184. Kiri Paper 184
Suurkohtu ees Before the Sanhedrin Court
184:0.1 (1978.1) HANNASE esindajad olid andnud Rooma sõdurite kaptenile salajase käsu tuua Jeesus kohe pärast vahistamist Hannase lossi. Endine ülempreester soovis säilitada oma mainet juutide peamise vaimuliku autoriteedina. Tal oli Jeesuse hoidmiseks mõni tund oma majas ka teine põhjus — võita aega Suurkohtu seadusega ette nähtud korras kokkukutsumiseks. Suurkohut ei tohtinud seaduse järgi kokku kutsuda enne varahommikust ohverdamist templis, mis toimus kell kolm. 184:0.1 (1978.1) REPRESENTATIVES of Annas had secretly instructed the captain of the Roman soldiers to bring Jesus immediately to the palace of Annas after he had been arrested. The former high priest desired to maintain his prestige as the chief ecclesiastical authority of the Jews. He also had another purpose in detaining Jesus at his house for several hours, and that was to allow time for legally calling together the court of the Sanhedrin. It was not lawful to convene the Sanhedrin court before the time of the offering of the morning sacrifice in the temple, and this sacrifice was offered about three o’clock in the morning.
184:0.2 (1978.2) Hannas teadis, et Suurkohus oli tema väimehe Kaifase lossis ootamas. Ülempreestri majja olid keskööks kogunenud ligikaudu kolmkümmend Suurkohtu liiget, valmis Jeesuse üle kohut mõistma, kui ta nende ette peaks toodama. Kokku olid tulnud vaid need, kes olid kindlalt ja avalikult Jeesuse ja tema õpetuse vastu, sest kohtupidamiseks piisas kahekümne kolme liikme kohalolekust. 184:0.2 (1978.2) Annas knew that a court of Sanhedrists was in waiting at the palace of his son-in-law, Caiaphas. Some thirty members of the Sanhedrin had gathered at the home of the high priest by midnight so that they would be ready to sit in judgment on Jesus when he might be brought before them. Only those members were assembled who were strongly and openly opposed to Jesus and his teaching since it required only twenty-three to constitute a trial court.
184:0.3 (1978.3) Jeesus viibis umbes kolm tundi Hannase Õlimäel asuvas lossis, mis polnud tema vahistamispaigast Ketsemani aiast kaugel. Johannes Sebedeus võis end Hannase lossis vabalt ja turvaliselt tunda mitte ainult Rooma kapteni käsu tõttu, vaid ka sellepärast, et vanemad teenrid tundsid teda ja ta venda Jaakobust hästi, sest nad olid ülempreestri — oma ema Saloome kauge sugulase — lossi korduvalt külastanud. 184:0.3 (1978.3) Jesus spent about three hours at the palace of Annas on Mount Olivet, not far from the garden of Gethsemane, where they arrested him. John Zebedee was free and safe in the palace of Annas not only because of the word of the Roman captain, but also because he and his brother James were well known to the older servants, having many times been guests at the palace as the former high priest was a distant relative of their mother, Salome.
1. Hannas kuulab Jeesust üle ^top 1. Examination by Annas ^top
184:1.1 (1978.4) Templituludest rikastunud Hannas, kelle väimees täitis ülempreestri kohuseid ja kellel olid Rooma ametivõimudega head suhted, oli juutkonnas tegelikult kõige mõjuvõimsam isik. Ta oli libeda jutuga kaval plaanitseja ja intrigaan. Ta soovis Jeesusest vabanemist ise juhtida, kartes seda tähtsat küsimust täielikult oma järsu ja agressiivse väimehe kätte anda. Hannas tahtis kindel olla, et kohtupidamine Meistri üle jääks saduseride hooleks, sest kartis mõne variseri võimalikku kaastunnet, kuna praktiliselt kõik Jeesuse üritusega liitunud Suurkohtu liikmed olid variserid. 184:1.1 (1978.4) Annas, enriched by the temple revenues, his son-in-law the acting high priest, and with his relations to the Roman authorities, was indeed the most powerful single individual in all Jewry. He was a suave and politic planner and plotter. He desired to direct the matter of disposing of Jesus; he feared to trust such an important undertaking wholly to his brusque and aggressive son-in-law. Annas wanted to make sure that the Master’s trial was kept in the hands of the Sadducees; he feared the possible sympathy of some of the Pharisees, seeing that practically all of those members of the Sanhedrin who had espoused the cause of Jesus were Pharisees.
184:1.2 (1978.5) Hannas polnud Jeesust mitu aastat näinud, sellest ajast saadik, kui Meister oli ta maja külastanud ja külma ning vaoshoitud vastuvõttu märgates kohe lahkunud. Hannas lootis seda ammust tutvust ära kasutada ja püüda Jeesust veenda oma väidetest loobuma ning Palestiinast lahkuma. Talle oli vastumeelt osaleda hea inimese mõrvas ja ta arvas, et Jeesus eelistaks surmale maalt lahkumist. Kui aga Hannas selle vapra ja kindlameelse galilealase ees seisis, mõistis ta kohe, et niisuguseid ettepanekuid teha oleks tulutu. Jeesus oli veelgi majesteetlikum ja rahulikum, kui Hannas mäletas. 184:1.2 (1978.5) Annas had not seen Jesus for several years, not since the time when the Master called at his house and immediately left upon observing his coldness and reserve in receiving him. Annas had thought to presume on this early acquaintance and thereby attempt to persuade Jesus to abandon his claims and leave Palestine. He was reluctant to participate in the murder of a good man and had reasoned that Jesus might choose to leave the country rather than to suffer death. But when Annas stood before the stalwart and determined Galilean, he knew at once that it would be useless to make such proposals. Jesus was even more majestic and well poised than Annas remembered him.
184:1.3 (1979.1) Jeesuse nooruses oli Hannas tema vastu suurt huvi tundnud, aga Jeesuse hiljutine tegu — rahavahetajate ja muude kaubitsejate väljaajamine templist — oli ohustanud tema sissetulekut. See samm oli tekitanud endises ülempreestris tunduvalt rohkem vaenu kui Jeesuse õpetused. 184:1.3 (1979.1) When Jesus was young, Annas had taken a great interest in him, but now his revenues were threatened by what Jesus had so recently done in driving the money-changers and other commercial traders out of the temple. This act had aroused the enmity of the former high priest far more than had Jesus’ teachings.
184:1.4 (1979.2) Hannas astus oma ruumikasse vastuvõtukambrisse, istus suurde tooli ja käskis Jeesuse enda ette tuua. Meistrit mõne hetke vaikides silmitsenud, ütles ta: „Nagu sa isegi aru saad, tuleb sinu õpetamistegevuse suhtes midagi ette võtta, sest sa häirid meie maal rahu ja korda.” Hannas vaatas küsivalt Jeesusele otsa ja Meister vastas tema pilgule, kuid ei öelnud midagi. Hannas jätkas: „Kes on veel sinu jüngrid peale üleskihutaja seloot Siimoni?” Jeesus vaatas taas Hannasele otsa, kuid ei vastanud. 184:1.4 (1979.2) Annas entered his spacious audience chamber, seated himself in a large chair, and commanded that Jesus be brought before him. After a few moments spent in silently surveying the Master, he said: “You realize that something must be done about your teaching since you are disturbing the peace and order of our country.” As Annas looked inquiringly at Jesus, the Master looked full into his eyes but made no reply. Again Annas spoke, “What are the names of your disciples, besides Simon Zelotes, the agitator?” Again Jesus looked down upon him, but he did not answer.
