第37篇   Paper 37
地方宇宙的人格体们   Personalities of the Local Universe
37:0.1 (406.1) 内巴顿(Nebadon)中所有人格体的为首者是造物兼主位之子迈克尔,亦即该宇宙之父及主权者。在神性上等同、在创造属性上互为补充的则是地方宇宙母灵,即萨尔文顿(Salvington)的神性职司。从确切意义上来说,这两位造物者就是内巴顿所有当地受造物的父性之子和母性之灵。   37:0.1 (406.1) AT THE head of all personality in Nebadon stands the Creator and Master Son, Michael, the universe father and sovereign. Co-ordinate in divinity and complemental in creative attributes is the local universe Mother Spirit, the Divine Minister of Salvington. And these creators are in a very literal sense the Father-Son and the Spirit-Mother of all the native creatures of Nebadon.
37:0.2 (406.2) 前面的篇章主要涉及了一些被创造出来的圣子类别;后继的篇章将要描述的是侍奉之灵和扬升之子类别。该篇主要涉及的是一个中间群体,即宇宙助手,但也会对某些驻在内巴顿(Nebadon)的高等之灵,以及某些在该地方宇宙中具有永久公民身份的类别予以简要涉及。   37:0.2 (406.2) Preceding papers have dealt with the created orders of sonship; succeeding narratives will portray the ministering spirits and the ascending orders of sonship. This paper is chiefly concerned with an intervening group, the Universe Aids, but it will also give brief consideration to certain of the higher spirits stationed in Nebadon and to certain of the orders of permanent citizenship in the local universe.
1. 宇宙助手 ^top   1. The Universe Aids ^top
37:1.1 (406.3) 通常划分在这一类别中的许多独特类别是未予揭示的,然而正如在这些篇章中所展示的,宇宙助手们包括以下七个类别:   37:1.1 (406.3) Many of the unique orders generally grouped in this category are unrevealed, but as presented in these papers, the Universe Aids include the following seven orders:
37:1.2 (406.4) 1. 明亮晨星。   37:1.2 (406.4) 1. Bright and Morning Stars.
37:1.3 (406.5) 2. 闪耀昏星。   37:1.3 (406.5) 2. Brilliant Evening Stars.
37:1.4 (406.6) 3. 大天使。   37:1.4 (406.6) 3. Archangels.
37:1.5 (406.7) 4. 极高者助手。   37:1.5 (406.7) 4. Most High Assistants.
37:1.6 (406.8) 5. 高级专员。   37:1.6 (406.8) 5. High Commissioners.
37:1.7 (406.9) 6. 天界监督员。   37:1.7 (406.9) 6. Celestial Overseers.
37:1.8 (406.10) 7. 宅厦世界教师。   37:1.8 (406.10) 7. Mansion World Teachers.
37:1.9 (406.11) 在第一类宇宙助手、即明亮晨星当中,仅有一名处于每个地方宇宙之中,他是所有地方宇宙本土受造物中的头生者。我们宇宙中的明亮晨星被称为萨尔文顿(Salvington)的加百列。他是整个内巴顿(Nebadon)的首席执行官,担当着主权之子的亲身代表及其造物搭档的代言者。   37:1.9 (406.11) Of the first order of Universe Aids, the Bright and Morning Stars, there is just one in each local universe, and he is the first-born of all creatures native to a local universe. The Bright and Morning Star of our universe is known as Gabriel of Salvington. He is the chief executive of all Nebadon, functioning as the personal representative of the Sovereign Son and as spokesman for his creative consort.
37:1.10 (406.12) 在内巴顿(Nebadon)的较早时期,加百列完全独自与迈克尔和造物之灵一起工作。随着宇宙的发展及管理问题的增多,他备有了一个包含众多未揭示助手的随侍团队,最终该群体因内巴顿昏星团队的创造而得以扩大。   37:1.10 (406.12) During the earlier times of Nebadon, Gabriel worked quite alone with Michael and the Creative Spirit. As the universe grew and administrative problems multiplied, he was provided with a personal staff of unrevealed assistants, and eventually this group was augmented by the creation of the Nebadon corps of Evening Stars.
2. 闪耀昏星 ^top   2. The Brilliant Evening Stars ^top
37:2.1 (407.1) 这些杰出的受造物是由麦基洗德们所设计,然后由造物之子和造物之灵所创造的。他们行使着很多的职能,但主要是作为地方宇宙首席执行官加百列的联络官员。这些存有中的一或多个在内巴顿(Nebadon)中每个星座及系统的首府担当他的代表。   37:2.1 (407.1) These brilliant creatures were planned by the Melchizedeks and were then brought into being by the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit. They serve in many capacities but chiefly as liaison officers of Gabriel, the local universe chief executive. One or more of these beings function as his representatives at the capital of every constellation and system in Nebadon.
37:2.2 (407.2) 作为内巴顿(Nebadon)首席执行官,加百列是大多数萨尔文顿(Salvington)会议的当然主席或观察者,而且通常有多达一千场的这类会议是同时进行的。闪耀昏星们会代表加百列出席这些场合;他不可能同时出现在两个地方,而这些超等天使们弥补了这一局限。他们也为三一性教导之子团队提供类似的服务。   37:2.2 (407.2) As chief executive of Nebadon, Gabriel is ex officio chairman of, or observer at, most of the Salvington conclaves, and as many as one thousand of these are often in session simultaneously. The Brilliant Evening Stars represent Gabriel on these occasions; he cannot be in two places at the same time, and these superangels compensate for this limitation. They perform an analogous service for the corps of the Trinity Teacher Sons.
37:2.3 (407.3) 虽然亲身忙于各种管理职责,加百列仍通过闪耀昏星们,与所有其他方面的宇宙生命及事务保持着接触。他们常常陪伴他前往行星巡视,并经常作为他的亲身代表,前往各个星球履行特殊使命。当履行此类委派时,他们经常被称为是“上主之使者。”他们经常前往尤沃萨(Uversa)去在亘古常在者的法院或议会之前代表明亮晨星,但他们很少旅行到奥温顿(Orvonton)的界限以外。   37:2.3 (407.3) Though personally occupied with administrative duties, Gabriel maintains contact with all other phases of universe life and affairs through the Brilliant Evening Stars. They always accompany him on his planetary tours and frequently go on special missions to the individual planets as his personal representatives. On such assignments they have sometimes been known as “the angel of the Lord.” They frequently go to Uversa to represent the Bright and Morning Star before the courts and assemblies of the Ancients of Days, but they seldom journey beyond the confines of Orvonton.
37:2.4 (407.4) 闪耀昏星是一种独特的双重性类别,既包含一些具有受造性尊位的,也包含其他一些拥有达成性服务的。这些超等天使所形成的内巴顿(Nebadon)团队目前为数13,641名。其中有4,832名具有受造性尊位,而8,809名是达成了这一高尚服务目标的扬升之灵。这些扬升性昏星中有许多是作为炽天使而开始其宇宙生涯的;另外一些则扬升自一些未予揭示的受造物生命层次。作为一种达成目标,这一高级团队从未向扬升候选者们关闭过,只要一个宇宙还未安住于光与生命之中。   37:2.4 (407.4) The Brilliant Evening Stars are a unique twofold order, embracing some of created dignity and others of attained service. The Nebadon corps of these superangels now numbers 13,641. There are 4,832 of created dignity, while 8,809 are ascendant spirits who have attained this goal of exalted service. Many of these ascendant Evening Stars started their universe careers as seraphim; others have ascended from unrevealed levels of creature life. As an attainment goal this high corps is never closed to ascension candidates so long as a universe is not settled in light and life.
37:2.5 (407.5) 这两类闪耀昏星都易被灵质性人格体和某些类型的超凡物质性存有所见。这个有趣而多能类别中的受造性存有们拥有一种灵性力量,这种力量可不受其自身到场的约束而得以显现。   37:2.5 (407.5) Both types of Brilliant Evening Stars are easily visible to morontia personalities and certain types of supermortal material beings. The created beings of this interesting and versatile order possess a spirit force which can be manifested independently of their personal presence.
