174. Kiri |
Paper 174 |
Teisipäeva hommik templis |
Tuesday Morning in the Temple |
174:0.1 (1897.1) TOL teisipäevahommikul kella seitsme paiku kohtus Jeesus Siimoni majas apostlite, naiskorpuse ja veel umbes kahe tosina väljapaistva jüngriga. Sellel kohtumisel jättis ta hüvasti Laatsarusega, andes talle juhtnööre, mida järgides põgenes Laatsarus peagi Pereasse Filadelfias, kus ta hiljem ühines misjoniliikumisega, mille keskus oli selles linnas. Jeesus jättis hüvasti ka eaka Siimoniga ja andis lahkumisnõuandeid naiskorpusele, kelle poole ta enam kunagi ametlikult ei pöördunud. |
174:0.1 (1897.1) ABOUT seven o’clock on this Tuesday morning Jesus met the apostles, the women’s corps, and some two dozen other prominent disciples at the home of Simon. At this meeting he said farewell to Lazarus, giving him that instruction which led him so soon to flee to Philadelphia in Perea, where he later became connected with the missionary movement having its headquarters in that city. Jesus also said good-bye to the aged Simon, and gave his parting advice to the women’s corps, as he never again formally addressed them. |
174:0.2 (1897.2) Tol hommikul tervitas ta igaüht kaheteistkümnest isiklikult. Andreasele ütles ta: „Ära lase peagi eesseisvatel sündmustel end kohutada. Hoia oma vendi kindlalt ohjes ja vaata, et nad ei näeks sind rõhutuna.” Peetrusele ütles ta: „Ära looda käte lihastele ega terasest relvadele. Sea end sisse igaveste kaljude vaimsetele jalamitele.” Jaakobusele ütles ta: „Ära lase end kõigutada välistel nähtustel. Jää oma usule kindlaks ja sa saad peagi tunda selle reaalsust, millesse usud.” Johannesele ütles ta: „Ole leebe, armasta isegi oma vaenlasi, ole salliv. Ja pea meeles, et ma olen sinu hoolde usaldanud palju asju.” Naatanaelile ütles ta: „Ära otsusta välise järgi, jää oma usus kindlaks ka siis, kui kõik näib haihtuvat, ole truu enda kui taevariigi saadiku ülesandele.” Filippusele ütles ta: „Ära lase eelseisvatel sündmustel end mõjutada. Jää vankumatuks ka siis, kui sa ei näe teed. Ole ustav oma ametivandele.” Matteusele ütles ta: „Ära unusta halastust, millega sind taevariiki vastu võeti. Ära lase kellelgi oma igavest tasu pettusega ära võtta. Nii nagu oled vastu pannud sureliku elu ahvatlustele, jää vankumatuks ka edaspidi.” Toomale ütles ta: „Ükskõik kui raske sul ka ei oleks, pead sa praegu kõndima usu, mitte silmanägemise abil. Ära kahtle, et ma suudan lõpetada alustatud töö ning et ma näen lõpuks kõiki oma ustavaid saadikuid sealpoolses taevariigis.” Alfeuse kaksikutele ütles ta: „Ärge laske ennast rõhuda asjadel, millest te aru ei saa. Olge oma südamele truud ja ärge usaldage suuri mehi ega rahva muutlikku meelt. Seiske oma vendade kõrval.” Ja seloot Siimonile ütles ta: „Siimon, sind võib rõhuda pettumus, ent su vaim tõuseb kõrgemale kõigest, mis sinuga võib juhtuda. Mu vaim õpetab sulle kõike, mida sa pole ehk saanud minult õppida. Otsi tõelisi vaimureaalsusi ning ära lase ebareaalsetel ja ainelistel varjudel end kütkestada.” Ja Juudas Iskariotile ütles ta: „Juudas, ma olen sind armastanud ja palvetanud, et sa oma vendi armastaksid. Ära väsi head tegemast ja ma tahan sind hoiatada, et sa hoiduksid meelituste libedate radade ja pilkamise mürginoolte eest.” |
174:0.2 (1897.2) This morning he greeted each of the twelve with a personal salutation. To Andrew he said: “Be not dismayed by the events just ahead. Keep a firm hold on your brethren and see that they do not find you downcast.” To Peter he said: “Put not your trust in the arm of flesh nor in weapons of steel. Establish yourself on the spiritual foundations of the eternal rocks.” To James he said: “Falter not because of outward appearances. Remain firm in your faith, and you shall soon know of the reality of that which you believe.” To John he said: “Be gentle; love even your enemies; be tolerant. And remember that I have trusted you with many things.” To Nathaniel he said: “Judge not by appearances; remain firm in your faith when all appears to vanish; be true to your commission as an ambassador of the kingdom.” To Philip he said: “Be unmoved by the events now impending. Remain unshaken, even when you cannot see the way. Be loyal to your oath of consecration.” To Matthew he said: “Forget not the mercy that received you into the kingdom. Let no man cheat you of your eternal reward. As you have withstood the inclinations of the mortal nature, be willing to be steadfast.” To Thomas he said: “No matter how difficult it may be, just now you must walk by faith and not by sight. Doubt not that I am able to finish the work I have begun, and that I shall eventually see all of my faithful ambassadors in the kingdom beyond.” To the Alpheus twins he said: “Do not allow the things which you cannot understand to crush you. Be true to the affections of your hearts and put not your trust in either great men or the changing attitude of the people. Stand by your brethren.” And to Simon Zelotes he said: “Simon, you may be crushed by disappointment, but your spirit shall rise above all that may come upon you. What you have failed to learn from me, my spirit will teach you. Seek the true realities of the spirit and cease to be attracted by unreal and material shadows.” And to Judas Iscariot he said: “Judas, I have loved you and have prayed that you would love your brethren. Be not weary in well doing; and I would warn you to beware the slippery paths of flattery and the poison darts of ridicule.” |
174:0.3 (1897.3) Kui ta oli need tervitussõnad öelnud, lahkus ta koos Andrease, Peetruse, Jaakobuse ja Johannesega Jeruusalemma, ülejäänud apostlid aga hakkasid Ketsemani laagrit üles panema, et seal ööd veeta, ning see jäi nende keskuseks kogu Meistri ülejäänud maise elu ajaks. Umbes poolel teel Õlimäe nõlvast alla tegi Jeesus peatuse ja vestles nelja apostliga enam kui tund aega. |
174:0.3 (1897.3) And when he had concluded these greetings, he departed for Jerusalem with Andrew, Peter, James, and John as the other apostles set about the establishment of the Gethsemane camp, where they were to go that night, and where they made their headquarters for the remainder of the Master’s life in the flesh. About halfway down the slope of Olivet Jesus paused and visited more than an hour with the four apostles. |
1. Jumalik andestus ^top |
1. Divine Forgiveness ^top |
