183. Kiri Paper 183
Jeesuse äraandmine ja vahistamine The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
183:0.1 (1971.1) KUI Jeesus oli Peetruse, Jaakobuse ja Johannese lõpuks äratanud, soovitas ta neil minna oma telkidesse ning püüda ennast järgmise päeva kohustuste täitmiseks välja puhata. Kuid selleks ajaks olid kolm apostlit juba täiesti ärkvel. Lühike tukastus oli neid värskendanud, peale selle virgutas neid kahe erutatud sõnumitooja saabumine, kes küsisid Taavet Sebedeuse järele ja läksid kiiresti teda otsima, kui Peetrus oli neile öelnud, kus too valvet peab. 183:0.1 (1971.1) AFTER Jesus had finally awakened Peter, James, and John, he suggested that they go to their tents and seek sleep in preparation for the duties of the morrow. But by this time the three apostles were wide awake; they had been refreshed by their short naps, and besides, they were stimulated and aroused by the arrival on the scene of two excited messengers who inquired for David Zebedee and quickly went in quest of him when Peter informed them where he kept watch.
183:0.2 (1971.2) Kaheksa apostlit magasid küll sügavalt, kuid nende kõrval laagris elavad kreeklased tundsid ebameeldivuste ees suuremat hirmu, isegi sedavõrd, et olid valvuri välja pannud, kes ohu tekkides häiret tõstaks. Kui kaks sõnumitoojat laagrisse kiirustasid, äratas kreeklaste valvur kõik oma kaasmaalased ja neid hakkas telkidest välja voolama, kõik täiesti riides ja relvastatud. Nüüd oli ärganud juba kogu laager, magasid ainult kaheksa apostlit. Peetrus tahtis oma kaaslasi kutsuda, kuid Jeesus keelas selle kindlalt ära. Meister manitses leebelt neid kõiki telkidesse tagasi minema, aga nad ei võtnud tema soovitust kuulda. 183:0.2 (1971.2) Although eight of the apostles were sound asleep, the Greeks who were encamped alongside them were more fearful of trouble, so much so that they had posted a sentinel to give the alarm in case danger should arise. When these two messengers hurried into camp, the Greek sentinel proceeded to arouse all of his fellow countrymen, who streamed forth from their tents, fully dressed and fully armed. All the camp was now aroused except the eight apostles. Peter desired to call his associates, but Jesus definitely forbade him. The Master mildly admonished them all to return to their tents, but they were reluctant to comply with his suggestion.
183:0.3 (1971.3) Et Meistril ei õnnestunud oma poolehoidjaid laiali saata, jättis ta nad sinna ja kõndis Ketsemani pargi sissepääsu juures oleva oliivipressi juurde. Kolm apostlit, kreeklased ja teised laagrielanikud kõhklesid, kas minna temaga kaasa, kuid Johannes Markus läks kiiruga oliivipuude vahelt ringi ja peitis end väikesesse kuuri oliivipressi lähedal. Jeesus eemaldus laagrist ja oma sõpradest, et saabuvad vahistajad võiksid ta apostleid häirimata kinni võtta. Meister kartis, et kui apostlid on ärkvel ja viibivad tema vahistamise juures, võib Juuda reetlikkuse nägemine neis nii suurt vaenu tekitada, et nad osutavad sõduritele vastupanu, mille tagajärjel vangistatakse nad koos temaga. Ta kartis, et kui neid koos temaga vahistatakse, võivad nad ka koos temaga hukka saada. 183:0.3 (1971.3) Failing to disperse his followers, the Master left them and walked down toward the olive press near the entrance to Gethsemane Park. Although the three apostles, the Greeks, and the other members of the camp hesitated immediately to follow him, John Mark hastened around through the olive trees and secreted himself in a small shed near the olive press. Jesus withdrew from the camp and from his friends in order that his apprehenders, when they arrived, might arrest him without disturbing his apostles. The Master feared to have his apostles awake and present at the time of his arrest lest the spectacle of Judas’s betraying him should so arouse their animosity that they would offer resistance to the soldiers and would be taken into custody with him. He feared that, if they should be arrested with him, they might also perish with him.
183:0.4 (1971.4) Jeesus küll teadis, et tema surmamise plaan oli alguse saanud juudi valitsejate nõukogudes, kuid oli teadlik ka sellest, et kõigil niisugustel nurjatutel plaanidel on Luciferi, Saatana ja Caligastia täielik heakskiit. Ja ta teadis hästi, et need maailmade mässajad näeksid hea meelega, et kõik apostlid koos temaga hävitataks. 183:0.4 (1971.4) Though Jesus knew that the plan for his death had its origin in the councils of the rulers of the Jews, he was also aware that all such nefarious schemes had the full approval of Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia. And he well knew that these rebels of the realms would also be pleased to see all of the apostles destroyed with him.
183:0.5 (1971.5) Jeesus istus üksi oliivipressil, oodates reeturi tulekut, ja teda nägid seal ainult Johannes Markus ning taevaste pealtvaatajate loendamatud hulgad. 183:0.5 (1971.5) Jesus sat down, alone, on the olive press, where he awaited the coming of the betrayer, and he was seen at this time only by John Mark and an innumerable host of celestial observers.
