第139篇 |
Paper 139 |
十二使徒 |
The Twelve Apostles |
139:0.1 (1548.1) 尽管耶稣再三将他使徒们的希望撞得粉碎,将他们每个个人提拔的抱负撕得粉碎,但只有一个人遗弃了他,这对他世上生活之魅力和正义是一种雄辩的证词。 |
139:0.1 (1548.1) IT IS an eloquent testimony to the charm and righteousness of Jesus’ earth life that, although he repeatedly dashed to pieces the hopes of his apostles and tore to shreds their every ambition for personal exaltation, only one deserted him. |
139:0.2 (1548.2) 使徒们从耶稣身上学习了关于天国的内容,而耶稣则从他们身上学习了许多关于人类王国的内容,即活在玉苒厦(Urantia)和其他时空进化世界上的人类本性。这十二个人代表了许多不同类型的人类性情,它们因学校教育而得以变得相似。由于一百年以前对加利利外邦人口强制改变信仰的结果,这些加利利渔夫中有许多带有浓重的异邦人血统。 |
139:0.2 (1548.2) The apostles learned from Jesus about the kingdom of heaven, and Jesus learned much from them about the kingdom of men, human nature as it lives on Urantia and on the other evolutionary worlds of time and space. These twelve men represented many different types of human temperament, and they had not been made alike by schooling. Many of these Galilean fishermen carried heavy strains of gentile blood as a result of the forcible conversion of the gentile population of Galilee one hundred years previously. |
139:0.3 (1548.3) 不要误以为使徒们是全然无知、没有学问的。他们所有人,除了阿尔斐孪生兄弟以外,都是犹太教会堂学校的毕业者,已在希伯来圣经上以及那个时代许多现前知识上受过彻底培训。七个人是迦百农犹太教会堂学校的毕业者,在整个加利利没有更好的犹太人学校了。 |
139:0.3 (1548.3) Do not make the mistake of regarding the apostles as being altogether ignorant and unlearned. All of them, except the Alpheus twins, were graduates of the synagogue schools, having been thoroughly trained in the Hebrew scriptures and in much of the current knowledge of that day. Seven were graduates of the Capernaum synagogue schools, and there were no better Jewish schools in all Galilee. |
139:0.4 (1548.4) 当你们的记载指涉这些王国使者是“无知和无学问的”,它意在传达他们是外行人的观念,即在拉比的学问上是无学问的,在对圣经的拉比式阐释方法上是未受培训的。他们缺乏所谓的高等教育。在现代时期,他们肯定会被认为是未受过教育的,在某些社会圈子中,甚至被认为是没有教养的。有一件事是肯定的:他们全部未接受过同样严格刻板的教育课程。从青少年时期起,他们都享有了学会如何生活的各自经历。 |
139:0.4 (1548.4) When your records refer to these messengers of the kingdom as being “ignorant and unlearned,” it was intended to convey the idea that they were laymen, unlearned in the lore of the rabbis and untrained in the methods of rabbinical interpretation of the Scriptures. They were lacking in so-called higher education. In modern times they would certainly be considered uneducated, and in some circles of society even uncultured. One thing is certain: They had not all been put through the same rigid and stereotyped educational curriculum. From adolescence on they had enjoyed separate experiences of learning how to live. |
1. 安德鲁,第一位受选者 ^top |
1. Andrew, the First Chosen ^top |
139:1.1 (1548.5) 安德鲁,王国使徒团队之主席,生于迦百农,他在一个有五个孩子 -- 他自己,他弟弟西蒙和三个妹妹之家当中是长子。他父亲此时已去世,曾是西庇太在迦百农渔港鱼干生意中的合伙人。当安德鲁成为使徒时,他未婚,但却与他已婚的弟弟西蒙•彼得一起住。二人都是渔夫,也是西庇太儿子詹姆斯和约翰的合伙人。 |
139:1.1 (1548.5) Andrew, chairman of the apostolic corps of the kingdom, was born in Capernaum. He was the oldest child in a family of five—himself, his brother Simon, and three sisters. His father, now dead, had been a partner of Zebedee in the fish-drying business at Bethsaida, the fishing harbor of Capernaum. When he became an apostle, Andrew was unmarried but made his home with his married brother, Simon Peter. Both were fishermen and partners of James and John the sons of Zebedee. |
139:1.2 (1548.6) 在公元26年,即安德鲁被选为使徒的这年,他33岁,比耶稣大一整年,是所有使徒中最大的。他出生于一个出色的家系,且是十二人中最能干的人。除了演讲术,他在几乎每样可想象的能力上都是他同伴中的佼佼者。耶稣从未给安德鲁一个昵称,一种兄弟般的称呼。但即便当使徒们不久开始称耶稣为主,他们也用一个相当于主管的词语称呼安德鲁。 |
139:1.2 (1548.6) In a.d. 26, the year he was chosen as an apostle, Andrew was 33, a full year older than Jesus and the oldest of the apostles. He sprang from an excellent line of ancestors and was the ablest man of the twelve. Excepting oratory, he was the peer of his associates in almost every imaginable ability. Jesus never gave Andrew a nickname, a fraternal designation. But even as the apostles soon began to call Jesus Master, so they also designated Andrew by a term the equivalent of Chief. |
139:1.3 (1549.1) 安德鲁是一个很好的组织者,但却是一个更好的管理者。他是核心圈子中的四个使徒之一,但他被耶稣任命为使徒团队的头领,使他有必要与他的弟兄们留在职位上,而其他三人则与主享有非常亲近的交流。到最后安德鲁仍留任使徒团队的首领。 |
139:1.3 (1549.1) Andrew was a good organizer but a better administrator. He was one of the inner circle of four apostles, but his appointment by Jesus as the head of the apostolic group made it necessary for him to remain on duty with his brethren while the other three enjoyed very close communion with the Master. To the very end Andrew remained dean of the apostolic corps. |
139:1.4 (1549.2) 尽管安德鲁从未是一个有效的布道者,但他却是一个有效的人事工作者,由于他作为第一个受选的使徒立即将他的弟弟西蒙带到耶稣面前,而西蒙随后成为王国最伟大的布道者之一,因此他是先锋传教者。安德鲁是耶稣利用人事工作计划作为一种培训这十二人为王国使者方法之方针的主要支持者。 |
139:1.4 (1549.2) Although Andrew was never an effective preacher, he was an efficient personal worker, being the pioneer missionary of the kingdom in that, as the first chosen apostle, he immediately brought to Jesus his brother, Simon, who subsequently became one of the greatest preachers of the kingdom. Andrew was the chief supporter of Jesus’ policy of utilizing the program of personal work as a means of training the twelve as messengers of the kingdom. |
139:1.5 (1549.3) 不论耶稣私下教导使徒们,还是向大众布道,安德鲁通常对正在发生的一切十分熟悉;他是一个体谅的执行者和一个有效的管理者。他对每件引起他注意的事务都会做出一个快速的决定,除非他以为这个问题超出了他的当权范围,在这一情况下他会直接告诉耶稣。 |
139:1.5 (1549.3) Whether Jesus privately taught the apostles or preached to the multitude, Andrew was usually conversant with what was going on; he was an understanding executive and an efficient administrator. He rendered a prompt decision on every matter brought to his notice unless he deemed the problem one beyond the domain of his authority, in which event he would take it straight to Jesus. |
139:1.6 (1549.4) 安德鲁与彼得在品格和性情上非常不像,但必须永远加以记到他们帐上的是,他们相处得很好。安德鲁从不嫉妒彼得的演讲能力。一个安德鲁类型的年长者,通常不会被观察到对一个才华横溢的弟弟施加这样一种深刻的影响。安德鲁和彼得似乎从不嫉妒对方的能力和成就,后来在五旬节那天晚上,当两千灵魂在很大程度上通过彼得充满活力、鼓舞人心的布道而得以加入王国时,安德鲁对他弟弟说道:“我无法做到那一切,但我很高兴我有一个能做到的弟弟。”彼得回答道:“要不是你带我到主面前,因你坚定不移令我与他在一起,我不会在这儿做这一切。”安德鲁和彼得是例外,证明即便兄弟也能一起和平相处,一起有效工作。 |
139:1.6 (1549.4) Andrew and Peter were very unlike in character and temperament, but it must be recorded everlastingly to their credit that they got along together splendidly. Andrew was never jealous of Peter’s oratorical ability. Not often will an older man of Andrew’s type be observed exerting such a profound influence over a younger and talented brother. Andrew and Peter never seemed to be in the least jealous of each other’s abilities or achievements. Late on the evening of the day of Pentecost, when, largely through the energetic and inspiring preaching of Peter, two thousand souls were added to the kingdom, Andrew said to his brother: “I could not do that, but I am glad I have a brother who could.” To which Peter replied: “And but for your bringing me to the Master and by your steadfastness keeping me with him, I should not have been here to do this.” Andrew and Peter were the exceptions to the rule, proving that even brothers can live together peaceably and work together effectively. |
139:1.7 (1549.5) 五旬节后,彼得变得闻名起来,但这却从未令年长的安德鲁因在其余生被介绍为西蒙•彼得的哥哥而恼怒。 |
139:1.7 (1549.5) After Pentecost Peter was famous, but it never irritated the older Andrew to spend the rest of his life being introduced as “Simon Peter’s brother.” |
139:1.8 (1549.6) 在所有使徒中,安德鲁是人中最佳判断者。即便当所有其他人从未怀疑他们的司库有什么问题,但他却知道麻烦正在犹大•以斯加略心中酝酿;但他却并未告诉他们任何人他的担心。安德鲁对王国的伟大服务在于就选定第一批被派出者宣扬福音的传教者建议彼得、詹姆斯和约翰,还在于就王国管理事务之组织劝诫这些早期领袖。安德鲁对于发现年轻人潜藏资源和潜在的才能拥有一种伟大的天赋。 |
139:1.8 (1549.6) Of all the apostles, Andrew was the best judge of men. He knew that trouble was brewing in the heart of Judas Iscariot even when none of the others suspected that anything was wrong with their treasurer; but he told none of them his fears. Andrew’s great service to the kingdom was in advising Peter, James, and John concerning the choice of the first missionaries who were sent out to proclaim the gospel, and also in counseling these early leaders about the organization of the administrative affairs of the kingdom. Andrew had a great gift for discovering the hidden resources and latent talents of young people. |
139:1.9 (1549.7) 耶稣升天不久,安德鲁开始了一份关于他离去之主众多言行之亲身记载的写作。在安德鲁死后,这一私人记载的其他手抄本得以形成,并在基督教会早期教师中间自由流通。安德鲁的这些非正式笔记随后被编辑、修改、改写和添加,直至它们构成了一份对主在世上生活的相当连贯叙述。大约在这份原稿被十二使徒中的第一个授权者写完后的一百年,这些少有的改写修订手抄本的最后一份在亚历山大因大火而被毁掉了。 |
139:1.9 (1549.7) Very soon after Jesus’ ascension on high, Andrew began the writing of a personal record of many of the sayings and doings of his departed Master. After Andrew’s death other copies of this private record were made and circulated freely among the early teachers of the Christian church. These informal notes of Andrew’s were subsequently edited, amended, altered, and added to until they made up a fairly consecutive narrative of the Master’s life on earth. The last of these few altered and amended copies was destroyed by fire at Alexandria about one hundred years after the original was written by the first chosen of the twelve apostles. |
139:1.10 (1550.1) 安德鲁是一个有着清晰洞见、逻辑思维和坚定决定的人,他品格的巨大力量在于他的极好稳定性,他的性情障碍是他的缺乏热情;他多次未能通过贤明的赞扬鼓舞他的同伴。这种对赞扬他朋友们值得成就的缄默,出于他对奉承和伪善的厌恶。安德鲁是那些全面、平和、自制和谦卑的成功人士之一。 |
139:1.10 (1550.1) Andrew was a man of clear insight, logical thought, and firm decision, whose great strength of character consisted in his superb stability. His temperamental handicap was his lack of enthusiasm; he many times failed to encourage his associates by judicious commendation. And this reticence to praise the worthy accomplishments of his friends grew out of his abhorrence of flattery and insincerity. Andrew was one of those all-round, even-tempered, self-made, and successful men of modest affairs. |
139:1.11 (1550.2) 使徒中的每一个都热爱耶稣,不过这十二人当中每一个都是由于对单个使徒产生特定吸引力的某种特定人格特质而被他吸引,这一切是真实的。安德鲁由于耶稣的一贯诚意、质朴尊严而钦佩他。当人们一旦认识了耶稣,他们便被与其朋友们分享他的冲动所迷住;他们真的想要全世界都认识他。 |
139:1.11 (1550.2) Every one of the apostles loved Jesus, but it remains true that each of the twelve was drawn toward him because of some certain trait of personality which made a special appeal to the individual apostle. Andrew admired Jesus because of his consistent sincerity, his unaffected dignity. When men once knew Jesus, they were possessed with the urge to share him with their friends; they really wanted all the world to know him. |
139:1.12 (1550.3) 当后来的迫害最终令使徒们从耶路撒冷分散开来时,安德鲁行经亚美尼亚、小亚细亚和马其顿,在将成千上万人带入王国之后,他最终在亚该亚的帕特雷被捕,并被钉十字架。这个强壮的人直到两整天之后才在十字架上断气,在这些悲惨的时刻期间,他继续有效地宣扬天国救赎的喜讯。 |
139:1.12 (1550.3) When the later persecutions finally scattered the apostles from Jerusalem, Andrew journeyed through Armenia, Asia Minor, and Macedonia and, after bringing many thousands into the kingdom, was finally apprehended and crucified in Patrae in Achaia. It was two full days before this robust man expired on the cross, and throughout these tragic hours he continued effectively to proclaim the glad tidings of the salvation of the kingdom of heaven. |
2. 西蒙•彼得 ^top |
2. Simon Peter ^top |
139:2.1 (1550.4) 当西蒙加入使徒当中时,他三十岁了。他已婚并有三个孩子,在靠近迦百农的伯赛大生活。他的哥哥安德鲁以及他妻子的母亲与他一起住,彼得和安德鲁都是西庇太儿子们的渔船合伙人。 |
139:2.1 (1550.4) When Simon joined the apostles, he was thirty years of age. He was married, had three children, and lived at Bethsaida, near Capernaum. His brother, Andrew, and his wife’s mother lived with him. Both Peter and Andrew were fisher partners of the sons of Zebedee. |
139:2.2 (1550.5) 在安德鲁提议西蒙作为第二个使徒之前,主已经认识西蒙一段时间了。当耶稣给了西蒙•彼得这个名字时,他微笑着做了这件事;它是一种昵称,西蒙的所有朋友们都清楚知道他是一个古怪冲动之人。诚然,后来耶稣的确对这一轻松赠与的昵称附加了一种崭新而又重要的要义。 |
139:2.2 (1550.5) The Master had known Simon for some time before Andrew presented him as the second of the apostles. When Jesus gave Simon the name Peter, he did it with a smile; it was to be a sort of nickname. Simon was well known to all his friends as an erratic and impulsive fellow. True, later on, Jesus did attach a new and significant import to this lightly bestowed nickname. |
139:2.3 (1550.6) 西蒙•彼得是一个冲动之人,一个乐观主义者。他在成长当中让自己随意沉迷于强烈的情感中;他不断陷入困境中,因为他坚持说话不假思索。这种粗心大意,也给他的所有朋友和同伴造成了不断的麻烦,也是他受到他的主许多温和批评的原因。彼得并未因他考虑不周的发言而陷入更多麻烦的唯一原因,是他很早便学会在他敢于公开提议之前,与他哥哥安德鲁细谈他的许多计划和方案。 |
