192. Kiri Paper 192
Ilmumised Galileas Appearances in Galilee
192:0.1 (2045.1) SELLEKS ajaks kui apostlid Jeruusalemmast Galileasse siirdusid, olid juutide juhid märgatavalt rahunenud. Kuna Jeesus ilmus ainult oma taevariiki uskujate perele ning apostlid olid peidus ega jutlustanud avalikult, siis järeldasid juutide juhid, et evangeeliumiliikumine oli kõigele vaatamata tõesti maha surutud. Neid häirisid muidugi väga üha enam levivad jutud Jeesuse ülestõusmisest, kuid nad lootsid, et äraostetud valvurid kummutavad need kuuldused, korrates üha oma lugu, mille kohaselt oli Jeesuse järgijate jõuk surnukeha ära viinud. 192:0.1 (2045.1) BY THE time the apostles left Jerusalem for Galilee, the Jewish leaders had quieted down considerably. Since Jesus appeared only to his family of kingdom believers, and since the apostles were in hiding and did no public preaching, the rulers of the Jews concluded that the gospel movement was, after all, effectually crushed. They were, of course, disconcerted by the increasing spread of rumors that Jesus had risen from the dead, but they depended upon the bribed guards effectively to counteract all such reports by their reiteration of the story that a band of his followers had removed the body.
192:0.2 (2045.2) Sellest ajast kuni apostlite laialipillutamiseni tagakiusamise laineharjal oli Peetrus apostlikorpuse üldtunnustatud juht. Jeesus polnud talle selleks volitusi andnud ja tema apostlitest kaaslased polnud teda säärasele vastutavale ametikohale valinud; ta oli selle positsiooni omandanud iseenesest ja hoidis seda kõigi nõusolekul, aga ka sellepärast, et oli nende peamine jutlustaja. Nüüdsest muutus apostlite põhitegevuseks avalik jutlustamine. Pärast Galileast tagasipöördumist sai nende varahoidjaks Matteus, kes valiti Juuda asemele. 192:0.2 (2045.2) From this time on, until the apostles were dispersed by the rising tide of persecution, Peter was the generally recognized head of the apostolic corps. Jesus never gave him any such authority, and his fellow apostles never formally elected him to such a position of responsibility; he naturally assumed it and held it by common consent and also because he was their chief preacher. From now on public preaching became the main business of the apostles. After their return from Galilee, Matthias, whom they chose to take the place of Judas, became their treasurer.
192:0.3 (2045.3) Jeruusalemmas veedetud nädalal veetis Jeesuse ema Maarja üsna palju aega koos Arimaatia Joosepi majas peatunud naisuskujatega. 192:0.3 (2045.3) During the week they tarried in Jerusalem, Mary the mother of Jesus spent much of the time with the women believers who were stopping at the home of Joseph of Arimathea.
192:0.4 (2045.4) Tol esmaspäeva varahommikul, kui apostlid Galileasse lahkusid, läks ka Johannes Markus nendega kaasa. Ta järgnes neile linnast välja ja kui nad olid Betaaniast juba üsna kaugele jõudnud, astus julgelt nende sekka, olles kindel, et nad teda tagasi ei saada. 192:0.4 (2045.4) Early this Monday morning when the apostles departed for Galilee, John Mark went along. He followed them out of the city, and when they had passed well beyond Bethany, he boldly came up among them, feeling confident they would not send him back.
192:0.5 (2045.5) Apostlid peatusid teel Galileasse mitu korda, et jutustada oma ülestõusnud Meistrist, ja jõudsid seepärast Betsaidasse alles kolmapäeva hilisõhtul. Nad kõik ärkasid ja olid valmis hommikust sööma alles neljapäeva lõuna ajal. 192:0.5 (2045.5) The apostles paused several times on the way to Galilee to tell the story of their risen Master and therefore did not arrive at Bethsaida until very late on Wednesday night. It was noontime on Thursday before they were all awake and ready to partake of breakfast.
1. Ilmumine järve ääres ^top 1. Appearance by the Lake ^top
192:1.1 (2045.6) Reede, 21. aprilli hommikul kella kuue paiku ilmus Meister morontiakujul kolmeteistkümnendat korda, Galileas esimest korda, näidates end oma kümnele apostlile, kui nende paat lähenes tavalisele randumiskohale Betsaidas. 192:1.1 (2045.6) About six o’clock Friday morning, April 21, the morontia Master made his thirteenth appearance, the first in Galilee, to the ten apostles as their boat drew near the shore close to the usual landing place at Bethsaida.
192:1.2 (2045.7) Kui apostlid olid neljapäeva pärastlõuna ja varased õhtutunnid Sebedeuse majas veetnud, tegi Siimon Peetrus ettepaneku kalale minna, millest haarasid kinni kõik. Nad nägid kogu öö võrkudega vaeva, aga ühtki kala ei saanud. Saagita jäämine mehi eriti ei kurvastanud, sest neil oli omavahel rääkida nii paljudest huvitavatest kogemustest, hiljuti Jeruusalemmas juhtunud sündmustest. Aga kui päev koitis, otsustasid nad tagasi Betsaidasse minna. Kaldale lähenedes nägid nad kedagi rannal paadisilla lähedal tule ääres seismas. Nad pidasid seisjat algul neile vastu tulnud Johannes Markuseks, aga kaldale lähemale jõudes nägid, et olid eksinud — mees oli Johannese kohta liiga pikk. Ühelegi neist ei tulnud pähe, et kaldal seisab Meister. Nad ei saanud aru, miks tahtis Jeesus nendega kohtuda paikades, kus nad olid kunagi koos olnud, vabas looduses, kaugel Jeruusalemma suletud keskkonnast, millega seondusid traagilised hirmu-, reetmis-ja surmamälestused. Ta oli neile öelnud, et kui nad Galileasse lähevad, kohtub ta seal nendega, ning nüüd kavatseski ta oma lubaduse täita. 192:1.2 (2045.7) After the apostles had spent the afternoon and early evening of Thursday in waiting at the Zebedee home, Simon Peter suggested that they go fishing. When Peter proposed the fishing trip, all of the apostles decided to go along. All night they toiled with the nets but caught no fish. They did not much mind the failure to make a catch, for they had many interesting experiences to talk over, things which had so recently happened to them at Jerusalem. But when daylight came, they decided to return to Bethsaida. As they neared the shore, they saw someone on the beach, near the boat landing, standing by a fire. At first they thought it was John Mark, who had come down to welcome them back with their catch, but as they drew nearer the shore, they saw they were mistaken—the man was too tall for John. It had occurred to none of them that the person on the shore was the Master. They did not altogether understand why Jesus wanted to meet with them amidst the scenes of their earlier associations and out in the open in contact with nature, far away from the shut-in environment of Jerusalem with its tragic associations of fear, betrayal, and death. He had told them that, if they would go into Galilee, he would meet them there, and he was about to fulfill that promise.
