第40篇   Paper 40
神之扬升众子   The Ascending Sons of God
40:0.1 (443.1) 正如在很多主要宇宙存有类别中所存在的情形一样,神之扬升众子的七大分类予以揭示如下:   40:0.1 (443.1) AS IN many of the major groups of universe beings, seven general classes of the Ascending Sons of God have been revealed:
40:0.2 (443.2) 1. 与上父融合的凡人。   40:0.2 (443.2) 1. Father-fused Mortals.
40:0.3 (443.3) 2. 与上子融合的凡人。   40:0.3 (443.3) 2. Son-fused Mortals.
40:0.4 (443.4) 3. 与上灵融合的凡人。   40:0.4 (443.4) 3. Spirit-fused Mortals.
40:0.5 (443.5) 4. 进化的炽天使。   40:0.5 (443.5) 4. Evolutionary Seraphim.
40:0.6 (443.6) 5. 扬升的物质性之子。   40:0.6 (443.6) 5. Ascending Material Sons.
40:0.7 (443.7) 6. 转化的中道者。   40:0.7 (443.7) 6. Translated Midwayers.
40:0.8 (443.8) 7. 人格化的调整者。   40:0.8 (443.8) 7. Personalized Adjusters.
40:0.9 (443.9) 从来自进化世界的具有低等动物起源的凡人们,到源于万有之父的人格化调整者们,这些存有的故事,都展现了一种对天堂各神灵在所有时代里慷慨赠与到广袤造物之所有宇宙中的神圣之爱和宽厚恩赐的辉煌述说。   40:0.9 (443.9) The story of these beings, from the lowly animal-origin mortals of the evolutionary worlds to the Personalized Adjusters of the Universal Father, presents a glorious recital of the unstinted bestowal of divine love and gracious condescension throughout all time and in all universes of the far-flung creation of the Paradise Deities.
40:0.10 (443.10) 这些篇章始自于对各神灵的描述,并逐类地沿着各类永活存有的宇宙层级往下叙述,直至延伸到赋有不朽性潜质的最低等生命类别;我一度曾是一个出身于空间进化世界的凡人, 此时自萨尔文顿(Salvington)被派来 -- 去继续细述各神有关扬升子民类别的永恒旨意,尤其是牵涉到时空性凡人受造物的永恒旨意。   40:0.10 (443.10) These presentations began with a description of the Deities, and group by group, the narrative has descended the universal scale of living beings until it has reached the lowest order of life endowed with the potential of immortality; and now am I dispatched from Salvington—onetime a mortal of origin on an evolutionary world of space—to elaborate and continue the recital of the eternal purpose of the Gods respecting the ascending orders of sonship, more particularly with regard to the mortal creatures of time and space.
40:0.11 (443.11) 由于该篇的较多部分将会被用来讨论扬升凡人的三种基本类别,因此首先将会被谈及的将是非凡人类的扬升子民类别 -- 即炽天使类,亚当类, 中道者及调整者 。   40:0.11 (443.11) Since the greater part of this narrative will be devoted to a discussion of the three basic orders of ascending mortals, consideration will first be given to the nonmortal ascending orders of sonship—seraphic, Adamic, midwayer, and Adjuster.
1. 进化的炽天使 ^top   1. Evolutionary Seraphim ^top
40:1.1 (443.12) 有着动物起源的凡人受造物们,并不是唯一有幸享受子民身份的存有。天使大军也享有到达天堂的神圣机会。守护类炽天使,通过与时间性扬升凡人在一起的经历和服务,也会达到扬升子民的地位。这些天使经由天使之都而到达天堂,有许多甚至会被编入到凡人终局者团队当中。   40:1.1 (443.12) Mortal creatures of animal origin are not the only beings privileged to enjoy sonship; the angelic hosts also share the supernal opportunity to attain Paradise. Guardian seraphim, through experience and service with the ascending mortals of time, also achieve the status of ascendant sonship. Such angels attain Paradise through Seraphington, and many are even mustered into the Corps of Mortal Finality.
40:1.2 (443.13) 对于一名天使来说,攀升到神之终局者子民地位这样崇高的高度是一种了不起的成就, 这种成就远超过你们借助于永恒之子的计划及内驻调整者的常存帮助而获得永恒续存的成就;然而守护类炽天使,间或其他类存有,确实会实现这种扬升。   40:1.2 (443.13) To climb to the supernal heights of finaliter sonship with God is a masterly achievement for an angel, an accomplishment far transcending your attainment of eternal survival through the plan of the Eternal Son and the ever-present help of the indwelling Adjuster; but the guardian seraphim, and occasionally others, do actually effect such ascensions.
2. 扬升的物质性之子 ^top   2. Ascending Material Sons ^top
40:2.1 (444.1) 神的物质性之子是与麦基洗德及其部属们在地方宇宙中一道被创造出来的,他们都被划为沉降之子。确实,行星类亚当 -- 即进化世界的物质性子女们 -- 是沉降之子,是自其出身天体、即各地方系统的首府来到各个居住世界的。   40:2.1 (444.1) The Material Sons of God are created in the local universe along with the Melchizedeks and their associates, who are all classified as descending Sons. And indeed, the Planetary Adams—the Material Sons and Daughters of the evolutionary worlds—are descending Sons, coming down to the inhabited worlds from their spheres of origin, the capitals of the local systems.
40:2.2 (444.2) 当这样一对亚当与夏娃在其作为生物性提升者的行星使命中获得完全成功时,他们就会共享其世界居民的天命。当这样的世界安住于光与生命之高级阶段时,这对忠诚的物质性子女就会被允许辞去所有的行星管理职务,在以此方式从沉降探险中解脱出来后,他们就会获许将自己作为完美化的物质性之子登记到地方宇宙的记录中。同样地,当行星使命被长期拖延时,具有固定地位的物质性之子、即地方系统公民也可从其出身天体的各种活动中退出,一样登记为完美化的物质性之子。经历这些程序之后,这些解脱出来的亚当和夏娃们就会被归作神之扬升子民,并可立即开始其通往哈沃纳(Havona)和天堂的漫长之旅,就从他们当时所处的地位及灵性达成点出发。他们会与凡人及其他的扬升子民作伴同行,直到他们找到了神,并进入到永恒服务于天堂各神灵的凡人终局者团队当中。   40:2.2 (444.2) When such an Adam and Eve are wholly successful in their joint planetary mission as biologic uplifters, they share the destiny of the inhabitants of their world. When such a world is settled in the advanced stages of light and life, this faithful Material Son and Daughter are permitted to resign all planetary administrative duties, and after being thus liberated from the descending adventure, they are permitted to register themselves as perfected Material Sons on the records of the local universe. Likewise, when planetary assignment is long delayed, may the Material Sons of stationary status—the citizens of the local systems—withdraw from the activities of their status spheres and similarly register as perfected Material Sons. After these formalities such liberated Adams and Eves are accredited as ascending Sons of God and may immediately begin the long journey to Havona and Paradise, starting at the exact point of their then present status and spiritual attainment. And they make this journey in company with the mortal and other ascending Sons, continuing until they have found God and have achieved the Corps of Mortal Finality in the eternal service of the Paradise Deities.
3. 转化的中道者 ^top   3. Translated Midwayers ^top
40:3.1 (444.3) 尽管两类中道者都未从神之沉降众子的行星赠与中直接受益,虽然其天堂扬升都被长期推迟了,然而, 在一个进化行星达到光与生命之中级阶段后(设若非之前)不久,他们都会从各种行星职责中解脱出来。通常他们大多数会同其人类兄弟们一起,在光之圣殿降临、行星君王晋升到行星主权者尊位的那天得以转化。一旦从行星服务中解脱出来,这两类都会在地方宇宙中被登记为神之扬升子民,并会按照为物质世界凡人族类之行进所设定的路线,立即开始其漫长的天堂扬升。第一类注定会进入到各类终局者团队中,而第二类、亦即亚当类中道者都会按既定路线加入到凡人终局者团队中。   40:3.1 (444.3) Although deprived of the immediate benefits of the planetary bestowals of the descending Sons of God, though the Paradise ascent is long deferred, nevertheless, soon after an evolutionary planet has attained the intermediate epochs of light and life (if not before), both groups of midway creatures are released from planetary duty. Sometimes the majority of them are translated, along with their human cousins, on the day of the descent of the temple of light and the elevation of the Planetary Prince to the dignity of Planetary Sovereign. Upon being relieved of planetary service, both orders are registered in the local universe as ascending Sons of God and immediately begin the long Paradise ascent by the very routes ordained for the progression of the mortal races of the material worlds. The primary group are destined to various finaliter corps, but the secondary or Adamic midwayers are all routed for enrollment in the Mortal Corps of Finality.