184:1.5 (1979.3) Hannast häiris väga, et Jeesus talle ei vastanud, ja küsis: „Kas sa ei hooli üldse sellest, kuidas ma sinusse suhtun — sõbralikult või mitte? Kas sa ei hooli minu mõjuvõimust sind eesootava kohtuotsuse määramisel?” Seda kuuldes ütles Jeesus: „Hannas, sa tead, et sul on minu üle võimu vaid siis, kui seda lubab minu Isa. Mõned tahavad hävitada Inimese Poja sellepärast, et nad on harimatud, nad lihtsalt ei tunne tõde, aga sina, sõber, tead, mida sa teed. Kuidas võid sa siis Jumala valguse tagasi lükata?” 184:1.5 (1979.3) Annas was considerably disturbed by Jesus’ refusal to answer his questions, so much so that he said to him: “Do you have no care as to whether I am friendly to you or not? Do you have no regard for the power I have in determining the issues of your coming trial?” When Jesus heard this, he said: “Annas, you know that you could have no power over me unless it were permitted by my Father. Some would destroy the Son of Man because they are ignorant; they know no better, but you, friend, know what you are doing. How can you, therefore, reject the light of God?”
184:1.6 (1979.4) Jeesuse lahke pöördumine Hannase poole ajas tolle peaaegu hämmingusse. Aga ta oli juba kindlalt otsustanud, et Jeesus peab kas Palestiinast lahkuma või surema. Nii võttiski ta julguse kokku ja küsis: „Mida täpselt püüad sa rahvale õpetada? Kes sa enda arvates oled?” Jeesus vastas: „Sa tead väga hästi, et ma olen rääkinud maailmaga avalikult. Olen õpetanud sünagoogides ja palju kordi templis, kus kõik juudid ja paljud paganad on mind kuulanud. Ma pole midagi salaja rääkinud, miks küsid sa siis minult mu õpetuse kohta? Miks ei kutsu sa kokku neid, kes mind on kuulanud, ega küsi neilt? Vaata, kogu Jeruusalemm on minu õpetusi kuulnud, isegi kui sa ise neid kuulnud pole.” Aga enne kui Hannas jõudis vastata, andis lähedal seisnud lossi majaülem Jeesusele kõrvakiilu, öeldes: „Kuidas sa julged ülempreestrile niisuguste sõnadega vastata?” Hannas ei noominud oma majaülemat, kuid Jeesus ütles talle: „Mu sõber, kui ma olen rääkinud valet, siis vaidle vastu; aga kui ma olen rääkinud tõtt, siis miks mind lüüa?” 184:1.6 (1979.4) The kindly manner in which Jesus spoke to Annas almost bewildered him. But he had already determined in his mind that Jesus must either leave Palestine or die; so he summoned up his courage and asked: “Just what is it you are trying to teach the people? What do you claim to be?” Jesus answered: “You know full well that I have spoken openly to the world. I have taught in the synagogues and many times in the temple, where all the Jews and many of the gentiles have heard me. In secret I have spoken nothing; why, then, do you ask me about my teaching? Why do you not summon those who have heard me and inquire of them? Behold, all Jerusalem has heard that which I have spoken even if you have not yourself heard these teachings.” But before Annas could make reply, the chief steward of the palace, who was standing near, struck Jesus in the face with his hand, saying, “How dare you answer the high priest with such words?” Annas spoke no words of rebuke to his steward, but Jesus addressed him, saying, “My friend, if I have spoken evil, bear witness against the evil; but if I have spoken the truth, why, then, should you smite me?”
184:1.7 (1979.5) Hannas küll kahetses, et tema majaülem oli Jeesust löönud, kuid oli liiga uhke, et sellele tähelepanu pöörata. Ta läks segaduses teise tuppa, jättes Jeesuse peaaegu tunniks ajaks oma majateenrite ja templivalvurite seltsi. 184:1.7 (1979.5) Although Annas regretted that his steward had struck Jesus, he was too proud to take notice of the matter. In his confusion he went into another room, leaving Jesus alone with the household attendants and the temple guards for almost an hour.
184:1.8 (1979.6) Naastes astus Hannas Meistri kõrvale ja küsis: „Kas sa pead end messiaks, Iisraeli vabastajaks?” Jeesus vastas: „Hannas, sa tunned mind juba lapsest saadik. Sa tead, et ma ei pea end kellekski muuks kui selleks, kelleks mu Isa on mind määranud, saates mu kõigi inimeste, nii paganate kui ka juutide juurde.” Seepeale ütles Hannas: „Mulle on räägitud, et sa pead end messiaks, kas see on tõsi?” Jeesus vaatas Hannasele otsa, kuid vastas ainult: „Need on sinu sõnad.” 184:1.8 (1979.6) When he returned, going up to the Master’s side, he said, “Do you claim to be the Messiah, the deliverer of Israel?” Said Jesus: “Annas, you have known me from the times of my youth. You know that I claim to be nothing except that which my Father has appointed, and that I have been sent to all men, gentile as well as Jew.” Then said Annas: “I have been told that you have claimed to be the Messiah; is that true?” Jesus looked upon Annas but only replied, “So you have said.”
184:1.9 (1980.1) Samal ajal saabusid Kaifase lossist sõnumitoojad küsima, millal Jeesus Suurkohtu ette tuuakse, ning et koit oli juba lähedal, pidas Hannas paremaks saata Jeesus kinniseotult ja templivalvurite saatel Kaifase juurde. Ta ise järgnes neile veidi hiljem. 184:1.9 (1980.1) About this time messengers arrived from the palace of Caiaphas to inquire what time Jesus would be brought before the court of the Sanhedrin, and since it was nearing the break of day, Annas thought best to send Jesus bound and in the custody of the temple guards to Caiaphas. He himself followed after them shortly.
2. Peetrus lossiõues ^top 2. Peter in the Courtyard ^top
184:2.1 (1980.2) Kui valvurite ja sõdurite rühm Hannase lossi sissekäigule lähenes, sammus Johannes Sebedeus Rooma sõdurite kapteni kõrval. Juudas oli jäänud veidi tahapoole ja Siimon Peetrus järgnes neile kaugemalt. Kui Johannes oli koos Jeesuse ja valvuritega lossiõue astunud, jõudis värava juurde ka Juudas, kuid Jeesust ja Johannest nähes läks ta kohe Kaifase majja, kus tema teada pidi toimuma tegelik kohtumõistmine Jeesuse üle. Peagi pärast Juuda lahkumist saabus Siimon Peetrus ja kui Jeesust lossiuksest sisse viidi, nägi Johannes teda värava ees seismas. Naisväravavalvur tundis Johannest ja kui Johannes palus tal Peetrus sisse lasta, oli naine meelsasti nõus. 184:2.1 (1980.2) As the band of guards and soldiers approached the entrance to the palace of Annas, John Zebedee was marching by the side of the captain of the Roman soldiers. Judas had dropped some distance behind, and Simon Peter followed afar off. After John had entered the palace courtyard with Jesus and the guards, Judas came up to the gate but, seeing Jesus and John, went on over to the home of Caiaphas, where he knew the real trial of the Master would later take place. Soon after Judas had left, Simon Peter arrived, and as he stood before the gate, John saw him just as they were about to take Jesus into the palace. The portress who kept the gate knew John, and when he spoke to her, requesting that she let Peter in, she gladly assented.
