Isi Buku | Contents of the Book | ||
Halaman | Page | ||
Kata Pengantar | 1 | Foreword | 1 |
1. Deitas dan Keilahian | 2 | I. Deity and Divinity | 2 |
II. Tuhan | 3 | II. God | 3 |
III. Sumber dan Pusat Pertama | 4 | III. The First Source and Center | 4 |
IV. Realitas Alam Semesta | 6 | IV. Universe Reality | 6 |
V. Realitas-realitas Kepribadian | 8 | V. Personality Realities | 8 |
VI. Energi dan Pola | 9 | VI. Energy and Pattern | 9 |
VII. Sang Mahatinggi | 10 | VII. The Supreme Being | 10 |
VIII. Tuhan Lipat Tujuh | 11 | VIII. God the Sevenfold | 11 |
IX. Tuhan Mahaakhir | 12 | IX. God the Ultimate | 12 |
X. Tuhan Absolut | 13 | X. God the Absolute | 13 |
XI. Tiga Absolut | 13 | XI. The Three Absolutes | 13 |
XII. Trinitas-Trinitas | 15 | XII. The Trinities | 15 |
BAGIAN I Alam Semesta Sentral dan Super |
PART I The Central and Superuniverses |
1. Bapa Semesta | 21 | 1. The Universal Father | 21 |
1. Nama Sang Bapa | 22 | 1. The Father’s Name | 22 |
2. Realitas Tuhan | 23 | 2. The Reality of God | 23 |
3. Tuhan adalah Roh Semesta | 25 | 3. God is a Universal Spirit | 25 |
4. Misteri Tuhan | 26 | 4. The Mystery of God | 26 |
5. Kepribadian Bapa Semesta | 27 | 5. Personality of the Universal Father | 27 |
6. Kepribadian dalam Alam Semesta | 29 | 6. Personality in the Universe | 29 |
7. Nilai Rohani dari Konsep Kepribadian | 31 | 7. Spiritual Value of the Personality Concept | 31 |
2. Kodrat Tuhan | 33 | 2. The Nature of God | 33 |
1. Ketanpa-batasan Tuhan | 33 | 1. The Infinity of God | 33 |
2. Kesempurnaan Kekal Bapa | 35 | 2. The Father’s Eternal Perfection | 35 |
3. Keadilan dan Kebenaran | 36 | 3. Justice and Righteousness | 36 |
4. Rahmat Ilahi | 38 | 4. The Divine Mercy | 38 |
5. Kasih Tuhan | 38 | 5. The Love of God | 38 |
6. Kebaikan Tuhan | 40 | 6. The Goodness of God | 40 |
7. Kebenaran dan Keindahan Ilahi | 42 | 7. Divine Truth and Beauty | 42 |
3. Sifat-sifat Tuhan | 44 | 3. The Attributes of God | 44 |
1. Kehadiran Tuhan Di Mana-mana | 44 | 1. God’s Everywhereness | 44 |
2. Kuasa Tanpa Batas Tuhan | 46 | 2. God’s Infinite Power | 46 |
3. Pengetahuan Menyeluruh Tuhan | 48 | 3. God’s Universal Knowledge | 48 |
4. Ketak-terbatasan Tuhan | 49 | 4. God’s Limitlessness | 49 |
5. Kekuasaan Mahatinggi Bapa | 50 | 5. The Father’s Supreme Rule | 50 |
6. Keutamaan Bapa | 52 | 6. The Father’s Primacy | 52 |
4. Hubungan Tuhan dengan Alam Semesta | 54 | 4. God’s Relation to the Universe | 54 |
1. Sikap Alam Semesta dari Sang Bapa | 54 | 1. The Universe Attitude of the Father | 54 |
2. Tuhan dan Alam | 56 | 2. God and Nature | 56 |
3. Karakternya Tidak Berubah-Nya Tuhan | 57 | 3. God’s Unchanging Character | 57 |
4. Realisasi Tuhan | 58 | 4. The Realization of God | 58 |
5. Gagasan-gagasan Keliru tentang Tuhan | 59 | 5. Erroneous Ideas of God | 59 |
5. Hubungan Tuhan dengan Perorangan | 62 | 5. God’s Relation to the Individual | 62 |
1. Pendekatan pada Tuhan | 62 | 1. The Approach to God | 62 |
2. Kehadiran Tuhan | 64 | 2. The Presence of God | 64 |
3. Penyembahan yang Benar | 65 | 3. True Worship | 65 |
4. Tuhan dalam Agama | 66 | 4. God in Religion | 66 |
5. Kesadaran Tuhan | 68 | 5. The Consciousness of God | 68 |
6. Tuhan Kepribadian | 70 | 6. The God of Personality | 70 |
6. Putra Kekal | 73 | 6. The Eternal Son | 73 |
1. Identitas Putra Kekal | 73 | 1. Identity of the Eternal Son | 73 |
2. Kodrat Putra Kekal | 74 | 2. Nature of the Eternal Son | 74 |
3. Pelayanan Kasih-Nya Bapa | 75 | 3. Ministry of the Father’s Love | 75 |
4. Sifat-sifat Putra Kekal | 76 | 4. Attributes of the Eternal Son | 76 |
5. Keterbatasan Putra Kekal | 77 | 5. Limitations of the Eternal Son | 77 |
6. Batin Roh | 78 | 6. The Spirit Mind | 78 |
7. Kepribadian Putra Kekal | 79 | 7. Personality of the Eternal Son | 79 |
8. Kesadaran akan Putra Kekal | 79 | 8. Realization of the Eternal Son | 79 |
7. Hubungan Putra Kekal dengan Alam Semesta | 81 | 7. Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe | 81 |
1. Sirkuit Gravitasi-Roh | 81 | 1. The Spirit-Gravity Circuit | 81 |
2. Pemerintahan Putra Kekal | 83 | 2. The Administration of the Eternal Son | 83 |
3. Hubungan Putra Kekal dengan Individu | 84 | 3. Relation of the Eternal Son to the Individual | 84 |
4. Rencana-rencana Kesempurnaan Ilahi | 85 | 4. The Divine Perfection Plans | 85 |
5. Roh Penganugerahan | 86 | 5. The Spirit of Bestowal | 86 |
6. Putra-putra Tuhan Firdaus | 87 | 6. The Paradise Sons of God | 87 |
7. Pewahyuan Tertinggi Bapa | 88 | 7. The Supreme Revelation of the Father | 88 |
8. Roh Tanpa Batas | 90 | 8. The Infinite Spirit | 90 |
1. Tuhan yang Bertindak | 90 | 1. The God of Action | 90 |
2. Kodrat Roh Tanpa Batas | 92 | 2. Nature of the Infinite Spirit | 92 |
3. Hubungan Roh dengan Bapa dan Putra | 93 | 3. Relation of the Spirit to the Father and the Son | 93 |
4. Roh Penatalayanan Ilahi | 94 | 4. The Spirit of Divine Ministry | 94 |
5. Kehadiran Tuhan | 95 | 5. The Presence of God | 95 |
6. Kepribadian Roh Tanpa Batas | 96 | 6. Personality of the Infinite Spirit | 96 |
9. Hubungan Roh Tanpa Batas dengan Alam Semesta | 98 | 9. Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe | 98 |
1. Sifat-sifat Sumber dan Pusat Ketiga | 98 | 1. Attributes of the Third Source and Center | 98 |
2. Roh yang Mahahadir | 100 | 2. The Omnipresent Spirit | 100 |
3. Manipulator Semesta | 101 | 3. The Universal Manipulator | 101 |
4. Batin Absolut | 102 | 4. The Absolute Mind | 102 |
5. Pelayanan Batin | 102 | 5. The Ministry of Mind | 102 |
6. Sirkuit Gravitasi-Batin | 103 | 6. The Mind-Gravity Circuit | 103 |
7. Reflektivitas Alam Semesta | 105 | 7. Universe Reflectivity | 105 |
8. Kepribadian-kepribadian dari Roh Tanpa Batas | 105 | 8. Personalities of the Infinite Spirit | 105 |
10. Trinitas Firdaus | 108 | 10. The Paradise Trinity | 108 |
1. Pembagian Diri Sumber dan Pusat Pertama | 108 | 1. Self-Distribution of the First Source and Center | 108 |
2. Personalisasi Deitas | 109 | 2. Deity Personalization | 109 |
3. Tiga Pribadi Deitas | 110 | 3. The Three Persons of Deity | 110 |
4. Persatuan Trinitas Deitas | 112 | 4. The Trinity Union of Deity | 112 |
5. Fungsi-fungsi Trinitas | 113 | 5. Functions of the Trinity | 113 |
6. Putra-putra Stasioner dari Trinitas | 114 | 6. The Stationary Sons of the Trinity | 114 |
7. Pengendalian Menyeluruh dari Supremasi | 115 | 7. The Overcontrol of Supremacy | 115 |
8. Trinitas Melampaui yang Terbatas | 116 | 8. The Trinity Beyond the Finite | 116 |
11. Pulau Firdaus yang Kekal | 118 | 11. The Eternal Isle of Paradise | 118 |
1. Tempat Kediaman Ilahi | 118 | 1. The Divine Residence | 118 |
2. Sifat Dasar Pulau Kekal | 119 | 2. Nature of the Eternal Isle | 119 |
3. Firdaus bagian Atas | 120 | 3. Upper Paradise | 120 |
4. Firdaus bagian Keliling | 121 | 4. Peripheral Paradise | 121 |
5. Firdaus bagian Bawah | 122 | 5. Nether Paradise | 122 |
6. Respirasi Ruang | 123 | 6. Space Respiration | 123 |
7. Fungsi-fungsi Ruang Firdaus | 124 | 7. Space Functions of Paradise | 124 |
8. Gravitasi Firdaus | 125 | 8. Paradise Gravity | 125 |
9. Keunikan Firdaus | 126 | 9. The Uniqueness of Paradise | 126 |
12. Alam Semesta Segala Alam-alam Semesta | 128 | 12. The Universe of Universes | 128 |
1. Tingkat-tingkat Ruang dari Alam Semesta Master | 128 | 1. Space Levels of the Master Universe | 128 |
2. Wilayah Absolut Nirkualifikasi | 130 | 2. The Domains of the Unqualified Absolute | 130 |
3. Gravitasi Semesta | 131 | 3. Universal Gravity | 131 |
4. Ruang dan Gerakan | 133 | 4. Space and Motion | 133 |
5. Ruang dan Waktu | 134 | 5. Space and Time | 134 |
6. Pengendalian Semesta | 135 | 6. Universal Overcontrol | 135 |
7. Bagian dan Keseluruhan | 137 | 7. The Part and the Whole | 137 |
8. Materi, Batin, dan Roh | 139 | 8. Matter, Mind, and Spirit | 139 |
9. Realitas-realitas Pribadi | 141 | 9. Personal Realities | 141 |
13. Dunia-dunia Sakral Firdaus | 143 | 13. The Sacred Spheres of Paradise | 143 |
1. Tujuh Dunia Sakral Bapa | 144 | 1. The Seven Sacred Worlds of the Father | 144 |
2. Relasi-relasi Dunia-Bapa | 147 | 2. Father-World Relationships | 147 |
3. Dunia-dunia Sakral Putra Kekal | 149 | 3. The Sacred Worlds of the Eternal Son | 149 |
4. Dunia-dunia Roh Tanpa Batas | 149 | 4. The Worlds of the Infinite Spirit | 149 |
14. Alam Semesta Sentral dan Ilahi | 152 | 14. The Central and Divine Universe | 152 |
1. Sistem Firdaus-Havona | 152 | 1. The Paradise-Havona System | 152 |
2. Susunan Havona | 154 | 2. Constitution of Havona | 154 |
3. Dunia-dunia Havona | 155 | 3. The Havona Worlds | 155 |
4. Makhluk-makhluk Alam Semesta Sentral | 156 | 4. Creatures of the Central Universe | 156 |
5. Kehidupan di Havona | 158 | 5. Life in Havona | 158 |
6. Tujuan Alam Semesta Sentral | 160 | 6. The Purpose of the Central Universe | 160 |
15. Tujuh Alam Semesta Super | 164 | 15. The Seven Superuniverses | 164 |
1. Tingkat Ruang Alam Semesta Super | 164 | 1. The Superuniverse Space Level | 164 |
2. Pengaturan Alam-alam Semesta Super | 165 | 2. Organization of the Superuniverses | 165 |
3. Alam Semesta Super Orvonton | 167 | 3. The Superuniverse of Orvonton | 167 |
4. Nebula—Leluhur Alam-Alam Semesta | 169 | 4. Nebulae—The Ancestors of Universes | 169 |
5. Asal Badan-badan Angkasa | 170 | 5. The Origin of Space Bodies | 170 |
6. Bulatan-bulatan Angkasa | 172 | 6. The Spheres of Space | 172 |
7. Bulatan-bulatan Buatan | 174 | 7. The Architectural Spheres | 174 |
8. Pengendalian dan Pengaturan Energi | 175 | 8. Energy Control and Regulation | 175 |
9. Sirkuit-sirkuit Alam-alam Semesta Super | 176 | 9. Circuits of the Superuniverses | 176 |
10. Penguasa-penguasa Alam Semesta Super | 178 | 10. Rulers of the Superuniverses | 178 |
11. Majelis Permusyawaratan | 179 | 11. The Deliberative Assembly | 179 |
12. Mahkamah-mahkamah Agung | 180 | 12. The Supreme Tribunals | 180 |
13. Pemerintahan Sektor | 181 | 13. The Sector Governments | 181 |
14. Tujuan dari Tujuh Alam Semesta Super | 181 | 14. Purposes of the Seven Superuniverses | 181 |
16. Tujuh Roh Master | 184 | 16. The Seven Master Spirits | 184 |
1. Hubungan dengan Deitas Tritunggal | 185 | 1. Relation to Triune Deity | 185 |
2. Hubungan dengan Roh Tanpa Batas | 185 | 2. Relation to the Infinite Spirit | 185 |
3. Identitas dan Keaneka-ragaman Roh-roh Master | 186 | 3. Identity and Diversity of the Master Spirits | 186 |
5. Sifat-sifat dan Fungsi-fungsi para Roh Master | 189 | 4. Attributes and Functions of the Master Spirits | 189 |
5. Hubungan dengan Para Makhluk | 190 | 5. Relation to Creatures | 190 |
6. Batin Kosmis | 191 | 6. The Cosmic Mind | 191 |
7. Moral, Kebajikan, dan Kepribadian | 192 | 7. Morals, Virtue, and Personality | 192 |
8. Kepribadian Urantia | 194 | 8. Urantia Personality | 194 |
9. Realitas Kesadaran Manusia | 195 | 9. Reality of Human Consciousness | 195 |
17. Tujuh Kelompok Roh Tertinggi | 197 | 17. The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups | 197 |
1. Tujuh Eksekutif Tertinggi | 198 | 1. The Seven Supreme Executives | 198 |
2. Majeston—Kepala Reflektivitas | 199 | 2. Majeston—Chief of Reflectivity | 199 |
3. Roh-roh Reflektif | 200 | 3. The Reflective Spirits | 200 |
4. Pembantu Citra Reflektif | 202 | 4. The Reflective Image Aids | 202 |
5. Tujuh Roh Sirkuit | 202 | 5. The Seven Spirits of the Circuits | 202 |
6. Roh-roh Kreatif Alam Semesta Lokal | 203 | 6. The Local Universe Creative Spirits | 203 |
7. Batin-Roh Ajudan | 205 | 7. The Adjutant Mind-Spirits | 205 |
8. Fungsi-fungsi dari Roh-roh Tertinggi | 205 | 8. Functions of the Supreme Spirits | 205 |
18. Kepribadian-kepribadian Trinitas Tertinggi | 207 | 18. The Supreme Trinity Personalities | 207 |
1. Rahasia Supremasi Ditrinitisasi | 207 | 1. The Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy | 207 |
2. Yang Kekal Harinya | 208 | 2. The Eternals of Days | 208 |
3. Yang Purba Harinya | 209 | 3. The Ancients of Days | 209 |
4. Yang Sempurna Harinya | 210 | 4. The Perfections of Days | 210 |
5. Yang Baru Harinya | 211 | 5. The Recents of Days | 211 |
6. Yang Bersatu Harinya | 212 | 6. The Unions of Days | 212 |
7. Yang Setia Harinya | 213 | 7. The Faithfuls of Days | 213 |
19. Sosok Asal-Trinitas yang Sederajat | 214 | 19. The Co-ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings | 214 |
1. Putra Guru Trinitas | 214 | 1. The Trinity Teacher Sons | 214 |
2. Penyempurna Hikmat | 215 | 2. The Perfectors of Wisdom | 215 |
3. Konselor Ilahi | 216 | 3. The Divine Counselors | 216 |
4. Sensor Semesta | 217 | 4. The Universal Censors | 217 |
5. Roh Terinspirasi Trinitas | 219 | 5. Inspired Trinity Spirits | 219 |
6. Penduduk Asli Havona | 221 | 6. Havona Natives | 221 |
7. Warga Firdaus | 222 | 7. Paradise Citizens | 222 |
20. Putra-putra Tuhan Firdaus | 223 | 20. The Paradise Sons of God | 223 |
1. Putra Tuhan yang Menurun | 223 | 1. The Descending Sons of God | 223 |
2. Putra Magisterial | 224 | 2. The Magisterial Sons | 224 |
3. Tindakan Yudisial | 226 | 3. Judicial Actions | 226 |
4. Misi Penghakiman | 226 | 4. Magisterial Missions | 226 |
5. Penganugerahan Putra-putra Tuhan Firdaus | 227 | 5. Bestowal of the Paradise Sons of God | 227 |
6. Karier Penganugerahan-Fana | 228 | 6. The Mortal-Bestowal Careers | 228 |
7. Putra Guru Trinitas | 230 | 7. The Trinity Teacher Sons | 230 |
8. Pelayanan Semesta Lokal para Daynal | 231 | 8. Local Universe Ministry of the Daynals | 231 |
9. Layanan Keplanetan para Daynal | 231 | 9. Planetary Service of the Daynals | 231 |
10. Pelayanan Bersatu para Putra Firdaus | 232 | 10. United Ministry of the Paradise Sons | 232 |
21. Putra Firdaus Pencipta | 234 | 21. The Paradise Creator Sons | 234 |
1. Asal dan Kodrat para Putra Pencipta | 234 | 1. Origin and Nature of Creator Sons | 234 |
2. Pencipta-pencipta Alam Semesta Lokal | 235 | 2. The Creators of Local Universes | 235 |
3. Kedaulatan Alam Semesta Lokal | 237 | 3. Local Universe Sovereignty | 237 |
4. Penganugerahan Mikhael | 239 | 4. The Michael Bestowals | 239 |
5. Hubungan Putra Master dengan Alam Semesta | 240 | 5. Relation of Master Sons to the Universe | 240 |
6. Takdir para Mikhael Master | 241 | 6. Destiny of the Master Michaels | 241 |
22. Putra Tuhan Ditrinitisasi | 243 | 22. The Trinitized Sons of God | 243 |
1. Putra Dirangkul-Trinitas | 243 | 1. The Trinity-Embraced Sons | 243 |
2. Utusan Perkasa | 245 | 2. The Mighty Messengers | 245 |
3. Yang Tinggi dalam Otoritas | 246 | 3. Those High in Authority | 246 |
4. Yang Tanpa Nama dan Bilangan | 246 | 4. Those Without Name and Number | 246 |
5. Kustodian Ditrinitisasi | 247 | 5. The Trinitized Custodians | 247 |
6. Duta Ditrinitisasi | 248 | 6. The Trinitized Ambassadors | 248 |
7. Teknik Trinitisasi | 249 | 7. Technique of Trinitization | 249 |
8. Putra Ditrinitisasi-Makhluk | 251 | 8. The Creature-Trinitized Sons | 251 |
9. Garda Selestial | 252 | 9. The Celestial Guardians | 252 |
10. Asisten Putra Tinggi | 253 | 10. High Son Assistants | 253 |
23. Utusan-utusan Soliter | 256 | 23. The Solitary Messengers | 256 |
1. Kodrat dan Asal Utusan Soliter | 256 | 1. Nature and Origin of Solitary Messengers | 256 |
2. Penugasan-penugasan Utusan Soliter | 257 | 2. Assignments of Solitary Messengers | 257 |
3. Pelayanan Waktu dan Ruang para Utusan Soliter | 260 | 3. Time and Space Services of Solitary Messengers | 260 |