4. 人格化的调整者 ^top   4. Personalized Adjusters ^top
40:4.1 (444.4) 当时间性凡人未能在世上与万有之父所赐予的属灵相结合而实现其灵魂的永恒续存时,这种失败决不会是因为调整者这一方在职守、侍奉、服务或投入方面有所缺失。在凡人死去时,这些遗下的监控者们都会回到神之圣都,接着,在对非续存者的裁断之后,他们可被重新派往时空世界。常常在这类反复的服务后,或是在经历某种诸如充当化身性赠与圣子之内驻调整者的非凡经历后,这些高效的调整者们就会被万有之父所人格化了。   40:4.1 (444.4) When the mortals of time fail to achieve the eternal survival of their souls in planetary association with the spirit gifts of the Universal Father, such failure is never in any way due to neglect of duty, ministry, service, or devotion on the part of the Adjuster. At mortal death, such deserted Monitors return to Divinington, and subsequently, following the adjudication of the nonsurvivor, they may be reassigned to the worlds of time and space. Sometimes, after repeated services of this sort or following some unusual experience, such as functioning as the indwelling Adjuster of an incarnated bestowal Son, these efficient Adjusters are personalized by the Universal Father.
40:4.2 (445.1) 人格化的调整者是一类独特而高深莫测的存有。他们最初有着永存的准人格性身份,通过参与到物质世界低等凡人的生命与生涯当中而得以经验化。由于这些富有经验的思想调整者所被赋予的人格本体,发源于万有之父对其赐予到受造物创造体身上的经验性人格本体的亲身持续照料,因此这些人格化的调整者被归为神之扬升子民,且是这些子民类别中层次最高的一类。   40:4.2 (445.1) Personalized Adjusters are beings of a unique and unfathomable order. Originally of existential prepersonal status, they have experientialized by participation in the lives and careers of the lowly mortals of the material worlds. And since the personality bestowed upon these experienced Thought Adjusters takes origin, and has its wellspring, in the Universal Father’s personal and continuing ministry of the bestowals of experiential personality upon his creature creation, these Personalized Adjusters are classified as ascending Sons of God, the highest of all such orders of sonship.
5. 时空性凡人 ^top   5. Mortals of Time and Space ^top
40:5.1 (445.2) 凡人代表着那些被称为神之子民的存有长链中最末一环。原初永恒之子的亲身接触,通过一系列神性渐减、人性渐增的人格化身而往下传递,直到一个像你们自身的、你们所能看到、听到及触摸到的存有得以出现。之后你们会在灵性上得以意识到这一可被你们信仰所领会的伟大真理 -- 即与永恒之神的亲子关系!   40:5.1 (445.2) Mortals represent the last link in the chain of those beings who are called sons of God. The personal touch of the Original and Eternal Son passes on down through a series of decreasingly divine and increasingly human personalizations until there arrives a being much like yourselves, one you can see, hear, and touch. And then you are made spiritually aware of the great truth which your faith may grasp—sonship with the eternal God!
40:5.2 (445.3) 同样,原初无限之灵也通过一长系列神性渐减、人性渐增的类别,逐渐靠近那些努力奋斗的各域受造物,并在天使身上触及了其表达的极限 -- 你们比她们受造的稍低一些 -- 她们亲身守护并指导你们度过时间性凡人生涯所包含的生命旅程。   40:5.2 (445.3) Likewise does the Original and Infinite Spirit, by a long series of decreasingly divine and increasingly human orders, draw nearer and nearer to the struggling creatures of the realms, reaching the limit of expression in the angels—than whom you were created but a little lower—who personally guard and guide you in the life journey of the mortal career of time.
40:5.3 (445.4) 上父不会、也不能以此方式降格自身,去与众多宇宙所组成宇宙中几近无限数目的扬升受造物进行如此近乎亲身的接触。但上父并未丧失与其低等受造物亲身接触的权利;你并未处在神之临在以外。尽管上父不能通过直接的人格体显现与你在一起,但他会以内驻之思想调整者、即神性告诫者的身份在你之内,并成为你的一部分。就这样,在人格性和属灵性方面离你们最远的上父,在人格性回路中以及在与其凡人子女的灵魂进行内在交流所产生的灵性接触中离你们最近。   40:5.3 (445.4) God the Father does not, cannot, thus downstep himself to make such near personal contact with the almost limitless number of ascending creatures throughout the universe of universes. But the Father is not deprived of personal contact with his lowly creatures; you are not without the divine presence. Although God the Father cannot be with you by direct personality manifestation, he is in you and of you in the identity of the indwelling Thought Adjusters, the divine Monitors. Thus does the Father, who is the farthest from you in personality and in spirit, draw the nearest to you in the personality circuit and in the spirit touch of inner communion with the very souls of his mortal sons and daughters.
40:5.4 (445.5) 属灵性身份标识构成了个人续存之奥秘,并决定了灵性扬升的天命。由于思想调整者是与肉身生命期人类相关的、唯一具有融合潜质的属灵,因此时空性凡人主要是依照其与这些神性赐予、即内在神秘告诫者的关系而得以分类的。这种分类如下所示:   40:5.4 (445.5) Spirit identification constitutes the secret of personal survival and determines the destiny of spiritual ascension. And since the Thought Adjusters are the only spirits of fusion potential to be identified with man during the life in the flesh, the mortals of time and space are primarily classified in accordance with their relation to these divine gifts, the indwelling Mystery Monitors. This classification is as follows:
40:5.5 (445.6) 1. 具有短暂经验性调整者驻居的凡人们。   40:5.5 (445.6) 1. Mortals of the transient or experiential Adjuster sojourn.
40:5.6 (445.7) 2. 具有各种非调整者融合类型的凡人们。   40:5.6 (445.7) 2. Mortals of the non-Adjuster-fusion types.
40:5.7 (445.8) 3. 具有调整者融合潜质的凡人们。   40:5.7 (445.8) 3. Mortals of Adjuster-fusion potential.
40:5.8 (445.9) 第一系列 -- 具有短暂经验性调整者驻居的凡人们。这一系列的命名对于任一进化行星来说都是暂时性的, 它会在所有居住世界的各个早期阶段被使用,除了第二系列凡人所居的那些世界以外。   40:5.8 (445.9) Series one—mortals of the transient or experiential Adjuster sojourn. This series designation is temporary for any evolving planet, being used during the early stages of all inhabited worlds except those of the second series.
40:5.9 (445.10) 在人类进化的较早时期,第一系列的凡人们居住于空间世界中,并涵盖了各种最为原始类型的人类心智。在许多像前亚当期玉苒厦(Urantia)那样的世界上,大量比较高级且较为先进类型的原始人类获得了生存能力,但却没能实现与调整者融合。随着世代更迭,在人类扬升到更高的灵性意志层次之前,调整者占据了这些在其短暂肉体生命期间努力奋斗之受造物的心智,一旦这些意志受造物被调整者所内驻,群体类守护天使们便开始运作了。尽管这些第一系列的凡人们并未拥有个体类守护者,但他们却的确拥有群体类守护者。   40:5.9 (445.10) Mortals of series one inhabit the worlds of space during the earlier epochs of the evolution of mankind and embrace the most primitive types of human minds. On many worlds like pre-Adamic Urantia great numbers of the higher and more advanced types of primitive men acquire survival capacity but fail to attain Adjuster fusion. For ages upon ages, before man’s ascent to the level of higher spiritual volition, the Adjusters occupy the minds of these struggling creatures during their short lives in the flesh, and the moment such will creatures are indwelt by Adjusters, the group guardian angels begin to function. While these mortals of the first series do not have personal guardians, they do have group custodians.