184:2.2 (1980.3) Lossiõues läks Peetrus tuleaseme juurde, et sooja saada, sest öö oli jahe. Ta tundis end siin Jeesuse vaenlaste seas väga ebamugavalt ja ega ta siia kuulunudki. Meister polnud tal käskinud nagu Johannesel enda käeulatusse jääda. Peetruse koht oli teiste apostlite juures, keda oli konkreetselt hoiatatud, et nad ei seaks Meistri üle kohtumõistmise ja tema ristilöömise ajal oma elu ohtu. 184:2.2 (1980.3) Peter, upon entering the courtyard, went over to the charcoal fire and sought to warm himself, for the night was chilly. He felt very much out of place here among the enemies of Jesus, and indeed he was out of place. The Master had not instructed him to keep near at hand as he had admonished John. Peter belonged with the other apostles, who had been specifically warned not to endanger their lives during these times of the trial and crucifixion of their Master.
184:2.3 (1980.4) Veidi enne lossiväravani jõudmist oli Peetrus oma mõõga minema visanud, nii et ta oli sisenenud Hannase õuele relvitult. Ta meel oli segaduses, ta mõistis vaevalt, et Jeesus on vahistatud. Ta ei suutnud mõista olukorra reaalsust — et ta on siin, Hannase lossi õuel, soojendamas end kõrvuti ülempreestri teenritega. Ta mõtles, mida küll teised apostlid teevad, ja arutledes, miks Johannesel lubati lossi minna, järeldas, et võib-olla teenrid tundsid teda, sest ta oli palunud väravavalvuril tedagi sisse lasta. 184:2.3 (1980.4) Peter threw away his sword shortly before he came up to the palace gate so that he entered the courtyard of Annas unarmed. His mind was in a whirl of confusion; he could scarcely realize that Jesus had been arrested. He could not grasp the reality of the situation—that he was here in the courtyard of Annas, warming himself beside the servants of the high priest. He wondered what the other apostles were doing and, in turning over in his mind as to how John came to be admitted to the palace, concluded that it was because he was known to the servants, since he had bidden the gate-keeper admit him.
184:2.4 (1980.5) Veidi pärast seda, kui väravavalvur oli Peetruse sisse lasknud ja mees end tule paistel soojendas, tuli sama naisvalvur tema juurde ja küsis norival toonil: „Kas pole sinagi üks selle mehe jüngreid?” See, et teda ära tunti, poleks pidanud Peetrust üllatama, sest just Johannes oli naist palunud ta lossiväravast sisse lasta, aga ta närvid olid nii pingul, et tema nimetamine jüngriks viis ta tasakaalust välja ja et tal oli peas vaid üks mõte — kuidas eluga pääseda —, vastas ta küsimusele kiiresti: „Ei ole.” 184:2.4 (1980.5) Shortly after the portress let Peter in, and while he was warming himself by the fire, she went over to him and mischievously said, “Are you not also one of this man’s disciples?” Now Peter should not have been surprised at this recognition, for it was John who had requested that the girl let him pass through the palace gates; but he was in such a tense nervous state that this identification as a disciple threw him off his balance, and with only one thought uppermost in his mind—the thought of escaping with his life—he promptly answered the maid’s question by saying, “I am not.”
184:2.5 (1980.6) Üsna pea tuli Peetruse juurde veel üks teener ja küsis: „Kas ma ei näinud sind mitte aias, kui seda meest vahistati? Kas sa pole üks tema poolehoidjaid?” Nüüd sattus Peetrus täielikku ärevusse: kuna ta ei näinud ühtki võimalust süüdistajate käest pääseda, eitas ta ägedalt igasugust seost Jeesusega, öeldes: „Ma ei tunne seda meest ega kuulu tema pooldajate hulka.” 184:2.5 (1980.6) Very soon another servant came up to Peter and asked: “Did I not see you in the garden when they arrested this fellow? Are you not also one of his followers?” Peter was now thoroughly alarmed; he saw no way of safely escaping from these accusers; so he vehemently denied all connection with Jesus, saying, “I know not this man, neither am I one of his followers.”
184:2.6 (1980.7) Siis kutsus väravavalvur Peetruse kõrvale ja ütles: „Ma olen kindel, et sa oled Jeesuse jünger, sest üks tema poolehoidjatest palus mul sind õuele lasta, pealegi on mu õde sind koos selle mehega templis näinud. Miks sa seda eitad?” Kui Peetrus kuulis teenijannat end süüdistamas, eitas ta jõhkrate vandesõnadega Jeesuse tundmist, öeldes taas: „Ma ei ole selle mehe poolehoidja, ma ei tunne teda ega ole temast kunagi midagi kuulnud.” 184:2.6 (1980.7) About this time the portress of the gate drew Peter to one side and said: “I am sure you are a disciple of this Jesus, not only because one of his followers bade me let you in the courtyard, but my sister here has seen you in the temple with this man. Why do you deny this?” When Peter heard the maid accuse him, he denied all knowledge of Jesus with much cursing and swearing, again saying, “I am not this man’s follower; I do not even know him; I never heard of him before.”
184:2.7 (1981.1) Peetrus läks mõneks ajaks tuleasemest eemale ja kõndis õuel ringi. Ta oleks tahtnud põgeneda, aga kartis endale tähelepanu tõmmata. Kui tal külm hakkas, pöördus ta tule juurde tagasi ja üks tema lähedal seisnud mees ütles: „Muidugi oled sa üks selle mehe jüngritest. See Jeesus on galilealane ja sinu kõneviis reedab su, sest sa räägid samuti nagu galilealane.” Ja jälle eitas Peetrus igasugust seost oma Meistriga. 184:2.7 (1981.1) Peter left the fireside for a time while he walked about the courtyard. He would have liked to have escaped, but he feared to attract attention to himself. Getting cold, he returned to the fireside, and one of the men standing near him said: “Surely you are one of this man’s disciples. This Jesus is a Galilean, and your speech betrays you, for you also speak as a Galilean.” And again Peter denied all connection with his Master.
