191. Kiri Paper 191
Ilmumised apostlitele ja teistele juhtidele Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders
191:0.1 (2037.1) ÜLESTÕUSMISE pühapäev oli apostlite elus kohutav päev, millest suurema osa veetis kümme neist riivistatud uste taga ülakambris. Nad oleksid Jeruusalemmast põgenenud, ent kartsid, et Suurkohtu käsilased võivad nad vahistada, kui neid avalikult liikumas nähakse. Toomas haudus oma muremõtteid üksi Betfages. Tal oleks kergem olnud, kui ta oleks teiste apostlite juurde jäänud ja aidanud neid, juhtides vestlust soodsamatele radadele. 191:0.1 (2037.1) RESURRECTION Sunday was a terrible day in the lives of the apostles; ten of them spent the larger part of the day in the upper chamber behind barred doors. They might have fled from Jerusalem, but they were afraid of being arrested by the agents of the Sanhedrin if they were found abroad. Thomas was brooding over his troubles alone at Bethpage. He would have fared better had he remained with his fellow apostles, and he would have aided them to direct their discussions along more helpful lines.
191:0.2 (2037.2) Johannes kaitses kogu päeva mõtet, et Jeesus on surnuist üles tõusnud. Ta tuletas meelde vähemalt viit korda, kui Meister oli kinnitanud, et ta üles tõuseb, ja vähemalt kolme korda, kui ta oli nimetanud kolmandat päeva. Johannese suhtumine avaldas teistele üsna suurt mõju, eriti tema vennale Jaakobusele ja Naatanaelile. Johannese mõju oleks veel suurem olnud, kui ta poleks nende seas noorim olnud. 191:0.2 (2037.2) All day long John upheld the idea that Jesus had risen from the dead. He recounted no less than five different times when the Master had affirmed he would rise again and at least three times when he alluded to the third day. John’s attitude had considerable influence on them, especially on his brother James and on Nathaniel. John would have influenced them more if he had not been the youngest member of the group.
191:0.3 (2037.3) Nende mured tulenesid suures osas nende eraldatusest. Johannes Markus hoidis neid templi ümber toimuvaga kursis ja teavitas linnas üha enam levivatest paljudest kuulujuttudest, ent talle polnud pähe tulnud koguda uudiseid mitmetelt usklikerühmadelt, kellele Jeesus oli juba ilmunud. Sedalaadi tegevuse eest olid seni hoolitsenud Taaveti sõnumitoojad, aga nemad olid läinud oma viimast ülesannet täitma — kuulutama ülestõusmist Jeruusalemmast kaugel elavate usklike rühmadele. Esimest korda kõigi nende aastate jooksul mõistsid apostlid, kuivõrd sõltuvad nad olid olnud taevariigi asju puudutava igapäevase teave osas Taaveti sõnumitoojatest. 191:0.3 (2037.3) Their isolation had much to do with their troubles. John Mark kept them in touch with developments about the temple and informed them as to the many rumors gaining headway in the city, but it did not occur to him to gather up news from the different groups of believers to whom Jesus had already appeared. That was the kind of service which had heretofore been rendered by the messengers of David, but they were all absent on their last assignment as heralds of the resurrection to those groups of believers who dwelt remote from Jerusalem. For the first time in all these years the apostles realized how much they had been dependent on David’s messengers for their daily information regarding the affairs of the kingdom.
191:0.4 (2037.4) Peetrus kõikus kogu selle päeva talle iseloomulikult Meistri ülestõusmisse uskumise ja selles kahtlemise vahel. Ta ei suutnud unustada surilinu, mis olid hauas vedelenud, nagu oleks Jeesuse surnukeha nende seest lihtsalt haihtunud. „Aga kui ta on üles tõusnud ja võib end naistele näidata,” arutles Peetrus, „siis miks ei ilmu ta meile, oma apostlitele?” Peetrus kurvastas, mõeldes, et võib-olla ei tulnud Jeesus nende juurde sellepärast, et apostlite seas oli ka tema, kes Jeesusest tol ööl Hannase õuel lahti ütles. Aga siis parandas tema tuju naiste toodud teate meenutamine: „Minge öelge mu apostlitele — ja Peetrusele.” Aga see sõnum oli julgustav vaid siis, kui naised olid tõesti ülestõusnud Meistrit näinud ja kuulnud. Nii kõikus Peetrus kogu päeva usu ja kahtluse vahel, kuni söandas alles veidi pärast kella kaheksat õuele minna. Peetrus tahtis apostlitest eemalduda, et tema, Meistrist lahtiütelnu, poleks Jeesuse tuleku takistuseks. 191:0.4 (2037.4) All this day Peter characteristically vacillated emotionally between faith and doubt concerning the Master’s resurrection. Peter could not get away from the sight of the grave cloths resting there in the tomb as if the body of Jesus had just evaporated from within. “But,” reasoned Peter, “if he has risen and can show himself to the women, why does he not show himself to us, his apostles?” Peter would grow sorrowful when he thought that maybe Jesus did not come to them on account of his presence among the apostles, because he had denied him that night in Annas’s courtyard. And then would he cheer himself with the word brought by the women, “Go tell my apostles—and Peter.” But to derive encouragement from this message implied that he must believe that the women had really seen and heard the risen Master. Thus Peter alternated between faith and doubt throughout the whole day, until a little after eight o’clock, when he ventured out into the courtyard. Peter thought to remove himself from among the apostles so that he might not prevent Jesus’ coming to them because of his denial of the Master.
191:0.5 (2037.5) Jaakobus Sebedeus arvas algul, et nad kõik peaksid haua juurde minema: tema arvates tuli tingimata teha midagi selle saladuse tuumani jõudmiseks. Naatanael aga hoidis neid Jaakobust kuulda võtmast ja avalikult välja minemast, tuletades meelde Jeesuse hoiatust oma elu niisugusel ajal mitte ülearu ohtu seada. Keskpäevaks oli ka Jaakobus leppinud teiste seas valvsalt ootamisega. Ta rääkis vähe ja oli väga pettunud, et Jeesus neile ei ilmunud; ta ei teadnud Meistri paljudest ilmumistest teistele rühmadele ja üksikutele inimestele mitte midagi. 191:0.5 (2037.5) James Zebedee at first advocated that they all go to the tomb; he was strongly in favor of doing something to get to the bottom of the mystery. It was Nathaniel who prevented them from going out in public in response to James’s urging, and he did this by reminding them of Jesus’ warning against unduly jeopardizing their lives at this time. By noontime James had settled down with the others to watchful waiting. He said little; he was tremendously disappointed because Jesus did not appear to them, and he did not know of the Master’s many appearances to other groups and individuals.
