190. Kiri |
Paper 190 |
Jeesuse morontiailmumised |
Morontia Appearances of Jesus |
190:0.1 (2029.1) NÜÜD valmistus ülestõusnud Jeesus veidi aega Urantial veetma, et kogeda maailma tõususurelike morontiaelujärku. Ehkki ta pidi veetma morontiaelu samas maailmas, kus oli elanud surelikuna, pidi see olema siiski igas mõttes võrreldav kogemusega, mille Satania surelikud saavad edeneva morontiaelu jooksul Jerusemi seitsmes eluasemeilmas. |
190:0.1 (2029.1) THE resurrected Jesus now prepares to spend a short period on Urantia for the purpose of experiencing the ascending morontia career of a mortal of the realms. Although this time of the morontia life is to be spent on the world of his mortal incarnation, it will, however, be in all respects the counterpart of the experience of Satania mortals who pass through the progressive morontia life of the seven mansion worlds of Jerusem. |
190:0.2 (2029.2) Kogu see Jeesuses peituv jõud — elu and —, mis võimaldas tal surnuist üles tõusta, on seesama igavese elu kingitus, mille ta annetab taevariigisse uskujatele ja mis nüüdki kindlustab nende ülestõusmise loomuliku surma kütkeist. |
190:0.2 (2029.2) All this power which is inherent in Jesus—the endowment of life—and which enabled him to rise from the dead, is the very gift of eternal life which he bestows upon kingdom believers, and which even now makes certain their resurrection from the bonds of natural death. |
190:0.3 (2029.3) Maailmade surelikud ärkavad ülestõusmishommikul samasuguse ülemineku- või morontiakehaga, mis oli Jeesusel, kui ta tol pühapäeva hommikul hauast tõusis. Neis kehades ei voola veri ning need olendid ei söö tavalist ainelist toitu, aga hoolimata sellest on need morontiakujud reaalsed. Kui uskujad Jeesust pärast ülestõusmist nägid, siis nägid nad teda tõepoolest: nad ei lasknud ennast petta nägemustel ega hallutsinatsioonidel. |
190:0.3 (2029.3) The mortals of the realms will arise in the morning of the resurrection with the same type of transition or morontia body that Jesus had when he arose from the tomb on this Sunday morning. These bodies do not have circulating blood, and such beings do not partake of ordinary material food; nevertheless, these morontia forms are real. When the various believers saw Jesus after his resurrection, they really saw him; they were not the self-deceived victims of visions or hallucinations. |
190:0.4 (2029.4) Kindel usk Jeesuse ülestõusmisse oli varase evangeeliumiõpetuse kõigi harude tähtsaim joon. Nii Jeruusalemmas, Aleksandrias, Antiookias kui ka Filadelfias ühendas kõiki evangeeliumiõpetajaid see kõhklematu usk Meistri ülestõusmisse. |
190:0.4 (2029.4) Abiding faith in the resurrection of Jesus was the cardinal feature of the faith of all branches of the early gospel teaching. In Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, and Philadelphia all the gospel teachers united in this implicit faith in the Master’s resurrection. |
190:0.5 (2029.5) Vaadeldes Maarja Magdaleena silmapaistvat osa Meistri ülestõusmise kuulutamisel, tuleb märkida, et Maarja oli naiskorpuse peamine eestkõneleja, nagu Peetrus oli apostlite seas. Maarja ei olnud naistöötajate ülem, kuid oli nende põhiline õpetaja ja avalik eestkõneleja. Maarjast oli saanud väga ettevaatlik naine, julgus, millega ta kõnetas meest, keda pidas Joosepi aednikuks, näitab üksnes seda, kuivõrd teda kohutas tühja haua leidmine. Tema sügav armastus, ahastus ja täielik andumus panid teda hetkeks unustama juudi naise traditsioonilisi piiranguid võõra mehe poole pöördumisel. |
190:0.5 (2029.5) In viewing the prominent part which Mary Magdalene took in proclaiming the Master’s resurrection, it should be recorded that Mary was the chief spokesman for the women’s corps, as was Peter for the apostles. Mary was not chief of the women workers, but she was their chief teacher and public spokesman. Mary had become a woman of great circumspection, so that her boldness in speaking to a man whom she considered to be the caretaker of Joseph’s garden only indicates how horrified she was to find the tomb empty. It was the depth and agony of her love, the fullness of her devotion, that caused her to forget, for a moment, the conventional restraints of a Jewish woman’s approach to a strange man. |
1. Ülestõusmise kuulutajad ^top |
1. Heralds of the Resurrection ^top |
190:1.1 (2029.6) Apostlid polnud tahtnud, et Jeesus neist lahkuks. Seepärast polnud nad kõiki tema jutte suremisest ja lubadusi uuesti üles tõusta eriti tähele pannud. Nad ei olnud oodanud sellist ülestõusmist ja keeldusid seda uskumast ajani, mil pidid tunnistama ümberlükkamatuid, omaenda kogetud täiesti kindlaid tõendeid. |
190:1.1 (2029.6) The apostles did not want Jesus to leave them; therefore had they slighted all his statements about dying, along with his promises to rise again. They were not expecting the resurrection as it came, and they refused to believe until they were confronted with the compulsion of unimpeachable evidence and the absolute proof of their own experiences. |
190:1.2 (2030.1) Kui apostlid keeldusid uskumast viit naist, kes teatasid, et olid Jeesust näinud ja temaga kõnelnud, läks Maarja Magdaleena haua juurde tagasi, teised naised aga siirdusid Joosepi majja, kus rääkisid läbielatust Joosepi tütrele ja teistele naistele. Ja naised uskusid neid. Veidi pärast kella kuut läksid Arimaatia Joosepi tütar ja neli Jeesust näinud naist Nikodeemose majja, kus jutustasid juhtunust Joosepile, Nikodeemosele, Taavet Sebedeusele ja teistele sinna kogunenud inimestele. Nikodeemos ja teised kahtlesid nende loos — nad kahtlesid, et Jeesus oli surnuist üles tõusnud. Nad arvasid, et juudid olid surnukeha ära viinud. Joosep ja Taavet kaldusid aga naisi uskuma ja tõttasid ka ise hauakambrit uurima, leides kõik eest täpselt nii, nagu naised olid kirjeldanud. Nad olid viimased, kes hauakambrit sellisena nägid, sest kella poole kaheksa ajal saatis ülempreester templivalvurite kapteni hauakambrisse surilinade järele. Kapten keeras need linasesse riidesse ja viskas kompsu läheduses asuvalt kaljult alla. |