184:2.8 (1981.2) Peetrus oli nii häiritud, et püüdis oma süüdistajatest kaugemale hoida, minnes tulest eemale ja jäädes üksi terrassile. Kui ta oli üle poole tunni üksi olnud, kohtasid naisväravavalvur ja tolle õde teda juhuslikult ja hakkasid taas nöökamisi Jeesuse järgimises süüdistama. Ja jälle eitas Peetrus seda süüdistust. Kui ta oli taas eitanud igasugust seost Jeesusega, kires kukk ja Peetrusele meenusid Meistri selsamal ööl öeldud hoiatussõnad. Kui ta seal raske südamega ja süütundest rusutuna seisis, avanesid lossiuksed ja valvurid viisid Jeesuse temast mööda Kaifase juurde. Kui Meister Peetrusest möödus, nägi ta tõrvikute valgel oma varem nii enesekindla ja pealtnäha julge apostli näol meeleheidet ning pöördus ja vaatas Peetrusele otsa. Peetrusele jäi see pilk elu lõpuni meelde. Selles oli põimunud nii palju kaastunnet ja armastust, nagu surelik inimene polnud veel kunagi Meistri näol näinud. 184:2.8 (1981.2) Peter was so perturbed that he sought to escape contact with his accusers by going away from the fire and remaining by himself on the porch. After more than an hour of this isolation, the gate-keeper and her sister chanced to meet him, and both of them again teasingly charged him with being a follower of Jesus. And again he denied the accusation. Just as he had once more denied all connection with Jesus, the cock crowed, and Peter remembered the words of warning spoken to him by his Master earlier that same night. As he stood there, heavy of heart and crushed with the sense of guilt, the palace doors opened, and the guards led Jesus past on the way to Caiaphas. As the Master passed Peter, he saw, by the light of the torches, the look of despair on the face of his former self-confident and superficially brave apostle, and he turned and looked upon Peter. Peter never forgot that look as long as he lived. It was such a glance of commingled pity and love as mortal man had never beheld in the face of the Master.
184:2.9 (1981.3) Kui Jeesus ja valvurid lossiväravatest väljusid, järgnes Peetrus neile, kuid ainult natuke maad. Ta ei suutnud enam edasi minna. Ta istus tee äärde ja puhkes kibedasti nutma. Ja valupisarad valanud, suundus ta tagasi laagrisse, lootes kohata oma venda Andreast. Laagrist leidis ta eest ainult Taavet Sebedeuse, kes saatis ühe sõnumitooja temaga kaasa venna Jeruusalemma-peidupaika kätte juhatama. 184:2.9 (1981.3) After Jesus and the guards passed out of the palace gates, Peter followed them, but only for a short distance. He could not go farther. He sat down by the side of the road and wept bitterly. And when he had shed these tears of agony, he turned his steps back toward the camp, hoping to find his brother, Andrew. On arriving at the camp, he found only David Zebedee, who sent a messenger to direct him to where his brother had gone to hide in Jerusalem.
184:2.10 (1981.4) Kõik, mis Peetrus läbi elas, toimus Õlimäel Hannase lossi õuel. Ta ei läinud Jeesusega ülempreester Kaifase lossi kaasa. Asjaolu, et just kuke kiredes oli Peetrus taibanud, et ta on kukelaulu ajaks mitu korda oma Meistrist lahti öelnud, näitas, et kõik toimus väljaspool Jeruusalemma, sest linnas polnud seadusega lubatud kodulinde pidada. 184:2.10 (1981.4) Peter’s entire experience occurred in the courtyard of the palace of Annas on Mount Olivet. He did not follow Jesus to the palace of the high priest, Caiaphas. That Peter was brought to the realization that he had repeatedly denied his Master by the crowing of a cock indicates that this all occurred outside of Jerusalem since it was against the law to keep poultry within the city proper.
184:2.11 (1981.5) Kuni selle ajani, mil kuke kiremine Peetruse mõistusele tõi, oli ta mõelnud terrassil sooja saamiseks edasi-tagasi käies ainult sellest, kui kavalasti ta oli teenrite süüdistustest kõrvale põigelnud ja nurjanud nende kavatsused teda Jeesusega siduda. Ta oli mõelnud vaid sellele, et neil teenritel polnud mingit moraalset ega seaduslikku õigust teda selliselt küsitleda, ja oli end lausa õnnitlenud, et tal oli õnnestunud vältida enese paljastamist ja võib-olla isegi vahistamist ning vangistamist. Alles siis, kui kukk kires, mõistis Peetrus, et ta oli oma Meistrist lahti öelnud. Ja alles siis, kui Jeesus talle silma vaatas, mõistis ta, et polnud suutnud olla enda kui taevariigi saadiku eesõiguste vääriline. 184:2.11 (1981.5) Until the crowing of the cock brought Peter to his better senses, he had only thought, as he walked up and down the porch to keep warm, how cleverly he had eluded the accusations of the servants, and how he had frustrated their purpose to identify him with Jesus. For the time being, he had only considered that these servants had no moral or legal right thus to question him, and he really congratulated himself over the manner in which he thought he had avoided being identified and possibly subjected to arrest and imprisonment. Not until the cock crowed did it occur to Peter that he had denied his Master. Not until Jesus looked upon him, did he realize that he had failed to live up to his privileges as an ambassador of the kingdom.
184:2.12 (1981.6) Astunud esimese sammu kompromisside ja kergema vastupanu teel, ei näinud Peetrus muud võimalust, kui valitud käitumisviisi jätkata. Selleks, et valelt teelt tagasi pöörata ja asuda õigele teele, on tarvis suurt ja üllast iseloomu. Liiga sageli kaldub inimese meel õigustama eksimuse jätkamist, kui sellele teele kord on astutud. 184:2.12 (1981.6) Having taken the first step along the path of compromise and least resistance, there was nothing apparent to Peter but to go on with the course of conduct decided upon. It requires a great and noble character, having started out wrong, to turn about and go right. All too often one’s own mind tends to justify continuance in the path of error when once it is entered upon.
184:2.13 (1982.1) Peetrus hakkas alles siis päriselt uskuma, et talle on andeks antud, kui ta kohtas Meistrit pärast ülestõusmist ja nägi, et teda võeti vastu täpselt samamoodi, nagu enne selle traagilise öö läbielamisi. 184:2.13 (1982.1) Peter never fully believed that he could be forgiven until he met his Master after the resurrection and saw that he was received just as before the experiences of this tragic night of the denials.
3. Suurkohtu ees ^top 3. Before the Court of Sanhedrists ^top
184:3.1 (1982.2) Tol reede varahommikul kella poole nelja paiku avas ülempreester Suurkohtu istungi ja lasi Jeesuse ametlikuks kohtumõistmiseks sisse tuua. Kolmel varasemal korral oli Suurkohus suure häälteenamusega Jeesuse surma mõistnud ja otsustanud mitteametlikult, et ta väärib surma süüdistatuna seaduserikkumises, pühaduseteotuses ja Iisraeli esiisade traditsioonide mõnitamises. 184:3.1 (1982.2) It was about half past three o’clock this Friday morning when the chief priest, Caiaphas, called the Sanhedrist court of inquiry to order and asked that Jesus be brought before them for his formal trial. On three previous occasions the Sanhedrin, by a large majority vote, had decreed the death of Jesus, had decided that he was worthy of death on informal charges of lawbreaking, blasphemy, and flouting the traditions of the fathers of Israel.