4. Pelayanan Khusus Utusan Soliter | 262 | 4. Special Ministry of Solitary Messengers | 262 |
24. Kepribadian-kepribadian yang Lebih Tinggi dari Roh Tanpa Batas | 264 | 24. Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit | 264 |
1. Pengawas Sirkuit Alam Semesta | 265 | 1. The Universe Circuit Supervisors | 265 |
2. Direktur Sensus | 266 | 2. The Census Directors | 266 |
3. Pembantu Pribadi dari Roh Tanpa Batas | 268 | 3. Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit | 268 |
4. Rekan Inspektur | 268 | 4. The Associate Inspectors | 268 |
5. Petugas Sentinel | 268 | 5. The Assigned Sentinels | 268 |
6. Pemandu Lulusan | 269 | 6. The Graduate Guides | 269 |
7. Asal Usul Pemandu Lulusan | 270 | 7. Origin of the Graduate Guides | 270 |
25. Kawanan Ruang Utusan | 273 | 25. The Messenger Hosts of Space | 273 |
1. Servital Havona | 273 | 1. The Havona Servitals | 273 |
2. Konsiliator Semesta | 275 | 2. The Universal Conciliators | 275 |
3. Layanan Konsiliator yang Luas Jangkauan | 276 | 3. The Far-Reaching Service of Conciliators | 276 |
4 . Penasihat Teknis | 279 | 4. Technical Advisers | 279 |
5. Kustodian (Pemelihara) Rekaman di Firdaus | 281 | 5. The Custodians of Records on Paradise | 281 |
6. Perekam Selestial | 281 | 6. The Celestial Recorders | 281 |
7. Sahabat Morontia | 282 | 7. The Morontia Companions | 282 |
8. Sahabat Firdaus | 283 | 8. The Paradise Companions | 283 |
26. Roh-roh yang Menatalayani Alam Semesta Sentral | 285 | 26. Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe | 285 |
1. Roh-roh yang Menatalayani | 285 | 1. The Ministering Spirits | 285 |
2. Supernafim yang Perkasa | 286 | 2. The Mighty Supernaphim | 286 |
3. Supernafim Tersier | 288 | 3. The Tertiary Supernaphim | 288 |
4. Supernafim Sekunder | 289 | 4. The Secondary Supernaphim | 289 |
5. Penolong Musafir | 291 | 5. The Pilgrim Helpers | 291 |
6. Pemandu Supremasi | 292 | 6. The Supremacy Guides | 292 |
7. Pemandu Trinitas | 292 | 7. The Trinity Guides | 292 |
8. Penemu Putra | 293 | 8. The Son Finders | 293 |
9. Pemandu Bapa | 294 | 9. The Father Guides | 294 |
10. Konselor dan Penasihat | 295 | 10. The Counselors and Advisers | 295 |
11. Pelengkap Istirahat | 296 | 11. The Complements of Rest | 296 |
27. Pelayanan Supernafim Primer | 298 | 27. Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim | 298 |
1. Instigator Istirahat | 299 | 1. Instigators of Rest | 299 |
2. Kepala Penugasan | 300 | 2. Chiefs of Assignment | 300 |
3. Penafsir Etika | 300 | 3. Interpreters of Ethics | 300 |
4. Direktur Perilaku | 301 | 4. Directors of Conduct | 301 |
5. Kustodian Pengetahuan | 301 | 5. The Custodians of Knowledge | 301 |
6. Master Filsafat | 302 | 6. Masters of Philosophy | 302 |
7. Konduktor Penyembahan | 303 | 7. Conductors of Worship | 303 |
28. Roh-Roh yang Menatalayani dari Alam-alam Semesta Super | 306 | 28. Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses | 306 |
1. Tertiafim | 306 | 1. The Tertiaphim | 306 |
2. Omniafim | 307 | 2. The Omniaphim | 307 |
3. Sekonafim | 307 | 3. The Seconaphim | 307 |
4. Sekonafim Primer | 307 | 4. The Primary Seconaphim | 307 |
5. Sekonafim Sekunder | 310 | 5. The Secondary Seconaphim | 310 |
6. Sekonafim Tersier | 313 | 6. The Tertiary Seconaphim | 313 |
7. Penatalayanan Sekonafim | 317 | 7. Ministry of the Seconaphim | 317 |
29. Direktur Daya Alam Semesta | 319 | 29. The Universe Power Directors | 319 |
1. Tujuh Direktur Daya Tertinggi | 320 | 1. The Seven Supreme Power Directors | 320 |
2. Pusat Daya Tertinggi | 320 | 2. The Supreme Power Centers | 320 |
3. Domain Pusat Daya | 322 | 3. The Domain of Power Centers | 322 |
4. Pengendali Fisik Master | 324 | 4. The Master Physical Controllers | 324 |
5. Organisator Forsa Master | 329 | 5. The Master Force Organizers | 329 |
30. Kepribadian-kepribadian dari Alam Semesta Agung | 330 | 30. Personalities of the Grand Universe | 330 |
1. Klasifikasi Firdaus tentang Makhluk Hidup | 330 | 1. The Paradise Classification of Living Beings | 330 |
2. Daftar Kepribadian Uversa | 334 | 2. The Uversa Personality Register | 334 |
3. Koloni Terhormat | 338 | 3. The Courtesy Colonies | 338 |
4. Manusia Menaik | 340 | 4. The Ascending Mortals | 340 |
31. Korps dari Finalitas | 345 | 31. The Corps of the Finality | 345 |
1. Penduduk Asli Havona | 346 | 1. The Havona Natives | 346 |
2. Utusan Gravitasi | 346 | 2. Gravity Messengers | 346 |
3. Manusia Fana Dimuliakan | 347 | 3. Glorified Mortals | 347 |
4. Serafim Diangkat | 348 | 4. Adopted Seraphim | 348 |
5. Putra Material Dimuliakan | 349 | 5. Glorified Material Sons | 349 |
6. Makhluk Tengah Dimuliakan | 349 | 6. Glorified Midway Creatures | 349 |
7. Evangel Terang | 349 | 7. The Evangels of Light | 349 |
8. Transendentaler | 350 | 8. The Transcendentalers | 350 |
9. Arsitek Alam Semesta Master | 351 | 9. Architects of the Master Universe | 351 |
10. Petualangan Terakhir | 352 | 10. The Ultimate Adventure | 352 |
BAGIAN II Alam Semesta Lokal |
PART II The Local Universe |
32. Evolusi Alam-alam Semesta Lokal | 357 | 32. The Evolution of Local Universes | 357 |
1. Kemunculan Fisik Alam-alam Semesta | 357 | 1. Physical Emergence of Universes | 357 |
2. Pengorganisasian Alam Semesta | 358 | 2. Universe Organization | 358 |
3. Gagasan Evolusioner | 360 | 3. The Evolutionary Idea | 360 |
4. Hubungan Tuhan dengan suatu Alam Semesta Lokal | 362 | 4. God’s Relation to a Local Universe | 362 |
5. Maksud Kekal dan Ilahi | 364 | 5. The Eternal and Divine Purpose | 364 |
33. Pemerintahan Alam Semesta Lokal | 366 | 33. Administration of the Local Universe | 366 |
1. Mikhael dari Nebadon | 366 | 1. Michael of Nebadon | 366 |
2. Daulat Nebadon | 367 | 2. The Sovereign of Nebadon | 367 |
3. Putra dan Roh Alam Semesta | 368 | 3. The Universe Son and Spirit | 368 |
4. Gabriel—Eksekutif Kepala | 369 | 4. Gabriel—The Chief Executive | 369 |
5. Duta-duta Trinitas | 370 | 5. The Trinity Ambassadors | 370 |
6. Pemerintahan Umum | 371 | 6. General Administration | 371 |
7. Pengadilan Nebadon | 372 | 7. The Courts of Nebadon | 372 |
8. Fungsi Legislatif dan Eksekutif | 373 | 8. The Legislative and Executive Functions | 373 |
34. Roh Ibu Alam Semesta Lokal | 374 | 34. The Local Universe Mother Spirit | 374 |
1. Personalisasi Roh Kreatif | 374 | 1. Personalization of the Creative Spirit | 374 |
2. Kodrat Penatalayan Ilahi | 375 | 2. Nature of the Divine Minister | 375 |
3. Putra dan Roh dalam Waktu dan Ruang | 376 | 3. The Son and Spirit in Time and Space | 376 |
4. Sirkuit-sirkuit Alam Semesta Lokal | 377 | 4. The Local Universe Circuits | 377 |
5. Pelayanan Roh | 379 | 5. The Ministry of the Spirit | 379 |
6. Roh dalam Manusia | 380 | 6. The Spirit in Man | 380 |
7. Roh dan Daging | 382 | 7. The Spirit and the Flesh | 382 |
35. Putra Tuhan Alam Semesta Lokal | 384 | 35. The Local Universe Sons of God | 384 |
1. Bapa Melkisedek | 384 | 1. The Father Melchizedek | 384 |
2. Putra-putra Melkisedek | 385 | 2. The Melchizedek Sons | 385 |
3. Dunia-dunia Melkisedek | 387 | 3. The Melchizedek Worlds | 387 |
4. Pekerjaan Khusus Melkisedek | 388 | 4. Special Work of the Melchizedeks | 388 |
5. Putra-putra Vorondadek | 389 | 5. The Vorondadek Sons | 389 |
6. Bapa-Bapa Konstelasi | 390 | 6. The Constellation Fathers | 390 |
7. Dunia-dunia Vorondadek | 391 | 7. The Vorondadek Worlds | 391 |
8. Putra-Putra Lanonandek | 392 | 8. The Lanonandek Sons | 392 |
9. Penguasa Lanonandek | 393 | 9. The Lanonandek Rulers | 393 |
10. Dunia-dunia Lanonandek | 394 | 10. The Lanonandek Worlds | 394 |
36. Pembawa Kehidupan | 396 | 36. The Life Carriers | 396 |
1. Asal dan Sifat Pembawa Kehidupan | 396 | 1. Origin and Nature of Life Carriers | 396 |
2. Dunia-dunia Pembawa Kehidupan | 397 | 2. The Life Carrier Worlds | 397 |
3. Transplantasi Kehidupan | 399 | 3. Life Transplantation | 399 |
4. Melkisedek Pembawa Kehidupan | 400 | 4. Melchizedek Life Carriers | 400 |
5. Tujuh Roh-Batin Ajudan | 401 | 5. The Seven Adjutant Mind-Spirits | 401 |
6. Kekuatan-kekuatan Hidup | 403 | 6. Living Forces | 403 |
37. Kepribadian-kepribadian dari Alam Semesta Lokal | 406 | 37. Personalities of the Local Universe | 406 |
1. Pembantu Alam Semesta | 406 | 1. The Universe Aids | 406 |
2. Bintang Kejora yang Cemerlang | 407 | 2. The Brilliant Evening Stars | 407 |
3. Penghulu Malaikat | 408 | 3. The Archangels | 408 |
4. Asisten Paling Tinggi | 409 | 4. Most High Assistants | 409 |
5. Komisaris Tinggi | 410 | 5. High Commissioners | 410 |
6. Opsir Selestial | 412 | 6. Celestial Overseers | 412 |
7. Guru Dunia Mansion | 413 | 7. Mansion World Teachers | 413 |
8. Ordo-ordo Penugasan Roh yang Lebih Tinggi | 413 | 8. Higher Spirit Orders of Assignment | 413 |
9. Warga Permanen Alam Semesta Lokal | 414 | 9. Permanent Citizens of the Local Universe | 414 |
10. Kelompok-kelompok Alam Semesta Lokal yang Lain | 416 | 10. Other Local Universe Groups | 416 |
38. Roh-roh yang Menatalayani dari Alam Semesta Lokal | 418 | 38. Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe | 418 |
1. Asal Mula Serafim | 418 | 1. Origin of Seraphim | 418 |
2. Kodrat Kemalaikatan | 419 | 2. Angelic Natures | 419 |
3. Malaikat-malaikat yang Tidak Diungkapkan | 420 | 3. Unrevealed Angels | 420 |
4. Dunia-dunia Serafim | 420 | 4. The Seraphic Worlds | 420 |
5. Pelatihan Serafim | 420 | 5. Seraphic Training | 420 |
6. Organisasi Serafim | 421 | 6. Seraphic Organization | 421 |
7. Kerubim dan Sanobim | 422 | 7. Cherubim and Sanobim | 422 |
8. Evolusi Kerubim dan Sanobim | 423 | 8. Evolution of Cherubim and Sanobim | 423 |
9. Makhluk Tengah | 424 | 9. The Midway Creatures | 424 |
39. Kawanan Malaikat | 426 | 39. The Seraphic Hosts | 426 |
1. Serafim Tertinggi | 427 | 1. Supreme Seraphim | 427 |
2. Serafim Superior | 429 | 2. Superior Seraphim | 429 |
3. Serafim Supervisor | 432 | 3. Supervisor Seraphim | 432 |
4. Serafim Administrator | 434 | 4. Administrator Seraphim | 434 |
5. Pembantu Planet. | 436 | 5. Planetary Helpers | 436 |
6. Penatalayan Transisi | 439 | 6. Transition Ministers | 439 |
7. Serafim untuk Masa Depan | 440 | 7. Seraphim of the Future | 440 |
8. Takdir Serafik | 440 | 8. Seraphic Destiny | 440 |
9. Korps Penyelesaian Serafik | 441 | 9. The Corps of Seraphic Completion | 441 |
40. Putra-Putra Tuhan yang Menaik | 443 | 40. The Ascending Sons of God | 443 |
1. Serafim Evolusioner | 443 | 1. Evolutionary Seraphim | 443 |
2. Putra Material yang Menaik | 444 | 2. Ascending Material Sons | 444 |
3. Midwayer Ditranslasikan | 444 | 3. Translated Midwayers | 444 |
4. Pelaras Dipersonalisasi | 444 | 4. Personalized Adjusters | 444 |
6. Manusia Fana dari Ruang dan Waktu | 445 | 5. Mortals of Time and Space | 445 |
6. Putra-Putra Imani Tuhan | 447 | 6. The Faith Sons of God | 447 |
7. Manusia Dilebur-Bapa | 448 | 7. Father-Fused Mortals | 448 |
8. Manusia Dilebur-Putra | 449 | 8. Son-Fused Mortals | 449 |
9. Manusia Dilebur-Roh | 450 | 9. Spirit-Fused Mortals | 450 |
10. Takdir Penaik | 452 | 10. Ascendant Destinies | 452 |
41. Aspek-aspek Fisik Alam Semesta Lokal | 455 | 41. Physical Aspects of the Local Universe | 455 |
1. Pusat-pusat Daya Nebadon | 455 | 1. The Nebadon Power Centers | 455 |
2. Pengendali-Pengendali Fisik Satania | 456 | 2. The Satania Physical Controllers | 456 |
3. Rekan-rekan Perbintangan Kita | 458 | 3. Our Starry Associates | 458 |
4. Kerapatan Bintang | 459 | 4. Sun Density | 459 |
5. Radiasi Surya | 460 | 5. Solar Radiation | 460 |
6. Kalsium—Pengembara Angkasa | 461 | 6. Calcium—The Wanderer of Space | 461 |
7. Sumber Energi Surya | 463 | 7. Sources of Solar Energy | 463 |
8. Reaksi-reaksi Energi-Surya | 464 | 8. Solar-Energy Reactions | 464 |
9. Stabilitas Matahari | 465 | 9. Sun Stability | 465 |
10. Asal Dunia-dunia yang Dihuni | 465 | 10. Origin of Inhabited Worlds | 465 |
42. Energi—Batin dan Materi | 467 | 42. Energy—Mind and Matter | 467 |
1. Forsa dan Energi Firdaus | 467 | 1. Paradise Forces and Energies | 467 |
2. Sistem-sistem Energi Nonspiritual Semesta (Energi Fisik) |
469 | 2. Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems (Physical Energies) |
469 |
3. Klasifikasi Materi | 471 | 3. Classification of Matter | 471 |
4. Transmutasi Energi dan Materi | 472 | 4. Energy and Matter Transmutations | 472 |
5. Manifestasi Energi-Gelombang | 474 | 5. Wave-Energy Manifestations | 474 |
6. Ultimaton, Elektron, dan Atom | 476 | 6. Ultimatons, Electrons, and Atoms | 476 |
7. Materi Atomis | 477 | 7. Atomic Matter | 477 |
8. Kohesi Atom | 478 | 8. Atomic Cohesion | 478 |
9. Filsafat Alami | 479 | 9. Natural Philosophy | 479 |
10. Sistem-sistem Energi Nonspiritual Semesta (Sistem-sistem Batin Material) |
480 | 10. Universal Nonspiritual Energy Systems (Material Mind Systems) |
480 |
11. Mekanisme Alam Semesta | 481 | 11. Universe Mechanisms | 481 |
12. Pola dan Bentuk—Dominasi Batin | 483 | 12. Pattern and Form—Mind Dominance | 483 |
43. Konstelasi | 485 | 43. The Constellations | 485 |
1. Markas Konstelasi | 485 | 1. The Constellation Headquarters | 485 |
2. Pemerintah Konstelasi | 487 | 2. The Constellation Government | 487 |
3. Yang Paling Tinggi Norlatiadek | 488 | 3. The Most Highs of Norlatiadek | 488 |
4. Gunung Pertemuan—Yang Setia Harinya. | 489 | 4. Mount Assembly—The Faithful of Days | 489 |
5. Bapa-Bapa Edentia sejak Pemberontakan Lucifer | 490 | 5. The Edentia Fathers since the Lucifer Rebellion | 490 |
6. Taman-taman Tuhan | 492 | 6. The Gardens of God | 492 |
7. Univitatia | 493 | 7. The Univitatia | 493 |
8. Dunia-dunia Pelatihan Edentia | 493 | 8. The Edentia Training Worlds | 493 |
9. Kewargaan di Edentia | 495 | 9. Citizenship on Edentia | 495 |
44. Seniman Selestial | 497 | 44. The Celestial Artisans | 497 |
1. Musisi Selestial | 499 | 1. The Celestial Musicians | 499 |
2. Reproduser Surgawi | 500 | 2. The Heavenly Reproducers | 500 |
3. Pembangun Ilahi | 501 | 3. The Divine Builders | 501 |
4. Perekam Pemikiran | 503 | 4. The Thought Recorders | 503 |
5. Manipulator Energi | 504 | 5. The Energy Manipulators | 504 |
6. Desainer dan Penghias | 506 | 6. The Designers and Embellishers | 506 |
7. Pekerja Harmoni | 507 | 7. The Harmony Workers | 507 |
8. Aspirasi Manusia dan Prestasi Morontia | 507 | 8. Mortal Aspirations and Morontia Achievements | 507 |
45. Pemerintahan Sistem Lokal | 509 | 45. The Local System Administration | 509 |
1. Dunia-dunia Budaya Peralihan | 509 | 1. Transitional Culture Worlds | 509 |
2. Daulat Sistem | 511 | 2. The System Sovereign | 511 |
3. Pemerintah Sistem | 512 | 3. The System Government | 512 |
4. Dua puluh Empat Konselor | 513 | 4. The Four and Twenty Counselors | 513 |
5. Putra Material | 514 | 5. The Material Sons | 514 |
6. Pelatihan Adamik untuk Manusia Penaik | 515 | 6. Adamic Training of Ascenders | 515 |
7. Sekolah-sekolah Melkisedek | 517 | 7. The Melchizedek Schools | 517 |
46. Markas-markas Ibukota Sistem Lokal | 519 | 46. The Local System Headquarters | 519 |
1. Aspek Fisik Yerusem | 519 | 1. Physical Aspects of Jerusem | 519 |
2. Fitur-fitur Fisik Yerusem | 520 | 2. Physical Features of Jerusem | 520 |
3. Siaran Yerusem | 522 | 3. The Jerusem Broadcasts | 522 |
4. Area Pemukiman dan Pemerintahan | 522 | 4. Residential and Administrative Areas | 522 |
