157. Kiri Paper 157
Filippuse Kaisareas At Caesarea-Philippi
157:0.1 (1743.1) ENNE kui Jeesus kaheteistkümnega mõneks ajaks Filippuse Kaisarea lähistele suundus, korraldas ta Taaveti sõnumitoojate kaudu pühapäevaks, 7. augustiks külaskäigu Kapernauma, et oma perekonnaga kohtuda. See kohtumine pidi toimuma Sebedeuse paaditöökojas. Taavet Sebedeus oli kutsunud Jeesuse venna Juuda kaudu kohale kogu Naatsareti pere — Maarja ja kõik Jeesuse vennad-õed — ning Jeesus läkski koos Andrease ja Peetrusega sellele kohtumisele. Ka Maarja ja lapsed soovisid kindlalt kokkuleppest kinni pidada, kuid juhtus nii, et rühm varisere, kes teadsid Jeesuse viibimisest teisel pool järve Filippuse valdustes, otsustas Maarjat külastada, et Jeesuse asukohta välja uurida. Nende Jeruusalemma erisaadikute saabumine häiris Maarjat väga ning nood järeldasid kogu pere pingsast ja närvilisest hoiakust, et ilmselt on Jeesust neile külla oodata. Seepärast seadsid nad end Maarja kodus sisse, kutsusid endale abiväge ja jäid kannatlikult Jeesuse saabumist ootama. Nüüd muidugi ei püüdnud enam ükski pereliige Jeesusega kokku lepitud kohtamisele minna. Nii Juudas kui ka Rutt üritasid päeva jooksul mitu korda variseride valvsa silma alt pääseda ja Jeesusele sõna saata, kuid kõik oli asjata. 157:0.1 (1743.1) BEFORE Jesus took the twelve for a short sojourn in the vicinity of Caesarea-Philippi, he arranged through the messengers of David to go over to Capernaum on Sunday, August 7, for the purpose of meeting his family. By prearrangement this visit was to occur at the Zebedee boatshop. David Zebedee had arranged with Jude, Jesus’ brother, for the presence of the entire Nazareth family—Mary and all of Jesus’ brothers and sisters—and Jesus went with Andrew and Peter to keep this appointment. It was certainly the intention of Mary and the children to keep this engagement, but it so happened that a group of the Pharisees, knowing that Jesus was on the opposite side of the lake in Philip’s domains, decided to call upon Mary to learn what they could of his whereabouts. The arrival of these Jerusalem emissaries greatly perturbed Mary, and noting the tension and nervousness of the entire family, they concluded that Jesus must have been expected to pay them a visit. Accordingly they installed themselves in Mary’s home and, after summoning reinforcements, waited patiently for Jesus’ arrival. And this, of course, effectively prevented any of the family from attempting to keep their appointment with Jesus. Several times during the day both Jude and Ruth endeavored to elude the vigilance of the Pharisees in their efforts to send word to Jesus, but it was of no avail.
157:0.2 (1743.2) Kohe pärast lõunat tõid Taaveti sõnumitoojad Jeesusele teate, et variserid on end tema ema maja läve ees laagrisse seadnud, ja Jeesus ei proovinudki oma perekonnaga kokku saada. Jälle läks nii, et Jeesus ei saanud oma maise perega kohtuda, kuigi seda polnud võimalik kummagi süüks panna. 157:0.2 (1743.2) Early in the afternoon David’s messengers brought Jesus word that the Pharisees were encamped on the doorstep of his mother’s house, and therefore he made no attempt to visit his family. And so again, through no fault of either, Jesus and his earth family failed to make contact.
1. Templi maksukoguja ^top 1. The Temple-Tax Collector ^top
157:1.1 (1743.3) Sel ajal kui Jeesus Andrease ja Peetrusega paaditöökoja lähedal järve ääres ootas, tuli nende juurde templi maksukoguja, kes kutsus Jeesust ära tundes Peetruse kõrvale ja küsis: „Kas sinu Meister ei maksagi templile maksu?” Peetrus tahtis juba väljendada nördimust mõtte üle, et Jeesus peaks oma vihavaenlaste usutegevuse ülalpidamiseks maksma, kuid nähes maksukoguja iseäralikku näoilmet, oletas õigesti, et teda tahetakse meelega lõksu meelitada ja ärgitada keelduma maksmast tavalist pooleseeklilist maksu Jeruusalemma templiteenistuse toetuseks. Seepärast vastas Peetrus: „Muidugi maksab Meister templimaksu. Oota värava juures, ma toon selle sulle kohe ära.” 157:1.1 (1743.3) As Jesus, with Andrew and Peter, tarried by the lake near the boatshop, a temple-tax collector came upon them and, recognizing Jesus, called Peter to one side and said: “Does not your Master pay the temple tax?” Peter was inclined to show indignation at the suggestion that Jesus should be expected to contribute to the maintenance of the religious activities of his sworn enemies, but, noting a peculiar expression on the face of the tax collector, he rightly surmised that it was the purpose to entrap them in the act of refusing to pay the customary half shekel for the support of the temple services at Jerusalem. Accordingly, Peter replied: “Why of course the Master pays the temple tax. You wait by the gate, and I will presently return with the tax.”
157:1.2 (1743.4) Peetrus oli aga seda lubades liialt kiirustanud. Nende raha oli Juuda käes, too aga teisel pool järve. Ei temal, ta vennal ega Jeesusel olnud raha kaasas. Teades, et variserid neid otsivad, ei saanud nad ka Betsaidasse raha järele minna. Kui Peetrus rääkis Jeesusele maksukogujast ja sellest, et ta oli mehele raha lubanud, ütles Jeesus: „Kui sa lubasid, siis pead maksma. Millega sa aga oma lubadust täidad? Kas sa hakkad jälle kala püüdma, et sõna pidada? Hoolimata sellest, Peetrus, tuleb meil praeguses olukorras maks ära maksta. Ärgem andkem neile meestele põhjust pahaks panna meie suhtumist. Ootame siin, kuni sa käid paadiga järvel, heidad võrgu vette ja turul kala ära müünud, maksad maksukogujale meie kõigi kolme eest.” 157:1.2 (1743.4) Now Peter had spoken hastily. Judas carried their funds, and he was across the lake. Neither he, his brother, nor Jesus had brought along any money. And knowing that the Pharisees were looking for them, they could not well go to Bethsaida to obtain money. When Peter told Jesus about the collector and that he had promised him the money, Jesus said: “If you have promised, then should you pay. But wherewith will you redeem your promise? Will you again become a fisherman that you may honor your word? Nevertheless, Peter, it is well in the circumstances that we pay the tax. Let us give these men no occasion for offense at our attitude. We will wait here while you go with the boat and cast for the fish, and when you have sold them at yonder market, pay the collector for all three of us.”
