179. Kiri Paper 179
Viimne õhtusöömaaeg The Last Supper
179:0.1 (1936.1) KUI Filippus oli tolle neljapäeva õhtupoolikul Meistrile lähenevat paasapüha meelde tuletanud ja küsinud, kuidas tal on kavas seda pühitseda, pidas ta silmas paasapüha õhtusööki, mis pidi toimuma järgmise päeva, reede õhtul. Paasapüha ettevalmistustega alustati tavaliselt hiljemalt eelmise päeva lõuna ajal. Kuna juudid pidasid päeva alguseks päikeseloojangut, tähendas see, et laupäevast paasapüha õhtusööki söödi reede õhtul enne kesköötundi. 179:0.1 (1936.1) DURING the afternoon of this Thursday, when Philip reminded the Master about the approaching Passover and inquired concerning his plans for its celebration, he had in mind the Passover supper which was due to be eaten on the evening of the next day, Friday. It was the custom to begin the preparations for the celebration of the Passover not later than noon of the preceding day. And since the Jews reckoned the day as beginning at sunset, this meant that Saturday’s Passover supper would be eaten on Friday night, sometime before the midnight hour.
179:0.2 (1936.2) Seepärast jäi apostlitele täiesti arusaamatuks Meistri teade, et nad pühitsevad paasapüha päev varem. Nad arvasid — vähemalt mõni neist —, et ta teab enda vahistamisest enne reedeõhtust paasapüha õhtusööki ja kutsub nad nüüd neljapäeva õhtul kokku erilisele õhtusöögile. Teised pidasid seda lihtsalt üheks erakorraliseks koosviibimiseks, mis eelneb tavalisele paasapüha pühitsemisele. 179:0.2 (1936.2) The apostles were, therefore, entirely at a loss to understand the Master’s announcement that they would celebrate the Passover one day early. They thought, at least some of them did, that he knew he would be placed under arrest before the time of the Passover supper on Friday night and was therefore calling them together for a special supper on this Thursday evening. Others thought that this was merely a special occasion which was to precede the regular Passover celebration.
179:0.3 (1936.3) Apostlid teadsid, et Jeesus oli ka varem paasapüha ilma lambapraeta pidanud. Nad teadsid, et ta polnud osalenud isiklikult üheski juutide ohvriteenistuses. Külalisena oli ta korduvalt paasalammast söönud, aga kui võõrustajaks oli tema, siis lambapraadi ei serveeritud. Apostleid poleks üllatanud lamba ärajätmine ka paasapüha õhtul ning et seda õhtusööki peeti päev varem, ei üllatanud selle puudumine neid sugugi. 179:0.3 (1936.3) The apostles knew that Jesus had celebrated other Passovers without the lamb; they knew that he did not personally participate in any sacrificial service of the Jewish system. He had many times partaken of the paschal lamb as a guest, but always, when he was the host, no lamb was served. It would not have been a great surprise to the apostles to have seen the lamb omitted even on Passover night, and since this supper was given one day earlier, they thought nothing of its absence.
179:0.4 (1936.4) Kui Johannes Markuse isa ja ema olid apostleid tervitanud, läksid nood otseteed ülakambrisse, kuna Jeesus jäi veidikeseks Markuse perekonnaga vestlema. 179:0.4 (1936.4) After receiving the greetings of welcome extended by the father and mother of John Mark, the apostles went immediately to the upper chamber while Jesus lingered behind to talk with the Mark family.
179:0.5 (1936.5) Juba enne oli kokku lepitud, et Meister on sellel söömaajal oma kaheteistkümne apostliga isekeskis, seepärast ei saadetud teenreid neid teenindama. 179:0.5 (1936.5) It had been understood beforehand that the Master was to celebrate this occasion alone with his twelve apostles; therefore no servants were provided to wait upon them.
1. Parema koha soovimine ^top 1. The Desire for Preference ^top
179:1.1 (1936.6) Kui Johannes Markus oli apostlid ülakorrusele juhatanud, sattusid nad suurde ruumikasse kambrisse, mis oli õhtusöögiks täielikult valmis; laua ühes otsas ootasid neid leib, vein, vesi ja ürdid, pika laua ülejäänud osa ääristasid kolmteist lavatsit, nagu jõukas juudi kodus paasapüha pühitsedes kombeks. 179:1.1 (1936.6) When the apostles had been shown upstairs by John Mark, they beheld a large and commodious chamber, which was completely furnished for the supper, and observed that the bread, wine, water, and herbs were all in readiness on one end of the table. Except for the end on which rested the bread and wine, this long table was surrounded by thirteen reclining couches, just such as would be provided for the celebration of the Passover in a well-to-do Jewish household.
179:1.2 (1936.7) Kui kaksteist apostlit ülakambrisse astusid, märkasid nad kohe ukse juures veekanne, pesukausse ja käterätte tolmuste jalgade pesemiseks ning et teenreid polnud neid teenima saadetud, vaatasid nad pärast Johannes Markuse lahkumist üksteisele otsa, mõteldes endamisi, kes nende jalgu võiks pesta. Ja igaüks leidis, et kui tema seda teeks, näiks ta teiste teenrina. 179:1.2 (1936.7) As the twelve entered this upper chamber, they noticed, just inside the door, the pitchers of water, the basins, and towels for laving their dusty feet; and since no servant had been provided to render this service, the apostles began to look at one another as soon as John Mark had left them, and each began to think within himself, Who shall wash our feet? And each likewise thought that it would not be he who would thus seem to act as the servant of the others.
179:1.3 (1937.1) Nad vaatasid seal seistes ja südames enesega võideldes, kuidas lavatsid olid laua äärde paigutatud, ja panid tähele, et võõrustaja jaoks oli varutud kõrgem ase, millest paremale jäi üks ase, kuna üksteist aset paiknesid ümber laua nii, et viimane neist oli võõrustaja paremal käel asuva aukoha vastas. 179:1.3 (1937.1) As they stood there, debating in their hearts, they surveyed the seating arrangement of the table, taking note of the higher divan of the host with one couch on the right and eleven arranged around the table on up to opposite this second seat of honor on the host’s right.