1. Isa tahe ^top 1. The Father’s Will ^top
183:1.1 (1971.6) On suur oht, et Meistri maise elujärgu lõppemisega seotud arvukate ütluste ja paljude sündmuste tähendust võidakse vääriti mõista. Jeesuse julma kohtlemist harimatute teenrite ja kalestunud sõdurite poolt, ebaõiglast kohtumõistmist tema üle ja end usujuhtideks pidanud isikute tundetut suhtumist ei tohi seostada asjaoluga, et kannatliku alistumisega kõigile neile kannatustele ja alandustele täitis Jeesus tegelikult Paradiisi-Isa tahet. See oli tõesti ja tõepoolest Isa tahe, et tema Poeg jooks sureliku kogemuse karika põhjani, sünnist surmani, kuid taevane Isa polnud kuidagi seotud nende pealtnäha tsiviliseeritud inimolendite barbaarse käitumisega, kes nii jõhkralt Meistrit piinasid ja tema vastupanu mitteosutavat isiksust järjepanu nii kohutavate alandustega koormasid. Need ebainimlikud ja vapustavad kogemused, mida Jeesusel tuli oma sureliku elu lõputundidel taluda, ei vastanud mitte kuidagi Isa jumalikule tahtele, mida Jeesuse inimloomus oli nii võidukalt tõotanud täita, kui tema inimolemus alistus lõplikult Jumalale, millest andis tunnistust see kolmekordne palve aias, kui väsinud apostlid magasid füüsilise kurnatuse und. 183:1.1 (1971.6) There is great danger of misunderstanding the meaning of numerous sayings and many events associated with the termination of the Master’s career in the flesh. The cruel treatment of Jesus by the ignorant servants and the calloused soldiers, the unfair conduct of his trials, and the unfeeling attitude of the professed religious leaders, must not be confused with the fact that Jesus, in patiently submitting to all this suffering and humiliation, was truly doing the will of the Father in Paradise. It was, indeed and in truth, the will of the Father that his Son should drink to the full the cup of mortal experience, from birth to death, but the Father in heaven had nothing whatever to do with instigating the barbarous behavior of those supposedly civilized human beings who so brutally tortured the Master and so horribly heaped successive indignities upon his nonresisting person. These inhuman and shocking experiences which Jesus was called upon to endure in the final hours of his mortal life were not in any sense a part of the divine will of the Father, which his human nature had so triumphantly pledged to carry out at the time of the final surrender of man to God as signified in the threefold prayer which he indited in the garden while his weary apostles slept the sleep of physical exhaustion.
183:1.2 (1972.1) Taevane Isa soovis, et tema annetuv Poeg lõpetaks oma maise elujärgu loomulikul teel, nii nagu kõik surelikud peavad oma elu maa peal lõpetama. Tavalised mehed ja naised ei saa loota, et nende maise elu viimaseid tunde ja vahepealset surmaepisoodi kergendaks mingi eriline kaitselmus. Seepärast otsustas ka Jeesus lahkuda oma maisest elust kooskõlas sündmuste loomuliku kuluga ja keeldus kangekaelselt vabastamast end nende ebainimlike sündmuste julmast haardest, mis kohutava järjekindlusega teda uskumatult suurte alanduste ja häbiväärse surma poole kihutasid. Ning see üllatav viha- ja julmuseväljendus oli täielikult vaid paheliste inimeste ja kurjade surelike kätetöö. Jumal taevas ei tahtnud seda, samuti ei dikteerinud seda Jeesuse põlisvaenlased, ehkki nad aitasid väga palju kaasa, et mõtlematud ja pahelised surelikud annetuva Poja niimoodi tagasi lükkaksid. Ristilöömise talumatult koledalt vaatepildilt pööras oma palge ära isegi patu isa. 183:1.2 (1972.1) The Father in heaven desired the bestowal Son to finish his earth career naturally, just as all mortals must finish up their lives on earth and in the flesh. Ordinary men and women cannot expect to have their last hours on earth and the supervening episode of death made easy by a special dispensation. Accordingly, Jesus elected to lay down his life in the flesh in the manner which was in keeping with the outworking of natural events, and he steadfastly refused to extricate himself from the cruel clutches of a wicked conspiracy of inhuman events which swept on with horrible certainty toward his unbelievable humiliation and ignominious death. And every bit of all this astounding manifestation of hatred and this unprecedented demonstration of cruelty was the work of evil men and wicked mortals. God in heaven did not will it, neither did the archenemies of Jesus dictate it, though they did much to insure that unthinking and evil mortals would thus reject the bestowal Son. Even the father of sin turned his face away from the excruciating horror of the scene of the crucifixion.
2. Juudas linnas ^top 2. Judas in the City ^top
183:2.1 (1972.2) Kui Juudas viimsel õhtusöömaajal nii äkki lauast lahkus, läks ta oma nõbu majja, kust need kaks siirdusid otseteed templivalvurite kapteni juurde. Juudas palus kaptenil valvurid kokku kutsuda ja teatas talle, et on valmis nad Jeesuse juurde juhatama. Et Juudas oli jõudnud kohale oodatust varem, läks veidi aega, enne kui hakati liikuma Markuse maja poole, kus Juudas arvas Jeesust veel apostlitega vestlevat. Meister oli koos üheteistkümne apostliga Eelija Markuse majast lahkunud tervelt viisteist minutit enne reeturi ja valvurite saabumist. Kui vahistajad Markuse majja jõudsid, oli Jeesus koos üheteistkümne apostliga juba ammu linnamüüride vahelt väljas, teel Õlimäele oma laagrisse. 183:2.1 (1972.2) After Judas so abruptly left the table while eating the Last Supper, he went directly to the home of his cousin, and then did the two go straight to the captain of the temple guards. Judas requested the captain to assemble the guards and informed him that he was ready to lead them to Jesus. Judas having appeared on the scene a little before he was expected, there was some delay in getting started for the Mark home, where Judas expected to find Jesus still visiting with the apostles. The Master and the eleven left the home of Elijah Mark fully fifteen minutes before the betrayer and the guards arrived. By the time the apprehenders reached the Mark home, Jesus and the eleven were well outside the walls of the city and on their way to the Olivet camp.