37:2.6 (407.6) 这些超等天使的首领是迦瓦利亚,内巴顿(Nebadon)中这一类别的头生者。自从基督•迈克尔自其在玉苒厦(Urantia)上的成功赠与返回后,迦瓦利亚就被委派到对扬升凡人的照管当中,在过去的一千九百玉苒厦年中,他的同伴迦兰提亚坚守在耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的总部,并在那里度过了其大约一半的时间。迦兰提亚是达到这一高位的第一个扬升性超等天使。   37:2.6 (407.6) The head of these superangels is Gavalia, the first-born of this order in Nebadon. Since the return of Christ Michael from his triumphant bestowal on Urantia, Gavalia has been assigned to the ascendant mortal ministry, and for the last nineteen hundred Urantia years his associate, Galantia, has maintained headquarters on Jerusem, where he spends about half of his time. Galantia is the first of the ascendant superangels to attain this high estate.
37:2.7 (407.7) 除了其习惯上的成对组合去履行很多任务以外,闪耀昏星们不存在任何其它分组或是连队组织。他们并未被广泛地委派到与凡人扬升生涯相关的使命中,然而在这样被任命时,他们从不单独运作。他们总是以成对方式工作 -- 一个是受造性存有,另一个则是扬升性昏星。   37:2.7 (407.7) No grouping or company organization of the Brilliant Evening Stars exists other than their customary association in pairs on many assignments. They are not extensively assigned on missions pertaining to the ascendant career of mortals, but when thus commissioned, they never function alone. They always work in pairs—one a created being, the other an ascendant Evening Star.
37:2.8 (407.8) 昏星们的一个高级职责是伴随艾沃诺(Avonal)赠与圣子们履行其行星使命,就如加百列伴随迈克尔履行其玉苒厦(Urantia)赠与一样。这两个伴随的超等天使是履行这种使命的头等人格体,担任那些被委派到这些任务中的大天使以及所有其它存有的共同指挥官。正是这些超等天使指挥官中的那位资深者,在重要时刻,叮嘱艾沃诺赠与圣子,“是时候着手于你兄弟的事务了。”   37:2.8 (407.8) One of the high duties of the Evening Stars is to accompany the Avonal bestowal Sons on their planetary missions, even as Gabriel accompanied Michael on his Urantia bestowal. The two attending superangels are the ranking personalities of such missions, serving as cocommanders of the archangels and all others assigned to these undertakings. It is the senior of these superangel commanders who, at the significant time and age, bids the Avonal bestowal Son, “Be about your brother’s business.”
37:2.9 (408.1) 这些超等天使所组成的类似配对会被派往三一性教导之子的行星团队,该团队旨在建立一个居住世界的后赠与新灵性纪元。在这类委派中,昏星们会担当该域凡人与教导之子不可见团队之间的联络员。   37:2.9 (408.1) Similar pairs of these superangels are assigned to the planetary corps of Trinity Teacher Sons that functions to establish the postbestowal or dawning spiritual age of an inhabited world. On such assignments the Evening Stars serve as liaisons between the mortals of the realm and the invisible corps of Teacher Sons.
37:2.10 (408.2) 昏星们所属的世界。第六组的七个萨尔文顿(Salvington)世界及其四十二个辅助卫星,都被委派给闪耀昏星们来管理。七个首要世界由这些超等天使中的受造类别所主掌,而各辅助卫星则由扬升类昏星们所管理。   37:2.10 (408.2) The Worlds of the Evening Stars. The sixth group of seven Salvington worlds and their forty-two tributary satellites are assigned to the administration of the Brilliant Evening Stars. The seven primary worlds are presided over by the created orders of these superangels, while the tributary satellites are administered by ascendant Evening Stars.
37:2.11 (408.3) 前三个世界所属的卫星被用作教导之子和昏星们为该地方宇宙属灵人格体所设的学校。接下来的三组卫星则被当作类似的联合学校,致力于对扬升凡人的培训。第七个世界的卫星则被预留下来以供教导之子、昏星及终局者的三位联合性审议之用。最近以来,这些超等天使与终局者团队的地方宇宙工作密切相关,他们也长期与教导之子们协作。昏星与隶属于终局者工作团队的引力使者之间,存在着一种至关重要的配合。第七个首要世界本身,则是为那些尚未揭示之事务而预留的,这些事务关涉到教导之子、终局者及昏星们在神之至高者人格本体的超级宇宙显现物彻底出现时所会获得的未来相互关系。   37:2.11 (408.3) The satellites of the first three worlds are devoted to the schools of the Teacher Sons and the Evening Stars dedicated to the spirit personalities of the local universe. The next three groups are occupied by similar joint schools devoted to the training of ascending mortals. The seventh-world satellites are reserved for the triune deliberations of the Teacher Sons, the Evening Stars, and the finaliters. During recent times these superangels have been closely identified with the local universe work of the Corps of the Finality, and they have long been associated with the Teacher Sons. There exists a liaison of tremendous power and import between the Evening Stars and the Gravity Messengers attached to the finaliter working groups. The seventh primary world itself is reserved for those unrevealed matters which pertain to the future relationship that will obtain between the Teacher Sons, the finaliters, and the Evening Stars consequent upon the completed emergence of the superuniverse manifestation of the personality of God the Supreme.
3. 大天使 ^top   3. The Archangels ^top
37:3.1 (408.4) 大天使是造物之子和宇宙母灵的后代。她们是地方宇宙大量造出之高级灵性存有中的最高类型,在上一次登记时,有近八十万存在于内巴顿(Nebadon)之中。   37:3.1 (408.4) Archangels are the offspring of the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit. They are the highest type of high spirit being produced in large numbers in a local universe, and at the time of the last registry there were almost eight hundred thousand in Nebadon.
37:3.2 (408.5) 大天使是少数几类一般不受加百列管辖的地方宇宙人格体之一。她们并未以任何方式与该宇宙的日常管理相关,而是致力于受造物的续存和时空性凡人扬升生涯的推进。尽管大天使们不受明亮晨星的主管,但她们的确有时会在其授权下运作。她们也与其它类宇宙助手、例如昏星相合作,正如在对你们世界生命移植的讲述中提及到的某些事务所例举的那样。   37:3.2 (408.5) Archangels are one of the few groups of local universe personalities who are not normally under the jurisdiction of Gabriel. They are not in any manner concerned with the routine administration of the universe, being dedicated to the work of creature survival and to the furtherance of the ascending career of the mortals of time and space. While not ordinarily subject to the direction of the Bright and Morning Star, the archangels do sometimes function by his authority. They also collaborate with others of the Universe Aids, such as the Evening Stars, as is illustrated by certain transactions depicted in the narrative of life transplantation on your world.
37:3.3 (408.6) 内巴顿(Nebadon)的大天使团队,是由该类中的头生者所主管,而在更近的时期内,大天使的一个分区总部被设置在了玉苒厦(Urantia)之上。正是这一不寻常之事实,很快吸引了内巴顿以外研究访问者们的注意。在他们对跨宇宙事务的早期观察中有这样一个发现,即闪耀昏星的许多扬升活动,是从撒旦尼亚(Satania)地方系统的首府进行主管的。经过进一步考察他们发现,某些大天使活动是从一个叫做玉苒厦的微小居住世界进行主管的。随之而来的便是对迈克尔在玉苒厦上赠与之新发现,以及他们对于你们及你们低等星球的瞬发兴趣。   37:3.3 (408.6) The archangel corps of Nebadon is directed by the first-born of this order, and in more recent times a divisional headquarters of the archangels has been maintained on Urantia. It is this unusual fact that soon arrests the attention of extra-Nebadon student visitors. Among their early observations of intrauniverse transactions is the discovery that many ascendant activities of the Brilliant Evening Stars are directed from the capital of a local system, Satania. On further examination they discover that certain archangel activities are directed from a small and apparently insignificant inhabited world called Urantia. And then ensues the revelation of Michael’s bestowal on Urantia and their immediately quickened interest in you and your lowly sphere.