179:1.4 (1937.2) Meister pidi iga hetk saabuma, kuid nad olid kimbatuses, kas kohad sisse võtta või oodata tema tulekut, et ta igaühele koha määraks. Kuna teised kõhklesid, astus Juudas võõrustaja vasakul käel paikneva aukoha juurde ja teatas, et kavatseb väljavalitud külalisena seal lesida. See Juuda tegu põhjustas ülejäänud apostlite seas ägeda vaidluse. Niipea kui Juudas oli haaranud endale aukoha, nõudis Johannes Sebedeus tähtsuselt järgmist kohta võõrustaja paremal käel. Aukohtade haaramine Juuda ja Johannese poolt vihastas Siimon Peetrust sedavõrd, et ta astus teiste vihaste apostlite pilkude all suure ringiga ümber laua ja võttis koha sisse kõige vääritumal asemel lavatsirea lõpus, otse Johannes Sebedeuse valitud koha vastas. Et teised olid haaranud endale väärikad kohad, pidas Peetrus paremaks valida väärituima, ja ta ei teinud seda ainult protestiks oma vendade näotu uhkuse vastu, vaid ka lootuses, et Jeesus, tulles ja nähes teda kõige alamal kohal, kutsub ta aukohale, paigutades tema kohale kellegi, kes selle au ise oli endale võtnud. 179:1.4 (1937.2) They expected the Master to arrive any moment, but they were in a quandary as to whether they should seat themselves or await his coming and depend on him to assign them their places. While they hesitated, Judas stepped over to the seat of honor, at the left of the host, and signified that he intended there to recline as the preferred guest. This act of Judas immediately stirred up a heated dispute among the other apostles. Judas had no sooner seized the seat of honor than John Zebedee laid claim to the next preferred seat, the one on the right of the host. Simon Peter was so enraged at this assumption of choice positions by Judas and John that, as the other angry apostles looked on, he marched clear around the table and took his place on the lowest couch, the end of the seating order and just opposite to that chosen by John Zebedee. Since others had seized the high seats, Peter thought to choose the lowest, and he did this, not merely in protest against the unseemly pride of his brethren, but with the hope that Jesus, when he should come and see him in the place of least honor, would call him up to a higher one, thus displacing one who had presumed to honor himself.
179:1.5 (1937.3) Kui väärikaimad ja väärituimad kohad olid võetud, valisid ka ülejäänud apostlid endale koha, mõni Juuda ja mõni Peetruse lähedale, kuni igaühel oli koht olemas. Nad lesisid U-kujulist lauda ümbritsevatel lavatsitel sellises järjestuses: Meistrist paremal Johannes, vasakul Juudas, seloot Siimon, Matteus, Jaakobus Sebedeus, Andreas, Alfeuse kaksikud, Filippus, Naatanael, Toomas ja Siimon Peetrus. 179:1.5 (1937.3) With the highest and the lowest positions thus occupied, the rest of the apostles chose places, some near Judas and some near Peter, until all were located. They were seated about the U-shaped table on these reclining divans in the following order: on the right of the Master, John; on the left, Judas, Simon Zelotes, Matthew, James Zebedee, Andrew, the Alpheus twins, Philip, Nathaniel, Thomas, and Simon Peter.
179:1.6 (1937.4) Nad olid tulnud kokku, et pühitseda vähemalt vaimus ühiskondlikku tava, mis oli vanem isegi Moosesest ja pärines ajast, mil nende isad olid Egiptuses orjad. See õhtusöök oli nende viimane koosviibimine Jeesusega ja isegi sel nii pühalikul õhtul andsid nad Juuda eestvedamisel järele oma vanadele kalduvustele püüelda au, eelisseisundi ja isikliku ülendatuse poole. 179:1.6 (1937.4) They are gathered together to celebrate, at least in spirit, an institution which antedated even Moses and referred to the times when their fathers were slaves in Egypt. This supper is their last rendezvous with Jesus, and even in such a solemn setting, under the leadership of Judas the apostles are led once more to give way to their old predilection for honor, preference, and personal exaltation.
179:1.7 (1937.5) Nad olid ikka veel üksteist vihaselt ja häälekalt süüdistamas, kui Meister uksele ilmus, kõheldes seal hetke, näolt aegamööda üle libisemas pettumuse vari. Ta läks midagi ütlemata oma kohale ega muutnud kellegi asukohta. 179:1.7 (1937.5) They were still engaged in voicing angry recriminations when the Master appeared in the doorway, where he hesitated a moment as a look of disappointment slowly crept over his face. Without comment he went to his place, and he did not disturb their seating arrangement.
179:1.8 (1937.6) Nüüd olid nad valmis õhtusööki alustama, ainult nende jalad olid veel pesemata ja nende tuju oli kõike muud kui hea. Meistri saabudes tegid nad üksteise kohta ikka veel mitte just meelitavaid märkusi, rääkimata sellest, mis toimus mõne apostli mõtetes, kes oma tundeid piisavalt vaos hoidis, et jätta need avalikult väljendamata. 179:1.8 (1937.6) They were now ready to begin the supper, except that their feet were still unwashed, and they were in anything but a pleasant frame of mind. When the Master arrived, they were still engaged in making uncomplimentary remarks about one another, to say nothing of the thoughts of some who had sufficient emotional control to refrain from publicly expressing their feelings.
2. Õhtusöömaaja algus ^top 2. Beginning the Supper ^top
179:2.1 (1937.7) Kui Meister oli oma kohale asunud, valitses mõne hetke vaikus. Jeesus vaatas igaühele otsa ja ütles pinge leevendamiseks naeratades: „Soovisin väga seda paasapüha koos teiega pidada. Tahtsin süüa teiega veel ühe õhtusöögi enne oma kannatust ja mõistes, et minu tund on tulnud, korraldasin selle õhtusöömaaja teiega, sest mis homset puudutab, siis oleme me kõik Isa kätes, kelle tahet ma olen tulnud täitma. Ma ei söö enam koos teiega enne, kui te olete koos minuga taevariigis, mille mu Isa mulle annab, kui olen lõpetanud selle, milleks ta mind siia maailma on saatnud.” 179:2.1 (1937.7) For a few moments after the Master had gone to his place, not a word was spoken. Jesus looked them all over and, relieving the tension with a smile, said: “I have greatly desired to eat this Passover with you. I wanted to eat with you once more before I suffered, and realizing that my hour has come, I arranged to have this supper with you tonight, for, as concerns the morrow, we are all in the hands of the Father, whose will I have come to execute. I shall not again eat with you until you sit down with me in the kingdom which my Father will give me when I have finished that for which he sent me into this world.”