191:0.6 (2038.1) Andreas pühendus tol päeval peamiselt kuulamisele. Olukord tekitas temas üha enam kimbatust ja kahtlused võtsid ta üle võimust, ent teda rõõmustas teadmine, et ta ei vastuta teiste apostlite juhtimise eest. Ta oli Meistrile tõesti tänulik, et too oli ta enne nende segaste aegade saabumist juhtimiskoormast vabastanud. 191:0.6 (2038.1) Andrew did much listening this day. He was exceedingly perplexed by the situation and had more than his share of doubts, but he at least enjoyed a certain sense of freedom from responsibility for the guidance of his fellow apostles. He was indeed grateful that the Master had released him from the burdens of leadership before they fell upon these distracting times.
191:0.7 (2038.2) Selle traagilise päeva pikkadel tüütutel tundidel toetasid rühma vaid Naatanaeli sagedased talle iseloomulikud filosoofilised mõtisklused. Tema valitses tegelikult nende kümne apostli seas kogu päeva olukorda. Kordagi ei väljendanud ta Meistri ülestõusmise suhtes ei usku ega kahtlust. Ent päeva edenedes kaldus ta üha enam uskuma, et Jeesus on täitnud oma lubaduse üles tõusta. 191:0.7 (2038.2) More than once during the long and weary hours of this tragic day, the only sustaining influence of the group was the frequent contribution of Nathaniel’s characteristic philosophic counsel. He was really the controlling influence among the ten throughout the entire day. Never once did he express himself concerning either belief or disbelief in the Master’s resurrection. But as the day wore on, he became increasingly inclined toward believing that Jesus had fulfilled his promise to rise again.
191:0.8 (2038.3) Seloot Siimon oli liiga rõhutud, et aruteludes osaleda. Ta lebas suurema osa ajast toanurgas lavatsil, nägu seina poole. Ta ei rääkinud kogu päeva kuute kordagi. Tema arusaam taevariigist oli kokku varisenud ning ta ei suutnud mõista, et Meistri ülestõusmine võib olukorda oluliselt muuta. Tema pettumus oli väga isiklik ja liiga tugev, et sellest nii ruttu toibuda, isegi kui arvestada säärast hämmastavat fakti nagu ülestõusmine. 191:0.8 (2038.3) Simon Zelotes was too much crushed to participate in the discussions. Most of the time he reclined on a couch in a corner of the room with his face to the wall; he did not speak half a dozen times throughout the whole day. His concept of the kingdom had crashed, and he could not discern that the Master’s resurrection could materially change the situation. His disappointment was very personal and altogether too keen to be recovered from on short notice, even in the face of such a stupendous fact as the resurrection.
191:0.9 (2038.4) Imelik, aga tol päeval rääkis kogu õhtupooliku kõige rohkem just tavaliselt vaikiv Filippus. Ennelõunal oli tal vähe öelda olnud, aga terve pärastlõuna esitas ta teistele apostlitele küsimusi. Peetrus sai Filippuse küsimuste peale sageli pahaseks, aga teised suhtusid tema pärimistesse heatahtlikult. Eriti soovis Filippus teada, kas juhul, kui Jeesus on tõesti hauast tõusnud, kannab tema keha ristilöömise füüsilisi märke. 191:0.9 (2038.4) Strange to record, the usually inexpressive Philip did much talking throughout the afternoon of this day. During the forenoon he had little to say, but all afternoon he asked questions of the other apostles. Peter was often annoyed by Philip’s questions, but the others took his inquiries good-naturedly. Philip was particularly desirous of knowing, provided Jesus had really risen from the grave, whether his body would bear the physical marks of the crucifixion.
191:0.10 (2038.5) Matteus oli suures segaduses: ta kuulas oma kaaslaste arutlusi, kuid mõtles ise põhiliselt nende tulevastele rahaasjadele. Hoolimata Jeesuse oletatavast ülestõusmisest oli Juudas läinud, Taavet aga pikema jututa raha talle üle andnud; neil puudus autoriteetne juht. Enne kui Matteus suutis argumente ülestõusmise kohta tõsiselt kaaluma hakata, oli ta juba Meistrit näost näkku näinud. 191:0.10 (2038.5) Matthew was highly confused; he listened to the discussions of his fellows but spent most of the time turning over in his mind the problem of their future finances. Regardless of Jesus’ supposed resurrection, Judas was gone, David had unceremoniously turned the funds over to him, and they were without an authoritative leader. Before Matthew got around to giving serious consideration to their arguments about the resurrection, he had already seen the Master face to face.
191:0.11 (2038.6) Alfeuse kaksikud osalesid neis tõsistes arutlustes vähe, neil oli üsna palju tegemist oma tavaliste ülesannete täitmisega. Üks neist väljendas nende mõlema suhtumist, kui vastas ühele Filippuse esitatud küsimusele: „Me ei saa ülestõusmisest aru, aga meie ema ütles, et ta rääkis Meistriga, ja me usume teda.” 191:0.11 (2038.6) The Alpheus twins took little part in these serious discussions; they were fairly busy with their customary ministrations. One of them expressed the attitude of both when he said, in reply to a question asked by Philip: “We do not understand about the resurrection, but our mother says she talked with the Master, and we believe her.”
191:0.12 (2038.7) Toomas kannatas talle iseloomuliku masendushoo all. Ta magas osa päevast maha ja kõndis ülejäänud aja mägedes ringi. Ta tundis küll vajadust teiste apostlite juurde minna, aga soov omaette olla oli tugevam. 191:0.12 (2038.7) Thomas was in the midst of one of his typical spells of despairing depression. He slept a portion of the day and walked over the hills the rest of the time. He felt the urge to rejoin his fellow apostles, but the desire to be by himself was the stronger.