139:2.3 (1550.6) Simon Peter was a man of impulse, an optimist. He had grown up permitting himself freely to indulge strong feelings; he was constantly getting into difficulties because he persisted in speaking without thinking. This sort of thoughtlessness also made incessant trouble for all of his friends and associates and was the cause of his receiving many mild rebukes from his Master. The only reason Peter did not get into more trouble because of his thoughtless speaking was that he very early learned to talk over many of his plans and schemes with his brother, Andrew, before he ventured to make public proposals. |
139:2.4 (1550.7) 彼得是一个流利的发言者,能言善辩,引人注目。他也是一个天生的、鼓舞人心的人中领袖,一个快速的思考者,但却并非一个深刻的推理者。他问了很多问题,比所有使徒加起来还多,尽管这些问题中大多是好的、相关的,但它们许多却是轻率和愚蠢的。彼得并没有深刻的思想,但他却很了解他的想法。因此他是一个快速决定和突然行动之人。当其他人看到耶稣在岸上而惊讶谈论时,彼得则跳进水中游上岸去迎接主。 |
139:2.4 (1550.7) Peter was a fluent speaker, eloquent and dramatic. He was also a natural and inspirational leader of men, a quick thinker but not a deep reasoner. He asked many questions, more than all the apostles put together, and while the majority of these questions were good and relevant, many of them were thoughtless and foolish. Peter did not have a deep mind, but he knew his mind fairly well. He was therefore a man of quick decision and sudden action. While others talked in their astonishment at seeing Jesus on the beach, Peter jumped in and swam ashore to meet the Master. |
139:2.5 (1551.1) 彼得最为钦佩耶稣身上的一种特质,是他超然的温柔。彼得从不倦于思虑耶稣的忍耐。他从未忘记关于宽恕作恶者不止七次,而是七十七次的教训。在紧随他与大祭司院中轻率无意拒认耶稣的那些黑暗凄凉日子期间,他对主宽恕品格的这些印象思考了许多。 |
139:2.5 (1551.1) The one trait which Peter most admired in Jesus was his supernal tenderness. Peter never grew weary of contemplating Jesus’ forbearance. He never forgot the lesson about forgiving the wrongdoer, not only seven times but seventy times and seven. He thought much about these impressions of the Master’s forgiving character during those dark and dismal days immediately following his thoughtless and unintended denial of Jesus in the high priest’s courtyard. |
139:2.6 (1551.2) 西蒙•彼得极为摇摆不定,他会突然从一个极端转向另一个极端,起先他拒绝让耶稣洗他的脚,之后在听到主的回复之际,乞求全身受洗。不过,毕竟耶稣知道彼得的错误来自于头脑,而非来自于心灵,他是所曾活在世上的、最为令人费解的勇气与懦弱之结合体之一。他品格的巨大力量是忠诚、友谊。彼得真正而又真实地热爱耶稣,然而尽管有这一卓越的奉献力量,但他却如此不稳定、不一贯,以致他让一个女仆戏弄他拒认他的主和师父。彼得能够忍受迫害和任何其他形式的直接攻击,但他在嘲弄面前却畏缩退避了。在面对前方的攻击时,他是一个勇敢的战士,但当被一个来自后方的袭击所惊到时,他却是一个畏缩害怕的懦夫。 |
139:2.6 (1551.2) Simon Peter was distressingly vacillating; he would suddenly swing from one extreme to the other. First he refused to let Jesus wash his feet and then, on hearing the Master’s reply, begged to be washed all over. But, after all, Jesus knew that Peter’s faults were of the head and not of the heart. He was one of the most inexplicable combinations of courage and cowardice that ever lived on earth. His great strength of character was loyalty, friendship. Peter really and truly loved Jesus. And yet despite this towering strength of devotion he was so unstable and inconstant that he permitted a servant girl to tease him into denying his Lord and Master. Peter could withstand persecution and any other form of direct assault, but he withered and shrank before ridicule. He was a brave soldier when facing a frontal attack, but he was a fear-cringing coward when surprised with an assault from the rear. |
139:2.7 (1551.3) 彼得是耶稣使徒中第一个站出来,为菲利普在撒玛利亚人中间工作以及保罗在外邦人中间工作辩护之人,然而后来在安提阿当面对犹太派基督徒的嘲弄时,他又倒转了,暂时从外邦人中退出,只能让保罗无所畏惧的谴责降到他头上。 |
139:2.7 (1551.3) Peter was the first of Jesus’ apostles to come forward to defend the work of Philip among the Samaritans and Paul among the gentiles; yet later on at Antioch he reversed himself when confronted by ridiculing Judaizers, temporarily withdrawing from the gentiles only to bring down upon his head the fearless denunciation of Paul. |
139:2.8 (1551.4) 他是使徒中第一个对耶稣结合起来的人性和神性做出全新承认的人,也是第一个(除了犹大以外)拒认他的人。彼得不太是一个梦想家,但他不喜欢从充满狂喜和急剧放纵热情之云端降到朴实平淡的现实世界。 |
139:2.8 (1551.4) He was the first one of the apostles to make wholehearted confession of Jesus’ combined humanity and divinity and the first—save Judas—to deny him. Peter was not so much of a dreamer, but he disliked to descend from the clouds of ecstasy and the enthusiasm of dramatic indulgence to the plain and matter-of-fact world of reality. |
139:2.9 (1551.5) 在跟随耶稣过程中,从字面意义上和象征意义上来说,他要么引领行进,要么尾随其后 -- 即“远远跟着。”不过他却是这十二人中杰出的布道者;为了建立王国并在一个时代中将其使者派到世界各地,他做得比任何其他人都多,除了保罗以外。 |
139:2.9 (1551.5) In following Jesus, literally and figuratively, he was either leading the procession or else trailing behind—“following afar off.” But he was the outstanding preacher of the twelve; he did more than any other one man, aside from Paul, to establish the kingdom and send its messengers to the four corners of the earth in one generation. |
139:2.10 (1551.6) 在他发现自己对主的鲁莽拒认后,在安德鲁同情和体谅的指导下,他再次返回捕鱼,而使徒们则在等候发现十字架刑后会发生什么。当他全然确信耶稣已宽恕他,并知道他已被接纳回到主的成员中,王国的火焰在他灵魂中如此闪亮燃烧,以致他成了千万陷于黑暗之人的伟大救赎之光。 |
139:2.10 (1551.6) After his rash denials of the Master he found himself, and with Andrew’s sympathetic and understanding guidance he again led the way back to the fish nets while the apostles tarried to find out what was to happen after the crucifixion. When he was fully assured that Jesus had forgiven him and knew he had been received back into the Master’s fold, the fires of the kingdom burned so brightly within his soul that he became a great and saving light to thousands who sat in darkness. |
139:2.11 (1551.7) 在离开耶路撒冷之后,以及在保罗成为外邦人基督教会中间的领袖之前,彼得广泛游历,造访了自巴比伦至科林斯(哥林多)的所有教会,他甚至造访并侍奉了由保罗所兴建的许多教会,尽管彼得和保罗在性情和教育上、甚至在神学上差别很大,但他们在其后的岁月中为了诸多教会的建立却一起和谐工作。 |
139:2.11 (1551.7) After leaving Jerusalem and before Paul became the leading spirit among the gentile Christian churches, Peter traveled extensively, visiting all the churches from Babylon to Corinth. He even visited and ministered to many of the churches which had been raised up by Paul. Although Peter and Paul differed much in temperament and education, even in theology, they worked together harmoniously for the upbuilding of the churches during their later years. |
139:2.12 (1552.1) 彼得风格和教导的一些内容,在路加所部分记载的布道中以及《马可福音》中有所展示。他的强有力风格,在他被称为《彼得前书》的书信中得到了更好的展示;至少这在他随后被保罗的一个门徒所改写之前是真实的。 |
139:2.12 (1552.1) Something of Peter’s style and teaching is shown in the sermons partially recorded by Luke and in the Gospel of Mark. His vigorous style was better shown in his letter known as the First Epistle of Peter; at least this was true before it was subsequently altered by a disciple of Paul. |
139:2.13 (1552.2) 不过彼得坚持犯下以下错误,试图说服犹太人耶稣毕竟是真实而又真正的犹太人弥赛亚。直到他死那天,西蒙•彼得在他心中,在作为犹太人弥赛亚的耶稣、作为世界救主的基督、作为对神、即全人类慈爱之父启示的人子这些概念中间继续遭受困惑。 |
139:2.13 (1552.2) But Peter persisted in making the mistake of trying to convince the Jews that Jesus was, after all, really and truly the Jewish Messiah. Right up to the day of his death, Simon Peter continued to suffer confusion in his mind between the concepts of Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, Christ as the world’s redeemer, and the Son of Man as the revelation of God, the loving Father of all mankind. |
139:2.14 (1552.3) 彼得的妻子是一个非常能干的女人。多年以来,她作为妇女团队一名令人满意的成员而劳作,当彼得被赶出耶路撒冷时,她伴随他去往各个教会,也伴随他的所有传教之行。在她杰出丈夫被迫放弃他的生命时,她也被扔向了罗马竞技场的野兽。 |
139:2.14 (1552.3) Peter’s wife was a very able woman. For years she labored acceptably as a member of the women’s corps, and when Peter was driven out of Jerusalem, she accompanied him upon all his journeys to the churches as well as on all his missionary excursions. And the day her illustrious husband yielded up his life, she was thrown to the wild beasts in the arena at Rome. |
139:2.15 (1552.4) 就这样,彼得这个人,耶稣的一名密友,核心圈子的一员,从耶路撒冷出发,怀着权能和荣耀宣扬王国之喜讯,直至他的全然侍奉得以完成;当他的捕捉者们告知他,他必须要像他的主那样死在十字架上时,他视自己为极高荣誉的获得者。西蒙•彼得以此方式在罗马受了十字架刑。 |
139:2.15 (1552.4) And so this man Peter, an intimate of Jesus, one of the inner circle, went forth from Jerusalem proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom with power and glory until the fullness of his ministry had been accomplished; and he regarded himself as the recipient of high honors when his captors informed him that he must die as his Master had died—on the cross. And thus was Simon Peter crucified in Rome. |
3. 詹姆斯•西庇太 ^top |
3. James Zebedee ^top |
139:3.1 (1552.5) 詹姆斯,西庇太两个使徒儿子中的长者,耶稣昵称为“雷子”,当他成为使徒时三十岁了。他已婚,有四个孩子,并在迦百农的郊外伯赛大靠近他父母生活。他曾是一个渔夫,与他弟弟约翰一起、并与安德鲁和西蒙联合从事他的职业。詹姆斯和他弟弟享有比其他使徒认识耶稣更久的优势。 |
139:3.1 (1552.5) James, the older of the two apostle sons of Zebedee, whom Jesus nicknamed “sons of thunder,” was thirty years old when he became an apostle. He was married, had four children, and lived near his parents in the outskirts of Capernaum, Bethsaida. He was a fisherman, plying his calling in company with his younger brother John and in association with Andrew and Simon. James and his brother John enjoyed the advantage of having known Jesus longer than any of the other apostles. |
139:3.2 (1552.6) 这位能干的使徒是一个性情上的矛盾体;他看似真的拥有两种本性,二者都由强烈的情感所驱使。当他的愤慨一旦被完全激起,他便变得尤为激烈。一旦被充分激怒,他便会大发雷霆,当风暴结束时,他总是惯于以它完全是一种义愤之显现为借口,证明他的愤怒有理,并替之辩解。除了这些愤怒的定期爆发以外,詹姆斯的人格很像安德鲁的人格。他并未拥有安德鲁对人类本性的判断力和洞见,但他却是一个好得多的公众演说者。在十二人当中,詹姆斯是仅次于彼得、堪与马太相比的最佳公众演说者。 |
139:3.2 (1552.6) This able apostle was a temperamental contradiction; he seemed really to possess two natures, both of which were actuated by strong feelings. He was particularly vehement when his indignation was once fully aroused. He had a fiery temper when once it was adequately provoked, and when the storm was over, he was always wont to justify and excuse his anger under the pretense that it was wholly a manifestation of righteous indignation. Except for these periodic upheavals of wrath, James’s personality was much like that of Andrew. He did not have Andrew’s discretion or insight into human nature, but he was a much better public speaker. Next to Peter, unless it was Matthew, James was the best public orator among the twelve. |
139:3.3 (1552.7) 尽管詹姆斯决不是喜怒无常,但他却也能够在一天安然无语,接下一天是一个非常健谈者和讲故事者。他通常会与耶稣自由交谈,但在十二人中间,一连几天他都会是沉默的人。他的一大弱点便是这些莫名其妙的沉默期。 |
139:3.3 (1552.7) Though James was in no sense moody, he could be quiet and taciturn one day and a very good talker and storyteller the next. He usually talked freely with Jesus, but among the twelve, for days at a time he was the silent man. His one great weakness was these spells of unaccountable silence. |
139:3.4 (1552.8) 詹姆斯人格的突出特征是,他会看到一个提议方方面面的能力。所有十二人中,他最接近于把握耶稣教导的真正要义和重要性,起初他也慢于理解主的意涵,但在他们结束其培训之前,他已对耶稣的讯息获得了一种上乘的概念。詹姆斯能够理解广泛的人性;他与多才的安德鲁、冲动的彼得以及他沉默寡言的弟弟约翰相处得很好。 |
139:3.4 (1552.8) The outstanding feature of James’s personality was his ability to see all sides of a proposition. Of all the twelve, he came the nearest to grasping the real import and significance of Jesus’ teaching. He, too, was slow at first to comprehend the Master’s meaning, but ere they had finished their training, he had acquired a superior concept of Jesus’ message. James was able to understand a wide range of human nature; he got along well with the versatile Andrew, the impetuous Peter, and his self-contained brother John. |
139:3.5 (1553.1) 尽管詹姆斯和约翰在尝试一起工作上有所麻烦,但观察到他们相处如此好还是令人鼓舞的。他们并不像安德鲁和彼得那样成功,但他们做得比期待两兄弟做得好得多,尤其是这两个刚愎自用的兄弟。不过,看起来很奇怪,西庇太的这两个儿子对待彼此比对待陌生人更为宽容。他们对彼此怀有极大深情;他们一直是快乐的玩伴。正是这两个“雷子”想要从天上召下大火去毁灭擅自对他们主展示不敬的撒玛利亚人。不过詹姆斯的过早去世,极大改变了他弟弟约翰的激烈性情。 |
139:3.5 (1553.1) Though James and John had their troubles trying to work together, it was inspiring to observe how well they got along. They did not succeed quite so well as Andrew and Peter, but they did much better than would ordinarily be expected of two brothers, especially such headstrong and determined brothers. But, strange as it may seem, these two sons of Zebedee were much more tolerant of each other than they were of strangers. They had great affection for one another; they had always been happy playmates. It was these “sons of thunder” who wanted to call fire down from heaven to destroy the Samaritans who presumed to show disrespect for their Master. But the untimely death of James greatly modified the vehement temperament of his younger brother John. |