40:5.10 (446.1) 一个富有经验的调整者会伴随一个原始人度过其整个肉身生命。调整者们对原始人类的进步贡献颇多,但却无法与这些凡人形成永恒的结合。调整者的此种短暂侍奉成就了两样事情:首先,他们在进化性智能存有的本性与运作方面获得了宝贵的实际经验,这种经验在涉及与其他世界更高发展类存有进行后期接触方面是极为宝贵的。其次,调整者的短暂驻居在令其凡人对象为随后可能发生的上灵融合做好准备方面贡献颇多。所有这类寻求神的灵魂会通过地方宇宙母灵的灵性接纳而达到永生,从而成为该地方宇宙体系的扬升凡人。许多来自前亚当期玉苒厦(Urantia)的个人以此方式而得以提升到撒旦尼亚(Satania)的宅厦世界。   40:5.10 (446.1) An experiential Adjuster remains with a primitive human being throughout his entire lifetime in the flesh. The Adjusters contribute much to the advancement of primitive men but are unable to form eternal unions with such mortals. This transient ministry of the Adjusters accomplishes two things: First, they gain valuable and actual experience in the nature and working of the evolutionary intellect, an experience which will be invaluable in connection with later contacts on other worlds with beings of higher development. Second, the transient sojourn of the Adjusters contributes much towards preparing their mortal subjects for possible subsequent Spirit fusion. All God-seeking souls of this type achieve eternal life through the spiritual embrace of the Mother Spirit of the local universe, thus becoming ascending mortals of the local universe regime. Many persons from pre-Adamic Urantia were thus advanced to the mansion worlds of Satania.
40:5.11 (446.2) 敕令凡人应通过漫长时期的进化性试炼与磨难而攀升至更高灵性智能层次的各神,在凡人扬升的每一阶段都会留意其状况与需求;他们一直是神圣公正的,甚至在对早期进化族类中这些奋斗凡人的最终审判中都是极为仁慈的。   40:5.11 (446.2) The Gods who ordained that mortal man should climb to higher levels of spiritual intelligence through long ages of evolutionary trials and tribulations, take note of his status and needs at every stage of the ascent; and always are they divinely fair and just, even charmingly merciful, in the final judgments of these struggling mortals of the early days of the evolving races.
40:5.12 (446.3) 第二系列 -- 具有各种非调整者融合类型的凡人们。这是一些无法与其内驻调整者实现永恒结合的专属人类类型。单脑、双脑及三脑型族类间的类型划分并非是调整者融合方面的一个要素,所有此类凡人都是类似的,然而这些非调整者融合类型的凡人却是一种完全不同的、明显改型的的意志受造物类别。很多类非呼吸者属于这一系列,还有众多其他通常不与调整者融合的类别。   40:5.12 (446.3) Series two—mortals of the non-Adjuster-fusion types. These are specialized types of human beings who are not able to effect eternal union with their indwelling Adjusters. Type classification among the one-, two-, and three-brained races is not a factor in Adjuster fusion; all such mortals are akin, but these non-Adjuster-fusion types are a wholly different and markedly modified order of will creatures. Many of the nonbreathers belong to this series, and there are numerous other groups who do not ordinarily fuse with Adjusters.
40:5.13 (446.4) 与第一系列一样,这一群体中的每一成员都在其肉身生命期间,享受到了一位调整者的侍奉。在暂存生命期间,这些调整者为其所短暂内驻的对象做了所有该做的事情,就像他们在其他具有融合潜质的凡人所处世界上所做的那样。该第二系列的凡人们通常是由初始类调整者所内驻的,而较高的人类类型通常会与老练而富有经验的告诫者们相配合。   40:5.13 (446.4) Like series number one, each member of this group enjoys the ministry of a single Adjuster during lifetime in the flesh. During temporal life these Adjusters do everything for their subjects of temporary indwelling that is done on other worlds where the mortals are of fusion potential. The mortals of this second series are often indwelt by virgin Adjusters, but the higher human types are often in liaison with masterful and experienced Monitors.
40:5.14 (446.5) 在提升具有动物起源的受造物的扬升计划中,这些存有同样享有神之众子的热忱服务,就像扩展到玉苒厦(Urantia)型凡人身上的那种同类服务一样。非融合型行星上的炽天使与调整者间的合作,就像融合潜质型世界上所充分提供的合作一样;命运守护者在这些天体上的侍奉就像在玉苒厦上的侍奉一样,而且一样在凡人续存时运作,续存的灵魂会在这一刻与上灵融合。   40:5.14 (446.5) In the ascendant plan for upstepping the animal-origin creatures, these beings enjoy the same devoted service of the Sons of God as is extended to the Urantia type of mortals. Seraphic co-operation with Adjusters on the nonfusion planets is just as fully provided as on the worlds of fusion potential; the guardians of destiny minister on such spheres just as on Urantia and similarly function at the time of mortal survival, at which time the surviving soul becomes Spirit fused.
40:5.15 (446.6) 当你们在宅厦世界上遇到这些改型的凡人类型时,你们会发现在与他们交流方面毫无困难。在那里,他们会说同样的系统语言,但却采用了一种改型的方式。这些存有和你们这类受造物生命在灵性及人格性显现方面是完全一样的,只是在某些物理特征上,以及他们不能与思想调整者融合这个事实上有所不同。   40:5.15 (446.6) When you encounter these modified mortal types on the mansion worlds, you will find no difficulty in communicating with them. There they speak the same system language but by a modified technique. These beings are identical with your order of creature life in spirit and personality manifestations, differing only in certain physical features and in the fact that they are nonfusible with Thought Adjusters.
40:5.16 (447.1) 至于这一类受造物为何永远无法与万有之父的调整者相融合,我还无法说明。我们当中有些倾向于相信,生命持运者在其尝试设计那些能在不同寻常的行星环境中维持生存的生物时,面临着在智能意志受造物的宇宙计划中实行这种巨大改动的必要,从而使得他们生来就不可能与调整者形成永久的结合。我们经常这样问:这是扬升计划中的一个有意部分,还是无意部分?但我们还未曾找到答案。   40:5.16 (447.1) As to just why this type of creature is never able to fuse with the Adjusters of the Universal Father, I am unable to say. Some of us incline to the belief that the Life Carriers, in their efforts to formulate beings capable of maintaining existence in an unusual planetary environment, are confronted with the necessity of making such radical modifications in the universe plan of intelligent will creatures that it becomes inherently impossible to bring about permanent union with the Adjusters. Often have we asked: Is this an intended or an unintended part of the ascension plan? but we have not found the answer.
40:5.17 (447.2) 第三系列 -- 具有调整者融合潜质的凡人们。如同玉苒厦(Urantia)各族一样,所有与上父融合的凡人都有着动物的起源。他们包括了各种具有调整者融合潜质的单脑、双脑及三脑型凡人。玉苒厦人属于中间的双脑型,就人的能力而言,在许多方面要优于单脑型类别,但与三脑型类别相比又明显有限。在调整者赐予方面、炽天使服务方面,或是在灵性侍奉的其他任何方面,这三类物理大脑的禀赋并不是主要因素。而这三类脑型在智性及灵性方面的差异,却令那些在心智禀赋及灵性潜质方面极其相像的个体各具特性。这种差异在现世生活中最为巨大,并随着一个个宅厦世界的穿越而逐渐缩小。从系统总部开始,这三类的进展是一样的,他们最终的天堂命运是一样的。   40:5.17 (447.2) Series three—mortals of Adjuster-fusion potential. All Father-fused mortals are of animal origin, just like the Urantia races. They embrace mortals of the one-brained, two-brained, and three-brained types of Adjuster-fusion potential. Urantians are of the intermediate or two-brained type, being in many ways humanly superior to the one-brained groups but definitely limited in comparison with the three-brained orders. These three types of physical-brain endowment are not factors in Adjuster bestowal, in seraphic service, or in any other phase of spirit ministry. The intellectual and spiritual differential between the three brain types characterizes individuals who are otherwise quite alike in mind endowment and spiritual potential, being greatest in the temporal life and tending to diminish as the mansion worlds are traversed one by one. From the system headquarters on, the progression of these three types is the same, and their eventual Paradise destiny is identical.
