189. Kiri Paper 189
Ülestõusmine The Resurrection
189:0.1 (2020.1) VARSTI pärast Jeesuse matmist reede pärastlõunal kutsus parajasti Urantial viibinud Nebadoni peainglite ülem kokku magavate tahteolendite ülesäratamise nõukogu ja hakkas arutama, kuidas oleks võimalik Jeesust tagasi ellu tuua. Need kokkukogunenud kohaliku universumi pojad, Miikaeli loodud-olendid, tegid seda omal vastutusel: Gabriel ei olnud neid kokku kutsunud. Südaööks olid nad jõudnud järeldusele, et loodud-olend ei saa Looja äratamisele mitte millegagi kaasa aidata. Nad otsustasid võtta vastu Gabrieli nõuande, kes õpetas neid, et kuna Miikael oli „andnud oma elu vabatahtlikult, on tema võimuses see oma tahte kohaselt ka taas tagasi võtta”. Veidi pärast selle peainglite, Elukandjate ja mitmete neid loodud-olendite taastamise ja morontias loomise töös abistavate olendite nõukogu koosoleku lõppu ütles Jeesuse Isikustatud Kohandaja, kes tol ajal isiklikult juhtis Urantiale kogunenud taevavägesid, murelikult ootavatele pealtvaatajatele: 189:0.1 (2020.1) SOON after the burial of Jesus on Friday afternoon, the chief of the archangels of Nebadon, then present on Urantia, summoned his council of the resurrection of sleeping will creatures and entered upon the consideration of a possible technique for the restoration of Jesus. These assembled sons of the local universe, the creatures of Michael, did this on their own responsibility; Gabriel had not assembled them. By midnight they had arrived at the conclusion that the creature could do nothing to facilitate the resurrection of the Creator. They were disposed to accept the advice of Gabriel, who instructed them that, since Michael had “laid down his life of his own free will, he also had power to take it up again in accordance with his own determination.” Shortly after the adjournment of this council of the archangels, the Life Carriers, and their various associates in the work of creature rehabilitation and morontia creation, the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus, being in personal command of the assembled celestial hosts then on Urantia, spoke these words to the anxious waiting watchers:
189:0.2 (2020.2) „Mitte keegi teist ei saa oma Looja-isa ellu tagasipöördumisel kuidagi abiks olla. Maailma surelikuna on ta kogenud sureliku surma, universumi Suveräänina elab ta ikka veel. Te näete praegu Jeesus Naatsaretlase üleminekut lihalikust elust morontiaellu. Selle Jeesuse vaimüleminek jõudis lõpule siis, kui mina eraldusin tema isiksusest ja sain teie ajutiseks suunajaks. Teie Looja-isa on otsustanud oma surelike loodud-olendite elukäigu täielikult läbi teha, alates sünnist ainelistes maailmades kuni loomuliku surmani ja morontiaülestõusmiseni tõelise vaimeksisteerimise kogemusse. Te näete peagi üht selle kogemuse etappi, kuid ei tohi selles osaleda. Te ei tohi teha Looja heaks seda, mida te harilikult teete loodudolendi heaks. Looja-Poja võimuses on annetada end ükskõik missuguse omaloodud poja kujus; tema võimuses on loobuda oma nähtavast elust ja võtta see uuesti tagasi; ja see on tema võimuses Paradiisi-Isa otsese käsu kohaselt ning ma tean, millest ma räägin.” 189:0.2 (2020.2) “Not one of you can do aught to assist your Creator-father in the return to life. As a mortal of the realm he has experienced mortal death; as the Sovereign of a universe he still lives. That which you observe is the mortal transit of Jesus of Nazareth from life in the flesh to life in the morontia. The spirit transit of this Jesus was completed at the time I separated myself from his personality and became your temporary director. Your Creator-father has elected to pass through the whole of the experience of his mortal creatures, from birth on the material worlds, on through natural death and the resurrection of the morontia, into the status of true spirit existence. A certain phase of this experience you are about to observe, but you may not participate in it. Those things which you ordinarily do for the creature, you may not do for the Creator. A Creator Son has within himself the power to bestow himself in the likeness of any of his created sons; he has within himself the power to lay down his observable life and to take it up again; and he has this power because of the direct command of the Paradise Father, and I know whereof I speak.”
189:0.3 (2020.3) Kuulnud Isikustatud Kohandajat seda kõnelemas, jäi igaüks Gabrielist kõige alama keerubini ärevalt ootama. Nad nägid Jeesuse surelikku keha hauas, nad nägid märke oma armastatud Suverääni tegevusest universumis, ning neist nähtustest aru saamata ootasid kannatlikult edasisi sündmusi. 189:0.3 (2020.3) When they heard the Personalized Adjuster so speak, they all assumed the attitude of anxious expectancy, from Gabriel down to the most humble cherubim. They saw the mortal body of Jesus in the tomb; they detected evidences of the universe activity of their beloved Sovereign; and not understanding such phenomena, they waited patiently for developments.
1. Üleminek morontiasse ^top 1. The Morontia Transit ^top
189:1.1 (2020.4) Pühapäeva varahommikul kell kolmveerand kolm saabus ja asus haua ümber valvesse Paradiisi kehastumiskomisjon, millesse kuulus seitse täpselt tuvastamata Paradiisi isiksust. Kümme minutit enne kolme oli Joosepi uues hauakambris tunda nii aineliste kui ka morontiategevuste tugevaid võnkeid ja kaks minutit pärast kella kolme tol pühapäeva varahommikul, 9. aprillil aastal 30 pKr väljus hauakambrist Jeesus Naatsaretlase ülestõusnud morontiakuju ja isiksus. 189:1.1 (2020.4) At two forty-five Sunday morning, the Paradise incarnation commission, consisting of seven unidentified Paradise personalities, arrived on the scene and immediately deployed themselves about the tomb. At ten minutes before three, intense vibrations of commingled material and morontia activities began to issue from Joseph’s new tomb, and at two minutes past three o’clock, this Sunday morning, April 9, a.d. 30, the resurrected morontia form and personality of Jesus of Nazareth came forth from the tomb.