37:3.4 (409.1) 你们低等而混乱的行星,已经成为一个对某些涉及天堂扬升计划之大天使活动进行宇宙管理和指导的分区总部,你们认识到这一事实的重要性了吗?这无疑预示着其它扬升活动将会集中到这一迈克尔赠与过的世界上,并为主的亲身许诺,即“我会再来”增添了一种无比庄严的意义。   37:3.4 (409.1) Do you grasp the significance of the fact that your lowly and confused planet has become a divisional headquarters for the universe administration and direction of certain archangel activities having to do with the Paradise ascension scheme? This undoubtedly presages the future concentration of other ascendant activities on the bestowal world of Michael and lends a tremendous and solemn import to the Master’s personal promise, “I will come again.”
37:3.5 (409.2) 一般来说,大天使们会被委派到对艾沃诺(Avonal)圣子类别的服务与侍奉当中,但直到她们通过了在众多类侍奉之灵所做一切工作方面的广泛初期培训以后才行。由一百个大天使所组成的团队,会伴随每一个天堂赠与圣子前往一个居住世界,并在这段赠与时期内暂时分配给他。假如执法之子会成为该行星的暂时支配者,这些大天使们便会担当那一星球上所有天界生命的主管首领。   37:3.5 (409.2) In general, the archangels are assigned to the service and ministry of the Avonal order of sonship, but not until they have passed through extensive preliminary training in all phases of the work of the various ministering spirits. A corps of one hundred accompanies every Paradise bestowal Son to an inhabited world, being temporarily assigned to him for the duration of such a bestowal. If the Magisterial Son should become temporary ruler of the planet, these archangels would act as the directing heads of all celestial life on that sphere.
37:3.6 (409.3) 在一个天堂艾沃诺(Avonal)履行所有行星使命期间,总会有两名资深大天使被委派给他作为随身助手,不论涉及审判活动、执法使命还是赠与化身。当这一天堂圣子完成对一个领域的审判,死者被召唤去登记时(即所谓的复活),以下情况的确是真实的,即沉睡人格体的天使守护者会对“大天使的声音”做出回应。一场天命终结之点名是由一名伴随的大天使所宣布。这便是复活大天使,有时被称为“迈克尔大天使”。   37:3.6 (409.3) Two senior archangels are always assigned as the personal aids of a Paradise Avonal on all planetary missions, whether involving judicial actions, magisterial missions, or bestowal incarnations. When this Paradise Son has finished the judgment of a realm and the dead are called to record (the so-called resurrection), it is literally true that the seraphic guardians of the slumbering personalities respond to “the voice of the archangel.” The roll call of a dispensation termination is promulgated by an attendant archangel. This is the archangel of the resurrection, sometimes referred to as the “archangel of Michael.”
37:3.7 (409.4) 大天使们所属的世界。第七组环绕的萨尔文顿世界及其相关卫星,都被分配给了大天使们。第一个天体及其六个辅助卫星是由人格记录保存者们所占据。这一巨大的记录者团队忙于对每个时间性凡人保持连续记录,从出生时刻起,向上经历宇宙生涯,直到这一个体离开萨尔文顿前往超级宇宙体系,或是依照亘古常在者的指令“被从记录的存在中抹除”。   37:3.7 (409.4) The Worlds of the Archangels. The seventh group of the encircling Salvington worlds, with their associated satellites, is assigned to the archangels. Sphere number one and all of its six tributary satellites are occupied by the personality record keepers. This enormous corps of recorders busy themselves with keeping straight the record of each mortal of time from the moment of birth up through the universe career until such an individual either leaves Salvington for the superuniverse regime or is “blotted out of recorded existence” by the mandate of the Ancients of Days.
37:3.8 (409.5) 正是在这些世界上,人格本体记录和身份标识担保在那段介于凡人死亡和重新人格化(即从死亡中复活时刻)之间的时间内,得以分类、存档及保存。   37:3.8 (409.5) It is on these worlds that personality records and identification sureties are classified, filed, and preserved during that time which intervenes between mortal death and the hour of repersonalization, the resurrection from death.
4. 极高者助手 ^top   4. Most High Assistants ^top
37:4.1 (409.6) 极高者助手是一类来源于地方宇宙以外的志愿性存有,他们被暂时指派为中央宇宙或超级宇宙对于地方宇宙的代表或观察员。其数目在不断变化着,但却一直远高于数百万。   37:4.1 (409.6) The Most High Assistants are a group of volunteering beings, of origin outside the local universe, who are temporarily assigned as central and superuniverse representatives to, or observers of, the local creations. Their number varies constantly but is always far up in the millions.
37:4.2 (409.7) 我们因此而时常得益于这些具有天堂来源之存有的照料和帮助,像智慧完美者,神性顾问,万有之监察者,激发性三一之灵,三一化之子,单独使者,超级天使,二级天使,三级天使及其它宽厚的照料者们。他们跟我们在一起,旨在帮助我们本地人格体一起努力,以使整个内巴顿(Nebadon)与奥温顿(Orvonton)的理念及天堂的典范达至更为全面的和谐。   37:4.2 (409.7) From time to time we thus benefit from the ministry and assistance of such Paradise-origin beings as Perfectors of Wisdom, Divine Counselors, Universal Censors, Inspired Trinity Spirits, Trinitized Sons, Solitary Messengers, supernaphim, seconaphim, tertiaphim, and other gracious ministers, who sojourn with us for the purpose of helping our native personalities in the effort to bring all Nebadon into fuller harmony with the ideas of Orvonton and the ideals of Paradise.
37:4.3 (410.1) 这些存有中的任何一个可都是志愿在内巴顿(Nebadon)服务的,因此严格说都在我们的管辖范围之外,但当他按指派运作时,这些来自超级宇宙或中央宇宙的人格体并不能完全免于其所属地方宇宙的规管,尽管继续作为更高级宇宙的代表而运作,并依照那些构成其该域使命之指示而工作。他们的总部位于联合常在者的萨尔文顿(Salvington)分区,他们在内巴顿的运作受到这位天堂三位一体大使的总体监管。当以独立团队之方式服务时,这些来自较高界域的人格体们通常是自我管理的,但当应要求而服务时,他们通常志愿将自身置于受派运作各域监督主管者们的管辖之下。   37:4.3 (410.1) Any of these beings may be voluntarily serving in Nebadon and hence be technically outside our jurisdiction, but when functioning by assignment, such personalities of the super- and central universes are not wholly exempt from the regulations of the local universe of their sojourn, though they continue to function as representatives of the higher universes and to work in accordance with the instructions which constitute their mission in our realm. Their general headquarters is situated in the Salvington sector of the Union of Days, and they operate in Nebadon subject to the oversupervision of this ambassador of the Paradise Trinity. When serving in unattached groups, these personalities from the higher realms are usually self-directing, but when serving on request, they often voluntarily place themselves wholly under the jurisdiction of the supervising directors of the realms of assigned function.
37:4.4 (410.2) 极高者助手们在地方宇宙和星座中担当职责,但他们并不直接隶属于系统或行星管理机构。然而,他们可在地方宇宙中的任何地方运作,可被指派到内巴顿(Nebadon)活动中的任一方面 -- 管理方面,执行方面,教育方面及其它方面。   37:4.4 (410.2) Most High Assistants serve in local universe and in constellation capacities but are not directly attached to the system or planetary governments. They may, however, function anywhere in the local universe and may be assigned to any phase of Nebadon activity—administrative, executive, educational, and others.