183:2.2 (1972.3) Juudast häiris väga, et ta ei leidnud Jeesust Markuse majast üheteistkümne apostli seltsist, kellest vaid kaks olid vastupanu osutamiseks relvastunud. Ta teadis juhtumisi, et kui nad olid pärastlõunal laagrist lahkunud, oli mõõk olnud vööl ainult Siimon Peetrusel ja seloot Siimonil; Juudas oli lootnud tabada Jeesuse ajal, mil linn on vaikne ja vastupanu osutamine vähetõenäoline. Reetur pelgas, et kui ta ootab nende laagrisse tagasipöördumiseni, võtab neid seal vastu enam kui kuuskümmend pühendunud jüngrit, ning ta teadis, et seloot Siimonil on suur relvavaru. Mõte sellest, kuidas üksteist ustavat apostlit teda põlata võivad, tegi Juuda üha närvilisemaks, ta kartis, et nad püüavad teda tappa. Peale selle, et ta oli truudusetu, oli ta südames ka tõeline argpüks. 183:2.2 (1972.3) Judas was much perturbed by this failure to find Jesus at the Mark residence and in the company of eleven men, only two of whom were armed for resistance. He happened to know that, in the afternoon when they had left camp, only Simon Peter and Simon Zelotes were girded with swords; Judas had hoped to take Jesus when the city was quiet, and when there was little chance of resistance. The betrayer feared that, if he waited for them to return to their camp, more than threescore of devoted disciples would be encountered, and he also knew that Simon Zelotes had an ample store of arms in his possession. Judas was becoming increasingly nervous as he meditated how the eleven loyal apostles would detest him, and he feared they would all seek to destroy him. He was not only disloyal, but he was a real coward at heart.
183:2.3 (1973.1) Kui mehed Jeesust ülakambrist ei leidnud, palus Juudas valvurite kaptenil templisse tagasi pöörduda. Selleks ajaks olid valitsejad hakanud Jeesuse vastuvõtmiseks ülempreestri majja kogunema, sest reeturiga oli sõlmitud kokkulepe, et Jeesus vahistatakse keskööl. Juudas selgitas oma kaaslastele, et kuna nad polnud Jeesust Markuse majas tabanud, tuleb minna tema vahistamiseks Ketsemani. Reetur lisas, et Jeesusega koos elab laagris üle kuuekümne pühendunud poolehoidja, kes on kõik hästi relvastatud. Juutide valitsejad tuletasid Juudale meelde, et Jeesus on alati mittevastupanu jutlustanud, kuid Juudas vastas, et nad ei saa loota, et kõik Jeesuse poolehoidjad sellele õpetusele kuuletuvad. Ta kartis tõesti enda elu pärast ja söandas seepärast küsida kaasa nelikümmend relvastatud sõdurit. Et juudi ametivõimudel alluvuses nii suurt relvajõudu polnud, läksid nad kohe Antonia kindlusesse ja palusid Rooma komtuuri anda nende käsutusse kaitsemeeskond. Kui too kuulis, et nad kavatsevad Jeesust vahistada, keeldus ta pikema jututa nende palvet täitmast ja saatis nad oma ülemuse juurde. Nii kulus ametivõimude vahet käies enam kui tund, kuni oldi lõpuks sunnitud minema Pilatuse enda jutule, et saada luba Rooma relvastatud valvesõdureid kasutada. Kui nad Pilatuse majja jõudsid, oli juba hilja ja Pilatus oli koos naisega oma eraruumidesse siirdunud. Pilatus ei tahtnud end hästi selle ettevõtmisega siduda, pealegi palus tema naine tal seda palvet mitte täita. Et aga juudi Suurkohtu eesistuja oli ise kohal ja isiklikult abi küsis, pidas maavalitseja targemaks palve rahuldada, arvates, et ta võib hiljem kõik nende võimalikud vead parandada. 183:2.3 (1973.1) When they failed to find Jesus in the upper chamber, Judas asked the captain of the guard to return to the temple. By this time the rulers had begun to assemble at the high priest’s home preparatory to receiving Jesus, seeing that their bargain with the traitor called for Jesus’ arrest by midnight of that day. Judas explained to his associates that they had missed Jesus at the Mark home, and that it would be necessary to go to Gethsemane to arrest him. The betrayer then went on to state that more than threescore devoted followers were encamped with him, and that they were all well armed. The rulers of the Jews reminded Judas that Jesus had always preached nonresistance, but Judas replied that they could not depend upon all Jesus’ followers obeying such teaching. He really feared for himself and therefore made bold to ask for a company of forty armed soldiers. Since the Jewish authorities had no such force of armed men under their jurisdiction, they went at once to the fortress of Antonia and requested the Roman commander to give them this guard; but when he learned that they intended to arrest Jesus, he promptly refused to accede to their request and referred them to his superior officer. In this way more than an hour was consumed in going from one authority to another until they finally were compelled to go to Pilate himself in order to obtain permission to employ the armed Roman guards. It was late when they arrived at Pilate’s house, and he had retired to his private chambers with his wife. He hesitated to have anything to do with the enterprise, all the more so since his wife had asked him not to grant the request. But inasmuch as the presiding officer of the Jewish Sanhedrin was present and making personal request for this assistance, the governor thought it wise to grant the petition, thinking he could later on right any wrong they might be disposed to commit.
183:2.4 (1973.2) Niisiis, kui Juudas Iskariot kella poole kaheteistkümne paiku templist teele asus, oli tal kaasas üle kuuekümne inimese — templivalvurid, Rooma sõdurid ning ülempreestrite ja valitsejate uudishimulikud teenrid. 183:2.4 (1973.2) Accordingly, when Judas Iscariot started out from the temple, about half after eleven o’clock, he was accompanied by more than sixty persons—temple guards, Roman soldiers, and curious servants of the chief priests and rulers.
