: I am this bread of life. He who comes to me shall not hunger, while he who believes me shall never thirst. You have seen me, lived with me, and beheld my works, yet you believe not that I came forth from the Father. But to those who do believe—fear not. All those led of the Father shall come to me, and he who comes to me shall in nowise be cast out.
153:2.9 (1711.1) Ma teatan teile nüüd ja igavesti, et ma olen tulnud maa peale täitma mitte oma tahet, vaid selle tahet, kes mind on läkitanud. Ja see on Tema, mind läkitanu lõplik tahe, et kõigist neist, kelle ta mulle on andnud, ei tohi ma kedagi kaotada. Isa tahe on, et igaüks, kes näeb Poega ja temasse usub, saab igavese elu. Alles eile toitsin ma teie keha leivaga, täna pakun ma teie näljastele hingedele eluleiba. Kas te võtate nüüd vaimuleiba sama meelsasti, kui te siis selle maailma leiba sõite?” 153:2.9 (1711.1) “And now let me declare to you, once and for all time, that I have come down upon the earth, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me. And this is the final will of Him who sent me, that of all those he has given me I should not lose one. And this is the will of the Father: That every one who beholds the Son and who believes him shall have eternal life. Only yesterday did I feed you with bread for your bodies; today I offer you the bread of life for your hungry souls. Will you now take the bread of the spirit as you then so willingly ate the bread of this world?”
153:2.10 (1711.2) Kui Jeesus peatus hetkeks, et heita pilk üle koguduse, tõusis üks Jeruusalemma õpetaja (Suurkohtu liige) ja küsis: „Kas ma saan õigesti aru, et sina oled taevast tulnud leib, aga manna, mida Mooses kõrbes meie isadele andis, ei olnud seda?” Ja Jeesus vastas variserile: „Sa oled õigesti aru saanud.” Siis küsis variser: „Aga kas sa pole mitte Jeesus Naatsaretist, puusepp Joosepi poeg? Kas su isa ja ema, samuti su vennad ja õed, pole siis paljudele meist hästi teada? Kuidas tuled sa siia jumalakotta ja kuulutad, et oled tulnud taevast?” 153:2.10 (1711.2) As Jesus paused for a moment to look over the congregation, one of the teachers from Jerusalem (a member of the Sanhedrin) rose up and asked: “Do I understand you to say that you are the bread which comes down from heaven, and that the manna which Moses gave to our fathers in the wilderness did not?” And Jesus answered the Pharisee, “You understood aright.” Then said the Pharisee: “But are you not Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph, the carpenter? Are not your father and mother, as well as your brothers and sisters, well known to many of us? How then is it that you appear here in God’s house and declare that you have come down from heaven?”
153:2.11 (1711.3) Selleks ajaks oli sünagoogis juba vali jutukõmin, mis ähvardas paisuda suureks lärmiks. Seepärast tõusis Jeesus ja ütles: „Olgem kannatlikud, aus järeleuurimine ei kahjusta tõde kunagi. Ma olen kõike seda, mida sa ütlesid, ja veel enam. Isa ja mina oleme üks: Poeg teeb ainult seda, mis Isa on talle õpetanud, ja need, kelle Isa on Pojale andnud, võtab Poeg enda juurde vastu. Te olete lugenud prohvetite raamatutest: „Teid kõiki õpetab Jumal”, ning et „Need, keda on õpetanud Isa, kuulavad ka tema Poega”. Kõik, kes kuuletuvad oma sisimas elavale Isa vaimule, tulevad lõpuks minu juurde. Ükski inimene pole Isa näinud, kuid Isa vaim elab inimese sees. Taevast tulnud Poeg on aga kindlasti Isa näinud. Ja neil, kes tõeliselt sellesse Pojasse usuvad, ongi juba igavene elu. 153:2.11 (1711.3) By this time there was much murmuring in the synagogue, and such a tumult was threatened that Jesus stood up and said: “Let us be patient; the truth never suffers from honest examination. I am all that you say but more. The Father and I are one; the Son does only that which the Father teaches him, while all those who are given to the Son by the Father, the Son will receive to himself. You have read where it is written in the Prophets, ‘You shall all be taught by God,’ and that ‘Those whom the Father teaches will hear also his Son.’ Every one who yields to the teaching of the Father’s indwelling spirit will eventually come to me. Not that any man has seen the Father, but the Father’s spirit does live within man. And the Son who came down from heaven, he has surely seen the Father. And those who truly believe this Son already have eternal life.