191:0.13 (2038.8) Meister lükkas oma esimese morontiailmumise apostlitele edasi mitmel põhjusel. Esiteks tahtis ta jätta neile pärast tema ülestõusmisest kuulmist aega hästi järele mõelda selle üle, mis ta neile veel inimesena nende juures olles oma surmast ja ülestõusmisest oli rääkinud. Meister soovis, et Peetrus võidaks talle omased siseheitlused, enne kui ta end neile kõigile avaldab. Teiseks soovis ta, et tema esimese ilmumise ajal oleks ka Toomas nende seas. Johannes Markus leidis Tooma tol pühapäeva varahommikul Betfagest Siimoni juurest ja tõi apostlitele kella üheteistkümne paiku selle kohta teate. Toomas oleks tol päeval igal ajal nende juurde tagasi pöördunud, kui Naatanael või kes tahes kaks apostlit oleks teda kutsuma läinud. Ta soovis tõesti tagasi minna, kuid lahkunud eelmisel õhtul sel moel, oli ta liiga uhke, et omal algatusel nii ruttu naasta. Järgmiseks päevaks oli ta aga sedavõrd rõhutud, et kulus peaaegu nädal, enne kui ta otsustas tagasipöördumise kasuks. Apostlid ootasid teda ja tema ootas, et vennad ta üles otsiksid ja enda juurde tagasi kutsuksid. Nii oli Toomas oma kaaslastest lahus kuni järgmise laupäeva õhtuni, mil Peetrus ja Johannes läksid pärast pimeduse saabumist Betfagesse ja tõid ta endaga kaasa. Ja seepärast ei läinudki nad kohe pärast Jeesuse ilmumist Galileasse, sest ei tahtnud lahkuda ilma Toomata. 191:0.13 (2038.8) The Master put off the first morontia appearance to the apostles for a number of reasons. First, he wanted them to have time, after they heard of his resurrection, to think well over what he had told them about his death and resurrection when he was still with them in the flesh. The Master wanted Peter to wrestle through with some of his peculiar difficulties before he manifested himself to them all. In the second place, he desired that Thomas should be with them at the time of his first appearance. John Mark located Thomas at the home of Simon in Bethpage early this Sunday morning, bringing word to that effect to the apostles about eleven o’clock. Any time during this day Thomas would have gone back to them if Nathaniel or any two of the other apostles had gone for him. He really wanted to return, but having left as he did the evening before, he was too proud to go back of his own accord so soon. By the next day he was so depressed that it required almost a week for him to make up his mind to return. The apostles waited for him, and he waited for his brethren to seek him out and ask him to come back to them. Thomas thus remained away from his associates until the next Saturday evening, when, after darkness had come on, Peter and John went over to Bethpage and brought him back with them. And this is also the reason why they did not go at once to Galilee after Jesus first appeared to them; they would not go without Thomas.
1. Ilmumine Peetrusele ^top 1. The Appearance to Peter ^top
191:1.1 (2039.1) Kell hakkas tol pühapäeva õhtul juba pool üheksa saama, kui Jeesus ilmus Markuse maja aias Siimon Peetrusele. See oli tema kaheksas morontiailmumine. Peetrus oli elanud Meistrist lahtiütlemisest saadik raske kahtluse- ja süükoorma all. Ta oli kogu laupäeva ja pühapäeva võidelnud kartusega, et võib-olla ta polegi enam apostel. Temas tekitas hirmujudinaid Juuda saatus ja ta arvas isegi, et ka tema on Meistri reetnud. Kogu selle pärastlõuna oli ta peljanud, et just tema viibimine apostlite seas takistab Jeesust neile ilmumast, muidugi juhul, kui ta tõepoolest on surnuist üles tõusnud. Ja see oli Peetrus, just niisuguses meeleolus ja hingeseisundis, kellele Jeesus ilmus siis, kui masendunud apostel jalutas lillede ja põõsaste vahel. 191:1.1 (2039.1) It was near half past eight o’clock this Sunday evening when Jesus appeared to Simon Peter in the garden of the Mark home. This was his eighth morontia manifestation. Peter had lived under a heavy burden of doubt and guilt ever since his denial of the Master. All day Saturday and this Sunday he had fought the fear that, perhaps, he was no longer an apostle. He had shuddered at the fate of Judas and even thought that he, too, had betrayed his Master. All this afternoon he thought that it might be his presence with the apostles that prevented Jesus’ appearing to them, provided, of course, he had really risen from the dead. And it was to Peter, in such a frame of mind and in such a state of soul, that Jesus appeared as the dejected apostle strolled among the flowers and shrubs.
191:1.2 (2039.2) Kui Peetrus mõtles Meistri armastavale pilgule Hannase väravas ja sellele imelisele sõnumile, mille naised talle tühja haua juurest tulles olid toonud: „Minge öelge minu apostlitele — ja Peetrusele,” ning arutles nende halastusemärkide üle, hakkas tema usk kahtlusi ületama ja ta seisis, käed kõvasti rusikasse surutud, ning ütles valju häälega: „Ma usun, et ta on surnuist üles tõusnud, ma lähen ja ütlen seda oma vendadele.” Kui ta oli seda lausunud, ilmus tema ette äkki inimkuju, kes pöördus tema poole tuttava hääletooniga: „Peetrus, vaenlane soovis su enda poole võita, aga mina ei loovutanud sind. Ma teadsin, et su sõnad ei tulnud südamest, kui mind ära salgasid, seepärast andsin sulle andeks veel enne, kui sa seda palusid, aga nüüd pead sa lakkama mõtlemast endale ja selle tunni muredele ning valmistuma kandma head evangeeliumisõnumit neile, kes on pimeduses. Ära muretse enam selle üle, mida võiksid taevariigist saada, vaid pigem selle üle, mida sina võid anda neile, kes elavad suures vaimuvaesuses. Kinnita, Siimon, oma vöö uue päeva võitluseks, heitluseks vaimupimedusega ja inimestele loomuomaste paheliste kahtlustega.” 191:1.2 (2039.2) When Peter thought of the loving look of the Master as he passed by on Annas’s porch, and as he turned over in his mind that wonderful message brought him early that morning by the women who came from the empty tomb, “Go tell my apostles—and Peter”—as he contemplated these tokens of mercy, his faith began to surmount his doubts, and he stood still, clenching his fists, while he spoke aloud: “I believe he has risen from the dead; I will go and tell my brethren.” And as he said this, there suddenly appeared in front of him the form of a man, who spoke to him in familiar tones, saying: “Peter, the enemy desired to have you, but I would not give you up. I knew it was not from the heart that you disowned me; therefore I forgave you even before you asked; but now must you cease to think about yourself and the troubles of the hour while you prepare to carry the good news of the gospel to those who sit in darkness. No longer should you be concerned with what you may obtain from the kingdom but rather be exercised about what you can give to those who live in dire spiritual poverty. Gird yourself, Simon, for the battle of a new day, the struggle with spiritual darkness and the evil doubtings of the natural minds of men.”
191:1.3 (2039.3) Peetrus ja morontia-Jeesus kõndisid läbi aia ja rääkisid peaaegu viis minutit mineviku-, oleviku- ja tulevikuasjadest. Siis haihtus Meister tema pilgu all, öeldes: „Hüvasti, Peetrus, kuni ma näen sind koos su vendadega.” 191:1.3 (2039.3) Peter and the morontia Jesus walked through the garden and talked of things past, present, and future for almost five minutes. Then the Master vanished from his gaze, saying, “Farewell, Peter, until I see you with your brethren.”
191:1.4 (2039.4) Arusaamine, et ta oli rääkinud ülestõusnud Meistriga ja võis kindel olla, et on endiselt taevariigi saadik, muutis Peetruse hetkeks keeletuks. Ta oli just kuulnud ülendatud Meistri manitsust jätkata evangeeliumi jutlustamist. Ning kõik see südames, tormas ta ülakambrisse oma apostlitest kaaslaste juurde ja hüüdis hingetus erutuses: „Ma nägin Meistrit, ta oli aias. Ma rääkisin temaga ja ta andis mulle andeks.” 191:1.4 (2039.4) For a moment, Peter was overcome by the realization that he had talked with the risen Master, and that he could be sure he was still an ambassador of the kingdom. He had just heard the glorified Master exhort him to go on preaching the gospel. And with all this welling up within his heart, he rushed to the upper chamber and into the presence of his fellow apostles, exclaiming in breathless excitement: “I have seen the Master; he was in the garden. I talked with him, and he has forgiven me.”
