176. Kiri Paper 176
Teisipäeva õhtupoolik Õlimäel Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet
176:0.1 (1912.1) KUI Jeesus ja apostlid tol teisipäeva õhtupoolikul templist väljusid, et Ketsemani laagrisse minna, ütles Matteus templile tähelepanu juhtides: „Meister, vaata, kuidas need hooned on ehitatud. Vaata neid massiivseid kive ja ilusaid kaunistusi, kas tõesti need hooned hävitatakse?” Ja kui nad edasi Õlimäe poole läksid, ütles Jeesus: „Te näete neid kive ja seda massiivset templit; tõesti, tõesti, mina ütlen teile: peagi on käes päevad, mil seal ei jää kivi kivi peale. Nad kõik kistakse maha.” Püha templi hävingu kirjeldus tekitas Meistri kannul kõndivates apostlites uudishimu, sest nad ei osanud kujutleda ühtki sündmust peale maailma lõpu, mis võiks templi hävingut põhjustada. 176:0.1 (1912.1) THIS Tuesday afternoon, as Jesus and the apostles passed out of the temple on their way to the Gethsemane camp, Matthew, calling attention to the temple construction, said: “Master, observe what manner of buildings these are. See the massive stones and the beautiful adornment; can it be that these buildings are to be destroyed?” As they went on toward Olivet, Jesus said: “You see these stones and this massive temple; verily, verily, I say to you: In the days soon to come there shall not be left one stone upon another. They shall all be thrown down.” These remarks depicting the destruction of the sacred temple aroused the curiosity of the apostles as they walked along behind the Master; they could conceive of no event short of the end of the world which would occasion the destruction of the temple.
176:0.2 (1912.2) Vältimaks mööda Kidroni orgu Ketsemani poole suunduvat rahvahulka, otsustasid Jeesus ja tema kaaslased ronida mööda Õlimäe läänenõlva veidi ülespoole ja minna siis piki jalgrada oma laagrisse Ketsemani lähedal, mis asus avalikust laagriplatsist veidi kõrgemal. Betaaniasse viivalt teelt kõrvale pöörates nägid nad loojuva päikese kiirte säras templit, veidi aega mäel peatudes aga linna tulesid süttimas; nad imetlesid valgustatud templit ning seal, täiskuu mahedas valguses, võttis Jeesus koos kaheteistkümne apostliga istet. Meister rääkis nendega ja peagi küsis Naatanael temalt: „Ütle meile, Meister, kuidas me teame, millal need sündmused algavad?” 176:0.2 (1912.2) In order to avoid the crowds passing along the Kidron valley toward Gethsemane, Jesus and his associates were minded to climb up the western slope of Olivet for a short distance and then follow a trail over to their private camp near Gethsemane located a short distance above the public camping ground. As they turned to leave the road leading on to Bethany, they observed the temple, glorified by the rays of the setting sun; and while they tarried on the mount, they saw the lights of the city appear and beheld the beauty of the illuminated temple; and there, under the mellow light of the full moon, Jesus and the twelve sat down. The Master talked with them, and presently Nathaniel asked this question: “Tell us, Master, how shall we know when these events are about to come to pass?”
1. Jeruusalemma hävitamine ^top 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem ^top
176:1.1 (1912.3) Jeesus vastas Naatanaeli küsimusele: „Jah, ma räägin teile ajast, mil see rahvas on oma kurjusekarika täitnud ja õiglus laskub kiiresti selle meie isade linna peale. Mina lahkun teist peagi, ma lähen Isa juurde. Kui ma olen teie juurest lahkunud, jälgige, et ükski inimene teid ei petaks, sest neid on hulk, kes esinevad vabastajatena, et viia paljusid eksiteele. Kui kuulete jutte sõdadest, ärge muretsege, sest kuigi need saavad tõeks, pole Jeruusalemma lõpp veel käes. Ärge laske end häirida näljahädadest või maavärinatest. Samuti ärge muretsege, kui teid antakse riigivõimude kätte ja evangeeliumi pärast taga kiusatakse. Teid heidetakse sünagoogist välja ja vangistatakse minu pärast ja mõned teist surmatakse. Kui teid viiakse maavalitsejate ja valitsejate ette, peate tunnistama oma usku ja näitama oma ustavust taevariigi evangeeliumile. Ja kui te kohtunike ees seisate, ärge muretsege eelnevalt selle pärast, mida peaksite ütlema, sest vaim õpetab teid selsamal tunnil, mida te oma vastastele peaksite kostma. Neil vaevarikastel päevadel saadavad teid vangi ja surma isegi teie enda sugulased, keda juhivad need, kes on Inimese Poja tagasi lükanud. Mõnda aega vihkavad teid minu pärast kõik, kuid isegi nende tagakiusamiste ajal ei hülga ma teid, minu vaim ei jäta teid maha. Olge kannatlikud! Ärge kahelge, et taevariigi evangeelium võidutseb kõigi vaenlaste üle ja kord kuulutatakse seda kõigile rahvastele.” 176:1.1 (1912.3) In answering Nathaniel’s question, Jesus said: “Yes, I will tell you about the times when this people shall have filled up the cup of their iniquity; when justice shall swiftly descend upon this city of our fathers. I am about to leave you; I go to the Father. After I leave you, take heed that no man deceive you, for many will come as deliverers and will lead many astray. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not troubled, for though all these things will happen, the end of Jerusalem is not yet at hand. You should not be perturbed by famines or earthquakes; neither should you be concerned when you are delivered up to the civil authorities and are persecuted for the sake of the gospel. You will be thrown out of the synagogue and put in prison for my sake, and some of you will be killed. When you are brought up before governors and rulers, it shall be for a testimony of your faith and to show your steadfastness in the gospel of the kingdom. And when you stand before judges, be not anxious beforehand as to what you should say, for the spirit will teach you in that very hour what you should answer your adversaries. In these days of travail, even your own kinsfolk, under the leadership of those who have rejected the Son of Man, will deliver you up to prison and death. For a time you may be hated by all men for my sake, but even in these persecutions I will not forsake you; my spirit will not desert you. Be patient! doubt not that this gospel of the kingdom will triumph over all enemies and, eventually, be proclaimed to all nations.”