139:3.6 (1553.2) 詹姆斯最为钦佩的耶稣性格是主的同情性深情。耶稣对渺小者和伟大者、富人和穷人的体谅兴趣,对他形成了极大吸引。 |
139:3.6 (1553.2) That characteristic of Jesus which James most admired was the Master’s sympathetic affection. Jesus’ understanding interest in the small and the great, the rich and the poor, made a great appeal to him. |
139:3.7 (1553.3) 詹姆斯•西庇太是一个均衡的思考者和规划者。与安德鲁一起,他是使徒团队中更为头脑冷静者之一。他是一个精力充沛的个人,但却从不匆忙。他对彼得来说是一个出色的平衡之轮。 |
139:3.7 (1553.3) James Zebedee was a well-balanced thinker and planner. Along with Andrew, he was one of the more level-headed of the apostolic group. He was a vigorous individual but was never in a hurry. He was an excellent balance wheel for Peter. |
139:3.8 (1553.4) 他谦虚而又平淡无奇,一个日常的服务者,一个不矫揉造作的工作者。当他一旦把握有关王国之真正意涵的内容,并不寻求任何特殊报偿。即便在关于詹姆斯和约翰母亲的故事中,她请求她的儿子们被授予在耶稣左右手边的位子,应当记住的是,是这位母亲做出这一请求。当他们表明他们准备好了承担这样的责任时,应当得以认识到的是,他们已认识到伴随主对罗马人统治所谓反抗的危险,他们也愿意付出代价。当耶稣问到他们是否愿意饮下杯中苦酒时,他们也回答他们愿意。就詹姆斯而言,这是千真万确的 -- 他的确与主一起饮下了杯中苦酒,因为他是第一个经历了殉难的使徒,他是早早便被希律•亚基帕用刀剑所处死的。詹姆斯就这样成了将他生命牺牲在王国新战线之上的十二人中的第一个。希律•亚基帕惧怕詹姆斯过于所有其他使徒。他的确经常安静沉默,但当他的信念受到激发和挑战时,他却是勇敢坚定的。 |
139:3.8 (1553.4) He was modest and undramatic, a daily server, an unpretentious worker, seeking no special reward when he once grasped something of the real meaning of the kingdom. And even in the story about the mother of James and John, who asked that her sons be granted places on the right hand and the left hand of Jesus, it should be remembered that it was the mother who made this request. And when they signified that they were ready to assume such responsibilities, it should be recognized that they were cognizant of the dangers accompanying the Master’s supposed revolt against the Roman power, and that they were also willing to pay the price. When Jesus asked if they were ready to drink the cup, they replied that they were. And as concerns James, it was literally true—he did drink the cup with the Master, seeing that he was the first of the apostles to experience martyrdom, being early put to death with the sword by Herod Agrippa. James was thus the first of the twelve to sacrifice his life upon the new battle line of the kingdom. Herod Agrippa feared James above all the other apostles. He was indeed often quiet and silent, but he was brave and determined when his convictions were aroused and challenged. |
139:3.9 (1553.5) 詹姆斯充分活过了一生,当结局到来时,他怀有如此的优雅和坚毅,乃至参加他审讯和死刑的、他的控告者和告密者被如此打动,以致他从詹姆斯死亡现场匆忙离开而加入了耶稣门徒之中。 |
139:3.9 (1553.5) James lived his life to the full, and when the end came, he bore himself with such grace and fortitude that even his accuser and informer, who attended his trial and execution, was so touched that he rushed away from the scene of James’s death to join himself to the disciples of Jesus. |
4. 约翰•西庇太 ^top |
4. John Zebedee ^top |
139:4.1 (1553.6) 当约翰成为一名使徒时,他二十四岁,且是十二人中最年轻的。他未婚,并与他在伯赛大的父母同住;他是一个渔夫,与他哥哥詹姆斯一起同安德鲁和彼得合伙工作。在成为使徒之前和之后,约翰都担当耶稣的亲身代理人与主的家人打交道,只要耶稣母亲玛利亚活着,他就继续承担这一责任。 |
139:4.1 (1553.6) When he became an apostle, John was twenty-four years old and was the youngest of the twelve. He was unmarried and lived with his parents at Bethsaida; he was a fisherman and worked with his brother James in partnership with Andrew and Peter. Both before and after becoming an apostle, John functioned as the personal agent of Jesus in dealing with the Master’s family, and he continued to bear this responsibility as long as Mary the mother of Jesus lived. |
139:4.2 (1553.7) 由于约翰是十二人中最年轻的,并在耶稣家庭事务中与耶稣如此紧密关联,因此他对于主来说十分受疼爱,但不能如实说他是“耶稣所爱的门徒。”你们将会很难猜想到,像耶稣这样一个宽宏大量的人格体会犯下表现偏爱的罪过,犯下爱他一个使徒多过其他使徒的罪过。约翰是耶稣三个亲身助手之一的事实,给这个错误的想法增添了更多色彩,更不用提约翰与他哥哥詹姆斯一起认识耶稣比其他人更久了。 |
139:4.2 (1553.7) Since John was the youngest of the twelve and so closely associated with Jesus in his family affairs, he was very dear to the Master, but it cannot be truthfully said that he was “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” You would hardly suspect such a magnanimous personality as Jesus to be guilty of showing favoritism, of loving one of his apostles more than the others. The fact that John was one of the three personal aides of Jesus lent further color to this mistaken idea, not to mention that John, along with his brother James, had known Jesus longer than the others. |
139:4.3 (1554.1) 在彼得、詹姆斯和约翰成为使徒后不久,他们便被委派为耶稣的随身助理。选定十二使徒后不久,在耶稣任命安德鲁担当团队主管之时,他对他说:“现在我希望你委派你伙伴中的两三个与我在一起,留在我身边,来安慰我和照料我日常需要。”安德鲁认为最好选定接下三个最先选定的使徒担当这一特殊职责。他本想要自愿担任这一受祝福的服务,但主已给了他的委任;因此他立即指示彼得、詹姆斯和约翰依附耶稣。 |
139:4.3 (1554.1) Peter, James, and John were assigned as personal aides to Jesus soon after they became apostles. Shortly after the selection of the twelve and at the time Jesus appointed Andrew to act as director of the group, he said to him: “And now I desire that you assign two or three of your associates to be with me and to remain by my side, to comfort me and to minister to my daily needs.” And Andrew thought best to select for this special duty the next three first-chosen apostles. He would have liked to volunteer for such a blessed service himself, but the Master had already given him his commission; so he immediately directed that Peter, James, and John attach themselves to Jesus. |
139:4.4 (1554.2) 约翰•西庇太有许多可爱的品格特征,但有一个不那么可爱的是他过度却通常极好隐藏起来的自负。他长久伴随耶稣,在他品格上造成了许多极大转变。这种自负得以极大减轻了,但在年龄增长并多少变得孩子气之后,这种自负再次出现至某种程度,以致当从事指示纳森写作现在带有他名字的福音书时,这位年长的使徒毫不犹豫反复称他自己为“耶稣所爱的门徒。”鉴于约翰比任何其他世上凡人更近于成为耶稣的密友,以及他在如此多事务中是耶稣选定的个人代表这一事实,他逐渐将他自己视为“耶稣所爱的门徒”也不奇怪,因为他最为肯定地知道,他是耶稣如此频繁信托的门徒。 |
139:4.4 (1554.2) John Zebedee had many lovely traits of character, but one which was not so lovely was his inordinate but usually well-concealed conceit. His long association with Jesus made many and great changes in his character. This conceit was greatly lessened, but after growing old and becoming more or less childish, this self-esteem reappeared to a certain extent, so that, when engaged in directing Nathan in the writing of the Gospel which now bears his name, the aged apostle did not hesitate repeatedly to refer to himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” In view of the fact that John came nearer to being the chum of Jesus than any other earth mortal, that he was his chosen personal representative in so many matters, it is not strange that he should have come to regard himself as the “disciple whom Jesus loved” since he most certainly knew he was the disciple whom Jesus so frequently trusted. |
139:4.5 (1554.3) 约翰品格中最强大的特征就是他的可靠性;他敏捷勇敢,忠诚投入。他最大的弱点是这种典型的自负。他是他父亲家庭中最年轻的成员,也是使徒团队中最年轻的。也许他只是有点被宠坏了;或许他幽默得有点太过了。不过后来岁月中的约翰,比起他在二十四岁时加入耶稣使徒行列的那个自我欣赏和随意的年轻人,又是一种不同类型人物了。 |
139:4.5 (1554.3) The strongest trait in John’s character was his dependability; he was prompt and courageous, faithful and devoted. His greatest weakness was this characteristic conceit. He was the youngest member of his father’s family and the youngest of the apostolic group. Perhaps he was just a bit spoiled; maybe he had been humored slightly too much. But the John of after years was a very different type of person than the self-admiring and arbitrary young man who joined the ranks of Jesus’ apostles when he was twenty-four. |
139:4.6 (1554.4) 约翰最为欣赏的耶稣那些特性,是主的爱和无私;这些特性给他留下了如此一种印象,以致他整个随后的生活都变得被爱之情感和兄弟般奉献所主导。他谈的是关于爱,写的也是关于爱。这个“雷子”成了“爱之使徒”;在以弗所,当这个年老的主教不再能够站在讲道坛中布道,而不得不被用椅子抬到教会,当在礼拜结尾他被请求向信奉者们说几句话时,多年来他唯一的表达是,“我的孩子们,要彼此相爱。” |
139:4.6 (1554.4) Those characteristics of Jesus which John most appreciated were the Master’s love and unselfishness; these traits made such an impression on him that his whole subsequent life became dominated by the sentiment of love and brotherly devotion. He talked about love and wrote about love. This “son of thunder” became the “apostle of love”; and at Ephesus, when the aged bishop was no longer able to stand in the pulpit and preach but had to be carried to church in a chair, and when at the close of the service he was asked to say a few words to the believers, for years his only utterance was, “My little children, love one another.” |
139:4.7 (1554.5) 约翰是一个说话不多的人,除非当他脾气被激起来了之时。随着他年龄增长,他的脾气变得越发柔顺,得到更好的控制,但他却从未克服他的不愿说话;他从未完全掌控这一沉默寡言。但他却被赋予了一种非凡的创造想象力。 |
139:4.7 (1554.5) John was a man of few words except when his temper was aroused. He thought much but said little. As he grew older, his temper became more subdued, better controlled, but he never overcame his disinclination to talk; he never fully mastered this reticence. But he was gifted with a remarkable and creative imagination. |
139:4.8 (1555.1) 对于约翰来说,有另一面一个人不会料到会在这种安静内省类型之人身上发现。他有点固执己见,极不宽容。在这一方面,他和詹姆斯很像 -- 他们二人都想召下天上之火到不敬的撒玛利亚人头上。当约翰遇到某些以耶稣之名教导的陌生人,他立即禁止了他们。不过他并不是十二人当中被浸染了这种自负和优越感意识的唯一人士。 |
139:4.8 (1555.1) There was another side to John that one would not expect to find in this quiet and introspective type. He was somewhat bigoted and inordinately intolerant. In this respect he and James were much alike—they both wanted to call down fire from heaven on the heads of the disrespectful Samaritans. When John encountered some strangers teaching in Jesus’ name, he promptly forbade them. But he was not the only one of the twelve who was tainted with this kind of self-esteem and superiority consciousness. |
139:4.9 (1555.2) 约翰的生活因见到耶稣无家四处走动而受到极大影响,因为他知道耶稣多么忠诚地为照顾他母亲和家人做了准备。约翰也深深同情耶稣,因为他家人未能理解他,并意识到他们在逐渐远离他。这整个情况,加上耶稣永远令他最微小的愿望服从于天上之父的意志,以及他日常生活中的绝对交托,给约翰留下了如此深刻印象,以致这一切在他品格上产生了明显持久的改变,这些改变在他整个随后生活中展现了出来。 |
139:4.9 (1555.2) John’s life was tremendously influenced by the sight of Jesus’ going about without a home as he knew how faithfully he had made provision for the care of his mother and family. John also deeply sympathized with Jesus because of his family’s failure to understand him, being aware that they were gradually withdrawing from him. This entire situation, together with Jesus’ ever deferring his slightest wish to the will of the Father in heaven and his daily life of implicit trust, made such a profound impression on John that it produced marked and permanent changes in his character, changes which manifested themselves throughout his entire subsequent life. |
139:4.10 (1555.3) 约翰拥有一种其他使徒所少有的冷静大胆之勇气。他是在耶稣被捕那晚径直跟随他并敢于伴随他进入死亡关口的那个使徒。直到主在最后世间时刻他都在场,并在近旁,并被发现就耶稣的母亲而言,忠实地执行了他的信托,并准备好在主凡世存在之最后时刻期间,接受可能会被给予的这类额外指示。有一件事是肯定的,约翰是彻底可靠的。在十二人吃饭时,约翰通常坐在耶稣右手边。他是十二人中第一个真正完全相信主复活之人,他也是当主在复活后在岸边向他们走来时第一个认出他的人。 |
139:4.10 (1555.3) John had a cool and daring courage which few of the other apostles possessed. He was the one apostle who followed right along with Jesus the night of his arrest and dared to accompany his Master into the very jaws of death. He was present and near at hand right up to the last earthly hour and was found faithfully carrying out his trust with regard to Jesus’ mother and ready to receive such additional instructions as might be given during the last moments of the Master’s mortal existence. One thing is certain, John was thoroughly dependable. John usually sat on Jesus’ right hand when the twelve were at meat. He was the first of the twelve really and fully to believe in the resurrection, and he was the first to recognize the Master when he came to them on the seashore after his resurrection. |
139:4.11 (1555.4) 在基督教运动的早期活动中,西庇太的这个儿子与彼得紧密合作,成了耶路撒冷教会的主要支持者之一。在五旬节那天,他是彼得的得力支持者。 |
139:4.11 (1555.4) This son of Zebedee was very closely associated with Peter in the early activities of the Christian movement, becoming one of the chief supporters of the Jerusalem church. He was the right-hand support of Peter on the day of Pentecost. |
139:4.12 (1555.5) 在詹姆斯殉道之后几年,约翰与他哥哥的寡妻结婚了。他生命的后二十年,他由一个可爱的孙女照顾。 |
139:4.12 (1555.5) Several years after the martyrdom of James, John married his brother’s widow. The last twenty years of his life he was cared for by a loving granddaughter. |