179:2.2 (1938.1) Kui vein oli veega segatud, ulatasid nad karika Jeesusele, kes võttis selle Taddeuselt vastu ja luges tänupalve. Tänupalve lõpetanud, ütles ta: „Võtke see karikas ja jagage seda omavahel ning sellest juues mõelge sellele, et mina ei naudi enam kunagi teiega koos viinapuu vilju, sest see on meie viimne õhtusöömaaeg. Kui me taas laua ümber koguneme, oleme tulevases taevariigis.” 179:2.2 (1938.1) After the wine and the water had been mixed, they brought the cup to Jesus, who, when he had received it from the hand of Thaddeus, held it while he offered thanks. And when he had finished offering thanks, he said: “Take this cup and divide it among yourselves and, when you partake of it, realize that I shall not again drink with you the fruit of the vine since this is our last supper. When we sit down again in this manner, it will be in the kingdom to come.”
179:2.3 (1938.2) Jeesus rääkis apostlitega nii, sest teadis, et tema tund on tulnud. Ta sai aru, et tal on aeg Isa juurde naasta ning et tema maine töö on peaaegu lõpetatud. Meister teadis, et ta oli ilmutanud maa peal Isa armastust ja näidanud inimkonnale tema halastust ning et ta oli lõpule viinud selle, milleks ta oli maailma tulnud kogu võimu ja kõigi volituste saamiseni taevas ja maa peal. Ta teadis sedagi, et Juudas Iskariot oli lõpuks otsustanud teda sel õhtul vaenlaste kätte anda. Ta mõistis täielikult, et reetmine oli Juuda töö, kuid see oli meelepärane ka Luciferile, Saatanale ja pimedusevürst Caligastiale. Kuid ta ei kartnud neid, kes püüdsid teda vaimselt kukutada, rohkem kui neid, kes taotlesid tema füüsilist surma. Meistril oli ainult üks mure ja see oli mure oma valitud poolehoidjate turvalisuse ja pääsemise pärast. Ja nüüd, teades täpselt, et Isa on kõik tema hoolde andnud, valmistus Meister esitama tähendamissõna vennaarmastusest. 179:2.3 (1938.2) Jesus began thus to talk to his apostles because he knew that his hour had come. He understood that the time had come when he was to return to the Father, and that his work on earth was almost finished. The Master knew he had revealed the Father’s love on earth and had shown forth his mercy to mankind, and that he had completed that for which he came into the world, even to the receiving of all power and authority in heaven and on earth. Likewise, he knew Judas Iscariot had fully made up his mind to deliver him that night into the hands of his enemies. He fully realized that this traitorous betrayal was the work of Judas, but that it also pleased Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia the prince of darkness. But he feared none of those who sought his spiritual overthrow any more than he feared those who sought to accomplish his physical death. The Master had but one anxiety, and that was for the safety and salvation of his chosen followers. And so, with the full knowledge that the Father had put all things under his authority, the Master now prepared to enact the parable of brotherly love.
3. Apostlite jalgade pesemine ^top 3. Washing the Apostles’ Feet ^top
179:3.1 (1938.3) Pärast paasapüha esimese karika joomist oli juutidel tavaks, et võõrustaja tõuseb lauast ja peseb käsi. Eine jätkudes ja pärast teist karikat tõusid ka kõik külalised ja pesid käsi. Apostlid teadsid, et Meister ei pea neist tseremoniaalse kätepesu nõuetest kunagi kinni, seepärast jälgisid nad teda huviga, kui ta pärast esimesest karikast joomist tõusis lauast ja suundus vaikides ukse juurde, kuhu olid pandud veekannud, kausid ja rätikud. Ja nende uudishimu muutus hämmastuseks, kui nad nägid, et Meister võtab ülerõiva seljast, seob käterätiku vööle ja hakkab ühte jalapesukaussi vett valama. Kujutlege nende kaheteistkümne mehe imestust, sest just äsja olid nad keeldunud üksteise jalgu pesemast ja näotult aukohtade pärast laua ääres vaielnud, kuid nüüd nägid, kuidas Meister läks ümber istmeteta lauaotsa pidulaua väärituima koha juurde, kus paiknes Siimon Peetrus, põlvitas teenri kombel tema ette ja valmistus ta jalgu pesema. Kui Meister põlvili laskus, tõusid kõik kaksteist nagu üks mees püsti. Isegi reeturist Juudas unustas hetkeks sedavõrd oma häbiteo, et tõusis koos apostlitega üllatuse, lugupidamise ja täieliku hämmastuse väljendamiseks püsti. 179:3.1 (1938.3) After drinking the first cup of the Passover, it was the Jewish custom for the host to arise from the table and wash his hands. Later on in the meal and after the second cup, all of the guests likewise rose up and washed their hands. Since the apostles knew that their Master never observed these rites of ceremonial hand washing, they were very curious to know what he intended to do when, after they had partaken of this first cup, he arose from the table and silently made his way over to near the door, where the water pitchers, basins, and towels had been placed. And their curiosity grew into astonishment as they saw the Master remove his outer garment, gird himself with a towel, and begin to pour water into one of the foot basins. Imagine the amazement of these twelve men, who had so recently refused to wash one another’s feet, and who had engaged in such unseemly disputes about positions of honor at the table, when they saw him make his way around the unoccupied end of the table to the lowest seat of the feast, where Simon Peter reclined, and, kneeling down in the attitude of a servant, make ready to wash Simon’s feet. As the Master knelt, all twelve arose as one man to their feet; even the traitorous Judas so far forgot his infamy for a moment as to arise with his fellow apostles in this expression of surprise, respect, and utter amazement.