191:1.5 (2040.1) Peetruse teade, et ta oli aias Jeesust näinud, jättis teistele apostlitele sügava mulje ning nad olid juba valmis oma kahtlused kõrvale heitma, kui Andreas tõusis ja hoiatas neid, et nad end tema venna teatest liialt mõjutada ei laseks. Andreas vihjas, et Peetrus oli ennegi näinud ebareaalseid asju. Andreas ei maininud küll otseselt öist nägemust Galilea merel, Peetruse väidet, et ta oli näinud Meistrit vee peal kõndides nende poole tulemas, kuid tema vihjest piisas kõigile kohalolijatele, et seda vahejuhtumit meelde tuletada. Venna vihjed solvasid Siimon Peetrust väga ja ta jäi kohe nukralt vait. Kaksikutel oli Peetrusest väga kahju ja nad läksid tema juurde poolehoidu väljendama ning ütlema, et nemad usuvad teda, kinnitades taas, et ka nende enda ema oli Meistrit näinud. 191:1.5 (2040.1) Peter’s declaration that he had seen Jesus in the garden made a profound impression upon his fellow apostles, and they were about ready to surrender their doubts when Andrew got up and warned them not to be too much influenced by his brother’s report. Andrew intimated that Peter had seen things which were not real before. Although Andrew did not directly allude to the vision of the night on the Sea of Galilee wherein Peter claimed to have seen the Master coming to them walking on the water, he said enough to betray to all present that he had this incident in mind. Simon Peter was very much hurt by his brother’s insinuations and immediately lapsed into crestfallen silence. The twins felt very sorry for Peter, and they both went over to express their sympathy and to say that they believed him and to reassert that their own mother had also seen the Master.
2. Esimene ilmumine apostlitele ^top 2. First Appearance to the Apostles ^top
191:2.1 (2040.2) Tol õhtul veidi enne poolt üheksat, pärast Kleopase ja Jaakobi lahkumist, kui Alfeuse kaksikud Peetrust lohutasid ja Naatanael tõreles Andreasega; kui kõik kümme apostlit olid ülakambrisse kogunenud ja kõik uksed olid vahistamiskartuses riividega suletud, ilmus nende sekka äkki Meistri morontiakuju ja ütles: „Rahu olgu teiega. Miks olete minu ilmudes nii hirmul, nagu näeksite vaimu? Kas ma ei rääkinud teile neist asjust siis, kui inimesena teie juures olin? Kas ma ei öelnud teile, et ülempreestrid ja valitsejad lasevad mind hukata, et üks teie seast reedab mind ning et kolmandal päeval tõusen ma üles? Millest siis kõik teie kahtlused ja see naiste, Kleopase, Jaakobi ja isegi Peetruse teadete ümber käiv jutt? Kui kaua te veel kahtlete minu sõnades ja keeldute minu lubadusi uskumast? Ja kas te nüüd, mind tegelikult nähes, usute? Praegugi on üks teie seast puudu. Kui te kõik jälle koos olete ja kindlalt teate, et Inimese Poeg on hauast tõusnud, minge siit Galileasse. Uskuge Jumalat, uskuge üksteist, nii saate astuda taevariigi teenistusse. Ma jään teiega Jeruusalemma seniks, kuni te olete valmis Galileasse minema. Jätan teiega oma rahu.” 191:2.1 (2040.2) Shortly after nine o’clock that evening, after the departure of Cleopas and Jacob, while the Alpheus twins comforted Peter, and while Nathaniel remonstrated with Andrew, and as the ten apostles were there assembled in the upper chamber with all the doors bolted for fear of arrest, the Master, in morontia form, suddenly appeared in the midst of them, saying: “Peace be upon you. Why are you so frightened when I appear, as though you had seen a spirit? Did I not tell you about these things when I was present with you in the flesh? Did I not say to you that the chief priests and the rulers would deliver me up to be killed, that one of your own number would betray me, and that on the third day I would rise? Wherefore all your doubtings and all this discussion about the reports of the women, Cleopas and Jacob, and even Peter? How long will you doubt my words and refuse to believe my promises? And now that you actually see me, will you believe? Even now one of you is absent. When you are gathered together once more, and after all of you know of a certainty that the Son of Man has risen from the grave, go hence into Galilee. Have faith in God; have faith in one another; and so shall you enter into the new service of the kingdom of heaven. I will tarry in Jerusalem with you until you are ready to go into Galilee. My peace I leave with you.”
191:2.2 (2040.3) Kui morontia-Jeesus oli nendega rääkinud, kadus ta hetkega nende pilgu alt. Ja nad kõik langesid silmili maha, kiites Jumalat ja austades oma haihtunud Meistrit. See oli Meistri üheksas morontiailmumine. 191:2.2 (2040.3) When the morontia Jesus had spoken to them, he vanished in an instant from their sight. And they all fell on their faces, praising God and venerating their vanished Master. This was the Master’s ninth morontia appearance.
3. Koos morontiaolenditega ^top 3. With the Morontia Creatures ^top
191:3.1 (2040.4) Järgmise päeva, esmaspäeva veetis Meister tervenisti tol ajal Urantial viibinud morontiaolenditega. Meistri morontiaüleminekukogemuses osalejatena oli tulnud Urantiale üle miljoni morontiasuunaja ja -kaaslase koos erinevast klassist üleminekusurelikega Satania seitsmest eluasemeilmast. Morontia Jeesus jäi nende suurepäraste intellektiolendite hulka neljakümneks päevaks. Ta õpetas neid ja kuulis nende suunajatelt, kuidas Satania asustatud maailmade surelikud morontiaüleminekuelus morontiasfääride süsteemi läbivad. 191:3.1 (2040.4) The next day, Monday, was spent wholly with the morontia creatures then present on Urantia. As participants in the Master’s morontia-transition experience, there had come to Urantia more than one million morontia directors and associates, together with transition mortals of various orders from the seven mansion worlds of Satania. The morontia Jesus sojourned with these splendid intelligences for forty days. He instructed them and learned from their directors the life of morontia transition as it is traversed by the mortals of the inhabited worlds of Satania as they pass through the system morontia spheres.
