第66篇   Paper 66
玉苒厦(Urantia)的行星君王   The Planetary Prince of Urantia
66:0.1 (741.1) 在一个普通的世界上,一位拉那南德(Lanonandek)圣子的降临,标志着意志、即选择永恒续存之路的能力,已经在原始人类的心智中形成了。但在玉苒厦(Urantia)上,这位行星君王却是在人类意志出现之后近五十万年方才到达。   66:0.1 (741.1) THE advent of a Lanonandek Son on an average world signifies that will, the ability to choose the path of eternal survival, has developed in the mind of primitive man. But on Urantia the Planetary Prince arrived almost half a million years after the appearance of human will.
66:0.2 (741.2) 大约五十万年前,在六个有色的桑吉克种族出现的同时,行星君王卡里迦夏来到了玉苒厦(Urantia)。君王到来之时,有将近五亿原始人类在地球上,他们很好地散布在欧洲、亚洲和非洲。君王的总部建在美索不达米亚,大致处在世界人口的中心。   66:0.2 (741.2) About five hundred thousand years ago and concurrent with the appearance of the six colored or Sangik races, Caligastia, the Planetary Prince, arrived on Urantia. There were almost one-half billion primitive human beings on earth at the time of the Prince’s arrival, and they were well scattered over Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Prince’s headquarters, established in Mesopotamia, was at about the center of world population.
1. 君王卡里迦夏 ^top   1. Prince Caligastia ^top
66:1.1 (741.3) 卡里迦夏是一位拉那南德(Lanonandek)圣子,第二类中的第9,344号。大体而言,他在地方宇宙事务管理方面富有经验,并在后来的时代期间尤其对撒旦尼亚(Satania)地方系统的管理富有经验。   66:1.1 (741.3) Caligastia was a Lanonandek Son, number 9,344 of the secondary order. He was experienced in the administration of the affairs of the local universe in general and, during later ages, with the management of the local system of Satania in particular.
66:1.2 (741.4) 在路西法统治撒旦尼亚(Satania)之前,卡里迦夏曾被配属到耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的生命载运者顾问理事会。路西法将卡里迦夏提升到其随扈中的一个职位,他克尽其职地完成了五个颇受尊重和信任的相续委派。   66:1.2 (741.4) Prior to the reign of Lucifer in Satania, Caligastia had been attached to the council of the Life Carrier advisers on Jerusem. Lucifer elevated Caligastia to a position on his personal staff, and he acceptably filled five successive assignments of honor and trust.
66:1.3 (741.5) 卡里迦夏很早就寻求一个担当行星君王的任命,但一次又一次,当他的请求提交给星座理事会审批时,都没有得到星座之父们的同意。卡里迦夏似乎特别渴望能够作为行星支配者被派到一个十进制的生命改型类世界。在他最终被派往玉苒厦(Urantia)之前,他的请求曾被拒绝了好几次。   66:1.3 (741.5) Caligastia very early sought a commission as Planetary Prince, but repeatedly, when his request came up for approval in the constellation councils, it would fail to receive the assent of the Constellation Fathers. Caligastia seemed especially desirous of being sent as planetary ruler to a decimal or life-modification world. His petition had several times been disapproved before he was finally assigned to Urantia.
66:1.4 (741.6) 带着一份对其出身及旅居的宇宙之福祉充满忠诚及奉献的羡人履历,卡里迦夏从耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)出发,来到了他交托管理的这个世界,尽管他仍带着某种特有的不安份,外加一种在某些小问题上与既定秩序不一致的倾向。   66:1.4 (741.6) Caligastia went forth from Jerusem to his trust of world dominion with an enviable record of loyalty and devotion to the welfare of the universe of his origin and sojourn, notwithstanding a certain characteristic restlessness coupled with a tendency to disagree with the established order in certain minor matters.
66:1.5 (741.7) 当出色的卡里迦夏离开耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)时,我正在该系统首府之上。在五十万年前那个重大的日子里,卡里迦夏所拥有的预备经验之丰富,其前景之美好,是任何一个从事世界支配生涯的行星君王所无法相比的。有一件事是肯定的:当我执行我的任务去将那一事件的陈述放到地方宇宙的广播上时,我一刻都不曾有过这样的念头,即这位尊贵的拉那南德(Lanonandek)圣子会如此之快地背弃了其行星监管的神圣委托、如此可怕地玷污了其尊贵宇宙圣子类别的好名声。我确实把玉苒厦(Urantia)看作整个撒旦尼亚中五六个最为幸运的行星之一,因为它将拥有一位在掌管世界事务方面富有经验、极为出色且极具创新的智者。我那时还不知道卡里迦夏正在不知不觉间自恋起来;我那时也没有完全理解人格体骄傲的难以捉摸之处。   66:1.5 (741.7) I was present on Jerusem when the brilliant Caligastia departed from the system capital. No prince of the planets ever embarked upon a career of world rulership with a richer preparatory experience or with better prospects than did Caligastia on that eventful day one-half million years ago. One thing is certain: As I executed my assignment of putting the narrative of that event on the broadcasts of the local universe, I never for one moment entertained even in the slightest degree any idea that this noble Lanonandek would so shortly betray his sacred trust of planetary custody and so horribly stain the fair name of his exalted order of universe sonship. I really regarded Urantia as being among the five or six most fortunate planets in all Satania in that it was to have such an experienced, brilliant, and original mind at the helm of world affairs. I did not then comprehend that Caligastia was insidiously falling in love with himself; I did not then so fully understand the subtleties of personality pride.
2. 君王的属员 ^top   2. The Prince’s Staff ^top
66:2.1 (742.1) 玉苒厦(Urantia)的行星君王并非被独自派出来履行其使命,而是由通常的助理及管理帮手团队所伴随着。   66:2.1 (742.1) The Planetary Prince of Urantia was not sent out on his mission alone but was accompanied by the usual corps of assistants and administrative helpers.
66:2.2 (742.2) 该团队之首是达里迦夏,即行星君王的副手。达里迦夏也是一位第二类拉那南德(Lanonandek)圣子,是那一类别中的第319,407号。在其作为卡里迦夏副手的委派中,他位居助理之职。   66:2.2 (742.2) At the head of this group was Daligastia, the associate-assistant of the Planetary Prince. Daligastia was also a secondary Lanonandek Son, being number 319,407 of that order. He ranked as an assistant at the time of his assignment as Caligastia’s associate.
66:2.3 (742.3) 行星类属员包括受派来提升人类利益及促进人类福祉的一大批天使类协作者和一大群其他类天界存有。不过从你们的立场来看,所有当中最令你们感兴趣的群体是君王属员中的肉身成员 -- 时常被称为卡里迦夏百员团。   66:2.3 (742.3) The planetary staff included a large number of angelic co-operators and a host of other celestial beings assigned to advance the interests and promote the welfare of the human races. But from your standpoint the most interesting group of all were the corporeal members of the Prince’s staff—sometimes referred to as the Caligastia one hundred.
66:2.4 (742.4) 君王属员中的这一百位重新物质化的成员,是卡里迦夏从超过785,000位志愿在玉苒厦(Urantia)从事冒险的耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)扬升公民中选出的。被选定的这一百员中的每一员都来自不同的行星,他们当中没有一员来自玉苒厦。   66:2.4 (742.4) These one hundred rematerialized members of the Prince’s staff were chosen by Caligastia from over 785,000 ascendant citizens of Jerusem who volunteered for embarkation on the Urantia adventure. Each one of the chosen one hundred was from a different planet, and none of them were from Urantia.
66:2.5 (742.5) 这些耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的志愿者们通过炽天使运送,直接从系统首府被带到了玉苒厦(Urantia),在到达之际,他们被保持在炽天使裹挟状态,直到他们被供以行星服务专用类双重性人格体形态,即由血肉所组成的实在身体,但又会与系统的生命回路相适应。   66:2.5 (742.5) These Jerusemite volunteers were brought by seraphic transport direct from the system capital to Urantia, and upon arrival they were held enseraphimed until they could be provided with personality forms of the dual nature of special planetary service, literal bodies consisting of flesh and blood but also attuned to the life circuits of the system.
66:2.6 (742.6) 在这一百位耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)公民到来之前的某个时候,之前已完善好其计划的两位常驻玉苒厦(Urantia)的监管性生命载运者,请求耶路瑟姆和伊甸厦(Edentia)允许将一百位选定的安东和芳达血统的存活者之生命质移植到为君王属员之肉身成员预设好的物质性躯体中。这个请求得到了耶路瑟姆的认可和伊甸厦的批准。   66:2.6 (742.6) Sometime before the arrival of these one hundred Jerusem citizens, the two supervising Life Carriers resident on Urantia, having previously perfected their plans, petitioned Jerusem and Edentia for permission to transplant the life plasm of one hundred selected survivors of the Andon and Fonta stock into the material bodies to be projected for the corporeal members of the Prince’s staff. The request was granted on Jerusem and approved on Edentia.