40:5.18 (447.3) 未尽的系列。这些叙述不可能涵盖进化世界中所有那些引人入胜的变种。你们知道每第十个世界是十进制的实验行星,但你们对不时打断进化天体进程的其他各种变量则一无所知。即便是各个同类行星之间,那些已揭示的鲜活受造物类别之间,也存在着太多的差异,而本文要厘清的是与扬升生涯相关的本质差异。在任何提及时空类凡人的内容当中,扬升生涯是其最为重要的因素。   40:5.18 (447.3) The unnumbered series. These narratives cannot possibly embrace all of the fascinating variations in the evolutionary worlds. You know that every tenth world is a decimal or experimental planet, but you know nothing of the other variables that punctuate the processional of the evolutionary spheres. There are differences too numerous to narrate even between the revealed orders of living creatures as between planets of the same group, but this presentation makes clear the essential differences in relation to the ascension career. And the ascension career is the most important factor in any consideration of the mortals of time and space.
40:5.19 (447.4) 至于说到凡人续存的机会,要永远弄清这一点:凡人存在之每一可能阶段的所有灵魂都会续存,只要他们表现出与内驻调整者相合作的意愿,展现出一种要找到神并要达到神性完美的愿望,即使这些愿望只是对“真正之光会照亮来到世界的每一个人”的一种最初而模糊的理解。   40:5.19 (447.4) As to the chances of mortal survival, let it be made forever clear: All souls of every possible phase of mortal existence will survive provided they manifest willingness to co-operate with their indwelling Adjusters and exhibit a desire to find God and to attain divine perfection, even though these desires be but the first faint flickers of the primitive comprehension of that “true light which lights every man who comes into the world.”
6. 神之忠信子民 ^top   6. The Faith Sons of God ^top
40:6.1 (447.5) 凡人是最低等智能人格造物的代表。你们凡人受神所爱,你们每个人都可以选择去接受某种具有辉煌经历的特定天命,但你们从本质上来讲还不属于神性类别;你们完全是暂存的。在融合发生的那一刻,你们才会被视为扬升子民,而在续存的凡人灵魂与某种永恒不死之灵最终融合之前,时空类凡人的身份还只是忠信子民。   40:6.1 (447.5) The mortal races stand as the representatives of the lowest order of intelligent and personal creation. You mortals are divinely beloved, and every one of you may choose to accept the certain destiny of a glorious experience, but you are not yet by nature of the divine order; you are wholly mortal. You will be reckoned as ascending sons the instant fusion takes place, but the status of the mortals of time and space is that of faith sons prior to the event of the final amalgamation of the surviving mortal soul with some type of eternal and immortal spirit.
40:6.2 (448.1) 像玉苒厦(Urantia)人类这样低等的物质性受造物是神之子民,是最高神的忠信儿女,这是一个庄严而又神圣的事实。“看哪!上父赐予我们的是何等的爱,使我们都可被称为神的儿女。”“凡接纳他的,他就会赐予他们权能去认识到他们是神的儿女。”尽管“将来你们会是怎样还未显明”,但即便是现在,“你们已是神的忠信儿女;”“因为你们所收到的,不是令你们再去害怕的奴役之灵,而是收到亲子之灵,它使你们呼喊‘我们的父亲’。”古代先知以永恒之神的名义说道:“我必使他们在我的殿中留有一处好过子民的地位与名号;我将赐予他们一个不应被剥夺的永久之名。”“因为你们既为子民,神已将其圣子之灵派驻到你们心中去了。”   40:6.2 (448.1) It is a solemn and supernal fact that such lowly and material creatures as Urantia human beings are the sons of God, faith children of the Highest. “Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.” “As many as received him, to them gave he the power to recognize that they are the sons of God.” While “it does not yet appear what you shall be,” even now “you are the faith sons of God”; “for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship, whereby you cry, ‘our Father.’” Spoke the prophet of old in the name of the eternal God: “Even to them will I give in my house a place and a name better than sons; I will give them an everlasting name, one that shall not be cut off.” “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his Son into your hearts.”
40:6.3 (448.2) 所有那些拥有凡人居地的进化世界都容有神的这些忠信子民,这些享受着恩典与仁慈的子民,这些属于神性家族且被相应称为神之子民的凡人。玉苒厦(Urantia)凡人有资格将自身视作神之子民,是因为:   40:6.3 (448.2) All evolutionary worlds of mortal habitation harbor these faith sons of God, sons of grace and mercy, mortal beings belonging to the divine family and accordingly called the sons of God. Urantia mortals are entitled to regard themselves as being the sons of God because:
40:6.4 (448.3) 1. 你们是有着灵性恩许的子民,是忠信子民;你们已经领受了子民的身份。你们相信自身子民身份的真实性,由此你们与神的亲子关系也变得永远真实。   40:6.4 (448.3) 1. You are sons of spiritual promise, faith sons; you have accepted the status of sonship. You believe in the reality of your sonship, and thus does your sonship with God become eternally real.
40:6.5 (448.4) 2. 神的一名造物之子已成为了你们当中一员;事实上,他是你们的长兄;如果你们在灵性上成为凯旋的基督•迈克尔的亲兄弟,那么在灵性上,你们也一定成为了大家所共同拥有的那位父亲 --亦即万有之父的孩子。   40:6.5 (448.4) 2. A Creator Son of God became one of you; he is your elder brother in fact; and if in spirit you become truly related brothers of Christ, the victorious Michael, then in spirit must you also be sons of that Father which you have in common—even the Universal Father of all.
40:6.6 (448.5) 3. 你们是子民,是因为圣子之灵已被浇灌到你们身上,已被慷慨而确实地赐予到玉苒厦(Urantia)所有人类的身上。该灵将会永远把你们引向它的源头 -- 圣子,也引向那一圣子的源头 -- 天父。   40:6.6 (448.5) 3. You are sons because the spirit of a Son has been poured out upon you, has been freely and certainly bestowed upon all Urantia races. This spirit ever draws you toward the divine Son, who is its source, and toward the Paradise Father, who is the source of that divine Son.
40:6.7 (448.6) 4. 万有之父已基于其神圣的自由意志,赐予了你们受造物人格。你们已被赐予了一种对自由意志行为的神圣自发性规范,神与有可能成为其子民的一切存有共享这一规范。   40:6.7 (448.6) 4. Of his divine free-willness, the Universal Father has given you your creature personalities. You have been endowed with a measure of that divine spontaneity of freewill action which God shares with all who may become his sons.
40:6.8 (448.7) 5. 万有之父的一个片段就驻在你们心中,你们由此便和拥有一切神子的神性之父直接联系在一起了。   40:6.8 (448.7) 5. There dwells within you a fragment of the Universal Father, and you are thus directly related to the divine Father of all the Sons of God.
7. 与上父融合的凡人 ^top   7. Father-Fused Mortals ^top
40:7.1 (448.8) 调整者的派驻,的确是上父所拥有的深不可测的奥秘之一。万有之父这些具有神性本质的片段本身就带有使受造物不朽的潜质。调整者是不朽之灵,而与他们的结合能够给被融合的凡人灵魂带来永恒的生命。   40:7.1 (448.8) The sending of Adjusters, their indwelling, is indeed one of the unfathomable mysteries of God the Father. These fragments of the divine nature of the Universal Father carry with them the potential of creature immortality. Adjusters are immortal spirits, and union with them confers eternal life upon the soul of the fused mortal.
40:7.2 (448.9) 你们自身族类中那些续存的凡人,就属于神的这类扬升子民。你们目前是行星类子民,是源于生命载运者的植入、并通过亚当类生命注入所改型的进化性受造物,还不是扬升子民;但你们的确是具有扬升潜质的子民 -- 甚至能达到荣耀与神性达成的巅峰 -- 你们可通过信仰以及与内驻调整者灵性化活动的自愿合作,来获得扬升子民这一灵性身份。当你们和自身的调整者最终而永远地融合,当你们合二为一,就像神子与人子两重身份在基督•迈克尔身上合二为一那样,那么你们事实上已经成为了神之扬升子民。   40:7.2 (448.9) Your own races of surviving mortals belong to this group of the ascending Sons of God. You are now planetary sons, evolutionary creatures derived from the Life Carrier implantations and modified by the Adamic-life infusion, hardly yet ascending sons; but you are indeed sons of ascension potential—even to the highest heights of glory and divinity attainment—and this spiritual status of ascending sonship you may attain by faith and by freewill co-operation with the spiritualizing activities of the indwelling Adjuster. When you and your Adjusters are finally and forever fused, when you two are made one, even as in Christ Michael the Son of God and the Son of Man are one, then in fact have you become the ascending sons of God.