191:3.2 (2041.1) Tol esmaspäeval kesköö paiku kohandati Meistri morontiakuju üleminekuks morontia-edasiliikumise teisele astmele. Kui ta järgmine kord oma maapealsetele surelikele lastele ilmus, tuli ta juba teise astme morontiaolendina. Mida enam ta morontiaelujärgus edasi liikus, seda raskem oli morontiaintellektiolenditel ja nende muundajatest kaaslastel Meistrit surelikele ja ainelistele silmadele nähtavaks teha. 191:3.2 (2041.1) About midnight of this Monday the Master’s morontia form was adjusted for transition to the second stage of morontia progression. When he next appeared to his mortal children on earth, it was as a second-stage morontia being. As the Master progressed in the morontia career, it became, technically, more and more difficult for the morontia intelligences and their transforming associates to visualize the Master to mortal and material eyes.
191:3.3 (2041.2) Jeesus siirdus kolmandale morontiaastmele reedel, 14. aprillil; neljandale astmele esmaspäeval, 17. aprillil; viiendale astmele laupäeval, 22. aprillil; kuuendale astmele neljapäeval, 27. aprillil; seitsmendale astmele teisipäeval, 2. mail; Jerusemi kodakondsusesse pühapäeval, 7. mail; ja pühapäeval, 14. mail sisenes ta Edentia Kõigekõrgema embusesse. 191:3.3 (2041.2) Jesus made the transit to the third stage of morontia on Friday, April 14; to the fourth stage on Monday, the 17th; to the fifth stage on Saturday, the 22nd; to the sixth stage on Thursday, the 27th; to the seventh stage on Tuesday, May 2; to Jerusem citizenship on Sunday, the 7th; and he entered the embrace of the Most Highs of Edentia on Sunday, the 14th.
191:3.4 (2041.3) Nii lõpetas Nebadoni Miikael oma universumiteenistuse kogemuse, sest seoses oma varasemate annetumistega oli ta aja ja ruumi tõususurelike elu alates viibimisest tähtkuju keskuses kuni teenistuseni superuniversumi keskuses ja sellest edasi juba täielikult läbi teinud. Ning just need morontiakogemused viisid Nebadoni Looja-Poja seitsmenda ja viimase annetumise universumis tõeliselt ja rahuldavalt lõpule. 191:3.4 (2041.3) In this manner did Michael of Nebadon complete his service of universe experience since he had already, in connection with his previous bestowals, experienced to the full the life of the ascendant mortals of time and space from the sojourn on the headquarters of the constellation even on to, and through, the service of the headquarters of the superuniverse. And it was by these very morontia experiences that the Creator Son of Nebadon really finished and acceptably terminated his seventh and final universe bestowal.
4. Kümnes ilmumine (Filadelfias) ^top 4. The Tenth Appearance (At Philadelphia) ^top
191:4.1 (2041.4) Jeesuse kümnes surelikele äratuntav morontiailmumine toimus teisipäeval, 11. aprillil veidi pärast kella kaheksat Filadelfias, kui ta näitas end Abnerile ja Laatsarusele ning nende ligikaudu saja viiekümnele kaaslasele, kaasa arvatud enam kui viiskümmend evangelistide korpuse seitsmekümnest liikmest. See ilmumine toimus sünagoogis kohe pärast erakorralise koosoleku avamist, mille Abner oli kutsunud kokku, et arutada Jeesuse ristilöömist ja Taaveti sõnumitooja toodud värsket uudist ülestõusmisest. Et ülestõusnud Laatsarus kuulus samuti sellesse uskujate rühma, polnud neil teadet Jeesuse surnuist ülestõusmisest raske uskuda. 191:4.1 (2041.4) The tenth morontia manifestation of Jesus to mortal recognition occurred a short time after eight o’clock on Tuesday, April 11, at Philadelphia, where he showed himself to Abner and Lazarus and some one hundred and fifty of their associates, including more than fifty of the evangelistic corps of the seventy. This appearance occurred just after the opening of a special meeting in the synagogue which had been called by Abner to discuss the crucifixion of Jesus and the more recent report of the resurrection which had been brought by David’s messenger. Inasmuch as the resurrected Lazarus was now a member of this group of believers, it was not difficult for them to believe the report that Jesus had risen from the dead.
191:4.2 (2041.5) Abner ja Laatsarus seisid parajasti koos sünagoogi kantslis ja avasid koosolekut, kui kogu uskujatest kuulajaskond nägi äkki Meistri kuju. Ta ilmus Abneri ja Laatsaruse vahele, kes teda veel ei näinud, ja astus sealt ettepoole, tervitades kokkutulnuid: 191:4.2 (2041.5) The meeting in the synagogue was just being opened by Abner and Lazarus, who were standing together in the pulpit, when the entire audience of believers saw the form of the Master appear suddenly. He stepped forward from where he had appeared between Abner and Lazarus, neither of whom had observed him, and saluting the company, said:
191:4.3 (2041.6) „Rahu olgu teiega. Te kõik teate, et meil on üks taevane Isa ja et on vaid üks taevariigi evangeelium — hea sõnum inimestele kingitud igavesest elust, mille inimesed saavad usu kaudu. Tundes rõõmu oma truudusest evangeeliumile, paluge tõe Isal valada eneste südameisse uut ja suuremat vennaarmastust. Te peate armastama kõiki inimesi nii, nagu mina olen teid armastanud; te peate teenima kõiki inimesi, nagu mina olen teid teeninud. Tervitage mõistva osavõtlikkuse ja vennaliku kiindumusega kõiki oma vendi, kes on pühendunud heade sõnumite kuulutamisele, olgu nad juudid või paganad, kreeklased või roomlased, pärslased või etiooplased. Johannes kuulutas saabuvat taevariiki, teie olete täiest jõust evangeeliumi jutlustanud, kreeklased õpetavad juba häid sõnumeid ja mina saadan peagi Tõe Vaimu kõigi nende südameisse, mu vennad, kes on nii isetult pühendanud oma elu vaimupimeduses kaaslaste valgustamisele. Te kõik olete valguselapsed, ärge siis komistage surelike kahtlustustest ja inimlikust sallimatusest põhjustatud väärarusaamade sasipuntrasse. Kui usu kaudu leitud arm on teid sedavõrd ülendanud, et armastate uskmatuid, kas ei peaks te siis sama palju armastama neidki, kes on teie usukaaslased kaugelelevivas usukogukonnas? Pidage meeles, et teie omavahelise armastuse järgi tunnevad kõik inimesed ära, et te olete minu jüngrid. 191:4.3 (2041.6) “Peace be upon you. You all know that we have one Father in heaven, and that there is but one gospel of the kingdom—the good news of the gift of eternal life which men receive by faith. As you rejoice in your loyalty to the gospel, pray the Father of truth to shed abroad in your hearts a new and greater love for your brethren. You are to love all men as I have loved you; you are to serve all men as I have served you. With understanding sympathy and brotherly affection, fellowship all your brethren who are dedicated to the proclamation of the good news, whether they be Jew or gentile, Greek or Roman, Persian or Ethiopian. John proclaimed the kingdom in advance; you have preached the gospel in power; the Greeks already teach the good news; and I am soon to send forth the Spirit of Truth into the souls of all these, my brethren, who have so unselfishly dedicated their lives to the enlightenment of their fellows who sit in spiritual darkness. You are all the children of light; therefore stumble not into the misunderstanding entanglements of mortal suspicion and human intolerance. If you are ennobled, by the grace of faith, to love unbelievers, should you not also equally love those who are your fellow believers in the far-spreading household of faith? Remember, as you love one another, all men will know that you are my disciples.