176:1.2 (1913.1) Jeesus vaikis hetkeks, vaadates alla linna poole. Meister mõistis, et lükates tagasi vaimse arusaama messiast, viib juutide kangekaelne ja pime klammerdumine oodatud vabastaja ainelise missiooni külge nad peagi otsese kokkupõrkeni Rooma võimsa armeega ning et see võitlus võib lõppeda ainult juudi riigi lõpliku ja täieliku hävitamisega. Kui see rahvas lükkas tema vaimse annetumise tagasi ja keeldus nägemast taeva valgust, mis halastavalt nende peale paistis, kinnitas ta pitseriga enda kui sõltumatu, maa peal erilist vaimset missiooni täitva rahva hukku. Isegi juutide juhid said hiljem aru, et rahutusteni, mis lõpuks nende hävingu põhjustasid, oli viinud just see ilmalik messiaidee. 176:1.2 (1913.1) Jesus paused while he looked down upon the city. The Master realized that the rejection of the spiritual concept of the Messiah, the determination to cling persistently and blindly to the material mission of the expected deliverer, would presently bring the Jews in direct conflict with the powerful Roman armies, and that such a contest could only result in the final and complete overthrow of the Jewish nation. When his people rejected his spiritual bestowal and refused to receive the light of heaven as it so mercifully shone upon them, they thereby sealed their doom as an independent people with a special spiritual mission on earth. Even the Jewish leaders subsequently recognized that it was this secular idea of the Messiah which directly led to the turbulence which eventually brought about their destruction.
176:1.3 (1913.2) Kuna Jeruusalemmast pidi saama varase evangeeliumiliikumise häll, ei tahtnud Jeesus, et tema õpetajad ja jutlustajad hukkuksid juudi rahva kohutavas krahhis seoses Jeruusalemma hävitamisega: seepärast andiski ta oma poolehoidjatele neid nõuandeid. Jeesus oli väga mures, et mõni tema jünger võib lasta ennast kaasa tõmmata neisse peagi puhkevatesse mässudesse ja nii koos Jeruusalemma langemisega hukkuda. 176:1.3 (1913.2) Since Jerusalem was to become the cradle of the early gospel movement, Jesus did not want its teachers and preachers to perish in the terrible overthrow of the Jewish people in connection with the destruction of Jerusalem; wherefore did he give these instructions to his followers. Jesus was much concerned lest some of his disciples become involved in these soon-coming revolts and so perish in the downfall of Jerusalem.
176:1.4 (1913.3) Siis küsis Andreas: „Aga Meister, millal peaksime Jeruusalemmast lahkuma, kui Püha Linn ja tempel hävitatakse ning sind pole siin meid suunamas?” Jeesus ütles: „Kui ma olen lahkunud, võite jääda linna isegi neil vaevade ja kibedate tagakiusamiste aegadel, aga kui lõpuks näete pärast valeprohvetite mässu Rooma vägesid Jeruusalemma piiramas, siis teadke, et peagi algab selle laastamine — siis peate mägedesse põgenema. Ärgu jäägu keegi linna või selle ümbrusse midagi päästma ja ärge laske ka väljaspool olijaid sinna siseneda. See on raske katsumus, sest sellest saab paganate kättemaksu aeg. Kui te olete linnast lahkunud, langeb see sõnakuulmatu rahvas mõõgahoopide all ja viiakse kõigi rahvaste hulka vangi; nii trambivad paganad Jeruusalemma pihuks ja põrmuks. Samas hoiatan teid, et te ei laseks end petta, kui teie juurde tuleb keegi ja ütleb: „Ennäe, siin on Vabastaja,” või „Ennäe, see ta ongi,” ärge seda uskuge, sest esile kerkib hulk valeõpetajaid ja paljud satuvad eksiteele, aga teie ei tohiks end petta lasta, sest ma olen teile selle kõik juba ette ära rääkinud.” 176:1.4 (1913.3) Then Andrew inquired: “But, Master, if the Holy City and the temple are to be destroyed, and if you are not here to direct us, when should we forsake Jerusalem?” Said Jesus: “You may remain in the city after I have gone, even through these times of travail and bitter persecution, but when you finally see Jerusalem being encompassed by the Roman armies after the revolt of the false prophets, then will you know that her desolation is at hand; then must you flee to the mountains. Let none who are in the city and around about tarry to save aught, neither let those who are outside dare to enter therein. There will be great tribulation, for these will be the days of gentile vengeance. And after you have deserted the city, this disobedient people will fall by the edge of the sword and will be led captive into all nations; and so shall Jerusalem be trodden down by the gentiles. In the meantime, I warn you, be not deceived. If any man comes to you, saying, ‘Behold, here is the Deliverer,’ or ‘Behold, there is he,’ believe it not, for many false teachers will arise and many will be led astray; but you should not be deceived, for I have told you all this beforehand.”
176:1.5 (1913.4) Apostlid istusid üsna kaua vaikides kuuvalgel, kuni need Meistri hämmastavad ennustused nende jahmunud meelde jõudsid. Ning just seda hoiatust arvestades põgenes kogu uskujate ja jüngrite rühm Jeruusalemmast esimeste Rooma vägede kohale jõudes ning leidis ohutu pelgupaiga põhja pool Pellas. 176:1.5 (1913.4) The apostles sat in silence in the moonlight for a considerable time while these astounding predictions of the Master sank into their bewildered minds. And it was in conformity with this very warning that practically the entire group of believers and disciples fled from Jerusalem upon the first appearance of the Roman troops, finding a safe shelter in Pella to the north.
176:1.6 (1913.5) Isegi pärast seda sõnaselget hoiatust tõlgendasid Jeesuse pooldajad neid ennustusi nii, nagu puudutaksid need muutusi, mis Jeruusalemmas kindlasti toimuvad, kui messia taasilmumise tulemusena rajatakse Uus Jeruusalemm ja linn kasvab maailma pealinnaks. Need juudid olid oma meeles kindlalt otsustanud seostada templi hävitamise „maailma lõpuga”. Nad uskusid, et see uus Jeruusalemm täidab kogu Palestiina ja et pärast maailma lõppu ilmub kohe „uus taevas ja uus maa”. Seepärast polnud midagi imestada, et Peetrus ütles: „Meister, me teame, et kui ilmub uus taevas ja uus maa, kaob kõik, aga kuidas me teame, millal sa tagasi tuled, et seda kõike korda saata?” 176:1.6 (1913.5) Even after this explicit warning, many of Jesus’ followers interpreted these predictions as referring to the changes which would obviously occur in Jerusalem when the reappearing of the Messiah would result in the establishment of the New Jerusalem and in the enlargement of the city to become the world’s capital. In their minds these Jews were determined to connect the destruction of the temple with the “end of the world.” They believed this New Jerusalem would fill all Palestine; that the end of the world would be followed by the immediate appearance of the “new heavens and the new earth.” And so it was not strange that Peter should say: “Master, we know that all things will pass away when the new heavens and the new earth appear, but how shall we know when you will return to bring all this about?”