184:3.2 (1982.3) See polnud Suurkohtu korraline istung ega toimunud harilikus kohas, templi tahutud kividest kambris. See oli ligikaudu kolmekümne Suurkohtu liikme osavõtul toimuv erakorraline kohus, mis oli kutsutud kokku ülempreestri lossi. Johannes Sebedeus oli kogu selle niinimetatud kohtumõistmise aja Jeesusega koos. 184:3.2 (1982.3) This was not a regularly called meeting of the Sanhedrin and was not held in the usual place, the chamber of hewn stone in the temple. This was a special trial court of some thirty Sanhedrists and was convened in the palace of the high priest. John Zebedee was present with Jesus throughout this so-called trial.
184:3.3 (1982.4) Kuidas küll kõditas nende ülempreestrite, kirjatundjate, saduseride ja mõnede variseride eneseuhkust teadmine, et Jeesus, nende positsiooni õõnestaja ja nende autoriteedile väljakutse esitaja, on neil nüüd kindlalt käes! Ning nad otsustasid, et ta ei pääse nende kättemaksuhimulisest haardest enam elusana. 184:3.3 (1982.4) How these chief priests, scribes, Sadducees, and some of the Pharisees flattered themselves that Jesus, the disturber of their position and the challenger of their authority, was now securely in their hands! And they were resolved that he should never live to escape their vengeful clutches.
184:3.4 (1982.5) Tavaliselt arutasid juudid surmanuhtlusega karistatavaid kuritegusid väga ettevaatlikult ning olid tunnistajaid valides ja kohut mõistes täiesti erapooletud. Aga seekord oli Kaifas pigem prokurör kui õiglane kohtunik. 184:3.4 (1982.5) Ordinarily, the Jews, when trying a man on a capital charge, proceeded with great caution and provided every safeguard of fairness in the selection of witnesses and the entire conduct of the trial. But on this occasion, Caiaphas was more of a prosecutor than an unbiased judge.
184:3.5 (1982.6) Jeesus ilmus kohtu ette oma tavalistes rõivastes, käed selja taha seotud. Tema majesteetlik ilme jahmatas kõiki ja viis mõnevõrra segadusse. Nad polnud kunagi varem näinud, et vang on nii rahulik, kui hakatakse tema elu ja surma üle otsustama. 184:3.5 (1982.6) Jesus appeared before this court clothed in his usual garments and with his hands bound together behind his back. The entire court was startled and somewhat confused by his majestic appearance. Never had they gazed upon such a prisoner nor witnessed such composure in a man on trial for his life.
184:3.6 (1982.7) Juudi seaduste kohaselt pidi iga süüdistuse punkti osas olema ühel meelel vähemalt kaks tunnistajat, enne kui vangile võis süüdistuse esitada. Juudast ei saanud Jeesuse vastu tunnistajana kasutada, sest juudi seadused keelasid reeturil tunnistusi anda. Jeesuse vastu oli tunnistama kutsutud üle kahekümne valetunnistaja, kuid nende tunnistused olid nii vastuolulised ja nii ilmselgelt välja mõeldud, et isegi Suurkohtu liikmed tundsid selle etenduse pärast tohutut häbi. Jeesus seisis seal, silmitsedes valevandujaid ülalt alla nii heatahtlikult, et tema näoilme viis valelikud tunnistajad segadusse. Kogu selle aja, kui neid valelikke tunnistusi anti, ei lausunud Meister sõnagi, ta ei vastanud ohtratele valesüüdistustele mitte midagi. 184:3.6 (1982.7) The Jewish law required that at least two witnesses must agree upon any point before a charge could be laid against the prisoner. Judas could not be used as a witness against Jesus because the Jewish law specifically forbade the testimony of a traitor. More than a score of false witnesses were on hand to testify against Jesus, but their testimony was so contradictory and so evidently trumped up that the Sanhedrists themselves were very much ashamed of the performance. Jesus stood there, looking down benignly upon these perjurers, and his very countenance disconcerted the lying witnesses. Throughout all this false testimony the Master never said a word; he made no reply to their many false accusations.
184:3.7 (1982.8) Esimene kord kui kaks tunnistust vähegi kattusid, oli siis, kui paar meest tunnistasid end olevat kuulnud, kuidas Jeesus ütles ühes templijutluses, et ta „hävitab selle kätega loodud templi ja ehitab ilma käte abita kolme päevaga uue templi”. Täpselt nii polnud Jeesus öelnud, ehkki ta oli seda märkust tehes oma kehale osutanud. 184:3.7 (1982.8) The first time any two of their witnesses approached even the semblance of an agreement was when two men testified that they had heard Jesus say in the course of one of his temple discourses that he would “destroy this temple made with hands and in three days make another temple without hands.” That was not exactly what Jesus said, regardless of the fact that he pointed to his own body when he made the remark referred to.
184:3.8 (1982.9) Ülempreester käratas Jeesusele: „Kas sa ei vasta ühelegi neist süüdistustest?”, aga Jeesus ei avanud suud. Ta seisis vaikides, kui kõik need valetunnistajad oma tunnistusi andsid. Valevandujate sõnades oli nii palju vihkamist, fanatismi ja jultunud liialdusi, et nende tunnistused sattusid iseendaga vastuollu. Need valesüüdistused kummutas kõige mõjuvamalt Meistri rahulik ja majesteetlik vaikimine. 184:3.8 (1982.9) Although the high priest shouted at Jesus, “Do you not answer any of these charges?” Jesus opened not his mouth. He stood there in silence while all of these false witnesses gave their testimony. Hatred, fanaticism, and unscrupulous exaggeration so characterized the words of these perjurers that their testimony fell in its own entanglements. The very best refutation of their false accusations was the Master’s calm and majestic silence.
184:3.9 (1983.1) Veidi pärast valetunnistajate tunnistuste algust oli saabunud Hannas ja võtnud istet Kaifase kõrval. Nüüd Hannas tõusis ja teatas, et Jeesuse ähvardusest hävitada tempel piisab kolme süüdistuse esitamiseks tema vastu: 184:3.9 (1983.1) Shortly after the beginning of the testimony of the false witnesses, Annas arrived and took his seat beside Caiaphas. Annas now arose and argued that this threat of Jesus to destroy the temple was sufficient to warrant three charges against him:
184:3.10 (1983.2) 1. ta on rahvale ohtlik laimaja, kes õpetab võimatuid asju ja petab ka muul viisil; 184:3.10 (1983.2) 1. That he was a dangerous traducer of the people. That he taught them impossible things and otherwise deceived them.
184:3.11 (1983.3) 2. ta on fanaatiline mässaja, kes propageerib püha templi vägivallaga vallutamist, sest kuidas muidu saaks ta seda hävitada; 184:3.11 (1983.3) 2. That he was a fanatical revolutionist in that he advocated laying violent hands on the sacred temple, else how could he destroy it?
184:3.12 (1983.4) 3. ta õpetab maagiat, sest on lubanud uue templi üles ehitada ilma käte abita. 184:3.12 (1983.4) 3. That he taught magic inasmuch as he promised to build a new temple, and that without hands.