5. Lingkaran Yerusem | 523 | 5. The Jerusem Circles | 523 |
6. Persegi-persegi Administratif-Eksekutif | 527 | 6. The Executive-Administrative Squares | 527 |
7. Persegi Panjang—Spornagia | 527 | 7. The Rectangles—The Spornagia | 527 |
8. Segitiga-segitiga Yerusem | 528 | 8. The Jerusem Triangles | 528 |
47. Tujuh Dunia Rumah Besar | 530 | 47. The Seven Mansion Worlds | 530 |
1. Dunianya para Finaliter | 530 | 1. The Finaliters’ World | 530 |
2. Tempat Perawatan Kanak-kanak Masa Percobaan | 531 | 2. The Probationary Nursery | 531 |
3. Dunia Mansion Pertama | 532 | 3. The First Mansion World | 532 |
4. Dunia Mansion Kedua | 534 | 4. The Second Mansion World | 534 |
5. Dunia Mansion Ketiga | 535 | 5. The Third Mansion World | 535 |
6. Dunia Mansion Keempat | 536 | 6. The Fourth Mansion World | 536 |
7. Dunia Mansion Kelima | 537 | 7. The Fifth Mansion World | 537 |
8. Dunia Mansion Keenam | 537 | 8. The Sixth Mansion World | 537 |
9. Dunia Mansion Ketujuh | 538 | 9. The Seventh Mansion World | 538 |
10. Kewargaan Yerusem | 539 | 10. Jerusem Citizenship | 539 |
48. Kehidupan Morontia | 541 | 48. The Morontia Life | 541 |
1. Bahan (Material) Morontia | 541 | 1. Morontia Materials | 541 |
2. Supervisor Daya Morontia | 542 | 2. Morontia Power Supervisors | 542 |
3. Sahabat Morontia | 545 | 3. Morontia Companions | 545 |
4. Direktur Reversi | 547 | 4. The Reversion Directors | 547 |
5. Guru Dunia Mansion | 550 | 5. The Mansion World Teachers | 550 |
6. Serafim Dunia Morontia—Penatalayan Transisi | 551 | 6. Morontia World Seraphim—Transition Ministers | 551 |
7. Mota Morontia | 556 | 7. Morontia Mota | 556 |
8. Pemaju Morontia | 557 | 8. The Morontia Progressors | 557 |
49. Dunia-dunia yang Dihuni | 559 | 49. The Inhabited Worlds | 559 |
1. Kehidupan Planet | 559 | 1. The Planetary Life | 559 |
2. Jenis-jenis Fisik Planet | 560 | 2. Planetary Physical Types | 560 |
3. Dunia-dunia Bukan Penapas | 563 | 3. Worlds of the Nonbreathers | 563 |
4. Makhluk Evolusioner yang Berkehendak | 564 | 4. Evolutionary Will Creatures | 564 |
5. Seri Manusia Planet | 565 | 5. The Planetary Series of Mortals | 565 |
6. Lepas dari Dunia | 568 | 6. Terrestrial Escape | 568 |
50. Pangeran Planet | 572 | 50. The Planetary Princes | 572 |
1. Misi para Pangeran | 572 | 1. Mission of the Princes | 572 |
2. Administrasi Keplanetan | 573 | 2. Planetary Administration | 573 |
3. Staf Korporeal (Badan Jasmani) Pangeran | 574 | 3. The Prince’s Corporeal Staff | 574 |
4. Markas dan Sekolah Keplanetan | 575 | 4. The Planetary Headquarters and Schools | 575 |
5. Peradaban Maju | 576 | 5. Progressive Civilization | 576 |
6. Budaya Planet | 578 | 6. Planetary Culture | 578 |
7. Pahala Isolasi | 578 | 7. The Rewards of Isolation | 578 |
51. Adam Planet | 580 | 51. The Planetary Adams | 580 |
1. Asal dan Kodrat para Putra Material Tuhan | 580 | 1. Origin and Nature of the Material Sons of God | 580 |
2. Transit para Adam Planet | 582 | 2. Transit of the Planetary Adams | 582 |
3. Misi Adam | 582 | 3. The Adamic Missions | 582 |
4. Enam Ras Evolusioner | 584 | 4. The Six Evolutionary Races | 584 |
5. Percampuran Ras— Penganugerahan Darah Adam |
585 | 5. Racial Amalgamation— Bestowal of the Adamic Blood |
585 |
6. Pemerintahan Eden | 586 | 6. The Edenic Regime | 586 |
7. Pemerintahan Bersatu | 587 | 7. United Administration | 587 |
52. Zaman-zaman Manusia Planet | 589 | 52. Planetary Mortal Epochs | 589 |
1. Manusia Primitif | 589 | 1. Primitive Man | 589 |
2. Manusia Pasca-Pangeran Planet | 591 | 2. Post-Planetary Prince Man | 591 |
3. Manusia Pasca-Adam | 592 | 3. Post-Adamic Man | 592 |
4. Manusia Pasca-Putra Magisterial | 594 | 4. Post-Magisterial Son Man | 594 |
5. Manusia Pasca-Putra Anugerah | 595 | 5. Post-Bestowal Son Man | 595 |
6. Zaman Pasca-Anugerah Urantia | 597 | 6. Urantia’s Post-Bestowal Age | 597 |
7. Manusia Pasca-Putra Guru | 598 | 7. Post-Teacher Son Man | 598 |
53. Pemberontakan Lucifer | 601 | 53. The Lucifer Rebellion | 601 |
1. Pemimpin-pemimpin Pemberontakan | 601 | 1. The Leaders of Rebellion | 601 |
2. Sebab-sebab Pemberontakan | 602 | 2. The Causes of Rebellion | 602 |
3. Manifesto Lucifer | 603 | 3. The Lucifer Manifesto | 603 |
4. Pecahnya Pemberontakan | 604 | 4. Outbreak of the Rebellion | 604 |
5. Sifat dari Konflik | 605 | 5. Nature of the Conflict | 605 |
6. Komandan Serafim yang Setia | 606 | 6. A Loyal Seraphic Commander | 606 |
7. Sejarah Pemberontakan | 607 | 7. History of the Rebellion | 607 |
8. Anak Manusia di Urantia | 609 | 8. The Son of Man on Urantia | 609 |
9. Status Sekarang dari Pemberontakan | 610 | 9. Present Status of the Rebellion | 610 |
54. Masalah-masalah dari Pemberontakan Lucifer | 613 | 54. Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion | 613 |
1. Kemerdekaan Sejati dan Palsu | 613 | 1. True and False Liberty | 613 |
2. Pencurian Kebebasan | 614 | 2. The Theft of Liberty | 614 |
3. Jeda Waktu Penghakiman | 615 | 3. The Time Lag of Justice | 615 |
4. Jeda Waktu Rahmat | 615 | 4. The Mercy Time Lag | 615 |
5. Hikmat dari Penundaan | 617 | 5. The Wisdom of Delay | 617 |
6. Kemenangan Kasih | 618 | 6. The Triumph of Love | 618 |
55. Dunia-dunia Terang dan Hidup | 621 | 55. The Spheres of Light and Life | 621 |
1. Tempat Suci Morontia | 622 | 1. The Morontia Temple | 622 |
2. Kematian dan Translasi | 623 | 2. Death and Translation | 623 |
3. Zaman Keemasan | 624 | 3. The Golden Ages | 624 |
4. Penyesuaian kembali Pemerintahan | 626 | 4. Administrative Readjustments | 626 |
5. Puncak Perkembangan Material | 629 | 5. The Acme of Material Development | 629 |
6. Manusia Perorangan | 630 | 6. The Individual Mortal | 630 |
7. Tahap Pertama atau Planet | 631 | 7. The First or Planetary Stage | 631 |
8. Tahap Kedua atau Sistem | 632 | 8. The Second or System Stage | 632 |
9. Tahap Ketiga atau Konstelasi | 633 | 9. The Third or Constellation Stage | 633 |
10. Tahap Keempat atau Alam Semesta Lokal | 634 | 10. The Fourth or Local Universe Stage | 634 |
11. Tahap Sektor Minor dan Mayor | 635 | 11. The Minor and Major Sector Stages | 635 |
12. Tahap Ketujuh atau Semesta Super | 636 | 12. The Seventh or Superuniverse Stage | 636 |
56. Kesatuan Semesta | 637 | 56. Universal Unity | 637 |
1. Koordinasi Fisik | 637 | 1. Physical Co-ordination | 637 |
2. Kesatuan Intelektual | 638 | 2. Intellectual Unity | 638 |
3. Penyatuan Rohani | 639 | 3. Spiritual Unification | 639 |
4. Penyatuan Kepribadian | 639 | 4. Personality Unification | 639 |
5. Kesatuan Deitas | 640 | 5. Deity Unity | 640 |
6. Penyatuan Deitas Evolusioner | 641 | 6. Unification of Evolutionary Deity | 641 |
7. Dampak Evolusioner Semesta | 642 | 7. Universal Evolutionary Repercussions | 642 |
8. Pemersatu Tertinggi | 643 | 8. The Supreme Unifier | 643 |
9. Kesatuan Absolut Semesta | 644 | 9. Universal Absolute Unity | 644 |
10. Kebenaran, Keindahan, dan Kebaikan | 646 | 10. Truth, Beauty, and Goodness | 646 |
BAGIAN III Sejarah Urantia |
PART III The History of Urantia |
57. Asal Usul Urantia | 651 | 57. The Origin of Urantia | 651 |
1. Nebula Andronover | 651 | 1. The Andronover Nebula | 651 |
2. Tahap Nebula Primer | 652 | 2. The Primary Nebular Stage | 652 |
3. Tahap Nebula Sekunder | 653 | 3. The Secondary Nebular Stage | 653 |
4. Tahapan Tersier dan Kuartan | 654 | 4. Tertiary and Quartan Stages | 654 |
5. Asal Monmatia—Tata Surya Urantia | 655 | 5. Origin of Monmatia—The Urantia Solar System | 655 |
6. Tahap Tata Surya—Era Pembentukan-Planet | 657 | 6. The Solar System Stage—The Planet-Forming Era | 657 |
7. Era Meteorik—Zaman Vulkanik Atmosfer Planet Primitif |
658 | 7. The Meteoric Era—The Volcanic Age The Primitive Planetary Atmosphere |
658 |
8. Stabilisasi Kerak Era Gempa Bumi Samudra Dunia dan Benua Pertama |
660 | 8. Crustal Stabilization The Age of Earthquakes The World Ocean and the First Continent |
660 |
58. Pembentukan Kehidupan di Urantia | 664 | 58. Life Establishment on Urantia | 664 |
1. Prasyarat Kehidupan Fisik | 664 | 1. Physical-Life Prerequisites | 664 |
2. Atmosfer Urantia | 665 | 2. The Urantia Atmosphere | 665 |
3. Lingkungan Spasial | 666 | 3. Spatial Environment | 666 |
4. Era Fajar Kehidupan | 667 | 4. The Life-Dawn Era | 667 |
5. Pergeseran Benua | 668 | 5. The Continental Drift | 668 |
6. Periode Peralihan | 669 | 6. The Transition Period | 669 |
7. Buku Sejarah Geologis | 670 | 7. The Geologic History Book | 670 |
59. Era Kehidupan Laut di Urantia | 672 | 59. The Marine-Life Era on Urantia | 672 |
1. Kehidupan Laut Purba dalam Lautan Dangkal Zaman Trilobit |
673 | 1. Early Marine Life in the Shallow Seas The Trilobite Age |
673 |
2. Babak Banjir Benua Pertama Zaman Hewan Invertebrata |
674 | 2. The First Continental Flood Stage The Invertebrate-Animal Age |
674 |
3. Babak Banjir Besar Kedua Periode Terumbu Karang—Zaman Brachiopoda |
676 | 3. The Second Great Flood Stage The Coral Period—The Brachiopod Age |
676 |
4. Tahap Pengangkatan Daratan Besar Periode Tumbuhan Darat Zaman Ikan |
678 | 4. The Great Land-Emergence Stage The Vegetative Land-Life Period The Age of Fishes |
678 |
5. Tahap Pergeseran Kerak Bumi Periode Karbon Hutan Paku-pakuan Zaman Katak |
680 | 5. The Crustal-Shifting Stage The Fern-Forest Carboniferous Period The Age of Frogs |
680 |
6. Tahap Peralihan Iklim Periode Tumbuhan Berbiji Zaman Kesesakan Biologis |
682 | 6. The Climatic Transition Stage The Seed-Plant Period The Age of Biologic Tribulation |
682 |
60. Urantia Selama Era Kehidupan Darat Awal | 685 | 60. Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era | 685 |
1. Zaman Reptilia Mula-mula | 685 | 1. The Early Reptilian Age | 685 |
2. Zaman Reptilia Akhir | 687 | 2. The Later Reptilian Age | 687 |
3. Tahap Cretaceous Periode Tumbuhan-Berbunga Zaman Burung. |
688 | 3. The Cretaceous Stage The Flowering-Plant Period The Age of Birds |
688 |
4. Akhir dari Periode Kapur | 691 | 4. The End of the Chalk Period | 691 |
61. Era Mamalia di Urantia | 693 | 61. The Mammalian Era on Urantia | 693 |
1. Tahap Daratan Benua Baru Zaman Mamalia Awal |
693 | 1. The New Continental Land Stage The Age of Early Mammals |
693 |
2. Tahap Penenggelaman Terkini Zaman Mamalia Lanjutan |
694 | 2. The Recent Flood Stage The Age of Advanced Mammals |
694 |
3. Tahap Pegunungan Modern Zaman Gajah dan Kuda |
696 | 3. The Modern Mountain Stage Age of the Elephant and the Horse |
696 |
4. Tahap Kenaikan Benua Terkini Migrasi Besar Mamalia Terakhir |
698 | 4. The Recent Continental-Elevation Stage The Last Great Mammalian Migration |
698 |
5. Zaman Es Awal | 699 | 5. The Early Ice Age | 699 |
6. Manusia Primitif di Zaman Es | 700 | 6. Primitive Man in the Ice Age | 700 |
7. Kelanjutan Zaman Es | 700 | 7. The Continuing Ice Age | 700 |
62. Ras-ras Permulaan Manusia Purba | 703 | 62. The Dawn Races of Early Man | 703 |
1. Jenis-jenis Lemur Purba | 703 | 1. The Early Lemur Types | 703 |
2. Mamalia Permulaan | 703 | 2. The Dawn Mammals | 703 |
3. Mamalia Menengah | 704 | 3. The Mid-Mammals | 704 |
4. Primata | 706 | 4. The Primates | 706 |
5. Manusia yang Pertama | 707 | 5. The First Human Beings | 707 |
6. Evolusi Batin Manusia | 709 | 6. Evolution of the Human Mind | 709 |
7. Pengakuan sebagai Dunia yang Dihuni | 709 | 7. Recognition as an Inhabited World | 709 |
63. Keluarga Manusia yang Pertama | 711 | 63. The First Human Family | 711 |
1. Andon dan Fonta | 711 | 1. Andon and Fonta | 711 |
2. Pelarian Si Kembar | 712 | 2. The Flight of the Twins | 712 |
3. Keluarga Andon | 713 | 3. Andon’s Family | 713 |
4. Marga-marga Andonik | 713 | 4. The Andonic Clans | 713 |
5. Penyebaran Ras Andonit | 715 | 5. Dispersion of the Andonites | 715 |
6. Onagar—Guru Kebenaran yang Pertama | 715 | 6. Onagar—The First Truth Teacher | 715 |
7. Keselamatan Andon dan Fonta | 717 | 7. The Survival of Andon and Fonta | 717 |
64. Ras-ras Warna Evolusioner | 718 | 64. The Evolutionary Races of Color | 718 |
1. Suku-suku Asli Andonik | 718 | 1. The Andonic Aborigines | 718 |
2. Bangsa Foxhall | 719 | 2. The Foxhall Peoples | 719 |
3. Suku-suku Badonan | 720 | 3. The Badonan Tribes | 720 |
4. Ras-ras Neandertal | 720 | 4. The Neanderthal Races | 720 |
5. Asal Mula Ras-ras Berwarna | 722 | 5. Origin of the Colored Races | 722 |
6. Enam Ras Sangik Urantia | 722 | 6. The Six Sangik Races of Urantia | 722 |
7. Penyebaran Ras Warna | 726 | 7. Dispersion of the Colored Races | 726 |
65. Pengendalian Evolusi | 730 | 65. The Overcontrol of Evolution | 730 |
1. Fungsi-fungsi para Pembawa Kehidupan | 730 | 1. Life Carrier Functions | 730 |
2. Panorama Evolusioner | 731 | 2. The Evolutionary Panorama | 731 |
3. Pembinaan Evolusi | 733 | 3. The Fostering of Evolution | 733 |
4. Petualangan Urantia | 734 | 4. The Urantia Adventure | 734 |
5. Kemalangan Evolusi Hayati | 736 | 5. Life-Evolution Vicissitudes | 736 |
6. Teknik-teknik Kehidupan Evolusioner | 737 | 6. Evolutionary Techniques of Life | 737 |
7. Tingkat-tingkat Batin Evolusioner | 738 | 7. Evolutionary Mind Levels | 738 |
8. Evolusi dalam Ruang dan Waktu | 739 | 8. Evolution in Time and Space | 739 |
66. Pangeran Planet Urantia | 741 | 66. The Planetary Prince of Urantia | 741 |
1. Pangeran Kaligastia | 741 | 1. Prince Caligastia | 741 |
2. Staf Pangeran | 742 | 2. The Prince’s Staff | 742 |
3. Dalamatia—Kota Sang Pangeran | 743 | 3. Dalamatia—The City of the Prince | 743 |
4. Hari-hari Awal Staf Seratus | 743 | 4. Early Days of the One Hundred | 743 |
5. Pengaturan Kaligastia Seratus | 745 | 5. Organization of the One Hundred | 745 |
6. Pemerintahan sang Pangeran | 749 | 6. The Prince’s Reign | 749 |
7. Kehidupan di Dalamatia | 750 | 7. Life in Dalamatia | 750 |
8. Kemalangan Kaligastia | 752 | 8. Misfortunes of Caligastia | 752 |
67. Pemberontakan Planet | 754 | 67. The Planetary Rebellion | 754 |
1. Pengkhianatan Kaligastia | 754 | 1. The Caligastia Betrayal | 754 |
2. Pecahnya Pemberontakan | 755 | 2. The Outbreak of Rebellion | 755 |
3. Tujuh Tahun Krusial | 756 | 3. The Seven Crucial Years | 756 |
4. Kaligastia Seratus setelah Pemberontakan | 757 | 4. The Caligastia One Hundred After Rebellion | 757 |
5. Akibat-akibat Langsung dari Pemberontakan | 758 | 5. Immediate Results of Rebellion | 758 |
6. Van—Yang Teguh | 759 | 6. Van—The Steadfast | 759 |
7. Dampak-dampak Jangka Panjang dari Dosa | 760 | 7. Remote Repercussions of Sin | 760 |
8. Pahlawan Manusia dari Pemberontakan | 761 | 8. The Human Hero of the Rebellion | 761 |
68. Fajar Peradaban | 763 | 68. The Dawn of Civilization | 763 |
1. Sosialisasi Protektif | 763 | 1. Protective Socialization | 763 |
2. Faktor-Faktor dalam Kemajuan Sosial | 764 | 2. Factors in Social Progression | 764 |
3. Pengaruh Sosial dari Takut Arwah | 766 | 3. Socializing Influence of Ghost Fear | 766 |
4. Evolusi Adat Istiadat | 767 | 4. Evolution of the Mores | 767 |
5. Teknik Lahan—Seni Pemeliharaan | 768 | 5. Land Techniques—Maintenance Arts | 768 |
6. Evolusi Kebudayaan | 769 | 6. Evolution of Culture | 769 |
69. Lembaga-lembaga Manusia Primitif | 772 | 69. Primitive Human Institutions | 772 |
1. Lembaga Manusia Dasar | 772 | 1. Basic Human Institutions | 772 |
2. Permulaan Industri | 773 | 2. The Dawn of Industry | 773 |
3. Spesialisasi Kerja | 773 | 3. The Specialization of Labor | 773 |
4. Permulaan Perdagangan | 775 | 4. The Beginnings of Trade | 775 |