179:3.2 (1938.4) Siimon Peetrus seisis ja vaatas alla oma Meistrile otsa. Jeesus ei öelnud midagi, tal polnud vaja midagi ütelda. Tema hoiak näitas selgesti, et ta kavatseb Siimon Peetruse jalgu pesta. Hoolimata oma lihalikest nõrkustest, armastas Peetrus Meistrit. See Galilea kalur oli esimene inimene, kes hakkas kogu südamest uskuma Jeesuse jumalikkusesse, ja täielikult ja avalikult seda usku ka tunnistas. Ning Peetrus polnud sellest ajast saadik Meistri jumalikus olemuses kunagi päriselt kahelnud. Et Peetrus oli oma südames Jeesust nii hardalt austanud, siis polnud sugugi imelik, et tema hing pani pahaks mõtet, et Jeesus põlvitab tema ees kõige alama teenija kombel ja soovib orjana tema jalgu pesta. Kui Peetrus end piisavalt kogus, et Meistri poole pöörduda, väljendas ta tundeid, mis olid kõigi tema apostlitest kaaslaste südameis. 179:3.2 (1938.4) There stood Simon Peter, looking down into the upturned face of his Master. Jesus said nothing; it was not necessary that he should speak. His attitude plainly revealed that he was minded to wash Simon Peter’s feet. Notwithstanding his frailties of the flesh, Peter loved the Master. This Galilean fisherman was the first human being wholeheartedly to believe in the divinity of Jesus and to make full and public confession of that belief. And Peter had never since really doubted the divine nature of the Master. Since Peter so revered and honored Jesus in his heart, it was not strange that his soul resented the thought of Jesus’ kneeling there before him in the attitude of a menial servant and proposing to wash his feet as would a slave. When Peter presently collected his wits sufficiently to address the Master, he spoke the heart feelings of all his fellow apostles.
179:3.3 (1939.1) Pärast mõnda suure piinlikkuse hetke ütles Peetrus: „Meister, kas sa tõesti mõtled minu jalgu pesta?” Ja Jeesus vastas Peetrusele otsa vaadates: „Sa ei saa ehk küll sellest täielikult aru, mida ma teha kavatsen, kuid hiljem hakkad sa kõigi nende asjade tähendust mõistma.” Siis ütles Siimon Peetrus sügavalt hinge tõmmates: „Meister, sa ei tohi kunagi minu jalgu pesta!” ja kõik apostlid noogutasid, kinnitades sellega Peetruse kindlat keeldumist lasta Jeesusel end selliselt nende ees alandada. 179:3.3 (1939.1) After a few moments of this great embarrassment, Peter said, “Master, do you really mean to wash my feet?” And then, looking up into Peter’s face, Jesus said: “You may not fully understand what I am about to do, but hereafter you will know the meaning of all these things.” Then Simon Peter, drawing a long breath, said, “Master, you shall never wash my feet!” And each of the apostles nodded their approval of Peter’s firm declaration of refusal to allow Jesus thus to humble himself before them.
179:3.4 (1939.2) Selle ebatavalise stseeni dramaatilisus puudutas algul isegi Juudas Iskarioti südant, kui aga tema hooplevalt uhke mõistus selle vaatepildi kohta otsusele jõudis, järeldas ta, et see alandlik žest tõendab taas kord lõplikult, et Jeesusest ei saa kunagi Iisraeli vabastajat ning et ta pole Meistri üritusest taganedes eksinud. 179:3.4 (1939.2) The dramatic appeal of this unusual scene at first touched the heart of even Judas Iscariot; but when his vainglorious intellect passed judgment upon the spectacle, he concluded that this gesture of humility was just one more episode which conclusively proved that Jesus would never qualify as Israel’s deliverer, and that he had made no mistake in the decision to desert the Master’s cause.
179:3.5 (1939.3) Kui nad kõik seal hingetus hämmingus seisid, ütles Jeesus: „Peetrus, ma kinnitan sulle, et kui ma ei pese sinu jalgu, siis pole sa minu kõrval osaline selles, mida ma peagi teen.” Kuuldes seda Jeesuselt, kes ikka veel tema jalge ees põlvitas, võttis Peetrus vastu ühe neist otsustest, millega pimesi nõustus tema poolt austatud ja armastatud inimese sooviga. Kui Siimon Peetrus aru sai, et sellel teenimissoovil on mingi tähendus, mis määrab tema tulevase seotuse Meistri tegevusega, leppis ta mõttega, et peab laskma Jeesusel oma jalgu pesta, ja ütles talle iseloomulikul tormakal viisil: „Meister, ära siis pese üksnes minu jalgu, vaid ka mu käsi ja pead.” 179:3.5 (1939.3) As they all stood there in breathless amazement, Jesus said: “Peter, I declare that, if I do not wash your feet, you will have no part with me in that which I am about to perform.” When Peter heard this declaration, coupled with the fact that Jesus continued kneeling there at his feet, he made one of those decisions of blind acquiescence in compliance with the wish of one whom he respected and loved. As it began to dawn on Simon Peter that there was attached to this proposed enactment of service some signification that determined one’s future connection with the Master’s work, he not only became reconciled to the thought of allowing Jesus to wash his feet but, in his characteristic and impetuous manner, said: “Then, Master, wash not my feet only but also my hands and my head.”
179:3.6 (1939.4) Valmistudes Peetruse jalgu pesema, ütles Meister: „Sellel, kes on juba puhas, ei ole vaja pesta muud kui jalgu. Teie, kes te täna siin minuga istute, olete puhtad — kuid mitte kõik. Ent te oleksite pidanud pesema tolmu oma jalgadelt veel enne, kui minuga sööma asusite. Ja seepärast tahaksin teie teenimise abil selgitada uut käsku, mille teile kohe annan.” 179:3.6 (1939.4) As the Master made ready to begin washing Peter’s feet, he said: “He who is already clean needs only to have his feet washed. You who sit with me tonight are clean—but not all. But the dust of your feet should have been washed away before you sat down at meat with me. And besides, I would perform this service for you as a parable to illustrate the meaning of a new commandment which I will presently give you.”