184:3.13 (1983.5) Suurkohtu täiskogu oli juba tunnistanud Jeesuse süüdi kuritegudes, mis väärisid juudi seaduste järgi surmaotsust, nüüd huvitas neid pigem niisuguste tema käitumise ja õpetustega seotud süüdistuste koostamine, mis annaksid Pilatusele õiguse vangile surmaotsus välja kuulutada. Nad teadsid, et peavad Jeesuse seaduslikuks hukkamiseks Rooma maavalitsejalt nõusoleku saama. Ja Hannas kavatses näidata, et Jeesus on liiga ohtlik, et teda rahva seas õpetada lasta. 184:3.13 (1983.5) Already had the full Sanhedrin agreed that Jesus was guilty of death-deserving transgressions of the Jewish laws, but they were now more concerned with developing charges regarding his conduct and teachings which would justify Pilate in pronouncing the death sentence upon their prisoner. They knew that they must secure the consent of the Roman governor before Jesus could legally be put to death. And Annas was minded to proceed along the line of making it appear that Jesus was a dangerous teacher to be abroad among the people.
184:3.14 (1983.6) Kaifas aga ei suutnud enam vaadata, kuidas Jeesus seal täiesti rahulikult ilma vaikust katkestamata seisab. Ta arvas end teadvat vähemalt üht võimalust, kuidas vang kõnelema panna. Nii tormaski ta Jeesuse juurde ja ütles Meistri näo ees süüdistavalt näppu viibutades: „Ma vannutan sind ütlema meile elava Jumala nimel, kas sa oled Vabastaja, Jumala Poeg.” Jeesus vastas Kaifasele: „Jah, olen. Varsti lähen ma Isa juurde ja peagi antakse Inimese Pojale võim ning ta valitseb taas taevavägede üle.” 184:3.14 (1983.6) But Caiaphas could not longer endure the sight of the Master standing there in perfect composure and unbroken silence. He thought he knew at least one way in which the prisoner might be induced to speak. Accordingly, he rushed over to the side of Jesus and, shaking his accusing finger in the Master’s face, said: “I adjure you, in the name of the living God, that you tell us whether you are the Deliverer, the Son of God.” Jesus answered Caiaphas: “I am. Soon I go to the Father, and presently shall the Son of Man be clothed with power and once more reign over the hosts of heaven.”
184:3.15 (1983.7) Kui ülempreester kuulis Jeesust neid sõnu lausumas, vihastas ta kohutavalt ja hüüdis oma rõivaid rebides: „Kas meil on üldse rohkem tunnistusi vaja? Vaadake, nüüd kuulsite te kõik, kuidas see mees Jumalat teotab. Mida teie arvates selle seaduserikkuja ja jumalateotajaga tuleks teha?” Ja nad kõik vastasid üheskoos: „Ta väärib surma, löödagu ta risti.” 184:3.15 (1983.7) When the high priest heard Jesus utter these words, he was exceedingly angry, and rending his outer garments, he exclaimed: “What further need have we of witnesses? Behold, now have you all heard this man’s blasphemy. What do you now think should be done with this lawbreaker and blasphemer?” And they all answered in unison, “He is worthy of death; let him be crucified.”
184:3.16 (1983.8) Jeesus ei ilmutanud Hannase ja Suurkohtu liikmete ees seistes huvi ühegi küsimuse vastu peale selle, mis puudutas tema annetumismissiooni. Kui küsiti, kas ta on Jumala Poeg, jaatas ta kohe kõhklematult. 184:3.16 (1983.8) Jesus manifested no interest in any question asked him when before Annas or the Sanhedrists except the one question relative to his bestowal mission. When asked if he were the Son of God, he instantly and unequivocally answered in the affirmative.
184:3.17 (1983.9) Hannas soovis kohtuistungit jätkata ja formuleerida selged süüdistused, kuidas Jeesus oli eksinud Rooma seaduste ja Rooma institutsioonide vastu, et need Pilatusele esitada. Nõunikud tahtsid kõigega kiiresti lõpule jõuda, sest oli juba paasapühaks valmistumise päev ja pärast lõunat ei tohtinud mingeid ilmalikke töid teha. Samuti kartsid nad, et Pilatus võib üsna varsti Juudamaa roomlaste pealinna Kaisareasse naasta, sest ta oli tulnud Jeruusalemma ainult paasapüha pidustusteks. 184:3.17 (1983.9) Annas desired that the trial proceed further, and that charges of a definite nature regarding Jesus’ relation to the Roman law and Roman institutions be formulated for subsequent presentation to Pilate. The councilors were anxious to carry these matters to a speedy termination, not only because it was the preparation day for the Passover and no secular work should be done after noon, but also because they feared Pilate might any time return to the Roman capital of Judea, Caesarea, since he was in Jerusalem only for the Passover celebration.
184:3.18 (1983.10) Aga Hannasel ei õnnestunud kohut ohjeldada. Pärast Jeesuse ootamatut vastust Kaifasele astus ülempreester ettepoole ja lõi teda näkku. Hannas oli tõsiselt jahmunud, kui teised kohtu liikmed ruumist väljudes Jeesusele näkku sülitasid ja mõni teda pilkamisi lõi. Ja nii lõppes see Suurkohtu esimene kohtuistung Jeesuse üle kell pool viis korralageduse ja ennekuulmatu segadusega. 184:3.18 (1983.10) But Annas did not succeed in keeping control of the court. After Jesus had so unexpectedly answered Caiaphas, the high priest stepped forward and smote him in the face with his hand. Annas was truly shocked as the other members of the court, in passing out of the room, spit in Jesus’ face, and many of them mockingly slapped him with the palms of their hands. And thus in disorder and with such unheard-of confusion this first session of the Sanhedrist trial of Jesus ended at half past four o’clock.
184:3.19 (1984.1) Kolmkümmend eelarvamustest ja traditsioonidest pimestatud kohtunikku koos oma valetunnistajatega söandasid mõista kohut universumi õiglase Looja üle. Neid kirglikke süüdistajaid ärritas Jumal-inimese majesteetlik vaikimine ja ülev käitumisviis. Tema vaikimist oli kohutav taluda, tema kõne oli kartmatult väljakutsuv. Teda ei kõigutanud nende ähvardused ega heidutanud nende rünnakud. Inimene mõistab Jumala üle kohut, kuid Jumal armastab teda ikkagi ja päästab ta, kui saab. 184:3.19 (1984.1) Thirty prejudiced and tradition-blinded false judges, with their false witnesses, are presuming to sit in judgment on the righteous Creator of a universe. And these impassioned accusers are exasperated by the majestic silence and superb bearing of this God-man. His silence is terrible to endure; his speech is fearlessly defiant. He is unmoved by their threats and undaunted by their assaults. Man sits in judgment on God, but even then he loves them and would save them if he could.