139:4.13 (1555.6) 约翰进过几次监狱,并被流放到帕特摩斯岛四年时间,直到另一个皇帝在罗马掌权。若非约翰圆滑睿智,他无疑会像他更为直言不讳的哥哥詹姆斯那样被杀掉了。随着岁月流逝,约翰和主的弟弟詹姆斯学会了在他们面对民事法官时践行明智的安抚。他们发现,“一种温和的回答可以息怒。”他们也学会了将教会描绘为一种“致力于人类社会服务的灵性兄弟会”,而非“天国”。他们教导爱心服务,而非统治权能 -- 即王国和国王。 |
139:4.13 (1555.6) John was in prison several times and was banished to the Isle of Patmos for a period of four years until another emperor came to power in Rome. Had not John been tactful and sagacious, he would undoubtedly have been killed as was his more outspoken brother James. As the years passed, John, together with James the Lord’s brother, learned to practice wise conciliation when they appeared before the civil magistrates. They found that a “soft answer turns away wrath.” They also learned to represent the church as a “spiritual brotherhood devoted to the social service of mankind” rather than as “the kingdom of heaven.” They taught loving service rather than ruling power—kingdom and king. |
139:4.14 (1555.7) 在帕特摩斯岛短暂流放后,约翰写下了《启示录》,你们现在拥有的这本是以极大删减和扭曲的形式写成的。这本启示录包含了一个巨大启示的诸多存留片段,这一启示录的大部分遗失了,其他部分则在约翰写完后被移除了。它仅以片段性和掺假性的形式而得以保留下来。 |
139:4.14 (1555.7) When in temporary exile on Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation, which you now have in greatly abridged and distorted form. This Book of Revelation contains the surviving fragments of a great revelation, large portions of which were lost, other portions of which were removed, subsequent to John’s writing. It is preserved in only fragmentary and adulterated form. |
139:4.15 (1555.8) 约翰经常旅行,不停劳作,在成为亚洲教会的主教后,在以弗所安定下来,。当他九十九岁时,他在以弗所指导他的副手纳森撰写所谓的“约翰福音”。在所有十二个使徒当中,约翰•西庇太最终成为一个杰出的神学家。在公元103年,当他一百零一岁时,他在以弗所自然死去了。 |
139:4.15 (1555.8) John traveled much, labored incessantly, and after becoming bishop of the Asia churches, settled down at Ephesus. He directed his associate, Nathan, in the writing of the so-called “Gospel according to John,” at Ephesus, when he was ninety-nine years old. Of all the twelve apostles, John Zebedee eventually became the outstanding theologian. He died a natural death at Ephesus in a.d. 103 when he was one hundred and one years of age. |
5. 好奇的菲利普 ^top |
5. Philip the Curious ^top |
139:5.1 (1556.1) 菲利普是第五个被选定的使徒,是在耶稣和他前四个使徒从约翰在约旦河边会集地前往加利利的迦拿路上被召唤的。由于菲利普住在伯赛大,他了解耶稣有些时间了,但他从没想到耶稣是一个真正的伟人,直到那天他在约旦河谷说道,“跟随我吧。”菲利普也有点受到以下事实的影响,即安德鲁、彼得、詹姆斯和约翰已经接受了耶稣为拯救者。 |
139:5.1 (1556.1) Philip was the fifth apostle to be chosen, being called when Jesus and his first four apostles were on their way from John’s rendezvous on the Jordan to Cana of Galilee. Since he lived at Bethsaida, Philip had for some time known of Jesus, but it had not occurred to him that Jesus was a really great man until that day in the Jordan valley when he said, “Follow me.” Philip was also somewhat influenced by the fact that Andrew, Peter, James, and John had accepted Jesus as the Deliverer. |
139:5.2 (1556.2) 当菲利普加入使徒们当中时,他二十七岁了;他新近结了婚,但他此时还没有孩子。使徒们给他的昵称意思是“好奇”。菲利普总是想要得到指点,他看似从未对任何提议进行深入研究。他并不一定是迟钝,但他缺乏想象力。这种想象力的缺乏是他性格的一大弱点。他是一个平凡求实的个人。 |
139:5.2 (1556.2) Philip was twenty-seven years of age when he joined the apostles; he had recently been married, but he had no children at this time. The nickname which the apostles gave him signified “curiosity.” Philip was always wanting to be shown. He never seemed to see very far into any proposition. He was not necessarily dull, but he lacked imagination. This lack of imagination was the great weakness of his character. He was a commonplace and matter-of-fact individual. |
139:5.3 (1556.3) 当时同样被组织起来服务时,菲利普被任命为管家;确保他们随时都有给养是他的职责,他是一个好管家。他最强大的特征是他有条不紊的缜密性;他既有精确性,又有条理性。 |
139:5.3 (1556.3) When the apostles were organized for service, Philip was made steward; it was his duty to see that they were at all times supplied with provisions. And he was a good steward. His strongest characteristic was his methodical thoroughness; he was both mathematical and systematic. |
139:5.4 (1556.4) 菲利普来自一个有着七个孩子、三男四女的家庭,他排行第二,在耶稣复活后,他为他全家施洗进入王国。菲利普的家人是渔民,他父亲是一个非常能干的人,一个深刻的思考者,他母亲却来自一个非常平庸的家庭。菲利普不是一个被指望做大事的人,但他却是一个能以大的方式做小事的人,将它们做得很好、令人满意。在四年当中,他仅有几次未能有食物在手边以满足所有人的需求。即便有许多伴随他们所过生活的紧急需求,也很少发现他毫无准备,使徒家庭的食物供应部门被智能有效地管理着。 |
139:5.4 (1556.4) Philip came from a family of seven, three boys and four girls. He was next to the oldest, and after the resurrection he baptized his entire family into the kingdom. Philip’s people were fisherfolk. His father was a very able man, a deep thinker, but his mother was of a very mediocre family. Philip was not a man who could be expected to do big things, but he was a man who could do little things in a big way, do them well and acceptably. Only a few times in four years did he fail to have food on hand to satisfy the needs of all. Even the many emergency demands attendant upon the life they lived seldom found him unprepared. The commissary department of the apostolic family was intelligently and efficiently managed. |
139:5.5 (1556.5) 菲利普的强项是他有条不紊的可靠性;他性格中的弱项是他完全缺乏想象力,缺乏把二和二加到一起得到四的能力,他在抽象之物上是精确的,但他在想象力上却没有建设性。他在某些类型想象力上几近完全缺乏。他是典型日常的平凡普通人。在大众中间有一大群这类男女前来听耶稣教导和布道,他们观察到一个像他们自身的人被提升到主的管理委员会中一个荣耀的位置,得到了极大安慰;他们从以下事实获得了勇气,即一个像他们自己的人已在王国事务中找到了一个高位。耶稣了解了许多关于某些人类心智运作的方式,因为他如此耐心地倾听菲利普的愚蠢问题,并许多次叫他管家“求指点”的请求做了。 |
139:5.5 (1556.5) The strong point about Philip was his methodical reliability; the weak point in his make-up was his utter lack of imagination, the absence of the ability to put two and two together to obtain four. He was mathematical in the abstract but not constructive in his imagination. He was almost entirely lacking in certain types of imagination. He was the typical everyday and commonplace average man. There were a great many such men and women among the multitudes who came to hear Jesus teach and preach, and they derived great comfort from observing one like themselves elevated to an honored position in the councils of the Master; they derived courage from the fact that one like themselves had already found a high place in the affairs of the kingdom. And Jesus learned much about the way some human minds function as he so patiently listened to Philip’s foolish questions and so many times complied with his steward’s request to “be shown.” |
139:5.6 (1556.6) 关于耶稣,菲利普如此持续不断钦佩的一种品质是主的无尽慷慨。菲利普从未发现耶稣身上任何卑微、小气和吝啬之处,他崇拜这种常在而又无尽的慷慨。 |
139:5.6 (1556.6) The one quality about Jesus which Philip so continuously admired was the Master’s unfailing generosity. Never could Philip find anything in Jesus which was small, niggardly, or stingy, and he worshiped this ever-present and unfailing liberality. |
139:5.7 (1557.1) 关于菲利普的人格,没有太多令人印象深刻的。他通常被说成“安德鲁和彼得所住之城伯赛大的菲利普。”他几近没有什么辨别眼光;他无法把握一种特定情况诸多激动人心的可能性。他并不悲观;他仅是乏味。他也极大缺乏灵性洞见。他会毫不犹豫在主的一个最为深刻论述中打断他,来问一个看似愚蠢的问题。但耶稣却从未因这种欠考虑而训斥他;他对他很耐心,并体谅他无法把握教导的更深意涵。耶稣清楚知道,若他一旦指责菲利普问这些恼人的问题,他不仅会伤害这个诚实的灵魂,而且这样一种训斥还会伤害菲利普,以致他再不会随便问问题了。耶稣知道,在他的空间世界上,有不计其数的类似思维迟缓的凡人,他想鼓舞他们所有人指望他,并总是随便带着他们的问题和难题来找他。毕竟,耶稣真的对菲利普的愚蠢问题更为感兴趣,而非他或许要宣讲的布道,耶稣对人、所有各类人极为感兴趣。 |
139:5.7 (1557.1) There was little about Philip’s personality that was impressive. He was often spoken of as “Philip of Bethsaida, the town where Andrew and Peter live.” He was almost without discerning vision; he was unable to grasp the dramatic possibilities of a given situation. He was not pessimistic; he was simply prosaic. He was also greatly lacking in spiritual insight. He would not hesitate to interrupt Jesus in the midst of one of the Master’s most profound discourses to ask an apparently foolish question. But Jesus never reprimanded him for such thoughtlessness; he was patient with him and considerate of his inability to grasp the deeper meanings of the teaching. Jesus well knew that, if he once rebuked Philip for asking these annoying questions, he would not only wound this honest soul, but such a reprimand would so hurt Philip that he would never again feel free to ask questions. Jesus knew that on his worlds of space there were untold billions of similar slow-thinking mortals, and he wanted to encourage them all to look to him and always to feel free to come to him with their questions and problems. After all, Jesus was really more interested in Philip’s foolish questions than in the sermon he might be preaching. Jesus was supremely interested in men, all kinds of men. |
139:5.8 (1557.2) 这个使徒管家不是一个很好的公众演讲者,但他却是一个非常有说服力、成功的人事工作者。他不容易气馁;他是一个辛勤劳作者,在他从事的任何事上都非常执着。他拥有说“来吧”那种伟大而又罕见的天赋。当他早先皈依时,纳撒尼尔想要争论拿撒勒的耶稣的优缺点,菲利普有效的回答是,“来看看吧。”他并不是一个教条的布道者,劝诫他的倾听者们去做这做那。他对其工作中出现的所有状况,仅用“来”应对 --“跟我一起来;我会给你指路。”那在所有形式和所有方面的教导中总是有效的手段。甚至父母们也可从菲利普身上学到对其子女说话的更好方式,不是“去做这,去做那,”而是“跟我们一起来,我们会向你展示并与你分享更好的方式。” |
139:5.8 (1557.2) The apostolic steward was not a good public speaker, but he was a very persuasive and successful personal worker. He was not easily discouraged; he was a plodder and very tenacious in anything he undertook. He had that great and rare gift of saying, “Come.” When his first convert, Nathaniel, wanted to argue about the merits and demerits of Jesus and Nazareth, Philip’s effective reply was, “Come and see.” He was not a dogmatic preacher who exhorted his hearers to “Go”—do this and do that. He met all situations as they arose in his work with “Come”—“come with me; I will show you the way.” And that is always the effective technique in all forms and phases of teaching. Even parents may learn from Philip the better way of saying to their children not “Go do this and go do that,” but rather, “Come with us while we show and share with you the better way.” |
139:5.9 (1557.3) 当在耶路撒冷希腊人来到菲利普面前说道:“先生,我们渴望见到耶稣”时,他无法令自己适应新情况得以清楚展现出来。此时菲利普本应对任何问这一问题的犹太人说“来吧。”但这些人是异族人,菲利普从未记得从他上司们那里收到过关于这类事务的任何指示;他想到能做的唯一事情就是去向头领安德鲁请教,之后他们一起陪同问询的希腊人去找耶稣。同样,当他进入撒玛利亚布道,并为信奉者们施洗时,如他先前受主所指示的,他避免将手放在他的皈依者身上以象征他们接受了真理之灵。彼得和约翰不久从耶路撒冷前来,代表母教会观察他的工作,他才这样做了。 |
139:5.9 (1557.3) The inability of Philip to adapt himself to a new situation was well shown when the Greeks came to him at Jerusalem, saying: “Sir, we desire to see Jesus.” Now Philip would have said to any Jew asking such a question, “Come.” But these men were foreigners, and Philip could remember no instructions from his superiors regarding such matters; so the only thing he could think to do was to consult the chief, Andrew, and then they both escorted the inquiring Greeks to Jesus. Likewise, when he went into Samaria preaching and baptizing believers, as he had been instructed by his Master, he refrained from laying hands on his converts in token of their having received the Spirit of Truth. This was done by Peter and John, who presently came down from Jerusalem to observe his work in behalf of the mother church. |
139:5.10 (1557.4) 菲利普接着度过了主死去那段艰难岁月,参与了十二人的重新组织,他也是第一个出去在直系犹太人行列以外赢得王国灵魂的人,在他对撒玛利亚人工作中以及他随后代表福音的所有劳作中是最为成功的。 |
139:5.10 (1557.4) Philip went on through the trying times of the Master’s death, participated in the reorganization of the twelve, and was the first to go forth to win souls for the kingdom outside of the immediate Jewish ranks, being most successful in his work for the Samaritans and in all his subsequent labors in behalf of the gospel. |
139:5.11 (1557.5) 菲利普的妻子是女人团队中的一个高效成员,在他们逃离耶路撒冷迫害后与她丈夫一起积极合作从事他的福音传道工作。他的妻子是一个无畏的女人,她站在菲利普的十字架旁边,甚至鼓励他向他的谋杀者们宣扬喜讯,当他力气耗尽时,她开始叙述因信奉耶稣而得拯救的故事,仅当发怒的犹太人冲向她并用石头砸死她时,才得以沉默下来。他们的大女儿莉亚,继续他们的工作,后来成了希拉波利斯有名的女先知。 |
139:5.11 (1557.5) Philip’s wife, who was an efficient member of the women’s corps, became actively associated with her husband in his evangelistic work after their flight from the Jerusalem persecutions. His wife was a fearless woman. She stood at the foot of Philip’s cross encouraging him to proclaim the glad tidings even to his murderers, and when his strength failed, she began the recital of the story of salvation by faith in Jesus and was silenced only when the irate Jews rushed upon her and stoned her to death. Their eldest daughter, Leah, continued their work, later on becoming the renowned prophetess of Hierapolis. |
139:5.12 (1558.1) 菲利普,十二人当中的一度管家,是王国中的一个强大之人,无论他去哪里,都赢得了诸多灵魂;他最终为了他的信仰而被钉十字架,并被埋在了希拉波利斯。 |