3. Meistri vahistamine ^top 3. The Master’s Arrest ^top
183:3.1 (1973.3) Kui see relvastatud sõduritest ja valvuritest koosnev inimrühm tõrvikuid ja laternaid kandes aiale lähenes, astus Juudas tükk maad teistest eespool, valmis Jeesusele osutama, et vahistajad saaksid ta ruttu kinni võtta, enne kui Jeesuse kaaslased jõuavad end koguda ja Meistrit kaitsma asuda. Oli veel üks põhjus, miks Juudas soovis Meistri vaenlastest eespool kõndida: reetur arvas, et kui ta ilmub kohale enne sõdureid, siis ei seosta apostlid ja Jeesuse ümber kogunenud jüngrid teda võib-olla otseselt nende relvastatud valvesõduritega, kes kohe ta kannul saabuvad. Juudas oli isegi kavatsenud jätta mulje, nagu oleks ta kiirustanud neid vahistajate saabumise eest hoiatama, kuid Jeesuse hävitav tervitus nurjas selle kava. Meister rääkis Juudaga küll lahkelt, kuid tervitas teda kui reeturit. 183:3.1 (1973.3) As this company of armed soldiers and guards, carrying torches and lanterns, approached the garden, Judas stepped well out in front of the band that he might be ready quickly to identify Jesus so that the apprehenders could easily lay hands on him before his associates could rally to his defense. And there was yet another reason why Judas chose to be ahead of the Master’s enemies: He thought it would appear that he had arrived on the scene ahead of the soldiers so that the apostles and others gathered about Jesus might not directly connect him with the armed guards following so closely upon his heels. Judas had even thought to pose as having hastened out to warn them of the coming of the apprehenders, but this plan was thwarted by Jesus’ blighting greeting of the betrayer. Though the Master spoke to Judas kindly, he greeted him as a traitor.
183:3.2 (1973.4) Niipea kui Peetrus, Jaakobus ja Johannes koos veel ligikaudu kolmekümne laagrielanikuga nägid relvastatud rühma tõrvikutega üle mäeharja tulemas, teadsid nad, et sõdurid saabuvad Jeesust vahistama. Kõik tormasid oliivipressi juurde, kus Meister üksi kuuvalguses istus. Sõduriterühm lähenes ühelt poolt, kolm apostlit oma kaaslastega teiselt poolt. Kui Juudas astus ette, et Meistrit kõnetada, seisid need kaks rühma liikumatult, Meister nende vahel, ja Juudas valmistus tema laubale reeturisuudlust suruma. 183:3.2 (1973.4) As soon as Peter, James, and John, with some thirty of their fellow campers, saw the armed band with torches swing around the brow of the hill, they knew that these soldiers were coming to arrest Jesus, and they all rushed down to near the olive press where the Master was sitting in moonlit solitude. As the company of soldiers approached on one side, the three apostles and their associates approached on the other. As Judas strode forward to accost the Master, there the two groups stood, motionless, with the Master between them and Judas making ready to impress the traitorous kiss upon his brow.
183:3.3 (1974.1) Reetur oli lootnud, et ta võib pärast valvesõdurite Ketsemani juhatamist lihtsalt Jeesusele osutada või teda pelga suudlusega tervitada, nagu kokku lepitud, et siis sündmuspaigalt kiiresti kaduda. Juudas kartis väga, et kõik apostlid on kohal ja ründavad just teda, sest ta oli julgenud nende armastatud õpetaja reeta. Kui aga Meister teda kui reeturit tervitas, sattus ta nii suurde segadusse, et ei püüdnudki põgeneda. 183:3.3 (1974.1) It had been the hope of the betrayer that he could, after leading the guards to Gethsemane, simply point Jesus out to the soldiers, or at most carry out the promise to greet him with a kiss, and then quickly retire from the scene. Judas greatly feared that the apostles would all be present, and that they would concentrate their attack upon him in retribution for his daring to betray their beloved teacher. But when the Master greeted him as a betrayer, he was so confused that he made no attempt to flee.
183:3.4 (1974.2) Jeesus tegi veel viimase katse päästa Juudas tegelikust reetmisest — enne kui reetur temani jõudis, astus ta kõrvale ja küsis kõige vasakpoolsemalt sõdurilt, roomlaste kaptenilt: „Keda te otsite?” Kapten vastas: „Jeesus Naatsaretlast.” Jeesus astus kohe ohvitseri ette ning ütles, seistes seal kogu loodu Jumala rahuliku majesteetlikkusega: „Mina see olengi.” Paljud sellest relvastatud rühmast olid kuulnud Jeesust templis õpetamas, ülejäänud teadsid tema imetegudest. Kui ta nüüd nii julgelt ennast tutvustas, hakkasid esiridades olijad äkki taganema. Tema rahulik ja majesteetlik käitumine üllatas neid. Seepärast poleks Juudal olnud vaja oma reetmisplaani jätkata. Meister oli end julgelt oma vaenlastele üles andnud ja nad oleksid võinud ta ka ilma Juuda abita kinni võtta. Aga reetur pidi millegagi oma saabumist koos selle relvastatud rühmaga õigustama, pealegi tahtis ta näidata, et mängib selles juutide juhtidega sõlmitud vandenõus oma osa, sest soovis omandada õigust suurele tasule ja aule, mida lootis Jeesuse üles andmise eest kuhjaga saada. 183:3.4 (1974.2) Jesus made one last effort to save Judas from actually betraying him in that, before the traitor could reach him, he stepped to one side and, addressing the foremost soldier on the left, the captain of the Romans, said, “Whom do you seek?” The captain answered, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Then Jesus stepped up immediately in front of the officer and, standing there in the calm majesty of the God of all this creation, said, “I am he.” Many of this armed band had heard Jesus teach in the temple, others had learned about his mighty works, and when they heard him thus boldly announce his identity, those in the front ranks fell suddenly backward. They were overcome with surprise at his calm and majestic announcement of identity. There was, therefore, no need for Judas to go on with his plan of betrayal. The Master had boldly revealed himself to his enemies, and they could have taken him without Judas’s assistance. But the traitor had to do something to account for his presence with this armed band, and besides, he wanted to make a show of carrying out his part of the betrayal bargain with the rulers of the Jews in order to be eligible for the great reward and honors which he believed would be heaped upon him in compensation for his promise to deliver Jesus into their hands.