4. Alandamise tund ^top 4. The Hour of Humiliation ^top
184:4.1 (1984.2) Juudi seaduste kohaselt pidi surmaotsuse langetamiseks toimuma kaks kohtuistungit. Teine istung tuli pidada esimesele istungile järgneval päeval, vahepeal pidid kohtu liikmed paastuma ja leinama. Need mehed ei saanud aga Jeesuse surmaotsuse kinnitamiseks järgmist päeva oodata. Nad ootasid ainult ühe tunni. Jeesus jäeti seniks vastuvõtukambrisse templivalvurite valve alla, kes lõbustasid end koos ülempreestri teenritega Inimese Poja häbistamisega igal mõeldaval viisil. Nad pilkasid Jeesust, sülitasid ta peale ja peksid teda julmalt. Nad lõid teda kepiga näkku ja ütlesid: „Kuuluta meile, sina Vabastaja, kes see oli, kes sind lõi.” Vastupanu mitteosutava galilealase teotamine ning julm kohtlemine kestis tervelt tund aega. 184:4.1 (1984.2) The Jewish law required that, in the matter of passing the death sentence, there should be two sessions of the court. This second session was to be held on the day following the first, and the intervening time was to be spent in fasting and mourning by the members of the court. But these men could not await the next day for the confirmation of their decision that Jesus must die. They waited only one hour. In the meantime Jesus was left in the audience chamber in the custody of the temple guards, who, with the servants of the high priest, amused themselves by heaping every sort of indignity upon the Son of Man. They mocked him, spit upon him, and cruelly buffeted him. They would strike him in the face with a rod and then say, “Prophesy to us, you the Deliverer, who it was that struck you.” And thus they went on for one full hour, reviling and mistreating this unresisting man of Galilee.
184:4.2 (1984.3) Sel tunnil, mil Jeesus kannatas traagiliselt harimatute ja kalkide valvurite ning teenrite pilkavat kohtumõistmist, ootas Johannes Sebedeus hirmu tundes üksi kõrvalruumis. Kui need teotused algasid, andis Jeesus Johannesele peanoogutusega märku taanduda. Meister teadis hästi, et kui ta lubaks oma apostlil jääda sellesse ruumi neid alandusi pealt vaatama, tekitaks see Johanneses nii suurt meelepaha, et ta avaldaks nördinud protesti, mis lõpeks tõenäoliselt tema surmaga. 184:4.2 (1984.3) During this tragic hour of suffering and mock trials before the ignorant and unfeeling guards and servants, John Zebedee waited in lonely terror in an adjoining room. When these abuses first started, Jesus indicated to John, by a nod of his head, that he should retire. The Master well knew that, if he permitted his apostle to remain in the room to witness these indignities, John’s resentment would be so aroused as to produce such an outbreak of protesting indignation as would probably result in his death.
184:4.3 (1984.4) Jeesus ei lausunud kogu selle tunni jooksul sõnagi. Lahkele ja tundlikule inimkonna hingele, kes oli isikuliselt seotud kogu selle universumi Jumalaga, polnud tema alandustekarikas midagi kibedamat tollest kohutavast tunnist nende harimatute julmade valvurite ja teenrite võimuses, keda ajendas teda teotama selle niinimetatud Suurkohtu liikmete eeskuju. 184:4.3 (1984.4) Throughout this awful hour Jesus uttered no word. To this gentle and sensitive soul of humankind, joined in personality relationship with the God of all this universe, there was no more bitter portion of his cup of humiliation than this terrible hour at the mercy of these ignorant and cruel guards and servants, who had been stimulated to abuse him by the example of the members of this so-called Sanhedrist court.
184:4.4 (1984.5) Inimsüda ei suuda kujutleda seda nördimusevärinat, mis läbis kogu tohutut universumit, kui taevased intellektid olid tunnistajateks vaatepildile, kuidas nende armastatud Suverään alistus oma harimatute ja eksiteele sattunud loodud-olendite tahtele õnnetu Urantia patust tumestatud sfääril. 184:4.4 (1984.5) The human heart cannot possibly conceive of the shudder of indignation that swept out over a vast universe as the celestial intelligences witnessed this sight of their beloved Sovereign submitting himself to the will of his ignorant and misguided creatures on the sin-darkened sphere of unfortunate Urantia.
184:4.5 (1984.6) Mis loomalik joon on inimeses, et ta tahab solvata ja füüsiliselt rünnata seda, milleni ta vaimselt või intellektuaalselt ei küüni? Pooltsiviliseeritud inimeses on peidus veel kurja jõhkrust, mis püüab end välja valada nende peale, kes on targemad ja vaimselt kõrgemal tasemel. Jälgige nende pealtnäha tsiviliseeritud inimeste pahelist labasust ja jõhkrat raevukust, kui nad vastupanu mitteosutava Inimese Poja füüsilisest ründamisest loomalikku rõõmu tundsid. Kui need solvangud, mõnitused ja löögid Jeesust tabasid, ei kaitsnud ta end, kuid polnud sugugi kaitsetu. Jeesusest ei saadud võitu, ta lihtsalt ei võidelnud ainelises mõttes. 184:4.5 (1984.6) What is this trait of the animal in man which leads him to want to insult and physically assault that which he cannot spiritually attain or intellectually achieve? In the half-civilized man there still lurks an evil brutality which seeks to vent itself upon those who are superior in wisdom and spiritual attainment. Witness the evil coarseness and the brutal ferocity of these supposedly civilized men as they derived a certain form of animal pleasure from this physical attack upon the unresisting Son of Man. As these insults, taunts, and blows fell upon Jesus, he was undefending but not defenseless. Jesus was not vanquished, merely uncontending in the material sense.
184:4.6 (1985.1) Need hetked on Meistri suurimad võidud kogu tema pika ja sündmusrikka elujärgu jooksul hiiglasuure ja kaugeleulatuva universumi loojana, alalhoidjana ja päästjana. Elanud kogu täiuses Jumala inimesele ilmutamise elu, tegeleb Jeesus nüüd inimese uue ja enneolematu ilmutamisega Jumalale. Jeesus ilmutab praegu maailmadele, et kõik kartused loodud-olendi isiksuse eraldatuse pärast on lõplikult võidetud. Inimese Poeg on lõpuks teostanud oma identiteedi Jumala Pojana. Jeesus ei kõhkle tunnistamast, et tema ja Isa on üks. Selle ülima taevaliku kogemuse fakti ja tõe põhjal manitseb ta igat taevariigisse uskujat saama temaga üheks, nii nagu tema ja ta Isa on üks. Jeesuse religiooni elav kogemine saab sel moel kindlaks viisiks, kuidas vaimselt eraldatud ja kosmoses üksildased maised surelikud võivad pääseda isiksuse eraldatusest ja kõigist selle tagajärgedest, hirmu ja abitusega kaasnevatest tunnetest. Taevariigi vennalikes reaalsustes leiavad Jumala usupojad lõpliku pääsemise oma mina isiklikust ja planeedi tasemel eraldatusest. Jumalat tundev uskuja kogeb universumi tasandil üha enam vaimse ühiskonnastumise ekstaasi ja suurust — kõrguste kodaniku seisust koos tema jumalikuks sihiks oleva täiuslikkuse igavese teostumisega. 184:4.6 (1985.1) These are the moments of the Master’s greatest victories in all his long and eventful career as maker, upholder, and savior of a vast and far-flung universe. Having lived to the full a life of revealing God to man, Jesus is now engaged in making a new and unprecedented revelation of man to God. Jesus is now revealing to the worlds the final triumph over all fears of creature personality isolation. The Son of Man has finally achieved the realization of identity as the Son of God. Jesus does not hesitate to assert that he and the Father are one; and on the basis of the fact and truth of that supreme and supernal experience, he admonishes every kingdom believer to become one with him even as he and his Father are one. The living experience in the religion of Jesus thus becomes the sure and certain technique whereby the spiritually isolated and cosmically lonely mortals of earth are enabled to escape personality isolation, with all its consequences of fear and associated feelings of helplessness. In the fraternal realities of the kingdom of heaven the faith sons of God find final deliverance from the isolation of the self, both personal and planetary. The God-knowing believer increasingly experiences the ecstasy and grandeur of spiritual socialization on a universe scale—citizenship on high in association with the eternal realization of the divine destiny of perfection attainment.