191:4.4 (2042.1) Minge siis kuulutama seda Jumala isaduse ja inimestevahelise vendluse evangeeliumi kogu maailma kõigile rahvastele ja rassidele ning valige alati targalt viis, kuidas häid sõnumeid inimkonna eri rassidele ja hõimudele edastada. Muidu olete te saanud selle taevariigi evangeeliumi, muidu andke seda head sõnumit ka edasi kõigile rahvastele. Ärge kartke kurja vastupanu, ma olen kõikjal teiega ajastute lõpuni. Ja ma jätan teiega oma rahu.” 191:4.4 (2042.1) “Go, then, into all the world proclaiming this gospel of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men to all nations and races and ever be wise in your choice of methods for presenting the good news to the different races and tribes of mankind. Freely you have received this gospel of the kingdom, and you will freely give the good news to all nations. Fear not the resistance of evil, for I am with you always, even to the end of the ages. And my peace I leave with you.”
191:4.5 (2042.2) Ning öelnud: „Ja ma jätan teiega oma rahu,” kadus ta nende silmist. Kui mitte arvestada üht tema ilmumist Galileas, kus teda nägi korraga üle viiesaja uskuja, oli see rühm Filadelfias suurim teda korraga näinud surelike rühm. 191:4.5 (2042.2) When he had said, “My peace I leave with you,” he vanished from their sight. With the exception of one of his appearances in Galilee, where upward of five hundred believers saw him at one time, this group in Philadelphia embraced the largest number of mortals who saw him on any single occasion.
191:4.6 (2042.3) Järgmisel varahommikul, kui apostlid olid veel Jeruusalemmas ja ootasid Tooma emotsionaalset toibumist, läksid need Filadelfia uskujad kuulutama, et Jeesus Naatsaretlane on surnuist üles tõusnud. 191:4.6 (2042.3) Early the next morning, even while the apostles tarried in Jerusalem awaiting the emotional recovery of Thomas, these believers at Philadelphia went forth proclaiming that Jesus of Nazareth had risen from the dead.
191:4.7 (2042.4) Järgmise päeva, kolmapäeva veetis Jeesus tervenisti oma morontiakaaslaste seltsis. Pärastlõunal võttis ta vastu kogu Norlatiadeki tähtkuju kõigi asustatud sfääride kohalike süsteemide eluasemeilmade morontiasaadikuid ja nad kõik rõõmustasid, et Looja on üks nende oma universumi intellektiolendite klassist. 191:4.7 (2042.4) The next day, Wednesday, Jesus spent without interruption in the society of his morontia associates, and during the midafternoon hours he received visiting morontia delegates from the mansion worlds of every local system of inhabited spheres throughout the constellation of Norlatiadek. And they all rejoiced to know their Creator as one of their own order of universe intelligence.
5. Teine ilmumine apostlitele ^top 5. Second Appearance to the Apostles ^top
191:5.1 (2042.5) Toomas veetis õlimäe ümbruse mägedes üksildase nädala. Sel ajal kohtas ta ainult Siimoni maja rahvast ja Johannes Markust. Laupäeval, 15. aprillil kella üheksa paiku leidsid kaks apostlit ta üles ja tõid teiste juurde Markuse majja. Järgmisel päeval kuulis Toomas lugusid Meistri ilmumistest, kuid keeldus kangekaelselt neid uskumast. Ta väitis, et Peetruse vaimustus oli neid nakatanud ja pannud arvama, et nad on Meistrit näinud. Naatanael püüdis teda veenda, kuid sellest polnud kasu. Tema tavapärasele kahtlemisele oli lisandunud emotsionaalne kangekaelsus ja see meeleseisund koos tusaga, et ta oli nende juurest põgenenud, tekitas teatava eraldatuse, millest Toomas ise ka täielikult aru ei saanud. Ta oli oma kaaslastest eemaldunud, läinud oma teed, ja ehkki ta oli nüüd nende juures tagasi, kaldus ta endale aru andmata neile vastu vaidlema. Ta ei suutnud nii ruttu alistuda, ta ei tahtnud järele anda. Ta tundis talle osutatud tähelepanust tahtmatult isegi rõõmu: kõik kaaslaste jõupingutused teda veenda ja ümber pöörata pakkusid talle alateadlikku rahuldust. Ta oli neist kogu selle nädala puudust tundnud ja nende pidevad tähelepanuavaldused meeldisid talle. 191:5.1 (2042.5) Thomas spent a lonesome week alone with himself in the hills around about Olivet. During this time he saw only those at Simon’s house and John Mark. It was about nine o’clock on Saturday, April 15, when the two apostles found him and took him back with them to their rendezvous at the Mark home. The next day Thomas listened to the telling of the stories of the Master’s various appearances, but he steadfastly refused to believe. He maintained that Peter had enthused them into thinking they had seen the Master. Nathaniel reasoned with him, but it did no good. There was an emotional stubbornness associated with his customary doubtfulness, and this state of mind, coupled with his chagrin at having run away from them, conspired to create a situation of isolation which even Thomas himself did not fully understand. He had withdrawn from his fellows, he had gone his own way, and now, even when he was back among them, he unconsciously tended to assume an attitude of disagreement. He was slow to surrender; he disliked to give in. Without intending it, he really enjoyed the attention paid him; he derived unconscious satisfaction from the efforts of all his fellows to convince and convert him. He had missed them for a full week, and he obtained considerable pleasure from their persistent attentions.