157:1.3 (1744.1) Läheduses seisnud Taaveti salajane sõnumitooja oli kõike pealt kuulnud ja viipas nüüd oma kaaslasele, kes kalda ääres kalastas, et see kiiresti maale tuleks. Kui Peetrus valmistus paadiga kalale minema, andis too sõnumitooja koos oma kalurist sõbraga talle mitu suurt korvitäit kala. Nad aitasid tal kala lähedalasuva kalakaupmehe juurde viia, kes saagi ära ostis, ja saadud rahast ning Taaveti sõnumitooja lisatud summast piisas, et nende kolme eest templimaks maksta. Maksukoguja võttis maksu vastu, loobudes viivise nõudmisest, sest nad olid Galileast mõnda aega ära olnud. 157:1.3 (1744.1) All of this had been overheard by the secret messenger of David who stood near by, and who then signaled to an associate, fishing near the shore, to come in quickly. When Peter made ready to go out in the boat for a catch, this messenger and his fisherman friend presented him with several large baskets of fish and assisted him in carrying them to the fish merchant near by, who purchased the catch, paying sufficient, with what was added by the messenger of David, to meet the temple tax for the three. The collector accepted the tax, forgoing the penalty for tardy payment because they had been for some time absent from Galilee.
157:1.4 (1744.2) Pole ime, et teie ürikutes leidub lugu sellest, kuidas Peetrus püüdis kala, kellel oli seekel suus. Tol ajal oli liikvel palju jutte kalade suust leitud varandustest, lood imetabastest juhtumitest olid päris tavalised. Kui Peetrus hakkas nende juurest paadi suunas minema, oli Jeesus seetõttu poolnaljatamisi märkinud: „Imelik, et kuningapojad peavad andamit maksma; tavaliselt võetakse võõrastelt õukonna ülalpidamiseks maksu, kuid kohasem on võimudele mitte ette jääda. Mine, võib-olla püüad kala, kellel on seekel suus.” Kuna Jeesus oli nii rääkinud ja Peetrus peagi templimaksuga ilmunud, pole sugugi üllatav, et see vahejuhtum paisutati hiljem imeks, nagu selle on kirja pannud Matteuse evangeeliumi üleskirjutaja. 157:1.4 (1744.2) It is not strange that you have a record of Peter’s catching a fish with a shekel in its mouth. In those days there were current many stories about finding treasures in the mouths of fishes; such tales of near miracles were commonplace. So, as Peter left them to go toward the boat, Jesus remarked, half-humorously: “Strange that the sons of the king must pay tribute; usually it is the stranger who is taxed for the upkeep of the court, but it behooves us to afford no stumbling block for the authorities. Go hence! maybe you will catch the fish with the shekel in its mouth.” Jesus having thus spoken, and Peter so soon appearing with the temple tax, it is not surprising that the episode became later expanded into a miracle as recorded by the writer of Matthew’s Gospel.
157:1.5 (1744.3) Jeesus ootas koos Andrease ja Peetrusega järve kaldal peaaegu päikeseloojanguni. Sõnumitoojad tõid neile teate, et Maarja maja on ikka veel järelevalve all, ja nii läksid kolm ootajat pimenedes paati ning aerutasid pikkamööda Galilea järve idarannikule. 157:1.5 (1744.3) Jesus, with Andrew and Peter, waited by the seashore until nearly sundown. Messengers brought them word that Mary’s house was still under surveillance; therefore, when it grew dark, the three waiting men entered their boat and slowly rowed away toward the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee.
2. Betsaida-Juliases ^top 2. At Bethsaida-Julias ^top
157:2.1 (1744.4) Esmaspäeval, 8. augustil, kui Jeesus oli kaheteistkümne apostliga Betsaida-Juliase lähedal Magadani pargis laagris, tulid enam kui sada uskujat, evangelistid, naiskorpus ja teised taevariigi rajamisest huvitatud inimesed Kapernauma nõu pidama. Saabusid ka paljud variserid, kes olid kuulnud, et Jeesuski on kohal. Selleks ajaks olid variseride püüetega Jeesus lõksu meelitada ühinenud ka mõned saduserid. Enne omavahelist nõupidamist uskujatega pidas Jeesus avaliku koosoleku, millest võtsid osa ka variserid, kes hakkasid Meistrile valjul häälel küsimusi esitama ja muul viisil koosviibimist häirima. Segajate eestvedaja ütles: „Õpetaja, tahaksime saada sinult tunnustähe, et sul on volitus õpetada; kui sa selle oled andnud, teavad kõik inimesed, et sind on saatnud Jumal.” Ja Jeesus vastas neile: „Õhtu jõudes te ütlete, et tuleb ilus ilm, sest taevas punetab. Ja varahommikul te ütlete, et tuleb halb ilm, sest taevas punetab ja on sompus. Kui näete läänes pilve kerkimas, ütlete, et on oodata hoovihma; kui puhub lõunatuul, ütlete, et on saabumas kõrvetav kuumus. Kuidas te oskate nii hästi aru saada taeva palgest, aegade tunnustähtede üle aga ei suuda sugugi otsustada? Neile, kes soovivad kindlasti tõde tunda, on tunnustäht juba antud, ent pahatahtlikule ja silmakirjalikule sugupõlvele ei anta ühtki tunnustähte.” 157:2.1 (1744.4) On Monday, August 8, while Jesus and the twelve apostles were encamped in Magadan Park, near Bethsaida-Julias, more than one hundred believers, the evangelists, the women’s corps, and others interested in the establishment of the kingdom, came over from Capernaum for a conference. And many of the Pharisees, learning that Jesus was here, came also. By this time some of the Sadducees were united with the Pharisees in their effort to entrap Jesus. Before going into the closed conference with the believers, Jesus held a public meeting at which the Pharisees were present, and they heckled the Master and otherwise sought to disturb the assembly. Said the leader of the disturbers: “Teacher, we would like you to give us a sign of your authority to teach, and then, when the same shall come to pass, all men will know that you have been sent by God.” And Jesus answered them: “When it is evening, you say it will be fair weather, for the heaven is red; in the morning it will be foul weather, for the heaven is red and lowering. When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say showers will come; when the wind blows from the south, you say scorching heat will come. How is it that you so well know how to discern the face of the heavens but are so utterly unable to discern the signs of the times? To those who would know the truth, already has a sign been given; but to an evil-minded and hypocritical generation no sign shall be given.”