179:3.7 (1939.5) Nii käis Meister ringi ümber laua, pestes vaikides kõigi oma kaheteistkümne apostli jalad puhtaks, möödumata isegi Juudast. Kui Jeesus oli kaheteistkümne jalgade pesemise lõpetanud, pani ta rüü uuesti selga ja pöördus tagasi võõrustajakohale, vaatas kõigile hämmastunud apostlitele otsa ja ütles: 179:3.7 (1939.5) In like manner the Master went around the table, in silence, washing the feet of his twelve apostles, not even passing by Judas. When Jesus had finished washing the feet of the twelve, he donned his cloak, returned to his place as host, and after looking over his bewildered apostles, said:
179:3.8 (1939.6) „Kas te saate tegelikult aru, mida ma teiega tegin? Te kutsute mind Meistriks ja väljendute hästi, sest see ma olengi. Seega, kui Meister on pesnud teie jalgu, siis miks ei soovinud te üksteisel jalgu pesta? Missuguse õppetunni peaks teile andma tähendamissõna, milles Meister nii meelsasti osutab teene, mida tema vennad ei ole nõus üksteisele osutama? Tõesti, tõesti, ma ütlen teile: teener pole oma isandast suurem, ka saadetu pole saatjast suurem. Te olete näinud, kuidas ma teie seas elades inimesi olen teeninud, ja õnnistatud olgu need teie seast, kellel on lahket julgust selliselt teenida. Aga miks olete nii aeglased õppima, et vaimuriigis suuruse saavutamise saladus ei peitu ainelise maailma võimumeetodites? 179:3.8 (1939.6) “Do you really understand what I have done to you? You call me Master, and you say well, for so I am. If, then, the Master has washed your feet, why was it that you were unwilling to wash one another’s feet? What lesson should you learn from this parable in which the Master so willingly does that service which his brethren were unwilling to do for one another? Verily, verily, I say to you: A servant is not greater than his master; neither is one who is sent greater than he who sends him. You have seen the way of service in my life among you, and blessed are you who will have the gracious courage so to serve. But why are you so slow to learn that the secret of greatness in the spiritual kingdom is not like the methods of power in the material world?
179:3.9 (1940.1) Kui ma täna õhtul sellesse kambrisse sisenesin, polnud te piirdunud sellega, et keeldusite uhkelt üksteise jalgu pesemast, vaid vaidlesite omavahel ka selle üle, kes peaksid saama minu lauas endale aukoha. Niisugust au taotlevad endale variserid ja selle maailma lapsed, kuid taevariigi saadikute seas ei tohiks see nii olla. Kas te ei tea, et minu lauas ei ole ükski koht eelistatud? Kas te ei saa aru, et ma armastan igaüht teist sama palju kui teisi? Kas te ei tea, et mulle kõige lähem koht, mida inimeste seas auväärseks peetakse, ei tarvitse olla sugugi seotud teie positsiooniga taevariigis? Te teate, et paganate kuningad hoolitsevad oma alamate eest, ja kui nad sel moel oma võimu rakendavad, nimetatakse neid vahel heategijateks. Ent taevariigis see nii ei ole. See, kes soovib teie seast suur olla, käitugu noorimate kombel, ja see, kes soovib olla ülem, sarnanegu teenijaga. Kes on suurem, kas see, kes istub lauas, või see, kes teenib? Aga te näete, et ma olen teie seas see, kes teenib. Kui te olete valmis koos minuga Isa tahet täites teenijateks hakkama, istute eelseisvas taevariigis koos minuga võimu juures, jätkates Isa tahte täitmist tulevases auhiilguses.” 179:3.9 (1940.1) “When I came into this chamber tonight, you were not content proudly to refuse to wash one another’s feet, but you must also fall to disputing among yourselves as to who should have the places of honor at my table. Such honors the Pharisees and the children of this world seek, but it should not be so among the ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom. Do you not know that there can be no place of preferment at my table? Do you not understand that I love each of you as I do the others? Do you not know that the place nearest me, as men regard such honors, can mean nothing concerning your standing in the kingdom of heaven? You know that the kings of the gentiles have lordship over their subjects, while those who exercise this authority are sometimes called benefactors. But it shall not be so in the kingdom of heaven. He who would be great among you, let him become as the younger; while he who would be chief, let him become as one who serves. Who is the greater, he who sits at meat, or he who serves? Is it not commonly regarded that he who sits at meat is the greater? But you will observe that I am among you as one who serves. If you are willing to become fellow servants with me in doing the Father’s will, in the kingdom to come you shall sit with me in power, still doing the Father’s will in future glory.”
179:3.10 (1940.2) Kui Jeesus oli jutu lõpetanud, jagasid Alfeuse kaksikud leiba ja veini koos teravamaitseliste ürtidega ja kuivatatud puuviljadest pastaga, mis olid viimse õhtusöömaaja järgmine roog. 179:3.10 (1940.2) When Jesus had finished speaking, the Alpheus twins brought on the bread and wine, with the bitter herbs and the paste of dried fruits, for the next course of the Last Supper.
4. Viimased sõnad äraandjale ^top 4. Last Words to the Betrayer ^top
179:4.1 (1940.3) Apostlid sõid mõne minuti vaikides, kuid Meistri rõõmsameelne käitumine tõmbas nad peagi vestlusse ja õhtusöök jätkus, nagu poleks selle erakordse sündmuse meeldivat õhkkonda ja kooskõla miski häirinud. Kui veidi aega oli möödunud ja teine roog oli pooleldi söödud, vaatas Jeesus igaühele otsa ja lausus: „Ma rääkisin teile, kui väga soovisin teiega koos õhtust süüa. Teades, et kurjad pimedusejõud on sõlminud omavahel liidu Inimese Poja surmamiseks, otsustasin ma pidada teiega selle õhtusöögi siin salakambris päev enne paasapüha, sest homme õhtul sel ajal mind enam teie seas pole. Olen teile korduvalt öelnud, et ma pean Isa juurde tagasi pöörduma. Nüüd on mu tund tulnud, kuid seda, et üks teie seast mind mu vaenlastele reedab, poleks vaja olnud.” 179:4.1 (1940.3) For some minutes the apostles ate in silence, but under the influence of the Master’s cheerful demeanor they were soon drawn into conversation, and ere long the meal was proceeding as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred to interfere with the good cheer and social accord of this extraordinary occasion. After some time had elapsed, in about the middle of this second course of the meal, Jesus, looking them over, said: “I have told you how much I desired to have this supper with you, and knowing how the evil forces of darkness have conspired to bring about the death of the Son of Man, I determined to eat this supper with you in this secret chamber and a day in advance of the Passover since I will not be with you by this time tomorrow night. I have repeatedly told you that I must return to the Father. Now has my hour come, but it was not required that one of you should betray me into the hands of my enemies.”