189:1.2 (2021.1) Kui ülestõusnud Jeesus hauakambrist väljus, jäi tema lihalik keha, milles ta oli maa peal peaaegu kolmkümmend kuus aastat elanud ja tööd teinud, linasesse riidesse mähituna häirimatult hauakambri eendisse lebama, täpselt nii, nagu Joosep oli oma kaaslastega ta reede pärastlõunal sinna puhkama asetanud. Ka kivi hauakambri sissekäigu ees polnud nihkunud, Pilatuse pitser oli murdmata, sõdurid asusid endiselt oma kohtadel. Templivalvurid olid pidevalt valves olnud, Rooma valvurid vahetusid keskööl. Ükski valvur ei aimanud, et nende valvealune oli tõusnud uude kõrgemasse eksisteerimisvormi ja et nende valve all olev surnukeha on nüüd vaid kõrvaleheidetud väline kest, millel pole Jeesuse päästetud ja ülesäratatud morontiaisiksusega enam mingit seost. 189:1.2 (2021.1) After the resurrected Jesus emerged from his burial tomb, the body of flesh in which he had lived and wrought on earth for almost thirty-six years was still lying there in the sepulchre niche, undisturbed and wrapped in the linen sheet, just as it had been laid to rest by Joseph and his associates on Friday afternoon. Neither was the stone before the entrance of the tomb in any way disturbed; the seal of Pilate was still unbroken; the soldiers were still on guard. The temple guards had been on continuous duty; the Roman guard had been changed at midnight. None of these watchers suspected that the object of their vigil had risen to a new and higher form of existence, and that the body which they were guarding was now a discarded outer covering which had no further connection with the delivered and resurrected morontia personality of Jesus.
189:1.3 (2021.2) Inimkond on pikaldane taipama, et aine on kõiges isikulises morontia skelett ning need mõlemad on kestva vaimureaalsuse peegelduvad varjud. Kui kaua läheb veel aega, kuni te hakkate nägema aega igaviku liikuva kujutisena ja ruumi Paradiisireaalsuste põgusa varjuna? 189:1.3 (2021.2) Mankind is slow to perceive that, in all that is personal, matter is the skeleton of morontia, and that both are the reflected shadow of enduring spirit reality. How long before you will regard time as the moving image of eternity and space as the fleeting shadow of Paradise realities?
189:1.4 (2021.3) Nii palju kui meie aru saame, polnud ühelgi selle universumi loodud-olendil ega ühelgi mõne teise universumi isiksusel selle Jeesus Naatsaretlase morontiaülesärkamisega mingit seost. Reedel andis ta maailma surelikuna oma elu ja pühapäeva hommikul võttis selle Norlatiadeki Satania süsteemi morontiaolendina uuesti tagasi. Jeesuse ülesärkamises on meie jaoks palju arusaamatut. aga me teame, et see toimus nii, nagu meie seda esitame, ning ligikaudu mainitud ajal. Võime ka märkida, et kõik selle sureliku üleminekuga või morontiaülesärkamisega kaasnevad teadaolevad nähtused toimusid sealsamas Joosepi hauakambris, kus Jeesuse surelikud ainelised säilmed surilinas lebasid. 189:1.4 (2021.3) As far as we can judge, no creature of this universe nor any personality from another universe had anything to do with this morontia resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. On Friday he laid down his life as a mortal of the realm; on Sunday morning he took it up again as a morontia being of the system of Satania in Norlatiadek. There is much about the resurrection of Jesus which we do not understand. But we know that it occurred as we have stated and at about the time indicated. We can also record that all known phenomena associated with this mortal transit, or morontia resurrection, occurred right there in Joseph’s new tomb, where the mortal material remains of Jesus lay wrapped in burial cloths.
189:1.5 (2021.4) Me teame, et selles morontiaülesärkamises ei osalenud ükski kohaliku universumi loodud-olend. Märkasime haua ümber seitset Paradiisi isiksust, ent ei näinud, et nad oleksid seoses Meistri ülesärkamisega midagi teinud. Aga niipea kui Jeesus otse haua kohal Gabrieli kõrvale ilmus, andsid seitse Paradiisi isiksust märku oma kavatsusest kohe Uversale lahkuda. 189:1.5 (2021.4) We know that no creature of the local universe participated in this morontia awakening. We perceived the seven personalities of Paradise surround the tomb, but we did not see them do anything in connection with the Master’s awakening. Just as soon as Jesus appeared beside Gabriel, just above the tomb, the seven personalities from Paradise signalized their intention of immediate departure for Uversa.
189:1.6 (2021.5) Selgitame Jeesuse ülesärkamist igaveseks järgmiste väidetega: 189:1.6 (2021.5) Let us forever clarify the concept of the resurrection of Jesus by making the following statements:
189:1.7 (2021.6) 1. tema aineline ehk füüsiline keha ülesärganud isiksusse ei kuulunud. Kui Jeesus hauast väljus, jäi tema lihalik keha häirimatult hauakambrisse. Ta väljus hauast, nihutamata sissepääsu ees olnud kive ja rikkumata Pilatuse pitsereid; 189:1.7 (2021.6) 1. His material or physical body was not a part of the resurrected personality. When Jesus came forth from the tomb, his body of flesh remained undisturbed in the sepulchre. He emerged from the burial tomb without moving the stones before the entrance and without disturbing the seals of Pilate.
189:1.8 (2021.7) 2. ta ei tulnud hauast vaimuna ega Nebadoni Miikaelina; ta ei ilmunud Looja-Suverääni kujul, mis tal oli enne kehastumist sureliku ihus Urantial; 189:1.8 (2021.7) 2. He did not emerge from the tomb as a spirit nor as Michael of Nebadon; he did not appear in the form of the Creator Sovereign, such as he had had before his incarnation in the likeness of mortal flesh on Urantia.
189:1.9 (2021.8) 3. ta väljus Joosepi hauakambrist nende morontiaisiksuste kujul, kes ülesärganud morontia tõusuolenditena tulevad selle kohaliku Satania süsteemi esimese eluasemeilma ülesärkamissaalidest. Ja Miikaeli mälestusmärk eluasemeilmas number üks ärkamissaalide tohutu õue keskel sunnib meid oletama, et selles süsteemi esimeses eluasemeilmas aidati Meistri ülestõusmisele Urantial kuidagi kaasa. 189:1.9 (2021.8) 3. He did come forth from this tomb of Joseph in the very likeness of the morontia personalities of those who, as resurrected morontia ascendant beings, emerge from the resurrection halls of the first mansion world of this local system of Satania. And the presence of the Michael memorial in the center of the vast court of the resurrection halls of mansonia number one leads us to conjecture that the Master’s resurrection on Urantia was in some way fostered on this, the first of the system mansion worlds.
189:1.10 (2022.1) Pärast hauast tõusmist tervitas Jeesus kõigepealt Gabrieli ja käskis tal Immanueli juhtimisel universumi haldusasjade korraldamist jätkata ning tegi Melkisedekite ülemale ülesandeks anda Immanuelile edasi tema vennalikud tervitused. Seejärel palus ta Edentia Kõigekõrgemalt Päevilt Vanade kinnitust oma sureliku ülemineku kohta, ja pöördudes seitsmest eluasemeilmast oma Loojat nende klassi olendina tervitama tulnud morontiarühmade poole, lausus Jeesus oma surelikkusejärgse elu esimesed sõnad. Morontia Jeesus ütles: „Lõpetanud oma elu lihas, jään mõneks ajaks üleminekukujus siia, et võiksin oma tõusuolendite elu täielikumalt tundma õppida ja jätkata Paradiisi-Isa tahte ilmutamist.” 189:1.10 (2022.1) The first act of Jesus on arising from the tomb was to greet Gabriel and instruct him to continue in executive charge of universe affairs under Immanuel, and then he directed the chief of the Melchizedeks to convey his brotherly greetings to Immanuel. He thereupon asked the Most High of Edentia for the certification of the Ancients of Days as to his mortal transit; and turning to the assembled morontia groups of the seven mansion worlds, here gathered together to greet and welcome their Creator as a creature of their order, Jesus spoke the first words of the postmortal career. Said the morontia Jesus: “Having finished my life in the flesh, I would tarry here for a short time in transition form that I may more fully know the life of my ascendant creatures and further reveal the will of my Father in Paradise.”