157:2.2 (1745.1) Seda öelnud, eemaldus Jeesus, et valmistuda õhtuseks nõupidamiseks oma poolehoidjatega. Sellel nõupidamisel otsustati käivitada kõigis Dekapolise linnades ja külades ühine misjoniretk, niipea kui Jeesus naaseb koos kaheteistkümne apostliga oma kavandatud külaskäigult Filippuse Kaisareasse. Jeesus osales Dekapolise misjoniretke kavandamisel ja lausus koosolekut lõpetades: „Ma ütlen teile, hoiduge variseride ja saduseride haputaignast! Ärge laske end petta nende pealtnäha suurest õpetatusest ja sügavast ustavusest vormilisele religioonile. Juhinduge ainult elava tõe vaimust ja tõelise religiooni väest. Teid ei päästa mitte hirm surnud religiooni ees, vaid pigem teie usk taevariigi vaimsete reaalsuste elavasse kogemusse. Ärge laske end pimestada eelarvamustest ega halvata hirmul. Ärge laske aukartusel traditsioonide ees sedavõrd oma arusaamist moonutada, et teie silmad enam ei näe ja kõrvad ei kuule. Tõelise religiooni eesmärk ei ole ainult rahu tuua, vaid pigem edasiminekut kindlustada. Südames ei saa olla rahu ega meeles edenemist, kui te ei armu kõigest südamest tõesse, igaveste reaalsuste ideaalidesse. Teie ette seatakse elu ja surma küsimused — aja patused naudingud igaviku õiglaste reaalsuste vastu. Peaksite juba nüüd otsima pääsu hirmu ja kahtluse kütkeist, hakates elama uut usu ja lootuse elu. Kui teie hinges kerkivad oma kaasinimeste teenimise tunded, ärge lämmatage neid; kui teie südames paisub armastus oma naabri vastu, väljendage neid kiindumustunge arukas hoolitsuses oma kaaslaste tõeliste vajaduste eest.” 157:2.2 (1745.1) When Jesus had thus spoken, he withdrew and prepared for the evening conference with his followers. At this conference it was decided to undertake a united mission throughout all the cities and villages of the Decapolis as soon as Jesus and the twelve should return from their proposed visit to Caesarea-Philippi. The Master participated in planning for the Decapolis mission and, in dismissing the company, said: “I say to you, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. Be not deceived by their show of much learning and by their profound loyalty to the forms of religion. Be only concerned with the spirit of living truth and the power of true religion. It is not the fear of a dead religion that will save you but rather your faith in a living experience in the spiritual realities of the kingdom. Do not allow yourselves to become blinded by prejudice and paralyzed by fear. Neither permit reverence for the traditions so to pervert your understanding that your eyes see not and your ears hear not. It is not the purpose of true religion merely to bring peace but rather to insure progress. And there can be no peace in the heart or progress in the mind unless you fall wholeheartedly in love with truth, the ideals of eternal realities. The issues of life and death are being set before you—the sinful pleasures of time against the righteous realities of eternity. Even now you should begin to find deliverance from the bondage of fear and doubt as you enter upon the living of the new life of faith and hope. And when the feelings of service for your fellow men arise within your soul, do not stifle them; when the emotions of love for your neighbor well up within your heart, give expression to such urges of affection in intelligent ministry to the real needs of your fellows.”
3. Peetruse tunnistus ^top 3. Peter’s Confession ^top
157:3.1 (1745.2) Teisipäeva varahommikul lahkus Jeesus kaheteistkümne apostliga Magadani pargist Filippuse Kaisareasse, nelivürst Filippuse valduste pealinna. Filippuse Kaisarea asus imekaunis ümbruses. See paiknes pesana veetlevas orus maaliliste mägede vahel, kus Jordani jõgi maa-alusest koopast välja voolas. Põhja pool olid hästi näha Hermoni mäe kõrged tipud ja neist lõunas asuvatest mägedest avanes suurepärane vaade Jordani ülemjooksule ja Galilea järvele. 157:3.1 (1745.2) Early Tuesday morning Jesus and the twelve apostles left Magadan Park for Caesarea-Philippi, the capital of the Tetrarch Philip’s domain. Caesarea-Philippi was situated in a region of wondrous beauty. It nestled in a charming valley between scenic hills where the Jordan poured forth from an underground cave. The heights of Mount Hermon were in full view to the north, while from the hills just to the south a magnificent view was had of the upper Jordan and the Sea of Galilee.
157:3.2 (1745.3) Jeesus oli käinud oma taevariigitöö algusaegadel Hermoni mäel ja nüüd, mil ta oli jõudmas oma tegevuse lõppetappi, soovis ta sellele katsumuste ja triumfi mäele tagasi pöörduda, lootes, et apostlid omandavad seal uue nägemuse oma ülesannetest ja uue jõu vahetult eesseisvaks katsumusteajaks. Teel rännates, umbes sel ajal, kui nad Meeromi veest lõuna poolt möödusid, rääkisid apostlid omavahel hiljutistest kogemustest Foiniikias ja mujal ning meenutasid, kuidas nende sõnum oli vastu võetud ja kuidas eri rahvad nende Meistrisse suhtunud. 157:3.2 (1745.3) Jesus had gone to Mount Hermon in his early experience with the affairs of the kingdom, and now that he was entering upon the final epoch of his work, he desired to return to this mount of trial and triumph, where he hoped the apostles might gain a new vision of their responsibilities and acquire new strength for the trying times just ahead. As they journeyed along the way, about the time of passing south of the Waters of Merom, the apostles fell to talking among themselves about their recent experiences in Phoenicia and elsewhere and to recounting how their message had been received, and how the different peoples regarded their Master.
157:3.3 (1745.4) Lõunapeatuse ajal esitas Jeesus kaheteistkümnele äkki esmakordselt küsimuse, mis puudutas teda ennast. Ta küsis neilt nende üllatuseks: „Mis inimesed räägivad, kes ma nende arvates olen?” 157:3.3 (1745.4) As they paused for lunch, Jesus suddenly confronted the twelve with the first question he had ever addressed to them concerning himself. He asked this surprising question, “Who do men say that I am?”
157:3.4 (1746.1) Jeesus oli õpetanud apostlitele pikki kuid taevariigi olemust ja iseloomu ning teadis hästi, et on saabunud aeg õpetada neile lähemalt omaenda olemust ja oma isiklikku suhet taevariigiga. Kui nad nüüd seal mooruspuude all istusid, valmistus Meister pidama üht tähtsaimat koosolekut kogu selle aja jooksul, mis ta üldse oma väljavalitud apostlitega veetis. 157:3.4 (1746.1) Jesus had spent long months in training these apostles as to the nature and character of the kingdom of heaven, and he well knew the time had come when he must begin to teach them more about his own nature and his personal relationship to the kingdom. And now, as they were seated under the mulberry trees, the Master made ready to hold one of the most momentous sessions of his long association with the chosen apostles.
157:3.5 (1746.2) Jeesusele vastasid enam kui pooled apostlid. nad ütlesid talle, et kõik teda tundvad inimesed peavad teda kas prohvetiks või erakordseks inimeseks; et isegi tema vaenlased kardavad teda väga, pidades tema võimeid tõendiks sellest, et ta on liidus kuradite vürstiga. nad ütlesid talle, et Juudamaal ja Samaarias peavad mõned teda surnuist ülestõusnud Ristija Johanneseks. Peetrus selgitas, et Jeesust on eri aegadel ja eri isikute poolt võrreldud Moosese, Eelija, Jesaja ja Jeremijaga. Kuulnud neid vastuseid, tõusis Jeesus, vaatas enda ümber poolringis istuvat kahtteistkümmet apostlit, viipas hämmastava tunderõhuga nende poole ja küsis: „Aga mis teie ütlete, kes mina olen?” Hetkeks valitses pinev vaikus. Kaksteist apostlit vaatasid Meistrit ainiti, kuni Siimon Peetrus püsti hüppas ja hüüatas: „Sa oled Vabastaja, elava Jumala Poeg.” Ja üksteist apostlit tõusid kõik ühel meelel jalule, andes mõista, et Peetrus oli rääkinud nende kõigi eest. 157:3.5 (1746.2) More than half the apostles participated in answering Jesus’ question. They told him that he was regarded as a prophet or as an extraordinary man by all who knew him; that even his enemies greatly feared him, accounting for his powers by the indictment that he was in league with the prince of devils. They told him that some in Judea and Samaria who had not met him personally believed he was John the Baptist risen from the dead. Peter explained that he had been, at sundry times and by various persons, compared with Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. When Jesus had listened to this report, he drew himself upon his feet, and looking down upon the twelve sitting about him in a semicircle, with startling emphasis he pointed to them with a sweeping gesture of his hand and asked, “But who say you that I am?” There was a moment of tense silence. The twelve never took their eyes off the Master, and then Simon Peter, springing to his feet, exclaimed: “You are the Deliverer, the Son of the living God.” And the eleven sitting apostles arose to their feet with one accord, thereby indicating that Peter had spoken for all of them.