139:5.12 (1558.1) Philip, the onetime steward of the twelve, was a mighty man in the kingdom, winning souls wherever he went; and he was finally crucified for his faith and buried at Hierapolis. |
6. 诚实的纳撒尼尔 ^top |
6. Honest Nathaniel ^top |
139:6.1 (1558.2) 纳撒尼尔,由主本身所选的第六个、也是最后一个使徒,是由他朋友菲利普带到耶稣面前的。他和菲利普在几个生意创业中有过合作,当他们遇到耶稣时,他与后者一起在去见施洗者约翰的路上。 |
139:6.1 (1558.2) Nathaniel, the sixth and last of the apostles to be chosen by the Master himself, was brought to Jesus by his friend Philip. He had been associated in several business enterprises with Philip and, with him, was on the way down to see John the Baptist when they encountered Jesus. |
139:6.2 (1558.3) 当纳撒尼尔加入使徒中时,他二十五岁,是团体中第二年轻者。他是一个有着七名子女家庭中的最小者,未婚,是年老体衰父母的唯一支撑者,他与他们一起住在迦拿;他的哥哥姐姐们要么结婚了,要么亡故了,没有人住在那儿。纳撒尼尔和犹大•以斯加略是十二人中两个受过最好教育的人。纳撒尼尔本想成为一位商人。 |
139:6.2 (1558.3) When Nathaniel joined the apostles, he was twenty-five years old and was the next to the youngest of the group. He was the youngest of a family of seven, was unmarried, and the only support of aged and infirm parents, with whom he lived at Cana; his brothers and sister were either married or deceased, and none lived there. Nathaniel and Judas Iscariot were the two best educated men among the twelve. Nathaniel had thought to become a merchant. |
139:6.3 (1558.4) 耶稣本身并未给纳撒尼尔一个昵称,但十二人不久开始用意思是诚实、真诚的词语谈及他。他是“没有诡诈的。”这是他的一大优点;他既诚实又真诚。他性格的弱点是他的骄傲;他为他的家族、他的城市、他的名声、他的民族感到骄傲,若不过分的话,所有这一切都是值得赞美的。不过,纳撒尼尔易于怀着其个人偏见而走极端。他倾向于依照他个人观点而对个人预先做出判断。他会快速问问题,甚至在他遇见耶稣之前,“拿撒勒能出什么好东西吗?”但纳撒尼尔并不顽固,即使他很骄傲。当他一旦看清了耶稣的容貌,他很快就改变了自己。 |
139:6.3 (1558.4) Jesus did not himself give Nathaniel a nickname, but the twelve soon began to speak of him in terms that signified honesty, sincerity. He was “without guile.” And this was his great virtue; he was both honest and sincere. The weakness of his character was his pride; he was very proud of his family, his city, his reputation, and his nation, all of which is commendable if it is not carried too far. But Nathaniel was inclined to go to extremes with his personal prejudices. He was disposed to prejudge individuals in accordance with his personal opinions. He was not slow to ask the question, even before he had met Jesus, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” But Nathaniel was not obstinate, even if he was proud. He was quick to reverse himself when he once looked into Jesus’ face. |
139:6.4 (1558.5) 在许多方面,纳撒尼尔是十二人中的奇才。他是使徒式的哲学家和梦想家。他在时而的深刻哲学和时而的罕见滑稽幽默之间交替;当处于适当情绪当中时,他可能是十二人中最好的讲故事者。耶稣极为享受倾听纳撒尼尔论述严肃和无聊之事。纳撒尼尔逐渐更为严肃地对待耶稣和王国,但他却从未如此严肃对待自身。 |
139:6.4 (1558.5) In many respects Nathaniel was the odd genius of the twelve. He was the apostolic philosopher and dreamer, but he was a very practical sort of dreamer. He alternated between seasons of profound philosophy and periods of rare and droll humor; when in the proper mood, he was probably the best storyteller among the twelve. Jesus greatly enjoyed hearing Nathaniel discourse on things both serious and frivolous. Nathaniel progressively took Jesus and the kingdom more seriously, but never did he take himself seriously. |
139:6.5 (1558.6) 使徒们都热爱和尊敬纳撒尼尔,他与他们相处的很好,除了犹大•以斯加略以外。犹大并不以为纳撒尼尔足够严肃对待他的使徒身份,并一度鲁莽暗自到耶稣那里对他提出申诉。耶稣说道:“犹大,小心行事;不要过分放大你的职务,我们当中有谁有能力来评判他的兄弟呢?父的意志并不是要他的子女都应只参与生活中的严肃之事。让我重复一下:我前来是要让我肉身中的兄弟可以拥有喜乐和更为丰足的生活。犹大,接着去吧,把交托给你的一切做好,让你的兄弟纳撒尼尔将他自己的事向神说明。”这一记忆,伴随许多类似记忆,长久存留在犹大•以斯加略的自欺之心中。 |
139:6.5 (1558.6) The apostles all loved and respected Nathaniel, and he got along with them splendidly, excepting Judas Iscariot. Judas did not think Nathaniel took his apostleship sufficiently seriously and once had the temerity to go secretly to Jesus and lodge complaint against him. Said Jesus: “Judas, watch carefully your steps; do not overmagnify your office. Who of us is competent to judge his brother? It is not the Father’s will that his children should partake only of the serious things of life. Let me repeat: I have come that my brethren in the flesh may have joy, gladness, and life more abundantly. Go then, Judas, and do well that which has been intrusted to you but leave Nathaniel, your brother, to give account of himself to God.” And the memory of this, with that of many similar experiences, long lived in the self-deceiving heart of Judas Iscariot. |
139:6.6 (1559.1) 许多次,当耶稣带彼得、詹姆斯和约翰一起离开在山上时,使徒中间就有事变得紧张纠结,甚至在安德鲁不知该对他郁郁寡欢的兄弟们说什么时,纳撒尼尔就会通过一点哲学或一丝幽默、还有他的好脾气缓解紧张。 |
139:6.6 (1559.1) Many times, when Jesus was away on the mountain with Peter, James, and John, and things were becoming tense and tangled among the apostles, when even Andrew was in doubt about what to say to his disconsolate brethren, Nathaniel would relieve the tension by a bit of philosophy or a flash of humor; good humor, too. |
139:6.7 (1559.2) 纳撒尼尔的职责是照顾十二人的家庭。他经常缺席使徒理事会,因为当他听说疾病或任何不寻常之事发生在他所掌管者之一身上时,他抓紧时间抵达那家。这十二人当知道他们家庭的福祉在纳撒尼尔手中十分安全时,便安然休憩了。 |
139:6.7 (1559.2) Nathaniel’s duty was to look after the families of the twelve. He was often absent from the apostolic councils, for when he heard that sickness or anything out of the ordinary had happened to one of his charges, he lost no time in getting to that home. The twelve rested securely in the knowledge that their families’ welfare was safe in the hands of Nathaniel. |
139:6.8 (1559.3) 纳撒尼尔最为崇拜耶稣的宽容。他从不倦于思考人子的宽宏大量和慷慨同情。 |
139:6.8 (1559.3) Nathaniel most revered Jesus for his tolerance. He never grew weary of contemplating the broadmindedness and generous sympathy of the Son of Man. |
139:6.9 (1559.4) 纳撒尼尔的父亲(巴多罗买)在五旬节不久之后去世了,这个使徒在这之后去往美索不达米亚和印度宣扬王国喜讯,并为信奉者们洗礼。他的兄弟们从不知道他们一度的哲学家、诗人和幽默家怎么样了。但他也是王国中一个伟大之人,并做了许多来传播他主的教导,尽管他并未参与后来基督教会的组织。纳撒尼尔死于印度。 |
139:6.9 (1559.4) Nathaniel’s father (Bartholomew) died shortly after Pentecost, after which this apostle went into Mesopotamia and India proclaiming the glad tidings of the kingdom and baptizing believers. His brethren never knew what became of their onetime philosopher, poet, and humorist. But he also was a great man in the kingdom and did much to spread his Master’s teachings, even though he did not participate in the organization of the subsequent Christian church. Nathaniel died in India. |
7. 马太•利未 ^top |
7. Matthew Levi ^top |
139:7.1 (1559.5) 马太,第七个使徒,是由安德鲁选定的。马太属于一个税收者或是税吏家庭,不过他本身则是迦百农的一个关税征收者,他住在那儿。他三十一岁,已婚,并有四个孩子。他是一个有着中等财富之人,属于使徒团队中唯一有点财产之人。他是一个好的生意人,一个好的善交际者,并赋有结交朋友和与各色人和睦相处的能力。 |
139:7.1 (1559.5) Matthew, the seventh apostle, was chosen by Andrew. Matthew belonged to a family of tax gatherers, or publicans, but was himself a customs collector in Capernaum, where he lived. He was thirty-one years old and married and had four children. He was a man of moderate wealth, the only one of any means belonging to the apostolic corps. He was a good business man, a good social mixer, and was gifted with the ability to make friends and to get along smoothly with a great variety of people. |
139:7.2 (1559.6) 安德鲁任命马太为使徒们的财务代表。在某种意义上,他是这个使徒组织的财务代理人和公众发言人。他对人性是一个敏锐的判断者,也是一个非常有效的宣传者。他是一个难于想象的人格体,但他却是一个非常诚挚的门徒,也是对耶稣使命和王国确定性的渐增相信者。耶稣从未给利未昵称,但他的同伴使徒们通常称他为“得钱者”。 |
139:7.2 (1559.6) Andrew appointed Matthew the financial representative of the apostles. In a way he was the fiscal agent and publicity spokesman for the apostolic organization. He was a keen judge of human nature and a very efficient propagandist. His is a personality difficult to visualize, but he was a very earnest disciple and an increasing believer in the mission of Jesus and in the certainty of the kingdom. Jesus never gave Levi a nickname, but his fellow apostles commonly referred to him as the “money-getter.” |
139:7.3 (1559.7) 利未的强项是他对事业的全心投入。他,一个税吏,被耶稣和他的使徒们所吸纳,就这个前税收者而言,是极度感激的原因所在。然而,对于其他使徒,尤其是奋锐党人西蒙和犹大•以斯加略来说,要与税吏在他们中的存在相协调需要点时间。马太的弱点是他对生活的短视和唯物的观点,但随着几个月过去,他在所有这些事务上取得了巨大进步。当然,他不得不缺席许多最为珍贵的指导时期,因为他的职责是要保持财库充实。 |
139:7.3 (1559.7) Levi’s strong point was his wholehearted devotion to the cause. That he, a publican, had been taken in by Jesus and his apostles was the cause for overwhelming gratitude on the part of the former revenue collector. However, it required some little time for the rest of the apostles, especially Simon Zelotes and Judas Iscariot, to become reconciled to the publican’s presence in their midst. Matthew’s weakness was his shortsighted and materialistic viewpoint of life. But in all these matters he made great progress as the months went by. He, of course, had to be absent from many of the most precious seasons of instruction as it was his duty to keep the treasury replenished. |
139:7.4 (1559.8) 马太最为欣赏的是主的宽容性情。他从不止于重述在找到神的事业中,信仰是唯一必需的。他总是喜欢谈及王国为“这个找到神的事业。” |
139:7.4 (1559.8) It was the Master’s forgiving disposition which Matthew most appreciated. He would never cease to recount that faith only was necessary in the business of finding God. He always liked to speak of the kingdom as “this business of finding God.” |
139:7.5 (1560.1) 尽管马太是一个有过不光彩历史的人,但他却表现极好,随着时间推移,他的伙伴们对这个税吏的表现感到骄傲。他是对耶稣所说做过广泛笔记的使徒之一,这些笔记被用作伊萨多随后对耶稣言行之叙述的基础,它被称为《马太福音》。 |
139:7.5 (1560.1) Though Matthew was a man with a past, he gave an excellent account of himself, and as time went on, his associates became proud of the publican’s performances. He was one of the apostles who made extensive notes on the sayings of Jesus, and these notes were used as the basis of Isador’s subsequent narrative of the sayings and doings of Jesus, which has become known as the Gospel according to Matthew. |
139:7.6 (1560.2) 马太,这个迦百农生意人和关税征收者伟大而又有意义的一生,已成为引领成千上万其他生意人、公众官员和政治家在随后各时代也可听到主说“跟随我吧”那一迷人声音的途径。马太真的是一位精明的政治家,但他对耶稣却极为忠诚,并极大投身于确保即将到来王国使者们得以提供充足资金的任务中。 |
139:7.6 (1560.2) The great and useful life of Matthew, the business man and customs collector of Capernaum, has been the means of leading thousands upon thousands of other business men, public officials, and politicians, down through the subsequent ages, also to hear that engaging voice of the Master saying, “Follow me.” Matthew really was a shrewd politician, but he was intensely loyal to Jesus and supremely devoted to the task of seeing that the messengers of the coming kingdom were adequately financed. |
139:7.7 (1560.3) 马太在十二人当中的存在,是令王国之门向大群视自身长久以来没有宗教慰藉的消沉被弃灵魂大为敞开的途径。被弃无望男女成群而来倾听耶稣,他从未拒绝一人。 |
139:7.7 (1560.3) The presence of Matthew among the twelve was the means of keeping the doors of the kingdom wide open to hosts of downhearted and outcast souls who had regarded themselves as long since without the bounds of religious consolation. Outcast and despairing men and women flocked to hear Jesus, and he never turned one away. |
139:7.8 (1560.4) 马太接受了来自逐渐相信的门徒和对主的教导之即刻听众慷慨提供的奉献物,但他从不公开从群众中征求资金。他以一种安静而又个人的方式做了他的所有财务工作,并在更为有钱阶层的感兴趣信奉者中间筹集了大多钱。他几乎将他中等财富之全部投给了主和他使徒的工作中,但他们从不了解这种大方,除了耶稣以外,他了解关于这的一切。马太不敢公开捐献给使徒基金,担心耶稣和他的伙伴们或许视他的钱是受到玷污的;因此他以其他信奉者之名给了许多。在较早月份期间,当马太得知他在他们当中的存在多少是一种试炼时,他很想让他们知道,他的资金通常会供给他们日常食物,但他并未屈服。当对这个税吏蔑视的证据变得明显时,利未想要急于向他们展示他的大方,但他总是设法保持平静。 |
139:7.8 (1560.4) Matthew received freely tendered offerings from believing disciples and the immediate auditors of the Master’s teachings, but he never openly solicited funds from the multitudes. He did all his financial work in a quiet and personal way and raised most of the money among the more substantial class of interested believers. He gave practically the whole of his modest fortune to the work of the Master and his apostles, but they never knew of this generosity, save Jesus, who knew all about it. Matthew hesitated openly to contribute to the apostolic funds for fear that Jesus and his associates might regard his money as being tainted; so he gave much in the names of other believers. During the earlier months, when Matthew knew his presence among them was more or less of a trial, he was strongly tempted to let them know that his funds often supplied them with their daily bread, but he did not yield. When evidence of the disdain of the publican would become manifest, Levi would burn to reveal to them his generosity, but always he managed to keep still. |