66:2.7 (742.7) 相应地,代表了那一独特种族最优秀血统存留的五十名男性和五十名女性,便由生命载运者们所选定了。除了一两个例外,这些对该种族进步做出贡献的安东族人彼此并不相识。他们都是在同等的思想调整者指引和炽天使引导下,从相隔很远的地方而被聚集到了君王行星总部的门口。在这里,这一百个人类对象被交付到了来自阿瓦隆的高技能志愿者考察团手中,他们主管这些安东族后裔部分生命质的物质性萃取。这种生命物质之后被转移到了构建起来供君王属员中一百名耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)成员所用的物质性躯体中。与此同时,这些新来的系统首府公民却还被保持在炽天使运送的昏睡状态中。   66:2.7 (742.7) Accordingly, fifty males and fifty females of the Andon and Fonta posterity, representing the survival of the best strains of that unique race, were chosen by the Life Carriers. With one or two exceptions these Andonite contributors to the advancement of the race were strangers to one another. They were assembled from widely separated places by co-ordinated Thought Adjuster direction and seraphic guidance at the threshold of the planetary headquarters of the Prince. Here the one hundred human subjects were given into the hands of the highly skilled volunteer commission from Avalon, who directed the material extraction of a portion of the life plasm of these Andon descendants. This living material was then transferred to the material bodies constructed for the use of the one hundred Jerusemite members of the Prince’s staff. Meantime, these newly arrived citizens of the system capital were held in the sleep of seraphic transport.
66:2.8 (742.8) 这些处理,连同供卡里迦夏百员团专用躯体的实在创造,引出了众多的传说,许多传说随后又与牵涉到亚当夏娃之行星安置的后来传说混在一起了。   66:2.8 (742.8) These transactions, together with the literal creation of special bodies for the Caligastia one hundred, gave origin to numerous legends, many of which subsequently became confused with the later traditions concerning the planetary installation of Adam and Eve.
66:2.9 (743.1) 重新人格化的整个处理,从承载了这一百位耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)志愿者的炽天使运送抵达之时,直到他们拥有意识、成为该域的三重性存有为止,花费了整整十天的时间。   66:2.9 (743.1) The entire transaction of repersonalization, from the time of the arrival of the seraphic transports bearing the one hundred Jerusem volunteers until they became conscious, threefold beings of the realm, consumed exactly ten days.
3. 达拉玛希亚 -- 君王之城 ^top   3. Dalamatia—The City of the Prince ^top
66:3.1 (743.2) 行星君王的总部位于当时的波斯湾地区,也即后来的美索不达米亚地区。   66:3.1 (743.2) The headquarters of the Planetary Prince was situated in the Persian Gulf region of those days, in the district corresponding to later Mesopotamia.
66:3.2 (743.3) 那些时期的美索不达米亚,无论是气候还是景观,在每一方面都有利于君王属员及其助手们的任务,与后来时常盛行的状况大不相同。为了诱导原始的玉苒厦(Urantia)人在教化与文明上取得某些原初性的进步,在为此所设定的自然环境中,拥有这样一种舒适的气候是必要的。那些时代的一个巨大任务便是将人类从狩猎者转变为放牧者,以期后来他会进化为热爱和平、持守家园的农民。   66:3.2 (743.3) The climate and landscape in the Mesopotamia of those times were in every way favorable to the undertakings of the Prince’s staff and their assistants, very different from conditions which have sometimes since prevailed. It was necessary to have such a favoring climate as a part of the natural environment designed to induce primitive Urantians to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization. The one great task of those ages was to transform man from a hunter to a herder, with the hope that later on he would evolve into a peace-loving, home-abiding farmer.
66:3.3 (743.4) 玉苒厦(Urantia)上的行星君王总部,在此类处于年轻而正在发展的星球上的驻地中是很典型的。君王居住地的核心,是一座非常简朴但却非常美丽的城市,四围城墙高达十二米。为了表达对达里迦夏的敬意,这一世界教化中心被命名为达拉玛希亚。   66:3.3 (743.4) The headquarters of the Planetary Prince on Urantia was typical of such stations on a young and developing sphere. The nucleus of the Prince’s settlement was a very simple but beautiful city, enclosed within a wall forty feet high. This world center of culture was named Dalamatia in honor of Daligastia.
66:3.4 (743.5) 这个城市以十个子区的方式布局,肉身属员十个理事会所在的总部大厦,分别坐落在这些子区的中心。城市的最中心是不可见上父的圣殿。君王及其副手的管理总部,则以十二个议事厅的方式被成组安排在圣殿自身周围。   66:3.4 (743.5) The city was laid out in ten subdivisions with the headquarters mansions of the ten councils of the corporeal staff situated at the centers of these subdivisions. Centermost in the city was the temple of the unseen Father. The administrative headquarters of the Prince and his associates was arranged in twelve chambers immediately grouped about the temple itself.
66:3.5 (743.6) 除了理事会总部是二层的以外,达拉玛希亚的建筑都是一层的,而万有之父的中心圣殿虽然很小,但却有三层之高。   66:3.5 (743.6) The buildings of Dalamatia were all one story except the council headquarters, which were two stories, and the central temple of the Father of all, which was small but three stories in height.
66:3.6 (743.7) 该城代表了那些早期时代在砖块作为建筑材料方面的最佳做法。石头和木料很少被用到。周围民族中间的家园建筑和乡村建筑,都因达拉玛希亚的范例而得到很大改善。   66:3.6 (743.7) The city represented the best practices of those early days in building material—brick. Very little stone or wood was used. Home building and village architecture among the surrounding peoples were greatly improved by the Dalamatian example.
66:3.7 (743.8) 在君王的总部附近,居住着各种肤色和各个阶层的人类。君王的学校招收到的第一批学生,正是来自这些附近的部落。尽管达拉玛希亚的这些早期学校是粗陋的,但它们却为那一原始时代的男男女女提供了一切所需。   66:3.7 (743.8) Near the Prince’s headquarters there dwelt all colors and strata of human beings. And it was from these near-by tribes that the first students of the Prince’s schools were recruited. Although these early schools of Dalamatia were crude, they provided all that could be done for the men and women of that primitive age.
66:3.8 (743.9) 君王的肉身属员不断将周围部落中出众个人召集到他们周围,并在培训和启发完这些学生后,将他们派回去担当其各自民族的导师和领袖。   66:3.8 (743.9) The Prince’s corporeal staff continuously gathered about them the superior individuals of the surrounding tribes and, after training and inspiring these students, sent them back as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples.
4.百员团的早期岁月 ^top   4. Early Days of the One Hundred ^top
66:4.1 (743.10) 君王属员的到来,营造出了一种深刻的印象。尽管要将这个消息传播出去需要将近一千年时间,但靠近美索不达米亚总部的那些部落却被这一百位玉苒厦(Urantia)新居者的教导和作为所巨大影响了。你们许多后来的神话,都是出自于这些早期岁月的混乱传说,君王属员的这些成员就在那些时候作为超人而在玉苒厦上重新人格化了。   66:4.1 (743.10) The arrival of the Prince’s staff created a profound impression. While it required almost a thousand years for the news to spread abroad, those tribes near the Mesopotamian headquarters were tremendously influenced by the teachings and conduct of the one hundred new sojourners on Urantia. And much of your subsequent mythology grew out of the garbled legends of these early days when these members of the Prince’s staff were repersonalized on Urantia as supermen.
66:4.2 (744.1) 对于这些天外导师的良好影响造成严重障碍的,是人类易于将其视为诸神的倾向,但除了他们出现在地球上的手段以外,卡里迦夏百员团 -- 男女各五十位,并没有求助过任何超自然方法或超人类操作。   66:4.2 (744.1) The serious obstacle to the good influence of such extraplanetary teachers is the tendency of mortals to regard them as gods, but aside from the technique of their appearance on earth the Caligastia one hundred—fifty men and fifty women—did not resort to supernatural methods nor superhuman manipulations.
66:4.3 (744.2) 然而这群肉身属员无疑是超人。他们以非凡的三重性存有身份开展了他们在玉苒厦(Urantia)的使命:   66:4.3 (744.2) But the corporeal staff were nonetheless superhuman. They began their mission on Urantia as extraordinary threefold beings:
66:4.4 (744.3) 1. 他们是肉身性的,并相对来讲是人类,因为他们体现了真正来自某一人类种族的生命质,即玉苒厦(Urantia)的安东族生命质。   66:4.4 (744.3) 1. They were corporeal and relatively human, for they embodied the actual life plasm of one of the human races, the Andonic life plasm of Urantia.