176:1.7 (1914.1) Seda kuuldes jäi Jeesus mõneks ajaks mõttesse ja ütles siis: „Te eksite alati sellepärast, et püüate seostada uut õpetust vanaga, te tahate kõigist mu õpetustest valesti aru saada, tahate tõlgendada evangeeliumi tingimata oma väljakujunenud uskumustest lähtudes. Hoolimata sellest püüan teid valgustada.” 176:1.7 (1914.1) When Jesus heard this, he was thoughtful for some time and then said: “You ever err since you always try to attach the new teaching to the old; you are determined to misunderstand all my teaching; you insist on interpreting the gospel in accordance with your established beliefs. Nevertheless, I will try to enlighten you.”
2. Meistri teine tulemine ^top 2. The Master’s Second Coming ^top
176:2.1 (1914.2) Jeesus oli mitu korda esinenud väidetega, mille põhjal ta kuulajad olid järeldanud, et ehkki ta kavatseb sellest maailmast peagi lahkuda, pöördub ta päris kindlasti tagasi taevariigi tööd lõpule viima. Kui Meistri pooldajates kasvas veendumus, et ta tõesti nende juurest lahkub, ja kui ta tegelikult sellest maailmast lahkus, klammerdusid kõik tema poolehoidjad loomulikult nende naasmislubaduste külge. Nii lülitati doktriin Kristuse teisest tulemisest varakult kristlaste õpetustesse ja peaaegu kõik jüngrite hilisemad põlvkonnad on seda tõde hardalt uskunud ja kindlas usus tema kunagist tulekut oodanud. 176:2.1 (1914.2) On several occasions Jesus had made statements which led his hearers to infer that, while he intended presently to leave this world, he would most certainly return to consummate the work of the heavenly kingdom. As the conviction grew on his followers that he was going to leave them, and after he had departed from this world, it was only natural for all believers to lay fast hold upon these promises to return. The doctrine of the second coming of Christ thus became early incorporated into the teachings of the Christians, and almost every subsequent generation of disciples has devoutly believed this truth and has confidently looked forward to his sometime coming.
176:2.2 (1914.3) Sunnitud oma Meistrist ja Õpetajast lahkuma, haarasid need esimesed jüngrid ja apostlid seda tugevamini kinni tema lubadusest tagasi tulla ja kiirustasid ennustust Jeruusalemma hävingust seostama selle tõotatud teise tulekuga. Ja nad tõlgendasid tema sõnu ikka samal viisil hoolimata sellest, et Meister oli kogu õhtu Õlimäel õpetanud, et nad just seda viga ei teeks. 176:2.2 (1914.3) If they were to part with their Master and Teacher, how much more did these first disciples and the apostles grasp at this promise to return, and they lost no time in associating the predicted destruction of Jerusalem with this promised second coming. And they continued thus to interpret his words notwithstanding that, throughout this evening of instruction on Mount Olivet, the Master took particular pains to prevent just such a mistake.
176:2.3 (1914.4) Jätkates vastamist Peetruse küsimusele, ütles Jeesus: „Miks ootate ikka veel, et Inimese Poeg istuks Taaveti troonile ja juutide ainelised unistused täituksid? Kas ma pole teile kõik need aastad rääkinud, et minu kuningriik pole sellest maailmast? See, mida praegu alla vaadates näete, hävib, kuid sellest saab uus algus, mis viib kuningriigi evangeeliumi kogu maailma ning see lunastus ulatub kõigi rahvasteni. Ja kui kuningriik on täiesti küps, olge kindlad, et taevane Isa ei jäta teile andmata avaramat tõeilmutust ja paremat tunnistust õiglusest, nagu ta on juba maailmale annetanud selle, kellest sai pimedusevürst, seejärel Aadama, Melkisedeki ja praegu neile järgnenud Inimese Poja. Nii avaldab minu Isa jätkuvalt oma halastust ja armastust isegi sellele pimedale ja kurjale maailmale. Ning pärast seda, kui mu Isa on minu kätte andnud kogu väe ja võimu, jälgin ka mina teie saatust ja juhin kuningriigi asju oma vaimu kaudu, mis peagi kogu liha peale välja valatakse. Kuigi ma olen vaimus teie juures, luban, et pöördun kunagi tagasi sellesse maailma, kus ma olen elanud lihalikku elu ja suutnud üheaegselt inimesele Jumalat ilmutada ja inimest Jumala juurde juhtida. Õige varsti pean ma teist lahkuma ja alustama tööd, mis Isa on mulle usaldanud, kuid olge vaprad, sest ma pöördun kord tagasi. Vahepeal on teile lohutajaks ja teejuhiks universumi Tõe Vaim. 176:2.3 (1914.4) In further answer to Peter’s question, Jesus said: “Why do you still look for the Son of Man to sit upon the throne of David and expect that the material dreams of the Jews will be fulfilled? Have I not told you all these years that my kingdom is not of this world? The things which you now look down upon are coming to an end, but this will be a new beginning out of which the gospel of the kingdom will go to all the world and this salvation will spread to all peoples. And when the kingdom shall have come to its full fruition, be assured that the Father in heaven will not fail to visit you with an enlarged revelation of truth and an enhanced demonstration of righteousness, even as he has already bestowed upon this world him who became the prince of darkness, and then Adam, who was followed by Melchizedek, and in these days, the Son of Man. And so will my Father continue to manifest his mercy and show forth his love, even to this dark and evil world. So also will I, after my Father has invested me with all power and authority, continue to follow your fortunes and to guide in the affairs of the kingdom by the presence of my spirit, who shall shortly be poured out upon all flesh. Even though I shall thus be present with you in spirit, I also promise that I will sometime return to this world, where I have lived this life in the flesh and achieved the experience of simultaneously revealing God to man and leading man to God. Very soon must I leave you and take up the work the Father has intrusted to my hands, but be of good courage, for I will sometime return. In the meantime, my Spirit of the Truth of a universe shall comfort and guide you.
176:2.4 (1915.1) Praegu näete te mind nõrga inimesena, aga tagasi tulen ma väes ja vaimus. Liha silm näeb lihalikku Inimese Poega, kuid vaimusilm näeb Inimese Poega Isa antud auhiilguses ja oma nime all maa peale ilmumas. 176:2.4 (1915.1) “You behold me now in weakness and in the flesh, but when I return, it shall be with power and in the spirit. The eye of flesh beholds the Son of Man in the flesh, but only the eye of the spirit will behold the Son of Man glorified by the Father and appearing on earth in his own name.