190:1.2 (2030.1) When the apostles refused to believe the report of the five women who represented that they had seen Jesus and talked with him, Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb, and the others went back to Joseph’s house, where they related their experiences to his daughter and the other women. And the women believed their report. Shortly after six o’clock the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea and the four women who had seen Jesus went over to the home of Nicodemus, where they related all these happenings to Joseph, Nicodemus, David Zebedee, and the other men there assembled. Nicodemus and the others doubted their story, doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead; they conjectured that the Jews had removed the body. Joseph and David were disposed to believe the report, so much so that they hurried out to inspect the tomb, and they found everything just as the women had described. And they were the last to so view the sepulchre, for the high priest sent the captain of the temple guards to the tomb at half past seven o’clock to remove the grave cloths. The captain wrapped them all up in the linen sheet and threw them over a near-by cliff. |
190:1.3 (2030.2) Taavet ja Joosep läksid hauakambrist kohe Eelija Markuse majja, kus hakkasid ülakambris kümne apostliga nõu pidama. Ainult Taavet Sebedeus kaldus õige pisut uskuma, et Jeesus on surnuist üles tõusnud. Peetrus oli seda algul uskunud, aga suutmata Meistrit leida, langes temagi kahtluste võrku. Nad kõik kaldusid uskuma, et juudid olid surnukeha kõrvaldanud. Taavet ei hakanud nendega vaidlema, ent ütles lahkudes: „Teie olete apostlid ja peaksite neist asjadest aru saama. Ma ei hakka teiega vaidlema, aga lähen nüüd tagasi Nikodeemose majja, kuhu kutsusin täna hommikuks sõnumitoojad; kui mehed on kokku tulnud, saadan nad nende viimasele missioonile, Meistri ülestõusmist kuulutama. Ma olen kuulnud Meistrit ütlemas, et ta tõuseb pärast surma kolmandal päeval üles, ja usun teda.” Ning öelnud seda nukratele meeleheitel taevariigisaadikutele, jättis see omal algatusel side- ja teabeteenistuse ülemaks hakanud mees apostlitega hüvasti. Ülakambrist lahkudes poetas ta Matteus Leevi sülle Juuda koti, milles oli kogu apostlite raha. |
190:1.3 (2030.2) From the tomb David and Joseph went immediately to the home of Elijah Mark, where they held a conference with the ten apostles in the upper chamber. Only John Zebedee was disposed to believe, even faintly, that Jesus had risen from the dead. Peter had believed at first but, when he failed to find the Master, fell into grave doubting. They were all disposed to believe that the Jews had removed the body. David would not argue with them, but when he left, he said: “You are the apostles, and you ought to understand these things. I will not contend with you; nevertheless, I now go back to the home of Nicodemus, where I have appointed with the messengers to assemble this morning, and when they have gathered together, I will send them forth on their last mission, as heralds of the Master’s resurrection. I heard the Master say that, after he should die, he would rise on the third day, and I believe him.” And thus speaking to the dejected and forlorn ambassadors of the kingdom, this self-appointed chief of communication and intelligence took leave of the apostles. On his way from the upper chamber he dropped the bag of Judas, containing all the apostolic funds, in the lap of Matthew Levi. |
190:1.4 (2030.3) Viimased Taaveti kahekümne kuuest sõnumitoojast jõudsid Nikodeemose majja kella poole kümne paiku. Taavet kogus nad viivitamatult kokku avarasse õue ja pöördus nende poole: |
190:1.4 (2030.3) It was about half past nine o’clock when the last of David’s twenty-six messengers arrived at the home of Nicodemus. David promptly assembled them in the spacious courtyard and addressed them: |
190:1.5 (2030.4) „Mehed-vennad, te olete kogu selle aja teeninud mind vastavalt mulle ja üksteisele antud tõotusele ning võite tunnistada, et ma pole teid kunagi valeteatega välja saatnud. Nüüd läkitan teid kuningriigi vabatahtlike sõnumitoojatena viimast ülesannet täitma, seda tehes vabastan teid tõotusest ja saadan sõnumitoojate korpuse laiali. Mehed, ma teatan teile, et meie töö on lõppenud. Meister ei vaja enam surelikke sõnumitoojaid, ta on surnuist üles tõusnud. Enne vahistamist ütles ta meile, et sureb ja tõuseb kolmandal päeval uuesti üles. Ma nägin hauda — see on tühi. Ma rääkisin Maarja Magdaleena ja veel nelja naisega, kes on Jeesusega vestelnud. Nüüd jätan teiega hüvasti ja saadan teid laiali igaüht oma tööd tegema; sõnum, mille peate uskujatele viima, kõlab: „Jeesus on surnuist üles tõusnud, haud on tühi.”” |
190:1.5 (2030.4) “Men and brethren, all this time you have served me in accordance with your oath to me and to one another, and I call you to witness that I have never yet sent out false information at your hands. I am about to send you on your last mission as volunteer messengers of the kingdom, and in so doing I release you from your oaths and thereby disband the messenger corps. Men, I declare to you that we have finished our work. No more does the Master have need of mortal messengers; he has risen from the dead. He told us before they arrested him that he would die and rise again on the third day. I have seen the tomb—it is empty. I have talked with Mary Magdalene and four other women, who have talked with Jesus. I now disband you, bid you farewell, and send you on your respective assignments, and the message which you shall bear to the believers is: ‘Jesus has risen from the dead; the tomb is empty.’” |