40:7.3 (449.1) 关于调整者在实验性进化行星上内驻侍奉的细节,并不是我任务的一部分;对这一伟大真理的细述,需要用你一生的时间。我会概括提及调整者的某些职能,为的是对调整者融合型凡人做一个完整的解说。从你们物质性生存的早期起,到内巴顿(Nebadon)及奥温顿(Orvonton)的整个扬升生涯,再往上经由哈沃纳(Havona)升往天堂,神的这些内驻片段一直伴随着你们这类存有。此后,在永恒性探险中,该调整者一直和你在一起,并且成为你的一部分。   40:7.3 (449.1) The details of the Adjuster career of indwelling ministry on a probationary and evolutionary planet are not a part of my assignment; the elaboration of this great truth embraces your whole career. I include the mention of certain Adjuster functions in order to make a replete statement regarding Adjuster-fused mortals. These indwelling fragments of God are with your order of being from the early days of physical existence through all of the ascending career in Nebadon and Orvonton and on through Havona to Paradise itself. Thereafter, in the eternal adventure, this same Adjuster is one with you and of you.
40:7.4 (449.2) 这些凡人受到万有之父的训诫,“你们要完美,一如我之完美。”上父已经把自身赐给了你们,将自身之灵置于你们心中;因此他要求你们要绝对完美。关于人类从时间性凡俗世界扬升到永恒性神圣领域的叙述,会形成一种引人入胜的吟诵,但这并不在我的任务当中。然而这一神圣的冒险,应该成为世人的最高研究课题。   40:7.4 (449.2) These are the mortals who have been commanded by the Universal Father, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.” The Father has bestowed himself upon you, placed his own spirit within you; therefore does he demand ultimate perfection of you. The narrative of human ascent from the mortal spheres of time to the divine realms of eternity constitutes an intriguing recital not included in my assignment, but this supernal adventure should be the supreme study of mortal man.
40:7.5 (449.3) 与万有之父的一个片段相融合,就相当于是对最终将要到达天堂的神圣确认,这些调整者融合型凡人是唯一一类穿越全部哈沃纳(Havona)环路并在天堂找到神的人类。对于调整者融合型的凡人而言,宇宙服务生涯是向其敞开的。何等高贵的天命和何等荣耀的成就在等待着你们每一个人!你们充分感受到为你们所做的这一切了吗?你们领会到展现在你们面前的永恒成就所达到的宏伟高度了吗? -- 即便你们现在还在卑微的生命之路上跋涉着,在穿越你们所谓的“泪谷”。   40:7.5 (449.3) Fusion with a fragment of the Universal Father is equivalent to a divine validation of eventual Paradise attainment, and such Adjuster-fused mortals are the only class of human beings who all traverse the Havona circuits and find God on Paradise. To the Adjuster-fused mortal the career of universal service is wide open. What dignity of destiny and glory of attainment await every one of you! Do you fully appreciate what has been done for you? Do you comprehend the grandeur of the heights of eternal achievement which are spread out before you?—even you who now trudge on in the lowly path of life through your so-called “vale of tears”?
8. 与上子融合的凡人 ^top   8. Son-Fused Mortals ^top
40:8.1 (449.4) 尽管从实际上来说,所有续存凡人都是在某一个宅厦世界上,或是在他们到达更高的灵质性世界那一刻与他们的调整者融合,但还是有一些延迟融合的情况,有些凡人直到他们到达了宇宙总部的最后一些教育世界上,才会经历这种续存的最终保证;这些追求永生的凡人候选者当中有少数根本不能与其忠实的调整者实现一体融合。   40:8.1 (449.4) While practically all surviving mortals are fused with their Adjusters on one of the mansion worlds or immediately upon their arrival on the higher morontia spheres, there are certain cases of delayed fusion, some not experiencing this final surety of survival until they reach the last educational worlds of the universe headquarters; and a few of these mortal candidates for never-ending life utterly fail to attain identity fusion with their faithful Adjusters.
40:8.2 (449.5) 这些凡人已经被判决机构裁定为值得续存,甚至连他们的调整者也通过从神之圣都返回的方式来协助他们扬升到宅厦世界。这些存有已扬升过一个系统、一个星座,以及萨尔文顿(Salvington)环路的教育世界;他们已享有 “七十个七次” 的融合机会,但还是没能与他们的调整者融为一体。   40:8.2 (449.5) Such mortals have been deemed worthy of survival by the adjudicational authorities, and even their Adjusters, by returning from Divinington, have concurred in their ascension to the mansion worlds. Such beings have ascended through a system, a constellation, and through the educational worlds of the Salvington circuit; they have enjoyed the “seventy times seven” opportunities for fusion and still have been unable to attain oneness with their Adjusters.
40:8.3 (449.6) 当情况表明某种同步性困难正阻碍与上父的融合时,造物之子的续存仲裁者们便会被召来。当这一由亘古常在者所批准的调查法庭最终确定,该扬升凡人并未犯下任何可被发现的、导致无法实现融合的过错时,他们就会在地方宇宙的记录上予以证实,并及时将这一调查结果传给亘古常在者。随即内驻的调整者会立刻返回神之圣都,以得到人格化监控者的确认,而在这一离去时刻,该灵质性凡人会立即与造物之子所属之灵的一个个体化赐予相融合。   40:8.3 (449.6) When it becomes apparent that some synchronizing difficulty is inhibiting Father fusion, the survival referees of the Creator Son are convened. And when this court of inquiry, sanctioned by a personal representative of the Ancients of Days, finally determines that the ascending mortal is not guilty of any discoverable cause for failure to attain fusion, they so certify on the records of the local universe and duly transmit this finding to the Ancients of Days. Thereupon does the indwelling Adjuster return forthwith to Divinington for confirmation by the Personalized Monitors, and upon this leave-taking the morontia mortal is immediately fused with an individualized gift of the spirit of the Creator Son.
40:8.4 (450.1) 正如内巴顿(Nebadon)的灵质性世界为上灵融合型凡人所分享一样,这些上子融合型凡人也与其调整者融合型兄弟们分担了奥温顿(Orvonton)的服务,而后者正在朝向遥远的天堂岛往内行进。他们真正是你们的兄弟,你们会在穿越超级宇宙培训世界的时候,极为享受他们的伴随。   40:8.4 (450.1) Much as the morontia spheres of Nebadon are shared with the Spirit-fused mortals, so do these Son-fused creatures share the services of Orvonton with their Adjuster-fused brethren who are journeying inward towards the far-distant Isle of Paradise. They are truly your brethren, and you will greatly enjoy their association as you pass through the training worlds of the superuniverse.
40:8.5 (450.2) 上子融合型凡人不是一个为数众多的群体,他们在奥温顿(Orvonton)超级宇宙中不足一百万。除去在天堂的居住天命以外,他们与其调整者融合型同伴们在各方面都是同样的。他们常会受超级宇宙派遣而前往天堂,但很少会永久居住在那里,他们作为一个类别被限定在其出身的超级宇宙当中。   40:8.5 (450.2) Son-fused mortals are not a numerous group, there being less than one million of them in the superuniverse of Orvonton. Aside from residential destiny on Paradise they are in every way the equals of their Adjuster-fused associates. They frequently journey to Paradise on superuniverse assignment but seldom permanently reside there, being, as a class, confined to the superuniverse of their nativity.
9. 与上灵融合的凡人 ^top   9. Spirit-Fused Mortals ^top
40:9.1 (450.3) 与上灵融合的扬升凡人并不是第三本源类人格体;他们被包含在上父的人格性回路内,但他们已经和第三本源与中心准心智之灵的个体化物相融合了。这种与上灵的融合从不会出现在自然生命范围期间;它只会在凡人以灵质性存在形式在宅厦世界上复苏的那一刻才会发生。在融合经历方面不会有重叠;意志受造物或者与上灵融合,或者与上子融合,或者与上父融合。那些与调整者融合的、亦即与上父融合的凡人,永不再与上灵或上子融合。   40:9.1 (450.3) Ascending Spirit-fused mortals are not Third Source personalities; they are included in the Father’s personality circuit, but they have fused with individualizations of the premind spirit of the Third Source and Center. Such Spirit fusion never occurs during the span of natural life; it takes place only at the time of mortal reawakening in the morontia existence on the mansion worlds. In the fusion experience there is no overlapping; the will creature is either Spirit fused, Son fused, or Father fused. Those who are Adjuster or Father fused are never Spirit or Son fused.