139:7.9 (1560.5) 当一周的资金少于预计的需求时,利未经常在很大程度上利用他自己的个人资金。有时当他对耶稣的教导极为感兴趣时,他也宁愿留下倾听指导,尽管他知道他必须要亲自弥补他未能征求到的必要资金。但利未的确希望耶稣或许知道很多钱出自他的口袋!他很少意识到主知道关于这的一切。使徒们到死也不知道,马太是他们的捐助者,以致当他在迫害开始之后出去宣扬王国福音时,他几乎是身无分文了。 |
139:7.9 (1560.5) When the funds for the week were short of the estimated requirements, Levi would often draw heavily upon his own personal resources. Also, sometimes when he became greatly interested in Jesus’ teaching, he preferred to remain and hear the instruction, even though he knew he must personally make up for his failure to solicit the necessary funds. But Levi did so wish that Jesus might know that much of the money came from his pocket! He little realized that the Master knew all about it. The apostles all died without knowing that Matthew was their benefactor to such an extent that, when he went forth to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom after the beginning of the persecutions, he was practically penniless. |
139:7.10 (1560.6) 当这些迫害导致信奉者们放弃耶路撒冷时,马太向北行进,宣扬王国福音,并给信奉者们施洗。他先前使徒伙伴们失去了对他的了解,但他继续前行,布道施洗,经由叙利亚、卡帕多西亚、加拉提亚、比提尼亚和色雷斯。正是在色雷斯的利西马奇亚,某些不相信的犹太人与罗马士兵一起共谋来杀死他。这个重生的税吏怀着一种救赎的信仰胜利死去了,他从主在其世上近来逗留期间的教导中如此确信地得知了这一信仰。 |
139:7.10 (1560.6) When these persecutions caused the believers to forsake Jerusalem, Matthew journeyed north, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and baptizing believers. He was lost to the knowledge of his former apostolic associates, but on he went, preaching and baptizing, through Syria, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, and Thrace. And it was in Thrace, at Lysimachia, that certain unbelieving Jews conspired with the Roman soldiers to encompass his death. And this regenerated publican died triumphant in the faith of a salvation he had so surely learned from the teachings of the Master during his recent sojourn on earth. |
8. 多玛斯•迪戴摩斯 ^top |
8. Thomas Didymus ^top |
139:8.1 (1561.1) 多玛斯是第八个使徒,他由菲利普所选定。在后来时代,他被称为“多疑的多玛斯”,不过他的同伴使徒们很难将他视为一个长期的怀疑者。诚然,他的头脑是一种逻辑性的、怀疑类型的头脑,但他拥有一种勇敢忠诚,这使得那些熟知他的人很难将他视为一个鄙陋的怀疑者。 |
139:8.1 (1561.1) Thomas was the eighth apostle, and he was chosen by Philip. In later times he has become known as “doubting Thomas,” but his fellow apostles hardly looked upon him as a chronic doubter. True, his was a logical, skeptical type of mind, but he had a form of courageous loyalty which forbade those who knew him intimately to regard him as a trifling skeptic. |
139:8.2 (1561.2) 当多玛斯加入使徒们当中时,他二十九岁,已婚,有四个孩子。之前他曾是一个木匠和石匠,但后来他成了一个渔夫,并住在塔利奇。该地位于流出加利利海的约旦河西岸,他被视为这一小村子的领头居民。他没受过多少教育,但他却拥有一种敏锐的推理性头脑,是一对儿住在提比利亚的杰出父母之子。多玛斯拥有十二人中唯一真正善于分析的头脑;他是使徒团队中的真正科学家。 |
139:8.2 (1561.2) When Thomas joined the apostles, he was twenty-nine years old, was married, and had four children. Formerly he had been a carpenter and stone mason, but latterly he had become a fisherman and resided at Tarichea, situated on the west bank of the Jordan where it flows out of the Sea of Galilee, and he was regarded as the leading citizen of this little village. He had little education, but he possessed a keen, reasoning mind and was the son of excellent parents, who lived at Tiberias. Thomas had the one truly analytical mind of the twelve; he was the real scientist of the apostolic group. |
139:8.3 (1561.3) 多玛斯的早期家庭生活是不幸的;他的父母在他们的婚姻生活中并不完全幸福,这在多玛斯的成年经历中有所反映。他长大成人后拥有一种非常难相处、易争吵的性情。甚至他的妻子很高兴见他加入使徒当中;她因她悲观消极的丈夫将要大多时间离家的想法而松了口气。多玛斯还拥有一种怀疑倾向,使得人很难与他和平相处。起初,彼得被多玛斯弄得十分心烦,向他的哥哥安德鲁抱怨多玛斯是“不友好、令人厌恶,并总是怀疑。”但多玛斯的同伴们越是了解他,他们越是喜欢他。他们发现他是极为诚实和坚定忠诚的。他是完全真诚、可靠真实的,但他是一个天生的吹毛求疵者,长大成了一个真正的悲观消极者。他善于分析的头脑受怀疑所害。当他与这十二人交往并由此接触到耶稣的高贵品格时,他很快失去了对他同伴人们的信任。与主的这一交往立刻开始转化多玛斯的整个性情,并在他对其同伴人们的心理反应上引发了极大改变。 |
139:8.3 (1561.3) The early home life of Thomas had been unfortunate; his parents were not altogether happy in their married life, and this was reflected in Thomas’s adult experience. He grew up having a very disagreeable and quarrelsome disposition. Even his wife was glad to see him join the apostles; she was relieved by the thought that her pessimistic husband would be away from home most of the time. Thomas also had a streak of suspicion which made it very difficult to get along peaceably with him. Peter was very much upset by Thomas at first, complaining to his brother, Andrew, that Thomas was “mean, ugly, and always suspicious.” But the better his associates knew Thomas, the more they liked him. They found he was superbly honest and unflinchingly loyal. He was perfectly sincere and unquestionably truthful, but he was a natural-born faultfinder and had grown up to become a real pessimist. His analytical mind had become cursed with suspicion. He was rapidly losing faith in his fellow men when he became associated with the twelve and thus came in contact with the noble character of Jesus. This association with the Master began at once to transform Thomas’s whole disposition and to effect great changes in his mental reactions to his fellow men. |
139:8.4 (1561.4) 多玛斯的一大长处在于他上乘的分析头脑,外加他坚决的勇气 -- 一旦他下定决心的话。他的一大弱点是他的可疑质疑,他从未在他的整个肉身生涯期间完全克服。 |
139:8.4 (1561.4) Thomas’s great strength was his superb analytical mind coupled with his unflinching courage—when he had once made up his mind. His great weakness was his suspicious doubting, which he never fully overcame throughout his whole lifetime in the flesh. |
139:8.5 (1561.5) 在十二人的组织中,多玛斯被委派安排和管理路线,他是使徒团队工作活动的得力主管者。他是一个很好的执行者,一个出色的生意人,但他却被他的许多情绪阻碍了;他一天是这个人,第二天又是另一个人。当他加入使徒当中时,他倾向于忧郁地沉思,但与耶稣和使徒们接触在很大程度上治愈了他这种病态的内省。 |
139:8.5 (1561.5) In the organization of the twelve Thomas was assigned to arrange and manage the itinerary, and he was an able director of the work and movements of the apostolic corps. He was a good executive, an excellent businessman, but he was handicapped by his many moods; he was one man one day and another man the next. He was inclined toward melancholic brooding when he joined the apostles, but contact with Jesus and the apostles largely cured him of this morbid introspection. |
139:8.6 (1561.6) 耶稣非常喜爱多玛斯,并与他有过多次长时间的私密谈话。他在使徒们当中的存在,对于所有诚实的怀疑者是一种极大的安慰,并鼓舞了许多困惑的人进入王国,即便他们无法完全理解有关耶稣教导之灵性和哲学层面的每样东西。多玛斯在十二人中的成员身份是耶稣甚至喜欢诚实怀疑者的常备声明。 |
139:8.6 (1561.6) Jesus enjoyed Thomas very much and had many long, personal talks with him. His presence among the apostles was a great comfort to all honest doubters and encouraged many troubled minds to come into the kingdom, even if they could not wholly understand everything about the spiritual and philosophic phases of the teachings of Jesus. Thomas’s membership in the twelve was a standing declaration that Jesus loved even honest doubters. |
139:8.7 (1562.1) 其他使徒敬畏耶稣,是由于他充盈人格的某种特别而又杰出的特质,但多玛斯敬畏他的主,却是由于他极为均衡的品格。多玛斯逐渐钦佩和尊敬这个如此博爱仁慈而又如此耿直公正、如此坚定却又从不固执、如此冷静却又从不漠然、如此有助、如此同情却又从不好管闲事和专横傲慢、如此坚强却又同时如此温和、如此积极却又从不粗野或粗鲁、如此温柔却从不优柔寡断、如此纯粹无辜却又同时如此刚健、好强和有力、如此真正勇敢却又从不轻率鲁莽、如此热爱自然却又免于所有敬畏自然之倾向、如此幽默、如此好玩却又如此免于轻浮和轻薄之人。正是人格的这种无比匀称性,如此令多玛斯着迷。他可能在十二人当中是对耶稣享有最高智性理解和人格欣赏的人了。 |
139:8.7 (1562.1) The other apostles held Jesus in reverence because of some special and outstanding trait of his replete personality, but Thomas revered his Master because of his superbly balanced character. Increasingly Thomas admired and honored one who was so lovingly merciful yet so inflexibly just and fair; so firm but never obstinate; so calm but never indifferent; so helpful and so sympathetic but never meddlesome or dictatorial; so strong but at the same time so gentle; so positive but never rough or rude; so tender but never vacillating; so pure and innocent but at the same time so virile, aggressive, and forceful; so truly courageous but never rash or foolhardy; such a lover of nature but so free from all tendency to revere nature; so humorous and so playful, but so free from levity and frivolity. It was this matchless symmetry of personality that so charmed Thomas. He probably enjoyed the highest intellectual understanding and personality appreciation of Jesus of any of the twelve. |
139:8.8 (1562.2) 在十二人的理事会议中,多玛斯总是谨慎的,提倡一种安全第一的方针,但若他的保守主义被否决或推翻,他总是第一个无畏开始行动、执行所决定计划之人。他会再三站出来反对某个被认为是鲁莽和冒昧的计划;他会争论直到最后,但当安德鲁将提议表决时,在十二人选择去做那件他如此极力反对的事之后,多玛斯是第一个说“让我们走吧”的人,他是一个输得起的人。他既不持有怨恨,也不护养受伤的情感。他屡次反对让耶稣自身处于危险之中,但当主想要决定冒这样的风险时,总是多玛斯用他充满勇气的话语将使徒们团结起来,“来吧,伙伴们,让我们去和他同死吧。” |
139:8.8 (1562.2) In the councils of the twelve Thomas was always cautious, advocating a policy of safety first, but if his conservatism was voted down or overruled, he was always the first fearlessly to move out in execution of the program decided upon. Again and again would he stand out against some project as being foolhardy and presumptuous; he would debate to the bitter end, but when Andrew would put the proposition to a vote, and after the twelve would elect to do that which he had so strenuously opposed, Thomas was the first to say, “Let’s go!” He was a good loser. He did not hold grudges nor nurse wounded feelings. Time and again did he oppose letting Jesus expose himself to danger, but when the Master would decide to take such risks, always was it Thomas who rallied the apostles with his courageous words, “Come on, comrades, let’s go and die with him.” |
139:8.9 (1562.3) 多玛斯在有些方面像菲利普;他也想要“得到指点”,他的外在怀疑表情是基于完全不同的智性运作。多玛斯是善于分析的,不只是多疑的。就个人的血气之勇而言,他是十二人中最为勇敢的人之一。 |
139:8.9 (1562.3) Thomas was in some respects like Philip; he also wanted “to be shown,” but his outward expressions of doubt were based on entirely different intellectual operations. Thomas was analytical, not merely skeptical. As far as personal physical courage was concerned, he was one of the bravest among the twelve. |
139:8.10 (1562.4) 多玛斯曾有过一些非常糟糕的日子;他曾时常忧郁沮丧。在他九岁时,他孪生妹妹的去世引起了许多的年少悲伤,并添加到他后来生活喜怒无常的问题当中。当多玛斯变得沮丧时,有时是纳撒尼尔帮助他恢复,有时是彼得,往往也会是阿尔斐孪生兄弟中的一个。当他最为沮丧时,不幸的是,他总是试图避免与耶稣直接接触。但当他因此受沮丧折磨并受怀疑困扰时,主知道所有这一切,并对他的这个使徒怀有一种体谅同情。 |
139:8.10 (1562.4) Thomas had some very bad days; he was blue and downcast at times. The loss of his twin sister when he was nine years old had occasioned him much youthful sorrow and had added to his temperamental problems of later life. When Thomas would become despondent, sometimes it was Nathaniel who helped him to recover, sometimes Peter, and not infrequently one of the Alpheus twins. When he was most depressed, unfortunately he always tried to avoid coming in direct contact with Jesus. But the Master knew all about this and had an understanding sympathy for his apostle when he was thus afflicted with depression and harassed by doubts. |
139:8.11 (1562.5) 有时多玛斯会从安德鲁那儿获允独自离开一两天。但他不久便得知这一做法是不明智的;他很早便发现,当他消沉时,他最好紧盯他的工作,并留在他的同伴们附近。不过无论他情感生活中发生什么,他继续做一名使徒。当继续向前的时刻实际到来时,总是多玛斯说,“让我们走吧!” |
139:8.11 (1562.5) Sometimes Thomas would get permission from Andrew to go off by himself for a day or two. But he soon learned that such a course was not wise; he early found that it was best, when he was downhearted, to stick close to his work and to remain near his associates. But no matter what happened in his emotional life, he kept right on being an apostle. When the time actually came to move forward, it was always Thomas who said, “Let’s go!” |
139:8.12 (1562.6) 多玛斯对一个拥有诸多怀疑、面对它们并战胜它们的人来说,是一个极好的榜样;他拥有一副极好的头脑;他不是一个吹毛求疵的评论者。他是一个富于逻辑的思考者;他是耶稣及其伙伴使徒的一个严峻考验。如果耶稣和他的工作不是真实的,它将不会从头到尾容有像多马斯这样一个人。他对事实拥有一种敏锐而又可靠的感觉。只要欺诈或欺骗一出现,多玛斯将会离开他们所有人。科学家们或许无法全然理解关于耶稣和他世上工作的一切,不过与主和他的人类同伴一起生活和工作过的这个人 -- 多玛斯•迪戴摩斯,却有着一副真正科学家的头脑,他相信拿撒勒的耶稣。 |
139:8.12 (1562.6) Thomas is the great example of a human being who has doubts, faces them, and wins. He had a great mind; he was no carping critic. He was a logical thinker; he was the acid test of Jesus and his fellow apostles. If Jesus and his work had not been genuine, it could not have held a man like Thomas from the start to the finish. He had a keen and sure sense of fact. At the first appearance of fraud or deception Thomas would have forsaken them all. Scientists may not fully understand all about Jesus and his work on earth, but there lived and worked with the Master and his human associates a man whose mind was that of a true scientist—Thomas Didymus—and he believed in Jesus of Nazareth. |