5. Permulaan Modal | 775 | 5. The Beginnings of Capital | 775 |
6. Api dalam Hubungannya dengan Peradaban | 777 | 6. Fire in Relation to Civilization | 777 |
7. Pemanfaatan Hewan | 778 | 7. The Utilization of Animals | 778 |
8. Perbudakan sebagai Faktor dalam Peradaban | 778 | 8. Slavery as a Factor in Civilization | 778 |
9. Milik Pribadi | 780 | 9. Private Property | 780 |
70. Evolusi Pemerintahan Manusia | 783 | 70. The Evolution of Human Government | 783 |
1. Asal Mula Perang | 783 | 1. The Genesis of War | 783 |
2. Nilai Sosial dari Perang | 785 | 2. The Social Value of War | 785 |
3. Ikatan-ikatan Hubungan Manusia Awal | 787 | 3. Early Human Associations | 787 |
4. Marga dan Suku | 788 | 4. Clans and Tribes | 788 |
5. Awal Mula Pemerintahan | 788 | 5. The Beginnings of Government | 788 |
6. Pemerintah Monarki | 789 | 6. Monarchial Government | 789 |
7. Klub Primitif dan Perkumpulan Rahasia | 790 | 7. Primitive Clubs and Secret Societies | 790 |
8. Kelas Sosial | 792 | 8. Social Classes | 792 |
9. Hak Asasi Manusia | 793 | 9. Human Rights | 793 |
10. Evolusi Keadilan | 794 | 10. Evolution of Justice | 794 |
11. Hukum dan Pengadilan | 796 | 11. Laws and Courts | 796 |
12. Alokasi Otoritas Sipil | 797 | 12. Allocation of Civil Authority | 797 |
71. Perkembangan Negara | 800 | 71. Development of the State | 800 |
1. Embrio Negara | 800 | 1. The Embryonic State | 800 |
2. Evolusi Pemerintahan Perwakilan | 801 | 2. The Evolution of Representative Government | 801 |
3. Ideal-ideal Kenegaraan | 803 | 3. The Ideals of Statehood | 803 |
4. Peradaban Progresif | 804 | 4. Progressive Civilization | 804 |
5. Evolusi Kompetisi | 805 | 5. The Evolution of Competition | 805 |
6. Motif Laba | 805 | 6. The Profit Motive | 805 |
7. Pendidikan | 806 | 7. Education | 806 |
8. Karakter Kenegaraan | 806 | 8. The Character of Statehood | 806 |
72. Pemerintahan di Sebuah Planet Tetangga | 808 | 72. Government on a Neighboring Planet | 808 |
1. Negara Benua | 808 | 1. The Continental Nation | 808 |
2. Organisasi Politik | 809 | 2. Political Organization | 809 |
3. Kehidupan Rumah Tangga | 811 | 3. The Home Life | 811 |
4. Sistem Pendidikan | 812 | 4. The Educational System | 812 |
5. Organisasi Industrial | 813 | 5. Industrial Organization | 813 |
6. Jaminan Hari Tua | 814 | 6. Old-Age Insurance | 814 |
7. Perpajakan | 815 | 7. Taxation | 815 |
8. Sekolah-sekolah Tinggi Khusus | 816 | 8. The Special Colleges | 816 |
9. Rancangan Pemilihan Umum | 817 | 9. The Plan of Universal Suffrage | 817 |
10. Penanganan Kejahatan | 818 | 10. Dealing with Crime | 818 |
11. Kesiap-siagaan Militer | 818 | 11. Military Preparedness | 818 |
12. Negara-negara Lain | 819 | 12. The Other Nations | 819 |
73. Taman Eden | 821 | 73. The Garden of Eden | 821 |
1. Bangsa Nodit dan Amadonit | 821 | 1. The Nodites and the Amadonites | 821 |
2. Perencanaan untuk Taman | 822 | 2. Planning for the Garden | 822 |
3. Lokasi Taman | 823 | 3. The Garden Site | 823 |
4. Membangun Taman | 823 | 4. Establishing the Garden | 823 |
5. Rumah Taman | 824 | 5. The Garden Home | 824 |
6. Pohon Kehidupan | 825 | 6. The Tree of Life | 825 |
7. Nasib Eden | 826 | 7. The Fate of Eden | 826 |
74. Adam dan Hawa | 828 | 74. Adam and Eve | 828 |
1. Adam dan Hawa di Yerusem | 828 | 1. Adam and Eve on Jerusem | 828 |
2. Kedatangan Adam dan Hawa | 829 | 2. Arrival of Adam and Eve | 829 |
3. Adam dan Hawa Belajar tentang Planet | 830 | 3. Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet | 830 |
4. Gejolak Pertama | 832 | 4. The First Upheaval | 832 |
5. Pemerintahan Adam | 833 | 5. Adam’s Administration | 833 |
6. Kehidupan Rumah Adam dan Hawa | 834 | 6. Home Life of Adam and Eve | 834 |
7. Hidup di Taman | 835 | 7. Life in the Garden | 835 |
8. Legenda Penciptaan | 836 | 8. The Legend of Creation | 836 |
75. Kegagalan Adam dan Hawa | 839 | 75. The Default of Adam and Eve | 839 |
1. Masalah Urantia | 839 | 1. The Urantia Problem | 839 |
2. Rencana Jahat Kaligastia | 840 | 2. Caligastia’s Plot | 840 |
3. Pencobaan Hawa | 841 | 3. The Temptation of Eve | 841 |
4. Realisasi Kegagalan | 842 | 4. The Realization of Default | 842 |
5. Dampak Kegagalan | 843 | 5. Repercussions of Default | 843 |
6. Adam dan Hawa Meninggalkan Taman | 844 | 6. Adam and Eve Leave the Garden | 844 |
7. Penurunan Derajat Adam dan Hawa | 845 | 7. Degradation of Adam and Eve | 845 |
8. Apa Yang Disebut Kejatuhan Manusia | 845 | 8. The So-Called Fall of Man | 845 |
76. Taman yang Kedua | 847 | 76. The Second Garden | 847 |
1. Kaum Edenit Memasuki Mesopotamia | 847 | 1. The Edenites Enter Mesopotamia | 847 |
2. Kain dan Habel | 848 | 2. Cain and Abel | 848 |
3. Kehidupan di Mesopotamia | 849 | 3. Life in Mesopotamia | 849 |
4. Ras Ungu | 850 | 4. The Violet Race | 850 |
5. Kematian Adam dan Hawa | 851 | 5. Death of Adam and Eve | 851 |
6. Keselamatan Adam dan Hawa | 853 | 6. Survival of Adam and Eve | 853 |
77. Makhluk Tengah | 855 | 77. The Midway Creatures | 855 |
1. Makhluk Tengah Primer | 855 | 1. The Primary Midwayers | 855 |
2. Ras Nodit | 856 | 2. The Nodite Race | 856 |
3. Menara Babel | 858 | 3. The Tower of Babel | 858 |
4. Pusat-pusat Peradaban Nodit | 859 | 4. Nodite Centers of Civilization | 859 |
5. Adamson dan Ratta | 861 | 5. Adamson and Ratta | 861 |
6. Makhluk Tengah Sekunder | 862 | 6. The Secondary Midwayers | 862 |
7. Makhluk Tengah Pemberontak | 863 | 7. The Rebel Midwayers | 863 |
8. Serikat Makhluk Tengah | 864 | 8. The United Midwayers | 864 |
9. Warga-warga Tetap Urantia | 865 | 9. The Permanent Citizens of Urantia | 865 |
78. Ras Ungu setelah Masa Adam | 868 | 78. The Violet Race After the Days of Adam | 868 |
1. Penyebaran Ras dan Budaya | 868 | 1. Racial and Cultural Distribution | 868 |
2. Keturunan Adam di Taman Kedua | 869 | 2. The Adamites in the Second Garden | 869 |
3. Ekspansi Awal keturunan Adam | 870 | 3. Early Expansions of the Adamites | 870 |
4. Orang-orang Andit | 871 | 4. The Andites | 871 |
5. Migrasi-migrasi Andit | 872 | 5. The Andite Migrations | 872 |
6. Penyebaran Andit terakhir | 873 | 6. The Last Andite Dispersions | 873 |
7. Banjir di Mesopotamia | 874 | 7. The Floods in Mesopotamia | 874 |
8. Bangsa Sumeria—Bangsa Andit yang Terakhir | 875 | 8. The Sumerians—Last of the Andites | 875 |
79. Perluasan Bangsa Andit di Timur | 878 | 79. Andite Expansion in the Orient | 878 |
1. Orang-orang Andit Turkestan | 878 | 1. The Andites of Turkestan | 878 |
2. Penaklukan bangsa Andit atas India | 879 | 2. The Andite Conquest of India | 879 |
3. Dravida India | 881 | 3. Dravidian India | 881 |
4. Invasi Bangsa Arya ke India | 882 | 4. The Aryan Invasion of India | 882 |
5. Bangsa Merah dan Bangsa Kuning | 883 | 5. Red Man and Yellow Man | 883 |
6. Fajar Peradaban Cina | 884 | 6. Dawn of Chinese Civilization | 884 |
7. Orang Andit Masuk ke Cina | 886 | 7. The Andites Enter China | 886 |
8. Peradaban Cina Kemudian | 887 | 8. Later Chinese Civilization | 887 |
80. Perluasan Bangsa Andit di Barat | 889 | 80. Andite Expansion in the Occident | 889 |
1. Keturunan Adam Memasuki Eropa | 889 | 1. The Adamites Enter Europe | 889 |
2. Perubahan Iklim dan Geologi | 890 | 2. Climatic and Geologic Changes | 890 |
3. Manusia Biru Cro-Magnoid | 891 | 3. The Cro-Magnoid Blue Man | 891 |
4. Invasi Andit di Eropa | 892 | 4. The Andite Invasions of Europe | 892 |
5. Penaklukan Andit atas Eropa Utara | 893 | 5. The Andite Conquest of Northern Europe | 893 |
6. Orang Andit sepanjang Sungai Nil | 894 | 6. The Andites Along the Nile | 894 |
7. Andit di Pulau-pulau Mediterania | 895 | 7. Andites of the Mediterranean Isles | 895 |
8. Orang Andonit Danubian | 896 | 8. The Danubian Andonites | 896 |
9. Tiga Ras Putih | 897 | 9. The Three White Races | 897 |
81. Perkembangan Peradaban Modern | 900 | 81. Development of Modern Civilization | 900 |
1. Tempat Lahir Peradaban | 900 | 1. The Cradle of Civilization | 900 |
2. Sarana-sarana Peradaban | 901 | 2. The Tools of Civilization | 901 |
3. Perkotaan, Manufaktur, dan Perdagangan | 903 | 3. Cities, Manufacture, and Commerce | 903 |
4. Ras-ras Campuran | 904 | 4. The Mixed Races | 904 |
5. Masyarakat Budaya | 905 | 5. Cultural Society | 905 |
6. Pemeliharaan Peradaban | 906 | 6. The Maintenance of Civilization | 906 |
82. Evolusi Pernikahan | 913 | 82. The Evolution of Marriage | 913 |
1. Naluri Kawin | 913 | 1. The Mating Instinct | 913 |
2. Tabu-tabu yang Membatasi | 914 | 2. The Restrictive Taboos | 914 |
3. Adat Perkawinan Mula-mula | 915 | 3. Early Marriage Mores | 915 |
4. Perkawinan di bawah Adat Istiadat Harta | 917 | 4. Marriage Under the Property Mores | 917 |
5. Endogami dan Eksogami | 918 | 5. Endogamy and Exogamy | 918 |
6. Percampuran Rasial | 919 | 6. Racial Mixtures | 919 |
83. Lembaga Pernikahan | 922 | 83. The Marriage Institution | 922 |
1. Perkawinan sebagai Lembaga Kemasyarakatan | 922 | 1. Marriage as a Societal Institution | 922 |
2. Pacaran dan Pertunangan | 923 | 2. Courtship and Betrothal | 923 |
3. Pembelian dan Mas Kawin | 923 | 3. Purchase and Dowry | 923 |
4. Upacara Pernikahan | 924 | 4. The Wedding Ceremony | 924 |
5. Perkawinan Majemuk | 925 | 5. Plural Marriages | 925 |
6. Monogami Sejati—Perkawinan Berpasangan | 927 | 6. True Monogamy—Pair Marriage | 927 |
7. Pembubaran Ikatan Pernikahan | 928 | 7. The Dissolution of Wedlock | 928 |
8. Idealisasi Pernikahan | 929 | 8. The Idealization of Marriage | 929 |
84. Pernikahan dan Kehidupan Keluarga | 931 | 84. Marriage and Family Life | 931 |
1. Ikatan-ikatan Pasangan Primitif | 931 | 1. Primitive Pair Associations | 931 |
2. Keluarga-Ibu yang Mula-mula | 932 | 2. The Early Mother-Family | 932 |
3. Keluarga di bawah Dominasi Ayah | 933 | 3. The Family Under Father Dominance | 933 |
4. Status Wanita dalam Masyarakat Awal | 935 | 4. Woman’s Status in Early Society | 935 |
5. Wanita di bawah Perkembangan Adat | 936 | 5. Woman Under the Developing Mores | 936 |
6. Kemitraan Pria dan Wanita | 938 | 6. The Partnership of Man and Woman | 938 |
7. Kehidupan Keluarga Ideal | 939 | 7. The Ideals of Family Life | 939 |
8. Bahaya Pemuasan Diri | 942 | 8. Dangers of Self-Gratification | 942 |
85. Asal Usul Penyembahan | 944 | 85. The Origins of Worship | 944 |
1. Pemujaan Batu dan Bukit | 944 | 1. Worship of Stones and Hills | 944 |
2. Penyembahan Tumbuhan dan Pohon | 945 | 2. Worship of Plants and Trees | 945 |
3. Penyembahan Hewan | 946 | 3. The Worship of Animals | 946 |
4. Penyembahan Unsur-unsur Alam | 946 | 4. Worship of the Elements | 946 |
5. Penyembahan Benda-benda Langit | 947 | 5. Worship of the Heavenly Bodies | 947 |
6. Penyembahan Manusia | 948 | 6. Worship of Man | 948 |
7. Ajudan Penyembahan dan Hikmat | 948 | 7. The Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom | 948 |
86. Evolusi Awal Agama | 950 | 86. Early Evolution of Religion | 950 |
1. Peluang: Nasib Baik dan Nasib Buruk | 950 | 1. Chance: Good Luck and Bad Luck | 950 |
2. Personifikasi Peluang | 951 | 2. The Personification of Chance | 951 |
3. Kematian—Yang Tidak Bisa Dijelaskan | 952 | 3. Death—The Inexplicable | 952 |
4. Konsep Kelangsungan Hidup Setelah Mati | 952 | 4. The Death-Survival Concept | 952 |
5. Konsep Jiwa-Arwah | 953 | 5. The Ghost-Soul Concept | 953 |
6. Lingkungan Roh-Arwah | 955 | 6. The Ghost-Spirit Environment | 955 |
7. Fungsi Agama Primitif | 956 | 7. The Function of Primitive Religion | 956 |
87. Pemujaan Arwah | 958 | 87. The Ghost Cults | 958 |
1. Takut Hantu | 958 | 1. Ghost Fear | 958 |
2. Penenangan Arwah | 959 | 2. Ghost Placation | 959 |
3. Pemujaan Nenek Moyang | 960 | 3. Ancestor Worship | 960 |
4. Arwah Roh yang Baik dan Buruk | 961 | 4. Good and Bad Spirit Ghosts | 961 |
5. Kemajuan Pemujaan Arwah | 962 | 5. The Advancing Ghost Cult | 962 |
6. Pemaksaan dan Pengusiran | 963 | 6. Coercion and Exorcism | 963 |
7. Sifat Pengkultusan | 965 | 7. Nature of Cultism | 965 |
88. Berhala, Jimat, dan Sihir | 967 | 88. Fetishes, Charms, and Magic | 967 |
1. Kepercayaan akan Berhala | 967 | 1. Belief in Fetishes | 967 |
2. Evolusi Berhala | 968 | 2. Evolution of the Fetish | 968 |
3. Totemisme | 970 | 3. Totemism | 970 |
4. Sihir | 970 | 4. Magic | 970 |
5. Jimat Magis | 971 | 5. Magical Charms | 971 |
6. Praktek Sihir | 972 | 6. The Practice of Magic | 972 |
89. Dosa, Pengorbanan, dan Penebusan | 974 | 89. Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement | 974 |
1. Tabu | 974 | 1. The Taboo | 974 |
2. Konsep Dosa | 975 | 2. The Concept of Sin | 975 |
3. Penyangkalan dan Perendahan Diri | 976 | 3. Renunciation and Humiliation | 976 |
4. Asal Mula Pengorbanan | 977 | 4. Origins of Sacrifice | 977 |
5. Pengorbanan dan Kanibalisme | 978 | 5. Sacrifices and Cannibalism | 978 |
6. Evolusi Pengorbanan Manusia | 980 | 6. Evolution of Human Sacrifice | 980 |
7. Perubahan-perubahan Pengorbanan Manusia | 981 | 7. Modifications of Human Sacrifice | 981 |
8. Penebusan dan Perjanjian | 982 | 8. Redemption and Covenants | 982 |
9. Pengorbanan dan Sakramen | 983 | 9. Sacrifices and Sacraments | 983 |
10. Pengampunan Dosa | 984 | 10. Forgiveness of Sin | 984 |
90. Perdukunan—Tabib dan Imam | 986 | 90. Shamanism—Medicine Men and Priests | 986 |
1. Dukun yang Pertama—Tabib Pengobatan | 986 | 1. The First Shamans—The Medicine Men | 986 |
2. Praktek Perdukunan | 987 | 2. Shamanistic Practices | 987 |
3. Teori Perdukunan tentang Penyakit dan Kematian | 989 | 3. The Shamanic Theory of Disease and Death | 989 |
4. Pengobatan di bawah para Dukun | 990 | 4. Medicine Under the Shamans | 990 |
5. Imam dan Ritual | 992 | 5. Priests and Rituals | 992 |
91. Evolusi Doa | 994 | 91. The Evolution of Prayer | 994 |
1. Doa Primitif | 994 | 1. Primitive Prayer | 994 |
2. Perkembangan Doa | 995 | 2. Evolving Prayer | 995 |
3. Doa dan Alter Ego | 996 | 3. Prayer and the Alter Ego | 996 |
4. Berdoa yang Beretika | 997 | 4. Ethical Praying | 997 |
5. Dampak Sosial dari Doa | 998 | 5. Social Repercussions of Prayer | 998 |
6. Bidang Wewenang Doa | 999 | 6. The Province of Prayer | 999 |
7. Mistisisme, Ekstasi, dan Inspirasi | 1000 | 7. Mysticism, Ecstasy, and Inspiration | 1000 |
8. Berdoa sebagai suatu Pengalaman Pribadi | 1001 | 8. Praying as a Personal Experience | 1001 |
9. Kondisi Doa yang Efektif | 1002 | 9. Conditions of Effective Prayer | 1002 |
92. Evolusi Agama Lebih Lanjut | 1003 | 92. The Later Evolution of Religion | 1003 |
1. Sifat Evolusioner Agama | 1003 | 1. The Evolutionary Nature of Religion | 1003 |
2. Agama dan Adat Istiadat | 1004 | 2. Religion and the Mores | 1004 |
3. Sifat Agama Evolusioner | 1005 | 3. The Nature of Evolutionary Religion | 1005 |
4. Karunia Pewahyuan | 1007 | 4. The Gift of Revelation | 1007 |
5. Pemimpin-pemimpin Keagamaan Besar | 1008 | 5. The Great Religious Leaders | 1008 |
6. Agama Campuran | 1010 | 6. The Composite Religions | 1010 |
7. Evolusi Agama Lebih Lanjut | 1012 | 7. The Further Evolution of Religion | 1012 |
93. Melkisedek Machiventa | 1014 | 93. Machiventa Melchizedek | 1014 |
1. Penjelmaan Machiventa | 1014 | 1. The Machiventa Incarnation | 1014 |
2. Orang Bijak dari Salem | 1015 | 2. The Sage of Salem | 1015 |
3. Ajaran Melkisedek | 1016 | 3. Melchizedek’s Teachings | 1016 |
4. Agama Salem | 1017 | 4. The Salem Religion | 1017 |