174:1.1 (1898.1) Peetrus ja Jaakobus olid juba mitu päeva arutanud Meistri õpetust pattude andeksandmisest, sest nad olid selle suhtes eriarvamusel. Nad olid kokku leppinud, et annavad küsimuse lahendada Jeesusele, ja Peetrus kasutas nüüd võimalust Meistrilt nõu küsida. Nii katkestaski Siimon Peetrus vestluse ülistamise ja palveldamise erinevustest, küsides: „Meister, me pole Jaakobusega ühel nõul, kuidas mõista sinu õpetusi pattude andeksandmise kohta. Jaakobuse arvates õpetad sa, et Isa annab meile andeks veel enne, kui me temalt seda palume, mina aga väidan, et patukahetsus ja pihtimine peavad sellele eelnema. Kummal meist on õigus? Mida sina ütled?” |
174:1.1 (1898.1) For several days Peter and James had been engaged in discussing their differences of opinion about the Master’s teaching regarding the forgiveness of sin. They had both agreed to lay the matter before Jesus, and Peter embraced this occasion as a fitting opportunity for securing the Master’s counsel. Accordingly, Simon Peter broke in on the conversation dealing with the differences between praise and worship, by asking: “Master, James and I are not in accord regarding your teachings having to do with the forgiveness of sin. James claims you teach that the Father forgives us even before we ask him, and I maintain that repentance and confession must precede the forgiveness. Which of us is right? what do you say?” |
174:1.2 (1898.2) Pärast lühikest vaikust vaatas Jeesus kõigile neljale tähendusrikkalt otsa ja vastas: „Mu vennad, te eksite mõlemad, sest te ei saa aru loodud-olendi ja Looja, inimese ja Jumala vahelistest lähedastest armastavatest suhetest. Te ei mõista seda arusaavat osavõtlikkust, mida tark vanem oma ebaküpse ja vahel eksiva lapse suhtes tunneb. Tõepoolest on kahtlane, kas arukatel ja armastavatel vanematel on iial tarvis tavalisele lapsele andestada. Armastava suhtumisega kaasnevad mõistvad suhted hoiavad tõhusalt ära igasuguse võõrandumise, mis hiljem nõuaks vanemalt lapse kahetsusele andeksandmisega vastamist. |
174:1.2 (1898.2) After a short silence Jesus looked significantly at all four and answered: “My brethren, you err in your opinions because you do not comprehend the nature of those intimate and loving relations between the creature and the Creator, between man and God. You fail to grasp that understanding sympathy which the wise parent entertains for his immature and sometimes erring child. It is indeed doubtful whether intelligent and affectionate parents are ever called upon to forgive an average and normal child. Understanding relationships associated with attitudes of love effectively prevent all those estrangements which later necessitate the readjustment of repentance by the child with forgiveness by the parent. |
174:1.3 (1898.3) Igas lapses elab osake tema isast. Isal on kõigis lapse ja vanema suhetega seotud küsimustes eesõigus ja ta saab neist küsimustest paremini aru. Vanem on võimeline tänu oma suuremale küpsusele ja kogemustele nägema lapse ebaküpsust. Maise lapse ja taevase Isa suhetes on jumalikul vanemal lõpmatult jumalikku osavõtlikkust ja armastavat mõistmist. Jumalik andeksandmine on vältimatu: see on Jumala lõpmatule mõistmisvõimele sisemiselt omane ja sellest võõrandamatu tema täiuslikes teadmistes kõige kohta, mis puudutab lapse ekslikke otsuseid ja valikuid. Jumalik õiglus on nii igavesti õiglane, et hõlmab alati ka mõistvat halastust. |
174:1.3 (1898.3) “A part of every father lives in the child. The father enjoys priority and superiority of understanding in all matters connected with the child-parent relationship. The parent is able to view the immaturity of the child in the light of the more advanced parental maturity, the riper experience of the older partner. With the earthly child and the heavenly Father, the divine parent possesses infinity and divinity of sympathy and capacity for loving understanding. Divine forgiveness is inevitable; it is inherent and inalienable in God’s infinite understanding, in his perfect knowledge of all that concerns the mistaken judgment and erroneous choosing of the child. Divine justice is so eternally fair that it unfailingly embodies understanding mercy. |
174:1.4 (1898.4) Kui tark inimene saab oma kaaslaste sisemistest ajenditest aru, hakkab ta kaaslasi armastama. Ja kui sa oma venda armastad, oledki talle andestanud. See võime saada aru inimese loomusest ja andestada talle ta väärsammud on jumalik. Kui olete targad vanemad, armastate ja mõistate sedavõrd oma lapsi, et andestate neile, kui ajutine arusaamatus on teid lahutanud. Laps, kes on ebaküps ega saa lapse ja isa vahelisest suhtest nii täielikult ja põhjalikult aru, tunneb ilmselt sageli süütunnet, sest pole saanud isalt täielikku heakskiitu, kuid tõeline isa ei tunneta kunagi niisugust eraldatust. Patt on loodud-olendi teadvuse kogemus, see ei kuulu Jumala teadvusesse. |
174:1.4 (1898.4) “When a wise man understands the inner impulses of his fellows, he will love them. And when you love your brother, you have already forgiven him. This capacity to understand man’s nature and forgive his apparent wrongdoing is Godlike. If you are wise parents, this is the way you will love and understand your children, even forgive them when transient misunderstanding has apparently separated you. The child, being immature and lacking in the fuller understanding of the depth of the child-father relationship, must frequently feel a sense of guilty separation from a father’s full approval, but the true father is never conscious of any such separation. Sin is an experience of creature consciousness; it is not a part of God’s consciousness. |
174:1.5 (1898.5) Teie võimetus või tahtmatus oma kaaslastele andestada mõõdab teie ebaküpsust, teie suutmatust jõuda täiskasvanu osavõtlikkuse, arusaamise ja armastuse tasemele. Te peate vimma ja haute kättemaksu võrdeliselt sellega, kui vähe te tunnete oma laste ja kaasinimeste sisemist olemust ja tõelisi igatsusi. Armastus on jumaliku ja sisima elutungi väljendus. See rajaneb arusaamisel, toitub isetust teenimisest ja täiustub tarkuses.” |
174:1.5 (1898.5) “Your inability or unwillingness to forgive your fellows is the measure of your immaturity, your failure to attain adult sympathy, understanding, and love. You hold grudges and nurse vengefulness in direct proportion to your ignorance of the inner nature and true longings of your children and your fellow beings. Love is the outworking of the divine and inner urge of life. It is founded on understanding, nurtured by unselfish service, and perfected in wisdom.” |
2. Juudi valitsejate küsimused ^top |
2. Questions by the Jewish Rulers ^top |