40:9.2 (450.4) 这些类型的凡人受造物不是调整者融合型候选者的事实,并不妨碍调整者在其肉身生存期间驻居在他们心中。在其物质性生命期间,调整者也确实在其心智中运作,但却从不会与其不成熟的灵魂永久地合为一体。在这短暂的驻留期间,调整者有效地创立了同样具有凡人本性的属灵性副本 -- 灵魂,一如他们在调整者融合型候选者身上之所为。一直到这些凡人死亡之时,调整者们的工作与其在你们自身族类中间的作为都是完全一样的。但在凡人解体的那一刻,调整者就永远离开了这些上灵融合型候选者,直接前往所有神性监控者的总部 -- 神之圣都,在那里等待其类别的新指派。   40:9.2 (450.4) The fact that these types of mortal creatures are not Adjuster-fusion candidates does not prevent the Adjusters from indwelling them during the life in the flesh. Adjusters do work in the minds of such beings during the span of material life but never become everlastingly one with their pupil souls. During this temporary sojourn the Adjusters effectively build up the same spirit counterpart of mortal nature—the soul—that they do in the candidates for Adjuster fusion. Up to the time of mortal death the work of the Adjusters is wholly akin to their function in your own races, but upon mortal dissolution the Adjusters take eternal leave of these Spirit-fusion candidates and, proceeding directly to Divinington, the headquarters of all divine Monitors, there await the new assignments of their order.
40:9.3 (450.5) 当这些沉睡的续存者在宅厦世界上再度人格化时,离去的调整者位置,便会由神性职司所属之灵的一个个体化物所取代。与上灵的这种融合,造就了这些上灵融合型的续存受造物。这些存有在心智和灵性上和你们都是完全一样的;他们的确是你们的同辈,和你们这些调整者融合型候选者以及那些上子融合型候选者共享宅厦世界和灵质性世界。   40:9.3 (450.5) When such sleeping survivors are repersonalized on the mansion worlds, the place of the departed Adjuster is filled by an individualization of the spirit of the Divine Minister, the representative of the Infinite Spirit in the local universe concerned. This spirit infusion constitutes these surviving creatures Spirit-fused mortals. Such beings are in every way your equals in mind and spirit; and they are indeed your contemporaries, sharing the mansion and morontia spheres in common with your order of fusion candidates and with those who are to be Son fused.
40:9.4 (450.6) 然而,与上灵融合的凡人还是有一点不同于其扬升兄弟们:人类在物质世界的经历所留下的暂存性记忆,会从肉体死亡中续存下来,是因为内驻的调整者已获得了人类生命中具有灵性意义事件的灵性对应物、或是副本。但上灵融合型凡人却不具备这种令人类记忆得以存留的机制。调整者型记忆副本是完整无缺的,但这些获得物是已经离去的调整者的经验性所得,并不为其先前所内驻的受造物拥有,因此当这些受造物在内巴顿(Nebadon)灵质性世界的复活大厅中醒来后,他们就如同新受造的存有、即没有先前存在意识的受造物那样。   40:9.4 (450.6) There is, however, one particular in which Spirit-fused mortals differ from their ascendant brethren: Mortal memory of human experience on the material worlds of origin survives death in the flesh because the indwelling Adjuster has acquired a spirit counterpart, or transcript, of those events of human life which were of spiritual significance. But with Spirit-fused mortals there exists no such mechanism whereby human memory may persist. The Adjuster transcripts of memory are full and intact, but these acquisitions are experiential possessions of the departed Adjusters and are not available to the creatures of their former indwelling, who therefore awaken in the resurrection halls of the morontia spheres of Nebadon as if they were newly created beings, creatures without consciousness of former existence.
40:9.5 (451.1) 通过由相伴的炽天使和小天使重述其先前的人类记忆经历,或是通过查阅由记录天使所存档的凡人生涯记录,这些地方宇宙中的子民能够得以重获其大部分内容。他们无疑能做到这一点,因为在物质性暂存生命中有着经验性起源的续存灵魂,尽管不再记得世间发生的事,但却对这类过往经历中已忘却之事保留了一种经验性识别回应能力。   40:9.5 (451.1) Such children of the local universe are enabled to repossess themselves of much of their former human memory experience through having it retold by the associated seraphim and cherubim and by consulting the records of the mortal career filed by the recording angels. This they can do with undoubted assurance because the surviving soul, of experiential origin in the material and mortal life, while having no memory of mortal events, does have a residual experiential-recognition-response to these unremembered events of past experience.
40:9.6 (451.2) 当上灵融合型凡人被告知了已经忘却的往事,在这样一个续存者的灵魂(本体)中就会产生一种即刻的经验性识别回应,这会立即对所述之事注入真实性的情感色彩及事实性的智性品质;这种双重性回应便形成了对世间经历中忘却一面的重建、识别与确认。   40:9.6 (451.2) When a Spirit-fused mortal is told about the events of the unremembered past experience, there is an immediate response of experiential recognition within the soul (identity) of such a survivor which instantly invests the narrated event with the emotional tinge of reality and with the intellectual quality of fact; and this dual response constitutes the reconstruction, recognition, and validation of an unremembered facet of mortal experience.
40:9.7 (451.3) 即便对于调整者融合型候选者来说,也只有那些具有灵性价值的人类经历才能被续存凡人与重返的调整者所共同拥有,并因此在凡人续存后被立即记起。而对于那些不具备灵性意义之事,即便是这些与调整者融合者,也得依赖续存灵魂中的识别回应特性去忆起它们。既然任何一件事都可能对某个凡人具有灵性意义,而对另一个却不具备这样的意义,那么来自于同一个行星的一批同时期扬升者就有可能将其调整者所记得的事放在一起,从而重建他们所共有的任一经历,而这一经历在他们任何一个的生命中则都是具有灵性价值的。   40:9.7 (451.3) Even with Adjuster-fusion candidates, only those human experiences which were of spiritual value are common possessions of the surviving mortal and the returning Adjuster and hence are immediately remembered subsequent to mortal survival. Concerning those happenings which were not of spiritual significance, even these Adjuster-fusers must depend upon the attribute of recognition-response in the surviving soul. And since any one event may have a spiritual connotation to one mortal but not to another, it becomes possible for a group of contemporary ascenders from the same planet to pool their store of Adjuster-remembered events and thus to reconstruct any experience which they had in common, and which was of spiritual value in the life of any one of them.
40:9.8 (451.4) 尽管我们相当了解这种记忆重建手段,但我们并未掌握人格识别的手段。一度曾在一起的人格体们并不十分依赖记忆的运作而去相互回应,尽管记忆本身及其重建手段对于将全面识别赋予到这种相互的人格回应中来说是十分必要的。   40:9.8 (451.4) While we understand such techniques of memory reconstruction fairly well, we do not grasp the technique of personality recognition. Personalities of onetime association mutually respond quite independently of the operation of memory, albeit, memory itself and the techniques of its reconstruction are necessary to invest such mutual personality response with the fullness of recognition.
40:9.9 (451.5) 与上灵融合的续存者们,也能够在他所活过的行星天命之后,通过重游其出身世界,来了解很多关于其肉身生活的情况。由于这些与上灵融合的子民通常会限于地方宇宙的服务,因此他们就得以享有调查其人类生涯的机会。他们并不享有你们在天堂终局者团队中那种高贵的命运;只有调整者融合型凡人,或其他被特殊接纳的扬升者,才会被召集到那些等待永恒神灵探险的行列中。上灵融合型凡人是各地方宇宙的永久公民;他们或许渴望获得进入天堂的命运,但他们却对此没有把握。在内巴顿(Nebadon)当中,他们的宇宙家园就是那环绕萨尔文顿(Salvington)的第八组世界,这些世界无论就其特征和位置而言,都很像玉苒厦(Urantia)星球传说中所预想的天国。   40:9.9 (451.5) A Spirit-fused survivor is also able to learn much about the life he lived in the flesh by revisiting his nativity world subsequent to the planetary dispensation in which he lived. Such children of Spirit fusion are enabled to enjoy these opportunities for investigating their human careers since they are in general confined to the service of the local universe. They do not share your high and exalted destiny in the Paradise Corps of the Finality; only Adjuster-fused mortals or other especially embraced ascendant beings are mustered into the ranks of those who await the eternal Deity adventure. Spirit-fused mortals are the permanent citizens of the local universes; they may aspire to Paradise destiny, but they cannot be sure of it. In Nebadon their universe home is the eighth group of worlds encircling Salvington, a destiny-heaven of nature and location much like the one envisioned by the planetary traditions of Urantia.