5. Pemilihan Abraham | 1018 | 5. The Selection of Abraham | 1018 |
6. Perjanjian Melkisedek dengan Abraham | 1020 | 6. Melchizedek’s Covenant with Abraham | 1020 |
7. Para Misionaris Melkisedek | 1021 | 7. The Melchizedek Missionaries | 1021 |
8. Kepergian Melkisedek | 1022 | 8. Departure of Melchizedek | 1022 |
9. Setelah Kepergian Melkisedek | 1022 | 9. After Melchizedek’s Departure | 1022 |
10. Status Sekarang Melkisedek Machiventa | 1024 | 10. Present Status of Machiventa Melchizedek | 1024 |
94. Ajaran-ajaran Melkisedek di Dunia Timur | 1027 | 94. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient | 1027 |
1. Ajaran-ajaran Salem di India Weda | 1027 | 1. The Salem Teachings in Vedic India | 1027 |
2. Brahmanisme | 1028 | 2. Brahmanism | 1028 |
3. Filsafat Brahmana | 1030 | 3. Brahmanic Philosophy | 1030 |
4. Agama Hindu | 1031 | 4. The Hindu Religion | 1031 |
5. Perjuangan untuk Kebenaran di Cina | 1032 | 5. The Struggle for Truth in China | 1032 |
6. Lao-Tse dan Konfusius | 1033 | 6. Lao-Tse and Confucius | 1033 |
7. Siddharta Gautama | 1035 | 7. Gautama Siddhartha | 1035 |
8. Kepercayaan Buddha | 1036 | 8. The Buddhist Faith | 1036 |
9. Penyebaran Buddhisme | 1037 | 9. The Spread of Buddhism | 1037 |
10. Agama di Tibet | 1038 | 10. Religion in Tibet | 1038 |
11. Filsafat Buddhis | 1038 | 11. Buddhist Philosophy | 1038 |
12. Konsep Tuhan Buddhisme | 1040 | 12. The God Concept of Buddhism | 1040 |
95. Ajaran Melkisedek di Timur Tengah | 1042 | 95. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant | 1042 |
1. Agama Salem di Mesopotamia | 1042 | 1. The Salem Religion in Mesopotamia | 1042 |
2. Agama Mesir Awal | 1043 | 2. Early Egyptian Religion | 1043 |
3. Evolusi Konsep Moral | 1045 | 3. Evolution of Moral Concepts | 1045 |
4. Ajaran Amenemope | 1046 | 4. The Teachings of Amenemope | 1046 |
5. Ikhnaton yang Luar Biasa | 1047 | 5. The Remarkable Ikhnaton | 1047 |
6. Doktrin Salem di Iran | 1049 | 6. The Salem Doctrines in Iran | 1049 |
7. Ajaran Salem di Arabia | 1050 | 7. The Salem Teachings in Arabia | 1050 |
96. Yahweh—Tuhan orang Ibrani | 1052 | 96. Yahweh—God of the Hebrews | 1052 |
1. Konsep Ketuhanan di kalangan Orang Semit | 1052 | 1. Deity Concepts Among the Semites | 1052 |
2. Bangsa-bangsa Semit | 1054 | 2. The Semitic Peoples | 1054 |
3. Musa yang Tiada Banding | 1055 | 3. The Matchless Moses | 1055 |
4. Proklamasi tentang Yahweh | 1056 | 4. The Proclamation of Yahweh | 1056 |
5. Ajaran Musa | 1057 | 5. The Teachings of Moses | 1057 |
6. Konsep Tuhan setelah Kematian Musa | 1059 | 6. The God Concept After Moses’ Death | 1059 |
7. Mazmur dan Kitab Ayub | 1060 | 7. Psalms and the Book of Job | 1060 |
97. Evolusi Konsep Tuhan di antara Orang Ibrani | 1062 | 97. Evolution of the God Concept Among the Hebrews | 1062 |
1. Samuel—Nabi Ibrani yang Pertama | 1062 | 1. Samuel—First of the Hebrew Prophets | 1062 |
2. Elia dan Elisa | 1064 | 2. Elijah and Elisha | 1064 |
3. Yahweh dan Baal | 1064 | 3. Yahweh and Baal | 1064 |
4. Amos dan Hosea | 1065 | 4. Amos and Hosea | 1065 |
5. Yesaya yang Pertama | 1066 | 5. The First Isaiah | 1066 |
6. Yeremia yang Tidak Kenal Takut | 1067 | 6. Jeremiah the Fearless | 1067 |
7. Yesaya yang Kedua | 1068 | 7. The Second Isaiah | 1068 |
8. Sejarah Suci dan Sejarah Duniawi | 1070 | 8. Sacred and Profane History | 1070 |
9. Sejarah Ibrani | 1071 | 9. Hebrew History | 1071 |
10. Agama Ibrani | 1075 | 10. The Hebrew Religion | 1075 |
98. Ajaran-ajaran Melkisedek di Dunia Barat | 1077 | 98. The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident | 1077 |
1. Agama Salem di antara Orang Yunani | 1077 | 1. The Salem Religion Among the Greeks | 1077 |
2. Pemikiran Filosofis Yunani | 1078 | 2. Greek Philosophic Thought | 1078 |
3. Ajaran-ajaran Melkisedek di Roma | 1080 | 3. The Melchizedek Teachings in Rome | 1080 |
4. Kultus-kultus Misteri | 1081 | 4. The Mystery Cults | 1081 |
5. Kultus Pemujaan Mithras | 1082 | 5. The Cult of Mithras | 1082 |
6. Mithraisme dan Kekristenan | 1083 | 6. Mithraism and Christianity | 1083 |
7. Agama Kristen | 1083 | 7. The Christian Religion | 1083 |
99. Masalah-masalah Sosial dari Agama | 1086 | 99. The Social Problems of Religion | 1086 |
1. Agama dan Rekonstruksi Sosial | 1086 | 1. Religion and Social Reconstruction | 1086 |
2. Kelemahan Agama Kelembagaan | 1087 | 2. Weakness of Institutional Religion | 1087 |
3. Agama dan para Agamawan | 1088 | 3. Religion and the Religionist | 1088 |
4. Kesulitan-kesulitan Peralihan | 1089 | 4. Transition Difficulties | 1089 |
5. Aspek-aspek Sosial dari Agama | 1090 | 5. Social Aspects of Religion | 1090 |
6. Agama Kelembagaan | 1092 | 6. Institutional Religion | 1092 |
7. Kontribusinya Agama | 1092 | 7. Religion’s Contribution | 1092 |
100. Agama dalam Pengalaman Manusia | 1094 | 100. Religion in Human Experience | 1094 |
1. Pertumbuhan Keagamaan | 1094 | 1. Religious Growth | 1094 |
2. Pertumbuhan Rohani | 1095 | 2. Spiritual Growth | 1095 |
3. Konsep-konsep Nilai Tertinggi | 1096 | 3. Concepts of Supreme Value | 1096 |
4. Masalah-masalah Pertumbuhan | 1097 | 4. Problems of Growth | 1097 |
5. Pertobatan dan Mistisme | 1098 | 5. Conversion and Mysticism | 1098 |
6. Tanda-tanda Kehidupan Beragama | 1100 | 6. Marks of Religious Living | 1100 |
7. Puncak Hidup Beragama | 1101 | 7. The Acme of Religious Living | 1101 |
101. Sifat Dasar Agama yang Sesungguhnya | 1104 | 101. The Real Nature of Religion | 1104 |
1. Agama yang Sejati | 1104 | 1. True Religion | 1104 |
2. Fakta Agama | 1105 | 2. The Fact of Religion | 1105 |
3. Ciri-ciri Khas Agama | 1107 | 3. The Characteristics of Religion | 1107 |
4. Keterbatasan Pewahyuan | 1109 | 4. The Limitations of Revelation | 1109 |
5. Agama yang diperluas oleh Pewahyuan | 1110 | 5. Religion Expanded by Revelation | 1110 |
6. Pengalaman Keagamaan yang Progresif | 1111 | 6. Progressive Religious Experience | 1111 |
7. Suatu Filosofi Pribadi tentang Agama | 1113 | 7. A Personal Philosophy of Religion | 1113 |
8. Iman dan Kepercayaan | 1114 | 8. Faith and Belief | 1114 |
9. Agama dan Moralitas | 1115 | 9. Religion and Morality | 1115 |
10. Agama sebagai Pembebas Manusia | 1116 | 10. Religion as Man’s Liberator | 1116 |
102. Dasar-dasar Iman Keagamaan | 1118 | 102. The Foundations of Religious Faith | 1118 |
1. Kepastian-kepastian Iman | 1118 | 1. Assurances of Faith | 1118 |
2. Agama dan Realitas | 1119 | 2. Religion and Reality | 1119 |
3. Pengetahuan, Kebijaksanaan, dan Wawasan | 1121 | 3. Knowledge, Wisdom, and Insight | 1121 |
4. Fakta Pengalaman | 1123 | 4. The Fact of Experience | 1123 |
5. Supremasi Potensial yang Memiliki Maksud | 1123 | 5. The Supremacy of Purposive Potential | 1123 |
6. Kepastian Iman Keagamaan | 1124 | 6. The Certainty of Religious Faith | 1124 |
7. Kepastian tentang Yang Ilahi | 1126 | 7. The Certitude of the Divine | 1126 |
8. Bukti-bukti Agama | 1127 | 8. The Evidences of Religion | 1127 |
103. Realitas Pengalaman Keagamaan | 1129 | 103. The Reality of Religious Experience | 1129 |
1. Filsafat Agama | 1129 | 1. Philosophy of Religion | 1129 |
2. Agama dan Perorangan | 1130 | 2. Religion and the Individual | 1130 |
3. Agama dan Ras Manusia | 1132 | 3. Religion and the Human Race | 1132 |
4. Persekutuan Rohani | 1133 | 4. Spiritual Communion | 1133 |
5. Asal Ideal-ideal | 1133 | 5. The Origin of Ideals | 1133 |
6. Koordinasi Filosofis | 1135 | 6. Philosophic Co-ordination | 1135 |
7. Sains dan Agama | 1137 | 7. Science and Religion | 1137 |
8. Filsafat dan Agama | 1140 | 8. Philosophy and Religion | 1140 |
9. Hakikat Agama | 1140 | 9. The Essence of Religion | 1140 |
104. Perkembangan Konsep Trinitas | 1143 | 104. Growth of the Trinity Concept | 1143 |
1. Konsep-konsep Trinitas Urantia | 1143 | 1. Urantian Trinity Concepts | 1143 |
2. Kesatuan Trinitas dan Kemajemukan Deitas | 1145 | 2. Trinity Unity and Deity Plurality | 1145 |
3. Trinitas dan Triunitas | 1146 | 3. Trinities and Triunities | 1146 |
4. Tujuh Triunitas | 1147 | 4. The Seven Triunities | 1147 |
5. Trioditas-trioditas | 1151 | 5. Triodities | 1151 |
105. Deitas dan Realitas | 1152 | 105. Deity and Reality | 1152 |
1. Konsep Filosofis dari AKU ADA | 1152 | 1. The Philosophic Concept of the I AM | 1152 |
2. AKU ADA sebagai Rangkap Tiga dan sebagai Yang Lipat Tujuh | 1153 | 2. The I AM as Triune and as Sevenfold | 1153 |
3. Tujuh Absolut Infinitas | 1155 | 3. The Seven Absolutes of Infinity | 1155 |
4. Unitas, Dualitas, dan Triunitas | 1157 | 4. Unity, Duality, and Triunity | 1157 |
5. Penyebaran Realitas Terbatas | 1158 | 5. Promulgation of Finite Reality | 1158 |
6. Dampak Realitas Terbatas | 1159 | 6. Repercussions of Finite Reality | 1159 |
7. Eventuasi Transendental-transendental | 1159 | 7. Eventuation of Transcendentals | 1159 |
106. Tingkat-tingkat Realitas Alam Semesta | 1162 | 106. Universe Levels of Reality | 1162 |
1. Ikatan Primer dari Fungsional-fungsional yang Terbatas | 1163 | 1. Primary Association of Finite Functionals | 1163 |
2. Integrasi Finit Tertinggi Sekunder | 1164 | 2. Secondary Supreme Finite Integration | 1164 |
3. Ikatan Realitas Tersier Transendental | 1165 | 3. Transcendental Tertiary Reality Association | 1165 |
4. Integrasi Kuartan Ultimat | 1166 | 4. Ultimate Quartan Integration | 1166 |
5. Ikatan Koabsolut atau Tahap Kelima | 1167 | 5. Coabsolute or Fifth-Phase Association | 1167 |
6. Integrasi Absolut atau Tahap Keenam | 1167 | 6. Absolute or Sixth-Phase Integration | 1167 |
7. Finalitas Takdir | 1168 | 7. Finality of Destiny | 1168 |
8. Trinitas dari Trinitas-Trinitas | 1170 | 8. The Trinity of Trinities | 1170 |
9. Penyatuan Tanpa Batas Eksistensial | 1173 | 9. Existential Infinite Unification | 1173 |
107. Asal dan Kodrat Pelaras Pikiran | 1176 | 107. Origin and Nature of Thought Adjusters | 1176 |
1. Asal Pelaras Pikiran | 1177 | 1. Origin of Thought Adjusters | 1177 |
2. Klasifikasi Pelaras | 1178 | 2. Classification of Adjusters | 1178 |
3. Divinington Rumah Pelaras | 1179 | 3. The Divinington Home of Adjusters | 1179 |
4. Kodrat dan Kehadiran para Pelaras | 1180 | 4. Nature and Presence of Adjusters | 1180 |
5. Batin Pelaras | 1181 | 5. Adjuster Mindedness | 1181 |
6. Pelaras sebagai Roh-roh Murni | 1182 | 6. Adjusters as Pure Spirits | 1182 |
7. Pelaras dan Kepribadian | 1183 | 7. Adjusters and Personality | 1183 |
108. Misi dan Pelayanan Pelaras Pikiran | 1185 | 108. Mission and Ministry of Thought Adjusters | 1185 |
1. Seleksi dan Penugasan | 1185 | 1. Selection and Assignment | 1185 |
2. Prasyarat untuk Berdiamnya Pelaras | 1186 | 2. Prerequisites of Adjuster Indwelling | 1186 |
3. Organisasi dan Administrasi | 1188 | 3. Organization and Administration | 1188 |
4. Hubungan dengan Pengaruh-pengaruh Rohani yang Lain | 1190 | 4. Relation to Other Spiritual Influences | 1190 |
5. Misi Pelaras | 1191 | 5. The Adjuster’s Mission | 1191 |
6. Tuhan dalam Manusia | 1192 | 6. God in Man | 1192 |
109. Hubungan Pelaras dengan Makhluk-Alam Semesta | 1195 | 109. Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures | 1195 |
1. Pengembangan Pelaras | 1195 | 1. Development of Adjusters | 1195 |
2. Pelaras yang Berperan-Sendiri | 1196 | 2. Self-Acting Adjusters | 1196 |
3. Hubungan Pelaras dengan Jenis-jenis Manusia | 1197 | 3. Relation of Adjusters to Mortal Types | 1197 |
4. Pelaras dan Kepribadian Manusia | 1198 | 4. Adjusters and Human Personality | 1198 |
5. Hambatan Jasmani untuk Berdiamnya Pelaras | 1199 | 5. Material Handicaps to Adjuster Indwelling | 1199 |
6. Persistensi Nilai-nilai yang Benar | 1200 | 6. The Persistence of True Values | 1200 |
7. Takdir para Pelaras Dipersonalisasi | 1201 | 7. Destiny of Personalized Adjusters | 1201 |
110. Hubungan Pelaras dengan Manusia Perorangan | 1203 | 110. Relation of Adjusters to Individual Mortals | 1203 |
1. Mendiami Batin Fana | 1203 | 1. Indwelling the Mortal Mind | 1203 |
2. Pelaras dan Kehendak Manusia | 1204 | 2. Adjusters and Human Will | 1204 |
3. Kerjasama dengan Pelaras | 1205 | 3. Co-operation with the Adjuster | 1205 |
4. Pekerjaan Pelaras dalam Batin | 1207 | 4. The Adjuster’s Work in the Mind | 1207 |
5. Konsep-konsep Keliru tentang Bimbingan Pelaras | 1207 | 5. Erroneous Concepts of Adjuster Guidance | 1207 |
6. Tujuh Lingkaran Psikis | 1209 | 6. The Seven Psychic Circles | 1209 |
7. Pencapaian Kebakaan | 1212 | 7. The Attainment of Immortality | 1212 |
111. Pelaras dan Jiwa | 1215 | 111. The Adjuster and the Soul | 1215 |
1. Batin Arena Pilihan | 1216 | 1. The Mind Arena of Choice | 1216 |
2. Sifat Dasar dari Jiwa | 1217 | 2. Nature of the Soul | 1217 |
3. Jiwa yang Berkembang | 1218 | 3. The Evolving Soul | 1218 |
4. Kehidupan Batiniah (Bagian Dalam) | 1219 | 4. The Inner Life | 1219 |
5. Konsekrasi Pilihan | 1221 | 5. The Consecration of Choice | 1221 |
6. Paradoks Manusia | 1221 | 6. The Human Paradox | 1221 |
7. Masalahnya Pelaras | 1223 | 7. The Adjuster’s Problem | 1223 |
112. Keselamatan Kepribadian | 1225 | 112. Personality Survival | 1225 |
1. Kepribadian dan Realitas | 1226 | 1. Personality and Reality | 1226 |
2. Diri | 1227 | 2. The Self | 1227 |
3. Fenomena Kematian | 1229 | 3. The Phenomenon of Death | 1229 |
4. Pelaras setelah Kematian | 1231 | 4. Adjusters After Death | 1231 |
5. Keselamatan Diri Manusia | 1232 | 5. Survival of the Human Self | 1232 |
6. Diri Morontia | 1235 | 6. The Morontia Self | 1235 |
7. Peleburan Pelaras | 1237 | 7. Adjuster Fusion | 1237 |
113. Penjaga Takdir Serafik | 1241 | 113. Seraphic Guardians of Destiny | 1241 |
1. Malaikat Penjaga | 1241 | 1. The Guardian Angels | 1241 |
2. Penjaga Takdir | 1242 | 2. The Destiny Guardians | 1242 |
3. Hubungan dengan Pengaruh-pengaruh Roh Lain | 1244 | 3. Relation to Other Spirit Influences | 1244 |
4. Wilayah Aksi Serafik | 1245 | 4. Seraphic Domains of Action | 1245 |
5. Pelayanan Serafik pada Manusia Fana | 1245 | 5. Seraphic Ministry to Mortals | 1245 |
6. Malaikat Penjaga setelah Kematian | 1246 | 6. Guardian Angels After Death | 1246 |
7. Serafim dan Karier Penaik | 1248 | 7. Seraphim and the Ascendant Career | 1248 |
114. Pemerintahan Serafim Keplanetan | 1250 | 114. Seraphic Planetary Government | 1250 |
1. Kedaulatan Urantia | 1250 | 1. The Sovereignty of Urantia | 1250 |
2. Dewan Supervisor Planet | 1251 | 2. The Board of Planetary Supervisors | 1251 |
3. Gubernur Jenderal Residen | 1252 | 3. The Resident Governor General | 1252 |
4. Pengamat Paling Tinggi | 1253 | 4. The Most High Observer | 1253 |
5. Pemerintahan Planet | 1254 | 5. The Planetary Government | 1254 |
6. Serafim Master untuk Supervisi Planet | 1254 | 6. The Master Seraphim of Planetary Supervision | 1254 |
7. Korps Cadangan Takdir | 1257 | 7. The Reserve Corps of Destiny | 1257 |
115. Sang Mahatinggi | 1260 | 115. The Supreme Being | 1260 |
1. Relativitas Bingkai-bingkai Konsep | 1260 | 1. Relativity of Concept Frames | 1260 |
2. Dasar Absolut untuk Supremasi | 1261 | 2. The Absolute Basis for Supremacy | 1261 |
3. Yang Orisinal, Aktual, dan Potensial | 1261 | 3. Original, Actual, and Potential | 1261 |
4. Sumber-sumber Realitas Tertinggi | 1263 | 4. Sources of Supreme Reality | 1263 |
5. Hubungan Yang Mahatinggi dengan Trinitas Firdaus | 1264 | 5. Relation of the Supreme to the Paradise Trinity | 1264 |