190:1.6 (2030.5) Enamik kohalolijaid veenis Taavetit oma kavatsusest loobuma. Aga nad ei suutnud teda mõjutada. Siis püüdsid nad veenda sõnumitoojaid sellest ülesandest loobuma, aga nood ei hoolinud kahtlustest. Ja nii läksidki need kakskümmend kuus jooksjat tol pühapäeva hommikul veidi enne kella kümmet esimestena kuulutama vägevat tõde, et Jeesus on üles tõusnud. Nad siirdusid sellele missioonile nagu ka paljudele varasematele vastavalt Taavet Sebedeusele ja üksteisele antud tõotusele. Need mehed usaldasid Taavetit väga. Nad lahkusid seda ülesannet täitma, ilma et oleksid isegi vestelnud nendega, kes Jeesust näinud olid: nad uskusid Taaveti sõnu. Enamik neist uskus, mida Taavet oli rääkinud, ja isegi need, kes mõnevõrra kahtlesid, kandsid sõnumi edasi sama kindlalt ja kiiresti. |
190:1.6 (2030.5) The majority of those present endeavored to persuade David not to do this. But they could not influence him. They then sought to dissuade the messengers, but they would not heed the words of doubt. And so, shortly before ten o’clock this Sunday morning, these twenty-six runners went forth as the first heralds of the mighty truth-fact of the resurrected Jesus. And they started out on this mission as they had on so many others, in fulfillment of their oath to David Zebedee and to one another. These men had great confidence in David. They departed on this assignment without even tarrying to talk with those who had seen Jesus; they took David at his word. The majority of them believed what David had told them, and even those who somewhat doubted, carried the message just as certainly and just as swiftly. |
190:1.7 (2031.1) Apostlid kui taevariigi vaimne korpus olid kogunenud tol päeval ülakambrisse, kus väljendasid oma hirmu ja kahtlusi, aga need lihtsad inimesed, kes kujutasid endast esimest katset Meistri evangeeliumi inimestevahelisest vendlusest ühiskonnastada, suundusid oma kartmatu ja tegusa juhi käsul kuulutama maailma ja universumi ülestõusnud Päästjat. Ning nad alustasid seda sündmusrikast teenistust veel enne, kui Meistri valitud esindajad olid valmis tema sõna või pealtnägijate tunnistusi uskuma. |
190:1.7 (2031.1) The apostles, the spiritual corps of the kingdom, are this day assembled in the upper chamber, where they manifest fear and express doubts, while these laymen, representing the first attempt at the socialization of the Master’s gospel of the brotherhood of man, under the orders of their fearless and efficient leader, go forth to proclaim the risen Savior of a world and a universe. And they engage in this eventful service ere his chosen representatives are willing to believe his word or to accept the evidence of eyewitnesses. |
190:1.8 (2031.2) Need kakskümmend kuus saadeti Laatsaruse majja Betaanias ja kõigisse uskujate keskustesse Beer-Sebast lõunas kuni Damaskuse ja Siidonini põhjas ning Filadelfiast idas kuni Aleksandriani läänes. |
190:1.8 (2031.2) These twenty-six were dispatched to the home of Lazarus in Bethany and to all of the believer centers, from Beersheba in the south to Damascus and Sidon in the north; and from Philadelphia in the east to Alexandria in the west. |
190:1.9 (2031.3) Kui Taavet oli oma vendadega hüvasti jätnud, läks ta Joosepi majja oma ema järele ning nad suundusid koos Betaanias ootava Jeesuse perekonna juurde. Taavet jäi Betaaniasse Marta ja Maarja juurde, kuni nad olid oma maise vara müünud, ning saatis neid siis nende reisil vend Laatsaruse juurde Filadelfiasse. |
190:1.9 (2031.3) When David had taken leave of his brethren, he went over to the home of Joseph for his mother, and they then went out to Bethany to join the waiting family of Jesus. David abode there in Bethany with Martha and Mary until after they had disposed of their earthly possessions, and he accompanied them on their journey to join their brother, Lazarus, at Philadelphia. |
190:1.10 (2031.4) Umbes nädal aega hiljem viis Johannes Sebedeus Jeesuse ema Maarja oma majja Betsaidas. Jeesuse vanim vend Jaakobus jäi oma perega Jeruusalemma. Rutt jäi Laatsaruse õdede juurde Betaaniasse. Jeesuse ülejäänud pereliikmed pöördusid tagasi Galileasse. Taavet Sebedeus lahkus koos Marta ja Maarjaga Betaaniast Filadelfiasse juuni algul, järgmisel päeval pärast abiellumist Jeesuse noorima õe Rutiga. |
190:1.10 (2031.4) In about one week from this time John Zebedee took Mary the mother of Jesus to his home in Bethsaida. James, Jesus’ eldest brother, remained with his family in Jerusalem. Ruth remained at Bethany with Lazarus’s sisters. The rest of Jesus’ family returned to Galilee. David Zebedee left Bethany with Martha and Mary, for Philadelphia, early in June, the day after his marriage to Ruth, Jesus’ youngest sister. |
2. Jeesuse ilmumine Betaanias ^top |
2. Jesus’ Appearance at Bethany ^top |
190:2.1 (2031.5) Alates morontiaülestõusmisest kuni vaimsetesse kõrgustesse tõusmiseni ilmus Jeesus uskujatele maa peal nähtaval kujul üheksateist korda. Ta ei ilmunud oma vaenlastele ega neile, kes poleks suutnud tema nähtaval kujul ilmumisest vaimset kasu saada. Esimesel korral nägid teda viis hauakambri juures olnud naist, teisel korral nägi teda sealsamas hauakambri juures Maarja Magdaleena. |
190:2.1 (2031.5) From the time of the morontia resurrection until the hour of his spirit ascension on high, Jesus made nineteen separate appearances in visible form to his believers on earth. He did not appear to his enemies nor to those who could not make spiritual use of his manifestation in visible form. His first appearance was to the five women at the tomb; his second, to Mary Magdalene, also at the tomb. |
190:2.2 (2031.6) Kolmas ilmumine toimus tol pühapäeval lõuna paiku Betaanias. Veidi pärast keskpäeva seisis Jeesuse vanim vend Jaakobus Laatsaruse aias Marta ja Maarja ülesäratatud venna Laatsaruse tühja hauakambri ees, mõeldes uudistele, mis Taaveti sõnumitooja neile umbes tunni aja eest oli toonud. Jaakobus oli alati kaldunud oma vanima venna maapealsesse missiooni uskuma, ent oli juba ammu Jeesuse tegevusega sideme kaotanud ja hakanud tõsiselt kahtlema apostlite hilisemates väidetes, nagu oleks Jeesus messias. Sõnumitoojalt saadud uudis oli ehmatanud kogu peret ja nad olid tõsiselt jahmunud. Kui Jaakobus Laatsaruse tühja haua ees seisis, jõudis kohale Maarja Magdaleena ja jutustas erutatult oma varahommikustest läbielamistest Joosepi hauakambri juures. Enne kui ta lõpetada jõudis, saabus Taavet Sebedeus koos oma emaga. Rutt uskus muidugi seda juttu ja pärast Taaveti ning Saloomega vestlemist jäi ka Juudas uskuma. |