37:4.5 (410.3) 这一团队中的大多数都应召来协助内巴顿(Nebadon)的天堂人格体们 -- 即联合常在者,造物之子,忠诚常在者,执法之子和三一性教导之子。往往在处理一个地方造物的事务当中,暂时保留某些细节而不让那一地方宇宙的几乎所有本地人格体了解,会显得十分明智。某些先进的计划和复杂的裁决,还会被那些更为成熟及更有远见的极高者助手团队所更好的把握及更为充分的理解,正是在此类及其它许多情形下,他们对地方宇宙支配者和管理者们都极为有用。   37:4.5 (410.3) Most of this corps is enlisted in assisting the Nebadon Paradise personalities—the Union of Days, the Creator Son, the Faithfuls of Days, the Magisterial Sons, and the Trinity Teacher Sons. Now and then in the transaction of the affairs of a local creation it becomes wise to withhold certain details, temporarily, from the knowledge of practically all of the native personalities of that local universe. Certain advanced plans and complex rulings are also better grasped and more fully understood by the more mature and farseeing corps of Most High Assistants, and it is in such situations, and many others, that they are so highly serviceable to the universe rulers and administrators.
5. 高级专员 ^top   5. High Commissioners ^top
37:5.1 (410.4) 高级专员是与上灵融合的扬升凡人;他们并未与调整者融合。你们对于一个寻求与调整者融合的凡人候选者之宇宙扬升生涯都非常地理解了,那是自从基督•迈克尔赠与以来,所有玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人都可预期的高级天命。但这在像你们这样世界的前赠与时代并非是所有凡人的唯一天命,还存在另外一类世界,其居民从来不会被思想调整者所永久内驻,这样的凡人从来不会永久地与一个天堂降临的神秘告诫者相结合;虽然如此,调整者们的确会在这些凡人之内短暂驻留,担当其肉身生活期间的向导和典范。在这短暂逗留期间,他们会促进一个不死灵魂的演进,正如在那些希望与其融合之存有当中所做的一样。但当凡间历程结束时,他们便会永久离开这些短暂关联过的受造物。   37:5.1 (410.4) The High Commissioners are Spirit-fused ascendant mortals; they are not Adjuster fused. You quite well understand about the universe-ascension career of a mortal candidate for Adjuster fusion, that being the high destiny in prospect for all Urantia mortals since the bestowal of Christ Michael. But this is not the exclusive destiny of all mortals in the prebestowal ages of worlds like yours, and there is another type of world whose inhabitants are never permanently indwelt by Thought Adjusters. Such mortals are never permanently joined in union with a Mystery Monitor of Paradise bestowal; nevertheless, the Adjusters do transiently indwell them, serving as guides and patterns for the duration of the life in the flesh. During this temporary sojourn they foster the evolution of an immortal soul just as in those beings with whom they hope to fuse, but when the mortal race is run, they take eternal leave of the creatures of temporary association.
37:5.2 (410.5) 这一类别的续存灵魂通过与地方宇宙母灵个体化片段的永久融合而达到不朽。他们不是一个为数众多的群体,至少在内巴顿(Nebadon)不是。在宅厦世界上,你将遇见这些与上灵融合的凡人并与他们友善相处,因为他们与你们一起沿着天堂之路一直扬升到萨尔文顿(Salvington),并在那里停留下来。他们中的一些,之后可能会扬升到更高宇宙层次,但大多数将会永远留在该地方宇宙的服务团队中;他们这一类别并不注定能到达天堂。   37:5.2 (410.5) Surviving souls of this order attain immortality by eternal fusion with an individualized fragment of the spirit of the local universe Mother Spirit. They are not a numerous group, at least not in Nebadon. On the mansion worlds you will meet and fraternize with these Spirit-fused mortals as they ascend the Paradise path with you as far as Salvington, where they stop. Some of them may subsequently ascend to higher universe levels, but the majority will forever remain in the service of the local universe; as a class they are not destined to attain Paradise.
37:5.3 (411.1) 由于未与调整者融合,所以他们永远不可能成为终局者,但他们最终确实会加入地方宇宙的完美者团队中。他们在灵性上遵从了上父的指令,“你们要完美。”   37:5.3 (411.1) Not being Adjuster fused, they never become finaliters, but they do eventually become enrolled in the local universe Corps of Perfection. They have in spirit obeyed the Father’s command, “Be you perfect.”
37:5.4 (411.2) 在加入内巴顿(Nebadon)的完美者团队后,这些与上灵融合的扬升者可作为宇宙助手而接受委派,这是对他们敞开的持续经验性成长渠道之一。这样他们可成为专派至高级服务团队的候选者,该团队会将物质世界进化受造物之观点阐释给地方宇宙的天界当权者。   37:5.4 (411.2) After attaining the Nebadon Corps of Perfection, Spirit-fused ascenders may accept assignment as Universe Aids, this being one of the avenues of continuing experiential growth which is open to them. Thus do they become candidates for commissions to the high service of interpreting the viewpoints of the evolving creatures of the material worlds to the celestial authorities of the local universe.
37:5.5 (411.3) 高级专员在各个行星上作为种族专员而开始其服务。在这一职责当中,他们会阐释和描绘不同人类种族的观点和需求。他们极为致力于其所代表之凡人种族的福祉,不断寻求在与所有其他种族的关系中为其获得仁慈、公平及公正对待。种族专员们在无穷尽的行星危机中运作,并担当着整群奋斗凡人的清晰表达者。   37:5.5 (411.3) The High Commissioners begin their service on the planets as race commissioners. In this capacity they interpret the viewpoints and portray the needs of the various human races. They are supremely devoted to the welfare of the mortal races whose spokesmen they are, ever seeking to obtain for them mercy, justice, and fair treatment in all relationships with other peoples. Race commissioners function in an endless series of planetary crises and serve as the articulate expression of whole groups of struggling mortals.
37:5.6 (411.4) 当获得在居住世界解决问题方面的长期经验后,这些种族专员会被提升至更高的运作层次,并最终获得地方宇宙中的高级专员身份。最近一次登记表明,在内巴顿(Nebadon)中有略超十五亿名这样的高级专员。这些存有不是终局者,但他们是拥有长期经验、并对其本领域有很大帮助的扬升存有。   37:5.6 (411.4) After long experience in problem solving on the inhabited worlds, these race commissioners are advanced to the higher levels of function, eventually attaining the status of High Commissioners of and in the local universe. The last registration recorded slightly over one and one-half billion of these High Commissioners in Nebadon. These beings are not finaliters, but they are ascendant beings of long experience and of great service to their native realm.
37:5.7 (411.5) 我们总会在所有司法法庭中发现这些专员,不论是从最低级的还是到最高级的法庭。他们并不参与司法程序,但他们确实会作为法院的助手,就那些在裁决中所涉的前情、外境及内在本质向法官做出提议。   37:5.7 (411.5) We invariably find these commissioners in all the tribunals of justice, from the lowest to the highest. Not that they participate in the proceedings of justice, but they do act as friends of the court, advising the presiding magistrates respecting the antecedents, environment, and inherent nature of those concerned in the adjudication.
37:5.8 (411.6) 高级专员被配属到各种空间性使者大军当中,并一直隶属于时间性侍奉之灵。他们会在众多宇宙集会的安排中得以遇到,这些同样的凡人类专员总是会被配属到神之众子对空间世界的使命当中。   37:5.8 (411.6) High Commissioners are attached to the various messenger hosts of space and always to the ministering spirits of time. They are encountered on the programs of various universe assemblies, and these same mortal-wise commissioners are always attached to the missions of the Sons of God to the worlds of space.
37:5.9 (411.7) 每当出于公平公正,需要对一项预期方针或步骤如何影响时间性进化族类形成一种理解,这些专员们便前来提出他们的建议;他们总会到场为那些无法到场替自身发言的存有发言。   37:5.9 (411.7) Whenever fairness and justice require an understanding of how a contemplated policy or procedure would affect the evolutionary races of time, these commissioners are at hand to present their recommendations; they are always present to speak for those who cannot be present to speak for themselves.