5. Teine kohtuistung ^top 5. The Second Meeting of the Court ^top
184:5.1 (1985.2) Kohus tuli uuesti kokku kell pool kuus ja Jeesus viidi kõrvalruumi, kus teda ootas Johannes. Siin valvasid Jeesust Rooma sõdur ja templivalvurid, samal ajal kui kohus sõnastas Pilatusele esitatavaid süüdistusi. Hannas selgitas oma kaaslastele, et jumala teotamise süüdistusel poleks Pilatuse silmis kaalu. Ka Juudas viibis teisel kohtuistungil, kuid ei esinenud tunnistusega. 184:5.1 (1985.2) At five-thirty o’clock the court reassembled, and Jesus was led into the adjoining room, where John was waiting. Here the Roman soldier and the temple guards watched over Jesus while the court began the formulation of the charges which were to be presented to Pilate. Annas made it clear to his associates that the charge of blasphemy would carry no weight with Pilate. Judas was present during this second meeting of the court, but he gave no testimony.
184:5.2 (1985.3) See kohtuistung kestis ainult pool tundi ja kui kuulutati välja vaheaeg, et Pilatuse ette minna, oli kohtul valmis kolmeosaline süüdistus Jeesusele surmanuhtluse määramiseks: 184:5.2 (1985.3) This session of the court lasted only a half hour, and when they adjourned to go before Pilate, they had drawn up the indictment of Jesus, as being worthy of death, under three heads:
184:5.3 (1985.4) 1. Jeesus on juudi rahva rikkuja: ta petab rahvast ja õhutab teda mässule; 184:5.3 (1985.4) 1. That he was a perverter of the Jewish nation; he deceived the people and incited them to rebellion.
184:5.4 (1985.5) 2. ta käskis rahval keelduda keisrile andamit maksmast; 184:5.4 (1985.5) 2. That he taught the people to refuse to pay tribute to Caesar.
184:5.5 (1985.6) 3. ta õhutas rahvast reetma keisrit, väites end olevat kuninga ja mingi uue kuningriigi rajaja. 184:5.5 (1985.6) 3. That, by claiming to be a king and the founder of a new sort of kingdom, he incited treason against the emperor.
184:5.6 (1985.7) Kogu see menetlus oli erakorraline ja täielikus vastuolus juudi seadustega. Seni polnud veel üheski asjas antud kaht ühesugust tunnistust, välja arvatud tunnistus Jeesuse väite kohta, mis puudutas templi hävitamist ja kolme päevaga uuesti ülesehitamist. Ja isegi selle tunnistuse puhul ei esinenud keegi kaitsekõnega ega küsitud ka Jeesuselt tolle väite tähenduse kohta selgitust. 184:5.6 (1985.7) This entire procedure was irregular and wholly contrary to the Jewish laws. No two witnesses had agreed on any matter except those who testified regarding Jesus’ statement about destroying the temple and raising it again in three days. And even concerning that point, no witnesses spoke for the defense, and neither was Jesus asked to explain his intended meaning.
184:5.7 (1985.8) Ainus punkt, milles kohus oleks saanud tema üle järjekindlalt kohut mõista, oli jumalateotus, ja isegi selles osas oleks tuginetud täielikult ainult tema enda tunnistusele. Isegi jumalateotuse küsimuses ei toimunud surmaotsuse langetamiseks ametlikku hääletust. 184:5.7 (1985.8) The only point the court could have consistently judged him on was that of blasphemy, and that would have rested entirely on his own testimony. Even concerning blasphemy, they failed to cast a formal ballot for the death sentence.
184:5.8 (1985.9) Nüüd aga julgesid nad sõnastada kolm süüdistust, millega Pilatuse ette minna, polnud ära kuulatud ühtki tunnistajat ja olid nende osas kokku leppinud süüdistatava juuresolekuta. Selle istungi ajal lahkus kolm variseri, kes tahtsid küll Jeesust hävitada, kuid ei soovinud sõnastada temavastaseid süüdistusi ilma tunnistajateta ja süüdistatava enda kohalolekuta. 184:5.8 (1985.9) And now they presumed to formulate three charges, with which to go before Pilate, on which no witnesses had been heard, and which were agreed upon while the accused prisoner was absent. When this was done, three of the Pharisees took their leave; they wanted to see Jesus destroyed, but they would not formulate charges against him without witnesses and in his absence.
184:5.9 (1986.1) Jeesus ei ilmunudki enam Suurkohtu ette. Nad ei tahtnud talle silma vaadata, kui otsustasid tema süütu elu üle. Jeesus sai (inimesena) nende ametlikest süüdistustest teada alles siis, kui Pilatus need talle ette luges. 184:5.9 (1986.1) Jesus did not again appear before the Sanhedrist court. They did not want again to look upon his face as they sat in judgment upon his innocent life. Jesus did not know (as a man) of their formal charges until he heard them recited by Pilate.
184:5.10 (1986.2) Kui Jeesus oli Johannese ja valvuritega kõrvalruumis ning kohus oma teist istungit pidas, tulid mõned ülempreestri lossi naised koos sõpradega iseäralikku vangi vaatama ja üks neist küsis: „Kas sa oled messias, Inimese Poeg?” Ja Jeesus vastas: „Kui ma teile seda ütlen, siis te ei usu, ja kui ma teilt küsin, siis te ei vasta.” 184:5.10 (1986.2) While Jesus was in the room with John and the guards, and while the court was in its second session, some of the women about the high priest’s palace, together with their friends, came to look upon the strange prisoner, and one of them asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?” And Jesus answered: “If I tell you, you will not believe me; and if I ask you, you will not answer.”
184:5.11 (1986.3) Samal hommikul kell kuus viidi Jeesus Kaifase majast Pilatuse ette, et too kinnitaks surmaotsuse, mille Suurkohus oli nii ebaõiglaselt ja korravastaselt määranud. 184:5.11 (1986.3) At six o’clock that morning Jesus was led forth from the home of Caiaphas to appear before Pilate for confirmation of the sentence of death which this Sanhedrist court had so unjustly and irregularly decreed.