6. Hubungan Yang Mahatinggi dengan Trioditas | 1265 | 6. Relation of the Supreme to the Triodities | 1265 |
7. Kodrat (Sifat Dasar) Yang Mahatinggi | 1266 | 7. The Nature of the Supreme | 1266 |
116. Yang Mahatinggi Mahakuasa | 1268 | 116. The Almighty Supreme | 1268 |
1. Batin Mahatinggi | 1268 | 1. The Supreme Mind | 1268 |
2. Yang Mahakuasa dan Tuhan Lipat Tujuh | 1269 | 2. The Almighty and God the Sevenfold | 1269 |
3. Yang Mahakuasa dan Deitas Firdaus | 1270 | 3. The Almighty and Paradise Deity | 1270 |
4. Yang Mahakuasa dan para Pencipta Tertinggi | 1271 | 4. The Almighty and the Supreme Creators | 1271 |
5. Yang Mahakuasa dan para Pengendali Lipat Tujuh | 1273 | 5. The Almighty and the Sevenfold Controllers | 1273 |
6. Dominasi Roh | 1275 | 6. Spirit Dominance | 1275 |
7. Organisme Hidup Alam Semesta Agung | 1276 | 7. The Living Organism of the Grand Universe | 1276 |
117. Tuhan Mahatinggi | 1278 | 117. God the Supreme | 1278 |
1. Kodrat Sang Mahatinggi | 1278 | 1. Nature of the Supreme Being | 1278 |
2. Sumber Pertumbuhan Evolusioner | 1280 | 2. The Source of Evolutionary Growth | 1280 |
3. Makna Pentingnya Yang Mahatinggi pada Makhluk Alam Semesta | 1281 | 3. Significance of the Supreme to Universe Creatures | 1281 |
4. Tuhan yang Terbatas | 1283 | 4. The Finite God | 1283 |
5. Jiwa seluruh Penciptaan | 1285 | 5. The Oversoul of Creation | 1285 |
6. Pencarian untuk Yang Mahatinggi | 1287 | 6. The Quest for the Supreme | 1287 |
7. Masa Depan Yang Mahatinggi | 1291 | 7. The Future of the Supreme | 1291 |
118. Mahatinggi dan Mahaakhir—Ruang dan Waktu | 1294 | 118. Supreme and Ultimate—Time and Space | 1294 |
1. Waktu dan Kekekalan | 1295 | 1. Time and Eternity | 1295 |
2. Kemahahadiran dan Ubikuitas | 1296 | 2. Omnipresence and Ubiquity | 1296 |
3. Relasi-relasi Ruang-Waktu | 1297 | 3. Time-Space Relationships | 1297 |
4. Penyebab Primer dan Sekunder | 1298 | 4. Primary and Secondary Causation | 1298 |
5. Kemahakuasaan dan Komposibilitas | 1299 | 5. Omnipotence and Compossibility | 1299 |
6. Kemahakuasaan dan Kemahapenciptaan | 1299 | 6. Omnipotence and Omnificence | 1299 |
7. Kemahatahuan dan Pradestinasi | 1300 | 7. Omniscience and Predestination | 1300 |
8. Pengendalian dan Pengendalian Keseluruhan | 1301 | 8. Control and Overcontrol | 1301 |
9. Mekanisme Alam Semesta | 1303 | 9. Universe Mechanisms | 1303 |
10. Fungsi-fungsi Providensia | 1304 | 10. Functions of Providence | 1304 |
119. Penganugerahan Mikhael Kristus | 1308 | 119. The Bestowals of Christ Michael | 1308 |
1. Penganugerahan yang Pertama | 1309 | 1. The First Bestowal | 1309 |
2. Penganugerahan yang Kedua | 1310 | 2. The Second Bestowal | 1310 |
3. Penganugerahan yang Ketiga | 1312 | 3. The Third Bestowal | 1312 |
4. Penganugerahan yang Keempat | 1313 | 4. The Fourth Bestowal | 1313 |
5. Penganugerahan yang Kelima | 1314 | 5. The Fifth Bestowal | 1314 |
6. Penganugerahan yang Keenam | 1315 | 6. The Sixth Bestowal | 1315 |
7. Penganugerahan yang Ketujuh dan Terakhir. | 1316 | 7. The Seventh and Final Bestowal | 1316 |
8. Status Pasca-penganugerahan Mikhael | 1317 | 8. Michael’s Postbestowal Status | 1317 |
BAGIAN IV Kehidupan dan Ajaran Yesus |
PART IV The Life and Teachings of Jesus |
120. Penganugerahan Mikhael di Urantia | 1323 | 120. The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia | 1323 |
1. Penugasan Penganugerahan Ketujuh | 1325 | 1. The Seventh Bestowal Commission | 1325 |
2. Keterbatasan-keterbatasan Penganugerahan | 1327 | 2. The Bestowal Limitations | 1327 |
3. Nasihat dan Anjuran Berikutnya | 1329 | 3. Further Counsel and Advice | 1329 |
4. Inkarnasi—Membuat Dua Menjadi Satu | 1331 | 4. The Incarnation—Making Two One | 1331 |
121. Masa-masa Penganugerahan Mikhael | 1332 | 121. The Times of Michael’s Bestowal | 1332 |
1. Dunia Barat pada Abad Pertama sesudah Kristus | 1332 | 1. The Occident of the First Century After Christ | 1332 |
2. Bangsa Yahudi | 1333 | 2. The Jewish People | 1333 |
3. Di Kalangan Orang Bukan Yahudi | 1334 | 3. Among the Gentiles | 1334 |
4. Filsafat Bangsa Bukan Yahudi | 1335 | 4. Gentile Philosophy | 1335 |
5. Agama-agama Bukan Yahudi | 1336 | 5. The Gentile Religions | 1336 |
6. Agama Ibrani | 1338 | 6. The Hebrew Religion | 1338 |
7. Orang Yahudi dan Bukan Yahudi | 1339 | 7. Jews and Gentiles | 1339 |
8. Catatan-catatan Tertulis Sebelumnya | 1341 | 8. Previous Written Records | 1341 |
122. Kelahiran dan Masa Bayi Yesus | 1344 | 122. Birth and Infancy of Jesus | 1344 |
1. Yusuf dan Maria | 1344 | 1. Joseph and Mary | 1344 |
2. Gabriel Menampakkan Diri kepada Elisabet | 1345 | 2. Gabriel Appears to Elizabeth | 1345 |
3. Pemberitahuan Gabriel kepada Maria | 1346 | 3. Gabriel’s Announcement to Mary | 1346 |
4. Mimpi Yusuf | 1347 | 4. Joseph’s Dream | 1347 |
5. Orangtua Yesus di Bumi | 1348 | 5. Jesus’ Earth Parents | 1348 |
6. Rumah di Nazaret | 1349 | 6. The Home at Nazareth | 1349 |
7. Perjalanan ke Betlehem | 1350 | 7. The Trip to Bethlehem | 1350 |
8. Kelahiran Yesus | 1351 | 8. The Birth of Jesus | 1351 |
9. Persembahan di Bait Suci | 1352 | 9. The Presentation in the Temple | 1352 |
10. Herodes Bertindak | 1353 | 10. Herod Acts | 1353 |
123. Masa Kecil Yesus | 1355 | 123. The Early Childhood of Jesus | 1355 |
1. Kembali di Nazaret | 1356 | 1. Back in Nazareth | 1356 |
2. Tahun Kelima (2 SM) | 1357 | 2. The Fifth Year (2 B.C.) | 1357 |
3. Peristiwa-peristiwa di Tahun Keenam (1 SM) | 1359 | 3. Events of the Sixth Year (1 B.C.) | 1359 |
4. Tahun Ketujuh (1 M) | 1361 | 4. The Seventh Year (A.D. 1) | 1361 |
5. Hari-hari Sekolah di Nazaret | 1362 | 5. School Days in Nazareth | 1362 |
6. Tahun Kedelapan Yesus (2 M). | 1364 | 6. His Eighth Year (A.D. 2) | 1364 |
124. Masa Kecil Yesus Selanjutnya | 1366 | 124. The Later Childhood of Jesus | 1366 |
1. Tahun Kesembilan Yesus (3 M) | 1366 | 1. Jesus’ Ninth Year (A.D. 3) | 1366 |
2. Tahun Kesepuluh (4 M) | 1368 | 2. The Tenth Year (A.D. 4) | 1368 |
3. Tahun Kesebelas (5 Masehi) | 1369 | 3. The Eleventh Year (A.D. 5) | 1369 |
4. Tahun Kedua Belas (6 M) | 1371 | 4. The Twelfth Year (A.D. 6) | 1371 |
5. Tahun Ketiga Belasnya (7 M) | 1373 | 5. His Thirteenth Year (A.D. 7) | 1373 |
6. Perjalanan ke Yerusalem | 1374 | 6. The Journey to Jerusalem | 1374 |
125. Yesus di Yerusalem | 1377 | 125. Jesus at Jerusalem | 1377 |
1. Yesus Melihat-lihat Bait Suci | 1378 | 1. Jesus Views the Temple | 1378 |
2. Yesus dan Paskah | 1379 | 2. Jesus and the Passover | 1379 |
3. Keberangkatan Yusuf dan Maria | 1381 | 3. Departure of Joseph and Mary | 1381 |
4. Hari Pertama dan Kedua di Bait Suci | 1381 | 4. First and Second Days in the Temple | 1381 |
5. Hari Ketiga di Bait Suci | 1382 | 5. The Third Day in the Temple | 1382 |
6. Hari Keempat di Bait Suci | 1383 | 6. The Fourth Day in the Temple | 1383 |
126. Dua Tahun yang Genting | 1386 | 126. The Two Crucial Years | 1386 |
1. Tahun Keempat Belasnya (8 M) | 1387 | 1. His Fourteenth Year (A.D. 8) | 1387 |
2. Kematian Yusuf | 1388 | 2. The Death of Joseph | 1388 |
3. Tahun Kelima Belas (9 M) | 1389 | 3. The Fifteenth Year (A.D. 9) | 1389 |
4. Khotbah Pertama di Rumah Ibadah | 1391 | 4. First Sermon in the Synagogue | 1391 |
5. Pergumulan Keuangan | 1392 | 5. The Financial Struggle | 1392 |
127. Tahun-tahun Remaja | 1395 | 127. The Adolescent Years | 1395 |
1. Tahun Keenam belas (10 M) | 1395 | 1. The Sixteenth Year (A.D. 10) | 1395 |
2. Tahun Ketujuh Belas (11 M) | 1396 | 2. The Seventeenth Year (A.D. 11) | 1396 |
3. Tahun Kedelapan Belas (12 M) | 1398 | 3. The Eighteenth Year (A.D. 12) | 1398 |
4. Tahun Kesembilan Belas (13 M) | 1401 | 4. The Nineteenth Year (A.D. 13) | 1401 |
5. Ribka, Anak Perempuan Ezra | 1402 | 5. Rebecca, the Daughter of Ezra | 1402 |
6. Tahun Kedua puluhnya (14 M) | 1403 | 6. His Twentieth Year (A.D. 14) | 1403 |
128. Masa Dewasa Awal Yesus | 1407 | 128. Jesus’ Early Manhood | 1407 |
1. Tahun Kedua Puluh Satu (15 M) | 1407 | 1. The Twenty-First Year (A.D. 15) | 1407 |
2. Tahun Kedua Puluh Dua (16 M) | 1409 | 2. The Twenty-Second Year (A.D. 16) | 1409 |
3. Tahun Kedua Puluh Tiga (17 M) | 1411 | 3. The Twenty-Third Year (A.D. 17) | 1411 |
3. Episode Damaskus | 1412 | 4. The Damascus Episode | 1412 |
5. Tahun Kedua Puluh Empat (18 M) | 1413 | 5. The Twenty-Fourth Year (A.D. 18) | 1413 |
6. Tahun Kedua Puluh Lima (19 M) | 1415 | 6. The Twenty-Fifth Year (A.D. 19) | 1415 |
7. Tahun Kedua Puluh Enam (20 M) | 1416 | 7. The Twenty-Sixth Year (A.D. 20) | 1416 |
129. Masa Dewasa Yesus Berikutnya | 1419 | 129. The Later Adult Life of Jesus | 1419 |
1. Tahun Kedua puluh Tujuh (21 M) | 1419 | 1. The Twenty-Seventh Year (A.D. 21) | 1419 |
2. Tahun Kedua puluh Delapan (22 M) | 1421 | 2. The Twenty-Eighth Year (A.D. 22) | 1421 |
3. Tahun Kedua puluh Sembilan (23 M) | 1423 | 3. The Twenty-Ninth Year (A.D. 23) | 1423 |
4. Manusia Yesus | 1424 | 4. The Human Jesus | 1424 |
130. Dalam Perjalanan ke Roma | 1427 | 130. On the Way to Rome | 1427 |
1. Di Joppa—Pembicaraan tentang Yunus | 1428 | 1. At Joppa—Discourse on Jonah | 1428 |
2. Di Kaisarea | 1429 | 2. At Caesarea | 1429 |
3. Di Aleksandria | 1432 | 3. At Alexandria | 1432 |
4. Wacana tentang Realitas | 1433 | 4. Discourse on Reality | 1433 |
5. Di Pulau Kreta | 1436 | 5. On the Island of Crete | 1436 |
6. Pemuda Yang Takut | 1437 | 6. The Young Man Who Was Afraid | 1437 |
7. Di Kartago—Pembahasan tentang Ruang dan Waktu | 1438 | 7. At Carthage—Discourse on Time and Space | 1438 |
8. Perjalanan ke Napoli dan Roma | 1440 | 8. On the Way to Naples and Rome | 1440 |
131. Agama-agama Dunia | 1442 | 131. The World’s Religions | 1442 |
1. Sinisme | 1442 | 1. Cynicism | 1442 |
2. Yudaisme | 1444 | 2. Judaism | 1444 |
3. Buddhisme | 1446 | 3. Buddhism | 1446 |
4. Hinduisme | 1447 | 4. Hinduism | 1447 |
5. Zoroastrianisme | 1449 | 5. Zoroastrianism | 1449 |
6. Suduanisme (Jainisme) | 1450 | 6. Suduanism (Jainism) | 1450 |
7. Shinto | 1451 | 7. Shinto | 1451 |
8. Taoisme | 1451 | 8. Taoism | 1451 |
9. Konfusianisme | 1452 | 9. Confucianism | 1452 |
10. “Agama Kita” | 1453 | 10. “Our Religion” | 1453 |
132. Kunjungan di Roma | 1455 | 132. The Sojourn at Rome | 1455 |
1. Nilai-nilai yang Benar | 1456 | 1. True Values | 1456 |
2. Baik dan Jahat | 1457 | 2. Good and Evil | 1457 |
3. Kebenaran dan Iman | 1459 | 3. Truth and Faith | 1459 |
4. Pelayanan Pribadi | 1460 | 4. Personal Ministry | 1460 |
5. Menasihati Orang Kaya | 1462 | 5. Counseling the Rich Man | 1462 |
6. Pelayanan Sosial | 1465 | 6. Social Ministry | 1465 |
7. Perjalanan sekitar Roma | 1466 | 7. Trips About Rome | 1466 |
133. Kembali dari Roma | 1468 | 133. The Return from Rome | 1468 |
1. Rahmat dan Keadilan | 1468 | 1. Mercy and Justice | 1468 |
2. Naik Kapal di Tarentum | 1470 | 2. Embarking at Tarentum | 1470 |
3. Di Korintus | 1471 | 3. At Corinth | 1471 |
4. Pekerjaan Pribadi di Korintus | 1474 | 4. Personal Work in Corinth | 1474 |
5. Di Athena—Wacana tentang Sains | 1476 | 5. At Athens—Discourse on Science | 1476 |
6. Di Efesus—Pembahasan tentang Jiwa | 1477 | 6. At Ephesus—Discourse on the Soul | 1477 |
7. Kunjungan di Siprus—Wacana tentang Batin | 1479 | 7. The Sojourn at Cyprus—Discourse on Mind | 1479 |
8. Di Antiokhia | 1480 | 8. At Antioch | 1480 |
9. Di Mesopotamia | 1481 | 9. In Mesopotamia | 1481 |
134. Tahun-tahun Peralihan | 1483 | 134. The Transition Years | 1483 |
1. Tahun Ketiga Puluh (24 M) | 1483 | 1. The Thirtieth Year (A.D. 24) | 1483 |
2. Perjalanan Kafilah ke Kaspia | 1484 | 2. The Caravan Trip to the Caspian | 1484 |
3. Kuliah Urmia | 1485 | 3. The Urmia Lectures | 1485 |
4. Kedaulatan—Ilahi dan Manusiawi | 1486 | 4. Sovereignty—Divine and Human | 1486 |
5. Kedaulatan Politik | 1487 | 5. Political Sovereignty | 1487 |
6. Hukum, Kemerdekaan, dan Kedaulatan | 1490 | 6. Law, Liberty, and Sovereignty | 1490 |
7. Tahun Ketiga Puluh Satu (25 M) | 1492 | 7. The Thirty-First Year (A.D. 25) | 1492 |
8. Kunjungan di Gunung Hermon | 1492 | 8. The Sojourn on Mount Hermon | 1492 |
9. Waktu Menunggu | 1494 | 9. The Time of Waiting | 1494 |
135. Yohanes Pembaptis | 1496 | 135. John the Baptist | 1496 |
1. Yohanes Menjadi seorang Nazir | 1496 | 1. John Becomes a Nazarite | 1496 |
2. Kematian Zakaria | 1497 | 2. The Death of Zacharias | 1497 |
3. Kehidupan Seorang Gembala | 1497 | 3. The Life of a Shepherd | 1497 |
4. Kematian Elisabet | 1499 | 4. The Death of Elizabeth | 1499 |
5. “Kerajaan Allah” | 1500 | 5. The Kingdom of God | 1500 |
6. Yohanes Mulai Berkhotbah | 1501 | 6. John Begins to Preach | 1501 |
7. Yohanes Berjalan ke Utara | 1503 | 7. John Journeys North | 1503 |
8. Pertemuan Yesus dan Yohanes | 1503 | 8. Meeting of Jesus and John | 1503 |
9. Empat puluh Hari Berkhotbah | 1505 | 9. Forty Days of Preaching | 1505 |
10. Yohanes Berjalan ke Selatan | 1506 | 10. John Journeys South | 1506 |
11. Yohanes dalam Penjara | 1506 | 11. John in Prison | 1506 |
12. Kematian Yohanes Pembaptis | 1508 | 12. Death of John the Baptist | 1508 |
136. Baptisan dan Empat Puluh Hari | 1509 | 136. Baptism and the Forty Days | 1509 |
1. Konsep tentang Mesias yang Diharapkan | 1509 | 1. Concepts of the Expected Messiah | 1509 |
2. Pembaptisan Yesus | 1510 | 2. The Baptism of Jesus | 1510 |
3. Empat Puluh Hari | 1512 | 3. The Forty Days | 1512 |
4. Rencana untuk Pekerjaan Publik | 1514 | 4. Plans for Public Work | 1514 |
5. Keputusan Besar yang Pertama | 1516 | 5. The First Great Decision | 1516 |
6. Keputusan Kedua | 1517 | 6. The Second Decision | 1517 |
7. Keputusan Ketiga | 1519 | 7. The Third Decision | 1519 |
8. Keputusan Keempat | 1520 | 8. The Fourth Decision | 1520 |
9. Keputusan Kelima | 1521 | 9. The Fifth Decision | 1521 |
10. Keputusan Keenam | 1523 | 10. The Sixth Decision | 1523 |
137. Waktu Menunggu di Galilea | 1524 | 137. Tarrying Time in Galilee | 1524 |
1. Memilih Empat Rasul Pertama | 1524 | 1. Choosing the First Four Apostles | 1524 |
2. Memilih Filipus dan Natanael | 1526 | 2. Choosing Philip and Nathaniel | 1526 |
3. Kunjungan ke Kapernaum | 1527 | 3. The Visit to Capernaum | 1527 |
4. Pernikahan di Kana | 1528 | 4. The Wedding at Cana | 1528 |
5. Kembali ke Kapernaum | 1531 | 5. Back in Capernaum | 1531 |
6. Peristiwa pada suatu Hari Sabat | 1532 | 6. The Events of a Sabbath Day | 1532 |
7. Empat Bulan Pelatihan | 1533 | 7. Four Months of Training | 1533 |
8. Khotbah tentang Kerajaan | 1535 | 8. Sermon on the Kingdom | 1535 |
138. Pelatihan Utusan-utusan Kerajaan | 1538 | 138. Training the Kingdom’s Messengers | 1538 |
1. Pelajaran Akhir | 1538 | 1. Final Instructions | 1538 |
2. Memilih Enam Rasul | 1539 | 2. Choosing the Six | 1539 |
3. Panggilan untuk Matius dan Simon | 1540 | 3. The Call of Matthew and Simon | 1540 |
4. Panggilan terhadap si Kembar | 1541 | 4. The Call of the Twins | 1541 |
5. Panggilan Tomas dan Yudas | 1542 | 5. The Call of Thomas and Judas | 1542 |
6. Pekan Pelatihan Intensif | 1542 | 6. The Week of Intensive Training | 1542 |
7. Satu Kekecewaan Lagi | 1543 | 7. Another Disappointment | 1543 |
8. Pekerjaan Pertama dari (Rasul) Dua Belas | 1545 | 8. First Work of the Twelve | 1545 |
9. Lima Bulan Pengujian | 1546 | 9. Five Months of Testing | 1546 |
10. Pengorganisasian Dua Belas | 1547 | 10. Organization of the Twelve | 1547 |
139. Dua Belas Rasul | 1548 | 139. The Twelve Apostles | 1548 |