157:3.6 (1746.3) Jeesus andis neile märku taas istuda, ise aga jäi seisma ja ütles: „Seda on teile ilmutanud minu Isa. nüüd on teil aeg minu kohta tõde teada saada. Kuid ma vannutan teid, et te sellest praegu kellelegi ei räägiks. Asume teele.” 157:3.6 (1746.3) When Jesus had beckoned them again to be seated, and while still standing before them, he said: “This has been revealed to you by my Father. The hour has come when you should know the truth about me. But for the time being I charge you that you tell this to no man. Let us go hence.”
157:3.7 (1746.4) Nii jätkasidki nad reisi Filippuse Kaisareasse, jõudsid kohale sama päeva hilisõhtul ja peatusid Celsuse majas, kes neid juba ootas. Apostlid magasid tol ööl vähe; nad näisid aimavat, et nende elus ja taevariigitöös oli toimunud suur sündmus. 157:3.7 (1746.4) And so they resumed their journey to Caesarea-Philippi, arriving late that evening and stopping at the home of Celsus, who was expecting them. The apostles slept little that night; they seemed to sense that a great event in their lives and in the work of the kingdom had transpired.
4. Keskustelu taevariigist ^top 4. The Talk About the Kingdom ^top
157:4.1 (1746.5) Pärast Jeesuse ristimist Johannese poolt ja Kaanas vee veiniks muutmist olid apostlid, igaüks ise ajal, teda tõesti messiaks pidanud. Mõni neist olid lühikest aega tõepoolest uskunud, et ta on oodatud Vabastaja. Ent vaevalt sai see lootus nende südameis tärgata, kui Meister selle mõne purustava sõna või pettumustvalmistava teoga hävitas. Neis valitses juba ammu segadus vastuolu tõttu, mida tekitasid ühelt poolt nende kujutlused oodatud messiast ja teiselt poolt nende südamesse talletatud kogemused erakordsest suhtest tolle erakordse inimesega. 157:4.1 (1746.5) Since the occasions of Jesus’ baptism by John and the turning of the water into wine at Cana, the apostles had, at various times, virtually accepted him as the Messiah. For short periods some of them had truly believed that he was the expected Deliverer. But hardly would such hopes spring up in their hearts than the Master would dash them to pieces by some crushing word or disappointing deed. They had long been in a state of turmoil due to conflict between the concepts of the expected Messiah which they held in their minds and the experience of their extraordinary association with this extraordinary man which they held in their hearts.
157:4.2 (1746.6) Sel kolmapäeva ennelõunal kogunesid apostlid Celsuse aeda lõunat sööma. Siimon Peetrus ja seloot Siimon olid suurema osa ööst ja hommikul kohe pärast magamast tõusmist oma vendadega tõsist tööd teinud, et nad kõik hakkaksid kogu südamest tunnistama Meistrit mitte ainult messiaks, vaid ka elava Jumala jumalikuks Pojaks. Kaks Siimonit olid oma arusaamades Jeesusest peaaegu ühel nõul ja nad tegid usinalt tööd, et ka nende vennad need seisukohad täielikult omaks võtaksid. Andreas jäi küll apostlite korpuse üldjuhiks, kuid tema vennast Siimon Peetrusest oli saamas üha enam ja kõigi nõusolekul kaheteistkümne eestkõneleja. 157:4.2 (1746.6) It was late forenoon on this Wednesday when the apostles assembled in Celsus’ garden for their noontime meal. During most of the night and since they had arisen that morning, Simon Peter and Simon Zelotes had been earnestly laboring with their brethren to bring them all to the point of the wholehearted acceptance of the Master, not merely as the Messiah, but also as the divine Son of the living God. The two Simons were well-nigh agreed in their estimate of Jesus, and they labored diligently to bring their brethren around to the full acceptance of their views. While Andrew continued as the director-general of the apostolic corps, his brother, Simon Peter, was becoming, increasingly and by common consent, the spokesman for the twelve.
157:4.3 (1747.1) Lõuna paiku istusid nad kõik aias, kui tuli Meister. Igaühe näol oli väärikalt pühalik ilme ja nad tõusid tema lähenedes püsti. Jeesus leevendas pinget sõbraliku ja vennaliku naeratusega, mis oli talle nii iseloomulik, kui tema poolehoidjad võtsid ennast või mõnda nendega seotud juhtumit liiga tõsiselt. Ta andis neile juhatava viipega märku istuda. Kaksteist apostlit ei tervitanud Meistri tulekut enam kunagi püstitõusmisega. Nad nägid, et ta ei kiida niisugust välist lugupidamisavaldust heaks. 157:4.3 (1747.1) They were all seated in the garden at just about noon when the Master appeared. They wore expressions of dignified solemnity, and all arose to their feet as he approached them. Jesus relieved the tension by that friendly and fraternal smile which was so characteristic of him when his followers took themselves, or some happening related to themselves, too seriously. With a commanding gesture he indicated that they should be seated. Never again did the twelve greet their Master by arising when he came into their presence. They saw that he did not approve of such an outward show of respect.
157:4.4 (1747.2) Kui nad olid söönud ja arutasid eelseisvat reisi Dekapolisesse, vaatas Jeesus neile äkki otsa ja ütles: „Nüüd, mil on möödunud terve päev sellest, kui te nõustusite Siimon Peetruse ütlusega Inimese Poja olemuse kohta, küsin ma teilt, kas te olete oma otsusele kindlaks jäänud?” Seda kuuldes kaksteist apostlit tõusid ja Siimon Peetrus astus mõne sammu Jeesuse poole ning ütles: „Jah, Meister, oleme küll. Usume, et sina oled elava Jumala Poeg.” Ja Peetrus istus taas oma vendade juurde. 157:4.4 (1747.2) After they had partaken of their meal and were engaged in discussing plans for the forthcoming tour of the Decapolis, Jesus suddenly looked up into their faces and said: “Now that a full day has passed since you assented to Simon Peter’s declaration regarding the identity of the Son of Man, I would ask if you still hold to your decision?” On hearing this, the twelve stood upon their feet, and Simon Peter, stepping a few paces forward toward Jesus, said: “Yes, Master, we do. We believe that you are the Son of the living God.” And Peter sat down with his brethren.