176:2.5 (1915.2) Ent Inimese Poja taasilmumise aeg on teada ainult Paradiisi nõukogudes: seda, millal see toimub, ei tea isegi taevainglid. Aga te peaksite aru saama, et kui seda taevariigi evangeeliumi on kuulutatud kogu maailmale kõigi rahvaste päästmiseks ja aeg saab täis, saadab Isa teile veel ühe usulis-elukorraldusliku annetumise või tuleb Inimese Poeg tagasi ajastu üle kohut mõistma. 176:2.5 (1915.2) “But the times of the reappearing of the Son of Man are known only in the councils of Paradise; not even the angels of heaven know when this will occur. However, you should understand that, when this gospel of the kingdom shall have been proclaimed to all the world for the salvation of all peoples, and when the fullness of the age has come to pass, the Father will send you another dispensational bestowal, or else the Son of Man will return to adjudge the age.
176:2.6 (1915.3) Mis puudutab Jeruusalemma vaevadeaega, millest ma teile rääkisin, siis täituvad mu sõnad juba selle põlvkonna eluajal, kuid Inimese Poja taastuleku kohta ei söanda mitte keegi taevas ega maa peal midagi öelda. Te peaksite targasti jälgima ajastu küpsemist, peaksite hoolikalt uurima aja märke. Te teate, et kui viigipuule tekivad õrnad võrsed ja puu läheb lehte, siis on suvi tulemas. Samuti, kui maailm on läbinud materialismi pika talve ja te näete uue usulise elukorralduse vaimset kevadet saabumas, peaksite teadma, et tulekul on uue külastuse suvi. 176:2.6 (1915.3) “And now concerning the travail of Jerusalem, about which I have spoken to you, even this generation will not pass away until my words are fulfilled; but concerning the times of the coming again of the Son of Man, no one in heaven or on earth may presume to speak. But you should be wise regarding the ripening of an age; you should be alert to discern the signs of the times. You know when the fig tree shows its tender branches and puts forth its leaves that summer is near. Likewise, when the world has passed through the long winter of material-mindedness and you discern the coming of the spiritual springtime of a new dispensation, should you know that the summertime of a new visitation draws near.
176:2.7 (1915.4) Kuid mis tähtsus on sellel õpetusel Jumala Poegade tulekust? Kas te ei saa aru, et kui teid kutsutakse kord oma eluvõitlust lõpetama ja surma väravat läbima, järgneb kohe kohtumõistmine ja te olete silmitsi tõsiasjadega, mis on seotud lõpmatu Isa igavese plaani järgse teenistusega uue usulise elukorralduse tingimustes. Seda, mis ootab ees kogu maailma konkreetse faktina iga ajastu lõpus, peab teist igaüks kindlasti ka isiklikult kogema, kui jõuab oma maise elu lõppu ja astub sealt edasi Isa taevariigi igavese arengu järgmisesse avaldumisse sellele omaste tingimuste ja nõudmiste kohaselt.” 176:2.7 (1915.4) “But what is the significance of this teaching having to do with the coming of the Sons of God? Do you not perceive that, when each of you is called to lay down his life struggle and pass through the portal of death, you stand in the immediate presence of judgment, and that you are face to face with the facts of a new dispensation of service in the eternal plan of the infinite Father? What the whole world must face as a literal fact at the end of an age, you, as individuals, must each most certainly face as a personal experience when you reach the end of your natural life and thereby pass on to be confronted with the conditions and demands inherent in the next revelation of the eternal progression of the Father’s kingdom.”
176:2.8 (1915.5) Ükski kõigist Meistri varem peetud jutlustest oma apostlitele polnud viinud neid nii suurde segadusse kui see, mille ta pidas tol teisipäevaõhtul Õlimäel Jeruusalemma hävingu ja tema enese teise tuleku teemadel. Seepärast oli Meistri tol erilisel õhtul öeldud sõnade hilisemates, mälestustele tuginevates ülestähendustes nii vähe ühist. Kuna suur osa tol teisipäeva õhtupoolikul öeldust jäi ürikutesse kirja panemata, tekkis palju pärimusi. Teise sajandi algul kopeeriti keiser Caligula õukonda kuulunud Selta üleskirjutus juudi apokalüpsisest messia kohta tervenisti Matteuse evangeeliumisse ja lisati hiljem (osaliselt) Markuse ja Luuka ürikutesse. Neis Selta ülestähendustes sisaldus mõistujutt kümnest neitsist. Ühtki evangeeliumi osa ei ole kunagi nii segadusttekitavalt tõlgendatud kui selleõhtust õpetust. Apostel Johannesel aga niisugust segadust ei tekkinud. 176:2.8 (1915.5) Of all the discourses which the Master gave his apostles, none ever became so confused in their minds as this one, given this Tuesday evening on the Mount of Olives, regarding the twofold subject of the destruction of Jerusalem and his own second coming. There was, therefore, little agreement between the subsequent written accounts based on the memories of what the Master said on this extraordinary occasion. Consequently, when the records were left blank concerning much that was said that Tuesday evening, there grew up many traditions; and very early in the second century a Jewish apocalyptic about the Messiah written by one Selta, who was attached to the court of the Emperor Caligula, was bodily copied into the Matthew Gospel and subsequently added (in part) to the Mark and Luke records. It was in these writings of Selta that the parable of the ten virgins appeared. No part of the gospel record ever suffered such confusing misconstruction as this evening’s teaching. But the Apostle John never became thus confused.
176:2.9 (1915.6) Kui need kolmteist meest jätkasid taas teed laagri poole, olid nad sõnatud ja suure emotsionaalse pinge all. Juudas oli lõplikult otsustanud kaaslastest lahku lüüa. Oli juba hiline tund, kui Taavet Sebedeus, Johannes Markus ja mitu juhtivat jüngrit Jeesust ja kahtteist apostlit laagris tervitasid, kuid apostlid ei tahtnud magada: nad soovisid Jeruusalemma hävingust, Meistri lahkumisest ja maailma lõpust veel rohkem teada saada. 176:2.9 (1915.6) As these thirteen men resumed their journey toward the camp, they were speechless and under great emotional tension. Judas had finally confirmed his decision to abandon his associates. It was a late hour when David Zebedee, John Mark, and a number of the leading disciples welcomed Jesus and the twelve to the new camp, but the apostles did not want to sleep; they wanted to know more about the destruction of Jerusalem, the Master’s departure, and the end of the world.