190:2.2 (2031.6) The third appearance occurred about noon of this Sunday at Bethany. Shortly after noontide, Jesus’ oldest brother, James, was standing in the garden of Lazarus before the empty tomb of the resurrected brother of Martha and Mary, turning over in his mind the news brought to them about one hour previously by the messenger of David. James had always inclined to believe in his eldest brother’s mission on earth, but he had long since lost contact with Jesus’ work and had drifted into grave doubting regarding the later claims of the apostles that Jesus was the Messiah. The whole family was startled and well-nigh confounded by the news brought by the messenger. Even as James stood before Lazarus’s empty tomb, Mary Magdalene arrived on the scene and was excitedly relating to the family her experiences of the early morning hours at the tomb of Joseph. Before she had finished, David Zebedee and his mother arrived. Ruth, of course, believed the report, and so did Jude after he had talked with David and Salome. |
190:2.3 (2032.1) Kui teised teda otsisid ega olnud veel leidnud, tajus Jaakobus aias hauakambri lähedal seistes äkki kellegi juuresolekut, nagu oleks teda õlast puudutatud. Vaatama pöördunud, nägi ta enda kõrvale järk-järgult iseäralikku kuju ilmumas. Ta oli liiga hämmastunud, et midagi öelda, ja liiga hirmunud, et põgeneda. Siis ütles see iseäralik kuju: „Jaakobus, ma tulin sind taevariigi teenistusse kutsuma. Võta tõsiselt oma vendadel käest kinni ja järgi mind.” Kui Jaakobus kuulis oma nime, teadis ta, et tema poole oli pöördunud tema vanim vend Jeesus. Neil kõigil oli Meistri morontiakuju äratundmisega mõnevõrra raskusi, aga vähesed ei tundnud ära tema häält ja võluvat isiksust, kui ta kord nendega rääkima hakkas. |
190:2.3 (2032.1) In the meantime, as they looked for James and before they found him, while he stood there in the garden near the tomb, he became aware of a near-by presence, as if someone had touched him on the shoulder; and when he turned to look, he beheld the gradual appearance of a strange form by his side. He was too much amazed to speak and too frightened to flee. And then the strange form spoke, saying: “James, I come to call you to the service of the kingdom. Join earnest hands with your brethren and follow after me.” When James heard his name spoken, he knew that it was his eldest brother, Jesus, who had addressed him. They all had more or less difficulty in recognizing the morontia form of the Master, but few of them had any trouble recognizing his voice or otherwise identifying his charming personality when he once began to communicate with them. |
190:2.4 (2032.2) Kui Jaakobus taipas, et tema poole oli pöördunud Jeesus, tahtis ta põlvili laskuda ja hüüda: „Mu isa ja mu vend,” kuid Jeesus käskis tal seista, kui ta temaga vestleb. Ja nad jalutasid läbi aia ja kõnelesid peaaegu kolm minutit, rääkides eelmiste päevade läbielamistest ja ennustades lähituleviku sündmusi. Kui nad olid maja juurde jõudmas, ütles Jeesus: „Hüvasti, Jaakobus, kuniks ma teid kõiki koos tervitan.” |
190:2.4 (2032.2) When James perceived that Jesus was addressing him, he started to fall to his knees, exclaiming, “My father and my brother,” but Jesus bade him stand while he spoke with him. And they walked through the garden and talked for almost three minutes; talked over experiences of former days and forecast the events of the near future. As they neared the house, Jesus said, “Farewell, James, until I greet you all together.” |
190:2.5 (2032.3) Jaakobus tormas majja, ehkki teda otsiti samal ajal Betfagest, ja hüüdis: „Ma nägin just Jeesust ja kõnelesin temaga, ajasin temaga juttu. Ta ei ole surnud, ta on üles tõusnud! Ta haihtus minu ees, öeldes: „Hüvasti, kuniks ma teid kõiki koos tervitan.”” Vaevalt oli Jaakobus oma jutu lõpetanud, kui Juudas tagasi tuli, ning ta rääkis ka Juudale Jeesusega kohtumisest. Ja nad kõik hakkasid Jeesuse ülestõusmist uskuma. Nüüd teatas Jaakobus, et ta ei lähe tagasi Galileasse, ja Taavet hüüdis: „Teda ei näe üksnes erutatud naised, vaid isegi kindlameelsed mehed on hakanud teda nägema. Loodan ka ise teda näha.” |
190:2.5 (2032.3) James rushed into the house, even while they looked for him at Bethpage, exclaiming: “I have just seen Jesus and talked with him, visited with him. He is not dead; he has risen! He vanished before me, saying, ‘Farewell until I greet you all together.’” He had scarcely finished speaking when Jude returned, and he retold the experience of meeting Jesus in the garden for the benefit of Jude. And they all began to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. James now announced that he would not return to Galilee, and David exclaimed: “He is seen not only by excited women; even stronghearted men have begun to see him. I expect to see him myself.” |
190:2.6 (2032.4) Ja Taavetil ei tulnud kaua oodata, sest Jeesuse neljas äratuntav ilmumine surelikele toimus veidi enne kella kahte samas Marta ja Maarja majas, kui ta ilmus nähtavalt oma maise pere liikmete ja nende sõprade ette, keda oli kokku kakskümmend. Meister ilmus avatud tagauksele, öeldes: „Rahu olgu teiega. Tervitan neid, kes olid kunagi lihalikult minu lähedal; vennalik tervitus minu vendadele ja õdedele taevariigis. Kuidas võisite te kahelda? Miks viivitasite nii kaua, enne kui otsustasite kogu südamest tõevalgust järgida? Tulge ometi kõik Tõe Vaimu vendlusse Isa taevariigis.” Ja kui nad hakkasid esimesest hämmastuseehmatusest toibuma ning lähenesid talle, et teda emmata, haihtus ta nende pilgu eest. |