183:3.5 (1974.3) Kui valvesõdurid olid ennast pärast Jeesuse nägemisest ja tema ebatavalise hääle kõla kuulmisest põhjustatud esmast segadust kogunud ning apostlid ja jüngrid lähemale tulnud, astus Juudas Jeesuse juurde, suudles teda laubale ja ütles: „Tere, Meister ja Õpetaja.” Ja kui Juudas oma Meistrit embas, ütles Jeesus: „Sõber, kas ei piisa sellest, et sa seda teed? Pidid sa Inimese Poja veel ka suudlusega reetma?” 183:3.5 (1974.3) As the guards rallied from their first faltering at the sight of Jesus and at the sound of his unusual voice, and as the apostles and disciples drew nearer, Judas stepped up to Jesus and, placing a kiss upon his brow, said, “Hail, Master and Teacher.” And as Judas thus embraced his Master, Jesus said, “Friend, is it not enough to do this! Would you even betray the Son of Man with a kiss?”
183:3.6 (1974.4) Apostlid ja jüngrid olid nähtust jahmunud. Hetkeks olid kõik nagu paigale tardunud. Siis vabastas Jeesus end Juuda reeturiembusest, astus valvurite ja sõdurite juurde ning küsis uuesti: „Keda te otsite?” Ja kapten vastas uuesti: „Jeesus Naatsaretlast”. Ja Jeesus vastas uuesti: „Ma ju ütlesin teile, et mina see olengi. Kui te mind otsite, siis laske teistel minna. Olen valmis teiega kaasa tulema.” 183:3.6 (1974.4) The apostles and disciples were literally stunned by what they saw. For a moment no one moved. Then Jesus, disengaging himself from the traitorous embrace of Judas, stepped up to the guards and soldiers and again asked, “Whom do you seek?” And again the captain said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” And again answered Jesus: “I have told you that I am he. If, therefore, you seek me, let these others go their way. I am ready to go with you.”
183:3.7 (1974.5) Jeesus oli valmis valvesõduritega Jeruusalemma minema ning sõdurite kaptenil polnud midagi selle vastu, et kolm apostlit ja nende kaaslased rahus minema lasta. Ent enne kui nad said minema hakata ja Jeesus seisis kapteni edasisi käske oodates, astus ülempreestri süürlasest ihukaitsja Malkus Meistri juurde, et ta käed selja taha siduda, ehkki Rooma kapten polnud käskinud seda teha. Kui Peetrus ja tema kaaslased nägid, et nende Meistrit niimoodi häbistatakse, ei suutnud nad enam end vaos hoida. Peetrus tõmbas mõõga välja ja tormas koos teistega Malkusele kallale. Aga enne, kui sõdurid ülempreestri teenrile appi jõudsid, peatas Jeesus Peetruse keelava käetõstega ja ütles karmilt: „Peetrus, pane mõõk ära. Kes mõõga haarab, see mõõga läbi langeb. Kas sa ei saa aru, see on Isa tahe, et ma sellest karikast joon? Ja kas sa ei tea, et ma võiksin praegugi anda käsu enam kui kaheteistkümnele inglite ja nende kaaslaste leegionile, et nad mind selle väikese rühma käest päästaksid?” 183:3.7 (1974.5) Jesus was ready to go back to Jerusalem with the guards, and the captain of the soldiers was altogether willing to allow the three apostles and their associates to go their way in peace. But before they were able to get started, as Jesus stood there awaiting the captain’s orders, one Malchus, the Syrian bodyguard of the high priest, stepped up to Jesus and made ready to bind his hands behind his back, although the Roman captain had not directed that Jesus should be thus bound. When Peter and his associates saw their Master being subjected to this indignity, they were no longer able to restrain themselves. Peter drew his sword and with the others rushed forward to smite Malchus. But before the soldiers could come to the defense of the high priest’s servant, Jesus raised a forbidding hand to Peter and, speaking sternly, said: “Peter, put up your sword. They who take the sword shall perish by the sword. Do you not understand that it is the Father’s will that I drink this cup? And do you not further know that I could even now command more than twelve legions of angels and their associates, who would deliver me from the hands of these few men?”
183:3.8 (1975.1) Jeesus tegi küll oma poolehoidjate füüsilisele vastupanukatsele tõhusalt lõpu, kuid valvurite kaptenil oli hirm hakanud ja ta võttis koos sõduritega Jeesusest kõvasti kinni ning sidus ta kiiresti köidikuisse. Ning sel ajal, kui nad ta käsi tugevate nööridega sidusid, küsis Jeesus: „Miks te piirate mind mõõkade ja odadega, nagu võtaksite röövlit kinni? Olin päevast päeva koos teiega templis ja õpetasin avalikult rahvast, aga te ei teinud midagi mu vahistamiseks.” 183:3.8 (1975.1) While Jesus thus effectively put a stop to this show of physical resistance by his followers, it was enough to arouse the fear of the captain of the guards, who now, with the help of his soldiers, laid heavy hands on Jesus and quickly bound him. And as they tied his hands with heavy cords, Jesus said to them: “Why do you come out against me with swords and with staves as if to seize a robber? I was daily with you in the temple, publicly teaching the people, and you made no effort to take me.”
183:3.9 (1975.2) Kui Jeesus oli kinni seotud, andis kapten korralduse Meistri poolehoidjad vahistada, sest kartis, et nad võivad püüda teda päästa. Sõdurid ei jõudnud aga seda teha, sest kuuldes kapteni käsku neilt vabadus võtta, põgenesid Jeesuse poolehoidjad kiiruga jäärakusse tagasi. Johannes Markus oli kogu selle aja läheduses asuvas kuuris varjul. Kui valvurid hakkasid koos Jeesusega Jeruusalemma tagasi minema, püüdis Johannes Markus kuurist välja hiilida, et põgenevate apostlite ja jüngritega kaasa minna. Ent niipea kui ta nähtavale ilmus, möödus tema lähedalt üks viimaseid sõdureid, kes tuli põgenenud jüngreid taga ajamast, hakkas linases kuues noormeest jälitama ja saigi ta peaaegu kätte. Sõdur jõudis Johannesele nii lähedale, et sai ta kuuest kinni haarata, ent noormees libistas rõiva seljast ja põgenes paljalt ning sõduri kätte jäi tühi kuub. Johannes Markus ruttas ülemisele rajale Taavet Sebedeuse juurde. Kui ta oli Taavetile juhtunust rääkinud, kiirustasid nad koos magavate apostlite telkide juurde ja teavitasid kõiki kaheksat Meistri äraandmisest ja vahistamisest. 183:3.9 (1975.2) When Jesus had been bound, the captain, fearing that the followers of the Master might attempt to rescue him, gave orders that they be seized; but the soldiers were not quick enough since, having overheard the captain’s orders to arrest them, Jesus’ followers fled in haste back into the ravine. All this time John Mark had remained secluded in the near-by shed. When the guards started back to Jerusalem with Jesus, John Mark attempted to steal out of the shed in order to catch up with the fleeing apostles and disciples; but just as he emerged, one of the last of the returning soldiers who had pursued the fleeing disciples was passing near and, seeing this young man in his linen coat, gave chase, almost overtaking him. In fact, the soldier got near enough to John to lay hold upon his coat, but the young man freed himself from the garment, escaping naked while the soldier held the empty coat. John Mark made his way in all haste to David Zebedee on the upper trail. When he had told David what had happened, they both hastened back to the tents of the sleeping apostles and informed all eight of the Master’s betrayal and arrest.