153:2.12 (1711.4) Mina olen see eluleib. Teie isad sõid kõrbes mannat ja on surnud. Ent kui inimene sööb seda leiba, mis tuleb Jumalalt, ei sure ta vaimult kunagi. Ma kordan, et mina olen see elav leib, ja iga hing, kes saavutab Jumala ja inimese olemuse ühinemise, elab igavesti. See eluleib, mida ma annan kõigile, kes seda vastu tahavad võtta, on minu enda elav ja ühendatud olemus. Isa Pojas ja Poeg Isaga üks — see on minu eluandev ilmutus maailmale ja minu päästev kingitus kõigile rahvastele.” 153:2.12 (1711.4) “I am this bread of life. Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and are dead. But this bread which comes down from God, if a man eats thereof, he shall never die in spirit. I repeat, I am this living bread, and every soul who attains the realization of this united nature of God and man shall live forever. And this bread of life which I give to all who will receive is my own living and combined nature. The Father in the Son and the Son one with the Father—that is my life-giving revelation to the world and my saving gift to all nations.”
153:2.13 (1711.5) Kui Jeesus oli lõpetanud, lubas sünagoogi ülem kogudusel laiali minna, aga keegi ei lahkunud. Ühed tunglesid Jeesuse ümber, et veel küsimusi esitada, teised aga sosistasid ja vaidlesid isekeskis. Nii kestis see üle kolme tunni. Kell oli juba kaugelt üle seitsme, kui kuulajaskond lõpuks laiali läks. 153:2.13 (1711.5) When Jesus had finished speaking, the ruler of the synagogue dismissed the congregation, but they would not depart. They crowded up around Jesus to ask more questions while others murmured and disputed among themselves. And this state of affairs continued for more than three hours. It was well past seven o’clock before the audience finally dispersed.
3. Jutlusele järgnenud kohtumine ^top 3. The After Meeting ^top
153:3.1 (1712.1) Sel jutlusele järgnenud kohtumisel esitati Jeesusele palju küsimusi. Mõned küsijad olid kimbatusse sattunud jüngrid, kuid rohkem esitasid küsimusi just norivad uskmatud, kes püüdsid teda kitsikusse ajada ja lõksu meelitada. 153:3.1 (1712.1) Many were the questions asked Jesus during this after meeting. Some were asked by his perplexed disciples, but more were asked by caviling unbelievers who sought only to embarrass and entrap him.
153:3.2 (1712.2) Üks variserist külaline astus lambialusele ja hüüdis: „Sa räägid meile, et oled eluleib. Kuidas saad sa anda meile süüa oma ihu ja juua oma verd? Mis kasu on sinu õpetusest, kui seda ei saa ellu viia?” Ja Jeesus vastas tema küsimusele: „Ma pole teile õpetanud, et minu ihu on eluleib või mu veri eluvesi. Ent ma ütlesin tõepoolest, et minu lihalik elu on taevaleiva annetamine. Lihas annetatud jumalasõna ja Inimese Poja allumine Jumala tahtele on reaalne kogemus, mis on võrdväärne jumaliku toidusega. Te ei saa süüa minu liha ega juua minu verd, kuid võite vaimus minuga üheks saada, nii nagu mina olen vaimus oma Isaga üks. Teid võidakse toita igavese jumalasõnaga, mis ongi tegelikult eluleib ja mida on annetatud surelikus ihus, ning teie hinge saab kasta jumaliku vaimuga, mis on tõeline eluvesi. Isa on saatnud mind maailma näitama, kuidas ta soovib kõigi inimeste sisimas elada ja neid suunata, ja ma olen seda lihalikku elu elanud selliselt, et innustada kõiki inimesi samuti püüdma mõista ja täita oma sisimas elava taevase Isa tahet.” 153:3.2 (1712.2) One of the visiting Pharisees, mounting a lampstand, shouted out this question: “You tell us that you are the bread of life. How can you give us your flesh to eat or your blood to drink? What avail is your teaching if it cannot be carried out?” And Jesus answered this question, saying: “I did not teach you that my flesh is the bread of life nor that my blood is the water thereof. But I did say that my life in the flesh is a bestowal of the bread of heaven. The fact of the Word of God bestowed in the flesh and the phenomenon of the Son of Man subject to the will of God, constitute a reality of experience which is equivalent to the divine sustenance. You cannot eat my flesh nor can you drink my blood, but you can become one in spirit with me even as I am one in spirit with the Father. You can be nourished by the eternal word of God, which is indeed the bread of life, and which has been bestowed in the likeness of mortal flesh; and you can be watered in soul by the divine spirit, which is truly the water of life. The Father has sent me into the world to show how he desires to indwell and direct all men; and I have so lived this life in the flesh as to inspire all men likewise ever to seek to know and do the will of the indwelling heavenly Father.”