174:2.1 (1899.1) Esmaspäeva õhtul oli Suurkohus pidanud nõu veel ligikaudu viiekümne kirjatundjate, variseride ja saduseride seast valitud juhiga. Koosolek oli jõudnud üksmeelsele arvamusele, et Jeesuse oskuse tõttu lihtrahva armastust võita oleks ohtlik teda avalikult vahistada. Samuti oli enamik osalejatest arvamusel, et enne Jeesuse vahistamist ja kohtu ette toomist tuleks teha otsustav katse teda rahva ees häbistada. Nii antigi mitmele õpetatud meeste rühmale ülesandeks olla järgmisel hommikul templis, et püüda teda raskete küsimustega lõksu meelitada ja ka muidu rahva ees kimbatusse ajada. Nüüd olid nii variserid, saduserid kui ka herodeslased jõudnud ühele nõule, et Jeesust tuleks paasapüha pühitsejate ees häbistada. |
174:2.1 (1899.1) On Monday evening there had been held a council between the Sanhedrin and some fifty additional leaders selected from among the scribes, Pharisees, and the Sadducees. It was the consensus of this meeting that it would be dangerous to arrest Jesus in public because of his hold upon the affections of the common people. It was also the opinion of the majority that a determined effort should be made to discredit him in the eyes of the multitude before he should be arrested and brought to trial. Accordingly, several groups of learned men were designated to be on hand the next morning in the temple to undertake to entrap him with difficult questions and otherwise to seek to embarrass him before the people. At last, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and even the Herodians were all united in this effort to discredit Jesus in the eyes of the Passover multitudes. |
174:2.2 (1899.2) Kui Jeesus teisipäeva hommikul templiõuele jõudis ja õpetamist alustas, sai ta vaid mõned sõnad lausuda, kui rühm akadeemiate nooremaid õpilasi, keda oli selleks puhuks välja õpetatud, ette astus ja eestkõneleja kaudu Jeesuse poole pöördus: „Meister, me teame, et sa oled õiglane õpetaja, samuti teame, et sa kuulutad tõe teid ning teenid ainult Jumalat, sest sa ei karda ühtki inimest ega tee isikutel vahet. Meie oleme ainult õpilased ja tahaksime teada tõde küsimuse kohta, mis meid vaevab. Meie probleem on selline: kas keisrile andami maksmine on seaduslik? Kas me peame seda maksma või mitte?” Tajudes nende silmakirjalikkust ja salakavalust, küsis Jeesus: „Miks te tulete mind niimoodi kiusama? Näidake mulle oma andamiraha ja ma vastan teile.” Ja kui nad andsid tema kätte teenari, vaatas ta seda ja küsis: „Kelle kujutist ja kirja see münt kannab?” Ja kui nad talle vastasid, et keisri kujutist, ütles Jeesus: „Andke keisrile, mis keisri oma, ja Jumalale, mis Jumala oma.” |
174:2.2 (1899.2) Tuesday morning, when Jesus arrived in the temple court and began to teach, he had uttered but few words when a group of the younger students from the academies, who had been rehearsed for this purpose, came forward and by their spokesman addressed Jesus: “Master, we know you are a righteous teacher, and we know that you proclaim the ways of truth, and that you serve only God, for you fear no man, and that you are no respecter of persons. We are only students, and we would know the truth about a matter which troubles us; our difficulty is this: Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar? Shall we give or shall we not give?” Jesus, perceiving their hypocrisy and craftiness, said to them: “Why do you thus come to tempt me? Show me the tribute money, and I will answer you.” And when they handed him a denarius, he looked at it and said, “Whose image and superscription does this coin bear?” And when they answered him, “Caesar’s,” Jesus said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and render to God the things that are God’s.” |
174:2.3 (1899.3) Kui ta oli neile noortele kirjatundjatele ja nende herodeslastest kaasosalistele niimoodi vastanud, tõmbusid nood kaugemale ja inimesed, isegi saduserid, tundsid heameelt, et neid oli tabanud ebaõnn. Koguni noored, kes olid püüdnud teda lõksu meelitada, imestasid väga Meistri vastuse ootamatu tarkuse üle. |
174:2.3 (1899.3) When he had thus answered these young scribes and their Herodian accomplices, they withdrew from his presence, and the people, even the Sadducees, enjoyed their discomfiture. Even the youths who had endeavored to entrap him marveled greatly at the unexpected sagacity of the Master’s answer. |
174:2.4 (1899.4) Eelmisel päeval olid ülemad püüdnud teda rahva ees lõksu meelitada vaimuliku võimu küsimustega ja et see polnud neil õnnestunud, püüdsid nad nüüd haarata teda kaasa hävitavasse arutelusse tsiviilvõimu üle. Nii Pilatus kui ka Herodes viibisid parajasti Jeruusalemmas ja Jeesuse vaenlased arvasid, et kui Meister julgeks soovitada andami keisrile maksmata jätmist, võiksid nad otseteed minna Rooma ametivõimude ette ja süüdistada teda ässitamises. Seevastu oletasid nad õigesti, et kui ta peaks soovitama andamit maksta, haavaks see sügavalt tema juutidest kuulajaskonna rahvuslikku uhkust ja ta jääks rahvahulkade heatahtlikkusest ning poolehoiust ilma. |
174:2.4 (1899.4) The previous day the rulers had sought to trip him before the multitude on matters of ecclesiastical authority, and having failed, they now sought to involve him in a damaging discussion of civil authority. Both Pilate and Herod were in Jerusalem at this time, and Jesus’ enemies conjectured that, if he would dare to advise against the payment of tribute to Caesar, they could go at once before the Roman authorities and charge him with sedition. On the other hand, if he should advise the payment of tribute in so many words, they rightly calculated that such a pronouncement would greatly wound the national pride of his Jewish hearers, thereby alienating the good will and affection of the multitude. |
174:2.5 (1899.5) Aga see kõik ebaõnnestus Jeesuse vaenlastel, sest teati hästi, et Suurkohus oli paganlike rahvaste seas elavate juutide jaoks välja andnud määruse, mille kohaselt „vermimisõigusega kaasneb õigus võtta makse”. Nii hoidus Jeesus nende lõksu langemast. Vastanuks ta nende küsimusele „ei”, oleks see võrdunud mässule õhutamisega; vastanuks ta „jah”, oleks ta ärritanud tolle aja sügavalt juurdunud rahvusliku hoiakuga rahvast. Meister ei hiilinud vastamisest kõrvale, ta kasutas lihtsalt targasti kahest vastust. Jeesus ei põigelnud kunagi kõrvale, vaid käitus nendega, kes püüdsid teda rünnata ja hävitada, alati targasti. |
174:2.5 (1899.5) In all this the enemies of Jesus were defeated since it was a well-known ruling of the Sanhedrin, made for the guidance of the Jews dispersed among the gentile nations, that the “right of coinage carried with it the right to levy taxes.” In this manner Jesus avoided their trap. To have answered “No” to their question would have been equivalent to inciting rebellion; to have answered “Yes” would have shocked the deep-rooted nationalist sentiments of that day. The Master did not evade the question; he merely employed the wisdom of making a double reply. Jesus was never evasive, but he was always wise in his dealings with those who sought to harass and destroy him. |