192:1.3 (2046.1) Kui apostlid heitsid ankru ja valmistusid kaldale minekuks väiksemasse paati astuma, hüüdis rannal seisev mees neile: „Mehed, kas püüdsite midagi?” Ja kui nad vastasid: „Ei,” jätkas mees: „Heitke võrk vette paadist paremal ja te saate kala.” Nad ei teadnud, et neid õpetas Jeesus, kuid heitsid üksmeelselt võrgu juhatatud kohta ja see täitus otsekohe nii rikkalikult, et nad jõudsid selle vaevu välja tõmmata. Johannes Sebedeus oli kiire taipamisega ja raskelt koormatud võrku näinud, mõistis ta, et nendega oli rääkinud Meister. Sellele mõttele tulnud, kummardus ta Peetruse poole ja sosistas: „See on Meister.” Peetrus tegutses tihti mõtlematult ja spontaanselt tunnete ajel ning kui Johannes oli talle need sõnad kõrva sosistanud, tõusis ta kiiresti ja viskus vette, et rutem Meistri juurde jõuda. Ta vennad järgnesid tema kannul väikese paadiga, vedades järel kaladega täidetud võrku. 192:1.3 (2046.1) As they dropped anchor and prepared to enter the small boat for going ashore, the man on the beach called to them, “Lads, have you caught anything?” And when they answered, “No,” he spoke again. “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find fish.” While they did not know it was Jesus who had directed them, with one accord they cast in the net as they had been instructed, and immediately it was filled, so much so that they were hardly able to draw it up. Now, John Zebedee was quick of perception, and when he saw the heavy-laden net, he perceived that it was the Master who had spoken to them. When this thought came into his mind, he leaned over and whispered to Peter, “It is the Master.” Peter was ever a man of thoughtless action and impetuous devotion; so when John whispered this in his ear, he quickly arose and cast himself into the water that he might the sooner reach the Master’s side. His brethren came up close behind him, having come ashore in the small boat, hauling the net of fishes after them.
192:1.4 (2046.2) Selleks ajaks oli ka Johannes Markus kohale jõudnud, märgates apostleid raske võrguga kaldale saabumas, jooksis ta rannale neid tervitama. Nähes kümne mehe asemel ühteteist, oletas ta, et too tundmatu mees on ülestõusnud Jeesus, ning samal ajal kui kümme hämmastunud meest vaikides seisid, tormas noormees Meistri juurde ja ütles tema jalge ette põlvitades: „Mu Issand ja mu Meister.” Ning Jeesus ei rääkinud seal nendega nii nagu Jeruusalemmas, kus ütles tervituseks: „Rahu olgu teiega,” vaid pöördus igapäevasel toonil Johannes Markuse poole: „Tore, Johannes, mul on hea meel sind jälle näha ja veel siin, muretus Galileas, kus me saame korralikult vestelda. Jää meiega, Johannes, sööme hommikust.” 192:1.4 (2046.2) By this time John Mark was up and, seeing the apostles coming ashore with the heavy-laden net, ran down the beach to greet them; and when he saw eleven men instead of ten, he surmised that the unrecognized one was the risen Jesus, and as the astonished ten stood by in silence, the youth rushed up to the Master and, kneeling at his feet, said, “My Lord and my Master.” And then Jesus spoke, not as he had in Jerusalem, when he greeted them with “Peace be upon you,” but in commonplace tones he addressed John Mark: “Well, John, I am glad to see you again and in carefree Galilee, where we can have a good visit. Stay with us, John, and have breakfast.”
192:1.5 (2046.3) Kui Jeesus noormehega rääkis, olid kümme nii hämmastunud ja üllatunud, et unustasid kalavõrgu vedamise. Nüüd ütles Jeesus: „Tooge oma kalad kaldale ja valmistage mõni neist hommikusöögiks. Tuli on meil juba olemas ja palju leiba ka.” 192:1.5 (2046.3) As Jesus talked with the young man, the ten were so astonished and surprised that they neglected to haul the net of fish in upon the beach. Now spoke Jesus: “Bring in your fish and prepare some for breakfast. Already we have the fire and much bread.”
192:1.6 (2046.4) Kui Johannes Markus parajasti Meistrile austust avaldas, ehmatas Peetrust hetkeks rannal sütel hõõguva lõkke nägemine. See vaatepilt tuletas talle nii eredalt meelde kesköist lõket Hannase õuel, kus ta oli Meistrist lahti öelnud, kuid apostel raputas end neist mõtetest vabaks ja hüüdis Meistri jalge ette põlvitades: „Mu Issand ja mu Meister!” 192:1.6 (2046.4) While John Mark had paid homage to the Master, Peter had for a moment been shocked at the sight of the coals of fire glowing there on the beach; the scene reminded him so vividly of the midnight fire of charcoal in the courtyard of Annas, where he had disowned the Master, but he shook himself and, kneeling at the Master’s feet, exclaimed, “My Lord and my Master!”