153:3.3 (1712.3) Siis ütles üks Jeruusalemma nuhk, kes Jeesust ja tema apostleid oli jälginud: „Oleme tähele pannud, et ei sina ega su apostlid pese enne leiva söömist korralikult käsi. Te teate kindlasti, et rüvetatud ja pesemata kätega söömine on üleastumine vanemate seadustest. Te ei pese korralikult ka oma joogitasse ega sööginõusid. Miks näitate te üles niisugust lugupidamatust oma isade traditsioonide ja vanemate seaduste suhtes?” Ja kui Jeesus oli mehe ära kuulanud, vastas ta: „Miks rikute te oma traditsiooniliste seadustega Jumala käske? Käsk ütleb „Austa oma isa ja oma ema” ja käsib teil nendega vajaduse korral oma toidust jagada, aga teie traditsiooniline seadus võimaldab vastutustundetutel lastel öelda, et raha, millega oleks võinud abistada vanemaid, on „antud Jumalale”. Seega vabastab vanemate seadus need kavalad lapsed vastutusest, kuigi lapsed kasutavad seda raha hiljem omaenda mugavuse huvides. Miks tühistate te selliselt käsuseaduse oma traditsioonidega? Jesaja ettekuulutus teie, silmakirjalike, kohta ütles õigesti: „See rahvas austab mind huultega, aga ta süda on minust kaugel. Asjatult kummardavad nad mind, õpetades oma doktriinidena inimlikke ettekirjutusi.” 153:3.3 (1712.3) Then one of the Jerusalem spies who had been observing Jesus and his apostles, said: “We notice that neither you nor your apostles wash your hands properly before you eat bread. You must well know that such a practice as eating with defiled and unwashed hands is a transgression of the law of the elders. Neither do you properly wash your drinking cups and eating vessels. Why is it that you show such disrespect for the traditions of the fathers and the laws of our elders?” And when Jesus heard him speak, he answered: “Why is it that you transgress the commandments of God by the laws of your tradition? The commandment says, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and directs that you share with them your substance if necessary; but you enact a law of tradition which permits undutiful children to say that the money wherewith the parents might have been assisted has been ‘given to God.’ The law of the elders thus relieves such crafty children of their responsibility, notwithstanding that the children subsequently use all such monies for their own comfort. Why is it that you in this way make void the commandment by your own tradition? Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, saying: ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men.’
153:3.4 (1712.4) Te näete, kuidas te hülgate käsuseaduse, kui peate kinni inimlikest traditsioonidest. Te olete igati valmis lükkama tagasi jumalasõna, säilitades samal ajal oma traditsioone. Ka paljus muus söandate te seada oma õpetusi kõrgemale seadustest ja prohvetitest.” 153:3.4 (1712.4) “You can see how it is that you desert the commandment while you hold fast to the tradition of men. Altogether willing are you to reject the word of God while you maintain your own traditions. And in many other ways do you dare to set up your own teachings above the law and the prophets.”