190:2.6 (2032.4) And David did not long wait, for the fourth appearance of Jesus to mortal recognition occurred shortly before two o’clock in this very home of Martha and Mary, when he appeared visibly before his earthly family and their friends, twenty in all. The Master appeared in the open back door, saying: “Peace be upon you. Greetings to those once near me in the flesh and fellowship for my brothers and sisters in the kingdom of heaven. How could you doubt? Why have you lingered so long before choosing to follow the light of truth with a whole heart? Come, therefore, all of you into the fellowship of the Spirit of Truth in the Father’s kingdom.” As they began to recover from the first shock of their amazement and to move toward him as if to embrace him, he vanished from their sight. |
190:2.7 (2032.5) Nad kõik tahtsid tormata linna ja rääkida ka kahtlevatele apostlitele, mis oli juhtunud, ent Jaakobus hoidis neid tagasi. Ainult Maarja Magdaleenal lubati Joosepi majja naasta. Jaakobus keelas teadet sellest morontiakülastusest laialt levitada mõne asja pärast, mis Jeesus talle aias vesteldes oli öelnud. Ent Jaakobus ei avaldanud oma vestlusest Meistriga tol päeval Betaanias Laatsaruse kodus rohkem mitte kunagi. |
190:2.7 (2032.5) They all wanted to rush off to the city to tell the doubting apostles about what had happened, but James restrained them. Mary Magdalene, only, was permitted to return to Joseph’s house. James forbade their publishing abroad the fact of this morontia visit because of certain things which Jesus had said to him as they conversed in the garden. But James never revealed more of his visit with the risen Master on this day at the Lazarus home in Bethany. |
3. Joosepi majas ^top |
3. At the Home of Joseph ^top |
190:3.1 (2033.1) Jeesuse viies surelikule silmale äratuntav morontiailmumine toimus tollesama pühapäeva õhtupoolikul umbes veerand viie ajal kahekümne viie Arimaatia Joosepi majja kogunenud naisuskuja juuresolekul. Maarja Magdaleena oli sinna naasnud vaid mõni minut enne seda ilmumist. Jeesuse vend Jaakobus oli palunud, et apostlitele Meistri ilmumise kohta Betaanias midagi ei öeldaks. Aga ta polnud Maarjat palunud hoiduda rääkimast juhtunust oma usuõdedele. Nii võttiski Maarja algatuseks kõigilt naistelt tõotuse saladust pidada ja jutustas neile siis, mis oli juhtunud, kui ta äsja Jeesuse perekonna juures Betaanias viibis. Ja keset seda põnevat juttu laskus neile äkki pühalik vaikus ning nad nägid enda seas ülestõusnud Jeesuse täiesti nähtavat kuju. Jeesus tervitas neid: „Rahu olgu teiega. Taevariigi vennaskonnas ei ole enam juute ega paganaid, rikkaid ega vaeseid, vabu ega orjuses inimesi, mehi ega naisi. Ka teid kutsutakse levitama head sõnumit inimkonna vabadusest evangeeliumi kaudu, mis kõneleb inimesest kui Jumala pojast taevariigis. Minge laiali kogu maailma seda evangeeliumi kuulutama ja uskujate usku sellesse kinnitama. Ja seda tehes ärge unustage hoolitsemast haigete eest ning tugevdamast neid, kes on arglikud ja hirmust vaevatud. Ja mina olen alati teiega, kas või maailma otsani.” Seda öelnud, kadus ta nende silmist, naised aga langesid näoli maha ja palveldasid vaikides. |
190:3.1 (2033.1) The fifth morontia manifestation of Jesus to the recognition of mortal eyes occurred in the presence of some twenty-five women believers assembled at the home of Joseph of Arimathea, at about fifteen minutes past four o’clock on this same Sunday afternoon. Mary Magdalene had returned to Joseph’s house just a few minutes before this appearance. James, Jesus’ brother, had requested that nothing be said to the apostles concerning the Master’s appearance at Bethany. He had not asked Mary to refrain from reporting the occurrence to her sister believers. Accordingly, after Mary had pledged all the women to secrecy, she proceeded to relate what had so recently happened while she was with Jesus’ family at Bethany. And she was in the very midst of this thrilling recital when a sudden and solemn hush fell over them; they beheld in their very midst the fully visible form of the risen Jesus. He greeted them, saying: “Peace be upon you. In the fellowship of the kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor gentile, rich nor poor, free nor bond, man nor woman. You also are called to publish the good news of the liberty of mankind through the gospel of sonship with God in the kingdom of heaven. Go to all the world proclaiming this gospel and confirming believers in the faith thereof. And while you do this, forget not to minister to the sick and strengthen those who are fainthearted and fear-ridden. And I will be with you always, even to the ends of the earth.” And when he had thus spoken, he vanished from their sight, while the women fell on their faces and worshiped in silence. |
190:3.2 (2033.2) Kuni selle ajani toimunud viiest morontiailmumisest oli Maarja Magdaleena olnud tunnistajaks neljale. |
190:3.2 (2033.2) Of the five morontia appearances of Jesus occurring up to this time, Mary Magdalene had witnessed four. |
190:3.3 (2033.3) Tänu sõnumitoojate ennelõunasele teelesaatmisele ja sellele, et uudis Jeesuse ilmumisest Joosepi majas oli tahtmatult kõrvaliste isikuteni jõudnud, hakkas varasel õhtupoolikul juudi valitsejate kõrvu ulatuma teateid linnas levivatest juttudest, et Jeesus on üles tõusnud ning paljud inimesed väidavad end olevat teda näinud. Need kuulujutud ärritasid Suurkohtu liikmeid väga. Pärast kiiret nõupidamist Hannasega kutsus Kaifas õhtul kella kaheksaks kokku Suurkohtu istungi. Just sel istungil otsustati heita sünagoogist välja kõik, kes Jeesuse ülestõusmist mainivad. Tehti isegi ettepanek, et igaüks, kes väidab end teda näinud olevat, tuleks surmata. Seda ettepanekut ei jõutud siiski hääletusele panna, sest istung lõppes segadusega, peaaegu paanikaga. Nad olid julgenud arvata, et on Jeesusest võitu saanud. Peagi tuli neil aga tõdeda, et nende tõelised mured seoses Naatsaretlasega on alles alanud. |