10. 扬升者的天命 ^top   10. Ascendant Destinies ^top
40:10.1 (452.1) 一般而言,与上灵融合的凡人都被限定在地方宇宙中;与上子融合的续存者则被限定在超级宇宙中;而与调整者融合的凡人,则注定要穿越由众多宇宙所组成的宇宙。与凡人融合之灵,则总是会扬升到发源层次;这样的灵性实体无疑要回到最初源头所在领域。   40:10.1 (452.1) Spirit-fused mortals are, generally speaking, confined to a local universe; Son-fused survivors are restricted to a superuniverse; Adjuster-fused mortals are destined to penetrate the universe of universes. The spirits of mortal fusion always ascend to the level of origin; such spirit entities unfailingly return to the sphere of primal source.
40:10.2 (452.2) 与上灵融合的凡人是属于地方宇宙的;通常,他们不会扬升到其出身领域的范围以外,也不会扬升到遍及自身之灵所辖界域及空间范围以外。同样,与上子融合的扬升者也会升到其灵性赐与之源,因为正如造物之子的真理之灵聚集在其相伴神性职司身上一样,他的“融合之灵”则会被那样落实在更高层宇宙的反射性之灵身上。神之七重者在地方宇宙与超级宇宙层次间的这种灵性关系或许难以解释清楚,但却不难辨识清楚,这种关系准确无误地展现在反射性之灵的那些子女 -- 即二级天使类造物之子之声身上。来自天堂之父的思想调整者从不停歇,直到凡人子民来到永恒之神面前。   40:10.2 (452.2) Spirit-fused mortals are of the local universe; they do not, ordinarily, ascend beyond the confines of their native realm, beyond the boundaries of the space range of the spirit that pervades them. Son-fused ascenders likewise rise to the source of spirit endowment, for much as the Truth Spirit of a Creator Son focalizes in the associated Divine Minister, so is his “fusion spirit” implemented in the Reflective Spirits of the higher universes. Such spirit relationship between the local and the superuniverse levels of God the Sevenfold may be difficult of explanation but not of discernment, being unmistakably revealed in those children of the Reflective Spirits—the secoraphic Voices of the Creator Sons. The Thought Adjuster, hailing from the Father on Paradise, never stops until the mortal son stands face to face with the eternal God.
40:10.3 (452.3) 在结合手段中致使一个凡人存有未能与内驻思想调整者永恒融合的神秘变数,或许看来显露了扬升计划中的一个缺陷;从表面上来看,与上子或是上灵的融合的确类似于对天堂达成计划中某个细节方面的未明失败做出了补偿;然而所有这类结论都是错误的;我们被告知,所有这些偶发事件,都是遵照至高宇宙支配者们的既定法则而展开的。   40:10.3 (452.3) The mysterious variable in associative technique whereby a mortal being does not or cannot become eternally fused with the indwelling Thought Adjuster may seem to disclose a flaw in the ascension scheme; Son and Spirit fusion do, superficially, resemble compensations of unexplained failures in some detail of the Paradise-attainment plan; but all such conclusions stand in error; we are taught that all these happenings unfold in obedience to the established laws of the Supreme Universe Rulers.
40:10.4 (452.4) 我们分析了这一问题并得出了确定的结论,即将所有凡人都委以一种终极天堂命运对于各时空宇宙来说是不公平的,因为如此,造物之子与亘古常在者的机构就会完全依赖于那些将转往更高领域的凡人所提供的服务。以下安排的确看来再合适不过了,即每一个地方宇宙或超级宇宙的管理机构都应备有一个永久性扬升公民群体;使得这些管理部门的职能,能夠通过某些荣耀化凡人群体的努力而得以充实,这些凡人具有永久性身份,是阿班当特(Abandonters)及苏萨莎(Susatia)的补充者。目前显而易见的是,现行的扬升计划已经有效地为时空性管理部门配备了这样的扬升受造物。很多次我们都在想:这一切是否代表了主宇宙设计者们为了给造物之子和亘古常在者们提供永久性扬升居民而制定的全智性计划的一个有意组成部分?在即将到来的宇宙世代里,拥有这些进化了的公民类别以后,他们是否将会变得愈发胜任于推进这些领域内的事务?   40:10.4 (452.4) We have analyzed this problem and have reached the undoubted conclusion that the consignment of all mortals to an ultimate Paradise destiny would be unfair to the time-space universes inasmuch as the courts of the Creator Sons and of the Ancients of Days would then be wholly dependent on the services of those who were in transit to higher realms. And it does seem to be no more than fitting that the local and the superuniverse governments should each be provided with a permanent group of ascendant citizenship; that the functions of these administrations should be enriched by the efforts of certain groups of glorified mortals who are of permanent status, evolutionary complements of the abandonters and of the susatia. Now it is quite obvious that the present ascension scheme effectively provides the time-space administrations with just such groups of ascendant creatures; and we have many times wondered: Does all this represent an intended part of the all-wise plans of the Architects of the Master Universe designed to provide the Creator Sons and the Ancients of Days with a permanent ascendant population? with evolved orders of citizenship that will become increasingly competent to carry forward the affairs of these realms in the universe ages to come?
40:10.5 (452.5) 凡人命运的确由此而变化多样的情况,绝不意味着一个人必定比另一个人更伟大或更渺小,他们只是不同而已。调整者融合型凡人的确拥有一种庄严荣耀的生涯,因为终局者天命会在永恒的未来当中展现到他们面前,但这并不意味着他们比其扬升兄弟们更受偏爱。在凡人续存之神性计划的拣选操作中,不存在偏袒,也不存在任何随意之事。   40:10.5 (452.5) That mortal destinies do thus vary in no wise proves that one is necessarily greater or lesser than another, merely that they differ. Adjuster-fused ascenders do indeed have a grand and glorious career as finaliters spread out before them in the eternal future, but this does not mean that they are preferred above their ascendant brethren. There is no favoritism, nothing arbitrary, in the selective operation of the divine plan of mortal survival.
40:10.6 (453.1) 尽管调整者融合型的终局者显然享有最广泛的服务机会,但这一目标的达成也自然就令其失去了参与到某一地方宇宙或超级宇宙长期奋斗当中的机会,这种奋斗从早期较不稳定的岁月,一直持续到后来具有相对完美达成的稳定时代。终局者获得了在大宇宙所有七个部域都进行短暂服务的非凡广泛经历,但他们通常却并未获得对任何一个宇宙的那种详尽了解,即便是现在,也只有内巴顿(Nebadon)完满者团队中上灵融合型资深凡人才具备这种特征。这些个体享有机会去见证众多行星时代的扬升序列逐个地在一千万个居住世界上展开。在这些地方宇宙公民的忠诚服务中,经验不断累积,直到时机成熟时会造就出那种高品质的智慧 -- 即权威性智慧 -- 而这本身就是任何一个地方宇宙稳定方面的一个重要因素。   40:10.6 (453.1) While the Adjuster-fused finaliters obviously enjoy the widest service opportunity of all, the attainment of this goal automatically shuts them off from the chance to participate in the agelong struggle of some one universe or superuniverse, from the earlier and less settled epochs to the later and established eras of relative perfection attainment. Finaliters acquire a marvelous and far-flung experience of transient service in all seven segments of the grand universe, but they do not ordinarily acquire that intimate knowledge of any one universe which even now characterizes the Spirit-fused veterans of the Nebadon Corps of Completion. These individuals enjoy an opportunity to witness the ascending processional of the planetary ages as they unfold one by one on ten million inhabited worlds. And in the faithful service of such local universe citizens, experience superimposes upon experience until the fullness of time ripens that high quality of wisdom which is engendered by focalized experience—authoritative wisdom—and this in itself is a vital factor in the settling of any local universe.
