书的各个部分 | The Parts of the Book | |
第一部分 中央和超级宇宙 |
PART I The Central and Superuniverses |
由依照奥温顿(Orvonton)亘古常在者之权威行事的尤沃萨(Uversa)超级宇宙人格体团队所发起 | Sponsored by a Uversa Corps of Superuniverse Personalities acting by authority of the Orvonton Ancients of Days | |
第二部分 地方宇宙 |
PART II The Local Universe |
由依照萨尔文顿(Salvington)的加百列之权威行事的内巴顿(Nebadon)地方宇宙人格体团队所发起 | Sponsored by a Nebadon Corps of Local Universe Personalities acting by authority of Gabriel of Salvington | |
第三部分 玉苒厦的历史 |
PART III The History of Urantia |
这些文献是由依照萨尔文顿的加百列之权威行事的地方宇宙人格体团队所发起 | These papers were sponsored by a Corps of Local Universe Personalities acting by authority of Gabriel of Salvington | |
第四部分 耶稣的生平和教导 |
PART IV The Life and Teachings of Jesus |
这组文献由依照麦基洗德启示主管者监管行事的十二名玉苒厦中道者所发起。 这一叙述的基础由一度受委派对使徒安德鲁进行超人类看顾的第二类中道者所提供。 | This group of papers was sponsored by a commission of twelve Urantia midwayers acting under the supervision of a Melchizedek revelatory director. The basis of this narrative was supplied by a secondary midwayer who was onetime assigned to the superhuman watchcare of the Apostle Andrew. |