153:3.5 (1712.5) Siis suunas Jeesus oma märkused kõigile kohalolijatele. Ta ütles: „Kuulake mind kõik. Inimest ei rüveta vaimselt mitte see, mis ta oma suhu paneb, vaid see, mis suust ja südamest välja tuleb.” Ent isegi apostlid ei suutnud tema sõnade tähendust täielikult mõista, sest ka Siimon Peetrus küsis: „Kas sa selgitaksid meile nende sõnade tähendust, et mõned kuulajad asjatult ei solvuks?” Siis küsis Jeesus Peetruselt: „Kas ka sina oled nii mõistmatu? Kas sa ei tea, et iga taim, mida pole istutanud minu taevane Isa, juuritakse välja? Pöörake nüüd oma tähelepanu neile, kes tahavad teada tõde. Inimesi ei saa sundida tõde armastama. Paljud neist õpetajatest on pimedad teejuhid. Ja te teate, et kui pime juhib pimedat, kukuvad mõlemad auku. Aga kuulake, ma räägin teile tõde asjadest, mis inimesi moraalselt rüvetavad ja vaimselt saastavad. Ma teatan teile, et inimest ei rüveta mitte see, mis satub kehasse suu kaudu või meelde silmade ja kõrvade kaudu. Inimest rüvetab ainult pahe, mis võib saada alguse südamest ja leiab väljenduse nende ebapühade isikute sõnades ja tegudes. Kas te ei tea, et just südamest tulevad pahelised mõtted, kurjad mõrva-, varguse-ja abielurikkumisplaanid, samuti kiivus, uhkus, viha, kättemaks, sõim ja valetunnistuste andmine? Just need rüvetavad inimesi, mitte aga leiva söömine kombepäraselt puhastamata kätega.” 153:3.5 (1712.5) Jesus then directed his remarks to all present. He said: “But hearken to me, all of you. It is not that which enters into the mouth that spiritually defiles the man, but rather that which proceeds out of the mouth and from the heart.” But even the apostles failed fully to grasp the meaning of his words, for Simon Peter also asked him: “Lest some of your hearers be unnecessarily offended, would you explain to us the meaning of these words?” And then said Jesus to Peter: “Are you also hard of understanding? Know you not that every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up? Turn now your attention to those who would know the truth. You cannot compel men to love the truth. Many of these teachers are blind guides. And you know that, if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the pit. But hearken while I tell you the truth concerning those things which morally defile and spiritually contaminate men. I declare it is not that which enters the body by the mouth or gains access to the mind through the eyes and ears, that defiles the man. Man is only defiled by that evil which may originate within the heart, and which finds expression in the words and deeds of such unholy persons. Do you not know it is from the heart that there come forth evil thoughts, wicked projects of murder, theft, and adulteries, together with jealousy, pride, anger, revenge, railings, and false witness? And it is just such things that defile men, and not that they eat bread with ceremonially unclean hands.”
153:3.6 (1713.1) Jeruusalemma Suurkohtu variseridest volinikud olid nüüd juba peaaegu veendunud, et Jeesus tuleks vahistada, süüdistatuna pühaduseteotuses või juutide pühade seaduste põlastamises; seepärast püüdsidki nad igati teda arutlusse tõmmata ja lasta tal rünnata esivanemate traditsioone ehk rahva niinimetatud kirjutamata seadusi. Ükskõik kuidas vett ka nappinud poleks, ei oleks need traditsioonide orjuses juudid jätnud kunagi enne iga toidukorda kätepesutseremooniat läbi tegemata. Nad uskusid, et „parem on surra, kui esivanemate käskudest üle astuda”. Nuhid esitasid küsimuse sellepärast, et Jeesus olevat öelnud: „Pääsemine on pigem puhta südame kui puhaste käte küsimus.” Ent kui need uskumused on juba saanud osaks religioonist, on neist raske loobuda. Veel aastaid pärast seda päeva oli apostel Peetrus hirmul paljude niisuguste traditsiooniliste ettekujutuste pärast puhastest ja rüvetatud asjadest, ning vabanes neist lõplikult alles pärast erakordselt selget unenägu. Kõigest sellest saab paremini aru, kui meenutada, et juudid pidasid pesemata kätega söömist samasuguseks patuks nagu hooraga kauba tegemist, ning mõlema teo eest karistati ühtviisi kogudusest väljaheitmisega. 153:3.6 (1713.1) The Pharisaic commissioners of the Jerusalem Sanhedrin were now almost convinced that Jesus must be apprehended on a charge of blasphemy or on one of flouting the sacred law of the Jews; wherefore their efforts to involve him in the discussion of, and possible attack upon, some of the traditions of the elders, or so-called oral laws of the nation. No matter how scarce water might be, these traditionally enslaved Jews would never fail to go through with the required ceremonial washing of the hands before every meal. It was their belief that “it is better to die than to transgress the commandments of the elders.” The spies asked this question because it had been reported that Jesus had said, “Salvation is a matter of clean hearts rather than of clean hands.” But such beliefs, when they once become a part of one’s religion, are hard to get away from. Even many years after this day the Apostle Peter was still held in the bondage of fear to many of these traditions about things clean and unclean, only being finally delivered by experiencing an extraordinary and vivid dream. All of this can the better be understood when it is recalled that these Jews looked upon eating with unwashed hands in the same light as commerce with a harlot, and both were equally punishable by excommunication.