192:1.7 (2046.5) Siis läks Peetrus oma kaaslastele appi võrku vedama. Kui saak oli kaldal, lugesid nad kalad üle ja seal oli sada viiskümmend kolm suurt kala. Seda kalasaaki imeks pidades tegid nad aga taas vea. See vahejuhtum polnud sugugi imepärane. Meister lihtsalt kasutas oma teadmisi. Ta teadis, et kalad on seal, ja õpetas apostleid, kuhu võrk heita. 192:1.7 (2046.5) Peter then joined his comrades as they hauled in the net. When they had landed their catch, they counted the fish, and there were 153 large ones. And again was the mistake made of calling this another miraculous catch of fish. There was no miracle connected with this episode. It was merely an exercise of the Master’s preknowledge. He knew the fish were there and accordingly directed the apostles where to cast the net.
192:1.8 (2047.1) Siis ütles Jeesus neile: „Tulge nüüd kõik hommikust sööma. Ka kaksikud võtku istet, kui ma teiega vestlen; Johannes Markus teeb meile kala.” Johannes Markus tõi seitse suurt kala ja Meister pani need tulele; kui kala küpseks sai, pakkus noormees seda kümnele apostlile. Jeesus murdis leiba ja ulatas selle Johannesele, kes jagas seda omakorda näljastele apostlitele. Kui kõik olid kala saanud, käskis Jeesus ka Johannes Markusel istuda ning pakkus ise noormehele kala ja leiba. Kui nad sõid, vestles Jeesus nendega, tuletades meelde Galileas ja sellesama järve ääres läbielatut. 192:1.8 (2047.1) Jesus spoke to them, saying: “Come now, all of you, to breakfast. Even the twins should sit down while I visit with you; John Mark will dress the fish.” John Mark brought seven good-sized fish, which the Master put on the fire, and when they were cooked, the lad served them to the ten. Then Jesus broke the bread and handed it to John, who in turn served it to the hungry apostles. When they had all been served, Jesus bade John Mark sit down while he himself served the fish and the bread to the lad. And as they ate, Jesus visited with them and recounted their many experiences in Galilee and by this very lake.
192:1.9 (2047.2) See oli Jeesuse kolmas ilmumine apostlirühmale. Kui Jeesus oli algul meeste poole pöördunud ja küsinud, kas nad said kala, ei aimanud nad, et see on tema. Galilea mere kalurid olid harjunud, et Tarikea kalakaupmehed neid sel moel hüüavad, sest kaupmehed olid tavaliselt kohal, et kalakuivatajatele värsket kala osta. 192:1.9 (2047.2) This was the third time Jesus had manifested himself to the apostles as a group. When Jesus first addressed them, asking if they had any fish, they did not suspect who he was because it was a common experience for these fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, when they came ashore, to be thus accosted by the fish merchants of Tarichea, who were usually on hand to buy the fresh catches for the drying establishments.
192:1.10 (2047.3) Jeesus vestles kümne apostli ja Johannes Markusega üle tunni aja, seejärel rääkis rannal jalutades nendega kahekaupa — aga mitte samade paaridega, keda ta algul koos õpetama oli saatnud. Üksteist apostlit olid koos Jeruusalemmast lahkunud, aga seloot Siimon oli Galileale lähenedes üha rusutumaks muutunud ning Betsaidasse jõudes oma vennad hüljanud ja koju tagasi pöördunud. 192:1.10 (2047.3) Jesus visited with the ten apostles and John Mark for more than an hour, and then he walked up and down the beach, talking with them two and two—but not the same couples he had at first sent out together to teach. All eleven of the apostles had come down from Jerusalem together, but Simon Zelotes grew more and more despondent as they drew near Galilee, so that, when they reached Bethsaida, he forsook his brethren and returned to his home.
192:1.11 (2047.4) Enne kui Jeesus tol hommikul nendega hüvasti jättis, palus ta, et kaks vabatahtlikku apostlit seloot Siimoni juurde läheksid ja ta samal päeval tagasi tooksid. Ning Peetrus ja Andreas tegidki seda. 192:1.11 (2047.4) Before taking leave of them this morning, Jesus directed that two of the apostles should volunteer to go to Simon Zelotes and bring him back that very day. And Peter and Andrew did so.
2. Kahekaupa peetud jutuajamised apostlitega ^top 2. Visiting with the Apostles Two and Two ^top
192:2.1 (2047.5) Kui nad olid hommikueine lõpetanud ja tule ääres istusid, kutsus Jeesus Peetruse ja Johannese endaga rannale jalutama. Kõndides küsis Jeesus Johanneselt: „Johannes, kas sa armastad mind?” Ja kui Johannes vastas: „Jah, Meister, kogu südamest,” ütles Meister: „Siis, Johannes, loobu oma sallimatusest ja õpi armastama inimesi, nii nagu mina olen sind armastanud. Pühenda oma elu tõendamisele, et maailmas pole midagi armastusest suuremat. Just Jumala armastus ajendab inimesi pääsemist otsima. Armastus on kogu vaimse headuse eelkäija, kõige tõelise ja kauni põhiolemus.” 192:2.1 (2047.5) When they had finished breakfast, and while the others sat by the fire, Jesus beckoned to Peter and to John that they should come with him for a stroll on the beach. As they walked along, Jesus said to John, “John, do you love me?” And when John answered, “Yes, Master, with all my heart,” the Master said: “Then, John, give up your intolerance and learn to love men as I have loved you. Devote your life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world. It is the love of God that impels men to seek salvation. Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.”