179:4.2 (1940.4) Kui kaksteist apostlit seda kuulsid, oli tähendamissõna jalgade pesemisest ja sellele järgnenud Meistri jutt nende enesekindlust ja eneseusaldust juba suuresti kahandanud ning nüüd küsisid nad üksteisele otsa vaadates ja segaduses olles kõhklevalt: „Olen see mina?” Ja kui kõik olid selle küsimuse esitanud, ütles Jeesus: „Mul on küll vaja Isa juurde minna, aga selleks, et Isa tahe täituks, poleks ühel teist vaja olnud reeturiks hakata. Sellist vilja kandis kurjus, mis oli varjul selle südames, kes ei armastanud tõde kogu hingest. Kui reetlik on see intellektuaalne kõrkus, mis eelneb vaimsele langusele! Minu ammune sõber, kes sööb praegugi mu leiba, on valmis mind reetma, samal ajal kui ta koos minuga käe söögi järele sirutab.” 179:4.2 (1940.4) When the twelve heard this, having already been robbed of much of their self-assertiveness and self-confidence by the parable of the feet washing and the Master’s subsequent discourse, they began to look at one another while in disconcerted tones they hesitatingly inquired, “Is it I?” And when they had all so inquired, Jesus said: “While it is necessary that I go to the Father, it was not required that one of you should become a traitor to fulfill the Father’s will. This is the coming to fruit of the concealed evil in the heart of one who failed to love the truth with his whole soul. How deceitful is the intellectual pride that precedes the spiritual downfall! My friend of many years, who even now eats my bread, will be willing to betray me, even as he now dips his hand with me in the dish.”
179:4.3 (1940.5) Ja kui Jeesus oli seda öelnud, küsisid kõik jälle: „Olen see mina?” Ja kui Juudas Meistri vasakul käel küsis taas: „Olen see mina?”, kastis Jeesus leiva ürdikaussi, ulatas selle talle ning lausus: „Sina jah.” Teised aga ei kuulnud, mis Jeesus Juudale ütles. Johannes, kes oli Jeesuse paremal käel, kummardus lähemale ja küsis Meistrilt: „Kes see on? Me peaksime teadma, kes on sinu usaldust kuritarvitanud.” Jeesus vastas: „Ma juba ütlesin teile, et see, kellele ma kastetud leivapala andsin.” Ent see oli nii tavaline, et võõrustaja annab endast vasakul olijale kastetud leivapala, et keegi ei pannud seda tähele, ehkki Meister end nii selgesti väljendas. Juudas aga oli Meistri sõnadest tema teo kohta valusalt teadlik ja lõi kartma, ega tema vennadki nüüd tea, et reetur on just tema. 179:4.3 (1940.5) And when Jesus had thus spoken, they all began again to ask, “Is it I?” And as Judas, sitting on the left of his Master, again asked, “Is it I?” Jesus, dipping the bread in the dish of herbs, handed it to Judas, saying, “You have said.” But the others did not hear Jesus speak to Judas. John, who reclined on Jesus’ right hand, leaned over and asked the Master: “Who is it? We should know who it is that has proved untrue to his trust.” Jesus answered: “Already have I told you, even he to whom I gave the sop.” But it was so natural for the host to give a sop to the one who sat next to him on the left that none of them took notice of this, even though the Master had so plainly spoken. But Judas was painfully conscious of the meaning of the Master’s words associated with his act, and he became fearful lest his brethren were likewise now aware that he was the betrayer.
179:4.4 (1941.1) Öeldud sõnad erutasid Peetrust väga ja ta lausus üle laua kummardudes Johannesele: „Küsi temalt, kes see on, või kui ta on seda sulle öelnud, ütle ka mulle, kes on reetur.” 179:4.4 (1941.1) Peter was highly excited by what had been said, and leaning forward over the table, he addressed John, “Ask him who it is, or if he has told you, tell me who is the betrayer.”
179:4.5 (1941.2) Jeesus lõpetas nende omavahelised sosinad: „Olen kurb, et see kuri tegu korda saadetakse, sest ma lootsin praeguse tunnini, et tõe jõud saab võidu kurjuse reetlikkuse üle, kuid neid võite ei saavutata ilma siirast tõearmastusest tunnistust andva usuta. Ma poleks meie viimsel õhtusöögil teile neist asjust rääkinud, kuid ma tahan teid hoiatada nende hädade eest ja valmistada nii teid ette selleks, mis meid on tabamas. Rääkisin teile kõigest, sest soovin, et te mäletaksite ajal, kui mind enam ei ole, et ma teadsin neist kurjadest sepitsustest ja hoiatasin teid enda reetmise eest. Ma teen kõike vaid selleks, et see tugevdaks teid kohe ees seisvate kiusatuste ja katsumuste ajaks.” 179:4.5 (1941.2) Jesus brought their whisperings to an end by saying: “I sorrow that this evil should have come to pass and hoped even up to this hour that the power of truth might triumph over the deceptions of evil, but such victories are not won without the faith of the sincere love of truth. I would not have told you these things at this, our last supper, but I desire to warn you of these sorrows and so prepare you for what is now upon us. I have told you of this because I desire that you should recall, after I have gone, that I knew about all these evil plottings, and that I forewarned you of my betrayal. And I do all this only that you may be strengthened for the temptations and trials which are just ahead.”
179:4.6 (1941.3) Kui Jeesus oli seda öelnud, kallutas ta end Juuda poole ja sõnas: „Tee siis kähku seda, mida sa oled otsustanud teha.” Neid sõnu kuuldes tõusis Juudas lauast ja lahkus kiiresti toast ning läks välja öösse tegema seda, mida ta oli otsustanud korda saata. Teised apostlid, kes nägid Juudast pärast Jeesusega kõnelemist lahkumas, arvasid, et ta läks õhtusöögi jaoks midagi juurde tooma või muud Meistri ülesannet täitma, sest nad oletasid, et rahakott on ikka veel tema käes. 179:4.6 (1941.3) When Jesus had thus spoken, leaning over toward Judas, he said: “What you have decided to do, do quickly.” And when Judas heard these words, he arose from the table and hastily left the room, going out into the night to do what he had set his mind to accomplish. When the other apostles saw Judas hasten off after Jesus had spoken to him, they thought he had gone to procure something additional for the supper or to do some other errand for the Master since they supposed he still carried the bag.