139:8.13 (1563.1) 在主受审讯和十字架刑期间,多玛斯有过一段难熬的时间。他有段时间处于绝望的深渊中,不过他又重新聚集勇气,与使徒们紧密团结,并与他们一起在加利利海上欢迎耶稣。有段时间他屈服于他的怀疑沮丧,但最终重聚起他的信仰和勇气。他在五旬节后对使徒们给予了明智的劝诫,而当迫害驱散了信奉者时,他则去往塞浦路斯、克里特岛、北非海岸和西西里,宣扬王国的喜讯,并为信奉者们施洗。多玛斯继续布道和施洗,直到他被罗马人政府的代理者们逮捕,并在马耳他被处死。就在他死之前几周,他已经开始了关于耶稣生平及教导的写作。 |
139:8.13 (1563.1) Thomas had a trying time during the days of the trial and crucifixion. He was for a season in the depths of despair, but he rallied his courage, stuck to the apostles, and was present with them to welcome Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. For a while he succumbed to his doubting depression but eventually rallied his faith and courage. He gave wise counsel to the apostles after Pentecost and, when persecution scattered the believers, went to Cyprus, Crete, the North African coast, and Sicily, preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom and baptizing believers. And Thomas continued preaching and baptizing until he was apprehended by the agents of the Roman government and was put to death in Malta. Just a few weeks before his death he had begun the writing of the life and teachings of Jesus. |
9和10. 詹姆斯•阿尔斐和犹大•阿尔斐 ^top |
9. and 10. James and Judas Alpheus ^top |
139:10.1 (1563.2) 阿尔斐的两个儿子詹姆斯和犹大,住在格拉撒附近的渔夫孪生兄弟,是第九和第十个使徒,由詹姆斯•西庇太和约翰•西庇太所选定。他们都二十六岁,已婚,詹姆斯有三个孩子,犹大有两个。 |
139:10.1 (1563.2) James and Judas the sons of Alpheus, the twin fishermen living near Kheresa, were the ninth and tenth apostles and were chosen by James and John Zebedee. They were twenty-six years old and married, James having three children, Judas two. |
139:10.2 (1563.3) 关于这两个普通渔民没有太多可说。他们热爱主,耶稣也爱他们,但他们从未用问题打断他的论述。他们鲜少理解他们同伴使徒关于哲学讨论或神学辩论的内容,但他们却很高兴发现自身位列这样一群强大人们的中间。这两个人在个人外貌、心智特征和灵性感知范围上几近相同。对于一个所说的,可被记到另一个身上。 |
139:10.2 (1563.3) There is not much to be said about these two commonplace fisherfolk. They loved their Master and Jesus loved them, but they never interrupted his discourses with questions. They understood very little about the philosophical discussions or the theological debates of their fellow apostles, but they rejoiced to find themselves numbered among such a group of mighty men. These two men were almost identical in personal appearance, mental characteristics, and extent of spiritual perception. What may be said of one should be recorded of the other. |
139:10.3 (1563.4) 安德鲁委派给他们监管群众的工作。他们是布道时间的主要接待者,事实上,是十二人中的普通仆人和差使男孩。他们帮菲利普供应物资,他们代纳撒尼尔将钱送至各家,他们总是乐于向任何一个使徒伸出援助之手。 |
139:10.3 (1563.4) Andrew assigned them to the work of policing the multitudes. They were the chief ushers of the preaching hours and, in fact, the general servants and errand boys of the twelve. They helped Philip with the supplies, they carried money to the families for Nathaniel, and always were they ready to lend a helping hand to any one of the apostles. |
139:10.4 (1563.5) 由普通人们所组成的群众,发现两个像他们一样的人在使徒中荣享其位极受鼓舞。因他们被接受为使徒,这两个平凡的孪生兄弟是将一群胆小信奉者带入王国的途径。普通人对受两个非常像他们自身一样的正式接待者指导和管理的想法,也更为宽容。 |
139:10.4 (1563.5) The multitudes of the common people were greatly encouraged to find two like themselves honored with places among the apostles. By their very acceptance as apostles these mediocre twins were the means of bringing a host of fainthearted believers into the kingdom. And, too, the common people took more kindly to the idea of being directed and managed by official ushers who were very much like themselves. |
139:10.5 (1563.6) 詹姆斯和犹大,也被称作撒迪厄斯(达太)和利博乌斯(莱伯),既无强项,也无弱项。使徒们给予他们二人的昵称是善意的平庸者之称呼。他们是“所有使徒中最小的”;他们知道它并对此感到高兴。 |
139:10.5 (1563.6) James and Judas, who were also called Thaddeus and Lebbeus, had neither strong points nor weak points. The nicknames given them by the disciples were good-natured designations of mediocrity. They were “the least of all the apostles”; they knew it and felt cheerful about it. |
139:10.6 (1563.7) 詹姆斯•阿尔斐尤为热爱而耶稣,是由于主的简朴。这对孪生兄弟无法理解耶稣的心智,但他们却的确抓住了他们自身与他们主的心灵之间的情感纽带。他们的心智并不属于一个高等级别;他们甚至被恭敬地称为傻瓜,但他们却在其灵性本质上有过一种真正的体验。他们相信耶稣;他们是神之子民,也是王国的成员。 |
139:10.6 (1563.7) James Alpheus especially loved Jesus because of the Master’s simplicity. These twins could not comprehend the mind of Jesus, but they did grasp the sympathetic bond between themselves and the heart of their Master. Their minds were not of a high order; they might even reverently be called stupid, but they had a real experience in their spiritual natures. They believed in Jesus; they were sons of God and fellows of the kingdom. |
139:10.7 (1564.1) 犹大•阿尔斐被耶稣吸引,是由于主的朴素谦卑。与如此个人尊严相关联的如此谦卑,对犹大形成一种极大的吸引力。耶稣总是就他不寻常行为吩咐默然不语的事实,给这个单纯的自然之子留下了深刻印象。 |
139:10.7 (1564.1) Judas Alpheus was drawn toward Jesus because of the Master’s unostentatious humility. Such humility linked with such personal dignity made a great appeal to Judas. The fact that Jesus would always enjoin silence regarding his unusual acts made a great impression on this simple child of nature. |
139:10.8 (1564.2) 这对孪生兄弟是性情温和、头脑简单的助手,每个人都爱他们。耶稣欢迎这些有一技之长的年轻人到他王国随身属员的荣耀位子上,因为在空间世界上有无数其他这样简单而又受恐惧缠身的灵魂,他同样希望欢迎他们进入到与他自身以及他浇灌出来的真理之灵积极而又信任的联谊关系中。耶稣并非看不起渺小,而只是看不起邪恶和罪恶。詹姆斯和犹大是渺小的,但他们却也是信实的。他们是简单而又无知的,但他们却也是心胸开阔、和蔼大方的。 |
139:10.8 (1564.2) The twins were good-natured, simple-minded helpers, and everybody loved them. Jesus welcomed these young men of one talent to positions of honor on his personal staff in the kingdom because there are untold millions of other such simple and fear-ridden souls on the worlds of space whom he likewise wishes to welcome into active and believing fellowship with himself and his outpoured Spirit of Truth. Jesus does not look down upon littleness, only upon evil and sin. James and Judas were little, but they were also faithful. They were simple and ignorant, but they were also big-hearted, kind, and generous. |
139:10.9 (1564.3) 当主在那天拒绝接受某个富人作为一个福音传道者,除非他愿意卖掉他的房产并帮助穷人时,这两个地位低下的人是多么感激自豪啊。当人们听说这一切,并看到这两个孪生兄弟在他顾问中间时,他们确信耶稣是一视同仁的。不过只有一种神性机构 -- 即天国,才能得以建立在这样一种平凡的人性基础之上! |
139:10.9 (1564.3) And how gratefully proud were these humble men on that day when the Master refused to accept a certain rich man as an evangelist unless he would sell his goods and help the poor. When the people heard this and beheld the twins among his counselors, they knew of a certainty that Jesus was no respecter of persons. But only a divine institution—the kingdom of heaven—could ever have been built upon such a mediocre human foundation! |
139:10.10 (1564.4) 在这两个孪生兄弟与耶稣的所有交往中,他们只有一两次公开问问题。当主谈论将他自身公开向世界展示时,犹大一度很好奇,问了耶稣一个问题。他感到有点失望的是,十二人中间将不再有秘密,他斗胆问道:“不过,主,当你的确这样向世界表露自己时,你如何怀着你良善的特别展现惠及我们?” |
139:10.10 (1564.4) Only once or twice in all their association with Jesus did the twins venture to ask questions in public. Judas was once intrigued into asking Jesus a question when the Master had talked about revealing himself openly to the world. He felt a little disappointed that there were to be no more secrets among the twelve, and he made bold to ask: “But, Master, when you do thus declare yourself to the world, how will you favor us with special manifestations of your goodness?” |
139:10.11 (1564.5) 这两个孪生兄弟忠诚服务直到最后,直到(耶稣)受审、受十字架刑和绝望的黑暗日子。他们从未丧失他们心中对耶稣的信仰,(除约翰以外)他们是最早相信他复活的。不过他们无法理解王国的建立。在他们的主受十字架刑后不久,他们返回了他们的家庭和渔网;他们的工作完成了。他们没有能力在更为复杂的王国斗争中继续下去。不过他们活着和死去时,都意识到了因为与一个神之子、一个宇宙的主权创造者四年紧密而有亲身的交往而受享荣耀和祝福。 |
139:10.11 (1564.5) The twins served faithfully until the end, until the dark days of trial, crucifixion, and despair. They never lost their heart faith in Jesus, and (save John) they were the first to believe in his resurrection. But they could not comprehend the establishment of the kingdom. Soon after their Master was crucified, they returned to their families and nets; their work was done. They had not the ability to go on in the more complex battles of the kingdom. But they lived and died conscious of having been honored and blessed with four years of close and personal association with a Son of God, the sovereign maker of a universe. |
11. 奋锐党人西蒙 ^top |
11. Simon the Zealot ^top |
139:11.1 (1564.6) 奋锐党人西蒙,第十一位使徒,是由西蒙•彼得所选定的。他是一个有着优良血统的能干之人,并与他家人一起在迦百农生活。当他附属到使徒当中是,他二十八岁了。他是一个炽烈的鼓动者,也是一个不假思索说很多话的人。在他将其整个注意力转向奋锐党的爱国组织之前,他曾是一个迦百农的商人。 |
139:11.1 (1564.6) Simon Zelotes, the eleventh apostle, was chosen by Simon Peter. He was an able man of good ancestry and lived with his family at Capernaum. He was twenty-eight years old when he became attached to the apostles. He was a fiery agitator and was also a man who spoke much without thinking. He had been a merchant in Capernaum before he turned his entire attention to the patriotic organization of the Zealots. |
139:11.2 (1564.7) 奋锐党人西蒙被给予了师徒团队的消遣和放松职责,他是十二人消遣生活和娱乐活动的极为有效组织者。 |
139:11.2 (1564.7) Simon Zelotes was given charge of the diversions and relaxation of the apostolic group, and he was a very efficient organizer of the play life and recreational activities of the twelve. |
139:11.3 (1564.8) 西蒙的长处在于他鼓舞人心的忠诚。当使徒们发现一个男人或女人在关于进入王国挣扎不定时,他们会派出西蒙。这个通过信仰神获得救赎的热情提倡者,通常只需大约十五分钟来解决所有疑问和移除所有不定,看到一个新的灵魂诞生在“信仰的自由和救赎的喜悦”中。 |
139:11.3 (1564.8) Simon’s strength was his inspirational loyalty. When the apostles found a man or woman who floundered in indecision about entering the kingdom, they would send for Simon. It usually required only about fifteen minutes for this enthusiastic advocate of salvation through faith in God to settle all doubts and remove all indecision, to see a new soul born into the “liberty of faith and the joy of salvation.” |
139:11.4 (1565.1) 西蒙的一大弱点在于他的物质性心识。他无法从一个犹太民族主义者快速转变为一个具有灵性心智的跨民族主义者。要在四年中做出这样一种智性上和情感上的转变实在太短,不过耶稣对他总是很耐心。 |
139:11.4 (1565.1) Simon’s great weakness was his material-mindedness. He could not quickly change himself from a Jewish nationalist to a spiritually minded internationalist. Four years was too short a time in which to make such an intellectual and emotional transformation, but Jesus was always patient with him. |
139:11.5 (1565.2) 西蒙非常钦佩耶稣的一件事是主的冷静,即他的确信、镇静、难以言表的沉着。 |
139:11.5 (1565.2) The one thing about Jesus which Simon so much admired was the Master’s calmness, his assurance, poise, and inexplicable composure. |
139:11.6 (1565.3) 尽管西蒙是一个激进的革命者,一个无畏的煽动者,但他却逐渐克制了他炽烈的本性,直至他成为“世上和平和人间善意”的强大有效宣扬者。西蒙是一个大辩论家;他的确喜欢争辩。当涉及到应付受过教育的犹太人的尊重律法性心智或是希腊人的智性诡辩时,任务总是被委派给西蒙。 |
139:11.6 (1565.3) Although Simon was a rabid revolutionist, a fearless firebrand of agitation, he gradually subdued his fiery nature until he became a powerful and effective preacher of “Peace on earth and good will among men.” Simon was a great debater; he did like to argue. And when it came to dealing with the legalistic minds of the educated Jews or the intellectual quibblings of the Greeks, the task was always assigned to Simon. |
139:11.7 (1565.4) 他天性上是一个叛逆者,通过培训而成了一个打破旧习者,不过耶稣因王国的更高等概念而赢得了他。他过去总是令自身与抗议党打成一片,不过他此时则加入了进步党,充满属灵和真理的无限之永恒进展。西蒙是一个充满强烈忠诚和热切个人奉献之人,他的确深爱耶稣。 |
139:11.7 (1565.4) He was a rebel by nature and an iconoclast by training, but Jesus won him for the higher concepts of the kingdom of heaven. He had always identified himself with the party of protest, but he now joined the party of progress, unlimited and eternal progression of spirit and truth. Simon was a man of intense loyalties and warm personal devotions, and he did profoundly love Jesus. |
139:11.8 (1565.5) 耶稣从不担心与商人、劳动者、乐观者、悲观者、哲学家、怀疑者、税吏、政客和爱国者打成一片。 |
139:11.8 (1565.5) Jesus was not afraid to identify himself with business men, laboring men, optimists, pessimists, philosophers, skeptics, publicans, politicians, and patriots. |
139:11.9 (1565.6) 主与西蒙有过多次交谈,但他却从未完全成功将这个狂热的犹太民族主义者变成一个跨民族主义者。耶稣经常告诉西蒙,想看到社会、经济和政治秩序得到改善是适当的,不过他总会添加道:“那并不是天国的事务,我们必须要专注于父之意志的履行。我们的事情是要成为天上灵性管理机构的使者,我们一定不要立即令我们自身与任何事情相关,除了代表立于管理机构之首、我们负有其信任状的神圣之父的意志和品格以外。”这一切对于西蒙难以理解,但他逐渐开始理解主之教导的某些意涵了。 |