3. Saduserid ja ülestõusmine ^top |
3. The Sadducees and the Resurrection ^top |
174:3.1 (1900.1) Enne kui Jeesus sai õpetamist alustada, tuli teda küsitlema veel üks rühm, seekord õpetatud ja salakavalad saduserid. Nende esindaja astus Jeesuse juurde ja küsis: „Meister, Mooses ütles, et kui abielus mees sureb ja temast ei jää järele lapsi, peaks ta vend võtma tema naise ja kasvatama surnud vennale seemet. Kord aga juhtus, et üks mees, kellel oli kuus venda, suri lastetult; vanim tema vendadest võttis naise endale, kuid suri samuti peagi, jätmata endast järele lapsi. Ka kolmas vend võttis naise endale, kuid ka tema suri, jätmata endast järglasi maha. Ja nii edasi, kuni naine oli olnud abielus kõigi kuue vennaga ning kõik kuus olid surnud lastetult. Ja pärast neid kõiki suri ka naine ise. Nüüd tahaksime sinult küsida, kelle naiseks saab ta pärast ülestõusmist, kui ta on olnud kõigi seitsme venna naine?” |
174:3.1 (1900.1) Before Jesus could get started with his teaching, another group came forward to question him, this time a company of the learned and crafty Sadducees. Their spokesman, drawing near to him, said: “Master, Moses said that if a married man should die, leaving no children, his brother should take the wife and raise up seed for the deceased brother. Now there occurred a case where a certain man who had six brothers died childless; his next brother took his wife but also soon died, leaving no children. Likewise did the second brother take the wife, but he also died leaving no offspring. And so on until all six of the brothers had had her, and all six of them passed on without leaving children. And then, after them all, the woman herself died. Now, what we would like to ask you is this: In the resurrection whose wife will she be since all seven of these brothers had her?” |
174:3.2 (1900.2) Nii Jeesus kui ka rahvas teadsid, et saduseride küsimus ei olnud siiras, sest niisugune juhtum polnud kuigi tõenäoline. Pealegi oli juutide tava, et surnud mehe vennad püüavad naisele lapsi sigitada, tolleks ajaks juba peaaegu kadunud. Hoolimata sellest nõustus Jeesus nende pahatahtlikule küsimusele vastama. Ta ütles: „Te kõik eksite niisuguseid küsimusi esitades, sest te ei tunne pühakirja ega Jumala elavat võimu. Te teate, et selle maailma pojad võivad abielluda, kuid te ei näi mõistvat, et need, keda loetakse vääriliseks astuma õigete ülestõusmise kaudu eelolevatesse maailmadesse, ei abiellu. Need, kes kogevad surnuist ülestõusmist, on pigem nagu taevainglid ega sure enam kunagi. Need ülestõusnud on igavesti Jumala pojad, nad on igavese edeneva elu ülestõusnud valguselapsed. Isegi teie Isa Mooses sai sellest aru, sest ta kuulis seoses põleva põõsa juures kogetuga Isa sõnu „Mina olen Aabrahami Jumal, Iisaku Jumal ja Jaakobuse Jumal”. Ja nii teatan kooskõlas Moosesega, et minu Isa ei ole mitte surnute, vaid elavate Jumal. Teie kõigi elu, sigimine ja surelik eksistents toimub temas.” |
174:3.2 (1900.2) Jesus knew, and so did the people, that these Sadducees were not sincere in asking this question because it was not likely that such a case would really occur; and besides, this practice of the brothers of a dead man seeking to beget children for him was practically a dead letter at this time among the Jews. Nevertheless, Jesus condescended to reply to their mischievous question. He said: “You all do err in asking such questions because you know neither the Scriptures nor the living power of God. You know that the sons of this world can marry and are given in marriage, but you do not seem to understand that they who are accounted worthy to attain the worlds to come, through the resurrection of the righteous, neither marry nor are given in marriage. Those who experience the resurrection from the dead are more like the angels of heaven, and they never die. These resurrected ones are eternally the sons of God; they are the children of light resurrected into the progress of eternal life. And even your Father Moses understood this, for, in connection with his experiences at the burning bush, he heard the Father say, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ And so, along with Moses, do I declare that my Father is not the God of the dead but of the living. In him you all do live, reproduce, and possess your mortal existence.” |
174:3.3 (1900.3) Kui Jeesus oli neile küsimustele vastanud, eemaldusid saduserid, aga mõned variserid unustasid end sedavõrd, et hüüdsid: „Õige, õige, Meister, sa vastasid neile uskmatutele saduseridele hästi!” Saduserid ei söandanud talle enam küsimusi esitada ja lihtrahvas imetles tema õpetuse tarkust. |
174:3.3 (1900.3) When Jesus had finished answering these questions, the Sadducees withdrew, and some of the Pharisees so far forgot themselves as to exclaim, “True, true, Master, you have well answered these unbelieving Sadducees.” The Sadducees dared not ask him any more questions, and the common people marveled at the wisdom of his teaching. |
174:3.4 (1900.4) Jeesus kasutas Moosese näidet selles kokkupõrkes saduseridega üksnes sellepärast, et see usulis-poliitiline sekt tunnistas ainult viite niinimetatud Moosese raamatut; nad ei pidanud lubatavaks kasutada prohvetite õpetusi teoreetiliste dogmade alusena. Meister kinnitas oma vastuses küll fakti, et surelikud loodudolendid jäävad ülestõusmise kaudu ellu, kuid ei kiitnud üheski mõttes heaks variseride uskumusi inimkeha enda ülestõusmisesse. Jeesus soovis rõhutada, et Isa oli öelnud: „Mina olen Aabrahami Jumal, Iisaku Jumal ja Jaakobuse Jumal”, mitte „olin nende Jumal”. |
174:3.4 (1900.4) Jesus appealed only to Moses in his encounter with the Sadducees because this religio-political sect acknowledged the validity of only the five so-called Books of Moses; they did not allow that the teachings of the prophets were admissible as a basis of doctrinal dogmas. The Master in his answer, though positively affirming the fact of the survival of mortal creatures by the technique of the resurrection, did not in any sense speak approvingly of the Pharisaic beliefs in the resurrection of the literal human body. The point Jesus wished to emphasize was: That the Father had said, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” not I was their God. |