189:1.11 (2022.2) Seda öelnud, andis Jeesus Isikustatud Kohandajale märku ja kõik universumi intellektiolendid, kes olid kogunenud Urantiale ülestõusmist pealt vaatama, saadeti viivitamatult igaüks oma universumi töid jätkama. 189:1.11 (2022.2) After Jesus had spoken, he signaled to the Personalized Adjuster, and all universe intelligences who had been assembled on Urantia to witness the resurrection were immediately dispatched to their respective universe assignments.
189:1.12 (2022.3) Nüüd elas Jeesus sisse morontiaellu, teda tutvustati selle elu nõuetega, mida ta oli otsustanud lühikest aega Urantial elada, nagu iga teist loodud-olendit. Morontiamaailmaga tutvumine võttis üle tunni maapealset aega ja Meister katkestas selle kahel korral, sest soovis suhelda oma endiste, maiste kaaslastega, kes tulid Jeruusalemmast tühja hauakambrisse otsima tõendit ülestõusmise kohta. 189:1.12 (2022.3) Jesus now began the contacts of the morontia level, being introduced, as a creature, to the requirements of the life he had chosen to live for a short time on Urantia. This initiation into the morontia world required more than an hour of earth time and was twice interrupted by his desire to communicate with his former associates in the flesh as they came out from Jerusalem wonderingly to peer into the empty tomb to discover what they considered evidence of his resurrection.
189:1.13 (2022.4) Jeesuse surelik üleminek — Inimese Poja morontiaülestõusmine — oli lõpule jõudnud. algas Meistri ajutine kogemus ainelise ja vaimse maailma vahelisel keskteel. Ning ta oli seda kõike teinud omaenda sisemise jõuga, ükski isiksus polnud teda abistanud. Nüüd elas ta morontia Jeesusena, ent samal ajal, kui tema oma morontiaelu alustas, lebas ta aineline keha häirimatult hauas. Sõdurid valvasid ikka veel ja maavalitseja pitser kividel oli murdmata. 189:1.13 (2022.4) Now is the mortal transit of Jesus—the morontia resurrection of the Son of Man—completed. The transitory experience of the Master as a personality midway between the material and the spiritual has begun. And he has done all this through power inherent within himself; no personality has rendered him any assistance. He now lives as Jesus of morontia, and as he begins this morontia life, the material body of his flesh lies there undisturbed in the tomb. The soldiers are still on guard, and the seal of the governor about the rocks has not yet been broken.
2. Jeesuse aineline keha ^top 2. The Material Body of Jesus ^top
189:2.1 (2022.5) Kümme minutit kolm läbi, kui ülestõusnud Jeesus Satania seitsmest eluasemeilmast kokkutulnud morontiaisiksustega vennalikult suhtles, läks peainglite — ülestõusmisinglite — ülem Gabrieli juurde ja palus Jeesuse surelikku keha endale. Peainglite ülem ütles: „Me ei tohi osaleda oma suverääni Miikaeli annetumiskogemuse morontiaülestõusmises, kuid sooviksime võtta tema surelikud säilmed oma hoolde ja need kohe lagundada. Me ei kavatse rakendada dematerialiseerimise meetodit, tahame lihtsalt aja kulgu kiirendada. Piisab sellest, et oleme näinud Suverääni Urantial elamas ja suremas; taevavägede mälestusse ei tohiks jääda universumi Looja ja alalhoidja inimkuju aeglast lagunemist. Küsin kogu Nebadoni taevaste intellektiolendite nimel luba võtta Jeesus Naatsaretlase surelik keha enda hoolde ja see kohe lagundada.” 189:2.1 (2022.5) At ten minutes past three o’clock, as the resurrected Jesus fraternized with the assembled morontia personalities from the seven mansion worlds of Satania, the chief of archangels—the angels of the resurrection—approached Gabriel and asked for the mortal body of Jesus. Said the chief of the archangels: “We may not participate in the morontia resurrection of the bestowal experience of Michael our sovereign, but we would have his mortal remains put in our custody for immediate dissolution. We do not propose to employ our technique of dematerialization; we merely wish to invoke the process of accelerated time. It is enough that we have seen the Sovereign live and die on Urantia; the hosts of heaven would be spared the memory of enduring the sight of the slow decay of the human form of the Creator and Upholder of a universe. In the name of the celestial intelligences of all Nebadon, I ask for a mandate giving me the custody of the mortal body of Jesus of Nazareth and empowering us to proceed with its immediate dissolution.”
189:2.2 (2023.1) Ja kui Gabriel oli Edentia vanima Kõigekõrgemaga nõu pidanud, antigi taevavägede peainglist esindajale luba talitada Jeesuse füüsiliste säilmetega nii, nagu ta tarvilikuks peab. 189:2.2 (2023.1) And when Gabriel had conferred with the senior Most High of Edentia, the archangel spokesman for the celestial hosts was given permission to make such disposition of the physical remains of Jesus as he might determine.
189:2.3 (2023.2) Kui peainglite ülem oli palutud loa saanud, kutsus ta appi palju kaaslasi ja taevaste isiksuste kõigi klasside esindajate arvuka väe ning hakkas Urantia keskteeliste abiga Jeesuse füüsilist keha enda valdusse võtma. See surnukeha oli puhtaineline loodu: see oli füüsiline ja otsene, seda ei saanud hauast eemaldada nii, nagu üles tõusev morontiakuju oli pitseeritud hauakambrist väljunud. Mõne morontiaisiksuse abiga võib morontiakuju muuta kord justkui vaimuks, kes on tavalise aine suhtes indiferentne, kord jälle nähtavaks ja aineliste olenditega kontaktivõimeliseks nagu maailma surelikud. 189:2.3 (2023.2) After the chief of archangels had been granted this request, he summoned to his assistance many of his fellows, together with a numerous host of the representatives of all orders of celestial personalities, and then, with the aid of the Urantia midwayers, proceeded to take possession of Jesus’ physical body. This body of death was a purely material creation; it was physical and literal; it could not be removed from the tomb as the morontia form of the resurrection had been able to escape the sealed sepulchre. By the aid of certain morontia auxiliary personalities, the morontia form can be made at one time as of the spirit so that it can become indifferent to ordinary matter, while at another time it can become discernible and contactable to material beings, such as the mortals of the realm.