139:11.9 (1565.6) The Master had many talks with Simon, but he never fully succeeded in making an internationalist out of this ardent Jewish nationalist. Jesus often told Simon that it was proper to want to see the social, economic, and political orders improved, but he would always add: “That is not the business of the kingdom of heaven. We must be dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will. Our business is to be ambassadors of a spiritual government on high, and we must not immediately concern ourselves with aught but the representation of the will and character of the divine Father who stands at the head of the government whose credentials we bear.” It was all difficult for Simon to comprehend, but gradually he began to grasp something of the meaning of the Master’s teaching. |
139:11.10 (1565.7) 在由于耶路撒冷的诸多迫害被驱散之后,西蒙暂时退隐了。他真的被击垮了。作为一个民族主义爱国者,他臣服顺从于耶稣的指导;此时一切都失去了。他处于绝望之中,但在几年之中,他重聚起他的希望,并出去宣扬王国福音。 |
139:11.10 (1565.7) After the dispersion because of the Jerusalem persecutions, Simon went into temporary retirement. He was literally crushed. As a nationalist patriot he had surrendered in deference to Jesus’ teachings; now all was lost. He was in despair, but in a few years he rallied his hopes and went forth to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom. |
139:11.11 (1565.8) 他去往了亚历山大,在沿着尼罗河逆流而上之后,深入非洲腹地,处处宣扬耶稣福音,并为信奉者们施洗。他就这样劳作,直至他年老体衰。他去世并被埋在了非洲腹地。 |
139:11.11 (1565.8) He went to Alexandria and, after working up the Nile, penetrated into the heart of Africa, everywhere preaching the gospel of Jesus and baptizing believers. Thus he labored until he was an old man and feeble. And he died and was buried in the heart of Africa. |
12. 犹大•以斯加略 ^top |
12. Judas Iscariot ^top |
139:12.1 (1565.9) 犹大•以斯加略,第十二个使徒,是由纳撒尼尔所选定的。他生于加略,犹地亚南部的一个小城。当他是一个少年时,他父母搬到了耶利哥,他在那里生活,并曾在她父亲的不同生意企业中工作过,直至他变得对施洗者约翰的布道工作感兴趣。犹大的父母是撒都该人,当他们儿子加入约翰的门徒当中时,他们与他脱离了关系。 |
139:12.1 (1565.9) Judas Iscariot, the twelfth apostle, was chosen by Nathaniel. He was born in Kerioth, a small town in southern Judea. When he was a lad, his parents moved to Jericho, where he lived and had been employed in his father’s various business enterprises until he became interested in the preaching and work of John the Baptist. Judas’s parents were Sadducees, and when their son joined John’s disciples, they disowned him. |
139:12.2 (1566.1) 当纳撒尼尔在塔利奇遇到犹大时,他正在与一个位于加利利海下端的晾鱼企业寻求工作。当他加入使徒当中时,他三十岁了,未婚。他可能是十二人当中受过最好教育的人,也是主使徒家庭中的唯一一个犹地亚人。犹大并没有任何突出的个人特长,尽管他有许多外在表现出来的教化特征和受训习惯。他是一个优秀的思考者,但并不总是一个真正诚实的思考者。犹大并不真正理解他自身;他在对待自身上并不真正真诚。 |
139:12.2 (1566.1) When Nathaniel met Judas at Tarichea, he was seeking employment with a fish-drying enterprise at the lower end of the Sea of Galilee. He was thirty years of age and unmarried when he joined the apostles. He was probably the best-educated man among the twelve and the only Judean in the Master’s apostolic family. Judas had no outstanding trait of personal strength, though he had many outwardly appearing traits of culture and habits of training. He was a good thinker but not always a truly honest thinker. Judas did not really understand himself; he was not really sincere in dealing with himself. |
139:12.3 (1566.2) 安德鲁任命犹大为十二人的财务主管,一个他非常适合持有的职位,直到背叛他的主之时,他诚实、信实而又极为有效地履行了他的职责。 |
139:12.3 (1566.2) Andrew appointed Judas treasurer of the twelve, a position which he was eminently fitted to hold, and up to the time of the betrayal of his Master he discharged the responsibilities of his office honestly, faithfully, and most efficiently. |
139:12.4 (1566.3) 除了主广为引人和极为迷人的人格以外,犹大并未有钦佩有关耶稣的专门特质。犹大从未能超越他犹地亚人对他加利利人同伴的偏见;他甚至在他心中批评有关于耶稣的许多事。那个使徒中的十一人将其视为一个完美之人,“万人中的一个最全然可爱之人”的他,这个自满的犹地亚人经常敢于在他自己心中批评。他真正怀有的想法是,耶稣怯于和有些怕于显示他自己的力量和权威。 |
139:12.4 (1566.3) There was no special trait about Jesus which Judas admired above the generally attractive and exquisitely charming personality of the Master. Judas was never able to rise above his Judean prejudices against his Galilean associates; he would even criticize in his mind many things about Jesus. Him whom eleven of the apostles looked upon as the perfect man, as the “one altogether lovely and the chiefest among ten thousand,” this self-satisfied Judean often dared to criticize in his own heart. He really entertained the notion that Jesus was timid and somewhat afraid to assert his own power and authority. |
139:12.5 (1566.4) 犹大曾是一个很好的生意人。要管理像耶稣这样一个理想主义者的财物,更不用说全力应付他某些使徒杂乱的生意方式,需要机智、能力和耐心,以及辛勤的奉献。犹大真的是一个伟大的执行者,一个有远见的得力理财者。对于组织来说,他是一个坚持细节者。十二人中没有一个人曾批评过犹大。就他们所能看到的而言,犹大•以斯加略是一个无比的财务主管,一个博学之人,一个忠诚的(尽管有时爱挑剔的)使徒,从任何意义上来说都是一个巨大的成功。使徒们热爱犹大;他真的是他们当中的一员。他一定曾信奉过耶稣,不过我们怀疑他是否真的全心爱过主。犹大的实例例示了以下箴言的真实性:“有一条路对一个人似乎是正确的,但最终却是死亡之路。” 成为朝向罪恶与死亡之路舒适调整平和欺骗的受害者是完全有可能的。可以确保的是,犹大在财务上对他的主和他的同伴使徒们始终是忠诚的。金钱永远不可能是他背叛主的动机。 |
139:12.5 (1566.4) Judas was a good business man. It required tact, ability, and patience, as well as painstaking devotion, to manage the financial affairs of such an idealist as Jesus, to say nothing of wrestling with the helter-skelter business methods of some of his apostles. Judas really was a great executive, a farseeing and able financier. And he was a stickler for organization. None of the twelve ever criticized Judas. As far as they could see, Judas Iscariot was a matchless treasurer, a learned man, a loyal (though sometimes critical) apostle, and in every sense of the word a great success. The apostles loved Judas; he was really one of them. He must have believed in Jesus, but we doubt whether he really loved the Master with a whole heart. The case of Judas illustrates the truthfulness of that saying: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death.” It is altogether possible to fall victim to the peaceful deception of pleasant adjustment to the paths of sin and death. Be assured that Judas was always financially loyal to his Master and his fellow apostles. Money could never have been the motive for his betrayal of the Master. |
139:12.6 (1566.5) 犹大是他不智父母的一个独子。在他年少时,他被娇生惯养;他是一个被宠坏的孩子。当他长大时,他夸大了关于他自我重要感的观念。他是一个可怜的失败者。他对于公正有着松散扭曲的观念;他沉溺于仇恨和怀疑之中。他是一个曲解他朋友言行的能手。犹大在他一生中养成了报复那些他设想的虐待他之人。他的价值观和忠诚观是有缺陷的。 |
139:12.6 (1566.5) Judas was an only son of unwise parents. When very young, he was pampered and petted; he was a spoiled child. As he grew up, he had exaggerated ideas about his self-importance. He was a poor loser. He had loose and distorted ideas about fairness; he was given to the indulgence of hate and suspicion. He was an expert at misinterpretation of the words and acts of his friends. All through his life Judas had cultivated the habit of getting even with those whom he fancied had mistreated him. His sense of values and loyalties was defective. |
139:12.7 (1566.6) 对耶稣来说,犹大是一场信任的冒险。从一开始主便全然理解这一使徒的弱点,并清楚知道让他进入团体的危险。不过神子的本性是要给予每个受造存有救赎和续存的充分平等机会。耶稣不仅想让这个世界的凡人、也想让无数其他世界的旁观者们知道,就一个受造物对王国奉献的真诚全心性而言,当怀疑存在时,全然接受怀疑候选者是人类审判者的不变做法。永生之门对所有人敞开;“凡想要的都可前来”;除了前来之人的信仰以外,没有任何限制或资格。 |
139:12.7 (1566.6) To Jesus, Judas was a faith adventure. From the beginning the Master fully understood the weakness of this apostle and well knew the dangers of admitting him to fellowship. But it is the nature of the Sons of God to give every created being a full and equal chance for salvation and survival. Jesus wanted not only the mortals of this world but the onlookers of innumerable other worlds to know that, when doubts exist as to the sincerity and wholeheartedness of a creature’s devotion to the kingdom, it is the invariable practice of the Judges of men fully to receive the doubtful candidate. The door of eternal life is wide open to all; “whosoever will may come”; there are no restrictions or qualifications save the faith of the one who comes. |
139:12.8 (1567.1) 这也就是耶稣允许犹大一直走到最后,总是尽一切所能去改变和拯救这个虚弱、困惑的使徒。但当光明未被诚实接受并被活出时,它易于在灵魂之内变成黑暗。犹大就耶稣关于王国的教导在智性上成长了,但他并未像其他使徒那样,在灵性品格的获得上取得进展。他未能在灵性体验上取得满意的个人进步。 |
139:12.8 (1567.1) This is just the reason why Jesus permitted Judas to go on to the very end, always doing everything possible to transform and save this weak and confused apostle. But when light is not honestly received and lived up to, it tends to become darkness within the soul. Judas grew intellectually regarding Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom, but he did not make progress in the acquirement of spiritual character as did the other apostles. He failed to make satisfactory personal progress in spiritual experience. |
139:12.9 (1567.2) 犹大对个人的失望越来越感到沮丧,最终他成为怨恨的受害者。他的情感多次受到伤害,他逐渐变态怀疑他最好的朋友们,甚至怀疑主。不久,他便沉溺于报复雪耻的想法,是的,甚至背叛他的同伴和他的主。 |
139:12.9 (1567.2) Judas became increasingly a brooder over personal disappointment, and finally he became a victim of resentment. His feelings had been many times hurt, and he grew abnormally suspicious of his best friends, even of the Master. Presently he became obsessed with the idea of getting even, anything to avenge himself, yes, even betrayal of his associates and his Master. |
139:12.10 (1567.3) 但直到有一天当一个感激的女人打翻了耶稣脚边一盒昂贵的香料时,这些恶意危险的想法才明确成形。这对犹大来说似乎是浪费的,当他的公开抗议就在所有人听见范围之内被耶稣就地彻底禁止时,他忍无可忍了。那一事件决定了对所有累积仇恨、伤害、恶意、偏见、嫉妒以及终生报复的动员,他下定决心报复他不认识之人;不过他在其不幸生活的所有肮脏剧本中,将他本性中的所有邪恶都具化到了一个无辜之人的身上,仅因耶稣恰巧是在标志着他从光之渐进王国堕入自选黑暗之域这一插曲中的主要演员。 |
139:12.10 (1567.3) But these wicked and dangerous ideas did not take definite shape until the day when a grateful woman broke an expensive box of incense at Jesus’ feet. This seemed wasteful to Judas, and when his public protest was so sweepingly disallowed by Jesus right there in the hearing of all, it was too much. That event determined the mobilization of all the accumulated hate, hurt, malice, prejudice, jealousy, and revenge of a lifetime, and he made up his mind to get even with he knew not whom; but he crystallized all the evil of his nature upon the one innocent person in all the sordid drama of his unfortunate life just because Jesus happened to be the chief actor in the episode which marked his passing from the progressive kingdom of light into that self-chosen domain of darkness. |
139:12.11 (1567.4) 主多次私下和公开警告犹大他正在下滑,但神圣的警告在对付愤恨的人类本性时通常是无用的。耶稣做了所有与人之道德自由相符的可能一切,来阻止犹大误入歧途的选择。大的考验最终到来了。这个忿恨之子未通过考验,他屈服于一个夸大自我重要感、迅速陷入困惑绝望和堕落之中的自负报复心智酸臭肮脏的指示。 |
139:12.11 (1567.4) The Master many times, both privately and publicly, had warned Judas that he was slipping, but divine warnings are usually useless in dealing with embittered human nature. Jesus did everything possible, consistent with man’s moral freedom, to prevent Judas’s choosing to go the wrong way. The great test finally came. The son of resentment failed; he yielded to the sour and sordid dictates of a proud and vengeful mind of exaggerated self-importance and swiftly plunged on down into confusion, despair, and depravity. |
139:12.12 (1567.5) 犹大之后进入到背叛他主人和师父的卑鄙无耻阴谋中,并快速实施了这个邪恶的计划。在他这个充满不忠背叛的、由愤怒所引发的计划运作期间,他体验到了遗憾和羞愧的时刻,在这些明晰的间隔中,他怯懦地构思了以下想法作为对他自己心智的一种防护,耶稣或许可能运用他的力量在最后时刻令他自己脱身。 |
139:12.12 (1567.5) Judas then entered into the base and shameful intrigue to betray his Lord and Master and quickly carried the nefarious scheme into effect. During the outworking of his anger-conceived plans of traitorous betrayal, he experienced moments of regret and shame, and in these lucid intervals he faintheartedly conceived, as a defense in his own mind, the idea that Jesus might possibly exert his power and deliver himself at the last moment. |
139:12.13 (1567.6) 当这个肮脏罪恶的生意都结束时,这个背弃的凡人,这个轻率考虑为了三十个银币出卖他的朋友以满足他长久孕育的报复渴望,冲了出去并做出了从凡人生存现实逃离之剧本中的最后一个行为 -- 自杀。 |
139:12.13 (1567.6) When the sordid and sinful business was all over, this renegade mortal, who thought lightly of selling his friend for thirty pieces of silver to satisfy his long-nursed craving for revenge, rushed out and committed the final act in the drama of fleeing from the realities of mortal existence—suicide. |
139:12.14 (1567.7) 十一个使徒被震惊了,目瞪口呆。耶稣仅带着怜悯看待这个背叛者。诸个世界发现很难宽恕犹大,他的名字在一整个广袤宇宙中被避开了。 |
139:12.14 (1567.7) The eleven apostles were horrified, stunned. Jesus regarded the betrayer only with pity. The worlds have found it difficult to forgive Judas, and his name has become eschewed throughout a far-flung universe. |