66:4.5 (744.4) 君王属员中的这一百位成员,按他们以前的凡人身份平均分配了性别。该团体中每个人都能联合生育出某个新类别的物理存在,但他们都已被小心指示过,只有在某些特定的条件下才能借助于生育。对于行星君王的肉身属员们来说,按惯例都是在从专门的行星服务中退出之前的某一时间,才可以去生育其继承者的。通常这个时间是在行星类亚当和夏娃到来之时,或稍后不久。   66:4.5 (744.4) These one hundred members of the Prince’s staff were divided equally as to sex and in accordance with their previous mortal status. Each person of this group was capable of becoming coparental to some new order of physical being, but they had been carefully instructed to resort to parenthood only under certain conditions. It is customary for the corporeal staff of a Planetary Prince to procreate their successors sometime prior to retiring from special planetary service. Usually this is at, or shortly after, the time of the arrival of the Planetary Adam and Eve.
66:4.6 (744.5) 因此,这些特殊的存有对于其性交合会产生什么类型的物质性生物几乎一无所知。他们的确也从了解到,早在其世间工作进行到这样一步之前,整个管理体系因反叛而被颠覆了,而那些后来以亲代角色运作的属员,已经从系统的生命环流中被隔离出来了。   66:4.6 (744.5) These special beings therefore had little or no idea as to what type of material creature would be produced by their sexual union. And they never did know; before the time for such a step in the prosecution of their world work the entire regime was upset by rebellion, and those who later functioned in the parental role had been isolated from the life currents of the system.
66:4.7 (744.6) 在肤色和语言方面,卡里迦夏属员中的这些物质化成员沿袭了安东族。他们像该域的凡人一样进食,不同之处在于:该团体的再造之躯可被非肉性饮食所完全满足。这也是决定其居住在一个富产水果和坚果之温暖地区的考虑之一。靠非肉性饮食供养的做法起源于卡里迦夏百员团时期,因为这一习俗远近传播,影响了许多周围部落的饮食习惯,而这些群体都源于一度曾专门肉食的进化种族。   66:4.7 (744.6) In skin color and language these materialized members of Caligastia’s staff followed the Andonic race. They partook of food as did the mortals of the realm with this difference: The re-created bodies of this group were fully satisfied by a nonflesh diet. This was one of the considerations which determined their residence in a warm region abounding in fruits and nuts. The practice of subsisting on a nonflesh diet dates from the times of the Caligastia one hundred, for this custom spread near and far to affect the eating habits of many surrounding tribes, groups of origin in the once exclusively meat-eating evolutionary races.
66:4.8 (744.7) 2. 这一百位属员是物质性然却超人性的存有,并作为一个高级而专门类别的独特男女而在玉苒厦(Urantia)上被重新构建起来。   66:4.8 (744.7) 2. The one hundred were material but superhuman beings, having been reconstituted on Urantia as unique men and women of a high and special order.
66:4.9 (744.8) 这个群体,尽管拥有耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的临时公民身份,但却还未与他们的思想调整者融合;当他们志愿与沉降类别圣子一同参与行星服务并被接受时,他们的调整者被分离出去了。但这些耶路瑟姆居民是些超人的存有 -- 他们拥有扬升成长类灵魂。在凡间的肉身生命期间,这种灵魂处于胚胎状态;它会重生于(复活于)灵质性生命,并会通过一连串的灵质性世界而经历成长。卡里迦夏百员团的灵魂们就这样通过七个宅厦世界的渐进性经历,而扩展到耶路瑟姆的公民身份地位。   66:4.9 (744.8) This group, while enjoying provisional citizenship on Jerusem, were as yet unfused with their Thought Adjusters; and when they volunteered and were accepted for planetary service in liaison with the descending orders of sonship, their Adjusters were detached. But these Jerusemites were superhuman beings—they possessed souls of ascendant growth. During the mortal life in the flesh the soul is of embryonic estate; it is born (resurrected) in the morontia life and experiences growth through the successive morontia worlds. And the souls of the Caligastia one hundred had thus expanded through the progressive experiences of the seven mansion worlds to citizenship status on Jerusem.
66:4.10 (744.9) 遵照其指示,这些属员并没有从事过性生殖,但他们的确曾煞费苦心地研究过其自身的构造,他们也曾认真探索过智性(心智)和灵质性(灵魂)联合每一个可以想象到的方面。在他们居住在达拉玛希亚的第三十三年期间,远在城墙得以建成之前,丹族团体中的二号和七号成员偶然发现一种伴随其灵质性自我联合(可能是非性交和非物质性的)而产生的现象;这次奇异经历的产物证实为第一类中道受造物中的第一位。这个新存有对于行星属员及其天界协作者来说是完全可见的,但对于各个人类部落的男女们来说却是不可见的。在行星君王的授权下,全部肉身属员都开始生育此类存有,在最初那对丹族成员的指导下,所有都成功了。就这样,君王的属员最终产生出拥有50,000名第一类中道者的最初团队。   66:4.10 (744.9) In conformity to their instructions the staff did not engage in sexual reproduction, but they did painstakingly study their personal constitutions, and they carefully explored every imaginable phase of intellectual (mind) and morontia (soul) liaison. And it was during the thirty-third year of their sojourn in Dalamatia, long before the wall was completed, that number two and number seven of the Danite group accidentally discovered a phenomenon attendant upon the liaison of their morontia selves (supposedly nonsexual and nonmaterial); and the result of this adventure proved to be the first of the primary midway creatures. This new being was wholly visible to the planetary staff and to their celestial associates but was not visible to the men and women of the various human tribes. Upon authority of the Planetary Prince the entire corporeal staff undertook the production of similar beings, and all were successful, following the instructions of the pioneer Danite pair. Thus did the Prince’s staff eventually bring into being the original corps of 50,000 primary midwayers.
66:4.11 (745.1) 这些中道类受造物,在承接该世界总部的事务中有很大帮助。他们对于人类来说是不可见的,然而在达拉玛希亚的原始旅居者们被教导了关于这些不可见半灵体的事,长久以来,他们对于这些进化的凡人来说构成了其整个的灵性世界。   66:4.11 (745.1) These mid-type creatures were of great service in carrying on the affairs of the world’s headquarters. They were invisible to human beings, but the primitive sojourners at Dalamatia were taught about these unseen semispirits, and for ages they constituted the sum total of the spirit world to these evolving mortals.
66:4.12 (745.2) 3. 卡里迦夏百员团从人格体上来说是不朽的,或是说不死的。他们的物质性形体中有循环流通着系统生命环流中的解毒补体;倘若他们未因反叛而失去了与生命回路的联系,他们本会无限期地存活下去,直到一个后续神子的到来,或是直到其之后某个时候离职而继续其前往哈沃纳(Havona)和天堂的中断旅程。   66:4.12 (745.2) 3. The Caligastia one hundred were personally immortal, or undying. There circulated through their material forms the antidotal complements of the life currents of the system; and had they not lost contact with the life circuits through rebellion, they would have lived on indefinitely until the arrival of a subsequent Son of God, or until their sometime later release to resume the interrupted journey to Havona and Paradise.
66:4.13 (745.3) 撒旦尼亚(Satania)系统生命环流中的这些解毒补体来自于生命之树的果实,该树是由诺拉歇德星座的极高者们在卡里迦夏到达时,送往玉苒厦(Urantia)的一种伊甸厦(Edentia)灌木。在达拉玛希亚时代,这棵树生长于不可见上父之圣殿的中央庭院里,正是生命之树的果实才使得君王属员中这些物质性及原本暂存性的存有们无限期地存活下去,只要他们可以接近它。   66:4.13 (745.3) These antidotal complements of the Satania life currents were derived from the fruit of the tree of life, a shrub of Edentia which was sent to Urantia by the Most Highs of Norlatiadek at the time of Caligastia’s arrival. In the days of Dalamatia this tree grew in the central courtyard of the temple of the unseen Father, and it was the fruit of the tree of life that enabled the material and otherwise mortal beings of the Prince’s staff to live on indefinitely as long as they had access to it.
66:4.14 (745.4) 尽管这种超等食物对进化种族来说没有任何价值,但它却足以将延续的生命赐予到卡里迦夏百员团以及一百位与其相伴的改型安东族人身上。   66:4.14 (745.4) While of no value to the evolutionary races, this supersustenance was quite sufficient to confer continuous life upon the Caligastia one hundred and also upon the one hundred modified Andonites who were associated with them.
66:4.15 (745.5) 在这一点上应予以解释的是,当这一百位安东族人将其人类种质贡献给君王属员中的百员团时,生命载运者们将系统环流中的补体引入到了他们的凡人躯体中。这样,他们便得以能够与属员们世代同步地生存下去,而无须经历肉体的死亡。   66:4.15 (745.5) It should be explained in this connection that, at the time the one hundred Andonites contributed their human germ plasm to the members of the Prince’s staff, the Life Carriers introduced into their mortal bodies the complement of the system circuits; and thus were they enabled to live on concurrently with the staff, century after century, in defiance of physical death.