189:2.4 (2023.3) Kui nad valmistusid Jeesuse keha hauakambrist välja võtma, et see väärikalt ja aupaklikult peaaegu silmapilkselt lagundada, said Urantia teise astme keskteelised ülesande veeretada kivid hauakambri sissepääsu eest. Neist kahest kivist suurem oli veskikivi meenutav tohutu ümmargune kamakas, mis liikus kaljusse uuristatud õnaruses nii, et seda sai hauakambri avamiseks ja sulgemiseks edasi-tagasi nihutada. Kui pealtvaatavad juudi valvurid ja Rooma sõdurid nägid, kuidas see hiiglaslik kivi hämaras hommikuvalguses nagu iseenesest hauakambri sissepääsu eest eemale veeres — ilma et seda liikumist oleks saanud millegi nähtavaga seletada —, haaras neid hirm ja paanika ning nad põgenesid ruttu sündmuspaigalt. Juudid põgenesid kodudesse ja läksid hiljem templisse, et oma kaptenile juhtunust ette kanda. Roomlased põgenesid Antonia kindlusesse ja tegid ettekande tsentuuriole, niipea kui too valvesse tuli. 189:2.4 (2023.3) As they made ready to remove the body of Jesus from the tomb preparatory to according it the dignified and reverent disposal of near-instantaneous dissolution, it was assigned the secondary Urantia midwayers to roll away the stones from the entrance of the tomb. The larger of these two stones was a huge circular affair, much like a millstone, and it moved in a groove chiseled out of the rock, so that it could be rolled back and forth to open or close the tomb. When the watching Jewish guards and the Roman soldiers, in the dim light of the morning, saw this huge stone begin to roll away from the entrance of the tomb, apparently of its own accord—without any visible means to account for such motion—they were seized with fear and panic, and they fled in haste from the scene. The Jews fled to their homes, afterward going back to report these doings to their captain at the temple. The Romans fled to the fortress of Antonia and reported what they had seen to the centurion as soon as he arrived on duty.
189:2.5 (2023.4) Juutide juhid olid Jeesusest vabanemise räpast ettevõtmist alustanud reetur Juudale altkäemaksu pakkumisega, ja nüüd, sellisesse piinlikku olukorda sattunud, ei karistanud nad valvepostilt lahkunud valvureid, vaid pakkusid neile ja Rooma sõduritele altkäemaksu. Nad maksid kõigile kahekümnele mehele teatava summa, käskides neil igaühele öelda: „Kui me öösel magasime, ründasid tema jüngrid meid ja viisid surnukeha ära.” Ja juutide juhid tõotasid sõduritele pühalikult, et kui maavalitseja peaks kunagi teada saama, et nad altkäemaksu võtsid, kaitsevad nad neid Pilatuse ees. 189:2.5 (2023.4) The Jewish leaders began the sordid business of supposedly getting rid of Jesus by offering bribes to the traitorous Judas, and now, when confronted with this embarrassing situation, instead of thinking of punishing the guards who deserted their post, they resorted to bribing these guards and the Roman soldiers. They paid each of these twenty men a sum of money and instructed them to say to all: “While we slept during the nighttime, his disciples came upon us and took away the body.” And the Jewish leaders made solemn promises to the soldiers to defend them before Pilate in case it should ever come to the governor’s knowledge that they had accepted a bribe.
189:2.6 (2023.5) Kristlaste usk Jeesuse ülestõusmisse on põhinenud „tühja haua” faktil. Haud oli tõepoolest tühi, kuid ülestõusmise tõde ei peitu selles. Esimeste uskujate saabudes oli haud tõesti tühi ning see tõsiasi koos Meistri kaheldamatu ülestõusmisega viis ebaõige uskumuse väljakujunemisele: et hauast tõusis Jeesuse aineline ja surelik keha. Vaimsete reaalsuste ja igaveste väärtustega seotud tõde ei saa alati üles ehitada omavahel seotud selgetele tõsiasjadele. Üksikfaktid võivad olla küll aineliselt tõesed, ent sellest ei järeldu, et mingite tõsiasjade omavaheline seostamine viib tingimata tõestele vaimsetele järeldustele. 189:2.6 (2023.5) The Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus has been based on the fact of the “empty tomb.” It was indeed a fact that the tomb was empty, but this is not the truth of the resurrection. The tomb was truly empty when the first believers arrived, and this fact, associated with that of the undoubted resurrection of the Master, led to the formulation of a belief which was not true: the teaching that the material and mortal body of Jesus was raised from the grave. Truth having to do with spiritual realities and eternal values cannot always be built up by a combination of apparent facts. Although individual facts may be materially true, it does not follow that the association of a group of facts must necessarily lead to truthful spiritual conclusions.
189:2.7 (2023.6) Joosepi hauakamber polnud tühi sellepärast, et Jeesuse surnukeha taastati või äratati, vaid seepärast, et oli täidetud taevaste vägede palve lubada see lagundada erilisel ainulaadsel viisil, viia „põrm põrmuks” tagasi ajaliste viivitusteta ja tavaliste nähtavate sureliku kõdunemise ja ainelise mädanemise protsessideta. 189:2.7 (2023.6) The tomb of Joseph was empty, not because the body of Jesus had been rehabilitated or resurrected, but because the celestial hosts had been granted their request to afford it a special and unique dissolution, a return of the “dust to dust,” without the intervention of the delays of time and without the operation of the ordinary and visible processes of mortal decay and material corruption.
189:2.8 (2024.1) Jeesuse surelikud säilmed tegid läbi sama loomuliku lagunemisprotsessi nagu kõik inimkehad maa peal, aga ajaliselt oli seda loomulikku lagunemist tunduvalt kiirendatud, nii et see oli peaaegu hetkeline. 189:2.8 (2024.1) The mortal remains of Jesus underwent the same natural process of elemental disintegration as characterizes all human bodies on earth except that, in point of time, this natural mode of dissolution was greatly accelerated, hastened to that point where it became well-nigh instantaneous.
189:2.9 (2024.2) Tõelised tõendid Miikaeli ülestõusmise kohta on oma olemuselt vaimsed, ehkki seda õpetust on oma tunnistustega kinnitanud paljud maailma surelikud, kes ülestõusnud morontia Meistriga kohtusid, ta ära tundsid ja temaga vestlesid. Enne Meistri lõplikku lahkumist Urantialt puutus temaga isiklikult kokku peaaegu tuhat inimolendit. 189:2.9 (2024.2) The true evidences of the resurrection of Michael are spiritual in nature, albeit this teaching is corroborated by the testimony of many mortals of the realm who met, recognized, and communed with the resurrected morontia Master. He became a part of the personal experience of almost one thousand human beings before he finally took leave of Urantia.