183:3.10 (1975.3) Umbes samal ajal, kui kaheksa apostlit olid ärganud, pöördusid tagasi ka need, kes olid jäärakusse põgenenud, ja nüüd kogunesid kõik oliivipressi juurde arutama, mida ette võtta. Siimon Peetrus ja Johannes Sebedeus, kes olid oliivipuude vahel peidus olnud, olid järgnenud sõduritele, valvuritele ja teenritele, kui nood viisid Jeesust Jeruusalemma nagu kõige kohutavamat kurjategijat. Johannes sammus kohe selle rühma kannul, Peetrus järgnes neile suurema vahemaa tagant. Johannes Markus oli pärast sõduri haardest pääsemist leidnud endale Siimon Peetruse ja Johannes Sebedeuse telgist uue kuue. Ta oletas, et valvurid viivad Jeesuse emeriitülempreester Hannase majja, ning läinud ringi ümber oliivipuuaedade, jõudis kohale enne teisi ja peitis end ülempreestri lossi värava juurde. 183:3.10 (1975.3) At about the time the eight apostles were being awakened, those who had fled up the ravine were returning, and they all gathered together near the olive press to debate what should be done. In the meantime, Simon Peter and John Zebedee, who had hidden among the olive trees, had already gone on after the mob of soldiers, guards, and servants, who were now leading Jesus back to Jerusalem as they would have led a desperate criminal. John followed close behind the mob, but Peter followed afar off. After John Mark’s escape from the clutch of the soldier, he provided himself with a cloak which he found in the tent of Simon Peter and John Zebedee. He suspected the guards were going to take Jesus to the home of Annas, the high priest emeritus; so he skirted around through the olive orchards and was there ahead of the mob, hiding near the entrance to the gate of the high priest’s palace.
4. Arutelu oliivipressi juures ^top 4. Discussion at the Olive Press ^top
183:4.1 (1975.4) Jaakobus Sebedeus märkas, et ta on Siimon Peetruse ja tema venna Johannese silmist kaotanud, ning läks teiste apostlite ja laagrielanikega oliivipressi juurde arutama, mida Meistri vahistamise suhtes ette võtta. 183:4.1 (1975.4) James Zebedee found himself separated from Simon Peter and his brother John, and so he now joined the other apostles and their fellow campers at the olive press to deliberate on what should be done in view of the Master’s arrest.
183:4.2 (1975.5) Andreas oli vabastatud oma apostlitest kaaslaste juhtimisega seotud vastutusest ning seetõttu vaikis selle nende elu suurima kriisi ajal. Pärast lühiajalist mitteametlikku arutelu tõusis seloot Siimon oliivipressi kivimüürile ja õhutas Meistrile ja kuningriigiüritusele kirglikult ustavust vandudes oma apostlitest kaaslasi ning teisi jüngreid kiiresti rühmale järgnema ja Jeesust vabastama. Enamik kohalolijaid oleks kaldunud Siimoni sõjakat algatust järgima, kui pärast tema kõne lõppu poleks müürile tõusnud Naatanael, kes juhtis kõigi tähelepanu Jeesuse sageli korratud mittevastupanu-õpetustele. Ta tuletas neile meelde ka seda, et Jeesus oli alles tolsamal õhtul neile õpetanud, et nad peavad hoidma oma elu selleks ajaks, mil tuleb minna laia maailma kuulutama head uudist taevariigi evangeeliumist. Ja Naatanaeli seisukohta toetas ka Jaakobus Sebedeus, kes rääkis neile, kuidas Peetrus ja teised olid Meistri kaitsmiseks mõõgad haaranud, kuid Jeesus oli käskinud Siimon Peetrusel ja ülejäänud mõõgameestel relvad tuppe pista. Ka Matteus ja Filippus võtsid sõna, kuid arutelu käigus ei otsustatud midagi kindlat, enne kui Toomas juhtis nende tähelepanu asjaoludele, et Jeesus oli soovitanud Laatsarusel surmaohu eest põgeneda ja et nad ei saa Meistri päästmiseks midagi teha; Meister oli keelanud oma sõpradel end kaitsta ja hoidus endiselt kasutamast oma jumalikku võimu inimestest vaenlaste kavade nurjamiseks. Toomas veenis neid laiali minema, igaüks omaette, vaid Taavet Sebedeus jäi vastavalt kokkuleppele laagrisse, et säilitada nende rühma teadete ja sõnumitoojate keskust. Kella poole kolmeks öösel oli laager juba hüljatud, ainult Taavet pidas kolme-nelja sõnumitoojaga valvet, ülejäänud olid saadetud hankima teavet selle kohta, kuhu Jeesus oli viidud ja mida temaga kavatsetakse teha. 183:4.2 (1975.5) Andrew had been released from all responsibility in the group management of his fellow apostles; accordingly, in this greatest of all crises in their lives, he was silent. After a short informal discussion, Simon Zelotes stood up on the stone wall of the olive press and, making an impassioned plea for loyalty to the Master and the cause of the kingdom, exhorted his fellow apostles and the other disciples to hasten on after the mob and effect the rescue of Jesus. The majority of the company would have been disposed to follow his aggressive leadership had it not been for the advice of Nathaniel, who stood up the moment Simon had finished speaking and called their attention to Jesus’ oft-repeated teachings regarding nonresistance. He further reminded them that Jesus had that very night instructed them that they should preserve their lives for the time when they should go forth into the world proclaiming the good news of the gospel of the heavenly kingdom. And Nathaniel was encouraged in this stand by James Zebedee, who now told how Peter and others drew their swords to defend the Master against arrest, and that Jesus bade Simon Peter and his fellow swordsmen sheathe their blades. Matthew and Philip also made speeches, but nothing definite came of this discussion until Thomas, calling their attention to the fact that Jesus had counseled Lazarus against exposing himself to death, pointed out that they could do nothing to save their Master inasmuch as he refused to allow his friends to defend him, and since he persisted in refraining from the use of his divine powers to frustrate his human enemies. Thomas persuaded them to scatter, every man for himself, with the understanding that David Zebedee would remain at the camp to maintain a clearinghouse and messenger headquarters for the group. By half past two o’clock that morning the camp was deserted; only David remained on hand with three or four messengers, the others having been dispatched to secure information as to where Jesus had been taken, and what was going to be done with him.