66:4.16 (745.6) 最终,这一百位安东族人获知了他们对其上级所具新形体的贡献,这一百位安东部落的子女,作为君王肉身属员的随侍而被留在了总部。   66:4.16 (745.6) Eventually the one hundred Andonites were made aware of their contribution to the new forms of their superiors, and these same one hundred children of the Andon tribes were kept at headquarters as the personal attendants of the Prince’s corporeal staff.
5. 百员团的组织结构 ^top   5. Organization of the One Hundred ^top
66:5.1 (745.7) 百员团以十组自主理事会且每组十名成员的方式,被组织起来进行服役。当这十组理事会中的两组或更多组召开联合会议时,这样的联合会议就由达里迦夏所主持。这十组按以下方式得以构建起来:   66:5.1 (745.7) The one hundred were organized for service in ten autonomous councils of ten members each. When two or more of these ten councils met in joint session, such liaison gatherings were presided over by Daligastia. These ten groups were constituted as follows:
66:5.2 (745.8) 1. 食物和物质福利理事会。该组由昂所主持。人类所需的食物、饮水、衣服以及物质改善,都由该得力团队所照料。他们教授了水井挖掘、泉水控制及灌溉。他们还教授了那些来自高纬度地区及来自北方的人处理皮毛以用作衣物的改进方法,而纺织则是后来由艺术和科学组的导师们所引入的。   66:5.2 (745.8) 1. The council on food and material welfare. This group was presided over by Ang. Food, water, clothes, and the material advancement of the human species were fostered by this able corps. They taught well digging, spring control, and irrigation. They taught those from the higher altitudes and from the north improved methods of treating skins for use as clothing, and weaving was later introduced by the teachers of art and science.
66:5.3 (746.1) 食物存储的方法上也取得了很大的进步。食物可以通过煮熟、风干和熏制来保存;它由此便成为了最早的财产。人类被教会了去为防预饥荒威胁作好准备,后者周期性地摧残着世界。   66:5.3 (746.1) Great advances were made in methods of food storage. Food was preserved by cooking, drying, and smoking; it thus became the earliest property. Man was taught to provide for the hazards of famine, which periodically decimated the world.
66:5.4 (746.2) 2. 动物驯养和利用理事会。该理事会致力于挑选并饲养那些最适合来帮助人类承载重担、运送人类去提供食物,以及后来在土地耕种中有用的动物。这个能干的团队由邦所主管。   66:5.4 (746.2) 2. The board of animal domestication and utilization. This council was dedicated to the task of selecting and breeding those animals best adapted to help human beings in bearing burdens and transporting themselves, to supply food, and later on to be of service in the cultivation of the soil. This able corps was directed by Bon.
66:5.5 (746.3) 被驯养的有用动物中,有几类现今已经绝种了,还有一些作为家养动物而延续至今。人类已与狗经共同生活很久了,而蓝种人已成功驯服了大象。奶牛通过精心饲养而得以极大改善,从而成为了一种宝贵的食物来源;奶油和奶酪成为了人类饮食中的常备物品。人类被教会了用公牛承载重物,但马类直到后来才被驯养。这个团队的成员们最先教会了人类利用轮子以便牵引。   66:5.5 (746.3) Several types of useful animals, now extinct, were tamed, together with some that have continued as domesticated animals to the present day. Man had long lived with the dog, and the blue man had already been successful in taming the elephant. The cow was so improved by careful breeding as to become a valuable source of food; butter and cheese became common articles of human diet. Men were taught to use oxen for burden bearing, but the horse was not domesticated until a later date. The members of this corps first taught men to use the wheel for the facilitation of traction.
66:5.6 (746.4) 就是在这些日子里,信鸽被最先利用来长距离送信或求助。邦的团队还成功地将巨大的凡铎鸟训练成为载人鸟类,但它们在三万多年前便灭绝了。   66:5.6 (746.4) It was in these days that carrier pigeons were first used, being taken on long journeys for the purpose of sending messages or calls for help. Bon’s group were successful in training the great fandors as passenger birds, but they became extinct more than thirty thousand years ago.
66:5.7 (746.5) 3. 关于征服肉食性动物的顾问团。早期人类仅仅努力去驯养某些动物是不够的,他还必须要学会怎样保护自己不受动物世界中怀敌意余者的伤害。这个团队由丹所率领。   66:5.7 (746.5) 3. The advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals. It was not enough that early man should try to domesticate certain animals, but he must also learn how to protect himself from destruction by the remainder of the hostile animal world. This group was captained by Dan.
66:5.8 (746.6) 古代城墙的目的就是为了防御凶猛的野兽,也是为了防止敌人的突然袭击。那些不靠城墙而生活在丛林中的人,则依赖于树居、石屋及篝火。因此十分自然地,这些教师们要投入大量时间去指导其学生们改善人类的住处。通过运用改进的手段及使用陷阱,人类在制服动物方面取得了巨大的进步。   66:5.8 (746.6) The purpose of an ancient city wall was to protect against ferocious beasts as well as to prevent surprise attacks by hostile humans. Those living without the walls and in the forest were dependent on tree dwellings, stone huts, and the maintenance of night fires. It was therefore very natural that these teachers should devote much time to instructing their pupils in the improvement of human dwellings. By employing improved techniques and by the use of traps, great progress was made in animal subjugation.
66:5.9 (746.7) 4. 传播和保存知识的教员团。这个团队组织和主管了那些早期年代纯教育方面的事情;它由法德所主持。法德的教育方法在于,伴随在改进劳作方法方面的指导而对工作予以监管。法德编制了第一个字母表,并引入了一套书写体系。这个字母表包含了二十五个字母。至于书写材料,这些早期民族利用了树皮、泥版、石板、一种由捶制过的兽皮制成的羊皮纸,以及一种由蜂巢制成的糙纸般材料。在卡里迦夏背叛后不久便被毁掉的达拉玛希亚图书馆,由两百万册分开的记载组成,曾被称为“法德之宫”。   66:5.9 (746.7) 4. The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge. This group organized and directed the purely educational endeavors of those early ages. It was presided over by Fad. The educational methods of Fad consisted in supervision of employment accompanied by instruction in improved methods of labor. Fad formulated the first alphabet and introduced a writing system. This alphabet contained twenty-five characters. For writing material these early peoples utilized tree barks, clay tablets, stone slabs, a form of parchment made of hammered hides, and a crude form of paperlike material made from wasps’ nests. The Dalamatia library, destroyed soon after the Caligastia disaffection, comprised more than two million separate records and was known as the “house of Fad.”
66:5.10 (746.8) 蓝色人种偏爱字母书写,并沿这样的路线而取得了最大的进步。红种人更喜欢象形书写,而黄种人则倾向于使用象征符号来表达文字和想法,与他们现在采用的那些非常相像。但在伴随反叛而产生的混乱期间,字母表及更多其它东西都相继失传于世了。卡里迦夏的背叛摧毁了使世界拥有一种通用性语言的希望,至少是无可计数的时代。   66:5.10 (746.8) The blue man was partial to alphabet writing and made the greatest progress along such lines. The red man preferred pictorial writing, while the yellow races drifted into the use of symbols for words and ideas, much like those they now employ. But the alphabet and much more was subsequently lost to the world during the confusion attendant upon rebellion. The Caligastia defection destroyed the hope of the world for a universal language, at least for untold ages.
66:5.11 (747.1) 5. 产业和贸易理事会。这个理事会忙于照料部落内部的产业,促进各个和平群体间的贸易。它的首领是诺德。每种形式的原始制造业都受到了该团队的鼓励。他们通过提供许多新的日用品来引起原始人的爱好,从而直接促进其生活水平的提高。他们大大地扩大了精盐贸易,这种精盐是由科学与艺术理事会生产出来的。   66:5.11 (747.1) 5. The commission on industry and trade. This council was employed in fostering industry within the tribes and in promoting trade between the various peace groups. Its leader was Nod. Every form of primitive manufacture was encouraged by this corps. They contributed directly to the elevation of standards of living by providing many new commodities to attract the fancy of primitive men. They greatly expanded the trade in the improved salt produced by the council on science and art.
66:5.12 (747.2) 正是在这些受教于达拉玛希亚学校的开化群体中间,首个商业信贷得以运作了。从一套信贷的中央交换中,他们会弄到可被接受用来代替易货贸易中实物的代币。几十万年以来,这个世界在这些商业方法上并没有改进。   66:5.12 (747.2) It was among these enlightened groups educated in the Dalamatia schools that the first commercial credit was practiced. From a central exchange of credits they secured tokens which were accepted in lieu of the actual objects of barter. The world did not improve upon these business methods for hundreds of thousands of years.