3. Ülestõusmine usulise elukorralduse lõpus ^top 3. The Dispensational Resurrection ^top
189:3.1 (2024.3) Veidi pärast kella poolt viit pühapäeva hommikul kutsus Gabriel peainglid enda juurde, valmistudes sisse juhatama Aadama usulise elukorralduse lõppu Urantial tähistavat üldist ülesäratamist. Kui selle suursündmusega tegelevad tohutud seeravi- ja keerubiväed olid korrakohaselt üles rivistatud, ilmus morontia Miikael Gabrieli ette ja ütles: „Nii nagu mu Isal on ta enda elu, on ta andnud ka oma Pojale tema enda elu. Ma pole küll veel universumi valitsemist täielikult enda kätte tagasi võtnud, kuid see mu enese kehtestatud kitsendus ei piira mingil viisil elu annetamist minu magavatele poegadele: alaku planeedi ülesäratamisloendus.” 189:3.1 (2024.3) A little after half past four o’clock this Sunday morning, Gabriel summoned the archangels to his side and made ready to inaugurate the general resurrection of the termination of the Adamic dispensation on Urantia. When the vast host of the seraphim and the cherubim concerned in this great event had been marshaled in proper formation, the morontia Michael appeared before Gabriel, saying: “As my Father has life in himself, so has he given it to the Son to have life in himself. Although I have not yet fully resumed the exercise of universe jurisdiction, this self-imposed limitation does not in any manner restrict the bestowal of life upon my sleeping sons; let the roll call of the planetary resurrection begin.”
189:3.2 (2024.4) Peainglite ringlust hoiti tookord esmakordselt käigus Urantialt. Gabriel ja peainglite väed liikusid planeedi vaimsele poolusele ning kui Gabriel märku andis, kostis süsteemi esimeses eluasemeilmas tema hääl: „Ärgaku Miikaeli käsul Urantia usulise elukorralduse surnud!” Siis ilmusid eluasemeilma ülestõusmissaalidesse morontiarõivastesse riietamiseks kõik Urantia rahvaste ellujäänud, kes olid Aadama aegadest saadik unne vajunud ja kelle üle veel polnud kohut mõistetud. Ning seeravid ja nende kaaslased valmistusid hetkega eluasemeilmadesse lahkuma. Need seeravitest kaitseinglid, kes olid kunagi ellujäävate surelike rühma valvama pandud, oleksid üldjuhul pidanud nende ärkamise hetkel eluasemeilma ülestõusmissaalides kohal olema, ent nad olid siin maailmas, sest Gabriel pidi Jeesuse morontiaülestõusmise tõttu kohal viibima. 189:3.2 (2024.4) The circuit of the archangels then operated for the first time from Urantia. Gabriel and the archangel hosts moved to the place of the spiritual polarity of the planet; and when Gabriel gave the signal, there flashed to the first of the system mansion worlds the voice of Gabriel, saying: “By the mandate of Michael, let the dead of a Urantia dispensation rise!” Then all the survivors of the human races of Urantia who had fallen asleep since the days of Adam, and who had not already gone on to judgment, appeared in the resurrection halls of mansonia in readiness for morontia investiture. And in an instant of time the seraphim and their associates made ready to depart for the mansion worlds. Ordinarily these seraphic guardians, onetime assigned to the group custody of these surviving mortals, would have been present at the moment of their awaking in the resurrection halls of mansonia, but they were on this world itself at this time because of the necessity of Gabriel’s presence here in connection with the morontia resurrection of Jesus.
189:3.3 (2024.5) Ehkki loendamatud isiklikku kaitseseeravit omavad isikud ja need, kes olid vaimse isiksuse arengus juba piisavalt kaugele jõudnud, olid läinud eluasemeilma Aadama ja Eeva ajale järgnenud ajastutel ning vahepeal oli toimunud palju Urantia poegade erakordseid ja kord aastatuhande jooksul toimuvaid ülestõusmisi, oli see kolmas usulise elukorralduse lõpu puhul toimuv planeediloendus ehk täielik ülesäratamine. Esimene oli toimunud Planeedivürsti saabumise ajal, teine Aadama ajal ja kolmas tähistas Jeesus Naatsaretlase morontiaülestõusmist, surmast läbiminekut. 189:3.3 (2024.5) Notwithstanding that countless individuals having personal seraphic guardians and those achieving the requisite attainment of spiritual personality progress had gone on to mansonia during the ages subsequent to the times of Adam and Eve, and though there had been many special and millennial resurrections of Urantia sons, this was the third of the planetary roll calls, or complete dispensational resurrections. The first occurred at the time of the arrival of the Planetary Prince, the second during the time of Adam, and this, the third, signalized the morontia resurrection, the mortal transit, of Jesus of Nazareth.
189:3.4 (2024.6) Kui peainglite ülem planeedi ülesäratamissignaali vastu võttis, loovutas Inimese Poja Isikustatud Kohandaja oma võimu Urantiale kogunenud taevavägede üle ja andis kõik kohaliku universumi pojad nende ülemate võimu alla tagasi. Seda teinud, lahkus ta Salvingtoni, et Miikaeli surmast läbimineku lõpulejõudmine Immanueli juures registreerida. Ja talle järgnesid kohe kõik taevaväed, kellel polnud enam Urantial ülesandeid täita. Gabriel jäi aga morontia Jeesusega Urantiale. 189:3.4 (2024.6) When the signal of the planetary resurrection had been received by the chief of archangels, the Personalized Adjuster of the Son of Man relinquished his authority over the celestial hosts assembled on Urantia, turning all these sons of the local universe back to the jurisdiction of their respective commanders. And when he had done this, he departed for Salvington to register with Immanuel the completion of the mortal transit of Michael. And he was immediately followed by all the celestial host not required for duty on Urantia. But Gabriel remained on Urantia with the morontia Jesus.
189:3.5 (2025.1) Nii nägid Jeesuse ülestõusmisega seotud sündmusi need, kes vaatlesid nende tegelikku kulgu vabana inimese osalise ja kitsa nägemisvõime piiratusest. 189:3.5 (2025.1) And this is the recital of the events of the resurrection of Jesus as viewed by those who saw them as they really occurred, free from the limitations of partial and restricted human vision.