190:3.3 (2033.3) As a result of sending out the messengers during the midforenoon and from the unconscious leakage of intimations concerning this appearance of Jesus at Joseph’s house, word began to come to the rulers of the Jews during the early evening that it was being reported about the city that Jesus had risen, and that many persons were claiming to have seen him. The Sanhedrists were thoroughly aroused by these rumors. After a hasty consultation with Annas, Caiaphas called a meeting of the Sanhedrin to convene at eight o’clock that evening. It was at this meeting that action was taken to throw out of the synagogues any person who made mention of Jesus’ resurrection. It was even suggested that anyone claiming to have seen him should be put to death; this proposal, however, did not come to a vote since the meeting broke up in confusion bordering on actual panic. They had dared to think they were through with Jesus. They were about to discover that their real trouble with the man of Nazareth had just begun. |
4. Ilmumine kreeklastele ^top |
4. Appearance to the Greeks ^top |
190:4.1 (2033.4) Kella poole viie paiku ilmus Meister Flaviuse-nimelise mehe majas kuuendat korda morontiakujul ligikaudu neljakümnele sinna kogunenud kreeklasest uskujale. Kui nad parajasti Meistri ülestõusmise kohta kuuldud teateid arutasid, ilmus too ise nende keskele, ehkki uksed olid kindlalt kinni, ning ütles neile: „Rahu olgu teiega. Inimese Poeg ilmus küll maa peale juutide keskel, ent ta tuli hoolt kandma kõigi inimeste eest. Minu Isa kuningriigis ei ole juute ega paganaid, seal olete kõik vennad — Jumala pojad. Seepärast minge üle kogu maailma seda pääsemise evangeeliumi kuulutama, nagu te selle olete saanud kuningriigi saadikutelt, ja mina tervitan teid vennalikult Isa usu- ja tõepoegade vennaskonnas.” Ja andnud neile selle ülesande, lahkus ta ja nad ei näinud teda enam. Nad jäid kogu õhtuks majja, sest tundsid liiga suurt aukartust ja hirmu, et välja minna. Ükski kreeklane ei maganud tol ööl: nad jäid ärkvele ja arutasid juhtunut, lootes, et Meister neid taas külastab. Selles rühmas oli palju kreeklasi, kes olid viibinud Ketsemanis, kui sõdurid Jeesuse vahistasid ja Juudas ta suudlusega ära andis. |
190:4.1 (2033.4) About half past four o’clock, at the home of one Flavius, the Master made his sixth morontia appearance to some forty Greek believers there assembled. While they were engaged in discussing the reports of the Master’s resurrection, he manifested himself in their midst, notwithstanding that the doors were securely fastened, and speaking to them, said: “Peace be upon you. While the Son of Man appeared on earth among the Jews, he came to minister to all men. In the kingdom of my Father there shall be neither Jew nor gentile; you will all be brethren—the sons of God. Go you, therefore, to all the world, proclaiming this gospel of salvation as you have received it from the ambassadors of the kingdom, and I will fellowship you in the brotherhood of the Father’s sons of faith and truth.” And when he had thus charged them, he took leave, and they saw him no more. They remained within the house all evening; they were too much overcome with awe and fear to venture forth. Neither did any of these Greeks sleep that night; they stayed awake discussing these things and hoping that the Master might again visit them. Among this group were many of the Greeks who were at Gethsemane when the soldiers arrested Jesus and Judas betrayed him with a kiss. |
190:4.2 (2034.1) Jutud Jeesuse ülestõusmisest ja teated tema paljudest ilmumistest oma poolehoidjatele levisid kiiresti ning kogu linnas oli elevus tõusmas haripunkti. Meister oli juba ilmunud oma perekonnale, naistele ja kreeklastele ning ilmutas end peagi ka apostlite keskel. Suurkohus pidi peagi kokku tulema, et arutada neid uusi probleeme, mis juutide valitsejatele nii äkki olid kaela sadanud. Jeesus mõtles palju oma apostlitele, kuid soovis enne nende külastamist nad veel mõneks tunniks omaette pühalikult mõtisklema ja arutlema jätta. |
190:4.2 (2034.1) Rumors of Jesus’ resurrection and reports concerning the many appearances to his followers are spreading rapidly, and the whole city is being wrought up to a high pitch of excitement. Already the Master has appeared to his family, to the women, and to the Greeks, and presently he manifests himself in the midst of the apostles. The Sanhedrin is soon to begin the consideration of these new problems which have been so suddenly thrust upon the Jewish rulers. Jesus thinks much about his apostles but desires that they be left alone for a few more hours of solemn reflection and thoughtful consideration before he visits them. |
5. Jalutuskäik kahe vennaga ^top |
5. The Walk with Two Brothers ^top |
190:5.1 (2034.2) Umbes kümme kilomeetrit Jeruusalemmast läänes, Emmauses, elas kaks karjasest venda, kes olid paasapüha nädalal Jeruusalemmas ohverdamisi, tseremooniaid ja pidustusi vaadanud. Neist vanem, Kleopas, uskus osaliselt Jeesusesse: vähemalt oli ta sünagoogist välja heidetud. Tema vend Jaakob ei olnud uskuja, ehkki Meistri õpetustest ja tegudest kuuldud lood huvitasid teda väga. |
190:5.1 (2034.2) At Emmaus, about seven miles west of Jerusalem, there lived two brothers, shepherds, who had spent the Passover week in Jerusalem attending upon the sacrifices, ceremonials, and feasts. Cleopas, the elder, was a partial believer in Jesus; at least he had been cast out of the synagogue. His brother, Jacob, was not a believer, although he was much intrigued by what he had heard about the Master’s teachings and works. |