153:3.7 (1713.2) Sel moel soovis Meister arutada ja paljastada rabide kirjutamata seadustena esitatud reeglite ja eeskirjade süsteemi rumalust — esivanemate traditsioone, mida kõiki peeti juutidele isegi pühakirja õpetustest pühamaks ja siduvamaks. Ja Jeesus rääkis vähema vaoshoitusega, sest ta teadis, et on tulnud tund, mil ta ei saa suhete avalikku katkemist usujuhtidega enam kuidagi ära hoida. 153:3.7 (1713.2) Thus did the Master elect to discuss and expose the folly of the whole rabbinic system of rules and regulations which was represented by the oral law—the traditions of the elders, all of which were regarded as more sacred and more binding upon the Jews than even the teachings of the Scriptures. And Jesus spoke out with less reserve because he knew the hour had come when he could do nothing more to prevent an open rupture of relations with these religious leaders.
4. Viimased sõnad sünagoogis ^top 4. Last Words in the Synagogue ^top
153:4.1 (1713.3) Kohtumisele järgnenud arutelu katkestas üks variser Jeruusalemmast, kes tõi Jeesuse juurde meeltesegaduses noormehe, keda oli vallanud taltsutamatu ja mässuline vaim. Seda hullumeelset poissi Jeesuse juurde juhatades ütles ta: „Mida saad sa niisuguse haiguse vastu teha? Kas sa saad kuradeid välja ajada?” Kui Meister noormeest vaatas, haaras teda kaastunne. Ta kutsus poisi viipega enda juurde, võttis tal käest ja ütles: „Sa tead, kes ma olen; tule temast välja, ja ma teen ühele su ustavale kaaslasele ülesandeks jälgida, et sa tagasi ei pöörduks.” Ning poiss muutus kohe normaalseks ja tervemõistuslikuks. Ning see oli esimene juhus, mil Jeesus tõepoolest inimolendist „kurja vaimu” välja ajas. Kõigil eelmistel juhtudel oli ainult arvatud, et inimene on kuradist vaevatud; see siin oli aga tõeline deemonist vallatud inimene, nagu neid esines tol ajal kuni nelipühani, mil Meistri vaim kogu liha peale välja valati, mis muutis teatavate ebastabiilsete inimolendite ärakasutamise nende väheste taevaste mässajate poolt igavesti võimatuks. 153:4.1 (1713.3) In the midst of the discussions of this after meeting, one of the Pharisees from Jerusalem brought to Jesus a distraught youth who was possessed of an unruly and rebellious spirit. Leading this demented lad up to Jesus, he said: “What can you do for such affliction as this? Can you cast out devils?” And when the Master looked upon the youth, he was moved with compassion and, beckoning for the lad to come to him, took him by the hand and said: “You know who I am; come out of him; and I charge one of your loyal fellows to see that you do not return.” And immediately the lad was normal and in his right mind. And this is the first case where Jesus really cast an “evil spirit” out of a human being. All of the previous cases were only supposed possession of the devil; but this was a genuine case of demoniac possession, even such as sometimes occurred in those days and right up to the day of Pentecost, when the Master’s spirit was poured out upon all flesh, making it forever impossible for these few celestial rebels to take such advantage of certain unstable types of human beings.
153:4.2 (1714.1) Inimesed imestasid, üks variser aga tõusis ja väitis, et Jeesus suudab niisuguseid asju teha vaid sellepärast, et ta on kuraditega liidus; ta olevat seda kuradit välja ajades öelnud, et nad teineteist tunnevad. Ta lisas, et Jeruusalemma usuõpetajad ja -juhid on jõudnud otsusele, et Jeesus on teinud kõik need niinimetatud imed kuradite vürsti Peltsebuli väega. Variser ütles: „Ärge tehke selle mehega tegemist. Ta on Saatanaga mestis.” 153:4.2 (1714.1) When the people marveled, one of the Pharisees stood up and charged that Jesus could do these things because he was in league with devils; that he admitted in the language which he employed in casting out this devil that they were known to each other; and he went on to state that the religious teachers and leaders at Jerusalem had decided that Jesus did all his so-called miracles by the power of Beelzebub, the prince of devils. Said the Pharisee: “Have nothing to do with this man; he is in partnership with Satan.”