157:4.5 (1747.3) Jeesus ütles kaheteistkümnele, ikka veel püsti seistes: „Te olete minu valitud saadikud, aga ma tean, et te ei saaks seda praegu uskuda puhtinimlikest teadmistest lähtudes. See on minu Isa vaimu ilmutus teie hinge sisimas. Seega, kui te tunnistate seda oma sisimas elavalt minu Isa vaimult saadud taipamise järgi, pean ka teatama, et ehitan sellele alusele taevariigi vennaskonna. Sellele vaimse reaalsuse kaljule ehitan oma Isa taevariigi igaveste reaalsuste vaimse vendluse elava templi. Selle jumaliku vaimu inimliku vennaskonna vastu ei saa kõik pahe jõud ega patuväed kokku. Ning ehkki minu Isa vaim on alati jumalik teejuht ja õpetaja kõigile, kes sellesse vaimuvennaskonda astuvad, annan nüüd teile ja teie järeltulijatele üle välise taevariigi võtmed — võimu ajalike asjade üle —, selle meeste ja naiste kui taevariigi osaliste ühenduse sotsiaalsete ja majanduslike iseärasuste mõistmiseks.” Ning ta vannutas neid taas, et nad ei räägiks esialgu kellelegi, et ta on Jumala Poeg. 157:4.5 (1747.3) Jesus, still standing, then said to the twelve: “You are my chosen ambassadors, but I know that, in the circumstances, you could not entertain this belief as a result of mere human knowledge. This is a revelation of the spirit of my Father to your inmost souls. And when, therefore, you make this confession by the insight of the spirit of my Father which dwells within you, I am led to declare that upon this foundation will I build the brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven. Upon this rock of spiritual reality will I build the living temple of spiritual fellowship in the eternal realities of my Father’s kingdom. All the forces of evil and the hosts of sin shall not prevail against this human fraternity of the divine spirit. And while my Father’s spirit shall ever be the divine guide and mentor of all who enter the bonds of this spirit fellowship, to you and your successors I now deliver the keys of the outward kingdom—the authority over things temporal—the social and economic features of this association of men and women as fellows of the kingdom.” And again he charged them, for the time being, that they should tell no man that he was the Son of God.
157:4.6 (1747.4) Jeesus oli hakanud juba oma apostlite ustavusse ja aususesse uskuma. Meister arvas, et kui tema valitud esindajate usk pidas vastu hiljutistele katsumustele, siis talub see kahtlemata ka peagi eesootavaid tuleproove ning nad tulevad kõigi oma lootuste pealtnäha täielikust hävingust välja uue usulise elukorralduse uude valgusesse ja suudavad seetõttu minna edasi valgustama pimeduses kobavat maailma. Tol päeval hakkas Meister uskuma kõigi oma apostlite ususse peale ühe. 157:4.6 (1747.4) Jesus was beginning to have faith in the loyalty and integrity of his apostles. The Master conceived that a faith which could stand what his chosen representatives had recently passed through would undoubtedly endure the fiery trials which were just ahead and emerge from the apparent wreckage of all their hopes into the new light of a new dispensation and thereby be able to go forth to enlighten a world sitting in darkness. On this day the Master began to believe in the faith of his apostles, save one.
157:4.7 (1747.5) Alates sellest päevast on seesama Jeesus ehitanud sedasama elavat templit sellelesamale oma jumaliku pojaseisuse igavesele vundamendile, ning need, kellest said tänu sellele eneseteadlikud Jumala pojad, on inimkivid, kellest on ehitatud see elav pojaseisuse tempel, mida püstitatakse vaimude igavese Isa tarkuse ja armastuse hiilguseks ja auks. 157:4.7 (1747.5) And ever since that day this same Jesus has been building that living temple upon that same eternal foundation of his divine sonship, and those who thereby become self-conscious sons of God are the human stones which constitute this living temple of sonship erecting to the glory and honor of the wisdom and love of the eternal Father of spirits.
157:4.8 (1747.6) Kui Jeesus oli seda öelnud, saatis ta kaksteist apostlit mägedesse, et nad kuni õhtusöögini, igaüks omaette, otsiksid tarkust, jõudu ja vaimset juhatust. Ja nad tegid, nagu Meister oli nõudnud. 157:4.8 (1747.6) And when Jesus had thus spoken, he directed the twelve to go apart by themselves in the hills to seek wisdom, strength, and spiritual guidance until the time of the evening meal. And they did as the Master admonished them.
5. Uus käsitus ^top 5. The New Concept ^top
157:5.1 (1748.1) Peetruse tunnistuse uus ja eluliselt tähtis joon oli Jeesuse selge tunnistamine Jumala Pojaks, tema jumalikkuse vaieldamatu tunnistamine. Alates tema ristimisest ja Kaana pulmast olid apostlid teda mitmes mõttes messiaks pidanud, aga juutide arusaama oma rahva vabastajast ei kuulunud tema jumalikkus. Juudid ei olnud õpetanud, et messias on jumalik; ta pidi olema „salvitu”, aga vaevalt küll olid nad temast mõelnud kui „Jumala Pojast”. Teises tunnistuses rõhutati rohkem ühendatud olemust, taevalikku asjaolu, et ta oli Inimese Poeg ja Jumala Poeg, ning suurt tõde inimloomuse liidust jumaliku olemusega, millele Jeesus lubas ehitada taevariigi. 157:5.1 (1748.1) The new and vital feature of Peter’s confession was the clear-cut recognition that Jesus was the Son of God, of his unquestioned divinity. Ever since his baptism and the wedding at Cana these apostles had variously regarded him as the Messiah, but it was not a part of the Jewish concept of the national deliverer that he should be divine. The Jews had not taught that the Messiah would spring from divinity; he was to be the “anointed one,” but hardly had they contemplated him as being “the Son of God.” In the second confession more emphasis was placed upon the combined nature, the supernal fact that he was the Son of Man and the Son of God, and it was upon this great truth of the union of the human nature with the divine nature that Jesus declared he would build the kingdom of heaven.
157:5.2 (1748.2) Jeesus oli püüdnud elada oma elu maa peal ja viia lõpule oma annetumismissiooni just Inimese Pojana. Tema poolehoidjad kaldusid pidama teda oodatud messiaks. Teades, et ta ei saa kunagi nende ootusi messia suhtes täita, püüdis ta nende arusaama messiast selliselt muuta, et ta osaliseltki nende ootustele vastaks. Ent nüüd ta mõistis, et see kava tal ilmselt ei õnnestu. Seepärast otsustas ta julgelt teoks teha kolmanda kava — teatada kõigile oma jumalikkusest, kuulutada Peetruse tunnistus tõeks ja öelda kaheteistkümnele otse välja, et ta on Jumala Poeg. 157:5.2 (1748.2) Jesus had sought to live his life on earth and complete his bestowal mission as the Son of Man. His followers were disposed to regard him as the expected Messiah. Knowing that he could never fulfill their Messianic expectations, he endeavored to effect such a modification of their concept of the Messiah as would enable him partially to meet their expectations. But he now recognized that such a plan could hardly be carried through successfully. He therefore elected boldly to disclose the third plan—openly to announce his divinity, acknowledge the truthfulness of Peter’s confession, and directly proclaim to the twelve that he was a Son of God.
157:5.3 (1748.3) Jeesus oli kolm aastat kuulutanud, et ta on „Inimese Poeg”, sest apostlid olid nende kolme aasta jooksul hakanud teda üha veendunumalt juutide oodatud messiaks pidama. nüüd teatas ta avalikult, et on Jumala Poeg, olles otsustanud ehitada taevariigi Inimese Poja ja Jumala Poja ühendatud olemusele. Ta oli otsustanud hoiduda edasistest jõupingutustest veenda neid selles, et ta pole messias. Ta kavatses neile nüüd julgelt ilmutada, kes ta on, ja seejärel eirata nende kindlat soovi pidada teda edaspidigi messiaks. 157:5.3 (1748.3) For three years Jesus had been proclaiming that he was the “Son of Man,” while for these same three years the apostles had been increasingly insistent that he was the expected Jewish Messiah. He now disclosed that he was the Son of God, and upon the concept of the combined nature of the Son of Man and the Son of God, he determined to build the kingdom of heaven. He had decided to refrain from further efforts to convince them that he was not the Messiah. He now proposed boldly to reveal to them what he is, and then to ignore their determination to persist in regarding him as the Messiah.