190:5.2 (2034.3) Tol pühapäeva õhtupoolikul mõni minut enne kella viit, umbes viie kilomeetri kaugusel Jeruusalemmast, astusid need kaks venda väsinult mööda teed Emmause poole ja rääkisid väga tõsiselt Jeesusest, tema õpetustest, tööst ja eriti juttudest selle kohta, et ta haud oli tühi ning et mõned naised olid temaga vestelnud. Kleopas uskus neid teateid pooleldi, aga Jaakob oli kindel, et kogu lugu on tõenäoliselt pettus. Kui nad koduteel selle üle vaidlesid, ilmus nende kõrvale Jeesuse morontiakuju, see oli tema seitsmes ilmumine. Kleopas oli sageli kuulnud Jeesust õpetamas ja ta oli mitu korda Jeruusalemma uskujate majades koos temaga einetanud. Ent ta ei tundnud Meistrit ära ka siis, kui too neid kõnetas. |
190:5.2 (2034.3) On this Sunday afternoon, about three miles out of Jerusalem and a few minutes before five o’clock, as these two brothers trudged along the road to Emmaus, they talked in great earnestness about Jesus, his teachings, work, and more especially concerning the rumors that his tomb was empty, and that certain of the women had talked with him. Cleopas was half a mind to believe these reports, but Jacob was insistent that the whole affair was probably a fraud. While they thus argued and debated as they made their way toward home, the morontia manifestation of Jesus, his seventh appearance, came alongside them as they journeyed on. Cleopas had often heard Jesus teach and had eaten with him at the homes of Jerusalem believers on several occasions. But he did not recognize the Master even when he spoke freely with them. |
190:5.3 (2034.4) Natuke maad koos nendega edasi kõndinud, küsis Jeesus: „Mida te nii tõsiselt arutasite, kui ma teieni jõudsin?” Kui Jeesus oli seda küsinud, jäid mehed seisma ja vaatasid teda kurva üllatusega. Kleopas uuris: „Kas on võimalik, et sa viibisid Jeruusalemmas ega ole kuulnud äsjastest sündmustest?” Seepeale küsis Meister: „Missugustest sündmustest?” Kleopas vastas: „Kui sa neist asjust ei tea, siis oled Jeruusalemmas ainuke, kes pole kuulnud jutte Jeesus Naatsaretlasest, Jumala ja kõigi inimeste ees sõna ja tegude poolest vägevast prohvetist. Ülempreestrid ja meie valitsejad andsid ta roomlaste kätte ning nõudsid, et ta risti löödaks. Paljud meist olid aga lootnud, et just tema päästab Iisraeli paganate ikkest. Aga see pole veel kõik. Praegu on kolmas päev pärast tema ristilöömist ja mõned naised hämmastasid meid täna teatega, et olid läinud väga vara hommikul tema hauakambrisse ja leidnud selle tühja olevat. Ning needsamad naised väidavad kindlalt, et on rääkinud selle mehega ja kinnitavad, et ta on surnuist üles tõusnud. Aga kui naised sellest meestele rääkisid, jooksid kaks tema apostlit hauakambri juurde ja leidsid selle samuti tühjana eest,” -siinkohal katkestas Jaakob venna jutu ning ütles: „Aga Jeesust nad ei näinud.” |
190:5.3 (2034.4) After walking a short way with them, Jesus said: “What were the words you exchanged so earnestly as I came upon you?” And when Jesus had spoken, they stood still and viewed him with sad surprise. Said Cleopas: “Can it be that you sojourn in Jerusalem and know not the things which have recently happened?” Then asked the Master, “What things?” Cleopas replied: “If you do not know about these matters, you are the only one in Jerusalem who has not heard these rumors concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in word and in deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers delivered him up to the Romans and demanded that they crucify him. Now many of us had hoped that it was he who would deliver Israel from the yoke of the gentiles. But that is not all. It is now the third day since he was crucified, and certain women have this day amazed us by declaring that very early this morning they went to his tomb and found it empty. And these same women insist that they talked with this man; they maintain that he has risen from the dead. And when the women reported this to the men, two of his apostles ran to the tomb and likewise found it empty”—and here Jacob interrupted his brother to say, “but they did not see Jesus.” |
190:5.4 (2035.1) Edasi kõndides ütles Jeesus neile: „Kui aeglased te olete tõde mõistma! Kui te ütlete, et rääkisite selle mehe õpetustest ja töödest, siis võin ma teid valgustada, sest olen nende õpetustega enam kui tuttav. Kas te ei mäleta, et see Jeesus õpetas alati, et tema kuningriik pole sellest maailmast ning et kõik inimesed peaksid leidma Jumala poegadena vabaduse vaimses rõõmus, mida toob vennalik ja armastav teenimine taevase Isa armastuse tõe uues kuningriigis? Kas te ei mäleta, et see Inimese Poeg kuulutas Jumala päästmist kõigile inimestele, hoolitsedes haigete ja vaevatute eest ning vabastades neid, kes olid hirmu köidikuis ja pahe orjuses? Kas te ei tea, et see Naatsaretlane ütles oma jüngritele, et ta peab minema Jeruusalemma, kus ta antakse vaenlaste kätte, kes ta surmavad, ning et ta tõuseb kolmandal päeval üles? Kas teile pole seda kõike räägitud? Ja kas te pole kunagi lugenud pühakirjadest kohta, kus räägitakse sellest juutide ja paganate pääsemispäevast ning öeldakse, et temas on õnnistatud kõik maapealsed pered; et ta kuuleb hädaliste nuttu ja päästab teda otsivate vaeste hinged; et kõik rahvad teda kord veel pühaks nimetavad? Et see Vabastaja on nagu suure kalju vari väsinud maal. Et ta söödab karja nagu tõeline karjane, kogudes talled oma käte vahele ja kandes neid hellalt oma rüpes. Et ta avab vaimupimedate silmad ja toob meeleheitevangid välja täieliku vabaduse ja valguse kätte, et kõik pimeduses olijad näeksid igavese pääsemise suurt valgust. Et ta seob kinni murtud südamed, kuulutab vabadust patu vangidele ja avab vanglauksed neile, keda on orjastanud hirm ja sidunud pahe. Et ta lohutab leinajaid ja asendab nende kurvad ja sünged mõtted pääsemisrõõmuga. Et temast saab kõigi rahvaste ihalus ja õiguseotsijate igikestev rõõm. Et see tõe ja õigluse Poeg tõuseb maailma kohale tervendava valguse ja päästva väega ning et ta päästab oma rahva nende pattudest, et ta tõesti otsib eksinud üles ja päästab nad. Et ta ei hävita nõrku, vaid kingib pääsemise kõigile, kes janunevad õigluse järele. Et need, kes temasse usuvad, saavad igavese elu. Et ta valab oma vaimu välja kogu liha peale ning et see Tõe Vaim on igas uskujas nagu veeläte, mis voolab igikestvasse ellu. Kas te ei saa aru selle kuningriigi evangeeliumi suurusest, mille too mees teile andis? Kas te ei mõista, kui ülev on teile antud pääsemine?” |