191:5.2 (2042.6) Veidi pärast kella kuut, kui nad einetasid, Peetrus Tooma ühel ja Naatanael teisel käel, ütles kahtlev apostel: „Ma jään uskuma alles siis, kui näen Meistrit oma silmaga ja panen oma näpu tema naelajälgedesse.” Kui nad seal õhtustasid, uksed kindlalt kinni ja riivis, ilmus Meister äkki morontiakujul laua tiibade vahele ning ütles otse Tooma ees seistes: 191:5.2 (2042.6) They were having their evening meal a little after six o’clock, with Peter sitting on one side of Thomas and Nathaniel on the other, when the doubting apostle said: “I will not believe unless I see the Master with my own eyes and put my finger in the mark of the nails.” As they thus sat at supper, and while the doors were securely shut and barred, the morontia Master suddenly appeared inside the curvature of the table and, standing directly in front of Thomas, said:
191:5.3 (2043.1) „Rahu olgu teiega. Olen terve nädala oodanud, et uuesti ilmuda, kui te kõik kohal olete ja saate veel kord kuulda ülesannet minna maailma laiali ning kuulutada kõikjal taevariigi evangeeliumi. Ma ütlen teile taas: nii nagu Isa saatis mind siia maailma, saadan mina teid. Ja nagu mina ilmutasin Isa, peate teie ilmutama jumalikku armastust, ning mitte ainult sõnadega, vaid ka oma igapäevaeluga. Saadan teid välja mitte inimeste hingesid, vaid inimesi ennast armastama. Te ei pea taevarõõme mitte üksnes kirjeldama, vaid ka esile tooma seda jumaliku elu vaimset tegelikkust oma igapäevakogemustes, sest olete tänu usule igavese elu Jumalalt juba kingiks saanud. Kui teil on usku, kui teile on tulnud kõrgelt vägi, Tõe Vaim, ärge peitke oma valgust siia suletud uste taha: tutvustage Jumala armastust ja halastust kogu inimkonnale. Hirmu tõttu põgenete te praegu ebameeldiva kogemuse tõsiasjade eest, aga kui teid ristitakse Tõe Vaimuga, lähete vapralt ja rõõmsalt vastu uutele kogemustele, kuulutades head sõnumit igavesest elust jumalariigis. Te võite jääda siia ja Galileasse lühikeseks ajaks, kuni toibute ehmatusest, mida tekitab üleminek autoriteetsete traditsioonide petlikust turvalisusest uuele korrale, kus valitseb elava kogemuse ülimate reaalsuste, tõsiasjade, tõdede ja usu autoriteet. Teie missioon maailmas rajaneb tõsiasjal, et ma olen elanud teie seas Jumalat ilmutavat elu; tõel, et teie, nagu kõik teisedki inimesed, olete Jumala pojad; ning selles seisneb teie elu inimeste seas — kogemus, mida pakub tegelik elav inimeste armastamine ja teenimine nii, nagu mina olen teid armastanud ja teeninud. Ilmutagu usk maailmale teie valgust, avagu tõeilmutus traditsioonidest pimestatute silmad, hävitagu teie armastav teenistus teadmatusest tekkinud eelarvamused. Ent lähenedes oma kaasinimestele sellise mõistva osavõtlikkuse ja isetu andumusega, juhite nad päästva teadmiseni Isa armastusest. Juudid on ülistanud headust, kreeklased on ülistanud ilu, hindud jutlustavad andumust, kaugete maade askeedid õpetavad harrast austust, roomlased nõuavad ustavust, aga mina nõuan oma jüngritelt elu — elu, mis on täis oma lihalike vendade armastavat teenimist.” 191:5.3 (2043.1) “Peace be upon you. For a full week have I tarried that I might appear again when you were all present to hear once more the commission to go into all the world and preach this gospel of the kingdom. Again I tell you: As the Father sent me into the world, so send I you. As I have revealed the Father, so shall you reveal the divine love, not merely with words, but in your daily living. I send you forth, not to love the souls of men, but rather to love men. You are not merely to proclaim the joys of heaven but also to exhibit in your daily experience these spirit realities of the divine life since you already have eternal life, as the gift of God, through faith. When you have faith, when power from on high, the Spirit of Truth, has come upon you, you will not hide your light here behind closed doors; you will make known the love and the mercy of God to all mankind. Through fear you now flee from the facts of a disagreeable experience, but when you shall have been baptized with the Spirit of Truth, you will bravely and joyously go forth to meet the new experiences of proclaiming the good news of eternal life in the kingdom of God. You may tarry here and in Galilee for a short season while you recover from the shock of the transition from the false security of the authority of traditionalism to the new order of the authority of facts, truth, and faith in the supreme realities of living experience. Your mission to the world is founded on the fact that I lived a God-revealing life among you; on the truth that you and all other men are the sons of God; and it shall consist in the life which you will live among men—the actual and living experience of loving men and serving them, even as I have loved and served you. Let faith reveal your light to the world; let the revelation of truth open the eyes blinded by tradition; let your loving service effectually destroy the prejudice engendered by ignorance. By so drawing close to your fellow men in understanding sympathy and with unselfish devotion, you will lead them into a saving knowledge of the Father’s love. The Jews have extolled goodness; the Greeks have exalted beauty; the Hindus preach devotion; the faraway ascetics teach reverence; the Romans demand loyalty; but I require of my disciples life, even a life of loving service for your brothers in the flesh.”
191:5.4 (2043.2) Seda öelnud, vaatas Meister Toomale otsa ja ütles: „Ja sina, Toomas, kes sa ütlesid, et ei usu enne, kui oled mind näinud ja sõrme mu kätel olevatesse naelahaavadesse pannud, oled nüüd mind näinud ja mu sõnu kuulnud. Mida ütled sa nüüd oma vendadele, ehkki ei näe mu kätel naelaarme, sest ma olen tõusnud üles kujul, mille saate endale teiegi pärast siit ilmast lahkumist? Sa pead tunnistama tõde, mille oled südames juba niigi omaks võtnud, ehkki enese uskmatusele nii vapralt kindlaks jääd. Toomas, sinu kahtlused on alati kõige tugevamad just siis, kui need murenema hakkavad. Toomas, ära ole usuta, vaid ole uskuv — ja ma tean, et sa hakkad kogu südamest uskuma.” 191:5.4 (2043.2) When the Master had so spoken, he looked down into the face of Thomas and said: “And you, Thomas, who said you would not believe unless you could see me and put your finger in the nail marks of my hands, have now beheld me and heard my words; and though you see no nail marks on my hands, since I am raised in the form that you also shall have when you depart from this world, what will you say to your brethren? You will acknowledge the truth, for already in your heart you had begun to believe even when you so stoutly asserted your unbelief. Your doubts, Thomas, always most stubbornly assert themselves just as they are about to crumble. Thomas, I bid you be not faithless but believing—and I know you will believe, even with a whole heart.”
191:5.5 (2043.3) Neid sõnu kuuldes langes Toomas Meistri morontiakuju ette põlvili ja hüüdis: „Ma usun! Mu Issand ja mu Meister!” Siis ütles Jeesus Toomale: „Sa jäid uskuma, Toomas, sellepärast, et tõesti nägid ja kuulsid mind. Õndsad on need, kes tulevastel aegadel usuvad ka siis, kui pole mind ihusilmaga näinud ja sureliku kõrvaga kuulnud.” 191:5.5 (2043.3) When Thomas heard these words, he fell on his knees before the morontia Master and exclaimed, “I believe! My Lord and my Master!” Then said Jesus to Thomas: “You have believed, Thomas, because you have really seen and heard me. Blessed are those in the ages to come who will believe even though they have not seen with the eye of flesh nor heard with the mortal ear.”