153:4.3 (1714.2) Siis ütles Jeesus: „Kuidas võib Saatan välja ajada Saatanat? Kui kuningriik on omavahelises riius lõhenenud, siis ei saa see kuningriik püsima jääda; kui pere on omavahelises riius lõhenenud, ei saa see pere kokku jääda. Kas linn suudab piiramist taluda, kui ta pole ühtne? Kui Saatan ajab Saatana välja, läheb ta iseendaga riidu; kuidas saab tema kuningriik siis püsima jääda? Ent te peaksite teadma, et keegi ei saa minna vägimehe majja tema asju röövima, kui ta esmalt pole vägimeest kinni sidunud. Kui mina Peltsebuli väega deemoneid välja ajaksin, millega siis teie pojad neid välja ajaksid? Seepärast olgu nemad teile kohtumõistjaiks. Ent kui ma ajan kuradeid välja Jumala vaimuga, siis on jumalariik tõeliselt teie juurde tulnud. Kui teid ei pimestaks teie eelarvamused ega viiks eksiteele hirm ja uhkus, saaksite hõlpsasti aru, et teie keskel seisab keegi, kes on kuraditest suurem. Te sunnite mind ütlema, et see, kes pole minuga, on minu vastu, ja kes ei kogu koos minuga, see pillab laiali. Seepärast hoiatan ma pühalikult neid, kes söandavad lahtiste silmadega ja kurjade kavatsustega teadlikult pidada Jumala töid kuradite tegudeks! Tõesti, tõesti, ma ütlen teile, kõik teie patud, isegi teotamine antakse andeks, kui aga keegi teotab Jumalat tahtlikult ja kurjade kavatsustega, ei andestata talle kunagi. Et need järjekindlalt kuritegusid kordasaatvad inimesed ei otsi ega leia kunagi andestust, on nad igaveseks süüdi jumaliku andestuse tagasitõrjumise patus. 153:4.3 (1714.2) Then said Jesus: “How can Satan cast out Satan? A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand; if a house be divided against itself, it is soon brought to desolation. Can a city withstand a siege if it is not united? If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand? But you should know that no one can enter into the house of a strong man and despoil his goods except he first overpower and bind that strong man. And so, if I by the power of Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore shall they be your judges. But if I, by the spirit of God, cast out devils, then has the kingdom of God truly come upon you. If you were not blinded by prejudice and misled by fear and pride, you would easily perceive that one who is greater than devils stands in your midst. You compel me to declare that he who is not with me is against me, while he who gathers not with me scatters abroad. Let me utter a solemn warning to you who would presume, with your eyes open and with premeditated malice, knowingly to ascribe the works of God to the doings of devils! Verily, verily, I say to you, all your sins shall be forgiven, even all of your blasphemies, but whosoever shall blaspheme against God with deliberation and wicked intention shall never obtain forgiveness. Since such persistent workers of iniquity will never seek nor receive forgiveness, they are guilty of the sin of eternally rejecting divine forgiveness.
153:4.4 (1714.3) Paljud teist on jõudnud täna teelahkmele: olete tulnud alguspunkti, kus tuleb teha vältimatu valik Isa tahte ja enese valitud pimeduseteede vahel. Nii, nagu te nüüd valite, saab lõpuks olema. Te peate muutma puu heaks ja selle vilja heaks, muidu saab puu ja selle vili rikutud. Ma ütlen teile, et minu Isa igaveses kuningriigis tuntakse puud selle viljade järgi. Ent kuidas saavad mõned teist, kes te olete nagu rästikud ja juba valinud kurja, kanda häid vilju? Sest suu räägib seda, millest süda on tulvil.” 153:4.4 (1714.3) “Many of you have this day come to the parting of the ways; you have come to a beginning of the making of the inevitable choice between the will of the Father and the self-chosen ways of darkness. And as you now choose, so shall you eventually be. You must either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else will the tree become corrupt and its fruit corrupt. I declare that in my Father’s eternal kingdom the tree is known by its fruits. But some of you who are as vipers, how can you, having already chosen evil, bring forth good fruits? After all, out of the abundance of the evil in your hearts your mouths speak.”