40:10.7 (453.2) 与上灵融合者是如此,对于那些已经在尤沃萨(Uversa)获得居住身份的上子融合型凡人来说也是如此。这些存有中的一些来自于奥温顿(Orvonton)最早期时代,他们代表着极富洞见性智慧的一种缓慢累积体,它正在为第七超级宇宙的福祉与最终安定做出越来越大的服务贡献。   40:10.7 (453.2) As it is with the Spirit fusers, so is it with those Son-fused mortals who have achieved residential status on Uversa. Some of these beings hail from the earliest epochs of Orvonton, and they represent a slowly accumulating body of insight-deepening wisdom which is making ever-augmenting service contributions to the welfare and eventual settlement of the seventh superuniverse.
40:10.8 (453.3) 我们并不知道这些常备类别的地方及超级宇宙公民最终命运会是什么,但极有可能的是,当天堂终局者们正在第一外部空间层的众多行星系统中开创拓展神性疆域时,他们那些经由扬升进化性奋斗而实现与上子及上灵融合的兄弟们,将会乐意为维护各个完美化超级宇宙之经验性平衡做出贡献,与此同时,他们会准备好去迎接汇入的天堂朝圣者之流,这些朝圣者或许会在那遥远的一天,作为一股庞大的灵性探求洪流,自目前这些外部空间中尚未标明及未被居住的星系中,涌入到奥温顿(Orvonton)及其姐妹造物当中。   40:10.8 (453.3) What the ultimate destiny of these stationary orders of local and of superuniverse citizenship will be we do not know, but it is quite possible that, when the Paradise finaliters are pioneering the expanding frontiers of divinity in the planetary systems of the first outer space level, their Son- and Spirit-fused brethren of the ascendant evolutionary struggle will be acceptably contributing to the maintenance of the experiential equilibrium of the perfected superuniverses while they stand ready to welcome the incoming stream of Paradise pilgrims who may, at that distant day, pour in through Orvonton and its sister creations as a vast spirit-questing torrent from these now uncharted and uninhabited galaxies of outer space.
40:10.9 (453.4) 尽管多数与上灵融合者都会永远作为各地方宇宙的公民而服务,但并非所有都这样。如果其宇宙侍奉的某一方面要求他们出现在超级宇宙中,那么在这些公民身上会发生一些状态改变,以便使他们能够扬升到更高一层的宇宙中;在天界守护者身怀将这样的上灵融合型凡人送至亘古常在者法庭的命令到来之际,他们就会这样扬升,再也不会回来。除了少数那些相继被召到天堂和哈沃纳(Havona)服务团队的以外,他们会成为超级宇宙的守卫,永久地担当天界守护者的助手。   40:10.9 (453.4) While the majority of Spirit fusers serve permanently as citizens of the local universes, all do not. If some phase of their universe ministry should require their personal presence in the superuniverse, then would such transformations of being be wrought in these citizens as would enable them to ascend to the higher universe; and upon the arrival of the Celestial Guardians with orders to present such Spirit-fused mortals at the courts of the Ancients of Days, they would so ascend, never to return. They become wards of the superuniverse, serving as assistants to the Celestial Guardians and permanently, save for those few who are in turn summoned to the service of Paradise and Havona.
40:10.10 (453.5) 像其上灵融合型兄弟一样,与上子融合者若不经过一番改型转化,也决不可能穿越哈沃纳(Havona),也不能到达天堂。由于某些充分的理由,在某些上子融合型续存者身上可以出现这些转变,这些存有不时会在中央宇宙的七个环路上得以碰到。因此事实上,有相当一批上子融合型和上灵融合型凡人也的确升入了天堂,以多种方式实现了一种与上父融合型凡人相同等的目标。   40:10.10 (453.5) Like their Spirit-fused brethren, the Son fusers neither traverse Havona nor attain Paradise unless they have undergone certain modifying transformations. For good and sufficient reasons, such changes have been wrought in certain Son-fused survivors, and these beings are to be encountered ever and anon on the seven circuits of the central universe. Thus it is that certain numbers of both the Son- and the Spirit-fused mortals do actually ascend to Paradise, do attain a goal in many ways equal to that which awaits the Father-fused mortals.
40:10.11 (453.6) 上父融合型凡人是潜在的终局者;他们的目的地就是万有之父,他们也的确会到达他那里,但在目前的宇宙时代范围内,这样的终局者还不是天命实现者。他们依旧是未竟受造物 -- 即第六阶段属灵 -- 因此在尚未到达光与生命阶段的进化领域中是不活动的。   40:10.11 (453.6) Father-fused mortals are potential finaliters; their destination is the Universal Father, and him they do attain, but within the purview of the present universe age, finaliters, as such, are not destiny attainers. They remain unfinished creatures—sixth-stage spirits—and hence nonactive in the evolutionary domains of prelight-and-life status.
40:10.12 (454.1) 当一个凡人终局者被三位一体所接纳 -- 即成为一名像强大使者这样的三一化之子时,那位终局者才至少是实现了当前宇宙时代的天命。强大使者与其同伴们或许还不算是完全意义上的第七阶段属灵,然而除了其他东西以外,三位一体的接纳赋予了他们每样东西,这会令一名终局者在将来某刻实现为第七阶段属灵。在上灵融合型和上子融合型凡人得以三一化之后,他们就会与调整者融合型扬升者们一道历经天堂的经历,而他们随后在与超级宇宙管理相关的所有事务方面则是完全一样的。这些三一化选拔之子或是达成之子至少现在来说是已竟受造物,而不同于那些目前仍为未竟受造物的终局者们。   40:10.12 (454.1) When a mortal finaliter is Trinity embraced—becomes a Trinitized Son, such as a Mighty Messenger—then has that finaliter attained destiny, at least for the present universe age. Mighty Messengers and their fellows may not in the exact sense be seventh-stage spirits, but in addition to other things the Trinity embrace endows them with everything which a finaliter will sometime achieve as a seventh-stage spirit. After Spirit-fused or Son-fused mortals are trinitized, they pass through the Paradise experience with the Adjuster-fused ascenders, with whom they are then identical in all matters pertaining to superuniverse administration. These Trinitized Sons of Selection or of Attainment at least for now are finished creatures, in contrast to the finaliters, who are at present unfinished creatures.
40:10.13 (454.2) 因此归根结底,用“更伟大”或“更渺小”这样的字眼来形容各类扬升子民的天命是不合适的。每一个这样的神之子民都享有与神的父子关系,而神则同样深爱着他受造子民中的每一个,他不在意众多的扬升者天命,而是在意实现这些天命的受造物们。上父深爱着他的每一个孩子,那种深情不只是真实的、圣洁的、神圣的、无限的、永恒的及独特的 -- 这种爱还个别地、亲身地且专门地赐予到这个孩子及那个孩子身上。这样一种爱令所有其他事实都黯然失色。子民身份是受造物对于造物主的一种至高性关系。   40:10.13 (454.2) Thus, in the final analysis, it would be hardly proper to use the words “greater” or “lesser” in contrasting the destinies of the ascending orders of sonship. Every such son of God shares the fatherhood of God, and God loves each of his creature sons alike; he is no more a respecter of ascendant destinies than is he of the creatures who may attain such destinies. The Father loves each of his sons, and that affection is not less than true, holy, divine, unlimited, eternal, and unique—a love bestowed upon this son and upon that son, individually, personally, and exclusively. And such a love utterly eclipses all other facts. Sonship is the supreme relationship of the creature to the Creator.
40:10.14 (454.3) 此刻,作为凡人的你们,可以认识到自己在这个神性子民家族中的位置,并开始感受到自己有责任去利用凡人续存之天堂计划所慷慨提供的各种有利条件,该计划业已被一位赠与圣子的生活经历所那样地增进及阐明了。在确保你们最终实现神性完美的天堂目标方面,早已是万事俱备了。   40:10.14 (454.3) As mortals you can now recognize your place in the family of divine sonship and begin to sense the obligation to avail yourselves of the advantages so freely provided in and by the Paradise plan for mortal survival, which plan has been so enhanced and illuminated by the life experience of a bestowal Son. Every facility and all power have been provided for insuring your ultimate attainment of the Paradise goal of divine perfection.
40:10.15 (454.4) [ 由暂时配属到萨尔文顿(Salvington)的加百列助理团队当中的一位强大使者所呈献。]   40:10.15 (454.4) [Presented by a Mighty Messenger temporarily attached to the staff of Gabriel of Salvington.]