37:5.10 (411.8) 与上灵融合的凡人们所属的世界。萨尔文顿环路中第八组七个首要世界及其辅助卫星,是内巴顿(Nebadon)中与上灵融合之凡人们的专有领地。与调整者融合的扬升凡人们与这些世界无关,除了作为融合于上灵之居民的受邀宾客,来享受多次愉快而有益的逗留。   37:5.10 (411.8) The Worlds of the Spirit-fused Mortals. The eighth group of seven primary worlds and tributary satellites in the Salvington circuit are the exclusive possession of the Spirit-fused mortals of Nebadon. Ascending Adjuster-fused mortals are not concerned with these worlds except to enjoy many pleasant and profitable sojourns as the invited guests of the Spirit-fused residents.
37:5.11 (411.9) 除了少数那些到达尤沃萨(Uversa)和天堂的存有外,这些世界是融合于上灵之续存者们的永久居所。这种对凡人扬升所设计的限制,因确保了对一类永久进化群体之保留而对各地方宇宙之利益做出了回应,他们不断增加的经验会持续改善该地方宇宙管理机构的稳定性与多样性。这些存有或许不会到达天堂,但他们在对内巴顿(Nebadon)问题的掌控方面获得了一种经验性智慧,完全超越了过往性扬升者们所获得的任何一切。而这些续存的灵魂会继续作为人性与神性的综合体,能不断去将这两个广泛分离层次的观点结合起来,并怀着一种不断提升的智慧去展示这样一种双重性观点。   37:5.11 (411.9) Except for those few who attain Uversa and Paradise, these worlds are the permanent residence of the Spirit-fused survivors. Such designed limitation of mortal ascent reacts to the good of the local universes by insuring the retention of a permanent evolved population whose augmenting experience will continue to enhance the future stabilization and diversification of the local universe administration. These beings may not attain Paradise, but they achieve an experiential wisdom in the mastery of Nebadon problems that utterly surpasses anything attained by the transient ascenders. And these surviving souls continue as unique combinations of the human and the divine, being increasingly able to unite the viewpoints of these two widely separate levels and to present such a dual viewpoint with ever-heightening wisdom.
6. 天界监督员 ^top   6. Celestial Overseers ^top
37:6.1 (412.1) 内巴顿(Nebadon)的教育系统,是由三一性教导之子和麦基洗德教导团队一同管理的,但大部分旨在达到其维护与构建目的之工作,则是由天界监督员来履行的。这些存有是一个包含了与教育和培训扬升凡人计划有关之所有类个体的应招团队。他们在内巴顿中有三百多万,且全都是有资历担当整个领域之教育顾问的志愿者。自其在麦基洗德所属萨尔文顿(Salvington)世界的总部起,这些监督员便作为内巴顿教学手段之督察者而巡视着该地方宇宙,而这些教学手段旨在达到对扬升受造物进行心智培训与灵性教育之目的。   37:6.1 (412.1) The Nebadon educational system is jointly administered by the Trinity Teacher Sons and the Melchizedek teaching corps, but much of the work designed to effect its maintenance and upbuilding is carried on by the Celestial Overseers. These beings are a recruited corps embracing all types of individuals connected with the scheme of educating and training the ascending mortals. There are upward of three million of them in Nebadon, and they are all volunteers who have qualified by experience to serve as educational advisers to the entire realm. From their headquarters on the Salvington worlds of the Melchizedeks, these overseers range the local universe as inspectors of the Nebadon school technique designed to effect the mind training and the spirit education of the ascending creatures.
37:6.2 (412.2) 从人类起源的各个世界,往上到各个系统宅厦世界及其它与耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)相关的渐进性天体,到附属于伊甸厦(Edentia)的七十个社交性世界,以及环绕萨尔文顿(Salvington)的四百九十个灵性渐进的天体上,都实施着这种心智培训和灵性教育。在该宇宙总部本身就有着无数的麦基洗德类学校,宇宙圣子的学院,炽天使类学院,以及教导之子和联合常在者的学校。每样可能的设施都有提供,以令该宇宙的各类人格体有资格去提升服务及改善职能。整个宇宙就是一个巨大的学校。   37:6.2 (412.2) This training of mind and education of spirit is carried on from the worlds of human origin up through the system mansion worlds and the other spheres of progress associated with Jerusem, on the seventy socializing realms attached to Edentia, and on the four hundred and ninety spheres of spirit progress encircling Salvington. On the universe headquarters itself are numerous Melchizedek schools, the colleges of the Universe Sons, the seraphic universities, and the schools of the Teacher Sons and the Union of Days. Every possible provision is made to qualify the various personalities of the universe for advancing service and improving function. The entire universe is one vast school.
37:6.3 (412.3) 许多高等学校所采用的教学方式,完全超出了人类有关教导真理之艺术所包含的概念,而这正是整个教育系统的基调:通过受启的经历而获得品格。教导者们提供启发;宇宙驻地和扬升者的身份则提供了经历的机会;对这两者的明智利用,会增加品格。   37:6.3 (412.3) The methods employed in many of the higher schools are beyond the human concept of the art of teaching truth, but this is the keynote of the whole educational system: character acquired by enlightened experience. The teachers provide the enlightenment; the universe station and the ascender’s status afford the opportunity for experience; the wise utilization of these two augments character.
37:6.4 (412.4) 从根本上来说,内巴顿(Nebadon)教育系统为你们的委派准备好了一个任务,之后又提供给你们机会去接受有关执行那一任务之最佳理念及神性方式的教导。你们被给予一项明确的任务去执行,同时,你们又拥有一些能够指导你们用最佳方式去执行你们任务的老师。神性之教育计划将工作和教导紧密地结合在一起。我们会教导你们如何以最佳方式去执行我们令你们做的事情。   37:6.4 (412.4) Fundamentally, the Nebadon educational system provides for your assignment to a task and then affords you opportunity to receive instruction as to the ideal and divine method of best performing that task. You are given a definite task to perform, and at the same time you are provided with teachers who are qualified to instruct you in the best method of executing your assignment. The divine plan of education provides for the intimate association of work and instruction. We teach you how best to execute the things we command you to do.
37:6.5 (412.5) 所有这些培训和经历的目的,是为了使你们有资格进入超级宇宙更为高级、更为灵性的培训天体中。在一个特定领域中的进步是个体性的,但从一个阶段到另一个阶段的转变,却通常要根据分类来实现。   37:6.5 (412.5) The purpose of all this training and experience is to prepare you for admission to the higher and more spiritual training spheres of the superuniverse. Progress within a given realm is individual, but transition from one phase to another is usually by classes.
37:6.6 (412.6) 在永恒性方面的进步并不单独在于灵性的发展。智性上的收获也是宇宙教育的一部分。在灵性视野扩展的同时,心智体验也同样会得以拓宽。心智和灵性被供以同样的培训与提升机会。但在这些上乘的心智与灵性培训中,你们永远不再会受到凡俗肉身的阻碍。你们不再需要不断地在你们各种具有相异灵性与物质本性的矛盾纷争中做出裁断。最终,你们会有资格去享受到一个荣耀化心智所产生的统一性推动力,而该心智早已经摆脱了追求物质性事物的原始动物性倾向。   37:6.6 (412.6) The progression of eternity does not consist solely in spiritual development. Intellectual acquisition is also a part of universal education. The experience of the mind is broadened equally with the expansion of the spiritual horizon. Mind and spirit are afforded like opportunities for training and advancement. But in all this superb training of mind and spirit you are forever free from the handicaps of mortal flesh. No longer must you constantly referee the conflicting contentions of your divergent spiritual and material natures. At last you are qualified to enjoy the unified urge of a glorified mind long since divested of primitive animalistic trends towards things material.