6. Järgmine pärastlõuna ^top 6. The Next Afternoon ^top
157:6.1 (1748.4) Jeesus jäi koos apostlitega veel üheks päevaks Celsuse majja ootama kullereid, keda Taavet Sebedeus oli läkitanud neile raha tooma. Kui Jeesuse populaarsus rahva hulkade seas kadus, vähenesid tunduvalt ka tulud. Kui nad Filippuse Kaisareasse jõudsid, oli nende varalaegas tühi. Matteus ei tahtnud Jeesuse ja oma vendade juurest sellisel ajal lahkuda ja tal polnud käepärast oma raha, mida Juudale anda, nagu ta nii palju kordi varem oli teinud. Taavet Sebedeus oli aga seda tulude tõenäolist kahanemist ette näinud ja andnud sõnumitoojatele juhised koguda läbi Juudamaa, Samaaria ja Galilea rännates rahvalt raha ning saata see pagendatud apostlitele ja nende Meistrile. nii jõudsidki sõnumitoojad sama päeva õhtuks Betsaidast kohale, tuues kaasa piisavalt raha apostlite ülalpidamiseks kuni nende tagasitulekuni, alustamaks Dekapolise reisi. Matteus lootis saada selleks ajaks raha oma viimase kinnisvara müügist Kapernaumas ja oli andnud korralduse, et see summa saadetaks anonüümselt Juudale. 157:6.1 (1748.4) Jesus and the apostles remained another day at the home of Celsus, waiting for messengers to arrive from David Zebedee with funds. Following the collapse of the popularity of Jesus with the masses there occurred a great falling off in revenue. When they reached Caesarea-Philippi, the treasury was empty. Matthew was loath to leave Jesus and his brethren at such a time, and he had no ready funds of his own to hand over to Judas as he had so many times done in the past. However, David Zebedee had foreseen this probable diminution of revenue and had accordingly instructed his messengers that, as they made their way through Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, they should act as collectors of money to be forwarded to the exiled apostles and their Master. And so, by evening of this day, these messengers arrived from Bethsaida bringing funds sufficient to sustain the apostles until their return to embark upon the Decapolis tour. Matthew expected to have money from the sale of his last piece of property in Capernaum by that time, having arranged that these funds should be anonymously turned over to Judas.
157:6.2 (1749.1) Ei Peetrusel ega teistel apostlitel olnud väga realistlikku ettekujutust Jeesuse jumalikkusest. nad ei saanud õieti arugi, et nende Meistri maises elujärgus oli alanud uus epohh, aeg, mil õpetajast-ravijast oli saamas uuele käsitusele vastav messias — Jumala Poeg. Sellest ajast ilmus Meistri sõnumisse uus noot. Nüüdsest oli tema ainsaks eluideaaliks Isa ilmutamine, tema õpetuse ainus eesmärk oli aga esitada oma universumile isikustunud kujul seda ülimat tarkust, millest võib aru saada vaid seda kogedes. Ta tuli selleks, et meil kõigil oleks elu ja et seda oleks külluslikumalt. 157:6.2 (1749.1) Neither Peter nor the other apostles had a very adequate conception of Jesus’ divinity. They little realized that this was the beginning of a new epoch in their Master’s career on earth, the time when the teacher-healer was becoming the newly conceived Messiah—the Son of God. From this time on a new note appeared in the Master’s message. Henceforth his one ideal of living was the revelation of the Father, while his one idea in teaching was to present to his universe the personification of that supreme wisdom which can only be comprehended by living it. He came that we all might have life and have it more abundantly.
157:6.3 (1749.2) Nüüd algas Jeesuse lihaliku inimelu neljas, viimane etapp. Esimene etapp oli tema lapsepõlv, mil ta oli oma päritolust, olemusest ja saatusest inimolendina vaid ähmaselt teadlik. Teise etapi moodustasid tema noorukiaastad ja varane meheiga, mil ta end üha enam tunnetama ja oma jumalikust olemusest ja inimlikust missioonist üha selgemini aru saama hakkas. Teine etapp lõppes tema ristimisega seotud kogemuste ja ilmutustega. Meistri maise kogemuse kolmas etapp kestis ristimisest ja hoolekandeaastatest õpetaja ja tervendajana kuni Peetruse tunnistuse ülitähtsa tunnini Filippuse Kaisareas. See tema maise elu kolmas periood hõlmas aega, mil ta apostlid ja lähemad poolehoidjad tundsid teda Inimese Pojana ja pidasid teda messiaks. Tema maise elujärgu neljas, viimane periood algas siin, Filippuse Kaisareas, ja kestis kuni ristilöömiseni. Meistri hoolekandetöö sellele etapile, mis hõlmas tema lihaliku elu viimase aasta tööd ja vaeva, oli iseloomulik asjaolu, et ta tunnistas enda jumalikkust. Sel neljandal perioodil pidas küll enamik Jeesuse poolehoidjaid teda ikka veel messiaks, kuid apostlid hakkasid teda Jumala Pojaks pidama. Peetruse tunnistus tähistas uue perioodi algust, mil mõisteti täielikumalt tõde Jeesuse ülimast hoolekandest annetuva Pojana Urantial kogu universumi heaks, ning tema väljavalitud saadikud tajusid — kuigi ähmaselt — seda asjaolu. 157:6.3 (1749.2) Jesus now entered upon the fourth and last stage of his human life in the flesh. The first stage was that of his childhood, the years when he was only dimly conscious of his origin, nature, and destiny as a human being. The second stage was the increasingly self-conscious years of youth and advancing manhood, during which he came more clearly to comprehend his divine nature and human mission. This second stage ended with the experiences and revelations associated with his baptism. The third stage of the Master’s earth experience extended from the baptism through the years of his ministry as teacher and healer and up to this momentous hour of Peter’s confession at Caesarea-Philippi. This third period of his earth life embraced the times when his apostles and his immediate followers knew him as the Son of Man and regarded him as the Messiah. The fourth and last period of his earth career began here at Caesarea-Philippi and extended on to the crucifixion. This stage of his ministry was characterized by his acknowledgment of divinity and embraced the labors of his last year in the flesh. During the fourth period, while the majority of his followers still regarded him as the Messiah, he became known to the apostles as the Son of God. Peter’s confession marked the beginning of the new period of the more complete realization of the truth of his supreme ministry as a bestowal Son on Urantia and for an entire universe, and the recognition of that fact, at least hazily, by his chosen ambassadors.
157:6.4 (1749.3) Nii näitas Jeesus oma elus seda, mida ta õpetas oma religioonis: vaimse olemuse kasvu elava edasimineku kaudu. Ta ei rõhutanud oma hilisemate järgijate kombel lakkamatut võitlust hinge ja keha vahel. Pigem õpetas ta, et vaim võib kergesti mõlemat võita ning seda intellekti ja instinktide vahelist sõda suures osas tõhusalt ja tulusalt lepitada. 157:6.4 (1749.3) Thus did Jesus exemplify in his life what he taught in his religion: the growth of the spiritual nature by the technique of living progress. He did not place emphasis, as did his later followers, upon the incessant struggle between the soul and the body. He rather taught that the spirit was easy victor over both and effective in the profitable reconciliation of much of this intellectual and instinctual warfare.