183:4.3 (1976.1) Viis apostlit — Naatanael, Matteus, Filippus ja kaksikud — läksid varjule Betfagesse ja Betaaniasse. Toomas, Andreas, Jaakobus ja seloot Siimon peitsid end linna. Siimon Peetrus ja Johannes Sebedeus järgnesid Hannase majani. 183:4.3 (1976.1) Five of the apostles, Nathaniel, Matthew, Philip, and the twins, went into hiding at Bethpage and Bethany. Thomas, Andrew, James, and Simon Zelotes were hiding in the city. Simon Peter and John Zebedee followed along to the home of Annas.
183:4.4 (1976.2) Veidi pärast koitu kõndis Siimon Peetrus tagasi Ketsemani laagrisse, sealne nukker vaatepilt tekitas temas sügavat meeleheidet. Taavet saatis ta koos ühe sõnumitoojaga vend Andrease juurde, kes viibis Jeruusalemmas Nikodeemose majas. 183:4.4 (1976.2) Shortly after daybreak, Simon Peter wandered back to the Gethsemane camp, a dejected picture of deep despair. David sent him in charge of a messenger to join his brother, Andrew, who was at the home of Nicodemus in Jerusalem.
183:4.5 (1976.3) Johannes Sebedeus püsis kuni ristilöömise lõpuni alati Jeesuse läheduses, nagu Meister oli käskinud, just tema andis Taaveti sõnumitoojatele tund-tunnilt teavet, mille nad viisid aialaagrisse Taavetile ja sealt edasi ennast varjavatele apostlitele ning Jeesuse pereliikmetele. 183:4.5 (1976.3) Until the very end of the crucifixion, John Zebedee remained, as Jesus had directed him, always near at hand, and it was he who supplied David’s messengers with information from hour to hour which they carried to David at the garden camp, and which was then relayed to the hiding apostles and to Jesus’ family.
183:4.6 (1976.4) Muidugi, kui karjane on maha löödud, siis pillutatakse lambad laiali! Nad kõik said küll ähmaselt aru, et Jeesus oli neid just selle eest hoiatanud, kuid Meistri ootamatu kadumine oli nende jaoks liiga suur ehmatus, et nad oleksid suutnud normaalselt järele mõelda. 183:4.6 (1976.4) Surely, the shepherd is smitten and the sheep are scattered! While they all vaguely realize that Jesus has forewarned them of this very situation, they are too severely shocked by the Master’s sudden disappearance to be able to use their minds normally.
183:4.7 (1976.5) Päev oli äsja alanud ja Peetrus just saadetud oma venna juurde, kui laagrisse jõudis peaaegu hingetuna ja teistest Jeesuse pereliikmetest varem tema lihane vend Juudas, kes sai kahjuks ainult teada, et Meister on vahistatud; mees kiirustas tagasi Jeeriko teele, et viia see teade oma emale ning vendadele-õdedele. Taavet Sebedeus saatis Juudaga Jeesuse pereliikmetele sõna, et nad koguneksid Betaaniasse Marta ja Maarja majja kuulama uudiseid, mida tema sõnumitoojad regulaarselt pidid tooma. 183:4.7 (1976.5) It was shortly after daylight and just after Peter had been sent to join his brother, that Jude, Jesus’ brother in the flesh, arrived in the camp, almost breathless and in advance of the rest of Jesus’ family, only to learn that the Master had already been placed under arrest; and he hastened back down the Jericho road to carry this information to his mother and to his brothers and sisters. David Zebedee sent word to Jesus’ family, by Jude, to forgather at the house of Martha and Mary in Bethany and there await news which his messengers would regularly bring them.
183:4.8 (1976.6) Nii oli olukord apostlitega, peamiste jüngritega ja Jeesuse maise perega neljapäeva hilisõhtul ja reede varahommikul. Kõiki neid rühmi ja üksikisikuid hoidis omavahel kontaktis kulleriteenistus, mida Taavet Sebedeus oma keskusest Ketsemani laagris edasi pidas. 183:4.8 (1976.6) This was the situation during the last half of Thursday night and the early morning hours of Friday as regards the apostles, the chief disciples, and the earthly family of Jesus. And all these groups and individuals were kept in touch with each other by the messenger service which David Zebedee continued to operate from his headquarters at the Gethsemane camp.