174:3.5 (1900.5) Saduserid olid tahtnud muuta Jeesust närtsitava naeruvääristamise objektiks, sest adusid väga hästi, et avalik vaenamine tekitaks rahva meeles päris kindlasti tema vastu veelgi suuremat poolehoidu. |
174:3.5 (1900.5) The Sadducees had thought to subject Jesus to the withering influence of ridicule, knowing full well that persecution in public would most certainly create further sympathy for him in the minds of the multitude. |
4. Suur käsk ^top |
4. The Great Commandment ^top |
174:4.1 (1901.1) Ühel saduserirühmal oli kästud esitada Jeesusele kitsikust tekitavaid küsimusi inglite kohta, aga kui nad nägid, kuidas läks nende kaaslastel, kes olid püüdnud meelitada teda lõksu küsimustega ülestõusmisest, tegid nad väga targa otsuse vaikida; nad taandusid, ilma et oleksid küsimust esitanud. Variseridel, kirjatundjatel, saduseridel ja herodeslastel oli olnud ühine plaan täita nende konksuga küsimustega kogu päev, et Jeesust inimeste ees halvas valguses näidata ja samal ajal takistada teda tõhusalt oma häirivaid õpetusi kuulutamast. |
174:4.1 (1901.1) Another group of Sadducees had been instructed to ask Jesus entangling questions about angels, but when they beheld the fate of their comrades who had sought to entrap him with questions concerning the resurrection, they very wisely decided to hold their peace; they retired without asking a question. It was the prearranged plan of the confederated Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, and Herodians to fill up the entire day with these entangling questions, hoping thereby to discredit Jesus before the people and at the same time effectively to prevent his having any time for the proclamation of his disturbing teachings. |
174:4.2 (1901.2) Siis tuli ründavaid küsimusi esitama üks variserirühm, nende eestkõneleja andis Jeesusele märku ja küsis: „Meister, ma olen seadusetundja ja tahaksin teada, missugune käsk on sinu arvates suurim?” Jeesus vastas: „On vaid üks käsk ja see on kõigist suurem ning kõlab nii: „Kuula, oo Iisrael, meie Issand Jumal, Issand on üks. Armasta oma Issand Jumalat kogu südamest ja kogu hingest, kogu oma meele ja kogu oma jõuga.” See on esimene ja suurim käsk. Ning teine käsk on esimese sarnane, see tulenebki tegelikult otseselt esimesest ja kõlab nii: „Armasta oma ligimest nagu iseennast.” Ükski muu käsk pole neist suurem, nendele kahele käsule tuginevad kõik seadused ja prohvetid.” |
174:4.2 (1901.2) Then came forward one of the groups of the Pharisees to ask harassing questions, and the spokesman, signaling to Jesus, said: “Master, I am a lawyer, and I would like to ask you which, in your opinion, is the greatest commandment?” Jesus answered: “There is but one commandment, and that one is the greatest of all, and that commandment is: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second commandment is like this first; indeed, it springs directly therefrom, and it is: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these; on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” |
174:4.3 (1901.3) Kui seadusetundja tajus, et Jeesus oli vastanud mitte ainult juudi religiooni kõrgeima kontseptsiooni kohaselt, vaid ka kogunenud rahvahulga silmis targasti, pidas ta vajalikuks Meistri vastust mehiselt kiita. Seepärast ütles ta: „Meister, sa laususid tõesti hästi, et Jumal on üks ja pole kedagi teist tema kõrval ning et armastada teda kogu südamest, kogu arusaamise ja jõuga, samuti armastada oma ligimest nagu iseennast, on esimene ja suurim käsk. Me oleme kõik nõus, et sellest suurest käsust peab kinni pidama palju enam kui kõigist põletusohvritest.” Kui seadusetundja oli nii peenetundeliselt vastanud, vaatas Jeesus alla talle otsa ja ütles: „Mu sõber, ma tunnen, et sa pole jumalariigist kaugel.” |
174:4.3 (1901.3) When the lawyer perceived that Jesus had answered not only in accordance with the highest concept of Jewish religion, but that he had also answered wisely in the sight of the assembled multitude, he thought it the better part of valor openly to commend the Master’s reply. Accordingly, he said: “Of a truth, Master, you have well said that God is one and there is none beside him; and that to love him with all the heart, understanding, and strength, and also to love one’s neighbor as one’s self, is the first and great commandment; and we are agreed that this great commandment is much more to be regarded than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices.” When the lawyer answered thus discreetly, Jesus looked down upon him and said, “My friend, I perceive that you are not far from the kingdom of God.” |
174:4.4 (1901.4) Jeesus rääkis tõtt, kui ta märkis, et see seadusetundja pole „taevariigist kaugel”, sest too läks juba samal õhtul Meistri laagrisse Ketsemani lähedal, tunnistas oma usku taevariigi evangeeliumisse ning lasi Hoosial, ühel Abneri jüngril, end ristida. |
174:4.4 (1901.4) Jesus spoke the truth when he referred to this lawyer as being “not far from the kingdom,” for that very night he went out to the Master’s camp near Gethsemane, professed faith in the gospel of the kingdom, and was baptized by Josiah, one of the disciples of Abner. |
174:4.5 (1901.5) Kohal viibis veel paar-kolm kirjatundjate ja variseride rühma, kes olid kavatsenud küsimusi esitada, kuid vaikisid; kas oli neid relvituks teinud Jeesuse vastus seadusetundjale või hoidis neid tagasi häbi, mida pidid kogema need, kes olid püüdnud teda lõksu meelitada. Pärast seda ei söandanud enam keegi talle avalikult küsimusi esitada. |
174:4.5 (1901.5) Two or three other groups of the scribes and Pharisees were present and had intended to ask questions, but they were either disarmed by Jesus’ answer to the lawyer, or they were deterred by the discomfiture of all who had undertaken to ensnare him. After this no man dared to ask him another question in public. |
174:4.6 (1901.6) Et rohkem küsimusi ei tulnud ning lõunatund oli lähenemas, ei jätkanud Jeesus enam õpetamist, vaid piirdus variseridele ja kaaslastele ühe küsimuse esitamisega. Jeesus sõnas: „Et teil enam rohkem küsimusi ei ole, tahaksin ise teilt midagi küsida. Mida te arvate Vabastajast? See tähendab, kelle poeg ta on?” Pärast lühikest vaikust vastas üks kirjatundja: „Messias on Taaveti poeg.” Kuna Jeesus teadis, et isegi tema jüngrite seas oli olnud palju vaidlusi selle üle, kas ta on Taaveti poeg või mitte, küsis ta edasi: „Kui Vabastaja on tõesti Taaveti poeg, miks lausub ta siis psalmis, mida talle omistate: „Issand ütles minu issandale: istu mu paremale käele, kuni ma panen su vaenlased su jalgealuseks järiks.” Kui Taavet nimetab teda Issandaks, kuidas saab ta siis olla tema poeg?” Ehkki sünagoogiülemad, kirjatundjad ja ülempreestrid sellele küsimusele ei vastanud, hoidusid ka nemad talle edasiste segadusseviivate küsimuste esitamisest. Nad jätsid Jeesuse küsimusele vastamata, kuid pärast Meistri surma püüdsid sellest probleemist vabaneda psalmi tõlgenduse muutmisega, nii et see ei viitaks messiale, vaid Aabrahamile. Teised püüdsid dilemmat lahendada, keeldudes Taavetit selle niinimetatud messiapsalmi autoriks pidamast. |