4. Tühja haua leidmine ^top 4. Discovery of the Empty Tomb ^top
189:4.1 (2025.2) Lähenedes Jeesuse ülestõusmise hetkele tol pühapäeva varahommikul, peame meenutama, et kümme apostlit peatusid Eelija ja Maarja Markuse majas ning magasid ülakambris samadel lavatsitel, millel olid koos Meistriga lebanud viimse õhtusöömaaja ajal. Tol pühapäeva hommikul olid seal kõik peale Tooma. Toomas oli laupäeva õhtul, kui nad esimest korda kokku tulid, mõni minut nende seas viibinud, ent apostlite nägemine koos teadmisega Jeesusega juhtunust oli tema jaoks liig. Ta vaatas oma kaaslased üle ja lahkus otsekohe toast, et minna Betfagesse Siimoni majja, kus kavatses üksi oma mures kurvastada. Kõik apostlid kannatasid mitte niivõrd kahtluste ja meeleheite, kuivõrd hirmu, kurbuse ja häbi käes. 189:4.1 (2025.2) As we approach the time of the resurrection of Jesus on this early Sunday morning, it should be recalled that the ten apostles were sojourning at the home of Elijah and Mary Mark, where they were asleep in the upper chamber, resting on the very couches whereon they reclined during the last supper with their Master. This Sunday morning they were all there assembled except Thomas. Thomas was with them for a few minutes late Saturday night when they first got together, but the sight of the apostles, coupled with the thought of what had happened to Jesus, was too much for him. He looked his associates over and immediately left the room, going to the home of Simon in Bethpage, where he thought to grieve over his troubles in solitude. The apostles all suffered, not so much from doubt and despair as from fear, grief, and shame.
189:4.2 (2025.3) Nikodeemose majja olid kogunenud koos Taavet Sebedeuse ja Arimaatia Joosepiga ligikaudu kaksteist kuni viisteist Jeesuse silmapaistvaimat Jeruusalemma jüngrit. Arimaatia Joosepi majas viibis umbes viisteist kuni kakskümmend juhtivat naisuskujat. Joosepi majas peatusid ainult need naised ning et nad olid kogu sabatipäeva ja sabatijärgse õhtu eranditult majas püsinud, ei teadnud nad ei haua juurde seatud sõjaväelastest, haua ette veeretatud teisest kivist ega Pilatuse pitseritest, mida kivid kandsid. 189:4.2 (2025.3) At the home of Nicodemus there were gathered together, with David Zebedee and Joseph of Arimathea, some twelve or fifteen of the more prominent of the Jerusalem disciples of Jesus. At the home of Joseph of Arimathea there were some fifteen or twenty of the leading women believers. Only these women abode in Joseph’s house, and they had kept close within during the hours of the Sabbath day and the evening after the Sabbath, so that they were ignorant of the military guard on watch at the tomb; neither did they know that a second stone had been rolled in front of the tomb, and that both of these stones had been placed under the seal of Pilate.
189:4.3 (2025.4) Veidi enne kella kolme tol pühapäeva varahommikul, kui idas hakkas paistma esimesi märke päeva algusest, asusid viis naist Jeesuse haua poole teele. Nad olid varunud külluses palsameerimisvedelikke ja neil oli kaasas hulk linaseid sidemeid. Nad kavatsesid teha Jeesuse surnukehale põhjalikuma surmajärgse võidmise ja mähkida see hoolikamalt uutesse sidemetesse. 189:4.3 (2025.4) A little before three o’clock this Sunday morning, when the first signs of day began to appear in the east, five of the women started out for the tomb of Jesus. They had prepared an abundance of special embalming lotions, and they carried many linen bandages with them. It was their purpose more thoroughly to give the body of Jesus its death anointing and more carefully to wrap it up with the new bandages.
189:4.4 (2025.5) Jeesuse surnukeha läksid võidma Maarja Magdaleena, alfeuse kaksikute ema Maarja, vendade Sebedeuste ema Saloome, Kuusa naine Johanna ja Esra tütar Susanna Aleksandriast. 189:4.4 (2025.5) The women who went on this mission of anointing Jesus’ body were: Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the Alpheus twins, Salome the mother of the Zebedee brothers, Joanna the wife of Chuza, and Susanna the daughter of Ezra of Alexandria.
189:4.5 (2025.6) Kell oli juba pool neli, kui viis naist oma salvikoormaga tühja hauakambri ette jõudsid. Damaskuse väravast väljudes kohtasid nad gruppi sõdureid, kes põgenesid linna, mõni suuremas, mõni väiksemas paanikas, ja see sundis neid hetkeks peatuma; aga kui rohkem midagi ei juhtunud, jätkasid nad teed. 189:4.5 (2025.6) It was about half past three o’clock when the five women, laden with their ointments, arrived before the empty tomb. As they passed out of the Damascus gate, they encountered a number of soldiers fleeing into the city more or less panic-stricken, and this caused them to pause for a few minutes; but when nothing more developed, they resumed their journey.
189:4.6 (2025.7) Nad olid väga üllatunud, kui nägid, et kivi oli hauakambri sissepääsu eest veeretatud, sest olid teed alustades arutanud, kes küll aitab neil kivi ära veeretada. Nüüd asetasid nad oma kandamid maha ja vahetasid hirmunult ja suures hämmastuses pilke. Kui nad seal hirmust värisedes seisid, söandas Maarja Magdaleena ümber väiksema kivi minna ja lahtisesse hauakambrisse siseneda. Joosepi hauakamber asus Joosepi aias mäeküljel, teest ida pool, sissepääsuga ida suunas. Selleks tunniks oli uue päeva koiduvalgus juba sedavõrd tugev, et Maarja võis näha kohta, kus Meistri keha oli lebanud, ja aduda, et surnu on kadunud. Kaljuorvas, kuhu Jeesus oli puhkama seatud, nägi Maarja ainult kokkuvolditud rätikut, millel oli lebanud Jeesuse pea, ja sidemeid, millesse oli mähitud tema keha; need olid kivil puutumatult nagu enne seda, kui taevaväed olid keha eemaldanud. Kattelina oli hauasüvendi jalutsis. 189:4.6 (2025.7) They were greatly surprised to see the stone rolled away from the entrance to the tomb, inasmuch as they had said among themselves on the way out, “Who will help us roll away the stone?” They set down their burdens and began to look upon one another in fear and with great amazement. While they stood there, atremble with fear, Mary Magdalene ventured around the smaller stone and dared to enter the open sepulchre. This tomb of Joseph was in his garden on the hillside on the eastern side of the road, and it also faced toward the east. By this hour there was just enough of the dawn of a new day to enable Mary to look back to the place where the Master’s body had lain and to discern that it was gone. In the recess of stone where they had laid Jesus, Mary saw only the folded napkin where his head had rested and the bandages wherewith he had been wrapped lying intact and as they had rested on the stone before the celestial hosts removed the body. The covering sheet lay at the foot of the burial niche.