192:2.2 (2047.6) Siis pöördus Jeesus Peetruse poole ja küsis: „Peetrus, kas sina armastad mind?” Peetrus vastas: „Issand, sa tead, et ma armastan sind kogu hingest.” Siis ütles Meister: „Kui sa, Peetrus, mind armastad, siis toida mu lambaid. Ära jäta hoolitsemist nõrkade, vaeste ja noorte eest. Jutlusta evangeeliumi hirmuta ja eelistusteta; pea alati meeles, et Jumal ei tee inimestel vahet. Teeni oma kaasinimesi, nii nagu mina olen teid teeninud; andesta oma kaassurelikele, nii nagu mina olen teile andestanud. Õpetagu kogemused sulle mõtisklemise väärtust ja aruka arupidamise jõudu.” 192:2.2 (2047.6) Jesus then turned toward Peter and asked, “Peter, do you love me?” Peter answered, “Lord, you know I love you with all my soul.” Then said Jesus: “If you love me, Peter, feed my lambs. Do not neglect to minister to the weak, the poor, and the young. Preach the gospel without fear or favor; remember always that God is no respecter of persons. Serve your fellow men even as I have served you; forgive your fellow mortals even as I have forgiven you. Let experience teach you the value of meditation and the power of intelligent reflection.”
192:2.3 (2047.7) Kui nad olid veidi kaugemale jalutanud, pöördus Meister Peetruse poole ja küsis: „Peetrus, kas sa ikka armastad mind?” Ja Siimon ütles: „Jah, Issand, sa tead, et ma armastan sind.” Ja Jeesus ütles jälle: „Hoolitse siis hästi mu lammaste eest. Ole karjale hea ja õige karjane. Ära reeda nende usaldust. Ärgu tabagu vaenlase käsi sind ootamatult. Ole alati valvel — valva ja palveta.” 192:2.3 (2047.7) After they had walked along a little farther, the Master turned to Peter and asked, “Peter, do you really love me?” And then said Simon, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” And again said Jesus: “Then take good care of my sheep. Be a good and a true shepherd to the flock. Betray not their confidence in you. Be not taken by surprise at the enemy’s hand. Be on guard at all times—watch and pray.”
192:2.4 (2047.8) Kui nad olid veel mõned sammud astunud, pöördus Jeesus Peetruse poole ja küsis kolmandat korda: „Peetrus, kas sa armastad mind tõesti?” Ja siis ütles Peetrus, kes näis veidi kurvastavat Meistri usaldamatuse üle, suure tunderõhuga: „Issand, sa tead kõike ja seega tead sedagi, et ma tõesti ja tõeliselt sind armastan.” Seepeale ütles Jeesus: „Toida mu lambaid. Ära hülga karja. Ole kõigile teistele karjastele eeskujuks ja innustuseks. Armasta karja, nagu mina olen teid armastanud, ja pühenda end nende heaolule, nagu mina olen pühendanud oma elu teie heaolule. Ja käi minu järel kuni lõpuni.” 192:2.4 (2047.8) When they had gone a few steps farther, Jesus turned to Peter and, for the third time, asked, “Peter, do you truly love me?” And then Peter, being slightly grieved at the Master’s seeming distrust of him, said with considerable feeling, “Lord, you know all things, and therefore do you know that I really and truly love you.” Then said Jesus: “Feed my sheep. Do not forsake the flock. Be an example and an inspiration to all your fellow shepherds. Love the flock as I have loved you and devote yourself to their welfare even as I have devoted my life to your welfare. And follow after me even to the end.”
192:2.5 (2048.1) Peetrus võttis seda viimast väidet sõna-sõnalt — et peab ka edaspidi tema jälgedes käima — ja osutas Jeesuse poole pöördudes Johannesele, küsides: „Mida see mees tegema hakkab, kui mina sinu järel käin?” Ja nähes, et Peetrus on tema sõnu valesti mõistnud, ütles Jeesus: „Peetrus, ära muretse selle pärast, mis su vennad teevad. Kui ma tahan, et Johannes jääks sinust siia maha kuni minu tagasitulekuni, mis on siis sinul sellest? Vaata ainult, et sina minu järel käiksid.” 192:2.5 (2048.1) Peter took this last statement literally—that he should continue to follow after him—and turning to Jesus, he pointed to John, asking, “If I follow on after you, what shall this man do?” And then, perceiving that Peter had misunderstood his words, Jesus said: “Peter, be not concerned about what your brethren shall do. If I will that John should tarry after you are gone, even until I come back, what is that to you? Only make sure that you follow me.”
192:2.6 (2048.2) See märkus levis vendade seas ja nad said Jeesuse sõnadest nii aru, et Johannes ei sure enne, kui Meister naaseb ning — nagu paljud arvasid ja lootsid — tuleb väe ja auhiilgusega taevariiki rajama. Just see Jeesuse ütluse tõlgendus võitis seloot Siimoni tagasi teenistusse ja hoidis teda töö juures. 192:2.6 (2048.2) This remark spread among the brethren and was received as a statement by Jesus to the effect that John would not die before the Master returned, as many thought and hoped, to establish the kingdom in power and glory. It was this interpretation of what Jesus said that had much to do with getting Simon Zelotes back into service, and keeping him at work.