174:4.6 (1901.6) When no more questions were forthcoming, and as the noon hour was near, Jesus did not resume his teaching but was content merely to ask the Pharisees and their associates a question. Said Jesus: “Since you ask no more questions, I would like to ask you one. What do you think of the Deliverer? That is, whose son is he?” After a brief pause one of the scribes answered, “The Messiah is the son of David.” And since Jesus knew that there had been much debate, even among his own disciples, as to whether or not he was the son of David, he asked this further question: “If the Deliverer is indeed the son of David, how is it that, in the Psalm which you accredit to David, he himself, speaking in the spirit, says, ‘The Lord said to my lord, sit on my right hand until I make your enemies the footstool of your feet.’ If David calls him Lord, how then can he be his son?” Although the rulers, the scribes, and the chief priests made no reply to this question, they likewise refrained from asking him any more questions in an effort to entangle him. They never answered this question which Jesus put to them, but after the Master’s death they attempted to escape the difficulty by changing the interpretation of this Psalm so as to make it refer to Abraham instead of the Messiah. Others sought to escape the dilemma by disallowing that David was the author of this so-called Messianic Psalm. |
174:4.7 (1902.1) Veidi varem olid variserid rõõmu tundnud selle üle, kuidas Meister oli saduserid vaikima sundinud, nüüd rõõmustas sadusere variseride läbikukkumine, kuid see rivaalitsemine oli vaid ajutine. Ühistes jõupingutustes Jeesuse õpetustöö ja muu tegevuse peatamiseks unustasid nad kiiresti oma põlised lahkarvamused. Seevastu lihtrahvas kuulas kõigi nende sündmuste ajal Jeesust meelsasti. |
174:4.7 (1902.1) A short time back the Pharisees had enjoyed the manner in which the Sadducees had been silenced by the Master; now the Sadducees were delighted by the failure of the Pharisees; but such rivalry was only momentary; they speedily forgot their time-honored differences in the united effort to stop Jesus’ teachings and doings. But throughout all of these experiences the common people heard him gladly. |
5. Teadmishimulised kreeklased ^top |
5. The Inquiring Greeks ^top |
174:5.1 (1902.2) Lõuna paiku, kui Filippus ostis tagavarasid uude laagrisse, mida tol päeval Ketsemani lähedale rajati, kõnetas teda võõramaalaste delegatsioon, rühm usklikke kreeklasi Aleksandriast, Ateenast ja Roomast. Nende esindaja ütles apostlile: „Need, kes sind tunnevad, soovitasid sind. Nii tulimegi, härra, sinu juurde palvega näha Jeesust, sinu Meistrit.” Filippus üllatus, kohates neid silmapaistvaid ja teadmishimulisi kreeka paganaid turul, ning et Jeesus oli sõnaselgelt keelanud kõigil kaheteistkümnel paasapühanädalal avaliku õpetamisega tegelda, sattus ta veidi kimbatusse, kuidas asja õigesti lahendada. Teda viis segadusse ka asjaolu, et need mehed olid võõramaalastest paganad. Oleksid nad olnud juudid või lähedusest pärit tuttavad paganad, poleks ta nii silmanähtavalt kõhelnud. Ta palus kreeklastel jääda sinna, kus nad olid. Kui ta minema ruttas, oletasid nood, et ta läks Jeesust otsima, kuid tegelikult kiirustas ta Joosepi majja, kus teadis Andreast ja teisi apostleid lõunat söövat. Ta kutsus Andrease välja, selgitas talle oma tuleku põhjust ja pöördus siis Andrease saatel ootavate kreeklaste juurde tagasi. |
174:5.1 (1902.2) About noontime, as Philip was purchasing supplies for the new camp which was that day being established near Gethsemane, he was accosted by a delegation of strangers, a group of believing Greeks from Alexandria, Athens, and Rome, whose spokesman said to the apostle: “You have been pointed out to us by those who know you; so we come to you, Sir, with the request to see Jesus, your Master.” Philip was taken by surprise thus to meet these prominent and inquiring Greek gentiles in the market place, and, since Jesus had so explicitly charged all of the twelve not to engage in any public teaching during the Passover week, he was a bit perplexed as to the right way to handle this matter. He was also disconcerted because these men were foreign gentiles. If they had been Jews or near-by and familiar gentiles, he would not have hesitated so markedly. What he did was this: He asked these Greeks to remain right where they were. As he hastened away, they supposed that he went in search of Jesus, but in reality he hurried off to the home of Joseph, where he knew Andrew and the other apostles were at lunch; and calling Andrew out, he explained the purpose of his coming, and then, accompanied by Andrew, he returned to the waiting Greeks. |
174:5.2 (1902.3) Et Filippus oli tagavarade ostmise juba peaaegu lõpetanud, läks ta koos Andrease ja kreeklastega tagasi Joosepi majja, kus Jeesus nad vastu võttis. Nad istusid tema lähedusse, kuna Jeesus rääkis oma apostlitega ja mitme juhtiva jüngriga, kes sellele lõunasöögile olid kogunenud. Jeesus ütles: |
174:5.2 (1902.3) Since Philip had about finished the purchasing of supplies, he and Andrew returned with the Greeks to the home of Joseph, where Jesus received them; and they sat near while he spoke to his apostles and a number of leading disciples assembled at this luncheon. Said Jesus: |
174:5.3 (1902.4) „Mu Isa saatis mind siia maailma ilmutama inimlastele oma armastavat headust, aga need, kelle juurde ma algul tulin, on keeldunud mind vastu võtmast. Paljud teist on, tõsi küll, minu evangeeliumi uskunud, kuid Aabrahami lapsed ja nende juhid lükkavad mind peagi tagasi ning seda tehes lükkavad nad tagasi ka Tema, kes mind on saatnud. Olen kuulutanud sellele rahvale päästmise evangeeliumi, olen rääkinud neile rõõmsast ja vabast pojaseisusest ja külluslikumast elust vaimus. Mu Isa on teinud nende hirmu kütkeis olevate inimlaste seas palju imelisi tegusid. Kuid prohvet Jesaja kirjutas selle rahva kohta õigesti: „Issand, kes on uskunud meie õpetusi? Ja kellele on Issandat ilmutatud?” Minu rahva juhid on tõesti meelega oma silmad pimestanud, et nad ei näeks, ja südamed kõvaks teinud, et nad ei usuks ega saaks päästetud. Kõik need aastad olen ma püüdnud neid ravida nende uskmatusest, et nad võiksid saada Isa igavese päästmise osalisteks. Ma tean, et see pole mul kõigi puhul ebaõnnestunud, mõned teist on mu sõnumit tõesti uskunud. Selles toas on praegu tervelt kakskümmend meest, kes olid kunagi Suurkohtu liikmed või kuulusid riigi kõrgetesse nõukogudesse, ehkki teie hulgas on ikka veel neid, kes kardavad avalikult tõde tunnistada, sest nad võidakse sünagoogist välja heita. Mõnel teist on kiusatus armastada inimeste pakutavat auhiilgust rohkem kui Jumala oma. Ent ma pean üles näitama kannatlikkust, sest minagi kardan mõne inimese turvalisuse ja lojaalsuse pärast, kes on olnud nii kaua minu lähedal ja lausa minu kõrval elanud. |