1. Andreas, Yang Pertama Dipilih | 1548 | 1. Andrew, the First Chosen | 1548 |
2. Simon Petrus | 1550 | 2. Simon Peter | 1550 |
3. Yakobus Zebedeus | 1552 | 3. James Zebedee | 1552 |
4. Yohanes Zebedeus | 1553 | 4. John Zebedee | 1553 |
5. Filipus yang Ingin Tahu | 1556 | 5. Philip the Curious | 1556 |
6. Natanael yang Jujur | 1558 | 6. Honest Nathaniel | 1558 |
7. Matius Lewi | 1559 | 7. Matthew Levi | 1559 |
8. Tomas Didimus | 1561 | 8. Thomas Didymus | 1561 |
9 dan 10. Yakobus dan Yudas Alfeus | 1563 | 9. and 10. James and Judas Alpheus | 1563 |
11. Simon orang Zelot | 1564 | 11. Simon the Zealot | 1564 |
12. Yudas Iskariot | 1565 | 12. Judas Iscariot | 1565 |
140. Pentahbisan Dua Belas | 1568 | 140. The Ordination of the Twelve | 1568 |
1. Instruksi Pendahuluan | 1568 | 1. Preliminary Instruction | 1568 |
2. Pentahbisan | 1569 | 2. The Ordination | 1569 |
3. Khotbah Pentahbisan | 1570 | 3. The Ordination Sermon | 1570 |
4. Kamu adalah Garam Dunia | 1572 | 4. You Are the Salt of the Earth | 1572 |
5. Kasih Kebapaan dan Persaudaraan | 1573 | 5. Fatherly and Brotherly Love | 1573 |
6. Malam Pentahbisan | 1576 | 6. The Evening of the Ordination | 1576 |
7. Pekan Setelah Pentahbisan | 1578 | 7. The Week Following the Ordination | 1578 |
8. Kamis Sore di Danau | 1579 | 8. Thursday Afternoon on the Lake | 1579 |
9. Hari Konsekrasi | 1583 | 9. The Day of Consecration | 1583 |
10. Malam setelah Konsekrasi | 1584 | 10. The Evening After the Consecration | 1584 |
141. Memulai Pekerjaan Publik | 1587 | 141. Beginning the Public Work | 1587 |
1. Meninggalkan Galilea | 1587 | 1. Leaving Galilee | 1587 |
2. Hukum Tuhan dan Kehendak Bapa | 1588 | 2. God’s Law and the Father’s Will | 1588 |
3. Kunjungan di Amathus | 1589 | 3. The Sojourn at Amathus | 1589 |
4. Mengajarkan tentang Bapa | 1590 | 4. Teaching About the Father | 1590 |
5. Kesatuan Rohani | 1591 | 5. Spiritual Unity | 1591 |
6. Minggu Terakhir di Amathus | 1592 | 6. Last Week at Amathus | 1592 |
7. Di Betania Seberang Yordan | 1593 | 7. At Bethany Beyond Jordan | 1593 |
8. Bekerja di Yerikho | 1595 | 8. Working in Jericho | 1595 |
9. Berangkat ke Yerusalem | 1595 | 9. Departing for Jerusalem | 1595 |
142. Paskah di Yerusalem | 1596 | 142. The Passover at Jerusalem | 1596 |
1. Mengajar di Bait Suci | 1596 | 1. Teaching in the Temple | 1596 |
2. Murka Tuhan | 1597 | 2. God’s Wrath | 1597 |
3. Konsep tentang Tuhan | 1598 | 3. The Concept of God | 1598 |
4. Flavius dan Kebudayaan Yunani | 1600 | 4. Flavius and Greek Culture | 1600 |
5. Pembahasan tentang Kepastian | 1601 | 5. The Discourse on Assurance | 1601 |
6. Percakapan dengan Nikodemus | 1601 | 6. The Visit with Nicodemus | 1601 |
7. Pelajaran tentang Keluarga | 1603 | 7. The Lesson on the Family | 1603 |
8. Di Yudea Selatan | 1605 | 8. In Southern Judea | 1605 |
143. Pergi Melalui Samaria | 1607 | 143. Going Through Samaria | 1607 |
1. Berkhotbah di Arkhelais | 1607 | 1. Preaching at Archelais | 1607 |
2. Pelajaran tentang Penguasaan Diri | 1609 | 2. Lesson on Self-Mastery | 1609 |
3. Hiburan dan Istirahat | 1610 | 3. Diversion and Relaxation | 1610 |
4. Orang Yahudi dan orang Samaria | 1612 | 4. The Jews and the Samaritans | 1612 |
5. Perempuan di Sikhar | 1612 | 5. The Woman of Sychar | 1612 |
6. Kebangunan Rohani Orang Samaria | 1615 | 6. The Samaritan Revival | 1615 |
7. Ajaran tentang Doa dan Ibadah | 1616 | 7. Teachings About Prayer and Worship | 1616 |
144. Di Gilboa dan Dekapolis | 1617 | 144. At Gilboa and in the Decapolis | 1617 |
1. Perkemahan Gilboa | 1617 | 1. The Gilboa Encampment | 1617 |
2. Ceramah tentang Doa | 1618 | 2. The Discourse on Prayer | 1618 |
3. Doa Orang Percaya | 1619 | 3. The Believer’s Prayer | 1619 |
4. Lebih lanjut tentang Doa | 1620 | 4. More About Prayer | 1620 |
5. Bentuk-bentuk Lain dari Doa | 1621 | 5. Other Forms of Prayer | 1621 |
6. Pertemuan dengan Rasul-rasul Yohanes Pembaptis | 1624 | 6. Conference with John’s Apostles | 1624 |
7. Di Kota-kota Dekapolis | 1626 | 7. In the Decapolis Cities | 1626 |
8. Dalam Perkemahan dekat Pella | 1626 | 8. In Camp Near Pella | 1626 |
9. Kematian Yohanes Pembaptis | 1627 | 9. Death of John the Baptist | 1627 |
145. Empat Hari yang Penuh Peristiwa di Kapernaum | 1628 | 145. Four Eventful Days at Capernaum | 1628 |
1. Tangkapan Ikan yang Melimpah | 1628 | 1. The Draught of Fishes | 1628 |
2. Sore Hari di Sinagog | 1629 | 2. Afternoon at the Synagogue | 1629 |
3. Penyembuhan pada Waktu Matahari Terbenam | 1631 | 3. The Healing at Sundown | 1631 |
4. Malam Setelahnya | 1634 | 4. The Evening After | 1634 |
5. Hari Minggu Subuh | 1634 | 5. Early Sunday Morning | 1634 |
146. Pemberitaan Keliling Perdana di Galilea | 1637 | 146. First Preaching Tour of Galilee | 1637 |
1. Pemberitaan di Rimmon | 1637 | 1. Preaching at Rimmon | 1637 |
2. Di Yotapata | 1638 | 2. At Jotapata | 1638 |
3. Singgah di Rama | 1641 | 3. The Stop at Ramah | 1641 |
4. Injil di Iron | 1643 | 4. The Gospel at Iron | 1643 |
5. Kembali ke Kana | 1644 | 5. Back in Cana | 1644 |
6. Nain dan Anak Janda | 1645 | 6. Nain and the Widow’s Son | 1645 |
7. Di Endor | 1646 | 7. At Endor | 1646 |
147. Kunjungan Selingan ke Yerusalem | 1647 | 147. The Interlude Visit to Jerusalem | 1647 |
1. Hamba Perwira | 1647 | 1. The Centurion’s Servant | 1647 |
2. Perjalanan ke Yerusalem | 1648 | 2. The Journey to Jerusalem | 1648 |
3. Di Kolam Betesda | 1649 | 3. At the Pool of Bethesda | 1649 |
4. Aturan Hidup | 1650 | 4. The Rule of Living | 1650 |
5. Mengunjungi Simon orang Farisi | 1651 | 5. Visiting Simon the Pharisee | 1651 |
6. Kembali ke Kapernaum | 1653 | 6. Returning to Capernaum | 1653 |
7. Kembali di Kapernaum | 1655 | 7. Back in Capernaum | 1655 |
8. Pesta Kebaikan Rohani | 1656 | 8. The Feast of Spiritual Goodness | 1656 |
148. Pelatihan para Penginjil di Betsaida | 1657 | 148. Training Evangelists at Bethsaida | 1657 |
1. Sekolah Baru untuk para Nabi | 1657 | 1. A New School of the Prophets | 1657 |
2. Rumah Sakit Betsaida | 1658 | 2. The Bethsaida Hospital | 1658 |
3. Urusan Pekerjaan Bapa | 1659 | 3. The Father’s Business | 1659 |
4. Kejahatan, Dosa, dan Kedurhakaan | 1659 | 4. Evil, Sin, and Iniquity | 1659 |
5. Tujuan Penderitaan | 1661 | 5. The Purpose of Affliction | 1661 |
6. Kesalahpahaman tentang Penderitaan. Ceramah tentang Ayub |
1662 | 6. The Misunderstanding of Suffering— Discourse on Job |
1662 |
7. Orang dengan Tangan Lumpuh Layu | 1664 | 7. The Man with the Withered Hand | 1664 |
8. Minggu Terakhir di Betsaida | 1665 | 8. Last Week at Bethsaida | 1665 |
9. Menyembuhkan Orang Lumpuh | 1666 | 9. Healing the Paralytic | 1666 |
149. Perjalanan Pemberitaan Kedua | 1668 | 149. The Second Preaching Tour | 1668 |
1. Meluasnya Ketenaran Yesus | 1668 | 1. The Widespread Fame of Jesus | 1668 |
2. Sikap Orang Banyak | 1670 | 2. Attitude of the People | 1670 |
3. Permusuhan dari Pemimpin-pemimpin Agama | 1672 | 3. Hostility of the Religious Leaders | 1672 |
4. Kemajuan Tur Pemberitaan | 1673 | 4. Progress of the Preaching Tour | 1673 |
5. Pelajaran Mengenai Kepuasan | 1674 | 5. Lesson Regarding Contentment | 1674 |
6. “Takut akan Tuhan” | 1675 | 6. The “Fear of the Lord” | 1675 |
7. Kembali ke Betsaida | 1677 | 7. Returning to Bethsaida | 1677 |
150. Perjalanan Pemberitaan Ketiga | 1678 | 150. The Third Preaching Tour | 1678 |
1. Korps Penginjil Perempuan | 1678 | 1. The Women’s Evangelistic Corps | 1678 |
2. Berhenti di Magdala | 1679 | 2. The Stop at Magdala | 1679 |
3. Sabat di Tiberias | 1680 | 3. Sabbath at Tiberias | 1680 |
4. Mengirim para Rasul Berdua-dua | 1681 | 4. Sending the Apostles Out Two and Two | 1681 |
5. Apa yang Harus Aku Perbuat untuk Diselamatkan? | 1682 | 5. What Must I Do to Be Saved? | 1682 |
6. Pelajaran Malam | 1683 | 6. The Evening Lessons | 1683 |
7. Kunjungan di Nazaret | 1683 | 7. The Sojourn at Nazareth | 1683 |
8. Ibadah Sabat | 1684 | 8. The Sabbath Service | 1684 |
9. Penolakan Nazaret | 1686 | 9. The Nazareth Rejection | 1686 |
151. Menunggu dan Mengajar di Tepi Danau | 1688 | 151. Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside | 1688 |
1. Perumpamaan tentang Penabur | 1688 | 1. The Parable of the Sower | 1688 |
2. Penafsiran tentang Perumpamaan | 1689 | 2. Interpretation of the Parable | 1689 |
3. Lebih Lanjut tentang Perumpamaan | 1691 | 3. More About Parables | 1691 |
4. Perumpamaan Lagi di Tepi Danau | 1693 | 4. More Parables by the Sea | 1693 |
5. Kunjungan ke Kheresa | 1694 | 5. The Visit to Kheresa | 1694 |
6. Orang Gila Gerasa | 1695 | 6. The Kheresa Lunatic | 1695 |
152. Peristiwa-peristiwa Menuju ke Krisis Kapernaum | 1698 | 152. Events Leading up to the Capernaum Crisis | 1698 |
1. Di Rumah Yairus | 1699 | 1. At Jairus’s House | 1699 |
2. Memberi Makan Lima Ribu Orang | 1700 | 2. Feeding the Five Thousand | 1700 |
3. Episode Pengangkatan Raja | 1702 | 3. The King-Making Episode | 1702 |
4. Penglihatan Malam Simon Petrus | 1703 | 4. Simon Peter’s Night Vision | 1703 |
5. Kembali ke Betsaida | 1703 | 5. Back in Bethsaida | 1703 |
6. Di Genesaret | 1705 | 6. At Gennesaret | 1705 |
7. Di Yerusalem | 1706 | 7. At Jerusalem | 1706 |
153. Krisis di Kapernaum | 1707 | 153. The Crisis at Capernaum | 1707 |
1. Pengaturan Pentas | 1707 | 1. The Setting of the Stage | 1707 |
2. Khotbah Epokal | 1709 | 2. The Epochal Sermon | 1709 |
3. Setelah Selesai Ibadah | 1712 | 3. The After Meeting | 1712 |
4. Kata-kata Terakhir dalam Sinagog | 1713 | 4. Last Words in the Synagogue | 1713 |
5. Sabtu Malam | 1715 | 5. The Saturday Evening | 1715 |
154. Hari-hari Terakhir di Kapernaum | 1717 | 154. Last Days at Capernaum | 1717 |
1. Satu Minggu Pertimbangan | 1717 | 1. A Week of Counsel | 1717 |
2. Satu Minggu Istirahat | 1718 | 2. A Week of Rest | 1718 |
3. Konferensi Tiberias Kedua | 1719 | 3. The Second Tiberias Conference | 1719 |
4. Sabtu Malam di Kapernaum | 1719 | 4. Saturday Night in Capernaum | 1719 |
5. Minggu Pagi yang Penuh Peristiwa | 1720 | 5. The Eventful Sunday Morning | 1720 |
6. Keluarga Yesus Tiba | 1721 | 6. Jesus’ Family Arrives | 1721 |
7. Pelarian Tergesa-gesa | 1723 | 7. The Hasty Flight | 1723 |
155. Melarikan Diri Melalui Galilea Utara | 1725 | 155. Fleeing Through Northern Galilee | 1725 |
1. Mengapa Rusuh Bangsa-bangsa Kafir? | 1725 | 1. Why Do the Heathen Rage? | 1725 |
2. Para Penginjil di Khorazim | 1726 | 2. The Evangelists in Chorazin | 1726 |
3. Di Kaisarea-Filipi | 1727 | 3. At Caesarea-Philippi | 1727 |
4. Dalam Perjalanan Menuju Fenisia | 1728 | 4. On the Way to Phoenicia | 1728 |
5. Ceramah tentang Agama yang Benar | 1728 | 5. The Discourse on True Religion | 1728 |
6. Ceramah Kedua tentang Agama | 1730 | 6. The Second Discourse on Religion | 1730 |
156. Kunjungan ke Tirus dan Sidon | 1734 | 156. The Sojourn at Tyre and Sidon | 1734 |
1. Wanita Syria | 1734 | 1. The Syrian Woman | 1734 |
2. Mengajar di Sidon | 1735 | 2. Teaching in Sidon | 1735 |
3. Perjalanan Sepanjang Pantai | 1736 | 3. The Journey up the Coast | 1736 |
4. Di Tirus | 1737 | 4. At Tyre | 1737 |
5. Pengajaran Yesus di Tirus | 1737 | 5. Jesus’ Teaching at Tyre | 1737 |
6. Kembali dari Fenisia | 1741 | 6. The Return from Phoenicia | 1741 |
157. Di Kaisarea-Filipi | 1743 | 157. At Caesarea-Philippi | 1743 |
1. Pemungut Pajak Bait Suci | 1743 | 1. The Temple-Tax Collector | 1743 |
2. Di Betsaida-Julias | 1744 | 2. At Bethsaida-Julias | 1744 |
3. Pengakuan Petrus | 1745 | 3. Peter’s Confession | 1745 |
4. Pembicaraan tentang Kerajaan | 1746 | 4. The Talk About the Kingdom | 1746 |
5. Konsep yang Baru | 1748 | 5. The New Concept | 1748 |
6. Sore Berikutnya | 1748 | 6. The Next Afternoon | 1748 |
7. Pertemuan Andreas | 1750 | 7. Andrew’s Conference | 1750 |
158. Gunung Transfigurasi | 1752 | 158. The Mount of Transfiguration | 1752 |
1. Transfigurasi (Perubahan Rupa) | 1752 | 1. The Transfiguration | 1752 |
2. Menuruni Gunung | 1754 | 2. Coming Down the Mountain | 1754 |
3. Makna dari Transfigurasi | 1755 | 3. Meaning of the Transfiguration | 1755 |
4. Anak Lelaki Penderita Epilepsi | 1755 | 4. The Epileptic Boy | 1755 |
5. Yesus Menyembuhkan Anak Lelaki | 1757 | 5. Jesus Heals the Boy | 1757 |
6. Di Tamannya Celsus | 1758 | 6. In Celsus’ Garden | 1758 |
7. Protes Petrus | 1759 | 7. Peter’s Protest | 1759 |
8. Di Rumahnya Petrus | 1761 | 8. At Peter’s House | 1761 |
159. Perjalanan Keliling Dekapolis | 1762 | 159. The Decapolis Tour | 1762 |
1. Khotbah tentang Pengampunan | 1762 | 1. The Sermon on Forgiveness | 1762 |
2. Pengkhotbah Aneh | 1764 | 2. The Strange Preacher | 1764 |
3. Petunjuk untuk para Guru dan Orang Percaya | 1765 | 3. Instruction for Teachers and Believers | 1765 |
4. Percakapan dengan Natanael | 1767 | 4. The Talk with Nathaniel | 1767 |
5. Sifat Positif Agamanya Yesus | 1769 | 5. The Positive Nature of Jesus’ Religion | 1769 |
6. Kembali ke Magadan | 1771 | 6. The Return to Magadan | 1771 |
160. Rodan dari Aleksandria | 1772 | 160. Rodan of Alexandria | 1772 |
1. Filsafat Yunaninya Rodan | 1772 | 1. Rodan’s Greek Philosophy | 1772 |
2. Seni Menjalani Hidup | 1775 | 2. The Art of Living | 1775 |
3. Pemikat Kedewasaan | 1777 | 3. The Lures of Maturity | 1777 |
4. Keseimbangan Kedewasaan | 1778 | 4. The Balance of Maturity | 1778 |
5. Agama yang Ideal | 1780 | 5. The Religion of the Ideal | 1780 |
161. Diskusi Lebih Lanjut dengan Rodan | 1783 | 161. Further Discussions with Rodan | 1783 |
1. Kepribadian Tuhan | 1783 | 1. The Personality of God | 1783 |
2. Kodrat Ilahi Yesus | 1785 | 2. The Divine Nature of Jesus | 1785 |
3. Batin Manusiawi dan Ilahinya Yesus | 1787 | 3. Jesus’ Human and Divine Minds | 1787 |
162. Pada Perayaan Pondok Daun | 1788 | 162. At the Feast of Tabernacles | 1788 |
1. Bahaya-bahaya Kunjungan ke Yerusalem | 1788 | 1. The Dangers of the Visit to Jerusalem | 1788 |
2. Pidato Bait Suci Pertama | 1790 | 2. The First Temple Talk | 1790 |
3. Perempuan yang Ditangkap Karena Perzinahan | 1792 | 3. The Woman Taken in Adultery | 1792 |
4. Perayaan Pondok Daun | 1793 | 4. The Feast of Tabernacles | 1793 |
5. Khotbah mengenai Terang Dunia | 1794 | 5. Sermon on the Light of the World | 1794 |
6. Ceramah tentang Air Hidup | 1795 | 6. Discourse on the Water of Life | 1795 |
7. Ceramah tentang Kebebasan Rohani | 1796 | 7. The Discourse on Spiritual Freedom | 1796 |
8. Percakapan dengan Marta dan Maria | 1797 | 8. The Visit with Martha and Mary | 1797 |
9. Di Betlehem dengan Abner | 1798 | 9. At Bethlehem with Abner | 1798 |
163. Pentahbisan Tujuh Puluh di Magadan | 1800 | 163. Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan | 1800 |
1. Pentahbisan Tujuh Puluh | 1800 | 1. Ordination of the Seventy | 1800 |
2. Orang Muda yang Kaya dan Lain-lainnya | 1801 | 2. The Rich Young Man and Others | 1801 |
3. Pembahasan tentang Kekayaan | 1803 | 3. The Discussion About Wealth | 1803 |
4. Ucapan Selamat Jalan kepada Tujuh Puluh | 1804 | 4. Farewell to the Seventy | 1804 |
5. Memindahkan Perkemahan ke Pella | 1806 | 5. Moving the Camp to Pella | 1806 |
6. Kembalinya Tujuh Puluh | 1806 | 6. The Return of the Seventy | 1806 |
7. Persiapan untuk Misi Terakhir | 1808 | 7. Preparation for the Last Mission | 1808 |
164. Pada Hari Raya Pentahbisan | 1809 | 164. At the Feast of Dedication | 1809 |
1. Kisah Orang Samaria yang Baik Hati | 1809 | 1. Story of the Good Samaritan | 1809 |