153:4.5 (1714.4) Siis tõusis veel üks variser ja ütles: „Õpetaja, me tahame sinult mõnda tunnustähte, mille alusel me otsustame sinu autoriteedi ja õpetamisõiguse üle. Kas oled sellega nõus?” Kui Jeesus seda kuulis, ütles ta: „See usuta ja märke otsiv sugupõlv nõuab tunnustähte, kuid teile ei anta muud tunnustähte kui see, mis te juba olete saanud, ja mida te näete, kui Inimese Poeg teie seast lahkub.” 153:4.5 (1714.4) Then stood up another Pharisee, who said: “Teacher, we would have you give us a predetermined sign which we will agree upon as establishing your authority and right to teach. Will you agree to such an arrangement?” And when Jesus heard this, he said: “This faithless and sign-seeking generation seeks a token, but no sign shall be given you other than that which you already have, and that which you shall see when the Son of Man departs from among you.”
153:4.6 (1714.5) Ja kui ta oli lõpetanud, kogunesid apostlid tema ümber ja juhtisid ta sünagoogist välja. Nad läksid vaikides temaga koos koju Betsaidasse. Nad kõik olid hämmastunud ja mõnevõrra hirmunud järsu muutuse tõttu Meistri õpetamistaktikas. Nad polnud sugugi harjunud teda nii sõjakalt esinemas nägema. 153:4.6 (1714.5) And when he had finished speaking, his apostles surrounded him and led him from the synagogue. In silence they journeyed home with him to Bethsaida. They were all amazed and somewhat terror-stricken by the sudden change in the Master’s teaching tactics. They were wholly unaccustomed to seeing him perform in such a militant manner.
5. Laupäeva õhtu ^top 5. The Saturday Evening ^top
153:5.1 (1715.1) Jeesus oli oma apostlite lootusi ja usaldavaid ootusi ikka ja jälle purustanud, ent ükski pettumus ega kurvastus polnud tundunud kunagi nii kibe kui see, mis neid nüüd tabas. Ja sellele masendusele lisandus veel ka tõeline hirm oma turvalisuse pärast. Rahva ootamatu ja täielik ärapöördumine oli olnud neile kõigile üllatav ehmatus. Neid hirmutas ja häiris mõnevõrra ka Jeruusalemmast saabunud variseride ootamatu julgus ja enesekindel otsustavus. Ent eelkõige hämmastas neid Jeesuse järsk taktikamuutus. Tavalises olukorras oleks neile see sõjakam hoiak isegi meeldinud, ent koos kõigi muude ootamatute asjaoludega jahmatas see neid. 153:5.1 (1715.1) Time and again had Jesus dashed to pieces the hopes of his apostles, repeatedly had he crushed their fondest expectations, but no time of disappointment or season of sorrow had ever equaled that which now overtook them. And, too, there was now admixed with their depression a real fear for their safety. They were all surprisingly startled by the suddenness and completeness of the desertion of the populace. They were also somewhat frightened and disconcerted by the unexpected boldness and assertive determination exhibited by the Pharisees who had come down from Jerusalem. But most of all they were bewildered by Jesus’ sudden change of tactics. Under ordinary circumstances they would have welcomed the appearance of this more militant attitude, but coming as it did, along with so much that was unexpected, it startled them.
153:5.2 (1715.2) Kui nad nüüd kõigi oma muredega koju jõudsid, keeldus Jeesus söömast. Ta eraldus mitmeks tunniks ühte ülakorruse tuppa. Oli juba peaaegu kesköö, kui evangelistide juht Joab tuli ja teatas, et ligi kolmandik tema kaaslastest on ürituse hüljanud. Kogu õhtu oli sisse astunud ustavaid jüngreid, kes olid teatanud, et Kapernaumas on toimunud üldine äkiline tundepöörang Meistri vastu. Jeruusalemmast tulnud juhid kiirustasid seda ebasoosingusse langemist süvendama ja püüdsid igati kaasa aidata rahva eemaldumisele Jeesusest ja tema õpetustest. Nende katsumustundide ajal pidasid kaksteist naist Peetruse majas aru. Nad olid kohutavalt tujutud, kuid ükski neist ei jätnud Jeesust. 153:5.2 (1715.2) And now, on top of all of these worries, when they reached home, Jesus refused to eat. For hours he isolated himself in one of the upper rooms. It was almost midnight when Joab, the leader of the evangelists, returned and reported that about one third of his associates had deserted the cause. All through the evening loyal disciples had come and gone, reporting that the revulsion of feeling toward the Master was general in Capernaum. The leaders from Jerusalem were not slow to feed this feeling of disaffection and in every way possible to seek to promote the movement away from Jesus and his teachings. During these trying hours the twelve women were in session over at Peter’s house. They were tremendously upset, but none of them deserted.