37:6.7 (413.1) 在离开内巴顿(Nebadon)宇宙之前,大多数玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人都被给予机会,去作为内巴顿天界监督员团队的成员服务或长或短的一段时间。   37:6.7 (413.1) Before leaving the universe of Nebadon, most Urantia mortals will be afforded opportunity to serve for a longer or shorter time as members of the Nebadon corps of Celestial Overseers.
7. 宅厦世界教师 ^top   7. Mansion World Teachers ^top
37:7.1 (413.2) 宅厦世界教师是招募而来的荣耀化小天使。就如内巴顿(Nebadon)中其他大多数指导者们一样,他们是由麦基洗德们所委任的。他们在大多数针对灵质性生命的教育事业中运作,他们的数目远远超出了凡人心智的理解能力以外。   37:7.1 (413.2) The Mansion World Teachers are recruited and glorified cherubim. Like most other instructors in Nebadon they are commissioned by the Melchizedeks. They function in most of the educational enterprises of the morontia life, and their number is quite beyond the comprehension of mortal mind.
37:7.2 (413.3) 作为一种小天使和小天女们所处的达成层次,宅厦世界教师将会在下一篇章中得到进一步的提及,而作为在灵质性生命中扮演重要角色的教导者们,他们将会在灵质性生命那一章中得以更为广泛的论述。   37:7.2 (413.3) As an attainment level of cherubim and sanobim, the Mansion World Teachers will receive further consideration in the next paper, while as teachers playing an important part in the morontia life, they will be more extensively discussed in the paper of that name.
8. 高等属灵委派类别 ^top   8. Higher Spirit Orders of Assignment ^top
37:8.1 (413.4) 除了力量汇聚者和物理控制者之外,无限之灵家族中某些具有高等来源的属灵存有,对于地方宇宙有着永久的委派。在无限之灵家族的高等属灵类别当中,有以下几类是如此受派的:   37:8.1 (413.4) Besides the power centers and the physical controllers, certain of the higher-origin spirit beings of the family of the Infinite Spirit are of permanent assignment to the local universe. Of the higher spirit orders of the family of the Infinite Spirit the following are so assigned:
37:8.2 (413.5) 单独使者们, 一旦按职能被配属到地方宇宙管理机构,便会在我们克服时空阻碍的努力中,向我们提供宝贵的服务。在他们未按此方式受派时,我们这些地方宇宙存有对他们绝对没有任何管辖权。但即使在那时,这些独特的存有们也总是愿意帮助我们解决问题,执行我们的指令。   37:8.2 (413.5) The Solitary Messengers, when functionally attached to the local universe administration, render invaluable service to us in our efforts to overcome the handicaps of time and space. When they are not thus assigned, we of the local universes have absolutely no authority over them, but even then these unique beings are always willing to help us with the solution of our problems and with the execution of our mandates.
37:8.3 (413.6) 安多旺沙(Andovontia)是驻在我们地方宇宙中的三级宇宙回路监督者的名字。他只关注于属灵性和灵质性回路,却并不关注那些在力量主管者管辖之下的回路。在路西法反叛的艰难时节,正是他在卡里迦夏(Caligastia)背叛时隔离了玉苒厦(Urantia)。在向玉苒厦的凡人发出的问候中,他愉快表达了对你们有朝一日回到他监管之宇宙回路的期望。   37:8.3 (413.6) Andovontia is the name of the tertiary Universe Circuit Supervisor stationed in our local universe. He is concerned only with spirit and morontia circuits, not with those under the jurisdiction of the power directors. It was he who isolated Urantia at the time of the Caligastia betrayal of the planet during the testing seasons of the Lucifer rebellion. In sending greetings to the mortals of Urantia, he expresses pleasure in the anticipation of your sometime restoration to the universe circuits of his supervision.
37:8.4 (413.7) 内巴顿(Nebadon)的普查主管者萨尔撒沙,将总部设在萨尔文顿的加百列属区。他会自动察知意志的诞生和死亡,并同时会登记运作于地方宇宙中的意志受造物之确切数目。他与驻在大天使所属记录世界的人格记录者紧密合作着。   37:8.4 (413.7) The Nebadon Census Director, Salsatia, maintains headquarters within the Gabriel sector of Salvington. He is automatically cognizant of the birth and death of will and currently registers the exact number of will creatures functioning in the local universe. He works in close association with the personality recorders domiciled on the record worlds of the archangels.
37:8.5 (413.8) 萨尔文顿(Salvington)常驻着一位协同督察者。他是奥温顿(Orvonton)至高执行者的亲身代表。他的协作者们,即各个地方系统中的配属岗哨们,也是奥温顿至高执行者的代表。   37:8.5 (413.8) An Associate Inspector is resident on Salvington. He is the personal representative of the Supreme Executive of Orvonton. His associates, the Assigned Sentinels in the local systems, are also representatives of the Supreme Executive of Orvonton.
37:8.6 (414.1) 万有之调解者们是各个时空宇宙的移动法庭,自各个进化世界上经每一地方宇宙分区及以上范围内运作着。这些调解者在尤沃萨(Uversa)得以登记;在内巴顿(Nebadon)中运作的确切数目并无记录,但我估计,在我们的地方宇宙中有将近一亿左右的调解专员。   37:8.6 (414.1) The Universal Conciliators are the traveling courts of the universes of time and space, functioning from the evolutionary worlds up through every section of the local universe and on beyond. These referees are registered on Uversa; the exact number operating in Nebadon is not of record, but I estimate that there are in the neighborhood of one hundred million conciliating commissions in our local universe.
37:8.7 (414.2) 技能性顾问,即该域的律法性才智当中,我们拥有的配额大约为五亿名。这些存有是一切空间内鲜活而流动的经验性律法文库。   37:8.7 (414.2) Of the Technical Advisers, the legal minds of the realm, we have our quota, about one-half billion. These beings are the living and circulating experiential law libraries of all space.
37:8.8 (414.3) 天界记录者,即扬升的炽天使当中,我们内巴顿(Nebadon)有七十五名。这些都是资深的监管记录者。正在培训中的这类高级学员为数近四十亿。   37:8.8 (414.3) Of the Celestial Recorders, the ascendant seraphim, we have in Nebadon seventy-five. These are the senior or supervising recorders. The advancing students of this order in training number almost four billion.
37:8.9 (414.4) 内巴顿(Nebadon)中七百亿灵质性友伴的侍奉,将会在那些与时间性朝圣者过渡星球有关的篇章中得以阐述。   37:8.9 (414.4) The ministry of the seventy billion Morontia Companions in Nebadon is described in those narratives dealing with the transition planets of the pilgrims of time.
37:8.10 (414.5) 每个宇宙都拥有其本土的天使团队;尽管如此,在某些场合,拥有那些源出于地方造物之外的高等属灵们的帮助是非常有益的。超级天使会履行某些稀有而独特的服务;玉苒厦(Urantia)的现任炽天使长是一个来自天堂的第一类超级天使。无论超级宇宙职员在哪儿运作,都会碰到反射性二级天使,而大量三级天使则是作为极高者助手而提供短暂服务。   37:8.10 (414.5) Each universe has its own native angelic corps; nevertheless, there are occasions on which it is very helpful to have the assistance of those higher spirits of origin outside the local creation. Supernaphim perform certain rare and unique services; the present chief of Urantia seraphim is a primary supernaphim of Paradise. The reflective seconaphim are encountered wherever the superuniverse personnel is functioning, and a great many tertiaphim are of temporary service as Most High Assistants.
9. 地方宇宙的永久公民 ^top   9. Permanent Citizens of the Local Universe ^top
37:9.1 (414.6) 如同超级宇宙和中央宇宙一样,地方宇宙也拥有其永久公民类别。这些类别包括以下受造类型:   37:9.1 (414.6) As with the super- and central universes, the local universe has its orders of permanent citizenship. These include the following created types:
37:9.2 (414.7) 1. 苏萨莎(Susatia)。   37:9.2 (414.7) 1. Susatia.