2. Di Yerusalem | 1810 | 2. At Jerusalem | 1810 |
3. Menyembuhkan Pengemis Buta | 1811 | 3. Healing the Blind Beggar | 1811 |
4. Yosia di depan Sanhedrin | 1813 | 4. Josiah Before the Sanhedrin | 1813 |
5. Mengajar di Serambi Salomo | 1815 | 5. Teaching in Solomon’s Porch | 1815 |
165. Misi Perea Dimulai | 1817 | 165. The Perean Mission Begins | 1817 |
1. Di Perkemahan Pella | 1817 | 1. At the Pella Camp | 1817 |
2. Khotbah tentang Gembala yang Baik | 1818 | 2. Sermon on the Good Shepherd | 1818 |
3. Khotbah Sabat di Pella | 1819 | 3. Sabbath Sermon at Pella | 1819 |
4. Membagi Warisan | 1821 | 4. Dividing the Inheritance | 1821 |
5. Berbicara kepada para Rasul tentang Kekayaan | 1823 | 5. Talks to the Apostles on Wealth | 1823 |
6. Jawaban pada Pertanyaan Petrus | 1824 | 6. Answer to Peter’s Question | 1824 |
166. Kunjungan Terakhir ke Perea Utara | 1825 | 166. Last Visit to Northern Perea | 1825 |
1. Orang-orang Farisi di Ragaba | 1825 | 1. The Pharisees at Ragaba | 1825 |
2. Sepuluh Penderita Kusta | 1827 | 2. The Ten Lepers | 1827 |
3. Khotbah di Gerasa | 1828 | 3. The Sermon at Gerasa | 1828 |
4. Ajaran tentang Kecelakaan | 1830 | 4. Teaching About Accidents | 1830 |
5. Jemaah di Filadelfia | 1831 | 5. The Congregation at Philadelphia | 1831 |
167. Kunjungan ke Filadelfia | 1833 | 167. The Visit to Philadelphia | 1833 |
1. Sarapan dengan Orang-orang Farisi | 1833 | 1. Breakfast with the Pharisees | 1833 |
2. Perumpamaan tentang Perjamuan Besar | 1835 | 2. Parable of the Great Supper | 1835 |
3. Perempuan dengan Roh Kelemahan | 1835 | 3. The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity | 1835 |
4. Pesan dari Betania | 1836 | 4. The Message from Bethany | 1836 |
5. Perjalanan ke Betania | 1838 | 5. On the Way to Bethany | 1838 |
6. Memberkati Anak-anak Kecil | 1839 | 6. Blessing the Little Children | 1839 |
7. Percakapan tentang Malaikat | 1840 | 7. The Talk About Angels | 1840 |
168. Kebangkitan Lazarus | 1842 | 168. The Resurrection of Lazarus | 1842 |
1. Di Makam Lazarus | 1843 | 1. At the Tomb of Lazarus | 1843 |
2. Kebangkitan Lazarus | 1845 | 2. The Resurrection of Lazarus | 1845 |
3. Pertemuan Sanhedrin | 1847 | 3. Meeting of the Sanhedrin | 1847 |
4. Jawaban pada Doa | 1848 | 4. The Answer to Prayer | 1848 |
5. Apa Jadinya Lazarus | 1849 | 5. What Became of Lazarus | 1849 |
169. Pengajaran Terakhir di Pella | 1850 | 169. Last Teaching at Pella | 1850 |
1. Perumpamaan tentang Anak Terhilang | 1850 | 1. Parable of the Lost Son | 1850 |
2. Perumpamaan tentang Hamba yang Cerdik | 1853 | 2. Parable of the Shrewd Steward | 1853 |
3. Orang Kaya dan Pengemis | 1854 | 3. The Rich Man and the Beggar | 1854 |
4. Bapa dan Kerajaan-Nya | 1855 | 4. The Father and His Kingdom | 1855 |
170. Kerajaan Surga | 1858 | 170. The Kingdom of Heaven | 1858 |
1. Konsep tentang Kerajaan Surga | 1858 | 1. Concepts of the Kingdom of Heaven | 1858 |
2. Konsep Yesus tentang Kerajaan | 1859 | 2. Jesus’ Concept of the Kingdom | 1859 |
3. Dalam Hubungan dengan Perbuatan Benar | 1861 | 3. In Relation to Righteousness | 1861 |
4. Ajaran Yesus tentang Kerajaan | 1862 | 4. Jesus’ Teaching About the Kingdom | 1862 |
5. Gagasan Belakangan tentang Kerajaan | 1864 | 5. Later Ideas of the Kingdom | 1864 |
171. Dalam Perjalanan ke Yerusalem | 1867 | 171. On the Way to Jerusalem | 1867 |
1. Berangkat dari Pella | 1868 | 1. The Departure from Pella | 1868 |
2. Tentang Menghitung Biaya | 1869 | 2. On Counting the Cost | 1869 |
3. Perjalanan Keliling Perea | 1870 | 3. The Perean Tour | 1870 |
4. Mengajar di Livias | 1871 | 4. Teaching at Livias | 1871 |
5. Orang Buta di Yerikho | 1873 | 5. The Blind Man at Jericho | 1873 |
6. Kunjungan ke Zakheus | 1873 | 6. The Visit to Zaccheus | 1873 |
7. “Waktu Yesus Sedang Lewat” | 1874 | 7. “As Jesus Passed By” | 1874 |
8. Perumpamaan tentang Uang Mina | 1875 | 8. Parable of the Pounds | 1875 |
172. Masuk ke Yerusalem | 1878 | 172. Going into Jerusalem | 1878 |
1. Sabat di Betania | 1878 | 1. Sabbath at Bethany | 1878 |
2. Minggu Pagi dengan para Rasul | 1880 | 2. Sunday Morning with the Apostles | 1880 |
3. Berangkat ke Yerusalem | 1880 | 3. The Start for Jerusalem | 1880 |
4. Berkunjung sekitar Bait Suci | 1883 | 4. Visiting About the Temple | 1883 |
5. Sikap para Rasul | 1883 | 5. The Apostles’ Attitude | 1883 |
173. Hari Senin di Yerusalem | 1888 | 173. Monday in Jerusalem | 1888 |
1. Membersihkan Bait Suci | 1888 | 1. Cleansing the Temple | 1888 |
2. Menantang Otoritas Guru | 1891 | 2. Challenging the Master’s Authority | 1891 |
3. Perumpamaan tentang Dua Anak | 1893 | 3. Parable of the Two Sons | 1893 |
4. Perumpamaan tentang Tuan Tanah yang Pergi Jauh | 1893 | 4. Parable of the Absent Landlord | 1893 |
5. Perumpamaan tentang Pesta Pernikahan | 1894 | 5. Parable of the Marriage Feast | 1894 |
174. Selasa Pagi di Bait Suci | 1897 | 174. Tuesday Morning in the Temple | 1897 |
1. Pengampunan Ilahi | 1898 | 1. Divine Forgiveness | 1898 |
2. Pertanyaan oleh para Penguasa Yahudi | 1899 | 2. Questions by the Jewish Rulers | 1899 |
3. Orang Saduki dan Kebangkitan | 1900 | 3. The Sadducees and the Resurrection | 1900 |
4. Perintah Agung | 1901 | 4. The Great Commandment | 1901 |
5. Orang Yunani yang Bertanya | 1902 | 5. The Inquiring Greeks | 1902 |
175. Ceramah Bait Suci yang Terakhir | 1905 | 175. The Last Temple Discourse | 1905 |
1. Ceramah | 1905 | 1. The Discourse | 1905 |
2. Status Orang Yahudi Perorangan | 1909 | 2. Status of Individual Jews | 1909 |
3. Pertemuan Sanhedrin yang Naas | 1909 | 3. The Fateful Sanhedrin Meeting | 1909 |
4. Situasi di Yerusalem | 1910 | 4. The Situation in Jerusalem | 1910 |
176. Selasa Malam di Bukit Zaitun | 1912 | 176. Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet | 1912 |
1. Penghancuran Yerusalem | 1912 | 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem | 1912 |
2. Kedatangan Kedua Guru | 1914 | 2. The Master’s Second Coming | 1914 |
3. Diskusi Berikutnya di Perkemahan | 1916 | 3. Later Discussion at the Camp | 1916 |
4. Kembalinya Mikhael | 1918 | 4. The Return of Michael | 1918 |
177. Rabu, Hari Istirahat | 1920 | 177. Wednesday, the Rest Day | 1920 |
1. Satu Hari Sendirian dengan Tuhan | 1920 | 1. One Day Alone with God | 1920 |
2. Kehidupan Keluarga Waktu Kecil | 1921 | 2. Early Home Life | 1921 |
3. Siang di Perkemahan | 1923 | 3. The Day at Camp | 1923 |
4. Yudas dan Imam-imam Kepala | 1924 | 4. Judas and the Chief Priests | 1924 |
5. Jam Ramah Tamah Terakhir | 1927 | 5. The Last Social Hour | 1927 |
178. Hari Terakhir di Perkemahan | 1929 | 178. Last Day at the Camp | 1929 |
1. Ceramah tentang Keanakan dan Kewarganegaraan | 1929 | 1. Discourse on Sonship and Citizenship | 1929 |
2. Setelah Makan Siang | 1932 | 2. After the Noontime Meal | 1932 |
3. Dalam Perjalanan ke Perjamuan | 1934 | 3. On the Way to the Supper | 1934 |
179. Perjamuan Malam Terakhir | 1936 | 179. The Last Supper | 1936 |
1. Keinginan untuk Diutamakan | 1936 | 1. The Desire for Preference | 1936 |
2. Memulai Perjamuan | 1937 | 2. Beginning the Supper | 1937 |
3. Membasuh Kaki para Rasul | 1938 | 3. Washing the Apostles’ Feet | 1938 |
4. Kata-kata Terakhir untuk Pengkhianat | 1940 | 4. Last Words to the Betrayer | 1940 |
5. Meresmikan Perjamuan Peringatan | 1941 | 5. Establishing the Remembrance Supper | 1941 |
180. Ceramah Perpisahan | 1944 | 180. The Farewell Discourse | 1944 |
1. Perintah yang Baru | 1944 | 1. The New Commandment | 1944 |
2. Pokok Anggur dan Cabang-cabangnya | 1945 | 2. The Vine and the Branches | 1945 |
3. Permusuhan dari Dunia | 1946 | 3. Enmity of the World | 1946 |
4. Penolong yang Dijanjikan | 1948 | 4. The Promised Helper | 1948 |
5. Roh Kebenaran | 1949 | 5. The Spirit of Truth | 1949 |
6. Perlunya untuk Meninggalkan | 1951 | 6. The Necessity for Leaving | 1951 |
181. Nasihat dan Peringatan Terakhir | 1953 | 181. Final Admonitions and Warnings | 1953 |
1. Kata-kata Penghiburan Terakhir | 1953 | 1. Last Words of Comfort | 1953 |
2. Nasihat-nasihat Pribadi Perpisahan | 1955 | 2. Farewell Personal Admonitions | 1955 |
182. Di Getsemani | 1963 | 182. In Gethsemane | 1963 |
1. Doa Kelompok yang Terakhir | 1963 | 1. The Last Group Prayer | 1963 |
2. Jam Terakhir Sebelum Pengkhianatan | 1966 | 2. Last Hour Before the Betrayal | 1966 |
3. Sendirian di Getsemani | 1968 | 3. Alone in Gethsemane | 1968 |
183. Pengkhianatan dan Penangkapan Yesus | 1971 | 183. The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus | 1971 |
1. Kehendak Bapa | 1971 | 1. The Father’s Will | 1971 |
2. Yudas di dalam Kota | 1972 | 2. Judas in the City | 1972 |
3. Penangkapan Guru | 1973 | 3. The Master’s Arrest | 1973 |
4. Diskusi di Tempat Pemerasan Zaitun | 1975 | 4. Discussion at the Olive Press | 1975 |
5. Dalam Perjalanan ke Istana Imam Besar | 1977 | 5. On the Way to the High Priest’s Palace | 1977 |
184. Di Depan Pengadilan Sanhedrin | 1978 | 184. Before the Sanhedrin Court | 1978 |
1. Pemeriksaan oleh Hanas | 1978 | 1. Examination by Annas | 1978 |
2. Petrus di Halaman Pengadilan | 1980 | 2. Peter in the Courtyard | 1980 |
3. Di Hadapan Pengadilan Sanhedrin | 1982 | 3. Before the Court of Sanhedrists | 1982 |
4. Jam Penghinaan | 1984 | 4. The Hour of Humiliation | 1984 |
5. Pertemuan Kedua Sidang Pengadilan | 1985 | 5. The Second Meeting of the Court | 1985 |
185. Pengadilan di Hadapan Pilatus | 1987 | 185. The Trial Before Pilate | 1987 |
1. Pontius Pilatus | 1987 | 1. Pontius Pilate | 1987 |
2. Yesus Muncul di Hadapan Pilatus | 1989 | 2. Jesus Appears Before Pilate | 1989 |
3. Pemeriksaan Pribadi oleh Pilatus | 1991 | 3. The Private Examination by Pilate | 1991 |
4. Yesus di Hadapan Herodes | 1992 | 4. Jesus Before Herod | 1992 |
5. Yesus Kembali ke Pilatus | 1993 | 5. Jesus Returns to Pilate | 1993 |
6. Permintaan Pilatus yang Terakhir | 1994 | 6. Pilate’s Last Appeal | 1994 |
7. Wawancara Terakhir Pilatus | 1995 | 7. Pilate’s Last Interview | 1995 |
8. Penyerahan Tragis Pilatus | 1996 | 8. Pilate’s Tragic Surrender | 1996 |
186. Tepat Sebelum Penyaliban | 1997 | 186. Just Before the Crucifixion | 1997 |
1. Akhir Yudas Iskariot | 1997 | 1. The End of Judas Iscariot | 1997 |
2. Sikap Guru | 1999 | 2. The Master’s Attitude | 1999 |
3. Daud Zebedeus yang Dapat Diandalkan | 2000 | 3. The Dependable David Zebedee | 2000 |
4. Persiapan untuk Penyaliban | 2001 | 4. Preparation for the Crucifixion | 2001 |
5. Kematian Yesus dalam Hubungannya dengan Paskah | 2002 | 5. Jesus’ Death in Relation to the Passover | 2002 |
187. Penyaliban | 2004 | 187. The Crucifixion | 2004 |
1. Dalam Perjalanan ke Golgota | 2004 | 1. On the Way to Golgotha | 2004 |
2. Penyaliban | 2006 | 2. The Crucifixion | 2006 |
3. Mereka yang Melihat Penyaliban | 2008 | 3. Those Who Saw the Crucifixion | 2008 |
4. Penjahat di atas Salib | 2008 | 4. The Thief on the Cross | 2008 |
5. Jam Terakhir di atas Salib | 2010 | 5. Last Hour on the Cross | 2010 |
6. Setelah Penyaliban | 2011 | 6. After the Crucifixion | 2011 |
188. Waktu di Kubur | 2012 | 188. The Time of the Tomb | 2012 |
1. Pemakaman Yesus | 2012 | 1. The Burial of Jesus | 2012 |
2. Penjagaan Makam | 2014 | 2. Safeguarding the Tomb | 2014 |
3. Selama Hari Sabat | 2014 | 3. During the Sabbath Day | 2014 |
4. Makna Kematian di atas Salib | 2016 | 4. Meaning of the Death on the Cross | 2016 |
5. Pelajaran dari Salib | 2017 | 5. Lessons from the Cross | 2017 |
189. Kebangkitan | 2020 | 189. The Resurrection | 2020 |
1. Transit Morontia | 2020 | 1. The Morontia Transit | 2020 |
2. Tubuh Jasmani Yesus | 2022 | 2. The Material Body of Jesus | 2022 |
3. Kebangkitan Akhir Zaman | 2024 | 3. The Dispensational Resurrection | 2024 |
4. Penemuan Kubur Kosong | 2025 | 4. Discovery of the Empty Tomb | 2025 |
5. Petrus dan Yohanes di Makam | 2027 | 5. Peter and John at the Tomb | 2027 |
190. Penampakan-penampakan Morontia Yesus | 2029 | 190. Morontia Appearances of Jesus | 2029 |
1. Para Pewarta Kebangkitan | 2029 | 1. Heralds of the Resurrection | 2029 |
2. Penampakan Yesus di Betania | 2031 | 2. Jesus’ Appearance at Bethany | 2031 |
3. Di Rumah Yusuf | 2033 | 3. At the Home of Joseph | 2033 |
4. Penampakan kepada Orang-orang Yunani | 2033 | 4. Appearance to the Greeks | 2033 |
5. Berjalan dengan Dua Bersaudara | 2034 | 5. The Walk with Two Brothers | 2034 |
191. Penampakan kepada para Rasul dan Pemimpin Lainnya | 2037 | 191. Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders | 2037 |
1. Penampakan pada Petrus | 2039 | 1. The Appearance to Peter | 2039 |
2. Penampakan Pertama kepada para Rasul | 2040 | 2. First Appearance to the Apostles | 2040 |
3. Bersama Makhluk-Makhluk Morontia | 2040 | 3. With the Morontia Creatures | 2040 |
4. Penampakan Kesepuluh (Di Filadelfia) | 2041 | 4. The Tenth Appearance (At Philadelphia) | 2041 |
5. Penampakan Kedua kepada para Rasul | 2042 | 5. Second Appearance to the Apostles | 2042 |
6. Penampakan Aleksandria | 2044 | 6. The Alexandrian Appearance | 2044 |
192. Penampakan di Galilea | 2045 | 192. Appearances in Galilee | 2045 |
1. Penampakan di Tepi Danau | 2045 | 1. Appearance by the Lake | 2045 |
2. Bercakap-cakap dengan para Rasul Berdua-dua | 2047 | 2. Visiting with the Apostles Two and Two | 2047 |
3. Di Bukit Pentahbisan | 2050 | 3. On the Mount of Ordination | 2050 |
4. Pertemuan di Sisi Danau | 2050 | 4. The Lakeside Gathering | 2050 |
193. Penampakan Terakhir dan Kenaikan | 2052 | 193. Final Appearances and Ascension | 2052 |
1. Penampakan di Sikhar | 2053 | 1. The Appearance at Sychar | 2053 |
2. Penampakan Fenisia | 2054 | 2. The Phoenician Appearance | 2054 |
3. Penampakan Terakhir di Yerusalem | 2055 | 3. Last Appearance in Jerusalem | 2055 |
4. Sebab-sebab Kejatuhan Yudas | 2055 | 4. Causes of Judas’s Downfall | 2055 |
5. Kenaikan Guru | 2057 | 5. The Master’s Ascension | 2057 |
6. Petrus Mengundang Pertemuan | 2057 | 6. Peter Calls a Meeting | 2057 |
194. Penganugerahan Roh Kebenaran | 2059 | 194. Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth | 2059 |
1. Khotbah Pentakosta | 2060 | 1. The Pentecost Sermon | 2060 |
2. Makna Pentakosta | 2060 | 2. The Significance of Pentecost | 2060 |
3. Apa yang Terjadi pada Pentakosta | 2062 | 3. What Happened at Pentecost | 2062 |
4. Permulaan Gereja Kristen | 2066 | 4. Beginnings of the Christian Church | 2066 |
195. Setelah Pentakosta | 2069 | 195. After Pentecost | 2069 |
1. Pengaruh Orang-orang Yunani | 2071 | 1. Influence of the Greeks | 2071 |
2. Pengaruh Romawi | 2072 | 2. The Roman Influence | 2072 |
3. Di bawah Kekaisaran Romawi | 2073 | 3. Under the Roman Empire | 2073 |
4. Zaman Kegelapan Eropa | 2074 | 4. The European Dark Ages | 2074 |
5. Masalah Modern | 2075 | 5. The Modern Problem | 2075 |
6. Materialisme | 2076 | 6. Materialism | 2076 |
7. Kerentanan Materialisme | 2078 | 7. The Vulnerability of Materialism | 2078 |
8. Totalitarianisme Sekuler | 2081 | 8. Secular Totalitarianism | 2081 |
9. Masalah Kekristenan | 2082 | 9. Christianity’s Problem | 2082 |
10. Masa Depan | 2084 | 10. The Future | 2084 |
196. Iman Yesus | 2087 | 196. The Faith of Jesus | 2087 |
1. Yesus—Manusia | 2090 | 1. Jesus—The Man | 2090 |
2. Agama Yesus | 2091 | 2. The Religion of Jesus | 2091 |
3. Supremasi Agama | 2093 | 3. The Supremacy of Religion | 2093 |