174:5.3 (1902.4) “My Father sent me to this world to reveal his loving-kindness to the children of men, but those to whom I first came have refused to receive me. True, indeed, many of you have believed my gospel for yourselves, but the children of Abraham and their leaders are about to reject me, and in so doing they will reject Him who sent me. I have freely proclaimed the gospel of salvation to this people; I have told them of sonship with joy, liberty, and life more abundant in the spirit. My Father has done many wonderful works among these fear-ridden sons of men. But truly did the Prophet Isaiah refer to this people when he wrote: ‘Lord, who has believed our teachings? And to whom has the Lord been revealed?’ Truly have the leaders of my people deliberately blinded their eyes that they see not, and hardened their hearts lest they believe and be saved. All these years have I sought to heal them of their unbelief that they might be recipients of the Father’s eternal salvation. I know that not all have failed me; some of you have indeed believed my message. In this room now are a full score of men who were once members of the Sanhedrin, or who were high in the councils of the nation, albeit even some of you still shrink from open confession of the truth lest they cast you out of the synagogue. Some of you are tempted to love the glory of men more than the glory of God. But I am constrained to show forbearance since I fear for the safety and loyalty of even some of those who have been so long near me, and who have lived so close by my side. |
174:5.4 (1903.1) Ma näen, et sellesse pidusöögikambrisse on kogunenud peaaegu võrdselt juute ja paganaid, ning pöördun teie kui esimese ja viimase sellise rühma poole, kellele võin õpetada taevariigi tõdesid, enne kui oma Isa juurde siirdun.” |
174:5.4 (1903.1) “In this banquet chamber I perceive there are assembled Jews and gentiles in about equal numbers, and I would address you as the first and last of such a group that I may instruct in the affairs of the kingdom before I go to my Father.” |
174:5.5 (1903.2) Need kreeklased olid Jeesuse õpetust templis ustavalt kuulanud. Esmaspäeva õhtul olid nad Nikodeemose majas koiduni nõu pidanud ja kolmkümmend neist olid otsustanud taevariiki astuda. |
174:5.5 (1903.2) These Greeks had been in faithful attendance upon Jesus’ teaching in the temple. On Monday evening they had held a conference at the home of Nicodemus, which lasted until the dawn of day, and thirty of them had elected to enter the kingdom. |
174:5.6 (1903.3) Kui Jeesus tol korral nende ees seisis, tunnetas ta ühe usulise elukorralduse lõppu ja teise algust. Pöördudes kreeklaste poole, ütles Meister: |
174:5.6 (1903.3) As Jesus stood before them at this time, he perceived the end of one dispensation and the beginning of another. Turning his attention to the Greeks, the Master said: |
174:5.7 (1903.4) „See, kes usub käesolevasse evangeeliumisse, usub mitte ainult minusse, vaid ka Temasse, kes mind on saatnud. Mind vaadates näete mitte ainult Inimese Poega, vaid ka teda, kes mind on saatnud. Mina olen maailma valgus ja mitte keegi, kes minu õpetusse usub, ei pea enam pimeduses olema. Kui teie, paganad, mind kuulda võtate, saate kuulda elusõnu ja astute otsekohe Jumala pojaseisuse tõe rõõmsasse vabadusse. Kui mu kaasmaalased, juudid, otsustavad mind tagasi lükata ja mu õpetustest keelduda, ei hakka ma nende üle kohut mõistma, sest ma pole tulnud maailma üle kohut mõistma, vaid sellele päästmist pakkuma. Hoolimata sellest viib mu Isa need, kes mind tagasi lükkavad ja keelduvad mu õpetust vastu võtmast, omal ajal kohtu ette, mille on ametisse määranud õigust mõistma nende üle, kes lükkavad tagasi halastuseanni ja päästmise tõed. Pidage kõik meeles, et ma ei räägi iseenda nimel, vaid olen teile ustavalt kuulutanud seda, mida Isa on mul käskinud inimlastele ilmutada. Ning need sõnad, mida Isa on lasknud mul maailmale rääkida, on jumaliku tõe, igikestva halastuse ja igavese elu sõnad. |
174:5.7 (1903.4) “He who believes this gospel, believes not merely in me but in Him who sent me. When you look upon me, you see not only the Son of Man but also Him who sent me. I am the light of the world, and whosoever will believe my teaching shall no longer abide in darkness. If you gentiles will hear me, you shall receive the words of life and shall enter forthwith into the joyous liberty of the truth of sonship with God. If my fellow countrymen, the Jews, choose to reject me and to refuse my teachings, I will not sit in judgment on them, for I came not to judge the world but to offer it salvation. Nevertheless, they who reject me and refuse to receive my teaching shall be brought to judgment in due season by my Father and those whom he has appointed to sit in judgment on such as reject the gift of mercy and the truths of salvation. Remember, all of you, that I speak not of myself, but that I have faithfully declared to you that which the Father commanded I should reveal to the children of men. And these words which the Father directed me to speak to the world are words of divine truth, everlasting mercy, and eternal life. |
174:5.8 (1903.5) Ent ma kuulutan nii juutidele kui ka paganatele, et üsna pea on käes tund, mil Inimese Poeg auhiilgusesse tõstetakse. Te teate, et kui nisutera ei lange mulda ega sure, siis jääb ta üksi, aga kui ta sureb heas pinnases, tärkab taas ellu ja kannab palju vilja. Sellel, kes armastab isekalt oma elu, on oht see kaotada. Ent see, kes on valmis minu ja evangeeliumi pärast oma elu andma, saab tunda rõõmu külluslikumast eksistentsist maa peal ja taevas, igavesest elust. Kui te mind tõeliselt järgite ka pärast seda, kui ma olen oma Isa juurde läinud, saate minu jüngriteks ja oma kaassurelike siirasteks teenijateks. |