5. Teel ülempreestri lossi ^top 5. On the Way to the High Priest’s Palace ^top
183:5.1 (1977.1) Enne kui Jeesusega aiast teele asuti, puhkes templivalvurite juudist kapteni ja sõduriterühma roomlasest kapteni vahel vaidlus, kuhu Jeesus viia. Templivalvurite kapten andis käsu viia ta ülempreestri kohuseid täitva Kaifase juurde. Rooma sõdurite kapten käskis viia Jeesuse endise ülempreestri ja Kaifase äia Hannase lossi. Seda sellepärast, et roomlastel oli kombeks suhelda kõigis juutide vaimulike seaduste täitmise tagamisega seotud küsimustes otse Hannasega. Ja Rooma kapteni käskudele kuuletuti, Jeesus viidi esmaseks ülekuulamiseks Hannase majja. 183:5.1 (1977.1) Before they started away from the garden with Jesus, a dispute arose between the Jewish captain of the temple guards and the Roman captain of the company of soldiers as to where they were to take Jesus. The captain of the temple guards gave orders that he should be taken to Caiaphas, the acting high priest. The captain of the Roman soldiers directed that Jesus be taken to the palace of Annas, the former high priest and father-in-law of Caiaphas. And this he did because the Romans were in the habit of dealing directly with Annas in all matters having to do with the enforcement of the Jewish ecclesiastical laws. And the orders of the Roman captain were obeyed; they took Jesus to the home of Annas for his preliminary examination.
183:5.2 (1977.2) Juudas pidas kaptenitega sammu ja kuulas pealt kõiki nende jutte, kuid vaidluses ei osalenud, sest nii juutide kapten kui ka Rooma ohvitser põlgasid reeturit nii väga, et isegi ei rääkinud temaga. 183:5.2 (1977.2) Judas marched along near the captains, overhearing all that was said, but took no part in the dispute, for neither the Jewish captain nor the Roman officer would so much as speak to the betrayer—they held him in such contempt.
183:5.3 (1977.3) Johannes Sebedeus mäletas Meistri käsku jääda alati tema käeulatusse ja kiirustas nüüd kahe kapteni vahel kõndiva Jeesuse ligidusse. Templivalvurite ülem ütles Johannest lähenemas nähes oma abilisele: „Võtke ja siduge see mees kinni. Ta on üks selle tüübi poolehoidjaid.” Kui aga Rooma kapten seda kuulis ja ringi vaadates Johannest nägi, käskis ta apostlil enda juurde tulla ja keelas teda tülitada. Siis ütles Rooma kapten juudi kaptenile: „See mees pole reetur ega argpüks. Nägin teda aias ja ta ei tõmmanud meile vastuhakkamiseks mõõka vöölt. Tal on piisavalt julgust, et tulla oma Meistriga kaasa, ärgu keegi teda puudutagu. Rooma seadus lubab vangil vähemalt ühe sõbra kohtu ette toeks kaasa võtta ja seda meest ei tohi takistada seismast oma vangistatud Meistri kõrval.” Kui Juudas seda kuulis, tundis ta nii suurt häbi ja alandust, et jäi rühmast maha ja tuli pärast üksi Hannase lossi. 183:5.3 (1977.3) About this time John Zebedee, remembering his Master’s instructions to remain always near at hand, hurried up near Jesus as he marched along between the two captains. The commander of the temple guards, seeing John come up alongside, said to his assistant: “Take this man and bind him. He is one of this fellow’s followers.” But when the Roman captain heard this and, looking around, saw John, he gave orders that the apostle should come over by him, and that no man should molest him. Then the Roman captain said to the Jewish captain: “This man is neither a traitor nor a coward. I saw him in the garden, and he did not draw a sword to resist us. He has the courage to come forward to be with his Master, and no man shall lay hands on him. The Roman law allows that any prisoner may have at least one friend to stand with him before the judgment bar, and this man shall not be prevented from standing by the side of his Master, the prisoner.” And when Judas heard this, he was so ashamed and humiliated that he dropped back behind the marchers, coming up to the palace of Annas alone.
183:5.4 (1977.4) Sellega on seletatav, miks Johannes Sebedeusel lubati jääda kõigi Jeesuse tolle öö ja järgmise päeva katsumuste ajaks Jeesuse kõrvale. Juudid kartsid Johannesele midagi öelda ja teda tülitada, sest Rooma nõunik oli andnud talle teatava staatuse juudi vaimuliku kohtu tegevuse vaatlejana. Roomlane kindlustas Johannese privilegeeritud seisundit veelgi, kui Jeesust Hannase lossi väravas templivalvurite kaptenile loovutades andis oma abilisele käsu: „Mine selle vangiga kaasa ja vaata, et juudid teda ilma Pilatuse nõusolekuta ei tapaks. Hoolitse selle eest, et nad teda ei mõrvaks ja et ta galilealasest sõbral lubataks juures viibida ja kõike toimuvat jälgida.” Nii saigi Johannes jääda Jeesuse lähedusse kuni tema ristisurmani, kuigi ülejäänud kümme apostlit olid sunnitud end peitma. Johannes tegutses Rooma kaitse all ja juudid ei julgenud teda kuni Meistri surmani tülitada. 183:5.4 (1977.4) And this explains why John Zebedee was permitted to remain near Jesus all the way through his trying experiences this night and the next day. The Jews feared to say aught to John or to molest him in any way because he had something of the status of a Roman counselor designated to act as observer of the transactions of the Jewish ecclesiastical court. John’s position of privilege was made all the more secure when, in turning Jesus over to the captain of the temple guards at the gate of Annas’s palace, the Roman, addressing his assistant, said: “Go along with this prisoner and see that these Jews do not kill him without Pilate’s consent. Watch that they do not assassinate him, and see that his friend, the Galilean, is permitted to stand by and observe all that goes on.” And thus was John able to be near Jesus right on up to the time of his death on the cross, though the other ten apostles were compelled to remain in hiding. John was acting under Roman protection, and the Jews dared not molest him until after the Master’s death.
183:5.5 (1977.5) Kogu tee Hannase lossini ei avanud Jeesus kordagi suud. Vahistamisest kuni Hannase ette ilmumiseni ei lausunud Inimese Poeg sõnagi. 183:5.5 (1977.5) And all the way to the palace of Annas, Jesus opened not his mouth. From the time of his arrest to the time of his appearance before Annas, the Son of Man spoke no word.