191:5.6 (2043.4) Ning siis liikus Meistri kuju laua otsa ja ta pöördus nende kõigi poole: „Ja nüüd minge kõik Galileasse, kus ma peagi teile ilmun.” Ning seda öelnud, kadus ta nende silmist. 191:5.6 (2043.4) And then, as the Master’s form moved over near the head of the table, he addressed them all, saying: “And now go all of you to Galilee, where I will presently appear to you.” After he said this, he vanished from their sight.
191:5.7 (2044.1) Nüüd olid üksteist apostlit täiesti veendunud, et Jeesus on surnuist üles tõusnud, ja järgmisel varahommikul enne koitu asusid nad teele Galileasse. 191:5.7 (2044.1) The eleven apostles were now fully convinced that Jesus had risen from the dead, and very early the next morning, before the break of day, they started out for Galilee.
6. Ilmumine Aleksandrias ^top 6. The Alexandrian Appearance ^top
191:6.1 (2044.2) Kui üksteist apostlit olid parajasti teel Galileasse ja lähenesid oma reisi sihtpunktile, ilmus Jeesus teisipäeva, 18. aprilli õhtul kella kaheksa paiku Aleksandrias Rodanile ning veel ligikaudu kaheksakümnele uskujale. See oli Meistri kaheteistkümnes ilmumine morontiakujul. Jeesus ilmus nende kreeklaste ja juutide ette, kui Taaveti sõnumitooja oli lõpetamas oma jutustust Jeesuse ristilöömisest. See sõnumitooja oli Jeruusalemma-Aleksandria jooksjate teatemeeskonna viies mees ning jõudis Aleksandriasse hilisel õhtupoolikul; kui ta oli Rodanile oma sõnumi edastanud, otsustati uskujad kokku kutsuda, et nad kuuleksid seda traagilist teadet sõnumitoojalt endalt. Kella kaheksa paiku astuski sõnumitooja Naatan Busirisest selle rühma ette ja rääkis neile üksikasjalikult kõigest, mis eelmine jooksja oli talle edastanud. Naatan lõpetas oma liigutava loo järgmiste sõnadega: „Aga Taavet, kes meile selle teate saatis, ütles, et Meister oli oma surma ette kuulutades lubanud uuesti üles tõusta.” Kui Naatan seda ütles, ilmus Meistri morontiakuju kõigi nähes sinna. Ja kui Naatan istet võttis, ütles Jeesus: 191:6.1 (2044.2) While the eleven apostles were on the way to Galilee, drawing near their journey’s end, on Tuesday evening, April 18, at about half past eight o’clock, Jesus appeared to Rodan and some eighty other believers, in Alexandria. This was the Master’s twelfth appearance in morontia form. Jesus appeared before these Greeks and Jews at the conclusion of the report of David’s messenger regarding the crucifixion. This messenger, being the fifth in the Jerusalem-Alexandria relay of runners, had arrived in Alexandria late that afternoon, and when he had delivered his message to Rodan, it was decided to call the believers together to receive this tragic word from the messenger himself. At about eight o’clock, the messenger, Nathan of Busiris, came before this group and told them in detail all that had been told him by the preceding runner. Nathan ended his touching recital with these words: “But David, who sends us this word, reports that the Master, in foretelling his death, declared that he would rise again.” Even as Nathan spoke, the morontia Master appeared there in full view of all. And when Nathan sat down, Jesus said:
191:6.2 (2044.3) „Rahu olgu teiega. See, mida mu Isa saatis mind siia maailma rajama, ei kuulu ühele rassile, ühele rahvale ega ühele kindlale õpetajate või jutlustajate rühmale. See taevariigi evangeelium kuulub juutidele ja paganatele, rikastele ja vaestele, vabadele ja orjastatuile, meestele ja naistele, isegi väikestele lastele. Ja te kõik peate kuulutama seda armastuse ja tõe evangeeliumi oma inimelu kaudu. Te peate armastama üksteist uue jahmatamapaneva kiindumusega, nii nagu mina olen teid armastanud. Te peate teenima üksteist uue ja hämmastava andumusega, nii nagu mina olen teid teeninud. Ja kui inimesed näevad, et te neid sel moel armastate ja nii innukalt teenite, mõistavad nad, et teist on saanud taevariigi usukaaslased, ning hakkavad järgima Tõe Vaimu, mida teie elud neile on ilmutanud, kuni leiavad igavese pääsemise. 191:6.2 (2044.3) “Peace be upon you. That which my Father sent me into the world to establish belongs not to a race, a nation, nor to a special group of teachers or preachers. This gospel of the kingdom belongs to both Jew and gentile, to rich and poor, to free and bond, to male and female, even to the little children. And you are all to proclaim this gospel of love and truth by the lives which you live in the flesh. You shall love one another with a new and startling affection, even as I have loved you. You will serve mankind with a new and amazing devotion, even as I have served you. And when men see you so love them, and when they behold how fervently you serve them, they will perceive that you have become faith-fellows of the kingdom of heaven, and they will follow after the Spirit of Truth which they see in your lives, to the finding of eternal salvation.
191:6.3 (2044.4) Nii nagu Isa saatis mind siia maailma, saadan mina nüüd teid. Te kõik olete kutsutud kandma head sõnumit pimeduses olijaile. Taevariigi evangeelium kuulub kõigile, kes seda usuvad, see pole antud ainult preestrite hoole alla. Peagi laskub teie peale Tõe Vaim ja juhib teid kogu tõesse. Seepärast minge kõikjale maailma evangeeliumi kuulutama ja, ennäe, mina olen alati teiega, lausa aegade lõpuni.” 191:6.3 (2044.4) “As the Father sent me into this world, even so now send I you. You are all called to carry the good news to those who sit in darkness. This gospel of the kingdom belongs to all who believe it; it shall not be committed to the custody of mere priests. Soon will the Spirit of Truth come upon you, and he shall lead you into all truth. Go you, therefore, into all the world preaching this gospel, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.”
191:6.4 (2044.5) Seda öelnud, kadus Meister nende silmist. Uskujad jäid kogu ööks jutustama üksteisele oma taevariigikogemusi ja kuulama Rodani ning tema kaaslaste sõnu. Ja nad kõik uskusid, et Jeesus oli surnuist üles tõusnud. Võite kujutleda, kui üllatunud oli Taaveti sõnumitooja, kes tuli ülejärgmisel päeval neile ülestõusmist kuulutama, kui tema teatele vastati: „Jah, me teame, sest nägime teda. Ta ilmus meile üleeile.” 191:6.4 (2044.5) When the Master had so spoken, he vanished from their sight. All that night these believers remained there together recounting their experiences as kingdom believers and listening to the many words of Rodan and his associates. And they all believed that Jesus had risen from the dead. Imagine the surprise of David’s herald of the resurrection, who arrived the second day after this, when they replied to his announcement, saying: “Yes, we know, for we have seen him. He appeared to us day before yesterday.”