189:4.7 (2026.1) Seisnud mõne hetke hauakambri lävel (sisenedes ei näinud ta algul päris selgesti) ja mõistnud, et Jeesuse surnukeha on kadunud ning tema kohal vedelevad vaid surilinad, karjatas Maarja ehmunult ja ahastavalt. Kõik naised olid äärmiselt erutatud, nende närvid olid pingul juba sestsaadik, kui nad linnaväravas paanikasse sattunud sõdureid kohtasid, ning kui Maarja nüüd ahastades karjatas, haaras neid õud ja nad põgenesid kiiruga. Nad ei peatunud enne, kui olid jõudnud Damaskuse väravani. Selleks ajaks oli Johannat hakanud südametunnistus piinama, et nad olid Maarja maha jätnud; ta kogus kaaslased kokku ja nad suundusid tagasi haua juurde. 189:4.7 (2026.1) After Mary had tarried in the doorway of the tomb for a few moments (she did not see distinctly when she first entered the tomb), she saw that Jesus’ body was gone and in its place only these grave cloths, and she uttered a cry of alarm and anguish. All the women were exceedingly nervous; they had been on edge ever since meeting the panicky soldiers at the city gate, and when Mary uttered this scream of anguish, they were terror-stricken and fled in great haste. And they did not stop until they had run all the way to the Damascus gate. By this time Joanna was conscience-stricken that they had deserted Mary; she rallied her companions, and they started back for the tomb.
189:4.8 (2026.2) Kui naised hauakambri lähedusse jõudsid, tormas nende juurde Magdaleena, kes oli nüüd veelgi hirmunum, sest ta polnud hauakambrist väljudes oma õdesid ootamas leidnud, ning hüüdis erutatult: „Teda pole seal — nad on ta ära viinud!” Ja ta viis naised tagasi hauakambri juurde ning kõik läksid sisse ja nägid, et see on tühi. 189:4.8 (2026.2) As they drew near the sepulchre, the frightened Magdalene, who was even more terrorized when she failed to find her sisters waiting when she came out of the tomb, now rushed up to them, excitedly exclaiming: “He is not there—they have taken him away!” And she led them back to the tomb, and they all entered and saw that it was empty.
189:4.9 (2026.3) Viis naist istusid sissepääsu lähedale kivile ja arutasid olukorda. Neile polnud veel pähe tulnud, et Jeesus on üles tõusnud. Nad olid sabati omaette veetnud ja oletasid nüüd, et surnukeha on viidud mõnda teise puhkepaika. Kui nad aga selle võimaluse üle järele mõtlesid, ei osanud nad seletada, miks surilinad olid korralikult kivile seatud; kuidas oli surnukeha ära viidud nii, et sidemed, millesse see oli mähitud, olid jäetud pealtnäha puutumatult matmisorva endisesse asendisse. 189:4.9 (2026.3) All five of the women then sat down on the stone near the entrance and talked over the situation. It had not yet occurred to them that Jesus had been resurrected. They had been by themselves over the Sabbath, and they conjectured that the body had been moved to another resting place. But when they pondered such a solution of their dilemma, they were at a loss to account for the orderly arrangement of the grave cloths; how could the body have been removed since the very bandages in which it was wrapped were left in position and apparently intact on the burial shelf?
189:4.10 (2026.4) Kui naised seal uue päeva varastel koidutundidel istusid, vaatasid nad hetkeks kõrvale ja nägid üht liikumatult seisvat vaikivat võõrast. Korraks tekkis neil taas hirm, kuid siis tormas Maarja Magdaleena võõra juurde ja küsis, pidades teda aednikuks: „Kuhu te olete Meistri viinud? Kuhu ta on puhkama asetatud? Ütle meile, et saaksime tema juurde minna.” Kui võõras Maarjale ei vastanud, hakkas naine nutma. Siis küsis Jeesus neilt: „Keda te otsite?” Maarja ütles: „Otsime Jeesust, kes asetati Joosepi haua kambrisse puhkama, aga on nüüd kadunud. Kas sa tead, kuhu ta on viidud?” Siis ütles Jeesus: „Kas see Jeesus siis ei öelnud teile juba Galileas, et ta ei sure, vaid tõuseb uuesti üles?” Naised ehmusid nende sõnade peale, ent Meister oli nii muutunud, et nad ei tundnud teda veel ära, sest ta oli seljaga vastu ähmast valgust. Kui nad võõra sõnade üle järele mõtlesid, pöördus too Magdaleena poole ja ütles tuttava häälega: „Maarja.” Ja kui naine seda nii tuttavat osavõtlikku ja armastavat tervitust kuulis, tundis ta Meistri hääle ära ja viskus põlvili tema jalge ette, hüüdes: „Mu Issand ja mu Meister!” Ning ka kõik teised naised taipasid, et nende ees seisab ülendatud Meister, ja nemadki põlvitasid ruttu tema ette. 189:4.10 (2026.4) As these women sat there in the early hours of the dawn of this new day, they looked to one side and observed a silent and motionless stranger. For a moment they were again frightened, but Mary Magdalene, rushing toward him and addressing him as if she thought he might be the caretaker of the garden, said, “Where have you taken the Master? Where have they laid him? Tell us that we may go and get him.” When the stranger did not answer Mary, she began to weep. Then spoke Jesus to them, saying, “Whom do you seek?” Mary said: “We seek for Jesus who was laid to rest in Joseph’s tomb, but he is gone. Do you know where they have taken him?” Then said Jesus: “Did not this Jesus tell you, even in Galilee, that he would die, but that he would rise again?” These words startled the women, but the Master was so changed that they did not yet recognize him with his back turned to the dim light. And as they pondered his words, he addressed the Magdalene with a familiar voice, saying, “Mary.” And when she heard that word of well-known sympathy and affectionate greeting, she knew it was the voice of the Master, and she rushed to kneel at his feet while she exclaimed, “My Lord, and my Master!” And all of the other women recognized that it was the Master who stood before them in glorified form, and they quickly knelt before him.
189:4.11 (2027.1) Need inimsilmad võisid Jeesuse morontiakuju näha tänu Jeesust tol korral saatnud muundajate ja keskteeliste ning teatavate morontiaisiksuste eriomasele abile. 189:4.11 (2027.1) These human eyes were enabled to see the morontia form of Jesus because of the special ministry of the transformers and the midwayers in association with certain of the morontia personalities then accompanying Jesus.
189:4.12 (2027.2) Kui Maarja püüdis Jeesuse jalgu emmata, ütles Meister: „Ära puuduta mind, Maarja, sest ma pole selline, nagu siis, kui mind mu lihaliku elu ajal tundsid. Ma viibin oma praegusel kujul siin teie seas mõnda aega, enne kui Isa juurde tõusen. Aga minge nüüd kõik ja rääkige minu apostlitele — ja Peetrusele —, et ma olen üles tõusnud ja et teie olete minuga kõnelnud.” 189:4.12 (2027.2) As Mary sought to embrace his feet, Jesus said: “Touch me not, Mary, for I am not as you knew me in the flesh. In this form will I tarry with you for a season before I ascend to the Father. But go, all of you, now and tell my apostles—and Peter—that I have risen, and that you have talked with me.”