157:6.5 (1749.4) Sellest hetkest omandasid kõik Jeesuse õpetused uue tähenduse. Enne Filippuse Kaisaread esitas ta taevariigi evangeeliumi selle meisterõpetajana. Pärast Filippuse Kaisaread ei olnud ta enam pelgalt õpetaja, vaid tõusis esile igavese Isa, vaimuriigi keskme ja ääreala jumaliku esindajana, ning temalt nõuti, et ta teeks seda kõike inimolendina, Inimese Pojana. 157:6.5 (1749.4) A new significance attaches to all of Jesus’ teachings from this point on. Before Caesarea-Philippi he presented the gospel of the kingdom as its master teacher. After Caesarea-Philippi he appeared not merely as a teacher but as the divine representative of the eternal Father, who is the center and circumference of this spiritual kingdom, and it was required that he do all this as a human being, the Son of Man.
157:6.6 (1749.5) Jeesus oli siiralt püüdnud juhtida oma poolehoidjaid vaimuriiki algul õpetajana, siis õpetaja-tervendajana, kuid nood ei lasknud sel sündida. Ta teadis hästi, et tema maine missioon ei saanud kuidagi täita juudi rahva ootusi Messia suhtes, sest vanaaja prohvetid olid kirjeldanud sellist Messiat, kelleks tema kunagi ei võinud saada. Ta püüdis rajada Isa taevariiki Inimese Pojana, kuid ta poolehoidjad ei suutnud temaga kaasa tulla. Seda nähes otsustas Jeesus oma uskujatele poolele teele vastu astuda ja valmistus seda tehes avalikult omaks võtma annetuva Jumala Poja rolli. 157:6.6 (1749.5) Jesus had sincerely endeavored to lead his followers into the spiritual kingdom as a teacher, then as a teacher-healer, but they would not have it so. He well knew that his earth mission could not possibly fulfill the Messianic expectations of the Jewish people; the olden prophets had portrayed a Messiah which he could never be. He sought to establish the Father’s kingdom as the Son of Man, but his followers would not go forward in the adventure. Jesus, seeing this, then elected to meet his believers part way and in so doing prepared openly to assume the role of the bestowal Son of God.
157:6.7 (1750.1) Nii kuulsidki apostlid tol päeval, mil Jeesus nendega aias rääkis, palju uut. Mõned neist mõtteavaldustest tundusid isegi neile imelikena. Muude hämmastavate ütluste seas kuulsid nad järgmisi: 157:6.7 (1750.1) Accordingly, the apostles heard much that was new as Jesus talked to them this day in the garden. And some of these pronouncements sounded strange even to them. Among other startling announcements they listened to such as the following:
157:6.8 (1750.2) „Nüüdsest on nii, et kui keegi soovib meiega liituda, võtku ta enda kanda pojaseisuse kohustused ja järgigu mind. Ja kui mind enam teie keskel ei ole, ärge arvake, et maailm kohtleb teid paremini kui teie Meistrit. Kui te mind armastate, valmistuge tõestama seda kiindumust oma valmisolekuga tuua ülim ohver. 157:6.8 (1750.2) “From this time on, if any man would have fellowship with us, let him assume the obligations of sonship and follow me. And when I am no more with you, think not that the world will treat you better than it did your Master. If you love me, prepare to prove this affection by your willingness to make the supreme sacrifice.”
157:6.9 (1750.3) Ja pange mu sõnu hästi tähele: ma pole tulnud mitte õigeid, vaid patuseid kutsuma. Inimese Poeg ei tulnud selleks, et tema eest hoolt kantaks, vaid tuli hoolt kandma ja annetama oma elu kõigile kingiks. Kuulutan teile, et olen tulnud otsima ja päästma neid, kes on kadunud. 157:6.9 (1750.3) “And mark well my words: I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. The Son of Man came not to be ministered to, but to minister and to bestow his life as the gift for all. I declare to you that I have come to seek and to save those who are lost.”
157:6.10 (1750.4) Mitte keegi selles maailmas ei näe praegu Isa, välja arvatud Isa juurest tulnud Poeg. Kui aga Poeg üles tõuseb, tõmbab ta kõik inimesed enese juurde ja igaühele, kes usub seda tõde Poja ühendatud olemusest, annetatakse elu, mis püsib kauem kui vaid ühe ajastu. 157:6.10 (1750.4) “No man in this world now sees the Father except the Son who came forth from the Father. But if the Son be lifted up, he will draw all men to himself, and whosoever believes this truth of the combined nature of the Son shall be endowed with life that is more than age-abiding.”
157:6.11 (1750.5) Me ei saa veel avalikult kuulutada, et Inimese Poeg on Jumala Poeg, aga teile on seda ilmutatud; seepärast räägin teile julgelt neist saladustest. Ehkki ma seisan praegu füüsiliselt teie ees, olen tulnud Jumal-Isa juurest. Enne kui oli Aabraham, olen mina. Tulin siia maailma sellena, kellena te mind tundnud olete, tõepoolest Isa juurest, ja ma teatan teile, et pean peagi siit maailmast lahkuma ning oma Isa töö juurde tagasi pöörduma. 157:6.11 (1750.5) “We may not yet proclaim openly that the Son of Man is the Son of God, but it has been revealed to you; wherefore do I speak boldly to you concerning these mysteries. Though I stand before you in this physical presence, I came forth from God the Father. Before Abraham was, I am. I did come forth from the Father into this world as you have known me, and I declare to you that I must presently leave this world and return to the work of my Father.”
157:6.12 (1750.6) Kas te saate nüüd oma usuga nende sõnade tõde mõista, ehkki ma hoiatan teid, et Inimese Poeg ei vasta teie isade ootustele messia suhtes? Minu kuningriik ei ole sellest maailmast. Kas te suudate uskuda tõde minust, ehkki mul pole paika, kuhu oma pead panna, nii nagu rebastel on urud ja taeva lindudel pesad? 157:6.12 (1750.6) “And now can your faith comprehend the truth of these declarations in the face of my warning you that the Son of Man will not meet the expectations of your fathers as they conceived the Messiah? My kingdom is not of this world. Can you believe the truth about me in the face of the fact that, though the foxes have holes and the birds of heaven have nests, I have not where to lay my head?”
157:6.13 (1750.7) Sellest hoolimata ütlen teile, et Isa ja mina oleme üks. Kes on näinud mind, on näinud ka Isa. Minu Isa tegutseb neis asjus minuga koos ega jäta mind kunagi minu missioonis üksi, nii nagu mina ei hülga teid, kui te peagi suundute üle kogu maailma seda evangeeliumi kuulutama. 157:6.13 (1750.7) “Nevertheless, I tell you that the Father and I are one. He who has seen me has seen the Father. My Father is working with me in all these things, and he will never leave me alone in my mission, even as I will never forsake you when you presently go forth to proclaim this gospel throughout the world.
157:6.14 (1750.8) Nüüd aga olen ma toonud teid siia, et veidi aega omavahel olla ning et te mõistaksite selle elu hiilgust ja suurust, millesse ma olen teid kutsunud: minu Isa taevariigi rajamist inimkonna südameis usu kaudu, minu vennaskonna ülesehitamist elavas seoses kõigi nende hingedega, kes sellesse evangeeliumisse usuvad.” 157:6.14 (1750.8) “And now have I brought you apart with me and by yourselves for a little while that you may comprehend the glory, and grasp the grandeur, of the life to which I have called you: the faith-adventure of the establishment of my Father’s kingdom in the hearts of mankind, the building of my fellowship of living association with the souls of all who believe this gospel.”