66:5.13 (747.3) 6. 启示宗教团体。这个团体在运作方面是缓慢的。玉苒厦(Urantia)文明确确实实是在困境之砧和畏惧之锤间锻造出来的。不过,这个团体在其工作被伴随脱离剧变而来的混乱所打断之前,他们在尝试将敬畏造物主代替敬畏受造物(即鬼魂崇拜)方面,取得了很大的进展。这个理事会的首领是哈普。   66:5.13 (747.3) 6. The college of revealed religion. This body was slow in functioning. Urantia civilization was literally forged out between the anvil of necessity and the hammers of fear. But this group had made considerable progress in their attempt to substitute Creator fear for creature fear (ghost worship) before their labors were interrupted by the later confusion attendant upon the secession upheaval. The head of this council was Hap.
66:5.14 (747.4) 没有任何一位君王属员愿意呈现启示而使进化复杂化;只有当诸种进化力耗尽到极点时,他们才会呈现启示。但哈普确实依随了该城居民想要建立一种宗教服务的渴望。他的团队为达拉玛希亚居民提供了七首崇拜圣歌,还给了他们每日的颂词,最后又教会了他们“父之祷文”,这便是:   66:5.14 (747.4) None of the Prince’s staff would present revelation to complicate evolution; they presented revelation only as the climax of their exhaustion of the forces of evolution. But Hap did yield to the desire of the inhabitants of the city for the establishment of a form of religious service. His group provided the Dalamatians with the seven chants of worship and also gave them the daily praise-phrase and eventually taught them “the Father’s prayer,” which was:
66:5.15 (747.5) “万有之父,我们荣耀您的圣子,请您满怀恩典垂顾我们,让我们除您以外无所畏惧。让我们变为我们神圣导师的乐事,并永将真理置于我们唇边。让我们摆脱狂热和愤怒;请赐给我们对长者的尊重,也赐给我们对邻里应有的尊重。请赐给我们四季常绿的草场和多产的羊群,来使我们的心喜悦。我们祈求那应许提升者的早日到来,我们愿在这个世上遵行您的旨意,如同其他生灵在另外世界所做的一样。”   66:5.15 (747.5) “Father of all, whose Son we honor, look down upon us with favor. Deliver us from the fear of all save you. Make us a pleasure to our divine teachers and forever put truth on our lips. Deliver us from violence and anger; give us respect for our elders and that which belongs to our neighbors. Give us this season green pastures and fruitful flocks to gladden our hearts. We pray for the hastening of the coming of the promised uplifter, and we would do your will on this world as others do on worlds beyond.”
66:5.16 (747.6) 尽管君王属员为种族提升的自然手段及普通方法所限,但他们还是坚持将亚当的新种族赠与许诺作为随后生物性发展达成高度上的进化成长目标。   66:5.16 (747.6) Although the Prince’s staff were limited to natural means and ordinary methods of race improvement, they held out the promise of the Adamic gift of a new race as the goal of subsequent evolutionary growth upon the attainment of the height of biologic development.
66:5.17 (747.7) 7. 健康和生命的守护团。这个理事会致力于卫生设施的引入和原始卫生学的促进,并由鲁特所领导。   66:5.17 (747.7) 7. The guardians of health and life. This council was concerned with the introduction of sanitation and the promotion of primitive hygiene and was led by Lut.
66:5.18 (747.8) 它的成员教导了许多,大部分都在后来时代的混乱中失传了,直到二十世纪才被重新发现。他们教导过人类,烹制、煮沸和烧烤是避免疾病的一种方式;也教导过这种烹制会大大降低婴儿死亡率,并会促进提早断奶。   66:5.18 (747.8) Its members taught much that was lost during the confusion of subsequent ages, never to be rediscovered until the twentieth century. They taught mankind that cooking, boiling and roasting, was a means of avoiding sickness; also that such cooking greatly reduced infant mortality and facilitated early weaning.
66:5.19 (747.9) 鲁特的健康守护团的许多早期教导,在世间的部落中间一直存留到摩西时代,即便它们变得极为混乱且被极大改变了。   66:5.19 (747.9) Many of the early teachings of Lut’s guardians of health persisted among the tribes of earth on down to the days of Moses, even though they became much garbled and were greatly changed.
66:5.20 (748.1) 在这些无知的民众中间促进卫生的过程中,所遇到的巨大障碍在于这一事实,即许多疾病的真正起因太过微小而无法为肉眼所见,也因为他们都以迷信的方式看待火。要劝说他们烧掉废弃物品,需要成千上万年。与此同时,他们也被力劝去埋掉其渐趋腐烂的垃圾。这个时代的巨大卫生进步,来自于有关阳光赐予健康、消除疾病之知识的传播。   66:5.20 (748.1) The great obstacle in the way of promoting hygiene among these ignorant peoples consisted in the fact that the real causes of many diseases were too small to be seen by the naked eye, and also because they all held fire in superstitious regard. It required thousands of years to persuade them to burn refuse. In the meantime they were urged to bury their decaying rubbish. The great sanitary advance of this epoch came from the dissemination of knowledge regarding the health-giving and disease-destroying properties of sunlight.
66:5.21 (748.2) 在君王到来之前,沐浴曾是一种专门的宗教仪式。要劝说原始人将清洗身体作为一种健康的做法,实在是困难之至。鲁特最终说服了宗教导师们,将用水清洗作为净化仪式的一部分而在与午时祈祷相关的活动中得以执行,这种祈祷每周一次,用来崇拜万有之父。   66:5.21 (748.2) Before the Prince’s arrival, bathing had been an exclusively religious ceremonial. It was indeed difficult to persuade primitive men to wash their bodies as a health practice. Lut finally induced the religious teachers to include cleansing with water as a part of the purification ceremonies to be practiced in connection with the noontime devotions, once a week, in the worship of the Father of all.
66:5.22 (748.3) 这些健康的守护者们还试图引入握手,以代替亲吻或饮血来作为个人友谊的印记及集体忠诚的象征。但当这些原始民众从其上级领导者教导的强压下脱离出来时,他们马上又回到从前那些有害健康且滋生疾病的无知迷信做法中。   66:5.22 (748.3) These guardians of health also sought to introduce handshaking in substitution for saliva exchange or blood drinking as a seal of personal friendship and as a token of group loyalty. But when out from under the compelling pressure of the teachings of their superior leaders, these primitive peoples were not slow in reverting to their former health-destroying and disease-breeding practices of ignorance and superstition.
66:5.23 (748.4) 8. 行星的艺术和科学理事会。这个团队做了很多来提高早期人类的产业手段,提升其美的观念。他们的领导者是默克。   66:5.23 (748.4) 8. The planetary council on art and science. This corps did much to improve the industrial technique of early man and to elevate his concepts of beauty. Their leader was Mek.
66:5.24 (748.5) 那时艺术和科学在整个世界都处于低潮之中,但物理和化学的入门知识却被传授给了达拉玛希亚居民。陶器得到了改进,装饰艺术都得到了改善,人类美的理念得到了极大加强。但在紫色种族到来之前,音乐却没有什么进展。   66:5.24 (748.5) Art and science were at a low ebb throughout the world, but the rudiments of physics and chemistry were taught the Dalamatians. Pottery was advanced, decorative arts were all improved, and the ideals of human beauty were greatly enhanced. But music made little progress until after the arrival of the violet race.
66:5.25 (748.6) 这些原始人不同意试验使用蒸汽动力,无论其导师们如何反复劝说;他们也未能克服其对于封闭蒸汽爆发力的极大畏惧。不过他们最终被说服了去使用金属与火,尽管一块红热的金属,对于早期人类来讲也是极其恐怖的物件。   66:5.25 (748.6) These primitive men would not consent to experiment with steam power, notwithstanding the repeated urgings of their teachers; never could they overcome their great fear of the explosive power of confined steam. They were, however, finally persuaded to work with metals and fire, although a piece of red-hot metal was a terrorizing object to early man.
66:5.26 (748.7) 默克做了大量工作来推进安东族的教化,改善蓝种人的艺术。蓝种人与安东族血统的融合,产生了一个在艺术上极有天赋的人种,他们中有许多人成为了雕刻大师。他们并非在岩石和大理石上雕刻,而是在烘干变硬的粘土上雕刻,用以装点达拉玛希亚的花园。   66:5.26 (748.7) Mek did a great deal to advance the culture of the Andonites and to improve the art of the blue man. A blend of the blue man with the Andon stock produced an artistically gifted type, and many of them became master sculptors. They did not work in stone or marble, but their works of clay, hardened by baking, adorned the gardens of Dalamatia.
66:5.27 (748.8) 家居艺术取得了巨大的进展,但这种进展大多在漫长而黑暗的反叛年代中失传了,直到现代时期才被重新发现。   66:5.27 (748.8) Great progress was made in the home arts, most of which were lost in the long and dark ages of rebellion, never to be rediscovered until modern times.
66:5.28 (748.9) 9. 先进部落关系的主管者们。这个团队被交托以将人类社会提高到国家地位层次的工作。他们的首领是图特。   66:5.28 (748.9) 9. The governors of advanced tribal relations. This was the group intrusted with the work of bringing human society up to the level of statehood. Their chief was Tut.