3. Edasine arutelu laagris ^top 3. Later Discussion at the Camp ^top
176:3.1 (1916.1) Kui nad umbes kahekümnekesi laagritule ümber olid kogunenud, küsis Toomas: „Et sa tuled kord tagasi taevariigi tööd lõpetama, siis missuguse hoiaku peaksime me võtma sel ajal, kui sa Isa ülesannetega tegeled?” Jeesus vaatas neile kõigile tulevalgel otsa ja vastas: 176:3.1 (1916.1) As they gathered about the campfire, some twenty of them, Thomas asked: “Since you are to return to finish the work of the kingdom, what should be our attitude while you are away on the Father’s business?” As Jesus looked them over by the firelight, he answered:
176:3.2 (1916.2) „Ja isegi sina, Toomas, ei saanud sellest aru, mida ma teile rääkisin. Kas ma pole teile kogu aeg õpetanud, et teie suhe taevariigiga on vaimne ja isiklik ning puudutab üksnes omaenda, vaimus saadud kogemust, mis on tekkinud usu kaudu, tänu taipamisele, et sa oled Jumala poeg? Mida ma peaksin veel ütlema? Mis on rahvaste langusel, impeeriumide kokkuvarisemisel, uskmatute juutide hävingul, ajastu lõpul, isegi maailma lõpul tegemist sellega, kes usub evangeeliumisse ja on peitnud oma elu varjule igavese taevariigi kindlusesse? Teie, kes te tunnete Jumalat ja usute evangeeliumisse, olete juba saanud igavese elu kohta kinnitusi. Et te olete elanud oma elu vaimus ja Isa teenides, ei saa miski teile tõsist muret valmistada. Taevariigi ülesehitajaid, taevaste maailmade tunnustatud kodanikke ei tohiks häirida ajalikud murrangud ega maised kataklüsmid. Mis puudutab see teid, kes te usute sellesse taevariigi evangeeliumisse, kui rahvad hävitatakse, ajastu lõpeb või kõik nähtavad asjad kokku varisevad, sest te teate, et teie elu on Pojalt saadud kingitus ning et see on Isas igavesti kaitstud? Olles elanud ajalikku elu usus ning kandnud vaimuvilju oma kaaslasi armastavalt ja õiglaselt teenides, võite kindlustundega ja sama usuga ellujäämisesse, mis on kandnud teid Jumala pojana läbi esimese, maise avastusretke, oodata oma igavese elu järgmist etappi. 176:3.2 (1916.2) “And even you, Thomas, fail to comprehend what I have been saying. Have I not all this time taught you that your connection with the kingdom is spiritual and individual, wholly a matter of personal experience in the spirit by the faith-realization that you are a son of God? What more shall I say? The downfall of nations, the crash of empires, the destruction of the unbelieving Jews, the end of an age, even the end of the world, what have these things to do with one who believes this gospel, and who has hid his life in the surety of the eternal kingdom? You who are God-knowing and gospel-believing have already received the assurances of eternal life. Since your lives have been lived in the spirit and for the Father, nothing can be of serious concern to you. Kingdom builders, the accredited citizens of the heavenly worlds, are not to be disturbed by temporal upheavals or perturbed by terrestrial cataclysms. What does it matter to you who believe this gospel of the kingdom if nations overturn, the age ends, or all things visible crash, since you know that your life is the gift of the Son, and that it is eternally secure in the Father? Having lived the temporal life by faith and having yielded the fruits of the spirit as the righteousness of loving service for your fellows, you can confidently look forward to the next step in the eternal career with the same survival faith that has carried you through your first and earthly adventure in sonship with God.
176:3.3 (1916.3) Iga uskujate põlvkond peaks tegema oma tööd Inimese Poja võimalikku tagasipöördumist silmas pidades täpselt nii, nagu iga uskuja teeb oma elutööd paratamatut ja alati eelolevat loomulikku surma silmas pidades. Kui te olete kord usu kaudu Jumala pojaks saanud, pole ellujäämiskindluse seisukohalt mitte miski muu enam oluline. Ent ärge tehke viga! Ellujäämisusk on elav usk ja selles avalduvad üha enam seda inimsüdant algselt innustanud vaimu viljad. See, et te olete kord taevariigis pojaseisuse vastu võtnud, ei päästa teid, kui te teadlikult ja järjekindlalt lükkate tagasi need tõed, mis puudutavad Jumala lihalike poegade edasiliikumist vaimuviljade kandmisel. Teie, kes te olete koos minuga maa peal Isa ülesandeid täitnud, võite ka nüüd veel taevariigi hüljata, kui leiate, et teile ei meeldi viis, kuidas Isa inimkonda teenib. 176:3.3 (1916.3) “Each generation of believers should carry on their work, in view of the possible return of the Son of Man, exactly as each individual believer carries forward his lifework in view of inevitable and ever-impending natural death. When you have by faith once established yourself as a son of God, nothing else matters as regards the surety of survival. But make no mistake! this survival faith is a living faith, and it increasingly manifests the fruits of that divine spirit which first inspired it in the human heart. That you have once accepted sonship in the heavenly kingdom will not save you in the face of the knowing and persistent rejection of those truths which have to do with the progressive spiritual fruit-bearing of the sons of God in the flesh. You who have been with me in the Father’s business on earth can even now desert the kingdom if you find that you love not the way of the Father’s service for mankind.