157:6.15 (1750.9) Apostlid kuulasid neid julgeid ja hämmastavaid ütlusi vaikides, nad olid jahmunud. nad läksid väikeste rühmadena laiali, et Meistri sõnade üle arutleda ja mõtiskleda. Nad olid tunnistanud, et ta on Jumala Poeg, ent nad ei suutnud mõista selle täit tähendust, mida neid oli tegema juhitud. 157:6.15 (1750.9) The apostles listened to these bold and startling statements in silence; they were stunned. And they dispersed in small groups to discuss and ponder the Master’s words. They had confessed that he was the Son of God, but they could not grasp the full meaning of what they had been led to do.
7. Andrease nõupidamine ^top 7. Andrew’s Conference ^top
157:7.1 (1750.10) Tol õhtul otsustas Andreas pidada iga oma vennaga isiklikult ja arutlevalt nõu ja tal olid kõigiga peale Juudas Iskarioti tulusad ning julgustavad jutuajamised. Andreasel ei olnud kunagi olnud Juudaga nii lähedast isiklikku suhet kui teiste apostlitega ja seepärast ei suhtunud ta eriti tõsiselt sellesse, et Juudas polnud apostlite korpuse juhiga kunagi vabalt ja usalduslikult suhelnud. Nüüd aga valmistas Juuda suhtumine Andreasele nii palju muret, et ta otsis õhtul hiljem, kui kõik apostlid juba sügavasti magasid, Jeesuse üles ja rääkis Meistrile oma ärevuse põhjusest. Jeesus ütles: „Sa toimisid õigesti, Andreas, et sa selle küsimusega minu juurde tulid, aga me ei saa teha mitte midagi muud, kui vaid seda apostlit ülimalt usaldada. Ja ära tema vendadele sellest vestlusest minuga midagi räägi.” 157:7.1 (1750.10) That evening Andrew took it upon himself to hold a personal and searching conference with each of his brethren, and he had profitable and heartening talks with all of his associates except Judas Iscariot. Andrew had never enjoyed such intimate personal association with Judas as with the other apostles and therefore had not thought it of serious account that Judas never had freely and confidentially related himself to the head of the apostolic corps. But Andrew was now so worried by Judas’s attitude that, later on that night, after all the apostles were fast asleep, he sought out Jesus and presented his cause for anxiety to the Master. Said Jesus: “It is not amiss, Andrew, that you have come to me with this matter, but there is nothing more that we can do; only go on placing the utmost confidence in this apostle. And say nothing to his brethren concerning this talk with me.”
157:7.2 (1751.1) Ning see oli kõik, mis Andreas Jeesuselt välja uuris. Selle juudalase ja tema galilea vendade vahel oli alati olnud mingi võõristus. Ristija Johannese surm oli Juudast kohutanud ja Meistri noomitused teda tõsiselt solvanud; ta oli tundnud pettumust, kui Jeesus keeldus laskmast end kuningaks kuulutada, ja alandust, kui ta variseride eest põgenes; talle oli valmistanud meelehärmi Jeesuse keeldumine vastata variseride väljakutsele anda tunnustäht ning teda oli hämmastanud Meistri keeldumine näidata oma võimu. Viimasel ajal oli aga Juudast masendanud ja vahel isegi rõhunud varalaeka tühjus ning ta tundis puudust ka rahvahulkade toetusest. 157:7.2 (1751.1) And that was all Andrew could elicit from Jesus. Always had there been some strangeness between this Judean and his Galilean brethren. Judas had been shocked by the death of John the Baptist, severely hurt by the Master’s rebukes on several occasions, disappointed when Jesus refused to be made king, humiliated when he fled from the Pharisees, chagrined when he refused to accept the challenge of the Pharisees for a sign, bewildered by the refusal of his Master to resort to manifestations of power, and now, more recently, depressed and sometimes dejected by an empty treasury. And Judas missed the stimulus of the multitudes.
157:7.3 (1751.2) Needsamad kannatused ja katsumused tabasid mingil määral ja erinevalt ka kõiki teisi apostleid, kuid nemad armastasid Jeesust. Nad pidid teda armastama rohkem kui Juudas, sest nad läksid temaga koos kuni kibeda lõpuni. 157:7.3 (1751.2) Each of the other apostles was, in some and varying measure, likewise affected by these selfsame trials and tribulations, but they loved Jesus. At least they must have loved the Master more than did Judas, for they went through with him to the bitter end.
157:7.4 (1751.3) Juudalasena oli Juudas isiklikult solvunud Jeesuse hiljutisest apostlitele antud hoiatusest „hoiduda variseride haputaigna eest” ja ta kaldus pidama seda väidet varjatud vihjeks enda kohta. Ent Juudas tegi suure vea: kui Jeesus apostleid aeg-ajalt omaette palvetama saatis, ei astunud Juudas sel ajal siirasse osadusse universumi vaimujõududega, vaid tundis inimlikku hirmu, heietades õrnu kahtlusi Jeesuse missiooni suhtes ja andes järele oma õnnetule kalduvusele haududa kättemaksumõtteid. 157:7.4 (1751.3) Being from Judea, Judas took personal offense at Jesus’ recent warning to the apostles to “beware the leaven of the Pharisees”; he was disposed to regard this statement as a veiled reference to himself. But the great mistake of Judas was: Time and again, when Jesus would send his apostles off by themselves to pray, Judas, instead of engaging in sincere communion with the spiritual forces of the universe, indulged in thoughts of human fear while he persisted in the entertainment of subtle doubts about the mission of Jesus as well as giving in to his unfortunate tendency to harbor feelings of revenge.
157:7.5 (1751.4) Nüüd aga viis Jeesus apostlid endaga kaasa Hermoni mäele, kus ta pidi sisse juhatama oma maise hoolekande neljanda etapi Jumala Pojana. Mõned neist olid olnud tunnistajateks tema ristimisele Jordanis ja tema Inimese Poja elujärgu algusele ning ta soovis, et nad kuuleksid ka seda, kuidas ta saab volitused oma uueks avalikuks rolliks — esinemiseks Jumala Pojana. Seepärast ütles Jeesus reedel, 12. augusti hommikul kaheteistkümnele: „Pange toidumoon valmis ja valmistuge rännakuks sinna mäele, kuhu vaim käsib mul minna, et võtta vastu käsk oma maine töö lõpetada. Ja ma tahan oma vennad kaasa võtta, et ka nemad saaksid jõudu koos minuga selle katsumusteaja läbimiseks.” 157:7.5 (1751.4) And now Jesus would take his apostles along with him to Mount Hermon, where he had appointed to inaugurate his fourth phase of earth ministry as the Son of God. Some of them were present at his baptism in the Jordan and had witnessed the beginning of his career as the Son of Man, and he desired that some of them should also be present to hear his authority for the assumption of the new and public role of a Son of God. Accordingly, on the morning of Friday, August 12, Jesus said to the twelve: “Lay in provisions and prepare yourselves for a journey to yonder mountain, where the spirit bids me go to be endowed for the finish of my work on earth. And I would take my brethren along that they may also be strengthened for the trying times of going with me through this experience.”