66:5.29 (748.10) 这些领导者们对实现部落间通婚贡献极大。在适当考虑及充分机会去熟识后,他们又促成了求婚和结婚。纯军事战争类舞蹈,经过精炼而使之服务于有价值的社会目的。许多竞争性游戏也被引入了,但这些远古的人类极其刻板;这些早期的部民很少有幽默感。这些做法几乎都没有从行星反叛所造成的分崩离析中存留下来。   66:5.29 (748.10) These leaders contributed much to bringing about intertribal marriages. They fostered courtship and marriage after due deliberation and full opportunity to become acquainted. The purely military war dances were refined and made to serve valuable social ends. Many competitive games were introduced, but these ancient folk were a serious people; little humor graced these early tribes. Few of these practices survived the subsequent disintegration of planetary insurrection.
66:5.30 (749.1) 图特及其同伴们力图促成一种和平性质的群体联盟,调控战争并使其变得人道,调和各部落间的关系,改进各部落的管理机构。在达拉玛希亚近郊形成了一种更为先进的文化,而这些改进了的社会关系在影响更为边远部落方面十分有用。但君王总部盛行的文明模式,与其它地区逐渐进化的野蛮社会十分不同,恰如二十世纪社会的南非开普敦完全不同于其北部矮小布须曼人的原始文化一样。   66:5.30 (749.1) Tut and his associates labored to promote group associations of a peaceful nature, to regulate and humanize warfare, to co-ordinate intertribal relations, and to improve tribal governments. In the vicinity of Dalamatia there developed a more advanced culture, and these improved social relations were very helpful in influencing more remote tribes. But the pattern of civilization prevailing at the Prince’s headquarters was quite different from the barbaric society evolving elsewhere, just as the twentieth-century society of Capetown, South Africa, is totally unlike the crude culture of the diminutive Bushmen to the north.
66:5.31 (749.2) 10. 部落协调和种族合作的最高法院。这个最高理事会由凡恩所主管,也是所有其他九个承担监管人类事务之专门理事会的上诉法院。该理事会是一个具有广泛职能的部门,它也被交托了未被专门委派给其他团队的一切世间琐事。这个经过择选的团队,在其获得授权行使玉苒厦(Urantia)最高法院的职能之前,已得到伊甸厦(Edentia)星座之父们的批准。   66:5.31 (749.2) 10. The supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation. This supreme council was directed by Van and was the court of appeals for all of the other nine special commissions charged with the supervision of human affairs. This council was one of wide function, being intrusted with all matters of earthly concern which were not specifically assigned to the other groups. This selected corps had been approved by the Constellation Fathers of Edentia before they were authorized to assume the functions of the supreme court of Urantia.
6. 君王的统治 ^top   6. The Prince’s Reign ^top
66:6.1 (749.3) 一个世界的教化程度,是由其本土存有的社会传承来衡量的,而教化扩展的速度,则完全是由其居民理解新鲜而又先进观念的能力所决定的。   66:6.1 (749.3) The degree of a world’s culture is measured by the social heritage of its native beings, and the rate of cultural expansion is wholly determined by the ability of its inhabitants to comprehend new and advanced ideas.
66:6.2 (749.4) 受制于传统,会通过极富情感地将过去与现在联系起来而营造出稳定与合作,但它同样也会压抑主动性,束缚人格体的创造力。就在整个世界陷于受传统习俗所限的僵局中时,卡里迦夏百员团到来了,并在那个时代的社会群体中开始传扬关于个人主动性的新福音。但这一有益的规则很快便被打断了,以致各族并没有完全从习俗的奴役中解放出来;至今时尚依然在过度主导着玉苒厦(Urantia)。   66:6.2 (749.4) Slavery to tradition produces stability and co-operation by sentimentally linking the past with the present, but it likewise stifles initiative and enslaves the creative powers of the personality. The whole world was caught in the stalemate of tradition-bound mores when the Caligastia one hundred arrived and began the proclamation of the new gospel of individual initiative within the social groups of that day. But this beneficent rule was so soon interrupted that the races never have been wholly liberated from the slavery of custom; fashion still unduly dominates Urantia.
66:6.3 (749.5) 卡里迦夏百员团 -- 即撒旦尼亚(Satania)宅厦世界的毕业者们,对耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的艺术和教化知之甚详,但这样的知识在一个由原始人类所居住的野蛮行星上几乎毫无价值。这些明智的存有明白事理而未至去对那个时代的原始种族进行突然的转变,或是大群的提升。他们清楚地知道人类的缓慢进化,而且他们聪明地避免了任何改进人类世间生活模式的激进尝试。   66:6.3 (749.5) The Caligastia one hundred—graduates of the Satania mansion worlds—well knew the arts and culture of Jerusem, but such knowledge is nearly valueless on a barbaric planet populated by primitive humans. These wise beings knew better than to undertake the sudden transformation, or the en masse uplifting, of the primitive races of that day. They well understood the slow evolution of the human species, and they wisely refrained from any radical attempts at modifying man’s mode of life on earth.
66:6.4 (749.6) 这十个行星理事会中的每一个都在缓慢而自然地着手去推进委托给他们的各项利益。他们的计划在于吸引周围部落最优秀的人才,并在培训完他们之后,将其作为社会提升的使者而派回到他们民众中间。   66:6.4 (749.6) Each of the ten planetary commissions set about slowly and naturally to advance the interests intrusted to them. Their plan consisted in attracting the best minds of the surrounding tribes and, after training them, sending them back to their people as emissaries of social uplift.
66:6.5 (749.7) 外族使者从未被派遣到某个种族,除非有那里民众的特别请求。那些为某一特定部落或种族的提升和进步辛苦劳作的使者们,通常本来就是那个部落或种族的当地居民。百员团从未企图将某一优良种族的习惯和风俗强加给另一部落。他们总是会耐心劳作去提升和推进每一个种族历经考验而留存的习俗。玉苒厦(Urantia)纯朴民众也将其社会习俗带到了达拉玛希亚,但这并非要将它们换成新的更好做法,而是通过与更高级教化的接触、与更优秀才智的联系令这些习俗得以提升。这个过程是缓慢的,但却是极其有效的。   66:6.5 (749.7) Foreign emissaries were never sent to a race except upon the specific request of that people. Those who labored for the uplift and advancement of a given tribe or race were always natives of that tribe or race. The one hundred would not attempt to impose the habits and mores of even a superior race upon another tribe. Always they patiently worked to uplift and advance the time-tried mores of each race. The simple folk of Urantia brought their social customs to Dalamatia, not to exchange them for new and better practices, but to have them uplifted by contact with a higher culture and by association with superior minds. The process was slow but very effectual.
66:6.6 (750.1) 达拉玛希亚的导师们,寻求将有意识的社会选择加入到生物性进化的纯自然选择中。他们并没有扰乱人类社会,但他们确曾明显加快了其正常而自然的进化。他们的动机是通过进化而进步,而并非通过启示而变革。对于人类用了多少世代才获得的那一点点宗教和道德,这些超人明白事理而未至令人类因混乱和沮丧而失去这些少有的进步,而这些混乱和沮丧总是在开化而优越的存有们依靠过度教导和过度启发方式试图去提升落后种族时造成的。   66:6.6 (750.1) The Dalamatia teachers sought to add conscious social selection to the purely natural selection of biologic evolution. They did not derange human society, but they did markedly accelerate its normal and natural evolution. Their motive was progression by evolution and not revolution by revelation. The human race had spent ages in acquiring the little religion and morals it had, and these supermen knew better than to rob mankind of these few advances by the confusion and dismay which always result when enlightened and superior beings undertake to uplift the backward races by overteaching and overenlightenment.
66:6.7 (750.2) 当基督教传教士们进入到非洲腹地时,那里的儿女们本应在其父母有生之年受其父母管控,在他们试图在一代以内通过教导这些儿女应在达到二十一岁便脱离父母约束而取代这一做法时,他们仅仅带来了混乱以及一切权威的崩溃。   66:6.7 (750.2) When Christian missionaries go into the heart of Africa, where sons and daughters are supposed to remain under the control and direction of their parents throughout the lifetime of the parents, they only bring about confusion and the breakdown of all authority when they seek, in a single generation, to supplant this practice by teaching that these children should be free from all parental restraint after they have attained the age of twenty-one.
7. 达拉玛希亚的生活 ^top   7. Life in Dalamatia ^top
66:7.1 (750.3) 行星君王的总部,虽然极其精美,并旨在令那时的原始人感到敬畏,但总的来讲还算朴实无华。各个建筑并不特别恢宏,因为这些外来导师的动机,是通过引入动物饲养来鼓励农业的最终发展。城墙以内的土地供应,足以为支持大约两万人而供给牧场及园艺。   66:7.1 (750.3) The Prince’s headquarters, though exquisitely beautiful and designed to awe the primitive men of that age, was altogether modest. The buildings were not especially large as it was the motive of these imported teachers to encourage the eventual development of agriculture through the introduction of animal husbandry. The land provision within the city walls was sufficient to provide for pasturage and gardening for the support of a population of about twenty thousand.