192:2.7 (2048.3) Kui nad olid teiste juurde tagasi pöördunud, läks Jeesus kõndima ja vestlema Andrease ning Jaakobusega. Kui nad olid natuke maad jalutanud, küsis Jeesus Andreaselt: „Andreas, kas sa usaldad mind?” Ja kui endine apostlite juht Jeesuselt niisugust küsimust kuulis, jäi ta seisma ja vastas: „Jah, Meister, muidugi usaldan ma sind ja sa tead seda.” Siis ütles Jeesus: „Andreas, kui sa usaldad mind, siis usalda oma vendi veel rohkem — isegi Peetrust. Ma usaldasin sulle kunagi sinu vendade juhtimise. Nüüd pead sa teisi usaldama, kui ma teist lahkun ja Isa juurde lähen. Kui su vennad kibedate tagakiusamiste tõttu laiali hajuvad, ole mu lihase venna Jaakobuse vastu hooliv ja tark, sest ta peab kandma rasket koormat, milleks tal puuduvad kogemused. Ja ära kaota usaldust, sest ma ei jäta sind hätta. Kui su töö maa peal läbi saab, siis tuled sa minu juurde.” 192:2.7 (2048.3) When they returned to the others, Jesus went for a walk and talk with Andrew and James. When they had gone a short distance, Jesus said to Andrew, “Andrew, do you trust me?” And when the former chief of the apostles heard Jesus ask such a question, he stood still and answered, “Yes, Master, of a certainty I trust you, and you know that I do.” Then said Jesus: “Andrew, if you trust me, trust your brethren more—even Peter. I once trusted you with the leadership of your brethren. Now must you trust others as I leave you to go to the Father. When your brethren begin to scatter abroad because of bitter persecutions, be a considerate and wise counselor to James my brother in the flesh when they put heavy burdens upon him which he is not qualified by experience to bear. And then go on trusting, for I will not fail you. When you are through on earth, you shall come to me.”
192:2.8 (2048.4) Siis pöördus Jeesus Jaakobuse poole ja küsis: „Jaakobus, kas sa usaldad mind?” Ja Jaakobus vastas muidugi: „Jah, Meister, ma usaldan sind kogu südamest.” Seepeale ütles Jeesus: „Jaakobus, kui sa usaldaksid mind rohkem, siis oleksid sa oma vendade suhtes sallivam. Kui sa mind usaldad, aitab see sul olla uskujate vennaskonna vastu hea. Õpi kaaluma oma ütluste ja tegude tagajärgi. Pea meeles, et sa lõikad seda, mida oled külvanud. Palu oma vaimule rahu ja arenda endas kannatlikkust. Need omadused koos elava usuga toetavad sind, kui saabub tund juua ohverdamiskarikast. Aga ära kohku: kui sinu töö maa peal läbi saab, siis tuled ka sina minu juurde.” 192:2.8 (2048.4) Then Jesus turned to James, asking, “James, do you trust me?” And of course James replied, “Yes, Master, I trust you with all my heart.” Then said Jesus: “James, if you trust me more, you will be less impatient with your brethren. If you will trust me, it will help you to be kind to the brotherhood of believers. Learn to weigh the consequences of your sayings and your doings. Remember that the reaping is in accordance with the sowing. Pray for tranquillity of spirit and cultivate patience. These graces, with living faith, shall sustain you when the hour comes to drink the cup of sacrifice. But never be dismayed; when you are through on earth, you shall also come to be with me.”
192:2.9 (2048.5) Järgmisena vestles Jeesus Tooma ja Naatanaeliga. Toomalt küsis ta: „Toomas, kas sa oled minu teenistuses?” Toomas vastas: „Jah, Issand, ma teenin sind nüüd ja alati.” Siis ütles Jeesus: „Kui sa tahad mind teenida, teeni minu lihalikke vendi, nii nagu mina olen teid teeninud. Ja ära väsi head tegemast, vaid jää ikka kindlaks nagu see, keda Jumal on sellesse armastavasse teenistusse määranud. Kui sa oled maa peal minu teenistuse lõpetanud, hakkad sa mind auhiilguses teenima. Toomas, sa pead lakkama kahtlemast; sa pead usus ja tõetundmises kasvama. Usu Jumalasse nagu laps, kuid lakka lapsikult käitumast. Ole julge, ole tugev oma usus ja vägev jumalariigis.” 192:2.9 (2048.5) Jesus next talked with Thomas and Nathaniel. Said he to Thomas, “Thomas, do you serve me?” Thomas replied, “Yes, Lord, I serve you now and always.” Then said Jesus: “If you would serve me, serve my brethren in the flesh even as I have served you. And be not weary in this well-doing but persevere as one who has been ordained by God for this service of love. When you have finished your service with me on earth, you shall serve with me in glory. Thomas, you must cease doubting; you must grow in faith and the knowledge of truth. Believe in God like a child but cease to act so childishly. Have courage; be strong in faith and mighty in the kingdom of God.”
192:2.10 (2049.1) Siis küsis Meister Naatanaelilt: „Naatanael, kas sa oled minu teenistuses?” Ja apostel vastas: „Jah, Meister, ja jagamatu kiindumusega.” Seepeale ütles Jeesus: „Kui sa mind kogu südamest teenid, siis vaata, et sa pühenduksid väsimatu kiindumusega ka minu maiste vendade heaolule. Lisa oma nõuannetele sõprust ja oma filosoofiale armastust. Teeni oma kaasinimesi, nii nagu mina olen teid teeninud. Ole inimestele ustav, nii nagu mina olen teie üle valvanud. Ära arvusta nii palju, ära oota mõnelt inimeselt liiga palju ja sa koged vähem pettumusi. Ja kui sinu töö siin läbi saab, teenid sa koos minuga kõrgel.” 192:2.10 (2049.1) Then said the Master to Nathaniel, “Nathaniel, do you serve me?” And the apostle answered, “Yes, Master, and with an undivided affection.” Then said Jesus: “If, therefore, you serve me with a whole heart, make sure that you are devoted to the welfare of my brethren on earth with tireless affection. Admix friendship with your counsel and add love to your philosophy. Serve your fellow men even as I have served you. Be faithful to men as I have watched over you. Be less critical; expect less of some men and thereby lessen the extent of your disappointment. And when the work down here is over, you shall serve with me on high.”