179:4.7 (1941.4) Jeesus teadis nüüd, et Juudast ei saa reetmisest enam miski tagasi hoida. Ta oli alustanud kaheteistkümnega — nüüd oli järele jäänud üksteist. Ta ise oli valinud kuus apostlit ning ehkki Juudas oli olnud nende seas, keda olid nimetanud ametisse tema esimestena valitud apostlid, oli Meister ta ise vastu võtnud ja teinud kuni selle tunnini kõik võimaliku tema pühitsemiseks ja päästmiseks, nii nagu ta oli taotlenud rahu ja päästmist ka teistele. 179:4.7 (1941.4) Jesus now knew that nothing could be done to keep Judas from turning traitor. He started with twelve—now he had eleven. He chose six of these apostles, and though Judas was among those nominated by his first-chosen apostles, still the Master accepted him and had, up to this very hour, done everything possible to sanctify and save him, even as he had wrought for the peace and salvation of the others.
179:4.8 (1941.5) See õhtusöök oma tundeliste episoodide ja harraste nootidega oli Jeesuse viimane asjatu pöördumine reeturliku Juuda poole. Kui armastus on kord täiesti surnud, siis hoiatus reeglina ainult süvendab viha ja õhutab kurja kindlameelsust viia oma isekad plaanid lõpule, ükskõik kui taktitundeliselt ja heatahtlikult see esitatakse. 179:4.8 (1941.5) This supper, with its tender episodes and softening touches, was Jesus’ last appeal to the deserting Judas, but it was of no avail. Warning, even when administered in the most tactful manner and conveyed in the most kindly spirit, as a rule, only intensifies hatred and fires the evil determination to carry out to the full one’s own selfish projects, when love is once really dead.
5. Mälestusõhtusöömaaja sisseseadmine ^top 5. Establishing the Remembrance Supper ^top
179:5.1 (1941.6) Kui Jeesusele toodi kolmas veinikarikas, „õnnistuse karikas”, tõusis ta lavatsilt, võttis karika kätte ja õnnistas seda, öeldes: „Võtke igaüks see karikas ja jooge sellest. Olgu see minu mälestuskarikas. Selle karikaga õnnistan ma sisse uue, armu ja tõe käsuõpetuse. Olgu see teile jumaliku Tõe Vaimu annetumise ja valitsemise sümbol. Ja mina ei joo enam teiega sellest karikast enne kui oma uuel kujul Isa igaveses taevariigis.” 179:5.1 (1941.6) As they brought Jesus the third cup of wine, the “cup of blessing,” he arose from the couch and, taking the cup in his hands, blessed it, saying: “Take this cup, all of you, and drink of it. This shall be the cup of my remembrance. This is the cup of the blessing of a new dispensation of grace and truth. This shall be to you the emblem of the bestowal and ministry of the divine Spirit of Truth. And I will not again drink this cup with you until I drink in new form with you in the Father’s eternal kingdom.”
179:5.2 (1942.1) Kõik apostlid jõid sellest õnnistuse karikast sügavas harduses ja täielikus vaikuses, tundes, et on juhtumas midagi erakordset. Vana paasapühaga mälestati nende isade pääsemist rahva orjaseisundist isiklikku vabadusse. Nüüd pani Meister alguse uuele mälestusõhtusöömaajale kui uue käsuõpetuse sümbolile, mis vabastab orjastatud üksikisiku tseremoniaalsuse ja isekuse kütkeist elava Jumala vabastatud usupoegade vendluse ja sõpruse vaimsele rõõmule. 179:5.2 (1942.1) The apostles all sensed that something out of the ordinary was transpiring as they drank of this cup of blessing in profound reverence and perfect silence. The old Passover commemorated the emergence of their fathers from a state of racial slavery into individual freedom; now the Master was instituting a new remembrance supper as a symbol of the new dispensation wherein the enslaved individual emerges from the bondage of ceremonialism and selfishness into the spiritual joy of the brotherhood and fellowship of the liberated faith sons of the living God.
179:5.3 (1942.2) Kui nad kõik olid uuest mälestuskarikast joonud, võttis Meister leiva. Lugenud tänupalve, murdis ta selle tükkideks ning saatis ringi käima, öeldes: „Võtke mälestusleiba ja sööge seda. Ma ütlesin teile, et mina olen eluleib. Ja selles eluleivas on Isa ja Poja elu ühendatud üheks kingituseks. Pojas ilmnev Isa sõna ongi tõesti eluleib.” Kui nad olid mälestusleivast, sureliku ihu kujul kehastunud elava tõe sõna sümbolist osa saanud, seadis igaüks ennast taas oma asemele. 179:5.3 (1942.2) When they had finished drinking this new cup of remembrance, the Master took up the bread and, after giving thanks, broke it in pieces and, directing them to pass it around, said: “Take this bread of remembrance and eat it. I have told you that I am the bread of life. And this bread of life is the united life of the Father and the Son in one gift. The word of the Father, as revealed in the Son, is indeed the bread of life.” When they had partaken of the bread of remembrance, the symbol of the living word of truth incarnated in the likeness of mortal flesh, they all sat down.