176:3.4 (1916.4) Kuulake üksikisikutena ja uskujate põlvkonnana järgmist mõistujuttu. Elas kord üks suur mees, kes enne asumist pikale teele võõrale maale kutsus oma ustavad teenrid enda juurde ja andis kogu oma vara nende kätte. Ühele andis ta viis talenti, teisele kaks ja kolmandale ühe. Ja talitanud nii kõigi austusväärsete teenritega, usaldades igaühele oma vara tema võimete kohaselt, asus ta teele. Kui isand oli lahkunud, hakkasid teenrid tööle, et neile usaldatud rikkustelt kasu saada. Need, kes olid saanud viis talenti, hakkasid kohe nendega kauplema, ja olid peagi veel viis talenti juurde teeninud. Samuti need, kes olid saanud kaks talenti, olid peagi kaks juurde saanud. Nii teenisid kõik teenrid oma isandale kasu, välja arvatud see, kes oli saanud ainult ühe talendi. Too teener läks üksi eemale, kaevas maasse augu ja peitis oma isanda raha sinna. Peagi pöördus nende teenrite isand ootamatult tagasi ja päris oma majapidajatelt aru. Ja kui nad kõik olid oma isanda ette kutsutud, astus see, kes oli saanud viis talenti, talle usaldatud rahaga ettepoole ja lisas veel viis talenti, öeldes: „Isand, sa andsid mulle tulu saamiseks viis talenti ja mul on hea meel ulatada sulle veel viis juurdeteenitud talenti.” Ja ta isand vastas talle: „Hästi tehtud, sa oled hea ja truu teener ning olnud ustav väikestes asjades, nüüd sean su paljude üle majapidajaks, jaga minuga mu rõõmu.” Siis astus ette see, kes oli saanud kaks talenti, öeldes: „Isand, sa andsid minu kätte kaks talenti, vaata, ma olen saanud juurde kaks talenti.” Ja isand vastas talle: „Hästi tehtud, sa oled hea ja truu teener ning olnud ustav väikestes asjades, nüüd sean su ametisse paljude üle, jaga minuga mu rõõmu.” Ja siis tuli aru andma see, kes oli saanud ühe talendi. See teener astus ette ja ütles: „Isand, ma tunnen sind ja sain aru, et sina kui kaval mees lootsid saada kasu, ilma et oleksid ise tööd teinud, seepärast kartsin riskida rahaga, mille sa minu kätte usaldasid. Peitsin sinu talendi kindlasse kohta maa sisse, siin see on: nüüd saad tagasi, mis sulle kuulub.” Kuid ta isand vastas: „Sa oled laisk ja lohakas majapidaja. Nagu sa ise tunnistasid, teadsid sa, et ma nõuan sinult sama mõistlikku kasumit nagu su usinad kaasteenijad mulle täna andsid. Seda teades oleksid pidanud andma mu raha vähemalt pankurite kätte, et ma oleksin naastes selle intressiga tagasi saanud.” Ja siis ütles isand peamajapidajale: „Võta see talent tollelt kasutult teenrilt ja anna sellele, kellel on kümme talenti.” 176:3.4 (1916.4) “As individuals, and as a generation of believers, hear me while I speak a parable: There was a certain great man who, before starting out on a long journey to another country, called all his trusted servants before him and delivered into their hands all his goods. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one. And so on down through the entire group of honored stewards, to each he intrusted his goods according to their several abilities; and then he set out on his journey. When their lord had departed, his servants set themselves at work to gain profits from the wealth intrusted to them. Immediately he who had received five talents began to trade with them and very soon had made a profit of another five talents. In like manner he who had received two talents soon had gained two more. And so did all of these servants make gains for their master except him who received but one talent. He went away by himself and dug a hole in the earth where he hid his lord’s money. Presently the lord of those servants unexpectedly returned and called upon his stewards for a reckoning. And when they had all been called before their master, he who had received the five talents came forward with the money which had been intrusted to him and brought five additional talents, saying, ‘Lord, you gave me five talents to invest, and I am glad to present five other talents as my gain.’ And then his lord said to him: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things; I will now set you as steward over many; enter forthwith into the joy of your lord.’ And then he who had received the two talents came forward, saying: ‘Lord, you delivered into my hands two talents; behold, I have gained these other two talents.’ And his lord then said to him: ‘Well done, good and faithful steward; you also have been faithful over a few things, and I will now set you over many; enter you into the joy of your lord.’ And then there came to the accounting he who had received the one talent. This servant came forward, saying, ‘Lord, I knew you and realized that you were a shrewd man in that you expected gains where you had not personally labored; therefore was I afraid to risk aught of that which was intrusted to me. I safely hid your talent in the earth; here it is; you now have what belongs to you.’ But his lord answered: ‘You are an indolent and slothful steward. By your own words you confess that you knew I would require of you an accounting with reasonable profit, such as your diligent fellow servants have this day rendered. Knowing this, you ought, therefore, to have at least put my money into the hands of the bankers that on my return I might have received my own with interest.’ And then to the chief steward this lord said: ‘Take away this one talent from this unprofitable servant and give it to him who has the ten talents.’
176:3.5 (1917.1) Sellele, kellel on, antakse juurde ja ta saab küllaga kõike; aga sellelt, kellel ei ole, võetakse ka see ära, mis tal on. Igaveses taevariigis ei tohi paigale jääda. Mu Isa nõuab kõigilt oma lastelt, et nad armus ja tõetundmises kasvaksid. Teie, kes te neid tõdesid teate, peate vaimuvilju rohkendama ja näitama üles kasvavat pühendumist oma kaasteenijate isetule teenimisele. Ja pidage meeles, et kui te teenite ka kõige vähemat minu vendadest, olete teinud sellega teene minule. 176:3.5 (1917.1) “To every one who has, more shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away. You cannot stand still in the affairs of the eternal kingdom. My Father requires all his children to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the truth. You who know these truths must yield the increase of the fruits of the spirit and manifest a growing devotion to the unselfish service of your fellow servants. And remember that, inasmuch as you minister to one of the least of my brethren, you have done this service to me.
176:3.6 (1917.2) Ja nii peaksite te ka Isa tööd tegema, nüüd ja edaspidi ja isegi igavesti. Jätkake seda kuni minu tulekuni. Tehke ustavalt seda, mis teile on usaldatud, ja valmistuge sel viisil surmajärgseks arupärimiskutseks. Kui olete nii elanud Isa auks ja Poja rahulduseks, astute rõõmu ja ülimalt suure heameelega igikestva taevariigi igavesse teenistusse.” 176:3.6 (1917.2) “And so should you go about the work of the Father’s business, now and henceforth, even forevermore. Carry on until I come. In faithfulness do that which is intrusted to you, and thereby shall you be ready for the reckoning call of death. And having thus lived for the glory of the Father and the satisfaction of the Son, you shall enter with joy and exceedingly great pleasure into the eternal service of the everlasting kingdom.”