192:2.11 (2049.2) Pärast seda vestles Meister Matteuse ja Filippusega. Filippuselt küsis ta: „Filippus, kas sa kuuletud mulle?” Filippus vastas: „Jah, Issand, ma kuuletun sulle isegi oma elu hinnaga.” Siis ütles Jeesus: „Kui sa tahad mulle kuuletuda, siis mine paganate maale ja kuuluta seal evangeeliumi. Prohvetid on teile öelnud, et kuuletumine on parem kui ohverdamine. Usu kaudu oled sa saanud Jumalat tundvaks taevariigipojaks. Sa pead kuuletuma vaid ühele seadusele — see on käsk minna kuulutama taevariigi evangeeliumi. Lakka kartmast inimesi; ära karda jutlustada head sõnumit igavesest elust oma kaaslastele, kes kiduvad pimeduses ja on näljas tõevalguse järele. Sa ei pea, Filippus, enam raha ja kaupadega tegelema. Sa oled nüüd sama vaba õpetama nagu sinu vennad. Ja ma käin sinu eel ja olen koos sinuga lõpuni.” 192:2.11 (2049.2) After this the Master talked with Matthew and Philip. To Philip he said, “Philip, do you obey me?” Philip answered, “Yes, Lord, I will obey you even with my life.” Then said Jesus: “If you would obey me, go then into the lands of the gentiles and proclaim this gospel. The prophets have told you that to obey is better than to sacrifice. By faith have you become a God-knowing kingdom son. There is but one law to obey—that is the command to go forth proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom. Cease to fear men; be unafraid to preach the good news of eternal life to your fellows who languish in darkness and hunger for the light of truth. No more, Philip, shall you busy yourself with money and goods. You now are free to preach the glad tidings just as are your brethren. And I will go before you and be with you even to the end.”
192:2.12 (2049.3) Ja Matteuselt küsis Meister: „Matteus, kas sa kuuletud mulle oma südames?” Matteus vastas: „Jah, Issand, ma olen täielikult pühendunud sinu tahte täitmisele.” Siis ütles Meister: „Matteus, kui sa tahad mulle kuuletuda, mine ja õpeta kõigile rahvastele taevariigi evangeeliumi. Enam ei pea sa pakkuma oma vendadele elu ainelisi hüvesid, nüüdsest tuleb ka sul kuulutada head sõnumit vaimsest pääsemisest. Nüüdsest kuuletu ainult oma ülesandele jutlustada evangeeliumi Isa taevariigist. Nii nagu ma olen täitnud Isa tahet maa peal, pead sinagi täitma jumalikku ülesannet. Pea meeles, et nii juudid kui ka paganad on sinu vennad. Ära karda kedagi, kui sa kuulutad päästvaid tõdesid taevariigi evangeeliumi kohta. Ja peagi tuled ka sina sinna, kuhu lähen mina.” 192:2.12 (2049.3) And then, speaking to Matthew, the Master asked, “Matthew, do you have it in your heart to obey me?” Matthew answered, “Yes, Lord, I am fully dedicated to doing your will.” Then said the Master: “Matthew, if you would obey me, go forth to teach all peoples this gospel of the kingdom. No longer will you serve your brethren the material things of life; henceforth you are also to proclaim the good news of spiritual salvation. From now on have an eye single only to obeying your commission to preach this gospel of the Father’s kingdom. As I have done the Father’s will on earth, so shall you fulfill the divine commission. Remember, both Jew and gentile are your brethren. Fear no man when you proclaim the saving truths of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. And where I go, you shall presently come.”
192:2.13 (2049.4) Siis kõndis ja vestles Jeesus Alfeuse kaksikute Jaakobuse ja Juudaga ning küsis neilt mõlemalt: „Jaakobus ja Juudas, kas te usute minusse?” Ja kui nad mõlemad vastasid: „Jah, Meister, usume,” ütles ta: „Ma lahkun peagi teie juurest. Te näete, et inimesena olen ma teist juba lahkunud. Olen siin sel kujul veel vaid lühikest aega, enne kui oma Isa juurde lähen. Teie usute minusse — te olete minu apostlid ja jääte nendeks alati. Kui ma olen lahkunud ja teie olete arvatavasti pöördunud tagasi töö juurde, mida tegite enne minu juurde tulekut, siis ärge kaotage usku ja pidage meeles minuga koos veedetud aegu. Ärgu väline ameti vahetus kunagi mõjutagu teie ustavust. Uskuge Jumalasse kuni oma päevade lõpuni maa peal. Ärge unustage, et Jumala usupoja jaoks on kõik maailma ausad tööd pühad. Mitte miski, mida teeb Jumala poeg, ei ole tühine. Seega tehke nüüdsest oma tööd, nagu teeksite seda Jumala jaoks. Ja kui teie töö siin maailmas lõpeb, on mul teisi, paremaid maailmu, kus te samuti minu heaks tööle hakkate. Ning kõigi nende tööde kallal selles ja teistes maailmades töötan ma koos teiega ja minu vaim elab teie sisimas.” 192:2.13 (2049.4) Then he walked and talked with the Alpheus twins, James and Judas, and speaking to both of them, he asked, “James and Judas, do you believe in me?” And when they both answered, “Yes, Master, we do believe,” he said: “I will soon leave you. You see that I have already left you in the flesh. I tarry only a short time in this form before I go to my Father. You believe in me—you are my apostles, and you always will be. Go on believing and remembering your association with me, when I am gone, and after you have, perchance, returned to the work you used to do before you came to live with me. Never allow a change in your outward work to influence your allegiance. Have faith in God to the end of your days on earth. Never forget that, when you are a faith son of God, all upright work of the realm is sacred. Nothing which a son of God does can be common. Do your work, therefore, from this time on, as for God. And when you are through on this world, I have other and better worlds where you shall likewise work for me. And in all of this work, on this world and on other worlds, I will work with you, and my spirit shall dwell within you.”