189:4.13 (2027.3) Kui naised hämmastusest toibusid, kiirustasid nad tagasi linna Eelija Markuse majja, kus jutustasid kümnele apostlile kõigest, mis nendega oli juhtunud, kuid apostlid ei tahtnud neid uskuda. Nad arvasid algul, et naised olid nägemust näinud, aga kui Maarja Magdaleena kordas sõnu, mis Jeesus oli neile öelnud, ning Peetrus kuulis oma nime, tormas ta ülakambrist välja, Johannes kannul, ning kiirustas hauakambri juurde, et kõike oma silmaga näha. 189:4.13 (2027.3) After these women had recovered from the shock of their amazement, they hastened back to the city and to the home of Elijah Mark, where they related to the ten apostles all that had happened to them; but the apostles were not inclined to believe them. They thought at first that the women had seen a vision, but when Mary Magdalene repeated the words which Jesus had spoken to them, and when Peter heard his name, he rushed out of the upper chamber, followed closely by John, in great haste to reach the tomb and see these things for himself.
189:4.14 (2027.4) Naised kordasid oma lugu jutuajamisest Jeesusega ka teistele apostlitele, aga nemad ei jäänud uskuma ega tahtnud ka ise minna asja uurima, nagu olid teinud Peetrus ja Johannes. 189:4.14 (2027.4) The women repeated the story of talking with Jesus to the other apostles, but they would not believe; and they would not go to find out for themselves as had Peter and John.
5. Peetrus ja Johannes haua juures ^top 5. Peter and John at the Tomb ^top
189:5.1 (2027.5) Kui kaks apostlit jooksid Kolgatale Joosepi hauakambri juurde, valdas Peetruse mõtteid kord hirm, kord lootus. Ta kartis Meistrit kohata, ent tema lootusi suurendas see, et Jeesus oli talle eraldi sõna saatnud. Ta oli pooleldi veendunud, et Jeesus on tõesti elus: ta mäletas Meistri lubadust kolmandal päeval üles tõusta. Imelik, et see lubadus polnud talle pärast ristilöömist meelde tulnud enne, kui nüüd läbi Jeruusalemma põhja poole kiirustades. Johannese hing paisus iseäralikust rõõmu- ja lootuseekstaasist, kui mees linnast välja tõttas. Ta oli pooleldi veendunud, et naised olid tõesti ülestõusnud Meistrit näinud. 189:5.1 (2027.5) As the two apostles raced for Golgotha and the tomb of Joseph, Peter’s thoughts alternated between fear and hope; he feared to meet the Master, but his hope was aroused by the story that Jesus had sent special word to him. He was half persuaded that Jesus was really alive; he recalled the promise to rise on the third day. Strange to relate, this promise had not occurred to him since the crucifixion until this moment as he hurried north through Jerusalem. As John hastened out of the city, a strange ecstasy of joy and hope welled up in his soul. He was half convinced that the women really had seen the risen Master.
189:5.2 (2027.6) Kuna Johannes oli Peetrusest noorem, jooksis ta kiiremini ja jõudis hauakambri juurde esimesena. Johannes seisatas lävel ja vaatas hauakambrisse ning kõik oligi nii, nagu Maarja oli kirjeldanud. Üsna pea tormas kohale ka Siimon Peetrus, kes nägi sisenedes samuti tühja hauakambrit, kus surilinad olid nii veidras asendis. Ja kui Peetrus oli väljunud, astus Johannes sisse ning vaatas kõike oma silmaga. Siis istusid nad kivile, et arutada kuuldu ja nähtu tähendust. Ning seal istudes mõtisklesid nad kõige üle, mis neile Jeesusest oli räägitud, aga ei suutnud juhtunut selgesti mõista. 189:5.2 (2027.6) John, being younger than Peter, outran him and arrived first at the tomb. John tarried at the door, viewing the tomb, and it was just as Mary had described it. Very soon Simon Peter rushed up and, entering, saw the same empty tomb with the grave cloths so peculiarly arranged. And when Peter had come out, John also went in and saw it all for himself, and then they sat down on the stone to ponder the meaning of what they had seen and heard. And while they sat there, they turned over in their minds all that had been told them about Jesus, but they could not clearly perceive what had happened.
189:5.3 (2027.7) Peetrus arvas algul, et hauakambrit oli röövitud, et vaenlased olid surnukeha varastanud, võib-olla valvuritele altkäemaksu maksnud. Johannes aga arutas, et vaevalt oleks hauakamber nii korras, kui surnukeha oleks varastatud, samuti ei saanud ta aru, miks sidemed olid maha jäetud, liiati veel puutumatult. Mõlemad läksid uuesti hauakambrisse, et surilinu lähemalt uurida. Kui nad teist korda kambrist väljusid, leidsid nad eest Maarja Magdaleena, kes oli tagasi tulnud ja nuttis sissepääsu ees. Maarja oli läinud apostlite juurde usus, et Jeesus on üles tõusnud, ent kui kõik tema teadet uskumast keeldusid, langes ta masendusse ja meeleheitesse. Ta ihkas tulla tagasi hauakambri juurde, kus arvas olevat kuulnud Jeesuse tuttavat häält. 189:5.3 (2027.7) Peter at first suggested that the grave had been rifled, that enemies had stolen the body, perhaps bribed the guards. But John reasoned that the grave would hardly have been left so orderly if the body had been stolen, and he also raised the question as to how the bandages happened to be left behind, and so apparently intact. And again they both went back into the tomb more closely to examine the grave cloths. As they came out of the tomb the second time, they found Mary Magdalene returned and weeping before the entrance. Mary had gone to the apostles believing that Jesus had risen from the grave, but when they all refused to believe her report, she became downcast and despairing. She longed to go back near the tomb, where she thought she had heard the familiar voice of Jesus.
189:5.4 (2027.8) Kui Maarja pärast Peetruse ja Johannese lahkumist veel veidikeseks kohale jäi, ilmus Meister uuesti tema juurde, öeldes: „Ära kahtle, olgu sul julgust uskuda seda, mida oled näinud ja kuulnud. Mine mu apostlite juurde tagasi ja ütle neile uuesti, et ma olen üles tõusnud, et ma ilmun ka neile ja et ma lähen peagi nende ees Galileasse, nagu olen lubanud.” 189:5.4 (2027.8) As Mary lingered after Peter and John had gone, the Master again appeared to her, saying: “Be not doubting; have the courage to believe what you have seen and heard. Go back to my apostles and again tell them that I have risen, that I will appear to them, and that presently I will go before them into Galilee as I promised.”
189:5.5 (2028.1) Maarja kiirustas tagasi Markuse majja ja rääkis apostlitele, et oli jälle Jeesusega vestelnud, aga nad ei uskunud teda. Kui aga Peetrus ja Johannes tagasi jõudsid, lakkasid nad teda pilkamast ning neid valdas hirm ja kartlik ootus. 189:5.5 (2028.1) Mary hurried back to the Mark home and told the apostles she had again talked with Jesus, but they would not believe her. But when Peter and John returned, they ceased to ridicule and became filled with fear and apprehension.