66:7.2 (750.4) 中央崇拜圣殿的内部,以及超人监管团队的十所理事会大厦内部,确实都是美妙的艺术作品。尽管居住建筑是整洁与清新的典范,但与后来的发展相比,每样东西都是非常简单而原始的。在这个教化总部,没有采用过任何本不属于玉苒厦(Urantia)的方法。   66:7.2 (750.4) The interiors of the central temple of worship and the ten council mansions of the supervising groups of supermen were indeed beautiful works of art. And while the residential buildings were models of neatness and cleanliness, everything was very simple and altogether primitive in comparison with later-day developments. At this headquarters of culture no methods were employed which did not naturally belong on Urantia.
66:7.3 (750.5) 君王的肉身属员们,主掌着这些简单而又有示范意义的居所,他们将其据为家园,旨在鼓舞和打动那些旅居在该世界社交中心和教育总部的学员观察者们。   66:7.3 (750.5) The Prince’s corporeal staff presided over simple and exemplary abodes which they maintained as homes designed to inspire and favorably impress the student observers sojourning at the world’s social center and educational headquarters.
66:7.4 (750.6) 家庭生活的明确秩序,以及一个家庭在相对安定的地点在一起生活,都始于达拉玛希亚的这些时期,且主要是归于百员团及其学员的示范和教导。直到达拉玛希亚的男女超人们引导人类去爱他们的孙辈及其曾孙辈并为其打算时,家庭作为一个社会单元才告成功。野蛮人爱其子辈,但文明人还爱其孙辈。   66:7.4 (750.6) The definite order of family life and the living of one family together in one residence of comparatively settled location date from these times of Dalamatia and were chiefly due to the example and teachings of the one hundred and their pupils. The home as a social unit never became a success until the supermen and superwomen of Dalamatia led mankind to love and plan for their grandchildren and their grandchildren’s children. Savage man loves his child, but civilized man loves also his grandchild.
66:7.5 (750.7) 君王属员们如同父亲和母亲般地生活在一起。尽管他们确实没有自己的孩子,但达拉玛希亚的五十个示范家庭,庇护过不下五百个收自安东族和桑吉克族优秀家庭的领养小孩。这些孩子中很多是孤儿。他们受到了这些超人父母的教管和培训;接着,在君王学校中学习三年后(他们自十三至十五岁入学),他们适宜于结婚了,并准备好了接受其委任,作为君王的使者前往其各自种族有需要的部落。   66:7.5 (750.7) The Prince’s staff lived together as fathers and mothers. True, they had no children of their own, but the fifty pattern homes of Dalamatia never sheltered less than five hundred adopted little ones assembled from the superior families of the Andonic and Sangik races; many of these children were orphans. They were favored with the discipline and training of these superparents; and then, after three years in the schools of the Prince (they entered from thirteen to fifteen), they were eligible for marriage and ready to receive their commissions as emissaries of the Prince to the needy tribes of their respective races.
66:7.6 (751.1) 法德提出了达拉玛希亚的教育计划,它被贯彻为一个产业学校,在这当中学生们通过实践而学习,通过每日完成有用的任务而从头学到尾。这个教育计划并没有忽视个性发展方面的思考与感受;但它将手工培训放在首要位置。教导既有个体性的,也有集体性的。学员们会由男女们各自教导,也会由共同行动的两方一起教导。这类集体教导有一半是依照性别;另外一半则是共同教育性的。学员们作为个体而被教授手工灵巧性,并以集体或分班方式得到社交。他们受训去与更年轻群体、更年长群体以及成年人友好往来,也会去与那些同龄人执行团队合作。他们还会熟悉家庭团体、游戏小组以及学校班级这些社团。   66:7.6 (751.1) Fad sponsored the Dalamatia plan of teaching that was carried out as an industrial school in which the pupils learned by doing, and through which they worked their way by the daily performance of useful tasks. This plan of education did not ignore thinking and feeling in the development of character; but it gave first place to manual training. The instruction was individual and collective. The pupils were taught by both men and women and by the two acting conjointly. One half of this group instruction was by sexes; the other half was coeducational. Students were taught manual dexterity as individuals and were socialized in groups or classes. They were trained to fraternize with younger groups, older groups, and adults, as well as to do teamwork with those of their own ages. They were also familiarized with such associations as family groups, play squads, and school classes.
66:7.7 (751.2) 在后来为其各自种族事业而受训于美索不达米亚的学员们中间,有来自印度西部高地的安东族人,以及红种人与蓝种人的代表;再后来,有一小部分黄种人也被接收了。   66:7.7 (751.2) Among the later students trained in Mesopotamia for work with their respective races were Andonites from the highlands of western India together with representatives of the red men and the blue men; still later a small number of the yellow race were also received.
66:7.8 (751.3) 哈普为早期各族提供了一套道德律法。这套法规被称为“父之道”,并由以下七条戒律组成:   66:7.8 (751.3) Hap presented the early races with a moral law. This code was known as “The Father’s Way” and consisted of the following seven commands:
66:7.9 (751.4) 1. 你不应敬畏和侍奉除万有之父以外的任何神。   66:7.9 (751.4) 1. You shall not fear nor serve any God but the Father of all.
66:7.10 (751.5) 2. 你不应违背父之圣子、即该世界的统治者,也不应对其超人同伴们表现出不敬。   66:7.10 (751.5) 2. You shall not disobey the Father’s Son, the world’s ruler, nor show disrespect to his superhuman associates.
66:7.11 (751.6) 3. 你不应在被召到民众的审判官面前时说谎。   66:7.11 (751.6) 3. You shall not speak a lie when called before the judges of the people.
66:7.12 (751.7) 4. 你不应杀害男人、女人和孩子。   66:7.12 (751.7) 4. You shall not kill men, women, or children.
66:7.13 (751.8) 5. 你不应偷盗邻居的财物和牲畜。   66:7.13 (751.8) 5. You shall not steal your neighbor’s goods or cattle.
66:7.14 (751.9) 6. 你不应触碰朋友的妻子。   66:7.14 (751.9) 6. You shall not touch your friend’s wife.
66:7.15 (751.10) 7. 你不应对父母和部落中的长者表现出不敬。   66:7.15 (751.10) 7. You shall not show disrespect to your parents or to the elders of the tribe.
66:7.16 (751.11) 这套达拉玛希亚的律法一直存在了近三十万年。许多刻有这套律法的石头,如今都躺在离美索不达米亚和波斯海岸之外不远的水下。一周中的每一天牢记这些戒律中的一条,以作为问候及餐时感恩之用,已然成为了习俗。   66:7.16 (751.11) This was the law of Dalamatia for almost three hundred thousand years. And many of the stones on which this law was inscribed now lie beneath the waters off the shores of Mesopotamia and Persia. It became the custom to hold one of these commands in mind for each day of the week, using it for salutations and mealtime thanksgiving.
66:7.17 (751.12) 这些时期的时间量度是阴历月份,该周期被估算为二十八天。除了白天与黑夜以外,那是早期人们所知道的唯一计时法。一周七天是由达拉玛希亚导师们引入的,并出自于七是二十八的四分之一这一事实。数字七在超级宇宙中的意义,无疑给了他们一个机会,来将一种灵性提醒引入到常用的计时当中。但对于每周的周期来说,则没有什么自然的来历。   66:7.17 (751.12) The time measurement of these days was the lunar month, this period being reckoned as twenty-eight days. That, with the exception of day and night, was the only time reckoning known to the early peoples. The seven-day week was introduced by the Dalamatia teachers and grew out of the fact that seven was one fourth of twenty-eight. The significance of the number seven in the superuniverse undoubtedly afforded them opportunity to introduce a spiritual reminder into the common reckoning of time. But there is no natural origin for the weekly period.
66:7.18 (751.13) 该城周围的乡村被极好地安排在以一百英里(即一百六十公里)为半径的范围内。在城市近郊,成百上千的君王学校毕业生们从事于动物饲养,也以其他方式贯彻其从君王属员及其众多人类助手那里受到的教导。有少数人从事农业及园艺。   66:7.18 (751.13) The country around the city was quite well settled within a radius of one hundred miles. Immediately surrounding the city, hundreds of graduates of the Prince’s schools engaged in animal husbandry and otherwise carried out the instruction they had received from his staff and their numerous human helpers. A few engaged in agriculture and horticulture.