192:2.14 (2049.5) Kui Jeesus Alfeuse kaksikutega vestlemast naasis, oli kell juba peaaegu kümme ja ta ütles apostlitest lahkudes: „Seniks hüvasti, kuni kohtun teie kõigiga homme lõuna ajal teie ametissepühitsemise mäel.” Seda öelnud, kadus ta nende silmist. 192:2.14 (2049.5) It was almost ten o’clock when Jesus returned from his visit with the Alpheus twins, and as he left the apostles, he said: “Farewell, until I meet you all on the mount of your ordination tomorrow at noontime.” When he had thus spoken, he vanished from their sight.
3. Ametissepühitsemise mäel ^top 3. On the Mount of Ordination ^top
192:3.1 (2050.1) Laupäeva, 22. aprilli lõuna ajal kogunesid üksteist apostlit kokkulepitud kohta Kapernauma lähedale mäele ja Jeesus ilmus nende sekka. See kohtumine toimus selsamal mäel, kus Meister oli seadnud nad oma apostliteks ja Isa taevariigi saadikuteks maa peal. Ja see oli Meistri neljateistkümnes morontiailmumine. 192:3.1 (2050.1) At noon on Saturday, April 22, the eleven apostles assembled by appointment on the hill near Capernaum, and Jesus appeared among them. This meeting occurred on the very mount where the Master had set them apart as his apostles and as ambassadors of the Father’s kingdom on earth. And this was the Master’s fourteenth morontia manifestation.
192:3.2 (2050.2) Üksteist apostlit põlvitasid ringis ümber Meistri ja kuulasid, kuidas ta kordas nende ülesandeid ja pühitses nad uuesti ametisse samamoodi nagu siis, kui neid alguses seda erakordset taevariigitööd tegema seadis. Kõik see tuletas neile meelde nende kunagist pühitsemist Isa teenistusse, uus oli ainult Meistri palve. Kui Meister — Jeesuse morontiakuju — nüüd palvetas, tegi ta seda nii majesteetliku tooniga ja nii jõuliste sõnadega, nagu apostlid polnud kunagi varem kuulnud. Nende Meister kõneles nüüd universumite valitsejatega nagu isik, kelle kätte on tema universumis antud kogu vägi ja meelevald. Ja üheteistkümnele mehele jäi alatiseks meelde, kuidas neid morontiavormis uuesti pühitseti ja saadikuiks vannutati. Meister veetis sel mäel oma saadikutega täpselt tunni ja nendega südamlikult hüvasti jätnud, kadus silmist. 192:3.2 (2050.2) At this time the eleven apostles knelt in a circle about the Master and heard him repeat the charges and saw him re-enact the ordination scene even as when they were first set apart for the special work of the kingdom. And all of this was to them as a memory of their former consecration to the Father’s service, except the Master’s prayer. When the Master—the morontia Jesus—now prayed, it was in tones of majesty and with words of power such as the apostles had never before heard. Their Master now spoke with the rulers of the universes as one who, in his own universe, had had all power and authority committed to his hand. And these eleven men never forgot this experience of the morontia rededication to the former pledges of ambassadorship. The Master spent just one hour on this mount with his ambassadors, and when he had taken an affectionate farewell of them, he vanished from their sight.
192:3.3 (2050.3) Ja siis ei näinud Jeesust terve nädala mitte keegi. Apostlid ei osanud tegelikult midagi ette võtta, sest nad ei teadnud, kas Meister on oma Isa juurde läinud või mitte. Selles määramatuses jäid nad veel Betsaidasse ootama. Nad kartsid kalale minna, sest Jeesus võis neid külastama tulla ja siis poleks nad temaga kohtunud. Kogu selle nädala tegeles Jeesus maa peal morontiaolenditega ja selles maailmas kogetud morontiaüleminekuga liituvaga. 192:3.3 (2050.3) And no one saw Jesus for a full week. The apostles really had no idea what to do, not knowing whether the Master had gone to the Father. In this state of uncertainty they tarried at Bethsaida. They were afraid to go fishing lest he come to visit them and they miss seeing him. During this entire week Jesus was occupied with the morontia creatures on earth and with the affairs of the morontia transition which he was experiencing on this world.
4. Kogunemine järve ääres ^top 4. The Lakeside Gathering ^top
192:4.1 (2050.4) Teated Jeesuse ilmumistest levisid üle kogu Galilea ja iga päev saabus Sebedeuse majja üha enam uskujaid Meistri ülestõusmise kohta aru pärima ja tema väidetavate ilmumiste osas tõde välja selgitama. Peetrus oli saatnud nädala algul laiali sõnumi, et järgmisel sabatipäeval algusega kell kolm pärast lõunat toimub mere kaldal avalik koosolek. 192:4.1 (2050.4) Word of the appearances of Jesus was spreading throughout Galilee, and every day increasing numbers of believers arrived at the Zebedee home to inquire about the Master’s resurrection and to find out the truth about these reputed appearances. Peter, early in the week, sent out word that a public meeting would be held by the seaside the next Sabbath at three o’clock in the afternoon.
192:4.2 (2050.5) Nii koguneski laupäeval, 29. aprillil kell kolm Kapernauma ümbrusest Betsaidasse üle viiesaja uskuja kuulama Peetruse esimest avalikku jutlust pärast Jeesuse ülestõusmist. Apostel andis endast parima ja kui ta oma mõjuva jutluse oli lõpetanud, kahtlesid vaid vähesed kuulajad, kas Meister on surnuist üles tõusnud. 192:4.2 (2050.5) Accordingly, on Saturday, April 29, at three o’clock, more than five hundred believers from the environs of Capernaum assembled at Bethsaida to hear Peter preach his first public sermon since the resurrection. The apostle was at his best, and after he had finished his appealing discourse, few of his hearers doubted that the Master had risen from the dead.