190:5.4 (2035.1) As they walked along, Jesus said to them: “How slow you are to comprehend the truth! When you tell me that it is about the teachings and work of this man that you have your discussions, then may I enlighten you since I am more than familiar with these teachings. Do you not remember that this Jesus always taught that his kingdom was not of this world, and that all men, being the sons of God, should find liberty and freedom in the spiritual joy of the fellowship of the brotherhood of loving service in this new kingdom of the truth of the heavenly Father’s love? Do you not recall how this Son of Man proclaimed the salvation of God for all men, ministering to the sick and afflicted and setting free those who were bound by fear and enslaved by evil? Do you not know that this man of Nazareth told his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem, be delivered up to his enemies, who would put him to death, and that he would arise on the third day? Have you not been told all this? And have you never read in the Scriptures concerning this day of salvation for Jew and gentile, where it says that in him shall all the families of the earth be blessed; that he will hear the cry of the needy and save the souls of the poor who seek him; that all nations shall call him blessed? That such a Deliverer shall be as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. That he will feed the flock like a true shepherd, gathering the lambs in his arms and tenderly carrying them in his bosom. That he will open the eyes of the spiritually blind and bring the prisoners of despair out into full liberty and light; that all who sit in darkness shall see the great light of eternal salvation. That he will bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives of sin, and open up the prison to those who are enslaved by fear and bound by evil. That he will comfort those who mourn and bestow upon them the joy of salvation in the place of sorrow and heaviness. That he shall be the desire of all nations and the everlasting joy of those who seek righteousness. That this Son of truth and righteousness shall rise upon the world with healing light and saving power; even that he will save his people from their sins; that he will really seek and save those who are lost. That he will not destroy the weak but minister salvation to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness. That those who believe in him shall have eternal life. That he will pour out his spirit upon all flesh, and that this Spirit of Truth shall be in each believer a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. Did you not understand how great was the gospel of the kingdom which this man delivered to you? Do you not perceive how great a salvation has come upon you?” |
190:5.5 (2035.2) Selleks ajaks olid nad jõudnud vendade koduküla lähedale. Kaks karjast polnud sõnagi lausunud sestpeale, kui Jeesus neid mööda teed kõndides õpetama hakkas. Peagi saabusid nad karjuste tagasihoidliku elupaiga ette ja Jeesus tahtis neist lahkuda ning mööda teed edasi minna, aga mehed sundisid teda sisse astuma ja enda juurde jääma. Nad ütlesid, et päike loojub peagi ning et ta peaks nende juures peatuma. Lõpuks Jeesus nõustus ja nad läksid majja ning istusid sööma. Mehed andsid leiva talle õnnistamiseks ning kui ta seda murdis ja neile ulatas, avanesid nende silmad ja Kleopas mõistis, et külaline oli Meister ise. Ja kui ta ütles: „See on Meister...,” kadus Jeesuse morontiakuju nende silmist. |
190:5.5 (2035.2) By this time they had come near to the village where these brothers dwelt. Not a word had these two men spoken since Jesus began to teach them as they walked along the way. Soon they drew up in front of their humble dwelling place, and Jesus was about to take leave of them, going on down the road, but they constrained him to come in and abide with them. They insisted that it was near nightfall, and that he tarry with them. Finally Jesus consented, and very soon after they went into the house, they sat down to eat. They gave him the bread to bless, and as he began to break and hand to them, their eyes were opened, and Cleopas recognized that their guest was the Master himself. And when he said, “It is the Master—,” the morontia Jesus vanished from their sight. |
190:5.6 (2036.1) Ning siis ütlesid nad teineteisele: „Pole ime, et meie südamed sees põlesid, kui ta teel kõndides meiega rääkis! Ja kui ta avas meile arusaamiseks pühakirjade õpetusi!” |
190:5.6 (2036.1) And then they said, the one to the other, “No wonder our hearts burned within us as he spoke to us while we walked along the road! and while he opened up to our understanding the teachings of the Scriptures!” |
190:5.7 (2036.2) Nad ei hakanudki sööma. Nad olid näinud Meistri morontiakuju ja tormasid nüüd majast välja ning kiirustasid Jeruusalemma, et levitada head uudist ülestõusnud Päästjast. |
190:5.7 (2036.2) They would not stop to eat. They had seen the morontia Master, and they rushed from the house, hastening back to Jerusalem to spread the good news of the risen Savior. |
190:5.8 (2036.3) Kella üheksa paiku samal õhtul, vahetult enne Meistri kümnele ilmumist, tormasid apostlite juurde ülakambrisse äkki kaks erutatud venda, kes kuulutasid, et olid Jeesust näinud ja temaga rääkinud. Ning nad jutustasid kõigest, mis Jeesus oli neile öelnud, ja sellest, kuidas nad olid ta alles leivamurdmise ajal ära tundnud. |
190:5.8 (2036.3) About nine o’clock that evening and just before the Master appeared to the ten, these two excited brothers broke in upon the apostles in the upper chamber, declaring that they had seen Jesus and talked with him. And they told all that Jesus had said to them and how they had not discerned who he was until the time of the breaking of the bread. |