179:5.4 (1942.3) Selle mälestusõhtusöömaaja sisseseadmisel kasutas Meister, nagu see tal tavaks oli, tähendamissõnu ja sümboleid. Ta kasutas sümboleid, sest soovis õpetada mõnda suurt vaimset tõde nii, et järeltulijatel oleks raske tema sõnu täpselt tõlgendada ja neile kindlaid tähendusi omistada. Sel moel püüdis ta vältida oma õpetuse kristalliseerimist järgmiste põlvkondade poolt ja oma vaimsete sõnumite sidumist traditsioonide ning dogmade surnud ahelatega. Ainsat kogu oma elumissiooniga seostatavat tseremooniat või sakramenti sisse seades tegi Jeesus kõik, et see üksnes vihjaks tema sõnumile, mitte ei seoks seda täpse määratlusega. Ta ei tahtnud hävitada individuaalset arusaamist jumalikust osadusest täpse vormeli kehtestamise teel, samuti ei soovinud ta piirata uskuja vaimset kujutlusvõimet, surudes seda formaalsesse raami. Pigem püüdis ta vabastada inimese uuestisündinud hinge ja anda sellele uue ja elava vaimse vabaduse rõõmsad tiivad. 179:5.4 (1942.3) In instituting this remembrance supper, the Master, as was always his habit, resorted to parables and symbols. He employed symbols because he wanted to teach certain great spiritual truths in such a manner as to make it difficult for his successors to attach precise interpretations and definite meanings to his words. In this way he sought to prevent successive generations from crystallizing his teaching and binding down his spiritual meanings by the dead chains of tradition and dogma. In the establishment of the only ceremony or sacrament associated with his whole life mission, Jesus took great pains to suggest his meanings rather than to commit himself to precise definitions. He did not wish to destroy the individual’s concept of divine communion by establishing a precise form; neither did he desire to limit the believer’s spiritual imagination by formally cramping it. He rather sought to set man’s reborn soul free upon the joyous wings of a new and living spiritual liberty.
179:5.5 (1942.4) Hoolimata Meistri jõupingutustest selle uue mälestussakramendi sisseseadmiseks hoolitsesid tema järeltulijad vahepealsetel sajanditel tema otsese soovi tõhusa nurjamise eest, andes selle viimase lihalikult veedetud öö lihtsale vaimsele sümboolikale täpse tõlgenduse ja allutades selle peaaegu matemaatilise täpsusega kehtestatud kindlale korrale. Ükski kõigist Jeesuse õpetustest pole rohkem traditsioonina standardiseerunud. 179:5.5 (1942.4) Notwithstanding the Master’s effort thus to establish this new sacrament of the remembrance, those who followed after him in the intervening centuries saw to it that his express desire was effectively thwarted in that his simple spiritual symbolism of that last night in the flesh has been reduced to precise interpretations and subjected to the almost mathematical precision of a set formula. Of all Jesus’ teachings none have become more tradition-standardized.
179:5.6 (1942.5) Kui seda mälestusõhtusöömaaega peavad Pojasse uskuvad ja Jumalat tundvad inimesed, ei ole vaja selle sümboolset tähendust seostada inimeste lapsikute väärtõlgendustega jumalikust kohalolekust, sest kõigil sellistel juhtudel on Meister tõesti kohal. Mälestusõhtusöömaaeg on uskuja sümboolne kohtumine Miikaeliga. Kui te olete sellest vaimus teadlikud, on Poeg tegelikult kohal ja tema vaim vennastub teie sisimas elava Isa fragmendiga. 179:5.6 (1942.5) This supper of remembrance, when it is partaken of by those who are Son-believing and God-knowing, does not need to have associated with its symbolism any of man’s puerile misinterpretations regarding the meaning of the divine presence, for upon all such occasions the Master is really present. The remembrance supper is the believer’s symbolic rendezvous with Michael. When you become thus spirit-conscious, the Son is actually present, and his spirit fraternizes with the indwelling fragment of his Father.
179:5.7 (1942.6) Kui nad olid mõne hetke mõtisklenud, jätkas Jeesus kõnelemist: „Neid toiminguid sooritades meenutage minu elu maa peal endi seas ja rõõmustage, et ma elan ja teenin teie kaudu koos teiega maa peal edasi. Ärge vaielge selle üle, kes teist saab suurimaks. Olge kõik nagu vennad. Ja kui taevariik kasvab ja hõlmab juba arvukaid uskujarühmi, peaksite te samamoodi hoiduma taotlemast suurust ja eesõigusi nende rühmade seas.” 179:5.7 (1942.6) After they had engaged in meditation for a few moments, Jesus continued speaking: “When you do these things, recall the life I have lived on earth among you and rejoice that I am to continue to live on earth with you and to serve through you. As individuals, contend not among yourselves as to who shall be greatest. Be you all as brethren. And when the kingdom grows to embrace large groups of believers, likewise should you refrain from contending for greatness or seeking preferment between such groups.”
179:5.8 (1943.1) Ning see tähtis sündmus leidis aset ühe sõbra maja ülakambris. Õhtusöök ega hoone ei vastanud mingitele pühadele vorminõuetele ega olnud tseremoniaalselt pühitsetud. Mälestusõhtusöömaaeg seati sisse kirikliku pühitsuseta. 179:5.8 (1943.1) And this mighty occasion took place in the upper chamber of a friend. There was nothing of sacred form or of ceremonial consecration about either the supper or the building. The remembrance supper was established without ecclesiastical sanction.
179:5.9 (1943.2) Kui Jeesus oli mälestusõhtusöömaaja sel viisil sisse seadnud, ütles ta apostlitele: „Ning alati, kui te seda teete, tehke seda minu mälestuseks. Ja mind meenutades vaadake tagasi minu lihalikule elule, tuletage meelde, et ma olin kunagi koos teiega, ning mõelge usus selle üle, et te kõik sööte kunagi koos minuga õhtust Isa igaveses taevariigis. See on uus paasapüha, mille ma teile jätan, mälestus minu annetumiselust, igavese tõe sõnast ja minu armastusest teie vastu, minu Tõe Vaimu väljavalamisest kogu liha peale.” 179:5.9 (1943.2) When Jesus had thus established the supper of the remembrance, he said to the eleven: “And as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me. And when you do remember me, first look back upon my life in the flesh, recall that I was once with you, and then, by faith, discern that you shall all sometime sup with me in the Father’s eternal kingdom. This is the new Passover which I leave with you, even the memory of my bestowal life, the word of eternal truth; and of my love for you, the outpouring of my Spirit of Truth upon all flesh.”
179:5.10 (1943.3) Ja nad lõpetasid selle vana, kuid veretu paasapüha pühitsemise ning uue mälestusõhtusöömaaja sisseseadmise sellega, et laulsid kõik koos saja kaheksateistkümnendat psalmi. 179:5.10 (1943.3) And they ended this celebration of the old but bloodless Passover in connection with the inauguration of the new supper of the remembrance, by singing, all together, the one hundred and eighteenth Psalm.