37:9.3 (414.8) 2. 尤尼维塔莎(Univitatia)。   37:9.3 (414.8) 2. Univitatia.
37:9.4 (414.9) 3. 物质性之子。   37:9.4 (414.9) 3. Material Sons.
37:9.5 (414.10) 4. 中道受造物。   37:9.5 (414.10) 4. Midway Creatures.
37:9.6 (414.11) 这些地方造物的原住者,加上与上灵融合的扬升者和斯百容噶(Spironga)(他们另作分类),组成了一个相对固定的居民群。这些存有类别总的来说既不是扬升性的也不是沉降性的。他们都是经验性受造物,但其不断扩展的经验,对其来源层次上的宇宙也仍然有用。尽管对于亚当类圣子和中道受造物来说这并非完全是真实的,但对于这些类别来说则是相对真实的。   37:9.6 (414.11) These natives of the local creation, together with the Spirit-fused ascenders and the spironga (who are otherwise classified), constitute a relatively permanent citizenship. These orders of beings are by and large neither ascending nor descending. They are all experiential creatures, but their enlarging experience continues to be available to the universe on their level of origin. While this is not wholly true of the Adamic Sons and midway creatures, it is relatively true of these orders.
37:9.7 (414.12) 苏萨莎(Susatia)。这些奇特的存有作为永久公民居住并运作于该地方宇宙总部萨尔文顿(Salvington)之上。他们是造物之子和造物之灵的出色后代,并与该地方宇宙中的扬升公民,即内巴顿(Nebadon)完美者团队中融合于上灵的凡人密切相关。   37:9.7 (414.12) The Susatia. These marvelous beings reside and function as permanent citizens on Salvington, the headquarters of this local universe. They are the brilliant offspring of the Creator Son and Creative Spirit and are closely associated with the ascendant citizens of the local universe, the Spirit-fused mortals of the Nebadon Corps of Perfection.
37:9.8 (414.13) 尤尼维塔莎(Univitatia)。一百个星座总部建造天体群中的每一个,都拥有一个被称为尤尼维塔莎之常驻存有类别的持续照料。这些造物之子和造物之灵的儿女们组成了星座总部世界的永久性群体。他们是一些非繁殖性存有,存在于这样一个生命层面上,该层面介于驻系统总部的物质性之子所处的半物质状态与萨尔文顿的融合于上灵之凡人及苏萨莎所在的更为明确之灵性层面近乎中间的位置上;但尤尼维塔莎并不是灵质性存有。他们对于扬升凡人在穿越星座天体期间所起的作用,恰如哈沃纳原住民对于朝圣者之灵在穿越中央造物时所起的作用一样。   37:9.8 (414.13) The Univitatia. Each of the one hundred constellation headquarters clusters of architectural spheres enjoys the continuous ministry of a residential order of beings known as the univitatia. These children of the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit constitute the permanent population of the constellation headquarters worlds. They are nonreproducing beings existing on a plane of life about halfway between the semimaterial status of the Material Sons domiciled on the system headquarters and the more definitely spiritual plane of the Spirit-fused mortals and the susatia of Salvington; but the univitatia are not morontia beings. They accomplish for ascending mortals during the traversal of the constellation spheres what the Havona natives contribute to the pilgrim spirits passing through the central creation.
37:9.9 (415.1) 神的物质性之子。当造物之子与无限之灵的该宇宙代表、即宇宙母灵之间的创造配合完成其周期,当具有结合本质的后代不再出现时,造物之子便将他对存有的最后概念以双重性形式人格化,从而最终确立了他自身的原初双重性起源。然后,从其自身之中,他创造出了美好而出色的物质类宇宙子女。这就是内巴顿(Nebadon)的每个地方系统中原初类亚当和夏娃的起源。他们是一种繁殖性子女类别,得以受造为男性和女性。他们的后裔作为一个系统首府的相对永久性公民而运作,虽然有些后裔被委任为行星类亚当。   37:9.9 (415.1) The Material Sons of God. When a creative liaison between the Creator Son and the universe representative of the Infinite Spirit, the Universe Mother Spirit, has completed its cycle, when no more offspring of the combined nature are forthcoming, then does the Creator Son personalize in dual form his last concept of being, thus finally confirming his own and original dual origin. In and of himself he then creates the beautiful and superb Sons and Daughters of the material order of universe sonship. This is the origin of the original Adam and Eve of each local system of Nebadon. They are a reproducing order of sonship, being created male and female. Their progeny function as the relatively permanent citizens of a system capital, though some are commissioned as Planetary Adams.
37:9.10 (415.2) 在一场行星使命中,物质性子女受委派去创建那一世界的亚当类种族,一个最终旨在与那一天体的暂存性居民相混合的种族。行星类亚当们既是沉降之子,也是扬升之子,但我们通常将他们归为扬升类别。   37:9.10 (415.2) On a planetary mission the Material Son and Daughter are commissioned to found the Adamic race of that world, a race designed eventually to amalgamate with the mortal inhabitants of that sphere. Planetary Adams are both descending and ascending Sons, but we ordinarily class them as ascending.
37:9.11 (415.3) 中道受造物。在大多数居住世界的早期,某些超人类然却物质化的存有会履行委派,但当行星类亚当们到来时,他们往往会撤出。这类存有的活动和物质性之子改善各进化种族的努力,经常会导致一批难以归类之受造物的出现。这些独特的存有通常会介于物质性之子和进化受造物之间;因此其名称为中道受造物。从相对意义上来说,这些中道者是各个进化世界的永久居民。从行星君王到达的早期,到行星安住于光与生命的久远时期,他们是唯一一群持续停留在这一天体上的智能存有。在玉苒厦(Urantia)上,中道照料者实际上是该星球的真正监护者;他们实际上是玉苒厦的居民。凡人确实是一个进化世界的物质性实体居民,但是你们活得实在太短暂;你们在你们出生的行星上只能停留如此短的一段时间。你们出生、生活、死亡,然后继续前往到其他具有进化性演进的世界。即使是那些作为天界照料者而在各行星服务的超人类存有,也是在履行短暂的委派;他们很少会长期附属于一个既定天体。然而,中道受造物却会在面对不断变化的天界照料者及不断转变的凡人居民时,提供行星管理方面的持续性。在所有这一切永不停息的变动转换中,中道受造物们无间断地停留在这个星球上来执行他们的工作。   37:9.11 (415.3) The Midway Creatures. In the early days of most inhabited worlds, certain superhuman but materialized beings are of assignment, but they usually retire upon the arrival of the Planetary Adams. The transactions of such beings and the efforts of the Material Sons to improve the evolutionary races often result in the appearance of a limited number of creatures who are difficult to classify. These unique beings are often midway between the Material Sons and the evolutionary creatures; hence their designation, midway creatures. In a comparative sense these midwayers are the permanent citizens of the evolutionary worlds. From the early days of the arrival of a Planetary Prince to the far-distant time of the settling of the planet in light and life, they are the only group of intelligent beings to remain continuously on the sphere. On Urantia the midway ministers are in reality the actual custodians of the planet; they are, practically speaking, the citizens of Urantia. Mortals are indeed the physical and material inhabitants of an evolutionary world, but you are all so short-lived; you tarry on your nativity planet such a short time. You are born, live, die, and pass on to other worlds of evolutionary progression. Even the superhuman beings who serve on the planets as celestial ministers are of transient assignment; few of them are long attached to a given sphere. The midway creatures, however, provide continuity of planetary administration in the face of ever-changing celestial ministries and constantly shifting mortal inhabitants. Throughout all of this never-ceasing changing and shifting, the midway creatures remain on the planet uninterruptedly carrying on their work.