192:4.3 (2050.6) Peetrus lõpetas jutluse, öeldes: „Me kinnitame, et Jeesus Naatsaretlane ei ole surnud; me teatame, et ta on hauast tõusnud; me kuulutame, et oleme teda näinud ja temaga rääkinud.” Niipea kui ta selle usukinnituse oli lõpetanud, ilmus kõigi nende inimeste ette täiesti nähtavana Meistri morontiakuju ning ütles neile oma tuttava häälega: „Rahu olgu teiega ja ma jätan teile oma rahu.” Selliselt ilmunud ja seda öelnud, kadus ta neil silmist. See oli ülestõusnud Jeesuse viieteistkümnes morontiailmumine. 192:4.3 (2050.6) Peter ended his sermon, saying: “We affirm that Jesus of Nazareth is not dead; we declare that he has risen from the tomb; we proclaim that we have seen him and talked with him.” Just as he finished making this declaration of faith, there by his side, in full view of all these people, the Master appeared in morontia form and, speaking to them in familiar accents, said, “Peace be upon you, and my peace I leave with you.” When he had thus appeared and had so spoken to them, he vanished from their sight. This was the fifteenth morontia manifestation of the risen Jesus.
192:4.4 (2051.1) Mõne seiga põhjal, mis Meister oli üheteistkümnele ametissemääramise mäel toimunud koosolekul lausunud, oli apostlitele jäänud mulje, et Meister ilmub peagi avalikult Galilea uskujarühmale ning et kui see on toimunud, peavad nad Jeruusalemma tagasi pöörduma. Nii lahkusidki üksteist apostlit järgmisel päeval, pühapäeval, 30. aprillil varakult Betsaidast ja asusid teele Jeruusalemma. Rännates piki Jordani kallast, õpetasid ja jutlustasid nad üsna palju ja jõudsid Markuse koju Jeruusalemma alles kolmapäeva, 3. mai õhtul. 192:4.4 (2051.1) Because of certain things said to the eleven while they were in conference with the Master on the mount of ordination, the apostles received the impression that their Master would presently make a public appearance before a group of the Galilean believers, and that, after he had done so, they were to return to Jerusalem. Accordingly, early the next day, Sunday, April 30, the eleven left Bethsaida for Jerusalem. They did considerable teaching and preaching on the way down the Jordan, so that they did not arrive at the home of the Marks in Jerusalem until late on Wednesday, May 3.
192:4.5 (2051.2) See kojutulek oli Johannes Markuse jaoks kurb. Vaid mõni tund enne tema kojujõudmist oli ta isa Eelija Markus ootamatult ajuverejooksu tagajärjel surnud. Kindel usk surnute ülestõusmisse lohutas küll apostleid nende kurbuses, ometi leinasid nad tõsiselt oma head sõpra, kes oli neid vankumatult toetanud ka suurte hädade ja pettumuste ajal. Johannes Markus püüdis igati oma ema lohutada ja palus ema nimel apostleid tunda end tema majas nagu kodus. Ja üksteist apostlit tegidki sealsest ülakambrist kuni nelipühani oma keskuse. 192:4.5 (2051.2) This was a sad home-coming for John Mark. Just a few hours before he reached home, his father, Elijah Mark, suddenly died from a hemorrhage in the brain. Although the thought of the certainty of the resurrection of the dead did much to comfort the apostles in their grief, at the same time they truly mourned the loss of their good friend, who had been their stanch supporter even in the times of great trouble and disappointment. John Mark did all he could to comfort his mother and, speaking for her, invited the apostles to continue to make their home at her house. And the eleven made this upper chamber their headquarters until after the day of Pentecost.
192:4.6 (2051.3) Apostlid olid meelega saabunud Jeruusalemma pärast päikeseloojangut, et juudi ametivõimud neid ei märkaks. Nad ei näidanud end avalikult ka Eelija Markuse matuse ajal. Kogu järgmise päeva viibisid nad vaikselt omaette selles sündmusrikkas ülakambris. 192:4.6 (2051.3) The apostles had purposely entered Jerusalem after nightfall that they might not be seen by the Jewish authorities. Neither did they publicly appear in connection with the funeral of Elijah Mark. All the next day they remained in quiet seclusion in this eventful upper chamber.
192:4.7 (2051.4) Neljapäeva õhtul pidasid apostlid seal suurepärase koosoleku ja kõik peale Tooma, seloot Siimoni ja Alfeuse kaksikute tõotasid minna avalikult jutlustama uut evangeeliumi ülestõusnud Issandast. Esimesed sammud taevariigi evangeeliumi — inimese kui Jumala poja ja inimestevahelise vendluse — muutmisel Jeesuse ülestõusmise kuulutuseks olid juba astutud. Naatanael oli nende avaliku sõnumi raskuspunkti nihkumise vastu, ent ta ei suutnud vastu seista Peetruse kõneosavusele ega saanud jagu jüngrite, eriti naisuskujate entusiasmist. 192:4.7 (2051.4) On Thursday night the apostles had a wonderful meeting in this upper chamber and all pledged themselves to go forth in the public preaching of the new gospel of the risen Lord except Thomas, Simon Zelotes, and the Alpheus twins. Already had begun the first steps of changing the gospel of the kingdom—sonship with God and brotherhood with man—into the proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus. Nathaniel opposed this shift in the burden of their public message, but he could not withstand Peter’s eloquence, neither could he overcome the enthusiasm of the disciples, especially the women believers.
192:4.8 (2051.5) Nii panid Jeesuse heade kavatsustega esindajad Peetruse energilisel eestvedamisel veel enne Meistri tõusmist Isa juurde alguse sellele vaevumärgatavale arengule, mille käigus Jeesuse religioon muudeti järk-järgult, kuid kindlalt uueks Jeesusest jutustavaks religioonivormiks. 192:4.8 (2051.5) And so, under the vigorous leadership of Peter and ere the Master ascended to the Father, his well-meaning representatives began that subtle process of gradually and certainly changing the religion of Jesus into a new and modified form of religion about Jesus.