66:7.19 (751.14) 人类并不是因为那种假定性罪恶的惩罚而被放逐到农业劳作中的。“你必汗流满面,方可食得田中出产”,这实在不是由于人类在叛逆者卡里迦夏的领导下参与了路西法反叛这一愚行而被宣布的一种惩罚性判决。在各个进化类世界上,土地的耕种在创建一个先进文明的过程中是与生俱来的。这句训诫是行星君王及其属员三十万年里全部教导的中心点,这三十万年介于其抵达玉苒厦(Urantia)世界到卡里迦夏投身路西法反叛的那些不幸岁月之间。耕耘土地并非一种诅咒;对于所有那些以此方式而获许去享受到这一最富人性乐趣的人类活动来说,它反而是一种最高的祝福。   66:7.19 (751.14) Mankind was not consigned to agricultural toil as the penalty of supposed sin. “In the sweat of your face shall you eat the fruit of the fields” was not a sentence of punishment pronounced because of man’s participation in the follies of the Lucifer rebellion under the leadership of the traitorous Caligastia. The cultivation of the soil is inherent in the establishment of an advancing civilization on the evolutionary worlds, and this injunction was the center of all teaching of the Planetary Prince and his staff throughout the three hundred thousand years which intervened between their arrival on Urantia and those tragic days when Caligastia threw in his lot with the rebel Lucifer. Work with the soil is not a curse; rather is it the highest blessing to all who are thus permitted to enjoy the most human of all human activities.
66:7.20 (752.1) 在反叛爆发时,达拉玛希亚拥有近六千名常住人口。这个数字包括正规的学生,但不包括访问者和观察者,这些人为数经常会超过一千。但你们对于那些久远时代的非凡进步几乎毫无概念;事实上,那些时代的所有美好人类成果,都因紧随卡里迦夏欺骗性和煽动性灾祸而来的可怕混乱及不幸灵性黑暗而被抹杀了。   66:7.20 (752.1) At the outbreak of the rebellion, Dalamatia had a resident population of almost six thousand. This number includes the regular students but does not embrace the visitors and observers, who always numbered more than one thousand. But you can have little or no concept of the marvelous progress of those faraway times; practically all of the wonderful human gains of those days were wiped out by the horrible confusion and abject spiritual darkness which followed the Caligastia catastrophe of deception and sedition.
8. 卡里迦夏的不幸 ^top   8. Misfortunes of Caligastia ^top
66:8.1 (752.2) 在回顾卡里迦夏漫长生涯的过程中,我们发现他的行为中只有一个显著的特征本应引起注意;他是极端个人主义的。他倾向于袒护几近每一个抗议方,他还通常会同情那些对隐含批评给出温和表达的人。我们察觉到,这一倾向的早期表达是在权威之下的不安分,有点憎恶一切形式的监管。尽管对资深参事有些微不满,且在上级权威之下有些不安分,然而,当考验来临时,他始终表明了对宇宙支配者们的忠诚,以及对星座之父们指令的服从。直到他在玉苒厦(Urantia)的可耻反叛之前,在他身上都没有发现任何真正的过失。   66:8.1 (752.2) In looking back over the long career of Caligastia, we find only one outstanding feature of his conduct that might have challenged attention; he was ultraindividualistic. He was inclined to take sides with almost every party of protest, and he was usually sympathetic with those who gave mild expression to implied criticism. We detect the early appearance of this tendency to be restless under authority, to mildly resent all forms of supervision. While slightly resentful of senior counsel and somewhat restive under superior authority, nonetheless, whenever a test had come, he had always proved loyal to the universe rulers and obedient to the mandates of the Constellation Fathers. No real fault was ever found in him up to the time of his shameful betrayal of Urantia.
66:8.2 (752.3) 应该注意的是,路西法和卡里迦夏都曾被耐心地指导过和亲切地提醒过有关其自傲及其相关自负感的危险倾向及细微发展。但所有这些帮助的企图都被误解为无端的批评,以及对个人自由的不当干涉。卡里迦夏和路西法都将其友好的劝告者们评判为受别有用心的动机所驱使,而这些动机正开始主导着其自身扭曲的思考和误导的打算。他们用其自身演化出来的自私来评判其无私的劝告者们。   66:8.2 (752.3) It should be noted that both Lucifer and Caligastia had been patiently instructed and lovingly warned respecting their critical tendencies and the subtle development of their pride of self and its associated exaggeration of the feeling of self-importance. But all of these attempts to help had been misconstrued as unwarranted criticism and as unjustified interference with personal liberties. Both Caligastia and Lucifer judged their friendly advisers as being actuated by the very reprehensible motives which were beginning to dominate their own distorted thinking and misguided planning. They judged their unselfish advisers by their own evolving selfishness.
66:8.3 (752.4) 自君王卡里迦夏到达以来,行星的文明以一种相当正常的方式进展了近三十万年。除了作为一个生命改型类世界、并因此受制于进化波动中众多的不合常规及罕见事件以外,截至路西法反叛以及并发的卡里迦夏背叛之时,玉苒厦(Urantia)在其行星生涯方面进展得非常令人满意。所有后续的历史,都因这场灾难性的错误以及亚当夏娃后来未能实现其行星使命,而被完全改写了。   66:8.3 (752.4) From the arrival of Prince Caligastia, planetary civilization progressed in a fairly normal manner for almost three hundred thousand years. Aside from being a life-modification sphere and therefore subject to numerous irregularities and unusual episodes of evolutionary fluctuation, Urantia progressed very satisfactorily in its planetary career up to the times of the Lucifer rebellion and the concurrent Caligastia betrayal. All subsequent history has been definitely modified by this catastrophic blunder as well as by the later failure of Adam and Eve to fulfill their planetary mission.
66:8.4 (752.5) 玉苒厦(Urantia)的君王在路西法反叛时走入了黑暗,并由此而令这颗行星陷入到长时间的混乱之中。他后来被星座支配者及其他宇宙掌权者们的协同行动剥夺了君王权力。他与被隔离的玉苒厦一同经历了不可避免的兴衰变迁,直到亚当在这颗行星上逗留时,他又导致了提升凡人各族之计划的流产,该计划本要借助于新紫色种族 -- 即亚当夏娃后代的生命血液注入。   66:8.4 (752.5) The Prince of Urantia went into darkness at the time of the Lucifer rebellion, thus precipitating the long confusion of the planet. He was subsequently deprived of sovereign authority by the co-ordinate action of the constellation rulers and other universe authorities. He shared the inevitable vicissitudes of isolated Urantia down to the time of Adam’s sojourn on the planet and contributed something to the miscarriage of the plan to uplift the mortal races through the infusion of the lifeblood of the new violet race—the descendants of Adam and Eve.
66:8.5 (753.1) 堕落君王干扰人类事务的能力,因玛可文塔•麦基洗德在亚伯拉罕时代的凡人化身而被大大削减了;随后,在迈克尔肉身生命期间,这位叛逆君王最终被剥夺了在玉苒厦(Urantia)的所有权力。   66:8.5 (753.1) The power of the fallen Prince to disturb human affairs was enormously curtailed by the mortal incarnation of Machiventa Melchizedek in the days of Abraham; and subsequently, during the life of Michael in the flesh, this traitorous Prince was finally shorn of all authority on Urantia.
66:8.6 (753.2) 玉苒厦(Urantia)上关于一位人格性魔鬼的学说,尽管有点基于叛逆而又邪恶的卡里迦夏之行星临在,然而在其教导中,认为这样一个“魔鬼”能够影响正常人类心智违背其自由及自然选择之说则是完全虚构的。即便在迈克尔的玉苒厦赠与之前,卡里迦夏和达里迦夏都没能压迫凡人或强迫正常个人做任何违背人类意志的事。在道德事务中,人类的自由意志是至高性的;即便是内驻的思想调整者也拒绝迫使人类违背人自身意志选择去想什么或做什么。   66:8.6 (753.2) The doctrine of a personal devil on Urantia, though it had some foundation in the planetary presence of the traitorous and iniquitous Caligastia, was nevertheless wholly fictitious in its teachings that such a “devil” could influence the normal human mind against its free and natural choosing. Even before Michael’s bestowal on Urantia, neither Caligastia nor Daligastia was ever able to oppress mortals or to coerce any normal individual into doing anything against the human will. The free will of man is supreme in moral affairs; even the indwelling Thought Adjuster refuses to compel man to think a single thought or to perform a single act against the choosing of man’s own will.
66:8.7 (753.3) 现在,该域的这个叛逆者被剥夺了所有去伤害其先前臣民的能力,等待着由尤沃萨(Uversa)亘古常在者们对路西法反叛所有参与者的最终裁决。   66:8.7 (753.3) And now this rebel of the realm, shorn of all power to harm his former subjects, awaits the final adjudication, by the Uversa Ancients of Days, of all who participated in the Lucifer rebellion.
66:8.8 (753.4) [由内巴顿(Nebadon)的一位麦基洗德所呈献。]   66:8.8 (753.4) [Presented by a Melchizedek of Nebadon.]