37:9.12 (415.4) 同样地,地方宇宙和超级宇宙中的所有管理组织分区,都拥有其或多或少的永久群体,即拥有公民身份的永久居民。玉苒厦(Urantia)拥有其中道者,你们的系统首府耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)拥有物质性子女;你们的星座总部伊甸厦(Edentia)拥有尤尼维塔莎(Univitatia),而萨尔文顿(Salvington)的居民则有两种,即受造出来的苏萨莎(Susatia)和进化而来的融合于上灵之凡人。各超级宇宙较大分区和较小分区的众多管理世界则没有永久居民。然而尤沃萨(Uversa)的总部天体则一直由一群被称为阿班当特(Abandonters)的神奇存有照管着,这些是亘古常在者的未揭示代理者们和常驻奥温顿(Orvonton)首府的七个反射性之灵的创造物。目前这些尤沃萨的常驻居民在融合于上子的尤沃萨凡人团队的直接监督下,管理他们世界的日常事务。乃至哈沃纳(Havona)也拥有其原住性存有,光与生命之中央岛则是众多类天堂公民的家园。   37:9.12 (415.4) In like manner, all divisions of the administrative organization of the local universes and superuniverses have their more or less permanent populations, inhabitants of citizenship status. As Urantia has its midwayers, Jerusem, your system capital, has the Material Sons and Daughters; Edentia, your constellation headquarters, has the univitatia, while the citizens of Salvington are twofold, the created susatia and the evolved Spirit-fused mortals. The administrative worlds of the minor and major sectors of the superuniverses do not have permanent citizens. But the Uversa headquarters spheres are continuously fostered by an amazing group of beings known as the abandonters, the creation of the unrevealed agents of the Ancients of Days and the seven Reflective Spirits resident on the capital of Orvonton. These residential citizens on Uversa are at present administering the routine affairs of their world under the immediate supervision of the Uversa corps of the Son-fused mortals. Even Havona has its native beings, and the central Isle of Light and Life is the home of the various groups of Paradise Citizens.
10. 其它地方宇宙群体 ^top   10. Other Local Universe Groups ^top
37:10.1 (416.1) 除了在以后篇章中将会涉及的天使类别和凡人类别之外,还有众多其它存有牵涉到像内巴顿(Nebadon)宇宙这样一个庞大组织的维护和完善当中,该宇宙即使目前就拥有了超过三百万个居住世界,将来预计可达一千万个。各种内巴丹类型的生命太过繁多,以致无法在该篇中都列举出来,但有两种在该地方宇宙647,591个建造天体上广泛运作的不寻常类别会被提及。   37:10.1 (416.1) Besides the seraphic and mortal orders, who will be considered in later papers, there are numerous additional beings concerned in the maintenance and perfecting of such a gigantic organization as the universe of Nebadon, which even now has more than three million inhabited worlds, with ten million in prospect. The various Nebadon types of life are much too numerous to be catalogued in this paper, but there are two unusual orders that function extensively on the 647,591 architectural spheres of the local universe, that may be mentioned.
37:10.2 (416.2) 斯百容噶(Spironga)是明亮晨星和父者麦基洗德的灵性后代。他们可免于人格的终止,但却并非进化性或扬升性存有。他们的职责也与进化性扬升体系无关。他们是地方宇宙的灵性助手,执行内巴顿(Nebadon)的日常灵性职责。   37:10.2 (416.2) The Spironga are the spirit offspring of the Bright and Morning Star and the Father Melchizedek. They are exempt from personality termination but are not evolutionary or ascending beings. Neither are they functionally concerned with the evolutionary ascension regime. They are the spirit helpers of the local universe, executing the routine spirit tasks of Nebadon.
37:10.3 (416.3) 斯宝纳加(Spornagia)。地方宇宙的各个建造性总部世界是真实的世界 -- 即物质性创造物。有很多工作与其物质性维持相关,而在这方面,我们会得到一类被称为斯宝纳加的物质性受造物的帮助。他们致力于这些总部世界物质方面的保养,从耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)到萨尔文顿(Salvington)。斯宝纳加既不是属灵也不是人格;他们是一种动物类存在体,但假如你能看到他们的话,你会同意他们看来像是完美的动物。   37:10.3 (416.3) The Spornagia. The architectural headquarters worlds of the local universe are real worlds—physical creations. There is much work connected with their physical upkeep, and herein we have the assistance of a group of physical creatures called spornagia. They are devoted to the care and culture of the material phases of these headquarters worlds, from Jerusem to Salvington. Spornagia are neither spirits nor persons; they are an animal order of existence, but if you could see them, you would agree that they seem to be perfect animals.
37:10.4 (416.4) 在萨尔文顿(Salvington)和其它任何地方都居住着各种各样的受优遇侨团。我们尤其受益于各星座上天堂艺匠们的侍奉,并从主要运作于地方系统首府的复原指导者的活动中得益。   37:10.4 (416.4) The various courtesy colonies are domiciled on Salvington and elsewhere. We especially profit from the ministry of the celestial artisans on the constellations and benefit from the activities of the reversion directors, who operate chiefly on the capitals of the local systems.
37:10.5 (416.5) 总会有一群扬升凡人被配属到宇宙服务团队中,其中包括荣耀化的中道受造物。这些扬升者在到达萨尔文顿(Salvington)后,会被应用到处理宇宙事务方面的几近无限多样的活动中。自每一达到的层次上,这些提升的凡人会折返下来对追随他们向上攀升的同伴们伸出援助之手。这些暂时停留在萨尔文顿的凡人按要求,几乎被委派到所有各类天堂人格团队中去担当帮助者、研究者、观察者和教导者。   37:10.5 (416.5) Always there is attached to the universe service a corps of ascending mortals, including the glorified midway creatures. These ascenders, after attaining Salvington, are used in an almost endless variety of activities in the conduct of universe affairs. From each level of achievement these advancing mortals reach back and down to extend a helping hand to their fellows who follow them in the upward climb. Such mortals of temporary sojourn on Salvington are assigned on requisition to practically all corps of celestial personalities as helpers, students, observers, and teachers.
37:10.6 (416.6) 还有很多其它类型的智能生命与地方宇宙的管理有关,但该篇之设计并未为这些受造物类别的进一步启示做准备。在这里已经描绘了该宇宙中足够多的生命与管理内容,去让凡人心智对续存性存在之庄严实相形成一种理解。在你们扬升生涯中的进一步经历将会逐渐揭示这些有趣而充满魅力的存有。该篇文章只是对这些多样人格体之本质与工作的一种概述,他们聚集在各个空间宇宙中,把这些造物作为庞大的培训学校来管理,时间性朝圣者们在这些学校中逐类生命、逐个世界地扬升,直到他们被深情地从其起源的宇宙界域派遣到超级宇宙的更高等教育体系中,其后继续进入到哈沃纳(Havona)的灵性培训世界,并最终进入天堂,达到终局者之最高天命 -- 即去履行尚未揭示给时空宇宙之各种使命的永恒性委派。   37:10.6 (416.6) There are still other types of intelligent life concerned with the administration of a local universe, but the plan of this narrative does not provide for the further revelation of these orders of creation. Enough of the life and administration of this universe is being herewith portrayed to afford the mortal mind a grasp of the reality and grandeur of the survival existence. Further experience in your advancing careers will increasingly reveal these interesting and charming beings. This narrative cannot be more than a brief outline of the nature and work of the manifold personalities who throng the universes of space administering these creations as enormous training schools, schools wherein the pilgrims of time advance from life to life and from world to world until they are lovingly dispatched from the borders of the universe of their origin to the higher educational regime of the superuniverse and thence on to the spirit-training worlds of Havona and eventually to Paradise and the high destiny of the finaliters—the eternal assignment on missions not yet revealed to the universes of time and space.
37:10.7 (417.1) [ 由内巴顿(Nebadon)的一名闪耀昏星、即受造性团队的第1,146号成员所授稿。 ]   37:10.7 (417.1) [Dictated by a Brilliant Evening Star of Nebadon, Number 1,146 of the Created Corps.]