174:5.8 (1903.5) “But to both Jew and gentile I declare the hour has about come when the Son of Man will be glorified. You well know that, except a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies in good soil, it springs up again to life and bears much fruit. He who selfishly loves his life stands in danger of losing it; but he who is willing to lay down his life for my sake and the gospel’s shall enjoy a more abundant existence on earth and in heaven, life eternal. If you will truly follow me, even after I have gone to my Father, then shall you become my disciples and the sincere servants of your fellow mortals. |
174:5.9 (1903.6) Ma tean, et minu tund on lähenemas, ja ma olen mures. Näen, et minu rahvas on kindlalt otsustanud taevariigi tagasi lükata, kuid võtan rõõmuga vastu need tõde otsivad paganad, kes on tulnud täna siia valgusetee järele pärima. Hoolimata sellest valutab mu süda oma rahva pärast ja mu hing on segi sellest, mis mul peagi ees seisab. Mida võin ma öelda, vaadates tulevikku ja mõistes, mis on mind peagi ootamas? Kas ma ütlen: Isa, päästa mind sellest kohutavast tunnist? Ei! Just sellepärast olengi ma siia maailma tulnud ja siin praeguse tunnini elanud. Pigem ütlen ma, palvetades, et teiegi ütleksite koos minuga: Isa, ülenda oma nime, sinu tahtmine sündigu.” |
174:5.9 (1903.6) “I know my hour is approaching, and I am troubled. I perceive that my people are determined to spurn the kingdom, but I am rejoiced to receive these truth-seeking gentiles who come here today inquiring for the way of light. Nevertheless, my heart aches for my people, and my soul is distraught by that which lies just before me. What shall I say as I look ahead and discern what is about to befall me? Shall I say, Father save me from this awful hour? No! For this very purpose have I come into the world and even to this hour. Rather will I say, and pray that you will join me: Father, glorify your name; your will be done.” |
174:5.10 (1904.1) Kui Jeesus oli seda lausunud, ilmus tema ette ta Isikustatud Kohandaja, kes oli elanud tema sisimas enne tema ristimist, ja sel ajal kui Meister hetkeks vaikis, teatas see nüüdseks vägev Isa esindav vaim Naatsaretlasele: „Ma olen ülendanud oma nime korduvalt sinu annetumistes ja ülendan seda ka sel korral.” |
174:5.10 (1904.1) When Jesus had thus spoken, the Personalized Adjuster of his indwelling during prebaptismal times appeared before him, and as he paused noticeably, this now mighty spirit of the Father’s representation spoke to Jesus of Nazareth, saying: “I have glorified my name in your bestowals many times, and I will glorify it once more.” |
174:5.11 (1904.2) Ehkki kokku tulnud juudid ja paganad ei kuulnud ühtki häält, nägid nad ometi, et Meister katkestas oma jutu, võtmaks vastu mingist üleinimlikust allikast saabunud sõnumit. Igaüks ütles oma naabrile: „Ingel on temaga rääkinud.” |
174:5.11 (1904.2) While the Jews and gentiles here assembled heard no voice, they could not fail to discern that the Master had paused in his speaking while a message came to him from some superhuman source. They all said, every man to the one who was by him, “An angel has spoken to him.” |
174:5.12 (1904.3) Siis jätkas Jeesus: „Kõik see pole toimunud mitte minu, vaid teie pärast. Ma tean kindlalt, et Isa võtab mind vastu ja kiidab heaks missiooni, mille täitsin teie nimel, kuid teid on vaja julgustada ja ette valmistada suureks katsumuseks, mis peagi ees ootab. Ma kinnitan teile, et meie ühiseid pingutusi valgustada maailma ja vabastada inimkond kroonib lõpuks võit. Vana maailmakorraldus on jõudmas kohtu ette, ma olen selle maailma Vürsti kukutanud ja kõik inimesed vabanevad vaimuvalguses, mida ma valan välja kogu liha peale pärast seda, kui olen tõusnud oma taevase Isa juurde. |
174:5.12 (1904.3) Then Jesus continued to speak: “All this has not happened for my sake but for yours. I know of a certainty that the Father will receive me and accept my mission in your behalf, but it is needful that you be encouraged and be made ready for the fiery trial which is just ahead. Let me assure you that victory shall eventually crown our united efforts to enlighten the world and liberate mankind. The old order is bringing itself to judgment; the Prince of this world I have cast down; and all men shall become free by the light of the spirit which I will pour out upon all flesh after I have ascended to my Father in heaven. |
174:5.13 (1904.4) Ja nüüd ma kuulutan teile, et kui mind maa peal teie elu ajal ülendatakse, kutsun ma kõik inimesed enda juurde ja vendlusse oma Isaga. Te olete uskunud, et Vabastaja jääb maa peale igaveseks, aga mina kuulutan teile, et inimesed lükkavad Inimese Poja tagasi ja ta pöördub tagasi Isa juurde. Ma jään teiega vaid veidikeseks ajaks, elav valgus on selle pimedusega löödud põlvkonna seas vaid lühikest aega. Kõndige, kuni teil see valgus on, et saabuv pimedus ja segadus teist jagu ei saaks. See, kes kõnnib pimeduses, ei tea, kuhu ta läheb, aga kui te eelistate kõndida valguses, saate tõesti vabastatud Jumala poegadeks. Nüüd tulge kõik koos minuga tagasi templisse, kus ma ütlen hüvastijätusõnad ülempreestritele, kirjatundjatele, variseridele, saduseridele, herodeslastele ja Iisraeli pimedusega löödud valitsejatele.” |
174:5.13 (1904.4) “And now I declare to you that I, if I be lifted up on earth and in your lives, will draw all men to myself and into the fellowship of my Father. You have believed that the Deliverer would abide on earth forever, but I declare that the Son of Man will be rejected by men, and that he will go back to the Father. Only a little while will I be with you; only a little time will the living light be among this darkened generation. Walk while you have this light so that the oncoming darkness and confusion may not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness knows not where he goes; but if you will choose to walk in the light, you shall all indeed become liberated sons of God. And now, all of you, come with me while we go back to the temple and I speak farewell words to the chief priests, the scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Herodians, and the benighted rulers of Israel.” |
174:5.14 (1904.5) Seda öelnud, sammus Jeesus kõigi ees mööda Jeruusalemma kitsaid tänavaid tagasi templisse. Nad olid just Meistrilt kuulnud, et templis toimub tema hüvastijätujutlus, ning järgnesid talle vaikides ja sügavates mõtetes. |
174:5.14 (1904.5) Having thus spoken, Jesus led the way over the narrow streets of Jerusalem back to the temple. They had just heard the Master say that this was to be his farewell discourse in the temple, and they followed him in silence and in deep meditation. |