153:5.3 (1715.3) Oli juba veidi üle kesköö, kui Jeesus tuli ülakambrist alla kaheteistkümne apostli ja nende kaaslaste keskele, keda oli kokku ligikaudu kolmkümmend. Ta ütles: „Ma näen, et see taevariigi sõelumine valmistab teile muret, kuid see on vältimatu. Siiski, kas teil oli pärast kogu seda koolitust, mis te olete saanud, ikka veel põhjust mu sõnadesse takerduda? Miks täidab teid hirm ja jahmatus, kui näete, kuidas taevariik vabaneb leigetest hulkadest ja pooleldi uskuvatest jüngritest? Miks kurvastate, kui koidab uus päev, mil taevariigi vaimsed õpetused saavad uues auhiilguses särama hakata? Kui see proov tundub teile raske taluda, mida hakkate peale siis, kui Inimese Poeg peab Isa juurde tagasi minema? Millal ja kuidas valmistute ajaks, mil ma tõusen sinna, kust ma siia maailma tulin? 153:5.3 (1715.3) It was a little after midnight when Jesus came down from the upper chamber and stood among the twelve and their associates, numbering about thirty in all. He said: “I recognize that this sifting of the kingdom distresses you, but it is unavoidable. Still, after all the training you have had, was there any good reason why you should stumble at my words? Why is it that you are filled with fear and consternation when you see the kingdom being divested of these lukewarm multitudes and these halfhearted disciples? Why do you grieve when the new day is dawning for the shining forth in new glory of the spiritual teachings of the kingdom of heaven? If you find it difficult to endure this test, what, then, will you do when the Son of Man must return to the Father? When and how will you prepare yourselves for the time when I ascend to the place whence I came to this world?
153:5.4 (1715.4) Mu armsad, te peate meeles pidama, et ergutust annab just vaim; lihast ja kõigest, mis selle juurde kuulub, on vähe kasu. Ma olen teile rääkinud vaimu ja elu sõnu. Ärge muretsege! Ma pole teid hüljanud. Praeguste päevade otsekohene jutt riivab paljusid. Nagu olete isegi kuulnud, on paljud minu jüngrid tagasi pööranud; nad ei käi enam koos minuga. Ma olen algusest peale teadnud, et need pooleldi uskujad jätavad meid tee peal maha. Kas ma siis ei valinud teid, kahtteistkümmet meest, ega seadnud taevariigi saadikuteks? Kas nüüd loobute teiegi? Uurige igaüks oma usku, sest üks teie seast on tõsises ohus.” Ja kui Jeesus oli jutu lõpetanud, ütles Siimon Peetrus: „Jah, Issand, me oleme kurvad ja kimbatuses, kuid me ei hülga sind kunagi. Sina oled meile õpetanud igavese elu sõnu. Me oleme sinusse uskunud ja kogu selle aja sind järginud. Me ei pööra teelt tagasi, sest teame, et sind on saatnud Jumal.” Ja kui Peetrus jutu lõpetas, noogutasid nad kõik ühel nõul selle truudusvande kinnituseks. 153:5.4 (1715.4) “My beloved, you must remember that it is the spirit that quickens; the flesh and all that pertains thereto is of little profit. The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and life. Be of good cheer! I have not deserted you. Many shall be offended by the plain speaking of these days. Already you have heard that many of my disciples have turned back; they walk no more with me. From the beginning I knew that these halfhearted believers would fall out by the way. Did I not choose you twelve men and set you apart as ambassadors of the kingdom? And now at such a time as this would you also desert? Let each of you look to his own faith, for one of you stands in grave danger.” And when Jesus had finished speaking, Simon Peter said: “Yes, Lord, we are sad and perplexed, but we will never forsake you. You have taught us the words of eternal life. We have believed in you and followed with you all this time. We will not turn back, for we know that you are sent by God.” And as Peter ceased speaking, they all with one accord nodded their approval of his pledge of loyalty.
153:5.5 (1716.1) Siis ütles Jeesus: „Minge puhkama, sest meil on ees tihedad tööd täis päevad.” 153:5.5 (1716.1) Then said Jesus: “Go to your rest, for busy times are upon us; active days are just ahead.”