176:3.7 (1917.3) Tõde on elav, Tõe Vaim juhib valguselapsi ikka uute vaimse reaalsuse ja jumaliku teenimise maailmade poole. Teile ei anta tõde mitte paikapandud, kindlatesse ja austatud vormidesse kristalliseerunult. Teie tõeilmutus peab teie isikliku kogemuse kaudu sedavõrd täiustuma, et kõigile, kes näevad teie vaimuvilju ja hakkavad tänu sellele ülistama taevast Isa, on nähtav nii uus ilu kui ka tegelik vaimne kasu. Vaid need ustavad teenijad, kes tõetundmises kasvavad ja arendavad selle kaudu oskust vaimseid reaalsusi jumalikult hinnata, võivad loota „jagada täielikult oma Issanda rõõmu”. Kurb oleks pilt, kui end Jeesuse järgijateks tunnistanute järgmised põlvkonnad ütleksid selle kohta, kuidas nad on jumaliku tõe eest hoolitsenud: „Siin, Meister, on tõde, mis sa meile sada või tuhat aastat tagasi andsid. Me pole midagi sellest kaotanud, oleme ustavalt alles hoidnud kõik, mis sa meile andsid; me pole lubanud selles, mis sa meile õpetasid, mingeid muudatusi teha: siin on see tõde, mille sa meile andsid.” Kuid see vaimse laiskuse valeõigustus ei aita viljatut tõehoidjat Meistri ees. Tõe Meister nõuab teilt teie kätte usaldatud tõe kohta aru. 176:3.7 (1917.3) Truth is living; the Spirit of Truth is ever leading the children of light into new realms of spiritual reality and divine service. You are not given truth to crystallize into settled, safe, and honored forms. Your revelation of truth must be so enhanced by passing through your personal experience that new beauty and actual spiritual gains will be disclosed to all who behold your spiritual fruits and in consequence thereof are led to glorify the Father who is in heaven. Only those faithful servants who thus grow in the knowledge of the truth, and who thereby develop the capacity for divine appreciation of spiritual realities, can ever hope to “enter fully into the joy of their Lord.” What a sorry sight for successive generations of the professed followers of Jesus to say, regarding their stewardship of divine truth: “Here, Master, is the truth you committed to us a hundred or a thousand years ago. We have lost nothing; we have faithfully preserved all you gave us; we have allowed no changes to be made in that which you taught us; here is the truth you gave us.” But such a plea concerning spiritual indolence will not justify the barren steward of truth in the presence of the Master. In accordance with the truth committed to your hands will the Master of truth require a reckoning.
176:3.8 (1918.1) Järgmises maailmas peate selles maailmas teile annetatud ja teie hoolde antud asjade kohta aru andma. Arupärimine on õiglane ja halastamatu, olenemata sellest, kas teil on vähe või palju loomupäraseid talente. Kui saadud talenti kasutatakse ainult isekatel eesmärkidel ega mõelda kõrgemale kohusele kanda suuremat vaimuviljasaaki, mis avaldub pidevalt avarduvas inimeste teenimises ja Jumala palveldamises, tuleb majapidajal oma tahtliku valiku tagajärgedega leppida. 176:3.8 (1918.1) In the next world you will be asked to give an account of the endowments and stewardships of this world. Whether inherent talents are few or many, a just and merciful reckoning must be faced. If endowments are used only in selfish pursuits and no thought is bestowed upon the higher duty of obtaining increased yield of the fruits of the spirit, as they are manifested in the ever-expanding service of men and the worship of God, such selfish stewards must accept the consequences of their deliberate choosing.
176:3.9 (1918.2) Ja kui väga sarnanes see ühe talendiga truudusetu teener kõigi isekate surelikega, süüdistades oma lohakuses otseselt oma isandat. Kui väga kaldub inimene omaenda küündimatusega silmitsi seistes süüdistama teisi, sageli neid, kes kõige vähem süüdi on! 176:3.9 (1918.2) And how much like all selfish mortals was this unfaithful servant with the one talent in that he blamed his slothfulness directly upon his lord. How prone is man, when he is confronted with the failures of his own making, to put the blame upon others, oftentimes upon those who least deserve it!
176:3.10 (1918.3) Kui nad tol õhtul puhkama läksid, ütles Jeesus: „Muidu olete saanud, seepärast peaksite muidu ka andma taevast tõde, ja andmise ning jagamisega see tõde rohkeneb ja ilmutab üha enam päästva armu valgust.” 176:3.10 (1918.3) Said Jesus that night as they went to their rest: “Freely have you received; therefore freely should you give of the truth of heaven, and in the giving will this truth multiply and show forth the increasing light of saving grace, even as you minister it.”
4. Miikaeli tagasitulek ^top 4. The Return of Michael ^top
176:4.1 (1918.4) Ühestki teisest Meistri õpetuse osast pole nii valesti aru saadud kui tema tõotusest kunagi isiklikult siia maailma tagasi pöörduda. Pole sugugi üllatav, kui Miikael peaks tahtma kunagi tagasi pöörduda planeedile, kus ta koges oma seitsmendat ja viimast annetumist selle maailma surelikuna. On üsna loomulik arvata, et Jeesus Naatsaretlane, kes on praegu tohutu universumi suveräänne valitseja, on huvitatud sellest, et mitte üks, vaid isegi mitu korda tagasi pöörduda maailma, kus ta on elanud nii ainulaadset elu ja lõpuks võitnud endale Isalt piiramatu kõikse võimu ja volitused. Urantia jääb igavesti üheks Miikaeli sünnisfääriks universumi suveräänipositsiooni võitmisel. 176:4.1 (1918.4) Of all the Master’s teachings no one phase has been so misunderstood as his promise sometime to come back in person to this world. It is not strange that Michael should be interested in sometime returning to the planet whereon he experienced his seventh and last bestowal, as a mortal of the realm. It is only natural to believe that Jesus of Nazareth, now sovereign ruler of a vast universe, would be interested in coming back, not only once but even many times, to the world whereon he lived such a unique life and finally won for himself the Father’s unlimited bestowal of universe power and authority. Urantia will eternally be one of the seven nativity spheres of Michael in the winning of universe sovereignty.
176:4.2 (1918.5) Jeesus teatas arvukatel kordadel ja paljudele inimestele oma kavatsusest sellesse maailma tagasi pöörduda. Kui ta poolehoidjad lõpuks mõistsid, et nende Meistrist ei saa ilmalikku vabastajat, ja kuulasid tema ennustusi Jeruusalemma kukutamise ja juudi rahva languse kohta, hakkasid nad päris loomulikult tema tõotatud tagasitulekut nende katastroofiliste sündmustega seostama. Kui Rooma väed tegid Jeruusalemma müürid maatasa, hävitasid templi ja ajasid Juudamaa juudid laiali, aga Meister ei ilmunud ikka veel oma väe ja auhiilgusega, hakkas tema poolehoidjate seas kujunema uskumus, milles seostati Kristuse teist tulekut viimaks ajastu lõpuga, isegi maailma lõpuga. 176:4.2 (1918.5) Jesus did, on numerous occasions and to many individuals, declare his intention of returning to this world. As his followers awakened to the fact that their Master was not going to function as a temporal deliverer, and as they listened to his predictions of the overthrow of Jerusalem and the downfall of the Jewish nation, they most naturally began to associate his promised return with these catastrophic events. But when the Roman armies leveled the walls of Jerusalem, destroyed the temple, and dispersed the Judean Jews, and still the Master did not reveal himself in power and glory, his followers began the formulation of that belief which eventually associated the second coming of Christ with the end of the age, even with the end of the world.
176:4.3 (1918.6) Jeesus lubas pärast Isa juurde tõusmist, kui kogu võim taevas ja maa peal on tema kätte antud, teha kaht asja. Esiteks lubas ta saata siia maailma enda asemele teise õpetaja, Tõe Vaimu, ja seda tegi ta nelipüha ajal. Teiseks tõotas ta oma poolehoidjatele päris kindlalt, et pöördub veel kunagi isiklikult siia maailma tagasi. Aga ta ei öelnud, kuidas, kus ja millal külastab uuesti seda planeeti, kus tal oli lihalik annetumiskogemus. Ükskord vihjas ta, et ehkki sel ajal, kui ta elas siin inimesena, nähti teda lihalike silmadega, nähakse teda siis, kui ta tagasi pöördub (vähemalt ühel tema võimalikest külastustest), ainult vaimse usu silmaga. 176:4.3 (1918.6) Jesus promised to do two things after he had ascended to the Father, and after all power in heaven and on earth had been placed in his hands. He promised, first, to send into the world, and in his stead, another teacher, the Spirit of Truth; and this he did on the day of Pentecost. Second, he most certainly promised his followers that he would sometime personally return to this world. But he did not say how, where, or when he would revisit this planet of his bestowal experience in the flesh. On one occasion he intimated that, whereas the eye of flesh had beheld him when he lived here in the flesh, on his return (at least on one of his possible visits) he would be discerned only by the eye of spiritual faith.
176:4.4 (1919.1) Paljud meist kalduvad uskuma, et Jeesus tuleb eelolevatel ajastutel veel palju kordi Urantiale tagasi. Meile pole antud tema erilist lubadust mitmekordseks külastuseks, kuid näib väga tõenäoline, et see, kelle universumitiitlite hulgas on ka Urantia Planeedivürsti oma, külastab veel korduvalt maailma, mille võitmisel talle see ainulaadne tiitel anti. 176:4.4 (1919.1) Many of us are inclined to believe that Jesus will return to Urantia many times during the ages to come. We do not have his specific promise to make these plural visits, but it seems most probable that he who carries among his universe titles that of Planetary Prince of Urantia will many times visit the world whose conquest conferred such a unique title upon him.
176:4.5 (1919.2) Me usume päris kindlasti, et Miikael tuleb taas isiklikult Urantiale, kuid meil pole vähimatki aimu, millal või mil viisil ta võib otsustada seda teha. Kas ta teine tulek maa peale langeb kokku praeguse ajastu lõpus toimuva kohtumõistmisega, kas ta tuleb samaaegselt Kohtumõistja-Pojaga või ilma temata? Kas ta tuleb seoses mõne hilisema Urantia ajastu lõpuga? Kas ta tuleb ette teatamata ja omaette sündmusena? Me ei tea seda. Teame kindlalt vaid üht — kui ta tõesti tuleb, saab ilmselt kogu maailm sellest teada, sest ta peab tulema universumi kõrge valitsejana, mitte tundmatu Petlemma imikuna. Kui aga kõik silmad peavad teda nägema ja tema kohalolekut näevad ainult vaimusilmad, viibib tema tulek veel kaua. 176:4.5 (1919.2) We most positively believe that Michael will again come in person to Urantia, but we have not the slightest idea as to when or in what manner he may choose to come. Will his second advent on earth be timed to occur in connection with the terminal judgment of this present age, either with or without the associated appearance of a Magisterial Son? Will he come in connection with the termination of some subsequent Urantian age? Will he come unannounced and as an isolated event? We do not know. Only one thing we are certain of, that is, when he does return, all the world will likely know about it, for he must come as the supreme ruler of a universe and not as the obscure babe of Bethlehem. But if every eye is to behold him, and if only spiritual eyes are to discern his presence, then must his advent be long deferred.
176:4.6 (1919.3) Seepärast oleks teil parem lahutada Meistri isiklik tagasitulek maa peale kõigist seatud sündmustest ja määratud ajajärkudest. Me oleme kindlad vaid ühes: ta on lubanud tagasi tulla. Meil pole aimugi, millal või millega seoses ta selle tõotuse täidab. Niipalju kui meie teame, võib ta ilmuda maa peale ükskõik mis päeval, aga võib tulla ka alles siis, kui on möödunud ajastu ajastu järel ja tema kaaslased, Paradiisikorpusesse kuuluvad Pojad, on korrakohaselt kohut mõistnud. 176:4.6 (1919.3) You would do well, therefore, to disassociate the Master’s personal return to earth from any and all set events or settled epochs. We are sure of only one thing: He has promised to come back. We have no idea as to when he will fulfill this promise or in what connection. As far as we know, he may appear on earth any day, and he may not come until age after age has passed and been duly adjudicated by his associated Sons of the Paradise corps.
176:4.7 (1919.4) Miikaeli teine tulemine maa peale on nii keskteelistele kui ka inimestele määratu tundeväärtusega sündmus, aga muidu ei ole sel ei otsest mõju keskteelistele ega suuremat tähtsust inimolenditele kui tavalisel loomulikul surmal, mis tõukab sureliku inimese nii äkki nende järjestikuste universumisündmuste vahetusse haardesse, mis viivad otse sellesama Jeesuse, meie universumi suveräänse valitseja juurde. Kõigil valguselastel on määratud teda näha ja pole eriti vahet, kas me läheme tema juurde või juhtub tema enne meie juurde tulema. Seepärast olge alati valmis teda maa peal tervitama, nii nagu tema on valmis teid taevas tervitama. Ootame kindlustundega tema ilmumist auhiilguses, isegi korduvaid tulekuid, kuid me ei tea mitte midagi sellest, kuidas, millal või millega seoses tal on kavatsus ilmuda. 176:4.7 (1919.4) The second advent of Michael on earth is an event of tremendous sentimental value to both midwayers and humans; but otherwise it is of no immediate moment to midwayers and of no more practical importance to human beings than the common event of natural death, which so suddenly precipitates mortal man into the immediate grasp of that succession of universe events which leads directly to the presence of this same Jesus, the sovereign ruler of our universe. The children of light are all destined to see him, and it is of no serious concern whether we go to him or whether he should chance first to come to us. Be you therefore ever ready to welcome him on earth as he stands ready to welcome you in heaven. We confidently look for his glorious appearing, even for repeated comings, but we are wholly ignorant as to how, when, or in what connection he is destined to appear.